A Night Of Games free porn video

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Title: A Night Of games

Author: Syren

Jenny was sixteen years old and despite already being an absolute stunnerwas a bit of a tom boy, all four of her closest friends were boys and she muchpreferred staying in and playing video games to going shopping with a bunchof screaming girls.

She was an avid user of the Internet and had been known to stay up all nighton chat rooms or browsing porn sites. Although she had had very little experiencewith boys and sex, she had been very adventurous in the Internet porn thatshe browsed and masturbated often to all sorts of different fetishes. She hadfound her way on to sites depicting women being spanked, whipped, burned andraped and all enjoying it, she even found some sites which women performingvarious sexual acts on animals. As time went on Jenny searched for more andmore perverse images to fuel her fantasies and often dreamed of realising them.

Friday night had come round again and Jenny packed her games console awayready to take round to Tom's house for a night of playing games and drinkingbeer. Tom's parents always stayed out overnight on a Friday and Jenny, Tom,Tim, Ben and Alan always went round there and stayed up most of the night,tonight would be no different. Jenny was wearing her usual scruffy clothes,a loose fitting jumper and holey jeans, no bra and some old panties.

Arriving at Tom's Jenny went to the back room and set up the console, everyonewas there before her which was strange considering the brothers Ben and Alanwere almost always late. Once everything was set up Tom came in with thefirst round of beers and they got on with playing the games. They quicklyfinished the first game, and the first beers and Jenny got up to go get morefrom the kitchen, Tim jumped up and insisted that he would get the beersand ran off into the kitchen, Jenny thought this strange but soon forgotabout it when Tim came back with the beers and they continued playing.

Once the next game was finished Jenny was feeling really quite drunk, it wasstrange as it usually took her a lot longer to feel this drunk and she usuallykept up with the boys. She decided to sit this game out and have a lie downon the sofa, after checking she was ok the boys continued playing their gamesand she led down, soon drifting off to sleep.

Jenny woke up suddenly from her sleep, her eyes darted around but found onlyan empty room, she sat up and looked up at the clock, it was nearly 8am, shehad slept right through! Her mum would be there and minute to pick her up soshe quickly packed her stuff away and then made her way outside, on her wayshe passed the front room where the boys were asleep on the sofas and floor.

On the drive home Jenny began to remember dreams that she had had that night,dreams of bondage and torture as usual but this time they featured her fourfriends which had never happened before, she uncrossed her legs uncomfortablefeeling the soggy panties between her legs, she often woke up with wet pantiesafter a night of hot fantasies but she did notice that it seemed to be excessivetoday, they must have been good dreams!

Once Jenny was home she went up to her room, she wanted to check her emailbefore she got changed, strangely there was one from Tom, she opened it?

Jenny, hope you got home ok? I have a bit of a confession tomake, about a week ago I was bored and decided to hack into your computer,imagine my surprise when I found all of the pictures, stories and web linksfor all of this weird porn!!


Jenny's mind raced as panic overtook her, oh my god she had been found out!She read on?

Well you'll be happy to know that we haven't told anyone, wedecided to have a little fun with you over it. You see, last night, when youfell asleep, we actually slipped some tranquillisers into your beer!! Onceyou were asleep we had a bit of fun with you, don't worry though, we took photo'sfor you to see! You can take a look at them on www.weirdjenny.com


Jenny couldn't believe what she was reading, what the fuck had they done toher?! She quickly clicked on the link in the email.

The site came up with a parental warning which she quickly agreed to, thenthere was a picture of her in her school uniform and the title of the site ?WeirdJenny? in large font, they had obviously spent some time on it. There weretwo links, ?Pictures? and ?Message for Jenny?, she was eager to see what hadhappened last night and quickly clicked on pictures, and the first ones appeared.


As she flicked through the pictures butterflies began to flutter in her stomach,the first few were of her led on the sofa on her back, her hands were aboveher head and her jumper was pulled up around her neck revealing her pert breasts.She continued to flick through them, and found shots of each of the boys straddlingher with they're penises lying on her chest between her mounds. Further picturesdepicted her with her hand around they're rods seemingly wanking them off,if you didn't look at her closed eyes and emotionless face you could be forgivenfor thinking she was a willing participant in the photo's.

A strong emotion began to build inside of her as she reached the end of thepictures, it wasn't the anger that she had expected though, instead a waveof excitement washed over her and took her by surprise, despite how humiliatedshe felt looking at them she also felt herself growing wet, she was gettingturned on.

Moving to the next page the pictures began to get more disturbing, the firstone of this page showed some hands undoing the button on her jeans followedby further images of her zip being pulled down and apart to reveal her tattypanties. She continued through them watching her jeans being pulled down revealingher slender young legs, this pages pictures ended with a full length shot ofher lying on the sofa in just her panties, she clicked ?Next'.

For the first shot on the next page she had been sat upright, slouching onthe sofa, her legs were lewdly spread apart and her panties had been removed!Her heart was beating as she looked through the close up pictures of her pussy,exposed in all its glory, she could not believe that her ?friends' would dothis to her, violate her, like this. Any illusion that her boys, her friends,had any respect for her were shattered when she moved to the next image, itwas the same as the first on this page, her lewdly slouched on the sofa onlythis time Tom was knelt down between her legs, her fears were confirmed whenthe next picture showed the same scene from the front, Tom's hands were gropingher tits and his cock was buried deep in her previously virgin cunt, rapingher lifeless body, the other boys were in the background watching.

A tear ran down her cheek as the realisation washed over her, the realisationthat her best friends had violated her in the worst way a woman can be violated,however the worst part of it, was that looking through these pictures had madeher extremely horny, she could feel the wetness growing in her pussy and wantedrelief. As she continued through the rest of the pictures of her being fucked,then him pulling out and them redressing her, she undid her jeans and openedthe zip, just as they had done earlier, as her fingers slid down her slit sherealised that the ?excessive wetness' in her crotch was actually Tom's cumseeping out of her hole, she smeared her fingers through it, using it to lubricateherself before plunging her fingers deep into herself.

Jenny finger fucked herself right there in her computer chair, her door wasopen but at that point she didn't care, she fantasised that her fingers wereTom's cock forcing itself into her while she lay there unable to prevent it,her pussy ran with juices that mixed with Tom's cum as she writhed in the midstof the best orgasm she had ever had.

