SLuT9 Pt 9 free porn video

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Wednesday, December 20th
Dave left at five o'clock the next morning, just as usual, to get to work on the other side of town by six. He left Olivia sleeping in one of the two twin beds in the girls bedroom with instructions not to answer the phone or open the door for anyone. He didn't want to even think about how to explain her presence in his apartment.

The two had gone back out the night before. Dave had driven them back to the car rental lot where he had rented the van. He had returned the van and picked up his own car. The two then went to Olivia's hotel where she grabbed her luggage and checked out. With her luggage in the trunk of his car, they then went down the street to the Denny's where Olivia climbed into her own rented car and followed Dave back to his apartment. Both were exhausted from a long and stressful day. They shared a quick hug and kiss, bid each other goodnight, and went off to separate rooms and beds.

As he drove to work, Dave thought very carefully about the situation he and Olivia were now in. He didn't doubt a word she had told him the night before. He didn't doubt that SLuT9 was dangerous. He didn't doubt that she was telling the entire truth about Dr. Jan Casey and his mental state before his untimely death. He didn't doubt that SLuT10 would work just as she had explained it to him. He didn't even doubt that she was now his lifelong slave, there to serve him and in danger of a suicidal depression should he make her leave.

Olivia, and what to do with or about her, were what occupied his mind as he made his way through morning rush hour traffic. He had known before he'd gone to bed the night before that his conscience would not allow him to send her away and let her commit suicide. It just wasn't in him. He was sure his daughter Emily would have informed him of that almost immediately had she been there. It left open the question of what to do with Olivia and how to explain her extended presence there to his ex-wife, his two daughters, and the rest of his extended family.

Olivia had suggested telling everyone that she was his new girlfriend but that would never float with his family. Rebbecca had teased him numerous times about not having someone in his life, even after more than two years apart. Both of his daughters had been at the apartment only the weekend before. If he'd had a girlfriend, or even if he was dating, he would have told them. Emily would know that, even if Hayley didn't think about it. His sister, Jennifer, would also question his thinking if he mentioned that he now had a girlfriend living with him. It was all simply too sudden for that story to make sense.

The one thing that soothed Dave's jangled nerves was the fact that he could tell Emily exactly what had happened. He had told her of the SluT9. She had even felt it's effects when she consciously decided to stab herself with the SLuT9-dipped pin. Dave pushed those thoughts aside quickly. He already felt guilty enough about what had happened with Emily the previous weekend. He had way too many other urgent issues to deal with before he could deal with his guilt at having sex with his seventeen year old daughter, consensual or not.

Dave took a deep breath as he drove off the interstate and hit town traffic. He thought about what other balls he had up in the air at the moment. There was the fact that sometime in the next few hours, Rebbecca, his ex-wife, would receive a DVD of Dave and her having sex with a short note threatening to expose their affair if she didn't start treating him fairly when it came to the custody of the children. He was sure, once she saw it that Rebbecca would insist on speaking to him and finding out exactly what he wanted. She would, of course, argue, cry, whine, bitch, yell and scream in order to get him to back down but Dave was sure he had the upper hand in that battle. He wasn't asking for anything more than what was fair.

Then there were his two daughters. If things worked out with Rebbecca the way he thought they would, Em and Hayley would be coming to stay with him that evening or maybe the next day and would be there until a few days after New Years when they would probably go home.

But that wasn't the end of it. During their stay with him the previous weekend, both of his daughters had stated emphatically that they would prefer to come live with him full time. Dave had celebrated inside at this news. Both girls claimed their mother was teetering on the edge of child abuse when it came to dealing with them. She was constantly yelling and screaming or just ignoring them. As Dave saw it, it was his fatherly duty to protect those two beautiful, sweet young girls. He could do nothing less than his best to keep them safe and happy.

Then there were the Emily-specific problems. He had made love to his oldest daughter the weekend before and, afterwards, Emily had hinted that, while it may have been the first time, and may have been brought on by her decision to use SLuT9 on herself, she had no problems with it occurring again in the future, with or without the use of SLuT9 and even indicated that she hoped it did happen again.

