The Ex Files pt 6 The only good dick pic
- 4 years ago
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S. S. M. A. R. T P. I. C.
I was browsing through the bondage/fetish section of my local porn storewhen this guy handed me a business card. In big letters it read S.S.M.A.R.T P.I.C.and in little letters underneath read (SECRET SOCIETY of MEN ABUSINGRAPING & TORTURING PRETTY INNOCENT COEDS). There was a 1-800 numberlisted as well. When I turned around, the guy was gone. I wenthome with my curiosity in overdrive. I called the number and a man answered,he explained that they were a very exclusive club and if I gave him my personaldata, he would do a background check on me and if I checked out, I would beadmitted to the society. A week had gone by when I received a phone call. Thecaller said I had been admitted. He told me there was going to be a meeting/performancefor new members and that he guaranteed it would be a night I would never forget. Hetold me the price of admission was $5,000 dollars and it was fully refundableif I was not satisfied. The man gave me a P.O. Box number to send the ?cashonly? if I was interested and hung up. I thought about it for a few daysthinking maybe it was a scam. Finally my curiosity was too much, andsince I am financially well off, I thought what the hell and put the cash inan envelope and mailed it. Another week went by and I was getting concernedthat I hadn't heard anything. I went to my mail box as usual and there wasan envelope with no return address on it. I figured this had to be itand quickly opened it. The first thing I saw was a round trip airlineticket. There was a short letter that stated the meeting was in Los Angelesthis coming Friday and I was to be on the flight. Once I departed theplane in LA I was to look for a limo driver holding a card with their initials ?SSMARTPIC? and he would drive me to the location. I spent the rest ofthe week with all sorts of thoughts running through my head, I had no ideawhat to expect but for $5K, it better be good.
Friday finally arrived and I boarded the flight. Ilanded in LA and just like the letter said, I found a man holding up theircard. He welcomed me and led me to his limo. Once inside the car,he rolled up the window separating the front seat from the back seat so nodialog was possible. Thirty minutes later we pulled into this desertedindustrial park, the limo pulled around the back of this building and stoppednext to a door. The driver rolled down the window and handed me a Halloweenmask. It was made of rubber and was the type that covered the whole head,not just the face. I looked at it and it was a goulish looking thing. Lookedsort of like a 90 year old elephant man face with no hair on it. Thedriver instructed me to put it on, saying everyone's identity needed to bekept confidential. He told me to go through the door where I will seeseveral bar stools. I was to find an empty one and sit down, once everyonewas here, the performance would start. He winked at me and said ?enjoythe show?. I stepped out of the car with my goulish mask on and walkedinside. There were twenty stools sitting side by side in a line withall but a few occupied. I looked around and everyone had the same mask on. Isat down and waited. No one said a word as I figured they all were asfreaked out as I was. Other than the stools, the room was empty exceptfor several video cameras attached to the walls. It was a large roomprobably 100' by 100' and 25 foot high ceiling, looked like it was a warehouseat some time. A few more guys came in and filled up the rest of the bar stools. Iwas thinking man if everyone here paid $5K, that's $100K total.
The lights went out and a spotlight appeared at the far end ofthe room. The doors opened and in walked two rather large guys. Theywere dressed entirely in leather; leather boots, pants, shirts, gloves anda leather hood over their heads with eye and mouth slits. They walkedto the center of the room and the bigger of the two said ?welcome all, thanksfor coming, my name is Rex and my partner is Mac?. ?Sorry about all thesecrecy but we have to make sure everyone's identity is protected for obviousreasons?. ?We have a performance lined up for you that I believe willbe like none you've ever witnessed.? ? I'm sure you are all quite anxious toget stated so I will keep the introduction brief ?. ?We have two sexycoeds that will be the subjects of tonight's performance?. ?We completedan exhaustive search over the last four weeks and believe you will be happywith our work.? ?We stalked these two beauties for quite a while andabducted them earlier today.? ?We understand there is nothing like thehumiliation, embarrassment, and fear of a girl who is stripped naked and forcedto show her body for the first time so we have not touched them or removedany of their clothing, making sure they experienced the first time in frontof all of you.? ?We did however have what would be called a counselingsession with them earlier and in our very convincing style informed them ifthey did not cooperate or if they tried to escape, they would be tortured beyondtheir worst nightmare, then killed.? Rex said he and Mac were convincedthey understood their fate and would be very accommodating. He said ?they havebeen kept in complete darkness for the last two hours to increase their anxiety.? Mydick was already rock hard just listening to him. Rex said ?if any of you guysfeel the need to manually relieve yourselves during the evening, we've suppliedboxes of tissues next to your stools so there won't be a mess but I will assureyou that each of you will get the chance to fuck these girls during the courseof the evening.? Rex said the evening's events will be recorded on videotape and we will each get a copy. He said ?so without further delay lets getstarted.?
They both walked to the far side of the room and openedup two double doors. The spotlights followed them. They wheeledin this large wooden contraption that looked like a giant swing set frame. Itwas about 12 feet high and 8 feet long and had a wooden platform attached tothe side beams sitting about 4 inches off the ground. It had two metalchains hanging from the overhead beam, four feet apart that hung down and disappearedinto two long burlap sacks. They wheeled it to the center of the roomabout 15 feet away from us. Several more spotlights lit up, illuminatingthe contraption. Rex said ?gentlemen I present tonight's entertainment.? Heand Mac uncinched the ties at the top of the sacks and let them drop to theplatform. I was speechless, there stood two fully clothed absolutelystunning women. Rex and Mac turned the contraption around in a circle slowlyseveral times giving us a view of the women from all angles The chains fromthe overhead beam were attached to black leather dog collars that were securelytied around their necks. The chains were pulled tight so they had tostand fully erect. Their wrists were tied behind their backs with theirarms pushed up to their shoulder blades making them arch their backs and forcingtheir tits to be pushed out in front. Their legs were shackled and anchoredto the platform.
The one girl was a drop dead gorgeous petite blonde withlong straight fine hair going half way down her back. She had large roundblue eyes and pouty lips. Her skin had a deep dark tan that could onlybe achieved in California. She was only about 5'2? and had to weigh less then100lbs. She was wearing a short black mini skirt with white stockingsand black high heel shoes. She had on a white button up blouse that shehad untucked and tied the tails around her mid section revealing her flat stomachand belly button. Her chest looked fairly large and coupled with herpetite frame and small tight ass, it gave her a very sexy top heavy look. Theother girl was Hispanic with light brown skin and a very sensuous look. Herhair was dark brown, shoulder length with natural waves and curls that mostwomen have to spend big bucks on a perm to achieve. She was about 5'7? and120lbs. Her eyes were oval shaped and a piercing jet black and she hada set of big full lips with bright red lipstick covering them. She hada look that just screamed fuck me. The Hispanic girl was wearing a pairof super tight blue jeans that really accentuated her full round ass. Hershirt was a black V neck pullover thin sweater type material that clung toher every curve. Her chest looked very ample too. That coupledwith her thin waist and full ass gave her the perfect hour glass figure.
I was stunned as were the other 19 guys judging from thecomplete silence. These two babes were just incredible. Mac andRex positioned them facing us again and said ?so what do you guys think?. Everyonebroke out in applause and whistled as they continued to gawk at the sexy captives.The look of fear in both of the girls eyes was priceless. I could onlyimagine what they were feeling as they stood there tied up and looking outat 20 guys with old man goulish masks on, not to mention the sight of Rex andMac fully outfitted in leather complete with full hoods covering their faces. Rexstood next to the blonde and said ?gentlemen, I'd like to introduce Jill, sheis a 18 year old freshmen at UCLA majoring in journalism.? ?Now Jillsay hi to the guys like we rehearsed?. She hesitated so Rex grabbed thisdevice from his waist band that I could tell was designed for police as a stungun that outputted an electrical shock. He pressed it against her barestomach. She jumped and let out a short yipe . Then in a high innocentvoice said ?hello guys, its an honor to offer my body for your pleasure tonight.? ?Ihope it meets your high standards and you enjoy yourselves.? Rex movedover to the sexy Hispanic girl and said ?this is Maria and she is a 19 yearold sophomore at USC majoring in political science.? ?Say hi sweetheart.? Noteven giving her the chance to respond, Rex placed his stun gun against herneck and gave her a jolt. She squealed and in a markedly Mexicanaccent which made my dick even harder, Maria dutifully said ?hello, it is alsoan honor to offer my body for your pleasure and I hope you find it acceptable.?
Rex turned to the girls and said ?both of you take a goodlook at our 20 guests, because your fate is in their hands.? ?At theend of the evening, they are going to vote to decide if you've been good littlegirls and deserve to be set free or if you should be executed.? ?So Irecommend you treat them extra special since your life depends on it.? Rexand Mac unhooked the chains from the overhead beam and unshackled the girls'ankles. They led them down from the platform and using the chains asleashes, paraded them around in front of us, making them walk back and forthand turn around for our inspection. I figured it had to be very humiliatingfor these sexy college coeds to be led around on a leash like a pair of dogsand this was only the beginning. Then starting at opposite endsof the line of stools, they made the girls stand directly in front of eachguy letting him get a close look at them for a moment. Then they madethe girls lean forward and plant a short kiss on our lips. After eachguy had seen both of them up close and received a kiss from them, Rex and Mactook the girls back to the wooden contraption and secured them to it againlike they were originally.
Rex said ?so guys, anyone ready to see more of these babes'bodies.? We all started clapping again and yelling yeah lets see someflesh. Rex moved next to Jill and said ?well you heard them honey, theywant to see more?. He pulled out a knife and slowly and methodicallypopped off the buttons to her white blouse one by one. Once they wereall gone, he moved behind her and pulled her blouse open revealing her bra.Then he quickly ripped the blouse the rest of the way off of her and threwit over into the corner. Jill had on a nice white lace bra that was almostsee through and completely covered her tits. It contrasted her dark tanand I could see the outline of her nipples pressing against the sheer material. Hertits were bigger than I had first thought as I could now see she had a massivecup size. I looked at her face and could see tears starting to form onthe edges of her beautiful blue eyes and begin to drip down her cheeks butshe stood there not uttering a sound. Rex unzipped her black mini skirtand let it fall to her feet. He took his knife and put it under the waistbandof her white pantyhose and began shredding it, then forcefully pulled themdown to her knees. She had on a pair of sheer white bikini panties thatmatched her bra. Some of the guys were now shouting crude and obscenecomments about her incredible body further humiliating her as she stood therein just her bra and panties.
Rex moved over to our sensuous Mexican babe and puthis knife under the front of her pullover shirt and sliced a three inch holein it. He then grabbed both sides of it and ripped it wide open. Withthe help of his knife, he quickly sliced it the rest of the way off of herproviding all of us with an unobstructed view of her bra covered tits. Maria'sbra was black and made of thick material. I couldn't quite tell if itwas padded or not but her tits looked like they stood out further than Jill'sbut definitely not as big as far as cup size. Rex unzipped her jeansand attempted to pull them down. They were so tight that he couldn'tget them over her full round ass. He grabbed each side of her zipperflap and brutally tore them open, ripping them down the crotch. Thenhe quickly yanked them down over her ass cheeks and down her legs until theywere in a pile by her feet. She had on a pair of black thong pantiesthat matched her bra, they barely covered her crotch and totally exposed herass cheeks.
Now both girls were standing on display for us in nothingmore than their bra and panties. Jill in her matching white set and Maria inher black set. Rex and Mac turned them around slowly for us so we could getthe full view. They looked unbelievably hot and vulnerable standing there tiedup in their sexy underwear. Their young tight bodies were incredible,nice flat stomachs, perfectly toned legs. I could hardly wait to seetheir tits, nipples and pussies and found myself yelling out vulgar cat callswith the other guys.
Rex said ?so guys have you seen enough?? Weall started booing and shouting no, then in unison we began chanting ?titsand pussy, tits and pussy?. Rex said ?ok guys lets have a little fun, you allhave a pen and paper, I want you to write down what you think is the size ofpretty little Jill's tits?. ?The one who gets it right gets to removeher bra and keep it as a souvenir.? I really wanted to win so I thoughtreal hard about it. I decided since she had such a petite frame, thenumber had to be small but her cup size had to be large. I wrote down32DD. Rex told everyone to hold up their guesses then went behindJill and found the label on her bra strap. He called out 32DD. Ijumped up and shouted yes. Rex told me to come forward and handed mehis knife. He said she is all yours.