Once Jenny had recovered she took a shower whilst she contemplated what todo about her new situation. While she felt violated and used and she knew thatwhat had happened was bad she couldn't help but feel excitement about it, shecouldn't believe how horny it had made her just now in her room, but it wason the Internet, anyone could go and see it, kids from school, teachers, herparents! Suddenly she remembered the message, on the front page of the sitethere had been a ?Message for jenny' link that she had completely forgottenabout. She washed her body thoroughly, trying to get rid of the dirty feelingshe had inside, she made sure her pussy was nice and clean inside and out,then she got dried and put on her dressing gown before rushing back to hercomputer.

Weird Jenny popped up again as soon as she opened her browser, somehow ithad made itself her homepage, she clicked the message link?

Jenny, I assume you've browsed the picture page and I hopewhat you found wasn't too much of a shock?

?yeah right?, she thought?

Well we have a proposal for you. If you agree to keep lastnights activities to yourself, we will not tell anyone about your late nightinternet activities, further to that, we will only show a select few people(none that you know) the web site.

Jenny was amazed that they expected her not to tell anyone she had been raped,but then she considered what her life would be like if they revealed everythingthey knew about her. Maybe she would keep quiet, she read on?

We have another proposition for you, we are having anothergames night this Friday and would like you to come again and make it another ?special'one, only this time without the tranquilisers. We both know that you enjoyedlooking through the pictures, there is so much more that we are willing todo to you, for you!


See you Friday, Tom

Jenny's mind was now spiralling, she had no idea what to make of the lastpart of this message. The guy who had raped her the night before, her bestfriend, was asking her to go back round to the scene of her abuse and submitto whatever it was they had planned for her, no doubt it would be humiliatingand degrading, and in front of all five of her friends. Even the idea of doingit was perverted, but she couldn't help but feel horny at the prospect.

The rest of jenny's weekend was uneventful as was school, she avoided theboys which wasn't that difficult as they weren't in any of her classes andshe returned home for lunch. Despite not wanting to even make eye contact withany of them she couldn't help but return to weirdjenny.com every lunch timeand every evening, most of the time her ?quick looks' ended up with her writhingin another orgasm in front of the computer, she just couldn't help herself.

By Thursday morning she could think of little else than getting back to masturbateto the images of her rape or the message that she had now read a thousand times,the invite to more abuse. At the beginning of the week she was certain thatshe would never be going round to Tom's house again, but now, she wasn't sosure.

When Jenny returned home on Friday lunch time she found she had an email,from Tom. With quivering hands she opened it on the screen, she couldn't believeher heart was beating so fast at just an email from her best friend.

Will we see you tonight?

Jenny didn't even realise what had happened until her reply had disappearedinto her Sent Items, a simple word, ?Yes?.

It was 7:20 and jenny sat in the car beside her Mum, she was only about fiveminutes from Tom's house and the butterflies were doing a real number on herstomach. Her Mum had obviously noticed that her daughters usually drab clotheshad been exchanged for her best jeans and a small top revealing her stomachand shoulders. What her mother didn't know was that underneath Jenny had wornher only lingerie, a lacy violet thong and push up bra set that she had gotfor her sixteenth birthday but never worn. She had brought her bag with herconsole in it, but that was just for show really, she was fairly certain itwould stay in the bag.

Her Mum dropped her off at the end of the drive just before 7:30 and thenreminded her that she would be there to pick her up at 8am sharp the next morningbefore driving off leaving Jenny with her thoughts. As she approached the doorher mind was racing so fast that she couldn't really understand anything thatshe was thinking, she rang the bell, nothing, she tried knocking but as shedid so the door creaked open slightly, lying on the mat was a note, ?Go intothe back room, remove your shoes and stand on the table. Legs shoulder widthapart, hands cupped behind your back?.

Jenny immediately knew this was going to be both humiliating and degrading,one of the stories that Tom had copied from her computer had started out likethis, and it hadn't ended well for the girl! She closed the door and made herway to the back room, to her surprise all of the boys were already there butnone looked up or acknowledged her when she walked in. She continued to followher instructions by removing her shoes and stepping up onto the coffee table,she faced the boys backs and opened her legs until they were level with hershoulders, then she reached behind her back and cupped her hands together,this pulled her shoulders back and she was very aware that she was pushingher breasts out.

As the time passed Jenny's butterflies began to settle down, despite the factthat her embarrassment level had risen considerably over the last fifteen minutesduring which she had stayed in position with her breasts pushed out while theboys ignored her and continued to play games. After twenty minutes Alan leftthe room, only to return a few minutes later with five beer bottles and a videocamera on a tripod, he planted the tripod a few feet from Jenny and then checkedto make sure she was in frame, then pressed record before handing out the beersto everyone, Jenny's beer was placed between her legs. She looked down andcould see the condensation running down it, she wanted to drink it as it wouldprobably loosen her up a bit but she had read about these situations in herstories, it was a test, if she moved, she failed.

Ten minutes later the boys finished their game and all turned to face Jenny,she was still position on the table, they admired her pert full breasts beforeTom spoke. ?Take off your jeans?, he said matter-of-factly, despite the factthat Jenny wasn't even sure she wanted to go through with this she almost instinctivelyreached down and undid her button and zip before sliding the jeans down hertoned legs and stepping out of them, she blushed as bed picked them up andsniffed the crotch before discarding them. Jenny returned to her position.

At this point Tom got up to his feet and began slowly walking around the table,she could feel his and the other boys eyes examining her half naked body, sheknew this was what was meant when women said that men looked at them like apiece of meat. Tom was behind her now and she jumped as she felt his hand beginto slowly slide up the inside of her left leg, over her calf and up her thigh,her face was scarlet by the time his fingers touched the lace of her thin thong,she felt them slide over her pussy, the first time she had allowed anyone elseto touch it. She was growing wet from his simple touch and he knew it, he couldfeel the damp beginning to form on her thong. As he ran his finger along thelength of her slit her one last time, her closed eyes were shocked open bythe slinging slap across her right ass cheek. She almost fell forward but managedto remain in her stance as she felt the red handprint form on her ass.

