L'?ducation De Dominique 5 free porn video

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Elle fini sa conversation en me disant que nous nous verrions demain ? l'?cole. Je raccrochai donc avec un n?ud ? l'estomac car maintenant, j'allais devoir affronter ma famille. Je rejoignis donc ma m?re seule au salon, elle avait une mine grave et je m'assis en face d'elle. Elle me demanda directement si j'aimais r?ellement Marie. Je lui r?pondis que oui et que je ne voyais pas ma vie sans elle. Elle rench?rit, en es-tu s?r?? Je lui r?pondis ? nouveau et avec v?h?mence que oui. Alors dit-elle, pourquoi la fais-tu souffrir, pourquoi toujours vouloir la rendre jalouse, pourquoi ne l'?coutes-tu pas?? Ta vie actuelle ne te plait-elle pas?car ? par l'?cole, tu as peu de choses ? te soucier, non?? Je ne sus rien r?pondre car je sais qu'elle a raison et que je le fais expr?s de provoquer cette situation. Ecoute, continua-t-elle, je ne t'ai pas ?lev? comme cela et je suis enti?rement d'accord avec Marie quant aux propositions qu'elle a faite pour t'aider ? avoir une conduite plus respectueuse vis-?-vis d'elle. A la fin du mois, tu partiras donc au stage ou nous t'avons inscrit et d'ici l?, nous allons veiller encore plus intensivement ? ta conduite et, nous serons toutes intransigeantes face au moindre ?cart. Cela veut dire que d?s que tu es hors de la maison, tu seras syst?matiquement ba?llonn?, entrav? et dans la mesure du possible, aveugl?. Tu ne peux sortir, tu ne peux t?l?phoner ou prendre contact avec quelqu'un de l'ext?rieur sans l'avis de l'une de nous en ce y compris Marie ou sa maman. Chaque incartade sera sanctionn?e et toute r?cidive s?v?rement punie. Je me retirai donc dans ma chambre sans mot dire et n'en descendit que pour le souper ou je n'osai, ?videmment, rien dire. Le lendemain, d?s que je fus pr?t ? partir, Anne me passa mes menottes aux poignets ainsi qu'aux chevilles et elle me fit enfourner les feuilles de journal. Dans la voiture, elle me dit qu'elle n'avait rien pour m'aveugler mais que d?s ce soir, elle aurait ?t? achet? le n?cessaire. Je suis d??ue par ton comportement car tu as la chance d'avoir une petite amie qui t'aime et qui prend soin de toi et toi, tu ne trouves pour la r?compenser que de la bafouer. Et voil?, maintenant, tu subis les foudres de toutes. Arriv?s ? l'?cole, elle me retire mes menottes et c'est la t?te basse que je rejoins Marie. Elle me fit ? peine la bise tant elle paraissait encore f?ch?e. Toute la journ?e se passa sans pratiquement aucun ?change de parole. Le soir, elle me pla?a soigneusement mon ba?llon journal et m'accompagna ? la voiture d'Anne. A l'int?rieur de celle-ci, elle veilla au placement de mes entraves et Anne, apr?s avoir plac? sur mes l?vres une bande de tape transparente, sortit de la bo?te ? gants une paire de lunettes de soleil et elle montra ? Marie qu'elles ?taient totalement opaques. Marie la remercia et Anne lui dit, attends ce n'est pas tout, j'ai aussi une paire de lunettes de natation qui sont peintes et l?, quant il est ? la maison, on peut lui placer sans le risque qui ne les fassent tomber. Marie reconnut l'id?e int?ressante mais j'ai trouv? mieux et j'ai command?, d?s r?ception, je vous montrerai. La semaine se passa ainsi mais Marie ne d?col?rant pas, les contacts furent limit?s au minimum mais ma surveillance, par contre, ?tait au maximum. Le samedi, maman m'emmena en ville afin d'effectuer quelques emplettes vestimentaires et, elle m'annon?a que nous les ferions accompagn?es de Marie. Elle passa par son domicile pour la prendre. Marie me parut plus radieuse que la veille et elle s'installa ? l'arri?re pr?s de moi. Marie montra sa derni?re trouvaille, des lentilles qui lorsqu'on les portent, font voir flou et donc, cela permet de se d?placer mais ne permet pas de voir correctement les gens ou les choses. Elle dit, tu te rends compte qu'ainsi, pour tout le monde, il aura seulement l'air d'une personne avec une vue d?ficiente. Maman ne put que reconna?tre l'ing?niosit? des lentilles et que de cette mani?re, on peut r?ellement le priver de la vue en toute discr?tion. Marie me les pla?a et vu ma docilit?, elle me fit un bisou sur la joue mais pour moi, quelle sensation ?trange cela me procure. Distinguer sans r?ellement voir. A la sortie de la voiture, elles m'encadr?rent toutes les deux afin que je ne risque pas de me blesser ou m?me de tomber. Arriv?s pr?s du magasin de lingerie, maman m'?ta discr?tement mes menottes et Marie mon ba?llon. Le but ?tait de renouveler mes soutiens-gorge car ma poitrine ?voluait et je devais changer de bonnet. Ce furent, ?videmment, maman et Marie qui choisirent les mod?les, elles s'int?ress?rent ? un corset et ? quelques v?tements de nuit. Ne voyant pratiquement rien, je ne pus ?mettre aucun avis sur les choix et pendant que je me rhabillais, elles se rendirent compte qu'elles avaient oubli? le journal dans la voiture. Une librairie jouxtant le magasin, Marie sortit et revint promptement avec un et, ne se souciant de rien ni de personne, entra dans ma cabine afin de me r?duire au silence. Mes menottes me furent replac?es aussi. Nous avons alors rejoint maman au comptoir et la vendeuse, pointant les diff?rents articles, me demanda si j'?tais satisfaite de mes choix. Etant dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre, maman vint ? mon aide en r?pondant oui. Nous avons ainsi fait 