Then there was the issue of Emily pimping for him, sending young school-aged girls to his apartment to wait for him and fuck his brains out every evening. She had sent DeeDee, the class slut, on Monday and apparently had planned to send a girl named Heather over the night before. Olivia calling and demanding an appointment with him that day had kept him from going home to find and fuck Heather. What bothered Dave most about this was that his daughter was arranging it and the fact that Dave had actually fucked DeeDee and had been looking forward to going home to see what girl Emily would send next.

Dave jotted down a note to himself to call Emily that day and tell her something else had come up and that she should cancel whatever girl she was going to send. He didn't look forward to that phone call anymore than he looked forward to the call from Rebbecca about the video. He was sure Emily would protest unless he gave her the whole story. That was not something he was looking forward to doing while she was on her cell phone in the school cafeteria.

Dave parked his car and headed into the office with the jumble of problems still weighing on his mind. Dave was happy that the morning meeting was canceled. He had too many other things to deal with. The last thing he needed was for the boss to be making demands of him.

Dave locked himself in his office and told his secretary that he wanted to be left alone unless it was an emergency. He told her the only calls she should put through to him were Rebbecca, Emily, Hayley, Olivia or one of his bosses. Everyone else, he told her "can take a flying leap or call back tomorrow."

"Yes, Mr. Bernard," Susan had said with a smile. She had been working for Dave for more than a decade. She knew how he got and knew that he was completely serious about his instructions.

Dave went into his office, locked the door and flopped down in his chair.

"Gotta deal with things one at a time." He noted the time. "Might as well deal with Emily right now."

He pulled his cell out of his pocket and tapped in her cell phone number. He knew she'd be awake already, getting ready for school. He hoped she wasn't already downstairs at breakfast with her mother. Emily picked up on the second ring.

"Hi, Daddy. If you're calling to cancel again, you may as will just hang up now. She's coming. You're going to take her upstairs, you're going to take her to bed, and you're going fuck all three of her hot, tight little holes. In this case, she needs it as bad as you."

"Emily Jean!"

"Oh, Daddy, chill. What did you need?"

"I'm assuming from the way you're talking, your mother isn't anywhere around?"

"No, Daddy. That reminds me, Mom was acting strange last night. Did you do something?"

"It's possible. If I did, I'm sure I'll hear about it later today. Where are you anyway? You sound like you're talking from the bottom of a hole or something."

"I'm in the bathroom, Daddy. I just stepped out of the shower. Want me to tell you what I'm wearing?" Dave could hear the smile in her voice.

"You're becoming a brat. I think you need a spanking."

"Oh, never tried that but I think I'm up for it."

"Why do you have your cell phone in the bathroom with you?"

"In case someone called. Duh!"

Dave chose not to pursue that line of questioning any further.

"Listen Em, I need you to cancel tonight."

"Daddy, I already told you, it isn't going to happen. She's coming. This means a lot to me and her. If you don't take her to bed, you're going to really hurt her and that will upset me. Do you want me upset with you, Daddy?"

"Of course not, Emily, but..."

"Good, then there's no problem."

"Emily, somethings have happened."

"Let me guess: things you can't go into on the phone, right?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact."

"Well then, Daddy, you better get your ass over here and explain it to me in person because until I've heard the story, believe it, and agree that it's a good reason, I ain't canceling."

"Em, Please?"

"Daddy, no. Now, did you wanna talk about something else? If so, say so. If not, I've gotta go. I've gotta go put on some black lace panties and bra, a garter belt, some thigh high fishnet stockings, six inch stiletto heels, a skirt so short the police will stop me for public lewdness if they see me, and a white shirt that is so sheer, every guy in school will be able to see my belly button. So, is there something else?"

"You are going to get it. I love you, Emily."

"I love you too, Daddy. Kisses!"

Before Dave could say another word, he heard the familiar click as she hung up the cell phone.

"Shit! Hope the rest of my day goes better than that did."

Dave hung up the phone and turned to doing actual work for the company. For almost three hours Dave did nothing but put in an honest days work for an honest days wage. Then Susan buzzed him.

"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Bernard, but your sister is on line three and insists she must talk to you."

Dave laughed. "That's typical of Jenny. I'll take the call." He tapped the proper button. "Hello, darling sister. How are you today?"

"I'd be better if I knew my baby brother wasn't spending Christmas alone."

"I'm not. I think the girls are coming for Christmas this year. I expect them either tonight or first thing tomorrow morning."

"Oh really? The bitch is actually going to let you see your daughters?"

