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=== Unforgotten === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. You may repost it on other sites, for instance, or write new stories based on it, as long as you give me credit and release your own stories under the same license. My other stories on this site are released under Creative Commons license as well, though I may have forgotten to put the license notice on some of them. ----- I had met for lunch with Rob Pilcher to discuss selling my company; he had made a generous offer, but I'd heard some unsavory rumors about him, and wanted to meet him and judge his character for myself. I also wanted certain reassurances about how my employees would be treated. He said what I wanted to hear, but I still had a bad feeling about him, and was planning to say no. Not long after our drinks had been brought to the table, but before the food arrived, I excused myself and went to the restroom. That was a mistake, of course, but how could I have known that? Half an hour later, after we'd discussed the business and his plans for it, and I'd finished my drink, Pilcher abruptly said: "Tap the side of your glass twice." Somehow it seemed really important to tap the side of my glass twice, and I did so. Only afterward did I wonder why I'd done as he said, why it had seemed so important to do so. I was just starting to panic when Pilcher said "Calm down," and I did. "Listen," he said in a low voice, and I'd never listened to anyone so carefully in my life. "Take this and read it, then do what it says." He slipped an index card across the table, and I read it: When I stand up, you stand up too. We'll shake hands, then you'll go to your car. Take your cell phone and wallet out and leave them on the seat beside you, roll down the windows, and drive toward your home via Crow Lake Road. But when you pass Crow Lake, swerve right and drive into the lake. Once your car is almost submerged, teleport to the cell in my basement and await further instructions. "Why?" I asked. "And how? What did you do to me?" I knew I had to do as he'd instructed me, it was vitally important, but until he stood up, I was free to say and do as I wished. "We won't talk about that now," he said. "I'll explain later." Then he waved to our waitress, paid for our lunches, and stood up as soon as the waitress walked away. I stood and shook hands with him, then we left and headed toward our cars. All the way to Crow Lake, I wondered how I was going to teleport at all, much less to a place I'd never been. I knew I had to, but how? I didn't have a teleportation talisman -- they were too expensive -- and anyway, if I had, I could only go where it was enchanted to take me. Maybe the index card was the talisman? But the instructions hadn't said to hold the card and say a key phrase to activate it, or anything... so how was I supposed to fulfill Pilcher's commands and live through it? Obeying his commands was more important than staying alive, of course (or so it seemed at the time), but the teleportation was as important as any other command, and I fretted over how I was going to do it. But when the time came, and the water came flooding in the open windows, it was obvious. I teleported and found myself in a small windowless room with a bed, a lamp, a chest of drawers and a small bookshelf. The card had said "await further instructions;" I briefly debated with myself whether that was compatible with exploring my surroundings, and decided that it was, as long as I didn't leave the room. I couldn't have left the room even if my instructions allowed for it, though, because the door was locked, and I could no longer teleport. The dressers contained underwear, socks, sweat pants and T-shirts in approximately my size. I changed into dry clothes and draped the sopping wet stuff over the footboard of the bed. The bookshelf contained a dozen or so books, mostly bestsellers from the last few years with a couple of older classics; I had little interest in most of them, but I picked up what looked like the least uninteresting and sat down to read. Some time later I heard a click and the door opened. There was Pilcher. I put the book down and awaited instructions. "You wanted to know why and how," he said. "I dosed your drink with something called genie potion. It's highly restricted, as are some of its key ingredients, and not many people know about it. How I found out about it, and got hold of the ingredients, is a long story and not really relevant... the point is that, while you're under the influence, you must obey me in everything, and you have the power to obey almost any command. So let's not waste any more time. First, I want you to change your appearance so no one will recognize you. Hmm... how about a girl?" He grinned as he saw my look of horror. I knew I had to obey, but he'd been pretty vague, so I changed myself into a girl I didn't think he would be attracted to: acne-scarred, scraggly-haired, and flat-chested. Also young and healthy, of course; I wasn't turning down the chance to help myself a bit on the side. But he wasn't satisfied, of course; he gave me detailed specs on his ideal woman, and I changed myself to match. Finally he said: "That's much better. One more thing: make yourself attracted to me." I did, and though I suddenly realized how attractive he was, physically, I still hated him for what he'd done to me. I didn't let on, though, because I knew if I did, he'd make me fall in love with him, or make me sexually addicted to him if love was beyond the power of this magic. "Are you going to make me have sex with you?" I asked. "I'd never do that," he said. "But you want to, don't you?" "I'm married," I said. "I'm not going to cheat on my wife, even if you are kind of hot." "Give it time," he said. "You'll be living here from now on, you're attracted to me, you won't be seeing your wife or anyone else... But," with a glance at his watch, "on to other business. Bring me a hundred doses worth of the ingredients for the genie potion." Instantly knowledge flooded my mind: not just what went into the potion, and where it could be found, but the laws restricting the sale of certain of those ingredients, which were also used in some other mind-control potions, the black-market