Finding Bathsheba Book 2Chapter 15
- 4 years ago
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Allison glanced at Brianna as they took their seats overlooking the water. Brianna caught her and smiled widely. Allison returned the smile and went about preparing her lunch. The two friends had come to downtown Seattle to pick up the wedding gift Allison and Abigail had gotten Jack. They'd picked up the special photo album and were grabbing lunch at Ivar's on the waterfront before heading up to Pike Place Market to get fresh flowers and fruit for the wedding.
"Do I get to look at the photo album before I leave?" Brianna asked.
Allison blushed. "Well, um, some of the pictures are a little ... personal."
"Oooh, it's THAT kind of photo album."
"Not the whole thing, but part of it." Allison took a bite of her clam chowder. "Why do you think we had to have it made at a specialty shop?"
"What's in it that I haven't seen before?"
Allison thought about it for a second. "Well, nothing, I guess. Still, having someone see you naked in private when THEY are naked, too, is one thing. Having someone see you naked in public when they are clothed is something else, entirely."
"So I can see it back at your apartment if I strip down first?" Brianna teased.
Allison waggled her eyebrows. "Sounds good to me."
Brianna's cheeks pinked up, but she laughed anyway. She took a few bites before speaking again.
"I can't believe you're getting married," she finally said, "Are you nervous?"
Allison felt a rush of happiness at the thought. It wasn't what she had imagined when she was a little girl. She imagined she would have large formal wedding in the church with Pastor Donathon performing the ceremony. The church would be filled with a couple of hundred friends and family. Her gown would be beautiful and elaborate, and her groom would be handsome and well-connected.
Instead, she was going to have a small, informal, outdoor wedding. They would perform their own ceremony, having written special messages to each other to be read in front of the few friends and family that would be present. Her gown was still beautiful, but understated, and her groom AND bride would be handsome and beautiful, respectively. That they would be well-connected to her forever was all that mattered.
Things weren't as she expected they would be, but she wouldn't change them for the world. Tomorrow she would publicly join with Jack and Abigail. When she turned 18 a couple of weeks later, she would petition to have her last name legally changed to 'Williams'. Then they would sign several documents that would share assets among them, and enter them into some kind of legal partnership. She didn't know all the details—Jack was working with a lawyer he met through his internship—but it didn't matter to her. The ceremony was what mattered, as it would mark the official start of her life as the wife of Jack and Abigail Williams.
"I'm not nervous," she answered Brianna's question, "I'm excited, happy, and desperately in love."
"I want to help make it special. What can I do to help tomorrow?"
"Just having you there is all that matters to me."
"But I want to do something. Since I don't get to be your maid of honor..."
Brianna stuck her tongue out at Allison, making them both laugh.
"You can help make sure all the other guests are comfortable."
Brianna rolled her eyes. "That will take all of a minute and a half, considering how few people will be there. Who's coming, by the way?"
Allison counted on her fingers as she went through the list. "You, of course. Annie, Marcus, and Josh, Deb and Tanner, Seth, and probably Heidi, and Wendy. That's it, I think."
"But not Ryan or Chris?"
"I like them both, but I'm just not sure I'm ready to explain to them about me and Jack, let alone me and Abbie."
"But won't they be able to put two and two together when you change your name?"
Allison shrugged. "Probably, but I'll deal with that at the time."
"What about everyone else? Do they know about you and Abigail?"
"I think so. Analise said Marcus has known for a while. She told Deb a few weeks ago. Tanner figured it out from all his conversations with me and Jack."
"And Wendy?"
Allison took a deep breath. "I told her right before you got here. I decided I didn't want to hide it from her. Next to you, she's my best friend, and I want her to be a part of my life, not just at school. She already knew about me and Jack."
"How did she take the news that you and Abigail were together, too?"
"Let's just say she didn't freak out. She said she needed to think about it, and after a couple of days, she said she was OK with it. I was still me and this bit of information didn't change that. She did mention that she wished she knew that I was bisexual earlier, since it kind of unnerved her to think she pranced in front of me in her underwear all the time. She admitted it would take her a bit to get comfortable with it. Anyway, it's as good a response I can hope for, I think."
"She didn't have a problem that you were intimate with your sister?"
"If she did, she didn't mention it." Allison paused for a moment, then smiled as a warm feeling filled her. "God, after tomorrow, to the majority of the world, I won't be Abigail's sister, I'll be her wife. I have mixed feelings about that, you know? I feel like I'm losing a part of my identity, but at the same time, I think it's a small price to pay."
Brianna leaned over and hugged her. "She'll always be your sister in your heart. She loves you, and so does Jack. It's so obvious. Just focus on what you are gaining by marrying them and you'll always be happy."
"Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice," Sharon said, as Della Shaw slid into the seat opposite her.
Della smiled at her. "I'm glad to do it, though I must admit I didn't think you'd call back."
"Things have ... escalated," Sharon replied, "Did he come with you?"
Della didn't have to ask who she meant. Phil Goodwyn had introduced Sharon to Della, his co-worker at the university and one of his confidants in his investigation into Ted's actions. Della's work with victims of violent crimes was the perfect cover for Sharon's earlier secret meeting with Phil, and it seemed appropriate to continue, even choosing to meet in the same out-of-town café. During the first meeting, Sharon felt some guilt about using Ben's situation with Tyson and Brianna as an excuse, but this time she felt resolved that it was necessary, and maybe even a small blessing that stemmed from such a tragic, unfortunate event.
"He's been here for hours. He's back in the same room. You can use the same routine to meet with him."
"I feel somewhat foolish sneaking around, like I'm playing some kind of cloak-and-dagger game."
Della didn't smile this time. Her face was grim. "Do you believe the things we told you about your husband?"
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't," Sharon said, brusquely. She immediately regretted her tone, but Della acted like she hadn't even noticed.
"Then you know we can't be too careful, considering your husband's penchant for spying."
Sharon felt the simmering anger she carried towards her husband trying to heat up, but she kept it in check. While she used that anger to help her keep her resolve, she didn't want to let it control her. She didn't want to let Ted's actions control her in any way.
