False Reality
- 4 years ago
- 29
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As it turned out, they couldn’t leave right away, much to Taylor’s annoyance. There weren’t enough deputies to interview the AC shop owner, search for Mullins and sit on their SUV until it could be towed, so the three of them had to wait for a tow truck to come for Whitaker’s SUV. When it finally showed up, Whitaker pulled all her possessions out and loaded them into a messenger bag.
“What are we going to do to get around?” Taylor said as she loaded up her things. “I mean, Wade here offered to drive us up to this farm or whatever, but if we don’t have Mullins I’m betting we can’t hunt him down sitting in our hotel.”
“We’ll figure out something. We can’t do anything if Dorset yanks us back to Dallas and shuts us down.”
“I guess,” Taylor said, unconvinced.
“I think I’ve got you folks covered, at least for a while,” Deputy Wade said. “The Sheriff’ll probably talk to me later tonight when I report in, but I’m betting he wants me to stick with you two until you sort out the business.”
“Thanks, Wade,” Taylor said. “That makes it easier.”
“Hey, I wanna get this guy as much as you guys do.”
Whitaker patted Wade on the arm and gave him a warm smile. Taylor couldn’t help but notice how much she’d mellowed since she’d committed to seeing this through.
“You fellas ready?” she said.
Wade opened the passenger door for Whitaker, who slid in, while Taylor hopped in the back of the car, looking at the other two through the mesh screen used to separate officers from suspects.
“So, what was your friend saying about you having been in Washington and transferring down here to follow some guy?” Taylor asked, unable to hold in his curiosity any more.
“Now’s not the time,” Whitaker said, giving a side glance at Wade.
“Don’t mind me,” He said, smiling, “I enjoy some good gossip.”
“Come on, Whitaker. We have time ‘till we get there. Admit it, you were following Dorset.”
“Fine,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Yes, I was following Dorset. He took me under his wing and was helping me. It’s tough being a woman in the Bureau, and it helps to have someone already in a supervisory role to have your back when you try and make the leap.”
“I don’t know, your friend made it sound more than that.”
“There wasn’t anything more than that. Drop it, ok?” She said.
Not even she believed her protests however, but she gave stern looks at each man to make sure they got the point.
“Hey, I get it,” the deputy said. “I originally joined up down in Houston cause they had this Sergeant there with curves that just wouldn’t quit, but she said she only dated cops. So I get it.”
“Why’d you leave Houston to come out here?”
“After a few years I realized a big force wasn’t for me. Lubbock has everything you’d find in a big city but still has that small town feel, at least with the locals.”
“See, you may have joined up to chase someone, but you ended up making the right choice for your career,” Whitaker said defensively.
“Well, she followed me here. It would have been weird to live across the state from each other after we got married.”
“You dog,” Taylor said, smiling and getting a chuckle from the deputy.
“I don’t think it will matter much, anyway,” Whitaker said. “Once he figures out what we’re doing, he’s going to write me off as a lost cause. He’s not one for people stepping out of line. Loyalty is a big thing with him.”
“Being loyal and being a ‘yes man,’ aren’t the same thing,” Taylor pointed out. “I’m surprised Whitaker, since we met, you struck me as confident and your own person. Not really the type to do things just to make other people happy.”
“People aren’t one thing, Taylor. Anyway, let’s drop it, ok?”
“Sure,” Taylor said, since he had what he wanted to know.
Not that it really mattered. He liked Whitaker and he knew she liked him, or at least she liked him now. But it was clear that neither of them saw any long term potential there. Which was fine with Taylor.
Any further conversation was moot anyway, as Sheriff Goodman’s voice came over the deputy’s radio.
“The Feds with you?” the Sheriff said when Wade answered.
“I’m here, Sheriff,” Whitaker said after the deputy handed her the mic.
