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Chapters 1 – 15

Disclaimer:  *****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18, or who lives in an area where this sort of material is illegal, should read any further.  Also, if you are looking for a quick fix, this is not the story for you and you should STOP reading immediately.

Disclaimer: This story contains graphic descriptions of sex, violence, rape, non-consensual imprisonment and torture.  It is definitely NOT for anyone who is offended by such material.

Further Disclaimer:  The most important factor beyond the badness of this story is that this is a lesbian love story and explicit sexual acts between two women do occur within it.  If this type of material is offensive to you, please do not read any further.

Further Yet:  This story stands unfinished, so any tips, ideas or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.  I know the ending, but any detours would be welcome.


Chapter 1

Sitting on the rock ledge, looking out over the lake, the sun was slowly going down behind the trees, causing ominous shadows to dance over the undulating waters.  Small waves were being forced across the surface by a loon swimming past as it nervously glanced at me and I smiled.  The entire scene made me wonder if my dad would have considered this in his continuous mutterings about there always being ‘the calm before a storm.’

I’m Lucille Yates, but most people call me Lu, except for Sheri, she calls me Luce, but I like when she does, it always gives me a warm feeling inside.

This is my story and it’s not a very pleasant one, at least not for the most part, so I thought you should be warned.

My story actually begins the day of my 15th birthday.  That’s when everything changed and not for the better; up to that point I had been your typical teenage girl, giggling with my friends, talking with them on the phone when we weren’t together, discussing clothes and boys; all of those things were a big part of my life.

My parents, Evan and Marci were trying to make sure I had everything I wanted and definitely spoiled me a bit too much.  The fact that I always expected more, never really seemed like my fault, it was just the way they had raised me. 

On the morning of my 15th birthday, mom and dad were both busy trying to see that my day would be perfect and as usual, I expected it.  I’ll be the first to admit that I thought my shit didn’t stink, but I loved the special treatment. 

That day my dad wasn’t going to be around to help mom with anything other than breakfast.  He would be working a double-shift at the mine to pay for my party, or at least that’s what he continued telling me right before he’d smile and get that twinkle in his eyes that would only show up when he was teasing someone.  I laughed, every single time he said it and that morning, he was still harassing me. 

It wasn’t like I was having them rent a hall for me or anything, it was only seven of my closest friends coming for cake and ice cream, pizza uptown before the movie and then we would end the night at the teen center drinking sodas, flirting with boys and laughing; it was what we did.

We had done most of those things that day and I think my mom was pretty happy we had reached the part where she didn’t need to be around us anymore.  Before dropping us off in front of the theater, she made sure we understood that we were to be waiting outside of the teen center by 10:30 that night.  I don’t think she was looking forward to them spending the night, but that was the plan.

So there the eight of us were, talking, giggling and getting loud in the movie theater while the boys behind us continued throwing popcorn in our hair.  I was just turning around to give them a good tongue lashing when my mother appeared in front of me, telling us girls to follow her into the lobby.

The eight of us followed her up to the lobby where she explained to my friends that their parents would be picking them up after the movie and then her arm was around my shoulder, leading me out to the car.  I was upset, but I could see she had been crying and knew it had to be pretty serious for her to even think of doing what she did.

?What’s goin’ on mom?? 

?Your father’s been in an accident at work.  They’ve already flown him to the University Hospital in Minneapolis, so that’s where we’re going.  He’s still alive right now, but you need to be prepared honey,? mom said, wiping her eyes as she began to drive.

I started crying, not having anything to say and I could see mom was close to breaking down, but really, what could I say?

When we walked into the hospital, I clung to my mother’s arm as we finally found intensive care and dad.  He wasn’t looking very good at all, but the doctor was telling us that he was lucky to be alive.  I had no idea then, that life was about to take such a drastic turn.

Chapter 2

I couldn’t take my eyes off my father as mom listened to the doctor explain all the things that were broken and damaged. 

When I had been younger, my dad had always been my best friend.  We went fishing almost every day during the season, I helped him check the fences on our land and we had a fair amount, but we would always take the all terrain vehicle or a snowmobile, making it more of an adventure than work.  My dad and I had spent time working on junk cars together and had some great times, but suddenly I was wondering if we would ever be able to do any of that again.  While he lay there in a body cast, I couldn’t seem to stop crying as I held tightly to my mother’s hand and stared at my father’s battered, gray face.