The humiliation of staring into the faces of her friends as they watched anotherof her friends touch her up and spank her ass was almost too much, her eyesbegan to well up as she looked at the grins on their faces, Tom rejoined them. ?Youseem quite moist? Tom announced as much to the rest of the group as to Jenny,she had to look at the floor to keep her composure. ?This is your last chanceto leave, if you do what I ask next then you're here all night, do you understand??,Jane looked back up and nodded her head, she was scared but knew this was somethingshe had to experience. ?OK? he said, ?I want you to pull your slutty thongto one side so her can all see your filthy fuck hole, then I want you to crouchdown until your ass touches your heels?, Jenny was surprisingly relieved, despitehow degrading it would be to expose herself like that, she was expecting alot worse. ?However?, Jane's heart sank, ?Alan here has left a bottle of beerbetween your legs, I don't want it moved so it will have to go up that tightfuck hole of yours, maybe there's still some of my cum up there to use as lubricant,from when I fucked you last week.

Jenny was filled with a mixture of fear, shame and pure lust for what shewas being asked to do, she had never felt such strong feelings before and wassurprised by how much this experience aroused her. Almost in a trance she reacheddown and using one finger pulled the small piece of material that covered hersex away, she looked directly into the camera as she exposed herself to itand her friends, then she slowly bent her legs and started moving towards thebottle.

She winced as she felt the cold lid touch her hot pussy lips, keeping hereyes fixed on the camera as she wiggled her hips a bit until the lid disappearedbetween her labia and found her hole. The whole experience was turning heron so much that her pussy was well lubricated, the first two inched of thebottle were fairly thin and penetrated her easily but with an inch to go beforeher ass met her heels her pussy reached the part of the bottle that taperedout. Jenny knew she had to continue and applied more pressure, she could feelevery millimetre as her tight hole stretched to accommodate the bottles girthuntil her ass came to rest on the heels of her feet, she looked back to Tom,who looked to the other boys, they were all staring wide eyed at Jenny, theirbest friend who had just impaled herself on a beer bottle in front of theireyes. ?Give me your belts?, Tom said to them and they complied, Tom took themand walked behind Jenny who was sure she was about to get spanked again withthe belts. Instead though he pulled her arms around behind her and strappedher wrists together with on of the belts, she struggled a bit but the leatherheld arms firmly in place. Next he pulled one of the belts up between her legs,wrapping it around her upper and lower leg and fastened it. The belt ran aroundthe very top of her thigh, almost touched her stretched pussy lip, and thenround her shin just above her ankle, once her had attached the last belt onthe other side she was completely held in the position that she had put herselfin, she tried to move put couldn't at all.

Jenny panicked as she realised that there was no way for her to remove thefreezing cold bottle that was already starting to feel uncomfortable in hergroin. ?There's no point in struggling? she heard Tom say as he reached roundfrom behind and gagged her with a piece of duct tape, ?I got this idea froma video on your PC, I'm sure you've seen it, you probably got off on the factthat the girl was left completely helpless, just like you! We're off to getsome more beers, back in a bit?, and with that they all left and she heardthe front door slam shut.

By the time the boys returned the bottle had warmed up and was less uncomfortablefor the young girl, she had been stuck in the crouched position for fifteenminutes and the cramping in her legs had taken her attention away from thecold fullness in cunt. She watched in shame as the four came back into theroom and laughed at the layer of sweat that now covered her body, Tom proceededto undo the belts on her legs. Tom gave his next order, ?raise your body untilonly the cap of the bottle is inside you?, Jenny immediately did as ordereddespite her humiliation, with the top of the bottle just penetrating her sheknew what was coming next, ?now fuck that bottle until you cum!?.

Having sat with the chilled bottle inside her for a few minutes it was difficultfor her to push herself back down onto it, however, after a couple of thrustsand accompanying cheers from the boys the shame of it all soon had her pussyjuices flowing again. Overtaken by lust, Jenny began to fuck the bottle forall she was worth, ramming her body even further onto the invader than before.She was about to come and had completely forgotten about the onlookers whenTom ripped the tape from her mouth unleashing her moans of ecstasy as the camerarolled on.

As the sixteen year old regained her composure the realisation of what shehad just done washed over her, she stared into the camera lens and felt thepiercing stares of the group of boys burning into her. She thought about whatit must look like from the other side of the camera, the sexy young girl withher arms strapped behind her back, bouncing up and down, with a beer bottlestuck up her vagina, until she cums, what a sight!

Tom was not done with her by a long way though, he freed her arms first andthey fell limp beside her body, then he put a hand under her ass and pushedupward, she rose up and he gently pulled the bottle from her dripping cuntbefore ordering her to stand, Jenny followed the order obediently, still ina daze. Tom, now in front of her, reached forward and using one finger replacedher thong over her pussy, this simple act possibly the most humiliating sofar, though worse was to come.

A nervous looking Alan approached her and handed her two wooden clothes pegs,she took them from him with a smile, the smile soon disappeared when Tom spokeagain. ?Attach a peg to each of your nipples?, whilst he spoke he roughly pulledthe cups of her bra down exposing her mounds, Jenny was hesitant but did ashe asked, wincing as each peg clamped down on the tender points of her breasts.She returned her hands behind her back and waited, but not for long, ?I wantyou to go and find some things for me? Tom said before handing her a list.Jenny took the piece of paper and looked at it, she had only read the top itemwhen she felt the slap to her left ass cheek, ?GO!? Tom shouted.

Almost stumbling she stepped down from the table and headed out of the room,past the three spectators with they're obviously rock hard cocks, they wereall watching the pegs jiggle up and down as she walked along, she kept herhead down as renewed embarrassment showed in her face. As she walked into thekitchen she could feel her thong being soaked in fresh juices, she couldn'tbelieve how much this was turning her on. The first few things on the listwere easily found in the kitchen, a black magic marker, a plastic funnel, abowl and a roll of duct tape, she put everything inside the bowl and headedto the bathroom where she grabbed a towel and a razor, then she went throughto Tom's room and found the remaining items laid out on his bed, a box of tacksand two bulldog clips, like the kind you find on the top of a clipboard, shetook them and headed downstairs.