“I’ve pulled the owner of that AC place in for questioning, along with his employees and had a deputy do a canvass. They are denying making any calls, and the businesses around his all say he hasn’t left. We have a request in for his phone records, but I called a gal I know and she peeked for me. His cell phone and the employee on duty here’s cell phone and both show no calls. We also checked on the calls to the shop and they all checked out as regular business. We’ve torn about the business looking for any other way he might have signaled someone when and where you were going to be, but we are coming up empty. We’re holding him for the time being, but so far I have nothing I can actually charge him with.”
“It had to be him or his employee, and considering the employee volunteered the ID on Mullins and a bunch of other info, my bet would be the owner,” Whitaker replied.
“I agree with you, but you know the drill. I can only hold him if I can actually charge him with something.”
“Did you find anything showing he might know of or be a part of a group called The American Liberation Party when you were looking around his shop?”
“Those people outside of town? No. Why?”
The deputy took the mic back and said, “We found a lot of material on them at Mullins’ place. We thought maybe he went out there to lay low.”
“Maybe, but no, we found nothing like that at the Brook’s shop. I tried to get a search warrant for his house too, but the judge shot me down. Said we didn’t have anything but a gut feeling.”
“We’re headed out to check those ALP people now, see if we can find Mullins.”
“Wade, you be careful. Those guys are dangerous. I’ll call the staties and see if they can spare anyone to back you up, but don’t count on it. I know they’re still spread thin, out working with the rest of the FBI near the armory.”
“We’ll be careful, boss. These guys are armed, so I’ve got some backup.”
“If you see him and don’t get spotted, back off until I can get people to you. Understand.”
“Sure thing.”
The Sheriff signed off and Whitaker turned to Wade, “The Sheriff makes me think we might be going in unprepared.”
“Maybe, but these guys haven’t actually ever done anything that we know of. It’d be tough to justify calling in a response team from the state troopers if they just said ‘he’s not here’ and sent us on the way. We’ll just have to be careful.”
The place they arrived at was more or less off by itself, and seemed more like a piece of farm land that was sold off to pay some bills than an actual farm. There was a wooded area to the one side of the house, an open field to the other, with a short dirt driveway leading up from the county road, past the house and around to the open field side of the house.
Wade pulled into the driveway and parked the car off to one side in the grass. He and Whitaker got out and opened the back door for Taylor, since it could only be opened from the outside.
“Is this a good idea, just walking up to the front door?” Taylor asked.
“Probably not,” Wade admitted, “but like I said, they haven’t done anything wrong yet. We don’t even have any evidence they’re harboring Mullins, that’s just a guess. We can’t just go kicking in people’s doors without a warrant, which we don’t have. Just keep your eyes open.”
The house itself was an older two story, narrow building that had been well taken care of. The front porch was surrounded by a white wooden railing, with cement steps leading up to it. The driveway they’d turned up curved past the front of the house and then curved around the field side of the house. Walking wide from the stairs, Taylor could see a white, wooden, detached garage about fifty feet away from the house, sort of diagonal from where he assumed the back door would be.
Taylor couldn’t see any movement by the garage, or anywhere else for that matter. It was quiet except for the sounds of insects and a distant dog.
“Maybe no one’s home,” Wade said.
“Our luck hasn’t been that good so far,” Taylor said. “Seriously, my gut says something’s off.”
“I get that, but like I said, until we have probable cause, our options are limited.”
“How about we back out and wait for the Sheriff to send some more guys,” Taylor suggested.
“We’re a small force and he’s chasing down leads with the AC company. Let’s just knock and see what they have to say.”
Taylor traded a glance with Whitaker, giving her a look. She clearly didn’t like it either, but she just shook her head. They were already operating in a gray area with the FBI, so they were short on options.
Whitaker followed behind the deputy, with Taylor a few steps behind them. Once up on the porch, the Deputy walked up to the door and knocked, standing off to one far side of the door as to not be directly in front of it.
Whitaker headed to the left of the porch to try and look in through the windows and Taylor put himself in between the two, also looking in through the windows, trying to catch a glimpse of something through the slits between the curtains.
Suddenly, Taylor heard a sound that sent an icy chill down his back. The distinct klak-klak of the bolt on an AK rifle being worked, loading a round in the chamber.