I approached Jill and stood right in front of her. I ranthe knife around her neck and shoulders and told her she was one sexy babe. Ilet my eyes run up and down her body. I looked her in the eyes as shestared back at me, her eyes pleading with me. Tears were running downher face as she was trying to hold back the sobs. I had never felt sosexually aroused in my life. Her skin shuddered as the cold steel ofthe knife touched it. I ran the knife under one of the shoulder strapsof her lacy white bra and told her with a body like hers, she should be proudto show it off. The knife easily cut through the thin material and thestrap snapped back over her shoulder and dangled behind her. I slowlyran the knife across the bare skin of her upper chest spending extra time runningit up and down her exposed cleavage. I slipped it under the other strapand sliced it off watching it snap back and lay harmlessly behind her. Withboth straps removed, her bra didn't sag an inch which was a tribute to heryouth and the firmness of her large tits. I moved the knife under thethin strip of material connecting the two cups. I looked at her faceas she closed her eyes resigning herself to the fact that her tits were aboutto be exposed to this group of men and there was nothing she could do to stopit. With a flick of my wrist, I cut through the material and her brafell to the floor as her tits popped out for the whole group to see.
Everyone broke out in applause as their eyes feastedon her naked tits. I heard one guy say ?man what a healthy set of tits? andanother say ?look at those nipples, they are hard as a rock.? I stoodthere in awe just inches from the best set of tits I had ever seen. Icouldn't take my eyes off of them. They were indeed perfect, not onlywas the DD cup size impressive but they were milky white with triangle tanlines outlining them which proved she sunbathed in a little bikini. Herarms were still tied tightly behind her back causing her naked tits to stickstraight out and their firmness ensured not one ounce of sag even though thesupport of her bra was gone. Jill's areolas were a light pink and a littlebigger than a quarter. Her nipples were a slightly brighter shade ofpink about the diameter of a pencil eraser and perfectly placed in the centerof her areolas. For whatever reason, the cold air hitting them, or fearor embarrassment, Jill's nipples were fully erect and sticking out at leastan inch. I guess Rex could see I was mesmerized so he said ?ok, nicejob, you can go back to your seat now.? I reached down and grabbed herdiscarded bra off the platform and put it around my neck and sat down.
Rex said ?ok now for round two?, he told everyone but meto write down their guess as to Maria's bra size. I still couldn't takemy eyes off of sweet little petite Jill's mammoth tits. Those tan linesand hard pink nipples were such a turn on. I finally regrouped and watchedRex pull Maria's bra label out and announce 36C. A guy down the end stoodup and took Rex's knife. He teased her for a few moments then slicedher bra off leaving her exposed tits in full view. They were impressivetoo. They didn't have the cup size of Jill's or quite the firmness butthey did stick out further. There was a little sag to them giving thema nice slope and a little extra meat underneath. They were slightly lighterin color then the rest of her body indicating she liked to sun bathe too. Herareolas were dark brown and almost the size of a half dollar. Like Jill,Maria's nipples were fully erect too. They didn't stick out as far butwere twice the diameter of Jill's. Both girls stood there allowing usto gawk at there naked tits, having no choice.
Rex said ?ok, does anyone want to see some pussy.? We allnodded yes while keeping our eyes on the bound girls' tits. Rex had everyonebut me and the other winner pull a piece of folded up paper out of a hat. Hesaid one of the pieces said Jill and another said Maria, all the others wereblank. The two guys who got the names would win the right to remove theirpanties and keep them. The guys unfolded the paper and the two winnersjumped up. Rex told the guy with Jill's name to come forward. Hestepped up and walked around Jill, obviously enjoying the moment. Hegrabbed the waistband of her panties and pulled it away from her body, thenlooked down inside getting a glimpse of her bush. He turned to us andnodded his approval. He walked behind her and pulled her panties awayfrom her ass getting a glimpse of her naked cheeks. He knelt down infront of her so his face was at pussy level and while grabbing her pantieswith both hands from the sides, he pulled them down to her knees. Then usingthe knife, he cut them off of her legs and brought them up to his face takinga big whiff of her scent.
Jill was now totally naked and on display for us. Herbush left no doubt that she was a natural blonde as it was the same color asthe hair on her head. She had it trimmed short with the hairs about aninch in length and forming a nice little triangle. The surrounding skinwas a milky white which accented the dark tan on her stomach and legs. Herlegs were still shackled together so I couldn't see her pussy lips but fromwhat I could see, she had a perfect pussy to go along with her incredible tits. Jillwas turned around so we could view her ass. It was milky white with thetan lines running down the outside of her cheeks serving as a frame to hertight little butt. The lack of meat on her cheeks gave her the look of a niceinnocent still developing teenager. She was turned around facing us again,and the guy who stripped her of her panties stood up right in front of her. Heput the crotch of her panties to his mouth and began licking them. Hesaid ?oh you sexy little bitch, your cunt tastes so sweet.? That wasall Jill could take as she broke out in tears, sobbing uncontrollably. Rexcame over to her and said ?no crying?. He took his stun gun and beganshocking her with it. He quickly moved it around her body deliveringelectric jolts to her stomach, back, neck, arms and legs which left littlered marks at the point of contact. Jill jumped and squealed with eachshot and managed to stop her sobbing. Rex told her to apologize and thankthe guy for the compliment. In her high sexy innocent voice she saidshe was sorry and thanked him. Rex said ?thanks for what, thank him fortelling you your cunt tasted sweet.? Jill let out a few little sobs thensaid ?thank you for telling me my cunt tasted sweet.? I know how muchwomen hate the ?C? word and how hard it had to be for Jill to say it.
Rex motioned for the other winner to come forward so hedid and stood in front of topless Maria who was standing silent still in hersexy black thongs. Up until this point she had remained composed notshowing any sign of tears. But now I could see her chest rising and fallingas her breathing became heavy and erratic, so I knew she was trying to holdback the tears. This guy wasted no time and forcefully pulled down herthongs and ripped them off her legs without the aid of a knife. He heldthem over his head and waved them around while letting out a yeehah like acowboy. I focused in on Maria's bush which was totally different thenJill's. It was dark brown almost black like the hair on her head. Thehairs were long but sparsely populated so her skin could be seen underneath. Itlooked like they had been combed from the outside towards the center as itformed a 2 inch patch going down towards her pussy lips. Her legs werealso still shackled together keeping her lips out of view but it appeared hersweet little patch of pubic hair stopped just above her lips. I justlove it when a girl has bare pussy lips, gives them a nice innocent young look. Icould hardly wait to see more of it, which I was sure would happen shortly. Mariawas turned around giving us a look at her ass. It was full and roundwith her cheeks forming the perfect pair shape and very firm with no hint ofsagging at all. Numerous cat calls were being shouted at her, like ?whatan ass, bet she loves to have a hard dick shoved up it?. As Maria wasturned back around, I could see she was now crying with tears streaming downher face. Rex gave her the electric shock treatment too, placing hisinstrument on several different places on her body, making sure not to touchher tits, ass or pussy while ordering her to stop crying. She regainedher composure and stood there occasionally sniffling.
Rex and Mac unhooked the chains from the overhead beam and removedthe shackles from Jill and Maria's ankles. Once again they led both girlsover to us using the chains attached to the dog collars around their necksas leashes. They paraded them around making them walk back and forthdown the line of stools where we were sitting. Their arms were stilltied up the small of their backs thus pushing their naked tits out in front. Rexand Mac forced the girls into several different revealing poses, such as pullingthe leashes towards the floor so they had to bend over forcing their tits tohang down, and making them spread their legs and squat down. They alsoturned them around so their asses were facing us and forced them to bend overgiving us a nice view of their rears. Mac and Rex forced the girls to the floorand made them lie on their backs side by side, then ordered them to spreadtheir legs so we could inspect their pussies. Silently they compliedand both opened their legs. Twenty pairs of eyes were locked in on theirexposed naked crotches. I studied Jill's pussy first. Her closelytrimmed triangular blonde bush extended down over her lips the full lengthof her slit but due to its short length and fine texture, her lips were visiblethrough the hair. Like her tight ass, there wasn't a lot of meat to her pussyeither, just a thin slit from top to bottom and a hint of pinkness adding toher young innocent look. Next I focused in on Maria's pussy, with its2 inch patch of sparsely populated long black pubic hair naturally combed towardsthe center. As I had thought earlier, her hair stopped just above her lipsleaving them totally bare. Her exposed pussy lips were bright pink, puffyand meaty with an extra fold in the middle that naturally opened up like abudding flower revealing the entrance to her hole.
Rex and Mac straddled the girls bodies and leanedforward grabbing their ankles. They pulled them straight up in the airthen spread them wide open giving us an even more intimate view of their sexypussies. Keeping both girls knees locked and their legs straight up inthe air, the hooded men began opening and closing Jill and Maria's legs likesome sort of sexual exercise much to our delight. Then they pulled the girlslegs all the back so their knees were touching their tits exposing their littlepuckered ass holes. This ordeal had to be the most humiliating and frighteningthing ever for our two captive teenage coeds to endure. After several momentsof this perverse nude modeling exercise, they untied the girls' arms and orderedthem to get on their hands and knees and made them crawl around the room asthey led them by the leashes. Then Rex took Maria to one end of the line ofstools while Mac took Jill to the other and they retied their arms behind theirbacks.
Rex and Mac stood Jill And Maria up right in front of thetwo end guys and said ?ok guys, our girls are going to present their bodiesto each of you up close and personal.? ?You will each have 2 minutesto play with their tits, bush and ass and then they will move on to the nextguy?. ?No finger insertion into their pussy or ass is allowed at thistime.? I was third from the end that Jill was starting on. I watchedas the first two guys explored her body with their hands, touching her titsand playing with her pubic hair and making her turn around so they could squeezeher ass. Maria was getting the same treatment at the other end of theline. Finally it was my turn with Jill. I ran my hands over herface feeling her soft skin then ran my fingers through her silky blonde hair.Then I dropped my hands down and began to fondle her big DD cup tits. Iwas in heaven, they felt so nice. Although they were super firm, theywere still squeezable, not like those fake silicon tits that most strippershave. These were real tits. My fingers gently massaged her perfect melons,sinking into her meaty flesh. I flicked and pinched Jill's hard pinknipples and watched them respond to my touch. They were incredible, niceand spongy and rubbery. I squeezed them hard flattening them betweenmy thumb and forefinger then let go and watched as they rebounded and returnedto their normal shape. I kept playing with her tits with one hand anddropped the other down over her smooth stomach to her bush, letting my fingersrun through her soft fine blonde pubes. I had just turned Jill around and beganto squeeze her little ass checks, noticing there wasn't a lot of meat to themwhen my time was up and Mac moved her down the line. I continued to watchas the other guys had their turn with her, some of them were squeezing hertits real hard and being very rough with her nipples causing her to moan andwhimper.
Maria was coming my way so I watched as the otherguys fondled and molested her naked body. When she was finally in front ofme, I wasted no time and went right for her tits. My fingers instantlysank into her flesh up to my first knuckle. I couldn't believe how differentthey were from Jill's; their texture and density had a totally different feel. Notonly did my fingers dig deeply into her tit meat, but I could pull her titsout away from her body and move them all around. I slapped them fromside to side and watched them jiggle. When I flicked her nipples, herwhole tits shook. Maria's brown nipples were twice the diameter of Jill'sbut just as firm so I pinched them extra hard squishing them until they werealmost flat. I reached down and rubbed Maria's bush, her black pubic hair wascourse and rough unlike Jill's silky fine hair. I turned her around andsqueezed her big round ass. My fingers dug into the Hispanic coed's meatycheeks. I was amazed at how different yet equally sexy these two teenagerswere. Jill with her flat ass, firm tits, pink nipples, silky blonde bush andlittle pussy slit compared to Maria with her full round ass, jiggly tits, brownnipples, course black bush and big meaty pussy. I figured these girls mustbe hating every minute of this abuse and humiliation as they were not onlybeing forced to show their nude bodies to 20 guys but also had to allow these20 total strangers to fondle their tits and ass. I wondered what they werethinking as all those different sets of hands were roaming all over their bodieswhile they were helpless to stop them. I was savoring every second ofthis encounter as a 45 year old man like myself, having full access to twototally awesome teenage coeds' bodies against their will was as good as itgets. The old saying of one person's heaven was another person's hellwas never more accurate then right now as these hot babes had to be in a livinghell while all of us guys were definitely in heaven, and everyone knew theevening was no where close to being over.