Ben was at the bottom of the stairs with a hand held camera and filmed heras she descended, the begs bouncing up and down as she went, as she reachedthe bottom he spoke to her, ?You know, you don't have to do any of this? Ifyou ask Tom will stop.?, Jenny looked at him, she appreciated the sincere concernin his face, ?Thank you? she said and a smile came across her flushed facebefore she headed to the back room. Tom took the things she had brought andshe returned to the table, she couldn't help but blush when she looked backto Ben who now entered the room and continued filming her. ?Tim, take the pegsoff? Tom said, Tim was up like a shot and gave each of her breasts a fondlebefore yanking each peg off in turn, each one causing a yelp to escape herlips as the blood returned. She didn't know what she was feeling as she allowed ?ShyTim' to touch her that way, she wasn't turned on by the touch itself, moreby the degradation of allowing him to do it.

Behind her again, Tom moved her arms to her sides before releasing the claspon her bra, the garment fell down her arms and landed on the table below, nowonly her soaked thong remained. Tom then told her to remove it before joiningthe other boys to watch and film her slide the skimpy garment down her legsand then kick it onto the table in front of her, then she returned to her spreadlegged position now completely naked.

Tom barked another order at her, ?On your back, hands behind you head, kneesup and legs spread?, Jenny immediately reacted, quickly assuming the positionwith her legs spread facing the camera, she stared at the ceiling wonderingwhat humiliation was coming next. Tom entered her gaze interrupting her thoughts,she looked at him noticing the sodden thong in his hand, ?don't move? he saidbefore lying the garment across her face, it completely covered her eyes andshe could feel the wet crotch resting on her lips. As Ben circled her withhis camera her nostrils filled with the musty aroma of her own juices, ?Openyour mouth slut? she heard Tom say, she blushed when she heard him call herthat but slowly her lips separated allowing the crotch of her thong, whichonly a minute before had been pressed tightly against her dripping pussy, dropinto her mouth, someone then touched the bottom of her chin and her mouth closedaround the material. Jenny couldn't help herself and sucked some of the juicesfrom the garment filling her mouth with the taste of her own cunt which wasnow wetted than ever.

As Jenny lay there, effectively blindfolded and enduring the humiliation ofhaving to taste her own pussy, Tim moved her chair to the side of the tablebetween her legs, he had the bowl in his hand which was now filled with coldwater and a cloth, he placed it on the table and picked up the cloth, Jennycould here water but had no idea what was going on until the cloth was dumpedonto the mound of hair just above her pussy causing her to jump and screech,freezing cold water covered the area and began to run down the creases of herpussy, her immediate impulse was to jump up but she refrained and kept still,closing her mouth again around the crotch of her underwear.

Once the initial shock had worn off Tim continued to soak the entire areabefore picking up the razor and making his first pass over her mound. If theyhad taken the underwear off her face they would have noticed her scarlet cheeksas she kept her legs spread wide, allowing one of her best friends free accessto remove every strand of her pubic hair, she was especially nervous as shefelt the razor remove the hair sprouting from her labia cutting dangerouslyclose to her most private parts sending a shiver down her spine.

Once Tim was finished he dried her off with the towel making sure his fingersand the towel penetrated her tight hole and dried the whole area, humiliatingher further as the towel soaked up her copious juices. She still could notsee anything but could feel Tim get back up and take the bowl from betweenher legs which she kept in the spread position, her crotch felt every draftnow that its protective bush had been removed and she all of a sudden feltvery exposed.

Tom now removed the thong from her face and dropped on the table beside herhead, Jenny immediately looked down at her bare cunt, it reminded her of whenshe was a little girl, before her pubic hair started to grow. As she continuedto stare at it Tom appeared between her legs and she could sense that Ben wasnow filming from above her head, Tom was holding the bulldog clips in one handand reaching out to her left pussy lip with the other, Jenny barely had timeto prepare herself before the clip clamped down on the entire length of thelip, she tried to scream but Ben's hand quickly covered her mouth and heldher down while the other hand filmed her writhing body, she was still squirmingwhen Tom released the other clip onto her right lip. The explosion of painin the most sensitive part of her body was the most amazing sensation she hadever felt and she didn't know if her tears were from pain or pleasure, butit was probably both.

It took about five minutes for the pain to settle down and for Jenny to regainher composure, the boys cocks were all rock hard after watching the naked younggirl writhe around on the table with the clips attached to her groin. Now Tomwas making improvements to the torture, first he spread her legs again andbent them at the knee, she complied without resistance, then he took hold ofone of the clips and pulled it outwards towards her outstretched leg, onceit made contact with her leg her labia was pulled taught, he then wrapped thetape around the clip and her leg sticking the clip and her labia in position.Jenny was wincing at the pain but did not try to stop him, not even when herepeated the process on the other side. Once finished he stepped back and admiredhis handy work, she had to close her eyes at the humiliation of having herfour friends inspect the most private part of a woman's body, stretched outand open like some kind of biology experiment. Alan took a few shots of herwith his Polaroid camera, including a few close-ups of her splayed cunt.

After they were sure that she had been humiliated as much as possible in thisposition Tom told Jenny to get onto all fours, she did so as gently as possibleas every movement of her legs caused a jolt of pain to shoot through her groin.No sooner was she in position Tom was knelt behind her and she could feel hishard cock between her legs, she had never touched a cock before, not consciouslyanyway, but she immediately knew what it was that was rubbing up and down herslit, her juices were now freely flowing from her open hole as she contemplatedthat she was about to be fucked consentingly for the first time, she didn'texpect what happened next though.

Suddenly the cock disappeared from between her legs and she felt it push hardagainst her asshole, she screamed as he rammed his rod into her tight entrance,trying to penetrate it unsuccessfully, each thrust pushed her forward and almostmade her fall. He hole began to give slightly and she felt it being forcedopen painfully, it wasn't enough though. Tom soon gave up declaring, ?thissluts asshole is too small for my cock!? before slapping her ass a couple oftimes, Jenny's face once again turned crimson and Tom's words degraded heronce more. He climbed off the table, ?don't worry though slut, we'll get ourcum in that ass of yours somehow?.