We wound up staying in a hotel for the entire summer that year while dad tried to recover.  He had been in a coma for almost two months and it took him another two weeks to even recognize mom; then another week after that for him to remember me at all. By August, he was going through therapy so he could walk again. 

At one point, I heard the doctor talking to both of my parents about his impotency and that was when dad’s mood began changing for the worst, putting us all more on edge than we already were.

By the time we were on our way home, I had one day before school started and would mostly be wearing my clothes from the year before.  Dad never spoke to mom or me during the ride, other than when we stopped to eat.  I ate quietly in the backseat, listening to dad bitch about the food while mom tried keeping him calm.  I don’t know who the man in the front seat was, but it sure wasn’t the father I had spent the last 15 years with.

Walking into the school the following morning, I was distant from everyone, including my closest friends.  I could see them whispering and giggling, positive they were discussing the fact that my father couldn’t have sex anymore.  In reality, I’m sure it was in my head and I doubt that any of them even knew he was impotent, but my 15 year-old brain knew everything and that was what it was telling me, so I ignored them all, keeping my head down as I walked from class to class.  It didn’t matter who tried talking to me, I would automatically walk away from them, or look down at my desk, ignoring them until they would eventually take the hint and leave me alone.

As the school year went on, life only got worse and the kids at school stopped attempting to make conversation with me at all.  I had become quiet, moody and withdrawn in such a short time. 

Chapter 3

When in the same year my cousin Jacci wound up going to prison for something her stupid boyfriend had done, I was positive that my entire family was about to implode.  Jacci was a year older than me and we had always stayed in touch, then she was convicted of a crime, after the fact since she knew he had robbed a place and never turned him in.  The dumb ass was sentenced to 10 years, less with good behavior.  We still wrote every week and she at least seemed to be adjusting to her new situation.

At home dad was unbearable, going through doctors and lawyers, trying to sue the mining company and the guy that had hit him with the dump truck.  He and mom were arguing almost constantly about his behavior and what he was doing to our family, while I either stayed in my room or took long walks in the woods.

For extra income, dad began buying junk cars, fixing them up and selling them beside the road.  It was during that time I tried reconnecting with him, helping him whenever I wasn’t in school.  My style of clothing had changed to mostly jeans and flannel shirts instead of dresses with sweaters.  It seemed as though the more I tried getting closer to dad, the more he tried pushing me away. 

By the time I turned 17, he had gotten his insurance settlement, so naturally he began drinking and drug mom in with him. 

I was pretty much on my own by then, other than the three German Shepherds dad had bought the year before.  I was still writing Jacci weekly, but suddenly Jake, Bear and Dakota had become my best friends.  I had trained all three of them to respond to a variety of whistles and they were doing fairly well.  They would still listen to dad over me, but when it was just the four of us, they were mine.

Chapter 4

My 18th birthday came and went without a whisper, but I never brought it up to either of my parents.  During the morning, I went fishing and after cleaning the fish, I spent the rest of the day working on cars. 

Until that night, I had thought my life was hell, but when dad woke me out of a sound sleep, I knew it was.  After telling me to get out of bed and meet him downstairs, he left to wait for me in the kitchen.  By his tone, I knew he wasn’t giving me a late birthday gift so I hurried, not wanting to aggravate him.

That was the first of many bad nights to come, but that night left me almost wishing he had died in the accident.  As I followed him out to the cars, my entire body began tensing up.

?Now that you’re 18, I think its time to teach you that the world isn’t always nice and the only one you can really count on is you.  I’m only doing this because I love you Lucille,? he said, knowing I hated that name.

?What’s happening dad??  I asked feeling confused.

?I just told you and you’re gonna cooperate and thank me when we’re all through.?

I highly doubted that, but I followed and I held my hands out when he told me to, not saying a word when he put the padded cuffs around my wrists; not even objecting when he put the duct tape over my mouth.  I stood there like a fool, allowing him to hook my bindings to the engine pulley and lift me until the only things touching the ground were the tips of my toes.

As he ripped off my clothes, I began to cry and when he walked over to reach inside one of the cars was about the time I finally tried screaming as he walked towards me with Bear’s broken tie-out cable. 

