Karen free porn video

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As Karen merged into the highway traffic, she put the car on cruise and threw the Unplugged/Clapton Chronicles into the CD player.   Traffic on the road was very light, just perfect for getting her head together.   Thinking back over the past year, she couldn’t believe all that had happened.


Karen had married her high school sweetheart thirty-four years ago.   Health issues left her husband with erectile dysfunction that medication was not able to help.   They had not had sex for about ten years, and now at the age of fifty-four, they were living in the same house as friends – at best.     Although Karen thought that her own sensuality was long gone, lately she was feeling restless.   To be blunt, she was feeling very horny.   So much so, that she starting exploring the internet, looking for an outlet for these pent up emotions.   It was there that she found a site that not only fulfilled her love of reading, but introduced her to the genre of erotic literature.   She didn’t care what anyone thought, these were very talented people, writing about some things she had never even imagined.   Her family would be shocked if they knew that the good girl, the responsible one, the one everyone turned to for advice, was now reading porn.   After a couple of months of reading, she found the author’s list and if she found a story she liked, she could read more submissions by the same person.   Karen ventured a little deeper into the site, registering as a member.   She checked out the different forums, opening herself up a world she never knew existed.     There were actual people out there, playing games, commenting on current events, displaying their creativity through images, and yes, posting ads on a personals page.   At first, Karen just simply read the goings on, becoming familiar with some of the higher profile players.   It was fun.   It was interesting, and absolutely nothing she had experienced before.   It wasn’t until a member posed a question she felt strongly about, that Karen finally posted a reply.   “If you knew you would never be caught, would you cheat?”   Frustrated with her life for the last few years, Karen sat at her keyboard and began to type.   “If I knew I would never be caught, and could have just one night of passionate sex, then yes, I would“.     Who would have thought that voicing her opinion would have brought forth such reactions?   She never thought anyone would comment about what she had written, let alone send her messages to her site mailbox.   Most of the messages she simply deleted, but there was one, just one that caught her eye.     It was obviously from a man, she clicked on his name to read his profile.   “InsaneCoffee” was his name, late 40’s, from New England , interested in boating, fishing, hiking, reading, and fun.   I.C. had said, “One should never judge another, and if I knew I would never get caught, I would cheat, too.   Would like to talk to you sometime, if you want“.   Karen smiled.   Thank god, he wasn’t another 20 year old boy, telling her what she needed.   This guy was at least older, and definitely intelligent.   A couple days later, another private message popped up, again from I.C.   “I saw you checked me out.   I hope you liked what you saw.”   Blushing from her toes to her nose, Karen couldn’t believe what she read.   How did he know?   Gathering her courage, she put her fingers on the keyboard and began to type.   “Dear InsaneCoffee, Yes, I did check you out.   It was so pleasant to read intelligent comments from someone who is obviously also a sensitive person.   I hope you don’t mind.   Signed, KAM.”   Taking a moment to read what she had written over and over again, Karen finally pushed the submit button.   The next evening as Karen logged in to the site, a pm notification popped up.   “Dear KAM, I don’t mind you checking me out at all.   And I must say I like what I saw too.   Do you ever chat on yahoo?   Hoping to hear from you, IC”.     That’s all it took.   Within days, InsaneCoffee (Matt) and Karen were chatting, about everything.   Their jobs, the towns they lived in, their love of boating, walking, music, books.   It was as if they had been friends for years.   Karen was an open book, confiding her frustration about her marriage.   Matt, told her about his wife of 3 years, and the troubles they were having.   They even exchanged pictures.   It was all so nice, so innocent.   He was the breath of fresh air that she needed in her life.   No pressures, no innuendos, simply friendship.   This went on for a couple of months before losing touch with each other during the holidays.   Around mid-February, Matt finally contacted Karen.   “Hello friend,” he wrote.     “How are you?   I’ve missed you.   What’s going on?” she asked.     “Things have gone from bad to worse, during the holidays.   The wife wants a divorce,” he replied.   Karen felt so bad for him.   “OMG, are you okay?   I know it’s stupid to ask, but is there anything I can do?   Damn, I wish I were there just to give you a hug.”     “Actually,” Matt wrote “I’m fine.   Probably better than I have been for a year.   But if you want to take a ride and bring me a hug, I would love it.   LOL.   You know, just talking with you makes me feel so much better.”   And so it started once more.   The chatting, the commiserating, the laughing, and yes, the flirting.   The more they chatted, the more Karen realized just how much she looked forward to their nightly visits.     One night Matt said, “Karen, maybe I’m way off base, but I would really like to meet you.   I think that you and I would get along just fine.   You have needs and so do I.”     Oh god, thought Karen.   Slowly she typed, “Matt, it goes without saying that I am attracted to you.   Probably more than I have any right to be.   But you don’t understand.”     He replied, “What’s to understand?   You’re not happy.   You’ve told me that.   You’ve been in a marriage that is a simply a friendship.   You have no real relationship with him.   When is it time for you to think about you?”   “Matt, do you understand that I don’t know if I can be with anyone?   I’ve only been with one man.   We were each other’s first and never became creative lovers“, she thought for a moment.   “After 10 years of not even kissing a man, I’m not sure that I am a woman, let alone know anything about what a man wants and needs.”   Karen’s eyes welled with tears as she pushed send.     Immediately Matt responded. “What?   Are you nuts?   Trust me Karen, you are all woman.   You are soft and gentle, and a very sensuous person.   And as far as pleasing a man, don’t you think you should expect to be pleased first?”        