Karen free porn video

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Introduction: On-line lovers meet As Karen merged into the highway traffic, she put the car on cruise and threw the Unplugged/Clapton Chronicles into the CD player. Traffic on the road was very light, just perfect for getting her head together. Thinking back over the past year, she couldnt believe all that had happened.

Karen had married her high school sweetheart thirty-four years ago. Health issues left her husband with erectile dysfunction that medication was not able to help. They had not had sex for about ten years, and now at the age of fifty-four, they were living in the same house as friends – at best.

Although Karen thought that her own sensuality was long gone, lately she was feeling restless. To be blunt, she was feeling very horny. So much so, that she starting exploring the internet, looking for an outlet for these pent up emotions. It was there that she found a site that not only fulfilled her love of reading, but introduced her to the genre of erotic literature. She didnt care what anyone thought, these were very talented people, writing about some things she had never even imagined.

Her family would be shocked if they knew that the good girl, the responsible one, the one everyone turned to for advice, was now reading porn. After a couple of months of reading, she found the authors list and if she found a story she liked, she could read more submissions by the same person. Karen ventured a little deeper into the site, registering as a member. She checked out the different forums, opening herself up a world she never knew existed.

There were actual people out there, playing games, commenting on current events, displaying their creativity through images, and yes, posting ads on a personals page. At first, Karen just simply read the goings on, becoming familiar with some of the higher profile players. It was fun. It was interesting, and absolutely nothing she had experienced before. It wasnt until a member posed a question she felt strongly about, that Karen finally posted a reply.

If you knew you would never be caught, would you cheat? Frustrated with her life for the last few years, Karen sat at her keyboard and began to type. If I knew I would never be caught, and could have just one night of passionate sex, then yes, I would.

Who would have thought that voicing her opinion would have brought forth such reactions? She never thought anyone would comment about what she had written, let alone send her messages to her site mailbox. Most of the messages she simply deleted, but there was one, just one that caught her eye.

It was obviously from a man, she clicked on his name to read his profile. InsaneCoffee was his name, late 40s, from New England, interested in boating, fishing, hiking, reading, and fun. I.C. had said, One should never judge another, and if I knew I would never get caught, I would cheat, too. Would like to talk to you sometime, if you want. Karen smiled. Thank god, he wasnt another 20 year old boy, telling her what she needed. This guy was at least older, and definitely intelligent.

A couple days later, another private message popped up, again from I.C. I saw you checked me out. I hope you liked what you saw. Blushing from her toes to her nose, Karen couldnt believe what she read. How did he know? Gathering her courage, she put her fingers on the keyboard and began to type. Dear InsaneCoffee, Yes, I did check you out. It was so pleasant to read intelligent comments from someone who is obviously also a sensitive person. I hope you dont mind. Signed, KAM. Taking a moment to read what she had written over and over again, Karen finally pushed the submit button.

The next evening as Karen logged in to the site, a pm notification popped up. Dear KAM, I dont mind you checking me out at all. And I must say I like what I saw too. Do you ever chat on yahoo? Hoping to hear from you, IC.

Thats all it took. Within days, InsaneCoffee (Matt) and Karen were chatting, about everything. Their jobs, the towns they lived in, their love of boating, walking, music, books. It was as if they had been friends for years. Karen was an open book, confiding her frustration about her marriage. Matt, told her about his wife of 3 years, and the troubles they were having. They even exchanged pictures. It was all so nice, so innocent. He was the breath of fresh air that she needed in her life. No pressures, no innuendos, simply friendship.

This went on for a couple of months before losing touch with each other during the holidays. Around mid-February, Matt finally contacted Karen. Hello friend, he wrote. How are you? Ive missed you. Whats going on? she asked. Things have gone from bad to worse, during the holidays. The wife wants a divorce. he replied.

Karen felt so bad for him. OMG, are you okay? I know its stupid to ask, but is there anything I can do? Damn, I wish I were there just to give you a hug. Actually, Matt wrote Im fine. Probably better than I have been for a year. But if you want to take a ride and bring me a hug, I would love it. LOL. You know, just talking with you makes me feel so much better.

And so it started once more. The chatting, the commiserating, the laughing, and yes, the flirting. The more they chatted, the more Karen realized just how much she looked forward to their nightly visits.

One night Matt said, Karen, maybe Im way off base, but I would really like to meet you. I think that you and I would get along just fine. You have needs and so do I. Oh god, thought Karen. Slowly she typed, Matt, it goes without saying that I am attracted to you. Probably more than I have any right to be. But you dont understand. He replied, Whats to understand? Youre not happy. Youve told me that. Youve been in a marriage that is a simply a friendship. You have no real relationship with him. When is it time for you to think about you?

Matt, do you understand that I dont know if I can be with anyone? I have only been with one man. We were each others first and never became creative lovers, she thought for a moment. After 10 years of not even kissing a man, Im not sure that I am a woman, let alone know anything about what a man wants and needs. Karens eyes welled with tears as she pushed send.

