L'?ducation De Dominique 5 free porn video

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Elle fini sa conversation en me disant que nous nous verrions demain ? l'?cole. Je raccrochai donc avec un n?ud ? l'estomac car maintenant, j'allais devoir affronter ma famille. Je rejoignis donc ma m?re seule au salon, elle avait une mine grave et je m'assis en face d'elle. Elle me demanda directement si j'aimais r?ellement Marie. Je lui r?pondis que oui et que je ne voyais pas ma vie sans elle. Elle rench?rit, en es-tu s?r?? Je lui r?pondis ? nouveau et avec v?h?mence que oui. Alors dit-elle, pourquoi la fais-tu souffrir, pourquoi toujours vouloir la rendre jalouse, pourquoi ne l'?coutes-tu pas?? Ta vie actuelle ne te plait-elle pas?car ? par l'?cole, tu as peu de choses ? te soucier, non?? Je ne sus rien r?pondre car je sais qu'elle a raison et que je le fais expr?s de provoquer cette situation. Ecoute, continua-t-elle, je ne t'ai pas ?lev? comme cela et je suis enti?rement d'accord avec Marie quant aux propositions qu'elle a faite pour t'aider ? avoir une conduite plus respectueuse vis-?-vis d'elle. A la fin du mois, tu partiras donc au stage ou nous t'avons inscrit et d'ici l?, nous allons veiller encore plus intensivement ? ta conduite et, nous serons toutes intransigeantes face au moindre ?cart. Cela veut dire que d?s que tu es hors de la maison, tu seras syst?matiquement ba?llonn?, entrav? et dans la mesure du possible, aveugl?. Tu ne peux sortir, tu ne peux t?l?phoner ou prendre contact avec quelqu'un de l'ext?rieur sans l'avis de l'une de nous en ce y compris Marie ou sa maman. Chaque incartade sera sanctionn?e et toute r?cidive s?v?rement punie. Je me retirai donc dans ma chambre sans mot dire et n'en descendit que pour le souper ou je n'osai, ?videmment, rien dire. Le lendemain, d?s que je fus pr?t ? partir, Anne me passa mes menottes aux poignets ainsi qu'aux chevilles et elle me fit enfourner les feuilles de journal. Dans la voiture, elle me dit qu'elle n'avait rien pour m'aveugler mais que d?s ce soir, elle aurait ?t? achet? le n?cessaire. Je suis d??ue par ton comportement car tu as la chance d'avoir une petite amie qui t'aime et qui prend soin de toi et toi, tu ne trouves pour la r?compenser que de la bafouer. Et voil?, maintenant, tu subis les foudres de toutes. Arriv?s ? l'?cole, elle me retire mes menottes et c'est la t?te basse que je rejoins Marie. Elle me fit ? peine la bise tant elle paraissait encore f?ch?e. Toute la journ?e se passa sans pratiquement aucun ?change de parole. Le soir, elle me pla?a soigneusement mon ba?llon journal et m'accompagna ? la voiture d'Anne. A l'int?rieur de celle-ci, elle veilla au placement de mes entraves et Anne, apr?s avoir plac? sur mes l?vres une bande de tape transparente, sortit de la bo?te ? gants une paire de lunettes de soleil et elle montra ? Marie qu'elles ?taient totalement opaques. Marie la remercia et Anne lui dit, attends ce n'est pas tout, j'ai aussi une paire de lunettes de natation qui sont peintes et l?, quant il est ? la maison, on peut lui placer sans le risque qui ne les fassent tomber. Marie reconnut l'id?e int?ressante mais j'ai trouv? mieux et j'ai command?, d?s r?ception, je vous montrerai. La semaine se passa ainsi mais Marie ne d?col?rant pas, les contacts furent limit?s au minimum mais ma surveillance, par contre, ?tait au maximum. Le samedi, maman m'emmena en ville afin d'effectuer quelques emplettes vestimentaires et, elle m'annon?a que nous les ferions accompagn?es de Marie. Elle passa par son domicile pour la prendre. Marie me parut plus radieuse que la veille et elle s'installa ? l'arri?re pr?s de moi. Marie montra sa derni?re trouvaille, des lentilles qui lorsqu'on les portent, font voir flou et donc, cela permet de se d?placer mais ne permet pas de voir correctement les gens ou les choses. Elle dit, tu te rends compte qu'ainsi, pour tout le monde, il aura seulement l'air d'une personne avec une vue d?ficiente. Maman ne put que reconna?tre l'ing?niosit? des lentilles et que de cette mani?re, on peut r?ellement le priver de la vue en toute discr?tion. Marie me les pla?a et vu ma docilit?, elle me fit un bisou sur la joue mais pour moi, quelle sensation ?trange cela me procure. Distinguer sans r?ellement voir. A la sortie de la voiture, elles m'encadr?rent toutes les deux afin que je ne risque pas de me blesser ou m?me de tomber. Arriv?s pr?s du magasin de lingerie, maman m'?ta discr?tement mes menottes et Marie mon ba?llon. Le but ?tait de renouveler mes soutiens-gorge car ma poitrine ?voluait et je devais changer de bonnet. Ce furent, ?videmment, maman et Marie qui choisirent les mod?les, elles s'int?ress?rent ? un corset et ? quelques v?tements de nuit. Ne voyant pratiquement rien, je ne pus ?mettre aucun avis sur les choix et pendant que je me rhabillais, elles se rendirent compte qu'elles avaient oubli? le journal dans la voiture. Une librairie jouxtant le magasin, Marie sortit et revint promptement avec un et, ne se souciant de rien ni de personne, entra dans ma cabine afin de me r?duire au silence. Mes menottes me furent replac?es aussi. Nous avons alors rejoint maman au comptoir et la vendeuse, pointant les diff?rents articles, me demanda si j'?tais satisfaite de mes choix. Etant dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre, maman vint ? mon aide en r?pondant oui. Nous avons ainsi fait 