L'?ducation De Dominique 5 free porn video

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Elle fini sa conversation en me disant que nous nous verrions demain ? l'?cole. Je raccrochai donc avec un n?ud ? l'estomac car maintenant, j'allais devoir affronter ma famille. Je rejoignis donc ma m?re seule au salon, elle avait une mine grave et je m'assis en face d'elle. Elle me demanda directement si j'aimais r?ellement Marie. Je lui r?pondis que oui et que je ne voyais pas ma vie sans elle. Elle rench?rit, en es-tu s?r?? Je lui r?pondis ? nouveau et avec v?h?mence que oui. Alors dit-elle, pourquoi la fais-tu souffrir, pourquoi toujours vouloir la rendre jalouse, pourquoi ne l'?coutes-tu pas?? Ta vie actuelle ne te plait-elle pas?car ? par l'?cole, tu as peu de choses ? te soucier, non?? Je ne sus rien r?pondre car je sais qu'elle a raison et que je le fais expr?s de provoquer cette situation. Ecoute, continua-t-elle, je ne t'ai pas ?lev? comme cela et je suis enti?rement d'accord avec Marie quant aux propositions qu'elle a faite pour t'aider ? avoir une conduite plus respectueuse vis-?-vis d'elle. A la fin du mois, tu partiras donc au stage ou nous t'avons inscrit et d'ici l?, nous allons veiller encore plus intensivement ? ta conduite et, nous serons toutes intransigeantes face au moindre ?cart. Cela veut dire que d?s que tu es hors de la maison, tu seras syst?matiquement ba?llonn?, entrav? et dans la mesure du possible, aveugl?. Tu ne peux sortir, tu ne peux t?l?phoner ou prendre contact avec quelqu'un de l'ext?rieur sans l'avis de l'une de nous en ce y compris Marie ou sa maman. Chaque incartade sera sanctionn?e et toute r?cidive s?v?rement punie. Je me retirai donc dans ma chambre sans mot dire et n'en descendit que pour le souper ou je n'osai, ?videmment, rien dire. Le lendemain, d?s que je fus pr?t ? partir, Anne me passa mes menottes aux poignets ainsi qu'aux chevilles et elle me fit enfourner les feuilles de journal. Dans la voiture, elle me dit qu'elle n'avait rien pour m'aveugler mais que d?s ce soir, elle aurait ?t? achet? le n?cessaire. Je suis d??ue par ton comportement car tu as la chance d'avoir une petite amie qui t'aime et qui prend soin de toi et toi, tu ne trouves pour la r?compenser que de la bafouer. Et voil?, maintenant, tu subis les foudres de toutes. Arriv?s ? l'?cole, elle me retire mes menottes et c'est la t?te basse que je rejoins Marie. Elle me fit ? peine la bise tant elle paraissait encore f?ch?e. Toute la journ?e se passa sans pratiquement aucun ?change de parole. Le soir, elle me pla?a soigneusement mon ba?llon journal et m'accompagna ? la voiture d'Anne. A l'int?rieur de celle-ci, elle veilla au placement de mes entraves et Anne, apr?s avoir plac? sur mes l?vres une bande de tape transparente, sortit de la bo?te ? gants une paire de lunettes de soleil et elle montra ? Marie qu'elles ?taient totalement opaques. Marie la remercia et Anne lui dit, attends ce n'est pas tout, j'ai aussi une paire de lunettes de natation qui sont peintes et l?, quant il est ? la maison, on peut lui placer sans le risque qui ne les fassent tomber. Marie reconnut l'id?e int?ressante mais j'ai trouv? mieux et j'ai command?, d?s r?ception, je vous montrerai. La semaine se passa ainsi mais Marie ne d?col?rant pas, les contacts furent limit?s au minimum mais ma surveillance, par contre, ?tait au maximum. Le samedi, maman m'emmena en ville afin d'effectuer quelques emplettes vestimentaires et, elle m'annon?a que nous les ferions accompagn?es de Marie. Elle passa par son domicile pour la prendre. Marie me parut plus radieuse que la veille et elle s'installa ? l'arri?re pr?s de moi. Marie montra sa derni?re trouvaille, des lentilles qui lorsqu'on les portent, font voir flou et donc, cela permet de se d?placer mais ne permet pas de voir correctement les gens ou les choses. Elle dit, tu te rends compte qu'ainsi, pour tout le monde, il aura seulement l'air d'une personne avec une vue d?ficiente. Maman ne put que reconna?tre l'ing?niosit? des lentilles et que de cette mani?re, on peut r?ellement le priver de la vue en toute discr?tion. Marie me les pla?a et vu ma docilit?, elle me fit un bisou sur la joue mais pour moi, quelle sensation ?trange cela me procure. Distinguer sans r?ellement voir. A la sortie de la voiture, elles m'encadr?rent toutes les deux afin que je ne risque pas de me blesser ou m?me de tomber. Arriv?s pr?s du magasin de lingerie, maman m'?ta discr?tement mes menottes et Marie mon ba?llon. Le but ?tait de renouveler mes soutiens-gorge car ma poitrine ?voluait et je devais changer de bonnet. Ce furent, ?videmment, maman et Marie qui choisirent les mod?les, elles s'int?ress?rent ? un corset et ? quelques v?tements de nuit. Ne voyant pratiquement rien, je ne pus ?mettre aucun avis sur les choix et pendant que je me rhabillais, elles se rendirent compte qu'elles avaient oubli? le journal dans la voiture. Une librairie jouxtant le magasin, Marie sortit et revint promptement avec un et, ne se souciant de rien ni de personne, entra dans ma cabine afin de me r?duire au silence. Mes menottes me furent replac?es aussi. Nous avons alors rejoint maman au comptoir et la vendeuse, pointant les diff?rents articles, me demanda si j'?tais satisfaite de mes choix. Etant dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre, maman vint ? mon aide en r?pondant oui. Nous avons ainsi fait 