False SignsChapter 2 free porn video

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Taylor said his goodbyes to Naziah and Colonel Keene and headed out to join Robles in the SUV.

“How’d it go? he asked, as John opened the passenger side door and slid into the seat.

“I told them I’d look into it.”

“See, I told you there was something here!”

“I’m not going that far. It’s possible this kid is innocent, but all they have is how they feel about him. Mothers are usually the last to know what their kids are really like.”

“Yes, but Colonel Keene agrees.”

“Sure. That and your support of this is a big reason I decided to look into it. I sympathize with Naziah, but I’m not sure the faith a grieving mother has in her son is enough evidence of anything.”

“But you believe them.”

“Like I said, maybe. I’ll look into it and see what I can see. I didn’t promise anything beyond that.”

“Great. That’s all we can ask for.”

Taylor didn’t reply and looked out the window as they pulled out of the driveway and headed into a more built-up area near the freeway filled with restaurants and hotels.

Finally, Robles broke the silence

“The Colonel told me if you agreed he’d make some calls and get you access. I’m the new guy in the office, so I told him I wouldn’t be able to get shit. He was pretty confident he could get you in though. I’m gonna drop you at a motel and get you a room so you can get some rest while we work out the details.”

“Is the mother paying for...”

“No. Hell no. She offered, but I’m not that much of a dick. We didn’t want you to do this outta pocket though, so I threw in, the Colonel threw in, even some of the guys from the unit the kid’s dad served with. We’ve got enough to cover the bills while you look into it.”

“Thanks. While we’re talking about covering stuff, I had to leave my sidearm behind to get on the flight. I feel kinda naked without it.”

“I figured as much. I mentioned it to the Colonel before your plane landed. He is going to see about getting you some kind of authorization to carry while you work on this.”

“How much pull does this guy have? I mean, he’s a Colonel, but that doesn’t mean shit in the real world.”

“Remember he works at the Pentagon, and he’s good at his job. He has favors on top of favors. This guy has some real juice.”

“If you say so,” Taylor said, and let the conversation drop.

A minute later they were pulling into a budget motel parking lot on the side of the freeway.

“It’s not the Hilton, but...”

“It’ll do.”

Robles handed some cash to Taylor, who waved goodbye and headed inside.

After five minutes Taylor was pushing open the door to a single room at the end of a long, dank smelling hallway. Shutting and bolting the door, Taylor flopped on the hard, squeaky bed and closed his eyes, ignoring the cigarette burns in the bedspread of this supposedly non-smoking room.

He let himself drift off for a minute, his brain jumping from item to item, but didn’t fall asleep. Taylor hadn’t slept much in the last six months. Between his time in captivity and the events in Miami, there were too many ghosts floating just behind his eyelids. More often than not he would drift off to sleep around one A.M. as exhaustion overtook him, only to wake up screaming just before sunrise in a cold sweat.

Eventually, he settled on a pattern of quasi-meditating that one of the old Army guys that regularly made their way through Albert’s shop recommended. It wasn’t sleep, but it let him quiet his mind a bit and relax, if not rest. Sometimes he even fell asleep that way, although that didn’t happen often.

Taylor sat, drifting in and out for a while, and must have nodded off after a time, as the next thing he was aware of was a ringing phone jerking him awake. Wiping his eyes, he took a second to get his wits about him, momentary counting his blessings it was a phone waking him up and not a flashback.

“Yeah,” he said picking up the handset.

Robles’ voice came through the speaker, saying, “The Colonel came through. There is a meeting in two hours to brief agents who were just assigned to the case. You’ve got access, and they want to introduce you to the ASAC running the task force. I’m pulling up in two minutes. We need to hurry if we’re going to make it to Dallas before the meeting starts.”

“I’ll be out front,” Taylor said, hanging up the handset without waiting for a response.

Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, Taylor stood up and made his way to the bathroom, splashing some water on his face to help clear his head a bit. He had never even removed his shoes when he lay down, so Taylor only had to grab the small duffel he carried with him, and he was out the door, walking back down the grimy hotel hallway.

Dropping the keys on the front desk of the hotel without a word, Taylor breezed past the confused looking clerk, who had checked him in only hours before, and was walking out the front door of the roadside hotel.

