Tesco Tart - Part 12 free porn video

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All writings in this series are purely works of fiction and any reference to companies or people are fictitious and for the purposes of this fictional writing. Tesco Tart - Part Twelve. Miss Havlin had her own priorities. It was, after all a new role for her also. Her's as Checkout Supervisor and Michelle's as an idiotic, delusional sissy crossdresser with a Checkout Girl fantasy. First impressions had been made with her Checkout staff but relationships had yet to be founded. From her twisted observations within the Checkout Office it was Gloria on Checkout 7 that Claire prepared in her dominant mind whom would be her first confidant. The casual manner in which she had professionally dealt with Michelle's embarrassing introduction to the Checkout staff made her think that perhaps Gloria was not such an innocent player in that potentially awkward situation. A simple organization of lunch breaks found Miss Havlin and Gloria sharing a table in the relatively empty canteen and after introductions had been made and small talk exchanged Claire went in for the kill. "Gloria, I must say that I admired you're understanding of the situation you were in earlier with David." "It's hard enough for me starting a new role as the Checkout Supervisor without having to deal with a tranny!" Gloria's response was exactly what Claire had predicted and had been hoping for. "Miss Havlin....And I hope this doesn't go any further but I've met his type before." Claire feigned a look of surprise, mentally prompting Gloria to continue her confession. "Sissies Miss Havlin..." " ...Guys who like to dress up and be submissive. I found out that me ex- husband was a sissy, I tried to understand and treated it like a bit of fun at first... but it didn't work out in the end." "Ah Gloria that's terrible! And please... call me Claire...." Miss Havlin couldn't believe her luck. It was part intuition, part chance but she had found her first confidant from the Checkout staff. She continued, trying desperately to appear naive to the embarrassingly obvious needs of her new sissy! "Well Gloria, and equally, this is between ourselves, but David has confessed to being a transvestite. That is why he has been transferred to the Checkout Department, so that we can help him with his 'identity' without risk of a transgender harassment claim." Gloria laughed, unapologetic and out loud in the now privacy of the canteen. "I'm sorry if I'm speaking out of place Claire but you don't have to worry a thing about any discrimination claims with that one! A sissy is a whole different species!" "I'm not sure I understand Gloria?" "Claire, at first I tried everything with my husband. Allowing him to dress at certain times, trying a bit of spanking and role play. But in the end I found out that not only was he still viewing all kinds of tranny porn on the internet and posting pictures of himself dressed but he was also trying to make contact with guys on the web, offering himself as a sissy secretary and maid!" Miss Havlin again feigned near speechlessness at Gloria's frank admission. "So what did you do?" "I divorced the ungrateful dirty little sissy fag that's what!!" As Gloria's rage climaxed so did Miss Havlin's subtle ministrations. She had felt her smooth pussy suddenly warm during Gloria's building admission, her creamy, slick fluid between her smooth pussy lips had made her writhe gently in her seat. Under the table she had pressed her stockinged legs together under her tight navy pencil skirt while pushing slightly, imperceptibly forward against the black lacy satin of her underwear. Her warm wet pussy mound tingled exquisitely with each smooth, frictionless rub of her black satin panties crotch against the restricting shiny black nylon lining of her skirt. With the endorphins of success of her genius again flowing she gently probed her new confidant further. " Gloria, I'm grateful that you felt you could share that with me already. I feel a bit out of my depth now to be honest..." Gloria, still recovering from her voluntarily shared, explicit, impromptu mental purging of her memories gave Miss Havlin the response she was hoping for.... "Don't you worry about a thing Claire, I'll keep you right with that little sissy boy of yours!" Miss Havlin continued the prompting of this genuinely scorned and deservedly vindictive and vengeful woman who was now her charge. "So what should we do with this sissy?" Gloria's expressed rage at the obviously still sore indiscretions of her ex-husband had passed and, getting beck to the present she continued with a sinister calm. "Whatever you want Miss Havlin. You can do whatever you want with a sissy." Claire put her hand over Gloria's on the canteen table. "Gloria, I want you to be the woman I trust on the Checkout staff. You have shown me trust and I always repay." "Meet me in my office at half past three and you can meet our new sissy behind closed doors." Gloria had also felt the beautiful warm wet feeling between her legs within her black checkout girl's skirt and her mind was a flurry of activity at the naughty opportunity made possible her new boss's enthusiastic consent. "Miss Hav... sorry, Claire, would you mind if I took an extra half hour for my break? I'd like to fetch a few items from home which I think you will find very amusing?!" Claire laughed out loud also, further lightening the mood. "Of course Gloria!, and I'm intrigued!" Mentally checking her own naughty enthusiasm, Gloria sought confirmation from her boss of her hoped for intentions. "Claire are you sure this will be OK?...you know...with Miss Baxter?" "Gloria, Miss Baxter is ALL too aware of Michelle's...shall we say...predicament and has given me FULL authority to address Michelle's 'needs' as I see fit." "Seeking the assistance of a member of my staff to help with an issue in which she is experienced is not only delegation but good management!" Gloria felt a further inner warmth and with Claire's hand still on hers the two newly found kindred spirits shared a naughty, knowing smile before standing. "3:30 sharp Gloria!" "Yes Miss Havlin!" With a mutual wink in that beautiful shared moment they went their separate ways. Michelle was mopping up a dropped bottle of wine at Checkout 3 when the call rang out across the store. "CHECKOUT GIRL MICHELLE