Compulsive masturbators
- 3 years ago
- 25
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They’ve tried everything they can to stop Beth, at this fancy New England
prep school. Why? Because her persistent masturbation is past being a joke.
It’s getting beyond control, and turning into a disciplinary issue. The
administrators are convinced that she’s setting off a wave of self-a***e
among the other girls, and is a leading cause of other little signs of
rebellion they’ve been seeing lately. Smoking, hard cider drinking, shower
room seductive displays and leering, staying out late beyond curfew,
chasing the town boys, you name it, there’s more of it going on this year
than last. Of course, it’s also 1979, the end of the Carter administration,
a year of bitter angst and pointlessness. But the school management don’t
think in terms of the big picture.
Policy dictates that girls must be cured of this ‘dirty habit’, or
Beth is certainly the worst. She’s only 16, but already she can’t
stop. It’s all part of her personality. She’s a little gangly, taller than
most. Not much better than averagely pretty. Mousy shoulder-length brown
hair in a sort of do-it-yourself cut, greenish eyes. Here, at this school
filled with the daughters of the rich, she’s nothing special. Which is a
big part of the problem. At home she’s used to being the center of
attention. The spoiled youngest daughter, highly competitive. Her sisters
are all making careers or households, and here she is, doing geometry and
botany. That annoys her, somehow, and makes her more pouty and unlikable
than ever. Her new stepmother isn’t doing much to help make her feel
wanted, either.
No, it’s not indelicate to wonder how everybody seems to know about
her bedtime habits. They’ve discovered it through laundry room worker
reports, through panty inspections and dorm monitors’ reports. Yes, when
the lights are turned down at night, things happen. But they don’t happen
completely unobserved. Several times a night, monitors — senior girls,
sometimes one of the trainee teachers — slip through the dorm room in
stockinged feet, watching.
Beth is often observed at play. It’s not something lightly
complained about, since they’re sensible enough to know that all girls will
masturbate, at some time, to some extent. In fact, at this age, it’s the
main pastime apart from dreaming about boys, trying makeup, listening to
records, reading magazines. It’s as close as they can get to sex without
getting into some lezzie relationship (and most are not quite prepared for
that, yet). However, some discretion is expected.
Beth isn’t discrete, and she knows it. Though the idea of sex (with
a boy or girls) has drifted through her mind once or twice, she prefers the
manual approach. Beth is clearly the #1 wanker in her year, by a long way.
And the other girls in her class and dorm know it, and joke about it
constantly. It doesn’t help her that they don’t like her very much, think
her remote, and kind of strange.
“So, what can be done?” asked class teacher Angela Strabolgi,
impatiently. “This girl is really out of control, if you want my opinion .
. .”
“No argument about that, Angela,” replied Heather Wheatstone, the
headmistress. “Various remedies can be tried: whether any will work . . .?”
she shrugs. “But you’re right, we must try. This little brat is a serious
cause of indiscipline. Strong measures are called for.”
Beth’s first formal encounter came soon after. She was summoned to
Miss Wheatstone’s office. There, class teacher Miss Strabolgi was also
present. Both women wore stiff disapproving expressions. The headmistress
is a large plain woman, in her forties. Rigidly conventional. Miss
Strabolgi is in her early thirties, slim, hyperactive, bespectacled, drab.
“Beth, sit down. Now, this is a formal warning, which will go into
your confidential school records. At this point, we will not communicate
its nature to your parents. But,” she waved a finger, “we will, if we don’t
see some serious improvement in your attitude here,” Miss Strabolgi began.
“Quite,” Miss Wheatstone echoed, taking over. “Beth, let me be
quite direct about this. We have received a number of complaints that you
are ‘touching yourself’ too much at night.”
Until now, Beth had sat patiently, but somewhat perplexed. She’d
been expecting a stiff lecture about the packet of Merits found in her
locker, or maybe about being back a half-hour late from the “Star Wars”
trip. Now, she blushed hotly, wondering what they were getting at.
“Ma’am . . .? I . . .” she began.
“Quiet. I don’t want to hear a pack of lies from you, so just
listen for a minute, please. Let me put it another way, Beth. You are a
very self-centered, selfish girl, and we have been hearing stories about
misbehavior. Quiet! Let me finish! There have been some comments made by
the laundry staff about poor personal hygiene, and the gym and field sports
staff have noticed that you linger and ‘look around’ in the showers a
little longer than decency or modesty would suggest appropriate. Do I make
myself clear?” Miss Wheatstone, like anyone whose point is being muddled
and missed, was getting quite angry.
“Ma’am? I, well, excuse me, but I don’t think it’s really anyone
else’s business if . . .” Beth began.
“WHAT!” Miss Strabolgi shrieked. “What affrontery! Listen, Miss
know-it-all Smarty Pants, we make the rules here! Everything’s our
business!! Understand!! And if we say no . . .”
“Yes, Angela, yes, but please . . .” Miss Wheatstone smoothly
interrupted. “…let’s be rational, all of us. Beth, this will be your
first and only verbal warning. It is unnatural and unladylike for young
women to spend very much time contemplating their own bodies — or those of
others! — except in pursuit of ladylike arts like learning make-up, or
taking care of personal matters. I, ahem, I really don’t think I need to
say more, do I? And, concerning the other matter, the nighttime habit . . .
Please don’t let me hear of any more complaints about you masturbating . .
. fingering yourself, playing with your pussy. Now, is that clear enough?”