Immediately Matt responded. What? Are you nuts? Trust me Karen, you are all woman. You are soft and gentle, and a very sensuous person. And as far as pleasing a man, dont you think you should expect to be pleased first?

It was with that statement that Karen realized that this was exactly what she wanted. She liked Matt, trusted him, and wanted him more than she thought was possible. The more fears she presented to him, the more he shot them down. Look, I know youre nervous, but I promise you, we will not do anything more than you are ready for. If it takes all day, all night, all weekend for you to even get up the nerve to kiss me, I am fine with that. If this is just two friends meeting to enjoy each others company, then it will be a great weekend. All I know is that I really want to spend time with my friend, a woman who just by asking me how my day was makes me feel more of a man then I have in a long time.

With that, the planning began. They would each drive 3 hours to meet in a neutral setting. They agreed to stay in the same hotel, but in separate rooms.

Getting away from her husband was not hard. Its not like he had any real interest in her life. She simply told him the girls at work were going away on a girls weekend. Karen did leave her information with a very close friend, for safetys sake.

She prepared by buying new lingerie, the type that she thought a man would appreciate. Although not young, Karen did her best to stay in shape. The nice thing was that she was not expecting George Clooney and he was not expecting Angelina Jolie. Good thing, neither of those people was going to show up.

Before she knew it, Karen was turning her car into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn. She pulled up in front so that she could check in and be directed to her room. As she approached the registration desk, Karen couldnt help but notice the tall, dark haired man at the counter. She stepped into a shadowed corner to watch.

As she stood quietly off to the side, Karen heard him say, A friend of mine will be checking in also. Is there any way you could arrange for our rooms to be near each other?

She knew instantly that it was Matt. Matt? she asked as she stepped closer. When he turned around, Karen was greeted by the most amazing laughing, blue eyes and dimples to die for. You made it was all he said. His hands reached out to take hers. He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, then stepped back and looked at her, smiling the sight before him.

Standing 55 tall, short blond hair and a warm smile, this was the woman that had captured his attention.

The two apparently didnt realize how long they stood looking at each other until the desk clerk cleared his throat and asked if they could finish registering. As they left to park their cars and find their rooms, Matt said, Lets go out and get some coffee. I want to spend the afternoon talking to you.

Karen smiled, knowing full well he was doing his best to put her at ease. Give me 20 minutes, and Ill come over to your room.

They spent the afternoon at a nearby coffee shop. It was so comfortable. They talked, laughed, teased, and listened to what the other was saying. Matt noticed it was after five oclock, and suggested they go back and freshen up for dinner. I did a little research and found a really great seafood place just down the road, he said.

As they walked back to the hotel, he reached for Karens hand. She curled her fingers around his, as they walked in silence. Their rooms were next to each other, Matt waited for Karen to open her door and then placed his hand under her chin.

With her green eyes looking into his blue ones, he leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips. Thank you for a wonderful afternoon, and our first date. Ill see you a little later. He kissed her once more, this time lingering, but still only touching her under her chin.

He pulled away and Karen went into her room and closed the door. Feeling better than she had in years, she ran across the room and jumped on the bed. She was smiling, laughing, blushing, and so looking forward to that night.

When Matt arrived at Karens room, he smiled appreciatively at the woman who stood before him. She knew that his favorite picture of her was the one in a red top. She chose to wear it tonight, just for him.

Matt knew what was under that red top. Karen had once confided that she bought a sexy, red bra that no one would ever see. Matt knew that tonight he would see it, he would see all of her. Karen smiled when she saw the look in Matts eyes. Although she had been nervous, that look immediately calmed her.

To Karen, dinner was a blur. She didnt remember eating or drinking anything. All she could do was look into Matts eyes, and think about the night ahead of them.

The hotel was a short distance from the restaurant, and they together in the brisk evening air. As they entered the hotel and headed toward the elevator, Matt whispered, You know, we could go and have a drink. We dont have to go up yet.

Karen entered the elevator and held her hand out to Matt. No. We do have to go up now. As the doors closed, Karen moved into Matts arms. His lips covered hers and her body melted against his.

At that moment, no one else mattered. A kiss that started out soft and gentle was growing more heated as the bell sounded, they had arrived at their floor.

Reluctantly separating, the couple walked silently down the hall to their rooms. Matt looked at Karen with a questioning look in his eyes. She turned to unlock her door and then looking over her shoulder asked, Are you coming in?

Matt followed her in, not wanting touch her for fear of frightening her. Karen set her purse down on a small table, and proceeded to light some candles she had placed around her room. Matt knew how much she liked candles, he had also brought some, had they have ended up in his room.

Karen turned to Matt, her eyes shining, smiling her beautiful smile. He stepped towards her cupping her face in his hands and kissing her deeply.

Her arms made their way around his waist as she drew him close. Her mouth opened slightly as she moaned and Matt took full advantage by pushing his tongue in to meet hers. Karens hands worked their way up Matts back, and his dropped down to reach behind her, the soon-to-be lovers stood locked in the most perfect kiss.

As if he needed to come up for air, Matt broke the kiss and buried his head in Karens neck. He whispered, This is exactly the way I dreamed it, Karen. If this goes no farther, I will leave a happy man.