TO THE SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE" There was a slight pause among the girls but immediately all eyes turned to Michelle. With the cardboard she was stamping with her 1" patent heels failing to absorb the spillage Michelle was suddenly aware that the call was for her. With all the girls looking in her direction it was embarrassingly clear that yet another humiliating boundary had been breached. She was now Michelle to her female Checkout colleagues! And to the rest of the staff! A knock on the door of Miss Havlin's office was answered with a simple but commanding reply. "Bring two coffees please Michelle." Claire and Gloria had been having quite a chat together. The object of discussion had of course been the sissy Michelle and how to make best use of her. Claire was pleasantly surprised and very much aroused at the explicit admissions of Gloria's experience with her sissy husband. She also took a great indulgent inner pleasure from the venomous and vindictive tone of Gloria's soul sharing. It was clear to her that Gloria had painful inner memories of betrayal and self doubt that she had to expunge. And it was also clear that, given the situation, opportunity and permission she would exorcise those inner demons with a wicked, vengeful passion. Michelle, having ran the gauntlet of her sniggering and sneering colleagues on both the fetch and return of her order from the upstairs staff canteen placed one of the chattering cups and saucers on the worktop of the outer Checkout Supervisors Office and again submissively lightly knocked on Miss Havlin's door. "Enter" With an elbow, two coffees in hand Michelle was back in her stunning, all knowing Supervisor's office. As the door closed behind her she felt a familiar, beautifully arousing dread as she again felt the feeling of impending sissy exposure as she seen that the second nervously tinkling coffee she had brought was not for herself as she had stupidly assumed. With the realization that she was just the coffee girl and that Gloria was Miss Havlin's visitor her sissy inner dread deepened with the fear that perhaps Gloria had made a complaint regarding her new sissy colleague! Miss Havlin began, "Hi Michelle, Gloria likes her coffee black with a little sugar, a little milk for me please, that's a good girl." Obediently completing her task and with both beautiful uniformed ladies served Michelle took a step back and stood submissively with her hands clasped in front, nervously waiting the inevitable further humiliation that was in store. She picked up a sense of a strong bond between the women, as if they had been close friends for years. Ominously and oddly, she also detected a buzz in the air of confidant, almost triumphant excitement from BOTH the women! As expected it was Miss Havlin who opened the proceedings. "Thank's for coming in Michelle. Gloria and I were just talking about you...and I was thanking her for her understanding in helping you fit in on your first day as one of the girls." Michelle shuffled slightly with her eyes cast down to the floor blushing deeply, her small heels clicking on the hard floor further highlighting her uncomfortable agitation. "Have you thanked her also Michelle?" "Eh..no Miss Havlin...thank you Gloria." Gloria looked on, smirking but definitely not impressed. Miss Havlin was certainly not impressed either! "Come on Michelle you should know better than that! Thank her properly, and Gloria said you answered her earlier instructions with 'Miss' Gloria?" Michelle heard quite clearly the impatient tone in her Supervisor's voice and, knowing that she inevitably been summoned to the Checkout Supervisor's Office for a further session of sexual humiliation and punishment she corrected her own tone and reply in the hope of minimizing the impending humiliation. "Sorry Miss Havlin, Thank you Miss Gloria for helping me fit in as one of the Checkout girls...." Gloria chuckled and shared a warm, knowing smile with Miss Havlin. "You're welcome Michelle! We girls have to stick together!" " And I think, Miss Havlin being in agreement of course, that you should address all the girls as 'Miss' from now on don't you think Michelle?" Michelle then made her most painful mistake for a long time! "Eh... even the part time college girls Miss?" She knew from the silence and instant tension in the air that she had made a big mistake. The scowl from Miss Havlin was nothing compared to the look of rapidly boiling rage from Gloria! After slowly rolling her chair back she stood and with two short steps she swung her right foot up in a quick and crushingly on-target kick that brought her black court shoe rapidly upwards directly between Michelle's legs. It was far from a half hearted attack, instead punishingly cruel in its deliberate ferocity! Michelle crumpled to the floor in a instant, her eyes screwed shut forcing her mind into instant darkness, even her hearing seemed to shut off for 10 seconds as her mind desperately tried in vain to control the excruciation pain. Gloria's unforgiving kick had been directly to her small sissy balls, held tight in the confines of her white control panties, control top black tights and high crotched womens uniform trousers but the pain started in the pit of her stomach and reached every nerve in her now involuntarily and violently convulsing body. As her darkness slowly ebbed back into the harsh white light of Miss Havlin's office Michelle felt as if she was floating, she was not. As her vision cleared her still limp body was staring down at the floor tiles and she could make out a pair of black court shoes on either side of her as her feeling of levitation abruptly ceased as she felt herself drop unceremoniously face first, bent over onto Miss Havlin's desk. With her consciousness recovered but the blinding pain only slightly subsiding she felt the grip of each ladies arms on hers relax as she was left prone, her upper body supported by the desk, her low heeled, sissy court shoes not reaching the tiled floor of the office. Simultaneously with the new feeling of her arms being drawn painfully behind her back she heard a streaking sound that she immediately identified as a length of tape being ripped from the Sellotape dispenser! Feeling first her wrists being tightly bound together, several more long streaking sounds found her elbows also bound closely and painfully