AimlessChapter 5: Peanut free porn video

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A few moments after he took my ass, Master fell asleep. About a half hour later, he rolled off me, and his flaccid cock finally exited me. On the holo, Mother Superior was doing a lesbian scene with Maria as she paid for the convent to hide her family from the Nazis.

I took the opportunity to get out of the bed. I needed to pee something awful for a while, and I couldn’t go without disturbing Master when he was on top of me. Without any light, I felt around on the floor for the dildo, and I took it with me as I entered the bathroom.

I cleaned up the device and then did my business. I wondered whether or not I should reinsert the dildo. After all, Master removed it from me, and I didn’t feel as if there was any obligation to put it back. He did tell me I’d be wearing it a few days, though, and I didn’t think a day and a half was the equivalent of a few. The choice was, which behavior would upset Master? Putting it in when I didn’t need to have it in any more, or keeping it out when he wanted me to be using it? There was only one safe choice, so I inserted it inside me.

I wondered about the lack of pain I felt when he entered my ass. Was it because I was already loose due to it not being my first time? Was it because the dildo was previously in my ass, preparing me for his entry? Was it because it was Master’s cock that was in there, and my body just naturally accepted it? I didn’t know the answer, and a part of me was actually afraid to know the answer.

It was clear that I was thinking of him as my Master now. Did that mean that the collar exerted total control of my mind? I tried to think about my feelings toward him. This was the guy that just relieved me from the most intense sexual feelings that almost threatened my sanity. He was also the guy I fell in love with and married oh so many years ago. He was the one that took me on a honeymoon in Jamaica. He was also the one that cheated on me repeatedly, the one that anally raped me, the one that stuck me with millions in debt, and the one that turned me into his personal slave.

It wasn’t easy to think about the negatives at first. Only the nicer things I thought about him immediately came to mind. Of course, that was when I was thinking of him as Master. It wasn’t easy, but once I started to consider him as my ex-husband and how he ruined my life, the anger came back easily. Nothing changed about him. He was still the same little shit that I detested! I wondered how my mind was able to rectify the two images of him, and thinking about that made my head spin, so I abandoned that line of thought for now. I could always revisit it later.

I finally got out of the bathroom, and the holo showed Liesl blowing Rolf so he wouldn’t turn them in. He blew his load all over the girl’s face and then blew the whistle anyway, and the young girl who was sixteen going on seventeen ran away, leaving her clothes behind. I shook my head. The girl playing Liesl was Nola Fronk, the daughter of Senator Fronk who was forced out of office due to a scandal. I knew Nola’s contract was picked up by Hollywood, but I didn’t realize she was doing soaps. This reminded me of my own situation and I frowned. I wasn’t as pretty as Nola, but that could have been me.

I turned the holo off with a soft voice command, and then went to my closet to get my blanket. I set it up and slept by myself on the floor near his bed.

That fucking six o’clock alarm once again jarred me awake, and I knew there was a job to do. I went to the bed and slowly removed the covers from his body. Even asleep, He was sporting a morning erection, and despite knowing I was going to get a belly full of urine, I took him into my mouth.

I could taste the tang that reminded me that this was in my ass the night before, and despite that, I continued sucking and licking until the taste was gone.

“That’s the way to wake up,” Master said, patting me on the head.

Of course, that sent a rush of pleasure to me.

Yes. I was back to thinking of him as Master. I was his good little whore.

“Do you know what’s happening when we’re together, Peanut? When you’re with me, your collar stimulates your pituitary gland to release a small amount of oxytocin into your bloodstream. That, in turn, triggers a bonding response in your brain. You’ve already experienced this sort of thing around the time your brat was born, when your cervix contracted in childbirth, and when she nursed after she was born. It caused the two of you to bond together as mother and child. Now you’re bonding yourself to me, or perhaps to my cock.”

I remember seeing an article on the Uniweb on the chemical and hormonal changes that worked around pregnancy, and I recognized what he explained. If that was what it was, it seemed to be working, whether I wanted it to work or not. It was insidious; even though he told me what was happening, I was incapable of doing anything about it. Maybe that was why the word “Master” was forming in my mind so easily. The collar put the thought be a good little whore for Master into my brain, and the bonding made my subconscious accept it.

What if I tried to fight it?