Karen turned her head into his neck, kissing her way up to his ear, to gently nibble on his lobe. If you dont mind, Id like to freshen up a bit. Why dont you take off your jacket and relax. Ill be right back. She pulled away and walked towards the bathroom, kicking her shoes into the corner.

She turned and smiled once more and said, Get as comfortable as you like, before walking into the bathroom.

Karen knew she wanted to this to be perfect. She stripped off her skirt and top, leaving her in her red bra and matching panties. She grabbed her black silk robe. Damn, she thought Not all the walking or exercising in the world would ever turn the clock back on this fifty-four year old body.

She applied some more lotion to her legs and a sprayed a little more perfume. Turning out the light, she went to meet Matt.

She entered to find him in her bed, blankets to his waist. He gasped in wonder as she walked towards him, her robe open to reveal her bra and panties. He watched closely as she walked around to sit on the bed next to him. He sat up straighter and slipped the robe from her shoulders to reveal her magnificent breasts, still encased in a bra cut so low they almost spilled out at him. He leaned forward and tenderly kissed the top of her cleavage – and kept kissing her slowly up her throat to her lips. He pulled her close, kissing her with a passion he had not known in a long time. As he kissed her, Karen gently placed her hand on the blankets over Matts lap. She felt him grow and stiffen underneath her touch. He a radiated heat she could feel through the coverings.

Breaking their kiss, Karen stood and dropped her robe. She bent low, tempting him with her quivering breasts, as she slid the blankets down. Matts cock stood proudly, eagerly greeting her. Karen opened his legs and knelt between them. Matt lay back on the pillows as she bent toward him, looking in his eyes and smiling as she approached his cock to taste him for the first time. His eyes half closed, he watched her as she slowly began to lick his swollen shaft up and down. Covering him with her wet tongue, she traced every vein and crease of his manhood. She continued to tease all around the head of his cock with her busy tongue, for long moments before she took him into her mouth.

Matt groaned with pleasure, to feel her warm, wet mouth on him. Karen bobbed her head up and down a few times before pausing to lick him again. Base to tip, and back again, and then down to his balls, she continued. She licked his taut balls and then gently took them into her mouth, swirling them around and around, rolling them and gently sucking them. As she let them slip from her mouth, she blew on them with her hot breath, then licked her way back up his shaft and took the bare, sensitive head of his cock into her mouth and then deep into her throat.

Karen sucked like a child nursing from its mothers breast, working her tongue on him, sucking eagerly. Her hand went to Matts balls to fondle them while her mouth paid homage to his cock. Up and down, faster and harder, she sucked insistently, while gently squeezing his balls. She felt his body tense before his balls drew up tight, and knew he was close. She showed him no mercy, she looked in his eyes and quietly hummed, knowing exactly what that would do to him. She smiled around his shaft as he groaned and shivered at the sensation.

The vibrations sent him over the edge. Matts balls tightened even more, and he grasped the blankets in his fists. His cock jerked as he released his hot seed down her throat. Karen savored the slick, salty spurts, reveling in the intimate feel of her lover orgasming in her mouth, she swallowed every drop, all the while looking at him and he stared back at her through slitted eyes as he watched her eat his cum.

As he finished, she made sure she had cleaned him thoroughly, gently licking and kissing away the stray drops with her warm tongue. As she came up on her hands and knees, Matt pulled her up to him, kissing her and tasting himself on her soft, moist lips. Never had a woman watched him, watching her as she made love to his cock.

He rolled Karen on to her back, looking in her eyes. Never. Never doubt for one minute that you cant please a man. Karen rose to kiss his lips, proceeding to kiss along his jaw line, making her way down his throat. No, he said. Matt pulled back and looked deeply into Karens eyes. Stop. Just lay back. Its my turn.

Matt leaned in once more and kissed Karen, long and deeply, pushing his tongue into her mouth. Tasting himself refueled his desire for her. Breaking away from her soft, sweet mouth, he began to cover her face with light, tender kisses. Her eyes, her cheeks, her nose and chin – Matt began his sensuous journey downward.

He felt her pulse on his lips as he slid down her throat. Karen moaned, feeling an electric current course through her body as he and began to caress her side. He stroked her neck, along her rounded shoulder and down her arm. Karen raised her arm over her head. Matt lightly moved his fingers to its soft underside, as his lips traveled to her armpit. Goosebumps rose on Karens skin, and her breathing quickened. Matt kissed and licked her in a spot never touched by a man.

From her arm, Matt trailed kisses along her collarbone, across her chest. He felt her large breasts rise and he met them with his lips. He reached underneath her to unclasp her bra – then sat up, gazing into her eyes. He lowered her straps one at a time, and pulled her bra away.