3 magasins et Marie me tenait par le bras pour me guider. De retour ? la voiture, elle me pla?a mes menottes aux chevilles et me pla?a aussi des ?couteurs, y relia son Ipod et la musique se mit en route, s'y bien que je n'entendais plus rien d'autre qu'elle. Elle alla s'installer pr?s de maman afin qu'elles puissent discuter tranquillement. De retour ? la maison, je fus install? sur une chaise, Marie prit son foulard et renfor?a mon ba?llon mais elle me retira les lentilles. Il fallut quelques minutes pour que ma vue redevienne normale. Elles s'install?rent toutes autour de la table afin de faire le point avant mon d?part au stage ? la fin de la semaine suivante. Marie v?rifia que son Ipod fonctionnait toujours et elle augmenta le volume. La conversation fut comme d'habitude tr?s anim?e car chacune d'elles souhaitait que ce stage f?t une r?ussite et donc, elles tenaient ? ce que tous les documents soient remplis convenablement. Au bout de plus d'une heure, elles eurent termin?s et, Anne vint m'?ter l'Ipod et mon ba?llon. Maman s'exprima en premier en me demandant si j'avais conscience de tout le mal qu'elles se donnaient, toutes, pour moi. Je r?pondis benoitement que non et Marie, ne put que dire, c'est bien tout le probl?me avec vous, les hommes, vous ne voyez jamais ce que l'on peut faire pour vous. Elles discut?rent alors sur le stage qui m'attendait dans l'entreprise et Marie me briffa sur ce qui m'attendait, sur les r?ponses que l'on attendait de moi, sur l'importance de l'impression que je pourrais donner. Apr?s autant de recommandations, j'avais l'impression d'?tre d?pass? et moi, qui n'avait pas l'habitude de cela puisque j'ai l'habitude que l'on agisse pour moi, je commence d?j? ? regretter de devoir m'ex?cuter celui-ci. Le d?but de la semaine se passait normalement mais plac?e sous une surveillance de tous les instants. Le mercredi tant redout? arrive, j'ai une boule dans l'estomac mais en m?me temps, je ne me sens pas bien et j'ai mal au ventre. Arriv? ? midi, je le dis ? Marie qui se montre inqui?te mais met cela sur l'angoisse, elle me b?illonne avec les feuilles du journal, me place mes menottes sous ma cape et nous repartons chez elle. A son domicile, elle me retire mon b?illon pour me demander comment je vais et si je veux manger. Je lui que non et que la douleur ne me quitte pas. Tout d'un coup, une douleur fulgurante me prend et je tombe sur le sol. Marie appelle son m?decin et d?cide de m'?ter les menottes et ma ceinture de chastet?. Pour ce faire, elle utilise une pince pour sectionner le cadenas. Sur ces entrefaits, le m?decin arrive et d'embl?e diagnostique une p?ritonite. L'op?ration d'urgence s'impose et prend contact avec une ambulance. Pendant ce temps, Marie t?l?phone ? sa m?re qui lui conseille de me faire transporter dans une clinique priv?e ou elle conna?t bien la directrice. Elle appelle ensuite ma maman afin de la pr?venir et lui dire ou je suis emmen?. Malgr? la douleur, j'ai bien conscience que Marie n'a pas perdu son sang- froid et a les choses en main. Elle se montre si douce et si attentionn?e envers moi qu'? mes yeux, elle est LA femme de ma vie. L'ambulance nous conduit vers la clinique et durant tout le trajet, elle me tient la main et me rassure. A la clinique, ma maman est d?j? l?, transie d'inqui?tude, je la vois ? peine car d?j?, on m'emm?ne vers la salle d'op?ration. A mon r?veil, je vois que tout le monde est pr?sent, ma maman, mes s?urs, ma Marie et sa maman. Ma s?ur a?n?e prend la parole et dit, que je leur ai, ? toutes, fait une belle frayeur mais que maintenant tout va bien. Elles ont toutes un regard attendri et bienveillant, m?me la maman de Marie qui, d'habitude est si froide et distante. Je la regarde et m'excuse pour les tracas que je viens de lui procurer mais aussi car je n'ai pas pu me rendre au rendez-vous. Elle s'exprime pour la premi?re avec une voix douce et me dit ne pas me tracasser avec tout cela mais plut?t que je retrouve au plus vite la sant?. Encore sous l'effet de l'anesth?siant, quelques minutes apr?s, je me rendormis. Ce n'est qu'en pleine nuit, je me r?veillai en sursaut, comme si tout cela n'?tait qu'un mauvais r?ve. En voyant ma chambre d'h?pital, je me rendis compte que tout cela ?tait vrai et, ma s?ur Anne, pr?sente ? mon chevet, vint me rassurer. Au petit matin, avant d'aller ? l'?cole, Marie vint me voir, pour aussi s'assurer que je me portais bien. J'eus droit ? un baiser plein d'amour. Elle me d?posa aussi quelques revues f?minines et repartit presque aussi vite. Maman arriva juste apr?s et rassur?e de me voir avec des couleurs, m'annon?a qu'elle allait passer la journ?e avec moi et que cette nuit, ce serait Beth. Ta sortie est normalement pr?vue samedi et d'ici l?, ne t'inqui?te pas, il y aura toujours l'une d'entre nous aupr?s de toi. Pour les soins, c'est une jeune infirmi?re, jolie et pleine de douceurs qui s'occupe de moi. Il y a bien longtemps qu'une main f?minine autre que ma m?re a pu toucher les parties les plus intimes de mon corps. Je ne peux ?viter certaines r?actions et je rougis. Elle en sourit et, en m'adressant un regard complice, cela signifie que je vais bien. La blessure est belle, sans infection et je devrais pouvoir sortir comme pr?vu. La journ?e me parait longue sans Marie et j'attends avec impatience son arriv?e. A 18 heures, elle arrive enfin et, j'ai ? nouveau droit ? un doux