False Reality
- 4 years ago
- 29
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“So, we can’t get help from your people or anything off of Julie’s car. Where does that leave us?” Taylor asked as they drove away from the morgue.
“I want to go back to the pizza place,” Whitaker replied. “I saw some security cameras around the building. I want to see which way she headed when she left work that last Friday before she disappeared. While it’s not exactly in the middle, she’d have to go one way to go to Samar’s place, and the other direction to head back to her apartment.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Taylor said.
She was finally on board, and Taylor couldn’t be more thankful. So far he’d basically gone from clue to clue, more or less in a straight line. He was more than a little out of his depth by this point. The dinner rush was just starting and phones were ringing continuously when Taylor and Whitaker returned to the pizzeria. Since they knew what he looked like, they were able to go straight to the owner this time without having to deal with the girl behind the register.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name last time,” Taylor said as they walked up to the far counter in front of the pizza ovens.
“Robert Martin. What can I do for you two,” he said, not particularly happily.
He pulled a pizza out of the oven behind him and slapped it on the counter top, where he proceeded to quickly cut it into slices.
“I noticed the security camera you have pointed at the parking lot,” Whitaker said. “I wanted to get a look at the tapes from that Friday night, around the time Julie left.”
“I don’t have time for this,” the owner said, as he slid the pizza into a box.
“I understand, but we are on a time crunch. All you have to do is load up the security tape, let us have a look and we’ll be out of your hair.”
“Fine. Whatever,” he said, waving them to follow him back to the office.
After about two minutes he had the tape queued up to the night Julie disappeared.
The camera had a good angle on about two-thirds of the parking lot, only missing out on the row of spots at the far edge of the parking lot. You could see the back of Julie’s car at one side of that row, the back end of the car appearing in frame.
Taylor couldn’t help but compare it to the dirty white car they pulled out of the pond earlier in the day. Two spaces down was some kind of white van. There was the bottom corner of a logo he couldn’t make out on the side of the van, and a number written along the bottom of one of the rear doors of the van. The only other car in the parking lot was one parked up close to the building, with the rest of the lot vacant. From the times he had seen on the front door, the restaurant had been closed for almost an hour by that point, which would explain the empty lot.
Whitaker fast-forwarded the tape until Julie appeared at the bottom of the screen, walking away from the restaurant towards her car. As she got up to near the rear of the car, the back doors of the van swung open, and two men jumped out. Julie froze in place until they were almost on her. By the time she turned to run, it was too late.
Taylor could see one of the men putting his hand over her mouth and dragging her back towards the van, while the other guy grabbed her legs. In moments she and the man holding her upper body were in the van, the door slammed shut. The guy who’d held her legs headed towards Julie’s car, walking towards the driver’s side and out of frame of the camera.
In less than two minutes since the back door of the van slammed open, both the van and Julie’s car were pulling out of the parking lot, with the man who’d held her legs behind the wheel of the car.
The video was not very good quality. It was also in black-and-white, and everything happened on the far edge, making the action even harder to make out. Taylor could tell that both were white men, but that was about it. It was next to impossible to actually make out the physical features. If the man was standing in front of him right at that moment, Taylor thought he might be able to tell who it was, but that was about it.
“There’s something on his arm,” Whitaker said.
She had backed the video up and paused it on the view of the two men exiting the van. Taylor squinted and stared hard at the grainy picture, treating it like one of those magic seeing eye things where if you stare long enough you can make out a sail boat.
“Maybe. It is darker right there, but that could be a shadow.”
“It isn’t. If you look when he moves, the dark area moves with him.”
“So, a tattoo?”
“Or a burn, or a bandage, or just dirt. Hard to say. But it’s something.”
Whitaker started the tape up again, from the moment Julie came on screen.
“Oh my God,” came a voice behind them.
They turned to see the manager.
“She’s ... I thought she had just no showed like other kids had. Someone really grabbed her?”
“Mr. Martin, do you recognize either of these guys?”
