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September 5, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

After her mom drove off to work after dropping Civia with us, Civia said, “I can stay over Friday night.”

“That’s great,” Heather responded. “I’ll miss not having Liya and Gracey there, but we’ll have a great time, anyway.”

“What is the bed situation?”

I replied, “We’ll be taking the mattresses from the living room over there. They’re two queens; the five of us have slept in them together on multiple occasions, so they’ll be roomy with only the four of us.”

Civia got a bit bashful, then asked, “Will we be sleeping ... nude?”

“It depends on whether Dad and the Moms are staying here or there. Are you okay with it if we do sleep naked?”

“Though I’m not quite completely comfortable with it, I’m getting there. So, I’ll do it if you do.”

Heather wrapped Civia in her arms and said, “We’re so happy you’re our friend and willing to stretch your comfort zone for us.”

Nira pulled up in front with Gracey and Liya then, so we trooped back out to the street from the stoop. All three exited the vehicle, and Liya hugged her mom.

“Thanks for letting us stay tonight. I really do like spending time with you, but we really wanted to be together before our first day of high school.”

“Don’t worry, Liya. I did the same thing at your age, although I had only one really good friend.”

Gracey hugged Nira, saying, “Thanks, Mom II.”

Practice at the high school consisted of the usual start-of-practice items – stretching, calisthenics, and rondo. Once the preliminaries were done, we spent most of the rest of practice running a single drill: four-on-three-plus goalie, for which Lana had coined the term FOTPIG last year. The area in which the drill takes place is a square 30 yards on a side, almost twice the area of the penalty box, and includes that box and the associated goal.

While I will not say that Coach did not allow our front line to be the four for the drill during this year’s premier team season, it sure seemed that she did not have the starting offense be the four in the last half of the season. If I remember correctly, during that last half-season, no more than two of the starting front line were ever part of the four. Of course, the drill may well have been one of the unsung heroes of our season, as it certainly got all of the backups, front line and midfielders, some good practice at the skills necessary for the offense to “win” the drill.

Coach had her usual way on cookie-cutter, original-version drills, which I remember from my first year on the premier team. Over the three years I’ve been on the team, she has kept the overall design of the drill, but jettisoned most other aspects of it from the drill that she found online, which involved offense vs. defense and defense-as-offense versus offense-as-defense or random allocation of teammates. She began changing it up last year and settled on our current version near the end of last summer. She now runs it as a way to see which sets of girls work well together, for both offense and defense and, more importantly, getting everyone on the team to working closely with everyone else in small-unit tactics, a term that Coach borrowed from the military. That counterattacks usually involve only a small number of players was one justification in borrowing the term. However, the primary justification was that our entire offensive plan was predicated on a very solid, even exemplary midfield and back line containing the opposition, leaving our four-person offense unsupported much of the time. Because this was our team’s primary strategy, Coach often had us running four-on-five or four-on-six drills to get us practice with being outnumbered. Of course, to give us poor, outnumbered offense members a chance, she pitted us against the backup defense, which increased skill levels of all involved.

I understand that I’m going on about a simple soccer drill. However, I believe that the drill played no small part in the premier team’s backup midfield becoming much more proficient on both sides of the ball, as Coach would often use them as a group on one side or the other in the drill. The proficiency of that backup midfield in the second half of the season was a large part in our domination of the league and the state then. Because Coach also tried to get realistic aspects into all drills, she often mixed and matched various personnel, an aspect that may well have indirectly led to Kanda’s first competition goal and first game ball from her experience with drills that involved her with some of the starting offense. [A Tall Young Girl, chapter 1; Beth, chapter 22]

Coach told all of us that if she blew her whistle, everyone was to stop immediately so that Coach could explain something that she saw that was either good or bad. She told those not on the field to watch from behind the goal. At Coach’s behest, Liya selected random girls for each of the slots in both the four and the three. After running the drill for an hour or so with five different sets of offense and defense getting ten minutes each, I found it obvious that Coach had told Liya not to include any of the senior fullbacks nor any of the premier-team offense. An offense set that included Katie and Gracey managed three goals, three other sets got two goals each, and the last set only a single goal. However, that last offense set – Jimena Soares, Jordan Jankowitz, Lucia Jimenez, and Taylor Parker had the misfortune to get set against Katie and Gracey teamed again, along with Jules Paxton. After that first hour, Coach, who had not, yet, blown her whistle to point something out, put Rhee, Heather, Civia, and me together for the four against randomly chosen players among the defenders other than Shameka, Kim, and Rachel. We faced Emma Smythe, Marla Spitzer, and Suzy Rosenberg (right back to left back).

