I Got ID free porn video

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We face many choices in life, different paths to choose from. At nearly every instance I had the willpower, the determination to choose right from wrong. I am not infallible, I have made mistakes but they were small ones. I was able to correct them, apologize, and make amends with the ones I hurt.

However, there was one temptation that I could not turn away from. I was given the opportunity to live out a dream that most people will never obtain. The consequence to living this dream would be the destruction of three very close friendships. Even with knowing this, I still went into this situation acting on my passions and allowing my id to rule. This is my story.


I started to gain confidence in my early twenties where women were concerned. I was in great shape, outgoing, assertive, and a great storyteller when it came to entertaining. I went on date after date searching for the woman that would make me swoon and cause my heart to race in her presence. All of this searching was in vain, until I finally met Jane.

Jane came to work at the same retail store I did

She was very different from all of the other women I had met in my life. She was fair skinned, wearing just the lightest of cover-up makeup. A small studded piercing was in her left nostril (and this was before it was fashionable). Straight brown hair hung past her shoulders framing her face along with short bangs. Her soft brown eyes hid a hunger deep within. Her breasts were C cupped, round and supple often seeming aroused because the nubs of her nipples were often hard and poking out with excitement. She had the body of a porn star, curved in all the right places.

While working together, we spent a lot of time talking and flirting. It took me a month to finally work up the courage to ask her out. Our date was a lot of fun but I was too enamored with her to risk making a move on her. We ended up becoming very close friends.

Jane's background was a broken and troubled past. She was ****d at the age of 17, by someone that was a casual friend. Her father abused her and her entire family throughout their lives. She had no self worth, feeling the only reason a man would be attracted to her was because of her ability to suck cock. If I had made a move on that first date, we would have had a few passionate weeks with a relationship ending because of her own self destruction. Instead, we stayed friends because she did not want to lose me and felt this would happen if we were to be intimate with each other.

Our friendship grew over time and we spent almost every night together. We would both become extremely jealous of one another when we dated other people. It seemed like every time we started a conversation it turned to sex. She asked me all types of explicit questions about the past women I was with, how I masturbated, what was my technique for oral sex etc. I would ask in return questions but she often did not answer them. During these conversations I would get so worked up that I would have to excuse myself, go to the bathroom, and wipe all of the pre-cum off of my cock and out of my boxers.

A little while after Jane started working with me, a new girl started. Her name was Sarah and she was strikingly beautiful. She was a little shorter than Jane and unlike Jane had a very athletic build. Her tits were small and pert. Her stomach was flat and her abs defined. She had tanned skin and her muscles were well defined. Her hair was long, straight, and soft. Her eyes were a cool light blue, like a refreshing breeze on a dry hot summer day. Whenever she would laugh it was like a contagious disease and I could not help but laugh as well.

Sarah was always flirting with me. If we were in the same room she would need to be next to me and touching me in some way. She often had boyfriends and more noticeably she seemed to date virgins. Sarah liked to take their virginity thus ensuring she had complete control over them. Even with these pastimes, she was obsessed with me.

I can remember an incident at one of the numerous parties that our friends threw. I was laying on the couch and was poking fun at Sarah, teasing her over and over. Finally, she had enough and jumped on top of me. Before I could push her off, her finger danced up and down my side tickling me mercilessly. I could not catch my breath nor gather the strength to push her off. She knew my strength and positioned herself so that she could grab my cock without others seeing her.

Her boyfriend stood there watching this entire scene. He would not act because he knew if he did it would anger her. So here was Sarah, basically rubbing me off in front of her boyfriend and the rest of the party. I was laughing uncontrollably which just made my cock more sesitive while Sarah rubbed me off.

I was finally able to yell out for her boyfriend to get her off of me. He was conditioned to follow orders and did so quickly. Once off me she was both embarrassed and furious. She stormed off in a huff. I left the party soon after because she had me so worked up so much that I could not get my cock to soften.

When I arrived home that night I quickly stripped. My cock bounced out of my pants and it wagged up and down like a puppies tail in anticipation of being played with. Red, angry, and slick with pre-cum my cock took over and dominated my thoughts. I started to stroke furiously and with a tight grip, mad at how turned on Sarah had gotten me. My pumping was erratic and varied as I was dwelling on being humiliated and taken advantage of in front of everyone at the party. Soon my thoughts strayed to Jane though and my pace evened out.

Jane had made so many hints, in the past, that she wanted to watch me masturbate but I could never bring myself to actually do the act. I dreamed about just whipping it out and jerking off in front of her.

Now my imagination took over all of my conscious thought and I pictured that she was sitting in the room with me watching intently. I wanted to impress her and last a decent amount of time, so my pace slowed again but I was still quickly building up to an explosive release. Up and down, enjoying each one of my fingers bump over the edge of my cock head. When I reached the top I would circle the head with the middle of my palm and then stroke down again.

With my eyes squeezed shut my fantasy moved forward and my need to cum had built to an uncontrollable level. I pictured Jane sitting right across from me. She sensed that my climax was eminent and leaned forward. This caused the neck line of her shirt to fall and I could see the outline of her fair supple breasts. Those hard pink nipples and the soft outline of tits spurred on my stroking. I was breathing heavy and sweat coated my body. The slurping noise from my stroking was increasing as my pace picked up.