The waitress arrived, and after they placed their orders, Sharon excused herself. This time she didn't hesitate at the restroom door, but knocked quietly on the office door before opening it. Phil was just standing as she slipped inside and closed the door behind her. They silently looked at each other for several long, tense moments before Phil finally welcomed her. She sat down without being asked, then started speaking as soon as he sat opposite her.
"I have some things to say before we get down to business, Dr. Goodwyn. When you approached me at the clothes drive, it was for the sole intention of getting us to this point. I'm not stupid, though I might have been a little blind as to see what was really going on in my life. I understand why you approached me, but I'm angry with how you went about it. You used tantalizing revelations about my daughters' lives to bait me and knock me off balance, because you knew full well that I was being kept from their lives not entirely by my own choice."
Phil was clearly uncomfortable by her attack, but tried to defend himself. "Now, Sharon, I—"
"Don't talk, Sir. I'll talk; you listen. I'm not saying there was a better alternative, because I wouldn't presume to know how to play this particular game, but I do not appreciate being manipulated. If we are going to work together, I need to know I can trust you. I need you to be entirely forthcoming with me, and I in turn will be with you."
She stopped speaking and willed her racing heart to slow down. It took nearly a minute before she realized Phil hadn't spoken.
"You can speak now," she said.
He looked somber. "First let me apologize for my actions then. I get caught up in my agenda and sometimes act in ways that might be considered dishonorable. I will promise to make a concerted effort to avoid such behavior in the future, at least as far as your involvement is concerned."
"But you may still employ similar tactics with others?"
Phil nodded. "This is a messy business we're involved in. Sometimes we have to take some unsavory actions to achieve the desired results."
"The end justifies the means."
"Sometimes," Phil watched her, "Will that be a problem?"
Sharon was resolved to do this. She found the whole affair to be distasteful, but she reminded herself that neither she nor Phil would be here right now if it wasn't for Ted and people like him.
"Considering that I'm contemplating using my marriage, such as it is, as a ruse to undermine my husband, I would be a hypocrite to say that it would be a problem." She took a deep breath. "What is your objective, Phil?"
"Your husband and several of his associates have engaged in unlawful and unethical practices for well over a decade. Many people have suffered. I plan to stop him."
"Stop him how?"
Phil didn't hesitate. "Your husband deserves to go to jail for a very long time, Sharon."
Sharon was pretty sure that was Phil's intention, but to hear him say it, so matter-of-factly, was still a shock. She nodded, then tried to soften her tone. "I thought as much. I apologize for taking so long to accept all of this."
"You don't need to apologize. It is your husband, your family, and your life that is so greatly affected by these circumstances. I would have been surprised if a woman as tender-hearted as you DIDN'T struggle with this."
She tried to gauge his sincerity and decided she'd just have to take him at his word. Jack trusted him, and that would be good enough for her. She was a little surprised that she trusted Jack so well, but something deep inside her knew she could.
"Let's move on with the business. What do you need from me?" she asked. "You seem to have plenty of dirt on my husband."
"That's just it. We have lots of dirt—rumors, hearsay—but, unfortunately, very little concrete proof." He paused as though he was waiting for a negative response from her. When she didn't say anything, he shifted nervously in his chair. "Does it not bother you that I'm doing all this based on circumstantial evidence?"
"That's why you approached me, isn't it? Because you think I have access to the proof you need?"
"Ah, very astute, Sharon." He cleared his throat. "You probably don't think you can get your hands on anything, but—"
"Since the night of the clothing drive, I've obsessed over what you asked me about how well I knew Ted. It got so bad, that a couple of months ago, I snuck into his home office and got into his safe. I wasn't exactly sure of what was in there until you had me meet with Della, then it became obvious."
Phil leaned forward, unable or unwilling to mask his excitement. "What did you find?"
"A ledger with some unusual, cryptic entries; copies of loan papers with unbelievable terms; And notes from and to Ted that clearly show he was involved in most of the things you and Della have mentioned."
"What, the notes? Some, others handwritten. The ledger is entirely in his handwriting, too."
Phil was grinning from ear to ear. Sharon almost chided him for his obvious enthusiasm of proof of her husband's guilt, but given the circumstances, she could understand. She decided that her immediate reaction was her conditioned response, since when she thought about it, her strongest emotion was excitement that she could be of such help. She vowed that this would be the day she stopped referring, in her own mind, to Ted as "her husband".
Phil was practically shaking as he reached into a bag on the floor next to him. "This is most wonderful news, and it is as I expected! I just knew there had to be written proof of his actions somewhere." He placed a small device on the desk next to him. "Ted is just too meticulous to destroy records of these things, no matter how incriminating. It also shows he's arrogant enough to think that no one else has the intelligence to discover what he's done."
Phil pushed the device towards Sharon.
"What is this?" she asked, without reaching for it.
"It's a small digital camera."
"This tiny thing is a camera?" Sharon was astonished that they made cameras so small. It would easily be hidden in the palm of her hand or slip into her pocket.
"There is no flash, so you'll need good lighting on whatever it is you are photographing."
Sharon's head shot up. "Whatever it is I'M photographing? Surely you aren't suggesting that I do the spying."
"Sharon, no one else has access to that safe. We need copies of its contents."
"Why can't I just let you inside the house to do it?"
"It's too risky. Someone might see me come or go. I might mess the room up, any number of things. You need to be the one."
Sharon knew he was right, but she didn't like it. "I ... I guess you're right. Show me how it works."
After he demonstrated it and made sure she had it down, he glanced at the clock and quickly stood. "You've been in here way too long, but I need to ask you one last question. Several informants have told us that Ted keeps a safe in his bank office, too. Do you know who might have access to that safe?"
Sharon knew what she would be expected to do, but she promised not to withhold information. "Unless he has changed the combination, I can access the safe."
Phil's eyes opened wide. "Really?"