The timing worked out, as Robles pulled up under the awning covering the front entryway just as Taylor exited the hotel, allowing him to slide into the SUV with little break of momentum. Moments later, they were tearing out of the parking lot and headed onto the freeway that would carry them into Dallas.

They rode in relative silence the whole way. Robles attempted to make conversation a time or two, but after a few monosyllabic replies he gave up. It had been small talk anyway. So, instead, the two men rode in silence.

They made good time until they reached the outskirts of the city, proper. It was hitting quitting time, and the roads were well clogged, slowing them to a crawl. They pulled into the parking garage assigned to the FBI building with only a few minutes to spare before their scheduled meeting.

Robles stopped at the front security desk, where a visitors badge with Taylor’s name was waiting for him. A short elevator ride later, a secretary was hustling the men into an office labeled “Special Agent in Charge, Fernando Ruiz.”

“Sir,” Robles said, stepping into the tastefully furnished office.

“Just in time, Trevor. Tony’s briefing is starting in five minutes, but I wanted a chance to meet Mr. Taylor first,” the man sitting behind the desk said.

He was an older Hispanic man in his late forties or early fifties with black hair on its way to gray in a slicked back, almost wet looking, style. He was wearing a crisp white shirt and a stylish dark blue silk tie. A suit jacket lay ignored, draped on the back of the chair the man had been sitting at a moment ago.

Reaching Taylor, he stuck out his hand and said, “I’m Fernando Ruiz.”

“Good to meet you,” Taylor replied.

“Trevor, why don’t you head on to join everyone else in the conference room? Let them know I’ll be there momentarily.”

“Yes, Sir,” Robles said, and left after a quick glance at Taylor.

“Thanks for allowing me in on the investigation,” Taylor said after a second of silence that hung between the two men.

“It’s not every day I get a call from both a Deputy Attorney General and an Army Brigadier General. When they asked for access for a special investigator, it’s pretty tough to say ‘no.’”

Taylor couldn’t help but think that when Robles said Colonel Keene had juice, he wasn’t kidding.

“Still, it’s appreciated.”

“My pleasure. I was wondering something, however. I took a look at the file we have on you and I saw nothing in it to suggest an investigative background.”

“I’m more of a subject matter expert,” Taylor replied.

“Yeah, I saw that, too. I’m happy to have you here with us, but I want to make it clear I do not want a repeat of that business in Miami.”

“I only did what was necessary to get the job done, Sir.”

“Humph. There’s a smuggling, white supremacist, gang leader who tells a story that suggests you went a little above what most people would consider ‘necessary.’”

Taylor hadn’t thought about Ronnie, the gang leader in question, since he walked out of the house the gang used as a headquarters six months ago. Taylor had applied what the military liked to call enhanced interrogation to Ronnie to get information that would help him track down a woman grabbed by Russian gangsters. Taylor didn’t have any qualms about what he had done then, and he had none now. A woman’s life was in danger, and Ronnie was the poster child for scumbags.

“They’re welcome to their opinions.”

“Well, let’s try and not leave bodies in the street. Okay?”

“I’ll do my best Sir.”

“Uh-huh. Ok, I’ll take you in to meet Tony, and get you up to speed. It’s been made crystal clear to me that I should offer you all the support you need, so if there’s something, please let me know.”

“Sure thing. Also, I had mentioned to Robles that I wasn’t licensed to carry in Texas and had to leave my weapon behind. I’d asked if there was some kind of dispensation to allow me to carry.” Taylor said.

“Tony will be able to take care of that for you.”


Ruiz led Taylor out of the office and down a hallway into a conference room with about fifteen people in it, all in suits, all looking exactly like you’d expect a room full of FBI agents to look. The room itself had a large table in it, with a monitor hung on the wall at one end of the room and was clearly the head of the table where the presentation would be given.

Taylor saw Robles talking to a couple of other agents at the opposite end of the room, but Ruiz directed him towards a man with blond hair cut very conservatively. It wasn’t quite a high and tight, and Taylor would have picked his background as law school rather than the military. Next to him was a woman who looked extremely serious, with dark brown hair knotted in a tight bun, wearing a dark pantsuit.