3 magasins et Marie me tenait par le bras pour me guider. De retour ? la voiture, elle me pla?a mes menottes aux chevilles et me pla?a aussi des ?couteurs, y relia son Ipod et la musique se mit en route, s'y bien que je n'entendais plus rien d'autre qu'elle. Elle alla s'installer pr?s de maman afin qu'elles puissent discuter tranquillement. De retour ? la maison, je fus install? sur une chaise, Marie prit son foulard et renfor?a mon ba?llon mais elle me retira les lentilles. Il fallut quelques minutes pour que ma vue redevienne normale. Elles s'install?rent toutes autour de la table afin de faire le point avant mon d?part au stage ? la fin de la semaine suivante. Marie v?rifia que son Ipod fonctionnait toujours et elle augmenta le volume. La conversation fut comme d'habitude tr?s anim?e car chacune d'elles souhaitait que ce stage f?t une r?ussite et donc, elles tenaient ? ce que tous les documents soient remplis convenablement. Au bout de plus d'une heure, elles eurent termin?s et, Anne vint m'?ter l'Ipod et mon ba?llon. Maman s'exprima en premier en me demandant si j'avais conscience de tout le mal qu'elles se donnaient, toutes, pour moi. Je r?pondis benoitement que non et Marie, ne put que dire, c'est bien tout le probl?me avec vous, les hommes, vous ne voyez jamais ce que l'on peut faire pour vous. Elles discut?rent alors sur le stage qui m'attendait dans l'entreprise et Marie me briffa sur ce qui m'attendait, sur les r?ponses que l'on attendait de moi, sur l'importance de l'impression que je pourrais donner. Apr?s autant de recommandations, j'avais l'impression d'?tre d?pass? et moi, qui n'avait pas l'habitude de cela puisque j'ai l'habitude que l'on agisse pour moi, je commence d?j? ? regretter de devoir m'ex?cuter celui-ci. Le d?but de la semaine se passait normalement mais plac?e sous une surveillance de tous les instants. Le mercredi tant redout? arrive, j'ai une boule dans l'estomac mais en m?me temps, je ne me sens pas bien et j'ai mal au ventre. Arriv? ? midi, je le dis ? Marie qui se montre inqui?te mais met cela sur l'angoisse, elle me b?illonne avec les feuilles du journal, me place mes menottes sous ma cape et nous repartons chez elle. A son domicile, elle me retire mon b?illon pour me demander comment je vais et si je veux manger. Je lui que non et que la douleur ne me quitte pas. Tout d'un coup, une douleur fulgurante me prend et je tombe sur le sol. Marie appelle son m?decin et d?cide de m'?ter les menottes et ma ceinture de chastet?. Pour ce faire, elle utilise une pince pour sectionner le cadenas. Sur ces entrefaits, le m?decin arrive et d'embl?e diagnostique une p?ritonite. L'op?ration d'urgence s'impose et prend contact avec une ambulance. Pendant ce temps, Marie t?l?phone ? sa m?re qui lui conseille de me faire transporter dans une clinique priv?e ou elle conna?t bien la directrice. Elle appelle ensuite ma maman afin de la pr?venir et lui dire ou je suis emmen?. Malgr? la douleur, j'ai bien conscience que Marie n'a pas perdu son sang- froid et a les choses en main. Elle se montre si douce et si attentionn?e envers moi qu'? mes yeux, elle est LA femme de ma vie. L'ambulance nous conduit vers la clinique et durant tout le trajet, elle me tient la main et me rassure. A la clinique, ma maman est d?j? l?, transie d'inqui?tude, je la vois ? peine car d?j?, on m'emm?ne vers la salle d'op?ration. A mon r?veil, je vois que tout le monde est pr?sent, ma maman, mes s?urs, ma Marie et sa maman. Ma s?ur a?n?e prend la parole et dit, que je leur ai, ? toutes, fait une belle frayeur mais que maintenant tout va bien. Elles ont toutes un regard attendri et bienveillant, m?me la maman de Marie qui, d'habitude est si froide et distante. Je la regarde et m'excuse pour les tracas que je viens de lui procurer mais aussi car je n'ai pas pu me rendre au rendez-vous. Elle s'exprime pour la premi?re avec une voix douce et me dit ne pas me tracasser avec tout cela mais plut?t que je retrouve au plus vite la sant?. Encore sous l'effet de l'anesth?siant, quelques minutes apr?s, je me rendormis. Ce n'est qu'en pleine nuit, je me r?veillai en sursaut, comme si tout cela n'?tait qu'un mauvais r?ve. En voyant ma chambre d'h?pital, je me rendis compte que tout cela ?tait vrai et, ma s?ur Anne, pr?sente ? mon chevet, vint me rassurer. Au petit matin, avant d'aller ? l'?cole, Marie vint me voir, pour aussi s'assurer que je me portais bien. J'eus droit ? un baiser plein d'amour. Elle me d?posa aussi quelques revues f?minines et repartit presque aussi vite. Maman arriva juste apr?s et rassur?e de me voir avec des couleurs, m'annon?a qu'elle allait passer la journ?e avec moi et que cette nuit, ce serait Beth. Ta sortie est normalement pr?vue samedi et d'ici l?, ne t'inqui?te pas, il y aura toujours l'une d'entre nous aupr?s de toi. Pour les soins, c'est une jeune infirmi?re, jolie et pleine de douceurs qui s'occupe de moi. Il y a bien longtemps qu'une main f?minine autre que ma m?re a pu toucher les parties les plus intimes de mon corps. Je ne peux ?viter certaines r?actions et je rougis. Elle en sourit et, en m'adressant un regard complice, cela signifie que je vais bien. La blessure est belle, sans infection et je devrais pouvoir sortir comme pr?vu. La journ?e me parait longue sans Marie et j'attends avec impatience son arriv?e. A 18 heures, elle arrive enfin et, j'ai ? nouveau droit ? un doux