The man said nothing and just stood there. He was staring at the recording, which Whitaker had backed up to the shot when both men could be seen on screen.
“Mr. Martin!” Whitaker prompted again, louder.
“Wha ... ohh ... ummm...” he said confusedly, leaning in to squint at the recording. “No, I don’t think so. Is she ok? Are you going to find her?”
“I’m sorry, sir, but she...” Taylor started, and then realized he didn’t want to say what had actually happened. “I’m sorry.”
“Sir, we are going to take this tape with us for evidence,” Whitaker continued in her professional demeanor.
“Ok,” he said numbly.
Whitaker popped the tape out of the VCR and waved Taylor to head out of the office.
“Not easy telling someone that a person they know was brutally murdered, is it?” she asked once they were outside.
“No. I can’t see how you guys do it.”
Whitaker started to head to the car, but Taylor turned and headed for the back of the lot.
“I just want to see where it happened.”
The parking lot was really a driveway that ran between the pizza shop and the store next door, leading to a small asphalt covered area behind the pizza shop. Signs indicated that both stores shared the lot along with two businesses on the other side that faced the road on the next block, with the ‘driveway’ going from one block to the other. The other two businesses were stores with more standard retail hours. It was unlikely any of the three businesses had employees, let alone customers, around the lot that late at night. Taylor also noticed none of the other businesses had up security cameras, making the pizza shops tape the only view of the abduction they’d have.
Backed onto other business as it was, there was no chance passers-by would have seen what happened. It was an ambush, plain and simple.
A sputtering car had pulled into the lot with a placard on the roof announcing it as a delivery vehicle. A kid with long curly hair, a trucker hat, and a grease stained shirt hopped out and headed towards the back door of the shop.
“Hey, kid?” Taylor hollered out, having a thought.
“Yeah,” he said, pulling to a stop.
“Did you work Friday, week before last?”
“Yeah. I work every weekend.”
“Did you remember seeing a white van parked back here, late that night?”
“You know what, I do. Normally, I see so many cars I couldn’t tell ya who was parked here ten minutes ago; but that van was sitting there for, like, an hour. Even after we were closed. I remember when I took out the trash, I saw it and was like ‘Dude, did someone just leave their van here overnight?’”
“That’s unusual?”
“Yeah. Robert’s strict about having people towed, otherwise people from the dorm would use it as overnight parking. He’s kinda a hard ass for the rules.”
“Was there anyone inside of it?”
“Not that I could see. But there was no way I was gonna walk over to the rando van, ya know.”
“Is there anything you remember about it?”
“Umm ... it had a logo on it.”
“Really?” Whitaker said. “Do you know what it was for?”
“Huh. Not the name, but I do remember it was for an AC repair place. ‘Cause, like, under the name it said ‘Keep your plACe cool’ with the AC in ‘Place’ real big like. I remember thinking that was totally stupid; but, like, I still remember it, so I guess it’s not so stupid, ya know?”
“Ok, thanks, kid.”
He nodded in a weird bopping motion and headed into the pizza place.
“So we just have to track down the ‘rando’ van from the AC company, and we’ve got em,” Taylor said.
“Maybe. Could have been stolen.”
“Maybe, but it’s a lead to the two guys in the van.”
“Three guys,” Whitaker corrected.
“Three guys?”
“One got out and drove Julie’s car. We saw the other guy get in the back, holding down Julie, who was struggling pretty hard. Do you think he was going to be able to just let her go, climb up front, and drive off without her bolting out the back? Even if he’d tied her hands together as soon as they were in the van, she would have been screaming her head off. No, there was a third guy to drive the van. At least.”
“Ok, so a lead on three guys.”
“Yeah. Let’s head back to the motel and make some calls, see if we can’t find what company that van belonged to.”