"Well, she hasn't agreed to it yet but I'm pretty sure she well."

"Oh, and why would she do that? She hasn't ever done it before."

"I have videotape evidence of a her having an affair," Dave said, laughing.

"Okay, with that metal rod up her ass, not to mention the metal rod up her boyfriend's ass, that just might do the trick."

"That's what I was thinking, too."

"Anyway, I am calling to officially invite you, your daughters, and a friend if you have one, to spend Christmas and Christmas eve with me and my brood. What do you say, baby bro?"

"First off, I need to find out one way or the other whether I'm going to actually have the girls over Christmas. I imagine that will happen sometime today. Actually if it doesn't happen, I think I'll make it happen after I get off work. How 'bout I call you back later tonight or tomorrow and give you a definite?"

"Nope, won't work. I'm inviting you, my baby brother, to my house for Christmas. With or without your daughters. Me and your nieces all expect you to show. Call me back with times and dates. You know, you're welcome anytime, Christmas or not."

Before Dave could respond, Jenn hung up.

Dave hung up the phone and once again returned to work. An hour later, he went to lunch with some coworkers. He had just set himself back to work, dealing with a supplier over the phone when Susan buzzed him again. He put the supplier on hold.

"Yes, Susan?"

"Dave, Rebbecca is here."

Dave was a little surprised that Rebbecca had chosen to come to his office instead of calling or meeting him at his apartment but he didn't see the need to avoid her.

"I'm on a call right now. Ask her to take a seat, get her some coffee, and I'll call for her in a few minutes."

"Yes, David."

David returned to his call and quickly ended it. He then called Susan again and asked her to show Rebbecca in.

Rebbecca came in, cup of coffee in hand and shut the door. She looked calm to David as she came to the desk, set her coffee cup down, opened her purse and pulled out the DVD he had sent her that showed them having sex the previous Thursday.

"What is this?" she asked.

"It's a DVD, Rebbecca."

"I know that!" She reached into her purse again, pulled out the small note, and slid it across the desk to him.

"What does this mean? What do you want?"

"This..." Dave said picking up and rereading the note he'd written, "This means that I want you to stop treating me like dirt. That I expect you, from here on, to begin treating me like a human being, like most people treat their ex-husband and father of their children. This is my way of saying that I want you to stop treating me like a bowl of spoiled milk that you can't stand to be around."

Rebbecca scowled, leaned over the desk and asked, "What do you want? Less alimony? Less child support? What?"

"I'm not worried about the alimony. I figure another month or two and you'll be remarried. At that point, no more alimony no matter how much pull your boyfriend has down at the courthouse."

"What makes you think I'm going to get married?"

"Paul's running for the state Senate. He may be a bleeding heart liberal but he's smart enough to know that this area is full of people who are religious conservatives. They see you and him living together in sin, his chances of going to the capitol go right down the tubes. He started this with you. It would look bad if he broke up with you now. He's gotta marry you at this point."

"Maybe I'll refuse."

"Then he'll have to dump you. In which case, he won't pull strings for you down at the court house and I'll take you back to court and get the alimony and custody agreement overturned. Either way, I win."

Rebbecca huffed, turned her back to him and was silent for a few moments. Dave recognized the move after nearly twenty years of marriage. It was her way of pulling herself together and figuring out her next argument. He let her calm down and think things through.

She spun back around. "Fine, you're right. Paul proposed to me over the weekend and I said yes. It's not going to be anything big. We're planning to get married on New Years day."

"Congrats!" Dave said with a big smile. "I mean it, Becca. I hope you two are very happy."

"Don't you spoil this for me." She picked up the DVD and waved it. "If it isn't alimony, what is it? Child support?"

"Nope. I'll give my girls everything I can."

"So what do you want?"

"Time. I want time with my daughters. I want them for Christmas. In fact, I want them for the entire winter break. I deserve it."

"I need them for my wedding," Rebbecca said with a smirk. "Sorry, no can do."

"You can do! Don't worry, I'll make sure the girls are at your wedding with smiles on."

"And if I don't agree?"

Dave smiled. "It would really suck if a copy of that DVD was put on the Internet."

Rebbecca huffed once more. "Fine! But I want all the copies."

"On your wedding day. It'll be my wedding present to you and Paul."

"No. I want them now!"