baiser. Maman nous laissent et apr?s un autre baiser langoureux, elle constate que cela ne me laisse pas de marbre. Pour les soins du soir, c'est une autre infirmi?re mais elle est toute aussi belle que sa coll?gue. Elle doit d'ailleurs insist? pour que Marie quitte la chambre, la jalousie de celle-ci est trop forte mais l'infirmi?re sans se d?partir de son sourire et de son calme, la met tout simplement hors de la chambre. Apr?s m'avoir prodigu? les soins, c'est en riant qu'elle sort de ma chambre. A peine l'infirmi?re sortie, Marie rentre rouge de col?re mais, pos?ment, me dit que je suis tout simplement trop beau et trop attirant. Tu comprends pourquoi je te prot?ge tant car je ne veux pas que l'on te prenne ? moi. Enfin, dit-elle, si tel est ton souhait aussi. Je rougis et lui r?pond que c'est mon souhait aussi. Nous continu?mes donc la soir?e ? papoter et elle m'embrassa ? plusieurs reprises fougueusement. Beth arriva vers 20h30 pour rester pr?s de moi la nuit. Elles ?chang?rent quelques mots et dit ? ma s?ur, Dominique use de son charme aupr?s des infirmi?res et elles n'y sont pas insensibles. Beth lui dit, ne t'inqui?te pas, il est entre de bonnes mains. Effectivement, pensai-je, elle est de loin la plus s?v?re et je n'ai surement pas int?r?t ? essayer quoique ce soit, elle ne tol?re aucun ?cart. La journ?e de vendredi se passe calmement, avec maman, dans l'attente de la venue de Marie. Maman me fait quand m?me la remarque que je parle et que je suis bien proche des infirmi?res. Comme la veille, vers 18H, Marie arrive, s'enquiert d'abord de moi, de l'?volution. Elle me donne aussi une nouvelle revue f?minine dont les sujets sont la fid?lit? et la jalousie. Elle ajoute lit l? bien car je trouve que le sujet est bien trait?. Maman repart quelques minutes apr?s. Nous profitons des quelques instants de tranquillit? pour nous embrasser, Marie passe alors d?licatement ses doigts sur mon sexe, elle constate imm?diatement que cela ne me laisse pas indiff?rent. Elle s'en joue, tout en sachant bien contr?ler les effets. Plaisir et frustration, un savant cocktail mani? avec doigt?. Nous ?tions en plein baiser lorsque la m?me infirmi?re qu'hier entra pour les soins. Celle-ci pria Marie de sortir qui s'ex?cuta sans lui adresser une parole. L'infirmi?re constata mon ?moi ainsi que la revue qui ?tait bien en ?vidence. Elle sourit et me dit que j'avais une petite amie tr?s jalouse. J'?tais rouge et ne savait que dire. Elle ajouta qu'elle esp?rait que ce n'?tait pas trop car c'est dommage ? mon ?ge de ne pas profiter de la vie. Elle fit ses soins et ses mains allaient bien souvent fr?ler mes parties intimes. J'?tais encore plus en ?moi par la douceur et le doigt? de celle-ci. A la fin des soins, elle me dit au revoir car elle savait que je sortais le lendemain et qu'elle ne me verrait plus. Elle me donna une carte avec ses coordonn?es si jamais, je souhaitais sortir une fois avec elle. Je n'osai refuser et j'en ?tais flatt?. Elle sortit et Marie s'engouffra aussit?t, elle constata que j'?tais bien rouge et soulevant mon drap, remarqua aussi mon trouble. Elle ne dit rien mais son regard ainsi que son attitude n'avaient besoin d'aucune parole. La seule chose qu'elle dit, heureusement demain, tu sors et tout pourra rentrer dans l'ordre. Anne arriva et, les deux femmes, qui s'entendent tr?s bien, sortirent de la chambre pour discuter un peu. Quand elles revinrent, je lisais la revue qu'elle m'avait apport?e et, je n'eus qu'un petit au revoir. Anne s'installa et nous avons discut? de choses et d'autres quant en voulant ranger la revue, je fis tomber la carte de visite de l'infirmi?re, Anne la ramassa et me demanda ce qu'il en retournait. Ne sachant et n'osant pas r?pondre, elle me dit que Marie a totalement raison de dire que l'on ne peut te laisser ainsi car d?s que tu en en as l'opportunit?, tu uses et abuse de ton charme. Je suis d'accord avec elle et Maman le pense aussi donc, nous allons continuer ? te maintenir dans le droit chemin et de mani?re ferme. Maman et Marie arriv?rent ensemble le lendemain matin. Nous attend?mes la visite du chirurgien pour valider ma sortie. Avant de pouvoir m'habiller, maman prit alors une nouvelle ceinture de chastet?, plus contraignante que la pr?c?dente. En effet, celle-ci ?tait plus recourb?e que la pr?c?dente et ne m'autoriserait plus qu'? faire pipi assis, il ne m'?tait plus possible de me toucher et il y avait 2 cadenas en m?tal alors que les pr?c?dents ?taient en plastique. D?s qu'elle fut plac?e, elle remit ? Marie une cl? et me dit, tes s?urs et moi-m?me la trouvons digne de confiance. Marie la remercia. Je m'habillai donc avec les habits de fille que l'ont m'avait apport?. Apr?s avoir enfil? ma cape, maman me pla?a mes menottes. Marie quant ? elle, prit trois feuilles du journal qu'elle avait apport? et elle me les pla?a dans la bouche et des bouchons antibruit dans les oreilles. Je dus m'installer dans la chaise roulante et elles me conduisirent ? la voiture. Marie m'aida ? m'installer ? l'arri?re, me pla?a des menottes aux chevilles, retira son foulard afin de pouvoir m'aveugler et la touche finale fut le tape qui vint sceller mes l?vres. Elle me remonta la capuche de ma cape et me passa la ceinture de s?curit?. Durant le trajet de retour, envelopp? et s?curis? par elle, je savais que je lui appartiendrais pour toujours. Arriv? ? la maison, Marie m'?ta juste