It was with that statement that Karen realized that this was exactly what she wanted.   She liked Matt, trusted him, and wanted him more than she thought was possible.   The more fears she presented to him, the more he shot them down.   “Look, I know you’re nervous, but I promise you, we will not do anything more than you are ready for.   If it takes all day, all night, all weekend for you to even get up the nerve to kiss me, I am fine with that.   If this is just two friends meeting to enjoy each other’s company, then it will be a great weekend.   All I know is that I really want to spend time with my friend, a woman who just by asking me how my day was makes me feel more of a man then I have in a long time.”   With that, the planning began.   They would each drive 3 hours to meet in a neutral setting.   They agreed to stay in the same hotel, but in separate rooms.     Getting away from her husband was not hard.   It’s not like he had any real interest in her life.   She simply told him the girls at work were going away on a girl’s weekend.   Karen did leave her information with a very close friend, for safety’s sake.     She prepared by buying new lingerie, the type that she thought a man would appreciate.   Although not young, Karen did her best to stay in shape.   The nice thing was that she was not expecting George Clooney and he was not expecting Angelina Jolie.   Good thing, neither of those people was going to show up.   Before she knew it, Karen was turning her car into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn.   She pulled up in front so that she could check in and be directed to her room.   As she approached the registration desk, Karen couldn’t help but notice the tall, dark haired man at the counter.   She stepped into a shadowed corner to watch.   As she stood quietly off to the side, Karen heard him say, “A friend of mine will be checking in also.   Is there any way you could arrange for our rooms to be near each other?”     She knew instantly that it was Matt.   “Matt?” she asked as she stepped closer.     When he turned around, Karen was greeted by the most amazing laughing, blue eyes and dimples to die for.   “You made it” was all he said.   His hands reached out to take hers.   He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, then stepped back and looked at her, smiling at the sight before him.     Standing 5’5” tall, short blond hair and a warm smile, this was the woman that had captured his attention.   The two apparently didn’t realize how long they stood looking at each other until the desk clerk cleared his throat and asked if they could finish registering.   As they left to park their cars and find their rooms, Matt said, “Let’s go out and get some coffee.   I want to spend the afternoon talking to you.”     Karen smiled, knowing full well he was doing his best to put her at ease.   “Give me 20 minutes, and I’ll come over to your room.”   They spent the afternoon at a nearby coffee shop.   It was so comfortable.   They talked, laughed, teased, and listened to what the other was saying.   Matt noticed it was after five o’clock , and suggested they go back and freshen up for dinner.   “I did a little research and found a really great seafood place just down the road,” he said.   As they walked back to the hotel, he reached for Karen’s hand.   She curled her fingers around his, as they walked in silence.   Their rooms were next to each other, Matt waited for Karen to open her door and then placed his hand under her chin.     With her green eyes looking into his blue ones, he leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips.   “Thank you for a wonderful afternoon, and our first date.   I’ll see you a little later.”   He kissed her once more, this time lingering, but still only touching her under her chin.     He pulled away and Karen went into her room and closed the door.   Feeling better than she had in years, she ran across the room and jumped on the bed.   She was smiling, laughing, blushing, and so looking forward to that night.   When Matt arrived at Karen’s room, he smiled appreciatively at the woman who stood before him.   She knew that his favorite picture of her was the one in a red top.   She chose to wear it tonight, just for him.     Matt knew what was under that red top.   Karen had once confided that she bought a sexy, red bra that no one would ever see.   Matt knew that tonight he would see it, he would see all of her.   Karen smiled when she saw the look in Matt’s eyes.   Although she had been nervous, that look immediately calmed her.   To Karen, dinner was a blur.   She didn’t remember eating or drinking anything.   All she could do was look into Matt’s eyes, and think about the night ahead of them.     The hotel was a short distance from the restaurant, and they walked close together in the brisk evening air.   As they entered the hotel and headed toward the elevator, Matt whispered, “You know, we could go and have a drink.   We don’t have to go up yet.”     Karen entered the elevator and held her hand out to Matt.   “No.   We do have to go up now.”   As the doors closed, Karen moved into Matt’s arms.   His lips covered hers and her body melted against his.     At that moment, no one else mattered.   A kiss that started out soft and gentle was growing more heated as the bell sounded, they had arrived at their floor.   Reluctantly separating, the couple walked silently down the hall to their rooms.   Matt looked at Karen with a questioning look in his eyes.   She turned to unlock her door and then looking over her shoulder asked, “Are you coming in?”     Matt followed her in, not wanting touch her for fear of frightening her.   Karen set her purse down on a small table, and proceeded to light some candles she had placed around her room.   Matt knew how much she liked candles, he had also brought some, had they have ended up in his room.     Karen turned to Matt, her eyes shining, smiling her beautiful smile.   He stepped towards her cupping her face in his hands and kissing her deeply.     Her arms made their way around his waist as she drew him close.   Her mouth opened slightly as she moaned and Matt took full advantage by pushing his tongue in to meet hers.   Karen’s hands worked their way up Matt’s back, and his dropped down to reach behind her, the soon-to-be lovers stood locked in the most perfect kiss.     As if he needed to come up for air, Matt broke the kiss and buried his head in Karen’s neck.   He whispered, “This is exactly the way I dreamed it, Karen.   If this goes no farther, I will leave a happy man.”     Karen turned her head into his neck, kissing her way up to his ear, to gently nibble on his lobe.   “If you don’t mind, I’d like to freshen up a bit.   Why don’t you take off your jacket and relax.   I’ll be right back.”   She pulled away and walked towards the bathroom, kicking her shoes into the corner.     She turned and smiled once more and said, “Get as comfortable as you like”, before walking into the bathroom.   Karen knew she wanted to this to be perfect.   She stripped off her skirt and top, leaving her in her red bra and matching panties.   She grabbed her black silk robe.   “Damn”, she thought “Not all the walking or exercising in the world would ever turn the clock back on this fifty-four year old body.”     She applied some more lotion to her legs and a sprayed a little more perfume.   Turning out the light, she went to meet Matt.   She entered to find him in her bed, blankets to his waist.   He gasped in wonder as she walked towards him, her robe open to reveal her bra and panties.   He watched closely as she walked around to sit on the bed next to him.   He sat up straighter and slipped the robe from her shoulders to reveal her magnificent breasts, still encased in a bra cut so low they almost spilled out at him.   He leaned forward and tenderly kissed the top of her cleavage – and kept kissing her slowly up her throat to her lips.   He pulled her close, kissing her with a passion he had not known in a long time.   As he kissed her, Karen gently placed her hand on the blankets over Matt’s lap.   She felt him grow and stiffen underneath her touch.   He a radiated heat she could feel through the coverings.   Breaking their kiss, Karen stood and dropped her robe.   She bent low, tempting him with her quivering breasts, as she slid the blankets down.   Matt’s cock stood proudly, eagerly greeting her.   Karen opened his legs and knelt between them.   Matt lay back on the pillows as she bent toward him, looking in his eyes and smiling as she approached his cock to taste him for the first time.   His eyes half closed, he watched her as she slowly began to lick his swollen shaft up and down.   Covering him with her wet tongue, she traced every vein and crease of his manhood.   She continued to tease all around the head of his cock with her busy tongue, for long moments before she took him into her mouth.     Matt groaned with pleasure, to feel her warm, wet mouth on him.   Karen bobbed her head up and down a few times before pausing to lick him again.   Base to tip, and back again, and then down to his balls, she continued.   She licked his taut balls and then gently took them into her mouth, swirling them around and around, rolling them and gently sucking them.   As she let them slip from her mouth, she blew on them with her hot breath, then licked her way back up his shaft and took the bare, sensitive head of his cock into her mouth – and then deep into her throat.     Karen sucked like a child nursing from its mother’s breast, working her tongue on him, sucking eagerly.   Her hand went to Matt’s balls to fondle them while her mouth paid homage to his cock.   Up and down, faster and harder, she sucked insistently, while gently squeezing his balls.   She felt his body tense before his balls drew up tight, and knew he was close.   She showed him no mercy, she looked in his eyes and quietly hummed, knowing exactly what that would do to him.   She smiled around his shaft as he groaned and shivered at the sensation.   The vibrations sent him over the edge.   Matt’s balls tightened even more, and he grasped the blankets in his fists.   His cock jerked as he released his hot seed down her throat.   Karen savored the slick, salty spurts, reveling in the intimate feel of her lover orgasming in her mouth, she swallowed every drop, all the while looking at him – and he stared back at her through slitted eyes as he watched her enjoy his cum.     When he finished, she made sure she had cleaned him thoroughly, gently licking and kissing away the stray drops with her warm tongue.   As she came up on her hands and knees, Matt pulled her up to him, kissing her and tasting himself on her soft, moist lips.   Never had a woman watched him, watching her as she made love to his cock.     He rolled Karen on to her back, looking in her eyes.   “Never.   Never doubt for one minute that you can’t please a man.”   Karen rose to kiss his lips, proceeding to kiss along his jaw line, making her way down his throat.   “No”, he said.   Matt pulled back and looked deeply into Karen’s eyes.   “Stop.   Just lay back.   It’s my turn.”   Matt leaned in once more and kissed Karen, long and deeply, pushing his tongue into her mouth.   Tasting himself refueled his desire for her.   Breaking away from her soft, sweet mouth, he began to cover her face with light, tender kisses.   Her eyes, her cheeks, her nose and chin – Matt began his sensuous journey downward.   He felt her pulse on his lips as he slid down her throat.   Karen moaned, feeling an electric current course through her body as he and began to caress her side.   He stroked her neck, along her rounded shoulder and down her arm.   Karen raised her arm over her head.   Matt lightly moved his fingers to its soft underside, as his lips traveled to her armpit.   Goose bumps rose on Karen’s skin, and her breathing quickened.   Matt kissed and licked her in a spot never touched by a man.     From her arm, Matt trailed kisses along her collarbone, across her chest.   He felt her large breasts rise and he met them with his lips.   He reached underneath her to unclasp her bra – then sat up, gazing into her eyes.   He lowered her straps one at a time, and pulled her bra away.     Her heavy, soft, white breasts fell slightly under their own weight.   Karen’s large, pink aureoles and eraser-sized nipples hardened as he took in their splendor.   His left hand moved up her ribs to gently cup her right breast.   He lowered his warm mouth to the sensitive underside and began kissing and nibbling.   Karen’s back arched and she lifted her breasts higher towards him.   Her hand went to the back of his head, running through his hair.   Matt continued licking all around her areola, flicking her hard nipple with his tongue.   Karen gasped as his mouth covered her nipple and he began to nurse.   Kneading her flesh and sucking her breast, he heard her exhale, “Oh god…”   Slowly, he made his way to the other side, to cherish her other breast, not letting go of the first.   Whether she knew it or not, Karen opened her legs and began moving her hips rhythmically .   Matt inhaled her scent as it wafted up to him.   As much as he was enjoying his ministrations, he knew he was far from his goal.   Kissing the underside of her breast again, he began to move his lips down her ribs, to her rounded belly.   