Rachael meets her match
- 3 years ago
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Doc came for breakfast the morning after the confrontation with the drunk, telling everyone that he was there to take me to the DMV to get my motorcycle endorsement. It was while we were eating that DeDe came to me and asked, "Sal, we're short a right seat or first officer for a charter to Chicago and back. Could you help us out?"
I looked at Doc then back at DeDe, "What time is it scheduled for, and you know I don't have my Airline Transport Pilot ticket yet. It's coming in about three or four years, depending on my hours."
"You're fine for the co-pilot with your commercial license, and the flight will be leaving here at eleven. You still have time to go get your motorcycle thing done. Besides, you'll like this one as John is going to be the Captain."
"Okay, I'll be there for the preflight by ten."
Doc said, "How about that, from two wheels to jets all in the same day. You're pretty busy for being on vacation."
"DeDe knows that I don't have to be in my office, so is using me to make up for all of the free instruction I've had," I told Doc, as we sipped some coffee. "Steve and Chuck have a small fortune invested in me learning how to fly everything we have. Now they're talking about me learning to fly helicopters. I think that's going to be a lot more difficult. Time will tell, though."
Doc told me, "Well, I think we should be at the door when they open this morning so that we don't have to wait in a long line. Let's ride down there and get this done."
We rode our motorcycles to the DMV office, and were about third and fourth at the door. We had to wait fifteen minutes before they opened, but when they did, Doc presented the papers that he had given me the safety class and I handed them the certification from the written on-line test. All I had to do was pay the fee for the new driver's license with the endorsement, and that was expected.
When we walked out of the DMV, Doc shook my hand and told me, "I had a lot of fun teaching you, Sal. You'll be a good rider. Keep all the safety features I taught you in mind and ride safe. Go by the insurance office and show them your safety course stuff and endorsement. You'll get a reduction in premium on the bikes. I'm sure I'll be seeing you at Jonah's."
"Hey, Doc, you know you're always welcome out at our place. Bring your lady and come out. I think the guys and their ladies go riding most Friday nights, so come on out."
"Thanks, Sal; I have gone with them before and will again."
Doc put his helmet on and rode from the lot. I put mine on and rode to the insurance office. The clerk copied my information and told me I would soon be getting a refund.
Well, that was that. Now I needed to go home to change clothes and go flying.
We were flying a Gulfstream G-550 with six passengers and two hostesses. This flight had all of the appearances of being a show for someone. The passengers were going to be served a gourmet meal for lunch, even though the flight was only going to be around two and a half-hours long. We could have a headwind, of course, and we could have to hold before landing, but still a two-hour flight with a gourmet meal?
John met me and we went over the aircraft. The inside had just been refurbished with a very luxurious interior and a larger galley area. The seating was in a luxury configuration that reduced the seating from a max of twelve, to a more comfortable eight or ten. There was a lot of wasted space but hey, some people like luxury and are willing to pay for it.
John, the two hostesses, and I were standing at the stairway when the passengers showed up. There were four men and two women. We quickly had them seated and buckled up. The hostesses were serving drinks while I pulled the stairway up and shut the door.
I slid into the right seat and buckled up as John handed me the checklist. We smoothly went through everything and were soon taxiing toward the runway. As we held at the departure end of the runway, waiting for another aircraft to land, John said, "These people are going to be moving around to get at the tables after takeoff. Check the weather again to make sure we don't expect any turbulence."
The weather was good all the way, with a slight headwind at our assigned altitude. The jet stream was slipping south and lower, but there were no reported shears in it and it wasn't that fast. I did all of the co-pilot stuff and John did all of top guy flying. We both had switches to flip, knobs to turn, and buttons to push.
Awesome aromas began drifting into the cockpit fifteen minutes after takeoff. John said, "It's a good thing that the door is closed or we'd be going to raid that lunch."
I told him, "You know this is the first flight with hostesses that I've been on where we weren't offered or given coffee."