baiser. Maman nous laissent et apr?s un autre baiser langoureux, elle constate que cela ne me laisse pas de marbre. Pour les soins du soir, c'est une autre infirmi?re mais elle est toute aussi belle que sa coll?gue. Elle doit d'ailleurs insist? pour que Marie quitte la chambre, la jalousie de celle-ci est trop forte mais l'infirmi?re sans se d?partir de son sourire et de son calme, la met tout simplement hors de la chambre. Apr?s m'avoir prodigu? les soins, c'est en riant qu'elle sort de ma chambre. A peine l'infirmi?re sortie, Marie rentre rouge de col?re mais, pos?ment, me dit que je suis tout simplement trop beau et trop attirant. Tu comprends pourquoi je te prot?ge tant car je ne veux pas que l'on te prenne ? moi. Enfin, dit-elle, si tel est ton souhait aussi. Je rougis et lui r?pond que c'est mon souhait aussi. Nous continu?mes donc la soir?e ? papoter et elle m'embrassa ? plusieurs reprises fougueusement. Beth arriva vers 20h30 pour rester pr?s de moi la nuit. Elles ?chang?rent quelques mots et dit ? ma s?ur, Dominique use de son charme aupr?s des infirmi?res et elles n'y sont pas insensibles. Beth lui dit, ne t'inqui?te pas, il est entre de bonnes mains. Effectivement, pensai-je, elle est de loin la plus s?v?re et je n'ai surement pas int?r?t ? essayer quoique ce soit, elle ne tol?re aucun ?cart. La journ?e de vendredi se passe calmement, avec maman, dans l'attente de la venue de Marie. Maman me fait quand m?me la remarque que je parle et que je suis bien proche des infirmi?res. Comme la veille, vers 18H, Marie arrive, s'enquiert d'abord de moi, de l'?volution. Elle me donne aussi une nouvelle revue f?minine dont les sujets sont la fid?lit? et la jalousie. Elle ajoute lit l? bien car je trouve que le sujet est bien trait?. Maman repart quelques minutes apr?s. Nous profitons des quelques instants de tranquillit? pour nous embrasser, Marie passe alors d?licatement ses doigts sur mon sexe, elle constate imm?diatement que cela ne me laisse pas indiff?rent. Elle s'en joue, tout en sachant bien contr?ler les effets. Plaisir et frustration, un savant cocktail mani? avec doigt?. Nous ?tions en plein baiser lorsque la m?me infirmi?re qu'hier entra pour les soins. Celle-ci pria Marie de sortir qui s'ex?cuta sans lui adresser une parole. L'infirmi?re constata mon ?moi ainsi que la revue qui ?tait bien en ?vidence. Elle sourit et me dit que j'avais une petite amie tr?s jalouse. J'?tais rouge et ne savait que dire. Elle ajouta qu'elle esp?rait que ce n'?tait pas trop car c'est dommage ? mon ?ge de ne pas profiter de la vie. Elle fit ses soins et ses mains allaient bien souvent fr?ler mes parties intimes. J'?tais encore plus en ?moi par la douceur et le doigt? de celle-ci. A la fin des soins, elle me dit au revoir car elle savait que je sortais le lendemain et qu'elle ne me verrait plus. Elle me donna une carte avec ses coordonn?es si jamais, je souhaitais sortir une fois avec elle. Je n'osai refuser et j'en ?tais flatt?. Elle sortit et Marie s'engouffra aussit?t, elle constata que j'?tais bien rouge et soulevant mon drap, remarqua aussi mon trouble. Elle ne dit rien mais son regard ainsi que son attitude n'avaient besoin d'aucune parole. La seule chose qu'elle dit, heureusement demain, tu sors et tout pourra rentrer dans l'ordre. Anne arriva et, les deux femmes, qui s'entendent tr?s bien, sortirent de la chambre pour discuter un peu. Quand elles revinrent, je lisais la revue qu'elle m'avait apport?e et, je n'eus qu'un petit au revoir. Anne s'installa et nous avons discut? de choses et d'autres quant en voulant ranger la revue, je fis tomber la carte de visite de l'infirmi?re, Anne la ramassa et me demanda ce qu'il en retournait. Ne sachant et n'osant pas r?pondre, elle me dit que Marie a totalement raison de dire que l'on ne peut te laisser ainsi car d?s que tu en en as l'opportunit?, tu uses et abuse de ton charme. Je suis d'accord avec elle et Maman le pense aussi donc, nous allons continuer ? te maintenir dans le droit chemin et de mani?re ferme. Maman et Marie arriv?rent ensemble le lendemain matin. Nous attend?mes la visite du chirurgien pour valider ma sortie. Avant de pouvoir m'habiller, maman prit alors une nouvelle ceinture de chastet?, plus contraignante que la pr?c?dente. En effet, celle-ci ?tait plus recourb?e que la pr?c?dente et ne m'autoriserait plus qu'? faire pipi assis, il ne m'?tait plus possible de me toucher et il y avait 2 cadenas en m?tal alors que les pr?c?dents ?taient en plastique. D?s qu'elle fut plac?e, elle remit ? Marie une cl? et me dit, tes s?urs et moi-m?me la trouvons digne de confiance. Marie la remercia. Je m'habillai donc avec les habits de fille que l'ont m'avait apport?. Apr?s avoir enfil? ma cape, maman me pla?a mes menottes. Marie quant ? elle, prit trois feuilles du journal qu'elle avait apport? et elle me les pla?a dans la bouche et des bouchons antibruit dans les oreilles. Je dus m'installer dans la chaise roulante et elles me conduisirent ? la voiture. Marie m'aida ? m'installer ? l'arri?re, me pla?a des menottes aux chevilles, retira son foulard afin de pouvoir m'aveugler et la touche finale fut le tape qui vint sceller mes l?vres. Elle me remonta la capuche de ma cape et me passa la ceinture de s?curit?. Durant le trajet de retour, envelopp? et s?curis? par elle, je savais que je lui appartiendrais pour toujours. Arriv? ? la maison, Marie m'?ta juste