Taylor yelled, “DOWN!” and tackled Whitaker, sending them both through the side railing as the ripping sound of automatic gunfire pierced the air, joined by the popping sound of bullets impacting and penetrating through wood.
‘It seems they figured out how to modify this to be fully auto too,’ popped into Taylor’s head as he and Whitaker fell off the porch. In the fall, they had twisted and Whitaker landed on her side, half on top of Taylor. He was looking back up at the porch and saw the windows he and Whitaker had been standing by explode. Almost as soon as it started, the firing stopped. The standard AK only holds about thirty rounds and Taylor knew from experience that when they were fired on full auto instead of bursts, as this one had, they went through their ammo in three seconds.
Whitaker was already rising, pulling her weapon, and Taylor was following her up, although slower as the wind had been knocked out of him when she landed on top of him.
Towards the back of the house they could hear the sound of a door slamming open and a moment later a man came into view carrying an AK-47, making a break from the house towards the white garage.
“FBI. STOP. DROP THE WEAPON!” Whitaker yelled raising her weapon.
The man twisted but didn’t stop running, and instead started raising the rifle in their direction. Whitaker didn’t hesitate, and fired twice, her weapon making a pop-pop sound that echoed off the side of the house. Taylor could see both impacts on the mans’ chest, where a mist of blood exploded outward with each impact.
The man spun as he collapsed, with the front of his body slamming into the ground. His rifle was flung aside, skidding through the dirt, ending up several feet away.
Whitaker moved towards the man’s body, to check if he were still a threat, when the door of the garage exploded outwards, the familiar green truck sending chunks of wood scattering in all directions. She threw herself aside into the dirt to avoid being run over by the truck, which had made a small swerve to swipe at her. Luckily for Whitaker, she was close enough that the driver couldn’t continue trying to ram her without hitting the house as well. Instead, it whipped around the driveway, two men hanging onto the back with one hand, rifles in the other firing in the direction of Taylor and Whitaker.
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Whitaker looked at the file Taylor handed back, and waited. “And?” she said, when he didn’t say anything else. “And, ‘yes, ‘ you guys made a mistake.” “What exactly did we make a mistake on?” “When you jumped to the conclusion that this was terrorism related.” “Ohh, and you think someone blowing up a government building was, what, an accident?” “I don’t know why the building blew up, yet, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t of a terrorist origination.” “Let me guess, Islam is a religion of...
The drive to the campus took a lot longer than either Taylor or Whitaker expected. It wasn’t the campus itself that was the problem, the in-dash GPS took care of getting them on campus without much trouble. The problem was, the GPS didn’t know much beyond where the campus itself was, and they found no entry for the registration office, which was their next stop. Texas Tech isn’t a huge campus, but all the buildings looked similar, and the street signs weren’t helpful. Eventually they stopped...
As Whitaker and Taylor headed out of the hotel and toward the location, Whitaker was texted by the Deputy. There had been a lot of tense silence between them since they’d met, but Taylor could feel the anger coming off Whitaker. And yet, she hadn’t thrown in the towel completely. Taylor knew he’d been too dismissive of Whitaker from the beginning, but he wasn’t sure how to make any of them listen to reason. He promised himself he would try and go easier on her if at all possible. The hard...
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“A robbery?” Whitaker said, surprised. “Yep. The explosion was to hide any trace of it, most likely. And it’s not like you can go out and buy two-hundred pounds of C4. The inconsistent blast radius, plus the fact that multiple guys are involved in kidnapping Julie, all point to it, unless we go with the abduction being a coincidence.” “No, we don’t. But that doesn’t let Samar off the hook. He could have been in on the crew stealing the explosives.” “Sure, but then why kill Julie? What...
The packing didn’t take Taylor long, considering he had only the one duffle bag and he’d just thrown out one set of clothes he’d brought with him. Even with that, he was only a few steps behind Whitaker when they checked out and both were on the curb when yet another non-descript black SUV pulled up with a male agent Taylor hadn’t met, driving. He and Whitaker made a bit of small talk, but that quickly fell off. It seemed there was little secret being made of Whitaker being yanked home by...