"You're right, Sal. Go get us some coffee. If they didn't make any, make it and don't let them complain that you're taking up room in the galley."
The two hostesses were working furiously to prepare the lunch. I noticed that both were very uncomfortable. When they looked at me with an almost pleading stare, I asked, "What's up, Girls? You don't look very much like the friendly skies today."
The older of the two said, "I know CS&S doesn't do this, but those assholes think we're some kind of sexual entertainment. I don't know who they are, but I think you need to be in there when we serve or one of those jerks is going to eat a steak knife."
"Get the food ready and let me tell John."
I advised John that we could have a potential criminal problem if the girls were attacked. He agreed and said he would contact the charter office to get some information on the passengers and direction as to how to deal with them.
When the coffee was done, I took a cup to John and told him I was going to sit in the cabin to make sure the girls were left alone. I was shocked when I went into the cabin area. Two of the men had one of the passenger women nearly stripped and leaning over the seat sucking on one guy, while the other was standing, fucking her.
One of the men sitting noticed me and asked, "Want some of this? We could trade for some of your hostesses' pussy."
I told him, "The hostesses are here to serve you food and drinks and to make sure you're safe. They are not entertainment."
The two men sitting looked at each other with a 'we'll see' look and went back to fondling the other girl and watching the show in front of them.
I turned when one of the hostesses poked my shoulder. She said, "The food's ready. Do you think you can get them to sit?"
I made the announcement; "Your luncheon is ready, so if you could finish up and take your seats, the hostesses will serve you. May I make the suggestion the young lady straighten her clothing."
Man, these people were not my style. The guys buckled up and zipped up, while the girl pulled her dress up to cover her top. She ran her hand up between her legs while she adjusted her skirt, and came out with a gooey hand. She licked it and offered it to the other girl who gave it a lick. I was about to direct her to the lavatory to wash her hands, but she just licked them off and used one of the drink napkins to dry her hands.
I told the girls to serve and watched as they did a good job of avoiding grabby hands. The meal went okay and fairly fast. The girls cleared the tables and offered coffee, but the passengers only wanted more booze. I told the hostesses to secure everything in the galley before serving drinks and to pour the coffee out, as we might be able to find some turbulence.
I picked John's cup up and gave it to the hostesses, telling them to tell us when they were buckled in.
When I got back in the right seat, I told John what I was thinking. While I searched for the inversion under the jet stream, John called to change our flight plan. We began lowering our altitude and John announced over the intercom, "Folks, we are approaching some severe turbulence and it would be a good idea to buckle up tight and hold on to whatever you may be drinking. Please remain seated and buckle up."
We found the shear all right. We bounced like a dribbling basketball for the last half-hour flying into Chicago. Fortunately, none of the passengers got sick, but they were all pale when we helped them off the aircraft. One of the men even thanked us for getting us there in one piece. John asked if we were to wait to fly them home and the man answered, "No, we'll stay a few days. We might just go back commercial. Thank you anyway."
No sweat off our backs, as we were going to be paid for the roundtrip anyway.
The two hostesses hugged John when the passengers were gone, and thanked him for getting them out of a jam. He said, "Don't thank me, thank Sal. He's the one who made the suggestion to find some rough skies. All I did was follow directions."
I received the attention of the two girls, as they said, "Maybe we could entertain you two in the cabin the way those guys wanted."
With a laugh, I said, "Considering my family at home, I think I'm well taken care of at this time." That got me another hug for being honest about my family status. The senior hostess said, "Come sit at the tables and we'll have our lunch before we go home. We shorted them enough food to feed us. It smells delicious."
John had left the Auxiliary Power Unit on, so the girls had power to make us some coffee that we enjoyed after the delicious meal. John used his cell phone to call home when we were done to tell the charter office that we were deadheading back.