“Yes, ma’am . . .” Beth said quietly, not wanting to turn this into
a major confrontation. They escorted her to the door and watched her walk
away, chastened.
Or was she? The old bitches, she thought to herself. I’ll do as I
fucking well please. In fact, I’m off to the bathroom for a good strum
right now, before supper.
It was only a day or to later that Angela Strabolgi heard the next
complaint. A young French exchange teacher, Yvette, had been assigned a
late night inspection duty. She’d heard heavy, labored breathing as she
padded through the darkened dorm in her bare feet. All the lights were out,
but she’d had no trouble isolating the source of the sound: Beth’s bed in
the corner, the one she’d been warned about. She’d gone close enough to see
that Beth had pulled the sheets down, lifted her nightdress high, and was
fingering herself vigorously.
Beth was summoned the next morning. Miss Strabolgi looked at her
with disapproval. “I have heard a report that you were not asleep at 11:45
last night . . .”
“I don’t wear a watch in bed,” Beth replied, freshly.
“Beth, don’t provoke me! So, I have decided that you are going to
hand in your nightdresses, and that instead we will enforce pajamas for
you. As you know, PJs with long pants are quite suitable wear for young
ladies. And we can make them even more suitable for someone with, uh, your
particular problem, with the aid of special sewn-on tapes.”
“Yes, ma’am . . .”
“So bring the nightdresses here this afternoon, and I’ll issue you
with suitable sleepwear.”
The pajamas were flannel, baggy, sexless. They had been boys’
pajamas, but their crotch and flyfront had been sewn up. The cord at the
waist was elasticated, and the ‘special tapes’ were designed to join the
jacket and pants, to prevent either being pulled aside for the purposes of
exploration. Other tapes held the jacket firmly closed.
The very next morning, Angela Strabolgi received a heated complaint
from the laundry. After just one night, Beth’s pajama bottoms had been made
so sticky they might have stuck to the wall if thrown. And would have stood
up of their own accord after they dried. “You’ve never seen anything so
filthy in your life,” the manager had told Angela, “and the smell! Oh!”
Beth trembled with suppressed rage as she was lectured about this.
And with poor grace accepted the fresh pair of PJs, and the transparent
plastic continence pants. She was not the least bit happy that half a dozen
little brass bells had been sewn to the wrists of the pajama jacket.
It wasn’t clear whether it was the jingling of the bells or the
giggling of her neighbors that had gotten the awakened the whole dorm by
1.30am. When the lights came on and Yvette strode in shrieking “Stop this!
Get to sleep, all of you, you damned girls!!” it was Beth who was flushed,
sweating, guilt-stricken.
Angela wasn’t convinced, but thought it work a try. A pair of huge
padded gloves, with little padlocks to hold them on. Late that the night,
Yvette phoned and complained: “She was just laying on her belly and rubbing
herself up and down on her clenched fists . . .”
The other girls thought this was just incredible. A special cot for
Beth, with bars, various restraints, so she could be strapped in at night.
They watched out of the corners of their eyes as she was dressed in her
pajamas, tapes were tied, bells were checked, and then she was guided into
the cot and the sides lifted and slotted into placed. Straps round her
wrists, and tethers on her ankles. And a little buzzer to press if she
needed to summon someone to help her go to the bathroom. By morning, Beth
was seething with rage and frustration. It was no surprise to anyone who
knew her that she’d stayed in the showers longer than usual that morning,
and spend an enormous amount of time washing and rewashing her pussy, until
she was smiling beatifically, and her hips were swaying back and forth in
unmistakable fashion. When she walked in with Yvette and Miss Wheatstone,
wondering why the problem girl was so late to breakfast, Angela Stabolgi
was incensed, and started raving about “Stop this filthy licentious
display! This moment!” Beth did, but came with a gasp of delight first.
The next step would have happened anyway, Angela knew. But catching
the little strumpet rubbing herself in a public shower room, well that was
the clincher for her. Beth was sent a curt note telling her to present
herself at the matron’s office at 2pm. When she arrived, happy to be
missing a tiresome American History class, she found Yvette, Miss Strabolgi
and Miss Wheatstone in attendance, along with Mrs. Smythe the school nurse.
She timidly closed the door behind her. This looked like trouble.
Beth’s stomach sank when Miss Wheatstone ordered with a snap of her
fingers: “Get undressed, Beth.”
After so many prohibitions, disapprovals, threats, Beth felt quite
lightheaded at the prospect of taking her clothes off. She started to
blush, but began to quickly unbutton her blouse. A powerful urge to be
naked gripped her.
“I’ve decided there is a distinct possibility that there is
something physical, something physiological, wrong with you. So we’ve
invited Dr. Druhler from the town to give you a proper medical inspection.”
Beth shuddered. She might have protested, but it didn’t seem likely
to produce any result. All four women had somewhat vexed, determined looks
to them. Druhler! That horrid, stooped old man, with his nose hairs and
slightly weird smell. Doubled as a veterinarian sometimes. Oh, no . . .
She put her blouse on a chairback and began to remove her bra. They watched
with interest as she got her shoes and socks off, then unfastened her
skirt. Now here she was, in her panties. Beth had known, and they now all
saw too, that she had wet them quite badly, in a ten-minute frenzy in the
bathroom not half an hour before. She took them down with trembling
fingers, their stares fixed on her. Her pubic hair was damp, streaked with
milky goo underneath. Her clitoris was crimson, and bulging like a k*d
about to start blowing a bubble with strawberry gum. Her nipples were dark,
hard, erect. Everybody, Beth included, took a deep breath at the powerful,
erotic scent that filled the room.