Her red lace panties rested below her hips, leaving her navel exposed.   He pushed his tongue into it, as he moved over her body.   Matt sat up, his hands on either side of her waist.   Karen raised her hips as he slid the panties down her legs.   He eased them off, bringing them to his nose, inhaling her womanly scent.   Tossing them aside, he looked at a real woman’s body.   Voluptuous curves in all the right places – and her most intimate valley, bare and soft as a baby’s bottom.     He spread her legs and massaged her thighs.   “Matt?” she asked in a whispered voice.   “Shhhhh”, he replied.   He crawled up once more to kiss her lips and said, “Just relax babe.”   He kissed her lower and lower moving straight down her body, his hands grasping each breast as the passed by them.   Lower and lower he slid, below her navel to just above her mound.   Spreading her legs further, he nestled between them.   He kissed her inner thighs, first one and then the other.   All the way up her hip, then down the other side.   Karen’s head rolled from side to side as her breath caught in her throat.     Leaving her legs, Matt covered her mound with kisses.   Karen opened her legs even more as he kissed up and down her soft lips – and then began licking them.   “Ohhhhhh” he heard Karen cry.   He licked up and down, each time slipping his tongue in just a little bit more.   He put his hands on each side and gently opened her.   Her sweet opening was pink and glistening with moisture.   He moved to lick all around, carefully avoiding her clit and quivering hole.   She tasted sweet, and smelled faintly of flowers and woman-sex.   Matt pushed his tongue into her center, her warm, wet hole, as her hips moved beneath him.   Her breath caught in her throat.   “God, it’s been so long. “She thought as waves of pleasure started to build.   “Relax,” she told herself, as she began to lose herself in the passionate moment.   Feeling her body lose its tension, Matt moved his tongue up to Karen’s clit.   He ran his tongue over her hard bump and then flicked it.   Her reaction was immediate, she tensed again and cried out his name.   “Oh Matt…Oh…” she moaned.   Not having been with a man for so long, Karen was shocked by the intensity of this feeling, as though she were losing complete control of her body.        Matt had never been with a woman who had cum so quickly.   Karen grasped the bed covers and her hips rose high.   It was frightening, the way her body spasmed…   He quickly buried his tongue in her hole, tasting the nectar that spewed forth.   The sweet, sweet juice of the gods ran down into his mouth, and he drank from her.   Her body slowed and began to relax.   Matt raised his head to watch her, as he planted more kisses on her mound.   “God.   Oh god Matt.   That was incredible.” Karen said as she raised her head.   “Thank you.”   Matt looked at her face, suddenly there was softness to her look.   She had the appearance of a much younger woman.   “Lay back down, sweetie” he said.   “I haven’t finished.”   Trusting him, she lay back and closed her eyes.     Matt kissed and licked her soft mound, avoiding her sensitive clit for the moment.   He ran his tongue to the crease where mound met leg, and down to her lower slit.   He pushed his tongue in, searching for her honey once more.   Probing with his tongue, he cleaned her gently.   As she relaxed more, he ran his tongue gently up to her clit, startling her for just a moment.   He performed soft circular motions with his tongue as her hips started moving again.     He brought his finger up and slipped it inside her, just as he grabbed her clit in his lips and began to suck.   Fucking her slowly with his finger, sucking her clit, he worked harder as Karen once again began to moan.   Matt was intent on bringing her to the edge once more – but not letting her slip over.   She slid closer and closer, her excitement was evident.   Hips moving faster, her hands pulling his hair, Karen began moaning his name once more, “Yes, Matt.   Oh god yes, Matt.”   As she tried to pull his face into her deeper, Matt suddenly pulled away.   Karen’s eyes shot open and she looked lost and confused.   Matt rose up on his knees, his hands on her hips and he pulled her towards him.   His hard cock was dripping as he lined up with her hot, wet hole.     Karen reached down to guide him in with her hand.   Very slowly, inch by inch, Matt eased his cock into her.   Her pussy seemed to grab at him as he moved.   Karen lay back and watched his length disappear into her body.   She was aware of fullness, and a heat that she had not known in years.       Suddenly, she realized he had stopped moving.   She looked to discover that he had fully entered her.   Waiting, making sure she was not in any discomfort, Matt looked at her and smiled.   Karen wrapped her legs around his waist, as he bent forward to kiss her.   Their tongues met and danced, as he lowered himself onto her.   That movement brought him into her a little deeper.   Together, the two lovers started to move.   Karen lifted her hips to meet Matt’s thrusts, they started slowly, gently, taking their time.   As Matt rose onto his elbows, Karen kissed his throat, making her way down to his nipples.   Taking one into her mouth, Matt growled and suddenly thrust a little harder.     Karen met him thrust for thrust and soon the couple was lost in a frenzy.   Harder, faster, they seemed to need to push each other to the limit.   Karen’s second orgasm hit hard and as her fingers gripped Matt’s back, her legs seemed to hold him in a vice.   Matt pushed into her harder and deeper.   He felt her pussy muscles contract, she was milking his cock, squeezing it, gripping and releasing him…   It continued until he shot his load.   Karen felt Matt’s body tense and jerk.   She was suddenly filled with indescribable warmth, as his seed shot forth inside her.   The lover’s pounding movements continued, slowing until they stopped, exhausted.   Matt collapsed on top of her, panting.     Karen lay whimpering in his arms.   He raised his head to kiss her soft lips.   They each moaned as they kissed, clinging to each other.   Gradually, Matt’s cock slipped from Karen.   “Oh.” She whispered, sounding disappointed.    Matt moved to her side, pulling her into his arms as he did.   Karen listened to the rhythm of Matt’s heart pounding in his chest.   He stroked her back up and down as they lay cuddled in silence.   As if their thoughts were one, they looked into each other’s eyes, and their lips met once more.   In that one moment, they each knew their lives had changed forever.   They slept peacefully in each other’s arms.