John told me to get into the left seat so he could goof off on the way home. I knew better, but buckled up in the Captain's position. We were soon flying home at a high smooth altitude. The hostesses had time to clean everything up and put the dishes in the service carts. With the cabin and galley clean, John and the girls chatted in the cabin while I drove us home.
We checked in at the charter desk and I turned my jacket, shirt, and tie in. I was going to have to get more pants to keep in my locker. The charter service kept clean starched shirts, the jacket, and hat cleaned and in the locker. All I had to do was keep pants, socks, and shoes to be ready.
No one was home when I got there, so I went to the patio and found Steve playing with my boys. He and Mercy were on the floor with them, making noises and tickling them. I watched them, knowing how much they must have enjoyed all the babies they had. When I got down with them, Steve said, "Heard you flew a charter that turned out to be one for some of our local goons. According to DeDe, you were able to keep them quiet by finding some bad weather. Good thinking, Sal."
As we played, Steve commented, "I also heard you finished your motorcycle license endorsement. Go put some jeans on and we'll do a little run after supper. Hap said we were supposed to go over to a party in St. Pete, so make sure the women who want to go with you are ready and dressed for the rowdies. If you don't take your sidecar, other women can ride behind Sandy, Mandy, or Stormy. We always have an extra seat or two."
I changed into some jeans and pulled a heavy denim jacket from the closet. I was going to have to make a trip to the Salvation Army or Goodwill store to find a leather jacket. I seriously doubted that I would need leather pants or chaps since I didn't think I'd want to ride in the cold. A horse at five to ten miles an hour is one thing, but a motorcycle at over sixty is cold, brrrr.
I noticed a walkway from our steps back to a building behind the house when I went outside. Behind the house was what looked like a metal Quonset hut that was similar to Steve's. There were keys in the door, so I opened the big door and looked inside. The movement activated the overhead lights that showed a white interior and white floor with the S&S logo in the center. One wall had a workbench with electrical outlets all along the back. Wow, this was nice. I immediately pulled the motorcycle with sidecar back to the building and pushed it in backwards to make it easy to get out. I needed some cleaning materials, but other than that, this building was ready. I might want to get some tools so I could tighten all of those nuts that might work loose. I kept thinking of things until I decided that I would check with Steve to see what I needed.
I knew the twins had bicycles and Garth might have one too. I wonder where they are. They will have to get them and store them in the new shed.
I locked my new shop up, put a key on my key ring, and hung the rest of the keys on the pegs by the door where all the vehicle keys were kept. The ladies didn't use their cars that much, since they used carts most of the time. Even the gym and grocery store trips were done in carts, and usually together. I had seen the five women go over to the Quality Wear building together many mornings. We might have too many carts now that they lived together, as well as worked at the same location.
I found Steve at the bar when I went into the patio and walked over to him. "Thanks for the great shop shed, Steve. That place is incredible. The lights even came on automatically when I went in. What a great place to keep my motorcycles."
"Glad you like it, Sal. I wish there was more I could do for you, considering you've given us some gifts that keep on giving and will keep giving for a long while."
"You don't need to give me anything, Steve. You've been a great friend, in addition to being a great boss. I actually don't think of you as a boss, but as a leader. You lead all of us to be better and to make the companies better. One thing, though, I need some tools, oils, and cleaning things, and I could use some suggestions. I'll make a Walmart and auto parts store run tomorrow to pickup what I need. I need a couple of those oil pads you keep under your bikes too. The floor is sealed, but I would hate to get oil on that beautiful floor."
Steve laughed, "You should see how dirty they get the floors at work every day, but the floors are all cleaned up again when the day is done, waiting for us the next day. It's like your desk at work. You straighten it and have your work laid out each night. You're ready to go to work when you come in."
I was having a beer when I heard a bike roar up outside and stop. Chuck and Mercy came in dressed ready to ride. Another bike came up a few minutes later, and Hap walked in with his lady. It became a procession as Stormy came, followed by others.