Her heavy, soft, white breasts fell slightly under their own weight. Karens large, pink aureoles and eraser-sized nipples hardened as he took in their splendor. His left hand moved up her ribs to gently cup her right breast. He lowered his warm mouth to the sensitive underside and began kissing and nibbling. Karens back arched and she lifted her breasts higher towards him. Her hand went to the back of his head, running through his hair. Matt continued licking all around her areola, flicking her hard nipple with his tongue. Karen gasped as his mouth covered her nipple and he began to nurse. Kneading her flesh and sucking her breast, he heard her exhale, Oh god&hellip, Slowly, he made his way to the other side, to cherish her other breast, not letting go of the first.

Whether she knew it or not, Karen opened her legs and began moving her hips rhythmically. Matt inhaled her scent as it wafted up to him. As much as he was enjoying his ministrations, he knew he was far from his goal. Kissing the underside of her breast again, he began to move his lips down her ribs, to her rounded belly. Her red lace panties rested below her hips, leaving her navel exposed. He pushed his tongue into it, as he moved over her body.

Matt sat up, his hands on either side of her waist. Karen raised her hips as he slid the panties down her legs. He eased them off, bringing them to his nose, inhaling her womanly scent. Tossing them aside, he looked at a real womans body. Voluptuous curves in all the right places – and her most intimate valley, bare and soft as a babys bottom.

He spread her legs and massaged her thighs. Matt? she asked in a whispered voice. Shhhhh, he replied. He crawled up once more to kiss her lips and said, Just relax babe. He kissed her lower and lower moving straight down her body, his hands grasping each breast as the passed by them.

Lower and lower he slid, below her navel to just above her mound. Spreading her legs further, he nestled between them. He kissed her inner thighs, first one and then the other. All the way up her hip, then down the other side. Karens head rolled from side to side as her breath caught in her throat.

Leaving her legs, Matt covered her mound with kisses. Karen opened her legs even more as he kissed up and down her soft lips and then began licking them. Ohhhhhh he heard Karen cry. He licked up and down, each time slipping his tongue in just a little bit more. He put his hands on each side and gently opened her.

Her sweet opening was pink and glistening with moisture. He moved to lick all around, carefully avoiding her clit and quivering hole. She tasted sweet, and smelled faintly of flowers and woman-sex. Matt pushed his tongue into her center, her warm, wet hole, as her hips moved beneath him. Her breath caught in her throat. God, its been so long. She thought as waves of pleasure started to build. Relax, she told herself, as she began to lose herself in the passionate moment.

Feeling her body lose its tension, Matt moved his tongue up to Karens clit. He ran his tongue over her hard bump and then flicked it. Her reaction was immediate, she tensed again and cried out his name. Oh Matt&hellip,Oh&hellip, she moaned. Not having been with a man for so long, Karen was shocked by the intensity of this feeling, as though she were losing complete control of her body.

Matt had never been with a woman who had cum so quickly. Karen grasped the bed covers and her hips rose high. It was frightening, the way her body spasmed&hellip, He quickly buried his tongue in her hole, tasting the nectar that spewed forth. The sweet, sweet juice of the gods ran down into his mouth, and he drank from her. Her body slowed and began to relax. Matt raised his head to watch her, as he planted more kisses on her mound.

God. Oh god Matt. That was incredible. Karen said as she raised her head. Thank you. Matt looked at her face, suddenly there was softness to her look. She had the appearance of a much younger woman. Lay back down, sweetie he said. I havent finished. Trusting him, she lay back and closed her eyes.

Matt kissed and licked her soft mound, avoiding her sensitive clit for the moment. He ran his tongue to the crease where mound met leg, and down to her lower slit. He pushed his tongue in, searching for her honey once more. Probing with his tongue, he cleaned her gently. As she relaxed more, he ran his tongue gently up to her clit, startling her for just a moment. He performed soft circular motions with his tongue as her hips started moving again.

He brought his finger up and slipped it inside her, just as he grabbed her clit in his lips and began to suck. Fucking her slowly with his finger, sucking her clit, he worked harder as Karen once again began to moan. Matt was intent on bringing her to the edge once more – but not letting her slip over. She slid closer and closer, her excitement was evident. Hips moving faster, her hands pulling his hair, Karen began moaning his name once more, Yes, Matt. Oh god yes, Matt.

As she tried to pull his face into her deeper, Matt suddenly pulled away. Karens eyes shot open and she looked lost and confused. Matt rose up on his knees, his hands on her hips and he pulled her towards him. His hard cock was dripping as he lined up with her hot, wet hole.

Karen reached down to guide him in with her hand. Very slowly, inch by inch, Matt eased his cock into her. Her pussy seemed to grab at him as he moved. Karen lay back and watched his length disappear into her body. She was aware of fullness, and a heat that she had not known in years.

Suddenly, she realized he had stopped moving. She looked to discover that he had fully entered her. Waiting, making sure she was not in any discomfort, Matt looked at her and smiled. Karen wrapped her legs around his waist, as he bent forward to kiss her. Their tongues met and danced, as he lowered himself onto her.

That movement brought him into her a little deeper. Together, the two lovers started to move. Karen lifted her hips to meet Matts thrusts, they started slowly, gently, taking their time. As Matt rose onto his elbows, Karen kissed his throat, making her way down to his nipples. Taking one into her mouth, Matt growled and suddenly thrust a little harder.