le foulard et je fus accueilli avec enthousiasme par mes s?urs. Ce n'est qu'arriv? au salon, que l'on m'?ta le ba?llon et les bouchons antibruit. Maman prit la parole en premier, apr?s cet ?pisode, je pense pouvoir dire au nom de toutes que nous sommes heureuses que tu sois de retour parmi nous. Evidemment, ton stage a d? ?tre annul? mais apr?s concertation, nous sommes toutes d'accord que l'on ne peut rel?cher notre vigilance envers toi. Par ailleurs, en accord et avec le soutien de la th?rapeute, dans les prochains jours, Marie va te faire pratiquer certaines nouvelles techniques afin de t'aider ? ne plus faire d'?cart de bonnes conduites. Certains se passeront chez elle, d'autres ? la maison. Marie s'est tr?s bien document?e sur le sujet et nous lui faisons une totale confiance. Les r?gles qui avaient ?t? introduites avant ton hospitalisation sont toujours en vigueur voire renforc?e. De toute fa?on et en aucun cas, tu ne peux sortir de la maison, de l'?cole ou de chez Marie sans l'une d'entre nous. De plus, tu devras imp?rativement porter des menottes et un ba?llon que l'une de nous t'appliquera. Est-ce clair?? dit-elle en me d?visageant. Oui bredouillai-je. Puis les conversations se firent plus guillerettes et, nous sommes pass?s ? table, Anne vint m'?ter mes menottes. Juste apr?s le repas, elles me furent replac?es et avec Marie, nous sommes sortis faire quelques pas dans le jardin. Au d?tour d'un bosquet, elle m'embrasse goulument et me dit ? l'oreille, combien elle m'aime et combien elle a eu peur pour moi. Je suis ?mu et heureux d'entendre tout cela. Elle continue en me disant par contre qu'elle a de plus en plus dur ? supporter que les autres filles tournent autour de moi et que surtout, j'y pr?te attention. A chaque ?cart de conduite, elle souffre de plus en plus. Elle me demande si je suis conscient de cela. Je lui r?ponds que non. Elle me demande alors si j'accepte de suivre les techniques qu'elle va m'enseigner. Je lui r?ponds ?videmment que oui. Aussi rench?rit-elle, tu es conscient que je vais ?tre encore plus attentive ? l'avenir sur toutes tes fr?quentations et ? la mani?re de me contr?ler. Je ne peux qu'acquiescer. Satisfaite de mes r?ponses, nous sommes rentr?s et, me sentant encore un peu fatigu? par l'op?ration, je partis me reposer dans ma chambre. Le dimanche et le lundi se pass?rent calmement car, tout le monde souhaitait que je gu?risse compl?tement et rapidement. Je passais le plus clair de mon temps dans ma chambre pour ?tudier. Mardi, j'avais rendez-vous chez le m?decin pour contr?ler la cicatrisation de mes plaies, avant de sortir, mes menottes furent plac?es ainsi que les feuilles de journal. Nous sommes pass?s prendre Marie qui ?tait r?ellement heureuse de me retrouver. Une fois n'est pas coutume, elle vint s'installer pr?s de moi durant le trajet. Ce n'est que dans la salle d'attente que l'on me retira entraves et ba?llon. La doctoresse nous re?ut et, apr?s m'?tre d?shabill?, m'ausculta et ne put que constater que ma gu?rison ?tait compl?te. Les fils devraient avoir disparus pour le week-end. Elle m'interrogea sur l'hygi?ne et le soin que j'apportais ? ma toilette de mes parties intimes au vu de ma ceinture de chastet?. J'?tais g?n? de r?pondre et donc, maman r?pondit pour moi, ce qui ne fit qu'accentuer ma g?ne. Elle regarda ?galement ma poitrine et m'invita ? me rhabiller. Pendant ce temps, elle discuta avec maman et Marie. Elle me prescrit donc un nouveau traitement. Dans le couloir pour sortir, mes menottes furent replac?es ainsi que le ba?llon. A chaque fois que je dois l'?tre, Marie s'assure que ma bouche est bien remplie car, elle veut pouvoir contr?ler mes contacts avec les autres. Nous nous rendons ensuite ? la pharmacie pour acheter le traitement prescrit mais aussi, Marie demande pour avoir diff?rents tape chirurgicaux mais aussi des tapes dont la couleur se rapproche de la peau. La pharmacienne lui en montre et pr?sente son nouveau produit qui est un tape tr?s r?sistant, hydrofuge que l'on peut faire dispara?tre sous du maquillage. Maman et Marie se montrent plus qu'int?ress?e et en ach?te deux bo?tes. De retour ? la voiture, Marie me place mes menottes aux chevilles, prend le nouveau tape, d?coupe une bande et me l'applique sur mes l?vres. Elle prend alors son rouge ? l?vre, le passe sur le tape et redessine le pourtour de ma bouche. Maman suit ?a avec attention et est stup?faite par le rendu, Marie aussi. Viennent ensuite des lentilles totalement opaques qui m'aveuglent tout aussi efficacement qu'un bandeau mais tellement plus discr?tement. En dernier, les bouchons anti-bruits qui sont diff?rents des pr?c?dents, car ils sont en latex et viennent obstruer totalement mes canaux auditifs. Je sens la voiture red?marrer, durant le trajet, il y a plusieurs arr?ts mais dans ma position, j'ignore tout du monde ext?rieur. Nouvel arr?t, cette fois, Marie me retire mes bouchons et m'aide ? sortir de la voiture, nous sommes de retour ? la maison. Elle me guide car aveugle, je suis incapable de me diriger, elle me retire ma cape, me fait asseoir sur une chaise, je sens alors qu'elle me place un collier assez large au cou, qui m'oblige ? garder la t?te droite. Elle me retire mes lentilles et mon ba?llon afin que je puisse boire. De retour au salon, maman m'annonce que demain, je vais chez Marie la journ?e compl?te afin de vivre une journ?e de traitement.