As we were all eating wings, barbecued ribs, chicken, and some hot tenders, Tiny took the microphone and told everyone there. "We don't have a big gathering tonight, and we didn't plan one, but it's Friday and all of us are ready for the weekend. I want to announce that I'm heading out early in the morning to go fishing. As many, up to twenty, who want to come along are welcome. We'd have to get another boat after that. The other thing is that the air charter service passed a milestone this week, chartering our two hundred thousandth aircraft. We do cheat a little because we have rentals for instruction, but that is still one hell of a big number. Steve now wants to say something."
Steve took the microphone and began, "We made two more big deals for our drone and the new weapon system this week. I'm telling you this as the dollar amounts this week are almost double what they were when we sold to the first two big companies. You know how that was going to affect you as we blew the roof off out here. We're just going to gloat that the company just made a bunch of money and we had hardly any costs involved this time. Let's hear it for our R&D department that includes Sal's programmers."
Everyone applauded as I wondered how much the contracts must be for. If they did over a billion before, how much was this one going to be worth? That's incredible.
Rita snuggled up to me and said, "I'm not going riding with you tonight, but I want to tell you that I have a reward for you when you get home. I heard Steve arguing with the others about giving you a bonus, but the others thought you might disappear on them if they were to give you more. I spoke up and told them that you were more interested in everyone being successful, not just you. You're still going to get something, but I have no idea what Steve will do. You know you did well, though, don't you?"
As we stood there listening, Rita said, "Suki isn't going tonight either, but Marilyn is, and possibly Janet. I don't think Jenny is into motorcycles unless you take the sidecar."
"I'll learn to drive that thing, and next time, or during this next week, I'll start taking all of you for rides. I'm learning to ride, so just tell them to be patient."
"You're doing great, Sal. You've worked at learning and you're a good rider, according to Charlie. Just stay safe."
Charlie and Hank began getting people ready to ride after everyone had eaten. Charlie told me that the rides over the years had gone from just Steve and him, to now over twenty bikes and often more. It was inevitable that the riders would be revving their motors when all the bikes were running, listening to the pure Harley sound of the exhausts. When I brought my bike to the group, Marilyn, wearing a helmet climbed on behind me, and I saw Janet get on behind Sandy. The surprise was Jenny getting on behind Mandy just before we left.
I didn't want to ride in the pack and preferred to ride near the back, so I found a place that was good and moved along watching those ahead of me as I had been taught. Hap and Charlie were leading everyone, and Steve was back near me. While riding to Jonah's he was riding his fancy bike with the sexy images within the flames, with his sexy woman, Sue, behind him. In a loud voice, he told me, "We're only going to be here for a few minutes, so if you want a beer, share it with Marilyn. We have one more stop before we go to the party in St. Pete."
While Marilyn got us a beer to sip, Millie found me and we had a good time with her woman-handling me as if I was a toy. She kept telling me that her mother would love to play with a cute little Texan. If her mother was anything like Millie, I wanted to meet her. If for nothing else, she would become some fantasy material.
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Incest"Hey, Mitch?" I heard him call."Yes, Brad?""I'm expecting my girlfriend here soon, so you could you put on some clothes? She probably won't like seeing my roommate in just his boxers in the living room."I slapped my forehead slightly. "Fine," I groaned, getting up. "What the hell are you doing in there, you are the dude on this date remember? What is taking you so long?" I questioned, ambling to the bathroom."Manscaping, whiny ass.""Dude, couldn't you at least close the door if you are gonna do...
CheatingThe Heir to the Throne. (A White Glove Society Story) By ninja5Chapter 1. The Next Generation.Hugo lay on the bed above the sheets next to Hera. Hera wore a black satin singlet and lace black panties. Her figure was perfect and her face had her mother’s Asian beauty mixed with her father’s pure Italian genes. She had her mother’s hair and her father’s dark brown eyes. Hugo was naked above the sheets scanning over the projected windows on his phone. The smart phone had come a long way...