le foulard et je fus accueilli avec enthousiasme par mes s?urs. Ce n'est qu'arriv? au salon, que l'on m'?ta le ba?llon et les bouchons antibruit. Maman prit la parole en premier, apr?s cet ?pisode, je pense pouvoir dire au nom de toutes que nous sommes heureuses que tu sois de retour parmi nous. Evidemment, ton stage a d? ?tre annul? mais apr?s concertation, nous sommes toutes d'accord que l'on ne peut rel?cher notre vigilance envers toi. Par ailleurs, en accord et avec le soutien de la th?rapeute, dans les prochains jours, Marie va te faire pratiquer certaines nouvelles techniques afin de t'aider ? ne plus faire d'?cart de bonnes conduites. Certains se passeront chez elle, d'autres ? la maison. Marie s'est tr?s bien document?e sur le sujet et nous lui faisons une totale confiance. Les r?gles qui avaient ?t? introduites avant ton hospitalisation sont toujours en vigueur voire renforc?e. De toute fa?on et en aucun cas, tu ne peux sortir de la maison, de l'?cole ou de chez Marie sans l'une d'entre nous. De plus, tu devras imp?rativement porter des menottes et un ba?llon que l'une de nous t'appliquera. Est-ce clair?? dit-elle en me d?visageant. Oui bredouillai-je. Puis les conversations se firent plus guillerettes et, nous sommes pass?s ? table, Anne vint m'?ter mes menottes. Juste apr?s le repas, elles me furent replac?es et avec Marie, nous sommes sortis faire quelques pas dans le jardin. Au d?tour d'un bosquet, elle m'embrasse goulument et me dit ? l'oreille, combien elle m'aime et combien elle a eu peur pour moi. Je suis ?mu et heureux d'entendre tout cela. Elle continue en me disant par contre qu'elle a de plus en plus dur ? supporter que les autres filles tournent autour de moi et que surtout, j'y pr?te attention. A chaque ?cart de conduite, elle souffre de plus en plus. Elle me demande si je suis conscient de cela. Je lui r?ponds que non. Elle me demande alors si j'accepte de suivre les techniques qu'elle va m'enseigner. Je lui r?ponds ?videmment que oui. Aussi rench?rit-elle, tu es conscient que je vais ?tre encore plus attentive ? l'avenir sur toutes tes fr?quentations et ? la mani?re de me contr?ler. Je ne peux qu'acquiescer. Satisfaite de mes r?ponses, nous sommes rentr?s et, me sentant encore un peu fatigu? par l'op?ration, je partis me reposer dans ma chambre. Le dimanche et le lundi se pass?rent calmement car, tout le monde souhaitait que je gu?risse compl?tement et rapidement. Je passais le plus clair de mon temps dans ma chambre pour ?tudier. Mardi, j'avais rendez-vous chez le m?decin pour contr?ler la cicatrisation de mes plaies, avant de sortir, mes menottes furent plac?es ainsi que les feuilles de journal. Nous sommes pass?s prendre Marie qui ?tait r?ellement heureuse de me retrouver. Une fois n'est pas coutume, elle vint s'installer pr?s de moi durant le trajet. Ce n'est que dans la salle d'attente que l'on me retira entraves et ba?llon. La doctoresse nous re?ut et, apr?s m'?tre d?shabill?, m'ausculta et ne put que constater que ma gu?rison ?tait compl?te. Les fils devraient avoir disparus pour le week-end. Elle m'interrogea sur l'hygi?ne et le soin que j'apportais ? ma toilette de mes parties intimes au vu de ma ceinture de chastet?. J'?tais g?n? de r?pondre et donc, maman r?pondit pour moi, ce qui ne fit qu'accentuer ma g?ne. Elle regarda ?galement ma poitrine et m'invita ? me rhabiller. Pendant ce temps, elle discuta avec maman et Marie. Elle me prescrit donc un nouveau traitement. Dans le couloir pour sortir, mes menottes furent replac?es ainsi que le ba?llon. A chaque fois que je dois l'?tre, Marie s'assure que ma bouche est bien remplie car, elle veut pouvoir contr?ler mes contacts avec les autres. Nous nous rendons ensuite ? la pharmacie pour acheter le traitement prescrit mais aussi, Marie demande pour avoir diff?rents tape chirurgicaux mais aussi des tapes dont la couleur se rapproche de la peau. La pharmacienne lui en montre et pr?sente son nouveau produit qui est un tape tr?s r?sistant, hydrofuge que l'on peut faire dispara?tre sous du maquillage. Maman et Marie se montrent plus qu'int?ress?e et en ach?te deux bo?tes. De retour ? la voiture, Marie me place mes menottes aux chevilles, prend le nouveau tape, d?coupe une bande et me l'applique sur mes l?vres. Elle prend alors son rouge ? l?vre, le passe sur le tape et redessine le pourtour de ma bouche. Maman suit ?a avec attention et est stup?faite par le rendu, Marie aussi. Viennent ensuite des lentilles totalement opaques qui m'aveuglent tout aussi efficacement qu'un bandeau mais tellement plus discr?tement. En dernier, les bouchons anti-bruits qui sont diff?rents des pr?c?dents, car ils sont en latex et viennent obstruer totalement mes canaux auditifs. Je sens la voiture red?marrer, durant le trajet, il y a plusieurs arr?ts mais dans ma position, j'ignore tout du monde ext?rieur. Nouvel arr?t, cette fois, Marie me retire mes bouchons et m'aide ? sortir de la voiture, nous sommes de retour ? la maison. Elle me guide car aveugle, je suis incapable de me diriger, elle me retire ma cape, me fait asseoir sur une chaise, je sens alors qu'elle me place un collier assez large au cou, qui m'oblige ? garder la t?te droite. Elle me retire mes lentilles et mon ba?llon afin que je puisse boire. De retour au salon, maman m'annonce que demain, je vais chez Marie la journ?e compl?te afin de vivre une journ?e de traitement.