“Tony,” Ruiz said when they walked up, “this is John Taylor, the investigator I told you about. Taylor, this is Tony Dorset, the ASAC in charge of the task force. He’ll be your point of contact and will provide you with everything you need.”

“Nice to meet you,” Dorset said, in a way that suggested it was anything but.

“Well, I’ll get out of your hair and let you get started,” Ruiz said, excusing himself.

“Mr. Taylor, this is Special Agent Loretta Whitaker. She will be assigned to you for the duration of your investigation to assist you. Let her know if there is anything you need. Now if you will excuse me, I need to get started.”

“Sure,” Taylor said.

Taylor knew when he was being dismissed, and walked to one side of the room, to lean against a wall. Whitaker followed and stood some distance away. He hadn’t spoken to her yet, but it was hard to miss the dismissive look she had given him when she was introduced. He also couldn’t help but notice that she was the third person he had been passed to since he arrived in the building. The FBI was playing kick the can, and Taylor was apparently the can.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats,” Dorset said, standing behind the chair that sat at the head of the table. After a little rustling, everyone was either standing against the wall like Taylor or sitting at the conference table.

“By now, you’re all aware of the explosion at the National Guard Armory outside of Lubbock, but just in case you’ve missed it, here are the broad facts. Shortly after nine in the evening last Wednesday, the code of one Corporal Samar Abbas was entered into the security system, and all of the cameras and fence sensors were shut off moments later. Four minutes after the code was entered, there was an explosion. Technicians are still trying to put together the initial point of the blast, since this armory stored demolition charges, small arms and light vehicle ammunition, and a notable amount of fuel; all of which went up, didn’t leave much more than a crater.”

“We have as yet been unable to identify the remains of any of the soldiers stationed and signed into the armory at the time of the explosion, including Corporal Abbas. Until such time as we can confirm his status, we are operating under the assumption that he is alive and possibly planning additional attacks.”

Taylor was a little amazed at the way some of this was framed. Robles was correct when he said they had already made their determination, and the number of assumptions the FBI seemed to be making was startling. He raised his hand to make just that point, when a vice like grip pulled his arm down.

Looking over, Taylor saw the hand belonged to Agent Whitaker, who shook her head at him, making it clear there would be no questions.

“You each have your assignments. We need to tear apart this kid’s life, both in the military and out of it, and find him and anyone in his cell. Details of the case have been emailed to each of you. Please come see me if you have any questions. Let’s go find this kid.”

And like that, the briefing was over. Taylor started to make his way to Dorset, but once again Whitaker reached out to him, this time gripping onto his upper arm and directing him out the conference room door.

“I’m supposed to take you to see the scene,” she said once the door shut behind him.

“I wanted to speak to Agent Dorset about his briefing real quick,” Taylor said, pulling to a halt.

“Agent Dorset has a lot going on right now, dealing with real investigators. He doesn’t need to be dealing with tourists.”

“I seem to remember something Ruiz said about complete cooperation.”

“I’m taking you to the crime scene, that seems pretty cooperative.”

Taylor didn’t have any specifics to bring to Dorset’s attention yet, just his concerns that the FBI seemed incredibly sure of themselves that Samar was guilty, without much in the way of evidence. Thinking about Dorset’s attitude in their ten seconds of interaction, Taylor figured Dorset wouldn’t hear him out even if he did get Agent Whitaker to relent.

“Fine,” Taylor said, letting the matter drop. “Before we head out, he also mentioned you guys would be able to set me up with a sidearm and some kind of temporary carry license.”

Ruiz hadn’t actually said this, but it seemed close enough to Taylor. The FBI appeared to be all for making rash assumptions, after all.

“That’s a bad idea. The last thing we need you to do is get in a gunfight in the middle of downtown.”

While that example was specific enough to tell Taylor she had read his file, it didn’t deter him from getting armed. “Be that as it may, your boss’s boss seemed to think it’d be ok.”

“Fine,” she said, sounding annoyed. “Follow me.”