together. Powerless to resist she then felt her womens workwear trousers being undone at the feminine side fastening and being tugged sharply to her ankles. Her thick black control top tights had the same treatment followed by her unflattering basic white control panties. Her forced position intensified her pain as her sissy cock and balls were crushed against the hard surface of Miss Havlin's desk by her body weight. Her feeling of desperate vulnerability finally restarted her inner awareness, she remembered where she was and who was in the office with her. The 'why' was to be promptly and mercilessly reminded to her.... The frustratingly confusing silence was broken by the sound of a familiar voice. A voice that always brought impending humiliation but with it, beautiful inner feelings of sissy completeness and TOTAL inner sissy submission. "Get one thing into your fucked up little sissy mind Michelle! ALL women are your superiors! So yes, you shall address ALL my girls as Miss...!" With her face pressed onto her Supervisor's desk by her bondage Michelle's struggle for comfort brought her head twisting sideways. Still none of her beautifully dangerous tormentors were in her view as her eyes focused on the 32" LCD screen mounted on Miss Havlin's Checkout Supervisors office wall. Deliberately and unforgivingly arranged by Miss Havlin the screen showed a slideshow of images and a particular video clip that left Michelle in no doubt that Miss Havlin had told Gloria everything! The photos of her forced displaying and exposing herself as a crossdressing sissy in her sissy underwear were bad enough but Miss Havlin had destroyed Michelle's imagined trust with full and complete exposure of her forced cock sucking incident with the store security guard! As the images and video cycled for what seemed like the forth time Gloria spoke, her casual tone coming from behind her bound position. "So...Michelle...I'm a little confused." "Miss Havlin tells me that you are a transvestite?" "I would have you down as a sissy on this evidence." "A sissy slut!" "A dirty little cock sucking sissy fagot!" As her eyes finally remembered how to cry her first few tears blurred her vision as she saw the shape of a navy blue uniformed figure move to the whiteboard retrieving an unknown item. As her quivering pink lip glossed lips opened to speak her as yet unformulated response Miss Havlin roughly stuffed the foul tasting item into her mouth, filling it completely. Another few streaks of tape wrapped around her head secured the makeshift gag in her mouth. The dirty cloth used for wiping the office whiteboard bombarded Michelle's senses as the filthy fluffy material released its chemical vapors, making her quite light headed, accelerated by her strained heavy breaths. A new sensation interrupted her daze as she felt a cold slippery gel being applied between her exposed ass cheeks, the initial rubbing turning to an abrupt uninvited invasion as Gloria forced the Durex 'Play' lube into her sissy pussy with one finger then two. Businesslike and purposeful in her actions Gloria made sure that the pathetically bound sissy felt the sharpness of her long polished nails as she prepared her ass. Dizzy and moaning desperately against the gag Michelle felt an at first familiar sensation, the beautifully teasing feeling she craved when she played with her pink 6" dildo during her most intense of private sissy dress up sessions. The pleasure turned immediately to discomfort as she felt her ass struggle to allow the entry of this much larger invader. Gloria's strap-on of choice was a realistic penis type, a cock any man would be proud of, 8" long with a bulging head. Momentary but still temporary relief came as the bulbous head popped past the panicked tension of Michelle's tight asshole. With the pained initial insertion passed Michelle could only continue her dazed, involuntary acceptance as Gloria gradually, but far from gently used deeper and deeper strokes until she had finally taken the full length inside her sissy pussy. With Gloria now fucking her with a steady but forceful rhythm Michelle finally began to relax and enjoy the beautiful new sensations of being at long last fucked like the slutty girl she knew she was inside. The chemical vapours from the ink stained rag helped subdue her panic and futile struggle as she accepted her fate with a newly felt beautiful obedience. Her gasping moans turned to soft whimpers of sissy pleasure as she took her fucking with complete acceptance and sissy submission. Through the haze of her bliss Michelle heard the filthy accusing and degrading taunts of her now two beautiful uniformed Mistress's but far from insulting her they only further intensified her deep sissy arousal. She didn't know how long her forced femdom fucking had lasted but she did know when it was over! The ever building waves of ecstasy finally brought her to the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced! Even with the numbing pain in her sissy balls from her recent assault she couldn't help herself from pushing and bucking between the hard confines of Miss Havlin's desk and back towards her Mistress's cock that was giving her long lusted for dirty, wanton sissy pleasure. Every hard spurt of sissy cum from her crushed cock brought an intense inner orgasm that made all before seem like foreplay. After what must have been a dozen of such beautiful shattering ejaculations Michelle's twitching and spasming body finally went limp as she felt Gloria's strap- on leave her thoroughly fucked sissy ass. Slightly breathless with her exertions Gloria leant forward and whispered huskily into Michelle's ear. "Don't ever play the tranny card with us again you filthy little sissy slut!!" Still completely spent, drained, limp, bound and gagged Michelle focused on Miss Havlin's iphone that she had placed in her line of sight. A text message had been composed with a video attachment, it's still image showed it was Michelle's forced cock sucking incident that Miss Havlin had orchestrated just a week earlier when she had caught her dressed on her first outing en-femme. With the sound of her two jubilant Mistress's triumphant laughter enveloping her she watched as Miss Havlin's long red talon moved and deliberately touched the 'SEND ALL' icon. The whole store now knew that she was a gay sissy. To be continued...........

