Beth and Tracey Chapter 2 of 3
- 2 years ago
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Quick, write this date down! I won a bet with Beth! I won! I won! I won! I was gloating to myself for reasons you may or may not understand. My lover, Beth, is a betting fool, we bet on so many things -- TV shows, sporting events, even stuff like whose mom is going to call next. The stakes range from the simple; like who's cooking dinner, to the bizarre, like accompanying her to a gentleman's club. If you read "Beth and Tracey Chapter 2" then you know how that one turned out.
Even if you didn't read the other story, you need to understand that I usually lose the bets, like on the order of 100 to 1, maybe 1000 to 1. Why do I keep betting? Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment. Actually, to be honest, Beth has really put me through the wringer, but I ended up loving every minute. Her imagination has to be experienced to be believed!
My Beth is not only lucky but plays the stakes game really well. Usually, when I do manage a win, the stakes are inconsequential. When she wins, she seems to have the ability to win the big pots. You should have seen her in Las Vegas last year. I'll have to tell you that story someday, or maybe you can picture two horny women, who love strips clubs, strippers, partying, gambling, and sex adrift in Vegas for a whole week.
Beth always amazes me. I love her imagination, her creativity — "Oh shit, what am I going to do?" I won a high stake bet and I can't let this opportunity go to waste in my usual unimaginative way. I need to make this special. This is nuts, now I am talking to myself. "Calm down Tracey, think this through." The stakes are deceptively simple in appearance. 'The loser has to do what the winner says.' Pretty vague! How would she handle it? What is the time frame? It can be interpreted as loosely as one time, like making Beth wash my car. Well, she looks damn good all wet, but I am not going to waste this that easily. Okay, so let's say the weekend. But not just any weekend, the weekend after next, which is a three-day weekend. This is so sneaky, and so unlike me. Beth is going to be surprised!
Now, what to do for those three days? We can't just sit around here, it might be fun having her as my beck-and-call girl for the weekend, but I have to do better than that. She turned me into a surprise stripper, so could I set her up equally as well or even better? I have to do this right, I can't screw this up. What if I...? OMG, how far can I take this? My fingers started pressing my pussy as the idea of my Beth in such a predicament. This idea was so delicious. Leaning back on the couch, I slid my hand into my shorts and panties and felt how wet I was from just thinking about it. My fingers made tight circles over my clit as I started getting really warm. My mind was going a mile a minute, seeing the look on her face when all was revealed! My eyes stayed closed as my fingers danced around and over my clit, I thrust inside in a rush.
She would be furious, but also uncertain. I know my Beth, and she will like some of it. Her anger would be more because she would think evil of me, but that hot, sweet pussy of hers would be on my side. My left hand found my breast and my right fucked me so good. In seconds I was nearing an orgasm.
I started a real screamer as my body and mind were taken in by my surprisingly wicked imagination. I could feel my spine pop as I arched my back.
"You couldn't wait for me?" My smiling Beth was looking down at me, my fingers still in my cunt, so there was no hiding what I was doing.
I blushed, "Just feeling a little horny."
"You were thinking about the bet you won."
I inhaled so sharply. “Did I blurt anything during my orgasm?”
"Alright, let's get this over with; what do you want me to do?"
"Oh, I want to think about it some more, I'll let you know."
She swatted my leg, "Fine, but don't leave me hanging too long. I have plans for you the next bet I win."
That solidified things for me. I was going to get her so good!
. . .
A week and a half flew by as my plotting and planning took shape. OMG, this was so cool! She's going to kill me! I can't believe I was actually trying to do this! I did need a little help, and Joy and the other girls at the club were great. They did force me to change the end so they could be in on it. All in all, I think we did rather well. And having a few friends around might be helpful when Beth knows the whole truth. It might save my neck.
Friday finally arrived, I was so scared, excited, terrified, turned on, fuck; I have no idea what I was feeling. How I didn't give the whole thing away, I'll never know. She left for work, and I started everything rolling. I packed two bags and a make-up case, being very particular about my selections for her. One trip to our favorite boutique at lunch and I think I'll be all set.
"Hi Tracey, how are you doing?" Jessie greeted me with her usual energy. She owned and managed ‘Jessie’s Own', a boutique that bordered on something between Victoria's Secret and an adult novelty shop. Throw in her specialty items in the back and you have a very elegant, upscale, yuppie-slut paradise. If Jess didn't have it, she knew where you can get it!
"Hiya Jess, I am doing great, how are you?"
"I am terrific as usual! So, are you looking for something for you or that wet dream lover of yours?" I swatted her on the arm. "Hey, it's true. The last time she was in here, she came out of the dressing room in a red teddy. I had 6 customers ask me who she was. They were all drooling!"
"Oh, yea, I remember that teddy!" I told Jess what I was up to, and after she quit laughing, she dug out Beth's measurements and she took me on a whirlwind tour of her whole shop, including her 'special' area. I blanched at the total, and then she really shocked me.
"If you let me in, this is all yours for cost if I get to be there for the ending?"
"Oh, hell yea!" I explained what she needed to do, and she shocked me one last time, I had no idea her mark-up was that big!
She helped me pack up my purchases, laughing the whole time. As I was leaving, she hit me with a toe-curling kiss and squeezed my ass tight. She was laughing even harder as I stood there stunned. I didn't even know she liked girls!
After work, which took forever, I slipped into the bathroom and changed. I put on a slightly severe business suit that screamed 'professional working woman'; you know the kind of bitch who looks like PMS is a lifestyle. I arrived early at her work; she nearly didn't recognize me.