Taylor followed Whitaker down the hall and into an elevator, where she hit the button for the basement. Muzak played in the background as they avoided conversation and eye contact. Usually the silence wouldn’t have bothered him, since that’s how he liked it anyway. It was hard to miss the hostility coming from the woman, which did bug Taylor a bit. He understood it was probably because he was an outsider and every organization is wary of interlopers, but it was hard not to take it personally.

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The day had started like the previous few days. Janice was quietly singing to herself totally unaware of everything that had happened to her over the last few days. She was happy someone and she could not remember who had told her that to day was going to be a big day. David her son left the house and she was about to lock the door as she usually did but something told her to leave it unlocked. She walked through into the front room and stopped, she could not move, Janice tried to pick her...

2 years ago
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Ghost in the MachineChapter 8

“I got your message,” River says as he plows through the door to the lab. “What’s going ... on... ?” He grinds to a halt, eyes darting around the lab. Equipment, breakers, computers, papers are tossed all around the place. The only thing that doesn’t appear to be damaged is Aphrodite. As River slowly walks toward the large machine—which is prominently built into the wall—and through the jumbled mess, his eyes catch sight of Pandora. Quickly, River cuts over to the android. He drops to his...

3 years ago
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The Stepford Slayers

Buffy had gone looking for a new Slayer Willow's spells had tracked down. The woman hadn't been interested in joining them which wasn't really a problem. But her friends were surprised when Buffy had decided to retire there and found a new boyfriend. So the Scoobies were heading for the small town of Stepford. The door opened and Giles, Willow, Kennedy, and Xander jaws dropped. Buffy was the one answering the door. She was dressed in a flowing flowery dress, pearls and matching pumps. Her hair...

2 years ago
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I Seem To Always Do the Wrong Thing3

Openly crying and whimpering I said 'don't fuck me Bruce'. Bruce looked at me and said 'that's just what I'm going to do, my dick is already in your tight ass cunt and I'm going to breed this ass once more before I let you go'. In one quick move Bruce raised up and pushed my knees back to my shoulders, lifting my butt into the air and sinking his rock hard cock shaft deeper into my rectum. I whined 'nnnnoooo, I'm to sore, please stop you are hurting me'. Bruce replied 'you need to be fucked...

1 year ago
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A Deal

For a long time Ijah sits on the end of the small steel framed bed and gazes bewitched at the white boy. The boys naked chest gently rises and falls. Asleep he is even more beautiful, if that is possible, then when he is awake. Every fiber of Ijah being is telling him that what Achmed and he are about to do is wrong, to harm this c***d who’s only crime is passion, simply, because their religion does not allow two males to consummate their love.Ijah pulls the coarse blanket down to reveal the...

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mum and me pt3

after a few weeks of touching each other,we got more involved mum would dress in nice underwear when dad went to work,and put on her elasticated trousers over them which would be easy for me to remove,and a top,so the first image i would get is a middle aged mum/housewife,going around her normal chores,i would usually be in my shorts or tracky bottoms,i would watch her from behind as she washed the dishes at the kitchen sink and then go up behind her kiss the back of her neck and put my hands...

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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 31

The next day, John’s mom, Rita, parked her car in his condo parking lot. She announced herself at the speaker and he buzzed her inside. She knocked at the door and his eyes grew wide at what she was wearing. “Wow Mom, you look fantastic!” He offered, closing the door. “You like it? I wore it just for you and Jackie. Your dad hasn’t even seen it on me,” she smiled, turning in a circle to model it for him. The light blue dress had a plunging neckline that easily revealed the inner halves of...

1 year ago
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Diversion Part 3

This part has no sex! Please please stay with me! It’s building up to something good! I promise! I check into The Hotel on Collins Ave and jump in the shower. I washed quickly and wrapped my towel around me. I lay on the bed and turn my phone on for the first time since I began this journey. My phone buzzed, I don’t even want to know what it says but I check anyways. Three voicemails all from mom asking where I was. Two texts from dad and one from my brother asking the same thing. A couple...