As an experiment, I tried to tell myself that I was forced to whore myself to the little shit I detested and that I was hating every moment we were together. I started to feel a bit sick ... and a general feeling of wrongness started to form strongly. I will be a good little whore for Master my inner voice started to chant, drowning out my feelings of hatred and disgust. Of course, I loved my Master my mind said, just let those bad thoughts dissolve away...

Yes. The collar was ready for my feeble attempt at mutiny.

I continued my sucking, never stopping or slowing down in the slightest as my mind fought against and lost to the collar. I kept sucking and sucking until ... yes, he pissed in my mouth again. In a way, I was happy that it was over with. That meant that I could continue to suck him, close my eyes, and let my mind go blank as I did his bidding. Like a good little whore. I knew that this was enforced bonding, but I was helpless to disobey his order on how he wanted me to wake him up or to fight the collar in any way.

I’m not sure how much time elapsed as I was there, sucking him as good as I knew how, but my mind seemed to come back a moment before I got a mouthful of semen. I felt a shiver of delight, and understood where that came from as I swallowed and and continued to suck, as it was my job to keep on going until the second alarm went off.

“That’s enough, Peanut,” Master said, pushing me off him. “At least, you’re getting a little bit better.”

The compliment sent a wave of excitement through me. Not the humiliation-induced excitement that stayed there and built on itself as the day continued. This was the real thing. Was this the first time Master complimented me since I got there? Even more important, what was this “Peanut” thing?

“I wish to be Master’s best whore,” I said without any irony or sarcasm in my voice. The words just flowed from my mouth, and I’m learning to accept it.

“Well, you’re getting there. I always told you that you needed lots of practice, and now you’re getting it.”

Another wave of excitement. This could get habit forming. Perhaps it was. Perhaps that was the entire point of it. “It will be my greatest honor, Master.”

Master laughed and then looked around. “What’s that blanket doing there? It was there yesterday, too. Tell me about it, Peanut.”

“It’s where I sleep, Master.” Apparently, “Peanut” was Master’s name for me. I never liked terms of endearment before. Use my name; it’s only one syllable, dammit! Now, for some reason I found myself warming to the name “Peanut.” After all, Master called me that, so that’s who I was. Peanut!

“Really?” Master asked, chuckling.

“As you told me, I’m a slave. My uniforms are in this room, so I assume this is the room where I should be. I cannot just assume to deserve to sleep with my Master. Sleeping on the floor reminds me of my place. I’m in your bed only to please you. When you don’t need me, my place is in that little cubby over there.”

Whatever was making me say these ridiculous things was brilliant. The reason I made my own spot was to avoid being with him. I knew sleeping on the floor was kind of demeaning, and the kind of thing a slave would do, but that wasn’t the reason I did it...

On the other hand ... what was interesting was the words I spoke actually rang true, even if I didn’t consider those thoughts until I said them out loud. I wasn’t lying to Master, I knew. I didn’t know that I’d be able to do so. I was a slave. That was not in doubt. That was my place. A slave doesn’t assume that she deserved Master’s bed. That was just as true as my original rationale for making my own little cubby. Of course, I think that was the collar at work converting my original act of rebellion into an acceptance of my true place in life.

“That’s ... interesting,” Master said. “Just make sure you keep the bedroom tidy.”

“I will return the blanket to the closet until tonight, Master.”

“Do that.”

Master left, and I tidied the room. The sheets on the bed reeked of semen as well as my pussy fluids and a bit of my shit as well, so I decided to strip the bed. If I needed to, I would ask Master where the sheets and bedclothes were, but I figured I’d find them if given the time. I shouldn’t bother Master with such things. It was my job to tend the house. I was his PA, his slave.

Just as all the sheets were removed, my seven o’clock alarm went off. I gritted my teeth and then sighed.

It was time to make breakfast.

The menu read bacon and pancakes today ... for Master and Shirley, of course. I got my usual mush.

This wasn’t a difficult meal, and for some reason, I started to follow some manual links on the recipe sites until I found an article that claimed to be definitive in cooking bacon. Apparently, cooking it at a high temperature in a frying pan results in bacon that might burn. The best way to get the perfect texture was to cook at lower temperatures over a wire rack in an oven where the meat wouldn’t come in contact with the fat dripping down. It took longer that way, though. I looked at the time on the comm and decided I should be able to do it right and still have a timely breakfast. I removed the bacon I already started on the stove, and found an oven pan with a wire rack. I did as the article said. More to clean later, but I didn’t mind chores. It was my job, after all. I wondered why all the other recipes suggested using a fry pan.