She was a woman aching to be fucked, and there was no other way to
interpret it. The four staff members looked round in embarassment. A
battered old car pulled up with a shriek of brakes outside, rescuing them
from this moment.
Now Beth wasn’t breathing any more deeply than she had to. Druhler
had given a nasty smirk when he walked in and saw her sitting naked on the
table. He’d asked a few neutral questions, taken her b***d pressure, popped
a thermometer in her mouth (relief!), run a stethoscope over her chest and
back, looked her body over superficially. Now he was starting in on the
female questions, assisted and prompted by this coven of witches. When had
she last? Did she ever suffer from? Describe this as your natural scent?
Any urinary problems? Bowels? Hmm, then I think I’d better take a good look
at your . . .
And there she was, legs up and parted, showing off everything to
Druhler, and the other four. And whoever else: They hadn’t pulled the
curtains in the office and she was showing her bush to anyone walking in
the gardens outside.
Druhler coopted Yvette and Mrs. Smythe to hold her legs in the
absence of stirrups. And he looked. And peered, and prodded. And sniffed.
Tugged hairs. And dabbed with a finger. Then he wanted to look inside,
having the grace to warm up his various metal gadgets under a warm tap
first. Balancing that, he opened her very wide, and kept her that way for
longer than she was used to, prodding and exploring.
“I agree,” he told them at last, stating the obvious, as he wiped
his fingers and instruments clean with paper towels. “She is in a highly
sexually aroused condition, very wet. And there’s no external reason that I
can determine. Puzzling, indeed.”
“She masturbates constantly, if you’re looking for the obvious
reason,” Angela piped up.
“OH! Ah, well yes, of course, I can see . . . well, I mean, I can’t
see, but, yes it’s rather obvious now, looking at the size of her . . . and
the color of these parts . . . yes . . .”
“Any suggestions, Doctor?” Miss Wheatstone asked politely.
“Well, if she were a young married woman, harrumph, I’d have
several. Ha ha! But, for someone her age. Hum. Well, quite inappropriate.
No no. I . . . um. And I suppose you’re not happy with the idea that she .
. .? No no, I see you’re not. You’d prefer . . . Decency, modesty. School
to think of, too. Ha. Quite. Yes, well . . .”
“Stop waffling, please,” Yvette was able to say. “What do you
“A change of diet. Less meat, and uh uh, how would you describe it?
Something to stop her . . .? To stop her, uh, diddling . . .”
“A chastity belt, perhaps?” Yvette prompted.
“Exactly! I think some of the big medical supply companies have
them, and if you like i’ll write you a rather general prescription so you
can pick. . .”
“Yes, do that,” Angela summed up. “We have some catalogs here. I’m
sure we can figure out what’s what . . .”
“Get dressed, Beth,” Miss Wheatstone ordered. “Yvette, go with her.
Take her to the showers, please. And have her do something about that
smell. Supervise her. She needs a good wash before sitting down to supper.”
Beth’s chastity belt arrived by messenger the next day. A horrible
thing, like an orthopedic back brace or a surgical corset. Huge, covering
her from breasts to thighs. Draped with straps and buckles to pull it close
to her body. And with a panel that pulled up snugly under her underbelly,
totally hiding her genitals behind quarter inch thick canvas, lined with
rubber. If she’s wanted to rub, it would have done no good at all. If she’d
tapped herself with a hammer, she might not have felt anything. Her dorm
mates though it quite hilarious. “Well, Beth, if you’d stopped when you
were told, you wouldn’t be wearing it, would you?” They laughed more when
the various straps were tightened another quarter inch, and secured with
several little padlocks by Yvette.
Angela arrived, and tossed a huge baggy nightdress and dressing
gown to Beth. “Cover yourself! Really!” She looked her charge up and down.
“Now, Beth. You’ll wear that chastity belt every night, from the end of
classes until shower time next morning. And the rest of the day, this . .
.” She brandished a tangle of chains, like something for tires on snowy
days. “This will lock round your, your . . . well, it’ll stop you touching
yourself effectively. Now, into bed and don’t let me find out you are
pleading for anything nasty in the morning when you go for your shower with
your friends here . . .”
Beth played dumb, looked innocent.
“Don’t pretend, young lady. I’ve had a complaint from one of your
classmates that you whispered during the night about wanting to be, ahem,
fingerfucked in the shower. Is that true?”
Beth paled, then blushed, and shook her head. “Oh, no ma’am. No. I
wouldn’t do that!” Who had ratted? Oh, she’d have liked a friendly finger
up her cunt, and would have greeted it like a long-lost friend, that was
certain. But which of these bitches had told on her?
The harsh chastity belt and the pubic chain stopped her for a
while. But it only made Beth more mischievous, frisky in class. She was
seriously frustrated, and began to be more of a disciplinary challenge than
It was in Yvette’s math class that she crossed the line. After some
particularly dumb and insolent responses, the young Frenchwoman had asked
Beth to step to the front of the class. As always, there had been nudges
and giggles. Beth rather creaking progress amused everyone. They knew she
was tightly crammed into a tangle of chains under her dress.
Yvette’s patience was exhausted. She took up a ruler. “Hold out
your hands, Beth,” she said, her voice trembling. “Palms down.”