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my night of terror and pleasure

To begin with, I had my son when I was 15.I am 32 and he is 18 We were always very close as a single mom I was over protective of him. In any case, he'd seen me nude many times. Plus shared my bed on stormy nights. Our state allows you to set up two or more campsites but someone has to be there over night so my son and I drove out there and pitched camp. We had some beers and I made campfire supper. We went to the lake to check things out I am 32 and he is 18I love to skinny dip and after...

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Hot Piss

I met up with my sisters in the summer of 2010, at an apartment downtown where Leslee lived. As my oldest sister, she had invited everyone down to her place. This would be the first time the four of us were all together in eight years. Leslee was 32 and a martial arts instructor. She taught Aikijutsu, had a small and exclusive class, and made good money doing it. Marion was 31 and was a professional dancer. She was getting into teaching modern dance since she was getting a bit older and never...

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my new friend

After I shot my load he said I should go home and come back tomorrow. I said ok and stood up. My legs were like a new born calfs, they wobbled as I headed home. I went in stripped and took my shower. For the first time, when I got out the shower I wasn't hard. I laid in bed thinking about what just happened. Thinking I can't believe I not only let an other guy see my dick, I let him touch it. I climbed under the sheets and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up from a very eventful dream. My...

3 years ago
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The BachChapter 5

“Happy, happy, happy,” I thought as I drifted in and out of sleep on the Sunday morning of my holiday, wondering if I should get out of bed yet. I felt wonderfully relaxed as Mum had come to my room last night and we’d fucked and played for nearly two hours before she had wearily made her way back to her bed. However it was the thought of what had happened yesterday during and after our walk that had my morning erection aching away as well as what I’d got up to last night ... actually I’d...

1 year ago
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MILFSugarBabes Sophia Bella 26161

God, I’m so tired of staying in this puny guesthouse. Our house flooded, so now my husband and I are staying with his parents. I appreciate it and all, but I’m really getting tired of living this cramped lifestyle. And it doesn’t help that my husband’s not getting many jobs these days, so who knows how long it will be. Good thing my “job” is paying me good money. I’m actually going to meet my “job” today to work for a little extra cash. Big...

4 years ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 7

"Well, well," my former boss Mr. Bradford said as I walked into his office. "It is so nice to see you Kali."Mr. Bradford was about six feet tall. He has salt and pepper hair. He dressed nice and was in pretty good shape. I would say he was an attractive man. I took off my coat and stood there so he could get a good look at me. I was wearing a short tight black skirt and a really tight top that stretched when I buttoned it leaving big enough gaps to see my boobs. No bra. No panties. Mr....

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Cecelia Taylor Curiosity Pleases The Pussy

Believing that you have the house for yourself, you decide to fool around in the living room. Unbeknownst to you, your daughter’s beautiful blonde friend is also in the house. You’re happily jerking off your big black cock on the couch when Cecelia Taylor suddenly appears in front of you. The skinny blonde just broke up with her man, so she stayed the night with your daughter. Seeing your big cock made the naughty cutie feel hot and horny. Cecelia convinces you to show her your BBC...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 37 Bat Out of Hell

Little Beaver Restaurant, Komoka 5:48pm, Saturday, March 3, 1979 “Dang, Paul,” Jennifer excitedly said as we sat down in this little country diner-like restaurant. “You made your new eight-string bass...” When Jennifer paused to find the appropriate word, Paul’s girlfriend chimed in with, “Thunder!” “Thunder is good,” Jennifer replied, “but I was thinking more along the lines of, Scream. You know, like a Harley rising up from hell, or something.” Jennifer’s words lit a fire within me...

1 year ago
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Blackjack three girls and me

My wife Anna and I went on vacation to Ft. Lauderdale with her two friends Carolyn and Jenni. We were all 28 years old except Carolyn who was 27. We landed and went to our condo and decided to go to the beach and just relax. I went to the grocery store later in the afternoon to pick up groceries and some beer, wine and alcohol. When I came back the girls said they wanted to stay in that night and just play some cards and relax. After we ate dinner we sat down to play some gin even though I...

Group Sex
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The Perfect Man

Jason. He is the perfect man to so many of us. 6'5" and 230 lbs. He looks rough because he is. But he is also charming and funny. He is intelligent and well educated which led to him creating several very successful businesses that have made him relatively wealthy and influential. He was well aware of his charm and would often use this to get whatever or whoever he wanted. this charismatic nature led to admiration from men and desire from women. It would be naive to ignore the obvious. Jason...