We premier-team girls had added a new hand signal for rocket to our repertoire last week and I gave that signal to Rhee right off the bat. She looked at me with furrowed brow for about a half-second, then grinned and nodded. As I expected, the three defenders sat back on defense, which is why I suggested to Rhee to take her first chance at a rocket, as that would probably get the defenders to come after us in subsequent iterations, which would give us a wider variety of options. In fact, while we all thought that rockets were cool in and of themselves, we all have a preference for fancy; rockets are brute force.

Coach put the ball into play by passing it to Civia, who knew the plan. She immediately sent a leading pass crossfield to Rhee, who sent a rocket a couple yards inside the right post for a goal. Coach got us going again by passing a ball to Heather; the defensive trio immediately came out to us. Heather began slowly dribbling upfield, while I moved to between Rhee and Heather, but trailing a few yards. Heather suddenly put on a burst of speed heading left across field outside the penalty box. When Suzy closed on Heather, we ran a give-and-go, Heather continuing left across the field. As soon as I sent the ball back to Heather, I broke to the right and upfield, as Suzy following Heather so far meant that her part of the defensive space was empty. Marla realized the problem and drifted to her left and let Suzy deal with Heather and Rhee in the middle. It was already too late.

Civia had begun hauling across the field to the right before Heather made the first pass of our give-and-go. While Emma was right behind her, she was behind, and Civia called “Pink.” Rhee went left and upfield into the penalty box but staying downfield of Marla to remain onside. I knew – she probably did, too – that Rhee would not have to truly worry about being offside, as she would be serving only as the creator of a hole in what was to come. My role was as decoy, holding Marla in position to our right of the goal, ensuring that she would not fill the hole that Rhee was creating. As Suzy stayed with and slightly upfield of Heather as she continued left, Civia went by both of them heading right. Heather made a quick drag on the ball and continued left, effectively dropping the ball for Civia, who gathered it up, turned upfield and had a one-on-one with Mila in goal. Emma could not cut the chord on the angle to Civia after Civia’s turn because of the congestion of Heather, Suzy, and Rhee. Coach blew her whistle; we all stopped, Civia managing not to shoot the ball.

“Offense and back line stay where you are. Everyone else, join Mila on this side of the goal.” When everyone quickly got where Coach wanted them, she asked, “Does everyone understand what the offense did to the defense here? Jess?”

In her lovely Brit accent laid over Indian lilt, Jess responded, “The crossing movement of the two wings encouraged the wing backs to follow them, thus putting them in close proximity to each other in the middle of the field. Marla shifted to cover Beth and the left side of the defensive space. When Rhee curled left, she opened the hole that Civia turned into, getting to where she is now, desperately wanting to shoot the ball and make Mila look foolish.”

There was much chuckling.

“Exactly,” Coach replied. “Marla, what happens if, after you drifted left to keep an eye on Beth, you realized what might be coming and slid back right to cut Civia off?”

“Civia taps the ball to Beth, who has the right corner open to her.”

“Exactly right. As Jess noted, Heather’s and Civia’s combined movements coerced Smythe and Suzy to get in each other’s way, a problem to which Rhee added by moving left as Heather approached her. Since Smythe was trailing Civia, once Civia turned upfield, the only defender that might have intercepted her, which was Smythe, was on the wrong side of a traffic jam, with Heather, Suzy, and Rhee between her and Civia.

“Shameka, front and center.” When Shameka arrived near Coach, Coach said, “All of you might remember that I favor teammates teaching various aspects of the game to each other. I feel that such points out that such skill or knowledge is attainable without having my 26 years of experience in soccer. Because Shameka was first-team all-state last year, that means that she is, essentially, the single best high-school center back in the state. Throw in that the center back is typically the best defender on the team and the entire defense’s quarterback, that makes Shameka the single best defender in the state. I can guarantee you that she knows quite a bit about defense in situations like this one, and I will let her explain what the defense might have done better here.”