Karen met him thrust for thrust and soon the couple was lost in a frenzy. Harder, faster, they seemed to need to push each other to the limit. Karens second orgasm hit hard and as her fingers gripped Matts back, her legs seemed to hold him in a vice. Matt pushed into her harder and deeper. He felt her pussy muscles contract, she was milking his cock, squeezing it, gripping and releasing him… It continued until he shot his load.

Karen felt Matts body tense and jerk. She was suddenly filled with indescribable warmth, as his seed shot forth inside her. The lovers pounding movements continued, slowing until they stopped, exhausted. Matt collapsed on top of her, panting.

Karen lay whimpering in his arms. He raised his head to kiss her soft lips. They each moaned as they kissed, clinging to each other. Gradually, Matts cock slipped from Karen. Oh. She whispered, sounding disappointed. Matt moved to her side, pulling her into his arms as he did. Karen listened to the rhythm of Matts heart pounding in his chest. He stroked her back up and down as they lay cuddled in silence.

As if their thoughts were one, they looked into each others eyes, and their lips met once more. In that one moment, they each knew their lives had changed forever. They slept peacefully in each others arms.

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Britney stood up and looked at Karen and said she thought she was asleep and apologised for waking her up while I was trying to get my still fairly hard cock back in my trousers. “Well don’t I get some now you’ve woken me?” she asked. “Don’t be such a slut Karen, he’s much older than you, stop trying to steal my men”. I was gobsmacked to hear these 2 talking like this, almost as if I wasn’t there and had no say in the matter. “Anyway, he won’t be able to do it again now, that’s his second one...

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You shouldn’t be showing your panties off like that Karen, no wonder he’s fidgety; you carry on with TV we’ll be back in a couple of hours and I've got my mobile if you need me. I got up and followed Britney giving Karen’s panty covered arse one last look. We were going to the cinema just along the road to see a film I really had no interest in but was hoping to get a grope if she’d sit in the back row. I suggested the back row and she seemed quite happy with that and soon after the lights went...

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Weekend affair with my mature boss

Hi I'm Kyle 19 m uk ............I had just recently completed my diploma at college and was looking for a decent job , I looked for a good few weeks but had no luck atall .My mu.m asked about at work if they had any openings but unfortunately I couldn't find anything .My aunti.e was a solicitor and I asked her if she knew anybody willing to take me on , she didn't , but after a couple of days she gave me a phone call and said one of her friends she has knew for years was happy to give me a job...

4 years ago
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Early Morning Delight

When I knocked on the door my heart was thumping in my chest. We had never met face to face and I had no idea what to expect, or even if I was knocking on the right door! At seven o’clock in the morning, I was hoping I’d gotten the address right. I had been so horny and it had been so long that I posted a personal ad online simply stating I was looking for cocks to suck. After a couple of responses that didn’t work out, I got a note from a guy who called himself ‘Will’ and after a few notes...

Gay Male
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Tube Adventures

A survey carried out by TfL (Transport for London), found that while one in ten Londoners have experienced unwanted sexual behaviour on the capital's transport network, less than ten per cent of victims reported the incident to police. I would imagine that 99% of people do not want to be m*****ed or sexually assaulted while travelling on the London Transport network……..but I do. So what are the figures for Londoners who want to be m*****ed and finger fucked on the TfL network?Now I do not wish...

2 years ago
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My Journey To The World Of Desires Part 6

The affair with seema and progress with teacher had made me confident. I came home and analyzed my actions.One point I had progressed that I had not cared for my fetish , rather cared for seema’s pleasure. But after careful thinking I realized , I am moving fast with teacher , and taking many factors for granted. The approach might have been good for a Ice-Break , but for a target , It was not just enough. Anyway , I had no more desire for her. That was good. I was approaching a relationship...

2 years ago
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Two Cowboys and One Dancehall Girl Part One

I live in a town where the national rodeo cowboys come to town every year. And each time they come the testosterone level in town goes up, immensely. All of the big handsome, strong men in spurs and chaps and jeans and western-cut shirts and cowboy boots and cowboy hats get my clitty dick stirring down in my little panties when I see them around town in their pickup trucks or sitting tall in the saddle on horseback. They look rough and rugged and ready. And I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you...

4 years ago
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From Nothing EverythingChapter 9

At first, I was a tad embarrassed being naked with a hard on. But it quickly passed. Having a fourteen-year-old apparently unconcerned with her nakedness distracted me from my own self consciousness with ruthless efficiency. Swimming after our discussion relieved some of the urgent sexual tension. Sunbathing to dry, conversation slipped back into non sexual comments. My erection partially softened. But then, the sun dried her and my erection returned. It was her pubes’ fault. As they dried,...

4 years ago
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They Called Me The Babysitter 2

TheyCalled Me 'The Babysitter' -- 2 This story is based on some of the sexual events of my life when I was in graduate school back in 1971-73. I was attending a college in rural Mississippi, working on a master's degree in physics. Charlotte, Megan's little sister was fast becoming a distant memory. Still, despite the loss, it had buoyed up my self-image. It had been the most sexually fantastic six hours of my life! It was only a week or two later that Bruce, who was also a member of the...