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A weekend with the neighbor's Part 1 by Princess Panty Boy This story is starting out the day before Halloween. My name is Robby and I am 11 years old. On my birth certificate, it says my name is Robin. My name is a boy's name but also could be a girl's names so I have all my friends call me Rob or Robby. The only people that call me Robin is my mom and sisters. I think they do it because it pisses me off because they use it like a girl's name. My two sister's names are Beth, who is...

1 year ago
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Till I Collapse

Seth Vaughn had never seen anyone so beautiful. She was in the fifth or sixth or seventh…it didn’t matter for she was captivating. Clad in red, and smiling…seemingly at him. “You here…Hello!” a familiar voice yelled jarring him from the beauty before his eyes. Seth looked at his trainer, Pops McKensie. He used to train boxers, but as time passed, Pops saw the writing on the wall, and started dealing with martial arts. Soon he became well known for training MMA fighters. He “retired” from...

3 years ago
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Swinging From the Family TreeChapter 5

It was time for another party and my parents were hosting again. They were popular hosts because our house was the best for a big weekend orgy. Friday afternoon found people gathering and sex occurring. Babs asked me to again mark our room as off limits. I did. Friday afternoon saw us watch Ben and our Dad double penetrate Aunt June. She was making noise until Hannah mounted Ben's face and pushed June's face into her butt. Someone had already fucked her ass and filled it with a load. I...

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Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch Version AlphaChapter 3

At breakfast, Chance didn’t mention that he knew about his mother and aunt “doing things” with Bobby. Of course neither Bobby or Cathy mentioned it either. And, for whatever reason, Dee didn’t see fit to tell Cathy that she had told Chance that Bobby had done something with the women. Dee hoped that with both women and both boys present, inhibitions would return and things would stay under control. “Okay, so how do we do this, this morning?” she asked. “I told Chance that there were...

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Good neighbors are hard to cum by

I fumbled around at my mailbox in the hallway of our apartment complex. Trying to get a stuck letter out of my mailbox. The door to the hallway opened up and I heard a pair of heavy biker boots approach. The footsteps echoed menacingly in the hallway. I stood bent over at my mailbox. My ass sticking out toward the guy that walked into the hallway. He planted a boot on either side of my legs and gave me a vicious slap on my ass. "Look at that! ... I did not know this apartment building came with...

2 years ago
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Defying My family Part 3

Faking a ****I woke up early. I couldn’t sleep any longer so I decided to sit and watch the video and listen to the sound. I knew that in order to be able to do what I must, I have to be able to sit through something like this. As I sat and watched Tara being fucked both Max and Nightmare, I paid very close attention to Nightmare trying to see if there was anything that could lead to the identity of the masked man. I was about almost through it when I heard something the microphone picked...

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JamesDeen Iris Rose Iris Rose And James Deen Public Sex

Iris Rose and James Deen are headed to set to shoot some porn. They pull over in a private place so James can pee, because James hates bathrooms and insists on peeing under bridges for some reason. Iris has a camera pointed at her and all of a sudden can’t stop herself from entering porn mode. The all natural blonde teen starts to flash her pussy and tits to the camera. James finishes pissing in and then comes and shoves his cock inside her until she gets enough dick to hold her over for the...

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A Stile

I’ll always remember the first time I saw Joan. I was fourteen and it was the earliest summer I can recall when it had been really hot. I was in a real bad mood too, because the teacher had kept me behind after school to go over some crazy sums I’d gotten wrong. My school was in a small town some three miles away from the village I lived in and on my way home I usually took a short-cut across two fields. Anyway, on that afternoon I was scuffling along, down the path that ran along the edge of...

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Finding a New Life Ch 1314

Sorry it’s taken so long to post a new chapter, but I injured my foot 4 weeks ago and it was determined that I broke two bones in my right foot and after chasing the kids around all day, I’ve been in too much pain to even think about writing. Hope you enjoy the chapters! Ashira CHAPTER THIRTEEN Lily stared at her lap as Tyler told his family about Mia coming out of remission. Lily glanced at her mother in law and shivered, feeling Caroline’s gaze of disappointment going her way. Lily stood...