Shameka did not hesitate, saying, “In a numerical mismatch like this, the main goal of the defenders is delaying the offense in hopes that other defenders can arrive to balance the sides. In a negative numerical mismatch, the defenders should play zone defense, gradually pulling in the perimeter as the offense advances. Suzy, Emma, you would have been better served in not following the wings across the field. Collapsing toward the center, yes, but chasing those wings across the field was exactly what Heather and Civia wanted you to do. Unless you’re given a very good chance to intercept a pass or knock the ball away, your best bet is to occupy defensive space and delay. Realize that you are at a disadvantage and that if you cannot delay enough to get additional help against a capable set of attackers, and this foursome is, indeed, quite capable, they will take advantage of nearly any opportunity that you give them. Delay and maintain your defensive space.

“And, Civia, I sure wish you could play for us this year. You work with these girls so well. You’d be a great asset. I guess I’ll have to come back from wherever I find myself in future high-school seasons to watch you four girls kick some serious butt.”

Civia replied by hugging Shameka, then looking up at her and saying, “Thanks for your kind words. I wish I could play this year, too.”

Coach said, “So do I, Civia. Back to the subject at hand. The entire rationale behind both ball movement on offense and attackers moving without the ball is to create chances, either through mismatches, locally overloading the defense, or creating space, particularly space behind the defense. Having that space, no matter where it is, within reason, is the critical point, a point that I’ll come back to shortly.

“When the offense has numerical superiority, creating chances is easier as, by definition, someone must be open, unless the attackers are too close together, enabling single defenders to check more than one attacker. In this particular instance, the defense has an aditional negative factor while the attackers have a positive: the attackers know each other and their styles very well, while the defenders do not know their teammates at all well, greatly exacerbating the defense’s problem.

“How many of the four attackers made a movement to create space?”

A bunch of hands went up, and Coach said, “Crewe?”


“Does everyone agree? Raise your hands.”

A bunch of hands went up, but far from all of them.

“Gracey, you seem to disagree. If so, what’s your answer?”

“My short answer is four.”

“I’ll bite. What’s your long answer?”

“Every movement can create space. I assume that the answer of three did not include Civia’s movement, possibly because she was seen to take advantage of space created by others.”

“Exactly right, and I’d like Civia to tell us how her movement made space. Yes, Civia is 11 years old, and, yes, she has very good ball-handling skills. However, she is nearly as good, possibly as good, at seeing options and possibilities as Beth is, and Beth is the best at that that I’ve ever had on a team that I coached. So, Civia, please explain the possibilities that you saw.”

Civia looked a bit aghast but swallowed and put on her teaching face.

“When Heather started heading left at speed, I saw a number of options, but all of the best ones had me going toward her. As I was sprinting right and Marla shifted to her left to mark Beth, the options changed, and the best possibility was the one that happened: Rhee clearing out, creating a hole that I could use for a near-certain goal. Either I got the goal, as actually happened, or Marla came back to the middle and I either passed it to Beth, which would have been the easiest option for me, or to Rhee, which would have been trickier.

“Had Marla stayed in the middle, I would have shifted my run from being downfield of Heather to being upfield of her. That change would allow for two options, the easiest of those being that Heather turned to the goal behind Emma and me as we passed her and using us to slice Suzy off her tail. She would have used space that I had created by pulling Emma out of it. That would have given Heather the one-on-one with Mila. The less-certain option, but still quite doable, was that Heather dropped the ball for either Rhee or me, who then passed to Beth who was wide open on the right side of the goal. The somewhat dicey part of that option was the successful drop in traffic.”

“Thank you, Civia. Her words also bring up the side subject of having a backup plan or two once you’ve put yourself in motion, in case someone does something that you don’t expect. While I haven’t known Civia all that long, I firmly believe that she had all of those options in her head once she was in motion and when she saw Marla move. I believe it because I know that Beth does that. I’ve seen Beth suddenly change what she was doing too many times as a result of others’ movements to think that the changes were simply chance.

