The Vermont Boarding School Part 6 The Piccolo
- 1 year ago
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I learned two very valuable lessons that night. First, it's not smart to park an expensive car on a dimly lit street in a poor neighborhood; and second, it's almost impossible to change a tire with a hardon, especially in a downpour. In addition to a slashed tire, the door on the driver's side had been damaged by a rock or a sharp object. Fortunately, the top had not been punctured.
It had been years since I'd changed a tire. I cursed the rain and the person who had vandalized my car, and at some point during the process, my hardon disappeared.
Karen must have been waiting just inside her door. The umbrella she carried did little to shield her from the rain, and the beach robe was already soaked when our mouths collided. The umbrella went flying as she hopped up on my car's fender, and the robe fell open as she used both hands to pull me between her legs.
I fumbled with my belt, letting my pants drop to the ground. The rain drowned out the sounds of our lips sucking each other's tongues, her moaning, my grunting, and the "Ah," we said in unison when my cock made its entrance into her warm, wet, wrap.
"That's it! Don't move! Let me feel you," she whispered, just above the sound of the rain beating down. I complied with her request, because if I had moved right then, I would have come.
Karen leaned her head back and let the rain hit her face. "This is what I've been thinking about all the time he was trying to get me into his bed. Hold still, Honey, let me feel you inside me."
"Gary tried to get you to his bed?"
"Hmmm, he always tries, but I use mind control. I think of how you're going to feel, and tell him I'm not ready."
Was she serious? She was talking about mind control while we were being soaked to the bone.
"Karen, I agree that being inside you is an extraordinary feeling, but I don't want to wait. Can we start fucking soon?"
She drew her feet up, and moved backwards, dislodging my cock from her warm, wet, wrap. "Come up here and stretch out on your back," she said, moving to make room for me.
What the hell? Anxious to get on with it, I didn't argue with her. The hood of my car was still warm from the drive, and slippery, but it only took me a couple of seconds to get into position.
Raindrops fell from Karen's hair as she hovered above me, yelling to make her voice heard. "Pretend you are a musical instrument."
"Okay," I yelled back, wondering where this was going.
"Your cock is a piccolo."
She took my 'piccolo' in her hand and lowered her ass until my 'piccolo' was completely encapsulated by her sheath.
"I wish we could stay like this all night," she yelled down to me.
I was relishing the feeling and agreed with her, "Me too."
"We'll do this the next time we go to the condo, but right now I'm going to play a tune on your piccolo. You must name the tune, okay?"
She didn't wait for an answer. I felt the end of my cock being squeezed three times before the walls of her vagina gave me three more distinct squeezes. "Can you name that tune?"
It was a dark night. I heard the branches swaying in the wind, and the sound of raindrops pelting the car. "Rhapsody in blue," I yelled, guessing.
"Correct!" she announced, and began to play another tune on my piccolo. This time it went on longer. I tried to count the notes as she squeezed the head, down to the base of my cock, stopping abruptly.
"When the Saints come marching in."
"Correct! Would you like to try for the grand prize?"
I knew I could win. There were no incorrect answers. "I just want to fuck you," I shouted.
"I don't believe I know that one," she shouted back, laughing when I rolled her over and began slamming into her.
Karen did not make it a rule to talk during sex. It must have been the rain pelting us that made her throw caution to the wind, but she didn't stop shouting the entire time we were fucking. I only caught fragments of what she was telling me. She was quite complimentary with her remarks, giving me credit for 'rocking her libido, ' whatever that meant.
"Stay inside me," she pleaded in a barely audible voice.
She held me tightly and I was so exhausted that I had no choice but to obey her. Several minutes went by before we were able to speak. I used the time to consider what Mr. Parker must be thinking if he'd been watching us.
Karen gave my cock a little tweak. "What are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking what a ludicrous scene we must project, fucking on a car in a torrential downpour, taking a chance of being hit by lighting or by a falling tree limb, while putting on a show for an old man. What happened tonight that made you lose your inhibitions?"
"Do you want me to play, 'When the Saints come marching in' again on your piccolo?"
I laughed and kissed her, pressing my lips to her ear. "When can you go to the condo with me?"
"Would you call what we are doing an illicit affair?" she asked, avoiding my question.
"I suppose you could call it illicit, but if that's what illicit feels like, let me have some more illicit."
