Cop Games free porn video

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It was one of those days for me. A lot of tiny littleb.s. jobs. to catch up. One of them was to shoot a head shot portrait for a local judge's campaign poster. It had to be of him sitting at the bench, which seemed rather foolish to me but what did I know. Okay, I knew I needed the money. I always needed the money.

Being a reasonably young female photographer sometimes helped me, sometimes hurt me, but it always got me noticed. Being noticed was a good thing, even when being female wasn't. Sitting in the hall waiting for court to break for lunch was not much fun. I realized that I had permission to add the waiting time to the bill so I was good with it.

"You the photographer waitin' for Judge Ames?" It was an old man in a sheriffs uniform who asked.

I looked down at the big camera with the big assed light attached, then up at him and answered. "Yeah I would be the photographer." I didn't care that he was older, or that he was a man, or that he was someone in authority, he was till pretty slow not to have guessed.

"Gonna' be about fifteen more minutes," he replied.

"Thanks," I said leaning my head back against the wall. The same wall where hundreds of others had tried to relax. My eyes were closed and I was visualizing myself accepting an award. I was about to give my speech when I heard the voice.

"You really a photographer?"

Since those worlds can often lead to a job, I opened my eyes. I thought I knew every cop in the area, but she was a new one. Probably new to the police department as well. "Yes, I am. I suppose you are a cop."

"Officer Baker," she replied. "They call me Baker around the station, but at home I'm known as Laura."

"So Baker, what kind of photography do you need?" It was always better to cut to the chase.

"Don't know, what kind do you do?" She was smiling at least. Cops in uniform were often too busy or too caught up in themselves to smile at strangers.

"Weddings and portraits mostly. A few other things now and then."

"Actually I was wondering about the work mostly. I always loved photography."

"Well Baker, it's a better hobby than a career choice."

"You think I could have a card?" the cop asked. I gave her a good look as I handed her the card. I am 5'7" and about 150 lbs... In other words I was a big girl then. She on the other hand was at least one inch shorter and twenty five pounds lighter. She was also built like a teenaged boy. She was almost all straight lines and smooth skin.

"Maybe we could get together and talk about your business?" her smile was genuine. She really seemed interested in the business. I was always glad to talk a young person out of being a photographer. There were way too many in the business already.

Just then the courtroom doors opened and people began to stream out. I waited for it to empty before I entered. While waiting I noticed Baker leave with an older male cop. In my line of work the older man would have acted condescending toward a younger photographer. The older cop didn't appear to treat her with anything but equality. Maybe it was a sign of things to come. Maybe it was a good sign at that.

That shoot and two more went off without a problem. My day ended at 6 P.M. after a dance troupe was recorded on a flash card. I had everything put away and was headed home when the cell phone rang. I answered it with the company name, then sat waiting for a reply.

"Hi this is officer Baker. We spoke at the courthouse this morning. I was asking about your work."

"Yes, I remember. So what can I do for you now?"

"Geeze go easy on me. I'm just trying to find out a little about you."

"At 20 cents a minute that would be a bad idea."

"Okay, then you are on your cell phone?"

"Yeah," I resisted the urge to say, "Duh you called the cell phone number."

"Okay then how about we meet for coffee and I can ask you all about it? It wont take long I promise."

I could see the skinny little dishwater blonde as she tried to talk me into the meeting. Well to be honest she wasn't skinny, she just appeared that way because of the flat chest. "You get to pick my brain, what do I get?"

"All the bad coffee you can drink and a lot of stupid questions."

"For bad coffee and stupid questions I usually charge but okay, when?"


"I'm on my way home."

"So skip home and meet me for coffee instead."

I have no idea why I said it. She had given me no indication that she was gay, but it just slipped out. "This isn't a date you know." Her laughter came through the phone but with no inflection, so I had no idea what she was feeling.

"No not a date, I promise no flowers and candy." I noted that she had still not give me any indication of her sexual orientation. She had simply turned it into a joke.

I met Baker at one of those all day breakfast restaurants. She warned me that the food was bad, but the coffee wasn't bad. Best of all according to Backer they didn't mind cops sitting around wasting time. Baker proved to be quite humorous. We traded stories. She prodded me for photo stories and I hung on her every word of her cop stories. We spent a lot of time laughing just like high school girls. It had been a long time since I had a woman to laugh with. There was nothing at all sexual in the encounter. We parted with her having learned some of the folklore of the business but not enough details to be of any use to her.