After we all had our turns playing with both of our captives,Rex and Mac made them kneel on the floor facing us with their hands still tiedbehind their back. Rex said ?I know what you guys are thinking, yes thesebabes are hot and they have awesome bodies but do they know how to suck a dick,well lets just find out.? Both girls began pleading with him, saying ?pleaseno, not that?. Rex slapped them both hard across their face and toldthem to shut up, which they did. He said let's practice as he and Macpeeled two bananas and shoved one in each girl's mouth. He ordered themto suck as he and Mac started sliding the fruit in and out of their mouths,fucking their sexy faces. After a few minutes he said ?I think you girlsare ready for the real thing.? He told the 10 guys on the right to lineup beside Jill and the other 10 to form a line beside Maria. He said ?hereis how this game works, you all get 2 minutes worth of a blow job with yourgirl, after your time is up you can get in the back of the line of the othergirl if you want.? ?If you cum in the mouth of the first girl and youdon't want the other to suck your dick, that's fine.? ?But I want to make sureeach of you has the opportunity to feel both Jill and Maria's lips wrappedaround your tool.? ?When everyone has had a turn, we will take a polland see which one of these sexy babes suck a better dick.? ?And girls,the winner gets rewarded so lets give it your best effort, lack of effort reallypisses me off and you don't want me pissed off.? One of the guys saidwhat's the reward. Rex said ?well that's a good question, girls do youwant to know what the reward is?? Both girls just looked at him so hesaid ?well the reward is the winner gets a beer to wash all that salty cumout of her mouth while the loser, well, I've had four beers and I really haveto take a piss, so the loser will get a load of my piss in their mouth to getrid of the cum.? ?And one more thing girls, when these nice gentlemen cum inyour mouth, you will swallow all of it or suffer my wrath.? ? Trust me ladies,you don't want that.?
Rex motioned for the first guy in each line to step up infront his girl and get started. They both dropped their pants and shovedtheir dicks into the girls' mouths. With the lines forming to the sideof the girls, we could all watch as these naked teenagers were forced to acceptthe strange dicks into their mouths. My dick was pulsating as I watchedMaria's big full lips stretched around the first guy's hardon as it invadedher mouth. He grabbed her hair keeping her head still and was pumpinghis meat deep into her mouth. Right next to her was Jill who had hersexy pouty lips wrapped around a dick and was bobbing her head up and downhis shaft. My turn came with Jill first. I stepped in front ofher and pulled out my dick so it was inches from her mouth. I put myhands behind my head and stood there instructing her to suck me real nice. Sheleaned forward, spread her lips and took my tool into her mouth. I stoodstill making her do all the work. Jill was good, not only was she slidingher lips up and down the entire length of my shaft but I could also feel hertongue swirling around the head of my dick. I was doing everything Icould to not explode in her mouth as I knew if I did, I wouldn't be able toget it up again in time to experience Maria's oral talents. Just beforemy 2 minutes was up, I grabbed a handful of Jill's blonde hair, holding herhead in place and shoved my dick all the way in her mouth. I could feelher throat expand as my head plunged into it. The feeling of power and controlwas awesome as I looked down at the sexy college coed with her face pressedagainst my groin and her lips buried in my pubic hair as my dick impaled hermouth and throat. I pulled out of her just in time as my tool was pulsatingand on the verge of eruption.
I moved to the back of Maria's line and waited myturn. Finally I was standing in front of Maria and dropped my pants. Shehad already had 14 or 15 cocks shoved in her mouth and was probably gettingtired but obediently she opened her mouth and wrapped those big lips aroundmy still hard dick. Although her soft lips did feel incredible as theyworked my shaft, there was no tongue action. I knew right then that Iwas going to vote for Jill. I decided Maria should pay for her lack ofskill so I grabbed her hair with both hands keeping her head still and beganto ram my dick into her mouth as hard as I could. I made her accept the entirelength with each stroke. My balls were slapping against her chin whileI violently fucked her mouth. I couldn't hold back any longer so I shovedmy pulsating tool down her throat and held her head still. I exploded insideher, sending my cum into her stomach as my dick pulsated against her tightthroat walls. I sat down on my stool to regain my strength as the other guysfinished. I had to pinch myself to make sure this was real, two seductiveteenage girls sucking on my 45 year old dick, how sweet is that.
When every one was done, they all sat back down. Ilooked at poor Jill and Maria, kneeling there nude, their spirits broken afterjust being forced to suck 20 different dicks and swallow who knows how muchcum. Both girls had pale white cream smeared around their lips and drippingdown their chins as some of our semen had oozed out of their mouths due tothe sheer volume. Rex said ?ok guys, voting time, write the name of the winneron your note pads.? We all held them up and Rex announced ?by a countof 15 to 5 the winner is Jill.? Maria's head sunk down and she was shakingit back and forth while whimpering, realizing what she was going to have todo next. Rex pulled Jill to her feet and said congratulations as we allapplauded. He put a beer bottle to her lips and let her drink it. Hesaid ?so guys why did you pick her?. Almost in unison we said it wasthe tongue action. He let her stand there and moved over to Maria whowas still on her knees. He told Mac to pull her back, tilt her head upand hold it there. He pulled his dick out and held it three inches fromher face, turning to us he said he could shove his dick in her mouth but thenwe wouldn't be able to see anything. He told Maria to open her mouthand if she didn't then maybe he would just have to shit in her mouth instead. Hearingthat, Maria opened her mouth. Rex told her she better drink it all. Secondslater his piss started flowing out of his dick and directly into her mouth. Icould see Maria's throat moving up and down as she swallowed mouthful aftermouthful of his yellow piss. As his piss stream slowed down, he leanedforward and placed his dick on her bottom lip so the last drops didn't missthe target. He then pulled her to her feet and asked us if we thoughtshe deserved a beer for her effort. We all said yes in a show of compassion. Mariaguzzled the whole beer in an attempt to get rid of the cum and piss taste inher mouth.
Rex said ?ok guys who wants to see a little girlie action?. ?Moststudents at UCLA and USC don't like each other but I'll bet Maria and Jillcan show us that they can get along, can't you girls.? The girls werepast the point of resisting or complaining and stood there looking at eachother. Rex got a small stool and had Jill stand on it so she was thesame height as Maria. He stood Maria right in front of Jill with hernipples inches away from Jill's, their hands still tied behind their backs. Hetold Maria to lean forward and rub her nipples back and forth across Jill's. Mariaobeyed his command, leaned forward and slowly moved side to side so her erectnipples slid across Jill's. My dick sprang to attention as the girls' nipplesmade contact and they began their forced lesbian encounter. Rex pushedthem together so their nipples sank into the others' tit flesh. Withtheir tits mashed together, Rex ordered them to kiss. Jill's lips meltedinto Maria's big soft ones and they began to kiss. Watching these nudeteenagers kissing each other was a huge turn on. Rex made them continueto kiss for several moments then ordered them to open their mouths and frenchkiss. Their tongues entered the other's mouth and they locked in an extendedvery sensuous kiss. Rex then put Jill on a higher stool so her big firmtits were at face level to Maria. He instructed her on what to do, tellingher to first kiss those sweet tits all over and then stick her tongue out andlick Jill's nipples. I wanted to whip my dick out and jerk off as I watchedMaria's mouth and tongue go to work on Jill's tits and nipples. After a fewmoments, Rex ordered Maria to put Jill's nipples into her mouth and suck themnice and hard. Maria complied and began sucking on Jill's pretty pinknipples, first one than the other until Rex told her to stop. He madethe girl's switch places so Maria's sweet titties were inches away from Jill'sface. Rex said ?I believe you know what to do little lady? and Jill begankissing, licking and sucking on Maria's tits. The sight of Jill's poutylittle lips around Maria's big brown nipples was awesome. I just lovedseeing two women together and the fact that they were being forced was evenbetter.
Mac wheeled this narrow table into the room and madeMaria lay down on her back. Rex ordered Jill to straddle the table withher legs and positioned her so her pussy was directly over Maria's face. Hemade her lower herself down until her pussy lips were an inch away from Maria'smouth. He told Maria to stick out her tongue and run it up and down Jill'sslit. After a few moments, he told Maria to locate Jill's clit and flickand tease it with her tongue. Jill began to breath heavily as her bodyresponded to the pussy licking. Rex shoved her down so her pussy lipswere firmly planted on Maria's mouth and ordered Maria to shove her tongueinto it. Rex made Jill grind her pussy into Maria's face as the Hipanicgirl's tongue was buried in her hole and then he reached out and started playingwith her nipples to increase her arousal. Moments later, Jill's body shudderedand she let out a loud moan as she orgasmed . Rex pulled her up a fewinches giving us an unobstructed view of her juices flooding out of her pussyand all over Maria's face and lips. He made Jill kneel in front of Maria'spussy and told her she should return the favor. Rex and Mac each grabbed onof Maria's legs, pulled them straight up in the air and spread them wide open. Maria'spussy and ass hole were totally exposed. He ordered Jill to start kissingand licking Maria's puffy meaty pussy lips. Rex made her suck on Maria'sbig lips before commanding her to stick her tongue inside. Jill obeyedhim and plunged her tongue deep into Maria's spread open pussy. Rex and Maccontinued to hold Maria's leg open with one hand while their other hand fondledMaria's tits. Apparently, Jill was just as good at licking pussy as she wasat sucking dick as seconds later, Maria arched her back and her cum floodedout of her and into Jill's mouth. Rex then ordered Jill to lick Maria'spuckered little ass hole which I was sure was even more revolting to her thenlicking her pussy. He then ordered her to stick her tongue into Maria'sbutt hole and give it a thorough cleaning. I noticed some of the guyswere jerking off as the sight of these two beautiful teens engaged in a forcedlesbian sex act was just too hot.
Rex stood the two girls up and walked them back over tothe oversized wooden swing set frame. He cuffed each of their hands infront of them with a set of padded leather cuffs, then tied their legs closedat the ankles. He tied a rope to the cuffs and threw it over the overheadbeam pulling it tightly so both girls' arms were forced up and they had tostand on their tip toes. Jill and Maria stood side by side silently,totally nude with their legs tied shut and their arms painfully stretched overtheir heads not knowing what to expect next. Rex said he thought they had enjoyedthemselves a little too much with their lesbian love making episode and thatthey needed a some punishment. He pulled on the rope harder and hoistedthe girls in the air with their feet dangling about 6 inches off the platform. Theirsexy bodies were really painfully stretched out now as they hung there. Itwas a tribute to their firm tits that even though they were hanging like this,their tits had enough shape to still stick out and have plenty of definition,especially Jill's super firm melons. Rex got some clothespins and clampedthem squarely on Jill and Maria's nipples, mashing them almost flat. Thegirls moaned and whimpered as their sensitive nubs absorbed the pain. Rexsaid ?ok now who thinks these girls deserve an ass whipping.? We allshouted yes. Rex turned them around so their asses were facing us andgot two leather whips. He said ?I think they deserve 100 lashes, so you10 guys on the left line up next to Jill and the other 10 line up beside Maria.? ?Youeach get 10 shots?. I was in Maria's line which suited me fine. Ifigured her big round ass would be more fun to whip because it would jiggleand shake although Jill's milky white cheeks would be nice to watch too asthey turned a bright pink.
The first two guys stepped up, one next to Jill andthe other next to Maria and started to deliver the blows to their asses. Bothgirls screamed out as the leather made contact with their exposed ass cheeks. Thesound of leather hitting skin echoed around the room and their bodies swayedback and forth from the force of the impact. After 10 shots, the guyshanded the whip to the next guy in line and they started simultaneously strikingthe girls defenseless asses. Jill and Maria were crying loudly and wouldlet out a loud scream with each blow. I was number 4 in line and by thetime I got my turn, Maria had numerous raised welts on her big full light browncheeks. I looked over at Jill and her milky white ass was now a bright pinkwith several nasty red welts. I reared back and landed my first shot. Mariascreamed out and her ass jiggled nicely for me. The room was filled withnoise, the sound of leather smacking down on their flesh echoing throughoutand the girls crying, screaming and begging us to stop. The whippingscontinued despite their pleas, by the time the last two guys had their turns,the girls had suffered so much that they were quietly sobbing and could onlymuster a grunt when the leather made contact. Both girls asses were brightred with welt marks covering their cheeks, there was no blood but their asseshad to feel like they were on fire. We all sat down as Rex turned Jilland Maria around to face us. He loosened their ropes so their feet wereback on the platform then reattached the chains to their collars and hookedthem overhead. Their hands were recuffed behind their backs so theirtits could return to their normal shape and position. He removed theclothespins from their nipples and said ?lets have a little fun with out girls'precious tits while their asses cool down.?