And Beth had yelped as she was given a half down vicious slaps
across the knuckles.
“Now, turn them over.” And another dozen strokes across the palms
while she was lectured patiently about the non-concordance of quadratics,
mischievousness and lust.
“An old fashioned punishment, Beth,” Angela Strabolgi had nodded
happily when the girl rushed to her to complain, showing her reddened
knuckles and striped palms. “Serves you right. You’re a real brat! I’d have
done the same myself. In fact, what you need, my girl, is a damned good
spanking. And the way you’re going, Little Miss Trouble, you’re going to
get it very soon . . .”
It was half-term, and a week at home was allowed. Beth wasn’t
terribly excited at the prospect. Her Dad was away on a trip to Europe, her
favorite sister was in California. Her stepmother and two other sisters
greeted her. The former had never cared for her. The latter? She was
beneath their interest, but they listened politely for a few minutes to
‘school stuff,’ before reverting to a chat about curtaining.
Everything went well, until about the fifth day. Beth was watching
TV, bored. The phone rang. Her stepmother answered. “Letter? What letter?”
she heard her saying. Beth slunk away. The letter, the damned letter. She
didn’t know what was in it. But she was sure it was only going to stir up
trouble, so she hadn’t given it to her stepmother.
The woman came after her. “Where’s this letter you were supposed to
give me? Some drudge from school, someone named Shitbogie, or something,
just called about it. Well?”
Beth went to her suitcase and produced the letter.
Her stepmother grabbed it, tore open the envelope and read it with
mounting rage, her hands trembling.
“So,” she said quietly, after a long pause. “So, now it’s
disciplinary problems, huh? Do you know, do you have any idea how fucking
much it costs us to send you to that twat’s preening pit?! You bitch, you
cunt, you ungrateful fucker . . . ” she was screaming now.
“I’ll give you disciplinary problem, you fucking bitch!” Her
stepmother had her by the hair and was dragging her downstairs, into the
kitchen, furious profane incantations flowing from her. She was a small,
strong woman of Italian parents, nothing like Beth’s own dearly departed
mother, and no more than 35 years old or so. Her vicious temper was boiling
over. She tore Beth’s blouse off, ripped her bra loose, kicked her, slapped
her, ordered her to strip. In terror, Beth lowered her jeans. And in
seconds, Beth was thrown over her knee, legs kicking feebly, while her
stepmother took up a huge wooden serving spoon, ripped her panties to
shreds, and began spanking her bare ass with furious passion. She didn’t
let up for twenty minutes, even when Beth’s two older sisters arrived from
their latest shopping expedition. They shrugged at her pleas and squeals.
“Beth, you earned it, I’m sure,” one snorted.
“Yes, shut the fuck up, sis,” the other helpfully suggested.
“Get me the riding crop from the hall cupboard,” her stepmother
snapped. “I’ll give this dirty little slut something to think about
tomorrow . . .”
And she did, laying into her with a vengeance until Beth’s thighs
and buttocks were bright red, crisscrossed with stripes, and the young
woman was sobbing pitifully. She roughly shoved her off her lap, kicked out
at her a couple of times, and watched with contempt as Beth limped away,
hands clasped to her blistered ass, shaking with emotion.
“Is that the crop you used on Daddy . . ?” she heard one sister
ask, awestruck as she dragged herself upstairs.
That night in bed, Beth masturbated more furiously than ever, her
imagination filled with straps and belts, crops and paddles, and the bitter
curses of ruthlessly cruel women. She came and came, dozens of times,
moaning with pleasure.
Beth was half-asleep when her stepmother crept into her room after
midnight, slipped off her nightdress, climbed into bed and reached hungrily
for her. She couldn’t resist. Dared not. Mouths met, tongues explored,
little gasps of delight were heard. Beth’s nipples were pinched and rolled,
then long fingernailed hands were busy in her pubic hair, and she was
spreading herself wide, eager to give herself.
“I knew you’d be in a sexy mood, Beth. I notice things. Your twat
was quite sticky after I’d caned you . . .”
Beth kissed and hugged, passionately. Yes, it probably had been, if
she’d been able to concentrate on it instead of her fiery ass. Her mother
was talking, quietly: ” . . . need it fucked, baby, really hard. I’m going
to have to get my guy in with you, show you what a ten-inch cock feels like
. . .”
“No! Not Daddy!” Beth squawked, pulling away in dismay.
“No, not ‘daddy,’ ” her stepmother said with bitter contempt.
“Jesus! His wallet’s ten inches thick but his prick is smaller than your
clit. And besides, that’s unnatural . . .No, I have a nice blonde fellow
from the Dutch embassy with a real ‘dikestuffer’ you need to sample . . .”
“Oh . . .” Beth moaned, a little shocked that her stepmother was a
such a slut, but relieved that she wasn’t being asked to open her legs to
the man she’d always assumed had fathered her. But maybe not? Could it
really be that small? What was all this about using a crop on him . . .?
Oh, her fingers! What’s she doing with her mouth? Oh oh oh . . .
A little later, her stepmother was able to speak again. “God, Beth,
you have the smelliest, stickiest cunt I’ve ever found, for a girl your age
. . .” her seducer purred. “Uh, it’s amazing. You’ve been rubbing yourself
tonight, haven’t you? Yes?”
