L'?ducation De Dominique 5 free porn video

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Elle fini sa conversation en me disant que nous nous verrions demain ? l'?cole. Je raccrochai donc avec un n?ud ? l'estomac car maintenant, j'allais devoir affronter ma famille. Je rejoignis donc ma m?re seule au salon, elle avait une mine grave et je m'assis en face d'elle. Elle me demanda directement si j'aimais r?ellement Marie. Je lui r?pondis que oui et que je ne voyais pas ma vie sans elle. Elle rench?rit, en es-tu s?r?? Je lui r?pondis ? nouveau et avec v?h?mence que oui. Alors dit-elle, pourquoi la fais-tu souffrir, pourquoi toujours vouloir la rendre jalouse, pourquoi ne l'?coutes-tu pas?? Ta vie actuelle ne te plait-elle pas?car ? par l'?cole, tu as peu de choses ? te soucier, non?? Je ne sus rien r?pondre car je sais qu'elle a raison et que je le fais expr?s de provoquer cette situation. Ecoute, continua-t-elle, je ne t'ai pas ?lev? comme cela et je suis enti?rement d'accord avec Marie quant aux propositions qu'elle a faite pour t'aider ? avoir une conduite plus respectueuse vis-?-vis d'elle. A la fin du mois, tu partiras donc au stage ou nous t'avons inscrit et d'ici l?, nous allons veiller encore plus intensivement ? ta conduite et, nous serons toutes intransigeantes face au moindre ?cart. Cela veut dire que d?s que tu es hors de la maison, tu seras syst?matiquement ba?llonn?, entrav? et dans la mesure du possible, aveugl?. Tu ne peux sortir, tu ne peux t?l?phoner ou prendre contact avec quelqu'un de l'ext?rieur sans l'avis de l'une de nous en ce y compris Marie ou sa maman. Chaque incartade sera sanctionn?e et toute r?cidive s?v?rement punie. Je me retirai donc dans ma chambre sans mot dire et n'en descendit que pour le souper ou je n'osai, ?videmment, rien dire. Le lendemain, d?s que je fus pr?t ? partir, Anne me passa mes menottes aux poignets ainsi qu'aux chevilles et elle me fit enfourner les feuilles de journal. Dans la voiture, elle me dit qu'elle n'avait rien pour m'aveugler mais que d?s ce soir, elle aurait ?t? achet? le n?cessaire. Je suis d??ue par ton comportement car tu as la chance d'avoir une petite amie qui t'aime et qui prend soin de toi et toi, tu ne trouves pour la r?compenser que de la bafouer. Et voil?, maintenant, tu subis les foudres de toutes. Arriv?s ? l'?cole, elle me retire mes menottes et c'est la t?te basse que je rejoins Marie. Elle me fit ? peine la bise tant elle paraissait encore f?ch?e. Toute la journ?e se passa sans pratiquement aucun ?change de parole. Le soir, elle me pla?a soigneusement mon ba?llon journal et m'accompagna ? la voiture d'Anne. A l'int?rieur de celle-ci, elle veilla au placement de mes entraves et Anne, apr?s avoir plac? sur mes l?vres une bande de tape transparente, sortit de la bo?te ? gants une paire de lunettes de soleil et elle montra ? Marie qu'elles ?taient totalement opaques. Marie la remercia et Anne lui dit, attends ce n'est pas tout, j'ai aussi une paire de lunettes de natation qui sont peintes et l?, quant il est ? la maison, on peut lui placer sans le risque qui ne les fassent tomber. Marie reconnut l'id?e int?ressante mais j'ai trouv? mieux et j'ai command?, d?s r?ception, je vous montrerai. La semaine se passa ainsi mais Marie ne d?col?rant pas, les contacts furent limit?s au minimum mais ma surveillance, par contre, ?tait au maximum. Le samedi, maman m'emmena en ville afin d'effectuer quelques emplettes vestimentaires et, elle m'annon?a que nous les ferions accompagn?es de Marie. Elle passa par son domicile pour la prendre. Marie me parut plus radieuse que la veille et elle s'installa ? l'arri?re pr?s de moi. Marie montra sa derni?re trouvaille, des lentilles qui lorsqu'on les portent, font voir flou et donc, cela permet de se d?placer mais ne permet pas de voir correctement les gens ou les choses. Elle dit, tu te rends compte qu'ainsi, pour tout le monde, il aura seulement l'air d'une personne avec une vue d?ficiente. Maman ne put que reconna?tre l'ing?niosit? des lentilles et que de cette mani?re, on peut r?ellement le priver de la vue en toute discr?tion. Marie me les pla?a et vu ma docilit?, elle me fit un bisou sur la joue mais pour moi, quelle sensation ?trange cela me procure. Distinguer sans r?ellement voir. A la sortie de la voiture, elles m'encadr?rent toutes les deux afin que je ne risque pas de me blesser ou m?me de tomber. Arriv?s pr?s du magasin de lingerie, maman m'?ta discr?tement mes menottes et Marie mon ba?llon. Le but ?tait de renouveler mes soutiens-gorge car ma poitrine ?voluait et je devais changer de bonnet. Ce furent, ?videmment, maman et Marie qui choisirent les mod?les, elles s'int?ress?rent ? un corset et ? quelques v?tements de nuit. Ne voyant pratiquement rien, je ne pus ?mettre aucun avis sur les choix et pendant que je me rhabillais, elles se rendirent compte qu'elles avaient oubli? le journal dans la voiture. Une librairie jouxtant le magasin, Marie sortit et revint promptement avec un et, ne se souciant de rien ni de personne, entra dans ma cabine afin de me r?duire au silence. Mes menottes me furent replac?es aussi. Nous avons alors rejoint maman au comptoir et la vendeuse, pointant les diff?rents articles, me demanda si j'?tais satisfaite de mes choix. Etant dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre, maman vint ? mon aide en r?pondant oui. Nous avons ainsi fait 