Mac took one of Maria's tits in his hand and pulled it awayfrom her body as Rex took a leather boot lace and tied it around the base ofher tit. He wrapped it around and around, tighter and tighter until itlooked like an over filled balloon about to burst. Maria's skin was stretchedtightly over her tied up melon and her areola was twice its normal size. Hernipple was still erect as the circulation was cut off to her tit and the bloodwas forced to the tip. Her other tit was tied up the same way with anotherboot lace. Jill's tits were too firm to be tied this way so Rex wrappeda long thin piece of rope around her body forming figure eights around thebase of her tits. He kept wrapping it around her tighter and tighteruntil her firm tits were clamped down forming two sideways ovals and hard asa rock. The rope cut off the blood circulation and I could see her milkywhite tits start to turn red. Rex and Mac each took a leather ridingcrop with a 1½ inch leather tip and began striking their tied up tits. Theywould flick their wrists to increase the stinging sensation but weren't hittingthem hard enough to cause welts as I was sure they didn't want to do too muchdamage to their awesome tits yet. The girls would let out a loud squealeach time the leather landed on their sensitive flesh. After severalminutes of striking each girl's unprotected tits, Rex and Mac focused on theirnipples and began to land blows on their ultra sensitive nubs. Mariawas crying again while Jill was yelling out ?please stop, oh my god no please,please no more.? The two men didn't heed the girls' pleas and continuedto abuse their tits. Several minutes later they stopped, Jill's tits were abright red almost the same color as her nipples while Maria's were closer toa purplish color. The guys untied their tits and the blood rushed backinto them. The girls were breathing heavy and sweating after enduringthe latest round of abuse.
Rex said ?I think its time these girls get fucked.? That was metwith a round of applause from all us guys. Rex explained the game planas the girls looked on in horror. He said ?I'm sure you would all likea little alone quality time so one of the girls will be set up in the far cornerwhere each of you will get 10 minutes to fuck her how ever you want.? ?Aftereach guy is done, Mac will clean her off and flush out her pussy and ass soshe is clean for the next guy.? ?While this is going on, the other girlwill be over here for use as a gang bang.? ?There will be five groupsof four men each and the group gets 40 minutes with their sweet little sextoy.? ?This way all of you will have the opportunity to experience both ofour sweet coeds.? I quickly did the math and it came out to over 3 hoursthat these poor teenagers were going to be constantly fucked by us, havingtheir holes filled with hard dicks. He walked over to the girls who were completelyhorrified and said ?which one wants the gang bang.? They both just staredblankly into space. Rex said ?well Maria, you look more like the gangbang type so Jill will be the solo star and you will be our gang bang girl.? Heturned to us and said ?is that ok with all of you.? We all nodded ourheads in approval.
Rex said ?ok, you will all draw numbers to determine theorder of fucking Jill and also to see which group you will be in for the gangbang of Maria.? As we drew the numbers, Mac wheeled in what looked like a doctor'sexamining table. It had a thin mattress and a set of metal stirrups connectedto the end of it. The stirrups protruded out to the side about 8 inchesin each direction and was raised up about 12 inches higher than the mattress. Ilooked at my number and to my delight it said #1. Maria was still chainedto the wooden contraption but Jill had been taken over to the table where Macand Rex were strapping her down. It was at the far end of the room butI could see them lay her down on her back. They strapped her neck andstomach down and tied her arms down by her side anchoring them at the wristand elbow. They lifted the blonde's legs up, spread them open and placedthe underside of her knees in the metal stirrups then tied rope around herknees securing them to the stirrups. Rope was tied around her anklesand they were pulled down with the other end of the rope fastened around thebed frame. So Jill was laying there totally immobile, arms down at herside with her pussy right at the edge of the table and her legs lifted towardsthe ceiling and spread wide open. Thus completely exposing her spread openpussy as well as her puckered little ass hole.
Rex came over to us and said ?ok guys, she is all yoursto do as you want but one rule, don't do anything to her that will make heruseless to the other guys, like biting off her nipples or something like that,lets let everyone have a turn with her.? ?I've put some Vaseline over therefor those inclined to do any anal action.? ?For those of you waitingyour turn with Jill or waiting for your group's turn with Maria, you can sithere and drink some beers and party and converse amongst yourselves and ofcourse we are going to set Maria up right here so you can watch the differentgroups gang banging her.? ?Number 1, have at it.? I hustled overto Jill and looked down at her as I was removing my pants. She lookedso gorgeous and innocent laying there. Her blonde hair was neatly framingher pretty face, her tits standing straight up with her pink nipples fullyerect and her perfectly trimmed blonde bush outlining her pussy lips. Plusher deep dark tan covering her entire body with the exception of her whitetits and crotch really completed the package. I'd have never thoughtthat at age 45 I would be in a position to fuck a stunning 19 year old collegegirl. She was definitely the hottest babe I had ever been with, evenin the heyday of my own college days I never fucked a girl this incredible,she was perfect. Jill's big blue eyes were staring at me and I forgotfor a moment that I had on that goulish old man mask.
I had previously fondled her big tits so I didn'twant to spend any of my valuable time repeating that as there was a whole lotof things I wanted to do to her in my allotted 10 minutes. I went rightfor her nipples with my mouth, licking them, flicking them with my tongue andsucking on them. The rubbery feel of them felt great in my mouth as Isucked and nibbled them. With her arms tied down at her side, her titswere free to move around more than if she was stretched out, Jill definitelyhad plenty of cleavage in this position giving me an idea. I just hadto fuck them, so I hopped up on the table and straddled her body with my kneesnext to her arms. I began my first tittie fuck by slapping her big titsand nipples with my dick. Then I put my hands on the outside of her tits andpushed them together as hard as I could and slid my hard tool through the middleof them. I slid it back and forth, rubbing it against her smooth softmelons as I looked down at her pretty face and awesome tits. I squeezedher nipples as I continued to fuck her tits. Not only did her soft titflesh feel great rubbing against my hard-on but watching Jill's perfect teenagetits engulf my meat was an incredible sight. I started quickly pumpingmy dick up and down her cleavage while pushing her firm tits together, feelingher skin warm up due to the friction.
I needed to see her pussy so I dropped down and knelt at the endof the table so my face was at pussy level. I let my fingers exploreher bush and pussy. I spread her lips open, pulling and squeezing themin the process. I found her clit and gently massaged it, rolling it aroundbetween my fingers. Then I inserted my middle finger into her pussy andstarted to finger fuck her as she began to quietly moan. I had neverbeen with a women who would allow any kind of anal sex so while I was fingeringher pussy, I slid a finger into her ass just to see how it felt. I couldn'twait any longer, I just had to taste her pussy so I leaned forward and plantedmy mouth on her lips and slid my tongue inside. Her pussy tasted so sweet,I couldn't get enough of it. I plunged my tongue in her hole as far as I could. Iknew I only had about 5 minutes left so I stood up and placed my dick againsther defenseless exposed pussy. I pushed it forward forcing her lips tospread open around it. Her hole was so petite that I couldn't get her lipsto expand enough to let the head of my dick in. I pushed even harderand finally it popped inside her as she gasped for air. Jill's pussywas well lubricated and felt incredible as I buried my shaft up her love channel. Ireached forward and started squeezing her tits as I pumped my meat in and outof her little teen pussy. Her pussy walls clamped down on my hard dickas she was the tightest fuck I ever had. I felt my cum building up soI slowed down, I didn't want to cum yet.
I figured I might never get the chance to fuck a girl upthe ass so now was the time. I slid my dick out of her pussy and placedthe head against her puckered anus. She whispered please no not in myass. I assured her I would be gentle plus I thought to myself, I'm suresome of the other 19 guys are going to fuck her sweet ass so I might as wellbreak it in. I pushed firmly against her hole and it opened up, lettingmy meat invade her anal cavity. I pumped it in and out of her a few times,it was tight that was for sure but I liked the wetness of her pussy betterso I pulled out of her ass and plunged my dick back into her pussy. Istood up watching my meat slide in and out of this gorgeous babe and reachedout, finding her clit and flicking it while I fucked her. My dick wasabout to explode so I leaned forward and planted my lips on her nipples. Ialternated first her left one then her right one, eagerly sucking them intomy mouth as I picked up the pace and started to really pound my dick into herpussy with my balls slapping against her ass. With one last plunge, Iexploded deep inside her delicious pussy. I stood there looking downat my perfect college girl and I shot my second load up her hole. I feltanother wave coming and since I didn't cum in Jill's mouth during the blowjob exercise, saving my first load for Maria's mouth, I wanted Jill to tastemy seed now. I hopped up on the table, straddling Jill's chest again,and grabbed her hair pulling her head up so her mouth was is the proper position. Iplaced my still hard dick against her lips and pushed it inside her mouth makingher taste her own juices. I held her head up and in place and orderedher to suck my big dick as I began fucking her mouth. It didn't takelong for my third wave to gush out of my hard-on and down her throat. Ikept my dick in her mouth letting it deflate then stood up next to her. Istarted fondling her breasts and pinching her still hard nipples, not wantingthe moment to end as she laid there silently with my cum dripping out of herpussy. Then I heard Rex say ?ok dude, times up.? I stood there pullingup my pants and watched Rex take a wet towel and clean off her body. Thenhe placed a bucket under her pussy and inserted the nozzle of a water bottleinto her, sending a rush of liquid out of her hole and into the bucket underneath. Iwalked back to my stool and heard the call for number 2.
I opened up a beer and relaxed. My group for the gang bangwas the next to last that was going to be called so I figured I had almost2 hours to kill. Rex had rolled out a large padded carpet and placedit 10 feet from our stools. That is where the first group was alreadygoing to town on Maria so I had a nice view of the action. Her arms hadbeen retied behind her back and pushed up to her shoulder blades again whileher legs remained untied for the sake of easy access and multiple positions. Isipped my beer and watched, the group had her laying on her back, with oneguy holding her legs up in the air and spread open while another was lickingher pussy and the other 2 guys were each sucking on one of her tits. Theyswitched positions frequently taking turns eating her pussy and sucking onher tits. After a while they flipped her over and made her stick herass in the air and took turns fucking her pussy and ass and forced her to sucktheir dicks. I started talking to the guy next to me making small talkas we watched the gang banging. Soon the first group was done and Macwas washing Maria off and cleaning out her holes, getting her ready for thenext group.
A steady stream of guys continued to be called over to Jillat 10 minute intervals. Even though that action was at the other endof the room, I could still see somewhat of what was going on. OccasionallyI'd hear a scream or squeal coming from Jill. I saw one guy on top ofher in a 69 position, with his full weight on her small frame, dick shovedin her mouth as he ate her pussy. I saw another guy slapping her face fromside to side with both hands, calling her a fucking bitch as he fucked herhard. Still another guy had grabbed a hand full of her long blonde hairand was pulling it hard, apparently he was fucking her in her ass as he wasyelling at her and making her say she was a no good whore who loved a goodass fucking. I watched this one guy who knelt in front of her pussy andplayed with it with nothing more than his fingers while he sucked her toesfor the whole 10 minutes. But the most common position other then the guy standingbetween Jill's legs & fucking her pussy was the guy kneeling on the examtable and tit fucking her. I don't know if they were all copying me orif they just couldn't resist those incredible tits like me but in any case,Jill's tits were getting a work out. Maria continued to be abused unmercifullyby the different groups. Looking at some of the things being done toher, I originally thought she was getting the worst of the deal. Butthen I figured maybe physically she was but knowing how important intimacywas to women, Jill was probably in hell having to perform intimately one onone with twenty different guys.
Finally it was my group's turn with Maria. We walkedover to her as she laid on the rug on her back with her arms still tied behindher back, pinning them underneath her. Even though I had just watched her from15 feet away get abused and fucked in every position imaginable over the lastfew hours as she endured 3 gang bangs, it didn't diminish my excitement andlust for her incredible body. Not only did her teenage body look unbelievablysexy as she laid there nude but she also looked very vulnerable and submissivewhich had my dick hard as a rock. I took charge of my group immediately. Iasked Maria if her arms hurt being tied up so long. She was in a semidaze due to all the abuse she had suffered but was able to respond with a meekyes. I said ?so if we untie your arms, you won't try to escaped or anythingwill you?? Maria shook her head no. I turned her over and untiedher wrists. Her full round ass looked so tempting, I had to stop andmassage it for a moment before rolling her back over on her back. I puther arms down to her side and told her not to move. I grabbed her anklesand pushed them up to her ass raising her knees into the air, then spread themopen until they touched the floor. She laid still, legs spread wide opengiving us all an unobstructed view of her pussy and tits. I noticed hernipples weren't erect, so I told her to play with her tits and nipples forus and get those babies nice and hard as we watch. Maria obeyed and begangently squeezing her tits and teasing her nipples with her fingers for ourviewing pleasure. Her nipples responded to her touch and sprang to attention. Ihad her move her hands down to her pussy and made her finger herself. Ifound it very erotic watching this sexy teenager play with herself.