His surprise irritated her. "Ted had no reason to distrust me. While I stayed out of his business, he has asked me from time to time to retrieve items from the bank for him."
"Will you... ?" Phil's question trickled off.
"I don't know if I can. I'm already terrified of what you've asked me to do in his home office, and I'm home alone most days."
Phil nodded. "Yes, of course. I understand. I'll find someone else."
Sharon sighed as she reached for the doorknob. "We both know that it could take weeks for you to find someone else to work with you, assuming you even could. I sense from your words and actions that time is of the essence here. Just know that I'm a horrible liar, which may be the biggest risk yet."
"It's beautiful," Abigail said, as she gazed into the mirror.
She could see Analise, who was standing behind her, raise an eyebrow. "Um, your hair is in big curlers and your makeup is only half done."
"I meant the view," Abigail laughed.
Analise hunched over a bit so she could see in the mirror from Abigail's perspective. The window behind them was clearly visible in the reflection, with the fir trees outside framing a view of the distant jagged peaks and blue skies. Analise smiled at her sister, slipped a couple of bobby pins between her lips, and went back to work pulling the curlers from Abigail's hair.
"My sisters are marrying each other," Analise mumbled, with a chuckle. "It's such a weird concept to get used to. Sweet, but weird."
Abigail felt warm fuzzies as she thought about her littlest sister, soon to be wife. Then Analise's words sunk in and she frowned.
"You said you were OK with it."
"Oh, I am. Look at my own history with Allison, for goodness sakes. It's just the whole marriage thing is kind of surreal. Plus, I'm still trying to work out all the logistics. I mean, which one of you is my sister after this?"
"It doesn't have to be one or the other. We'll both still be your sisters."
"I meant out in public."
Analise pulled the last curler from Abigail's hair and ran her fingers through the thick mane of waves and loose curls. Abigail thought about her comment.
"Is it really that big a deal? I mean, how often do you need to introduce us with more than our names?"
"It'll happen, Abbie, mark my words. And it'll happen sooner and more often than you think."
"Well, we decided that our public relationship would be as wives."
"I know that, and that works just fine for you three, but what about me and Ben? We can't very well tell people that both of you are our sisters, then have you being all lovey-dovey with each other. What about Mom? Who's her daughter, you or Allison?"
Abigail furrowed her brow. She almost made a comment about their mother's lack of involvement in their lives, but the more time that passed, the less it hurt. She was beginning to see things differently, and she realized she was actually sad that their mother wouldn't be at the wedding. Not that her ultra-conservative moral structure could handle seeing her daughters join into a polyamorous union.
"Close your eyes," Analise said, as she grabbed the eyeliner pencil and moved in front of Abigail.
Abigail complied and decided to push the thoughts of her mom aside. She went back to Analise's main point. Abigail didn't like having potential roadblocks brought up so close to the wedding, but she could definitely see where her sister was coming from.
"I'm not sure we really thought about how our family would deal with that," she sincerely answered. "I'm sorry."
Analise stopped applying the mascara, so Abigail opened one eye. Analise was looking at her with a look of guilt. "Hey, I should be the one who's sorry. I wasn't meaning to raise concerns so close to the ceremony." She was still leaning over, so she quickly pecked Abigail on the lips. "I'm happy for you guys. It may be hard to believe, considering all the problems we've had with each other over the years, but it makes me happy to see you two happy."
Abigail opened her mouth to counter Analise's comment about their past problems, but Analise waved her off.
"Close your eyes again. I have no doubt you two love each other. I just want to know who I should refer to in public as my sister? It's your call. You'll both still be my sisters in private."
Abigail thought about it for a moment. "How about this? Refer to Allison as your sister and me as her wife, but then say that you think of both of us as sisters."
Now it was Analise's turn to think. "I guess that will work." Her thoughtful expression turned to a smirk. "This is just your way of getting rid of me as a sister, isn't it?"
Abigail laughed. "If this had been any time before last summer, I'd have agreed with you."
There was a gentle knock on the door. It opened a bit and Jack leaned in.
"Is it bad luck for me to see the bride before the wedding if we've already been married once?" His eyes went wide. "Wow! There is no way looking at something so astonishingly beautiful could ever be bad luck."
His remark filled Abigail with a wave of love, and her cheeks pinked.
"You still know just the right thing to say to make me blush," she said, as she motioned him to come in.
He stepped all the way in and closed the door.
"I'm serious, though. You accomplished the impossible, Annie, taking one of God's most heavenly creatures and making her even more divine."
"Oh, my, you ARE smooth," Analise said. She pulled a tube of lipstick from her little bag, handed it to Abigail, and started putting her other makeup into the bag. She paused a second and looked at Abigail. She looked ready to cry as she smiled at her older sister. "Thank you for all you've done for me this past year, accepting me and helping me work through everything."
Abigail felt the tears in her eyes, too. She took Analise's hand and squeezed it. Analise sniffed back her tears and pulled away.
"I didn't mean to chase you out of here," Jack said, as Analise stepped past him to the door.
"It's OK. I need to get over to the other bride and work my magic." She patted Jack on the chest and looked up at him. "This will be the first time you're marrying Allison, so I better not see you poking your head in her room."
Jack grinned. "Too late."
Analise rolled her eyes. "I hope you didn't distract her from getting ready."
"I wanted to, but Wendy and Brianna wouldn't leave, so I gave up."
"Remind me to give them bonuses. They are remarkably effective assistants." She patted Jack on the chest again and sighed wistfully. Just as she opened the door, she turned back to Abigail. "Jack's right. You're beautiful, Abbie, but more than that, you are blessed. Good luck."
Then she was gone, leaving the happy couple alone.
"How are you feeling?" Jack asked, as he came up behind Abigail and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He leaned over and nuzzled her neck. Abigail sighed happily.
"Wonderful. Excited. Happy."
"You aren't nervous?"
Abigail leaned her head back on his shoulder. "Not one bit. You?"
"The same as you, which isn't entirely surprising, since the longer we're married the more I feel like we're one person."