Jenny had no idea what Tom had meant until she saw him pick up the funneland return behind her, she suddenly jerked forward as the funnel was shovedup her soaking wet cunt and thrust a couple of times to coat it in her juicesthen she felt the relatively thin end of the funnel slide into her ass, thenit was shoved hard and forced its way a good three inches into her before thewider funnel part came to rest against her stretched asshole, she heard theripping of tape and funnel was fixed in place. Jenny was illuminated by Alan'scamera flash but besides the intense humiliation of them all watching, andfilming, her with the thing protruding from her ass, it didn't feel too bad.

Tim brought a full length mirror into the room and positioned it in frontof Jenny, looking into it only confirmed what she already suspected, she sawTom stood on the table behind her, cock in hand wanking himself off, with thesight of her in front of him it wasn't long before he was spraying his seedinto the funnel, Jenny couldn't feel it but knew her ass was currently fillingwith cum. No sooner was Tom finished then he was replaced by Alan, first ofall he knelt behind her and she felt his cock enter her cunt, not only thesecond to do so but the second to do so without permission, after a coupleof thrusts ,which sent shockwaves through her stretched labia, he stood upand began to wank himself off, Jenny could see her own juices glistening onit just before she watched his cum shoot out into the funnel and down intoher anus.

As the third of her best friends climbed onto the table behind her Jenny beganto wonder what was wrong with her, despite the position she was in, despitethe mixture of humiliation and shame that she had been experiencing in varyingdegree's the whole night, she was having the time of her life. Her pussy hadbeen virtually dripping the entire time and she couldn't wait to find out whatthey would put her through next. What the hell was wrong with her?

The last boys cum dripped down the funnel and into her body mixing with thatof the other three, Tom reached over and yanked the funnel from Jenny's ass,ripping the tape off and causing her to squirm, though she stayed in position. ?Youknow as soon as she gets up our cum will just drip out? Tim said, Jenny listenedas he spoke about her like an animal, ?we should plug her with something, thesewill do? he said, picking up her thong and handing it to Tom. Tom smiled ashe rolled the skimpy underwear up into a ball and placed it at the openingto Jenny's ass, she took a deep breath in before he pushed on the ball withhis thumb pushing the garment into her, without even thinking Jenny began topush back as she felt her thong disappearing inside, neither stopped pushinguntil Tom's thumb was buried to the knuckle in her ass, then he pulled it outand Ben zoomed in with the camera as her sphincter closed over the purple materialsealing it and their cum inside. She was told to stand up and did so with ascarlet face as they all inspected her ass to ensure nothing escaped.

Everyone was now in front of her and stood and watched them for a minute asthey admired her sexy young body, glistening with a layer of sweat. Tom eventuallybroke the silence, ?We're going for a ride, but we need to get you dressedfirst?, Jenny's mind began to race and her heart began to pound in her chest,what was he talking about, she never agreed to go anywhere away from the house!Despite these thoughts going through her mind she knew she would go, and atleast dress her!

Tom handed her a pair of handcuffs, ?attach these to one wrist?, Jenny tookthem and attached one end to her left wrist, tight enough so she couldn't getout but not uncomfortable. ?Put this over your head? he ordered again and handedher a thick black bag, she nervously took it and placed it over her head, shroudingher in darkness. As soon as it was on somebody pulled her hands behind herback and handcuffed her wrists together, she listened as her friends scurriedaround getting ready. Suddenly she felt something cold and we on her rightass cheek, it didn't take long for her to realise it was the magic marker,they were writing something on her. She felt the pen on her ass, tits and pussymound before she was led off the table, she assumed they were taking her somewhereelse to dress her but panic set in when she was led out of the front door andthe cold damp air hit her naked body. Despite the urge to turn and run backinside she allowed them to lead her to the car and place her in the back seatlike a criminal being put into a police car.

A boy got in each side of her and two got in the front, she didn't know whowas where but she knew that Tom would be driving. As soon as they had pulledout of the drive a hand from each side pulled her legs apart, she squirmedas the clips stretched her pussy open, soon she had a mouth sucking on eachof her nipples and the person on her right was frantically rubbing her clit,five minutes later she was moaning behind the bag as the touch forced her intoan orgasm, the rubbing and sucking didn't stop for another ten minutes whenthey arrived at their destination, by then her nipples and clit were like bulletsstanding out from her body.

All of the doors opened and the boys got out, then one of then grabbed herarm and helped her out too, she had no idea where she was but she was outsideand she could hear cars passing on a street fairly close by, she knew it wasdark already but was still panicking that someone would see her. She was takenby the arm again and led along some tarmac, until they stopped abruptly. Agruff voice that she didn't recognise spoke, ?So this is her then??, panicand humiliation overcame her and she tried to turn away but whoever had holdof her arm gripped tighter holding her in position beside them. ?Yeah, thisis her? Tom said, obviously the person holding on to her arm. ?She doesn'tseem to want to be here? the stranger said, ?oh yeah, she wants your dick insideher all right? Tom replied, Jenny couldn't believe her ears, was Tom reallygonna let this guy fuck her?! ?I want to hear it from her? he said, to whichTom responded ?OK? and pulled the hood from Jenny's head.

As Jenny's eyes adjusted to the dim light she saw the stranger in front ofher, he looked about forty years old, he was dressed like a homeless personand had a long matted beard. ?So you really want me to fuck you little girl?? heasked, Jenny's mind raced, was he really asking her such a stupid question?!Of course she didn't want to have sex with him! Tom squeezed her arm, ?Yes,please will you fuck me anywhere?? she said without even thinking. ?OK then? theman said quickly and then took her arm from Tom.

Ben continued to film as Jenny's naked form was led further down the alleyby the tramp, all the boys followed in excited anticipation of what they wereabout to witness, Jenny really was a slut! Jenny's mind was in a daze, hadshe really just said that out load?, suddenly she was stood in front of a pilea wooden pallets that were stacked to waist height, the edge of the top onewas touching her bare ass. The tramp was in front of her, only a few inchesaway, she could smell his rancid breath and could see the bits of old foodin his beard, the stranger stepped forward and reached around her grabbingher ass cheeks, then lifted her up and sat her on the stack of pallets. Jennydidn't know what was going on, she wanted to stop what was happening but forsome reason she didn't try and for some reason, her pussy was wet again.