Same as Beth
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Kara Grows Up Visitor

Kara Grows Up: Visitor - Copyright, 2007 - 2011, Trace Ekies. All rights reserved. "Oh my God!" "What? What are you looking at?" "The girl next door. She is beautiful." "Probably Kara ... the girl I was telling you about." "Around 18? ... long brown hair? ... cute face... great tits ... and legs ... oh my God ... legs to die for." "Sounds right ... told you she was cute." "Yeah, but you didn't tell me how hot she was. Does she always dress like that?" "What do you mean?...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 55

Jennifer lay on a chaise lounge in the quiet back yard of her parent's cottage. The sun was waning a little as the afternoon wore down, but it hadn't warmed up the cold feeling in her gut much. Jennifer had remembered seeing Jackie around town in the past, but somehow, she'd never quite remembered meeting her. Still, there had been a sparkle in her eye when she'd walked into the sign shop, and she'd known she'd found a friend. They'd flown south slowly, as Jackie related a little of...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Britney Amber Second Appearance

Britney Amber might be the biggest slut in town. Seriously. She’s been to this particular adult book store so many times, the clerks are tired of her. They know what she’s up to back in the video arcade, and quite frankly, they’re not too happy about it — at all. “Well, if your dick was big and black, I just might suck it!” Britney chirps, as she strolls back to the “cruisy area” of the store. Britney knows the video arcade is full of creeps and...

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1st GH suck

When I was in college in the 90’s I use to go to an ABS by campus, first to buy some porn and then eventually to get my cock sucked whenever I got horny. I went into the store one night and purchased my coins and headed to the back for another quickie blow job. I went to a booth I knew had a GH and soon had a video playing and my cock out in my hand, hoping someone would enter the booth next door. I saw a light in the other booth through the GH in the wall and soon saw an open mouth with a...

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Extramarital Affair With Sister8217s Husband

Hi all, I won’t take much time to give my introduction. You can email me your feedback on I am Neetu 36 years from Meerut. I was happy married from last 12 years & have 2 kids, my life is going well but something is missing in my life you can say that sex is missing after giving birth to my younger child. My husband is working hard in his job as our financial condition is not that good & most of the time on tour. This incident happened with my younger sister’s husband who is 32 years & running...

2 years ago
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Bryans Corvette

I had worked nights for three months but I had noticed him on the first night. Sandy blonde hair tousled slightly from the windiness of springtime only added more depth to his persona for it was obvious he worked a high paid job by the clothes that he wore and the slick Corvette that he drove. So his mussed hair gave one such as I pause to wonder. I would find myself daydreaming that he was looking down at me with his naked body pressed along my length and nestled between my legs. His...

1 year ago
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Mother tricked into sex with son friend and dad part 2

100% fiction! I told the boys that when they hear the stereo, that's when they can come back in if they wanted to. Jennifer just started up the stairs with our wine when I went back in the room. i went through her dresser until I found her "pleasure" drawer. She had a lot more toys than before. Looking at some of them, I was quite impressed. I was pulling some things out when she got in the room with 2 bottles of wine. She asked "What are you planning on doing now?" as she filled our glasses....

4 years ago
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Yesterday morning,I was relaxing in my apartment.Then the doorbell rang.Not thinking about what I was wearing (a loose, sheer blouse doing nothing to conceal my tits, as well as thong panties, with my long, smooth legs completely exposed), I answered the door. It was my paperboy Seamus, a nice young k** who had always been kind to me, while stealing glances at my barely-concealed body."Hey,Seamus," I greeted him with a smile. His eyes scanned up and down my body, which naturally triggered the...

3 years ago
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The Big Bang Theory Chapter 1 The Disappearing Pussy Paradox

Hey Guys, It’s good to be back. Sorry about my hiatus from writing I’ve been busy with a lot of stuff, still am if I want to be honest but came up with a great idea and had to start a new story. So basically The Big Bang Theory is one of my favourite shows, and you’ve got to love all the hot chicks hanging around with those guys, gives the rest of us nerds hope. So was recently trolling the web and suddenly thought (as you do), is there any Big Bang Theory erotica out there? There was a...