3 magasins et Marie me tenait par le bras pour me guider. De retour ? la voiture, elle me pla?a mes menottes aux chevilles et me pla?a aussi des ?couteurs, y relia son Ipod et la musique se mit en route, s'y bien que je n'entendais plus rien d'autre qu'elle. Elle alla s'installer pr?s de maman afin qu'elles puissent discuter tranquillement. De retour ? la maison, je fus install? sur une chaise, Marie prit son foulard et renfor?a mon ba?llon mais elle me retira les lentilles. Il fallut quelques minutes pour que ma vue redevienne normale. Elles s'install?rent toutes autour de la table afin de faire le point avant mon d?part au stage ? la fin de la semaine suivante. Marie v?rifia que son Ipod fonctionnait toujours et elle augmenta le volume. La conversation fut comme d'habitude tr?s anim?e car chacune d'elles souhaitait que ce stage f?t une r?ussite et donc, elles tenaient ? ce que tous les documents soient remplis convenablement. Au bout de plus d'une heure, elles eurent termin?s et, Anne vint m'?ter l'Ipod et mon ba?llon. Maman s'exprima en premier en me demandant si j'avais conscience de tout le mal qu'elles se donnaient, toutes, pour moi. Je r?pondis benoitement que non et Marie, ne put que dire, c'est bien tout le probl?me avec vous, les hommes, vous ne voyez jamais ce que l'on peut faire pour vous. Elles discut?rent alors sur le stage qui m'attendait dans l'entreprise et Marie me briffa sur ce qui m'attendait, sur les r?ponses que l'on attendait de moi, sur l'importance de l'impression que je pourrais donner. Apr?s autant de recommandations, j'avais l'impression d'?tre d?pass? et moi, qui n'avait pas l'habitude de cela puisque j'ai l'habitude que l'on agisse pour moi, je commence d?j? ? regretter de devoir m'ex?cuter celui-ci. Le d?but de la semaine se passait normalement mais plac?e sous une surveillance de tous les instants. Le mercredi tant redout? arrive, j'ai une boule dans l'estomac mais en m?me temps, je ne me sens pas bien et j'ai mal au ventre. Arriv? ? midi, je le dis ? Marie qui se montre inqui?te mais met cela sur l'angoisse, elle me b?illonne avec les feuilles du journal, me place mes menottes sous ma cape et nous repartons chez elle. A son domicile, elle me retire mon b?illon pour me demander comment je vais et si je veux manger. Je lui que non et que la douleur ne me quitte pas. Tout d'un coup, une douleur fulgurante me prend et je tombe sur le sol. Marie appelle son m?decin et d?cide de m'?ter les menottes et ma ceinture de chastet?. Pour ce faire, elle utilise une pince pour sectionner le cadenas. Sur ces entrefaits, le m?decin arrive et d'embl?e diagnostique une p?ritonite. L'op?ration d'urgence s'impose et prend contact avec une ambulance. Pendant ce temps, Marie t?l?phone ? sa m?re qui lui conseille de me faire transporter dans une clinique priv?e ou elle conna?t bien la directrice. Elle appelle ensuite ma maman afin de la pr?venir et lui dire ou je suis emmen?. Malgr? la douleur, j'ai bien conscience que Marie n'a pas perdu son sang- froid et a les choses en main. Elle se montre si douce et si attentionn?e envers moi qu'? mes yeux, elle est LA femme de ma vie. L'ambulance nous conduit vers la clinique et durant tout le trajet, elle me tient la main et me rassure. A la clinique, ma maman est d?j? l?, transie d'inqui?tude, je la vois ? peine car d?j?, on m'emm?ne vers la salle d'op?ration. A mon r?veil, je vois que tout le monde est pr?sent, ma maman, mes s?urs, ma Marie et sa maman. Ma s?ur a?n?e prend la parole et dit, que je leur ai, ? toutes, fait une belle frayeur mais que maintenant tout va bien. Elles ont toutes un regard attendri et bienveillant, m?me la maman de Marie qui, d'habitude est si froide et distante. Je la regarde et m'excuse pour les tracas que je viens de lui procurer mais aussi car je n'ai pas pu me rendre au rendez-vous. Elle s'exprime pour la premi?re avec une voix douce et me dit ne pas me tracasser avec tout cela mais plut?t que je retrouve au plus vite la sant?. Encore sous l'effet de l'anesth?siant, quelques minutes apr?s, je me rendormis. Ce n'est qu'en pleine nuit, je me r?veillai en sursaut, comme si tout cela n'?tait qu'un mauvais r?ve. En voyant ma chambre d'h?pital, je me rendis compte que tout cela ?tait vrai et, ma s?ur Anne, pr?sente ? mon chevet, vint me rassurer. Au petit matin, avant d'aller ? l'?cole, Marie vint me voir, pour aussi s'assurer que je me portais bien. J'eus droit ? un baiser plein d'amour. Elle me d?posa aussi quelques revues f?minines et repartit presque aussi vite. Maman arriva juste apr?s et rassur?e de me voir avec des couleurs, m'annon?a qu'elle allait passer la journ?e avec moi et que cette nuit, ce serait Beth. Ta sortie est normalement pr?vue samedi et d'ici l?, ne t'inqui?te pas, il y aura toujours l'une d'entre nous aupr?s de toi. Pour les soins, c'est une jeune infirmi?re, jolie et pleine de douceurs qui s'occupe de moi. Il y a bien longtemps qu'une main f?minine autre que ma m?re a pu toucher les parties les plus intimes de mon corps. Je ne peux ?viter certaines r?actions et je rougis. Elle en sourit et, en m'adressant un regard complice, cela signifie que je vais bien. La blessure est belle, sans infection et je devrais pouvoir sortir comme pr?vu. La journ?e me parait longue sans Marie et j'attends avec impatience son arriv?e. A 18 heures, elle arrive enfin et, j'ai ? nouveau droit ? un doux