prices, the drug cartels that traded in them, their organizational structures... I teleported to the nearest site where the most valuable ingredients were to be found, ignoring the shouts of gang members as I walked unerringly to the small crate that contained twelve jars of dried dragon liver. A couple of them shot at me, but I made the bullets bounce off. I wasn't inherently bulletproof, but I couldn't let myself die until I'd fulfilled Pilcher's instructions. I picked up the crate, teleported to Pilcher's basement, set it down, and teleported to the next site. Twenty minutes later, after visiting gangs' warehouses, government laboratories, rich people's houses, safe deposit boxes, and the neighborhood pharmacy, I delivered the last of the ingredients. "What now?" I asked. "You've got a few minutes left before the potion wears off. Use it to fix up your quarters to your liking -- make them as luxurious as you like while still being inescapable. No possible communication with the outside world." He left and locked the door behind him. I hollowed out a mansion below Pilcher's house and yard, more than ten thousand square feet in three stories. It was lead-lined and airtight, with a greenhouse and algae tanks to recycle my air. I was still putting finishing touches on the kitchen, and teleporting in more food, books, and DVDs (I'd have no radio, TV, or Internet) when the potion wore off. I staggered off to my bedroom and collapsed. ----- I'd gone to bed early, so I woke early the next morning -- not that it mattered, here in this sunless mansion. I went to the kitchen and fixed breakfast, trying to ignore my new female body, then exercised for half an hour and sat down in the greenhouse to read. There was not much else to do. A few hours later, I heard the chime I'd installed to tell me when Pilcher opened the door into the vestibule of my mansion. I put the book down and walked upstairs to the room just beyond the vestibule, and pressed the button to turn on the intercom and viewscreen. "-- the hell is this? Timson, open up, I've got your breakfast." "No thanks, I've already eaten." I looked at him via the camera I'd put in the vestibule; he set down a tray of food and drink on the chest of drawers, then turned back to the door and camera with a scowl. Damn, but he was even hotter when he was angry. I'd have to be careful. "...Ah. I guess you stocked your place with food?" "And a nice kitchen. And an inner door to keep you out. Bye." "Wait, we need to talk." "You can talk from there." "You don't have to eat the food if you're full, but open the door and drink this. Or I'll go out and kidnap someone else and make them my genie -- your wife or daughter, for instance. And I'll use them to take away your luxurious quarters and lock you in a cell with no books, nothing but straw to sleep on... got it?" I thought for a few minutes. He'd have a harder time drugging them than he had me, probably, but could I risk it? I opened the door. Pilcher picked up the glass from the tray and held it out to me, looking triumphant. I briefly debated trying to get past him to the other door... but he was twice my mass and probably more than twice as strong. I'd never studied martial arts or anything, and his instructions hadn't allowed me to stock my mansion with weapons or anything else I could use to escape; my kitchen was sadly lacking in knives and forks. I drank the potion-laced orange juice. My time would come, I was sure. In the stories, people who found genie bottles always managed to screw themselves over with three wishes or less, and Pilcher had given himself more than a hundred. Sooner or later he'd make a careless wish that I could interpret to free myself, if not to get revenge on him. "One little thing I forgot yesterday, first," he said, when I'd drunk the last of the juice. "Conjure up a convincing fake corpse of your old self, make it look like it drowned and it's been in the water for twenty hours, and put it at the bottom of Crow Lake for the divers to find." I did so; I was back in less than a minute, soaking wet and dripping. "Dry yourself off," Pilcher said. I made the water evaporate from my hair, skin and clothes. "And dress in something nicer." I turned the T-shirt and sweats into a skirt and blouse. "A lower neckline now..." I adjusted the blouse, afraid of where he was going with that; but he seemed satisfied and switched gears. "Now, look over my body, inside and out, and fix all the non-visible signs of aging. Leave my appearance the same but make me twenty years old and perfectly healthy on the inside." I did so. He went on to give me instructions about installing keyloggers on his competitors' computers, and obtaining incriminating information about competitors, judges, police officers and others he could use to blackmail them. When I returned from my last mission, he told me to go take a nap until the potion wore off. ----- It was several days before he came back. I alternately read, exercised, and thought about how to escape. Unfortunately I'd had to make the place inescapable by any means I could think of at the time, but that didn't mean I couldn't think of something new later. But so far, I was having no brilliant ideas except to improvise a weapon and try to overpower Pilcher the next time he came to give me a dose of genie potion. I avoided showering for three days; I didn't want to confront my new body. After I woke up I'd changed out of that skirt and blouse into a T-shirt and sweats again, with my eyes closed. But finally I couldn't stand the smell of myself, and gave in. I took a really long shower (Pilcher was paying the water bill) and forced myself to look at my new body. Unless Pilcher made a really carelessly worded wish, this was going to be me from now on. I still managed to avoid masturbating, though I played with my breasts some. Pilcher's ideal woman was so ridiculously proportioned, I was going to have back pain within a few years; I might as well get some enjoyment out of them while I could. It was evening when Pilcher returned. I went up to the inner vestibule when the chime rang and turned on the camera and intercom. Pilcher was there with a glass and a snide smile. "Come on, Timson, you know the drill." I opened the inner door, but hid behind