I learned nothing since I already knew about cops. I did learn that she was five years younger than my 28 years. Also that unlike me she had never been married and had no desire to be married. All that neither confirmed or denied that she was gay. I told myself that it didn't really matter. Of course it mattered but I didn't realize it at the time.

I heard from Baker again that next week. It was on a weekday but I don't remember which one. The cell phone rang while I was shooting a bridal portrait at the museum. I didn't bother answering it, but I did hit redial when the shoot was finished. I didn't recognize the number but I wouldn't have if it had been a new job inquiry.

"Hello," the voice was very recognizable.

"Baker is that you?"

"Yes it's me. I tried to call you but you didn't answer the phone."

"I was busy shooting a bride. So what can I do for you today." Even I recognized that my voice had lost the sharp edge of sarcasm.

"A lot of things I imagine, but right now I need someone to go to a party."

"Woe, I don't' think I want to be your date," I replied. Her laughter was almost contagious but I had to remind myself that it was a small town. Even if nothing happened people would remember me showing up with a woman.

"You silly," Baker said. "My brother is in need of a date. We have to go to dad's birthday party at the Club. I need a date for him. You do date men don't you?"

"Well, not men I don't know."

"Look bug you know me and it's my brother. Besides you can do some of that gorilla marketing. Leave you business card stuck in a bunch of books in the library."

"I knew I should never have mentioned that to you," There was an unmistable smile in my voice. The story about me slipping into the public library and the bridal shops to slip my card into books and magazines about weddings had been told to Baker as a joke. She had just used it against me. It was in a playful way at least, so I wasn't angry. "So you are a member of the Club?" The Club was the Sand Hills Country Club. The Club was a big deal in our almost rural area.

"Not me, it's a courtesy membership because my dad manages one of the only big employers in the county. They would like him to join but he keeps avoiding it."

"So is your brother cute?" I asked it to break the tension.

"Of course he is. He looks like me." I had a feeling but I let it pass.

"Alright then when is this party?"

"Saturday night," Baker's voice was calm even though it was a very short notice date.

"I shoot weddings on Saturday."

"It doesn't start till eight. If you need to be fashionably late, it will be okay."

"Okay, but I'll call you when I finish with my wedding. If I have time, I'll drop my car somewhere and ride with your bother. If not, I'll be fashionably late as you put it."

It was the only time I heard from Baker that week. Except for the message reminding me to let her know if there was any change in plans. I called her from the church parking lot on Saturday around six. "Baker, I just finished here. I'm going home to shower and change. I'll meet you and your brother at the club. Should I be early or right on time?"

"Just be on time, we are never early. I'll leave word for them to seat you, if you arrive early."

I found Baker sitting on a stone bench outside the front door of the club. She was talking to a young man who did indeed look like her. He had the same almost blonde hair and perma press skin. "Y'all waitin' for me?"

"Hi Bug, yes we were. This is my brother Steve."

"Hi Steve, I'm Bonnie Williams," I said it before Laura baker could. "So where are the old folks?"

"They will be along. If you want, we can go on in and have a drink." Steve tried to stand but I stopped him with my answer.

"Since you two seem so comfortable I'll just sit out here with you. If you don't mind?" The truth was that it was a very nice evening. Warm and with plenty of sweet smells riding on the evening air. Even if it hadn't been twilight the area would have been bathed in light from the parking lot. The outside of the club was flooded with light. Probably why vandalism was unknown at the club.

It was a very few minutes of small talk before the older man and younger looking woman arrived. The couple had to get close before I realized she wasn't much younger than the gray haired man. She did look as though she took a lot better care of herself.

"You didn't tell me you were rich," I said to Baker.

"I'm not they are," she replied.

"Bet they love you being a cop?"

"Yeah, about as much as they love my brother playing in a band."

"Oh this is going to really be fun."

"Ya think?" She asked.

It was even worse than I thought. I had no idea I was going to be both Steve and Laura's date. The way they set things up, it looked that way. No one ever introduced me as anyone's date. I assumed the kids had told mom and dad their b.s. story before we arrived. The occasion actually was the father's 60th birthday. Hell, maybe I was supposed to be his present.