All of the teasing from Sarah was being channeled through my cock as I reached the peak of orgasm. On the up-stroke the first load of my cum sprayed out of my sensitive head. If only my fantasy had been true and Jane was right in front of me, it would have hit her right on her lips. Load after load pumped out of my throbbing and tortured cock. I could feel the frustrations from Sarah's ministrations slipping away.

After the last warm load shot out I pumped a few more times, like a warm-down from an extreme workout. I wiped myself off and folded back in a heap on my bed. I started to drift off to sleep and the final image of the fantasy played in my head, Jane licking my cum off of her lips and thanking me.

Jane and Sarah were tentative friends and there was always a tension between them. That tension, I suspect, was caused by me. I often talked about my feelings for Jane with Sarah. Jane knew that Sarah had feelings for me, in fact most people did.

A great display of this tension came from a party that I was taking Sarah too because her boyfriend was working. Jane was going to show up at this party once she finished work. I drove up to Sarah's house and she was waiting on her front steps. I stepped out to open the car door for her. She was jogging up to the car with a certain gleam in her eyes and enthusiasm in her step. She was holding a hand behind her back and when she was close she presented me with a flower. A girl had never given me a flower before. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I could feel my cheeks flush. I would have thought that this was a lame gesture but it actually really touched me. I gave her a big hug, kissed her on the cheek, and thanked her. We got into my car, headed to the party, and I placed the flower on my dashboard.

The party was the usual, pool, music, video games, and drinking. We all were laughing and having fun, but this fun ended early when Sarah's boyfriend showed up. He started pouting over something and Sarah had to placate his fragile ego. This brought me down a bit because I was really enjoying her company. At the time I was thinking that maybe I made a mistake and Sarah was someone I could have romantic affection for. Then Jane arrived and all my feelings for Sarah were washed away.

Jane and I talked for a bit but she said that she wanted to leave because she really wanted to spend some time alone with me. She seemed caring, even emotional, which was not like her. We said our good byes and left the party early.

We got to my car and I started driving. Jane's head cocked to the side and she noticed the flower. She made the comment that I knew that she hated flowers. I told her that the flower was for me and that Sarah had given it to me. I went on for a bit about how flattered I was and how much it meant to me. While I was talking and driving I was to distracted to notice that Jane had knocked the flower on to the floor. The entire drive back to her house she was grinding the flower into the floor with her shoe. When we arrived at her house she said she had changed her mind and just wanted to go to bed. She left my car in a huff. This was when I noticed the smashed up flower on the floor. At the time I didn't know it but this was a symbol of the relationship the three of us had.

The summer went on and we enjoyed a lot of parties and other activities together. Sarah and Jane started to spend more time together at these summer time events. Sarah decided to ask Jane over for a girls night in. They were going to watch movies and get drunk together. I thought it was a great idea because it may ease some tension between the three of us.

They picked a Saturday night, which was usually party night. I went to the party but left early because it just wasn't that fun without either of them there. I sat at home reading and listening to some Soundgarden. At about 11 P.M. my phone rang and it was Jane.

The call started off with giggling from Jane and Sarah. She asked me what I was doing, I could tell they were pretty tipsy. We talked a little bit about the party and what they were doing. Jane asked if I wanted to come over to Sarah's?

Before I could answer the conversation changed quickly and Sarah blurted out, "Carl, did you jerk off yet tonight?" followed by more giggling. Jane obviously still had the phone and Sarah was yelling over her shoulder. I was about to answer but Sarah wrestled the phone away from Jane. I could hear Jane laughing and yelling in the background, "No don't tell him, don't say it!" Sarah was also laughing and could barely form the words, "Jane... hahaha... wants to watch... god, Jane stop tickling me! Jane wants to watch you stroke your cock!" There was a large bang as the phone was dropped and I could here the two girls wrestling and tickling each other.

After about five minutes of this, Sarah finally picked the phone back up.

"Jane is in the bathroom right now, so I'm going to make this quick," Sarah said with an urgency. A clarity seemed to set in and she sounded far more sober than she did a few minutes ago.

"You need to get over hear tonight. I know you have wanted Jane for a long time and you will never have a better chance than tonight," Sarah said with a hint of desperation in her voice.

I gulped and through a cracking voice said, "But we are just friends, she doesn't want anything more from me. She doesn't want to have sex with me."

Sarah's voice changed and became much more commanding, "Carl, right now there is nothing more in the world that she wants than to see your cock. Now stop being afraid and get over here." With that she hung up the phone.

I sat there for 10 minutes contemplating what Sarah said. A part of my mind was screaming at me to run to my car and speed over to Sarah's. My heart was telling me that there would be consequences if I went over there. I knew I shouldn't go, I knew that I should have made the moral choice. I could not think straight any more. I kept hearing their voices, giggling while they wrestled and tickled each other and I pictured my self in between them.

My legs moved on their own acord, guided by a part of my anatomy that wasn't my brain, and I was headed to my car. I had made my decision and there was no turning back. I got into my car and made the short drive to Sarah's house. I walked up the yard and headed to the back door. The night was humid and the air was still. I reached the back door and headed into the basement to Sarah's room. I reached her door and knocked.