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I was in the club when I saw you for the Karen. I will never forget. I looked around the room at to see who was there; those parked along the bar, at the tables in the dark corners, then to the dance floor. There you were, an exotic blonde beauty, dancing and moving erotically to the beat. Erotically? No, more sensual. No, it was primal, the way you moved, like you had a need that had to be filled, but it was obvious the man you danced with was not up to the task. Just watching you dance...

Group Sex
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I met Britney in a bar and we really hit it off and as we kissed good night my tongue was in her mouth as I held her tight and she was pushing herself against. After that, a breathless goodnight and an arrangement for me to call on her Saturday.Saturday came and I was knocking on her door which was opened by a different girl. “Hello, are you Bill?” I said I was and was here to see Britney so she invited me in showing me into the lounge where the TV was on. I heard Britney call out that she...

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I am often asked to describe my first bi experience so here goes! Since my early years I questioned sexuality. My family and friends are comprised of various appetites (as near as I could tell) and growing up in the 70's and 80's was very confusing for me. Some people were into various self help groups while others were simply confused about there sexual identity, women's Lib, etc... As a result, I too, became confused. I certainly was attracted to guys but could also appreciate the...

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Karen. I had recently started a new job, you all know how that can be, getting to know the way the company works and also getting to know your new colleagues. The blokes were all okay, but, the office staff would take longer to get to know. I mentioned to one of my workmates that I had my eye on one of the girls in particular. ‘What’s the small blond like?’ I asked during our break one day. The girl in question was quite petite, about 5 feet 2 inches tall, perfectly shaped legs, deep...

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Britney stood up and looked at Karen and said she thought she was asleep and apologised for waking her up while I was trying to get my still fairly hard cock back in my trousers. “Well don’t I get some now you’ve woken me?” she asked. “Don’t be such a slut Karen, he’s much older than you, stop trying to steal my men”. I was gobsmacked to hear these 2 talking like this, almost as if I wasn’t there and had no say in the matter. “Anyway, he won’t be able to do it again now, that’s his second one...

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You shouldn’t be showing your panties off like that Karen, no wonder he’s fidgety; you carry on with TV we’ll be back in a couple of hours and I've got my mobile if you need me. I got up and followed Britney giving Karen’s panty covered arse one last look. We were going to the cinema just along the road to see a film I really had no interest in but was hoping to get a grope if she’d sit in the back row. I suggested the back row and she seemed quite happy with that and soon after the lights went...

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The Pregnant Slut

I have been after Janet for years to fuck someone else while I watched and without much luck - until one Friday last year. She came to me and said she would do it, but by then I was having doubts. It started three years ago. We had just gotten home from a party that had been held by Janet's best friend Meg. Meg is a sweetheart, but she is also pure slut. Janet and I had been drinking and as we fell into bed Janet said, "I want to do something perverted tonight." I said, "And that would...

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 12

Frank arrived home by himself, pleased that Alicia’s daughter, Jackie, and his son, Frank Junior, had decided to stay at the Boston Ramada-Hilton, the same hotel that harbored the Troubadour Room where they’d all had dinner. The Troubadour Room boasted a fantastic breakfast buffet, and uncle and niece decided they wanted to try it. Frank knew, of course, that they hadn’t imposed on him because of Tanya’s accident, even though he had refused to even discuss the accident with them. “What are...

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I am a slut

As I got off the subway, I walked down the street and found the address much faster than I would have liked. 6:20. I had ten minutes. I walked around the block, despite the January cold. I was nervous, I couldn’t deny that. What he told me, my wrists and ankles would be tied and I would be blindfolded. I would be naked except for garter belt, stockings, and heels. The guys would come in, there would be fifteen to twenty altogether, and they’d all fuck me and come on me and in me. I wouldn’t see...

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Mind the TimeChapter 19

"That was pretty inconsiderate of me," Vee said to The Wanzor. "You mean because the Sukhoi is a single seat?" "Yeah." "Don't worry about it ... I fly too, you know." "You license expired in 2001." "I have my ways ... and the Powers that Be." "Oh ... what ever you're going to do ... it should be soon ... I'm leaving tomorrow." The Wanzor gave a little shriek and disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Ooo, that was cool ... teach me how to make smoke, Grandma?" Grandma...