"Tonight, when Gary suggested that I go to bed with him, I thought of how you were going to feel inside me. Do you think I'm dishonest by not telling him about us?"
This is probably where I should have told her that Gary was opposed to marrying again. "Don't beat yourself up about it. We were fucking long before he knew you existed. That takes precedence over dishonesty."
"You're sweet, but you're also full of shit. I knew you were trouble the first time we met."
"I knew that we were going to fuck the first time we met."
"You knew no such thing. Get off of me. I'd love to fuck again, but you must leave before the old man becomes bored with our show and closes the gate," she said, emphasizing her order with another tweak to my cock.
We kissed goodnight and as I drove down the winding drive, I thought how funny it would be if the umbrella triggered the security lights to come on.
It was nearing three AM when I got back to the shelter. Floyd looked up from a table in the kitchen as I tiptoed by him. I was tossing my clothes into the dryer when he asked why I had come back. I told him it was in case he needed help. He nodded, seeming to know that I was concerned that the men might give him a hard time when they woke up. He tossed me a towel, and after I was reasonably dry, I looked over his shoulder.
Floyd had several sketches in front of him, along with the picture of K.O. on the rover. He first explained the shortcomings he'd found with the prototype. I had to agree that it looked primitive compared to Floyd's sketches.
In addition to designing an actual suspension system, he'd changed the undercarriage to flexible plastic, and his drawing of the sample collection assemblies looked futuristic.
"I'll need to see the existing model before I tackle the frame and the steering mechanism," he said, sounding like a man on a mission.
I was a little surprised at his interest in the rover, but I drew a map showing the location of the Oldham house. "Stop by anytime. If I'm not there, Ned will be happy to open the garage for you."
"You haven't had anything to eat. Get dressed and we'll have breakfast," he said.
My sneakers were still wet and squishy, but the dry clothes did wonders for my disposition. We were beginning to eat our bacon and eggs when we heard the men stir. They took turns using the bathroom before taking seats in the dining room, hopeful of receiving another meal before going back out into the rain.
As I filled their cups with coffee, I wondered how many stories they could tell about the hardships of living on the streets. Instead of being unruly, they were quite appreciative of Floyd's generosity. They'd enjoyed a filling meal last night, had their wet clothes dried, given a blanket and a place to sleep, and now there was the anticipation of another meal.
It was after four AM when Floyd urged me to leave. He said that two early risers from the second floor would be downstairs soon to help him with breakfast for the other women, and Ruth would relieve him at in another hour.
The windshield wipers were on high speed as I drove home. Not wanting to wake Ned and Penelope, I parked the car near the garage and deposited my wet sneakers in the hallway. I must have been asleep five hours when K.O. announced that it was time for me to get up, explaining that, "A man wants to see you."
He didn't know who the man was or why he was there to see me. He watched as I splashed cold water on my face, and put on the same clothes I'd worn the night before. At least the rain had stopped. K.O. took my hand and pulled me to the garage where Ned and Floyd were examining the damage that had been done to my car.
The scratches looked much worse in the daylight than the night before. I didn't mention that the tire had been slashed because I could see that Floyd felt badly that the vandalism had happened.
He took measurements of the rover, and looked at how the battery was mounted on the frame.
"The control panel shows ingenuity," he said, but he didn't comment on the chassis, which told me that he was not impressed with the design. I reiterated that my friends were studying to become electronics engineers, and Floyd said that he understood.
We had K.O. demonstrate how he could handle the rover, and Floyd was noncommittal as he observed the slow speed and the wide radius it took to make a turn.
Floyd thanked K.O. for showing him how well he could drive the rover before turning to me. "I'm sorry about the damage that was done to your car."
After he was gone, I told Ned about the tire being slashed, and he said that he would take care of having the car repaired.
K.O. wanted to 'kick the ball, ' and it only took about two hours for him to become so tired that he lost interest.
When I went back to my room I discovered that Marcie had called, and for once, she had news. She was excited about finding a possible girlfriend for her brother.
"Bernard hasn't met her yet, but she's going to be perfect for him. In addition to being the assistant librarian, she's an avid hiker and camper. I can't wait to introduce them."
"What kind of books does Bernard read?"
"I don't know that he reads books."
"Does he hike and camp?"
"You're missing the point, Oldham. He manufactures tents and she must use a tent when she camps."
"He has no reason to visit the library, and he doesn't hike or camp. What am I missing? I don't think they have very much in common."