Beth was nodding, yielding, opening wider, drooling juices. Fingers
werere dipping, then being sniffed and licked. She was bucking her hips,
horny as she could be. The woman chuckled, kissed her again, tugged her
clitoris. “Did that turn you on, getting spanked? The crop? I think it did.
Yes, it did, feel this thing. . . hot! Well, now I have something nice to
tell these women at your school, don’t I? They want written permission from
me, permission to spank you, dear. Didn’t you guess? No? And ha ha, you
know what my answer’s going to be, don’t you?”
Her fingers were inside Beth, and she was rubbing and kneading her
into a frenzy. Their tongues were intertwined. “Oh oh oh, please please . .
.” Beth sobbed.
“Yes, slut. It’s going to be yessssss!!!!…”
“Ooooh . . .”
“Yessss!!! Are they mean? Vicious?”
“Yes. Horrible,” Beth croaked. “Nasty . . .”
“They scare you?”
“Oh, yes . . .”
“Good. Then I’m going to tell them to be extra cruel. To beat the
shit out of you, you wanky girl . . .you’ll love that, won’t you?”
Beth arched her back in ecstasy. “Oh, please . . .”
Hello, I'm a new writer, i writer both real and fictional stories, I depend on my writing on suspense not only softcore stories, I'm studying all about cultures and societies to please all tastes, and also all sex fantasiesI depend on making the reader get into the characters so deeply, sorry for taking along, but I'm going to wait for your ideas and opinions======================== Mark and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder " OCD " " Fictional Story "Characters:Mark: The protagonistAlexa: Mark's...
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‘They jumped into the pool as soon as we got there,’ Beth called out, the sound of keys crashing onto the kitchen counter echoing in the now empty house. ‘Babe?’ Beth heard no reply and made her way up the hall. She heard the sound of running water and smiled, deciding to finish packing while Reid finished his shower. After dropping off the kids who were having a sleepover at her mum and dad’s, Beth was excited as she had been looking forward to this weekend for ages as it was the first time...
BDSMBeth and Ethanby pr_squaredBoys competed eagerly for places in the Cady Stanton Riding Program. Freshmen and sophomores, called bugs, wore drab gray uniforms and worked under the supervision of the Bug Mother and her assistants. At the end of their sophomore year, the bugs were assessed for size and conditioning by the Program Director, Bug Mother, and the senior jockeys. Most were rejected. Each year a eight or ten are found large and strong enough to serve as possible mounts. They...
Beth and Jim had been together for only four months when they decided to ditch their apartments and find a house to share. After a few weeks of searching, they found a small bungalow and fell in love with it. The yard wasn’t too large, the house was set back behind trees that blocked most of the road noise as well as giving them privacy. A modern kitchen was separated from the living room by a low counter, and two large bedrooms shared a bath with a tile floor and an open shower built for...
Beth could not recall the last time she had this much sex. Since divulging her desires to her husband only a few short weeks ago, they had had more sex than they had in years, even more then when they had first started dating when Beth had been just nineteen. Each time he laid his hands upon her now she wondered what new discoveries about herself - and about Reid - she may discover. She wanted more. The weeks had passed in a sweaty tangled blur as the excitement of her new desires made their...
BDSMBeth squeezed her legs together in anticipation. The plane touched down and as the pilot throttled back, the roar of the engines filled the cabin and the vibrations of the plane reverberated through Beth’s core. She couldn’t help but break into a huge grin.It was her anniversary. Now married thirteen years Beth and Reid had managed to score an entire weekend kid free! They had chosen Melbourne for the trip away and were planning to eat, drink, and - as far as Beth was concerned - fuck like...
BDSMBeth squeezed her legs together in anticipation. The plane touched down and as the pilot throttled back, the roar of the engines filled the cabin and the vibrations of the plane reverberated through Beth’s core. She couldn’t help but break into a huge grin.It was her anniversary. Now married thirteen years Beth and Reid had managed to score an entire weekend kid free! They had chosen Melbourne for the trip away and were planning to eat, drink, and - as far as Beth was concerned - fuck like...
BDSMThe sound of her stilettos clicking over the marble foyer echoed loudly in the space, accompanied by the strains of soft jazz emanating from the bar and the muffled sounds of evening chatter. They walked arm in arm and Beth cast a sideways glance at Reid all dressed up. Tonight he wore a black suit with a white button down shirt, his brushed silver cufflinks just peaking past the sleeves. She had also noticed he was wearing the same blue silk tie which he had used to blindfold her weeks ago....
BDSMWhen she was considering which college to attend, Beth found the elite New England women’s colleges especially attractive. An outstanding student, she believed strongly that the single-sex classroom environment was the best pace for a young woman to develop her ability and self-confidence. Yes, it was true that these schools also had a reputation for lesbianism, but that didn’t bother her. She knew she was straight; she had a steady boyfriend. There were also other colleges nearby...
Fiction by Zappa06415 Ah, just another typical morning on the north coast of Oregon. Pea-soup fog pouring in off the chilly ocean out over the point. It’ll be about 5 hours before the sun can burn this crap off and open this day up to bright sun and moderate temperatures. Like I said, just another typical morning, or so I thought. I’ve been living out here now for about 15 years and it never gets old. The beauty of this place is beyond description. And this tiny coastal town with...
The morning sun just began piercing the east-facing blinds in Michael’s bedroom, and a bright ray splashed across Beth’s face. She opened her eyes and put her hand up to block the harsh light. When she did, the flawless diamond, nestled in the setting on her left hand, sparkled. She smiled and moved her hand for a few minutes watching the dazzling array the sun created for her. She looked over at Michael, still sound asleep. She brushed his hair lightly and kissed his forehead. He stirred...