Jenny was led down on her back, her legs hanging off the end with the trampbehind them, her head rolled to the side as she looked at Ben who was now walkingtowards her to get a better shot of the scene, Jenny returned her gaze to thedirty stranger. His pants were down now and she could see his long hard rodprotruding from beneath his stained shirt, it looked as dirty as the rest ofhim, then he thrust it forward burying it in her young dripping cunt. ?Welleven if you don't want me to fuck you, your body certainly does!? he announcedas he reached forward to maul her tits, Jenny felt him squeezing and scratchingher mounds with his long finger nails but her mind was completely concentratedon the words that he had just said, they resonated in her mind, he was right,she was hornier right now than she had ever been in her young life. A new waveof shame washed over her as she realised that the prospect of being fuckedby this tramp was the closest thing to ecstasy she had ever experienced.

The tramp was now thrusting deep into her tight pussy, each time ramming intothe bulldog clips causing them to dig into her tender flesh, despite the pain,and the feeling of revulsion every time she looked at the stranger, she couldfeel an orgasm building inside her. Suddenly she felt his still hard cock slideout of her sopping wet hole, she looked down as he pinched her nipples andthen let go of her breasts and took a step back, she noticed the layer of grimydirt that covered her pert mounds just before he grabbed her thighs and flippedher over, she squealed as she landed face down on the pallets and a sharp painshot through her left tit.

The top half of her body was now led face down on the stack of pallets, herlegs were being held up by the tramp who was now between them again. Jennywinced as he held her legs wide apart, the clips stretching her pussy lipsas far as they would go. She was expecting him to re-enter her eager pussyany second but instead his well lubricated cock found another hole, Ben filmedJenny's eyes widen as the tramp pushed the head of his rod between her asscheeks and began to put pressure on her tightly sealed rear fuck hole. DespiteJenny's attempts to clench her muscles the man was able to exert too much pressure,she felt her hole begin to open and accept the invader and she bit her lipas the pain ran up from her ass to her head.

Slowly the stranger forced the head of his cock into her virgin asshole asJenny moaned and her tears began to flow, the now stopped as he had come upagainst a blockage. ?She got something up her ass?? he shouted to Tom, ?Yeah,her thong? Tom replied, Jenny heard the man chuckle just before he thrust intoher again. She was forced a few inches forward on the pallet and the intensepain in her ass was joined by several more sharp pains in her tits as theywere dragged across the rough wood.

To Jenny it felt like a water melon had been shoved up her ass, but in factthe tramps dick was only two thirds of the way in. He began to move his dickin and out of her, slowly at first but then increasing his speed and ferocity,soon he was using her legs to pull her entire body back onto his cock as hethrust it into her, impaling her to the very base of his long member. Jennywas like a rag doll as she allowed the tramp to continue despite the fact thather ass was screaming in pain and her tits were growing increasingly raw frombeing dragger back and forth along the wood. Occasionally she would let outa scream when he thrust a bit too hard.

Despite the tightness of her young ass it took five minutes of heavy fuckingbefore Jenny felt her bowels fill with the strangers copious amount of cum.Her legs were released and her feet made contact with the floor again, shecould not move as the tramps was still resting his weight of her ass whilehe recovered. After a couple of minutes she felt his cock shrink and he stoodup and pulled it from her hole, it was a disgusting feeling, she heard himzip up his pants and thank Tom, she cringed as she heard him comment on whata good fuck she was. Jenny stayed where she was, her breathing was still heavy,she had been only seconds away from orgasm when the tramp had stopped. Whileshe was being fucked all feelings of shame and humiliation had left her, butnow while she led there wishing he would fuck her some more, her face turnedred again.

She did not know who went first, but as soon as the cock slid into her pussyshe was riding on a wave of orgasm, right up until the forth boy shot his loadinto her womb and withdrew his cock. She was still panting when Tom pulledher back upright and walked her back towards the car, Ben was walking backwardsin front of them, still filming. As she climbed back into the car she couldfeel the slimy seed of the guys she had serviced tonight begin to seep fromher holes, at that moment she knew she was a complete slut.

It was one in the morning by the time they got back to Tom's house, they ledher into the house and told her to lie on the sofa. In the fully lit room theycould see the damage that had been done to her tits, as well as the red scratchesthat were dotted all over the grubby mounds, splinters of varying sizes weresticking out at all angles. Tom took the two clothes pegs that were lying onthe coffee table and attached one to each of her nipples, even if she had theenergy to resist, they had not removed her handcuffs yet. Alan took a few snapsof her with his Polaroid camera, the flash glistening off the slime that coatedher groin and inner thighs, then the light went out and the doors were closed.Jenny was exhausted and despite the fact that she was in an uncomfortable position,and her tits ass and pussy were all in pain, she drifted off to sleep quitequickly, and slept soundly.

Jenny awoke to the sound of a car horn, she quickly realised that it was eighto'clock and it was her Mum's horn that she could hear. To her surprise herhands were free and she quickly jumped up and found her clothes, with a biteof her lip she removed the pegs that had trapped the circulation in her nipplesall night and slip her bra up her arms. As carefully as possible she fastenedthe bra behind her back, only a couple of the splinters were pushed furtherin, then she pulled her tight fitting top over her head. Her jeans were thelast item of clothing, she slid them up her legs and gingerly manoeuvred thenover the bulldog clips that still attached her cunt lips to her thighs, andsurprisingly they could barely be seen once her jeans were on. She slid herfeet into her shoes and picked up the bag which had never been opened.

The boys were still asleep as she climbed into the passenger seat of her Mum'scar and they drove off. The drive home was uneventful, her Mum engaged herin boring conversation and didn't even seem to notice anything was different.As soon as she was home Jenny went up to her room and stripped off, standingin front of the mirror she examined the bondage that she still wore betweenher legs that stretched her labia grotesquely outward. Then her gaze movedto her breasts, six inch long splinters of wood were protruding from differentpoints on each one as well as several smaller ones and probably quite a fewthat couldn't be seen, she proceeded to pull them out leaving small holes allover the tender mounds, she almost screamed a couple of times when removingthe larger ones.

Once she was happy that she had gotten as many out as possible she went overto the bed and led down, keeping her legs open she began fondling her openpussy, stroking the stretched lips and pinching her clit. Both her pussy andasshole were still very sore and aching but she couldn't help but feel horny,she ran her fingers over the bulldog clip on her left lip, then gripped itbetween her fingers, with the other hand she took a pillow and placed it overher face, then she squeezed the clip.