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FILF Honey Gold Has Daddy Issues

Starring Ryan Mclane and the gorgeous Honey Gold, Featuring Tony; Ryan asks his business partner Tony to drop by his house to give him the good news. The deal they’ve been working so hard on has finally sealed. They’ve just made loads of money. This calls for a celebration. Time to go out and get a couple brewskis at the strip club, get some lapdances and maybe come back home with a couple of strippers, because, why not? They’re rich! Excited by their accomplishment, Ryan...

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Anal World

Welcome to Anal World! Some background: All characters are 18+ Overall libido is many many times higher than normal. Men produce much more cum, and recover from orgasms as quickly as women. Anal sex is a major part of everyone’s lives, to the point where it’s used as a casual greeting, or bonding between friends. Skills in anal are a quick way to raise your social standing, as the sluttiest of butt sluts dominate culture and society. Men are equally as enthusiastic as women are about bottoming....

2 years ago
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The Temp

I first saw her walking toward the xerox machine. It was summertime and the only thing I saw was an ass two feet across, squirming inside sheer cotton pants, forming a different set of curves under the thin cloth with each step. Three feet above it, curly blond hair spilled out over her shoulders, half covering the tight bra squeezing across the pillows of flesh. She went around the corner and was gone. I couldn't follow and what would I have said, anyway? An hour later I saw her face for the...

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The Fall of York Ch 4957

Thank you to searchingforperfection and catbrown for their hard work in editing and all of their suggestions. I appreciate all votes and comments, and I do read all the comments. This story is a sequel to The Doctor’s Daughter. Both are set during the War of 1812. Since the death of Major General Brock in the fall of 1812, neither side has scored a decisive victory. There have been minor accomplishments for both the Americans and the British, but the War Hawks in Washington are eager for more...

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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 1

‘Get undressed,’ the pretty brunette told me, and I obeyed. She was called Jennifer, we’d met the night before at the rock nightclub, and I’d thought that she looked gorgeous in her goth make up so she invited me back to her place. It turned out that she was eighteen and still living at home, so we locked her door and did our best to keep quiet as we fucked the night away. Now it was noon, her parents were at work, she was on half-term break from sixth form college, I had the day off uni and we...

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Lusty email

Hey hun….firstly…I wanted to say…that you were great last night and I really enjoyed both your conversation and the cybering of course. I know cybering does little for you, so I thought I would write you a story to see if I can turn you on like this instead. I’m not a very good writer, English being a second language …but here is a try anyway OK…enjoy. xxx I wake to find the bed empty. I lie there for a few minutes slowly waking and wondering where you are. I crawl out of bed and climb into...

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A big thank you to Emeraldmbuku for taking the time to edit this story. Life is a funny thing; sometimes full of love and laughter and other times solemn and insightful even despiteful. I'm Joe Henry and had been married for nearly six years to my wife Victoria until we became like two strangers living together. We didn't have any kids which I'll explain later. There are many stories I could tell that happened during our time together. I know most couples probably go through some of the...

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BellesaFilms Emily Willis Welcome Back

Emily’s dad got her a job working for his friend Charles during her junior year of college. Magnetically attracted to each other from the get-go, they spent the entire spring holding back…until Emily’s last day working for him, when they both gave in. After heading back to school, Emily had fantasized about the sex they had that day for the entire semester. Returning to Charles’ that summer, she expected things to pick up in the steamy place where they left off. Instead, Charles was reserved...

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Into my Heart Part 1

Ok this is my first story so constructive criticism only please. Ya some my be disappointed in the lack of sex but there might be in the next one so please have mercy haha. Ashley: I'm confused, I'm insecure, and I think I'm a lesbian. I didn't intend for this to happen, for me to fall in love with a girl, it just happened. But I'm glad I did, I like this feeling, I like her touch and her love. But I'm getting ahead of myself, my name's Ashley and I'm a junior in high school. I am also an only...

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The First CommandChapter 6 Tying Loose Ends

After lunch we went back home again. First, the cabal agreed that we didn't have to be dead yet. Second, they called George-the-recruiter in and I handed him my keys. He had a cell phone that worked anywhere, even down in tunnels, and he always carried at least two of those portable pads with him in his briefcase. If they needed him, he could stop anywhere, lock himself in a bathroom somewhere, and pop back to the ship for a minute. They had him go back to our condo and set a transporter...

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My thick Latina mom

Just my fantasy My mom is pretty hot in her mid thirties big ass and medium sized tits. She is the neighborhood fantasy. One day in the summer I'm sitting on my computer chair when my mom calls me upstairs. "Mijo ven" I go up to her room and there she is on all fours. "No has visto mi zapato" the whole time I'm just looking at her ass and she turns around "no" I say and quickly leave. The same day she comes into my room to talk. "Hijo es normal que seas curioso" "si mama ya Lo se" she let's out...

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More Family SecretsChapter 3

Dave struggled to remain quiet as Iris orally worshipped his cock. She had improved tremendously since the last time they had been together. Like Veronica, she had learned to suppress her gag reflex so she could take him all the way into her throat, and the triple stimulation of her lips, tongue and throat made for a great feeling. It was a good thing that she had improved so much, because oral was all that he would be getting that night, and the next seven nights. Iris was on the pill, but...

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my ex in 1994 Louise

LouiseBack in 1994 I met Louise who was in her mid 30s. I was in a pub for a quick pint at lunch time and she was sat at the bar and we hit it off immediately and I stayed in the bar for several hours until she said she had to go off to work. We arranged to meet in the same pub a few days later and that meeting also went very well. Again she had to leave the pub at 3.30pm for work. We arranged to meet in the evening a few days later for a meal and after the meal I took her back to my flat and...