Heading back to the motel, Taylor lapsed into silence. He was feeling comfortable with Whitaker now that they were working together, probably more comfortable than he’d felt with anyone since before his captivity in the desert. And it wasn’t like this was the first time Taylor had dealt with a dead body. There was plenty of that in the sandbox. But still, poor Julie occupied his thoughts as they made their way back.
Once at the hotel they headed to Whitaker’s room and pulled out the phone book, planning on starting calling around until they found whose van was in the parking lot that night. It turned out that wouldn’t be necessary. The very first listing under AC & Heating was a company called A-Plus HVAC, with the apparently memorable tag line just under its name in the small, square listing.
“That was easier than I’d thought it’d be,” Taylor said, looking at the ad.
“It’s just a step. There’s no guarantee the van wasn’t stolen. Don’t get your hopes up. This kind of investigation is more of a marathon than a sprint.”
“Point taken.”
“Either way, they’re closed now. We’ll have to go by the business first thing in the morning.”
“Ok. I guess there’s one more thing I want to do before we knock off for the night.”
“Which is?”
“I’d like to send the armory’s inventory and the diagrams of the blast site your techs drew up to a buddy of mine.”
“Taylor, that’s sensitive FBI information.”
“I know, but we don’t have access to your people, and there’s something I can’t put my finger on that’s bugging me.”
She thought for a minute, again chewing on her bottom lip, eventually saying, “Fine.”
They went to her laptop and she emailed the files to an address Taylor gave her, along with a short note he dictated asking for the person on the other end to look over the documents and give his opinion on them.
“Well, that’s it,” Taylor stood, stretching.
They had gotten up very early that morning and a lot had happened since they hit the road. Taylor hadn’t realized yet how tired his body was. He headed out of her room, but stopped on the threshold.
“Agent Whitaker,” he said, turning back.
“It’s been good working with you, today.”
“You too, Taylor.”
Taylor turned and left, heading back to his own room. He was surprised that he meant what he’d said. When they first met late the day before, and especially in the morning when she’d been toeing the company line, he’d been convinced she was like all the intelligence POGs he’d known in the service. Worried more about their own ass than the job on the ground.
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Having visited a morning magistrates court in one in one of the UK's major cities some years ago. I was a little surprised at the way many cases especially of prostitution were pushed through at such high speed. Thinking back on my visit the bones of this story emerged. I am sure what happened below is surely not possible, or is it? Tony woke up with a start as the cell door clanged and a police officer walked in with his breakfast. "Here you are miss, you had better hurry up and eat, you...
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Whitaker looked at the file Taylor handed back, and waited. “And?” she said, when he didn’t say anything else. “And, ‘yes, ‘ you guys made a mistake.” “What exactly did we make a mistake on?” “When you jumped to the conclusion that this was terrorism related.” “Ohh, and you think someone blowing up a government building was, what, an accident?” “I don’t know why the building blew up, yet, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t of a terrorist origination.” “Let me guess, Islam is a religion of...
The drive to the campus took a lot longer than either Taylor or Whitaker expected. It wasn’t the campus itself that was the problem, the in-dash GPS took care of getting them on campus without much trouble. The problem was, the GPS didn’t know much beyond where the campus itself was, and they found no entry for the registration office, which was their next stop. Texas Tech isn’t a huge campus, but all the buildings looked similar, and the street signs weren’t helpful. Eventually they stopped...
As Whitaker and Taylor headed out of the hotel and toward the location, Whitaker was texted by the Deputy. There had been a lot of tense silence between them since they’d met, but Taylor could feel the anger coming off Whitaker. And yet, she hadn’t thrown in the towel completely. Taylor knew he’d been too dismissive of Whitaker from the beginning, but he wasn’t sure how to make any of them listen to reason. He promised himself he would try and go easier on her if at all possible. The hard...
“A robbery?” Whitaker said, surprised. “Yep. The explosion was to hide any trace of it, most likely. And it’s not like you can go out and buy two-hundred pounds of C4. The inconsistent blast radius, plus the fact that multiple guys are involved in kidnapping Julie, all point to it, unless we go with the abduction being a coincidence.” “No, we don’t. But that doesn’t let Samar off the hook. He could have been in on the crew stealing the explosives.” “Sure, but then why kill Julie? What...