As the blood rushed back into the sensitive flesh of her labia a pain moreintense than anything she had yet experienced shot through her body, she couldn'thelp but scream and had to push the pillow hard into her face to quell thesound. She had barely recovered before she inflicted the same on the otherlip, finally allowing her pussy to return to normal. Jenny let the pillow fallto the floor and began to run the fingers of her right hand along the groovesleft by the clips, the entire area was extremely sensitive. Sliding two fingersbetween her lips she began to caress her clitoris, her pussy was soaking again,it wasn't long before she was writhing on the bed as another orgasm engulfedher, as it did so her left hand found her breast and she squeezed it with herhand and pinched her nipple between forefinger and thumb. It felt like someonewas pushing needles into her tit as very minute splinters that still invadedthe mound were pushed deeper, this only served to intensify her orgasm.

Jenny lay on the bed for a few minutes before going to take a shower, shegently washed all over her slender figure cleaning the dried cum from betweenher legs, then she coated her fingers in soap and pushed one of them into heranus, immediately noticing how much slacker it felt than the day before. Herfinger was almost all the way in before she managed to touch the material ofher thong, after ten minutes of experimentation with one and two fingers shemanaged to grip the material. She pulled the soiled garment out like a tissuefrom a box, allowing her anus to return to its normal position, she felt animmense sensation of relief and the last of the material came out followedby a steady stream of thick cum, without even thinking about it she scoopedit from between her cheeks and deposited in her mouth, the taste was revoltingbut she swallowed it down anyway, enjoying humiliating herself.

Once she had finished in the shower Jenny put her dressing gown on and satdown in the front of the computer, she couldn't wait to see the pictures andvideo at www.weirdjenny.com.

The End

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Family Sex Games

I’m sixteen years old, male, and horny all of the time. I guess it’s just natural when you live with a beautiful mother and two very sex sisters. The fact that all three look alike and can wear each other’s clothes might have something to do with it too. Mom is thirty-six years old, five feet six inches tall, and weighs one hundred and ten pounds. She wears a 34-B bra and has beautiful brown wavy hair halfway down her back. She was homecoming queen in high school. Dad was stupid to have...

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Games By Cassandra Morgan Molly Givens hated it when the phone rang. It was usually a phone solicitor looking to pull of an easy scam. Sometimes it was a forgotten relative with bad news. Sometimes it was a wrong number. But almost always, it was a pain in the ass. Close relatives, bosses, friends called your cell phone. Hell, Molly didn't even know why they had a landline anymore. But they did. And now it was ringing like an intruder. Molly picked up the phone and turned down...

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A New Spin On RolePlaying Games

A New Spin on Role-Playing Games By: Shawna Summers I've always been something of a geek. I love sci-fi and fantasy books and movies; I can recite countless bits of useless trivia back to you about all kinds of movies. So, it was no real surprise that I took to role-playing games, or RPGs, as we like to call them. You know the kinds, Dungeons and Whatnots, all that kind of Tolkien-esque stuff. I had a couple of groups that I games with in high school, and it was fun, but it was never...

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African slave queen daughters dirty games

Rachael had not been ravished again since little Mobana had taken his own personal revenge nearly a week ago. His games of torture had pushed her to the edge; but since then marooned in this remote palace harem she had spent her captive hours trying to make conversation or rationalise with the other concubines. They were from around the world and although English seemed to be spoken by most it didn’t really help. They acted mute either through fear or by the continual practices of sexual...

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Midnight 2 Gangland Games

The busy season at the museum was over for me. I was still working on one major restoration, but it was a smaller painting whose value dictated a slow and steady approach. I was continually having to fend off the praise of those who watched me work. They were amazed at my ability to work in such fine detail and with such precision. Little did they know that their presence was slowing me to a crawl! The holidays were coming too, and I was wanting to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas away from...

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Breeding Games

Disclaimer: In case you didn’t know, CHYOA has rules and writing guidelines. The three rules are that excessive gore and violence shouldn’t be used, all characters partaking in sex must be the age of consent, at least 18 years or older. The last rule prohibits bestiality, where a human and animal have sex. For those who think this might cross the border, the breeding creatures in this story are sentient. They may not speak the humanoid languages, or understand the humanoids, but they are...

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The Olympic fun and Games

Dear reader, if you are unfamiliar with the locations described in this story please check out my profile. There is an album of photos taken on the day on which this story takes place. I had two Olympics tickets in my hands. They weren’t the greatest seats and it was a morning athletics session of qualification rounds. But that didn’t matter. I was going to the London Olympics and I knew who I wanted to take with me. When I called Heather I could hear the excitement in her voice. Was that due...

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The Olympic fun and Games

Dear reader, if you are unfamiliar with the locations described in this story please check out my profile. There is an album of photos taken on the day on which this story takes place. I had two Olympics tickets in my hands. They weren't the greatest seats and it was a morning athletics session of qualification rounds. But that didn't matter. I was going to the London Olympics and I knew who I wanted to take with me. When I called Heather I could hear the excitement in her voice. Was that due...

3 years ago
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Doubleheader Games

Doubleheader Games By Deborah Edwards and Jillian O "You would look great in that," the friendly sales clerk said. "I'm sure we have one in you size." Obviously this teenage girl with the big smile was getting paid some sort of commission. "I can go to the back and check for you," she said with a question in her voice. "Ok, I'm a size 8, I'll browse while I'm waiting." I answered while she scurried away. I hadn't come to the mall for a wool skirt, but it wouldn't hurt to...

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The games

My name is Emily, I am 21 years old and finished the free education that is available to the public. Being born in the slums I got the education fit for the slums. My dad has been stuck here his whole life and I’ve decided I’m getting out of here for good. Only problem is I’m broke, and it costs money to move between districts. The only kind of work for girls like me around here was manual labor such as house work which payed nearly nothing. It’s designed that way to keep the district...

3 years ago
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Capture Games

Capture Games by Tory Spencer CD, Bondage, Real Life, SIBC, Preteen-teen I get introduced to the neighborhood bondage game, a new girl friend, and a dream week with nail polish and dressing. Chapter One When I was about 11 (two years after discovering bondage and dressing), we moved to the suburbs like many. The neighborhood was full of kinds of all ages. It was kind of ruled by a group of older boys who played lots of games on a large tract of woodlands next to the houses...