2 years ago
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The Little Ones The Road Is Long

AUTHOR'S NOTES: this is a continuation of my article 'little ones-first steps' which was recently published here on FM. The people, places, and events are all real, and I am involved with this family as part of a research project I'm working for. You really need to read my first installment before reading this update! In this update, I've decide to introduce two of Helena's sisters, and how they fit into the picture. While I was planning not to do another update on this family until...

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Cousin8217s Wife Became Mine Part 8211 2

When Seema called me to accompany her on the bed. I readily agreed and went near my bed and lied next to her. She lied facing me and we talked about my gym and nutrition etc. She made a remark that my music collection seems pretty impressive as I had all the songs of Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, and MJ. She said that she too was a big fan of Hendrix and MJ. We lied in that position and talked a lot but suddenly there was a lot of silence between us. I was looking straight into her beautiful eyes...

2 years ago
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Work Pleasure Part 1

So this is part one of a new story I wanted to write, I like slow intros and lots of detail, as you'll know if you've read my others. Part 2 will be a lot hotter, but hopefully you enjoy the "scene setting" too, it's certainly not tame!-----------------------------------------------------A few months ago I had moved to a new town to help out a struggling branch of the company I work for. It was nothing special, but as a young single guy I was always picked for these trips due to my lack of...

4 years ago
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Peeping TomChapter 4

Friday. It had been a very busy week. I had finally gotten the last of my new furniture delivered. Liking the way my living room now looked, the soft leather couch, chairs ... along with a deep mahogany coffee table and end tables. Something I had always wanted, but up until now, had never had. Karen had insisted on what I termed as scratchy floral printed couches and chairs after we had gotten married, and I had hated them. Now I had what I wanted as I stood there admiring my new digs. And...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kimmy Kimm Fucking The Sitter

Kimmy Kimm was heading to Tyler’s house for a sitting job. He was in a hurry to rush out. As soon as he left she called her boyfriend for some phone sex, undressed and got a tiny vibrator. Her boyfriend’s voice was making her horny. Tyler forgot something and walked into naked Kimmy. He was about to fire her but she convinced him, if he would help to get the hornyness out of her system she could be the best sitter ever. That was convincing. She started to suck his dick, then he gave...

1 year ago
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Nothing Better

Just like every morning these days, I'm woken by the cat running across my stomach. Usually not uncomfortable, but with the baby getting bigger these days, it causes him to wiggle at the sudden impact. Opening my eyes, I push her off the bed, then reach over to my nightstand to check the time on my phone. Through my sleep fog, I see the clock reads 8:30 am. Half an hour before my alarm, but I know there's no getting back to sleep at this point. I hoist myself out of bed to pee and return to...

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jailhouse lesbians

I trembled with anticipation as I removed my shirt and pants and then my bra and panties which I stuffed under my blanket in the cell I shared with Kya. I was both nervous and excited. I didn't want to make the wrong move by saying or doing anything that might turn her off, yet the burning desire I felt just had to be sated. As it was, I could already feel my clit throbbing with red hot need. My pussy was warm and moist.Calm down, I told myself, or you'll cum in your pants just from wanting...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 27

TITUS The sinking sun cast the sky in crimson, illuminating the thick fog of the marshlands in ethereal red, the helms of the Highland army barely glinting through the haze. I watched it through the silk fabric of my mask, the rest of my body submerged in a murky pool. Topographically, this part of the Highlands was not part of the ‘high lands,’ for it was flat marsh without so much as a tree stump to raise the elevation. The border was drawn after the collapse of Alkandra to ensure that no...

4 years ago
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This tale is pure fiction. The characters are based on real people, but the rest is total bunkum, but harmless bunkum that helped turn me on when younger and may inspire younger readers as well. Just after asking my wife to marry me one evening when we were on our own she said to me that before she could marry me there was a confession she had to make and that if I waited a few minutes all would be revealed. As I waited in the lounge if her parent ,s house in east London I wondered what secret...

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