I might have been a few pounds overweight but a lot of it was in my boobs. So it was okay. I never heard anyone complain about those twenty five pounds. That being the case I wasn't shocked when dear old dad looked at my cleavage all night. Yes I wore a dress to show it off. One of those halter top things seemed appropriate for the Club. I seldom got a chance to wear that kind of thing.

After dinner the waiter brought a birthday cake. It was on a cart and needed to be. The damn thing was huge. We all sang happy birthday. The family each handed dear ole dad a package. Not to be outdone I forked over one of my posters. It was the thought that counted, and I thought it would be in the landfill by the next day's end.

Steve, his sister, and I stayed after the older folks left. I had two cups of coffee while they had stiff drinks. After three it looked as though I would be the designated driver and/or cab caller. The coffee was a bad habit forced on me by my dad. Not exactly forced but it was all that was available in his studio office. I had sort of interned from high school until I went out on my own. It was a good thing that it had become my beverage of choice, since neither of the others was in any condition to drive.

Laura signed the bill before we left the dining room. It would no doubt go on her father's tab. It's what I would have done. The walk to the parking lot was fine for me but the two of them tripped or staggered along cursing the pavement. I didn't see a problem with the pavement but then again I was sober.

I parked my small Korean car in front of a brick townhouse about twenty minutes later. The ten minute drive took double because the two of them were giggling uncontrollably during the drive. Since they were also whispering, it was hard for me to get directions from them.

"Come on in Bonnie," Laura Baker said. Her words were only a little slurred.

"How about Steve? I should get him home." It was also meant to be an excuse to get away from them both.

"Oh hell Bonnie I am home." Steve giggled like a school girl.

"Well you two are home safe, I should be running along." I wasn't sure what any of it meant, or if I cared what any of it meant.

"Bonnie please come in. I can fix you a cup of coffee."

"You don't drink coffee," I suggested.

"I have a Mr. Coffee thing and some bags of gourmet coffee. Somebody gave it to me as a house warming present. You know how to make it I'm sure."

"So I can come in and have a cup of coffee, if I make it myself? It's late and I'm tired." I said it thinking that would end the discussion.

"Why don't you spend the night? I mean if you are tired." Steve had already gone into the house. Laura looked a little concerned.

"Why, it's not that much of drive to get home. I'm not really too tired to drive."

"Well my car is at the club. I could use a ride back to it in the morning." I saw then that I had been a convenience all along. She really hadn't lied to me about it. I just didn't plan to drag it out."

"Call a cab," I suggested as I put the car into gear.

"Please don't go." She had one of those little girl looks. She was pouting which did not bode well for the local cops. I mean you don't expect a cop to pout.

"Look Laura you can get a cab in the morning it is no big deal."

"Yes it is. I'm a cop."

"So you are a cop who had enough sense not to drive after drinking. You'll get a medal."

"Bonnie please, we have a guest room if that is bothering you."

"Frankly Laura I hadn't gotten that far in my thinking."

"Please?" she asked.

"Oh hell, I'll teach you how to make coffee." I turned the ignition off and followed her into the townhouse. Laura and her brother were minimalists. The living room had a small sofa and a TV sitting on an antique table nothing more. The dining room had a fancy finished picnic table, but it was still a picnic table. I found the coffee maker inside one of the almost empty cabinets. It was still in the box. Big surprise there, I thought.

"Okay where is the coffee?" I said it as I turned. I expected Laura to be anywhere except standing right behind me. I found myself off balance. I almost fell into her. She reached to steady me. Before I knew it she was kissing me. I mean really kissing me. A full tongue down the throat kiss. I could taste the stale alcohol on her breath. I tried to pull away. Okay, I didn't try long but I did try.

I felt her hand move up and down my naked back. The halter top dress didn't offer me much protection. Those hands had a lot more to do with the brevity of my struggle than her tongue fully inside my mouth. She gave great hand. I was trying hard not to moan and beg. I lost the battle when her hand dipped inside the waste band of my skirt. I felt her fingers deftly slip inside my panties and massaged my naked butt cheeks. It cause the same reaction as when a man did that. My hips pushed forward in search of his penis. Of course Laura didn't have one.