I heard Sarah answer my knock, "Come in."

I opened the door and laying on a beanbag and a bunch of large pillows were Jane and Sarah. Empty bottles of Zima littered the room. Jane was wearing a short pair of shorts and a tight white tee shirt. She obviously did not have a bra on because I could see the pink of her nipples showing through the shirt. Sarah was wearing a very long shirt and I could not tell if she had any thing on underneath.

Mazzy Star was playing in the background and Jane and Sarah moved away from each other. Jane looked Sarah in the eyes and she understood this unspoken message. Sarah motioned for me and then padded the place in between them with her hand. I shut the door, took my shoes off, and moved to lay down in between them.

As I settled in Sarah ran her fingers up and down my right arm and was gazing into my eyes. Jane seemed to be frozen and was looking right at the bulge in my shorts, like she was mesmerized.

"We are so happy that you came by. Jane was getting bored and needed something to play with." Sarah cooed.

Jane seemed to be in a different world. Sarah moved closer, her firm body was now pressed up against mine. I could feel her hard nipples poking into my side. She started to nuzzle up to my neck kissing her way up to my ear.

Jane took this as a sign and started to unsnap and unzip my shorts. Sarah stopped what she was doing and looked down. Jane slid my shorts down my hips and then reached up and grabbed the top of my boxers also. In one quick motion she pulled them all the way down and off my feet. My cock sprung back and forth as the waist line past it and a little bit of pre-cum sprayed us.

This changed the seriousness of the room because we all laughed and wiped the little splashes off us. Jane reached out slowly, like she was trying to catch an elusive a****l. Her hand reached my cock and rubbed her palm up and down the back of my hot throbbing dick. Sarah and I watched, both mesmerized by her slow sweeping motions. Her hand moved around and then firmly gripped me one finger closing around my cock at a time. She jerked up and down three times then continued using just her index finger and thumb.

It was like watching a skilled musician playing a stringed instrument, and it almost sounded like one with the low moans she was causing me to produce.

This was really turning Sarah on because she pulled her shirt up over her head and threw it across the room. Her tan hard body was amazing, but I had little time to think about that. She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and roughly pulled it over my head throwing it into the same corner as hers. Sarah d****d her body across mine, took my head in her hands, and began to passionately kiss me. Her soft hair, which smelled like lilacs, hung to the side. I could no longer see what Jane was doing but I could definitely feel it.

This was too much to take, my mind was drowning in a sea of their feminine desires. They could have done anything to me and I would have eagerly went along. My cock was straining and Jane never did more than five firm strokes at a time. While Sarah and I were making out she would move just so allowing me a glimpse at the expression on Jane's face. She wasn't trying to jerk me off or tease me, she was playing with me, experimenting with so many different touches.

My cock was straining and my balls ached more than they ever have in my life. I could no longer take it so I broke away from Sarah's lips and pushed her to the side.

"Fuck Jane, stop playing with me I need to cum so bad!" I yelled in desperation. I reached for the bottom of her shirt and demanded, "Take your shirt off too." She looked at me and then reluctantly pulled her top off.

Finally I saw those large creamy globes tipped by spear like nipples. I started to reach out for them and then I felt a hand against my chest pushing me down.

"No you don't. Now it's my turn." Sarah exclaimed and used more force than I thought she was capable of. She slammed me back and straddled my shoulders. Now she was completely naked and I could smell her excitement. She had a small wisp of hair at the top of her pussy and her lips were pink and slick with excitement. Her clit peaked just out of it's hood and she moved closer as she lowered herself to my lips.

I reached out with my tongue and touched just the tip of her clit. I could feel Sarah's body slightly shudder. Her body slowly eased down and closer to me like her entire weight was balanced on the tip of my tongue. Closer and closer until now she was pressed against my mouth. I circled my lips around her hot nub and sucked it in. While sucking I began to flick with my tongue and moved my lips back and forth.

I could feel Sarah writhing above me and could hear muffled moans. It was getting hard to concentrate now because Jane was playing roughly with my cock. It had to have been at least 30 minutes now that she had been playing like a k** on Christmas with her new favorite toy.

My desire was at the boiling point and I could feel my tortured balls pulling up into me. Jane had one hand twirling my head like it was a door knob and the index finger of her other hand was rubbing right over my sweet spot. Muscles started to contract and the sperm that had been boiling in my balls rushed out for release. After all of the torturous playing, I finally came thrusting my hips with each spurt. I could faintly hear Jane, she sounded like she was cheering.

I had been ignoring Sarah while I was cumming and could feel her body protest at the lack of attention. Now without any distraction I pushed up and over and flopped Sarah on her back.

"Jane up here," I said motioning her to sit up next to Sarah. She did and I guided her hand to Sarah's breast.

"Just like you would like it," I encouraged moving her hand around Sarah's breast. Sarah had a wide eyed looked when I did this and seemed like she was about to protest until I moved back between her legs.

This time I started by tracing her very moist lips with two finger. They quickly became lubricated with Sarah's juices and I slowly inserted them into her tight pussy. I slowly moved them in and out and then started to curve them up making a 'come here' motion with both fingers.