it. "Come on out and drink this, or I'm going after your daughter." I sighed and came out and drank it. "Now, what's the big idea, making your corpse look like I drugged you? First the police asked me a few questions since I was the last one to see you alive, which was fine as long as it looked like an accident, but when they found the body and did the autopsy... Damn it, Timson, haven't I treated you okay? You've got a great place here -- I had a look around while you were napping the other day." "I didn't want to be a woman," I said. "I didn't want to be a prisoner or slave." "I just got out on bail," he said, ignoring me, "and now I want you to make these charges go away. -- No, wait," he said, while I was still thinking about how to interpret that vague command. "I want you to erase yourself from history. Make everyone who knows you or has heard of you forget all about you; erase all the physical and electronic records, all the evidence that you ever lived. That will include this murder charge against me." He smiled until I plunged my fingers into his brain and erased his memories of me. He screamed for a brief moment, then looked confused until I teleported away. I had the leeway to take things in whatever order I wanted, and I started with the people who barely knew or remembered me -- my old babysitter, my old classmates and teachers, customers I'd dealt with only once... Then server farm after server farm, filing cabinet after filing cabinet, erasing records of me from the hard drives and paper files. All the companies I'd ever dealt with, from my bank to a company I'd mail-ordered a model Stegosaurus from when I was fourteen, and all the government branches and departments from the IRS to the county courthouse. I had to modify my wife and daughter's records, too, and people's memories of them -- to remove the evidence of our marriage, and make Megan a bastard born to a single mother who supposedly couldn't remember the name of the man she'd had sex with nine months before. Then all the other people I knew, the morgue of the local newspaper and the libraries that had copies of those articles on my company. I destroyed photos of myself and removed myself from group photos, both in newspaper archives, in my company's offices, and in friends' and relatives' homes. I teleported to the police morgue and destroyed my fake corpse and all the pathologist's samples, erased the pathologist's memories of my autopsy, and modified the memories of all the officers who'd investigated my "murder." Finally I could put it off no longer. I teleported home, into the living room with all the photo albums and framed photos, and started erasing myself from the photos. I heard the noise of clattering dishes from the kitchen, and conversation; I knew in a few moments I'd have to erase Karen and Megan's memories of me, and tears were pouring down my cheeks as I picked up one photo album after another and flipped through them, erasing myself from photos. Finally I let out a loud sob, but I couldn't stop working. Then Karen came into the living room. "Who are you? What are you doing?" "I'm sorry," I said. "I have to do this." I'd save her for last, I'd decided. I kept flipping through the photo album, using magic to make it stick to my hands when Karen tried to grab it from me, yelling "Get out of my house! I'll call the police!" I drained her cellphone battery when she tried to do that. I flipped through the next photo album, then moved on to the office. Karen grabbed my arm and pulled, but right now I was unstoppable, and I dragged her behind me. I pulled out one file drawer after another, disappearing papers or erasing my name and personal data from them. "What's going on, Mom?" Megan called. "Go to your room and lock the door," Karen yelled. "Grab your phone and call the police." I drained the battery on Megan's phone, then returned to the office. Computers next; I erased or modified all the files created by me or mentioning me on the hard drives and all the flash drives, even on some old 3.5" diskettes in a drawer that we no longer had any way to read. I was crying so hard I could barely see to do my work, and Karen was beating uselessly on me. I wanted to hug her, to tell her it would be okay, but it wouldn't. I was free of Pilcher, but I'd lost everything, and Karen and Megan had lost me. Then I teleported into Megan's locked room; she screamed. "I'm sorry, honey, I need to erase some stuff from your laptop." I picked it up from her desk and stuck my hand into the hard drive, then grabbed her phone and erased my contact information and a few pictures of me. Next more pictures on a couple of flash drives, and then the framed photos on the wall. Then I teleported into mine and Karen's bedroom and erased myself from a few more photos. Finally it was almost done. There were no more records of my existence, and everyone who knew me had forgotten me, except for two. I braced myself and prepared to erase Karen and Megan's memories of me... ...but no, I didn't need to, and I couldn't. The potion had finally worn off. I collapsed onto the bed and cried. I was still there when the police came for me; apparently Karen and Megan had gone over to a neighbor's house to borrow their phone. ----- I told the police everything; the officers who questioned me at first didn't believe a word I said, but soon a couple of Feds came and questioned me further about the genie potion. I told them everything Pilcher had told me and everything I'd magically learned when Pilcher commanded me to steal more potion ingredients. They came back the following day. "Your story checks out," Agent Walters said. "We searched Pilcher's house and found those underground rooms that he never filed building permits for, and large amounts of highly illegal potion ingredients. And Karen and Megan Roberts insist that you erased their husband and father, Paul Timson, from all their photos... they say their names are Karen and Megan Timson, too, though everybody knows them as Roberts." "So am I free to go? And is there any way I can change back to my old self, or at least be a man again?" "Yes, you're free to go," Agent Sanders said. "But no, the sex-change potions you might have read about are either not permanent or not very effective, especially