baiser. Maman nous laissent et apr?s un autre baiser langoureux, elle constate que cela ne me laisse pas de marbre. Pour les soins du soir, c'est une autre infirmi?re mais elle est toute aussi belle que sa coll?gue. Elle doit d'ailleurs insist? pour que Marie quitte la chambre, la jalousie de celle-ci est trop forte mais l'infirmi?re sans se d?partir de son sourire et de son calme, la met tout simplement hors de la chambre. Apr?s m'avoir prodigu? les soins, c'est en riant qu'elle sort de ma chambre. A peine l'infirmi?re sortie, Marie rentre rouge de col?re mais, pos?ment, me dit que je suis tout simplement trop beau et trop attirant. Tu comprends pourquoi je te prot?ge tant car je ne veux pas que l'on te prenne ? moi. Enfin, dit-elle, si tel est ton souhait aussi. Je rougis et lui r?pond que c'est mon souhait aussi. Nous continu?mes donc la soir?e ? papoter et elle m'embrassa ? plusieurs reprises fougueusement. Beth arriva vers 20h30 pour rester pr?s de moi la nuit. Elles ?chang?rent quelques mots et dit ? ma s?ur, Dominique use de son charme aupr?s des infirmi?res et elles n'y sont pas insensibles. Beth lui dit, ne t'inqui?te pas, il est entre de bonnes mains. Effectivement, pensai-je, elle est de loin la plus s?v?re et je n'ai surement pas int?r?t ? essayer quoique ce soit, elle ne tol?re aucun ?cart. La journ?e de vendredi se passe calmement, avec maman, dans l'attente de la venue de Marie. Maman me fait quand m?me la remarque que je parle et que je suis bien proche des infirmi?res. Comme la veille, vers 18H, Marie arrive, s'enquiert d'abord de moi, de l'?volution. Elle me donne aussi une nouvelle revue f?minine dont les sujets sont la fid?lit? et la jalousie. Elle ajoute lit l? bien car je trouve que le sujet est bien trait?. Maman repart quelques minutes apr?s. Nous profitons des quelques instants de tranquillit? pour nous embrasser, Marie passe alors d?licatement ses doigts sur mon sexe, elle constate imm?diatement que cela ne me laisse pas indiff?rent. Elle s'en joue, tout en sachant bien contr?ler les effets. Plaisir et frustration, un savant cocktail mani? avec doigt?. Nous ?tions en plein baiser lorsque la m?me infirmi?re qu'hier entra pour les soins. Celle-ci pria Marie de sortir qui s'ex?cuta sans lui adresser une parole. L'infirmi?re constata mon ?moi ainsi que la revue qui ?tait bien en ?vidence. Elle sourit et me dit que j'avais une petite amie tr?s jalouse. J'?tais rouge et ne savait que dire. Elle ajouta qu'elle esp?rait que ce n'?tait pas trop car c'est dommage ? mon ?ge de ne pas profiter de la vie. Elle fit ses soins et ses mains allaient bien souvent fr?ler mes parties intimes. J'?tais encore plus en ?moi par la douceur et le doigt? de celle-ci. A la fin des soins, elle me dit au revoir car elle savait que je sortais le lendemain et qu'elle ne me verrait plus. Elle me donna une carte avec ses coordonn?es si jamais, je souhaitais sortir une fois avec elle. Je n'osai refuser et j'en ?tais flatt?. Elle sortit et Marie s'engouffra aussit?t, elle constata que j'?tais bien rouge et soulevant mon drap, remarqua aussi mon trouble. Elle ne dit rien mais son regard ainsi que son attitude n'avaient besoin d'aucune parole. La seule chose qu'elle dit, heureusement demain, tu sors et tout pourra rentrer dans l'ordre. Anne arriva et, les deux femmes, qui s'entendent tr?s bien, sortirent de la chambre pour discuter un peu. Quand elles revinrent, je lisais la revue qu'elle m'avait apport?e et, je n'eus qu'un petit au revoir. Anne s'installa et nous avons discut? de choses et d'autres quant en voulant ranger la revue, je fis tomber la carte de visite de l'infirmi?re, Anne la ramassa et me demanda ce qu'il en retournait. Ne sachant et n'osant pas r?pondre, elle me dit que Marie a totalement raison de dire que l'on ne peut te laisser ainsi car d?s que tu en en as l'opportunit?, tu uses et abuse de ton charme. Je suis d'accord avec elle et Maman le pense aussi donc, nous allons continuer ? te maintenir dans le droit chemin et de mani?re ferme. Maman et Marie arriv?rent ensemble le lendemain matin. Nous attend?mes la visite du chirurgien pour valider ma sortie. Avant de pouvoir m'habiller, maman prit alors une nouvelle ceinture de chastet?, plus contraignante que la pr?c?dente. En effet, celle-ci ?tait plus recourb?e que la pr?c?dente et ne m'autoriserait plus qu'? faire pipi assis, il ne m'?tait plus possible de me toucher et il y avait 2 cadenas en m?tal alors que les pr?c?dents ?taient en plastique. D?s qu'elle fut plac?e, elle remit ? Marie une cl? et me dit, tes s?urs et moi-m?me la trouvons digne de confiance. Marie la remercia. Je m'habillai donc avec les habits de fille que l'ont m'avait apport?. Apr?s avoir enfil? ma cape, maman me pla?a mes menottes. Marie quant ? elle, prit trois feuilles du journal qu'elle avait apport? et elle me les pla?a dans la bouche et des bouchons antibruit dans les oreilles. Je dus m'installer dans la chaise roulante et elles me conduisirent ? la voiture. Marie m'aida ? m'installer ? l'arri?re, me pla?a des menottes aux chevilles, retira son foulard afin de pouvoir m'aveugler et la touche finale fut le tape qui vint sceller mes l?vres. Elle me remonta la capuche de ma cape et me passa la ceinture de s?curit?. Durant le trajet de retour, envelopp? et s?curis? par elle, je savais que je lui appartiendrais pour toujours. Arriv? ? la maison, Marie m'?ta juste