Once I had built up a slow rhythm I lowered my lips to her red aching clit. Jane was pinching Sarah's nipples and lightly tracing patterns across her body. She then lowered her head and tasted another woman's nipples for the first time. Sarah reached out and cupped Jane's pussy making rough movements with her hand. Jane began to rock her body in response.

With all the stimulation Sarah quickly moved to her first orgasm. I could feel her muscles clinching my fingers over and over. I didn't stop though and she was screaming now.

"Fucking god, Yes!" Sarah screamed in ecstasy.

I moved my mouth and pursed my lips against her clit then returned to sucking and flicking my tongue. It was so much for her that she burst into another orgasm. Sarah almost sounded like she was crying now. She pushed against my forehead and I realized it was too much for her, I needed to stop.

I pulled away and Sarah had a huge smile on her face and tears in the corners of her eyes. Her chest was still heaving up and down and she was absentmindedly playing with Jane. Jane and I laid down next to Sarah and we were slowly caressing her. I was hard again and when Jane noticed this she reached over and started to stroke my cock.

"Jane! You've played with me enough don't you think?" I chided her.

"Aww, I could play with it all night long." she pouted.

"It's my turn to play," Sarah said sitting up.

She moved me to a chair and moved up between my legs. She grabbed my cock with her right hand and cupped my balls with her left. Sarah smiled at me and then stuck out her tongue. Sarah began licking me like a lollie pop. This wasn't enough to make me cum but set my balls to boiling again.

I looked over and Jane had her eyes closed and her hand between her legs. Her fingers were moving in a circle over her clit and her other hand trailed up her body. She was cupping her breast, like she had cupped Sarah's earlier, and started to pinch her nipple. She was moving her hands quickly now and her face flushed in passion.

Sarah sucked the head of my cock into her warm wet mouth. She sucked and moved her tongue along the bottom of my throbbing cock. Sarah began bobbing her head up and down and kept looking into my eyes. She was cupping my balls and would squeeze slightly every 5-6 head bobs.

Jane was throwing her head from side to side and little whimpers escaped her lips. I could tell that she was building herself up slowly, teasing herself before she would let herself cum. It turned me on so much and was one of the most arousing things I've ever witnessed.

Watching Jane pushed me over the edge and I erupted into Sarah's mouth. My cum dribbled out the corners of Sarah's lips while I spasmed. Sarah didn't stop and sucked every last drop out of my cock. She stood up and wiped my cum from her chin and lips.

Sarah and I stood there watching Jane pleasure herself. Jane's eyes were shut and she had drifted off into her own world. I wrapped my arms around Sarah and she rested her head on my shoulder. We just watched until her whimpers turned into pleading moans and her pale skin had all turned flush. Her fingers work furiously and then the dam burst and she came yelling out the entire time.

Jane opened her eyes and she seemed embarrassed by the show she had given us. We motioned for her and she stood up. The three of us embraced holding each other up like a tripod. I cared for them both so much at that moment. I don't know if it is possible but at that moment the three of us were in love with each other. We savored the moment but then our lust started to take over again.

My cock was hard again and both girls were looking at it hungrily.

"Fuck me," Sarah said looking into my eyes.

I moved towards the pillows and had her get on all fours. I knelt behind her and started rubbing my cock up and down her wet and very sensitive pussy. Sarah gasped and looked over her shoulder at me. Jane moved around us and laid down in front of Sarah. She scooted down a bit and spread her legs wide open. Sarah and Jane's gaze met and Jane nodded an approving yes.

I slowly eased my cock into Sarah's pussy and it seemed to suck me in. I plunged all the way in and my hips pressed up against her ass. Sarah lowered herself on to her elbows and brought her mouth to Jane's pussy.

I started to fuck Sarah faster now. Even though I was hard again I had cum two times already and it was taking me a long time to build up to my next orgasm. I was fucking hard and fast now trying to cum but I was feeling a bit numb. Sarah was slamming herself back against me and yelling but I barely noticed.

Sarah finally moved off of me. I hadn't noticed that she had cum already because I was so distracted by trying to get off. Sarah wasn't able to concentrate on Jane, so she was left wanting laying in front of me with her legs spread and her pussy drenched.

My cock pulled me towards Jane's cunt. So many of my dreams and fantasies and here was the moment. My body was pulled along by my cock and I knelt between her legs. She didn't say a word as my cock moved it's way to her pussy. My engorged dick rubbed up her lips and I started to part her hot slick folds. I slipped easily into her and back out again. Sarah was still laying next to Jane to exhausted to move. I was still full of sexual energy and started to pass this to Jane. My thrusting moved to a fast but steady pace.

"Fuck me Carl, yes fuck, fuck, fuck Me..." she burst out.

This seemed to awaken Sarah out of her sex drunk state. She leaned next to Jane and cupped her breasts keeping them from bouncing from the pounding I was giving Jane. She sucked on to one of Jane's nipples which caused her to gasp. Sarah's hand started to drift down Jane's stomach and reached the top of her sex. Her middle finger passed over Jane's clit and started to circle it.

I fucked Jane harder now and Sarah rubbed her hand over Jane building her close to an orgasm. I could feel Jane's muscles start to milk my cock and this was the encouragement that my overworked member needed. Muscles spasmed and my balls released their cum. I could feel it as my semen rushed up me in filled Jane's cunt. Jane was babbling now as she came harder than she ever had. Her entire body clenched as her body and mind was shattered by pleasure.