She got one good look when I tossed her a small overnight bag. "Change now, it will save time." She smiled and took the bag into the ladies. No more than fiften seconds passed when she can screeching out. "NOT ON YO..."
My upraised hand stopped her tirade. "I am collecting on the bet. Go get changed." I said to myself, "SCORE 1 to 0!"
She looked at me in a different light. "You want me to wear this, in public, for our bet?"
I leaned toward her and whispered in as hard a voice as I could manage, "I want you to change because I am telling you to change. You are doing what I tell you to do those were the stakes of our bet. Now go change."
"And if I refuse?"
"Then you will have reneged on a bet, and you and I will never wager again."
"Trace, I can't wear this!" She was actually pleading. Another score, albeit a small one, Beth never pleadedfor anything!
"Fine!" I was secretly thrilled, letting her off the hook now would make it easier to push her harder later. "Here, try this one. I was going to wear it later, but you can. But no more shit. You are under orders and no more whining."
She took the bag and went back into the bathroom. She must not have had any heartburn, because I didn't hear anything. Then she stepped out and my heart jumped. My god, Jess knew her stuff!
A stretch tube top and a matching knee-length skirt. It was white with red horizontal stripes and so tight it looked painted on. The stripes seemed to shimmer in mid-air as she moved. Red lace-up sandals with a small heel and a red strip of material holding her hair back made it perfect. She was wearing a bra and panties, which gave the material a poor line, but she looked incredible.
"Come on, you can at least wear it right.” I grabbed the bag off her shoulder and pulled out a matching thong of the same material. "Go put this on and lose the bra." She started to argue, but she seemed to take her cue from me and went back inside.
She came out and the outfit really looked like it was her second skin. I was so tempted to just drag her ass home and fuck her all night, but after all my planning, no way. This was my weekend as well as hers, although she might not appreciate it until much later.
We got in the car, watching her fold herself in that outfit really showed just how flexible the material was and how supple she was. Oh yea, she looked so hot! I drove us toward the outskirts of town. She looked over at me, "Where are we going?"
"We are running away for the weekend. I packed for us, and I have everything we need."
"The whole weekend?"
"Yes, all three days! And during those three days, I will collect on my wager."
She mulled that one over and leaned over to me in the seat. My hand went between her legs and I stroked the skin on her lower thighs. I was tempted to just pull the material up, but I wanted her excited, and going slow always got her fires higher. A long slow burn leading to an explosion is always much more fun than a quickie little firecracker pop.
When I pulled in front of the hotel, her eyes opened very wide. It was a real 5-Star establishment, more of a spa or country club than just a hotel. Two bellhops emptied the trunk while I escorted my lady love out of the car. All immediate motion stopped as she stood and slid her hands down the skirt, smoothing it out. Her nipples were firm and they were the only things not in a smooth line down that outfit. Men and women noticed her, and she flushed as she realized it. I was so proud of her; she stood there like she owned the place.
Checking in took a few minutes and the young lady at the counter had trouble tearing her eyes away from Beth. She has that effect on so many people, she is tall, with the body of a dancer rather than a supermodel. The sailor-stripe outfit showed her curves to perfection. I tipped the bellhops and told them to take everything up to the room, but not to unpack anything. Once they were done, they should bring me my room key to the restaurant. Beth stayed with me, loving all the attention. She was slightly jittery, something that always happens when she is excited. Her hands were fluttering, and she was looking in every direction. I attracted little to no attention, which was one of the reasons for my professional attire. I wanted Beth to be the center of attention.
. . .
"Oww!" I stumbled to one side and held up my leg.
"What happened, are you alright?" Beth was instantly concerned, all the attention in the world wouldn't let her forget me.
"Damn, I think I rolled my ankle. Take a look, please?"
She got down sitting back on her heels, her skirt taut like a drumhead. More attentive looks, but she was in her mother-mode. She slipped off my shoe and was gently feeling my ankle. "It looks okay, no swelling, no redness. How does it feel?"
"It just flashed for a moment; I may have caught it before doing any real damage."
"Put some weight on it."
I came down on it with care.
"How does it feel?"
"It's a little tight, but it's not painful. I think I’ll take it easy on it. I would hate to be on my back all weekend."
She grinned with her usual humor. "Oh, that might not be so bad."
I laughed and she smiled to hear me laughing. She knew the ankle wasn't bad.
We entered the restaurant and I saw the first inconsistency, but Beth was attending to me, she didn't notice the large concentration of women. The hostess showed us to our table, a romantic little booth toward the back. Our server came and introduced herself, a bubbly little girl named Temple. She had chocolate skin and a smile that you could see with your eyes closed. She took a long look at Beth, obviously in appreciation! She took our orders and offered some ice when she realized why Beth was holding my leg in her lap.
Beth looked directly at Temple and even I could see the attraction. Sometimes you hear about chemistry, but find it hard to believe, well dear readers, Temple and Beth had chemistry! I felt like I was standing between positive and negative live wires. Beth's hands tightened around my ankle, I jumped and that broke the spell between them.
After she left, Beth whispered, "My God, she's prettier than Bethany!" Bethany is one of our friends from the local gentlemen's club. She is very young and incredibly pretty, with an innocence that you find darling. Temple was Bethany on steroids, the same personality, but at a higher wattage.
Beth looked around the room and finally did notice the preponderance of women, and small groups of only women. When Temple came back, she asked, "Temple, is there something special going on this weekend?"
"Oh yes, there is a professional woman's conference, several state groups, and even a few local agencies. It's all about jobs, workshops, and even seminars on everything from opening your own business to sexual harassment training. The hotel is packed and it's almost totally women. She looked at me, "I thought you were part of it?"
"Nope, not us, we are here to relax."