Beth sighed. She glanced down at the pair of socks in her hands then finished balling them up and adding them to the basket of laundry at her side. She sighed again. She lifted the basket and made her way through the house. A Saturday afternoon, both kids were glued to their respective screens and Beth slowly deposited items of clean laundry throughout the house. In Molly’s room she tucked clean uniforms onto shelves, now that she had started school this year. In Will’s room, the same, now he...
BDSMBeth sighed. She glanced down at the pair of socks in her hands then finished balling them up and adding them to the basket of laundry at her side. She sighed again. She lifted the basket and made her way through the house. A Saturday afternoon, both kids were glued to their respective screens and Beth slowly deposited items of clean laundry throughout the house. In Molly’s room she tucked clean uniforms onto shelves, now that she had started school this year. In Will’s room, the same, now he...
BDSMBeth and SallyIts taken me a while but here is the addendum I promised to “BETH - THE FIRST” that I wrote last year. To recap - Beth was a mature woman of about 45 (30 years my senior) who, while she didn’t take my virginity she taught me the delights of the mature woman that I have cherished and continued to enjoy all my life.Beth and I had been lovers (or really just fuck friends) since she seduced me as a 15 year old when ‘babysitting me and my brother. She was a regular visitor to our home...
Gwen opened her door and greeted Beth with a sensuous kiss. The four of them were going out to Topeka for the night, and Shane had recommended that the ladies get ready together. Their k**s were home with instructions on getting in bed on time and so forth. This night was going to be all about adult fun.The ladies did not know specifics for the plan, only that they were to dress sexy. They had fun getting ready but would have liked having more time together to play first. Even after so...
Quick, write this date down! I won a bet with Beth! I won! I won! I won! I was gloating to myself for reasons you may or may not understand. My lover, Beth, is a betting fool, we bet on so many things -- TV shows, sporting events, even stuff like whose mom is going to call next. The stakes range from the simple; like who's cooking dinner, to the bizarre, like accompanying her to a gentleman's club. If you read "Beth and Tracey Chapter 2" then you know how that one turned out.Even if you...
LesbianBeth sighed heavily with contentment as the solid form of Reid rolled off her onto his own side of the bed. She felt the wondrous glow of endorphins rush through her system as she came down from her orgasm, stretching catlike on the bed and feeling her muscles burn and tingle after their exertions. She sighed again and reluctantly got out of bed to tend to her bathroom needs. After being married for so long they didn’t use condoms and since neither one of them liked sleeping in the wet patch...
BDSMBeth and Len are thirteen year old twins whom I was asked to babysit for, during the Labor Day weekend, from Friday till Monday eve. On Friday morning their mother, Debbie, dropped them off. She told them to behave and reminded them that if they didn't that I had her full permission to discipline them as needed. They settled in and were busy playing and watching the television shortly after Debbie left. That afternoon I was watching tv and the children were running in and out,...
Beth and her Mom By Deputy Duffy I am one of those lucky few, who love their jobs. I work for the great Stateof Vermont, as a Deputy Sheriff. I spend most of my nights patrolling its sleepyhighways and back-roads. I'm just 22-years-old and only got this job becausemy dad's the Sheriff. Most of the time there is not much to do, as I work thelate shift. There are times however, when this can work to ones advantage.The following is an account of one such evening. I set up shop (radar) one night on...
General Mark McReynolds was nominated by President Matheson to be his new Vice President upon the resignation of the sitting Vice President. Mark was a young man of only 40, and his wife was only 30. He was selected, because the President felt that he was loyal and trustworthy. The Senators agreed and ratified his selection as the new Vice President. Mark was decidedly happy upon hearing of his conformation, and he turned to his wife and said, "Can you believe this? That man is so...
*** Annabeth Lily Moore, or simply Beth to her family and friends, sat alone in the darkened moving vehicle. Her pulse was racing and she could feel her breath coming in raggedly. She had been excitedly looking forward to this day for years, but now that it had arrived, she was terrified. The vehicle started jostling and jumping under her and she knew that they had left the road and was now in rough country. "Not too much longer" she whispered to herself in an attempt to soothe her...
I am the great white hunter stalking my prey. She will never know what hit her. She is the neglected, overworked, underappreciated, wife, mother and co-worker. My camouflage is being a middle aged man that goes to church, volunteers, friendly, outgoing and relatively well off. I am always on the prowl. I am always vigilant. I seek the women whose husband has fucked up. He has neglected to protect his woman. How has he done that you may ask? My victim will show signs of stress. She will be...
I am the great white hunter stalking my prey. She will never know what hit her. She is the neglected, overworked, underappreciated, wife, mother and co-worker. My camouflage is being a middle aged man that goes to church, volunteers, friendly, outgoing and relatively well off. I am always on the prowl. I am always vigilant. I seek the women whose husband has fucked up. He has neglected to protect his woman. How has he done that you may ask? My victim will show signs of stress. She will be...
Wife Loverssisters, Amie, and Beth's last hole - what a night.sisters work it out, Amie plays well in small groups, and Beth's Virgin ass, finally!================Any hopes I had of sleeping in were destroyed with the cacophonous pounding. I looked over at my alarm clock and growled when I saw it was a few minutes past 9. Heathens.As the pounding continued, I knew I'd get no more rest. I struggled through my morning ablutions and a little more ready for the world, headed out to find out what the bloody...