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Village Gays 8211 Part 1

Myself Mani I am from pollachi a beautiful village in Tamil Nadu this is my real experience this happened when i was waiting for my plus 2 results. I am very slim, fair, 5.5 height, never looked like some one going to join college, looks like school student 50 kg is my weight, my tool is 7 inches. I am little under weight some time when i stand nude in front of the mirror i use to thing major part of the food i intake goes directly my dick for my body looks like monster. Coming to the story I...

Gay Male
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Car Lift Led To Sex

Hello to all the people reading my story this is Dabbu from Mumbai my email ID is I just love sex and crave to have more and more sex and nothing else. I’m interested only in women. So guys keep your hands in your own pants and women put your fingers in your vaginas because this story will surely help you relax… It was a beautiful morning here in Mumbai was driving through altamount road when I stopped near a tapri for a quick smoke. As soon as I bought a smoke I went and sat in my car, right...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 41 First Challenge

I froze. The white napkin was still clutched in my hand and I hadn't so much as drawn away from the sight before me. I was expecting many different things. What I saw was so far removed from what my poor brain had tried to prepare me for. There was no way to hide my expression. Some of my girls were looking, but none of them were saying anything. I didn't blame them. They had let me do all the talking because Vikkor, Law and Chaos seemed to be more interested in me as a Master PC user, but...

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My Wifes Hot Boy Toy

I'm a fifty year old white male married to a very attractive forty-five year old woman, Tina. We are both very athletic and work out every day. Our sex life is excellent; she is always horny and is multi orgasmic. Over the years it has become increasingly difficult for me to keep up with her. She wants it much more often than I do and she is not satisfied with a single orgasm but often wants three or more. When I was younger this was not a problem, but now I just can't keep it up long enough to...

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My Little Girl is Busted

My Little Girl is Busted.[/b/] =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* On Sunday morning I awoke to a text from Mistress Lisa. “Give me your credit card information so I can order some fun for Thursday.” I considered the demand for a couple of minutes. Another text came through with a picture of me in action with my co-worker. “Want me to include Mom on my next text?” I sent her the information. So Thursday morning comes and as Tina fixes her...

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An Uneven Romance

I couldn’t believe I’d gotten her home with me. We’d met in a bar when I was drinking with my friends, I spotted her early in the night but didn’t have the courage to talk to her. She looked perfect. She was slim, with long red hair that came down to a tight, round ass. When she turned around, I saw she had a truly beautiful face but there was a sexy, dangerous look in her eyes that scared me. Incredibly, she came up to me when I was ordering drinks. “I saw you looking at me cutie, do you want...

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Hot Affair With A Beautiful Mature Lady

I have been here reading your experiences for some time now and I felt I should share some of my experience too. I am Raj from Bangalore. I am a well groomed, well-read gentleman of 38. I am well experienced in the art of love making and pleasing a woman. I am 6ft tall, well built handsome guy & I don’t want to brag here that my dick is foot long and half feet thick! I respect women for who they are and I am very confidential in all my affairs and can keep secrets very well. Ladies can reach me...

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Rules of Marriage Ch 04

Thanks to thecelt. From Rules of Marriage CH 3 I know what I want from my marriage. I want Sam back and I want our marriage back but with some big changes. I will be the one working to earn trust and respect from my husband, not the other way around! The lack of respect that I had for him is gone, replaced with a knowledge that I was the one that did not respect my marriage and myself. The ground rules are very simple and always were, even though I didn’t recognize them: honor my husband and...

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Got XX! Do you want to see a fuck ton of sexy Indian content that will make your Bolly-loving cock do backflips while you stroke yourself? Well, you may find that kind of content on GotXX. You are going to find all kinds of goddamn videos and more that are ready to make you feel like a fucking man again. Want to see what kind of hot content awaits you on GotXX?Then head over and take a look at all of the content that you can find on this unique tube site. It works great on both mobile and...

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Amas Paranormal Quickies 3 The Asylum

A few months had past since her last trip. Ama’s addiction came calling again. For something new. This time she found an abandoned asylum for the criminally insane. One that had a terrible fire during a riot before it shut down for good. She read a couple different accounts across various pages who claimed to be raped by multiple entities. Sometimes they would see them, all of them horribly burned. She did research to find out the act was done by three twisted psychopaths, the oldest of...

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Ma premiere fois avec un mec

je l'ai connu j'avais 18 ans, c'était un collègue et ami a mon père.La premiére fois que je l'ai vu c'était pour un réveillon de noël mon père l'avait invité car il était seul, sa femme venait de demander le divorce pour plusieurs raisons. Dés la premiére rencontre il me trouva mignon et pendant la soirée me questionna savoir si j'avais une copine ou pas si j'aimais les mecs.Toute la famille s'entendait avec lui et à partir de ce jour on le voyait régulièrement et il est même venu en vacances...

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I watched Nafty TV all morning, and I’ve got to say, it’s way easier to crank it to than the 24-hour news networks. I may not have learned much about the recent goings-on in the world, but hey, would you rather be depressed or bust a really satisfying nut into an old gym sock before you head off to work? Well, if you ask me, that’s barely a choice because I’ll always opt for sweet, sweet porno. It’s right there in my name, my dudes!What’s in a name, though? The folks at Nafty.TV might be able...

