- 3 years ago
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Tracey on TV!
By: Jake Olive
The yellow envelope had arrived just last week. Tracey had recently graduated with a degree in communications and this was the opportunity she had been dreaming of ever since she had started her schooling. Tracey was to audition today for an upcoming role as the TV hostess for a new cable show on CCN! (The Chambers Cable Network).
The program would visit and chronicle many of the most luxurious spas and resorts all over the world and the hostess would be the centerpiece of this exciting new travel show. The selected candidate would also of course partake in all the pampering, the great food and all the other amenities of the exotic locations that the show was scheduled to visit.
The audition letter had detailed what would be required in the audition and it also explained the monetary compensation for the girl who would win the job. The salary was triple what Tracey had been making at the hair salon and she was determined that this was to be the job that would change her life.
?It’s time to put my education to good use!? thought Tracey.
When Tracey arrived at the television studio, she looked around at all the pretty young women that were to be her competition and she was somewhat surprised by the large number of girls. The letter she had received had made it seem as if she was one of a few selected candidates but she could see now that the competition for the job was pretty intense.
?OK ladies, now in the letter you received you were asked to bring a bikini? a man who had been introduced as John Chambers announced to the assembled girls.
?At this time we ask that you please put it on so we can continue with the auditions.?
The girls all sheepishly looked at one another as if waiting for further instructions.
?Lets go ladies!? John barked ?I need you in those suits on you now!?
Again the girls hesitated. Finally a brunette near the front asked softly, ?Is there someplace we can change??
John listened to the question and then announced to all the girls loudly, ?Ladies you will change right here, we are on a short time schedule and do not have the time to for you to do to the bathroom one at a time.?
?Those of you that are too prude to change out here are very likely not CCN material anyway. If you are not dressed and ready to go in one minute you will be dismissed from the audition.?
Tracey looked around the room. A couple of girls picked up their bags and blustered towards the door. As Tracey began to remove her clothes she could see that many of the girls were doing the same.
A couple of men with television cameras were walking freely among the girls openly filming them as they began to undress.
?Why are there cameras?? Asked a topless girl with her hands clutched to her naked breasts.
?That is for another show we are making here at CCN. This audition will be included in a segment for that show. You all the signed the releases acknowledging your consent to be filmed here today.?
On a production table in the back another man was furiously directing the camera crews for the other show. Her had a folder called, ?CCN Girls, The Making of a TV Bimbo!? sitting on the table in front of him.
Tracey looked at all the men who were openly watching the girls undress but she wanted the job and with a sign she pulled her powder blue bikini from her bag. Tracey was almost five foot seven and she knew she had a wonderful body. She pulled her top over her head and then unclasped her small pink bra to reveal her large and shapely breasts.
As she did this she noticed one of the camera men moving quickly toward her. Sensing that her breasts might give her an edge in landing the job she left them bare and slowly removed the rest of her clothing. The other girls quickly and covertly changed while Tracey stood perfectly naked and slowly pieced her little blue suit into place.
?Bitch? she heard one girl say.
Once all the remaining girls were in their swim suits John gave them their next instruction.
?Girls I need you to form a line on the left of the stage and the run across the stage one at a time so we can all get a good look at you.?
Again there was grumbling among the girls as they moved stage left. One at a time the girls ran across the stage with the CCN camera crews closely capturing their progress. When it was Tracey’s turn she bound across the stage on the balls of her feet as if she were running on a beach with a proud determination. Her light brown hair danced on her shoulders and her great breasts bounced firmly as she pranced over the stage for the cameras and the men. She smiled as she ran, shaking out her hair as she arrived on the right side of the stage.
A couple of the stage boys clapped when she finished and a couple of the men chuckled softly.
?We have a winner? she heard someone say.
Tracey then watched as the other girls awkwardly ran over the stage and she felt more and more confident in her chances of getting the job.
Once all the girls had been filmed running across the stage, Chambers broke them down into small groups so that the auditions could continue. Over the next two hours they all took turns introducing pretend guests and acting out scenes from the exotic locations that they might one day visit.
Once they were all finished John assembled them in the center of the studio.
?I want to thank all you girls. We will be going over the audition tapes this weekend and we will be calling some of you back for a second interview. Again thank you all for your participation today.?
The girls all began to gather their things and put their clothes back on over their swim suits. Tracey began to move towards the bags and the clothes as well.
?Oh Tracey? she heard John say behind her.
She spun around quickly and optimistically.
?Can I have a few words with you please.?
John turned and walked toward the back to the studio, Tracey looked over her shoulder at her belongings but then continued down the long hallway behind him.
She could sense that both the camera men were following behind her and as she moved down the hall she could feel the heat of the camera lights on her bare back.