We all collapsed on to the pillows and bean bag. We were a tangled sweaty mass of bodies, panting and trying to recover from our sexual exhaustion. We stayed there, in each others arms, clinging to on another. I realized later that we were clinging not just out of love but because deep down after tonight everything would change.

We all woke up early the next morning and retrieved our clothes in silence. We dressed, gave each other a few platitudes, and parted for the day.

After that night everything was awkward between us. It was never the same, there was never that connection again between us.

Slowly we all drifted apart, and after a few years we stopped seeing each other. I never ran into them again nor have I ever found the connection and love the three of us shared that night.

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I just finished college and started a full time job and I have this new girlfriend. I really like her because she really knows what she wants, and she also likes to be in control. For this story I will call her Jill. We have gone out on a few dates, and on my last date, Jill said she wanted our relationship to become more serious. I agreed with her, because she has many of the same opinions and values that I have. As far as our sex life goes, we have cuddled and kissed a lot, felt each other...

3 years ago
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By Any Other Name

©2009AdrianLeverkuhn There are some stretches of road that are nothing less than Hell. Some stretches of water, too, for that matter. And mountains. Mountains are rather like life, too, but it’s better to get by the rough patches and move on than it is to dwell on the toll they take. Sometimes there’s just no way to avoid the rough spots, other times find us tempted by the idea of taking a short-cut around life, maybe missing out on a little pain or finding our way to happiness just a little...

1 year ago
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Jamaica Blacken PT14

AftermathThis brings us up to Dec 2010 and our most significant event - and introduces Robert, our Bull and future MasterDec 2010 --It's been 6 years since that vacation to Jamaica. When we got back we intended to return to our normal Vanilla existence. But we couldn't -- too much had happened. As Jaye put it, the door had been opened to something deep inside both of us and it couldn't be shut.The first few weeks were exciting, as memories of Jamaica filled our heads and fueled our bedroom...

2 years ago
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Summer School The Sequel

I sat in the church, stone-faced. It was the only way I could control my emotions. I was oblivious to the words the minister was saying. It was grief that was causing the way I looked and felt. The casket was only four paces in front of me, and its contents held all the hopes, dreams and happiness as well as the body that had been in my heart for the last three years. Now my heart was empty of everything. At least I had the chance to say good-bye. That was something to be thankful for even as...

3 years ago
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I had recently watched Lu Xi blowing my man while I had two men pleasuring me, though she had never even laid a finger on me, so the thought of her providing sexual pleasure for me has great appeal. And perhaps me pleasuring her in return. My man and I have never seen her naked, something I am looking forward to. On a lazy, slow Tuesday afternoon, just the type of day for unhurried erotic sexual pleasure, we are back in the familiar surrounds of Lu Xi’s hotel honeymoon suite. My man Charles...

4 years ago
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With great power come great boobies

-My Lord, are you sure mankind is ready for this gift? Millions of lightyears from our planet, the etheric bodies ruling the universe were having one of those endless debates on how life on distant planets needed to evolve. -Now is the time, said one of them. The people of this planet have evolved enough to receive it. Through the centuries, they slowly progressed to better themselves. Once a small group of them will be able to use these powers from the greater good, they will get rid of the...

2 years ago
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Made my hubby crossdress and get fucked by bbc

Finally convinced me husband to stop watching me take big cocks and to put on a pair of heels and to get fucked while its my turn to watch him!ive always loved being a cuckold wife, meeting new people, having fun wherever it happens to be at, it really improved our marriage, finally i took it to the next step.i spend alot of time at nights checking out mostly pics on xhamster and few videos. ive always been turned on by crossdressers, cumshots, and a few others fetishes im into. this time i...

2 years ago
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Small School PE Teacher Part I

Growing up in rural Wisconsin has many advantages.  However, having a large school with lots of course offerings isn’t one of them.  In fact, many of our teachers have to cross departments and teach different content areas to make up a full schedule.  That’s also why we tend to get a lot of new, young teachers who get experience and then move on to larger districts.  Since we were seventeen and eighteen year olds, our teachers were often close in age to us.My senior English teacher, for...

2 years ago
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Hands on Training Ch 03

When they spoke on Sunday, Dave and Kayla both agreed it would be beneficial if they kept their intentions towards one another on the down low, until the academy was over in a few weeks. They figured that they didn’t need the extra ribbing they would get from their peers. Plus, they already had enough to deal with on their own with Kayla’s issues, they didn’t need anyone else’s input or opinions about their situation. They also figured that since the academy pretty much left them wiped each...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 285 Time to Vanish

Does anyone here, at least those old enough, not know the look on his face and why the girl pushes him out of the way to get more food? If they didn’t know that look, they got that his dick was hanging limply out of his fly, a bit of semen oozing from his pee hole, and a spit-shined shaft. The girl having a bit of sperm at the corner of her mouth made what happened completely clear. The woman, who I think was the touch-adverse, possibly autistic, mute girl’s mother, told me, “If I hadn’t...