The look on Beth's face told me she was starting to smell a small rat, but even if she suspected the timing of our visit, there was no way she knew what lay ahead of her.
Temple left and Beth started trying to grill me. "Okay, Trace, what the hell are you doing?"
"Me? The reason we are here is for me to collect on the bet. I picked this weekend because it's a three-day weekend and that gives me an extra day. The fact the hotel is full of women is just gravy!"
She didn't fully buy it! "Yea, and if you had a bridge to sell..."
I had to laugh at that one because that is exactly my comment when Beth catches me in a stakes issue "Yea, and if you had a bridge to sell, we would be in Brooklyn."
I did my best innocent look, but she wasn't really sure. She was having trouble seeing me as being sneaky, I mean if she had set us up, there would be no question it was deliberate. "Look, Beth, you know me. If I had planned to have all these women here I would have, but come on baby? How the hell could I do that?"
She was mollified, but not totally.
When our food arrived, I pulled her close to me and in a few minutes, we were feeding each other with our fingers like normal. Temple seemed to come by an awful lot, something neither of us minded.
The bellhop finally found us and delivered two keys. "I said I only needed one key."
"I'm sorry ma'am; the desk clerk gave me two. I can't take it back, but you can after dinner."
"Oh okay." I acted a little annoyed but thought of something to do with the extra key.
Beth was looking at me funny as I put one key in my purse and left the other on the table. When she reached for it I slapped her hand playfully. She didn't ask, but she gave me a look. She must think I was losing my mind.
Dinner was fabulous, and several other women walked by and saw how close we were sitting, and feeding each other. A few looked disapproving, but most smiled at us. We had some dessert and after-dinner drinks. Temple brought us the check and I added a nice tip and charged it to my room. On the little bill tray, I placed the extra room key.
"Ma'am, I don't need the card key to charge this to your room." Temple motioned to hand the key back to me.
"I know, the key is for you if you want it. Come up and say hello later."
Beautiful Temple looked like a scared rabbit for just one second and then key disappeared in her pocket. Then her smile appeared, a much sexier smile promising of nice things to come. "Room service it is, ma'am!"
I smiled back at her, and Beth looked half puzzled and half excited. Temple was a lovely girl, and having her to play with wouldn't hurt Beth's feelings in the least. Too bad Temple was for me while she was otherwise occupied.
. . .
"Come on; let's hit one of the clubs."
I got up a little unsteady, which reminded her of my 'ankle'. "No, why don't we relax and get you off your feet."
"No way, I'm fine, just no dancing for me. I do feel like partying!"
Since I was calling the shots, my sexy Beth and I hit the club. It was an amazing sight. It was 100% women and knowing the odds most of them were perfectly straight, but it didn't stop them from dancing with each other and having a good time. A lovely server came and got us a small table. She said Temple told her about my ankle and if there was anything she could do to make me comfortable, I was just to ask.
Beth and I sat there sipping our drinks, watching all the action. We are both born people watchers and it was a riot to watch all these women slowly getting drunker and really relaxing. Several guys tried to get in, but the servers turned them away. I asked our little Temple-friend and she said that the conference reserved this club for the weekend.
"Um, I hate to tell you this, but we are not with the conference."
"Actually the conference just did it to keep the guys out. So believe me you are qualified to be here. She looked at Beth's long body and said in a quiet voice, "More than qualified!"
Beth looked so sweet at that moment I could have eaten her up right then and there. She reached over and touched the server's arm. "Thanks, sweetheart."
"No reason to thank me, I am glad Temple gave me a heads up about you two." She looked at me, "You look nice, but you would look even better dressed a little bit more relaxed." She turned to Beth, "You look amazing! Too bad I'm working."
Beth laughed mostly at her comment and at me. "Just keep smiling, remember you are wearing my outfit, you refused to wear yours." I reminded her.
"Trace, if I put that one on, I would look like a cheap whore."
A tall blonde came up to the table before I could answer her properly and held out her hand to Beth and asked, "Dance?"
Beth looked at me and I said, "Go ahead. Just because I am lame is no reason for you not to have fun."
The blonde said, "Are you okay?"
"Just twisted the ankle enough that I don't want to dance, but go ahead and dance with Beth, she's marvelous."
The blonde waved at someone at another table and another blonde, a very attractive lady about 40 came over. "This poor girl has a bad ankle and I am going to steal her friend. Can you keep her company for a dance or two?"
"Of course! I am Judy, by the way, and my pushy friend is Fleur."
"I'm Tracey and this is Beth." By the time I could finish, Fleur was dragging Beth to the dance floor.
Judy and I sat down and looked over the floor for Beth and Fleur. Fleur is almost Beth's height and they easily stand out in the crowd. The dance was medium-slow and they were moving so smoothly together.
"Fleur is a wonderful dancer. I can tell Beth is as well. This should be fun,” Judy said.
The server came over and set us up with another round and leaned over to me, "The manager is looking for you; do you want to be found?"
"Sure why not?"
"I'll bring her here; I don't want you to hurt yourself any further."
Another striking lady, one with obvious poise and power came in a few minutes later. She was stiff, which surprised me, but she sat down.
"I'm Sharon Petersen; I understand you had a little accident."
"Oh that, just rolled my ankle a little bit, it's really fine. I just want to go easy on it."
"Do you want to see the hotel doctor? Or should I get the hotel lawyer?"
I understood her hostility now. "No, no, I am really okay. It was just a tiny twist. I don't need a doctor; I am not setting the hotel up for anything. I just want to sit here and enjoy myself and see about dancing up a storm tomorrow night."
She thawed a little. "I am sorry to put it like this, but you have no idea how many people try and pull stuff like this."