As it turned out, they couldn’t leave right away, much to Taylor’s annoyance. There weren’t enough deputies to interview the AC shop owner, search for Mullins and sit on their SUV until it could be towed, so the three of them had to wait for a tow truck to come for Whitaker’s SUV. When it finally showed up, Whitaker pulled all her possessions out and loaded them into a messenger bag. “What are we going to do to get around?” Taylor said as she loaded up her things. “I mean, Wade here offered...
The packing didn’t take Taylor long, considering he had only the one duffle bag and he’d just thrown out one set of clothes he’d brought with him. Even with that, he was only a few steps behind Whitaker when they checked out and both were on the curb when yet another non-descript black SUV pulled up with a male agent Taylor hadn’t met, driving. He and Whitaker made a bit of small talk, but that quickly fell off. It seemed there was little secret being made of Whitaker being yanked home by...
The next morning, neither talked about the night before. By the time she’d showered and dressed in another of her ubiquitous dark pantsuits ... which, it turned out, she had an entire closet full of ... Whitaker was back to her normal self. It didn’t take them long to figure out their plan once they got going, since it was pretty straight forward. They would stake out Brooks, and see where he went. If he had been hired to grab Julie, then this would be all for nothing, but it was the only...
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They took the SUV back to the Sheriff’s office and picked up Whitaker’s car. Even though the sun was already down, she drove them all the way back to Dallas. Neither of them spoke the entire trip. It felt like they were back to the first day they met, and Taylor didn’t care for it at all. This silence wasn’t like when Dorset had come down on her. That silence had been caused by concern that she’d made a mistake and thrown away everything she’d worked for, up to that point, away. It wasn’t...
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Chapter 11: A New Star Is BornI wanted to feel nervous and scared to what was about to happen, but my instincts were telling me otherwise. This was my time to shine in front of the camera and for the first time I was able to show the skills I had learned over the past few days. I stared at all the men surrounding talking about the shots they were trying to set up and what was about to go on. I had no say in how this would turn out but most actors don't in general. Quinn was grinning at me like...
Hello, dear Reader. I am an addict. I'm not looking for sympathy, it really is no big deal, I have come to terms with and totally accepted it. I don't hurt anyone and, in fact, by its very nature, my addiction has brought pleasure to very many men. It's a fact that it's possible for anyone to become addicted to anything. Apart from the very obvious and easy to name addictions, like gambling, alcohol and narcotics, there are other less obvious addictions which are equally as demanding on the...
I’m so excited. Master says I'm ready. We’ve been practicing for months with long tedious days of rope burn, bruising and lots of falling down. Tonight we will do a short Kinbaku demonstration at the club. I really want to please Him and do well.I had only been going to the club for a few weeks, when I first met my Master. He had been watching me silently for a while before approaching. He told me, my quiet demeanor and charming politeness drew Him to me. He watched me turn away many suitors,...
BDSMHi this is a fantasy story of mine i am regular reader of erotic literature and fantasies a lot and this first submission and is a pretty long one. So patience is needed when reading this story. Tere will be no immediate sexual escapades as such and every action will pan out naturally as the story flows. Please don’t forget to give your comments on the story or send me a mail at Positive criticisms are always welcome. Without further ado, let me come to my fantasy. I am an average guy married...
Get those girls into uniform! It was a quiet Sunday in Midford, a small English market town. The pedestrianised centre allowed shoppers to window shop on a quieter crisp January day with a beautiful blue sky after an overnight frost. Susan Jenkins was the manager of the local branch of 'Go!' a travel agency. She didn't normally work at the weekend, but there was a lot of work to do to prepare a promotion to encourage people to book their holidays early. She had asked her son Jack...