I told her it was our turn and had her put her armsback down at her side. The 4 of us knelt down beside her and began rubbingand exploring her body, 8 hands roaming all over her naked flesh. I ranmy finger through her black pubic hair and over her bare pussy lips, they werered and swollen from all the dick pounding and her body flinched when I touchedthem. I slid one then two fingers into her battered pussy and slowlyfinger fucked her. I eased my pinky into her ass hole as my other fingerscontinued to explore the inside of her pussy. One of the other guys wasworking over her tits with his hands while the other two had placed her handson their dicks and were making her jerk them off. I just had to tasteher pussy and since she had just been cleaned out from the last group, I figurednow was the time. I told one guy to grab her wrists and pull her armsup over her head then hold them there. Her tight body looked even moreirresistible in this position. The one guy held her arms up while theother two started sucking on her tits and I sank my tongue into her pussy. Iworked her sweet pussy over with my mouth, sticking my tongue all the way inher hole, sucking on her lips and flicking her clit with my tongue. Ilooked up and saw the one guy wasn't holding Maria's arms up anymore. Insteadhe was laying sideways on top of her face with his dick in her mouth tellingher to suck it real hard. He began fucking her face, like a jack hammerhe plunged his tool in and out of her mouth at record speed forcing her totake his entire length with each thrust. Her nose was getting crushedagainst his body and his balls slapped against her cheek as he slammed hisweight down onto her face. Even though Maria wasn't restrained anymore,she didn't try to resist this brutal act and laid there submissively as thisguy savagely violated her mouth with his hard dick.
Meanwhile, we were still abusing Maria,s pussy andtits as this guy raped her mouth. He yelled out a loud deep growl and plungedhis dick down her throat forcing her lips into his groin as he exploded. Hisfirst wave of cum went right into her stomach but his second and third filledher mouth. We forced her to swallow it all before letting this guy pullout of her mouth. He then rolled over and said he was done and we couldhave her to ourselves. So now it was me and two others. We rotatedaround Maria every 3 minutes or so, one guy playing with her pussy and ass,the other getting jerked off or sucked while the third guy worked her tits. Ihad the other two guys grab one of her legs and lift them up and spread themopen so her pussy was more in the air. I took a full long neck beer bottleand turned it upside down as I shoved it into Maria's pussy and watched thebeer gush into her hole. I started to fuck her pussy with the bottle,sliding it in and out of her hole while the excess beer squirted out. Irolled Maria over and propped her up so her ass was in the air, legs spreadand her head was on the rug. I took a fresh long neck bottle andeased it into her ass hole. Her whole ass area was red and swollen soI knew she had already taken a lot of ass abuse. I fucked her slow pushingthe long neck as far up her ass as it would go, then removing it completelyallowing the beer to flow out of her ass and down her pussy lips again. I repeatedthat several times, bottle fucking her sore tender puckered hole.
I stood Maria up and made her bend over at the waist soher hands were on the ground with her feet spread. I stood behind herand shoved my dick into her pussy while one other guy knelt in front of herand slid his hard-on into her mouth. We simultaneously fucked her, mein her pussy from behind and him in her mouth, while the third guy sat on therug playing with and sucking her tits which were flopping around. Weswitched positions so we all got a turn in each spot. I said ?lets doan airtight with her.? The one guy hadn't ever heard of an airtight soI explained to him it,s when we fill all three of her sex holes at the sametime. So I laid on the rug on my back with my hard dick standing at attention. Ihad the guys bring Maria over and straddle me, then they lowered her down soshe was sitting on me with my dick buried in her pussy (the standard girl ontop position). Next we made her lean forward and put her hands on thefloor so she was on all fours thus sticking her ass in the air. The oneguy knelt in front of her and stuck his dick in her mouth while the other kneltbehind her and entered her ass. I could feel Maria's tight ass expand as heentered her. We had all her holes plugged now so the guy fucking herass started pumping his dick into her rear. I laid still with my dickburied into her pussy as far as it could go. I could feel the guy's hardtool through the thin wall separating her pussy and ass as it slid in and outof her. Maria's tits were bouncing back and forth right above myface as these two guys fucked her mouth and ass. The guy in her ass startedreally pounding his meat into her and within a few minutes exploded insideher, sending his cum deep into her ass. Shortly after, the guy fuckingher mouth let out a loud groan and spewed his cum down her throat.
Now I was the only one who hadn't cum yet. The othertwo guys pulled out of her and lifted her off me. They laid her downon her back as I got up. I wanted her body so bad but I didn't want tojust fuck her as she laid there, I wanted to rape her. I wanted to see herphysically restrained and feel her struggle in a futile attempt to stop theattack. I had the one guy grab her wrists and pull her arms upover her head, stretching her body out. I called the other guy over whohad originally cum in her mouth and said he was done and had him grab her ankleand pull her leg open as the fourth guy grabbed her other ankle and pulledit open. Now she was laying there spread eagle with three guys holdingher down. Cum was dripping out of her ass and mouth which added to therape effect. I shoved my dick into her pussy and said ?ok honey, I'mgoing to rape you now and I want you to fight it.? I started plunging my hard-oninto her pussy and said ?come on, try to escape, I know you don't want my dickin your pussy, do something about it.? Maria laid there motionless soI slapped her face and grabbed her nipples and said ?I'm going to twist thesebabies off unless you give me a good ride, now fight me.? Maria startedmoving her legs and arms trying to get free as I continued my assault on herpussy. I said ?ok that's good, show me how much you want my dick outof your pussy.? Maria started to really struggle giving me just whatI wanted, seeing this hot Hispanic teenager struggling to get free as I fuckedher was an unbelievable turn on. I lowered my body on to hers, feelingher naked flesh against mine and feeling her heavy breathing as her chest roseand fell with each breath. My dick was pounding into her pussy as hardas I could, showing no mercy. I felt my orgasm building so I raised upon my hands so I could look down at my sexy captive coed and check out herbody and face. I exploded into her pussy, sending my cum into her asI watched the expression on her face. It was priceless while the lookof surrender over came her as another load of cum spewed into her helplessbody. I pulled out of her pussy and straddled her chest, rubbing my stickydick over her tits. Then I pulled her hair which made her raise her headoff the floor and forced her to suck my dick clean. Mac came over tous and told us time was up so I went back over to my stool and grabbed anotherbeer as Mac cleaned Maria up getting her ready for the last group.
I sat there drinking my beer and watching the action. I lookedat the other end of the room where Jill was still tied to the examination table,a guy was up on the table straddling her body and was tit fucking her. Ithought to myself that her tits had to be really sore by now. I turnedand watched the last group gang banging Maria. They started out by kneelingin a circle around her and making her crawl on her hands and knees over toeach one and suck their dick. Then three of them laid on the floor ontheir backs side by side with their hard dicks sticking into the air and madeher squat down so her pussy engulfed their tools. They made her bounceup and down, riding their dicks as it slid in and out of her pussy. Theforth guy was slapping her ass and pinching her nipples forcing her to pickup the pace and shake her tits as the dicks impaled her one by one. Ilooked over in Jill's direction as another guy started in with her, crudelysqueezing her tits and pulling on her nipples and when I looked back at Maria,the group had laid her down on the floor on her back and had taken her legsand pulled them all the way back so her knees were pinned on the floor nextto her head. This forced her ass high in the air with her pussy sticking straightup as her body weight was squarely on her neck. One guy was standingover her with his ass facing her head and his dick was pumping into her exposedpussy as he fucked her backwards. He pumped his meat into her pussy tenor twelve times then withdrew it and plunged it into her ass, fucking it fora while.
This group was really being rough with her, they tossedher around from guy to guy like a rag doll. One guy was really goingto town on her tits, he had his teeth clamped down on her tender skin and wasshaking his head back and forth like an animal trying to tear meat off a bone. Theseguys definitely had no sympathy for what she had been through and were thoroughlyabusing her body and brutally violating her pussy and ass hole with their stiffdicks. Rex said ?ok everyone, times up, back to your stools?. Weall sat down waiting for Rex to give us further instructions. Maria wasso weak and her spirit totally broken that she didn't even try to cover herselfor even close her legs. She just laid there on the rug with her legsspread wide open and cum dripping out of her battered pussy and ass hole.
Rex unstrapped Jill and walked her over to the gang bangrug which was about 10 feet from my stool. Rex was holding her up asshe was having a hard time walking due to all the abuse her body had takenand because she had been tied in that same position for over 3 hours. Hepushed her on the rug then told her to get on her knees and face us. Jillslowly rolled over and knelt down with her ass resting on her ankles. She startedto raise her arms to cover her tits but Rex stopped her and made her put herarms down at her side. Maria was still laying there on the rug, she waslooking around and had managed to close her legs. Rex grabbed her hairand said ?lets go honey, its inspection time so get on your knees in frontof the judges.? Maria tried to comply with his order but her aching bodycouldn't respond. Rex drug her over right next to Jill and placed herin the kneeling position. I looked at our poor captives, compared towhen we first started when they were all alert, eyes darting around and fullof fear, and now a glazed almost non responsive look in their eyes as theyknelt there shoulders slumped forward not even trying to cover up their nakedbodies any more.
Rex pulled Jill and Maria's hair up, forcing themto raise their asses off their ankles and kneel up, then ordered the girlsto put their hands behind their head. He walked behind them and pulledJill's elbows out to the side making her arch her back and stick out her tits,then did the same to Maria. Rex said ?ok gentlemen, lets inspect yourwork and see which one of our little ladies fared the best in the tit category?. Ilooked the two coeds over as they now were being humiliated again by beingforced to display their abused bodies. Jill's tits showed the abuse morethan Maria's due to their pale skin tone and pink nipples. Jill's nippleswere now bright red and swollen. She had numerous red marks on both titsthat were starting bruise up from guys digging their finger nails into hersoft flesh and several round purple hickeys from excessively hard sucking. Butwhat I noticed most was this 3 inch long rug burn looking redness on the insideof both of her tits. Rex noticed it to and said ?Jill looks like youlet those guys fuck your tits with no Vaseline, shame on you, that's a lotof friction generating those marks.? He turned to us and complimentedour good work. Maria's tits looked abused too but nothing drastic. Itdid appear that she had grown a cup size as her entire tits were swollen andupon closer inspection, her brown nipples did look very tender too. Shehad the purplish hickeys splattered about her tits as well and she also hadnumerous purple teeth marks almost breaking through the skin where the lastgroup had really been chomping on them. But I had to say Jill's palemilky skin highlighted the abuse and my vote said that Jill's tits took moreabuse.
Rex made the girls lie down on their backs with theirpussies facing us and ordered them to spread their legs so we could evaluatetheir sex holes. Both girls spread their legs for us and although I couldsee some redness in their crotch area, that was all I could see from that angle. Rexstraddled Maria, grabbed her ankles and pulled her legs up and back towardsher head, spreading them at the same time. He pulled them back untilher thighs were resting on her chest, which forced her ass off the rug a fewinches and both her holes spread open with an unobstructed view. Mactook a high powered flashlight and spotlighted Maria's spread open legs. Nowthe abuse her pussy endured during the 3 hour gang bang marathon was evident. Hernormally extra meaty pussy lips had now swelled to twice their normal sizeand her tight puckered little ass hole was puffed out and swollen. The wholearea was bright red and looked like it was rubbed pretty raw. Rex madeMaria reach around her pushed back legs with both hands and grab her pussylips. He told her to spread them open for us so we could get a closerlook. Maria complied and pulled her tender lips open, Rex yelled ?spreadthem further till I tell you to stop.? He had Maria spread her lips asfar as she could as Mac focused the flashlight in close. Her pussy waswide open and now I could see her entire opening was enflamed, deep red andvery raw looking. I could see way up inside her from my position andthe rawness went as far up her hole as I could see. There was no bloodbut her battered pussy had to feel like it was on fire. I figured itwouldn't take an expert with a rape kit to determine if this babe had beenraped or a willing partner in consensual sex. With a pussy looking likethat, it was obvious she had been fucked by multiple men and wasn't lubricatedfor a large percentage of the time. Maria's ass was just as red witha raw looking red ring circling her swelled rear opening. I couldn'tsee inside her ass but I figured it had to be just as enflamed as her pussyand feeling like it was on fire too.
Rex moved over to Jill, spread her legs back towardsher head and made her spread her lips for us as Mac focused the flashlighton her pussy. Her originally little white slit was bright red and puffyand her opening had been rubbed raw too. Not as bad as Maria's as I figuredit was easier for Jill to stay lubricated fucking only one guy at time. Jill'slips were starting to bruise up, turning a yellowish green, as the affectsof the repeated poundings started to show on her pale easily bruised body. Herdelicate little ass had taken a pounding too as the raw area around her holeindicated. Rex jokingly asked us guys if any of us used the Vaselinewhen we ass fucked these babes. The vote went for Maria's pussy as themost abused ending the competition in a tie.