Abigail smiled. He raised his head and kissed her cheek. "Careful," she warned, as she smoothed the makeup where his lips touched.
As he sat down in the chair beside her, he made an exaggerated show of wiping the makeup off his lips. Then he took her hand and gently kissed it.
"When you were a teenager and you pictured your married life, did you ever imagine it turning out this way?" he asked, then kissed her hand again.
Goosebumps broke out on her skin and her tummy fluttered. His touch, even after years of marriage, had such an effect on her.
"Never," she said, as she pulled her hand free and picked up an earring. "I never imagined it would be this wonderful. It's like Annie said. I can't even begin to comprehend how blessed I am to find not one, but TWO soulmates."
Jack quietly watched her as she finished getting ready. She finished with her earrings, adjusted the matching clip in her hair, and stood up. With her finger, she motioned for him to lean in. He stood and she cupped his face in her hands and pressed her lips against his, holding it to show how much she really loved him. When she pulled away, he smiled.
"I love you, too, Abigail, with all my heart."
"Any regrets?" she whispered.
"Only that I wish more of our family and friends could be here. My mom, grandparents, Phil..."
" ... Ben and my mom," she finished for him, then sighed, "Yeah."
There was another knock on the door, but it didn't open this time.
"Come in," she called.
The door opened and Seth poked his head in. He did a double take when he saw Abigail. She blushed at his reaction.
"You look beautiful, Abbie," he said, his voice almost in reverential awe.
"Why, thank you, Sir," she replied.
Seth stood watching her. Abigail looked at Jack, who rolled his eyes. His smile, however, was one of approval at his friend's response.
"What do you need, Seth?" he asked.
Seth seemed to snap out of his trance and looked Jack up and down.
"You're looking pretty good, too, Jack, though I still can't imagine what they see in you."
"Gee, thanks."
"You know, I was telling myself the other day, 'He doesn't have any other friends, so I'm a shoo-in to be best man.' I was already trying to figure out how I could get away with wearing a powder blue tux, you know, so the guests wouldn't notice the girls' were slumming by marrying you, and then BAM! You told me you aren't even going to have a best man. I totally feel slighted, Teach."
Jack shrugged. "It's a non-traditional wedding, Seth. I mean, there are two brides."
Seth chuckled. "Hey, it's all good. I was just teasing you." He cocked his head to the side. "Is this how it's always going to be once you tie the double knot? You'll be too stressed to handle my jokes?"
"I never could handle your jokes. Now ... you came in here for a reason, and I'm assuming it wasn't just to ogle my wife."
"Oh, yeah. There's some folks here to see you guys."
Jack shot a questioning look at Abigail that she was sure was identical to her own. Everyone they had invited had already arrived.
"Thank you, Seth," she said, "We were just on our way out."
"Oh, well, I brought them here." He gave Abigail another look. "Just beautiful." Then he pushed the door open and stepped aside.
When Bill Donothan filled the door frame, Abigail gasped, and her hand flew to her mouth. He smiled warmly and stepped aside to allow his wife to enter the room. Barb's eyes lit up when she saw Abigail.
"Oh, Abigail! You look stunning!"
She was shocked to see her former pastor and his wife, two individuals who were such an integral part of her moral upbringing, that she was stunned to silence. A swell of emotion overtook Abigail, and she burst into tears. Their sudden appearance was like a stamp of approval from God, something she hadn't realized she needed until that moment. She staggered over to Barbara and threw her arms around the older woman.
"There, there, Dear," Barb soothed, as she held the young woman and rubbed her back.
Abigail pulled free of the pastor's wife and stepped into Bill's open arms. Her tears renewed.
"I can't believe you're here," Abigail said, through her tears as she held the older man tight. "Thank you, thank you. You don't know how much this means to me."
Abigail had always liked the older couple. Bill's genuine warmth, and his seeming acceptance of their relationship with Allison, were precious to Abigail during her last few months in Tennessee. During a time when her family was in turmoil, when her mother and father in essence rejected them, Bill's counsel helped buoy Abigail. That he and his wonderful wife bumped up their departure from Tennessee to come to their wedding was one of the kindest, most loving acts anyone could have done for her at that moment.
She finally pulled away from Bill, and looked back at Barbara with a smile. Barb's happy expression became one of concern.
"Dear me, now we've messed up your beautiful makeup." She took Abigail by the hand and led her back to her chair in front of the mirror.
"I can't believe it. How did you know about our wedding? How did you find where we were?" Abigail asked, as Barb patted her face and gently tried to smooth the makeup to cover Abigail's tear tracks.
Bill was looking at her with a beaming smile. "We almost didn't. Analise's directions were somewhat sketchy. But when we reached an unexpected fork in the road, we said a little prayer, chose a path, and here we are."
"Analise called you?" Abigail was reeling. She gawked at the man in the mirror and turned her eyes back to his wife, who worked on touching up Abigail's makeup. Her expression was so loving and ... maternal, that Abigail almost burst into tears again.
"She did," Bill answered, "I, um, I hope you don't mind us crashing your wedding."
Abigail opened her mouth to speak when she saw Bill wink at her. Another surge of happiness filled her, and a smile split her face. "I couldn't be happier."
"Thank you for coming, Bill," Jack smiled, as he patted the man on the back.
Bill stepped closer to Abigail, and his playful expression softened. He rested his hands on her shoulders and looked into her reflection in the mirror.
"I know you probably have your ceremony all planned out," he said, "And I don't want to intrude, but would it be possible, if you have no other preacher, for me to perform the ceremony?"
Abigail couldn't help it. She burst into tears again. Barb swooped in with the tissue, giving Bill a reproving look for making Abigail cry. Abigail was so overwhelmed with love again that she couldn't speak. Jack, bless his heart, interpreted her reaction. He stepped over to Bill and extended his hand.
"Bill, I think I speak for BOTH of my girls when I say that we'd be honored. Thank you."
Allison shifted nervously as she looked out of the front door of the cabin at the scene before her. Abigail reached over and took her hand, squeezing it reassuringly.