The cable was supposed to keep dogs secure since it was made of galvanized steel and should be able to hold 1700 pounds of stress.  The vinyl coating made it easier for us to pull him back, but he was only four months old when he saw a rabbit and ran after it, snapping the wire in half once he reached the end.

Now my father was walking at me with the weapon in his hand, wiry shreds hanging off the end, telling me that he was helping me to be strong and I was scared shitless as he went on to tell me about it always being calm before the storm.  He had turned into quite the crazy bastard. 

When he was about five feet away from me, he began hitting me with it and I have to admit that, at first I didn’t feel anything.  I guess it was comparable to cutting yourself with a sharp blade; the pain didn’t register immediately, but when it did there was no stopping the screams trying to escape my mouth until I passed out.

Sobbing in the background was invading my haze, but I didn’t think it was coming from me and as I opened my eyes, my mother was trying to hold me up, asking if I could stand at all so she could get me down.  She pulled the tape off my mouth, bringing up nothing more than a whimper as I nodded my head. 

I actually thought I would catch myself, but as she lowered the pulley, my legs began folding underneath me, so she stopped it before my ass landed on the ground, helping me to sit down so she could remove the cuffs and help me into my robe.

Back at the house, mom washed me off before putting me into bed.  I could hear her screaming at dad and him screaming back before the pickup was tearing out of the driveway.  Mom spent that entire day taking care of my cuts and feeding me, but the torture was far from over.

Only a week later, the exact same thing happened, only that time he hit mom when she tried stopping him from taking me out of the house.  She helped me off the hook again and took care of me, but she never tried stopping him again after that either.  It didn’t take long for her apologies to fall on deaf ears.

The beatings soon became a weekly activity with mom crying and dad ranting about the calm before the storm.  I never understood what in the hell he was going on about, but I never fought him, even when he began to vary his tortures. 

The half-day I spent on my stomach, tied to a car roof, I seriously thought he was trying to see if he could cook me all the way through.  I’m almost positive I had second-degree burns along my entire backside, including the bottoms of my feet.  He let me recover from that for almost two weeks before I found myself naked, blindfolded and hanging over the basement floor drain.  Mom would come down to give me water, but other than that, he left me hanging for over a week, only being able to touch the floor with the tips of my toes.  I almost thought I was going to lose my mind for a while through that.

As we went through that year, I had to wear more and more clothes to cover the scars I was acquiring, along with the wide, leather bracelets mom had gotten me to cover the marks that were becoming more prominent on my wrists.  I thanked her, but she cringed at my tone, knowing I meant none of it.

The day I couldn’t take it anymore, was after he sat me in the kitchen chair, tying my legs to the front while my arms were secured to the back.  I had no pants on, he made sure of that and he began putting one cigarette after another out on my upper thighs.  He explained that he would stop once I showed no signs of feeling any pain and again went on about it being for my own good.

When I began screaming, my mother was in tears and out the door, unable to handle any part of it I would imagine.

By the time dad stopped, he had gone through two packs of cigarettes and the only reason he stopped then was because I had reached a point where I was literally in another world.  I wasn’t positive if I had snapped mentally or if I had reached a numbness barrier he couldn’t break through, but whatever it was, I was actually thankful for it at the time.  I woke up with bandages on my thighs and lying in my own bed.

Once I had recovered from that, I didn’t stay in the house anymore.  Instead I began taking the cars that were hopeless, and cutting them into pieces.  I would hide in the woods until mom and dad left for the night, working on a shelter for myself and going into the house to grab some food and water.  I began hauling my supplies to the back corner of the property with the ATV and welded together the small, one room house that only I could get into.  I knew dad would never venture that far back in the woods, so I took some old car batteries, hooking up a couple of small heaters and taillights so I could do my homework. 

I had my sleeping bag and a jug of water and that was all I really needed.  Every other day or so, I would go home to shower and grab clean clothes for school along with some food.  Mom always made sure there was extra food for me to take, sometimes hiding notes to point me towards a special treat and she always washed the clothes I would leave in my room.

Graduation night should have been a good night for everyone.  I knew my parents had no intention of showing up, so I wasn’t too worried about it and was more-or-less going through the motions until I could make my escape.  I already had my clothes packed, even though I had no clue where I would go or how I would survive. 