Laura who was smaller than me still manhandled me against a cabinet. My legs opened for her automatically, why I'm not sure. She lifted the hem of my dress her hands were again on my butt cheeks. she massaged them adn pulled me to her. She stood between my legs and moved her smaller body against me massaging my clitoris with her pubic bone.

I do not know how far it would have gone if there hadn't been the discrete sound of Steve clearing his throat. I took a deep breath and looked up at him. I was trying to control my pounding heart. When my eyes focused on Steve, it was all I could do not to laugh.

Laura was grabbing at my ass trying to get me off, while Steve stood in the kitchen door watching. He was also wearing a negligee that probably cost more than I made during the entire last week. Worst of all he looked better in it than either Laura or I would have. I suppose that it was a bad sign since I noticed him more as a woman than as a man.

Steve was slim and yes even shapely. He had breasts were probably hormone induced since they were smallish. The negligee was thin so it wasn't difficult to see his hard nipples. I had never seen a man with such large areolas. His hair had been only a little long for a man and just a little short for a woman. He had it spiked so it looked like a butch cut or a punk cut. All in all Steve made a damn nice looking Stephanie. He also looked embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry Bonnie, I thought you had gone. This is really embarrassing."

He moved to stand by his sister. He gave her a kiss somewhere between sisterly and the one Laura and I had shared. I was confused and a little shocked I admit. I guess my mouth dropped, thank god Steve was in no position to stick anything into it. That was my thought before I saw Laura nudge him forward. Since I hadn't followed my instinct and run from the room screaming, I guess she thought I would be up for it. What it was I had no idea.

Steve stepped forward and kissed me. His smaller breasts were still a shock and I tried not to warm to it. In the end the hormones won. Even though Steve was even more strange than Laura, I warmed to his kiss more quickly. Pretty soon I was grinding against his erect penis. I have to admit it was nice to finally feel it against my belly. With all that had come before, it was no wonder I felt a little weak.

"Oh my you are a darling," Steve said in a voice I hardly recognized. It had gone up a couple of octaves and was also somehow more feminine.

"Isn't she just?" Laura added with a smile.

I heard them talking about me but I just couldn't find any words to respond. I was slumped against a cabinet and limp as a wet dishcloth.

"She seems to be in something of a daze, what do you suppose we should do with her?" Steve asked it of us both I assume. I wasn't about to suggest anything. But Laura was not nearly so shy.

"I vote we take her to bed and fuck her."

"It does indeed seem like the logical next step." Steve replied. As for me I was still in shock. I understood what they were saying and tried to object. With the first sound Steve was again in my face kissing me. I felt his hands on my naked back as he kissed and stroked my back I was slipped into a fog again. Even then I felt something warm slide under the halter top of my dress. Other hands were massaging my breasts and I was totally lost in the feeling.

It must have been Steve who unsnapped the top of my dress. Suddenly I felt him step back and the top fall away. I could feel the silky material of his thin night gown on my breasts. Laura's hands were gone from my breast and I missed them. She was kissing one side of my neck and Steve the other. It was all I could do not to faint.

My knees gave way as I orgasmed from just the kissing an touching. The two of them were holding me up. I knew what had happened but didn't really comprehend it till I heard Laura say, "The slut just came."

"How wonderful," Steve replied. "I wonder what she will be like when we really start on her?"

Somehow the 'really start on her' scared me out of my fog. I couldn't think for a moment then I pulled myself together pushed them both away and ran for the door. To my surprise they didn't follow they just stood in the kitchen laughing while I struggle with door. Steve approached me and I cowered but I was ready to put up a fight. He reached past me to flip the door lock allowing me to run for my car. I was still naked to the waist but I didn't care. Even though they didn't pursue me I locked the car doors. I sat for a moment collecting myself before I drove away.

I drove almost all the way home with my boobs. hanging out. In a deserted church parking lot a few hundred yards from the beginning of downtown I managed to re hook my dress. It was a struggle since my hands were still shaking. When I arrived home it was three A.M. I fixed myself a strong drink. I sat at my window overlooking the empty side street of the downtown.

At first I just downed the drink trying to relax. Then I replayed the night. I was trying to find some indication that thing would turn that ugly. It had just come out of the blue, I decided. Then I relived the event itself. As I relived it, all the feelings rushed back over me. I could feel Laura's kiss, then her brothers. I felt the hands on me massaging me into almost a coma.