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My Daughters Friend Natalia Part 5 6

She moves her hand away quick for a moment, then moves it back over to feel it again. She slowly starts touching the side of my now leaking buldge, and heads to the top of it where she runs into the leaking opening of my swollen head. She moves her fingers over it again and again, feeling the precum lubing her fingers and making the touch on my head so much better. She stops for a moment and I can feel the blankets move as her head is now on the top of my stomach, Her hand grasp around my...

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Dream within a Dream Ch 03

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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Hubby made me Fuck black man Part 3

In my first story " Hubby made me fuck black man" I told a story,how my hubby set me up to fuck black man In my 2nd story "Hubby made me fuck black man part 2" I told the story how i met and fuck Jamal Since i met Jamal sex life was great Jamal have small condo and leaves by himself,so we met a lot. Every time he was horny he would call me When i was horny, I would call him and we get together and fuck for couple hours.Life was great I must say i did miss Bob my first black cock.I was wondering...

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MoneyChapter 5

Janey asked her dad if he could buy condoms, but he said that if her mother found them she’d blow her stack because it would be obvious that Mike was cheating on her. Janey offered to keep them in her room, but he confessed that her mother actually searched Janey’s room off and on for drugs and stuff, so they’d be found and then she’d be the one in trouble. Janey was pretty pissed off about that revelation. With that, and despite Janey’s belief that she was unlikely to get pregnant from...

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Developing BY TITANIA MIDSUMMER © 2020 Intro Friday evening and Jason had finished light sealing the little bathroom and hung a sign on the door saying "Darkroom in use. No Entry!." The film he planned to develop was made by Adox, a German company, and he had ordered in some Adox developer to complement the film. The instructions were in both English and German and as he was studying German in class he made the effort to read the German text. It was headed...

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Carrol and Lynn episode 14

The morning after Lyn and Carol were both feeling the pain of a hard night of drinking…and fucking. And what a fucking it was! Without Lyn’s knowledge, Carol had been out on the balcony getting head from Dot. It dawned on Lyn that the party was turning into an orgy and wanted very much to leave probably not because she didn’t want to get laid that night but becuse of her recent escapade with her coworkers she might actually enjoy herself. Although she was not ready to admit it the thought left...

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Real Mans Cock

I'd like to tell you about my education of what a real man's cock can do to a woman. My name's John, and I am 23. Susan, my wife, is nearly 19. We were married on her 18th birthday, and she was a virgin until our wedding night. Susan is 5'6" tall with a 35-23-35 figure, shoulder length blonde hair and long, shapely legs. She is so beautiful and I consider myself very lucky to have her as my wife. We had been married around seven months, when one night after screwing she said to me,...

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Tales of a gay witch

John Doe is a gay male witch. He's very talented at his craft. But also incredibly horny. He's just come of age where he's free to use his magic as he sees fit and he's ready to use it to finally get some satisfaction. With that being said. How is he going to use his unleashed magical power first.

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This was my tenth pickup, and frankly it didn't look too promising. They'd picked a popular watering hole that was featuring the first two drinks free for ladies. Granted there was a large selection of women to choose from, but I didn't think I'd find what I was looking for. Let me explain a bit about myself. My name is Jim Fellows and I'm sixty-seven, although after the Confederation treatments you wouldn't know it. I look twenty-six and fit. I'd been married to the same wonderful...

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Pokemon Sexlock

So the rules of the Sexlock is as follows: You are only allowed to catch the first Pokemon on the route. You must nickname your pokemon If your pokemon faints you can continue to use it, but in the story it is fucked by the one that beat it. If you lose a battle you are fucked by the trainer(s) that beat you and the last pokemon they used. If you lose to the criminal team of your game it is a bad end for your story, you can continue the story from your last post when you manage to...

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Midnight Date

“It’s always so deserted out there, you know,” Janice said. “And I always feel so naughty doing it, too.” “Yeah,” I replied. My best friend Janice had just told me that she snuck out of her house at night to explore our neighborhood.  “Of course, since it’s getting colder outside, we can’t go exploring outside much more this year.” She appeared to concede this point, although I sensed some hesitation there. “Hey, you wanna go out this Saturday night? You know, explore together?” I looked...

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A Matter of TrustChapter 4 A World Of Their Own

When Aileen told Colin the news that they would be spending Christmas up at the cabin he seemed pretty amiable to the idea, apparently the thought of getting away from the apartment for a few days appealed to him as well. It was a four hour drive from Philadelphia to the mountain cabin and they planned on leaving early in the morning on Christmas Eve day, but it wasn't until slightly before noon before they were actually on their way. Not only had Patrick given them the use of his cabin, he...

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Andrea Sweet Andrea

After my wife left me and ran off with my best friend I turned all of my attention toward my daughter. Andrea was only thirteen years old at the time but she sure knew what was going on. Her mother had given her the choice of going with her or staying with me. She stayed with me. It was Andrea that told me that her mother had left us, not just me but us. She ran off with Fred my best friend and went clear across the country someplace. They wanted to get as far away from me as they could. I...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 13

"I thought I was dreaming. I could hear voices – like they were in my head. I opened my eyes, but I couldn't see anything. But in my mind, I 'saw' these two girls walking through the ruins of the city, like they were just walking down to the corner market or something. At first, I thought they were ghosts, more of the hundreds of people that floated through my mind while I laid there, trapped in that foot-wide airspace. Then I recognized Aunt Katie. "Anyway, she and her friend turned...