Rex complimented us on our good work, saying we had deliveredsome first class abuse on our captives without any permanent damage. Jillwhispered that she had to pee and asked if she could use the restroom. Rexlaughed and said ?guys, Jill has to pee and wants to use the rest room butsince we don't have a restroom, I say she pisses here for us, what do you guyssay?. We emphatically agreed. Jill realizing she was about to be degraded evenmore, quickly said ?that's ok, I don't have to go any more?. Rex said ?ohno honey, you gotta piss and the guys want to watch.? He told her tospread her legs and put her feet flat on the floor thus raising her knees inthe air. Then he ordered her to lift her ass off the floor and put herhands underneath it to keep it in the air. Jill complied, spread herlegs, lifted her ass about 6 inches in the air and cupped her ass cheeks withher hands giving us a perfect view of her now spread open pussy. Rexsaid ?so piss for us babydoll .? Jill whimpered ? I don't have to anymore.? Rexgrabbed her nipples and said he was going to start twisting them and eithershe takes a piss for us or he'll twist them all the way off. He begantwisting her pinched nipples. Within 30 seconds, Jill burst out in tearsas a pale yellow stream of urine gushed out of her pussy. It shot upabout 6 inches and out almost a foot before splattering on the floor. Asteady stream of piss flowed out of her hole for 15-20 seconds and then ittapered off dribbling down her pussy lips and ass hole. I had never seena women actually go to the bathroom before and found it very erotic. Ofcourse, the aspect of forcing this sobbing teenager to humiliate herself bytaking a piss on the floor as 20 strange guys watched had a lot to do withits eroticism. Rex asked Maria if she had to go to the bathroom and she quicklysaid no, knowing what would happen if she said yes. Rex said ?ok thenlets move on to the next portion of the show.? ?You guys have had somefun with our sexy coeds so now its Mac and my turn to have some fun.?
Mac wheeled these two custom tables into the room and placed themside by side. It looked like someone had taken a 4' by 8' piece of plywoodand cut it into a big X. The tables had legs attached that lifted theplywood 2 feet off the floor. Rex and Mac carried Maria over to the tableand laid her on her back. They securely strapped her down to it, forcingher arms up and her legs spread eagle. Maria didn't resist and laid thereas they tied her down. By the time they finished, she was totally immobileand couldn't move a muscle. The guys carried a still crying Jill overto the other X table and strapped her down leaving her spread eagle and totallyimmobile too. Since the tables were only 2 feet high, we could look downon their bodies from our stools giving us a perfect view. Rex told usall to bring our stools over and form a big circle around the girls. I putmy stool next to Jill at tit level so I had an extra close view of her tits. Rexsaid ?ok ladies, I believe you are going to find this next part quite painful?. Heasked us if we wanted him to gag the girls or if we wanted to hear them scream. Weall said ?lets hear them scream.? Rex said ?well ladies the guys saythey want to hear you scream so feel free to yell as loud as you want, as amatter of fact, the louder the better because it turns me on.?
Rex and Mac pulled out these whips with multiple longleather straps attached. Rex snapped his against the floor as a loudcrackling sound echoed around the room. Both guys then started runningthe leather straps up and down the girl's naked defenseless bodies. Rexsaid ?before we start, I've found that leather stings much more if the fleshis wet so lets get you both primed and ready.? He took out a bottle ofclear baby oil and poured it all over Jill's body, up and down her legs andaround her stomach and chest. He pointed to me and said ?why don't youhelp me and rub the oil into her skin.? I jumped up and began rubbingthe oil into Jill's skin. I spent extra time rubbing it into her titsas Rex kept pouring more of the oil onto her big melons saying ?we have tolube them up extra special.? I rubbed the oil into her bush and overher pussy lips, slipping my finger inside her just for fun. When I wasfinished, Jill's body was glistening wet from head to toe, especially her perfecttits and she looked incredible. Mac and one of the other guys were lubingMaria up at the same time so both our coeds were primed for a whipping.
Rex stepped back and landed his first shot on Jill's stomachwith a loud crack. She let out a high pitched yelp as the leather madecontact with her naked flesh. Mac then delivered his first shot to Maria'sstomach forcing a loud moan from her mouth. Rex and Mac began alternatingshots, with Rex hitting Jill followed by Mac striking Maria. The girlsscreamed out as the whip smacked down on their stomachs. Red marks wereforming almost instantly on their white skin. It was obvious that theseguys had done this before as they whipped these girls in unison, they wouldflick their wrists right at contact to increase the stinging affect. Macwould follow Rex's lead, as Rex moved down and whipped Jill's thighs, Mac woulddo the same to Maria. Both girls continued to scream and moan as theirbodies were subjected to this whipping. Rex moved up to Jill's tits andran the leather whip around her melons while telling her his favorite partwas tit whipping. He reared back and landed a solid shot as the leatherstruck both her tits at once, leaving a red mark across them both. Heand Mac began whipping the girls tits, picking up the pace so as one guy landeda shot, the other was just seconds behind. Jill and Maria were beggingthem to stop and screaming out loudly with each hit. Rex and Mac switchedplaces so they got the chance to whip the other girl. Both of them startedlanding continuous shot after shot on the girl's defenseless nude bodies givingthe girls only seconds to recover before the next blow. Their whips wereall over our helpless captives, striking their legs, stomachs and tits untilthey were almost completely covered with red welts. The girls were sobbinguncontrollably as the pain flowed through their bodies.
Rex and Mac each got a riding crop with a one inchleather tip and said ?its time for a little pussy whipping?. They started strikingour sexy coed's inner thighs and pussy lips, flicking their wrists at justthe right time for maximum power. Both girls let out extra loud screamsand yelps as the crop hit their already sore and battered pussies. Allof us guys sat their quietly watching as our hosts whipped these two babesfor our viewing pleasure. I know my dick was hard as a rock watchingthese girls suffer for the sole purpose of pleasing our demented sexual appetite. Jill'suntanned milky white tits looked especially nice with the red welts all overthem. Rex put down his crop and whip and rubbed Jill's face, wiping awayher tears. He said ?its ok baby, you're alright, and I think the guysreally enjoyed that.?
Rex turned to us and said ?ok that was fun wasn't it, nowits time for a little shock therapy.? Rex took two metal clips with wiresattached and clamped one on each of Jill's nipples, she softly moaned as theydug into her pink nipples. Rex took two more metal clips and clampedthem on her pussy lips. He pulled on the attached wires spreading herlips open, then wrapped the wires around her thighs keeping her lips spreadwide open. He took another clip and clamped it on her exposed clit. Jilllaid their whimpering, unable to move as the five clips dug into her pussyand nipples. Mac moved over to Maria and placed metal clips on her nipplesand pussy, spreading her lips open just like Rex had done to Jill. Idon't think the girls realized what was going on yet but they would soon findout. Rex plugged the five clip wires attached to the Jill's body intoa small box he was holding and Mac did the same thing to the wires attachedto Maria. Rex said ?ok guys, for your viewing pleasure, we are goingto administer a little shock therapy to our girls.? ?This box lets mecontrol the amount of electricity delivered to the metal clips?. ?I cansend the electricity to just her nipples or just her pussy and clit or to allfive clips at once.? ?I can also slowly increase the output or go tomax power instantaneously.?
Rex said ?alright ladies are you ready for your therapy.? ?Forstarters, I'll begin with Jill's nipples.? He turned a dial on his boxand Jill let out a low moan as the electricity began to flow into her nipples. Heslowly turned the dial increasing the output. Jill's upper body beganto twitch and shake and her eyes opened wide as the electricity rushed intoher nipples. Her moans turned into screams as Rex continued to increasethe voltage. He turned the dial to max sending Jill's body into a spasmas she yelled out ?oh my god, please stop, no more, you're killing me.? Rexshut off the electricity allowing Jill's body to stop shaking. She laidthere taking short deep breaths trying to recover from the pain she just feltin her tits. Rex suddenly cranked his dial to max, sending a huge joltof electricity into her nipples. Her eyes almost shot out of her headas her muscles tensed up and she screamed out in agony. Rex shut offthe flow and pointed to Mac and said ?your turn, lets see how Maria handlesit.?
Mac turned his dial delivering the first shot of electricityto her nipples. Maria's body responded the same way, twitching and shakingas the voltage surged into her tits. Her initial whimpers turned intoscreams as Mac increased the output. Her tits weren't as firm as Jill'sand they were jiggling all over as her body quivered. Mac went to maxpower as Maria let out a blood curdling screech, then he shut it off allowingher to recover, she was practically hyper ventilating, her chest quickly risingand falling. Rex said ?okay Jill how about a little pussy shock?. Heturned another dial delivering a shot of electricity to her pussy lips andclit. Jill immediately screamed out in pain as the voltage flowed intoher battered pussy. Rex began to expertly torture her, turning the dialup then down. He seemed to know exactly how much juice she could stand. Herthigh muscles would contract then shake uncontrollably as the electricity rushedinto her body. Jill's screams were as loud as I've ever heard as shelaid there forced to endure this torment. Rex shut it off and motionedfor Mac to begin on Maria. Mac turned his knob and the voltage beganto flow into Maria's pussy. Maria's thigh and stomach muscles contractedand twitched as the voltage entered her. Her eyes were bugging out ofher head and she was loudly yelling out in pain as Mac continued his shocktherapy on her pussy.
All of a sudden, Maria must have lost control of her bowelsas a stream of urine rushed out of her hole and formed a puddle on the floor. Rexnoticed it and said ?oh will you look at that, Maria had a little accident,baby doll, I asked if you had to piss earlier and you said no.? ?I guessyou lied didn't you?. Rex and Mac began to simultaneously torture thegirls, sending the electricity into their nipples and pussy at the same time. Theydefinitely knew what they were doing always backing off when it seemed thegirls were going over the edge and letting them recover only to start overagain. I had never witnessed anything like this even in movies but seeingthese sexy teenagers totally helpless and screaming out in agony, begging formercy as their bodies shook and twitched from the pain of the electricity flowingthrough them, was an incredible turn on. After several more minutes,Rex said ?ok ladies, I think you've had enough of this, lets move on?. Sweatwas pouring off both girls as they laid their sobbing and trying to recover. Rexand Mac removed the clips from their nipples and pussy and took a wet toweland gently wiped the sweat off their faces and bodies while telling them theywere alright and we were just having a little fun.
After the girls had settled down and stopped crying,Rex said ?it looks like you ladies are ready for a little more action.? Hepulled out two sets of metal dildos, one was about ten inches long and oneinch in diameter and the other was smaller about the size of a pencil. Theyboth had wire attached to them and I figured out immediately what was next. Rexgave a set to Mac and kept the other. He showed them to the girls andsaid ?the big one is for your pussy and the small one is going to be shovedup your ass so we can do some internal shock therapy.? Both girls beganbegging and pleading which turned me on even more. Rex and Mac insertedthe dildos into the girls' pussy and ass hole so that only the tip was visible. Icould see Jill struggling against her straps in an attempt to get the objectsout of her holes but it was futile as she was securely tied. Rex said ?ladiesthis is going to be very painful as your pussy and ass are going to feel likethey are on fire once the electricity starts flowing into them so I figuredI would give you something to help take your mind off of it?.
Rex pulled out a safety pin or since it was about2 inches long, I guess it was a diaper pin. It had a white plastic endthat the tip of the pin went into so you couldn't accidentally prick yourself. Rexopened it up taking the tip out of its safety holder and showed it to Jill. Heasked her if she ever contemplated getting her nipples pierced. Jill'seyes opened wide as she said ?oh my god no? and started pleading with him again. Rexsaid ?I think pierced nipples are sexy? and he ripped open his leather shirtto reveal two nipple rings. He said ?what do you think Jill, look sexyto you,? she just kept saying ?no please no?. Rex turned to Maria andsaid ?how about you honey, do you want your nipples pierced,? Maria just staredstraight ahead not uttering a sound. Rex took the tip of the pin andplaced it against Jill's still erect pink nipple as she continued to pleadwith him. He teased her, moving the pin around her nipple, lightly pushingon it without breaking the skin. Then without warning, he stuck it intoher nipple and right out the other side as Jill let out a gut wrenching screamat the top of her lungs. Rex closed the diaper pin by slipping the tipback inside the plastic end. He said ?now that's a nice nipple ring,looks like we need another one to balance it out.? He pulled out anotherone and placed the tip against Jill's other nipple. Just like the firstone, he pushed it right through her nipple. He grabbed both pins withhis hands and started pulling on them and twisting them to increase Jill'ssuffering. I was sitting right next to Jill's tits and had an up closelook as her nipples were painfully stretched and twisted.