3 magasins et Marie me tenait par le bras pour me guider. De retour ? la voiture, elle me pla?a mes menottes aux chevilles et me pla?a aussi des ?couteurs, y relia son Ipod et la musique se mit en route, s'y bien que je n'entendais plus rien d'autre qu'elle. Elle alla s'installer pr?s de maman afin qu'elles puissent discuter tranquillement. De retour ? la maison, je fus install? sur une chaise, Marie prit son foulard et renfor?a mon ba?llon mais elle me retira les lentilles. Il fallut quelques minutes pour que ma vue redevienne normale. Elles s'install?rent toutes autour de la table afin de faire le point avant mon d?part au stage ? la fin de la semaine suivante. Marie v?rifia que son Ipod fonctionnait toujours et elle augmenta le volume. La conversation fut comme d'habitude tr?s anim?e car chacune d'elles souhaitait que ce stage f?t une r?ussite et donc, elles tenaient ? ce que tous les documents soient remplis convenablement. Au bout de plus d'une heure, elles eurent termin?s et, Anne vint m'?ter l'Ipod et mon ba?llon. Maman s'exprima en premier en me demandant si j'avais conscience de tout le mal qu'elles se donnaient, toutes, pour moi. Je r?pondis benoitement que non et Marie, ne put que dire, c'est bien tout le probl?me avec vous, les hommes, vous ne voyez jamais ce que l'on peut faire pour vous. Elles discut?rent alors sur le stage qui m'attendait dans l'entreprise et Marie me briffa sur ce qui m'attendait, sur les r?ponses que l'on attendait de moi, sur l'importance de l'impression que je pourrais donner. Apr?s autant de recommandations, j'avais l'impression d'?tre d?pass? et moi, qui n'avait pas l'habitude de cela puisque j'ai l'habitude que l'on agisse pour moi, je commence d?j? ? regretter de devoir m'ex?cuter celui-ci. Le d?but de la semaine se passait normalement mais plac?e sous une surveillance de tous les instants. Le mercredi tant redout? arrive, j'ai une boule dans l'estomac mais en m?me temps, je ne me sens pas bien et j'ai mal au ventre. Arriv? ? midi, je le dis ? Marie qui se montre inqui?te mais met cela sur l'angoisse, elle me b?illonne avec les feuilles du journal, me place mes menottes sous ma cape et nous repartons chez elle. A son domicile, elle me retire mon b?illon pour me demander comment je vais et si je veux manger. Je lui que non et que la douleur ne me quitte pas. Tout d'un coup, une douleur fulgurante me prend et je tombe sur le sol. Marie appelle son m?decin et d?cide de m'?ter les menottes et ma ceinture de chastet?. Pour ce faire, elle utilise une pince pour sectionner le cadenas. Sur ces entrefaits, le m?decin arrive et d'embl?e diagnostique une p?ritonite. L'op?ration d'urgence s'impose et prend contact avec une ambulance. Pendant ce temps, Marie t?l?phone ? sa m?re qui lui conseille de me faire transporter dans une clinique priv?e ou elle conna?t bien la directrice. Elle appelle ensuite ma maman afin de la pr?venir et lui dire ou je suis emmen?. Malgr? la douleur, j'ai bien conscience que Marie n'a pas perdu son sang- froid et a les choses en main. Elle se montre si douce et si attentionn?e envers moi qu'? mes yeux, elle est LA femme de ma vie. L'ambulance nous conduit vers la clinique et durant tout le trajet, elle me tient la main et me rassure. A la clinique, ma maman est d?j? l?, transie d'inqui?tude, je la vois ? peine car d?j?, on m'emm?ne vers la salle d'op?ration. A mon r?veil, je vois que tout le monde est pr?sent, ma maman, mes s?urs, ma Marie et sa maman. Ma s?ur a?n?e prend la parole et dit, que je leur ai, ? toutes, fait une belle frayeur mais que maintenant tout va bien. Elles ont toutes un regard attendri et bienveillant, m?me la maman de Marie qui, d'habitude est si froide et distante. Je la regarde et m'excuse pour les tracas que je viens de lui procurer mais aussi car je n'ai pas pu me rendre au rendez-vous. Elle s'exprime pour la premi?re avec une voix douce et me dit ne pas me tracasser avec tout cela mais plut?t que je retrouve au plus vite la sant?. Encore sous l'effet de l'anesth?siant, quelques minutes apr?s, je me rendormis. Ce n'est qu'en pleine nuit, je me r?veillai en sursaut, comme si tout cela n'?tait qu'un mauvais r?ve. En voyant ma chambre d'h?pital, je me rendis compte que tout cela ?tait vrai et, ma s?ur Anne, pr?sente ? mon chevet, vint me rassurer. Au petit matin, avant d'aller ? l'?cole, Marie vint me voir, pour aussi s'assurer que je me portais bien. J'eus droit ? un baiser plein d'amour. Elle me d?posa aussi quelques revues f?minines et repartit presque aussi vite. Maman arriva juste apr?s et rassur?e de me voir avec des couleurs, m'annon?a qu'elle allait passer la journ?e avec moi et que cette nuit, ce serait Beth. Ta sortie est normalement pr?vue samedi et d'ici l?, ne t'inqui?te pas, il y aura toujours l'une d'entre nous aupr?s de toi. Pour les soins, c'est une jeune infirmi?re, jolie et pleine de douceurs qui s'occupe de moi. Il y a bien longtemps qu'une main f?minine autre que ma m?re a pu toucher les parties les plus intimes de mon corps. Je ne peux ?viter certaines r?actions et je rougis. Elle en sourit et, en m'adressant un regard complice, cela signifie que je vais bien. La blessure est belle, sans infection et je devrais pouvoir sortir comme pr?vu. La journ?e me parait longue sans Marie et j'attends avec impatience son arriv?e. A 18 heures, elle arrive enfin et, j'ai ? nouveau droit ? un doux