As I sat up on that stage with my fellow students, I knew exactly what was happening when I watched the two officers walk into the auditorium.  I watched as they whispered to the principal and I continued to stare as the principal approached, asking me to follow her down to where the officers waited.  I didn’t wait to hear what they had to say, taking off my cap and gown, I handed it to the principal as she gave me my diploma before I walked up the aisle with the two policemen. 

Never looking up at anyone, I listened to them explained how dad had been driving too fast and went off the road, hitting a tree.  Both of my parents were dead by the time the police had arrived on the scene.  Outside, I shook their hands before walking to my car and driving to the hospital to find out what needed to be done.  

Three days later, I was standing by the river that ran along the edge of our property with my parent’s ashes.  There hadn’t been any services, no fuss, no muss, it just was what it was and I opened dad’s urn, dumping his ashes into the water all at once, staring at them as they slowly began traveling with the flowing stream of water. 

I had every intention of putting mom in the river with dad, but something stopped me at the last minute.  Instead, I picked up dad’s urn, propelling it as far across the river as I could, watching it splash and sink.  Grabbing mom’s container, I walked over to the wild rose bushes she had always loved so much and sprinkled her around the base of them.  I have to admit, I almost cried that day, but tears weren’t as easy to come since dad had begun his toughening up program.

Two days later, I was cleaning out their bedroom when I found a note and the money.  While I read the letter mom had left me, I curled up on the bed and began to cry, hugging her pillow until sleep eventually overtook me. 

After sleeping for several hours, I woke up and read the note again.  The accident, according to mom, wasn’t an accident at all; it was her graduation gift to me.  She apologized for not being a better mother and standing up against dad for me, but she just didn’t feel as though she had the strength, so her only solution was to free me of them both, completely.  

She explained that with the million dollar settlement, I could have any life I chose and that I should make the best of it, always remembering how much she loved me and how sorry she was that she ever let things go as far as they had.  I folded her note, thinking back to the night I was tied to my bed, but I pushed it out of my mind just as quickly, not quite ready to go back there yet.  I tucked the note from mom into my pocket before finishing what I had begun.

I kept some of mom’s favorite things, setting them around the house, but most everything else went into the burn barrel, where I sat and watched as it was all reduced to nothing more than ashes.

Later, that same day, I drove the five miles into town, buying 20 large containers of coffee, several newspapers, a bag of cat litter and a large tote before driving home again.  Once the tote was cleaned out, all of the coffee containers were emptied into it before they were washed and dried.  Carefully, bundles of $50,000 at a time were wrapped in newspaper and plastic.  After adding some cat litter to the bottom of the containers, the money was put inside before being covered the rest of the way with more litter; the lids were then duct taped, put in small white garbage bags and taped again.

When I had finished getting most of the money taken care of, making sure to keep out some for me and the bank, the containers were put into a large garbage bag before I grabbed a shovel and began driving the atv around the property, burying each one at some of my favorite spots, hoping I would be able to remember where they were in the future.

Chapter 5

By the time I finished, it was after midnight and I immediately wrote a letter to Jacci, letting her know she needed to come see me when she was free so I could give her something. 

Her letter back to me was unguarded for the first time ever, as she was suddenly telling me about her sexual activities while being locked up.  Jacci went on and on in her letter about being transferred from the juvenile detention center after she turned 18 and even though she had done some things with girls in juvie, it was nothing compared to the fucking she got after going to the women’s prison. 

She said it was never anything forced on her though and she actually was getting along fairly well with her cellmate.  She thought she might even be falling for the girl, and the chick might be falling for her too.  It took them almost a week to get to know one another, but they had been eating each other out and she even got fisted one night.  I didn’t know for sure what that was, but I sure as hell was planning on finding out. 

The details of her exploits made me curious, to say the least and horny as hell to say the most as my hand found it’s way inside my shorts and I began frigging my clit with two fingers.  I didn’t wanna take too long since I still had work to do, but then it never seemed to need that much time to make me feel less tense.  I masturbated to that letter nightly for a while after the first time.

By the end of June, I had pretty much gotten used to having the entire place to myself.  For a change of scenery, I would drive around the city, parking at one of the boat landings around and look out over the lake for hours. 