2 years ago
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My wife has a new boy toy

It helped that her parents and mine were best friends and we grew up knowing each other. She was always pleasant to me as well as pretty. Growing up I watched her tiny body change and by the age of 15 we started exploring . At 17 we took each other's virginity and from then on it was daily sexual adventure. I got a job at her dad's auto parts store where she worked in the billing office..We were never separated and became a loving family . I loved Rachel and my two boys but we later...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 62

As we enjoyed lying in bed, cuddling with a bit of lazy time thrown in, it hit me that the girls had some kind of news they hadn't shared. Their lack of anxiety about getting back to Branson, combined with the obvious comfort zone we'd created as a threesome, made it obvious there was something hanging out there, unsaid. I guessed correctly that they would want to have a talk before they left our bed. "Brian," Rebecca said, kissing my jaw and running her tongue over it and up into my...

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Mistaken Identity Daphnes Chapter 7

Hello to all my favorite pets out there! Just wanted to send a thank you for spending your time reading my stories, and a bigger thank you to those of you who write to me (It is encouragement, especially on those days when I want to write a lot and am looking for the spark. lol). This part has a lot of sex compared to most of my chapters, super femme- dommey, so I hope you enjoy it! Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize,...

3 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 15

"Chief, you couldn't have looked very hard" TJ justified their alleged uncontactability; "my PDA com, my next of kin's PDA com and Morg's PDA com are all listed in our files; on end week we signed into the Guard House and nothing was said" "Batson, come here ... I told you to find this pair fourth day. What did you do?" "Chief, I left a message at the Barracks and you 'member I was late on fiveday 'caust the shuttle bus broke down so I didn't get in early to open up" Batson...

3 years ago
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Mausi Ki Chudai 3 Tantrikon Dwara 8211 Part I

First of all hello everybody my name is Ashish I am a 25 year old good looking, 5’11” guy with a 7 inch dick any hot woman or girl want to talk with me can send feedback on Now let’s start the story this story is about my Aunt sister of my Mom let me tell you something about her she is very beautiful, very fair and her figure is just beyond awesomeness, her boobs are 40 I’ve seen this in her bra in bathroom she have a huge ass. Now when I was much younger and I went to my Nani’s house at that...

2 years ago
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Death Penalty for a Ghost in ChinaChapter 12

十二 When I awoke to the next morning, a severed arm was floating in the air, running its long bony, frigid fingers through my hair. I sprung up and slapped wildly at its cold flesh, and it disappeared and vaporized into the damp chill of the room. I slapped myself in the face, told myself it was the dreams eating at me again, and I dressed, cleaned myself up, tried to focus on other things, like my lecture I’d deliver that afternoon. But it was tough to shake off those icy fingers in my...

1 year ago
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Kasi Kasi Ga Nenu Na Gf Ni Denga Part 8211 2

Hi na peru raj nenu na second part rasthuna thanks for your support you can send mail to any girls ladies you can contact me your information not be shared with any one. Inka stories loki vasthae ah night nenu sariga padukoledu enti a surprise ani alochichanu ala 2 ki padukuna morning lechi ready iyae clg ki ani intlo chepi start iya nenu na bangaram ki call chesa start avuthuna ra ani tanu fast ga ra nekosam wait chesthuna bava andhi nenu sare ani bus yaki vala intiki vela door knock chesa...

2 years ago
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Pams PonyChapter 10

Pam got up early on Saturday morning. She rolled out of her bed wide awake and tingling with anticipation. She glanced at the small clock on her nightstand and felt a little disappointment to see that she would have to do some waiting for the big event. Her uncle said he'd be over around eight. Pam had almost two hours to wait. She wondered if she could stand the strain! She also wondered about her parents. She had heard them come in very late last night. In the wee hours of the morning...

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Anniversary Trip ch4 Paulas Bi Interlude

Author's Note: In Paula's Turn - Part III of Tenth Anniversary Series, my wife flashed an stranger during a Las Vegas Show. One thing led to another, and, without my knowledge, she ended up spending the night with two men. I was frantic until I finally received a call from Paula. At the end of the call, one of the men told me that Paula would be spending the night with them and I should retain the services of a hooker if I needed sex.------------------------------------------------------It was...