baiser. Maman nous laissent et apr?s un autre baiser langoureux, elle constate que cela ne me laisse pas de marbre. Pour les soins du soir, c'est une autre infirmi?re mais elle est toute aussi belle que sa coll?gue. Elle doit d'ailleurs insist? pour que Marie quitte la chambre, la jalousie de celle-ci est trop forte mais l'infirmi?re sans se d?partir de son sourire et de son calme, la met tout simplement hors de la chambre. Apr?s m'avoir prodigu? les soins, c'est en riant qu'elle sort de ma chambre. A peine l'infirmi?re sortie, Marie rentre rouge de col?re mais, pos?ment, me dit que je suis tout simplement trop beau et trop attirant. Tu comprends pourquoi je te prot?ge tant car je ne veux pas que l'on te prenne ? moi. Enfin, dit-elle, si tel est ton souhait aussi. Je rougis et lui r?pond que c'est mon souhait aussi. Nous continu?mes donc la soir?e ? papoter et elle m'embrassa ? plusieurs reprises fougueusement. Beth arriva vers 20h30 pour rester pr?s de moi la nuit. Elles ?chang?rent quelques mots et dit ? ma s?ur, Dominique use de son charme aupr?s des infirmi?res et elles n'y sont pas insensibles. Beth lui dit, ne t'inqui?te pas, il est entre de bonnes mains. Effectivement, pensai-je, elle est de loin la plus s?v?re et je n'ai surement pas int?r?t ? essayer quoique ce soit, elle ne tol?re aucun ?cart. La journ?e de vendredi se passe calmement, avec maman, dans l'attente de la venue de Marie. Maman me fait quand m?me la remarque que je parle et que je suis bien proche des infirmi?res. Comme la veille, vers 18H, Marie arrive, s'enquiert d'abord de moi, de l'?volution. Elle me donne aussi une nouvelle revue f?minine dont les sujets sont la fid?lit? et la jalousie. Elle ajoute lit l? bien car je trouve que le sujet est bien trait?. Maman repart quelques minutes apr?s. Nous profitons des quelques instants de tranquillit? pour nous embrasser, Marie passe alors d?licatement ses doigts sur mon sexe, elle constate imm?diatement que cela ne me laisse pas indiff?rent. Elle s'en joue, tout en sachant bien contr?ler les effets. Plaisir et frustration, un savant cocktail mani? avec doigt?. Nous ?tions en plein baiser lorsque la m?me infirmi?re qu'hier entra pour les soins. Celle-ci pria Marie de sortir qui s'ex?cuta sans lui adresser une parole. L'infirmi?re constata mon ?moi ainsi que la revue qui ?tait bien en ?vidence. Elle sourit et me dit que j'avais une petite amie tr?s jalouse. J'?tais rouge et ne savait que dire. Elle ajouta qu'elle esp?rait que ce n'?tait pas trop car c'est dommage ? mon ?ge de ne pas profiter de la vie. Elle fit ses soins et ses mains allaient bien souvent fr?ler mes parties intimes. J'?tais encore plus en ?moi par la douceur et le doigt? de celle-ci. A la fin des soins, elle me dit au revoir car elle savait que je sortais le lendemain et qu'elle ne me verrait plus. Elle me donna une carte avec ses coordonn?es si jamais, je souhaitais sortir une fois avec elle. Je n'osai refuser et j'en ?tais flatt?. Elle sortit et Marie s'engouffra aussit?t, elle constata que j'?tais bien rouge et soulevant mon drap, remarqua aussi mon trouble. Elle ne dit rien mais son regard ainsi que son attitude n'avaient besoin d'aucune parole. La seule chose qu'elle dit, heureusement demain, tu sors et tout pourra rentrer dans l'ordre. Anne arriva et, les deux femmes, qui s'entendent tr?s bien, sortirent de la chambre pour discuter un peu. Quand elles revinrent, je lisais la revue qu'elle m'avait apport?e et, je n'eus qu'un petit au revoir. Anne s'installa et nous avons discut? de choses et d'autres quant en voulant ranger la revue, je fis tomber la carte de visite de l'infirmi?re, Anne la ramassa et me demanda ce qu'il en retournait. Ne sachant et n'osant pas r?pondre, elle me dit que Marie a totalement raison de dire que l'on ne peut te laisser ainsi car d?s que tu en en as l'opportunit?, tu uses et abuse de ton charme. Je suis d'accord avec elle et Maman le pense aussi donc, nous allons continuer ? te maintenir dans le droit chemin et de mani?re ferme. Maman et Marie arriv?rent ensemble le lendemain matin. Nous attend?mes la visite du chirurgien pour valider ma sortie. Avant de pouvoir m'habiller, maman prit alors une nouvelle ceinture de chastet?, plus contraignante que la pr?c?dente. En effet, celle-ci ?tait plus recourb?e que la pr?c?dente et ne m'autoriserait plus qu'? faire pipi assis, il ne m'?tait plus possible de me toucher et il y avait 2 cadenas en m?tal alors que les pr?c?dents ?taient en plastique. D?s qu'elle fut plac?e, elle remit ? Marie une cl? et me dit, tes s?urs et moi-m?me la trouvons digne de confiance. Marie la remercia. Je m'habillai donc avec les habits de fille que l'ont m'avait apport?. Apr?s avoir enfil? ma cape, maman me pla?a mes menottes. Marie quant ? elle, prit trois feuilles du journal qu'elle avait apport? et elle me les pla?a dans la bouche et des bouchons antibruit dans les oreilles. Je dus m'installer dans la chaise roulante et elles me conduisirent ? la voiture. Marie m'aida ? m'installer ? l'arri?re, me pla?a des menottes aux chevilles, retira son foulard afin de pouvoir m'aveugler et la touche finale fut le tape qui vint sceller mes l?vres. Elle me remonta la capuche de ma cape et me passa la ceinture de s?curit?. Durant le trajet de retour, envelopp? et s?curis? par elle, je savais que je lui appartiendrais pour toujours. Arriv? ? la maison, Marie m'?ta juste