Marcie became indignant. "Of course, they do. They're both overweight. That makes dieting their common interest."
"I promised I'd introduce Wanda to someone who will appreciate her. Thank you for reminding me."
She scoffed and changed the subject. "Is Russell back from South America? Have you heard from him?"
"No, but I promised to visit his uncle. Thanks again for reminding me."
"You're welcome," she said, rather sarcastically, before saying she'd talk to me next week.
Why had I volunteered to match Wanda with a suitable partner? In the first place, I didn't know anyone who fit the bill. When considering the requirements of this individual, I realized that I'd never met anyone who possessed the unique qualities that would keep her satisfied. What if I made a mistake? It would be devastating, and she'd never forgive me.
Naturally, I didn't share my thoughts with Wanda. Her exuberant greeting on Monday morning nearly made me late getting to John's staff meeting.
"I know who Barbara is, and I think I've found Jack Piedmont," she began.
I didn't give a shit where Piedmont was, but Wanda's excitement over her discovery made me listen to how she'd searched the archives until she found that Barbara had been with the company when we'd built the Cincinnati building.
I remembered the Cincinnati building from the summer I worked with Denny. We didn't get along very well. I blamed him for leaving me on my own, and his wife blamed him for being a workaholic.
"Jack Piedmont probably hired her, and Barbara must have stayed on to manage the building when we sold it."
"What makes you think Jack went to Cincinnati?" I asked.
"Mrs. Piedmont called again. She found a pack of Trojans in her husband's desk."
"And that proves ... what?"
Wanda made a 'humph' sound, like she pitied me for being hopelessly inept. "They didn't use them," she said.
Should I laugh or congratulate her for being an expert snoop? I excused myself, and when I got back from the staff meeting there were phone calls to return that kept me busy most of the day. One of the calls was from Heather, who had called collect. When the receptionist told her that I was in a meeting, she left a number where she could be reached, adding that it was imperative that I return the call to discuss an urgent matter.
Fearing that the urgent matter had something to do with our mother, I dialed the number and discovered it was the diner where she worked.
"Clifford left me and it's your fault," Heather said in a tearful tone of voice.
Hearing that our mother was not in peril, I breathed a sigh of relief. "How is it my fault that he left?"
"He read the business plan that you wrote, and said that if you didn't trust him enough to make him my partner, he didn't want anything to do with the restaurant. He was the best thing that ever happened to me, and you made him leave, Sammy."
"In other words, owning half of the restaurant was more important than staying with you. I did you a favor, Heather. He's right; I didn't trust him enough to cosign his bank loan."
Her speech became difficult to follow. "You didn't do me a favor. You ruined my life. You made him go away and he took my dream away with him."
"Have you taken the business plan to the bank?"
"What? Why would I do that? I'm all alone now."
"Don't let Clifford's leaving destroy your dream. There are scores of successful female entrepreneurs, and if you truly want to go into business, you can do it alone."
Her silence told me that she was digesting what I had said. Did she buy it? I didn't.
"Is it okay if I tell the bank that you will cosign my loan?"
"Sure," I said, and was ready to end the call when she had an idea.
"Is it okay if tell them that you're my rich brother?"
"If you must."
Her voice became optimistic, like she'd hit on something. "I'll tell them that everyone called you Apple when you played football."
"That should do it. Good luck," I said, leaving her in a much better mood as we said goodbye.
Heather was three years older than me, and she'd always been able to play with my mind. Should I be thankful that she had not inquired about her son? Had she forgotten about him, or was she saving that salvo for a time when she needed it?
The next three weeks were a whirlwind of interviewing the applicants for the sales job, grading their qualifications, and trying to decide which one was the best fit for the job.
My Friday night visits to the homeless shelter broke up the monotony. Floyd gave me a stack of sketches he'd made to improve the design of the rover. I looked the sketches over before I mailed them to Josh and Eddie, but I had no way of knowing that I was creating a hornet's nest. It was about a week later when I received a terse note from Jeannie, excoriating me for assuming that they had an unlimited amount of funds. She wrote that there was no way they could afford the machined parts depicted in Floyd's sketches. It was her exact words, 'We're just poor college students, ' that tugged at my heartstrings. I sent them an apology, along with a check for one thousand dollars.