2 years ago
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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 02

6. Senior Payne’s The Northwood Academy debate team went to Southeast Regional Debate Championships at the end of the fall semester of her Payne’s senior year. Payne and her partner Agnes were to present the rebuttals for their four-member team. Agnes was not beautiful, but she was far from being ugly. They had been through many debates together. Each added to the other’s strengths and shored up the others weaknesses. At their own school, they were referred to as, ‘Uglier and ugliest, or...

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Gluteus Maximus Chapter Ten

Previously in "Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter Nine"Oh my God," I heard her say again.I rubbed her hair and gave her a kiss on the side of her head. "God, thatwas great," I said dreamily."Josh, look at this!" she said somewhat urgently. I sat up to see asomewhat brownish white pool of sperm sitting on her beautiful flat tummy,right below where my ass had been as I straddled her."What the hell is that?" she asked with some panic in her voice.Of course, I did as any red-blooded American male would do...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Reina Hart Services Dominant Fucker

Sweet Latina Reina Heart shows off her pert nipples and bodacious ass in a black leather choker necklace and harness. Hard-fucking, dominant stud Danny Steele squeezes and pinches her nipples and pulls her hair, making Reina gasp in heat. She opens her mouth widely, offering a messy blowjob. Danny slaps her tits as she sucks, and spit covers her tight body. Danny stuffs his throbbing cock inside Reina’s wet twat. She squeals as he rams her cunt hard. Bouncing on Danny’s meaty pole,...

3 years ago
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It was Sunday and i was outside minding my own buisness doing the garden when i seen my next door neighbour shagging the plumber. i thought hey up am having some off this like. so a went inside and got the video camera, AS You DO, then i creeped up to the window and what i saw was unreal she had all her friends round in the dining room watching as they stroked each others pussy's. i thought i was dreaming so i went and got the wife to have a look. a shouted ''darling come and have a look at...

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An Angel in the MoonlightChapter 7

Mark became more or less a nonperson in the community while I became more engaged. My circle of friends widened. It was six weeks before I saw Brian again. I sat on the steps of my front porch on a Saturday morning and watched him teach his niece how to ride a bike, a brand new shiny pink one. It only took him about ninety minutes before she was peddling around in front of her house, laughing with joy. The whole thing made me smile. He’d glanced over and waved and I’m sure I made a fool of...

3 years ago
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Dating Danelle repost fix I hope

Introduction: Introduction of a young teen to slut stardom I am trying to get rid of the ? when the preprocessor posts the story and cant translate a character. Word slants its so they are translated into ?. I am hoping I figured out how to fix that we will see. This is a multi-part story that if the rating is high enough I will keep posting the other parts…there are currently 4 parts and I work on it regularly, so who knows where it will end. Here is part I again: Danielle was the daughter...

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NubileFilms Zlata Shine Why Don8217t You Stay

Bigtit hottie Zlata Shine isn’t shy about her sensuality. She’s just getting into bed when her Raul Costa, arrives. Zlata asks Raul to come on in, thinking that he’s her boyfriend. Raul claims he doesn’t have time and he has to go. That’s okay; Zlata gets started without him and is prepared to finish without him. Feeling a bit naughty, Raul comes inside anyway. By the time he makes it to the bedroom, Zlata has her big boobs out and her hand down her thong to...

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DannyChapter 13

They pumped my stomach that night. My parents were called, my brother Michael and sister Sophie contacted. Danny held my hand while I puked, and rocked me in his arms after the fact. I always cried when I threw up. The authorities were contacted, people searched, the punk bowl tested. Three cups had drugs placed in them, the punch was fine. Why had I gotten one of the cups? I felt nauseous the whole night. The drug had apparently affected my brain as well. I felt like I had ADD, I...

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Tessas River Rafting Experience

Tessa is my wife of 20 years now and we have had an active and adventurous sex life. She is voluptuous and really hot in bed. You must see her very tight pussy when its shaven and those really large 38DD tits, wow she is great in bed.February each year they have a raft race on the Tugela river. We decide to make a basic raft and enter it for fun. Tessa and myself and a few mates head down to the raft race start early on Saturday morning. Everyone is hectically busy setting up their rafts. I see...

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