le foulard et je fus accueilli avec enthousiasme par mes s?urs. Ce n'est qu'arriv? au salon, que l'on m'?ta le ba?llon et les bouchons antibruit. Maman prit la parole en premier, apr?s cet ?pisode, je pense pouvoir dire au nom de toutes que nous sommes heureuses que tu sois de retour parmi nous. Evidemment, ton stage a d? ?tre annul? mais apr?s concertation, nous sommes toutes d'accord que l'on ne peut rel?cher notre vigilance envers toi. Par ailleurs, en accord et avec le soutien de la th?rapeute, dans les prochains jours, Marie va te faire pratiquer certaines nouvelles techniques afin de t'aider ? ne plus faire d'?cart de bonnes conduites. Certains se passeront chez elle, d'autres ? la maison. Marie s'est tr?s bien document?e sur le sujet et nous lui faisons une totale confiance. Les r?gles qui avaient ?t? introduites avant ton hospitalisation sont toujours en vigueur voire renforc?e. De toute fa?on et en aucun cas, tu ne peux sortir de la maison, de l'?cole ou de chez Marie sans l'une d'entre nous. De plus, tu devras imp?rativement porter des menottes et un ba?llon que l'une de nous t'appliquera. Est-ce clair?? dit-elle en me d?visageant. Oui bredouillai-je. Puis les conversations se firent plus guillerettes et, nous sommes pass?s ? table, Anne vint m'?ter mes menottes. Juste apr?s le repas, elles me furent replac?es et avec Marie, nous sommes sortis faire quelques pas dans le jardin. Au d?tour d'un bosquet, elle m'embrasse goulument et me dit ? l'oreille, combien elle m'aime et combien elle a eu peur pour moi. Je suis ?mu et heureux d'entendre tout cela. Elle continue en me disant par contre qu'elle a de plus en plus dur ? supporter que les autres filles tournent autour de moi et que surtout, j'y pr?te attention. A chaque ?cart de conduite, elle souffre de plus en plus. Elle me demande si je suis conscient de cela. Je lui r?ponds que non. Elle me demande alors si j'accepte de suivre les techniques qu'elle va m'enseigner. Je lui r?ponds ?videmment que oui. Aussi rench?rit-elle, tu es conscient que je vais ?tre encore plus attentive ? l'avenir sur toutes tes fr?quentations et ? la mani?re de me contr?ler. Je ne peux qu'acquiescer. Satisfaite de mes r?ponses, nous sommes rentr?s et, me sentant encore un peu fatigu? par l'op?ration, je partis me reposer dans ma chambre. Le dimanche et le lundi se pass?rent calmement car, tout le monde souhaitait que je gu?risse compl?tement et rapidement. Je passais le plus clair de mon temps dans ma chambre pour ?tudier. Mardi, j'avais rendez-vous chez le m?decin pour contr?ler la cicatrisation de mes plaies, avant de sortir, mes menottes furent plac?es ainsi que les feuilles de journal. Nous sommes pass?s prendre Marie qui ?tait r?ellement heureuse de me retrouver. Une fois n'est pas coutume, elle vint s'installer pr?s de moi durant le trajet. Ce n'est que dans la salle d'attente que l'on me retira entraves et ba?llon. La doctoresse nous re?ut et, apr?s m'?tre d?shabill?, m'ausculta et ne put que constater que ma gu?rison ?tait compl?te. Les fils devraient avoir disparus pour le week-end. Elle m'interrogea sur l'hygi?ne et le soin que j'apportais ? ma toilette de mes parties intimes au vu de ma ceinture de chastet?. J'?tais g?n? de r?pondre et donc, maman r?pondit pour moi, ce qui ne fit qu'accentuer ma g?ne. Elle regarda ?galement ma poitrine et m'invita ? me rhabiller. Pendant ce temps, elle discuta avec maman et Marie. Elle me prescrit donc un nouveau traitement. Dans le couloir pour sortir, mes menottes furent replac?es ainsi que le ba?llon. A chaque fois que je dois l'?tre, Marie s'assure que ma bouche est bien remplie car, elle veut pouvoir contr?ler mes contacts avec les autres. Nous nous rendons ensuite ? la pharmacie pour acheter le traitement prescrit mais aussi, Marie demande pour avoir diff?rents tape chirurgicaux mais aussi des tapes dont la couleur se rapproche de la peau. La pharmacienne lui en montre et pr?sente son nouveau produit qui est un tape tr?s r?sistant, hydrofuge que l'on peut faire dispara?tre sous du maquillage. Maman et Marie se montrent plus qu'int?ress?e et en ach?te deux bo?tes. De retour ? la voiture, Marie me place mes menottes aux chevilles, prend le nouveau tape, d?coupe une bande et me l'applique sur mes l?vres. Elle prend alors son rouge ? l?vre, le passe sur le tape et redessine le pourtour de ma bouche. Maman suit ?a avec attention et est stup?faite par le rendu, Marie aussi. Viennent ensuite des lentilles totalement opaques qui m'aveuglent tout aussi efficacement qu'un bandeau mais tellement plus discr?tement. En dernier, les bouchons anti-bruits qui sont diff?rents des pr?c?dents, car ils sont en latex et viennent obstruer totalement mes canaux auditifs. Je sens la voiture red?marrer, durant le trajet, il y a plusieurs arr?ts mais dans ma position, j'ignore tout du monde ext?rieur. Nouvel arr?t, cette fois, Marie me retire mes bouchons et m'aide ? sortir de la voiture, nous sommes de retour ? la maison. Elle me guide car aveugle, je suis incapable de me diriger, elle me retire ma cape, me fait asseoir sur une chaise, je sens alors qu'elle me place un collier assez large au cou, qui m'oblige ? garder la t?te droite. Elle me retire mes lentilles et mon ba?llon afin que je puisse boire. De retour au salon, maman m'annonce que demain, je vais chez Marie la journ?e compl?te afin de vivre une journ?e de traitement.