"Nope. I give you the DVD's, I have no bargaining chip left. That DVD is the only reason you're agreeing to this. I give the DVD's to you today, all of a sudden, tomorrow something comes up and you send the girls to spend Christmas at your folks house. Not this time, Rebbecca."

"Fine!" Rebbecca turned and stormed out of the office, leaving the DVD and note behind. Dave tore up the note and dropped it into the trash can. He then broke the DVD into four pieces and trashed it also.

"That's dealt with." Dave sat back and smiled.

An hour later, an hour earlier than he would normally leave, Dave left the office telling Susan he had some more personal issues to deal with. He got into his car and drove home with the intention of figuring out something to do with Olivia while he dealt with whatever girl it was that Emily was sending over. He even considered letting Em get upset by just sending the girl home.

Dave used his key to unlock the apartment door and went in. He found Olivia in the hallway with the vacuum cleaner. From the look of the living room and kitchen, it was obvious she had been on a cleaning binge for quite some time. He got her to turn off the vacuum and put it away while he went in and changed into jeans and a tee shirt. He then seated them both on the couch.

He took a deep breath and then told her his problem.

"My daughter, Emily, has decided I'm lonely and need some intimacy. She has arranged for one of her friends to come over here later this afternoon to give me that intimacy."

Olivia's eyebrows went up but she didn't speak.

"I know, I know. You're my slave, right?"

"Close enough," Olivia said with a smile and a nod.

"Good. I'm ordering you not to harass me about this."

"Yes, Master," Olivia said, very much enjoying Dave's discomfort. She even bowed as best she could while sitting on the couch.

"Thank you. The problem, as you probably have already figured out, is that this girl Em is sending, is probably just that, a girl. I don't know how she will react if you're here."

"I can understand how it would make things somewhat uncomfortable."

"Before we discuss that, well this bother you? Upset you?"

Olivia smiled and blushed. "David, while I appreciate your concern for me I am not your girlfriend, lover or wife. As of this moment, you haven't even accepted me as your slave. When I came here, David, I guessed you would use the SLut9 on me and I suspected what it would do to me. I did not enter into this relationship unaware. I fully expected you would have other women in your life besides just me. I do not expect your devotion now, or ever, no matter what I might hope. Yes, I may feel some pangs of jealousy but it will be because she is with you and I am not. I will not become angry that you are with her. Does that answer your questions?"

"Yes, it does. Doesn't make me feel a whole lot better and I'm not sure I completely believe you. I have to wonder if you're just telling what you think I want to hear but it definitely answers my questions."

Olivia smiled and blushed again. "What do you wish of me, David?"

"I need you to disappear while I... entertain the young lady."

"I do not wish to leave the house. Would it be acceptable to you if I simply went into my bedroom and remained there quietly until the young lady leaves?"

Dave considered the idea for a moment. He had hoped she would leave the house. He was sure he could order her to do that but he wanted to keep her happy while at the same time getting rid of her.

"What will you do in there?"

"I will turn the TV on very low. I will take some food with me. I noticed a cooler in the coat closet. I could put some ice in it and put some drinks in there. What else would I need?"

"What about a bathroom?"

"How long do you think this encounter will last?"

Dave shrugged. "Well, the last one ended up spending the night. I doubt that will happen this time though. I'd say maybe a few hours at most."

"I will go before she arrives and then hold it."

"I don't really have a choice here. You go find what food you want in the kitchen. I'll get the cooler and load it with ice."

Fifteen minutes later they were standing in Olivia's temporary bedroom and looking things over. The cooler, now half full with cans of soda and bottles of water, was setting beside the bed. One dresser drawer had been emptied and now held a stock of snack foods that would keep Olivia satisfied until the girl was gone.

"If this girl decides to spend the night, I promise as soon as she's asleep, I'll come let you know and let you out to go to the bathroom."

"Thank you," Olivia said with a smile as she almost pushed David out of the bedroom and closed the door. "I love you."

David didn't hear Olivia's final words to him. He turned and moved through the remainder of the apartment. Olivia had done an excellent cleaning job on the place so there was nothing to pick up or straighten up. With nothing else to do, David sat down on the couch, turned on the TV and tried very hard to relax. Ten minutes before he would normally return from work, David turned off the TV, put on a coat, and went downstairs to wait for the arrival of the young woman.