"It's OK to be nervous," Abigail said, "This is your wedding day."
The thought almost made Allison dizzy. She was getting married. Maybe not in the traditional way most women get married, and definitely not a way that would be legally recognized, but there was no longer any doubt to her or her soon-to-be spouses that their vows would bind them in marriage.
He crept down the sidewalk. That's the only way to describe it. If Tanner could have made himself any smaller, he would have. As it was, he was hunched over, his head down, his hands stuffed into his pockets, and his feet shuffling in tiny steps. It was quite a bit earlier than Allison would have normally started out for school—her desire to get there too early was pretty miniscule—but she was worried about her friend, and not to mention a tad bit perturbed. He was shy and awkward from the...
Brianna pretended to be searching for something in her locker. In reality, she was paying very close attention to the interaction happening at the other end of the bank of lockers. She couldn't hear what was being said, but from the gestures and expressions from Melissa and Tyson, she could make a pretty good guess. Something happened between the couple, and from what Brianna could make out, it had been building. During the last month, the pair went from regular public displays of affection...
Jack closed his eyes and savored the heavenly explosion of flavor in his mouth. The crispy, toasted coconut breading, the tangy citrus of the dipping sauce, the succulent, tender shrimp meat. Abigail chuckled, but he ignored her, chewing slowly in an exaggerated show of enjoying his birthday meal. "You think you're sexy when you make love to your food," Abigail said, "But you're not." Allison giggled. "I think he is." He swallowed his bite, cracked one eye to locate his water...
Ninety-nine times out of 100, a visitor at the front door is an innocuous event: a friend over to visit, a salesperson, a politician, a wrong address. But every now and then that visit means so much more. Abigail could point to monumental moments in her life that began with a seemingly harmless knock on the door. Jack opened her parents' door that fateful fall day to be surprised by Analise's visit, a visit which led to the discovery of his affair with Allison. Her mother knocked on her...
Jack's fingers flew across the keyboard for a minute, then he clicked over to the PDFs of the financial records and scanned down until he found the next set of recurring entries. He copied the text, clicked back to Excel, and pasted them in, then typed up his notes for those entries, too. He wanted to get this done before the girls returned home so he could spend the rest of the day with them. He was enjoying his internship, and found that digging through financial documents for clues and...
Allison seemed unusually preoccupied with her pizza toppings, while Abigail rummaged through the office, looking for whatever it was she was looking for. Jack had just taken a huge bite of pizza when Allison reached over and dropped something into his can of pop. He looked at the can for a minute, then back at her. She grinned, so he raised his eyebrow. "Piece of sausage," she said, gaily. "Just like old times." Jack was confused. "What are you talking about?" he asked, around his...
The field was a mess. Between the November evening temperatures down in the low 40s, and the steady drizzle that Seattle is so famous for, Allison was pretty miserable. Mud covered her from head to toe and clung to her like a thick, freezing paste. She'd given up cleaning her cleats within two minutes of the beginning of the second half, and now her shoes felt like they were made of concrete. She felt like she was running in slow motion AND like she was running on ice. The extra effort to...
"Get up, Ben. Oh, God, please let him get up." Brianna was woozy, but she could still see what was going on. Tyson stood over Ben, a HUGE knife in his hand. He was covered in blood, and so was Ben. Brianna tried to move, but her body wouldn't cooperate. Panic welled up inside her when Tyson turned towards her, an evil grin on his face. "I'm gonna enjoy this," he hissed, as he crawled back onto the bed and between her legs. Brianna mentally screamed at her legs to close, at her arms to...
"What about this?" Brianna said, holding up a soft, cotton bag for Tammy to see. "It's for your shoes so they don't get your clothes dirty in your suitcase." Tammy was zipping and unzipping a rolling carry-on suitcase, obviously testing its durability. She looked up and shook her head. "Plastic bags from the grocery store are better AND cheaper." Brianna thought for a moment. "Good point." She hung the bag back on the hook. It was the day after Independence Day, and Tammy was...
A screaming bladder woke Jack. He looked at the clock and saw that it was a little after three in the morning. He extricated himself from underneath his wife and padded to the bathroom. The faint light from the living room peeked under their bedroom door. That surprised him; Allison hadn't planned on coming home from the after-prom party until after five. He quieted his bladder first, then pulled on his boxers and went out to check on his young lover. He expected to see her sleeping on the...
Sweat soaked into Allison's practice jersey as she watched the play from the sidelines. Her team was next up again on the three-on-three keep-away drill, and she was watching the other players closely, looking for their tendencies or weaknesses and trying to determine a plan of attack. This would be her third round in the drill, and so far she was feeling pretty good about her passes and her ability to anticipate her opponents passing lanes. She was a little disappointed with her initial...
"Malthus felt that man was doomed to live a life of poverty because the population, he said, would always grow faster than the food. It was this prediction that led writer and historian Thomas Carlyle to call economics 'the dismal science.'" Jack glanced at the clock on the wall behind the class. He was just concluding the second day of his new teaching assignment, and needed to take care of one last order of business before he set the students loose. "Before we wrap it up today, and...
Allison groaned as she flopped onto the floor. Abigail stepped over her supine sister to take the last box to the master bedroom, then came back out and looked down at her sister. Just watching Allison stretch out on the floor was enough to make the older girl swoon. Allison stretched her arms above her head and arched her back, which forced her youthful breasts to stretch her t-shirt, her tiny nipples little bumps beneath the fabric. By the playful expression on Allison's face, it was...
"See you in a couple of hours, Abbie!" Allison called through the bathroom door. Abigail didn't answer, so she opened the door and stepped into the steamy room. She watched Abigail's murky form through the frosted glass door. Even when she thought she was unobserved, Abigail moved with a sexiness that made Allison's heart thump. The way she glided her hands over her soapy body was mesmerizing. If Tanner hadn't been waiting in the living room, Allison would have stripped down and joined...