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As always, they were late getting unloaded and getting gear maintenance done in Flagstaff, but this time everyone went over to the air-conditioned Burro, even Glenn, the teetotaler Mormon, who drank fruit juice while the rest of the crew had a few beers and Burroburgers, food they didn't have to cook for themselves. "We didn't get much of a day off last time," Crystal told everybody. "Get what quality down time you can. I doubt like hell it's going to be much cooler next trip. It might...

2 years ago
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Listening in makes me horny

"Oh god yes, YES, YES fuck Yeeessssss!" Janis could hear everything the walls in the house were not that thick. Here she was in her bedroom listening to her daughter Jesy and her latest boyfriend across the landing. It was late in the evening Jesy and her boyfriend James had just come back from an evening out. Janis had stayed up long enough to see her daughter get home then went off to bed. The sound of the two of them making love had woken Janis up, she lay there in the dark listening, it...

3 years ago
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Peeking SisterChapter 8

Sitting comfortably on the bed between Jock and the bear, sipping champagne and nibbling at the tasty little sandwiches of caviar and smoked salmon, June asked Jock what had happened to his pimples. "Madame cured them this morning with her beautiful ass-hole," Jock replied imperturbably. "Madame has great gifts, if one may be permitted to say so." "Of course," June graciously smiled. "And what is this cute little bear's name?" "Buster, I believe. What's your name, cute little...

3 years ago
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Magalin College Thozhanai Kaamam Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru kathaiyil en magalin thozhanai epadi kaamam seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Enathu peryar Ganga, vayathu 38 aagugirathu. Enaku oru magal irukiraal, aval ippozhuthu college padithukond irukiraal. Ippozhuthu second year padithukondu irukiraal. Aval vayathu 20 aagugirathu, en kanavna oru amanchi kalai velaiku kilambinaal athodu iravu 10 maniku thaan veetirku thirumbi varuvaar. Avar en pundaiyai paarthe pala varudangal aagugirathu, avar enaku 30 vayathai...

4 years ago
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my new submissive family Part 2 home sweet home

I woke up early with a raging hard-on. Mary had finally fallen asleep. She had tried to move as far away from me as possible during the night, but I had curled up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. My now hard cock was nestled right between the cheeks of her ass. Her ass was still wet from last night. As I reached down to direct my cock, Mary’s eyes opened up. She tried to move her ass out of the way, but I had already set my sights on a little morning butt fucking. I slammed my...

4 years ago
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A Trip Worth Making

Driving had become almost second nature to me now and my mind started to wander as my body worked on autopilot, reacting to the blur of traffic as it buzzed past. Everything around me was just background noise to a preoccupied and wandering mind.I joined Lush for the stories and the chat quickly became a large part of it, but I never expected to find myself on the way to ever meeting anyone. It felt like such a risk, exposing my secret life to the world and suddenly it was all becoming so real:...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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mum in law 3

As I lay naked on the beach towel beside my gorgeous mum in law I kept reliving the glorious experience I had just had with her, how her mouth and tongue felt on my cock and the superb sight of her tit wanking me to an explosive orgasm, I could still feel her sticky pussy juices on my leg and as I watched her nakedness beside me my cock started stirring into life again.I looked into her eyes and saw her slowly close hers and saw a cheeky smile spread across her full red lips, She turned her...

1 year ago
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Lady Luck 2

I'd been sidelined and timed out before Chloe came into my life. Just about ready to head for the backwoods and become a certified hermit. Until I suddenly found out that instead of being all alone in the world I had myself a best friend, a business partner and the girl of my dreams, all wrapped up in one beautiful little package. And the way I figured it, if I was lucky enough to have somebody like Chloe literally fall into my lap out of nowhere, then maybe I lucky enough to turn my business...

2 years ago
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Greetings to all readers who now enjoy a good read to excite their moments, whether fantasy or real. I already knew from my experience earlier in the square and there you will find more precisely like me. All my experiences are real life and little by little I will share with you.This story occurred on January 1 10 years ago, I was at the time 24 years and worked at a movie rental store. The previous day was spent with my immediate family for the arrival of the new year. I was drinking whiskey...

1 year ago
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Back in the late 70’s before cable television there was a service available called ONTV. It was basically a wooden box that sat on top of the television with one knob that could be set to either ON or OFF. You could only see whatever movie happened to be playing at the time. My 22-year old brother subscribed to this service and had it installed in his bedroom. Many evenings the whole family would be up in his room munching on popcorn and watching movies like Star Wars, and Smokey and the...

4 years ago
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Parisian Surprise Part Five

This is the fifth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. While it can be read on its own, it may be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Part One won an Editor’s Pick award. Robert and Juliana have been enjoying a vacation week in Paris. They have had a number of sexual adventures including a game of submission and dominance. They are preparing for a night at the Paris Opera, black tie for him, a vintage designer dress for her, and more romance and desire for them...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 8

There was a pop as Max pulled her last finger out from between Alex’s lips. Alex swallowed and took my hand. I wanted a moment of clarity. I wanted to realize in my madness that the man I had been had succumbed to the blight. I had broken the world and become the dragon. The wind rocked my building. Snow darkened the windows to blackness. I reflected affection on my three women. “Look at this weather! I think we might have to stay in bed all day tomorrow!” Sam cheered. Alex led me to the...

3 years ago
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With Varsha

I never thought of writing my real life Experience before visiting this site. I think this is the only group where most of the stories are real life exp. Now my experience. There was a girl in my college her name was Varsha (not real name). She was very sweet looking used to wear specs some time. She was 5’6 in height ND her basic stats were 36 28 36. She had these huge boobs. I have crush on girls who wear sleeveless shirts or there huge boobs. I’m 5’11 in height athletic body. I proposed her...