?Reality TV? thought Tracey ?Gotta love it.?
They finally arrived at a production office in the back of the studio. John settled into a chair behind the desk and directed Tracey to a smaller chair in front of him. One of the camera men set his camera onto a preset tripod while the other moved behind John to film freehand.
As Tracey sat down she looked down quickly to check that her powder blue top was still firmly in place.
?Tracey we are all pretty impressed with your performance today? John began.
?After discussing it with the other producers we think that you have some real potential but collectively we do have some concerns about you.?
Tracey was at first wildly hopeful but then she felt her chances dashed with the word ?concerns.?
?What concerns Mr. Chambers? I am certain that I can do this job and I want it very badly.? Tracey said with a slight cry. ?I will work my butt off for the show if you only give me a chance.?
?Well Tracey? John continued. ?You are indeed a lovely girl but this is not my first rodeo and I know how difficult some pretty girls can be once they are on the set. Why the last girl we hired for this position became very difficult to work with and caused quite a problem with the production.?
?But Mr. Chambers? Tracey interrupted now completely unaware of the cameras recording her interview.
John raised his hand to silence her.
?Tracey this is a challenging job that not only requires a great deal of exotic travel but also a great degree of financial discipline. Our teams go out into the field and we need to be sure that our hostess has a firm commitment to both the budget and the timeline of the production.?
Again Tracey tried to reassure John but was silenced.
?The last hostess we hired was constantly arguing with our producers and camera operators and we need to be sure something like that will never happen again.? John continued to explain.
?Our new hostess must understand her place in the production and we need to be very sure of it. Pretty girls are a dime a dozen and we need to be sure we have the right girl for the job.?
Tracey sensed that a little reassurance might just clinch the job now.
?Mr. Chambers I promise that I will be responsible and listen to the crew, I really want this job!? Tracey said almost desperately.
?Well I will tell you what? he responded. ?I will give you a chance to prove that.?
At the production table the producer of the ?CCN Girls, Making of a TV Bimbo? silently watched as the camera closed in on Tracey’s hopeful face. He smiled slightly.
John continued, ?This is Peter Willington he is the main camera operator on our travel crew.?
Tracey looked at the man who had set his camera on the tripod. He moved toward her and she reached out to shake his hand.
?It is a pleasure to meet you? she said softly.
?Please stand up? he said back to her without shaking her hand.
Tracey stood up and Peter then directed her to the right of the chair as he sat down in it.
Tracey looked to John in a confused manner.
?Tracey if we hire you for this position you will need to do everything Peter or any other crew member tells you to do. You are not the decision maker here and you will do as you are told. Do you understand that?? John said seriously.
?Yes? Tracey said back, still confused.
?Well then congratulations, you are now our new TV hostess? John said back with a big smile.
?Oh Thank you Mr. Chambers!? Tracey said with a broad smile unaware that the cameraman filming freehand was panning slowly up and down her body. ?You will not be disappointed in me I promise.?
?Well I hope not, if you do as you are instructed I think you will be a great success.? he said with a smile.
?I think the best way for you to start is to cement your new relationship with Peter and the crew. This will be is a demonstration of your rank and position on the team? John continued.
Tracey looked back at him again confused, still not sure why she was standing and Peter was sitting in her chair.
?Peter? John said looking at his cameraman.
Peter looked up to Tracey and said ?Remove your bathing suit and get over my knee.?
Tracey looked quickly to John with a horrified look on her face.
John looked back expectantly at Tracey.
?But? Tracey began.
?Tracey this production takes a great deal of funding and we need to make sure you will follow directions at all times. Please do as he asked you.?
There was a long silence while Tracey considered her position.
At the production table many people had now gathered around the monitors and were watching and waiting to see Tracey’s reaction. The success of both the Bimbo documentary and the travel show hung precariously on her reaction to Peter’s command.
When Tracey reached to undo her powder blue top they all gave a her mock cheer of approval. Tracey’s large breasts bounced free from the top and she then dropped the small bottoms to her feet.
She stood stark naked in the center of the office and looked back at her new boss awaiting further direction. She was completely unaware of all the eyes that would one day watch this moment.
?Tracey you have a wonderful body now get over Peter’s knee.? John said as he looked at her perfect young form.
Tracey compliantly laid over the cameraman’s knee while back at the production table the crew quieted and waited for the spanking of their new TV star to commence.
Tracey did not want to lose the job and as she crawled over Peter’s knee she thought about all the upcoming travel unaware that she was currently filming the premiere episodes of two new CCN shows.
Peter ran his hand over her round young bottom admiring both it’s beauty and it’s strength.