It took my driving down a few roads to find the least populated one, but when I did, that was where I would sit on a rock ledge.  It spread calmness over me that I couldn’t remember ever feeling before and I would sit there until I felt every muscle in my body relax.

Chapter 6

Everything in my life took a new path on the first of July that year.  I was working on a motorcycle I had picked up, thinking I might even get my license and keep the thing.  It wasn’t a Harley or anything, but it was a nice little Suzuki GT380 and it had some good heft to it, besides that, I didn’t really need to sell things to survive anymore; so, anyway, as I was working in the yard in shorts and a cutoff tee-shirt, the dogs tore off like someone had snapped them in the asses so naturally I had to follow and see what all the fuss was.

Just as I rounded the corner, I noticed a flash of long reddish-orange hair attached to a body as it ran into the river with 3 dogs, close to her heels.  Giving a quick whistle, they ran over to me as she turned and gave me a look.  From a distance, she looked like Sheri Golden, a girl I graduated with and one of the girls I use to hang out with before my dad’s accident.  As I got closer to her, I noticed that it was Sheri, but why she was in my yard was a little curious.

?When in the hell did you get dogs?!?  Sheri shouted as I laughed.

?A long time ago,? I stated, my smile suddenly gone.  ?What’re you doing here anyway??

?I was driving by and my car stopped out by the end of your road.?

?So, did you wanna call someone then or what??

?Well, I know you use to help? I just thought you could look at it for me.?

I stood, staring at her for a few moments, gradually taking notice of her for the first time.  She had actually grown up quite nicely.  It amazed me at how red her hair looked when it was wet and how it had been wavy, but suddenly it began to curl.  I tilted my head slightly, still staring at her as she began to blush. 

Her blue-grey eyes were darting slightly as the few freckles around her nose stood out even more when her face reddened.  Her lips looked rather pouty as she stared at me, but it suddenly occurred to me that they looked kissable too. 

Her breasts were out of the water by that time and by the looks of it, she had to be right around the same bra size I was which would make her a 34 C, possibly even a 36, nice. 

I looked into her eyes again as she began walking out of the water towards me.  I was still staring at her and I was pretty sure I must have been a sorry sight to her.  I could tell just by looking down my arms that I was a greasy mess, but then I remembered that I wasn’t trying to impress anyone, especially not her.

?Stop tilting your head like that, you look like the dogs,? she stated, walking on shore.

I looked down at the dogs noticing she was absolutely right, they were all looking at her with tilted heads and it made me giggle.  It felt pretty good to actually have something to laugh about as Sheri smiled at me until I looked at her again.

?You want a towel??

?That’d be nice.?

Nodding my head, I went into the house, bringing her back a bath towel, trying not to touch it too much so she wouldn’t be wiping grease all over herself.  As she began drying off, she continued glancing at me.

?So how’ve you been Luce??



?Call me Lu, that’s what I go by now.?

?I don’t think so, I like Luce.?

?Luce went away a long time ago.  Get in the car and I’ll fix yours.  I just gotta drive down and get my tools.?

We didn’t talk again until I told her to get into her car and pop the hood.  I scanned it for a second and wondered what the game was after noticing the battery cable had been taken off.  Grabbing a wrench, I walked over tightening the cable back down before telling her to start it up.  When it fired up, I slammed the hood down, waving her away before driving back to the house, not even bothering to say anything else to her.  As I slammed to a stop in front of the house, Sheri pulled in right next to me, jumping out of the car and stomping around it to talk face to face.

?What the fuck happened t’you Luce??

?You don’t wanna know, so just go back to where you came from!?  I shouted, grabbing the tool box before heading back towards the motorcycle.

?Stop walking away from me and tell me what happened!?

?Fuck!  You wanna know what fuckin’ happened?!?  I shouted.

?What?  Tell me.?

?I’ll do better than that.?

I stated, pulling my shirt off over my head as I turned around, hearing her gasp as she saw my back.  Putting my shirt back on, I turned around, lifting the legs of my shorts to expose those scars and I could see the tears pooling in her eyes as I turned away from her again.

?Go home Sheri, I don’t want you here,? I instructed, walking away from her.