As I relived it my hand slipped under my dress and inside my panties. I masturbated for about ten seconds before exploding into an even harder orgasm than the one in Laura's kitchen. I couldn't stop even then. I continued to masturbate one hand under my dress and one inside the top until I came two more times. When I finished, I couldn't stand. I sat on the comfortable chair in my apartment and wondered what I should do about those two. It was a very hard decision. She was a cop, and they had not held me against my will for even a second. Actually anyone else would call it a no harm no foul situation.

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Play Sex Games

PlaySexGames! We all love playing video games. Wouldn’t it be awesome if there was a site where you could go where it’s nothing but sex games? I know I’d love it if something like that existed and- oops, it already exists at Just when you thought you had to go back to Overwatch and simply use your imagination to make yourself cum, comes to the rescue with its free adult gaming platform. You’ve never seen a gaming porn website that’s this extensive in its...

Free Sex Games
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Otomi Games

OtomiGames! Well, smack my ass and call me Senpai because I’ve found a fantastic website for you weebs to drool over. Otomi Games is one of these dimes a dozen websites that I’ve been reviewing lately, and you know my policy on that – if a website brings something new to the table, then it’s worth reviewing. And if it’s a copy-pasted version of another website that’s already been established, I just give it a pass, or at the very least, I tell you not to bother checking it out. Otomi Games...

Free Sex Games
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Porn Games

If you’ve read some of my other reviews, you might know that I am a huge fan when it comes to hentai, and animated pornography overall. This is simply because, in an anime world, anything can happen, which is also why I just love to play porn games. Those who share this opinion will surely enjoy browsing the naughty games offered on really like when a site has such a simple name, that already tells you what the fuck you can expect to see. Well, on you will get to...

Free Sex Games
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You horny fucks want to get your hands on the best porn games out there, right? Damn, right you do. But finding the best games can be a fucking struggle. Trust me, I know. I have a whole site dedicated to reviewing them. But what if you don’t want to go around to a bunch of different websites and shit to play them? Well, you need a porn game directory that also houses game players and download links right then and there. Finding such a site is easier said than done, but I think I’ve got just...

Free Sex Games
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NewGrounds Adult Games

Damn, NewGrounds 18+, that's a name that I haven't heard in a while. Don't get me wrong, this website is still popular today, but that popularity is nothing compared to the popularity the website had back in the why did this happen? Honestly, no one knows why the website isn't as half as popular as it was back then, but let me tell you one thing, the website still has some amazing pornographic video games, and I don't get it why people aren't talking about these more.I mean, they...

Free Sex Games
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Free Strip Games

The name of the page "Free-Strip-Games" seems to say it all, right? What does it remind you of? Do you remember those games we all used to play as teenagers back in the day where if you did what the game asked you to do, some girl would lose some of her clothes, and at some point, the girl would be completely naked if you were good enough at the game? Well, this website is like an oversized version of such games, really. Every single porno in here is a game, really. And also, you don't exactly...

Free Sex Games
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The Hungry Games

THE HUNGRY GAMES By Nikki Crosby I slowly pulled back on the bow as the wild turkey strutted into the clearing. I let out a soft breath and released the string. The arrow streaked home, impaling the tom right in the eye, dropping where it stood. "Holy shit!" exclaimed Jackson. "You nailed that fucker!" I just smiled as I started walking towards the now still bird. "Yeah, he's going to bring us a nice little profit today." At least something good would come from...

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GOG Adult Games

I pulled up Gog in my browser first thing this morning before I’d even had a chance to pull on a pair of boxers or wipe the sleep crust out of my eyes. You might think that’s out of character for your old pal The Porn Dude, what with the regular raging morning wood to take care of and all. The thing is, the site’s got more to offer a horny pervert these days than just the time-sucking RPGs and big-budget blockbuster games you might immediately envision. Hell, would I even be bringing up the...

Best Porn Games
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Playing Games

Playing GamesSisyphusNote: This is an experiment in telling a story through dialogue. Hope it works for you.“Come here!””No, Why the fuck should I?“You know why, so don’t play games, miss!”“Look who’s talking about playing games. You’re pathetic.”“Pathetic! You’re the one who’s drunk and horny.”“Me! Oh really! That bulge in your jeans looks like you want something pretty bad.”“Is that why you can’t take your eyes off it? Look at you. I bet your cunt is dripping to get this hard cock in...