Janie woke with a yawn and a stretch the next morning. The other girls were still sleeping. She quietly made her way to the shower room and stood under the steaming stream. He hair dripped shampoo onto her shoulders and perky little breasts. The suds ran down her body in several soapy trails, meeting at the smooth shaven vee between her legs.She hummed an old country song that stuck in her head. She rubbed her hands over her body as she thought about the previous evening. She still couldn’t...
IncestI stripped the covers to expose her entire body. For a woman of 37, she still had a narrow waist, nice breasts, and the hint of a little hair above her pussy. "Stef, lie back like mom is doing? I'd like to see you side-by-side?" I asked. She took off her socks and then did as I asked. I heard her giggle as she did. I just looked them over for a while like comparing an original work of art to a fantastic duplicate. "What is it honey?" mom asked. "Except for your breasts being bigger...
Dee Williams and Erica Lauren haven’t seen each other in a long time. The girls are catching up on what’s new with their lives. Erica can’t emphasize enough about how great her new life is, being a newlywed. However, there is one small problem: Erica is worried about her step-son, Justin Hunt. All he does is play video games and she’s never seen him with a girl. When Dee proposes that she brings her stepson to her massage parlor, Erica is reluctant. She’s heard...
xmoviesforyouWhen I came back, Santhosh saw me coming out of his room and he told me, “Anni, I saw you have left your bra on the bed itself. I thought of giving it to you but I forgot. So can you take it Anni?” He said it with a mischievous smile on his face, knowing fully that if I saw it, I would definitely come to know about his ‘thick, white fluid’ on my bra. I was really surprised by his act. Was he such a pervert to blatantly admit his masturbating on my bra? I was really taken aback by his...
IncestKelly and Katieby Denise CThere were two very different ideas of Kelly. To her friends and family, she just about perfect. Kelly was possibly the most beautiful girl on the entire campus of 20,000 students. Thick black hair flowed to her shoulders. Her body was perfect with not a bit of excess fat, a perfect ass, and B/C tits that seemed to defy gravity. Slightly olive skin gave her the appearance of being something exotic. Kelly had just finished her freshman year having rushed the most...
Mae put down her steaming hot chocolate and got up to answer the door. She was a little slower than normal and winced slightly at the dull pain in her hip. She was no spring chicken anymore and age was slowly becoming more of a problem to her. She tried to put more of a spring in her step as she walked to the front door, feeling that the more motion she put in her walk, the better it would feel. Like so many things in her more recent life, it was a case of ‘fake it till you make it’. Recent...
I had been seeing Master John for about a year now and thing’s were going well, or so I thought. I arrived at his home like any other weekend in the outfit he wanted me to wear for my punishment. He would always choose the week before and I knew that there was no argument whatever he wanted he got. I hoped that I had got everything just right for him. Anything slightly out of place or wrong I full well knew that I would be punished severely. This particular weekend he had chosen for me to...
Alice’s Crime and Punishment Synopsis After losing her temper, Alice is sentenced to a whipping for assault. Her father, the local vicar, disgusted with her behaviour, ensures she has the harshest treatment and a lengthy work rehab programme in a subject she won’t like.Alice’s Crime and Punishment by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking Punishment If you are underage or offended by such...
1:17 PM, biking up a driveway at Cider Junction (4 hours, 11 minutes to path closing) Mark turned the final corner on the long driveway and his old house was visible two hundred meters ahead. A few minutes later his team checked in with Tal, Kahoku, and Anuhea, and learned they were the first team back. Mark was more than a little worried, there was a decent safety margin built into the schedule, but it just seemed ominous that both other away teams were not back with only ten minutes to go....