"If I was one of those, I would have been yelling to beat the band earlier. I really am okay and have no plans to sue anyone."
She looked hard at me, "Fine then. If you decided to talk to the doc, please let any of the staff know. I hope you enjoy your stay."
I grabbed her hand, not wanting her to leave like this. "Sharon, I mean it. My ankle is fine; anything that happened was my fault, nothing you or your staff did had anything to do with it. The server in the restaurant offered to get me ice, everyone has been wonderful. I would not do anything of the sort."
She thawed all the way, "Thanks, and I mean it this time. I just have to deal with so many idiots."
"I know, but if I get idiotic, it won't be about that."
Judy poked me, I looked at the dance floor, and Fleur and Beth were glued together as the song slowed down. Her hands were all over Beth's ass and Beth wasn't trying to stop her. I smiled; her skirt was pulled up at least two inches.
Sharon looked! "They are a beautiful couple, aren't they?"
"Yes, they certainly are!"
Sharon looked puzzled but smiled at me. "If you need anything from the hotel, just pass the word.”
Beth and Fleur came back to the table, Beth was visibly flushed, and the way she was clinging to Fleur was terrific. I am so glad we aren't into the jealousy game! Fleur sat her down and pulled Judy up for a dance while Beth got her equilibrium back.
"You certainly looked like you were having fun out there?"
"Hell yes, that lady is so sexy! Her hands were unstoppable."
I started laughing, "Yea, like you were going to try and stop her, you little slut."
She grinned with a 'who me'?' expression. Yes, things were fine!
Another lady came by and asked Beth to dance; she was very attractive, in a severe way. Beth swallowed her drink and headed to the floor. I was almost a little annoyed, but that's why we were here! I guess my annoyance was because to play my part right, I couldn't go dancing, and there was a nice tight crowd of four women I would have loved to slide in the middle of.
I sipped my drink and watched; the lady held her tight and was soon joined by another lady. They put Beth in the middle and in seconds had her leaning against the first one as the second did all kinds of sexy things to Beth from behind.
The ladies tried to corral Beth after the dance, but she came back to me, visibly worked up. She slid her chair next mine and practically climbed in my lap. "Those two girls damn near made me come, but then the music stopped. I am so fucking horny right now; let's go up to our room."
I smiled inside and was saved from answering by the return of Fleur and Judy. Judy was looking pretty flushed herself and she sat on Beth's other side, one hand hidden under the table, and from the movements Beth was making, it was a welcome addition to her lap. Fleur and I kept the conversation going about inconsequentials when Beth shuddered through a small orgasm!
I looked at her as she unclenched her hands from the table. "You know that skirt wasn't made for cumming, I bet you are sitting in a puddle."
She reached under her, "Oh shit, you are right; this skirt is soaking it all up."
"No problem," I reached under the table and grabbed my shoulder bag; "You can change into this!"
She glared at me, but she saw something I rarely have to use — steel! She knew I wanted her to wear that original outfit and now was the perfect time for it.
"Uh-uh, none of that, it's my weekend remember?"
That shut her up and she took the bag and Fleur and went to change. I can't wait. If this place thought she looked good in that stretch top and skirt, just fucking wait! I am glad the color works with her sandals as well.
Judy and I people watched for a while, then suddenly conversation died behind me and when I turned I saw Fleur and Beth coming back down the two steps into the club.
OMG Beth looked — incredible! The new outfit was a metallic red, nearly the same red that was in the stripes of the first outfit, but this was a metallic lace-up-the-back napkin top, hanging diagonally, with the point of the material just above her belly button. Her breasts were just large enough to push the material away from her skin and it looked like you could stroke the bottom of her delightful breasts without touching any material. Her skirt was a matching micro-mini skirt, about ten inches wide. Her impossibly long legs looked unbelievable, and the heel on the lace-up sandals made her calves tighten just enough. The strip was gone from her hair and she brushed it out fully, its light natural wave looked like she spent hours in the beautician's chair. She also touched up her make-up adding a dramatic touch of red to her eyes and mouth. Be still my throbbing pussy!
She walked in, daring anyone to say anything, but the conversation in our part of the club had ceased. We were awe struck!
When she sat down, it was with great care. "The least you could have done was include a different thong, this one is wet."
Judy responded, "So just take it off." Then she licked her fingers.
That broke the ice for us and motion returned to the club, with our table getting more than its fair share of attention. Dance offers flooded in, everyone wanted a few moments in her presence. After a few hours of that attention, she was as excited as I have ever seen her; she collapsed back at the table deliriously happy.
The lady who danced with Beth after Fleur came up and introduced herself and her friend. Laura and Zoë, they sat on each side of Beth and tried to convince her to come upstairs for a little party. Beth held firm about staying with me and they shrugged that I could come up too, the more the merrier. I begged off and then Laura took charge and asked me, "How much?"
That got Beth's attention, and not in a nice way.
"What do you mean?"
"How much to take your girlfriend upstairs for a couple of hours of fun?"
I sat there like I was stunned and saw the steam starting to build in my Beth.
"You are offering me money for a little time with Beth?"
"Fuck yes, every bitch in the place wants her, and I plan to have her."
Beth found her voice, instead of exploding, she asked in a very controlled voice, "Can you all leave us alone for a minute; I have to talk to my FRIEND."
Fleur, Judy, Laura, and Zoe moved off, but not going very far.
"Alright, you bitch, what the fucking game are you playing at?"
"First of all, my little slut, you call me a bitch again and I will sell you to the biggest bull dyke I can find. The second thing is to ask you if you are planning to welsh on our bet. After all the times you had me doing things you know I would never have done. The stripping, the marathon pussy-eating session at the sex club in the city, how about cock-teasing those sport fishermen for a free trip out after sailfish, remember the..."