Tracey looked at the floor and wondered how a day that was at once so wonderful could now have put her in this unfortunate position.
The spanking began.
Peter was spanking her particularly harshly thinking of the last girl that never seemed to follow his directions. He wanted to make sure that Tracey understood the full price of her stardom.
Tracey began a strong cry of compliance as the spanking continued behind her in an unabated fashion. She felt her bottom sting horribly and in spite of her intention to submit she reached back to try and deflect the blows.
Peter took her small hand and pinned it behind her back. Her behind blazed with a brilliant red hue as Peter continued.
After about fifty spanks Peter stopped the spanking and began to caress Tracey’s red bottom. She lay over him softly crying but thankful for his sudden comfort.
The other camera man had moved behind Tracey and was filming as Peter gently caressed her bottom.
The room remained silent for a couple of moments except for the sound of Tracey crying like a child.
?Very good Tracey, you are definitely just the girl we are looking for? John finally said breaking the long silence.
?Now you need to hustle home and back your bags, your first TV assignment starts tomorrow, you and the crew are going to Jamaica!?
?But remember, this is what will happen to you if you do not mind Peter’s directions at all times. It will be written into your contract that any crew member is fully authorized to discipline you anytime and anywhere during your work days.?
Tracey crawled off Peter’s knee and picked up her bathing suit. After hugs of congratulations she walked naked down the corridor to retrieve her things.
When she emerged from the hallway both of the production teams were on hand to greet and applaud her the new starlet.
Tracey Smith’s career in television had finally begun!
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I first saw Maggie on the train going downtown. She sat across from me as I read the paper. I glanced at her when I thought she was not looking. She was stunning with short red hair, t-shirt and jeans, which molded perfectly to her body. What really attracted me to her were her green eyes.During the ride, I kept glancing at her by looking at her reflection in the window. With five stops left before the final station, I introduced myself as Rich while we chatted. We discovered that only a mile...
TrueOn another sunny day in the crazy state of Florida, Lisa is talking to her friend Kelly. Lisa is a blonde that is almost six feet tall, has a nice tan going for her, and very soft skin. Lisa has freckles which are somewhat visible but her skin is still nice and soft as opposed to being rough from the tanning. Being a child of rich parents, Lisa has a high sense of entitlement and feels that she should get anything she wants. Unfortunately, in a rough economy, Lisa is a bit stressed about...
InterracialGina woke as the sun shone through the crack in her drapes. As she lay there her thoughts drifted back to last night and her date with Rick. They had had a lovely evening where they had talked and laughed after which he had dropped her at her front door, kissed her gently on the lips and watched as she walked in and closed it behind her. The thought gave her butterflies in her stomach and she smiled to herself. She hadn’t felt like this for a long time and she was glad that Rick was taking it...
Straight SexAfter their massage, Kay and I drove over to Sally’s house so the girls could talk about their massage experience. I asked Kay, “Did you enjoy yourself, and what all did they do to you?” She just smiled at me.We went into Sally’s house, the women then got on the couch awfully close together and holding each other. I went and sat in the chair next to them. Sally turned on the TV and started a video that started out with a man and a woman. They were kissing passionately and taking their clothes...
SwingersHi indian sex stories dot net doston Mera naam Rohan hai aur meri biwi ka naam hai Sangita. Main 26 saal ka hu aur biwi meri 24 ki. Hum Kolkata me rahete hai. Main business chalata hu aur meri biwi housewife hai. Hum family se alag rahete hai. Hamarai shadi hui 2014 me. Shadi se pahele hum dost the lag bhag 2 saal hum couple the uske baad shadi hui hamari. Meri biwi dikhne me bahot hi khubsurat thi. Maano shaadi k baad aur v sexy ban gayi thi. Us ki height thi 5’5″, rang gora, kaale lambe baal...
I closed the door and lit two candles. As their scent filled the air, I inhaled deeply and took off my robe, hanging it on the door hook. I paused for a minute and looked in the mirror. I didn’t look like I had in my thirties, but for someone who just passed the ‘Big-50’, I didn’t look too bad. Still shorter than I ever wanted to be, how I always envied those tall supermodel-types. I mean would a couple of inches have been so difficult God? I thought that as I smiled to myself. Good breasts,...
MasturbationThere she was shaking and muttering to herself as tears streamed down her face. The pounding of his cock was almost unbearable.Her legs were spread and her face pressed tightly against the chain fence. Her cries grew louder as the clanking of the chains echoed through the park. Her fingers numb from holding on and her pussy lips swollen twice their size. It was brutal but there was nothing she could do at the time. She took the pussy beating and the only person that could help her was on the...