for women wanting to become men, and they have some nasty side-effects. I recommend you talk to your doctor about the potion and surgery options. Only reality-altering magic can permanently change someone's sex, and it's highly illegal for reasons you know better than most." "We'll help you set up a new identity," Agent Walters said, "and find a job and a place to live, on one condition." "What's that?" "Don't tell anyone about the genie potion or what it can do. It's highly classified." "Not even Karen and Megan? They deserve an explanation." Agents Walters and Sanders looked at each other. Agent Sanders said: "Let us tell them what they're allowed to know -- which isn't much. Then you can meet with them, and they'll know they're not allowed to ask you any more questions about what happened to you." "What about Pilcher? Are you going to prosecute him for kidnapping and enslaving me?" "No, unfortunately, we don't have enough evidence to convince a jury. But he'll spend at least a decade in prison just for possessing those potion ingredients." I resolved to be satisfied with what I could get. ----- Agents Walters and Sanders got me out of jail, and Agent Sanders took me shopping for clothes, then took me to a hotel and got me a room for the night. The following evening they came by, picked me up, and took me home. Agent Walters rang the doorbell; Karen answered it a few moments later. She looked at me. "Paul? Is that you?" "It's me," I said. "Can I come in?" Wordlessly Karen led us into the living room. "Megan," she said loudly, "they're here." Megan came in, looking half afraid and half hopeful. "Dad? Is that really you?" "It's me, honey. I'm so sorry." She ran to me and hugged me. After a few moments she let go; we were both crying. Finally Megan laughed, a short bark of a laugh, and said: "Oh my God, Dad, you're hotter than me or any of the girls at school." "Not for long," I said. "I'm having breast reduction surgery as soon as I can... or maybe a mastectomy and sex-reassignment surgery. I want to give this body a fair shake, first, but I don't think I'll like it even with years to get used to it." Karen still hadn't said anything; she was staring at me. "What did they do to you?" she finally said. I glanced at the Feds. "I'm not allowed to tell you. They said they'd told you everything you were allowed to know, and everything else is classified... what did they tell you?" "That someone used illegal magic to turn you into a woman, and sent you out to erase all the records of your existence. And the spell they used to make people forget you didn't quite work right, so we still remember you even though nobody else does." "That's... pretty much all you need to know." "I don't think it is. Did they just transform you physically, or did they change you mentally too?" I looked at Agent Sanders. "Surely I'm allowed to tell her that?" "Go ahead," she said, "but no details about who did it or how." I turned back to Karen. "They made me bisexual. I still love you, but I'm attracted to at least some men as well. And I still think of myself as a man... at least so far." "We'll be setting Mr. Timson up with a new ID," Agent Walters said. "We should have it ready in another couple of days. Meanwhile, will Mr. Timson be staying here, or at a hotel?" "Here, of course," Karen said. "Then I believe we'll be going. We'll be in touch about the ID." The Feds left, and I was alone with Karen and Megan. Of course they had more questions, but I had to refuse to answer most of them. I wasn't allowed to tell them how the person who kidnapped me had faked my death, or confirm or deny Karen's guess that it was one of Rob Pilcher's enemies who'd kidnapped me and framed him for my murder, or much else. But finally Megan asked: "Daddy, did they -- I can't imagine why else they'd turn you into a girl -- did they molest you, or...?" "No, they didn't rape me," I said. "I don't know what they would have done if I hadn't gotten away, I think they were planning to seduce me, but they hadn't touched me yet." I'm pretty sure I wasn't allowed to tell them that either, but they deserved to know. After a while, Karen sent Megan to her room. "Your father and I need to talk alone for a while," she said. Megan nodded understandingly and hugged me again. "I'm so glad you're not dead, Daddy," she said. "I know this sucks, but it was so much worse when we thought you were dead." "It was worse when I thought I was going to be a prisoner for the rest of my life. I'm glad to be home, even if it's like this." "Good night, Daddy." "Good night, Megan." When she'd gone, Karen and I looked at each other in silence for a few moments. Then I asked: "Can we stay married? Can you love me like this, or should we just try to stay friends?" "I can try," she said, and put her hand on mine. It was the first time she'd touched me since I came home. I squeezed her hand and put my arms around her, and she didn't resist. ----- I have several ebooks available from Smashwords in ePub format and from Amazon in Kindle format; some are also available from Barnes and Noble. Smashwords pays its authors higher royalties than other retailers. The Bailiff and the Mermaid https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/563926 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B012WO9EAI http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-bailiff-and-the-mermaid-trismegistus-shandy/1122419525?ean=2940152061574 Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/319765 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CUPYSFG When Wasps Make Honey https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/319769 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CU584JM A Notional Treason http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401272 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I15RG6C http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-notional-treason-trismegistus-shandy/1118399590?ean=2940045604819 The Weight of Silence and Other Stories https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/435313 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K5CL1B0 http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-weight-of-silence-and-other-stories-trismegistus-shandy/1119459843?ean=29400459245