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Insatiable Little Tart

At home, I’ve been needy all day, so I make sure you can see me as I slide my leopard print thong up my bare legs and under my short black skirt so it presses snuggly against my already wet lips. I keep glancing at you over my shoulder, as I make sure you and everyone at the bar later will be able to see the curve of my big braless tits, always smiling when I catch you looking. I press myself against you, lifting up on my tiptoes to kiss you and feeling the bit of bulge in your pants before...

3 years ago
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AmlieChapter 12 Apple Tart

[August, 1678] Oxford, Oxfordshire SANDRINE WAS EXPECTED, but her blackness clearly surprised Heathcoate and Mistress Geraldine. The latter was, initially, plainly skeptical and uneasy about Sandrine’s presence, but she was superficially welcoming. Even as Sandrine and Amélie began their work in the shop Geraldine remained withdrawn and circumspect in the presence of Sandrine. For her part Sandrine kept an open and pleasant attitude around the printer’s wife. She was used to being the object...

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The Tarts of Lesser Plumpton

Jack went into the pub where he had seen the girl before hoping that she would be there again, if nothing else for a dodgy East London pub they did a nice single malt Scotch. Previously he had been home on leave and needed some company Charlie was a call girl but Jack found her fun as well as good in bed. In all he had seen her four times. Trouble was he had lost her number and the mate he got it from had left the marines and they had lost touch.As Jack sipped his double, he saw he was in luck,...

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Vickers and Nylon Tarts

Si my boyfriend had been looking forward to this Saturday night, it was Mike's stag do and this meant it was going to be something with a twist. Well with Mike it always is and this instance it was a joint stag and hen. These 2 were so in love and we all had the same group of friends so made sense. The only thing holding Si back was the theme. As usual every stag & hen needs a theme and this was Vickers and Tarts. Yep the girls as Vickers and the boys as Tarts. Si had been trying to ignore...