4 years ago
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"Oh, Brian, you'll never believe what Becca told me. She watched Tyler masturbate!""Woah, s*s, what?""She watched her brother jack-off, you know...""And how did this happen?""Well, she came home from school yesterday and went upstairs to change. Ty's door was open and she saw him naked on his bed and doing it to a Playboy magazine.""Did she just stand there and watch?""No, he didn't know she was there until she said, 'Havin' fun, big brother?' and he pulled the covers up. But then, he asked her...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 15 Good and Bad but No Ugly

The next person to show up was Robert Bruce. He swept in wearing a set of fatigues. The only thing missing was a gun slung over his shoulder. Crystal dashed in after him. "Robert, please you don't have to be a jerk to every man you meet," she pleaded. "I won't be," he said with a growl. "But just because the law says you are a concubine doesn't mean that I have to accept offers to trade you for a night. I'm still not happy that we have to have Darla." "Robert, you are a great...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 72

After graduation my focus changed to my wedding. I know I was obsessive about the dress. I had been accompanied by my mother, Sunny, Sandy, Jen and Jeff when I originally bought it. Ha! Even if I had been able to hoodwink Jeff into coming, his most incisive comment would have been, "It's white." The most fun part of the excursion for the others came when I asked, "Does this look alright on me?" Jen was the first to break out in laughter, but the others followed immediately. "The...

3 years ago
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Love Begins Chapter 2

It was only about a mile or so to the bowling alley from Kelly's house. In that few minutes, she told me that her job as an Office Administrator really helped with the family expenses, but her mom always insisted she keep a part of her paycheck for herself. Her dad and Rick were collecting unemployment while her mom was lucky enough to work as a hostess for an upscale restaurant that got a government loan that paid most of her salary. And Rick had a buddy that owned a car repair shop and was...

2 years ago
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Blurring The Lines

Blurring The LInes! My husband and I moved to Montreal from California, and well, it’s been a bit of a shock for both of us, as the weather has gone from delightfully wonderful in November in San Luis Obispo, to horrifyingly cold in Montreal in December! However, we coped with the tough winter and have adapted as best as we can. We’re both pretty open and inviting people so making some new friends has been easy. My husband found plenty of guys who enjoy hockey here. However, his best friend...

2 years ago
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The WINX Girls and the Bad SpellChapter 2

"Sorry, Kiko," Bloom said as she closed the door on her flop-eared rabbit's cage. "Remember what happened the last time you were loose during a party? Griselda was talking about bunny stew for at least a week after that. And before that you tried to eat one of Flora's floral decorations, it's a good thing we heard your squeals before the plants made a meal out of you. Don't give me that look," Bloom said as Kiko gave her his best sad eyed look from the corner of his cage, "here,...

4 years ago
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I like the beach and always had an affinity towards water. On one of my typical walks along the shore I lost track of time as I often do. I walked for hours enjoying the surf lapping at the sand and the sun warming my skin. I found myself walking in an area I didn’t recognize. I had realized it was getting dark. However, I noticed it really wasn’t that late. There were clouds rolling in. It looked like a doozy of a storm. I smiled to myself, I love thunderstorms, lighting and especially rain. ...

1 year ago
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Bot Comics has a misleadingly clean name. You know it’s going to be something filthy since I’m talking about it here at ThePornDude, but otherwise? I might just assume it was a totally SFW, wholesome and family-friendly collection of sequential art about robots. Being a pervert, though, I can’t think of robots without thinking of automated fuck machines, robot hookers, and a recent incident where I accidentally broke my Roomba. I’m not sure the folks behind this next website have minds as...

Premium Porn Comic Sites
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The Wishes Tempus FugitIlluminating the Dark Fields

The alarm went off, jerking James from his sleep. He grunted and looked at the ceiling for a moment, before admitting to himself that he needed to get up. He was back for good and knew he had to build a life here. He was beginning to see progress on all fronts. First, with his family, the dynamic was much better than it ever had been. His sisters were friendlier, and his parents were communicating with him, even listening to his suggestions. Secondly, his grades were steadily increasing. It...

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Encounter She held her hand poised in mid air, thinking to herself that she must becrazy. What she was about to do went against everything she was ever taught,every lesson in self preservation she had ever learned. But here she wasnonetheless. It had started innocently enough. One evening, bored after a night out ofdrinking with the gals, she went into a chat room. A man instant messaged herand they chatted all through the night. Together they spoke of their lives,their dreams, their...

2 years ago
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Asha Aunty 8211 First Experience With Tamil Milf 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am Jai. This story which I am going to narrate is a real-life incident. So just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick. This was my first ever experience and it happened in Bangalore when I was still in college. It’s a long story and I have split it into different parts. Heroin of the story (Asha aunty) was 34 years old and was a perfect milf of 36-30-34. I was still 18 back then. She was a Tamil Iyer and she rocked in any attire that she wore. Particularly I was a fan of her...

2 years ago
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2 Clan Amir Falcon ChickChapter 08

In February, 2001, Gordie is asked by his sister Dani to see if he can help an old friend of hers from school, Marcella Barrington, find a new job around the View Port / Carmel area. Her parents aren’t well and she’d like to move closer to them in View Port. She’s a well-regarded business manager with an MBA and a good work record in Berana, the capital city. However, there’s not much demand for MBAs outside of the capital city. Gordie passes her resume around all of the local businesses, but...

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InuyashaKagomes First Love

Meanwhile, In the Feudal Era Kagome see's Sesshomaru's injured ltravelling companion named Rin. You take her back to Kaede's village; and you tell everyone that you will be back in about a week. You carry Rin into the Bone Eaters Well. Shortly after the two of you arrive back in your time. You take her inside your home to tend to her wounds. Just a few minutes after Rin wakes up. "Where am I, said Rin." "Your in the present day, you said." "Thanks for your help Kagome; but I really must be...