I have to admit that after a half hour, the bacon was an even light brown, crispy but with a bit of give. I would have cut off my right boob to taste a piece, but I knew that any deviation from my mush diet was forbidden. Still, it was very tempting. (I couldn’t even lick my fingers, damn it!)

Both Bob and Shirley seemed to enjoy the bacon.

“New program?” Master asked.

“No. I cooked it myself.”

“Well, it’s better than yesterday’s.”

Apparently, Master didn’t even seem to know that the automations in the kitchen were disabled for me. I still got a nice tiny thrill at the compliment.

Changing the subject, I asked him the question that I needed to. “Master, after I drive Shirley to the day care, may I stop at the local clinic? I need to get assigned a regular doctor for my duration here.” It wasn’t until I finished that I realized that I called him Master in front of Shirley.

“Of course,” he said, not even looking up at me.

I was happy. I would be able to do something on my own, even if only for an hour or two.

There was a free clinic in town. Master didn’t tell me he would pay, so this was a safe choice. Once there, I told them that I recently moved into town and needed to be assigned a physician. They gave me a tablet and told me to answer the questions.

The physical information, such as my height, weight, vital statistics, blood pressure, BMI, pulse, blood pressure, and the like were automatically entered as they were detected as I entered the clinic. The weight surprised me; I was about two pounds less than I weighed at the shelter.

All the personal information they wanted was, of course, at the WfD shelter where I used to live. However, privacy laws prevented the sharing of information, and the WfD shelter would have my data erased within thirty days as well. Thus, I needed to enter all that stuff by myself.

There was a standard question that was asked. I’ve seen it a million times before. “Are you in service at this time?” I used to think it was something to do with the military and I always answered it “NO.” This time when I looked at the question, I could see it was a veiled reference to being collared, and my instinct was to answer YES” so I did so.

After handing the tablet back to the receptionist, she glanced at my answers, and then at me. “Um ... We’ll call your name.” If I didn’t know better, I would have thought she shook her head and sighed.

About five minutes later, my name was called, and I was led to an examination room. I was told to wait there and the doctor would see me soon.

As soon as I saw the examination table, my mind seemed to cloud a bit, and without realizing what I was doing, I stripped off my uniform and folded it onto a chair. I then sat and then lay on the examination table. This was all an automatic impulse, as if I haven’t any control over what I was doing.

There was a knock on the door. “Jess? This is Dr. Harrison.”

“Come on in.”

The door opened, and a young doctor came in. He saw me on nude the table and he shrugged.

“Um ... I see you are a collared citizen.”

I bristled; I hated that term, and avoided it myself. It was a reminder of what I lost. “Yes.”

The doctor didn’t seem to notice my uneasiness. “That explains the nudity. I have a few standard questions to ask. Routine things, but things we don’t ask normal citizens.”

I sighed. There was that word again. Collared people were no longer citizens. Specifically, we didn’t have the right to vote. The politicians didn’t want people to get contracts just to skew the vote to make them worthless after a referendum, or perhaps they didn’t want collared people being forced to vote a particular way by their Sponsors, giving Sponsors additional political power depending on the number of people they have on contract.

The Doctor’s comments seemed to indicate there might be other differences between a “real” citizen of this country and somebody that wore a collar.

“What is your role in the sex industry?”

“Role? Sex industry?” I was confused.

The doctor looked at me and it was clear he was confused. “You are collared, right?”


“You don’t work in the sex industry? Are you an actress?”

“I don’t do soaps or any other kind of acting.” My mind added the word yet, but I didn’t utter it.

“Can you tell me your role?”

“I am a slave to a wealthy man.”

The doctor scrolled through the tablet and then nodded. “Oh, I see. Your record says PA. We don’t see too many of them. Most don’t use public clinics.”

“I am a slave,” I said, not wanting to mince words.

“I see.”

Then he waited ... and waited.

“Is there something you want me to say?” I asked.

“Uh ... no. I think you’re one of the few collared persons that has come here that hasn’t told her doctor her Sponsor wanted her emancipated.”

“That would be a lie,” I said. “Master wants no such thing.”

“Yes, it would, but it’s a common one we hear often. We’ve come to expect it.”