"Okay, okay, you made your point, but Tracey-love, I have never sold you!"
"No, remember the fishing trip? We might not have gotten cash, but you certainly sold me."
She hung her head a little bit. "Tracey, please..."
"Beth, it's not like you would not want to fuck them anyway, I saw what you looked like when they got done with you on the dance floor."
"Trace, but money?"
"Beth, but stripping?"
"I was never a whore!"
"No, what you are is someone who has to do exactly what I tell them to do for the whole three-day weekend."
She broke a little at that point. "If you do this..."
"Now you are making threats! Beth, you just made up my mind."
I waved the girls to return. "Here is the deal, two hours and when she comes back to my room, she gets to tell me the whole story, every detail, so treat her well!"
Laura smiled, and Zoë clapped. Laura then put an envelope on the table and Beth stared at it like it was poison.
Laura stood and beckoned her hand to Beth, who got up without her usual energy. For one second I almost backed down, but she ticked me off trying to give me terms.
The threesome walked out, to a surprising number of looks, some positive, some not. Judy and Fleur looked at me curiously.
. . .
I stayed for a while, just sipping some wine and talking to a few people. I decided to call it a night and when I flipped the lights in my room on, I was surprised to see the sheets move and a beauty woke up. Temple!
Tracey’s heartbeat quickened as she heard the knock. Before arriving at the door she stopped to look in the mirror and ensure that everything was in place. She knew this was stupid. She had known Bill since he was 11 years old and she married his uncle Bob. Still, in the last seven years he had become a big and, she decided to admit it to herself, sexy man. She applied some mascara to give her deep blue eyes a saucer like appearance. She knew there was no sexual attraction between them… even...
This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on when...
This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. Ashe approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked outAshley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in hiscurrently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over thelast few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once heset his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he hadenjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on when he...
Tracey the LifeguardBy: Jake OliveNote: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. [email protected] had finally come to England and Tracey was very happy to be working as a pool lifeguard. At 22 Tracey was probably a bit too old to still be holding temporary summer employment but she had spent the last four summers working as a lifeguard and she couldn’t think of any reason to stop now! Tracey’s wasn‘t always the brightest or most mature girl in the world and unfortunately she had...
This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on...
She was of course born an English girl, a slightly struggling English girl it had to be said, and like so many girls struggling to make a living by herself she had decided to try her luck in the exciting land of America. In truth her early life in the new land had been hard work as well and she had even endured a short spell working in a saloon ,which was not much more than a whore house, as a saloon girl. Something her mother would of died on the spot for if she knew what her daughter was...
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Luckily she was born brainy and had secured a job in the labs of Slave-X two years ago. She was twenty three now and the slave age was eighteen to thirty and as she was a busty pretty blonde she knew she was prime slave material and if she didn't have this job that's probably what she would be by now. The female slavery Act had been made law five years earlier and was now big business with around fifty percent of the female population of slave age legally registered as slaves and the...
Tracey at the Museum of TortureSynopsis On a school trip to Spain Tracey finds herself a living exhibit in an interactive Museum of Torture Tracey at the Museum of Torture: Tracey sighed at the thought of another school trip with the unruly boys and girls of the Payne Academy, a private school that always reminded her of St Trinians. On this particular school journey, she and Mr. Chambers were in “charge” of the worst group of the lot, the 16-18 year old k**s. The previous ones had been...
Once on all fours I eagerly began to lap at my bets friends pussy for the very first time. I was amazed at how quickly I got to grips with licking and tonguing her cunt hole. My experience with Louise had certainly gave me the appetite for more lezzy fun and boy was I enjoying it. Tracey moaned and writhed as I probed deep up her very wet gash with my tongue. "Oh fuck Anna," she said. "That's brilliant go on keep going you're gonna make me fucking cum off you bitch." My tongue...
It was lunchtime, and for a change the IT department wasn't completely deserted. Alex was at a computer, but not at work; he was browsing through photos of his latest romp with Emma. Stills from the video they had made.He clicked to the next photo. Emma's eyes were closed, her mouth open in a silent cry. Flushed cheeks, jet-black hair matted to her forehead. The next, she was biting down on her lip while he grabbed her breast. His other hand was holding one of her legs up high as he thrust deep...
Group SexTracey got up and rang the bell as the bus approached her stop. Clutching her handbag tightly she stepped off the bus and looked towards the big gleaming glass building to the right.At just over a month since her eighteenth birthday she had decided it was time to learn to drive and as part of that under the new rules for females she had to report to the licensing centre and have a medical completed.She started walking towards the building with some slight trepidation, she was naturally a...
This is the follow on from Tracey – The Garage Incident I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Tracey – The Police Incident Tracey sat alone in the room and wondered why the interview hadn’t been taped as she had seen on TV. “Hello?” She called. “Hello?” The door to the interview suddenly opened and the Police woman re-entered looking cautiously at Tracey who was sitting down looking...
Tracey visits Aunt PeggyBy: Jake [email protected], NO!!! Tracey said again as she grew more and more frustrated with her mother.?I am eighteen now and I don’t need to stay with Aunt Peggy while you are out of town? Tracey was becoming more desperate.?Young lady you might be eighteen but your behavior demonstrates to me that you are not ready for that level of responsibility? her mother said without emotion. ?You are going to Aunt Peggy’s and I do not want to hear another word about...