When he stepped out of the building, he immediately noticed a small hybrid parked in a space almost directly behind his truck. He also noticed a young Asian girl looking into his truck. David walked down the sidewalk. He was met at the curb by the young woman who had noticed him as soon as he came out of the building.


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"buzz", the damn alarm clock is waking you up again. Your 18, and just out of high school. Your mom is 40, and you sister is 21. Your mom is hot for her age, you sometimes get a hard-on just looking at her. Your sister is nice and petite, measuring 5'3", and 105lbs. with 36-C cup tits, and a nice tight ass. You fantasize and about her all of the time. So it's time to wake up, what do you do?

3 years ago
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Memoirs of the Kosmetics Killer Entry 1

I often fantasize about women. Unconscious women. Lovely unresisting ladies that I can manipulate, rape and have total control over. It is extremely difficult in today’s world to do so without being caught so all I could do was to fantasize. For 20 years. This changed one night when I was walking around at a furniture store. I saw a lovely young woman together with a plain looking female friend whom I had absolutely no interest in. She was dressed in a tight sext sleeveless top and a short...

3 years ago
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Game over

Game over.Chris paced the carpet. Driven by the temptation to go back a watch his wife and her lover, but he didn’t, knowing that he was most definitely excluded from the action of their bedroom, hearing the squeals of delight, the sighs and sounds of sex coming from the room only a few feet and a couple of doors away from him was pure torment. The television played to its self, unobserved and disregarded as his minds eye played out the visions of what he knew was going on in there. Jacqui’s...

2 years ago
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TongueTied Part One of Two

Renata was in a foul mood, although a satisfied smile did curl her lips as she peered at herself in the full-length mirror. She looked damn good, she thought. She knew she had a good body, anybody would. Slim, five-seven, pretty face, glistening shoulder-length black hair, firm not-too-big tits, flat tummy, toned upper body and long, lean legs. She was thirty-nine years old but people often took her for much younger. She knew she was hot.Her Cleopatra costume showed off her bod tremendously,...

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Ariel Chronicles Cougar of Soho part 5

Part FiveEveryone had composed themselves in the limousine, as Brad returned to his driver seat and manoeuvred the limousine skilfully in the direction of the Halloween ball.My little slave girl and myself began to re-apply our make-up and spraying some perfume on our breasts and neck. The guys were all on their mobile phones, speaking in hushed tones, obviously alerting their friends that the premier bimbo sluts were in transit.The young black gangsters oozed confidence as the Limo eased its...

5 years ago
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My Hot Dorm Mate Part 5 Final

“Yo – there you are,” said Mark reaching into the dual shower stall to turn on the left-side showerhead. From my showerhead, on the right, the stall was steamed up already. I’d probably been standing there under the water for at least 15 minutes just daydreaming about the past few nights. “Huh? Oh, yeah. What’s up?” I said with my eyes mostly closed under the water. Mark tested the water on his side and stepped into shower – it was one 6’ wide tiled enclosure with the two...

2 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 7 Dinner with Erin

I stepped up to the counter in the entrance of the Olive Garden and looked around. A sign pointed to a nearby podium and asked patrons to wait to be seated. I didn't have to wait long as the hostess came around a corner and greeted me. I told her that I was meeting a friend, but apparently Erin hadn't arrived yet. The hostess took me over to the non-smoking section and seated me at a table for two next to large glass walls facing the highway. The area was quite spacious with short walls...

4 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 30C And the World Turns Again

We were alone. I could sense it, but we were still in the park, and the animals took what food we offered as we watched the storm clouds gather. "Should we seek shelter?" Einstein asked as a bolt of lightning hit the lake much too close for comfort. I smiled and kissed him. "You goofball," I said. "We can't die here. Remember? We're already dead." Einstein smiled his understanding and we watched as the animals scattered, then the blanket and food disappeared, as did our clothes. I...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriend Chapter 3

Chapter 3 My Girlfriend? Now you need to buckle in for this one. It's a longer chapter. but oh my word.. and then there is chapter 4. It's finished too.. and just a chapter away. Anyway, I do hope you're enjoying this. I sure am. Let me know how I am doing.. but this so much fun. Knocking on the door brought back so many memories, first and only dates. I figured Brenda would be sweet but I would be heading home by eight or nine at the latest. The door opened. I can only do...