3 years ago
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The visitor part 2

As we walked into her room in towels and began to dry off, I couldn't help but notice how horny I still was. Watching her towel dry her smooth sexy skin was really beginning to turn me on again. I couldn't help but stare at her freshly done Brazilian. As she slid her panties up and put on one of my big t-shirts on, I couldn't help but think about how sexy she was. I put on a pair of clean boxers and climbed into bed with her. While lying next to her I couldn't help but run my fingers through...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Amanda adventures 4

A few weeks had passed by since Amanda and her best friend Katie had fucked a patient at Katies’ clinic. She had been with a few other black men since then courtesy of Katie arranging it with men at the gymnasium they both frequented. She was getting a little frustrated with Katie, because, in her words, Katie was pulling all the strings and getting the greater share of the cock that was on offer. She admitted she was missing Toby and longed to have him back here at our house were she could...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Comes True

It was late one night when my doorbell rang. I opened up to find my best friend Jacob standing on the front step. He looked like hell so I knew something was up. “Hey Dave, sorry I know it’s late, but can I crash here tonight?” he asked. Jacob and I were friends since we were in diapers so of course he knew my place was his place if he ever needed. “Of course dude”, I replied gesturing him inside. “What’s up? Where’s Kathy?” Kathy was Jacob’s wife, a rather sexy blonde with a great...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time Pocket WatchChapter 11

There was a slight ledge outside the window, but it was too narrow for me to use to move away from the flames. I looked around the room. It was beginning to fill with smoke. I took my bandanna and put it over my face after wetting it in the pitcher of water that was on the table. I went to the door put my hand on it. It was hot, so I knew better than to open it. My only recourse was to try to break through the wall. This room had a small stove in the front corner on the other side of the...

1 year ago
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Hitting The Showers Part 1

Luckily, because I had girlfriends, none of my team mates minded when I gave them a friendly pat on the ass after a good game, or made jokes with them while we were naked in the showers. But I always had to be careful not to pop a boner while I was around them, and being fifteen that was easier said than done. So, occasionally, when it got too much, I would have to quickly relieve myself in the cubicles before, after, and sometimes during half time of a match. It was fine though, as far as I...

1 year ago
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My dad secatery

Hi dosto i m krishna from tamil nadu tankasi right on the border belongs to srilanka my age was just 22 a that time, mara dad aik business man hayin, mujha long drive par jana bohat acha lagta tha. Rough drive karna or snooker to maree baree kamzoree thee, magar waqt ka sath sath sab badal jata hai. Dad mara business ka silsila main oyt of country tha, dad na mujha phone keya ka mumbai port par aik consignment ae hai vo tum na deliver karnee hai, maina dad sa kaha mujha to kuch nahi pata...

3 years ago
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The club of sissies

Most people dont think such a thing could even existyet it is all too real, some of us are owned by black dude and you wont believe how many of us there is , how many are getting part of that secret club on a daily basislocked up in the branded club, sissy chastity cage our location shared at all timewe fall prey to them my story was not different from lots of other owned white boyi met a daddy on a cam site , i like his bbc and he feminized me for couple of weeks, until i received the kit he...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Moka Mora MomDaughter Massage Swap Part 1

Mercedes Carrera and Moka Mora walk in a massage parlor, after a day of shopping. Mercedes’ husband, Domenic Kane and Moka’s boyfriend, Lucas Frost have a surprise for them but the girls don’t know it yet. When the hostess introduces herself, she instructs them on how to proceed. They are to go up to their assigned rooms and get completely undressed and lie down. Moka goes up to her room and lies down as instructed. She places her head on the opposite side of the entrance....

2 years ago
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Fucking My Boss

Hi friends, this is Raja from > Hyderabad. I am a 25-year-old male with 6 feet height and a > good physique. I am working in an MNC in Hyderabad since 4 > years. My email id is com. I love sex very > much, but I get chance to do it very rarely. I am going to > narrate one of such chances that I get to do > sex. > The story begins in my office > where I met my team leader for the first time four years > ago. Her name is Radhika. I got attracted to her when I > first saw her. She got a lovely...

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Owners Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 13

Thanks a lot to all my readers again for writing and expressing support for this series. With that being said let me continue to the next part of the story. At the conclusion of the last part, I had said she told me to carry her to the bathroom and punish me for being a bad girl. I carried her on my shoulders and had all the designs in my mind to make her squirm in that tub today. I told her to wrap a towel and wait for me. I left the bathroom. I called for a pastry and chocolate syrup and a...

4 years ago
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Sisters Completed version

Sisters (Completed Version Parts 1-2) By Princess Pantyboy Me, Chris, Chrissie 10-year-old boy Miley 4-year-old little sister Beth 17-year-old twin sister Cathy 17-year-old twin sister Part-1 I am just a normal boy like most 10-year boys, and my name is Chris. I am the only boy in our family. I have a younger sister who just turned four. I also have twin sisters that are seven years older than I...

4 years ago
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Eye Contact In Train Leads To Wild Sex 8211 Part 1

It is my first sex story about my eye contact in train leads to wild sex. Now the time came to return some real experience of mine to the site. Am smart with killing looks, fair color, athletic & travel freak from Hyderabad. On my job purpose, I mostly travel Kolkata, Vizag, Vijayawada, Hyderabad. It is my first real experience which I am going to share, so kindly suggest me to improve my narration skills if any required. Your suggestions & hot relations are welcome to It was August 2015 I was...