“Perhaps I might want emancipation myself, but my Sponsor doesn’t want it. What point is there to lie? Somehow you’d know that I was lying and would have to inform Master. Right?”

The doctor nodded.

“I’m here to get a doctor. If all you want to do is entrap me, then I request another doctor to replace you.”

“No! I mean, yes ... there is a bounty on attempted escapes. I’m sorry I thought that of you. Give me another chance.”

“At least you’re honest.”

“As are you. So ... you need a doctor, and I have room for many new patients. I’ve just started here, and I can use all the business I can get.”

“Gee. Thanks.”

“I mean that. Let’s start at the beginning. You’re a personal attendant.”

“I’m my ex-husband’s slave.”

“What?” The doctor started to sputter. “That can’t be right! The first sale law specifically outlaws such situations. That is illegal!”

“It’s my life.”

He shook his head. “I’ve got to report this!”

I shook my head. “No. You don’t want to cross him. He’s wealthy and he’s powerful. He probably found some sort of loophole that lets him do it. He probably has a few dozen attorneys, and in the end, he’ll find you collared to a raging queen and begging to suck dick if you pissed him off.”

“It’s part of my Hippocratic Oath...”

“Listen. I don’t want a Sir Lancelot. I need a doctor.”

“Are you sick? The sensors here haven’t indicated anything.”

“No, but one of the things my ex likes to do is to have me blow him and then he pisses into my mouth in the morning. I’m forced to swallow. I don’t think that having this done regularly would be good for me.”

“I can get you an API shot. That would keep his bodily wastes from doing damage to the lining of your stomach. It’s a six month regimen. You’d need to come back twice a year. He’s really your ex?”

“Yes, and it’s no picnic.”

“Listen, I can be here an hour with you. The general assumption is that you ask to be emancipated and you’ll do anything for it. I send a signal, and we go at it, then the cops show up with your Sponsor.”

“How nice,” I said. I was glad I didn’t go with my initial, unthinking plan.

“Well, it makes money, and the people that do it, well ... I don’t want to go into it. You now have me feeling guilty about it all.”

“I don’t care about the others. I have a few other worries.”

“Name them.”

“I’m supposed to be on the DNI. I have a feeling my ex will have me reverse it and then go on IFP, if he didn’t order it done when I got collared.”

Same as Aimless
Chapter 5: Peanut Videos

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A Series of TabooChapter 17 Movie Night

The picture that inspired this story can be found here: Movie Night “I know, Jim, but I promised Kenny and Bobby I’d take them to the movie tonight.” “And you will. After we stop and say ‘Hi’ to my boss. We’ll go, we’ll have a drink, you and he will do your thing, and then we’ll be on our way.” When Jim Frenkz’ boss, Mr. Cox, flies in from corporate, always unannounced, Jim and his wife Sue always picks him up from the airport and drive him to the hotel. After a...

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BSC04 Educating KatrinaChapter 7 Les Femmes Du Nuit

Fifteen minutes later Carol was in the Female Dormitory with Katrina, her three friends and a whole bunch of other naked girls. They were all squeezed in between the walled section that housed the four beds that Katrina and her friends slept in. There of course was no door and about twenty girls sat around the beds and spilled out into the corridor and were laughing and giggling the whole time at all their own girlie talk and anything else that caught their fancy. All the girls totally...

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Another Night In July

Throughout July I’d been extremely horny — and I mean more than normal. I was pleased to have a Saturday swinger’s party on the horizon but, before that, I had quite an amazing night.I was invited out to dinner with a new woman at work who is, technically, my boss — one of many bosses in the firm. We’d been talking and emailing a lot, and I guessed she liked me more than the rest. She's of similar age to me but more educated, and I thought she was gay. I liked that idea. It was at lunch when...

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Every Day Will be Like a Holiday Ch 04

Rick and I avoided any kind of drama we feared our kids might put us through if they knew we were seeing each other. In fact, Kellie, by way of Brandon, provided him with all kinds of information about me in order to pull off some unexpected surprises. He bought gold circle tickets to see Diana Krall. He sent me a basketful of candles that I lit all over my room whenever he came over for marathon sex sessions. He surprised me with homemade gnocchi and Marinara sauce, my favorite, and the best I...