My sister in law recently came to visit my wife and me to visit my father in law who is in a nursing home close to where we live. I am white American and my wife and her sister are from the Philippines. They have lived in the US for many years but still have accents. My wife has gotten a little chubby while my sister in law has an amazing body that she keeps in shape by working out and her job is a nurse which keeps her on feet a lot. She is a natural flirt and likes to wear clothes that are...
First a note to apologize about what happened with Chapter one. Evidently I deleted the version of this story that I edited. I don't recall doing it, so I must have done it by accident while deleting other files. I thought the one I orginally posted was the edited version, but obviously I was wrong. No wonder it was in such bad shape. This one and the next one has been edited by someone else, so should be a lot better shape. That week was pretty much the same as the week before. He met...
This story is partly true and partly wishful thinking. It involves myboyfriend, who is 8 years older than me, and his younger brother who is 17.My name is Matt, which is short for My Ass Takes Terry, which happens to bemy boyfriend's name. If you are concerned whether the names have beenchanged to protect individual privacy then you really ought to get a life!This story is dedicated to 2 guys whom I've never met, but for over a yearhave helped me cope with getting my life back together...
Hi everyone, I am a regular reader of this site since 7 years. My name is anuhya and my age is 23, elder daughter of my parents and I am from hyderabad. Both my parents are employees. My mom name is bindhu and my dad’s name is raghu ram. I am having two younger brothers krishna and arjun who are in their 21 and 19 respectively and a younger sister sravani who is in her 18. At present I am working as a consultant in leading software mnc. Krishna is in his engineering final year, arjun is a...
IncestHannah and Bess, the two eighteen-year-old prefects at the sixth form college, had been busily organising their fellow students back onto the two coaches for the afternoon visit to another country house. They had spent the morning at the Manor being shown around the various spacious rooms with some very nice artwork on the walls. They then had lunch in a private dining room which was large enough for all sixty girls.The girls had been well-behaved, as usual, always being wary that either Hannah...
SpankingChloe Quick “My pussy is ready for your dirty dick, Chloe!” Wendy said before me. I grinned at the sight of her perching on a desk, naked and spreading her thighs. She was a petite brunette with small and perky boobs. That made her like me. A member of the A Cup Titty Squad. She had a brown bush dripping with jizz. Some guy had nutted in her. Now she would get a futa’s dick in her. I advanced on her, my cock dirty from my girlfriend’s ass. Naughty Stacey was heading into the rest of the...
Matthew didn't know yet what a gem he had in the new girl at school who also happened to be his cousins new neighbor. Matthew was a good looking boy of 15, his birthday was a few months away. He had bright brilliant blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that hanged to his chin and was shaved underneath. 5'10", 150 pounds give or take, slim build, but muscles that were defined. Matt had his fair share of girls, even at 15 he knew what he wanted from them, and knew how to give them...
Hello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or It had been two years since Tommy Ritter’s father died. Tommy was sixteen when the tragedy occurred. While Tommy missed his dad a lot, it was no more than his mom did. Their life had been ideal–living in the suburbs, two-car garage, and nice schools. Everything was just about perfect...
IncestMy biggest fear. By: Janet Jean Rating: "M" (Mature) As a Crossdresser my biggest fear is being discovered, being read. Being in an accident and being caught, with my finest lingerie under "boy clothes" or being caught by a neighbor or friend. Can it be as bad as my imagination believes it to be? My name is Jerry Waddell. I have been a Crossdresser since I was 6 years old. My mother and sister taught me everything; I'm an expert at crossdressing in every sense...
Arriving home a week before ‘The Blast of 2007’, we were hit with 25” in an unpredicted snowstorm. It was massive, fatal, and of monumental proportions for our area. Seeing as we are in the southern region and the temperature never gets below 35 usually, nobody expected it, not even my parents who used to live in Michigan. Not starting my new job in my native town of Berkshire, I had called three friends I grew up with. One was engaged to a guy I didn’t know, another was almost married with a...
Erotic Fiction