1 year ago
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Tasty Melons Tasty Tarts

Fiona Cali was casted for the lead role in an upcoming lesbian flick. Linda Perkins, the proprietor of Safemme Studios, lusted after her. Hence, she lured Fiona by offering her a handsome amount and invited her at home to sign the contract. At Linda's residence, Fiona gave in to her sexual advance. And she was definitely gratified by her erotic maneuver. Cast of Characters: Major Characters: Fiona Cali: Protagonist. Linda Perkins: Lesbian proprietor of Safemme Studios. Minor Characters: Ralph...

2 years ago
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Two Tarts In A Kitchen

Two Tarts in a Kitchenby oggbashan©From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:Two C's in a K (for "two cunts in a kitchen"), is slang used within the advertising industry for a type of television commercial and other advertising. Generally, the commercial shows two women in a domestic scene, discussing, using, or otherwise portraying the advertiser's product in a positive manner. This method has been typical for advertising targeted at women, such as commercials for household cleaning products,...

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Deviant Art is arguably one of the most popular hentai sites on the planet, though they don’t actually market themselves as such. The online art community has been around for decades now, and has always been welcoming to all kinds of artists, from photographers and videographers to the fursuit-wearing deviates drawing up all that X-rated anime you’ve been shaking your dick at. It’s only natural that an art-based social network with “Deviant” in the title would pick up a whole lot of beautifully...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Confessions of a smoking TV tart Part 1

"What did you feel like tonight, in the car park?" he asked. It was uncomfortable for me, tied to the back of the chair, upside down. 'It was such a buzz, the adrenalin was incredible. I've never felt more alive.' I answered, the rubber bonds gently squeaking in my discomfort. "Why?" I pondered for a while, before answering. 'I love knowing that when I dress in all my heavy makeup, the plastic and rubber, and the come fuck me boots, it gives guys a big hard on. It's a big compliment that I'm...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Tarts And Vicars

When our youngsters were still fairly young wife Sarah taught part time at their school to help pay our bills. Occasionally the school did fund raising and so in 1983 it was a “Tarts and Vicars” Dance event that was planned to help raise funds for the school. I had no idea what happened for one, but Sarah explained that men came in fancy dress as Vicar s and the women in sexy dress like a woman of less repute. I thought the easiest way for me was to use my security uniform with a few...

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tranny tart ride

hey - so my imagination runs wild when i am in tranny mode and i can't help to think about hard cock to suck and fuck - i am so addicted to my gender bent life style that i have these yearnings for erotic entertainment as fem fatale - get my franny on and pleasure other cd lovers - whether they dress or not - always great to gobble gay dick in crotchless pantyhose but naked men can be so very sexy with their fleshy bodies and their sweet boners just begging to be satisfied so after a ride...

2 years ago
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Upper Class Tart with Big Tits

This is a real story and happened about 15 years ago when I had been divorced for about 3 years. In that 3 year gap my sex life was close to non-existent as I was focused almost 24 x 7 on growing a company that I had started with a few colleagues. The company was now growing very quickly and I after I had been paid a few dividend checks I was feeling like I wanted some female company again. Not having spent any time socializing or going down to the pub I was at a loss to think of how to make...

3 years ago
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The English Gentleman and His American Tart

I was early in Northern England, 7am, but William sat waiting in the Manchester Airport for an International Flight from Chicago to arrive. Despite his best efforts, he was nervous. No, not nervous-nearly quaking in anticipation. In a short time, the plane would land and she'd be here. She'd actually be here. No more texting on What's App, or sharing photos of each other over Facebook, she'd actually be standing in front of him and he felt himself terrified of how she'd react when she saw him....

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Smoking TV Tart Part 2

Gosh! Where to start? 'I've got so many fantasies, but they ALL involve me being used as a cock-sucking, cigarette smoking spunk slut!' As my thoughts trawled through so many kinky scenarios, my cock pulsed ever harder above my face. My tightly bound dick getting ever more solid in it's binding. Master pushed the dildo slightly deeper into my wanton hole, and I could feel it was ribbed, and growing thicker. "Tell me about your first outdoor meeting." he asked gently, easing the dildo in a slow...