As I held my wife’s pale delicate hand, she slowly opened her eyes and gave me a weak smile. ‘How ya feelin’ babe?’ I asked Beth’s body was gaunt and terribly thin, her beautiful brown hair a memory. Although she endured the second round of chemotherapy with stoic courage, the oncologist was doubtful that it would have any effect on the rapidly advancing cancer. Today was her final treatment. ‘Ok,’ she croaked in a hoarse whisper. Clasping her cold hand, I held it against my cheek as a...
Beth and I have been married 10 years now - we met at the company where I was employed as a junior executive, I was 25 at the time, and she was a couple of years younger - she was a secretary-receptionist. She is an extremely attractive woman - slender and somewhat athletic, but with all the curves in the right places. She was relatively reserved in her conduct - not loud, vulgar or prone to swearing or bad language - generally what most would call "clean cut". After we were married, we agreed...
EroticI stayed for a while, just sipping some wine and talking to a few people. I decided to call it a night and when I flipped the lights in my room on, I was surprised to see the sheets move and a beauty woke up. Temple!"I hope you don't mind, I got off and was tired. I wasn't sure when you would be coming back."I started stripping off my clothes, looking at my little present. She didn't say a word. I am nowhere near as striking at Beth, but in my own way, I am attractive, at least that's...
LesbianSomeday I am going to learn that making a bet with my girlfriend is a lost cause. Not only do I usually lose, but also the stakes never seem to be what I thought they were. Not that she is dishonest; it’s more like she’s unexpected. If she says we are going fishing, I expect to be sitting on a lake or river trying to catch lunch. She would be driving me to the coast to catch a ride on a charter and we get to spend the day after some game fish. She did that once. We showed up dockside in bikinis...
LesbianTrue to her word, as soon as Beth had regained her pose from the first spanking administered to her by her roommate, she promptly switched places with her. Just a few short moments later, and it was now Beth that had administered a good hard spanking to Misty. To be sure, both of their bottoms were sore, but they also had, for the first time, experienced what it was like to be the one giving a spanking, rather than just the recipient. It gave them each an exhilarating feeling of power, unlike...
SpankingIt was certainly turning out to be an interesting summer. Beth, Jason's sixteen-year-old niece, was staying with him for two months while her parents were away on business. Much to his amazement, somehow, they ended up being lovers. After three weeks of hanging out together and having mind-blowing sex, they settled into somewhat of a routine. They would get up, hang by the pool or go into town for the morning, and come home. Jason would work on his next project during the afternoon, then after...
IncestBeth Haley had always exhibited a meek and submissive personality to some degree for most of her life. However, she had never felt so used and completely dominated as she did now at the hands of eighteen-year-old Michael. Bent over and pressed uncomfortably into a mound of pillows with her arms tied behind her back, the pretty housewife had no way to brace herself against the teenager's violent thrusts that kept shoving her roughly into the headboard like a rag doll. His preternatural large...
For several weeks Beth and Gwen had been exploring together. They had enjoyed discovering new things to do and new ways to do them. Gwen’s enthusiasm and adventurous spirit were contagious, and she was able to talk Beth into several things she probably wouldn’t have tried otherwise. One evening after an exhilarating session of oral sex, Beth asked Gwen a question that had been plaguing her.“Gwen, do you tell your husband about what we do?” “Of course, I tell him everything. Haven’t you...
Beth loved her husband very much. Coming up on almost ten years of marriage, she often found herself wondering how she had been so lucky to find such an incredible man. Along with her two beautiful children she often thought that she hadn’t deserved to be so happy and yet could not help but smile and laugh at the friendship and love she enjoyed with her family. In her early thirties, Beth was a successful artist and specialised in using old, unused furniture and junk to create funky, upcycled...
BDSM“Sarah said I’d find you here” I said as I sat down gently next to Bethany on the jetty by the boat house. Beth was sitting on the edge, her high heels dumped on the planks beside her, her legs swinging out over the water. Beth kept looking ahead “Yeah she said you wanted to talk?” Eh, wait a sec. Oh I see, that’s how it was. Sarah had set us up. I said grinning “that sister of yours, she is something isn’t she? She told me you wanted to talk to me too”. Beth took a sharp intake of breath....
A 2nd attempt at story writingBeth and Ian had grown up together. They lived near each other and their parents had been very close friends since c***dhood. They thought of each other as brother and sister but of course they were not. However circumstances were about to change all that.They were both 18 and had both just come out of relationships. They decided to get together and have a what Beth called a sibling bitching session about the now ex partners. Beth also suggested that they...
There's something about coming back to school that first day, especially after the Christmas/New Year break that's even tougher than most. Beth was as down as I was as she dragged herself out of the house, plopped down in the car. "Do we have to do this?" Not a good sign from someone who normally enjoys school, who thinks homework was just another challenging game. If my princess wasn't ready for today, what chance did I have? "Yeah, unfortunately, we do, but look at the bright...
Back to town and back to work. George Stankovich had left a message with a name and phone number of a company that produced complex molded plastic parts and mentioned what they were looking for might be right up my alley. I called and talked to Nils Johansson, the owner. "Tommy, we've got the same problem Chuck Jones had: High-gloss parts with little surface detail, except ours are black plastic. Can you help us?" "Well, I can't really say without seeing the parts. Can we set up a time...