le foulard et je fus accueilli avec enthousiasme par mes s?urs. Ce n'est qu'arriv? au salon, que l'on m'?ta le ba?llon et les bouchons antibruit. Maman prit la parole en premier, apr?s cet ?pisode, je pense pouvoir dire au nom de toutes que nous sommes heureuses que tu sois de retour parmi nous. Evidemment, ton stage a d? ?tre annul? mais apr?s concertation, nous sommes toutes d'accord que l'on ne peut rel?cher notre vigilance envers toi. Par ailleurs, en accord et avec le soutien de la th?rapeute, dans les prochains jours, Marie va te faire pratiquer certaines nouvelles techniques afin de t'aider ? ne plus faire d'?cart de bonnes conduites. Certains se passeront chez elle, d'autres ? la maison. Marie s'est tr?s bien document?e sur le sujet et nous lui faisons une totale confiance. Les r?gles qui avaient ?t? introduites avant ton hospitalisation sont toujours en vigueur voire renforc?e. De toute fa?on et en aucun cas, tu ne peux sortir de la maison, de l'?cole ou de chez Marie sans l'une d'entre nous. De plus, tu devras imp?rativement porter des menottes et un ba?llon que l'une de nous t'appliquera. Est-ce clair?? dit-elle en me d?visageant. Oui bredouillai-je. Puis les conversations se firent plus guillerettes et, nous sommes pass?s ? table, Anne vint m'?ter mes menottes. Juste apr?s le repas, elles me furent replac?es et avec Marie, nous sommes sortis faire quelques pas dans le jardin. Au d?tour d'un bosquet, elle m'embrasse goulument et me dit ? l'oreille, combien elle m'aime et combien elle a eu peur pour moi. Je suis ?mu et heureux d'entendre tout cela. Elle continue en me disant par contre qu'elle a de plus en plus dur ? supporter que les autres filles tournent autour de moi et que surtout, j'y pr?te attention. A chaque ?cart de conduite, elle souffre de plus en plus. Elle me demande si je suis conscient de cela. Je lui r?ponds que non. Elle me demande alors si j'accepte de suivre les techniques qu'elle va m'enseigner. Je lui r?ponds ?videmment que oui. Aussi rench?rit-elle, tu es conscient que je vais ?tre encore plus attentive ? l'avenir sur toutes tes fr?quentations et ? la mani?re de me contr?ler. Je ne peux qu'acquiescer. Satisfaite de mes r?ponses, nous sommes rentr?s et, me sentant encore un peu fatigu? par l'op?ration, je partis me reposer dans ma chambre. Le dimanche et le lundi se pass?rent calmement car, tout le monde souhaitait que je gu?risse compl?tement et rapidement. Je passais le plus clair de mon temps dans ma chambre pour ?tudier. Mardi, j'avais rendez-vous chez le m?decin pour contr?ler la cicatrisation de mes plaies, avant de sortir, mes menottes furent plac?es ainsi que les feuilles de journal. Nous sommes pass?s prendre Marie qui ?tait r?ellement heureuse de me retrouver. Une fois n'est pas coutume, elle vint s'installer pr?s de moi durant le trajet. Ce n'est que dans la salle d'attente que l'on me retira entraves et ba?llon. La doctoresse nous re?ut et, apr?s m'?tre d?shabill?, m'ausculta et ne put que constater que ma gu?rison ?tait compl?te. Les fils devraient avoir disparus pour le week-end. Elle m'interrogea sur l'hygi?ne et le soin que j'apportais ? ma toilette de mes parties intimes au vu de ma ceinture de chastet?. J'?tais g?n? de r?pondre et donc, maman r?pondit pour moi, ce qui ne fit qu'accentuer ma g?ne. Elle regarda ?galement ma poitrine et m'invita ? me rhabiller. Pendant ce temps, elle discuta avec maman et Marie. Elle me prescrit donc un nouveau traitement. Dans le couloir pour sortir, mes menottes furent replac?es ainsi que le ba?llon. A chaque fois que je dois l'?tre, Marie s'assure que ma bouche est bien remplie car, elle veut pouvoir contr?ler mes contacts avec les autres. Nous nous rendons ensuite ? la pharmacie pour acheter le traitement prescrit mais aussi, Marie demande pour avoir diff?rents tape chirurgicaux mais aussi des tapes dont la couleur se rapproche de la peau. La pharmacienne lui en montre et pr?sente son nouveau produit qui est un tape tr?s r?sistant, hydrofuge que l'on peut faire dispara?tre sous du maquillage. Maman et Marie se montrent plus qu'int?ress?e et en ach?te deux bo?tes. De retour ? la voiture, Marie me place mes menottes aux chevilles, prend le nouveau tape, d?coupe une bande et me l'applique sur mes l?vres. Elle prend alors son rouge ? l?vre, le passe sur le tape et redessine le pourtour de ma bouche. Maman suit ?a avec attention et est stup?faite par le rendu, Marie aussi. Viennent ensuite des lentilles totalement opaques qui m'aveuglent tout aussi efficacement qu'un bandeau mais tellement plus discr?tement. En dernier, les bouchons anti-bruits qui sont diff?rents des pr?c?dents, car ils sont en latex et viennent obstruer totalement mes canaux auditifs. Je sens la voiture red?marrer, durant le trajet, il y a plusieurs arr?ts mais dans ma position, j'ignore tout du monde ext?rieur. Nouvel arr?t, cette fois, Marie me retire mes bouchons et m'aide ? sortir de la voiture, nous sommes de retour ? la maison. Elle me guide car aveugle, je suis incapable de me diriger, elle me retire ma cape, me fait asseoir sur une chaise, je sens alors qu'elle me place un collier assez large au cou, qui m'oblige ? garder la t?te droite. Elle me retire mes lentilles et mon ba?llon afin que je puisse boire. De retour au salon, maman m'annonce que demain, je vais chez Marie la journ?e compl?te afin de vivre une journ?e de traitement.