Tracey was excited, it had taken a long time to save the money up and now she was off to the travel agents to book her dream holiday.As she walked down the high street she was almost skipping along, her hand constantly on her purse as it bulged with the ?2,500 in cash she had just withdrawn from the bank. She knew she could of paid for the holiday by debit card or bank transfer but there seemed to be something more reassuring by paying with cash, it seemed more final! The girl at the bank had...
October 1980, Milford, Ohio Thursday and Friday were normal and Dona didn’t bother Bethany. I was glad, but I was a bit concerned that there would be more fallout. I hoped that wouldn’t be the case, but experience told me that there might be. On Friday morning, the Student Council started handing out the computer dating sheets. I got mine and wasn’t surprised to see Bethany at the top of the list. Kathy and Mary were fourth and fifth, respectively, and Erin was ninth. The rest were a mix of...
Tracey on TV!By: Jake [email protected] yellow envelope had arrived just last week. Tracey had recently graduated with a degree in communications and this was the opportunity she had been dreaming of ever since she had started her schooling. Tracey was to audition today for an upcoming role as the TV hostess for a new cable show on CCN! (The Chambers Cable Network). The program would visit and chronicle many of the most luxurious spas and resorts all over the world and the hostess...
None of my stories are intended to offend so please read the description before reading the story as this will usually contain any warnings. This is a story of gang sex with a somewhat unwilling lady as her partner for the night views the events with some excitement. Please feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected]. Tracey – The...
Tracey couldn't help the usual tremor of excitement passing through her as she approached the large meat section of the supermarket. Ever since the new law allowing the use of females as meat for human consumption had been passed two years earlier Tracey had been fascinated by the whole concept of being treated and packaged as pure meat, fit only for some ones dinner.The new law had been passed in the summer two years ago partly to try and bring some rules and regulations into what had become a...
My phone rang late one night. It was Tracey and she wanted me to come to her apartment. I was dressed for bed, wearing only a loose pair of jogging shorts. It was late at night, and she’d already seen me wearing less, so I just grabbed my keys, locked the apartment and went downstairs. She opened the door wearing my favorite outfit. She had on a short, cropped t-shirt that just barely covered her breasts. She had taken it a step further and cut the sleeves off and cut out most of the neck so...
It had been a while since Tracey had seen her aunt and uncle and when they called to ask if they could visit for a few days she was more than happy. Since they had last met she had been divorced from her first husband and had got together with Danny. He was quite a bit older than her and although they loved each other deeply he was unable to give her the sexual satisfaction she needed and from the very beginning he had said that he was OK with getting this elsewhere. Although she had had a...
I have been rehabilitated and returned to work on light duties, Krystal has moved on, as has Mary ...which I will reflect upon at a later date. Fortunately Tracey still works at the hospital, but in a different ward she is now a manager - I hope that does not change her, I do have the fondest memories of our horny encounters. Mr Penis is ever alert to my reactions to the surrounding female population, even the mention of Tracey above causes him to stir - his memory of her sweet, moist, pussy...
If you’ve read parts 1 and 2 of this saga, you’ll know that myself and an old GF, Carol, had regular playmates, Steve and Brenda, who had tried to hide from us that they had a ‘Family Arrangement’ with their k(id)s, Debbie and James.You’ll also know that we got invited to a party at their home, where in the last part I got to fuck Debbies ‘boss’, Melissa. Those of you who are into details will also remember that Melissa came along with another girl called..... Tracey.For those of you not from...
Tracey entered trhe office of Miss Johnson and was greeted to a young lady with a big white smile. She asked the girl to sit ans said "How may I be of service." Tracey looked to the floor as she sat in her chair squirming. As she squirnmd her already short skirt rocde farther up her hips so that thr crotch of her panties were now visible to the roving eye of Miss Johnson. Tracey said she was failing a course that as far ashe had known no girl in the history of tis college had ever failed....
Once we had another couple of drinks and all had calmed down a little bit we decided to leave and get a taxi back to the flat. In the taxi queue there were further kisses, cuddles and sly feels of my arse by Jason and Nathan was doing the same to Tracey as well. Our little mini dresses were receiving plenty pawing and straying hands as the lads massaged our bums, caressed our legs and generally had a good feel of us as we waited. Once inside the black cab the same was to continue for the...
Introduction: Girls night out gets out of control Benny, Jerry and Cal were outside the Princess bar around 9pm one Friday evening, leaning on a car, chewing the fat and smoking grass, when they noticed some sexy chicks walking thru the carpark, giggling, smiling, chatting, heading for the bar Cal heard the best looker referred to as GT by one of her friends and Tracey by another. He found out later that the nickname meant Great Tits! By the way they [probably size 38C] strained against the...
He found out later that the nickname meant Great Tits! By the way they [probably size 38C] strained against the thin cotton fabric of her skimpy boobtube, the nipples protruded in the cool evening air, and they bounced when she walked, her nickname was well earned. As was another nickname given to her by the guys at college, which they were yet to find out – “ P.T.” which meant Prick Teaser! Tracey didn’t mean to be a tease as such, she just liked to flirt and, coming from a strict...
Tracey at the Museum of Torture: Tracey sighed at the thought of another school trip with the unruly boys and girls of the Payne Academy, a private school that always reminded her of St Trinians. On this particular school journey, she and Mr. Chambers were in “charge” of the worst group of the lot, the 18 year old kids. The previous ones had been disasters and, as usual, ended up in severe pain and humiliation for her. She hoped that for once this latest school journey to Spain would be less of...