I had an appointment with my ear, nose, and throat doctor, for my allergies. I finally remembered to ask him (on my third visit) about a mouth sore. He put on a rubber glove and put shi index finger in my mouth. Once, his finger touched me, I was a goner. I don’t know hat happened to me, but totally aroused I was.I let slip a quiet moan and leaned back in the chair contraption. Making him have to come in front of me. His body leaned into mine. I grabbed his ass. He jumped back looked at me with...
Over dinner that night I met the colonel's two daughters. They were full of questions about who I was and where I got my funny accent. I explained to them that I came from Scotland which, though a country in its own right was also part of Great Britain. The older one wanted to know why the country was called great. I explained how it was made up of four countries welded into one kingdom and should really have been called Greater Britain because of that. Most people now call it the United...
This is fiction! Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. Girls get to dress up slutty without anyone thinking you’re a whore. The guys gets to show off their six pack! I’m a grown woman now, but Disney princesses still have a big place in my heart, and growing up Ariel was always my favorite. In order to dress up like her on Halloween, I had gone through the trouble to dye my hair red. I had the shell bra, and a green skirt that looked like a tail. The night started well. We sat in...
I was just 20 when I married Sally and we didn’t find it easy keeping our heads above water after we got our first house. We often found that we were short of money by the end of the month. Despite this we both sometimes bought stuff when we shouldn’t and we needed to find a way of controlling our spending. We’d tried a bit of role play spanking and enjoyed that but I wondered if a proper spanking might be worth trying to make us change our ways. The next month end was the same so we sat down...
SpankingIt was another weekend, and I was again at Ben and Courtney's place. I drove to a county library, and parked my car there. Tom was waiting for me, and he transported us to his place after checking to make sure I was clean. My car was definitely monitored. We could not afford to have HS or anyone tumble onto the fact he was still alive and well. We were in his backyard sparing, and he was good. I had developed a set of combat reflexes courtesy of that training school in the alternate reality...
Steve, a gay boy a class ahead of me in school and I have had many naughty times together often in the woods, basement of the school, parks. Anyplace we could meet. He was openly gay as I was transgender. He met me after school telling me his parents were gone and his older brother had a baseball game so we could go to his house. Of course without any question seeing his cock was thick and about 8 inches. So we set off to his home but first I changed into my Gurl things I kept in my book bag...
They awoke early the following day, Beth couldn't help but laugh as Marie sat cross legged beside her and asked, "Can we go riding today?" "OK but how about a morning kiss." They kissed for a while before Marie sat back up, "When can we go." "Why don't you go and start the shower, I'll ring Meg and arrange everything and join you in a second." As Marie headed for the bathroom Beth lifted the phone and dialled the stables, "Hello!" "Hi Meg it's Beth, Beth...
Vegas: Night one.Went to Vegas to visit a friend who was a high end escourt... long story short, I wanted to try it, just to say I did it. She itroduced me to a young sexy guy who was at a convetntion for business...Young good looking guy, brought me to the very nice hotel room, was being nice and kissing me and shoving his tongue down my throat and I could taste his warm spit. (which I loved) Before I knew it he grabbed my hair bent me over and started eating out my ass, sliding his tongue...
In the car back to the Club Alicia had been quiet and thoughtful, cuddling in Angique's embrace, kissing and calling her Mistress. After making sweet and lazy love, she slept soundly, and the next morning found her as playful as quicksilver; she acted sweet, dancing on her feet and giggling all the time. A weight seemed to have been lifted from her shoulders. During the next days and nights, Angique never pushed her for training purposes or even reminded her of the ongoing Journey. They...
Last Friday I attended a card night at a good friend’s house. It was a real hot night so we played outside on the patio under the stars and the outside lights. There were six of us round the table and agreed a limit to which we could bet and as I was low on funds I was glad of the lower limits. I had not played in years and was just filling the place of another pal who could not attend. I was very rusty but soon got into the swing of the game. We played poker and drank lots of beer as the...
Eve thought it was bit funny that she was being sent to the big city on this seminar, but the busy insurance season was close, and her company wanted to be sure all staff were on top of the changes for this year. It was only two days, anyway, and on a full company tab. Might as well listen politely, then have a look around town. She kind of wished I had been able to go with her, and maybe stir up some action in one of the swinging clubs we knew were operating then, but my vacation time had been...
SwingerThey sat in the coffee shop on their second date. A book group wasn’t the worst place to meet interesting people. Jack had asked her out, and Valerie was curious enough about him to agree. There was something about him that she liked. She wasn’t sure what it was. The first date was nice, dinner and a movie. They were becoming comfortable with each other, and Valerie decided to reveal herself a bit.“Oh, this coffee is really good,” Jack remarked. He was trying to think of something to talk about...