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They took the SUV back to the Sheriff’s office and picked up Whitaker’s car. Even though the sun was already down, she drove them all the way back to Dallas. Neither of them spoke the entire trip. It felt like they were back to the first day they met, and Taylor didn’t care for it at all. This silence wasn’t like when Dorset had come down on her. That silence had been caused by concern that she’d made a mistake and thrown away everything she’d worked for, up to that point, away. It wasn’t...
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My Daughter's Roommate from Hell - Part 2 As I drove home that night, I looked in the rear view mirror. I had pink lipstick on my lips, black eye mascara on my eyes, and cum on my cheeks. I tried to lick off the cum with my tongue. I could not reach all of it, so I just left it on my face. I didn't care. Before I went to bed, I washed my pink thong in the sink and hung it up to dry, just as Sara instructed me to do. Exhausted, I quickly fell asleep. In the morning, I found...
I've done some pretty nasty things today, diary. The situation had gotten completelyout of hand, and one thing had led to another... I'm a reasonable man, usually,but there's only so much I can take before I snap. Today, I think, has beenproof enough of that. I don't know why I'm writing this down; if I'm caught,this is journal's going to be my passport to prison. I have to collect my thoughtssomehow, though. You can't write legibly if you're insane, can you? I could plead temporary insanity,...
The beginning of our date was centered around negotiations. ‘You know I didn’t intend to upset you, Sir.’ ‘I know you didn’t. But you did. It’s been a few days, I am not upset any longer, but you do understand that, per our agreement, there are consequences, don’t you?’ ‘Yes, Sir.’ ‘And ultimately, those consequences are rewards, aren’t they, dear?’ ‘Oh, yes, Sir. I do like it when you are very harsh with me.’ ‘I know you do. You are a good girl, after all.’ ‘Thank you, Sir.’ With that,...
I was in eighth grade football when I took a helmet to the back that hurt like hell. I sat out a few plays, but the pain went down enough I returned to finish the game. The next morning when I got out of bed and took my morning leak, I was amazed to see brown pee! I mentioned it at breakfast, and my mom called the doctor who said to come in immediately.We went to the doctor's office, and after I repeated the brown piss, he said that was blood in my urine and that I had a bruised k**ney. By...
I bought my girl friend about 100 panties and instructed her in the following method of wearing them. Her name is Mary and she and I lived 400 miles apart and saw each other at least two weekends a month. She loved men and love to suck and fuck dicks of all sizes and colors. She especially loved young dicks. We were in our fourties when we dated. Any way, I told her that if she fucked any one while I was gone, she had to wear a clean pair of panties to bed so soak up the cum ozzing out of...
Chatted with an older gentlemen on an adult website. He was jacking off on cam and was nearby. He had a nice looking cock and we agreed I would come over and suck him. His cock was average length but had a nice big head. He had big shaved balls. His balls were much bigger than mine. He asked me if I wanted to feel him and I did. He layed back on the bed with his legs over the side. I unbuttoned my pants to play with myself. I knelt down and took his cock in my mouth. It was nice and he got...
"Come on bitch, suck me!" Keelan demanded, using his knees to pin her down as he jerked on his cock in her face. For once, she refused, she kept her mouth tightly closed because of what they've done to her. Keelan looked up and did a gentle nod to Antonio, that suddenly turned his knife-like wand into an electric lightning bolt, and gently placed it on Nicole's chest. She was suddenly in major pain, it felt as if needles were puncturing every area of her body and electrocuting her, she...
I. Giant, multicolored sails litter the rolling turquoise waves of the Pacific. From this distance, they’re like flecks of paper mache swaying back and forth in the wind, waving little goodbyes as they drift farther and farther out. There’s a hard metallic clank as the hatch locks into place. “All set,” a twanging southern voice calls out. In the mirror, a slim shape in a tank top and a straw Stetson gives a thumbs-up, a radiant smile etched on a heart shaped face. Abigail has this weird...