BDSMTracey – The Garage Incident“So……………would you like to tell me what happened?” Said the Policeman who was sitting opposite the tired and shaken Tracey in the windowless interview room. A Policewoman was sitting alongside him looking expressionless. Tracey’s makeup had run down her face with the tears and she sipped on a paper cup of water before starting her story.“I had been at a part at my friend Sharon’s house.” She started feeling her voice almost cracking as she spoke. “I didn’t have...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
I followed Tracey out of the movie theater, watching her sexy butt sway in her short skirt. Anyone looking would have noticed the big bulge in the front of my pants, and probably notice the flush on her face as well. We walked out to my truck and I opened her door for her. As she climbed into the seat, I reached up and slid my hand up between her legs, nudging her pussy. It only took a second, and I did it just to make her jump. When my fingers touched her, she was still wet enough that they...
The semester continued. I lived above my former girlfriend in our apartment complex. She still had her boyfriend and I continued to date occasionally. At least once or twice a week, we would get together for some no holds-barred, wild, hold on tight for the ride, mind altering sex. Every now and then, we would take the time to make slow, romantic love with each other. I loved both versions, of course, but I will always cherish the nights that we fell asleep in each other’s arms, our legs...
One of the best things about college was the weekend. A few scholarships I had earned plus the fact that I had worked my butt off all summer long to pay for school, allowed me to take it easy during the semester. I took full advantage of my weekend time to hang out at the lake whenever the weather was nice enough. My grandfather had a small plot of land on a lake not too far from school. You couldn’t really call it a lakehouse in the classic sense. We had a boathouse just large enough to store...
In late March and early April in Texas, the bluebonnets and other wildflowers come in bloom across the state. The highway department has seeded the roadsides and the blooming flowers attract people just like the changing leaves of New England. It seems that every house has at least one picture of a family member taken in a field of bluebonnets. Tracey caught the bluebonnet bug one day and asked me to go with her to take some pictures. She was wearing a denim mini-skirt and a white shirt with...
“Sure, I’ll buy your lunch. After what just happened back there, I’ll buy you a restaurant.” She smiled back at me and asked, “So what are you hungry for?” “Do you really need to know the answer to that? You just gave me a taste of something I haven’t had in a while and now I’ve got a craving for it, “ I responded. She stopped on the sidewalk and turned to me. Looking me straight in the eye, she asked, “If you’re serious about wanting that, I’ll let you have as much as you want.” “Oh...
If your first was with someone you really loved and shared a large part of your life with, and not just a fling or one-night stand, then he or she will always hold a special place in your memories. Tracey was my first real love, and rarely does a day go by that something doesn’t trigger a memory of her. We split up before college, but we stayed in contact with each other. The following story is fantasy, although I wish it had been true. She called me one evening to ask me a favor. “Hey, my...
This is chapter 7 of a series. It is based on a true couple, but all of the stories, except for the flashbacks, are fantasy. I loved it when I was awakened in the morning to the feeling of Tracey sliding into bed with me. It was the morning after her webcam performance and I was sleeping late. It was around 11 a.m. when she quietly lifted the comforter and slid into bed with me. She snuggled up against my back. I could feel the heat of her body through the thin t-shirt as she pressed her...
I pulled into the apartment complex, got out, and walked around to open Tracey’s door. Please don’t get all gushy on me, because I wasn’t doing it to be a gentleman. I was doing it so I could get a great shot at her legs in that short skirt as she slides out of my truck. The view of course, was outstanding. Her skirt magically slid up her thighs as she scooted across the seat. If only I could have slid my hand across that smooth skin. She’s got a fine body and I love every inch of it. I...
After I left robin I went back next door and found beth anxiously waiting in the kitchen eager to know how it had gone.My broad smile told her everything, she came to me and threw her arms around me, pressing herself tightly against me."Oh thank you, this is going to be the best thing ever!" She was like a giddy school girl so excited and wouldn't stop asking questions about robin and our recent conversation, it was all fine and he would be here at 8.The next hour actually went quite fast! Beth...
So college began with me living right above Tracey’s apartment. The “friends with benefits” relationship seemed to work well. When either of us needed sex, we found it just a flight of stairs away. Sometimes we just used each other for release, and other times it was an all-night event, filled with loving moments and ending with us sleeping in each other’s arms. I was always there for her whenever she needed to vent about her boyfriend. She was there for me and always ready to offer advice on...
I set the camera down and followed her over to an oak tree. It was great just to walk behind her as she stepped over to the tree. She reached the tree and turned, leaning her back against it. ‘So, how do you want me to do this?’ I asked her when she handed me the rope. ‘What’s the matter?’ she laughed, ‘Haven’t you ever tied a naked woman to a tree before?’ ‘Nooo, but I’ll give it my best try,’ I replied. I tied a loose loop around her waist, and then began wrapping the rope around her...
Authorial Note #3: When I began submitting chapters for this story, I was 18 chapters ahead in the writing. I am now down to just five chapters ahead. While chapter size has increased, other commitments have negatively impacted on my writing time for pleasure of late, putting a double whammy on chapter progression. So, I may soon get to a point at which chapter-upload rate may decline. We’ll see what the future brings. A small section of this chapter keeps getting excised in the upload, so I...
Beth loved her husband very much. Coming up on almost ten years of marriage, she often found herself wondering how she had been so lucky to find such an incredible man. Along with her two beautiful children she often thought that she hadn’t deserved to be so happy and yet could not help but smile and laugh at the friendship and love she enjoyed with her family. In her early thirties, Beth was a successful artist and specialised in using old, unused furniture and junk to create funky, upcycled...
BDSMSo here I was, sitting at the controls of Matt's Helm as the cat loafed along under just enough sail to leave a little wake. I looked up and saw Beth sunning herself forward, a most distracting sight since she had shed her bikini as soon as we got underway. After a year and a half I still marveled at the glorious creature who graced my life. As I watched my lady enjoy the beautiful Caribbean day, I thought back to the previous weeks... Theatre was done. I'd been involved with school...