At the October meeting of The Reapers, it was encouraging to hear how many members had made a commitment of helping out at the homeless shelter. The vote to contribute, both monetarily and through involvement passed, twenty-nine to three. I felt sorry for the dissenters. They took such harsh criticism from the other members that I would not have been surprised if they dropped out.
Apparently, Cynthia heard about my car being vandalized, and had the Jeep delivered to me. Ned told me that an elderly black man had dropped it off.
"The young lady that brought your computer and leather jacket picked him up," he said.
"Robert is Cynthia's butler and Daisy is his wife's niece. She works for Mr. Collingsworth," I explained.
From the way she reacted to my phone call, a casual observer would have thought that Cynthia and I were strangers. Hearing her austere response to my praise for her thoughtfulness, it was like we'd never shared the same bed, never swam naked together, and she hadn't depended upon me to advise her on the minutest detail. Her cold, dismissive attitude made me wonder why I'd called, but then, she said something that changed my mind.
"You were right about Mr. Ferris, Sammy. He got me into trouble with the tax people. I'm sorry that I didn't take your advice."
I hung up feeling pleased with myself. I'd never forget the smug look David Ferris gave me the night he and Dora were leaving Cynthia's house. I'd never forget the sight of his cock the night I'd caught him fucking Sophie Scott, either. Why hadn't I taken Dora up on her offer? David would never forget the smug look I would give him after I fucked his wife.
Well, forget it; put it out of your mind. Dora's not on your list of candidates for number thirty. She's a married woman.
Floyd used a portion of the new influx of funds to install a metal gate on one side of the shelter. The two parts of the gate were held together with a combination lock, and folded to the sides like an accordion. The gate provided safe parking for two cars, as well as Floyd's van. I made a habit of pulling in as close to the van as possible, leaving space for another car in case someone needed it.
I heard faint noises downstairs, and I decided to investigate. I pulled on a pair of cut-off jeans and grabbed the old pump shotgun that had served me so well in Vietnam from under my bed and crept downstairs to check. My Ranger training came into play, and I moved soundlessly, down the stairs and into the living room. A pair of vague shadowy figures were searching through the cabinet that housed my collection of antique silver. I announced my presence in a sudden and intimidating manner. I...
Fred left for work as he watched Jack cover his moms face with jism & also had her eat some. . After he unloaded all his cum Jack told his Mom that he was going out for awhile . Before i leave though Jack said come lets take a shower together , And then i want you to get ready cause lm bringing Brenda over for some 3way fun Okay ? Yes dear Karen exclaimed in a robotic 50s styles housewife tone. She stank of her sons sperm Chapter 1 Brenda comes to Visit Jack & Mom Karen Brenda the ...
Meeting Karen By MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This work will have additional chapters. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part II Preamble : Carrie has met Karen, and the two left the club...
Meeting Karen Part III by MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part III Preamble : Carrie and Karen meet and ride...
Meeting Karen By MadQuill Note: this story was inspired by another, though the plot lines are dissimilar : about a woman who models herself on someone. I hope readers will enjoy this translesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part I I stood with...
Introduction: Love story, Matt finds his dream girl. Karen and Kelly (The Rest of the Story) I made some minor changes to Part I but the story is still the same. If you have already read part I, skip down about half way and start on part II Karen & Kelly I My name is Mathew, everybody calls me Matt. I live in a big city up north. Summer vacation is over and today is my first day of junior high school. In the big city, there is an elementary school in every neighborhood within walking...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 11, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Continues at Deb’s Party Supplies Karen went out to the van that she was driving and got in the driver’s seat and put her arms on the steering wheel and started crying...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 6, Karen’s Night Out Darrell stood there and admired Karen’s beauty and just thought how lucky he was to be able to have made her his personal sex toy. He had plans to really put her through her...
Chapter 6, Karen’s Night OutDarrell stood there and admired Karen’s beauty and just thought how lucky he was to be able to have made her his personal sex toy. He had plans to really put her through her paces tonight. He hoped that she would be totally humiliated by the end of the night. He wanted to drive any bit of self esteem she might have out of her. While looking at her he decided to use something other than a dildo in her ass. He went and got the remotely controlled Ben Wa balls. He...
This is the final part of a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope the readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. ***** Meeting Karen - Part IV Preamble: Carrie's new position evolves Carrie walked to the side of the large bed and sat softly on the...