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Gaanv Se Sehar Tak Ka Safar 8211 Part I

Hi Dosto! mera naam Love hai. Meine yaha pe bahut saalo se stories padh rha hu. Mujhe laga mujhe bhi apni stories Submit karni chahiye. I hope aap logo ko pasand aayega. My age is 21 and m from Delhi, ghar mein mere parents aur mein hi rehta hu. Mere papa se gaanv UP k ek chote se ganv ko belong karte the Jo yaha Delhi mein 18 saal pehle aake bus gaye. Aaj bhi vo Delhi se jyada Gaanv mein rehna pasand karte hai isliye aksar waha jaate rehte hai. Unke waha pe kayi logo se ache relations bhi...

1 year ago
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Big Asses

Reddit Big Asses, r/BigAsses! Who wants to get off the faptastic content on Reddit? The answer is simple; anyone with a functioning libido. After all, Reddit is one of the largest adult community sites on the internet and caters to practically all tastes. From fetish and kink to wild hardcore or vanilla action and everything in between, whatever floats your boat is likely to be found on Reddit. Perhaps the best part of this site is that all of the posts being shared are subject to the same...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Bosss wife

I don’t know when it started. Maybe at the office party, perhaps when I was leaning over his desk, perhaps I did tease him a lot, maybe it was when he breathed in my perfume and saw my cleavage as I sat next to him taking dictation. Anyway, we started flirting first of all. That led to a kiss and an occasional furtive grope. Eventually we had sex. Sometimes it was in the office, other times when he took me away on business trips. I remember one of the first times in the office when I was giving...

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S. S. M. A. R. T    P. I. C. (SECRET SOCIETY of MEN ABUSING RAPING & TORTURING PRETTYINNOCENT COEDS)  I was browsing through the bondage/fetish section of my local porn storewhen this guy handed me a business card.  In big letters it read S.S.M.A.R.T  P.I.C.and in little letters underneath read (SECRET SOCIETY of  MEN ABUSINGRAPING & TORTURING PRETTY INNOCENT COEDS).  There was a 1-800 numberlisted as well.  When I turned around, the guy was gone.  I wenthome with my curiosity in overdrive....

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Paramour By Rachel Saunders A short story from the Beckford Chronicles It was like a mould that she poured herself into, every time she looked in the mirror. How many days and nights had she wished to fold into the illusion in front of her? How many dreams of the body beautiful has she had? Too many she decided. "So you like what you see?" Rhetorical and cynical were her buzz words. "Yes I do. Most pleasing. How much?" "More than...

5 years ago
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York1Chapter 2

"Why would bandits attack a wagon load of vegetables? There are only two possible reasons. The less likely one is that 'if it is a wagon hauling freight to market, it must be worth stealing.' The more likely one is 'I want to drive James York into bankruptcy; therefore, I will attack all ways that he has of earning money.'" Catherine remarked, "You can probably ignore the first reason and try to fathom the second reason. Since we have no obvious enemies, it must be enmity from some...

4 years ago
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The Man Who Would Be Queen Ch 3

The Man Who Would be Queen Ch. 3 Chapter Three "Reluctance" Sarah brought Dexter home. He was being held in a squad car just up the street. All the officers in the car knew about it was that Dexter was under a house supervision order and couldn't leave the house without someone being with him. So they picked him up after seeing him storm out of the house alone. "I'm not doing this," he said looking down at his hands as...

2 years ago
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Doing Heather Together

Doing Heather Together I really couldn’t fully believe it when she actually said she’d do it. I mean, we’d talked about it a lot of times since I first told her about this fantasy I’d been having, and she’d even gotten to the point where she’d told me yes, she’d probably do it under the right circumstances, although I was never really sure if she was serious or just going along with the game to make the fantasy more enjoyable for me. This time though, when she said it, it was with a whole new...

2 years ago
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Promises and Secrets

Author's Note... This is my first attempt at a Cross-dressing story. So please forgive me if it seems a little disjointed. Above all I hope you enjoyed it. Comments are welcome. Promises and Secrets By Maria Ski Dedication For Samantha, thank you for the encouragement to actually finish this story. And to the usual suspects, they know who they are... And then of course there is You, the person who is reading this...

4 years ago
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Sister in Law Part Five

"I know what to do," my assistant said as she tried to shoo me out of the office. "Go enjoy your honeymoon!"There it was again, the word that filled my stomach with butterflies. "Hope! Go!" she finally yelled."Okay, but you can call…" I started to say as I picked up my things."I won't be calling you," she said as she sat back down in her chair.There it was the final words. I nodded as I walked out of my office and into the brilliant sunlight of a great day. Today was the second-best...

Love Stories
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"Doug, what is it that is so exciting you had me drop everything and rush right down here? I'm trying to get all the pictures set up for our subscribers to decide the contest winner for 'Hottest Amateur Picture'." "well, you don't have to now, because I have the mother of all contest winners right here. A video in fact, downloaded from this broad's computer, automatically it seems." "Well then, lets see it." "You'll love it, Dan," Doug said confidently as he clicked the...

4 years ago
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Caroline Ch 1303

Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! I apologise for yet another non-erotic chapter but I needed to clarify exactly how Mike felt, and feels, about Gianna before getting them in bed together. So here Mike remembers the past. You can probably skip over this but there is also a section introducing some new...

3 years ago
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A Business mans surprise

I was on business and was staying a couple of nights in a hotel. I had just phoned my wife and now was wondering what to do with myself. I decided rather than hit the bar I would go for a swim in the hotel pool. When I got there I had it all to myself and was enjoying the luxury of swimming alone. I had done a few lengths and was having a breather when I heard someone else coming into the poolroom. I felt a bit aggrieved as my peace was disturbed. I glanced up and to my surprise felt a jolt of...

2 years ago
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Didnt meet my friends

Hello I'm Keri I would like to tell you a little bit about myself before I tell you what happen. At the time I was junior in high school. I'm 5' 6", 110 pounds 34B-24-34 dirty blond hair pass my shoulders. It was a Friday afternoon and me and a few friends were making plains for Saturday we all said that we should go to a lake close by to hang out we agreed to meet up there around 1 pm.So Saturday morning came and I got up and started to get ready I picked out a white and light blue bikini and...