Straight Sex
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Play Porn Games

PlayPornGames! I think we all can appreciate when a site has such a straightforward name that allows us to know what the fuck the website is all about before visiting. That is exactly why is one of my more frequent sites; of course, this does not have that much to do with the site’s name, but it has a lot to do with the content that it has to fucking offer.We all know that this place offers games, obviously, but I am certain that you are interested in the types of games that...

Free Sex Games
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Fantasy Games

What does the 18 in FantasyGame18 stand for? Could it be the 18th installment of an SFW adventure where you wield an oversize sword and ride Chocobos? Or perhaps it’s a collection of eighteen RPGs united by their vaguely medieval settings. But, come on, perverts—I think you already know what the 18 stands for if you’re reading this on the world’s best porno review site. That 18 in the name means this is for adults only, which is precisely the kind of material we like around here.As you’ve...

Best Porn Games
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The Orgasm Games

((Hey everyone! Quick little bit before we hop in. This is a little spoof of "The Hunger Games". I thought the idea could be fun to toy around with if it was sexual. Obviously some things needed to change! All characters herein are at least 18 years old! And its been a long time since I've read the hunger games. So if things don't add up quite right with the book I apologize! We'll just call it a difference in dimensions! Hope you enjoy!)) This takes place in the alternate dimension of the...

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BDSM Games

BDSM GamesSynopsis- There is several BDSM games which can be played by the Masters with their slaves.Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.? If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Author- This is my first attempt of story writing so please forgive me if there is any mistake in the story.Please e-mail comments to...

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The Cuntlympic Slave Games

(Coverage of female slaves in competition. Contains body mod, piercings, humiliation, degradation, lactation ponygirls, bondage, slavery, orgasm control and more. Enjoy!) “Welcome back to our network coverage of the thirtieth Summer Cuntlympic Slave Games,” a clean shaven blonde man with boyish good looks said to the television camera in front of him. “I’m Bob Cuntas and joining me here in the studio today are Bambi Bimbofuck and Howard Cocksell. It’s great to have you here...

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Night Games

This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Night Games By Pretzelgirl "Most games are lost, not won." -- Casey Stengel * * * Evenings are the best for sporting events. High school, collegiate, or the pros --there's nothing like the brilliant white glow of halogen lights in an emerald field set against a jet black sky. So the field wasn't emerald. It was concrete. And the lights weren't white. They were dirty yellow. For...

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Group Sex Games

Sex can be a taboo subject in certain circles. It's a damn shame because those people don't know what they're missing. Sex is one of the great pleasures in life that no one should deprive themselves of, especially for some childish sky daddy with the frontal lobe of an eight-year-old.Building Homemade SlutsI've turned many a sexual conservative into a sexual liberal and, in that time, have come up with some tried and true ways to make the switch happen. Though you'll never get the chance to use...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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The Bimbo Games

"WELCOME TO THIS YEARS, BIMBO GAMES, Sponsored by the Wet holes Corporation" yelled the announcer. "Now, as you know, every 4 years a group of 8 girls will be forced to compete in the competition, but before we get to the girls and the start of the games, lets go into some history for anyone just joining us here today" THE BIMBO GAMES History The bimbo games was started back in the year 2102, girls stopped acting sexy, as well as giving up on sex all together unless it was to have a baby,...

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Cops Can Be Naughty TooChapter 9

The moment we got inside the building, I noticed that Eva's and Micha's grip tightened around my arms, and I knew what they were expecting from me. So, I started to struggle and tried to pull loose while I shouted, "YOU FUCKING COPS! LET GO OF ME! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" By doing this, I immediately had the attention of the girl standing behind the counter on me. It was only when I looked at her that it struck me, these were cops in training, and so they all should be much younger...

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Underground Games

A/N: I want to try to do something interesting with this story. So I'm only going to voluntarily write one main route. But I'd like readers to request what they want the main character to do. So I won't leave off on boring questions, like "What's next?". All end questions will end with a situation where the main character has to make a choice. Sometimes, it might be as simple as "Go left or right". Other times, it might be something more complicated, like stat point allocations. And I'll listen...