Rex said ?ok Mac your turn, I think Maria's nippleswould look real nice pierced, how about you guys, do you want to see them pierced.? Ofcourse we all said yes. Maria was struggling against her binds and tryingto protect herself from the fate suffered by Jill but she too was tied verytightly and couldn't move. Mac put the tip of the two inch diaper pinagainst her nipple and said ?just relax honey this won't hurt too bad.? Maria'sbrown nipples were still hard and sticking straight up, they were twice thediameter of Jill's. Unlike Rex who shoved the pin right through Jill'snipples, Mac took his time. He stuck it in her nipple slowly, movingit all around as it gradually worked its way through. Jill was in agonyas he manipulated her nipple with the pin, pulling it up and away from herbody and shaking it back and forth. Finally the tip pierced through theother side as Mac continued to push it in. He repeated the process withthe other nipple, taking his time as I could tell he was really enjoying himselfby causing Maria so much pain. Jill and Maria now had both their nipplespierced with the diaper pins serving as homemade nipple rings. They laid therebreathing heavily and whimpering.
Rex gave them a few moments for the initial pain to subsidethen said ?ok, I think you ladies are ready for the internal shock treatmentnow.? The sight of the metal dildos sticking out of these college babes pussyand ass as they laid there spread eagle was almost enough to make me cum inmy pants. The way their sore red pussy lips were spread around the foreignobjects really had me going. Rex began with Jill, turning the dial onhis box and delivering the first jolt of electricity into her pussy and ass. Shelet out a soft moan which quickly turned into a loud howl as Rex cranked thedial to max. Mac started with Maria sending the electricity into hertwo holes. Once again Rex and Mac expertly tortured our sexy captives,making sure they stayed conscious the whole time. I saw Jill's eyes startto roll up inside her head a few times as she was about to pass out from thepain but Rex just backed off until she recovered only to crank it up again.Both girls' legs and stomach muscles were really contracting and twitchingas the voltage entered their pussy and ass and flowed through their bodies. Afterwhat had to seem like an eternity to the two suffering girls, Rex said ?okI think they have had enough.? Before removing the dildos, Rex and Macstarted sliding the objects in and out of both their holes, fucking their pussyand ass hole with them. Jill and Maria laid still silently as the two guysviolated them with the metal objects, at this point just happy to have theelectric shock torture over with.
Rex said ?ok guys as our final act this evening, everyoneis going to help us create a work of art with our pretty coeds' bodies.? Hehanded each of us a long round candle, with every one getting a different color. Hetold ten of us to form a circle around Jill and the other ten to gather aroundMaria. He lit all our candles and told us to start dripping thehot wax all over the girls' bodies and then he would judge which work of artwas the best. I was standing next to Jill at tit level so I began drippingmy blue candle wax over her tits. Both girls began screaming as the hotliquid wax made contact with their abused sensitive skin. Our group waspouring wax all over Jill's thighs, calfs , ankles, feet, stomach, tits, nipples,pubic hair and neck with the colors mixing as they dripped down her body beforehardening. We spent extra time on her tits, covering them completelyand the diaper pins which were still stuck through her nipples with multi coloredwax. I moved down between her legs and spread her pussy lips open withone hand and began dripping my blue wax in her pussy. Her blonde bushwas already covered with multi colored wax. I poured the wax directlyon her clit and let it run down into her hole as it hardened. Jill wassobbing and screamed out as the wax hit her clit. I could tell I wasthe one causing her the most pain and it really turned me on. Anotherguy started pouring his green candle over her spread open pussy lips lettingit run into her hole too as I continued to cover her clit with my wax. Jill'spussy overflowed and the blue/green wax ran down her slit to her ass hole,covering it too. Rex said ?ok, times up lets take a look at our masterpieces.? Weall walked around both girls admiring our work. Maria's body was equallycovered, her tits a solid coat of multi colored wax and her bush and bare pussylips hidden beneath a thick coat of wax.
Rex told us to form two circles around the girls againand said something was missing from our masterpieces. He said ?I thinkwhat they need is a little personal touch from us and if we were like him,we should have a buildup inside us from watching the torture session.? Hetold us to pull our dicks out and manually relieve ourselves on Jill and Maria'sbody and face. Rex said ?I know you guys have drank a lot of beer soif you don't have to cum, feel free to piss on them.? He took a clothespin and put it over Jill's nose so she had to open her mouth and breathe outof it. Mac did the same to Maria. We all dropped our pants as thegirls laid there silently not even complaining anymore even though they wereabout to be degraded in the worst way. I pumped my dick with my handlooking down at poor sexy Jill all covered in wax. I watched as the firstwave of cum was splattered on her face from a guy across from me at the sametime a guy next to me began pissing on her face. She couldn't close hermouth due to her nose being clamped shut so the piss was flowing into her mouthand running down her cheeks. I couldn't hold back any longer lookingat this awesome sight so I shot my first wave of cum on Jill's face and watchedas it dribbled into her eyes. My next load landed directly in her mouthand mixed with the piss that was already there. Having no choice due to herhaving to breathe, Jill took a big gulp and swallowed the piss/cum mixture. Guyswere cumming and pissing all over her body now. After climaxing my dickwent soft and now I realized I had to piss too. I snuck over to Mariaand stood between her legs and pissed all over her pussy and inner thighs. Itwas such a rush to be degrading these sexy teenagers as they laid there totallyhelpless with their spirit completely broken. These hot girls normallywouldn't give a middle aged man like me the time of day but now not only didI get to play with their bodies and have them suck my dick and fuck them inevery hole, but also got to have complete power and control over them as witnessedby forcing them to drink my piss and cum. Once everyone was done, weall sat down and once again admired our work. Both girls had cum and piss drippingoff their face, hair and their wax covered bodies, Rex said ?nice work guys.? Hethen told us to return our stools to their original place in line as it wastime to decide the fate of our young ladies.
We all sat on our stools in line and watched as Rex and Mac unstrappedJill from the X table. They carried her over to the swing set frame and laidher on the plywood platform that was attached to the bottom of the frame. Therewas no fight left in our young blonde coed. She laid there while herwrists were tied together over her head and a set of padded leather cuffs wereplaced on her ankles. Her legs weren't hooked together instead they wereleft spread open. Rex and Mac tied a piece of rope to each of the anklecuffs, threw the other end over the cross beam of the swing set and hoistedJill in the air, feet first. They raised her up until she was totallyupside down and her hands were dangling down about a foot above the platform. Theypulled each rope out to side, spreading her legs open as far as they wouldgo and then tied it off. Her tied together wrists were also secured tothe platform to ensure her immobility. Jill hung there upside down withher legs spread wide open, wax still covering her body and the cum/piss mixturedripping off her body and hair. Her tits still stuck straight out andher nipples remained hard with the diaper pins still piercing through them. Rexand Mac unstrapped Maria and carried her limp body over to the swing set frame. Sheoffered no resistance as they hung her upside with her legs spread open rightnext to Jill. Her arms were tied to the platform as well. Bothgirls hung there facing us, totally spent with their teenaged bodies showingthe results of being thoroughly abused and tortured.
Rex said ?ok guys like I said at the beginning, it willbe your decision if our ladies live or die?. ?We will have a vote andif the majority of you vote for execution then that's what will be done, ifnot then we will set them free.? Both girls started whimpering and moaningat hearing Rex's words. Rex told them to shut up and that they wouldhave a chance to speak in a moment. He turned to us and said ?here isthe situation.? ?In determining our ladies fate, consider the following points.? ?Iftheir bodies weren't up to your standards then vote for execution?. ?Ifyou don't think they cooperated or if you are not completely sexually satisfied,then vote for execution.? ? If on the other hand you were happy with theirbodies and feel satisfied, then vote to set them free.? Rex pulled outa knife with a 15 inch blade and walked over to the girls. He sat downbetween them and said ?if the vote is for execution then we will have anothervote to see how its done, fast or slow.? He grabbed Jill's hair and pulledit back exposing her neck and placed the knife against her throat. Hesaid ?I could slit her throat open from ear to ear and get it over real quickor I could slice their tits off and shove this knife up their pussy and watchthem slowly bleed to death.? He took his knife and ran it around Maria'stits then stood up and placed the tip against her wax covered pussy sendingmore fear into her.
Rex said ?if you guys think they should be spared, thenwe will clean them up to make sure no DNA type of evidence is left behind andset them free.? ?Before we vote, lets see if our girls have any lastcomments.? ?Jill, do you have anything to say to the guys?? Jillimmediately blurted out, ?please, please I beg you to let me go, I promiseI won't say anything to anyone about this.? ?I did everything you wantedand I haven't even seen any of your faces so I couldn't ID anyone even if Iwanted to?. She started sobbing again and kept saying please don't killme. Rex turned to Maria, she was chanting or praying in Spanish and justkept repeating the same phrase. I figured she had to believe she wasabout to be killed. Rex said ?ok guys its voting time.? ?I'm goingto count to three and with a show of thumbs up for freedom and thumbs downfor execution, you guys will vote.? ?The first vote is for Jill, 1, 2,3 vote.? I gave a thumbs up as I thought she was totally incredible anddeserved to live. Rex looked down the line of stools and said ?well aunanimous decision, Jill looks like you get to go home.? ?And now forMaria, 1,2 3, vote.? Once again I voted thumbs up. I didn't thinkshe deserved to die either. Its one thing to rape and abuse these youngwomen but I didn't want to see them get seriously hurt let alone killed. Onceagain the vote was unanimous for setting her free. Rex said ?well, well girlstoday is your lucky day?. I chuckled as if what they had been through todayconstituted a lucky day. On the other hand they were about to be setfree with no wounds or permanent disfigurements, just a real sore pussy, assand tits so it could have been worse considering.
Mac brought in this high power hose which looked like aminiature firemen's hose and aimed it at Jill. He pulled the lever andsent a rush of water against her body. Rex got a bristle brush and startedscrubbing Jill's body, removing the hardened wax and dried up piss and cum. Hespent extra time scouring her tits with his brush and since she still had thediaper pins pierced through her nipples, every time the brush made contact,her nipple would get pulled and twisted making her let out a loud gasp. Rexmoved up to her upside down and spread open pussy and began scrubbing the waxoff her little blonde bush and her swollen red lips and inner thighs with hisbristle brush. He used a little extra strength and forcefully scrubbed herenflamed puckered ass hole. Mac brought the hose over and stuck the tipof the nozzle into Jill's pussy. He turned it on sending a gush of waterinto the blonde's hole. He kept the nozzle in her pussy for a few minutesmaking sure all of our juices were cleaned out of it and then Rex stuck twoof his leather covered fingers into her pussy as far as they would go. Hepulled them out making sure there was nothing but water left in her fuck hole. Hemoved the nozzle to her raw ass hole and shoved it into her. Her rearhole was cleansed just like her pussy had been with Rex probing his fingerinto her tight ass at the end to ensure she was cleaned out. He madeher open her mouth so it could be cleaned out, and proceeded to aim the hoseat her face making her gag from the constant flow of water. Jill's hairwas also cleaned as it hung down with the aid of the high power hose.
Once Rex was satisfied her body, face, hair and all threeholes were thoroughly cleaned, he let her hang there upside down to dry offand moved over to Maria. She was subjected to the same cleaning ritual,having her tits and pussy scrubbed with the hard bristle brush as well as herholes flushed out with the hose. Rex and Mac cut Jill down off the frameand stood her up facing us. They were each holding on to an arm to steadyher as she was wobbly. Rex said ?before you get dressed, do you wantyour nipple rings left in or removed.? She meekly said ?removed.? Sothey walked her over to us and told her to pick someone to take them out. Jillstarted to hesitate but the guys wouldn't let her. Her milky white titshad scratches all over them from the bristle brush as well as little red marksfrom the wax and of course she still had those rug burns on the inside of bothtits from the excessive tit fucking she endured. Jill stopped in front of meso I quickly reached out, popped the pin open, and slowly slid it out of hernipple making her whole body shudder. The guy next to me removed theother one. A tiny drop of blood appeared at the exit holes as Rex toldJill not to worry because those holes will close up in a few days and her titswould be as good as new. He and Mac pulled a loose fitting pair of gray sweatpants up Jill's legs covering her pussy and ass for the first time in manyhours. They pulled a plain white tee shirt over her head and down herbody, covering those awesome tits and nipples. Her hands were tied behindher back and Rex had her sit down.
Rex and Mac moved over to Maria who was still hanging upsidedown and cut her down. They didn't even ask her if she wanted her nipplerings removed, instead they walked her over to our stools and had two guysremove them. They dressed her in sweat pants and a tee shirt and cuffed herhands behind her back. Rex blindfolded both girls, telling them to relaxas it was just a precaution so they couldn't tell where they were. Hetold us to say goodbye to the girls as they were going to be dropped off attheir respective cars. Mac led the blindfolded girls to the door. Theywere both walking very gingerly with their legs spread open as their pussiesand ass holes had to be extremely sore. Mac left with the girls and Rexsaid ?ok guys, that's the end of the show.? I hope you all enjoyed theaction. The video of the event will be mailed to your homes in abouta week and we will notify you when we schedule another show. The limoswill be here momentarily to take you one by one back to the airport. Isat in the limo as it headed to the airport still not believing what I hadjust witnessed. I was already looking forward to the video as well asthe next S.S.M.A.R.T. P.I.C. event.