3 years ago
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little kyle and friend and i0

My time is james I am Hindu so Is my cousin kyle. I secretly gay (so is my cousin I didn’t know). I’m 19 I’m am uni I am not virgin as I had sex with my bi friend but he broke up with me . I came for the summer I told to go to my cousin house to babysit. I didn’t as he normally doesn’t bother me he normally his friend in his room. I got there as parent were about to leave they told me they ordered pizza and gave me the money for it. My cousin and friend had the pizza and went back to their...

1 year ago
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PornHub Asian

While the whole world is on lockdown thanks to the coronavirus, I’ve found the isolation has been good for helping ease another serious ailment: my crippling case of yellow fever. Yeah, I just can’t seem to stop whacking off to hot Asian broads no matter how dire the situation gets outside. Thank God for PornHub’s Asian section, am I right?You already know PornHub.com, and if you try to claim otherwise, I’m going to call you a damn dirty liar and a closet pervert on top of that. They get like 3...

Asian Porn Sites
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Suburban Love Part 1

Jewel asked me if I found Karen sexy. Considering what my wife does to me and what she lets me do to her on a regular basis, I don’t think of other women that way. But there are many ways to be sexy, and Karen definitely nailed at least one of them, so I just told the truth: yes.“I can see that,” Jewel said noncommittally, and that seemed to be the end of it.My wife and I initially weren’t happy to leave our tiny apartment in the city for a cookie-cutter house in the suburbs. The job situation...

Love Stories
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Scene Three at the Board School

I was summoned back to the Head Master’s office of the Board School where I was just starting my freshman year of college. I was to report at 8pm, long after everyone had left the building. I entered Mr. L’s office and he said in a stern voice, “Close and lock the door Timmy and remove all your clothing.” I quickly complied with his request. I closed and locked the door. Then I decided to tease him and try to take command of the situation. I stood in front of Mr. L’s desk and pulled my shirt...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Pass or Fail

Here I was in my senior year in high school sitting in a freshman algebra course. I failed it my first year and waited way too long to get it over with. The only thing I liked about the class was the fact that I had the same teacher from my freshman year, who really wanted me to pass this time. His name was Mr. James, he was tall & muscular with the smoothest, deepest voice a man could have. Imagine Rick Fox, only ten times better. One Thursday Mr. James was pasing back papers. He stopped by my...

Straight Sex
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The Agamous QueenChapter 3

Yohann tossed and turned on his cold hard slab that masqueraded as a bed that night, not dreaming of freedom as he found it unable to sleep for long enough to dream. The dungeon was cold and on several occasions rats scrambled across his face as they frantically sought scraps of food. Yohann's body ached. He was in near constant pain from the tortures he had had to endure and was feeling queasy and ill from the attentions of the sadistic guard and could not get comfortable; he just dreamt...

2 years ago
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Garam Bhabhi Ki Garma Garam Chudai

Hi indian sex stories dot net guys.. Ldkio or auntio ko mera pyaar bhara salaam.. Kisi bhi aunty ya ldki ko sex chat krni h to muje email kr skti h aapki privacy meri priority h.. To ab story pr aata hn.. Main ghaziabad me rhta hn.. Mere ghr k pas me ek bhabhi rhti h jo ki dikhane me bilkul ptaka lgti h.. Figure to pta ni or mene puchi b ni lkn bhaut mst h or wo jyadatr deep cut blouse or deep cut suit hi phnti h jisse uska cleavage saaf saaf dikhta h.. Gore gore boobs aadhe dikh jate h.. Unko...

4 years ago
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Hard Days Night

I baby sit a young boy named Charlie, whose mom is a single mother and works three jobs. Because Mel worked three jobs, I was over there often and it was often confusing when I was working and for how long. One night I got confused and came over, only to be told that Charlie was at a friend's house and that she had told me that last week. Well I had completely forgot! Mel wasn't about to let me leave though, her mothering instinct kicked in and she made me stay for tea "to warm myself from that...

4 years ago
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A Quick History of FM

A Quick History of FM By Ellie Dauber Sung To: "Those Were The Days" Once upon a time on FictionMania, Mindy ran a contest, just for fun. At the time, we also had a "pinger," Which is something that should not be done. Chorus: Those were the days, my friends. Who knew they'd ever end. We'd trade insults forever and a day. Politeness we eschewed. We thought we'd never lose. Till our insults drove our Mindy away. One contestant knew about the "pinger;" Used that knowledge in...

2 years ago
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Flat Mates Chapter 2 My first visit to a Tranny Club

FLAT MATES Chapter 2: My first visit to a Tranny Club Having told Gloria that everything was "cool" between us, she then proceeded to shock me with her next statement. "If you wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen out in public with me," Gloria continued, "why don't you come with me to the club tonight? The band you say you like so much are playing again and I am sure you would enjoy yourself." "I'm not sure," I answered. "I would really like to hear the band but I'm not confident...

4 years ago
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I made another mans wife my cock whore part 5

What a long week! I had allowed Mel to play with her toy the last week. We talked just about everyday but never meet up during the week. Mel and I live 1.5 hours away, being married, it makes sneaking out for a quicky a little difficult. I had denied her the ability to play with herself and for a woman who had masturbated just about everyday, she needed some attention! "Feed me!" she declared one day. I reminded her that she would be meeting PG in a few days and if she was a good girl, she...

3 years ago
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Eating Of My Pussy

You have me lying down flat on my back, my legs open for you, and I’m unable to hide anything at this point. I can feel my heart pounding hard; I want to beg you to touch me. I’m told not to move a muscle, and I want to obey. My body screams to squirm towards you, almost offering myself to you, but you know this already. I can feel your fingers brush along my inner thigh, running from my sex towards my knee. Your eyes locked on mine, and mine on yours. A cheeky grin set upon your perfect face....