3 years ago
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I Tricked My Sister Part 1

My sister and I have always had a close relationship. Whenwe were young we would always cuddle up on the couch and watch TV. More oftenthan not I would be laying on the couch facing up with her on top of me. Shewas much smaller so this was comfortable for both of us. I remember doneafternoon we were just laying together on the couch with me on my back with herlaid out on top of me. She was moving around a bit rubbing againstme. I was 16 at the time and it didn’t take much to get me going....

2 years ago
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The Balance of the RoseChapter 6

Karith/Tanith awoke sometime after midnight in a cold sweat. Getting out of bed and trying not to wake anyone else she entered her sitting room and sat down. Something was off, not quite right. She felt weird and bloated and irritable, all at the same time. She felt... , no it could not be that, could it? Standing up on shaky legs she made her way over to a side passage and down to the end where a large locked door stood. She moved her hands in an intricate pattern and the door opened....

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En Passant In Passing

The church bell tolls again. I have nothing better to do than to count, so I do. One… two… three. It’s summer and the sun is still high in the sky when I look out of the window. In the piazza across the river, the old men have gathered again around the giant chess board etched into the ground. They are bickering over a knight that rises to half their height, its equine countenance turned away from them in indifference verging on disdain. I am reminded of you. ‘Why is mating the end of the...

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Elaines Panties

I have a friend who puts forth the image of the super-macho alpha male. He plays golf, hunts, watches football on TV and ogles the ladies in our social group.His wife is a curvaceous woman who had turned my head for decades. I’d really like to get into her panties, both figuratively and literally. I have been secretly sneaking into her laundry hamper for years and pilfering her panties, nighties, bras, girdles and anything else I can snag. I take them home with me and wear them, fondle myself...

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New Purpose

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????? NEW PURPOSE?????????????????? By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected]) Synopsis: About a bunch of Marvel and DC Superheroines who end up as slaves to a wife of a former dictator, after she had attained god-like powers. Epilogue: The world had suffered a massive devastation from massive earthquakes, all occurring worldwide separately. In the US, many of the Male Superheroes like Superman, Captain America, the Justice League and New Avengers...

4 years ago
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Counter Strike

COUNTERSTRIKE by Lana B. FORWORD This is a sequel to my story "Transformation Retribution." Enjoy. A word of caution: this story contains an act of graphic violence which is not gratuitous. It advances the plot and is depicted in a manner consistent with the nature, ideals and moral code of the character who perpetrates it. If you find violence objectionable please read no further. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. PROLOGUE Dr....

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How We Met

I don’t exactly remember the first thing April said when we met, but I know that her explanation as to why she does not date black men, was somewhere in the first paragraph. I saw this shapely but thin gorgeous black woman standing at the bar all alone during happy hour, and thought I should approach before the cock blocking friends show up and set up a defense perimeter that prevents anything with a dick from getting close. I must had said hi, told her my name, asked what she was drinking and...

3 years ago
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Chapter 4 More Experience gained

Chapter 4- Di, Sue, Holly, and More, My Sophomore SummerMy sophomore year of college passed. As I had no ear for language, I had to take a summer school semester to recover my grade in French. I decided to take a fine arts course as well- The History of Music. I enrolled at a local university’s night school and managed to take both courses on the same nights, three nights per week.During the day, I occupied my time running a small home improvement business performing various odd jobs in the...

1 year ago
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The Blushing Bride

As we walked into the club my mate Kev pointed out a group of old workmates. He introduced me to them one by one, and they were nice people. But then he introduces me to Christina. There was no doubt there was an instant spark between us and as the night went on it was clear we fancied the pants off each other. I gave Kev a lift home, and Christina's was my next stop. "Stop at the top of the road" she asked. She explained how she would love to fuck me but she was engaged, and her fiance was in...

Erotic Fiction
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Staff Training

It was the staff christmas do and after the meal a break away group headed for town, in the first bar a few headed to get the drinks whilst the others made their way to the pool table. It was here that I first noticed the newest member to our team making eyes at me, her name was Sarah she was 21, petite with great legs and a pert little bottom from horse riding, in work the black trousers or leggings she wears accentuates her derriere, especially when she bends over the dishwasher, I'd thought...