HardcoreBeep beep beep... I woke to the sound of my dam alarm clock beeping that awful sound from across my room. It read 7:00. I feel so good this morning. I’m guessing an earth-shattering orgasm is just the ticket for a good night’s sleep I thought. I got out of bed and walked across the room. I slammed my fist down on the hated alarm clock. It’s Friday, the last day before our two week Christmas break. I then heard a soft knock at my door. I threw on a robe and went over to open it. Darcy stood...
Crash put the coolers on a tray to bring them to us. “I’ll carry them over for you, I’ll have a Bud or a Bud Lite if you have it,” the General replied. The General almost dropped the tray into the tub when he looked up from the tray at the edge of the tub. He did not expect to see us in the tub naked. “Um, oops, ah, I’m sorry, I think Crash set me up,” the General said. Ching Lee, Marcy and Jenny laughed so hard, they almost woke the boys up. “Crash, did you set the General up?” I...
The night was unusually quiet for this city. Working as a London escort I often had late nights and was used to walking home alone, but there was something strange about tonight; no groups of drunks stumbling about as usual, no tramps mumbling as I walked past. There was no traffic, and the only sound I could hear was the click of my high heeled shoes on the pavement. Something about the atmosphere had me on edge; the client I had seen earier was nice but dull - nothing creepy that would have...
EroticHe holds the door open for you like a gentleman, letting you and his girlfriend into their apartment. Soon, all pretenses are dropped as they are on either side of you, kissing you, running their hands over your body. His lips are thin, and his kisses aggressive. Her lips are plump and soft, and her kisses gentle and teasing. After alternating kissing each partner a few times, he pulls your face towards his while she moves down to your neck. She bites and sucks on your delicate flesh moving...
Joy and I sat down Sunday morning and talked about the night before and the events that happened with Barry and Marsha. Joy admitted that she had known both of them were bi. She also admitted she had wondered for ages about having sex with another woman. She didn’t know how I was feeling. I told her I had never considered sex with another guy but when pressed I admitted that it had been “interesting”. She laughed about the shocked look on my face when Barry pegged me while I was fucking his...
Allison glanced at Brianna as they took their seats overlooking the water. Brianna caught her and smiled widely. Allison returned the smile and went about preparing her lunch. The two friends had come to downtown Seattle to pick up the wedding gift Allison and Abigail had gotten Jack. They'd picked up the special photo album and were grabbing lunch at Ivar's on the waterfront before heading up to Pike Place Market to get fresh flowers and fruit for the wedding. "Do I get to look at the...
Hi playboy Hyderabad is back with new experience recently had and this experience is continuation to my old experience. First thank you to ISS and friends thank you for feedbacks. Any would like to contact me they mail me at Coming to experience recently had with two females at same time. Few days back I had good experience in my flat with new girl I met in online we enjoyed a lot whenever we got time we use to have fun. We are involved in all types of sex life. One day while we both are...
Hi frnz. . This my first story on iss. . If u like it please mail me at yeh story meri maa ( nellam) 42 years,mre bhen (neha)18 years, aur mre bare mai hai. . Mera naam nikita hai. . Mai 20 saal ki hoon. .Mera birth england mai hua tha. . Mre father england mai he job kar rahe hai 4 saal se. . Mai , maa aur neha hum kota rajasthan mai rehte hai. . Hum india mai hai, kyoki mre bhen ko iit karni hai. Mai b.cm kar rahe hoon kota se he. . Ab kahani chalu hoti hai. Hum ek p.g mai rehte hai aur...
Saucy brunette Anna Chambers has some serious daddy issues and can’t keep her hands off mom’s boyfriends. Latest stepdad Marcus London is supposed to be tutoring the nubile nymphet but is persuaded into X-rated classroom fun by the busty teen who has some serious blowjob skills, easily deepthroating daddy’s dick. Hot for cock, the busty Penthouse chick fingers herself while taking a hard pounding, moaning loudly as she rides her man in cowgirl and smiling as he spunks all over...