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The Ring AOChapter 74 Evans

William and Helena had breakfast together at 8am, letting Paul and Danielle have their breakfast together alone. William advised “Lucy really likes Danielle and she had a great evening with us all together. She was worried, Paul is a catch here on the islands due to his job and being single. Lucy was worried he might end up with someone who would not be good company for him. Danielle appears to be very intelligent and a good companion.” Helena replied. “She was introduced by Bill to us and...

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A Sweet Surprise Chapter 2

The three of us sat down to a wonderful dinner–pot roast, with carrots, onions, and red potatoes. Karen knew I loved her pot roast–it is one of my favorite dishes she makes. And she did her usual amazing job with it, too. Karen is a fantastic cook and almost everything she makes is delicious. "So how was work today, girls?" I asked, making small talk as we ate our dinner."It was long and tedious! I am so glad it's Friday!" Karen said."You got that right. Nothing this weekend but peace and...

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CarolChapter 3

I started dressing and told her about the lightning storm last week, and how this knowledge came together for me. “I found a bunch of books that mom was putting into the trash, and I pulled them back out to read them. There was erotica that Dad had left down here. Mom said that these were dirty books of dads and she did not want them around the house. They are in my room. If you want to expand your knowledge?” She looked at me and asked, “Can I get them now?” “Sure, follow me to my room...

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Forgive Us Our Trespasses

1994:I heard about the pool through my best friend Jess. She was one of those girls who is friends with everyone in high school. In comparison I was kind of a loner, preferring the company of books to people. I think that was what her interest in me was. I was a challenge, and she was persistent. I liked her, too, though only as friend. Sure, she was pretty, and smart, and cool, and nice, but I didn’t want to risk what was good about our relationship by pushing too hard for it to become...

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Birthday Presents

Birthday Presents[It's Cat's birthday! And Jade, being the sullen girlfriend she is, has thrown her a birthday party, albeit with a monotone cry of 'surprise'. But Cat has her own gift to give.]"Happy birthday, Cat!"The petite girl jumped in surprise, hands muffling the squeal she let out. She bounced excitedly, wide eyes roaming over the streamer-strewn, brightly decorated room. "You guys!"She rushed forward, arms outstretched, hugging her group of friends tightly as they responded with just...

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The Professors Daughter Part II

THE PROFESSOR’S DAUGHTER--Part II Stephanie is a 17-year-old Asian-Caucasian mix knockout with the cutest face and the hottest body you have ever seen. One rule in life is, if you want to avoid temptation then do not invite a temptress to stay in your guesthouse. Continued….. After our kiss at the end of the party I tried to keep my space over the next few days to let my raging hormones, if not hers, calm down. Stephanie’s smile with her gleaming white teeth, her honey colored Asian-mix skin...

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The New Girl

The New Girl By Conrad Lee "For my friend Holly" Holly Burns had never felt completely attractive though she wasn't a bad looking person. Her own opinion was what kept her always down on herself and always comparing herself to others. She had tried sexy outfits, several different types of make up and once even considered surgery but later felt that was a bit extreme. Holly worked for a major clothing distributor in sort of a Drew Carey kind of setting, though often she...

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Crazy From The Heat

Jake looked up at the fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling of his garage as they started to flicker. When the lights went dead, he cursed, "Fuck, not again."It was mid-July in Toronto, the start of the Dog Days of Summer. When the power would come back on again was anybody’s guess. South-Western Ontario was also under an extreme heat alert. For the next seven days, the temperature was expected to hold steady at thirty-five degrees Celsius during the day. When the humidity index was...

Straight Sex
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Anger Breeds Revenge

I was sitting on my bed and had just sucked in yet another deep breath. I was trying not to cry and to make a major decision at the same time; to wit, if I wanted to get my gun from the safe and go down to my husbands' office blow his brains out. I had the errant object of my anger in my hand, an e-mail that was carefully folded and for the umptheenth time I opened it and looked at the picture and reread the text. The photo was quite good actually; it showed my husbands 23 year old secretary,...

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I Should Be So Lucky

It was 2003 and I was 39. At the time I was going out with a girl called Ann. Ann was a year older than me. She had two daughters. Katie And Claire who were twins , their Coming of Age birthdays due on the 22nd of August.You would not have thought they were twins. Both had slim pert titted figures but Katie was a Redhead and Claire a Brunette. Both lovely and fuckable. Both about just over 5ft tall. Absolutely gorgeous.It all started on Saturday 9th August. It was about 4pm. I had been to the...

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A Winter Excursion Boy

'Boy's Winter's day.' That morning, for some unknown reason, I woke from my normal death-like sleepunusually alert and aware. Mostly I drifted through the endless days in a sortof stupor, induced by the back-breaking drudgery and boredom of the routinethey imposed on me, in which days - perhaps even weeks - went by without anythingto make me note their dreary passage. It was bitterly cold in my pen, and I was lying on my side, curled up as bestI could to preserve my body-heat which had warmed...

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My first threesome

This is 100% true and you can find pictures of the girlfriend in question (now ex) on my profile!I had made a move about 10 miles away from where my gf was so we were living separately at the time. With living separately came the dirty texts/pics and talk of our fantasies. The threesome was obviously one of them. We both agreed we should have two - 1 with a guy and 1 with a girl. Keep it fair ;-)Anyway, me and my best mate had been out on the town and he had shared a bed with me. I woke up...