My slut wife Karen #2I woke up the next morning and my fantastic slut wife was soaking in the tub when I yelled for her. I felt the bed where my wife's butt was while she slept and there was a large wet spot and it was still sticky with cum that leaked out while she slept. I got dressed and just sat on the couch running last night through my mind. After Karen got out of the tub and dressed she came out and just sat on my lap and kissed me long and deep. Then she smiled and asked me if I liked...
This is a long story about how we got started with my wife being a slut.If enough people comment about it I will post another about my wife.I never thought about my wife fucking another man until we were married for over a year. But let me tell you about my wife first. She was 24 at the time and she has a nice body on her. She has C cup tits that are large and with nice nipples on them. Her butt is great and round and her measurements are 36-28-36. Karen weighs about 125 and is 5'9'' tall. So...
I was attending a film opening, one which I did part finance for my good friend Richard. We were good buddies from school and both have just turned 20. Richard was the curly hair musician and I was the class nerd. The four of us which included Keith and Paul were good friends in school. When I left school at 17. Planning on nothing actually, I ended up writing a computer game that went ballistic. This did make me a millionaire many times over. I never told anyone of my success fearing the loss...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 9, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Continues Karen woke up about 4:00 am in the morning. It took her a minute to realize where she was and then she turned over and found herself staring into the sleeping...
We enjoyed about a ten year career of sharing her with other men. I was really into it as much as she, and it was a major turn on for me to see her act like a slut. It all started with our lawyer, Bill which is covered in the first part. My wife at the time was 29, blond, 5'5" and about 110lbs. She had small but very pert breasts, a slim waist, a great ass and legs right up to it. She generally dressed preppy, but seldom wore a bra, and sometimes she was fairly provocative, especially on...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 4, Karen’s Night of Hell Karen woke up when the trunk was opened. She noticed that they were inside a garage and there were no windows to indicate how long it had been since she left the porn shop or...
Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Chapter 4, Karen’s Night of HellKaren woke up when the trunk was opened. She noticed that they were inside a garage and there were no windows to indicate how long it had been since she left the porn shop or whether it was light or...
Gilly was going to keep her new underwear on for the night but didn't like the way the bra looked under a tight tee-shirt. Karen suggested she go out without a bra and, feeling a quick thrill at the daring idea, Gilly agreed. "Just look at these," she said to Karen, pointing to her nipples which were erect and stood out clearly through the soft, clinging shirt. "So what," Karen said pulling on her own tee-shirt, "they look great but mine are even bigger." "Dressed like that, you...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 8, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Begins While Darrell was watching television, Karen was Laying in the bed. It took a while but she finally started coming out of her daze. She had time to think about...
Tuesday night I dragged Karen to a mixer. She resisted me at first, but it was my turn and I wouldn't let her say no. I always went with her and now it Karen's turn to indulge me. "Who knows?" I teased my best friend as I watched her get slowly dressed. "You might meet some hot blonde and..." "Named Bambi?" She giggled. "I was thinking Tiffany." I stuck my tongue out at her. "You should wear skirts more often. You've got great legs." "My short little legs?" Karen fixed the...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 10, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Continues at Keplar’s Meats Karen’s mind was reeling from all that happened as she left Marta’s and walked down half a block and across the street to Keplar’s Meats. ...
"We're going to do it tonight," Karen said to Helen on Thursday afternoon. "What time should I come back?" "He has a meal at work so anytime after eight-thirty will be okay." "That's even better, is there any reason you can think of why I shouldn't be here when he gets home?" "No, none that I can think of." "Great, I'll be back by eight." "Are you sure you'll be alright there alone?" Charlie asked. "Yes, I think so. I'm pretty sure I've read him right but if not,...
Introduction: Shy boy meets beautiful girl and her sister. Karen & Kelly My name is Mathew, everybody calls me Matt. I live in a big city up north. Summer vacation is over and today is the first day of junior high school. Thats the day I first saw Karen, she was walking down the hallway with a couple of friends of hers. None of the girls that I went to elementary school with ever dressed is tight sexy clothes. Karens hips were swaying in a way I had never seen before. She was wearing black...
My wife Karen is the sexiest lady I know. Just looking at her is enough to make any mans dick harder than hell. Even if she has clothes on, she is one sexy lady. Karen is the type of lady that when it comes to sex, she wants to do it all and have as much fun as she can. We have shared our sex lives with alot of couple and alot of single men and ladies. But I have to be honest, the last time I shared her was the best. I had taken advantage of Karen when she was out cold on sleeping pills and...