2 years ago
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My Black Friend Tricks Me Into Massaging Him

My neighbor Mike is a good friend of mine. We often hang out, play basketball and watch football on Sundays. I am married and my wife likes Mike so we all get along fine, but Mike and I are closer friends. Mike is 34 years old and is a big guy. He is about 6 foot 3 and weighs about 225 pounds and very Black. He used to play football in college and is still in great shape. I am athletic but not as athletic as Mike. I am white, 40 years old, 5 foot 11 and weigh 185 pounds. I guess back from his...

Gay Male
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Young vs Old Interracial Pregnancy

When my wife was 50 she had a weekend to herself, and decided to relax and suntan. So she visited a nude campsite we use, she loves being nude, feeling the breeze and sun on her skin. She may be 50, but easily passes for 40, she's drop dead gorgeous, 42DD-35-41, long blonde hair, blue eyed, curvy, all natural figure, full hairy bush, large pussy lips, veiny breasts, nipples facing down. When she walks in the nude, her big breasts swing from side to side, and her butt cheeks sway very sensually....

1 year ago
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Possessing Bella

Pieces of Bella...Bella lay like a starfish as the heaving body above her grunted with each thrust. Yet another failed attempt to find some pleasure in her empty world, "Dam you Mel!" She yelled in her own mind as the man finally groaned and rolled off her. She turned her head to look at him. She had thought this time would be different; she had carefully chosen to flirt with an older man this time reasoning that if nothing else he would be experienced as a lover and able to get her at least...

3 years ago
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Wild Sex With A Hot Fan In A Red Dress

Forget the intro! Let’s start with the story. This happened three days ago when I was performing at a street concert in Durbar Square, Kathmandu, Nepal. I was sitting near the crowd playing my guitar along with the song. I was in the mood, playing and enjoying. It was really fun. Suddenly I noticed a girl in the front row waving me. She looked quite familiar. I realized, oh! It’s Suhani, a school friend of mine. We used to be really close a long time ago. Actually, her friend had a crush on me...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Lolana Hour glass figure Latina MILF E435

– 37 years old single mom of 3 – Currently works in financial industry – It was on her bucket list to do porn – She is 100% Mexican and speaks fluent Spanish – Is kind of a home body that likes to Netflix and chill – Has a few boy toys she plays with when she is bored – Isn’t afraid to masturbate daily when kids are asleep – Is into anal sex and enjoyed every minute of it – Her turn ons are a hard cock and nipple play – She has big tits and a nice big ass as well – She’s like the latina barbie...

1 year ago
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Anithavai Kaathalithu Oothen

Oru naal enathu theruvil azhagana oru thevathaiyai paarthen, aval parka azhagaga irunthaal. Athu matum ilamal avalin mudi kunthal suuthu varai vanthu irukum. Naan avalai paartha udan epadiyaavathu avalidam pesa vendrum endru ninaithen. Avalin thulai pesi numberai en akka mulaiyamaaga thodarbu kondu vaanginen. Aval oru palliyil teacher haaga velai paarthu vanthaal, enathu akkavum angu thaan velaiku sendru irunthaargal. Athanaal en akkavin thozhiyi mulaiyamaaga avalin thulai pesi numberai...

2 years ago
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a great game off pool

This is a true story about my husband and what he loves... He loves me wearing tops that you can see my boobs and very short skirts when we go out he says he gets turned on when men look at me...One night we went to the hotel for a few drinks and there was a pool table there and he put our names up to play there was about 30 people in the hotel that night..When we got on to the table there was 9 men watching our game as everytime i took my shot i had to reach over the table as i am only 4ft...

3 years ago
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My First Lesbian Chechi 8211 Part I

Hi my name is Sini. I am nurse from Kerala and working at a GCC country. I am single 25 years. I have joined reputed hospital in GCC country as a nurse, one year back. I have been given as sharing room with 36 year old Vanaja. Our room has 2 bed and small kitchen with bath room in hospital compound itself. Vanaja chechi was a simple lady who is working there around 5 years her husband and daughter settled back in native. She is not so beautiful but having good body shape of 36 32 38. Being me...

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My Girlfriends Hot Teenage Niece

I have been with my girlfriend, Natalee for quite some time now. We have a great sex life and share all of our deepest fantasies. The dirtier the fantasy the more fueled our fucking becomes. One secret desire that I held onto for a long time was my urge to have sex with my girlfriend’s niece Michelle. I had known Michelle since she was just a young girl and I watched as she grew into a beautiful teenager and then a hot eighteen year old woman. With each passing year, Michelle got hotter....

1 year ago
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Fucked My Dream Woman 8211 Part 1

Like every other writer, even this is my first ever story… ignore grammar enjoy the feel. We go with introduction first as it’s been a routine now, So I am jack…. and I am from Mumbai my Dick size is not bad according to the complements that I get. I never happened to measure it, But it’s slightly bigger than my BlackBerry Z3 phone. And it’s thickness is something that I am really proud of. The incident needs a little bit of flash back….. it was three – four years back when I saw this women...