Jack wasn't sure if it was the six times Allison asked that evening if she could help him with anything, the eye-rolling Abigail gave whenever she asked it, or the way they practically fought over who got to refill his water glass at dinner or put his dirty clothes in the laundry room a millisecond after he pulled them off. Whatever it was, he knew they were up to something. Allison had just returned from taking the clothes to the laundry room. "OK, both of you, sit down," he said, in a...
"Several days ago an acquaintance approached me about my family," Sharon said, as she looked down into the dark liquid that filled her cup. She noted how the liquid rippled as she cradled the cup in her trembling hands. "What did this acquaintance say?" Bill asked quietly. What did Dr. Goodwyn really say? Much of the conversation was lost in the murky depths of her frazzled mind, but she couldn't shake the feeling she got from her conversation with Dr. Goodwyn, and this disturbed her....
Ted was holed up in his home office and had been since mid-afternoon when John had called him about Tyson's arrest. He gave Sharon a cursory excuse for why he was home early, and had even refused dinner. He spent several hours on the phone putting the admittedly rusty gears in motion when the evening news caught his attention. As the reports detailing the charges against Tyson unfolded, Ted felt the urge to panic. It was one thing when the Ramirez ... problem ... surfaced years earlier. It...
Allison reached for the remote, and with a contented sigh, she turned the TV off. "Quit moving," Abigail said, "I'm almost done." Allison nestled back into her corner of the couch and arched her neck so she could see over her bent knees. Abigail had Allison's feet in her lap and was painstakingly painting a toenail. "That's such a good movie," Allison said. "And sexy, too." Allison sighed happily again. "Yeah, I'm glad Pearl stayed with Marty. He's way cuter than...
She was so beautiful, it made Jack's heart hurt. Even after being with her so many times, gazing on her, she was still stunningly beautiful in his eyes, maybe more so now. Jack noticed Sharon watching the visual interplay between the three. She snuggled her newest grandchild under her chin and turned to the others in the room. "I'll go help him with the grill. I'm not sure two men are better than one, in this case." She left the room, kissing the baby's downy hair as she...
"Hello? Anyone home?" Abigail stood up from behind the kitchen counter. "Hey, folks." Brianna and Merrigan stepped into the living room. They were dressed to work, clad in tennis shoes, jeans and t-shirts. Merrigan had a baseball cap on her head, her long red ponytail sticking through the hole in the back. "We're ready to work," Brianna said. "Where's the heavy stuff?" She flexed her biceps. Abigail smiled at the sight of the blonde's slender arms. Another figure stepped...
Allison was just closing her locker when she was verbally accosted by her two best friends. They seemed surprisingly chipper for so early in the morning. Allison was 16, but since her birthday fell in the fall, after school had already started, her parents had years ago opted to delay enrolling her in kindergarten. That made her one of the oldest in her sophomore class. Well, at least one of the oldest in the college bound track. She was also one of the few that had her license before...
They came from different worlds, hers much more privileged than his, his considerably more dysfunctional than hers. Or so he thought when they met. Jack had been to hell and back, a trip he embarked on despite the best efforts of Phil and his grandmother. He had only himself to blame for his demise. At sixteen, he was angry. Angry at God, at the world, at the system, at his grandfather for dying and leaving Jack without another father figure. He was angry at himself. He tried to find peace in...
"We'd love to! It'll be fun ... Nah, he'll be fine with it ... Sure ... See you tomorrow ... Love ya." Abigail hung up the phone. She was lying on the couch with her legs draped over Jack's lap. He tried to focus his attentions on "ER", but his curiosity in her conversation made it impossible. He looked at her, waiting for an explanation. She turned back to the TV and said nothing. "And?" he asked impatiently. Abigail kept her eyes on the TV. "What?" she asked, feigning...
"Hey, Abbie, I'm ho-ome!" came the feminine sing song call from the direction of the living room. Abigail heard the front door shut, but since she was trapped by a wall of boxes in the guest room, Allison would have to seek her out. "I'm in the guest room, Allie!" she called back. She blew some stray strands of hair from her face while she continued to stuff a box with books. A moment later she felt more than heard Allison's presence in the doorway. "Wow, Abbie! You've made some...
A quiet knock on the door woke Brianna from her fitful slumber. She opened her eyes as her mother opened the door. Light streamed in through her blinds, so she knew it was morning. "Brianna, there's a man on the phone for you," she said. Brianna just looked at her. "Jack?" Brianna jumped out of bed and ran across the hall to her parent's room to grab the phone. In the background she could hear her dad in the shower. He was singing some weird freedom rock song, as usual. "Hold on,...
Sharon pulled her housecoat on and stood before the mirror again. What a horrific night's sleep, and she looked it. Her hair was a tangled mess and her eyes were rimmed in red and carrying bags. She had hoped crying the night before would get all the emotions out, but she still felt awful. She washed her face, scrubbing away the stains of her tears, then brushed her hair in an attempt to tame it. She stepped out of the bathroom and saw Ted watching her. "Do you feel better this morning,...
Jack felt her warm body before he opened his eyes. He was just coming into consciousness and one at a time his senses activated. Sense of touch ... Allison was warm, her lean naked body molded to his. Her skin was soft and smooth against him, her supple breasts pressed into him as she lay tucked into his side and shoulder. Jack could feel her warm, moist breath blow across his chest. Sense of smell ... The fragrance hit him next, a mixture of her strawberry shampoo, flowery perfume and...
How? That was the biggest question on Ted's mind as he looked at his adversary. How did Williams find out about all this? How did he get the proof he says he has? How could Williams sound so confident and articulate? And most importantly, how could this lowlife simpleton best a man of Ted's aptitude, intelligence and power? Ted wanted to jump across the desk and strangle the devil. That's what Williams was ... a devil. Yet, Ted knew that in a physical confrontation, Williams would...
"Looovvverrrr ... Rise and shine, Lover..." The quiet angelic voice seemed to permeate every nook and cranny of Jack's exhausted body. Surely it couldn't be morning yet. He grumbled, but refused to open his eyes "Com'n, big guy. Open those beautiful green eyes of yours." Her voice was still so tranquil and sensual. Still, Jack would prefer that it just go away. Allison had fucked him senseless the night before. Now he needed sleep. He refused to acknowledge her attempt to pull him...