Matthew lay naked on the bed and watched as his wife, Karen, brushed her soft blonde hair. The muscles of her naked back flexed with the action of her arms and he occasionally glimpsed the side of her full breasts. Even after almost twenty-five years of marriage she still turned him on. She smiled lightly as she caught his reflection in the mirror. She knew he loved to watch her doing the most mundane things and she’d long ago lost count of the times she’d had to stop sewing or cooking to...
MatureMy name is Mathew, everybody calls me Matt. I live in a big city up north. Summer vacation is over and today is the first day of junior high school. That’s the day I first saw Karen, she was walking down the hallway with a couple of friends of hers. None of the girls that I went to elementary school with ever dressed is tight sexy clothes. Karen’s hips were swaying in a way I had never seen before. She was wearing black hip-hugger jeans and a form fitting green knit blouse. I could see...
100% fiction! “Hi,” said a voice behind as Karen cleans up the mess that her mother made from preparing the food. She turned around and saw Jake, the family friend’s son standing there in a casual shirt and jeans. His toned muscles are obvious underneath his shirt. Her parents had invited Jake’s family over for dinner. He was smiling. “Can I help out?” Jake is a third year college student while Karen is only on her first year. Karen smiled. “Hey, you’re here. No, I’m almost done.” They can hear...
IncestIt's the Friday before Christmas and our friends Karl and Milly are holding a party in their home. Karen and I drive over early to help with the preparations. We have not visited since Milly and Karen kissed for the first time, nearly a month ago now.The two girls are preparing a buffet. They work side by side in the kitchen, busy as bees. I sense the electric current of sexual anticipation surging between them as they butter bread for sandwiches, bake pastries, and prepare the salad. They are...
TrueMy now ex-wife Karen H is in her sixties now. Over many conversations and indiscretions on her part, I have much of her sexual life written down, but not all of it as she was such a slut. I enjoyed her telling me her sexual past and though it happened years ago, I will always treasure the voyeuristic moments that she shared. When Karen was 16 years old, she was with one of her first boyfriends (James) and during their dates she loved being fondled and touched, as you do at that age. She was a...
( A Les Lumens story ) Nebraska – Winter, Late 1800s The wind cut across the prairie, every snowflake like a tiny razor cutting into her skin. She stumbled forward, not knowing what else to do, unable to remember how she had come to be out in this storm. Her mind was nearly as blank and impenetrable as the blinding gales of snow that kept her from seeing more than a few feet in front of her, as she slogged through the calf-deep drifts. Is that a light? Is that a house? She stared with eyes that...
Love StoriesPart 14She fingered me the whole time she read it. Oh, and I felt so naughty. I was being caught by my Karen. Then I felt the dildo teasing my pussy.“Is this what you want? Being fucked in your sweet tight girl pussy?” Karen never spoke like this before. But hearing her talk to me like that made me go crazy. I was shaking from sheer excitement.“Yes, I do!”She smacked my bottom and oh, it hurt after all the smacking before. “Aarrhhh!” I almost shouted out “Yes yes yes, I do! I love big cocks...
"Hello darling, I've missed you," Karen said when she picked up the phone and heard Charlie's voice. "Me too. Good news, I'll be back on Thursday afternoon. Have you got any plans?" "Only for your cock. I need it so bad." "Okay, can you meet me at Alfie's shop? He called me and asked us if we would go around." "Yes, I'd love to." "Don't get the wrong idea. You're not putting on another show, at least not on Thursday." "Oh, okay. I'll see you there then, what...
"Don't be stupid, Karen," Karen told the mirror.Fifty dollars worth of d**g-store makeup littered the counter. She had already made herself out to be a raccoon and changed her skin color completely before going through the painfully annoying process of taking her make-up off, had decided against the glue-on nails after purchasing them, and it looked like all she would get out of her money and a couple hours work was a hint of eyeliner. Karen didn't trust herself to put on more."Serves you...
Cheryl's day off We had all just flown back from a month at the residence on Lake Geneva. Mistress already had a busy week lined up for Karen when we got back. This allowed me to do some much-needed pampering. I spent the day at the salon getting a manicure, pedicure, and my hair done.. I had opted for really tight curls in my jet black hair. I was pretty pleased with the result in the mirror. My nails had been chipping during the long vacation and were looking a hot mess. My favorite...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 7, Karen’s Journey Home Karen woke up early that morning just after the sun came up. She had only slept for about three hours. Between the cool night mountain air and her aching tits, ass and pussy,...