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“You fucker.”That was the message preview in the notification of a text from my father-in-law, Dave. The notification also indicated there was a picture, which I unlocked my phone to view.“Oh, shit” I said under my breath. My father in law had stumbled across a dressed/undressed collage of his daughter than I had posted online.While I was staring at my phone in shock, another message came in:And another:And another:Oh, fuck. He didn't just find one picture of her; he found an entire gallery of...
“You fucker.”That was the message preview in the notification of a text from my father-in-law, Dave. The notification also indicated there was a picture, which I unlocked my phone to view.“Oh, shit” I said under my breath. My father in law had stumbled across a dressed/undressed collage of his daughter than I had posted online.While I was staring at my phone in shock, another message came in:And another:And another:Oh, fuck. He didn't just find one picture of her; he found an entire gallery of...
My turn finally came and I was informed that my next flight out would be the same flight the next day. In addition I was informed that since blah blah blah major event was in progress hotels were pretty booked and the airline was not assisting in costs or finding a place to stay. She said you can send a letter to the manager and complain if you want, handed me my boarding passes, and said Next.. As I turned I noticed the couple well the woman really who had been behind me talking to her...
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I continued to look for girls to sext. It was easier for me to find girls that weren’t super hot to sext me. There was a girl who went to a different school who was 3 grades ahead of me who started messaging me. She wasn’t overly attractive but me being the horny sophomore I was did not care. She was probably 5’8 and super skinny. Her ass was kinda flat but had some very small but cute tits. The first night we talked I got right into talking about sex, she was into it and I got her to send me...
I learned two very valuable lessons that night. First, it's not smart to park an expensive car on a dimly lit street in a poor neighborhood; and second, it's almost impossible to change a tire with a hardon, especially in a downpour. In addition to a slashed tire, the door on the driver's side had been damaged by a rock or a sharp object. Fortunately, the top had not been punctured. It had been years since I'd changed a tire. I cursed the rain and the person who had vandalized my car,...
"I am soooo horny!" Richard said to himself as he sat in front of the computer trying to find good pictures of girls. He liked gorgeous girls from head to toe. He didn't like pics where girls had their lower legs and feet cut off. He thought that the legs and feet were as sexy as the rest of the body. And lots of pics that he found cut off the girl's lower legs and feet. "Come on. Where are some good barefoot pics?" Richard demanded. He then went to an internet search engine and typed in...
"I am soooo horny!" Richard said to himself as he sat in front of the computer trying to find good pictures of girls. He liked gorgeous girls from head to toe. He didn't like pics where girls had their lower legs and feet cut off. He thought that the legs and feet were as sexy as the rest of the body. And lots of pics that he found cut off the girl's lower legs and feet. "Come on. Where are some good barefoot pics?" Richard demanded. He then went to an internet search engine and typed in...
FetishThis isn’t me saying that I masterbated over some girl’s nude pics, it was more like the exact opposite. One time a girl who knew me, spoke to me over the phone saying how she loves masturbating over my MySpace Pics. Which is really crazy cause normally wierdos or other people would do that, so here is the reason about it….. 3 years ago, some girl named Kelsey said that she liked me, and that she saw my MySpace pics as sexy. She would tell me one time that she would go on my profile, she said...
So I have posted several pics, down blouse, which were taken at different functions but she always knew I was taking them and she was showing me those tits in a loose bra. I then started taking pics after we had sex, putting her bra on or getting into the shower or getting ready to head back to work. All candid shots I took with her knowing I would edit them and put them in my gallery of her here.Lisa thinks it hot that other guys and ladies can look at her body and read my stories about us, I...
This isn't me saying that I masterbated over some girl's nude pics, it was more like the exact opposite. One time a girl who knew me, spoke to me over the phone saying how she loves masturbating over my MySpace Pics. Which is really crazy cause normally wierdos or other people would do that, so here is the reason about it.....3 years ago, some girl named Kelsey said that she liked me, and that she saw my MySpace pics as sexy. She would tell me one time that she would go on my profile, she said...
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Porn Pictures SitesNote: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I sat in Mr. Tate’s boring class thinking. Pondering. Plotting. I had to figure out a way to fuck Mrs. Reyes, my math teacher, before my lunch break. That was when I had thought I would do it. But, of course, my mother had to find and seduce a virgin for me to fuck. She was obsessed with keeping me from having any fun with married MILFs. So what if they were married? I would give them a big treat. A huge futa-dick fucking into their...
I love my mother a lot, I do. I have tremendous respect for her. She took care of me and my younger brother all by herself after my father cheated on her and ran away with some whore. My mother, who goes by the name Vasanthi, pretends to be strong for us. But deep down I can understand that she is also a human. She feels pain too. She too can make mistakes. I know it, but I just hope someone would have told me this that night. It was around 10 pm after dinner. The family was seated at the...
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[We meet our two announcers; Dan and Elly. Dan is a short, blond man who always seems nervous. Elly is a tall, big breasted brunette who likes to joke about castrating Dan.] E: Welcome back to the Ballbusting Olympics. I'm Elly and this is my co-host Dan. Now that the opening ceremonies are over, its time to have a moment of silence. D: Please take this moment to remember all the men who lost a testicle at last year's Ballbusting Olympics. [Dan looks mortified as short videos of the now...
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well id been at the local pub all day, it was the mid-summer, had on my little red dress (see my pics), a tiny thong, push-up bra. I had gone through a bottle of wine and more, been in the beer garden most of the day, sat on a bench and was attracting plenty of attention especially when i was bending over, my red dress is so short, showing some high leg, maybe some ass cheek, maybe even a glimpse of my pussy bulge in my wet panties.....turns me on so much when i know i am being watched and...
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As you all know, a pair of big boobs catches the attention of your eyes as well as your dick at a lightning speed! There will be almost zero guys who won’t be distracted by the sight of huge melons. And today, I invite your attention to these sexually thunderous nude photos of a busty desi wife with big milk tanker boobs which will make your heads look very small! This chubby Indian wife rarely sees men look into her eyes during conversation. (well, no surprise!) Her...
Ch. 1: The AnniversaryOn their tenth anniversary Sam and Annie held hands under a candle-lit dinner table. Their lives together had accumulated an embarrassment of riches; deep, abiding love and respect for one another, two darling and mischievous little kids pittering and pattering all over their condo, and a shiny new SUV, all counted among their crown jewels.Date nights on the other hand, were rarer treasures. The happy couple basked in their moment together, even as they struggled here and...
Straight SexIt’s the 27 th of July 2012. Usually, by this time of year, my friends and I have dispersed to various parts of the country of world and would not be returning to University until October. But this year is different, the Olympics were in London and we are all excited by this once in a lifetime opportunity to see a raft of top sport up close. A couple of my friends have even volunteered to help out around the event as Games Makers. The rest of us has applied for and received tickets to see some...
Group SexAly's dad rarely took chances when it came to his online life. He only looked at porn or entered chat rooms when no one else was home, he kept several completely private emails, and he rarely accessed them unless he was sure he was alone. But he was caught by surprise after he returned early from watching his daughter compete in the Olympics in Women's Gymnastics. He was unaware that Aly had caught a different flight home than her mother, nor that a car had been arranged to pick up Aly from...
Apple Pickers Each picking season it is always hard for me to realize that there really is a need for cheap disposable labor. Migrant workers serve a valuable need. These modern day nomads travel from crop to crop at harvest season up and down to coast. They can pick green beans one week, fresh blueberries the next week, and ripe apples a month later. They just show up. You don’t have to tell them when the fruit is ripe or even ask them to come. They just show up, ask for work, and...
Chapter 02 – Epicurean We finished eating at a local Spanish restaurant, finishing a bottle of Rioja and then a carafe of Sangria. I try to drink cheap wine infrequently, but it just felt like the right thing to do. Naturally we both got very drunk. Over some espressos the conversation turned to the general area of sex, but since I don’t recall all the details it probably was very general. Suffice it to say we laughed a lot and I kept trying to figure out how to get her to go home with me. ...
I am 16 yrs old girl from indian I have a b*****r he is 18yrs old i love my b*****r and he loves me I had given deepthroat blowjob to loving b*****r I love sucking own b*****r’s huge penis Once I was sucking my in kichen, and mom saw me sucking b*****r’scock and she loving held my head and said daughter you’re givng a nice blowjob then she give a advice before giving blowjob to own b*****r’s penis, s****r should put a nose-pin or a nose-ring in lest nosetril because b*****r always want to see...
I love to suck cock when I’m horny, and on this particular day I’m quite turned on. It’s late summer and school is starting up again soon. I’ve just turned eighteen and can’t wait to start my senior year – so many football player dicks to suck! Never mind the male teachers. They hook up with students a lot more often than you think. Craving the taste of cock, I decide to pay a visit to my favorite place on earth: the gloryhole down the street. Yes, I live within walking distance of a...
I heard the front door open followed by the sound of her keys fall into the bowl by the door. A slight tremble ran through my body. I had been worked up all day and all I could think about was having her hands on me, but I was nervous.This morning before she left, she made sure I was a needy mess, waking me with her tongue. She was licking me slowly, almost lazily, like she had all the time in the world. God, I wish that had been true. Instead of seeing her naked when I looked down, I saw she...
LesbianIt was the event they had been working towards for the last four years. They had dedicated every moment of their lives the getting here; disciplining themselves, waking up early to train in all weathers and even on Christmas day, avoiding the foods they love and having to say no as others scoffed down cake or candy in font of them, missing out on nights out and spending time with friends and family to go to the gym or get to bed early, travelling all over the world from anonymous hotel to...
The people of the town and surrounding areas were in fear of the pickpockets for these urchins not alone picked the pockets of those whom they came across,they were also known to commit burglaries ;the people of the district were at their wits end. However one winter's day at the end of November one of the pickpockets found himself in the precarious situation of being caught by the local town Town Crier. The boy had struggled to try to get away,but had ran straight into the local milkman ,who...
Thrown out like yesterday’s garbage, sat a young blonde girl mixed with the rubbish of the beach trash. Her body covered in bruises and deep cuts, I gently woke her up. Miss what happened? Idk where am I?Hawaii Oh ok Where do you live?IdkName?IdkShe passed out, I scooped her up and carried her to my bungalow. I laid her down and looked her over. Her vagina looked like a elephant banged her, so swollen and bruised. 2, cuts on her leg that a bandaged up, no signs of broken bones. I covered her...
The internet, back when it was AOL dial up, had opened up my sexual desires and connected me to an exciting perverse world. I can't even recall how many times I masturbated to all kinds of porn, did cam to cam, and even phone sex'd with people willing to call me. I literally would spend the entire weekends sitting nude on a towel beating my tiny pecker, until it bled sometimes, dry of cum. I was in college and didn't have a roommate in my dorm room. I'd log on in the early evenings and stay on...
I love to suck cock when I'm horny, and on this particular day I'm quite turned on.It's late summer and school is starting up again soon. I've just turned eighteen and can't wait to start my senior year - so many football player dicks to suck! Never mind the male teachers. They hook up with students a lot more often than you think.Craving the taste of cock, I decide to pay a visit to my favorite place on earth: the gloryhole down the street. Yes, I live within walking distance of a gloryhole....
Dear readers, this is my second story. As I described earlier in ‘daring housewife story’ how much hair fetish I am. To get long hair women ready to spend money, time everything. One and only criteria for a woman to me is her hair. Age, complexion, figure, look everything immaterial for me. I am a bachelor and not going to marry at least within 10 years. Because marriage will spoil my obsession, my dream. My office is about 20 km away from my home. Usually I work till 8pm, but that day I left...
The Exhibitionist and the Epicurean In the BCM club the dancer gyrated listlessly to the rhythm of the baseline. Ignored and despised by some and simply leered at by others she moved he body for the few Euros it earned. She felt ignored and was unhappy at being ignored. She craved attention, she always had done, she had to be the centre of attention but here while she should be, she was not. Her body was sexy; she knew it and wanted to show it off.Then one evening while the pissed teenagers...
This story is copyright by the author and may not be reproduced or posted elsewhere, in part or in full, without the permission of the author, which can be obtained by contacting Skip Taser at [email protected] . Warning: This story contains no sex. It is intended to be humourous and satirical and contains controversial ideas about religion and spiritual beliefs. If you think you may be offended by this, please don't read it. Otherwise, enjoy! Topsy & Tim go to Pick'n'mix(r)...