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Things were getting better for Ala now. 32 years of age she was coming out of the misery of a failed marriage with a cheating husband who made her feel low. In the past 8 months Ala had lost 20lb or so making her tall striking figure even more so. Stunningly beautiful to look at with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, Ala stood 5 feet 9 inches tall, even taller in the strappy heels she loved to wear. Small firm breasts curved down to an ample bum and wide thighs before tapering off to thin...

3 years ago
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House PerksChapter 3

Representative Sundermann had just finished reading the draft of Congressman Bryce's new proposed bill, when the door abruptly opened Congresswoman Vasquez entered without knocking. This wasn't so unusual for her, since they became lovers recently. However, she had a look on her face that indicated that there was more than business or pleasure on her mind. "Yes, baby? Or is this is an official visit from the Honorable Representative?" he probed with a mix of concern and...

2 years ago
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Verficktes Fitnessstudio

An alle potenziellen Mitschreiber: Bitte zuerst die Storyrichtlinien lesen! Das "Olympia" ist das größte und angesagteste Fitnessstudio der gesamten Stadt. Es verfügt über einen riesigen Raum fürs Kraft- & Muskeltraining, 4 Kursräume und freie Trainingsflächen, einen Zirkel, unzählige Cardiogeräte mit integrierten Monitoren, einem großen Swimming Pool, ein Becken für Wassergynmanstik, 8 Themensaunen, einem Massagebereich, einer ebenso großzügigen Lounge wie auch einen Relaxbereich und helle...

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Ruler Tube! How does being able to watch juicy porn scenes that are a result of a mash-up between videos from top porn sites sound to you? Or should I say how does HD quality porn from top sites for free appeal to you? Either way, it’s more than you could possibly bargain for and it is precisely what Ruler Tube is offering you. There are lots of different categories featured, navigation is a walk in the park, and there is no sign-up bullshit required. To find out more about what the site has in...

Porn Aggregators
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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 24 Karin Part I

July 1981, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, I woke up earlier than usual, excited and nervous. I hadn’t seen Karin in a year and I didn’t know exactly what to expect. Karin and I had talked weekly, but there was only so much that could be said in calls that lasted less than ten minutes. Her letters were often breezy descriptions of what she’d done that week, things her friends had said and so on. She was fifteen now. She’d been twelve and a half when Birgit died. I was eighteen and had...

2 years ago
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My Nephews Get Their Way Part Two

So, all my meat was almost done, and I stepped into the kitchen to prepare vegetables for the grill. Lance glided into the kitchen right after me. He immediately started grabbing several fruits and some of the vegetables I was working on."Whoa, dude. What are you doing with all that?""Oh, wimp boy out there is bitching about how drained he is from his workout session and begged me to make him one of my post workout recovery smoothies. It tastes like shit. But they always bring my energy back to...

3 years ago
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Chance Meeting

The Stranger - Part 1 He walked into the place like he owned it.  His eyes barely scanned the crowd before settling on the bar at the front of the room.  His walk was purposeful and he went directly to his destination, draped his jacket over a chair and casually took a seat. "Anything good on tap sweetie?" he asked me with a voice that should be illegal. "You look more like a good scotch guy to me" I quipped back at him and he chuckled. "Okay, surprise me" he invited me and grinned. ...

1 year ago
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Dinner with a young virgin guy

My name is Samantha. Next month I’m turning thirty-five, and I’m single. I work in a big company, own a big house, and earn more than enough. I got married once when I was twenty-four, and a year later we got divorced. After that I never got into a serious relationship. I go out on dates with men I know from work, or meet through common friends, but no serious thing with them. We just go out, have dinner, then come back to my place or his, and we fuck. I love sex. I like men of my age, older...

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Beths Erotic AdventuresChapter 6 Stable frolics

The following day after a restless night Beth headed out to a riding stable located about fifteen miles away. It had been a few months since she'd last ridden and she was looking forward to it when she pulled up in front of the stable block. She was greeted by the owners a couple in there sixties, who had run the stables as long as Beth could remember. "Hello Beth, long time no see," said Charles Granville "Hi Charlie, Meg, how's it going." "Fine." "Real good thanks." Beth...

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The Success Part Two

Regardless, I had gotten away clean. The only problem was one that I had foreseen before it happened: I wanted more. I knew I couldn’t keep drugging him every weekend. I wasn’t even sure if those pills were supposed to be mixed with alcohol. Besides, it just wasn’t the same. I really wanted to fuck him while he was awake. I got my chance the very next weekend. It didn’t quite work out 100% like I wanted, but you’ll see what I mean. We were hanging out at his place again that weekend, but...

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The Mortal and the Magic Wand Chapter 05 Friday END

Josh was the first to wake up. He could tell right away that he was naked, and lying on his front. The floor was cold and metallic, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the whole room seemed to be like this. He stood up, a thing which he found incredibly strenuous for some reason, and looked around. The tiny room was nothing but pure metal on all sides, except for one wall which appeared to be nothing more than transparent energy, flowing gently. Josh saw Abbie on the floor, and shook...