2 years ago
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The Clicker

"Too bad she dumped you," said Jack, as Ben fed some change into the vending machine. "She didn't dump me," Ben replied defensively, punching the Mountain Dew button. "We're just... taking a break." There was an odd buzzing sound, as the button flickered for a second, the word bonus appearing, although unnoticed by either of them; then the bottle fell. "Right. That's good," Jack said sarcastically as Ben took a quick swig from the bottle. "I can't believe you actually lock this thing, man,"...

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The wiltering shades of russet and brown leaves gently swayed their way to the ground as the moist, cool autumnal air crept through the bustling crowd of students.Lost in the noise of their summer stories hordes of teenagers were eager to exaggerate their adventures to their friends. While others chose to drown out the existence of their pathetic peers, turning up their isolated music that blasted from their headphones, trying their best to avoid human contact as they hurried their way to the...

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The CabinChapter 3

David and Chet left the office building and in just a few minutes were on the interstate. They talked about their meeting, admitted that they thought it went as well as could be expected, and then fell silent. “There is something I need to talk to you about,” Chet said, after looking at the text that Liza just sent him. “Why do I get the feeling that I’m in trouble?” David said in a lighthearted voice. “It’s nothing like that. It’s a personal matter that I need your promise it will never...

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Early Days Chapter 10

I woke up early next morning. I kinda had to shake myself to believe what was happening. Just to recap: My parents were away for 3 months … My Aunt Julie was taking care of us … Us consists of me, Daisy, 16, Jenn, my sister, 17, Terry, my brother, 19.So the first night they were away Jenn and I caught Terry and his friends watching a video of me masturbating so we threatened them with exposure and now they all do anything we tell them. We also caught Terry fucking my Aunt Julie. That was even...

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A Suicide Blonde

Suicide Blonde ---------------- Darkside March 2001 Comments to [email protected] "Put the gun down Maam," I demanded. "No officer I won't I can't bear it anymore," the attractive blonde pressed the revolver against her temple. "Nothing can be so bad it's worth taking your life," I said in my most sincere tone. This woman had everything to live for. "This is what's so bad!" the woman gestured to her slender body. "Huh?" "I can't take it anymore. My wife...

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Replacing Grandma Chapter 4 of 5

Replacing Grandma Chapter 4 of 5 Jason moved his legs slightly, feeling the wetness. Those damn tablets! And he had forgotten to put on the incontinence pad this morning. Groggily, he stood up as Marion knelt at his feet and pulled down his hosiery. "Oh, mother, what are you doing?" she sobbed. "It's those damn tablets. I can't seem to think straight, and I feel like I need to pee all the time." "Let's get you cleaned up, and into something dry." Minutes later, Jason was...

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My black friend

A few months ago i met this guy at the movie theater. We sat next to each other and talked before and after the movie. He gave me his number and we hung out a few times after that. His name is Rams. He a tall chubby black man. One evening i was home on my bed in my panties and leggings, i heard a knock on the door and i pulled on a pair of jeans and ran downstairs to see who it was. Rams was at the door and I opened the door to let him in. He said “hey man i wanted to come hang out and watch a...

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Sexiest tenant of my Life

Hi! I am Suresh from Chennai & I’m going to tell you my first sexual encounter that led me to a world of excitement & pleasure. At that time I was just 18. After that i’ve fucked many gals as well as Aunts in a short span of 1 year that I would like to share with you later, so let us now come back to the story. We have rented out a portion of our house to a couple in their early 30’s. I didn’t care initially. But soon I found Kavita (the housewife) exciting & fuckable. The day was Sunday. My...

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Accidental AttractionChapter 15

Ron was home early that evening. It was the first time he had seen Reg since the Board Meeting but Daphne had told him everything "So," he said with a big smile, "the successful businessman." Reg grinned. "Well done, lad. What were these ideas you put forward?" Reg told him, taking care to mention Len's input. "There's a bloke I know called Will Hornbeam, manager with a big haulage firm. He might be able to give you a heads up on hiring from manufacturers. I'll have a word with...

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Cross dressing gay fantasy

I would wear black stockings and no other clothes. My whole body would be shaved. I put on cream that makes my skin look even whiter and blemish free. I want my skin to look as feminine as possible. I would wear a jet black wig like a messy bob. One were I can pull the hair over to partially cover my face. I would wear oversized black sunglasses with dark red lip stick and maybe some temporary acrylic nails. I sit on top of the kitchen work top with my knees up at my chest and feet crossed...