2 years ago
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Jon and Carol had been sitting on the end of the bed as I woke up and looked over at my black man who was already awake. I slowly leaned over towards him, put my arm around his neck and drawing to his lips, planted a hard, long passionate kiss on his lips. Not really thinking of what Jon might say or do, "Good morning love" I told my man. Jon just smiled then said, "sleep well honey?" "Like a baby" I answered back. "Not too tired?" he now asked. "No" I said, "I feel great". With that, Jon...

3 years ago
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The Sexual Saga Of My Family And Me 8211 Part V

Hi Friends thank you much for your response to Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this story. I really appreciate your good words. Any ladies, bhabhis, aunties want to contact me please do so on Now read on for Part 5 While riding my bike to my Masi’s house, my mind was running over all the past three nights and I just couldn’t thank my stars for how lucky was I. The journey which was about 40 miles was speeding away rapidly as I thought about my fuck sessions with neeta Aunty, my mom, my Bhabhi & my Bua...

2 years ago
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Girls clothes ll

I was shaking as he moved his hands over me. He licked his lips as he moved a hand over the cups of the bra I had on. Moving down my stomach he said, I've watched Megan a few times as she dressed for bed. Image my surprise when I seen you. Please don't tell her, I begged. He looked at me for a minute and said, what would you do to keep me from telling. Anything, I blurted out. Patting my leg he said, we'll see about that. He stood me up in front of him and said to take off the bra. My hands...

2 years ago
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Getting A Raise From the bosss wife

One of the positive benefits of getting a divorce after nearly twenty years of marriage was my newfound freedom. I had always wanted to move to the city but my wife was a die-hard country girl. During our marriage we compromised by living in the suburbs. Now that I was single again I had the chance to move back to the city where I could take advantage of the seemingly unlimited singles bars and endless numbers of available women. My one daughter remained with my ex, so it was no problem for me...

3 years ago
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I got ID

We face many choices in life, different paths to choose from. At nearly every instance I had the willpower, the determination to choose right from wrong. I am not infallible, I have made mistakes but they were small ones. I was able to correct them, apologize, and make amends with the ones I hurt. However, there was one temptation that I could not turn away from. I was given the opportunity to live out a dream that most people will never obtain. The consequence to living this dream would be the...

2 years ago
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What a week it had been. Stress seemed a constant companion in her life, and today was no different. Friday was always the best time when she was younger. You were free from the confines of school for a few days, and the partying with friends was always a welcome relief. Not anymore. She was more likely to fall asleep in a relaxing warm bubble bath or in her undergarments on the couch watching the news. She just didn’t have that burst of energy like she did five or ten years ago. That was...

2 years ago
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BrattySis Jazmin Luv Are You Trying To Make My Nipples Hard

Jazmin Love is having a real problem with her stepbrother, Oliver Flynn, trying to creep on her titties. Oliver keeps turning the AC down to make sure Jazmin is cold so that her nipples get hard. He has other tricks, too, like putting an ice pack on Jazmin’s neck. When Jazmin finally confronts Oliver about it, he says that it’s only fair that he gets to make her nipples hard and perv on her because she walked naked into his shower the other day to kick him out. Oliver can barely...

4 years ago
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summer holiday education

Summer holidays have come around “HOORAY” I get to spend two weeks with my Grand parents in their home near the beech.   I had already packed my bags a week ago, so as soon as I got home on my last day of lessons I ran straight upstairs and undressed jumped into the shower and waited for my Grandpa to arrive to collect me.   I have always had a close special relationship with my grandparents and they always made me feel special as I was their only...

4 years ago
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Older woman giving her good boy public blow job

This is a story my girlfriend text me about sucking a much younger guy in a car park. She's the woman in all my galleries, enjoy!Ok so a few years ago this young man I was chatting to came to see me and we went for a drink in the pub down the road from where I liveHe was only 18 and I was 32 so I was a lot more experienced than he wasHe had told me he was seeing other girls so I wanted to impress himI was wearing a leather mini skirt, knee high boots and a nice topWhen I sat down you could see...

2 years ago
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Second Time Around With pornprincesswannabe

I remembered the last time that I met Maya, AKA pornprincesswannabe, very fondly and I ached for her mouth around my cock so I got in contact with her again and she agreed to meet up again.I arrived at her place and she seductively invited me in. I've enjoyed jerking off to her pictures but she was way better in person, she was hotter than her pictures showed and she was great at sucking my cock.As I entered she turned to me and came up close and she wrapped her arms around me and she came up...