Allison's pussy quivered. She looked down at Jack as she straddled him, his cock wedged inside her wet cunt. He'd come over for some private time. Her parents and brothers were at a road football game, Abigail was working and Analise was visiting some friends. Allison closed her eyes and began to rise and fall on his cock. It felt so good, each time together better than the last. She smiled and then looked down at him. She realized that he'd stopped moving, and she noticed his eyes were...
Analise's stay lasted another five days, and each night she visited Allison's room. Allison was able to get herself off twice while going down on Analise, but neither was all that pleasurable. It was very apparent that all Analise wanted was her own pleasure. Once, Allison tried to stop her, but Analise only had to mention Abigail's name, and Allison's defense would be breached. Allison loved Abigail too much to let her find out about her affair with Jack this way. Allison realized that...
Allison heard the knock on the front door, but didn't move from her seat on the edge of her bed. She listened to the muffled conversation down the hallway. "Why, young Mr. Merrill!" Her dad. "Nice to see you this fine evening." "Thank you, Mr. Garner. You are looking quite well today." Allison rolled her eyes. Tyson the Charmer at work. "And you, Mrs. Garner, are looking as lovely as ever." "Come with me into the den. Sharon will go see if Allison is just about ready. Could I get...
Allison bounced up from her spot on the living room couch and practically flew to the door. She opened the door and shrieked as she wrapped Abigail in a tight, though sisterly, hug. Abigail kissed her cheek. "Hey, Allie Cat." "Abbie, I'm so glad you made it over." She pulled Abigail into the room, shut the door and hugged her again. This time Abigail kissed her on the lips. The kiss was firm, and filled with passion. Allison moaned when she felt Abigail's tongue seek hers. The kiss...
Grandma and Grandpa Fuller. Phil Goodwyn. Abigail. Allison. Jack tightened the knot on his tie as he thought of the people who never stopped believing in him. Each one did his or her part to bring him to this point. Sure, he had to change himself first before he could start on this path, but it would have been a lonely, virtually impossible journey without the people who cared about him. Leaning closer to the bathroom mirror, he fixed his collar. "Yummy," Allison said from the doorway of...
"If I try these things on, will you give me your honest opinion?" Analise asked Abigail, as they came through the door of their parents' house. "I don't want to look like a fat cow on my honeymoon." "Nothing can be as bad as that piece of granny underwear I got at my shower," Abigail remarked, laughing. "Are you talking about the atrocious shapeless one from Patty?" Analise threw her bags on the loveseat in the family room. "No doubt. It was the worst. Bet Jack loved it." "I...
Jack was sitting in his car outside of Dana's house, waiting for Allison. He was very anxious. It was Sunday morning, and he still hadn't been able to talk to Allison. By the time he dragged himself out of the bed the previous morning, she'd already gone off with her friend. Before she left, she had informed Abigail that she would be staying at Dana's that night, but would need someone to pick her up and take her home the next morning. So here he was, waiting for her to make an...
Allison lay in bed, wondering about the day and what lay ahead. She and Abigail had decided on a way to confront Analise about the rape and blackmail. Allison smiled at the mental image of Analise's face when she realized her scheme was over. However, it didn't take long for Allison's mind to wander back to Abigail. It all made sense to her now. When she was explaining her rationale for her relationship with Jack, it just all kind of fell into place. Sure she loved the way that Jack had...
"Hey, beautiful," Jack said into the phone receiver. "Been busy today?" "Definitely. We slept in, but we took a cab up to downtown and visited some of the sites. We had dinner at a great seafood place overlooking the waterfront." Abigail hesitated a moment, seemed unsure. "Jack, there's some stuff we need to talk about." Jack's blood went cold. "Um, OK. What's up?" Did she know? Had Allison confessed their indiscretions? He wouldn't blame her if she did and part of him wanted...
"Look what I bought." Abigail came bounding down the stairs into her parents' family room. Allison was reclining in an overstuffed chair flipping through a magazine. She had been waiting for her sister to arrive for their usual midday rendezvous, but Abigail was late. Allison let out a frustrated breath. Abigail was never late for these meetings. They'd worked out a nice system over the last couple of months. Abigail would come over after Allison got home from school, usually about 3:30....
Abigail let her eyes flutter open. An unusually bright light streamed through the parted window curtains. She smiled. The annual spring snowfall. Every March there was a late snowfall, and it seemed to always catch everyone by surprise. It was Abigail's favorite snowfall when she was in school because it came late enough and was big enough to force schools to close their doors and break the monotony of the spring semester. Even now she liked this snow because it was usually the wettest snow,...
"Do you think he'll be awake?" Allison asked, pointing at the clock on the radio. It was just after two in the morning. "Definitely," Abigail answered. "We vowed we'd never go to bed angry with each other. He'll be awake." The two had drifted off to sleep, wearied by the emotion of the day and the passion of their lovemaking. When they woke, they knew they had to make some decisions. The news of their sister's pregnancy threw another wrinkle into the relationship, and Abigail knew...
"You'll never see Allison again." Jack felt the anger rise inside him again. That was Ted's last statement before they parted company. Jack scoffed at the idea of leaving his wife and her sister behind, but his father-in-law was insistent. He never raised his voice, but the venom was evident. "I'm not an unreasonable man," he had said. Jack laughed out loud now as he drove his car back to his house and hopefully to his waiting wife. Ted agreed to redirect the rumors until Jack's...
Sharon quietly polished the silverware. They'd needed it for a while, but it wasn't a task she particularly liked, so she usually waited until she had something on her mind. Then she could polish and think. This was one of those times. She glanced nervously at the clock, quietly wondering what was keeping Allison. She prayed that her youngest daughter didn't do anything rash. She thought back through the day, wondering what she could have done differently, what she could have done to...