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Waitress du jour

You must be over 18 for read this story with rape, if you not like such stories, please turn back. I don't promote rape or non-consent sex. This is only a story, fiction, if you not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read not more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. Any man who commit rape are despised everywhere. But fantasies are all right if they not hurt somebody. Kathy Elliot was nineteen years old and had been working at Jerry's Diner...

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HandsOnHardcore Aaliyah Love Haley Reed An Orgasmic Introduction

Young stunner and saucy newcomer Haley Reed debuts on Hands On Hardcore in the most shocking way – fucking her new landlords, Nomar and Aaliyah Love in a hot threesome scene that you get to be a part of. Join the Hands On Hardcore XXX glamour porn scene when we sneak into the bedroom with our premium 4K cameras to catch all of the illicit activity going down in the bed. Blonde MILF Aaliyah and the all-natural girl next door get beyond kinky when they’re fucked in doggystyle and...

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High School My Teacher Moves In Next Door

Hello everyone, my name is Brian. I’m a senior who lives in Holyoke, Colorado. I live in a decent apartment complex near the edge of town. My dad divorced my mom after she went through some destructive habits when I was just 3 years old. I’ve lived with him and my 2 younger sister in this small but cozy apartment for 14 years now. I’ve never really had any neighbors to brag about, just a few older women and a young couple that were getting settled before they bought a house. My life has been...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 23

Back in Section Twelve I used MTAC to page Robert. “We got a break - in fact, a couple of breaks. Team Harrisburg placed the GPS unit on the vehicle today and we have tracked it to several stops. The longest was the water park, as we suspected it would be this soon.” “The second was at a shop on the west side. They stayed there about thirty minutes, but the rest of the stops were short; ten minutes or less. The satellite photo of the shop is on its way to you. It’s not on the list of shops...

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A Second Chance Chapter 58

MONDAY, June 20, 2016 Rachael woke up with a small body hugging her back. Apparently Bobby had woken up during the night, and had decided to crawl in with her rather than into his own bed. She loved the little guy, but he was getting a little old to be sleeping in the same bad as her. She got up and went quietly into the bathroom, coming out several minutes later to see her brother awake, and smiling broadly from his own bed. He held up his Harry Potter book. "Read?" "Yeah, Tiger,...

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My Sex Journal It Happened On Christmas Eve

It happened on Christmas Eve 2008. I had my first sexual encounter with an older woman, my Aunt Louise. That encounter encouraged me to start this journal.Aunt Louise was my mother's little sister and one of the sexiest ladies I had ever seen. At thirty-something, she had a face and body that most teenage girls would have killed for and she loved to flaunt it. No matter what the weather conditions, even on the coldest days, she wore miniskirts and thin cotton blouses with nothing on under them...

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Debbies Amazing Breasts Chapter Two

Debbie hated her job because her boss was always staring at her breasts.  She had asked her mother numerous times for a breast reduction, but she told her someday she would learn to appreciate them.  Debbie is very petite and has a very fit body.  Her breasts are her best attribute, but Debbie finds them annoying.Debbie is very sexual, however, and likes when they are touched but doesn't like when everybody stares at her.  Men and women find her to be gorgeous.  Her brother is her biggest fan,...

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Games Neighbors PlayChapter 12

She came to on the floor, sprawled out like a rag doll. When the art room had spun into focus she found Nick fingering her clit, and finally licking it. She gazed down her body at the bearded man facing her in reversed position, apparently engrossed in his study of her jutting organ. Surprisingly, it had not wilted. It stuck out sharply, a pinkness against the red of his tongue. Before her loomed his massive dark cock, shiny with her juices. She gazed at it while Nick lipped her clitoris...

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Angels Alien Abduction

--- Angel's Alien Abduction (mf, Mf, 1st, mc, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- Angel Deen opened her eyes to find herself lying on her back looking at a metal ceiling. She sat up quickly, noting not only that she was in a strange room she had never seen before, but that she was still wearing her cheerleader outfit...where had she been a few minutes ago? Practice? She couldn't remember. She stood up from the odd silver spongy mat she had been lying on and surveyed the...

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Gaand marwaane ki tamnna

Hi dosto kaise hai aap sab k lund or chut ….sabko chut mil rahi hai na daba k mera naam narender hai aaj main tumhe apne dost ki ak kahani sunaauga mari age 23 hai rung sawla hai hight 5.6” hai .dekhne main thik lagta hun .dosto mera ak dost hai uska naam rahul hai wo mujhe se do saal chhota hai or uska rung bhi bahut kala hai main aaj tumhe uski hi kahaani sunata hun ….to dosto mera dost mere ghar aksar ata jata rehata tha mera ak bhai bhi hai jo mujh se teen saal bada hai .main apne bhai se...

1 year ago
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Serving My Sister IV My New Playtoy

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ever since Eileen finger-fucked me, she had been doing so again and again, every day. Not just once, either. This would occure two to three times before the night was over. Everytime, I would fill my panties with my hot cum. Furthermore, I was not to remove my cum-filled panties until I went to bed that night. Then suddenly, there was a day when that came to a quick stop. An entire day went by, and nothing had happened. Oh, sure, I still had to wear my...