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Offering my wife Chapter 5

We put on our swim clothes and headed out to the water. At least the beach was nice. There were shady Cabanas with chairs already set up for the patrons that were just a few yards from the water. The waves gently caressed the beach and blue water was right up close to the edge. Tammy and I tossed our towels on a chair and dashed out the water. It was amazing. We could see our feet in the clear water as we pushed and splashed each other. Tammy was wearing a very tiny bikini that...

1 year ago
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The Job Interview

The Job Interview “Where are we going?” asked Simon as Natalie led him up the college playing field, weaving her way through the little groups of people. It was lunchtime, they had about an hour before the afternoon lessons began and Natalie was on a mission. “Just hurry up!” she replied and ducked behind the old caretakers hut. Natalie had fond memories of that hut, mainly because she had lost her virginity there in a frenzy of passion with Tom. As it happened, it turned out that Tom was...

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Disabled But Still Able 1

It was in November that Brian broke his neck and became paralyzed. He still had motion in his arms but his fine motor skills and his fingers were affected. The nerve damage to his legs was complete and he would be using a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He wondered at the time if he would ever have sex again. It was only the following summer that his questions were happily answered by two different women. The first was the personal care attendant he and his mother had hired. Chapter 1 "So...

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Can I Have A Quick Word With You Mum

Can I have a quick word with you Mum? Or how I came out to my mother. By Maria Ski. As I look back over my life I have begun to realise that I have reached a lot of milestones. Some were passing exams, others achieving a personal goal in a hobby related activity. But I think the major milestone in my life was when I took the major step and chose to come out to my mother and tell her about my secret desire. So if I may I'd like to take you back on a little journey. It was the year I...

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The room was dark when I first caught a glimpse of her as she walked past the window. The drapes were fully opened and I caught a flashing glimpse of white. Was she naked? I knew the figure walking by the window was a woman just by the curves of the shadow. I was working at my desk twelve floors up facing the Marriott Hotel across the street. From my vantage point I see a lot. Most times it is just people in various stages of dress but every now and then things spice up to whet my voyeuristic...

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My first day with Vimala 1

Hey guys & gals “cunts & cocks”, hai to all, I am a avid reader of sex stories particularly those of younger age and old age and also those stories with color contrast like black guy with white chick type. I am prakash 28 yrs from north Karnataka now in Bangalore as I am working for real estate. I am more tempted to write my story after reading one of stories of student teacher relationship although mine is not same and it happened in my native few months before I came here. There was a sexy...

1 year ago
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Dyked Alura Jensen Jenna Ross Hot Housekeeper Gets Dirty

Alura Jensen is a massive breasted milf who savors her alone time for personal pleasure. As she started to play with her pussy her maid Jenna Ross walked in on her and was super embarrassed. It was only Jennas first day, so Alura decided to take it easy on her. She had Jenna the laundry she was working on and aggressively make out with her. Jenna was then lifted off her feet and stripped. She had nice perky breasts. Alura then powerfucked Jennas pussy and had her eat out her juicy cunt in the...

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Hardonis Academy p8

New Student=s Second Day Part 5By Victor Lavay & J.F. It had been a long day, with a lot of excitement, yet Sandra felt energized rather than tired. She'd left the others with a promise to meet up again before class the next morning and was heading back to her room with a spring in her step. She wanted to be cleaned up before the evening meal, imagining that it would be as different as anything else here, and a corner of her mind was curious about the roommate she would undoubtedly be...

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Live Bait Part 1

My job allows me to meet many different attractive women over the course of the year. Some of these women tend to be very outspoken and have caught me off guard a time or two. This particular story took place when I was out with some friends of mine. We were chasing girls closer to my own age, but got a text saying it might be in my best interest to come visit a group of ladies a little closer to home. Now I am 24, and at the point in my life where my mind is better at getting into a woman’s...

1 year ago
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My Servant8217s Fat Dick

A hot scene like one of those porn films was going on. “harder! Harder! Harder! Ahh!” she screamed. “Uf…Huff…Buff…Felff…So…Nife…” Here words were all messed up as the man behind pressed her face against the wall. It was a hard rough surface. Still, she did not stop while he fucked her from behind. At that moment, a dark brown-skinned couple was having sex just outside our bungalow, next to the kitchen window. Simka, the maid, had pulled her sari up to expose her round bum. Meanwhile, her...

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QuadrupletsChapter 6 The quads and their surprise birthday present The attack and recovery

It is now Saturday, my parents left first thing this morning and I am alone with no one to talk to except my thoughts. I have been pacing our home for awhile and decided to do some research and learn more about dominate / submissive lifestyles. What I found out was quite interesting, I discovered my mother had explained it pretty good. Except, her explanation was at an entry level of the lifestyle. There was so much more than I expected and decided to play it by ear and would learn as it...