"Alright, I understand", you say to your parents on the phone. They are stuck at the airport, on Christmas eve none the less! And by the sound of it, it looks like they won't be home until the day after Christmas. You sit on your couch in your pajamas. The air is cold in your house, but your lit fireplace is making concentrated warmth. You stare at the cookies and milk on a plate near the fireplace. Even though you know Santa isn't real, you always put them out on Christmas for the spirit of...
MILFThe men grabbed Colin roughly by the arms and drug him to his feet. Pain shot through his back and legs and he subdued a cry of rage and agony, refusing to give the English brutes the privilege of knowing his state of torture. They drug him across the rough floor, jagged edges of stone biting at him, tossing him to the floor of his darkened cell. He grunted as his knees hit the hard, bloodstained, and mucky floor. He could feel them grabbing his right arm, stretching it out and putting his hand...
Delicious DessertHis mates from work were coming round; they did occasionally, just their way of winding down after a hard week; a meal, a few beers and inevitably, a lot of flirting. I liked them all, well all three of them – Nick, Si and Andy; all very different but a great laugh when they were out together.Tonight was no different; I was cooking them a meal and they would arrive around 7:30, probably having already been down the pub for a couple of swift ones! No doubt they would be a little...
This is the second installment of 'Naughty Grandpa' Nearly a year had past since Patty and I saw her grandc***dren Sara and Becky. No one was the wiser that I fucked little Becky during her stay here. Whenever I fucked Patty, (And those were few and far between) I that about that little girl. Her small tits, tight bald pussy, and how good ole grandpa took her virginity. Heh heh heh. Patty was even surprised how long my dick would remain hard when I fucked her.I think she had her suspicions that...
After his wife had walked in and found him with his tongue up the French maid's cunt, John Richards had been ashamed and contrite. Since the maid was at the point of coming, it seemed pointless to interrupt such a tasty feast and he had carried on, gulping down her cum cream. But as soon as he was finished, he had gone in search of Valerie to apologize and ask her forgiveness. But Valerie and their daughter were gone. John checked her closet and finding that only rough-country clothes were...
*Well just a start Kat is 5'1"97lbs a small petite blonde with a little bit of butt and small breasts at 32B, green eyes and not super full lips but yet DSL lips as she has been told. If want to see pics its http://www.flickr.com/photos/katrinasears/ _ Having started a new job Kat agrees to meet some new work mates for a few drinks at a local bar just a few blocks away. Leaving work in a small black dress that goes about 4 inches below the ass and a low cut V that shows what little cleavage she...
InterracialPaula sat back in the chair, and Neil pushed another glass of vodka into her hand with a grinning smile. "Get that drunk." He filled the glasses held by both of his friends and then flicked the switch on the television to put the live football match onto the screen. They had a direct feed from the pub downstairs and Neil put the empty bottle of the cheapest vodka available behind the chair. Paula tried to focus on him, but he was blurry and she found her head spinning. "I'm..." She...
Rhea Radford starts her FIRST GANGBANG off with a bang! Remember, today is her official birthday so we have to make her first gangbang EVER a very special one. Rhea is submissive and loves to be used. The cocksmen make sure to give her a sneak peek of what is in store for her later. Rico the honorary winner of GUESS THE V (because surprise! It’s also his birthday), passes his win to Solo. Once Solo goes to town on Rhea’s sweet pussy, each cocksman gets a turn. After taking it in mish for a few...
xmoviesforyouA few more nights of her initiation had passed before things started getting out of her control. She was the last remaining initiate, the others having dropped out early. At first she didn't even notice anything unusual happening to her. She didn't consider how the drugged dust was slowly affecting her judgment over the past few nights. How it loosened her morals steadily each and every time she was exposed to it. As with the other night's events, the Wiccan members dropped their...
Copyright 2011 by madengineer3 This is largely a true story. Names and locations have been changed, but the facts are correct. I hope that this father’s loss will warn others in similar circumstances. * My name is Henry, the last name doesn’t count. I have worked in industries that require applied physical sciences for most of my adult life. Don’t misjudge me, I am not an anti-people nerd. I married my college sweetheart over forty years ago, and our marriage is strong. That strength has...