4 years ago
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It all started the weekend before Easter. We had moved into our first home about three months ago and life in a rural community has been a difficult adjustment for my family. I took a job in rural eastern Colorado and if you have ever been there then you know there really isn’t anything but flat nothingness for hundreds of miles. I took this job because it paid well and the cost of living was small. We bought a moderate size home about eight miles from what we call our town (population of less...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 37 ERIC

I broke formation and gunned the accelerator to max, arming all weapon systems. Wolfcraft fighters had a deadly array of weapons: two Translocator Gatling cannons, eight faster than light Forced Energy cannons (FTL-FE’s) and 4 Loki torpedoes and a forward mounted heavy caliber plasma accelerator. In the corner of my eye a red signal and flashing data announced the quasi space signature of another Nul-Nul carrier dropping into Planck- Space coming in from the Z plane. I couldn’t allow it to...

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Making an Example

My stylus flew across the tablet, the piece slowly taking form as I refined the brush strokes, the character seeming to spring to life before my eyes. It was finished, one drawing down, only several hundred more to go... It was late at night, the pale glow of my computer monitors the only thing that illuminated the room, discarded food containers and soda cans littering the desk upon which they were perched. I had been at it for hours, the sun had still been shining through my windows when...

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My Bosss Shocking Secret

Sylvia Watson, a twenty six year old young journalist, walked over to her desk at the New York Times and sat down in her chair and sighed. She placed her bag on the back of her chair when an Asian guy in a dark suit came over to her."The new boss is in the office," he whispered. "Her face is like thunder. Where have you been? The first meeting with her was half an hour ago.""My alarm went off late," Sylvia replied, she pushed a long strand of blonde hair off her shoulder.The door to the far end...

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Resort Weekend

Gianella Barlow stood anxiously waiting in the coffee shop line. Everyone called her Gia though, unless they weren’t planning on living very long. Having had a petty fight with her husband the night before, she was still on edge. Not that the caffeine would helped her settle down but at least it would help her power through her morning until she could get to her afternoon workout, and really release some steam. Gia was 5’6, and lean but curvy. She had large breasts and small waist all in...

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RunChapter 36 Fences

Gene sat on the front porch with Holly and Silver after a night spent doing little more than sleeping and fretting. He was feeling good after a day of pleasure with the blonde and Marisa, and the good night sleep didn’t hurt. They were still no closer to figuring out what to do next than they were when they first arrived. “I can’t wait here much longer, Holly. If you expect me to delay my work on this any more, you’re in for disappointment.” Silver was growing more tense by the hour, and the...

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Family Fun

SUE I was sitting there in front of a blank screen and I hadn't the slightest fucking idea what to write. I was playing with myself, but not even trying to get myself off, just keeping my hands busy. I was thinking about all the orgasms I've had and how I got them, but I couldn't find the handle on something that would have you spraying you own cum all over the screen. "Sally, come here. Mommy can't get started on this story. I need to be eaten. How about going down on me; maybe...

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MommysGirl Aften Opal Brittany Andrews Mackenzie Mace We ALL Deserve A Day Off

Mackenzie Mace, with her backpack slung over her shoulder for school, says goodbye to her stepmom, Brittany Andrews, who is leaving for work. Although Mackenzie is sweet, as soon as Brittany is out the door, she takes out her cellphone. She sneakily invites her girlfriend, Aften Opal, over, showing that she has NO INTENTIONS of going to school that day! A few minutes later, Aften arrives and the girlfriends eagerly start kissing and fondling each other. But their alone time is short lived when...

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Dans un quartier de ToonTown

NOTE AU LECTEUR Suite à certaines critiques que j'ai reçu, j'aimerais vous prévenir au sujet de deux ou trois trucs: -Cette histoire n'est PAS réaliste, et ne se veut absolument PAS réaliste. -Oui, il y a plein d'invraisemblance: les femmes ont des seins démesurés, plusieurs d'entre elles sont dotées d'immenses pénis, leur soif de sperme est du jamais vu dans la "vraie vie", des pénétrations ou des maniements de seins décrits ici comme agréables seraient extrêmement douloureux dans la "vraie...

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The Early YearsChapter 8

North Tonawanda, New York Do you remember? I love that song as sung by Phil Collins. There's a video on youtube that I found the other day. A little boy, probably about 10, riding his bicycle as he delivers his paper route. He meets, and starts to spend time with, a little girl in his class. It is all innocent and fun and free. And it was another of my triggers for remembering my darkest incident of my life. I can feel the tears start to form. Here I am. A man of 53 years. Brought to...

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Ships in the NightChapter 6 Harder Choices

Before seeking Margareta's wise counsel, Errol was determined to make Willie sit down with him and listen to his view of her rosy projection for their future. The dishes were in the washer, the pots and pans were clean and hanging from the rack, and the counters were all wiped down. He turned off the lights in the kitchen and wandered into the living room, thinking about how to begin the conversation and how to express his misgivings to her. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her...

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The Girl on the Train

It was a pretty dreary Sunday afternoon. Despite the great weather outside, I felt terrible. I watched the foliage whip past me just a few feet away from the train window. It was late afternoon and I was on my way home after a great last weekend at school. A lot of late nights, way too much to drink and some awesome memories to reminisce about in the fall. As great as it was, I was still missing something. The whole morning, and most of the ride so far, I thought about all the beautiful girls I...

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First Time Webcam Sex on Omegle

This is Sex Chat with me and a girl.. ( sorry no video :(, you can find 4 photos on my profile )You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!Stranger: heyYou: hiYou: :)Stranger: hows jacking off feel?You: goodYou: lolStranger: it turns me onn, ;)You: that's good ;)Stranger: you should make it that your dicks not in your shirrttt.Stranger: forr meee? ')Stranger: **;)You: bad girlYou: do you want see?You: lolStranger: yesss, ;)You: ok :PStranger: waitttYou: ?Stranger: put it back away for a...

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Charlies Place

Charlie’s Place isn’t the kind of bar a man would take his girlfriend. It’s the kind of place a man goes to when he wants to relax and drink unbothered by the world. Charlie’s is an unpretentious place most would call it a dump. Carl’s the owner, Charlie was the previous owner and Carl never bothered to change it’s name. Carl was like that there were allot of things he didn’t bother to do. Like sweep the unfinished rough wood floor. The dirt was exponentially growing in the cracks. The men’s...