Abigail shoved the last thick file folder into the overstuffed drawer, then plopped down in her desk chair. She fantasized about working in a paperless office, and wondered if she should ask about that when she interviewed for jobs in Seattle. It was hard to believe that she and Jack—and hopefully, Allison—would be moving in less than a month. She hoped that something would pan out with one of the interviews she'd been able to line up. She checked her desk calendar. She would be flying out...
Ted stood in the doorway of his house and watched his family getting in the car. He glanced at his watch. They still had time. "Sharon," he called to his wife. "We have one issue we need to take care of before we leave. Come with me to my office." She nodded in acknowledgement and said something to Allison and Ben. Just then Brad brushed past him without a word and made his way to the car. Ted saw Sharon's eyes widen with surprise at the sight of her oldest son, who didn't even glance...
"Earth to Ja-ack!" Jack's wife said, snapping his attention back to the present. "Where'd you go?" He blushed when he realized he'd really zoned out. "I, uh, I started reminiscing. You know how the mind works. One memory leads to another which leads to another and so on. So I guess I was taking a ride on a memory roller coaster." Her eyes twinkled at him. "That was bad, Jack. Memory roller coaster?" He shrugged. "Trust me. It was quite a ride." "Want to talk about it?" He...
The day of the party arrived. Briony turned up on time and was met at reception by Tom as arranged. She was wearing a 'little green dress', dark green which enhanced her eyes. It stopped just above the knee and her forearms were bare. It showed off her pretty figure. She had pearl earrings and a pearl necklace. On her right wrist was a gold charm bracelet. Tom thought she looked stunning and told her so. She smiled her thanks happily to him. She linked her arm through his and he led her to...
The company won the contract and everyone was thrilled and delighted. There was another party but it was drinks only and Tom and Briony decided that only he should attend. Clive was miffed. He had hoped to work on Briony again. He said nothing though either to Tom or Angela who was required to accompany him. The project management team deployed. For the first three months work was devoted to site clearance, access to and within it. Then construction started: foundations and piles. All went...
At university Tom had been a member of the shooting club specialising in pistol. He still had his .22 automatic. There was no time to obtain export or import permits but he determined nevertheless to take it with him. He placed it in the middle of his hold baggage and hoped it would not be found. If it was he would just have to surrender it. He also took some ammunition. The eight hour flight was uneventful and straightforward. Tom and Susie chatted inconsequentially for a while and then...
It was clear at breakfast that Susie had not slept well if at all. Jenny was still with her. They ate their breakfast in silence. Susie only picked at hers. She was in no shape and far from her usual vibrant self. As they drank their coffee Tom took her hand in his. "Susie," he said gently, "we've got to go and report this formally to Tony." She nodded resignedly. He told her what he was going to suggest to Tony. "OK," she said listlessly. "I just want to get away from this...
Over a drink and supper Tom told Briony what had happened to Susie and what Tony was going to do about it. "Poor girl," said Briony with feeling. "Horrid, horrid, horrid. On the other hand, she didn't seem that low this evening and she called you a special man so, apart from saving a damsel in distress, what else did you do?" Tom shrugged. "Not a lot really other than be there for her. I told you about Jenny. She was super. She really was." "Go on." "Well, when we got on the...
Everything went back to normal pending the trial. There was a rumour of a possible major new project in Scotland but no more than that. Susie came prancing in the following Monday morning. "Rory would like to meet you," she said to Tom. "I'd like to meet him. Has he got wheels?" "Yes, why?" "Well why don't you both come down for the weekend? I know we haven't got anything on and Briony would love to see you again." "That sounds a super idea but do you mind if I run it by him...
As they were getting ready for bed Briony asked Tom whether he was aware that Susie did not much like Clive. "No," Tom replied. "We've never talked about him probably because she knows that I would never be disloyal about him to one of my section. What's he done to upset her?" "Suggested that after West Africa she might have a crush on you." "That's pretty cheeky." He chuckled. "I know what might have set him off though. The first Monday after it all she was absolutely bubbling...
Tom did his best to concentrate on his work but what Susie had said disturbed him deeply. Why should Clive with a beautiful and intelligent wife of his own want to pursue Briony? He must be nuts if he thought she would respond to his advances. If nothing else he knew they were only relatively recently married. It just did not make sense but yet Susie had been utterly serious. His mind continued to go round in circles. Briony has beaten him home and gave him his usual warm welcome but she...
Angela had foreseen that the weekend with her parents was going to be tricky. The sudden invitation to spend the previous weekend with her sister, Laura, had been a warning. It had been pleasant enough but she knew Laura was observing her throughout and would be reporting back to their mother. Her parents, Arthur and Pauline Foster, welcomed her warmly on Friday evening. After a drink Pauline pulled her and Arthur out to the kitchen. Once Arthur had helped everyone to a second drink he was...
Arthur rang Angela the following morning. "Presumably you want to seek divorce on the grounds of adultery." "Yes, Daddy." "In that case I suggest you move out. Has he ever knocked you about?" "No but I wouldn't put it past him." "You definitely ought to move out." "Not until after next week. It's half term." "Can you maintain a façade?" "No change," she replied bitterly. "Right, Poppet, I can't act for you myself, conflict of interest, but I'll see if Henry...
Despite what Briony had said Tom rang Angela from the station car park on his way to work. "Hello, Angela. It's Tom Clifford. Sorry to ring so early," he began. "Nonsense, Tom. You must think I'm a slugabed." She laughed cheerfully. "What can I do for you?" "Your conversation with Briony yesterday has me worried. I've never really trusted Clive after the first time he met her but do you really think that he'd be up to abduction or rape?" "If you'd asked me six months ago,...
The company dance was held at a large local hotel. There were tables of eight and a buffet supper and two bottles of wine per table. Tom and Briony put their heads together to decide who they would like on their table. Susie and Rory were naturals. Tom suggested Margaret Tennant and her partner and, because she did not belong to a section, Trish and her partner. Briony was happy to agree. With it being an official function there was a top table for members of the board. Betty Nugent had...