Straight Sex
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Land of the GiantsChapter 4

It was night time before anybody in the camp noticed that Fitzhugh was missing. This concerned Barry the most. For despite his shortcomings, he had been his mentor ever since their landing here in this Land of the Giants. On numerous occasions, Mr. Fitzhugh had saved one or another of the group. But he also got into more trouble then any three people combined. How many schemes did the old man try to perpetuate, even here, for a fast buck. But Barry still liked him despite his flaws. He...

3 years ago
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Hard at Work

This naughty little story, although entirely fictional, is based on/inspired by real life experiences I've had. Enjoy reading it, I certainly did writing it! :P lolSo I've been working this office job for a while now. I started out when I was 18 and ever since then I've been a busy hard-working worker. I shan't bore you with the ins-and-outs of the job (who wants to read about such a thing on a porn site?! lol).Anyway, having been working hard for a few years, I figured I was more than...

4 years ago
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Vodro Maaer Nongra Chele 8211 Part IV

Ebar bogol chere maa er dudh duto niye basto hoye porlam….bra ta haat diye kholar chesat korlam….kintu parlam na….tai jora jorui korte thaklam….fole bra tar huk chire gelo…r bra ta chitke ekpase porlo……maa er dudh duto jeno laf diye baire ese porlo…..uffffff….ki dudh……jhuno narkol maa er buk theke jhulche….boyosko mohilader dudh je eto valo hoy ei prothom onuvob korlam……..maa er dudh duto darun forsha…r bes tholthole, gorom!!!…..sira Guli porjonto dekha jachhe…..dudh er ekdom majhkhane….kalo...

1 year ago
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Werewolf women of the SS part 1

1940 As you were told Upon arriving here you are the best of the best the perfect Aryan women but this unit is much more than you think we will make you into Über women. As Diana heard the Fürher speech she renewed her resolve on this program standing in line with hundreds of other girls all of them around 20 to their mid 20's all over 6'0 and were quite beautiful all dressed in their black SS uniforms it was quite a sight for anyone especially this girl from a small village in northern...

2 years ago
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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 11

It is another day of marching for us. I am tired of all this rush, rush, rush that the kidnapers are forcing on us. They way they are hurrying us along you would think they were afraid of getting caught. I am not too worried about myself, but I think this marching is starting to takes its toll on the ladies. I get a couple of dirty looks from the women around me. But Gwen cools all of them, with a single glare. She and Saber will make quite the pair. It is around sunset, my second, when...

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I always wanted it

“Why Yumi?” i laughed and raised my arms up into the air. “JEFF GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE BACK MY PILLOW!” she tried desperately to jump up to get her pillow, but it just won’t happen. “JEFF!” she kept on jumping, trying to get her pillow back. “Make me breakfast tomorrow?” I teased back at her. “MOMMY JEFF WONT GIVE ME BACK MY PILLOW!” she shouted. “Jeff honey, give back your sister her pillow,” a voice trailed from downstairs. “Why,” i sighed, as i finally decided to give in. “YAY MY...

1 year ago
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A Week At Papaws chap 1

The Beginnings – An Unexpected Request They arrived on Friday night, my granddaughter Tina and a handful of her girlfriends from school. I am just a stopping off point on the way to a Florida spring break adventure. There was Tina, her roommate Laura, Rita, a small blond cheerleader type, Ruby, a brunette bookworm and Leah a rather shy quiet girl with shoulder length red hair. After my heartiest hellos I told Tina to take their bags into the upstairs bedrooms and that dinner would be in about...

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Classmate Turned Into Sexmate

Hello people I am Vedant, I am from Mumbai the city of dreams. I have been a regular reader of this site since last 2 years and now I would like to share my own story. I am 19 and studying in the 2nd year of BSc from a good reputed college. About myself I am an average looking guy of 5.6” height regular built but good in studies as well as other activities but the leading lady of this story is none less than any angel. She is fair nearly of the same height as mine, the smile on her face can...

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Christmas In Indy cont

Adam pulled into a shallow parking lot in front of a solitary commercial building uncomfortably close to the street. The wind almost slammed the Escalade's large door into Kelly's face as she tried to open it, as a merry prelude to wrecking havoc with her hair and dress. She hurried inside ahead of her brother's and mom, hoping to salvage at least some of the time she had spent styling her hair. Consequently, she burst into the photo studio in something of a rush;, only to run...

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AssParade Valentina Jewels Pervert Stepbro Gets A Lesson

Valentina Jewels is enjoying some alone time in the shower. Her stepbrother Johnny starts to spy on her and takes her pants to shrink them. He brings them back and laughs as she struggles to fit her shorts on her amazing booty. She catches him spying and decides to teach him a lesson. She throws him on the floor and sits on his face before taking him to the living room to have some fun. She gives him an amazing blowjob and they fuck in multiple positions. He gives her an amazing load all over...