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Brother and Sister remember childhood games

IntroductionIt has been a very strange year, but exciting at the same time. Really a complete turn around from last year. I am in my third year of college, and had to move back home. The circumstances that led to this included my roommate disappearing one weekend and leaving me with rent and all bills. I replaced him but with a roomie who wanted nothing to do with me. Then my best girlfriend from high school fell in love with some guy from Chicago, they got married and moved away. I ended up...

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Meri cousin ko video games

Hi dear readers i m Prem from Gujarat 26 years old chest 36″ inch height 5.7″ inch aaj me jo aapko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo meri aur meri cousin ki he. Aaj se karib ek sal pahele meri mummy ka accident huva es liye ghar ke kam kaj ke liye meri cousin ko bulaya tha vo bahut hi sundar thi uski umar karib meri jitni hi thi vi uska rang shyam tha lekin fir bhi bahut sundar lag rahi thi uske boobs gol gol aur bahut bade bade aur ekdum tight the mera lund to usko dekh kar hi khada ho jata tha vo...

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The Naked Games

“Hello, and welcome to the Naked Games,” said a well dressed woman with a clipboard, walking into a room full of other excited, yet bashful girls. “You’ve all come here in hopes of winning a fabulous cash prize of one million dollars, but remember, not all of you can be winners!” She said brightly. “The rules of the game are quite simple. You will all be searching this island for a key that unlocks a chest. The chest contains the cash prize, and when you find it, you will be declared the...

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Familiar Games

It has been a very strange year, but exciting at the same time. Really a complete turnaround from last year. I am in my third year of college and had to move back home. The circumstances that led to this included my roommate disappearing one weekend and leaving me with rent and all bills. I replaced him but with a roomie who wanted nothing to do with me. Then my best girlfriend from high school fell in love with some guy from Chicago, they got married and moved away. I ended up dating my...

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Copping A feel

Copping A Feel This happened a while back when we lived in a small collage town. Our rented house was 2 blocks from the campus and on a main road. Our back yard was completely fenced in with a 8 foot high wooden fence and we would hear students walking by every day. It started innocently enough, I guess, but turned into a wonderful time for both young students, my wife and even me. It all started one summer, Saturday afternoon. My wife was out laying by the pool tanning while I...

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Night Games

Introduction: This is my first attempt at writing. This story is true, and happened when I was very young. If you have a problem with that please dont continue reading. If you decide to keep reading, Id love to have any feedback. If it is well recieved I may continue writing. I grew up in at the edge of a fairly small town. From my house, 2 blocks to the north was marshland, 2 blocks west was fields, mostly corn. In my neighborhood there was a group of 10 of us who would play together. We...

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Patricias Rainy Day Games

Sitting up in bed, Jordan looked over at the clock on the Night Stand. It's two o'clock in the morning, he thought. He could hear Patricia and Jane, the two petite little women he had spent the night with, breathing relaxed and light. He felt such warm affection for both of them as he watched them sleeping peacefully on each side of him. The two attractive women had indeed made his ultimate fantasy come true. For several torrid hours the evening before, they had given him a night of sweet...

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Marine GamesChapter 10 The Girls Games

The excitement after their mission made it extremely difficult for the girls to sleep that first night back. Of course all the questions and answering didn't help. The kids of the family were especially enthralled by the stories the girls told. They already had real life heroes in Bret and Bob1 but these were people that they could more easily identify with. Kelley and Kim hung on the girls listening to every word. Bret and Bob1 finally gave up and went to bed deciding to let nature take its...

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Cops Can Be Naughty TooChapter 10

Trapped by them again, they started to pull me along to the door that went to the offices. This time, Betty was standing there, and she held the door open for us to go through it. "If you need any help, call for me," the brunette said with some fun in her voice. "Oh, I can handle him on my own," the black haired cop said to her. I'm not sure if I would like the way how she would handle me. I think the brunette had nicer things in mind for me. They pulled me along and I found out that...

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A Night Of Games

Title: A Night Of games Author: Syren Jenny was sixteen years old and despite already being an absolute stunnerwas a bit of a tom boy, all four of her closest friends were boys and she muchpreferred staying in and playing video games to going shopping with a bunchof screaming girls. She was an avid user of the Internet and had been known to stay up all nighton chat rooms or browsing porn sites. Although she had had very little experiencewith boys and sex, she had been very adventurous in the...