3 years ago
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I was home alone, the wife had gone to a meeting at work, as I started to look on xhamster there was a knock on the door, opening it there stood a man telling me about God, similiar to a Jeouvors Witness but he was a Christian, anyway I told him to come in he had 5 minutes. So in he came, we sat on the sofa and he went into his routine, to be honest I wasn't listening.But I did feel something stirring in my pants, I don't know why or how but I seemed attracted to this mature man sat in my...

2 years ago
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Catman City in Danger

Sitting in his Catcave hidden underneath his mansion Robin looked at a huge monitor. The cave had cutting edge technology allowing him to process information at a speed most intelligence agencies could only dream of. A computer using various algorhytms worked around the clock as it systematically searched for crimes taking place in the city. Robin sat in his chair, his uniform on but his mask still in his hands. The computer noted that several crimes had been committed. He had to make a choice...

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True Love With My Forbidden Super Hero 8211 Part 8

Hi I am Shweta with the next part of my story Continues.. I woke up in the morning, amit was sleeping near to me. I am feeling happy that I am achieving everything I love . I put my hands inside the bed sheet and get hold of amit’s monster dick and was slowly shaking it. He was awake and started hugging me, we were about to kiss that I had felt something odd in my stomach. We parted and I went to bathroom, I started vomiting , I didn’t knew what happened. I was thinking that I might have...

1 year ago
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Exploring Olivia Ch12

Chapter One: It was August 10th, the night before I was set to move into my new home for the school year at the prestigious Coastal Shores Academy, and - just like most incoming seniors around the country - I was stuck in my room, finishing the holiday homework that I'd put off all summer to play video games and hang around the house. For most students, this would have meant a terrible night of solving complicated algebraic equations, writing computer code, or memorising important...

4 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 57

Breakfast was tense. Midway through, I glanced at my watch. "Ok. Who's got the calendar?" "I do." Juan said. "Today is Sean and me, yay. You have a tee-time at 10:30 - which reminds me, Yann, do we have a car for that?" "Oh merde!" Yann groaned, which caused some outcry from the oldest and giggling from the youngest. "I'll get one." "Ok, so assuming we have transportation, our flight back is at 10pm. Everything in between is clear." "Good. I want to do some shopping. Pick...

1 year ago
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Beth and Sam 2

  Beth and Sam 2         Into the fold   In the first chapter Beth and Sam met at a Social event.  They fell in love and after a matter of months had decided to marry. While sorting out the papers for the wedding certificates, they discovered that Beth was Sam’s Mother.  He had adopted the name of his foster parents. After they married, they settled into a comfortable home, both with their Architectural work to keep them occupied.  Of course, the Company name was changed to both their surnames,...

1 year ago
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Used by my neighbor 2

The next day nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until in the early afternoon when I was walking to the store I ran into Chris. He smirked and asked me how my night was. I felt like I blushed, and softly said that I enjoyed it. Without a pause he replied, "Good", and that I should come up to his apartment at 9 that evening. I started to say that Matt and I had plans, but he cut me off and repeated himself, adding that I should wear the shortest skirt I have, along with the tightest and...

3 years ago
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Pulled OverChapter 12

Epilogue Lisa stared up at the ceiling as a pimply faced teen worked on his second cum of the night. His two friends lay on each side of her, suckling at her milk-filled tits. The three friends had paid for four hours and they were doing their best to get their money’s worth. It was one of the three’s birthday. Lisa couldn’t remember nor did she care who the birthday boy was. Not the occupation she dreamed of as a girl, but it paid well. It’s not like she is able to get a real job anyway....

1 year ago
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Short hotel story

i would meet up with u in a hotel bar where we would kiss and flirtover a few drinks then we would go back to the room,where once insidewe would kiss deep and slow with lots of tounge,as we hold each othertight and my hands running all over your body...then i would slowlytake of your blouse while kissing you all over,then take of your braand gently kiss and suck your nipples,then run my tounge down yourbody and take of your skirt,and panties leaving you only in stockingsthen lay on the...

2 years ago
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Panties upskirt and stocking fetish beginings

It all started years ago, I guees before I even remember. I used to watch my eldest sister get ready to go out. I guess I was about 9 or 10, she would be about 24 or 25, she would parade around the house doing hair and make up in just a bra and her slip, under her slip she often wore stocking suspenders and panties... and they could clearly be seen through the slip. I would sit uncomfortably nursing a little hard on (I was young it was only little....lol)So that is where the stockings and...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Alana Cruise For Love Of Country

Lucas Frost comes home from army service overseas to the utmost delight of his step mom Alana Cruise. The patriotic MILF prepared a surprise for her soldier boy to help him relax and readjust to civilian life. Excited to get started, she hops off the couch and heads to the bathroom where she runs herself a bath, strips naked and gets in the tub. The proud step mom calls to Lucas to come in but when he sees her tits aren’t immersed, he freaks out over her nudity. She tells him she just...

4 years ago
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Killing Me Softly

The baby lay on her side, her thumb firmly plugged in her tiny rosebud mouth. Her breathing was slow and rhythmic, although her eyelids fluttered from time to time. Erica knelt beside the cot, resting her forehead on the painted wooden side, exhaustion stroking her head with cool fingers. It was hard to believe that the angelic child lying fast asleep amidst the pink fleecy blankets had been screaming for endless hours all evening. Only now, after what felt like an eternity of pacing the...

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