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Jacks Education Ch 07

Note to reader: The stories previously posted in the series ‘Jack Awakens’ and ‘Jack’s Exploits’ were originally the opening chapters of a book which I had started writing over the last few months. I have now decided to post the entire book, which traces the sexual development of a high school boy during his senior year, hopefully at the rate of one chapter each week. The stories previously posted have been retitled as ‘Jack’s Education’ in strict chronological order, under the ‘Novels and...

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Ass fucked by my uncle at 16

I would like to share my story with everyone here..Its one of the reasons why im in sites like this. Im arabian girl and here family are close to each other, when i was 16 there was a wedding for my aunt And we like all family go there and help them prepare the food And everything.. One of my uncles is called Moner, he is32 years old tall huge man, he is big, i always loved him as a dad But he always used to joke with me dirty jokes or touch me as a Joke, like when we meet on family meetings or...

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Apni Didi Ka Apna He Maza 8211 Part III

Hello dosto, sorry for late aap sab ki mails ka thanks or aap nay jitne mails ki thi os waja say jaldi jaldi likh raha hon apni story . magar es baar kuch theek tarha say nahi likh saka os kay liya sorry .jo dost first time yah story read kar rahay hain wo phaly es kay 2 parts read kar lay phir , yah read karay unhay maza aya ga so dosto mainy phir kuch dino bad online hoa or apni behan say apni older didi say chat suru ki , Rocky; hi didi kase ho kab say aap ko messege kar raha hon khider hain...

2 years ago
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Home Alone

The world, on the other side of the glass, was suffering; buffeted and sodden. Gales had been lashing for the better part of two days. High winds had whipped the pines into thrashing wands, stripping the remaining pine cones to fall to the ground with little thuds, barely audible above the cacophony of the storm. Black, scudding clouds shrouded the landscape, creating bizarre, moving shadows of dark over dark, blotting out the usual features of the pine forest. The rain, driven almost...

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I am the Very Model of a Modern Male Bisexual Part 2

Continued … My mother and I had a hell of a relationship, liberal, confidential, and she kept my secrets. A wise and wonderful women, never judgemental. In time I explained that I wasn’t gay, just into the sex – funny, but I think that was a disappointment. A New Age Jewish mother, being gay would’ve been perfectly fine. Very Broadway. Very Hollywood. She passed 20 years ago. I’m still not really convinced that she bought into my marriage, at 25, to my wife Sarah. Whom she loved just as well. ...

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Beautiful Girl in Caribbean Cruise Ship

This is when I first met my beautiful girlfriend, Samantha. This had happen on October, 31st, 2018, I was recovering from a recent relationship that was...let's just say it didn't work out well for both of us, so we just ended up breaking up and I told myself that I'll never make the same mistake twice, well it never did until 2018 I've received a message on my iPhone from my best friend Jennifer she had won a cruise to the Caribbean and it is suppose to leave in two days and, she said that...

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The Swim Meet

February 17th and 18th, 2006The Public school system is a curious beast. If a teacher is employed by a school district, and that district discovers that said teacher possesses some skill that can be exploited—then, exploited it will be. “You were a cheerleader your sophomore year in high school? Great! You’re our new cheerleader coach.” “You were in a play in eighth grade? Want to be the drama club sponsor?” “You took two years of dance when you were nine and ten years old? Congratulations,...

2 years ago
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SyntheticChapter 15

Claude stroked the red line on the girl's wrist. He was mildly relieved to see it fading. He didn't want scars, and though he had paid for none to appear, like most consumers, he doubted promises made by any company. Renee lay in his bed, pretending to be asleep. He'd had the bots clean out her chamber, after he'd released her unconscious form from the dark room. She'd spent the last three days in his bed, recuperating between fucks. He pulled the small syn to his body, relishing the...

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Older Men at the Gym

I joined a gym a while back that's 24/7, and we can swipe our card to get in at any hour. I don't really work out a bunch, but I like going in the sauna, or going for a run sometimes, and I prefer going late when no one's really there either. I went this time at 12am, like most other nights, and after my exams were done, I just wanted to hit the sauna for a while, hit the showers then go home. I swiped my card in, had my towel and clothes, and saw that like usual, there were barely any others...

1 year ago
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MomWantsToBreed Rachael Cavalli Stepmom Wants My Babies

Ricky Spanish thinks he’s watching porn in the privacy of his own bedroom as he masturbates. He’s enjoying himself right until but his stepmom Rachael Cavalli walks in on him. She asks what Ricky is holding, and Ricky claims it’s nothing. Rachael insists he show off his hand, which is covered in cum. Exclaiming that it’s edible slime, Rachael licks it all clean and then wanders off. Later, Rachael comes back and tells Ricky she knows she licked his babies and that she...

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As If It Never Really Happened

They had been spending too much time together as of late and she knew it was bound to have some sort of consequence. She often thought of what he’d taste like, or feel like… if he so much as crossed her mind she’d feel an electric current that sent a surge of power down her chest, passed her belly button and reached the base of her spine. If she was brave enough to let the thoughts continue she’d feel a twinge that would send shivers across her body, causing her lips to quiver and her nipples...

First Time
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Seeing What I Could See Chapter 8

SEEING WHAT I COULD SEE CHAPTER 8Yet another story of fantasy based on a shred of fact. A young man's relationship with his beautiful full-figured middle-aged, almost senior aunt in the time of the late 1960's, early 1970’s. Based on conversations with this woman late in her life...maybe these adventures could have been true if I had been a little bolder. It was now the summer before my senior year of college and my Auntie “A” and I were beginning our 7th year of sexual encounters. We both...

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