3 years ago
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BoGo Crossdresser's wife tells the story of her efforts to buy clothing for her herself and her husband entirely through "buy one, get one" promotions. Husband does not cooperate, and suffers severe consequences. My husband told me about his crossdressing early on in our relationship. I was confused at first, but I eventually came to terms with it. His desire simply was a part of him, and I loved him, "quirk" or not. He only liked dressing up as a part of lovemaking, so no one...

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Sons of Mayhem

( Just want to say I'm not very good at this so don't expect anything great hopefully with time I'll get better and any advice would be welcomed, hope you like it.) The sun was bright and shining brighty has you rode your bike on a long and empty stretch of road. You were confused and tired, riding for days. You had made a decision that after two years away from your family you were heading home. Your name is John Sharp, you are 6'1 with short brown hair and a muscular build and are 21. You are...

4 years ago
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Belindas Last Adventure

Every once in a while, an opportunity presents itself and you have to take advantage. I had such an opportunity present itself this time last month and I couldn't help myself. I was in Las Vegas on a business trip attending a convention. As usual at those type of things there is more drinking and partying than working. It was late, about 1:00am and I was strolling through the casino people watching when I noticed an older woman sitting at one of the casino bars. She was alone and...

2 years ago
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Wetting panties or jeans with sexual arousal

If you are male or female, straight or gay or bi and you have had an experience of weeing in your clothes and being sexually moved by it please I want you to write about it. I am am going to try it soon and I will post the video, maybe in a week or two. The reason is that I get hard thinking of people (mostly females I guess) wetting their panties and or jeans . There are not too many stories around and I would like to encourage some please.....! There are a very large amount of vids on hamster...

3 years ago
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For all that is Holy

Chastity gazed into the flames… the cold night air sending electric shivers across her skin. She felt goosepimples rising across her tightly crossed arms. Her nervous, embarrassed compulsion to cover herself as much as possible. Yet, the fire from the barrel bathed her in waves of blistering heat. Its forked spew of flickering yellow and orange light casting away the shadows of all the figures surrounding her and it. Casting away the sparks and ashes of all she had left to own in this world....

2 years ago
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Mai Mera Bhai Or Meri Bhabhi

Hi ftiends, neha here I  am from punjab age 22 yrs tall figgure 34-29-30 hai mai single hu mai apnye bhai bhabi kaye sath rehti hu mom dad apnye puranye city maye rehty hai mai study or bhai job kartey hai bhabi housewife hai Yeh baat last month ki hai bhai ki shaadi ko 2 month ho chukey hai mai ghar aayi us din saturday tha ghar ka door lgaa tha door bell off thi mainye apnye purse saye key nikali door open kiya bhabi khi nhi dikhaai di mai apnye room maye gyi bag rakha bhahar aayi kitchen ki...

4 years ago
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Dream Diary 4 True North Strong and Freequo

Dream Diary 4 "True North Strong and Free" About three days ago I received an unusual letter in the mail. It was from my cousin Chris. Chris and I are pretty good net buddies. We share a lot of what goes on in our personal lives. But in real life we don't hang out much at all. We only get to see each other at major family events. Holidays, funerals and the like. Maybe once a year at best. While we do spend at least a half an hour online each or every other day, we have never used...

5 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 49 She Blinded Me With Science

Robertson’s House, Komoka, Ontario 6:55pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 “Are you ladies up for a little zing with your steaks?” I asked Lynette and her mother, Ms. Dillon, as I looked at the spice rack in the Robertson’s kitchen pantry. I was finally over the surprise and shock of hearing Mrs. Robertson’s story of how she convinced my mother to let me stay overnight here after our day in Chatham at the WOSSA Gymnastics’ meet. “Isn’t this teriyaki marinade good enough for you, Cuda?” Lynette...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 54 Chris Maples Challenge

“Do you really think she’ll do it?” asked Chris Maple as he looked at Jamahl Sable. Jamahl stared back at Chris but without making any response. Shona Grig eventually helped him out with, “Nah! I reckon she’s just gone to the bathroom to take a dump. You wait ... she’ll be coming back any minute now just the way she left and she’ll be laughing at us all for being so easily sucked in.” Thirty minutes went by and still there was no sign of Riona Parkes returning to the group ‘the way she...

4 years ago
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Conversion to BBC

The video screen flashed through another set of interracial pictures of white pussies stretched around thick black cocks, white women's mouths sucking on giant black dongs, interracial couplings all featuring the largest darkest dicks Heather had ever seen. The music was low toned and rhythmic and reminded her of old school techno; all of it was mixed with different girls' voices often repeating the same messages that flashed on the screen in between videos and images.I LOVE BLACK COCKBLACK MEN...

4 years ago
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Patiala Aunty Ke Sath Night

Hiiii frnds. My name is Sheikh. M 22 years old and a student of class B. Ed. Me dikhne me avrage hu. Mera ranga sawla hai aur me Punjab me Khanna me rehta hu. Ye stori jiske bare me hai uska naam Jyoti hai. Wo dekhne me bhut khubsurat hai. Uski age lagbhag 28 sal ki hai. Uska rang gora hai aur figure kafi accha hai. To ab me stori pe aata hu. Bat rakhi wale din ki hai. Ne ghar pr akela betha tha aur bore ho raha tha tabhi mere dost rohit ki call aayi aur wo mujhse bola ki wo aaj kaam pe ja raha...

2 years ago
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Joanie and the JunkyardChapter 7

We were only a few miles away from Gushing Springs when Katie said, “I’m at the peak of my cycle Sis and with as much sperm as has been swimming inside me the last few days Sis I’ve got to be pregnant. I only hope it was Lamar’s. Perry Diebold doesn’t know it, but we’ll be married within the next month. The moment I know I’ve got one in the oven we’ll be in front of a Justice of the Peace before the next day.” “But,” I said, “You told me that you haven’t had sex with him.” “Yeah, that I...