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GNight PixieChapter Two Stranded

Doug Bryant lay on the sandy beach gasping for air. Mary was dry heaving beside him, the contents of her stomach having been left far out in the water. Alyson was crying on the other side of her. Mary and Alyson had briefly gone under with the boat, but had somehow escaped. They broke surface on either side of another life vest. Mary and he had insisted Alyson wear it. He'd had to half-drag Mary to the beach against the pressure of the wind. It hadn't been easy swimming in his canvas deck...

2 years ago
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GNight Pixie the Original Story ConceptChapter 2 Stranded

Doug Bryant lay on the sandy beach gasping for air. Mary was dry heaving beside him, the contents of her stomach having been left far out in the water. Alyson was crying on the other side of her. Mary and Alyson had briefly gone under with the boat, but had somehow escaped. They broke surface on either side of another life vest. Mary and he had insisted Alyson wear it. He'd had to half-drag Mary to the beach against the pressure of the wind. It hadn't been easy swimming in his canvas deck...

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Girls in Games

You've always been happy to have gotten all the latest game systems before anyone else you knew, or that they knew, for that matter. But when your local Best Buy offered a special super-limited, one of a kind game system, you HAD to have it! You looked with pity at everyone camping outside for the chance to push past each other to get it. You, however, had played too much Splinter Cell to do that. Instead, you go in through the back way, using the employee uniform you borrowed from a friend who...

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The Eddie Puss Gamesbyclinton09 Sure, it was a terrible thing to do, but don't blame me until you've heard me out.I was living alone with my parents. Mom's old man, as I called him, oddly enough looked like an old man, a 59 year old going on 70. He had long ago lost his hair, a sense of style, or a sense of humor. He ruled over us like 'lord of the manor'. It was an unhappy home, and I felt sorry for mom having to endure this just for the concept...

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Night Games

Dawn is breaking on Day Nine of the London 2012 Olympic Games, which means round seven of the unofficial night sports is drawing to a sticky, panting conclusion. It’s almost a week since over ten thousand of the world’s top athletes poured into London’s Olympic stadium on a tide of hope, hype and hunger for gold. But we all know there are less noble appetites to be sated, don’t we? We all watched these sporting warriors smile and wave to the crowds, those cheers amping up their spirits and...

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The Chauffeur 21 Games

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When Fred pulled the limo into the porn store's limited parking lot, he had to park the car straddling several parking spots. For the first time ever, I heard Fred curse. Although he did only say ‘Damn' it was still a curse word. That made me smile hearing him use such profanity. We went inside the store and saw ‘Dolph' behind the counter. He inquired about Amy. Dakota once again told him to never mind about her gal Amy. Jennifer and Tina...

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Kelly 11 years old wants to copy her parents sex games

Introduction: This is my first story, please forgive any spelling mistakes, I have proff read and use spell checker but some mistakes are bound to get through, please say if you like this true story and how I might improve my stories. The language might not be of an 11 year old but this was some 40 years plus ago, so i cant remember it exactly, but the actions are fact. Im 14 years old, in my last year at school, and I find myself the head boy, I cant for the life of me think why, it wasnt down...

1 year ago
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The Virginity Games

I was in sixth grade and summer had just arrived. It was a hot one but what did you expect in the South in June. I always hung out with my next door neighbor. We were the best of buddies. She was a year older and no one was ever home at her place. We would always play many games such as basketball, Atari and swim in her pool. I had started to notice that her body was changing but at the time I did not thing anything of it. I did notice however that our games began to change in nature. She...

First Time
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Elizabeth and I love playing games together. We explore fantasies and so long as we both enjoy them, anything goes. One of the games we play is for her to dance and flirt with other men while I watch.We have a favourite bar we go to. The layout is perfect. There’s a long bar with mirrors behind it, plenty of space for sitting or standing and talking. It’s easy to see everyone, to see who’s hot. The bar dog-legs into another room with a dance floor with tables and chairs along one of the...

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Freewill 504 Part 7 Fun and Games

Freewill 504: Part 7 Fun and GamesMe and my two roommates sat quietly in our room studying. For me this wasn't an unusual way to spend a Friday night, especially so deep in a semester, but for Carol and Jessica, it was a rarity indeed. Usually their idea of studying included the stereo blasting and the television on at full volume so it could be heard over the music. This was doubly strange since it was a Friday night. They never stayed home on a weekend night. I sipped at my Diet Coke and...

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Friday Night Games

Friday Night Games By Deborah Edwards "I'll take one," I said with confidence. When you are playing poker, confidence must always be displayed. Darn, eight of hearts, not the card I needed. I had two pairs, four's and sixes. It wasn't a great hand, but I had won with less. Now if I could just study the other players, my coworkers and friends, and figure out what they were holding. I looked up at them, sitting there in my kitchen. We had been playing cards for several weeks now, ever...

3 years ago
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Playing Games

Playing Games Sisyphus Note: This is an experiment in telling a story through dialogue. Hope it works for you. “Come here!” ”No, Why the fuck should I? “You know why, so don’t play games, miss!” “Look who’s talking about playing games. You’re pathetic.” “Pathetic! You’re the one who’s drunk and horny.” “Me! Oh really! That bulge in your jeans looks like you want something pretty bad.” “Is that why you can’t take your eyes off it? Look at you. I bet your cunt is dripping to get this hard cock in...

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The Bimbo Games

You nervously shift in your seat on the bus as you make your way to the bimbo games area. this year you were drafted into the games and after years of watching you can't help but be a little excited. As you stare out the window you arrive at the arena, it's bigger than you thought but then again you've only ever seen this on tv. You start to think of the previous games and how great it would be to win your very own bimbo slaves, as that's what happens to your opponents when they lose. you start...

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Felling Games

There is a variety of games, some are for individuals, others are for teams. Some involve kicks, others face sitting, some involve groin kicks, others trampling, some are softly, others are merciless, some end with the men being wanked off and others with submission, but all involve the girl first taking them man off his feet and then going on top of him, and all games are consensual: The men and women choose to sign up to take part. The men then choose which three of the women they are willing...


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