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Sweet Revenge Part B

*** Continuation from part A of Sweet Revenge story. I put one hand over her breast, and continued to fuck her with my other hand's middle finger. On noticing the huge bulge in my crotch, her eyes grew very wide, and she unzipped my pants to take out my weapon and started stroking it. Soon, both of us came - and she was making quite a din - I was afraid someone would hear her through the sound-proofed- walls. I splattered her with my cum from her head to her hips, most of which settled on her...

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Between Neighbors

I pulled my wife Ann’s curly hair away from her face just in time to watch as her lips engulfed the tip of my cock. She gave me a playful wink before sliding her mouth down the shaft until her chin hit my balls. I let out a soft sigh as she began to work my cock with her lips, tongue and throat. While most of my buddies complain that their wives never giving them head, my Ann loves to suck cock. I looked down at her and said, “Baby, I could watch you suck cock all day.” She smiled up while...

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Renaissance Faire

Kennedy waited in hungry anticipation. She felt the sweat on her back mixing with the cool air of the air conditioner. She could only hear the soft movements around her, the roar of the air conditioner, or the hum of the butterfly clit stimulator buzz when Lorne pushed the button. Each time bringing her close to an orgasm, but always stopping early. She would fruitlessly hump the air until she felt the sting of the whip across her bare ass, causing her to yelp and whimper. Her wrists were tied...

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Fantasy Come Nightmare

Fantasy Come Nightmare I walked in my flat where I lived alone, I took off my fleece and workboots and put them in the cupboard. I stepped into the bathroom where I stripped out of my filthy work clothes and got in the shower. I washed away all of the dust and muck I'd collected from a hard day on the construction site before I got out the razor and shaved away the hair from my legs, chest and armpits. This was a regular thing so it was more like stubble than regular hair. I got...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 23

Husband's call to his wife: "Honey it's me. I don't want to alarm you but I was hit by a car as I was leaving the office. Paula brought me to the hospital. They have checked me over and done some tests and some x-rays. The blow to my head was severe. Fortunately it did not cause any serious internal injury. However I have three broken ribs, a compound fracture in the left leg, and they think they may have to amputate my right foot." Wife's Response: "Who the fuck is Paula?" And if...

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F amily fire pt1

I came home and she was sleeping on the couch; she'd worked late the night before. She looked pretty as she slept, and sexy. Her skirt was hiked up enough to see some thigh and her tits were pressed together so that some of the creamy flesh appeared out of he blouse. I wanted to touch her, but I contented myself to sit and watch until she woke up. Memories and thoughts entertained me as my eyes stroked the body I found so exciting.When she did awake and saw me watching her, she smiled widely...

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Late Night Siblings Part 2

(First off, I'd like to say thank you to the readers who gave my first story a good rating, and an even bigger thank you to the people who also offered kind words of encouragement. I hope you all fancy the second part just as well.)And there I was still standing naked in the hallway. I finally stopped recording with my phone, and I was surprised when I saw that the video was over half an hour long- I thought it had been five, maybe ten minutes. But after more than thirty minutes of watching my...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 1 Where are they now Again

"I still don't see why I have to go to college!" Vicky said angrily while holding her clinched fists on her hips in the same manner that Jen did when she was trying to get a point across. We had had this same conversation at least a dozen times in the past ever since Vicky had graduated from high school a little less than a year ago and so far it had always come out a tie. "Sweetie, you know you don't have to do anything you don't want to do," I told her, "but if you go to college...

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Magical LabyrinthChapter 8

The next week flowed very slowly. The utter barren nature of the new maze and the total lack of color were difficult for both Robert and Rebecca to overcome. Millie was a great comfort, a sponge for affection, always in delight whenever they took the time to pet her. Driven by the pressing need to change their environment, they worked 18-hour stretches of mapping work, with just brief pauses to kiss and caress each other. Their sleep periods together were affectionate but just slightly...

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Second Chances Part 2

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 2 It was their special place nestled in Old Man Frank's apple orchard, a crudely built tree house. The old farmer didn't mind. He even supplied the tools and lumber, happy to see a couple of kids willing to play outside and not have their brains rotted out by those newfangled video games. "So you want to try it, Jay?" asked a cute little girl about ten or eleven "Try what, Rani?" asked a cute little boy also about ten or...

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Redemption Ch6

Lucien.Get up. Time to go— Seth growled in his mind. His eyes flew open. It was still dark since he had his lights set to activate only on command. Hot breath fanned his chest and his legs were tangled with… Oh, God. He teleported himself in a surge of power into the hygiene room. His legs almost gave out beneath him making him need to clutch the entrance to the hygiene unit to steady himself. Everything around him seemed to swirl and distort. He closed his eyes with a groan and muttered...

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The Neighbor Above Me Chapter 3

After the craziness of the first few days, things settled into a routine. Foolishly, I got careless. The pain of the punishment Ms. J prescribed was mild compared to how bad I felt for failing her. I was determined to put in extra effort to try to solve the problems I had created for her and to regain her trust.The unusual events of the first few days were explainable. The first night was to test my obedience. The second was to overcome her issues with the pain medication. The third was to...

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Had To Improvise Prelude

There will come a day when I will have to improvise during filming, but that day is still far from the events I'm about to share. This is all about the build-up to that fateful day. Here I'm still wading slowly into new waters.The very beginning:We were just hanging out one day when we had a conversation that would change so much and lead us down a long winding path of experimentation and growth. It all started when Steve mentioned to me that we could make some money filming solo masturbation...

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