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The Waterfall

I love to be with you, on a hot summer day, on the trail to the lake, surrounded by trees, just you and me, tourists walking on the other trails getting around on the mountain. Our backpacks lay on the grass near the rocks. We're lying in the sun after we dip in the freezing water of the lake, looking into each other's eyes, laughing and talking. We are quite naked, and our skin reddened by the water, your lips looking so appealing.I lean forward and kiss you so passionately, our skin in...

3 years ago
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the shit theater

I was one of the other college kids, and I was kind of hoping for foghorn leghorn. Most of the college guys either wanted to be sexy/crazy foghorn leghorn or play with their balls opposite the colonel. No such luck, for me, though. micheal jackson showed up. He was a strange guy, one of my best friends, a little better actor than me and just the right type for the part. I got cast as romeo's gay friend. It turned out to be a damned good part for me. I was only five-foot-nine but I was a bit...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter IV Prissys Progress

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and (mostly) everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X, as there is some sexual...

4 years ago
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Meant To Be Ch 03

I woke up to Nick kissing the back of my neck and stretched languorously. ‘Morning, pet,’ he murmured. I turned in his arms, snuggling into his chest, feeling euphoric. His hands roamed my back, stopping to tangle in my hair. He tugged gently, tilting my head back for a kiss. His mouth and hands became more insistent and I arched into him. He cupped my behind, pressing me into him before lifting my leg and hooking it over his hip. I felt the evidence of his arousal between my thighs and...

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Pinni Puku Ni Pichiga Dengaayanu Daniki Swargam Chupincha

Na Peru aditya. Nenu ipudu bcom final year chaduvuthunaa. Na age 21 height. 5.8. Ee story nenu inter lo vunapudu jarigindi. Nenu 11th varaku ma intlone vundi chadivanu. Taruvata inter kosam ma pinni intlo chaduvukunaa. Thana height 5.5. Age 34. Size 38 32 38. Oka koduku vunaadu. Vadiki apudu 7 years. Vala uri lone join iyanu. So ma pinni vala intlone vundi chadu vukuntuna. 1st year antha normal ga ipoindi. 2nd year lo na friend okadu naku blue flim chupinchadu. Aa roju antha adi aa alochisu...

4 years ago
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It had been awhile but Trevor saw us again

Introduction: Finally Trevor makes it back to town Im Sue, Daves wife, we share everything, and he loves getting me to write about my fun, when I go out and play, this is a continuation of, we need the money We had met Ginger a few times, for 3 some and as always had fun, it had been ages since we had seen her business guy, it seemed his job had changed and he didnt visit our state now, so when she rang me Wednesday night to say he was back in town and wanted to meet us again, with his friend,...

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On Line and Linda

Linda and I had met through one of those ubiquitous on line dating sites. When I saw her photo it grabbed my attention. We all have certain characteristics in face shape, eyes, kips, those things we can’t necessarily define but when we see them we know immediately that we like that face. And she was tall, 5’9′, and though not slender she was not overweight. We seemed to share similar interests and lived within 30 miles of each other so getting together would not be a major barrier. Almost...

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It had been ten days since the party Jane's trying to bed me but I really put her through the mill no sex but my balls are swollen. Not trying to show or let on I know wat happened I listen as she tells me with a big smiling face that Jaq need's a hand at her house, reluctantly as I really can't tolerate the irrational woman she is I agree to pop round when I get a chance. Looking a Jane my mind wonders if she's carrying out any more extra meets especially as she's not pushing for sex tonight....

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Worlds ApartChapter 8 No More Hesitation

They rode a mag-lev train down to the spaceport, which was on the outskirts of the city to protect its inhabitants from the eventuality of a crash. The green fields and farmland abruptly gave way to a massive, sprawling complex, practically a self-contained city in its own right. There were several terminals of curving glass and steel, each one linked by a complex network of mag-lev rails and roads. The surrounding area was occupied by long runways and huge landing pads that were encircled by...

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The Maya Twins

The Maya Twins By Carmenica Diaz Note: This is an excerpt from a recently publishedE-Novel. Once upon a time, there were the Maya twins. Hannahand Savannah Maya were identical, breathtakingly beautiful and with definitionof morality that was unique. Very, very rich and constantly bored, they wereamused when Hannah's new husband, Jonathan, declared his undying love withthe purchase of the state of the art chastity belt, the Dickson Device. Silly man! The Maya twins saw an opportunity tohave...

2 years ago
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Black Cock SlutChapter 2

“You are my number one slut, baby.” Tyrone said, looking up from the pile of money he was counting. I smiled and blew him a kiss, I love when he’s affectionate. The money he counted was my tip money, he’d already been paid the booking fee. I give Tyrone all the money I make for him. I feel like I owe him, for setting the slut free. He usually returns 30 or 40%, unless I’m shopping for more hooker uniforms, then I’ll get more. I was just getting out of the shower, drying myself in the living...

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My beautiful mother

If I make a list of the most courageous women I know, my mom will be right at the top of the list. Being a single mom who raised her son alone was enough for her to earn her place at the top. She was pregnant with me at the very young age of 18. By that time she had only graduated from the high school. So, I never knew my dad and I don't want to, because of the sufferings my mom had gone through. Her parents had suggested her for an abortion as mom was their only c***d. But mom needed some hope...

2 years ago
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Stella Maris SM in Spain 1

Stella Maris is a blonde beauty. Slim and sexy. Tall and tasty. Young and yummy.We are on a long vacation in a holiday home of her folks at the coast in Spain.A role playing game starts so innocent, but soon turns kinky second day we play.The start of a few foxy weeks with her best girlfriend visiting us to play along.First part of a long lovely sexy SM-story to unfold in many sequels to come!Ballet is her main hobby, which adds to her attractiveness, the grace of her moves.Long legs lead to...