I went back to work on the bike until the dogs began barking and pulling at my shorts, letting me know it was time for them to eat.  Smiling at them, I began putting the tools away in one of the cars and locking it before we walked back to the house.  I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed Sheri’s car was still parked in front of the house.  After scanning the yard and not seeing her, I picked up my pace until I walked into the kitchen.

?What d’you think you’re doing??  I asked calmly.

?I made you dinner and I have a bubble bath set up for you, so go scrub up before you come eat.?

?What didn’t you understand when I told you to leave??

?That part.?


?The part about leaving and not wanting me here.  This is where I wanna be right now and I’m staying for a while, so go take your bath now.?

Short of physically throwing her out the door, all I could do was kick off my shoes and make my way upstairs, muttering dirty words all the way to the bathroom so I could get cleaned up.  I had to admit that the bubble bath was feeling pretty good right then; it felt nice to lay and soak.  When the bathroom door opened, all I did was look up at Sheri, giving her a small smile and nod as she hung my robe on the back of the bathroom door.

?Did I put a washcloth in there??  She asked.

As I leaned forward to feel around the tub, I heard her whimper a little when she must have seen the scars across the tops of my breasts, but I ignored her, lifting the washcloth in the air as I leaned back into the bubbles again.

?Just take your time, I made stew and I’ll make sure it doesn’t burn,? she stated before leaving.

?Oh shit!?  I shouted, standing up.

?What?!?  She shouted, rushing back in the room.

?Aren’t the dogs bugging you down there??

?No, they’re pretty smart, the white one pulled me to the dishes and I remembered seeing the dog food when I was looking for the onions, so I fed ‘em.?

?Oh.  Yeah, they’re all pretty smart, but Dakota takes over most of the time.  Thanks,? I said, sitting down again.  ?Listen, you really don’t need to keep anything warm, I can always heat it up when I’m done here.?

?Don’t worry about me, just take your bath and come down when you’re ready.?

Actually that was one of the longest baths I had ever taken, not getting out until the water was beginning to get too cold.  I was wrinkled, but clean as I wrapped the towel around my head before dying myself off.  After putting on the robe, I looked at myself in the mirror.  I wasn’t too bad looking as far as it all went.  I had a normal sized nose, teeth were straight and my lips weren’t too big or too thin.  I had blue eyes that went perfectly with my natural blonde hair.  Nope, not too bad at all, even if I did say so myself.  I ran the flat, paddle brush through my hair, wondering if maybe I should actually cut it off someday soon.

Walking downstairs, I found Sheri in the kitchen stirring the stew while the dogs sat staring at her.

?Smells good.?

?It is good, now sit down and I’ll bring you some.?

Noticing there was already a glass of milk at two spots on the table, I sat at the closest to me, waiting until the stew was put in its spot.  I was about to head for the catsup, when Sheri walked to the fridge, grabbing it out and bringing it back to set in front of me.

?I remember the only way you can eat stew is with ketchup.?

?Why would you even remember that??  I asked.

?I don’t know.?

?Why’re you really here Sheri??

?I wanted to stop in and see how you were doing? I guess I was worried about you out here alone.?

?No need to be, I’ve been alone for quite a while now and been doin’ fine.?

?I didn’t know??

?Nobody wanted to know.?

?That’s not fair, I tried talking to you when you came back to school, but you’re the one that shut us all out.?

?None of you would’ve been able to handle it and you know it,? I said, still remaining calm.

?Listen, I know we were dumb-ass kids, but so were you.  All of us handled things wrong, but that’s what kids do, you never even let us try,? she reminded me.

Staring over at her, I realized she was right about that, I didn’t give them a chance to be there for me; all I did was feel incredibly sorry for myself and keep most of it inside where nobody would have to see it.  Grabbing the Catsup and smothering the stew with it, I gradually leaned back in my chair, shrugging my shoulders.

?You’re right,? I agreed.


?I said you’re right, I guess I really didn’t deal with any of it very well.  I didn’t think anyone could possibly understand what happened and how much everything changed, so I kept it all to myself.?

?You could tell me now,? she offered.

?Naw, you saw more than enough, don’t need to be hearin’ about it too, besides, we don’t really know each other that well anymore.  Hell, we didn’t even know each other that well then.  You and I were never that close.?

?Maybe we could be.?


?I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately,? she said, blushing like hell.