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Nadines Submissive Games

Nadine’s Submissive GamesBy ReddbunnzChapter One?I’m gonna kill that fuckin’ Carol!? I mumble as Henry’s cock continues to plow into and out of my ass.  ‘Who the fuck are you kidding?’ I ask myself.  ‘You love every minute of it.  It’s consensual ass rape.  Something that you’ve fantasized about for years.  Only, it’s by the pizza guy!  Not your hubby.  Shit, the prick’s probably fuckin’ some whore in his hotel room right now!’But, in reality, I can’t believe what is happening.  Here I am,...

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Away Games

Authors note: This is a follow up story to Friday Night Games. If you haven't read Friday Night Games, their might be parts in this story that you do not understand. All comments would be appreciated. Away Games By Jillian O and Deborah Edwards "How will I ever get this off?" I wondered aloud as I stood over the washing machine. The stains on my new cocktail dress were going to be hard to get off. All three of the guys had ejaculated on me last night and now I had to clean up the...

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Card Games

I looked at Michelle's cards spread out on the floor showing a ten high. That was the low hand so it was her turn to take something off. I looked at her and wondered if she'd call off the fun and games at that point. Instead she sighed, smiled shyly and reached behind her back, unfastened the clasp to her bra and slipped if off without hesitation. She put her left hand back on the floor and leaned on it while sitting on her left hip. She smiled again at a few "ooohs" and "aahhs" and a...

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The Sexual Hunger Games

Note: All 24 tributes are 18 for this story. Also the names of the other tributes are not their real names. All characters belong to Suzanne Collins. "May the odds be ever in your favor." - Effie Trinket Since the first Hunger Games, twenty-four Tributes, two each from each of the twelve districts within Panem are chosen to fight to the death, and only one would survive. However, the 74th Hunger Games would bring in a new concept for the idea of appealing to the perverted audience. Once the...

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my sis child games

hi iss readers this is my original story with my sis i wnated to share it with u people because these are the things tht can’t be shared with any one if u like it mail me to if any bro or sister had such experience plz share with me.This is a chat i done with some one who asked me for my real story rahul_shadow2000: if i lie, u pay something too me rahul_shadow2000: ur wish, Sudha Kumar: oh boy Sudha Kumar: i will tell u a real incidnet Sudha Kumar: t happened when my age is 10 and my sis is...

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Marine GamesChapter 3 The Games

By the middle of the century the Defense Budget for the United States had grown to where it was unmanageable. Since the entertainment industry controlled the power in the world they decided to kill two birds with one stone. Reality television had taken control of programing. But ideas were coming few and far between for new shows. ESPN, Fox Network, NBC, and Showtime combined forces and offered to sponsor a show showcasing the finest attributes of the Marines. They proposed an Event where...

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Family Sex Games

I’m sixteen years old, male, and horny all of the time. I guess it’s just natural when you live with a beautiful mother and two very sex sisters. The fact that all three look alike and can wear each other’s clothes might have something to do with it too. Mom is thirty-six years old, five feet six inches tall, and weighs one hundred and ten pounds. She wears a 34-B bra and has beautiful brown wavy hair halfway down her back. She was homecoming queen in high school. Dad was stupid to have...

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Games By Cassandra Morgan Molly Givens hated it when the phone rang. It was usually a phone solicitor looking to pull of an easy scam. Sometimes it was a forgotten relative with bad news. Sometimes it was a wrong number. But almost always, it was a pain in the ass. Close relatives, bosses, friends called your cell phone. Hell, Molly didn't even know why they had a landline anymore. But they did. And now it was ringing like an intruder. Molly picked up the phone and turned down...

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A New Spin On RolePlaying Games

A New Spin on Role-Playing Games By: Shawna Summers I've always been something of a geek. I love sci-fi and fantasy books and movies; I can recite countless bits of useless trivia back to you about all kinds of movies. So, it was no real surprise that I took to role-playing games, or RPGs, as we like to call them. You know the kinds, Dungeons and Whatnots, all that kind of Tolkien-esque stuff. I had a couple of groups that I games with in high school, and it was fun, but it was never...

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