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CHAPTER SIX: Several weeks later we awaken in the morning and are surprised by an early dumping of snow. Mitch assures me this is not a precursor to a hard, long winter. I have to admit, I am relieved. I am probably more of a warm-weather-girl, but I made the decision easily that Mitch was worth the effort of learning to live in and, hopefully, enjoy all the seasons. The overnight snow is only (he says, only) about six inches of new, fresh, snow; but to me it feels like so much more.I have to...

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Pummy Hazra Iqbal Ki Chudai

Mera naam pummy hai pura naam hazra iqbal hai main ranchi jharkhand ke rehne wali hun, ap sab lund bajo ko aaj apni real story btane ja rahi hun, pehle ap meri sexy figure jaan lo meri chuchiyan 34 size ki hai kunki abi meri umar 21 saal ki hai, gaand gadrai gai par sirf 38 ki hai, aaj main or meri padosi jishan ki chudai batne ja rahi hun jishan mere bachpan ka dost bhi hai hum sath me bade hue hai, bat 2 saal pehle ki hai jishan akasar mujhe gandi nazaro se dekhta hai mujhe pta hai ki wo meri...

4 years ago
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Strangers in the Night

I don’t know what cologne he was wearing but it was seriously undermining my common sense and after another 5 minutes of him shouting in my ear and my not understanding a word he was saying, I grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. As he danced I just kind of did a two-step in my spot. I was mesmerized by the way his body moved to the music. Now don’t get me wrong, I can groove and hold my own against any man on the dance floor, but the way he was moving, it looked as if he...

3 years ago
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To Be Frank Ch 09

As ever, this work may be stand-alone, but it’s best read with the rest for the full picture. Please feel free to vote and give me feedback, all of which is welcome. ‘Hey, Kate. How about coming back home with me next weekend, see my town, meet my folks?’ We were in the main college cafeteria, grabbing a coffee and sandwich between lectures. I’d been sort of dating Simon at college in London for a while, and here he was asking if I’d like to go see Weston-Super-Mare with him and meet his...

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Craving Quest

I don’t obsess over them like some of you sex-starved cucks out there, but sometimes I’ll play a hentai game or two if only to show you betas how this shit is really done. But I’m picky. I don’t want to play half of the shitty games out there that string you along for days without seeing so much as a tiddy. I need some instant gratification. I mean, why would I sit here and toil away when I could go out and have some real pussy within the hour? And the game has to be fun too. I’m not sticking...

Best Porn Games
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Friends With Benefits

Hello everyone. I am 21 male from Ahmadabad doing my internship as a journalist with a reputed media company. I am a reader turned author. Yes, I have been reading stories on this site since so long but it is now, at this moment when I decided to not just read other’s experience but also share my own. :) So, let me give you a brief idea about how I look so that you can imagine well while reading the story. I am 5’11 athletic built body, dark shiny hairs, wheatish skin tone and brown eyes...

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Private Jayla De Angelis DP Threesome

Jayla de Angelis has become quite the sensation on private, and today she’s back for more action in Private Specials, Beach Angels as she takes on studs, Alberto Blanco and Potro, in a wild DP threesome that you won’t want to miss! After a sexy and alluring striptease, Jayla soon gets exactly what she wants as Alberto and Potro follow her back to her room for a horny afternoon of fun that includes everything from sloppy deepthroat blowjobs, to anal, to a long session of DP, and to a climax of...

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A Goth Thing

A Goth Thing: Let me tell you how I am different from you. I was always fascinated by death, particularly my own and I wondered who would attend. For me black was always the sexiest and most beautiful colour. That makes me different from you I guess. What music do I listen to? Well I listen to all sorts but my favourite bands have always been The Damned, The Sisters of Mercy, The Cult, The Cure and above all Marilyn Manson. I only discovered the Sisters with "This Corrosion." ...

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The Next Day1

me licking your pussy with my long and maneuverable tongue...... "You haven't had enough yet" you asked. I must be licking you in the right spots cause your voice now trembles when you speak..... I take a break from my oral assignment only to reply that, "I've been awake for one full hour watching you sleep peacefully." Still reposed, you began to unknowingly call out my name as possibly your dreams were becoming surreal.... I watched you squirm, I watched you moan. I felt like...

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I Gamble and Lost

It started about 6 months earlier when I went to the casino with a friend for the afternoon. I had a very exciting time that day and I couldn’t believe how good it felt to win. I ended up going several more times to the casino after that time. I could feel my adrenalin surge every time I won. I made a few bucks the first couple of times I went. I was finding myself wanting to go back to the casino even more. The next three months I went back about 2 or 3 times a week. I was slowly turning my...

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About Morgan

Meeting men for sex dates on the internet is a curious process. The contact often starts with a simple Hi or the winking eye on Adam4Adam. Sometimes it’s a long-distance flirtation or chat. For lots of reasons it usually doesn’t go beyond sharing a few dick pics. And, typical of roaming around on the net, I had arrived at Bill’s profile by a circuitous route: a man contacted me through Adam4Adam and sent a picture with a SilverDaddies number on it. I decided to check him out, created a profile...

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Seducing A Stranger In A Volvo Bus

I had reached Majestic bus stop at 10.30 pm for my bus to Sirsi at 11.40 pm. The bus was yet to come and I was sitting on platform 5 and waiting for my bus. My bus came at 11.15 pm, I went in a kept my luggage on my seat 37 which was aisle seat. Since there was another 25 mins, I went down and stood next to the conductor who was standing near the door. It is then I saw this female coming towards this bus. What caught my eyes was her breasts, they were not very big, but her bra might have been...

2 years ago
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My maids niece Narani Devi

This happened in 2006 truly with me. I was working in a cement plant. I had my company quarters. I have an old maid servant and she used to come and clean the house and utensils etc. The day she was sick, she has sent her niece for the job. The niece was a woman of say 35/40 years. She came and worked silently and went away. I was happy with her. When I was going to sleep I was actually thinking about her. As per my criteria she is good looking and smart. Next day when the woman came I checked...

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