Introduction: On-line lovers meet As Karen merged into the highway traffic, she put the car on cruise and threw the Unplugged/Clapton Chronicles into the CD player. Traffic on the road was very light, just perfect for getting her head together. Thinking back over the past year, she couldnt believe all that had happened. Karen had married her high school sweetheart thirty-four years ago. Health issues left her husband with erectile dysfunction that medication was not able to help. They had not...
They found the door unlocked when they got back to Karen's. Gilly was sitting in the lounge with one of Karen's videos playing. She obviously had something on her mind as she was hardly taking any notice of what was happening on the screen. "I guess things didn't go too well at home," Karen said, sitting beside Gilly and hugging her. "Come on, tell us what happened." "Mum had talked to him but it made no difference. We tried to make him see reason and relax his rules but he...
As Karen merged into the highway traffic, she put the car on cruise and threw the Unplugged/Clapton Chronicles into the CD player. Traffic on the road was very light, just perfect for getting her head together. Thinking back over the past year, she couldn’t believe all that had happened. Karen had married her high school sweetheart thirty-four years ago. Health issues left her husband with erectile dysfunction that medication was not able to help. They had not had sex for about...
He told me one night, a war story about being on the occupational force in Japan after WWII. He told me how he would pick out young pretty Japanese girls walking past his posted position and rape them on the ground. As if I agreed to this behavior. I calmly told him he was a coward and if I had been in his unit, I would have gotten rid of him. I told him we weren't friends and not to talk to me except work related. I guess he called the security company and tried to have me removed....
My x-wife was an extremely sexy woman. She loved all hetero-sexual activities and with several men at a time. We enjoyed about a ten year career of sharing her with other men. I was really into it as much as she, and it was a major turn on for me to see her act like a slut. It all started with our lawyer. My wife at the time was 29, blond, 5'5" and about 110lbs. She had small but very pert breasts, a slim waist, a great ass and legs right up to it. She generally dressed preppy, but seldom wore...
Hi, I'm Jim Nettles and this is my story.I guess if you're happy you ignore what's really going on around you. Then by accident you discover your wife is cheating on you and your world turns to shit. I thought my 18 year old daughter and her friends were sneaking into the basement drinking my homemade beer. Instead the camera I installed in the basement caught my wife's boyfriend fucking her and drinking my beer.*********** ******JT and I are members of a beer club here in Atlanta, and he...
Karen was going for a shower when the doorbell rang so Charlie answered it, it was Gilly. "Hi Charlie," she said brightly, "Karen said I could pop over whenever I liked, that's alright isn't it?" "Sure, come in. Karen's just gone for a shower, she won't be long." They hugged and went into the lounge, "We had some fun here last night," she said, looking around, "I don't think I said thank you to you both properly. Thank you, it was great." "What do you remember about last...
Aunt Karen and Her Niece AndyMy name was Andy now it's Amy. This is my story.When I was twelve, I became fascinated by women and their clothes. I still don't know what caused my fascination. I do know that my interest increased with each passing day. Maybe it was puberty, or an imbalance of hormones or as I've recently come to believe, I was a person born genetically different. All I'm really sure of is ... I'm glad it happened.The initial stages of my quest for feminine knowledge took...
Aunt Karen and Her Niece Andy By Kresha Matay When I was ten, I became fascinated by women and their clothes. I still don't know what caused my fascination. I do know that my interest increased with each passing day. Maybe it was puberty, or an imbalance of hormones or as I've recently come to believe, I was a person born genetically different. All I'm really sure of is...I'm glad it happened. The initial stages of my quest for feminine knowledge took the form of comparing...
"We're going out for the afternoon," Karen said as soon as she arrived at Helen's. "But first you need to get ready. Come on," she said, picking up her bag and, taking Helen's hand, led her upstairs. "First you need to shave, hairy pussies are out of date, modern women are bald or just keep a little patch at the top." Helen started to laugh and Karen asked her what was so funny. Helen's answer was to lift her skirt and show Karen her naked, bald pussy. "I liked the way yours...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 3, Karen’s Afternoon at the Porn Shop. After Darrell left the clerk leered at Karen and ordered, “Come back here behind the counter and let me have a closer look at you missy.” Karen hesitated...