"TOMMY! BETH!" I looked up and saw Sue Webber waving her hand over her head. I wasn't surprised to see her, even though we hadn't made any arrangement for them to pick us up. I looked at Beth and got a blank shrug. "I don't know, Tommy." We had just cleared Customs at Nassau International and were waiting for our luggage when our Caribbean friend hailed us. "Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked Sue after the mandatory—and quite enjoyable—hugs. "Waiting for you two, of...
Eighteen-year-old Michael threw his head back and smiled broadly while his best friend's mom earnestly worked her closed fist up and down his engorged hard-on. The many candles in the room cast wavering long shadows that enhanced the motion and the sense that what was going on in the Caldwell living room was dark and dangerous.Michael shifted his position to the side of the couch and pulled Beth by her shoulders to get her into a position where he could more comfortably get a hand behind her...
My wife Beth and I recently moved to a new city and haven't had an opportunity to make any new friends yet. When I asked her what she wanted for her birthday present this year, she didn't hesitate to tell me that she wanted to meet some new friends and have a gang bang. Ever since we were in high school she's enjoyed having more than one cock to play with, I found this out on our first date. Since then we've had quite a bit of experience with this lifestyle. I have already started working on...
It was snowing when I got up Monday morning just like the ten o'clock news said it would. I'd set my alarm ahead a few minutes since I knew getting to school would be a hassle. I was just pulling my jacket on dreading the thought of cleaning off my car when the phone rang. "Tommy, why don't I drive today? I'll use the Jeep, it'll work better in this mess." Beth was thinking ahead, obviously. "Okay, I'll be waiting at the end of the driveway on the top of Mount Snow Plow." Beth...
After I left robin I went back next door and found beth anxiously waiting in the kitchen eager to know how it had gone.My broad smile told her everything, she came to me and threw her arms around me, pressing herself tightly against me."Oh thank you, this is going to be the best thing ever!" She was like a giddy school girl so excited and wouldn't stop asking questions about robin and our recent conversation, it was all fine and he would be here at 8.The next hour actually went quite fast! Beth...
It had been a fun summer. Jason's sixteen year old niece, Beth, was staying with him for the summer while her parents were in Europe. Somehow, soon after she arrived, they became lovers. As the summer progressed, Beth made new friend, Jamie. Jamie was over two years older than Beth, and she was just as attractive. While she was staying overnight one evening, they all became intimate.Jason had developed a growing attraction to Jamie. He felt that he might be falling in love for the first time in...
Incest2 weeks had past since I revealed beths pic's to an all too eager robin. It had been more difficult at first to 'pluck up the courage' to show him those initial photos but all had gone much better than imagined.Robin, despite being a perfect gentleman outwardly, hid a dark secret, he was the original dirty old man!As I said it was difficult at first.Yes I got to talk to him alone and yes we did talk about the opposite sex, I learned early on that he, like myself, was a fan of bbws or the...
Continued from Part 2 CHAPTER 25 - Calling SylviaI felt grubby, so I went and had a shower. The hot water washed away some sadness about my Daddy as well as the dirt. But I still worried that I scared him off. Ah well, what's done is done, and I have to go on. I dried myself, put on a bit of makeup (not sure why) and padded back to the bedroom to get dressed.I saw Sylvia's number and paused a moment, then turned to my dresser to pick out clothes. I checked the weather on my phone and saw it...
IncestBeth was the very lovely wife of Dave, one of our neighbors who lived down the street from my wife and me. Beth was stunningly attractive with her long brown hair, dark green eyes and effervescent smile. She had a thin build and could have easily been a model, had she desired to pursue such a profession. Instead, she opted to remain a stay-at-home mother to three kids.Beth was thirty-five but looked much younger due to her work out regimen that included daily jog around the neighborhood. She...
Quickie SexBeth and Sissy Copyright CassandraToday 2016 Beth stood up and walked from the bed to the far side of the room, over to the ... what is it? thought Sissy; it looks like a St Andrew's Cross lying on its back, with supports underneath to hold it at tabletop height. Beth turned, smiled at Sissy, and crooked her finger in an unmistakeable "come here" gesture. So enthusiastic at first, Sissy was now hesitant, as it sank in that this would be reality, not fantasy. She rose and started...
"Mr. Randahl, do the arts contribute to society or are they a drain on resources needed elsewhere?" It was Monday morning and Grossfeldt was in his usual mode—hassle the troops and see what comes of it. If he thought he was going to get a yes or no answer from me ... well, by now he should have known better. "That's a pretty loaded question, sir. They are a drain on resources if you consider the money used to support museums and institutions like this one could be used for things like...
The following Monday it was back to the grind. We both spent a lot of time explaining to people where we got the tans—let's face it, I don't care how much sunscreen you use, a week in the Caribbean is going to leave you a golden brown—and your friends slightly green. Greg caught me after last period Monday afternoon, "So what are you two doing for the Prom?" Prom? OH, SHIT! Something had been rooting around in the back of my head for a couple of weeks and it just kicked me—big time—I...
After school we had our first read-through for the show. It turned out my part wasn't as big as I'd feared and there were only three songs I'd be doing—all chorus parts with the other guys. All three were parodies on the political and legal system of the time in New York City. I'd been in a couple of shows before, but just in speaking parts, no singing. As rehearsals went on I discovered that I could SING! Well, sort of. I knew I'd never be as good as Beth and maybe it was just the kind...