3 years ago
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I had just finished a well needed shower and was enjoying the a/c in my cut-offs and t-shirt when someone knocked on the door. Upon answering the door, I found two girls looking up an t me and a little frightened. The older one, probably 17-18 asked, "Mr., could we use your phone, we think grandma is having a heart attack? " I motioned for them to come in and pointed them to the phone. I asked the yopunger one to go with me back to their grandmothers' house, to which she complied. The...

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My sister Carol

She came in,walked slowly into the living room and plopped herself on my couch."What happened?",I asked softly,sitting next to her.She cried a bit more,then,sniffling,she began."Rich and I had a big fight.We called each other all kinds of names and I threw things at him.He told me to get out.I have been crying the whole 40 miles up to your apartment."She broke down again and I sat there with my arm around her,soothing her. A few minutes passed by as she cried some,blew her...

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our lust at grandparents home one for the records

i was sat in the front room with my cousin watching the t.v as the adults sat in the backroom around the table and had the usual gossip about things. "how come your mums not up here jess?" i asked thoughtfully "oh, im stayin here with nan and grandad tonghit because me and nan are goin into town tomorrow to do some mum dropped me off earlier." said jess, her eyes fixed on the t.v, "oh yeh." my words jus dropped off, i cudnt help but stare at how good she...

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On Top of a Mountain

They met on a mountain top. It was snowing heavily and it seemed they had both been stranded in the Restaurant. The last cable-car had already left and because of the weather, they were informed that there would not be another until the next day. Marion was a tall, well-built brunette, about 5’9”. She had silver-grey eyes with a twinkle. Her skin had a bronze hue and her mouth looked delectable. She was dressed in white ski pants and a shirt, covered with a red ski jacket, which could be seen...

Love Stories
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Karithy The Sexdoll Returns 100 TRUE

It was a hot summer day in the city of brotherly love and memorial day weekend was over, but the summer had begun,after a wild weekend of fucking my various fuck buddies, i was going through the contacts in my phone and came across my voice mail. It was a voicemail from Karithy, a few months ago, she came back to Philly after moving to NYC with her husband from her unhappily arranged marriage to a man twice her age who was a slob with money. For months we've been talking over the phone and...

4 years ago
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Mid Summer NightChapter 2

Thanksgiving Break - Hannah returns home A few months had past since my romp with Ricky. Things were still stale with my husband and I and work was the same. Thanksgiving break was coming up and Hannah was coming home and wanted us to meet her boyfriend. Chris didn’t like it that much but I reminded him that she is an adult now and we had to let go. We picked her up from the airport and we’re driving home. “when do we get to meet him?” I asked “I was thinking tomorrow at dinner” Hannah...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 86

{pr}EARLY THURSDAY NIGHT Frank, Jeff, Dave, Diana, Margaret and Evie were relaxing in one of the smaller sitting rooms on the first floor away from the guests. Dave and Evie were sitting together on a love seat. The other two couples sat on a couch. "Frank, my friend, I think you have lied to me," Jeff said with just a taste of amusement in his voice. "What? No way. What do you mean?" Wainwright quickly answered, concern obvious. "When we were first getting acquainted, seems to me...

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Reform School TutorChapter 10 Hann

Things quickly fell into a routine when I started teaching again. At first I couldn't manage a whole day but by the end of the week I was working full time and Roger slept with me each night he was there and my feelings towards him grew. No longer did we just have sex for pleasure, we cuddled and kissed and 'made love'. He brought me little presents, which he was supposed to have vetted by June but didn't always, and usually these were things I couldn't buy in the school shop. When I...

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Jenns CoverupChapter 13 Jenny bargains with her Captors

They began offering bribes to get out. The Mexicans were more skilled at extracting money than Jenny and Joe were at negotiating with them. They soon found out that the man in charge was named Omar. Omar was good with kidnapping and ransom. He knew that if he asked for too much, he might not get anything. The trick was to get as much as he could, but not enough that the authorities from both countries thought it would be worth their time to find him. He decided to take his time completing...