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My blond Mom

Doug is 18 years old, pretty average build, although a bit built from running track in High School. His mom had divorced his father when he was very young so he never really got to know him. She's 39 but still had an amazing body. She's 5'9, blue eyes, long blonde hair, about 130lbs, huge 38DD breasts, and legs that go on forever. She still took great care of her body and went running and swimming several times a week. Now that Doug was out of school she had a lot more free time to herself....

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Divya Ante Honey

Hello! Telugu lo puku kathalu chadive andariki naa Namasaramulu. Naa peru Ravi. Ela unnaru. Eeesari meeku maa intlo pani manishi gurunchi cheputanu. Dani peru Divya. Peruku taggattugane Divyanga untundi. 18-19 yella madya vayasu. Orange palla size lo sallu. Chetilo amiretanta gudda. Tellati rangu. Saripoyetanta height. Naa vayasu 42 years. Ante musalivadinani anukovaddu. Manchi exercise body 35 37 years vadilaga kanapaduta. . Assalu 40 – 50 madya vayasekada magadu dengatamlo mature ayyedi....

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Her Replacement

The chirping of crickets played in the background as my lover sucked my hardened nipples. I whipped my head back in pleasure only to hit the head rest on the driver side of his decade old mustang that still smelled new. His mouth sucked me in further and I responded by swaying my hips against his clothed cock. My relentless teasing resulted in him sliding his hand between my white panties and his denim jeans. I yelped in surprise and attempted to flee when his hand rubbed against my clitoris...

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Fucking Tammys DaughterSasha Mike

It was a hot summer’s eve when Sasha received a call from her c***dhood friend Tammy. Sasha covered in sweat raced to her cell that was sitting on her coffee table. Out of breath from running, she answered the recognized ringtone. “Hey girl …What’s up?” “Well girl you know I don’t usually ask for favors but I really need a big one this time.” “Girl just spit it out! What is it?” Tammy finally replied.” Well you know my daughter Cameron just graduated and ….well she just was accepted to UNC. I...

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Coed cutie offers to make my cock cum for a ride

I boarded the plane, I wasn't looking forward to the flight. It had been a long week. I had just finished up acquiring investors for the insurance company I work for, and was ready to leave Phoenix forever. As I sat down in my seat, the only thing I could think of was putting my cock between my Tammy's c cup tits. Little did I know, Tammy's wouldn't be the only tits I would be putting my cock between.I was one of the first to board and had been sitting for about 10 minutes and was trying to...

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THE SETUP a Lesbian Tale

THE SET-UP (A Lesbian Tale)Amanda was not paying much attention to the old man in front of the class who was telling them about the Hapsburgs. She couldn’t have cared less. She had brought her umbrella since there was a slight drizzle on this Friday afternoon. The State University was situated right downtown and Amanda’s apartment was a few blocks away. As soon as class was over at 5PM, she hurried to Betsy’s. She didn’t have time to shower but often it was better that way. Betsy’s was a...

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Delicious Pussy Of My Wife

This is a true incedent which happened recently. Me and my wife (jyothi)work and we both fantasise a lot, she is wild in bed and is hard to satisfy but somehow i manage it everytime. Here are her vital statistics her boobs are huge size 48″ and waist is 38″(looks big and sexy in sari) and her rear is 52″ . She is big like south indian whores( she is south indian by the way), she is not fair but neither dark like bipasha basu.And stands 5 7’tall. so i did not let her wair sari’s for quite...

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Rainy Day In Pune With My Hot Office Colleague

Hi I am Nikhil (5’10” fair guy with an Athletic body) from Mumbai and have recently moved to Pune 6 months back. I have been a regular reader of Indian sex stories for the last 2 years and this is my first true story i am posting here. Any single / married / committed females in Pune looking to get the best sensuous massage of their life or just a good evening out with no strings attached (to see how things go ahead from there please email me at ) With so much of reading on ISS you kinda get a...

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on my bosss desk

This is based on a true story.My name is Lynlee, I am 31 years old and happily married with 3 k**s. My husband and I have an open marriage and I am encouraged to be “adventurous”I work for a small company in Utah that sells insurance. My boss, Andy, is an attractive older man in his 50’s. A few weeks ago, he and I became sexually active after I gave him a blowjob in his car. My boss had been sexually deprived by his unfaithful wife for the past 6 months and had never in his life experienced a...

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