PrologueEveryone calls me Rich. It’s short for Richard, but also because I’m filthy rich. I’m not the guy who flaunts his wealth, but I have a nice car, nice house, and I have a trophy wife. Here is where the story begins. My trophy wife is named Karen. I’m a thirty years her senior. She 24yo and has a smoking hot body. Hey, that’s why I married here. I knew she was after my money, but I figured that I would be getting that body to myself for the rest of my life. I mean she a real looker. Long...
Wrote this for someone. Might be a small series, i dunno. Late in the Winter evening, Karen sat down at her computer searching through her email with a glass of wine as she did almost every night after a long day of work at the office. Strolling through her emails Karen noticed a peculiar one from a coworker titled "Busted!". Karen was curious and opened the email to find picture after picture of her dressed up in super revealing women's clothes and exposing her ass for the world to see....
Karen was ready and waiting when Charlie arrived a few minutes before eight. She was dressed in an almost transparent white blouse through which a bra would have been visible if she had been wearing one. It barely covered her nipples which were standing out invitingly through the thin fabric. Her black skirt was the shortest she had and didn't quite cover the lace trimmed tops of her hold-up stockings. She had never gone out in it a few times but never with stockings and always with shorts....
Karen was a slim, short-haired blonde – a southern girl who was raised in Georgia. She came to Texas for college and then never got around to leaving. She didn't think of herself as being all that pretty, but most men would not agree. Karen was exceptionally attractive, and she always paid a great deal of attention to her appearance. She began working as a home health nurse. Her duties included taking care of a Mrs. Wilson, who happened to be the mother of one of the more successful trial...
MILFMy girlfriend Karen had a drinking problem but I didn't mind. She liked to drink to the point of passing out almost every night of the week. None of her coworkers or family knew this of her because she only did it when we were home alone.I didn't mind because she kept our home clean, usually cooked a decent meal for us and liked to have vigorous sex just before passing out for the night. She was a great lay and had no objections to trying new things. We had tried everything we could imagine...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 2, Karen’s Honeymoon Begins Once Darrell and Karen got to the cabin, he told her to bring everything in as he was going to check the facilities out and make sure there were no problems. In fact he...
Chapter OneIt’s been about a week since my newly retrained slutwife has returned home. I can say that she was not wavered once in that time. She has maintained our house, keeping it clean. She’s had dinner prepared and ready for when I arrive home from the office. Now mind you, she never cooked before. Her meals have been scrumptious too.Each evening she is naked, except for her collar, in the “Ass up” position. It’s where she’s on all fours, with her legs spread, her head is on the floor, her...
Chapter 1, Karen’s **** and forced MarriageThis story starts s*******n years ago in a small rural town in the mountains of Washington State. Karen Peterson was the sweet 15 year old daughter of very strict and very conservative, religious parents Jack and Laura Peterson. She was also a genius that had skipped two grades and was in her senior year of high school. Karen was a very good looking young brunette with shoulder length, naturally curly hair. She was about 5 feet 5 inches tall and...
"In all the excitement last night I forgot to mention something." Gilly said at breakfast. "When I found Leanne's g-spot she started to come. Really come like a man does, she was squirting all over my arm." "Oh yes, she does that but it isn't like a man." Karen explained. "Now don't get freaked-out about this, it's not something she can help. The bladder is just above the g-spot, if you press hard you put pressure on it and that makes her pee. That's what was coming out of...
Part 1 We were sitting under a tree outside the youth centre smoking, my cousin Karen and I. It was late May and the evenings were still a bit chilly. We could see the coloured lights and hear the pounding of mind-numbing disco music through the two large windows facing the street. “I'm bored,” said Karen and buried her cigarette butt in the soil. I nodded and flicked mine off towards the bike racks. Karen leaned her head against my shoulder and ran her hand affectionately over my chest. I...
FetishKaren remained completely naked for the next two days. When Gilly saw the marks left on Karen's body she said, "I wish you'd woken me up, I would have liked to see you being whipped." "These are the marks of a cane," Karen said, wincing as she sat at her computer. "The only whip that would leave marks like these is one of those long bull-whips but it needs great skill to handle one of those properly." Helen called on Friday afternoon, Charlie answered the phone and passed it to...
By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 1, Karen’s Rape and Forced Marriage This story starts seventeen years ago in a small rural town in the mountains of Washington State. Karen Peterson was the sweet 15 year old daughter of very strict...