2 years ago
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Cool Spring Nights Part 2 Loose1 gain2

---------------------- ---------------------- You should read part 1 first. ---------------------- ---------------------- Cool Spring Nights (Part 2: Loose1 gain2) It was somewhere near 4am when the police arrived. I remember them helping me get up and dressed but then somewhere along the line everything became a blur of sirens, questions, flashing lights and paramedics. I vaguely remember a trip to the hospital in the back of an ambulance where I cried the whole time because my...

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My Bucket List CH 2

Chapter II Worst day ever!!! John.... After grabbing my jacket and truck keys and the tablet, I head out the door. Getting in and starting it up I lean over opening the glove box to store the document in for now. As I do I see my 9mm short barrel pistol, I pick it up thinking about John and how easy it would to place two round in that short, skinny little freak and bury him under one of many building projects going on. No that would be too quick and easy I need revenge plain and simple....

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The Babysitter Her Dad and the Cucumber

Britney arrived at her babysitting job on time as usual. Her employer Mrs. Bailey gave her a few simple instructions and went on her way. Britney liked this babysitting job better than most. The 2 kids she was sitting for were young and slept most of the time she was there. They were too little to get out of bed on their own, so she didn't have to worry about them walking in on ... anything. And Mr. Bailey was usually away on business so Britney rarely ever saw him. Just as she was...

1 year ago
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Reality Sucks

100% fiction!I don’t much care for reality shows. So how ironic is it that my idea is now the hottest reality show on television, thanks to three sexy TV news anchors, two cute local teens I met while shopping for food, and a lovely bank-teller from across the street. Reality shows, I find, are mostly as far from reality as you can get... or they’re trite... or they’re boring... or any combination of these three. I mean, how ‘real’ is it for gorgeous young adults from southern California and...

Group Sex
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Shooter Bitch

Introduction: Beer flew everywhere…. This story is only a short one. It is about my girlfriend, my best friend actually. It was about three years ago near Christmas when this took place. To protect her identity I will give her another name and change the area she worked in. This actually happened to her at a bar she worked at for 2 years. The names are changed to protect the innocent. Terry was a good friend of mine. I believe her as we have been friends since childhood and I have been to the...

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RebelChapter 33 Harvested

The three people entered the tavern from the stage with a look of disgust and disdain. Two bewigged men, one a good bit older than the other, and a blonde woman in a very fancy dress. All three, in fact, were very well dressed and surely out of place. They sat at a table after the younger man brushed off the furniture with his large kerchief. The woman looked unhappy, the men disgusted. She was a pretty girl with very pale skin and golden curls. She wore a blue silk sacque dress with an...

2 years ago
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Hidden Pleasures in Lesbian exploration

Hello all ISS readers, this is your one and only JJ back with a lesbian experience after writing so many stories in this site and receiving a very good response from readers. As you all know I am a true advocate of lesbianism and one of my readers wanted to me to narrate a story that will make her horny as ever and every time she reads the story it must make her climax again and again. They day I submitted my first lesbian narration she has been in touch with me and truly feels there more...

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My stepsister part 1

When I was a teen my parents divorced. A few years later when I was a senior in high school my mom married to Ned. We moved into Ned's house. It was a modern house with the common rooms, living room, kitchen, and dining room, in the center and two wings on either side. One side was the master suit where mom and Ned had a bed and bath and the other side had two bedrooms and a bathroom. I shared the wing with Ned's daughter Chrissy. I was old for my grade and had just turned 18 early in my senior...

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My Exhibitionist Wife8217s Fun In A Small Town

Hi, I’m Amit from Hyderabad. I have a beautiful wife who is 26, a slim tall beauty. She is very fair with stats of 34-34-36. We are married for more than 2 years now. We are kind of exhibitionist couple. She has flaunted her body on many occasions, including room service dares. She flaunts her body, whenever she gets a chance. She sometimes removes her clothing in front of dhobi itself (not inners). The incident I’m explaining to you is my first post in this forum and a very recent one. This is...

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My Daughters Sweet Milk

Part OneMy wife, Amanda and I were sitting on the couch watching some Netflix and finishing some Chinese takeout when I heard a knock at the back door. "What now?" I grumbled as I paused our show and got up to make my way through the house to see who it was. As I entered the kitchen I could see through the window in the door that it was my daughter."Hey Jules, what are y..." I started asking as I opened the door for her. As she raised her head, I barely recognized the girl I saw in front of me....

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