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SRU Form Follows Function

"Form follows Function." By Kathy Core Never one to turn down an opportunity, I happily accepted a job working for 'Focus', a trendy high street chain store selling women's fashion. How exactly I had managed to get the job at all was anyone's guess, being the only male that had ever worked in the retail outlets of the growing chain. Maybe, I guessed, a man hanging around the place would be good for morale. Anyway, I was currently enjoying a well-deserved break after the midday...

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The visit to my mom and dad's small home town in Ohio was one we used to make fairly regularly. We would visit their parents and all my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I really enjoyed it because it meant visiting old houses, big farms in the country, and playing games with my cousins. But the last time we had been there was when I was ten; we went to the funeral of my mom's dad. He had been my last remaining grandparent. So this return was a special trip. They had planned on spending a day...

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Emma Becomes a Slutwife

Chapter 1Our marriage of just over 4 years has been thrown totally upside down over the past few weeks. Changedbeyond all recognition. I've now been well and truly cuckolded by Emma, who has astonished me! First byher blatant unfaithfulness, and then by transforming herself into an extremely slutty 'hotwife'! I didn't see itcoming. But, to be honest, I'm not at all unhappy at the outcome.About a month ago Emma announced she was going on a 'girls night out' on Friday evening. Although it'snot...

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At My Wifes Mercy Part 3

Final part of the story.When I awoke, I found myself lying face down, back on the table on which my wife rode me to begin the evening. Lying on my stomach, I discovered a hole in the table similar to one on tables at health resorts or spas. My face rested just inside of this hole, and underneath the table, set on the ground, was a mirror that showed the image of another hole in the table, this one quite unlike those at health resorts or spas, as dangling through this hole were my testicles and...

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My first Bi sex

If you've paid attention to my profile, you've seen a lot of man-on-man, crossdresser and 'pegging' videos as well as my own videos playing with a dildo and anal beads along with all the 'normal' straight sex stuff. I'm bisexual and I'm a 'bottom' (I'm going to assume that you know what that means). I'm 45 and have known I was bi for about 30 years. I remember what got me started playing with my own ass. An uncle used to let me watch (REALLY showing my age here) 8mm movies. Yes....old film...

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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 19

V1794 Cygni System GNS Neil Armstrong 02/18/42 NR 2115 Hours Aaron placed his hand on the armrest to brace himself as the shuttle rolled to align itself with Armstrong’s docking port. Kayla and George were both with him, albeit under varying degrees of protest. They felt, with good reason, the admiral admitted to himself, the fleet admiral’s place was aboard his flagship, especially when his fleet was being pursued by a superior enemy. They were right, of course, but this was something he...

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Karen Goes Out

I was so nervous I was almost sick. For years I'd dreamed of going to a bar that catered to the LGBT community but I'd always come up with an excuse not to, no matter how flimsy it might be. Yes, I'd gone out in public several times, shopping mainly, but also banking, getting gas, and even meeting with other girls like myself. So far, the only sex I'd indulged in while dressed had been primarily with my hand or a dildo and not with any other human being. To make matters worse, I'd only been...

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GloryHole Christie Stevens Second Appearance

It happens every day: a good cop makes a bad decision. What doesn’t happen everyday is when it happens in front of a hole drilled in a wall. Detective Christie Stevens is deep undercover and dressed like a slut in an adult bookstore. Why? It’s “hot”, and cops have been getting a lot of complaints of “perverts” in the neighborhood. After Detective Stevens flashes her badge, she heads back to the video arcade rooms for a closer inspection. It’s about this...

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Rakhi Gift

By : Crazzy_ananya Hello everyone! How are you all? First of all, I am huge fan of ISS and a regular reader too. It is my first story. I would like to share my experience with you all. I came to know that many stories written here are fake. But my story is true incident which took place on this Rakshabandhan. I’m Ananya, 19. I am from New Delhi and studying Engineering. I am in second year of my college. My stats are 34-26-35. I m very concerned about my figure. The most seductive thing in me...

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The Way BackChapter 10

On Friday I felt tired when I woke up. It had been an emotional few days and my poor old body was reacting against the strain. But I dragged myself out of bed, showered, shaved and breakfasted, keeping myself on the go. I drove to work and arrived before Geoff. I was looking through the specifications for the latest round of jobs when he arrived. He was eager to know what had transpired in Sweden and I gave him the whole story. "Well," he said when I had finished. "So the woman did not...

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Just Good Friends

I pulled another shirt out from my drawer. I folded it up and added it to the rest of my clothes. It was time for my trip. It was a trip to the one place gamers the world over dream of going to… E3… the Electronic Entertainment Expo. As a store manager for a local retail store, I was an access pass for all three days. “This is going to be so dope!” I thought as I reached for my small bag of necessities. “All finished?” I turned to see my girlfriend, Felicia, standing in the doorway. She had...

Straight Sex
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Mary Gets to Meet Sandy Part 2

Mary couldn’t get Jane’s face out of her mind. “Can’t you go any faster?” Sandy called out. Mary didn’t think she could, but she tried. She was dragging Sandy’s third and final pair of suitcases up the stairs. The third floor would have been no problem with the elevator; but Sandy wanted her to walk. Of course, Mary walked. Sandy giggled. Breathing heavily, Mary pulled the large brown suitcase through the door and into the bedroom. The green one was waiting outside. She looked around. Huge...

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The Fat GirlChapter 11

I heard Ms. Smith draw breath sharply. She was a good and well-liked counselor, trusted by most students and used to hearing hair raising stories. But you - luckily, I suppose - never get used to students losing parents. She moved closer to Fran and took her other hand, but Fran didn't seem to notice. Dad still looked her in the eye and Fran seemed to draw strength and comfort from that, sensing only Dad. "How did it happen?" she asked. "She suffered a massive stroke in a shop...