4 years ago
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How i became a Transexual Tart

This is my true story of how i became a Ladyboy. I grew up in a small town in the UK, Where i lived there wasnt many females in the same age group as me and my friends most of the girls were much older than us which left the boys sexually frustrated alot of the time. My best friend Alan was always frustrated and would always find an excuse to touch me or show me his cock. One day when we had the house to ourselves we had some alcohol to drink and we watched a porno together, Alan got very hard...

1 year ago
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My Nephew Finds Out I Am a TartChapter 2

I was totally out of control, David was shooting his load on my face and some landed on Sam’s arse which I licked it off, I was loving it! Ray was pounding me from behind, his balls were banging my clit as he slammed into me. The tip of my tongue was in Sam’s arsehole as I tugged on his cock. All this was being captured on film by my nephew David and I knew my half brother Bill would see it in no time. I could feel Ray’s cock tense inside my fanny and then I felt his hot spunk flood into...

2 years ago
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My Nephew Finds Out I Am a TartChapter 3

The following day I was on fire, my husband had fucked me half a dozen times as he made me tell him all the sordid details. He hadn’t let me clean up, the dirty bastard had just fucked me as I was, covered in spunk. Bill had told me to wear something sexy as he mentioned photos would be taken, the thought of being photographed or filmed as I was fucking really excited me. I put on a tight black skirt that my husband had bought me years before. I’d hardly ever wore it as it was slit up to...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Tartan Blanket

“Tartan Blanket” (circa-1968) From the day their mother and father informed family and friends that their daughter, Victoria had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, it took less than four months before her battle against the disease finally ended and her life slipped slowly away. In the last few days of her life her body had been reduced from a nine stone beautiful young woman to a weak and helpless skeletal frame. With skin hanging like soft paper tissue from frail bones, she was...

4 years ago
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Billy always had a thing for redheads. All the way back to his childhood he was attracted to red-headed girls, always thought they looked interesting, different, adventurous, exotic and erotic. A nice looking redheaded gal would always turn his head. He didn’t know why, he just assumed everybody had their type and cherry tops were his, even though he was a blond haired, blue eyed WASP. And after he’d been with a few he discovered that what turned him on even more was when he finally laid his...

1 year ago
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Strawberry Tarts Part 2 of 2

“Check!” she called out, loud enough for all to hear.----Etta said that she lived nearby. Billy followed her in his van to a community that looked vaguely familiar, a cookie-cutter neighborhood where most of the houses looked the same. A garage door went up as Etta pulled into her driveway, and she drove her car into the garage. Billy parked in the driveway, locked his van and wobbled into the garage as the overhead door lowered behind him. Then they wobbled into the house together. It was not...

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Strawberry Tarts Part 1 of 2

Billy always had a thing for redheads. All the way back to his childhood he was attracted to red-headed girls, always thought they looked interesting, different, adventurous, exotic and erotic. A nice looking redheaded gal would always turn his head. He didn’t know why, he just assumed everybody had their type and cherry tops were his, even though he was a blond haired, blue eyed WASP. And after he’d been with a few he discovered that what turned him on even more was when he finally laid his...

2 years ago
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Vickers and Tarts wifes office party part 2

IThis story was written by cuckoldtony on another sight. Someone had posted part one but not part so to complete the story I posted this.I was shaken awake by Mary Lenson. I felt awful, my mouth tasted like a pub carpet and it took me a good while to unglue my stinging eyes. But when I did, I was horrified to see that my cock was hanging out of my spunk stained pants and I was still holding my wife's crusty knickers. I scrabbled for my zip as she laughed 'Bit late for that dear, come with me....

1 year ago
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Megan and Wife are street Tarts

After our last adventure to the theater we now had a live in sub Megan and I loved the way she loved to be humiliated and used. My sub wife and i love having her around. She get so embarrassed when we have something delivered to the house and she answers naked so we helped her we made a sign she puts around her neck before she opens the door.I AM A SLUT AND AS A TIP I WILL GIVE YOU A BLOW JOB. The other night the pizza guy delivered and she put sign on and opened door and he smiled and it was...

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Tasty Melons Tasty Tarts

Fiona Cali looked about her as she entered the audition room. Its air-conditioned and well-lighted interior fascinated her. The red abstract wallpaper had an aura of passion. Three chairs and a desk stood opposite to a round king-size bed. There were no windows. The wall-mounted mirror reflected upon her a studio camera, which stood on the adjustable pedestal. Fiona was not alone. Five people had led her into the room for a screen test. Linda Perkins, the proprietor of Safemme Studios, took...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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