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Blue Christmas

‘Well, if you really need someone, I suppose I could do that—if you really need me.’ Clara tried to make her reluctance quite clear, but Elizabeth was having none of that. She just cheerily plowed along, working on getting Clara on the road to fill in for no-shows among the volunteers at the soup kitchen where Elizabeth was working that evening. Nothing had put her off—not Clara’s remark that it was already dark, not her observation that it had begun to snow—not even her noting that it was...

2 years ago
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Heute ist ein Tag wie jeder andere, Erika sitzt im Büro und durchsucht das Web. Die junge Brünette ist ein einfaches Mädchen, hübsch aber keine Sexbombe. Mit überschlagenen Beinen sitzt sie am Schreibtisch. Plötzlich poppt eine Email auf. Erika runzelt die Stirn. 'Auf der Suche nach neuen Abenteuern? Klick hier' zögerlich betrachtet Erika den unscheinbaren Link. Nach kurzem Überlegen beschließt sie, es zu riskieren. Eine schlichte Seite öffnet sich. 'Das Paket wird an Ihre private Adresse...

2 years ago
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FemDom Training Club

Hello my name is Elizabeth and I would like to tell you about the Femdom Training Club that I started about 7 months ago. My husband “CUB” has been after me for years to take a dominating role in our sexual relationship. He wanted me to become the Dominatrix and force him to do things he would not do on his own. He wanted some just down and dirty fucking or as he would say he just wanted some recreational sex. I really didn’t want to play along with him on this but one time when we were...

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My first MFM part 2

All of us drenched in each others' cum, I leaned forward and kissed Sally, tasting my own cum on her lips and tongue. Sally reached down and began stroking my cock, now hard again. "No, it's your turn now Sally." I said as I grabbed her by the hips and rolled her on to her back. I slid off the bed and knelt as I pulled her to the edge. I rubbed her inner thighs gently for a moment and then spread her legs open, revealing her beautiful, tight shaved pussy. I began kissing her thighs and I could...

4 years ago
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Wendy Ch 08

Chapter 8 The Sewing Room According to Cotton Wendy stirred, her head came off of the arm rest and she gave me a quizzical look as if to say, ‘where am I and who are you?’ She had dozed off sometime during my description of my visit to the home of Mrs. P one rainy Saturday night. Her light snoring had not deterred me from my task. I droned on, determined to give a full account of the night that I watched Mrs. P bake cookies and later helped her loose her cookies in her sewing room. At one...

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Field trip fun

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I ask as she gives me a smile. “I am meeting my son for his field trip…” she said as she gave me a hug. “ we should have carpooled!” She exclaimed after breaking our embrace. We said hello to our kids and waited as the teacher told them the rules and accounted for all of them. “So how have you been? I haven’t seen you in months it seems like.” I asked Jen. “Busy with the kids and boyfriend” she responded. “How are you and the boyfriend doing. I...

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my prostitute wife

This is the story of my wife Rittu whom I got married in1996 she is white complexion tall and fairly attractive her boobs are 36 and her ass is 38. She is innocent and belongs to a middle class family we were living a happily married life and as the time passed I somehow got bored of her and then I started visiting prostitutes. I really used to fuck everyday with different prostitutes some were attractive some were ugly some I used to fuck them in their ass.In the meanwhile when I used to fuck...

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The Case of the Paper Roses a Michelle Hammer Mystery

Looking busy isn't as easy as you might think; especially when you're a janitor ... excuse me, Custodial Engineer. I was undercover at Mad Marvin's House 'O' Electronics because someone on staff was taking a five finger discount on various gadgets and falsifying the shipping manifests. I figured there had to be two or more people involved and one was in management. I decided to catch the actual thieves first and get them to rat off their accomplices. So here I was wearing a thrift shop...

4 years ago
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Christmas Shopping

I love Christmas shopping! Okay, I know most of you think I'm nuts, and will bring up the traffic, the rude or inexperienced sales clerks, and the overly aggressive shoppers looking for bargains, but to me that's all part of the challenge. Of course, these days I do most of my shopping on line, but I still make time for at least one trip to the mall during the seasonal rush, not just because it makes it feel like Christmas, but also out of nostalgia for something amazing that happened to me...

3 years ago
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Finding out Anita likes lesbian love

Friday afternoon I finished the paper work at my office before than expected; so I was free to go back home early. I thought about taking Anita out to dinner; but I did not called her; I wanted it to be a surprise…As I got home; I could not find my sweet wife anywhere. It was strange, since Ana had called me earlier, to say that she would wait for me at home, because she was not going anywhere in the afternoon…I went outside and greeted my neighbor; an old lady called Martha.She said my wife...

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A Simple Routine

A SIMPLE ROUTINE by Throne Al Devonshire had a simple routine for indulging his crossdressing desires. His job often sent him to other cities. Sometimes he even volunteered for those assignments. They weren't difficult, just contract reviews that required a personal touch to reassure the wealthy clients that they were being taken care of. Being away from his home in the Midwest, and his wife Debbie, was perfect for his needs. His spouse was gorgeous but he certainly didn't want...