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The Lone ArrangerChapter 5

I was surprised to find that, over time, the world managed to confront an amazing number of new problems that neither I nor anyone else, probably, had anticipated. The world economy had been suffering at the time I started my New Morality campaign, and it continued to suffer now. Nothing I had done had attempted directly to address this issue. I didn’t really feel competent to do so. However, the much-increased level of public morality was helpful. Also something of a boon was the drop in...

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Married With cdren The Camera

Peg Bundy was sitting on the couch, eating bon-bons and watching Oprah on television when the doorbell rang. It was her next-door neighbor Marcy D'arcy."Hi Peg," said Marcy flopping down next to her on the couch, "I just needed somebody to talk to. I'm so lonely without Jefferson."Marcy's husband Jefferson, along with Peg's husband Al, had supposed gone off on a week long "fishing" trip at a remote lake in Wisconsin. Peggy suspected that they were spending most of their time at a nudie bar near...

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BDSM Birthday Gift For Riya

Hi friends, this is Vike (my online name), over the past four years I have helped girls around the world satisfy their needs through sext and have given them an experience of a lifetime. This is my first story on Indian sex stories. You can contact me on I live in Chandigarh; I stand feet tall with a tool of 7 inches. So this is story of a girl who wanted to explore the world of BDSM and how I gave her the gift on her 20th birthday. Riya was my college friend, she has a body which every guy...

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The WeekEnd Guest

Note from CutePatti: Of all the stories I've written, this is my favorite. I know most of you probably like the more 'sexual' type of stories that I also write, but this sweet story captures what I think all of us 'girls' would love to experience. A happy ending with lots of promise! Hope you enjoy it ----------------------------- The Week-End Guest an original story by CutePatti Jeff stood at the front window looking out as the car pulled up in front of his house. His mom had...

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Bikini Beach A Boys Visit

Bikini Beach: A Boy's Visit By Daphne Xu Bikini Beach and its principal characters are copyright 1998 by Elrod W. ********************** The lines at all the checkout stands were long. That was to be expected on SuperSale Day, Black Friday, the Day after Thanksgiving, and I kept fidgeting impatiently. Ahead in line was an old woman and a pretty lady who looked like she might have been a college student, or in her lower twenties. I didn't realize...

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The Red Fang Ch 2 Pt 2

Introduction: Human Meets Vampire Yes, this part of the story has sex in it. And thanks to everyone who has continued to read the story, even the parts that were not sensual in nature. Hope you enjoy this next part. It took me four days to dig myself out of the bunker, Stealth said quietly. His head hung down in defeat as he told his story, but now he raised his head to look at Requiem. Ethereal sat enthralled by all of this. She knew that vampires often had companions but she had never known...

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The Peculiar Case of the Pilfered Prototype Entwhistle Investigations 6

The Peculiar Case of the Pilfered Prototype Karl Robertson had never cheated on his wife before, but the blonde haired beauty had literally fallen into his arms in the supermarket. She'd tripped over a ridge in the floor and gone flying, unable to stand up in her heels once she'd lost her balance. He'd managed to catch her as she fell into him and as he did so their faces were close enough to almost kiss. She'd thanked him for saving her and had been so grateful that she'd offered to...

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A Marines First Taste of Chocolate

Jarard Jones, a 22-year old graduate fresh of the U.S. Marines, had celebrated his graduation with friends and family at the downtown Crowne Plaza hotel. His Marine friends, college and high school friends, family, and his parent's friends were all there. The banquet room got plenty of food and drinks. While Jarad was happy that he graduated from the Marines, lately he had been wanting to hook up with girl. Not just any girl, but a black girl. Some of his Marine buddies have either dated...

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The bad old times PostapocalypticFSoloMasturb

Most people Sarah knew were constantly lamenting their fate since the collapse but for her everything had gotten a hundred times better. Eight hours less in front of desk, no idiot colleagues unless she teamed up with other scavengers who then where actually good at their job because if you weren't you didn't make it home.Today she was all alone though, just her trusted, rusted rifle and her backpack full of goods accompanying her on the long way home. She had spent a little too long setting...

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Cousin8217s Wedding And My Honeymoon 8211 Part 4 Final Episode

Dear friends, The wedding happened smoothly and all guest thoroughly enjoyed the food and dancing, and I too enjoyed myself fully. The couple planned to leave the following day and Uncle announced that they also had planned to go to a nearby resort for a couple of days. Aunty Rita said she was not going as there was lots of shopping she wanted to do in Chennai , silk sarees, dresses etc and I should also keep her company to take her around. Only 3 days she said….I said ok and a bit disappointed...

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MyFamilyPies Avi Love Paisley Bennett Thanksgiving Is For Creampies

Stepsisters Avi Love and Paisley Bennett haven’t seen their family friend, Seth Gamble, in years. Growing up, Seth was so close to the girls that they referred to him as their cousin. Now, he’s just smoking hot and the girls can’t stop flirting. Serene Siren and Brock Doom tell their daughters to go set the table for Thanksgiving while they finish up cooking dinner. Paisley goes ahead, but Avi tugs Seth along with them. With a little bit of privacy, the girls have time to...

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Good Times At Cheddar High Part One

Part One The following story reads just short of a small book, a tale in four parts. It had to be that way because growing up is a long slow process, sometimes joyous, sometimes painful but always eventful. An abridged version of a young man coming of age would be a betrayal to the drama and excitement of youthful fantasies and indiscretions. After many false starts and several near misses, Richard reaches a spectacular happy ending with an unexpected conclusion. So you are invited to follow...

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Transition to Vikki part one reworked

Transition to Vikki, part one (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The full story of Steven Jennings and how he left his previous life behind for someone new.This story takes numerous chapters to tell. After most of the original drafts were written well over a year ago, I thought it was high time to take them back to the laptop and look at them again. There they were read through,...

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