Oral Sex
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My Stepdaughter

A few years ago I discovered that my wife had a daughter who was a real slut. Problem was, she wouldn't give me any pussy. I had wanted to fuck her since she had reached puberty. Seems like everybody else was but any sexual advance from me brought on a confession to her mother and that created a lot of denial on my part. She would tease me with her big tits and get me to co-sign loans for her and anything else she wanted.One day she told us she had found a job with an excellent chance of...

1 year ago
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My Son Comes Home

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have been alone for so long now that when my son called and told me he would be coming home from college in a month I just about lost my mind. I couldn’t do enough to get ready. I went far beyond just getting the house ready. I went and tanned and got a bikini wax. I had my hair highlighted. I asked myself on several occasions why I was doing that, and came to a justification that I just wanted to look my best for my little boy. He isn’t so little...

4 years ago
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Jennifers Journey Becoming the Perfect Housewife Part 7

Jennifer's Journey - Becoming the Perfect Housewife, Part 7 Sharing with my Sister Over the weekend, Sarah and I talked more about the idea of letting my sister Caitlin know about the new me. Sarah was very helpful, even pretending to be Caitlin and letting me rehearse my part of the conversation. I really didn't know how Caitlin would react but I knew I wanted to tell her. Other than Sarah, Caitlin was my only family, since both my parents had passed away. Sarah and I talked...

3 years ago
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The stockboys tale

I have the best summer job!   It doesn’t pay the most money and it won’t look great on a resume, but I really love it.   I work in the shipping and receiving department of a well known department store.   It’s the perfect respite from college stress.   The work is super easy and the girls are awesome!   Let me tell you about last Thursday.   I was working the evening shift as a re-stocker. I clocked in at 3 and I’d leave at 9 when the store closed, but by break-time I was already done with...

4 years ago
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Scenes From an AffairScene 5 September 1980 A Connecticut Mansion

"Where is she!" yelled Phil at the top of his lungs, his voice echoing in the vast entrance hall of his parent's estate. "Where's who?" smirked his mother, her face belying her lack of knowledge, as she entered from the kitchen. "You know fucking who!" yelled Phil. "Son!" bellowed his father, entering from the library, his face surprisingly sad. "Quiet down and respect your mother!" Phil laughed wildly. "Right. Respect the bitch who fucked up my life. Where is she, Mother?...

3 years ago
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First Time Anal

Robin does not want to be an anal virgin anymore...Robin is a very gorgeous girl; she has a beautiful face, long blonde hair to her ass and a figure that is absolutely outrageous. For 18 this girl has what Marilyn Monroe looked like with hips, tiny waist, and big tits. Honest to god she wars a 32D bra. I am 19 years old and pretty normal for a boy I love women and love to fuck them. After all I have not yet had the pleasure of fucking my gorgeous girl and I really want to. One day after...

4 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 6

Her skin was soft and smooth, now that it was clean. I lightly touched her skin, raising gooseflesh on her arms. I encircled her breasts, but didn't touch her nipples. I started kissing her all over her body. I moved down her body kissing, licking and sucking along the way. She started to breathe heavily as I started to get serious with my attention to her. I soon reached her pleasure center. I could tell her excitement by the ruddy color of her nether lips. Nuzzling her fur, my tongue raked...

3 years ago
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Starving for sex fulfilled by her neighbor

Hi Iss readers.. Thanks for the comments for my first story.. And the response was very good and inspired me to post my next experience with my sweet sexy Sneha.. She made me her slave with her stunning beauty and lovely novel belly button and starving pussy.. So.. Now coming to the story.. After my moments with her made me so energy and active.. I did not get chance to spend time with her for next 40days.. We were exchanging our signals.. And naughty gestures.. She always tries to show her...

3 years ago
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I awoke

I awoke, feeling well rested in a small chamber, a cave, or a tent, or even a house, I could not distinctly remember the difference. I lay in a bed, or a quilt of some sort, possibly a sleeping bag or fur. The woman who lay beside me stirred slightly, shifting uneasily in her sleep, a small barely audible gasp escaping her supple lips. The lips fascinated me, and I focused upon them more than upon anything. Her lips seemed not only to be beautiful reaching appendages of her body and soul but...

4 years ago
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Ronnie 1 Amusement Park

If you asked any other guys, they’d tell you she was cute, but nothing special. They’d probably say she was too small, too skinny or too many freckles. Those other guys might point to the plethora of other women around the water park. The MILFs, the huge tits and the surrounding cleavage that was on display for the world to see. Those other guys wouldn’t give her a second glance. Those other guys would rather spend their time hooting and hollering at a bevy of other women. Those other...

4 years ago
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Donnas threesome in the garden

Hubby had gone to the football with his mates so I had to go up to my in-laws house as they were away on holiday and the gardeners would need paying. I was sat in the garden reading, it was sunny and warm when they arrived, they knew what needed doing and they got on with the job. Half hour later, they were working behind the garage.The garage area is fenced off and none of the neighbours can see, as it was so warm I took the two lads a cool drink, after giving them a drink they took a break....

2 years ago
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my x mas bonus

One of my customers I deliver to always gives me a Christmas tip every year. The owner a guy in his 60's usually gives me a gift card to somewhere. this year his daaughter came out to meet me with a envelope. Dawn is about 40, tall, sexy and a total stunner!! She looks about 30, she is in perfect shape with a great tan, long legs and long light brown hair. Every time I see her I flirt with her some, its definatly the high point of my day. Dawn is also married to a older...

3 years ago
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A Double Scoop of Revenge

I came home from the conference on the red eye landing in LAX after midnight. I didn’t dare wake Karen up so I took a cab all the way home to the valley, you don’t want to know what it cost me. It had been a brutal trip after a long day and I was exhausted. Once I was in our apartment, I didn’t even turn on the front room light and just walked down the hall to the spare bedroom. All I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep until noon. I was too tired to face Karen, I was sure she was still...

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