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In Germany

You have the perfect hair color-the color is a hue between magenta and blood red. Your black leather jacket looks great on you. I see you as a very handsome woman. Usually I don’t get turned on by masculine figures, but you are an exception. I met you on a trip. It was a student exchange program. You were the mom of my exchange student. The student himself looked like a sissy. I understood why it was like this, because your son smoothed down your own manliness. He brought balance in your...

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Brady Bunch


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New GF Pegged and FUCKED

I was a divorced bi 54 year old white guy and shortly after my divorce I met Julie. She was in her mid-forties, blonde, petite with still perky breasts. She worked out regularly and was in fine shape. Like me she was divorced. We had dated for several months and I was having dinner at her house. The wine flowed freely throughout the meal and we were a bit tipsy. I helped her with the dishes and as soon as that was done, we fell into each other's arms and soon adjourned to the bedroom. Our...

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The meeting

HotelHe was nervous waiting in the bar. He shouldn't be, they had shared intimate moments, the love of the same type of sex, he had cum to her pictures, her body so natural so curvy, he had sent her the video, she had played & cum whilst watching it, the comp,intent returned.He just wanted her not to be disappointed with the real person, to be turned on just as much.When she walked in she looked amazing, just as sexy as he thought, stand up to kiss her in greeting, they both smiled, laughed...

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The Conner Family Ch 06

‘The Photo – In Retrospect’ The Conner Family Stories: 01-‘A Gift On Christmas Eve’ 02-‘Gifts On Christmas Morning’ 03-‘Nightmares Of A Broken Promise’ 04-‘The Request’ 05-‘Love Across Town’ 06-‘The Photo – In Retrospect’ – current This story is part of ‘The Conner Family’ Series and takes place three months after Jennifer Conner’s accident and three months before Chapter One of the series – ‘A Gift On Christmas Eve.’ – Rugrat60 ***** Kenneth Robert Conner sat quietly in the office...

2 years ago
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Brick House Pt 08 Ch 0910

All content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo This is part 8 of a longer work, ‘Brick House.’ The two chapters included here—9 and 10– have minimal erotic content. They are provided for the convenience of readers interested in the larger story. * ‘Your turn.’ John, one of my next-door neighbors, completed his move quickly, pushing a pile of cardboard chits toward the center of the board as he nodded in my direction. I painstakingly pondered my predicament, eyeing John’s massing minions with...

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SisLovesMe Alina Belle Jailbird Jizz Queen

Alina Belle is a bad bitch, and that is why she wound up in jail. But she is finally out, and her first stop is seducing her stepbrother. She has been thinking about him a lot lately. Especially since she was not able to masturbate at all in jail. On top of that, her boyfriend just broke up with her, so she has no one to give her the dick down that she has been craving. It seems like she only has one option, and that is her stepbrother. But she is not complaining. Alina is the kind of girl who...

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Fucking his friend8217s Mom

Marlee Ramsey was still a looker: even in her mid-forties, with her round, extra-soft body, people often mistook her for ten years younger. More than that, people often were surprised at how she didn’t see this in herself. None were more surprised than Seth Donovan. Seth was the best friend of Marlee’s son, Zach. The two boys had grown up together, and now in their early twenties, were still a tight pair. They often spent weekends and holidays and summers at each others’ houses. Seth was there...

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Your futa sisters

You were calling your mom on the old fashion telephone that she gave you during your 18th birthday, but all that came through was a voicemail that she previously set on her mobile phone. "Hello, you have reached Jessica Wonderson's cellphone. I'm sorry, but I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave your name, your number, and a brief message. And I will return your call. Thank you." And with that, a beep was briefly made. To which you simply hung up the phone. It seems like your mom...

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Fender bender 11

Mom and Curt had been home form their vacation for almost a week and I hated it. Sure I was glad to see my Mom but with them around I had to revert back to being Robert most of the time. I had spent the week they were gone as Jazmine , my Feminine persona. I had been caught dressed as Jazmine by Mark and Susan when I accidentally hit their SUV with my step-dad's car. It was a wild and fun week as they helped me explore what it was like to be a young woman. I had even went on a couple of dates...

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sexy with a black guy in usa

This was sometime ago.Me and Margret had gone to Florida to a naturist park for two weeks holiday,she was not fealing well so I wen into town. Someone at the camp site told me aboutt this porn shopi had just gone into the back room with a hand full of quartersand i met this big tall black guy (6'6") who was standing in the middle of the dark hall. it was dark so i did not see him until i bumped into him. he was real nice and said hi and started to invite me into one of the booths and we...

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I gazed through the window and watched the rain-sodden landscape being battered by another squall. A blast of rain and sleet blattered on the window; unseeing now, I remembered another time when the weather seemed to be a mirror to my feelings. Only then my depression was to be lifted by my best friend Sandra. Another wave of blackness overwhelmed me and once more I felt the ice enter my soul, what had I done? "Come on, you have to eat something." "Why?" "If you don't eat, you'll...