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Lingerie Shopping

I was in a great mood, I felt like I looked good, and after seeing how that dress fit me I was feeling excited and a bit turned on imagining my boyfriend fucking me from behind not even taking the dress off just pushing the skirt up around my waist and giving it to me hard in the restroom of wherever we go for dinner. I went into the lingerie store with a spring in my step. New lingerie always makes me feel so damn sexy and I wanted to find something sexy and silky. After looking through...

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Sweet Hostage for Daddy

Sweet Hostage for Daddy By: Candy Sue, aka, Malissa Madison Martin Frost had always know that he was meant to be a girl, he'd just been cursed with the wrong parts. And he really did love his Daddy, he just couldn't be the little boy his father expected him to be no matter how hard he tried, it just felt wrong. His mother Alicia had always let him pretend when he was younger, and had had to step in a few times between him and his father when the man got drunk and wanted to force...

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GirlsOnlyPorn Lulu Chu Maya Woulfe Close To Her

Spooning with her girlfriend, Maya Woulfe, is always a dream come true for Lulu Chu. She loves the way Maya looks in her sleek lingerie as they cuddle together. It’s not long before Lulu’s gentle caresses get increasingly sensual. When Maya turns over so she can get equally intimae with Lulu, the girls enjoy themselves just exploring each other’s tight figures. Eventually, Maya loses her bra, leaving her topless just like her girlfriend. Lulu is eager to palm Maya’s...

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Sow and Reap Interlude 3 Anzus Story

I am a simple girl. I come from a simple family in a simple town and all I ever wanted were simple things. A home. A husband. A child to raise. Maybe a dog. I was smart in school so I took accelerated classes and went to secretarial college when I was 16. Simple. I didn't want a fancy career; I wanted a good job while I looked for a man I could be a good wife to. I knew girls who wanted to be executives, some were friends of mine; I wished them well. Job, home, husband. Simple. I graduated...

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Cocklust Ch 06

By that point, I was starting to realize how life-changing being gay really was.  It wasn’t just the sex, despite all the mind-blowing ways I’d found to get off, and the fact that I’d basically gotten addicted to cock.  It also meant a lot for my future.Before that summer, I’d always assumed I’d be like the people I’d grown up with: I’d settle down with a nice girl, and we’d have a few kids, and maybe a dog, while I worked in an office job somewhere.  Now all of that was crumbling away.At the...

Gay Male
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“ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE ME LEAVE MY TENT?” Wendy asked as we sat in Denny’s with coffee and a couple of Slams. “Do you want to leave your tent?” I asked. She shook her head. “Not yet.” “Then no, Tiger,” I said. “I’ll never make you do anything. I just want to be sure you’re all right and let you know you’ve got friends.” “I know. I see Kate every week and sometimes I see you at the restaurant. I eat pretty well because Carma feeds me. And I’ve been saving. I’ll have enough to rent a room...

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2 Virgin Fucked At The Same Time 8211 Part II

Hey readers, this is Atul once again from Mumbai and today, I am going to narrate the second part of the incident, where I fucked 2 virgin sisters during my tour in Madhya Pradesh and I am sure that you must have read the first part of the story. Hence, I will start the second part without any delay. At 7:00 am in the morning, suddenly I saw my watch and then got up immediately from the bed both Aisha and Avanti were playing with my pubic parts. I told them that I have to leave at 9:00 am and...

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The Tub of Cherry Garcia

"Bitch!" I heard from down in the kitchen. 'Now what?' I thought to myself, still lying naked in my girlfriend's bed, basking in the afterglow of some sweet early evening passion with Kaitleen. I could hear the annoyance in her voice and knew that, in spite of the fact I had just spent most of the evening delivering her pussy to nirvana, that annoyance in her voice was clearly with me! I heard the freezer door slam shut abruptly. Obviously she had just discovered that I had finished off the...

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Lets Do It Like ThatChapter 3

Five guys? That must qualify as a gang-bang, I thought. Three was pretty wild. But five? Five horny boys and one naked and, yes, also horny girl? "We won't let it get out of hand, Angie. We're still all best friends, you know," Danny assured me and they all three gave me a group hug as I told them I was in. So, I went home, kind of sore but also really turned-on about what was going to happen the next day. I hardly slept that night being so exited about having five guys. Maybe that...

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Family History

A History Lesson: I had always been proud of my paternal family surname. I had a proud family history. It was always been a bit of am embarrassment to me that my father had agreed to preserving my mother's maiden name of Shirley as the second part of my surname. This was particularly at school, when the teachers were cross with me they would call me Miss Shirley or DSS instead of calling me by my real name of Daniel Stephenson-Shirley. So it came as something of a surprise to my...

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I am the man of the house

I am the man of the houseI never thought I would treat my mother Indira as a woman until the day she made me realise I am the man of the house. Few months ago my dad died leaving me and my mother everything he could leave. As a result we have a house and some good cash in the bank. I am a state government employee earning a high salary. All my life I have been reckless when it came to handling house chores. I never bothered about them. I had my dad to take care of outside activities and my...

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