Sunday morning and we had the house to ourselves. I got up around 7 a.m. and Sally was pottering around downstairs, the kettle was boiling and she had obviously heard me moving about and shouted up asking if I wanted a coffee. Seriously? Do bears shit in the woods?How I actually replied was, “Yes please dear, just grabbing a quick shower.”Five minutes later, showered and with teeth brushed, I went downstairs and said that we should take the drinks to bed.We are in our fifties and have been...
MatureAugust 3, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke shortly after 6:00, wide awake after a good night’s sleep. Seeing that Rhee was still out of it, I crept out of bed to my PC and wrote most of yesterday’s diary account. I will finish it after practice, as reliving yesterday’s fellatio instruction has gotten me excited and Rhee is rousing. [Added August 4] As Rhee was waking, I threw the sheet off her and planted my face between her legs. “Hey,” she said, “I have to pee. Save that for a few...
‘They jumped into the pool as soon as we got there,’ Beth called out, the sound of keys crashing onto the kitchen counter echoing in the now empty house. ‘Babe?’ Beth heard no reply and made her way up the hall. She heard the sound of running water and smiled, deciding to finish packing while Reid finished his shower. After dropping off the kids who were having a sleepover at her mum and dad’s, Beth was excited as she had been looking forward to this weekend for ages as it was the first time...
BDSMSeptember 5, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, After her mom drove off to work after dropping Civia with us, Civia said, “I can stay over Friday night.” “That’s great,” Heather responded. “I’ll miss not having Liya and Gracey there, but we’ll have a great time, anyway.” “What is the bed situation?” I replied, “We’ll be taking the mattresses from the living room over there. They’re two queens; the five of us have slept in them together on multiple occasions, so they’ll be roomy with only the four of...
Beth could not recall the last time she had this much sex. Since divulging her desires to her husband only a few short weeks ago, they had had more sex than they had in years, even more then when they had first started dating when Beth had been just nineteen. Each time he laid his hands upon her now she wondered what new discoveries about herself - and about Reid - she may discover. She wanted more. The weeks had passed in a sweaty tangled blur as the excitement of her new desires made their...
BDSMThe sound of her stilettos clicking over the marble foyer echoed loudly in the space, accompanied by the strains of soft jazz emanating from the bar and the muffled sounds of evening chatter. They walked arm in arm and Beth cast a sideways glance at Reid all dressed up. Tonight he wore a black suit with a white button down shirt, his brushed silver cufflinks just peaking past the sleeves. She had also noticed he was wearing the same blue silk tie which he had used to blindfold her weeks ago....
BDSMBeth squeezed her legs together in anticipation. The plane touched down and as the pilot throttled back, the roar of the engines filled the cabin and the vibrations of the plane reverberated through Beth’s core. She couldn’t help but break into a huge grin.It was her anniversary. Now married thirteen years Beth and Reid had managed to score an entire weekend kid free! They had chosen Melbourne for the trip away and were planning to eat, drink, and - as far as Beth was concerned - fuck like...
BDSMBeth squeezed her legs together in anticipation. The plane touched down and as the pilot throttled back, the roar of the engines filled the cabin and the vibrations of the plane reverberated through Beth’s core. She couldn’t help but break into a huge grin.It was her anniversary. Now married thirteen years Beth and Reid had managed to score an entire weekend kid free! They had chosen Melbourne for the trip away and were planning to eat, drink, and - as far as Beth was concerned - fuck like...
BDSMBeth sighed. She glanced down at the pair of socks in her hands then finished balling them up and adding them to the basket of laundry at her side. She sighed again. She lifted the basket and made her way through the house. A Saturday afternoon, both kids were glued to their respective screens and Beth slowly deposited items of clean laundry throughout the house. In Molly’s room she tucked clean uniforms onto shelves, now that she had started school this year. In Will’s room, the same, now he...
BDSMBeth sighed. She glanced down at the pair of socks in her hands then finished balling them up and adding them to the basket of laundry at her side. She sighed again. She lifted the basket and made her way through the house. A Saturday afternoon, both kids were glued to their respective screens and Beth slowly deposited items of clean laundry throughout the house. In Molly’s room she tucked clean uniforms onto shelves, now that she had started school this year. In Will’s room, the same, now he...
BDSMAuthors note.This is a prequel to another story called (Beth, Simon and Robin too) in which a reference is made to Beth's past when she had an affair, it's an old/young story about her affair with her then boyfriends grandpa. It's a one off story about their first encounter. Beth's story.I'd seen that look hundreds of times before.From lots of different guy's, all types, from groups of youths on street corners to business men in suits driving flash cars. This was different. He was different.I...
Beth sighed heavily with contentment as the solid form of Reid rolled off her onto his own side of the bed. She felt the wondrous glow of endorphins rush through her system as she came down from her orgasm, stretching catlike on the bed and feeling her muscles burn and tingle after their exertions. She sighed again and reluctantly got out of bed to tend to her bathroom needs. After being married for so long they didn’t use condoms and since neither one of them liked sleeping in the wet patch...
BDSMI slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Winter Break was over and it was back to the grind. Monday morning I walked into Advanced Composition II and saw Ms. Jones wearing a nasty smile waiting for us. After everyone was seated, she looked at us. "Well, I hope everyone had a nice vacation ... because it's over now." Ulp. Did we have another Grossfeldt on our hands? "Mr. Randahl, can two people look at a portrait and see the same thing?" "Umm ... well ... As far as the image goes, sure, but what they'll think they see,...