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The Pendant Chapter 2

The Pendant Chapter 2 The next morning Dan awoke to find his wife had already left for work. She was a supervisor at the local supermarket and started work at seven each morning. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his middle and made for the bathroom. He was about to open the door when his daughter Louise came out ready to wrap a towel around her. Dan saw she was completely naked. Louise screamed and said Oh shit Daddy I thought you was downstairs. Dan had turned suddenly but not before...

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Jadersquos First Shoot

Jade’s eyes fluttered open as she awoke to the world around her. Her head ached a little and her legs were sore. “A little too much drinking and dancing last night” she thought to herself. She pulled herself out of bed and went about her morning rituals. Soon she was fed, dressed, and ready for the day. Today Jade was heading out to Eastman Video for her first video shot. It was really more of a demo that would be used to find her more work in the industry. She was nervous and more then a...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Colleague

Hi it is me Sandip .I am 27 from Pune.This incident happened last month. My friend name is Ruchi. Ruchi is having very slim fine figure. She always wear tight churidar kameez but very decent color one, no jazzy type. She is 3 yr younger to me but very mature type thinking but her face is always having bitchy look. Like she will bite her lips with teeth and look from corner of eyes at me sometime. Once she caught me looking at her boobs asked what are you looking at Sandip you have no shame or...

1 year ago
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first time sex with a bbw

it was late last summer on a very sunny day was on my way to the train station that i met a very plump big and sexy lady waiting at the train station.she stared at me and i looked at her and i saw her two nipples in her transparent blouse really big and hard .then she came towards me and asked if i could help her change her money from twenty euro bill to two ten euro bills then i looked inside my wallet i heard none, but asked her where she wanted to go and she told me she was going to the next...

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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 6 Finishing Up

Good thing all Tommy had to do was rewrite the English paper. As it was, he was having a difficult enough time just with that task. All he could think about was that his stepsister was next door and was now masterbating away. He wanted so much to creep by her door, just to be able to listen in while she was going about it. He had never seen this side of her before. Never even realized she had this side before. He knew she didn’t have any right to do what she was doing to him, and if either...

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Visiting Jenni and Serendipitys World

Most of what I write is set in a real world, in places I know and love. The characters are made up, of course, and some, not all, of the boats. Serendipity is an imaginary ideal yacht, but my younger son Steve acquired a yacht in need of some TLC that has certain characteristics in common with Serendipity. Birubi is forty-two feet long, steel hulled with a double chine, and ketch-rigged. Built in 1967 in Australia, to the design of a former Naval officer, she is beautiful and sails very...

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Me Auntie and Uncle

Me, Auntie and Uncle By billy69boyPart 1Dad left us years ago. Mom got sick, and they farmed us all out to relatives. I went to live with Uncle Jack and Aunt Ginny. One night I was watching TV in the living room and Uncle Jack came in and asked me if I wanted to watch a video with him. I said okay. It was a hot summer night, and he wore a t-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. I just had my jockey shorts on.The video turned out to be a porn story about two gay men who sucked each other's penis,...

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Friend reunited

This is a true story.Back in the mid to late 1970's I lived with my family in one of those areas that was a very decent place to live, but now due to one thing or another has really gone down hill and you really wouldn't want to walk through there in broad day light let alone at night.But back then it was a great place to grow up. There were lots of family's with offspring of similar ages.There was a family down the street that had a daughter that was only a few months younger than me and we...

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Ten Rounds With Jose Cuervo

Then some stranger asked me dance And I revealed to her my two left feet. Said, Don't get me wrong I'm glad you asked But tonight's about me and an old memory. Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo (Tracy Byrd) I had quite enough of it, of course. Jane had done her number on me one time too many. I was fucking finished with that girl now. It wasn't that she cheated on me so much as her attitude when I caught her. I told her that I was willing to forgive her and I admitted my own infidelity at that...

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Crossing The Street 2

‘Took you long enough!’ I blinked away the sleepiness that last night’s fitful slumber hadn’t resolved. ‘I said to be at the phone at ten. Where were you?’ Dana accused. ‘I…I was just here… I…’ My words trailed off, remembering last night’s dinner, the distracted conversation, the DVR shows Mitch and I had watched that I couldn’t recall, my brain occupied by yesterday’s events. Tossing and turning all night as Mitch snored, blissfully unaware of what his proper wife had been up to that day....

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 387

Back at the embassy I went immediately into the communications room with a handful of notes from Linda. I also carried my portable office. I plugged in the thumb drive and ran a scan on it before I opened the file on it. I also sent a notification to Marcy that I would be on VCATS in 5 minutes. I flipped through all the pictures then sent the file to the girls, Amy and Victor and keyed VCATS to conference call to the girls. It was midnight in Kampala and 5 pm at the office. Not only were...

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A Hole In The Wall Must Read

Kevin was in awe as he watched his sister Alex getting undressed; he had been spying on her for a few months thru a hole he had drilled in the wall of the bathroom which was right next to her room; and every time he looked at her naked body, he felt like he was in the presence of an angel. Alex at eighteen, was indeed an extremely beautiful young woman; tall with long tanned slender legs which seemed to go on forever, her face was amazing and perfectly framed by her brown shoulder length hair;...

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