Have you ever heard about r/pillowtalkaudio/? This is a very specific kind of subreddit, so I think that starting with a simple description is the best call. Pillow Talk Audio is a subreddit that is filled with a lot of audio recordings (obviously) that can be put under the pillow talk genre. Now, this all might be confusing as shit if you have no idea what pillow talk means. In the simplest way possible, pillow talk is an intimate conversation that is had in bed.In r/pillowtalkaudio/...
Reddit NSFW ListMY PEEPING BROTHER-IN-LAW My name is Adriana, and Im married to Sam, who is in the Navy. We are both 29 yrs.old, and, have been, married for 2 years. Sam has a much younger brother, Scott who is now 20. When we were first married, we lived in Portsmouth, which is about 50 miles from our family homes, where Sam was based. Scott would, occasionally visit, and spend a weekend with us. Because I am alone so much, in the flat, I dont close doors as much as most people. One Saturday night, when Sam...
My first meeting was with the rent collectors. I’d spent some time the night before going through the two sets of books I’d retrieved from Enders office. I was appalled by what I had found. When I compared the amounts, I guessed they had ripped off my grandfather over the years but their bank accounts would not show much of the money, which would have been spent or hidden. Going by the decor of the apartment, I could see where a lot of Higgins’ money went. Ender was a different story....
You invite me around for a bottle of wine. I arrive on time only to find the door ajar. I tentatively enter whilst calling your name. I hear your voice telling me you’re upstairs.I am excited already and find it a little difficult to navigate the stairs.I enter your bedroom to be greeted with the sight of you on the bed dressed only in stockings, heels and a blindfold. You say “I hope that’s you Mark” because you are unable to see me.You then say “Tie me up and tease me”. I notice the scarves...
Charity Jones here again returning to entertain you with more adventures of my misspent youth. My lat recounting detailed certain highpoints in my life as it transpired through the11th grade in my 16th year of life. I introduced you to the complete trinity of my closest friends, Faith and Hope. I also landed myself a highschool sweetheart by the name of Chet, who in turned out to be my personal cuckold. And of course the trials and tribulations of jut being a high school teen. The...
The final loading for the trip came on Sunday morning, and once again there were extra hands there to help with it; some would ride up to the river to help with the rigging and come back after dark. Karin was one of them, of course, but so were Bill and Michelle. It was a busy morning, a three ring-circus, and Scooter had to ride herd on everything. She'd done pieces of it before, but now it was in her lap. She thought about the story of Josh leaving for Alaska without the dogsleds again....
Affairs of Angels: Bruises on a Broken Heart A Christmas romance from Calibeachgirl Copyright December 2012 An entry in the 2012 Holiday Contest …edited by Bill, Deep Blue… * Kevin turned his head to the other side of the car wondering where the quiet tinkle of a glass wind chime was coming from. Unseen, the angel sat next to him watching the traffic which he had forgotten about, making sure the man who had once been her husband was safe. She reached across and kissed his cheek, something...
six young girls with next to nothing on and all of them flirting with me just so they could get into the club free the price for being a boucer . dad (my nick name )cant we at least get some free drink tokens ,then my wife voice rang out tell you wot girls show me your tits or ass and i will make sure you get afree drink ,they all new shell as my lady it was the black girl flicked her skirt to show her thong ,even shell could not help but pat it. off they went shot tokens waving and my wife...
SCENE opens on a shot of Paula, an 18-year-old girl, as she stares at herself in the bathroom mirror. From the mirror’s POV, we watch her. Her face is perfectly made up and she is wearing expensive lingerie … But something about her seems sad. Her face is stone cold and vacant. A minute of silence passes before she snaps out of it and takes something from her cabinet. She unwraps and drops two antacid tablets into a glass of water on the counter. The water fizzes. Cut back to a shot...