?I don’t know, just have.?

?This stew’s really good,? I said, taking a bite.

?That’s all you’re gonna say??

?You just said you didn’t know why so I didn’t think there was anything else ‘to’ say.  Did you want me ta grill ya??

?No. You wouldn’t mind me hanging around??

?Don’t know why you’d wanna be wasting your time that way, it’s not like I talk all that much and I’m pretty busy right now.?

?Maybe you could show me what you’re doin’ back there??

?Could, can’t imagine it’d be that interesting though.  Puttin’ a bike together is all,? I explained, shoveling more stew into my mouth before guzzling my milk.

?A bicycle??  She asked, getting me another glass of milk.

?No, a motorcycle,? I said, finishing my stew.

?Could I maybe watch you??

?I don’t know why you’d wanna, but whatever floats your boat.?

?Haven’t heard anyone say that in forever,? she smiled.

?Shouldn’t you be going home or something??  I asked, slightly irritated as I took my bowl to the sink.

?I should put the food away.?

?I don’t do leftovers.?

?I thought you said you liked it??

?I did, I just don’t eat the same food two days in a row anymore is all.?

?We could freeze the rest,? she suggested.

?It’s up to you if ya wanna work that hard.  I’m gonna get dressed,? 

?Dressed?  It’s almost 11 already.?

?I like gettin’ in a little fishing before bed and then I throw ‘em in the live-well and fillet ‘em in the morning.?

?Sounds nice, want some company??

?Bugs get pretty bad, but it’s up t’you.?

?Don’t you have spray??

?Naw, they don’t really bother me anymore.?

?Don’t they bite you??

?Yeah, I just don’t really feel it anymore, so you still wanna come along or not??

?Yeah, for a bit maybe.?

?Suit yourself, but just remember that fishing isn’t a conversation sport.?

In the end, I wound up fishing alone after only 10 minutes because of the bugs.  Sheri left with the promise of breakfast in the morning, but we never really discussed what each of us considered to be morning.

Chapter 7

I never could sleep long, so after getting to bed around two a.m., I was up, dressed and pacing by six.  By seven, I made breakfast for myself, fed the dogs and filleted the fish, putting them to soak in a bowl of saltwater in the fridge before going back to work on the bike. 

By the position of the sun, it had to be close to noon when the dogs took off like a bat-outta-hell again.  Looking up, I noticed Sheri inching her way in the car towards me, trying not to kill any of the dogs.  Giving a sharp whistle, the boys ran to me so she could make it the rest of the way unhindered.  Sheri got out of her car with a couple of bags and glasses from the fast food joint in town.

?I know I missed breakfast, so I thought I’d bring lunch.  You up for the cheeseburger special and some fries??

?I guess I could use a break,? I said, taking the drink and burger she handed me.

Walking over to a pickup truck, I popped down the tailgate, cleaning off a spot for her to sit on as I plopped my ass onto the dirty side.

?I didn’t know for sure what you’d like to drink, but I remembered you always liked iced tea.?

?Good memory,? I smiled.

?Did you fish long last night??  She asked.

?Got to bed around two I guess.?

?What time d’you get up after staying up that late??

?Never sleep past five, but I’m not sure why.?

?Good lord woman!  How d’you do it??

?Guess I was trained that way,? I laughed.  ?That was good, thanks.?

?Didn’t you want any fries??

?Naw, the burger was enough, but thanks.?

?Did I say something wrong??

?No, you’re fine, I just don’t know why you’re here or what you want from me and I don’t do games,? I said, heading back to work.

I began slamming tools around and I thought I heard her say something, but she was talking so low that I wasn’t sure I heard her right.  It was enough to make me put down my tools and turn around before moving closer to her.

?What’d you just say??  I asked, glaring at her.

?What d’you think I said??  She returned, looking frightened.

?Something incredibly stupid.?


?It just is.  What’s the joke??

?Why does it have to be a joke??  She asked, blushing.

?Because we don’t even know each other anymore.  I’m not that stupid fluffy girl you knew before.?

?But what if I said that I can’t help how I feel, how I’ve always felt??

?I’d say you were insane and I don’t want anything to do with you anyway, so buzz off,? I spouted, turning around to work again.

?You said I could watch you fix the motorcycle,? she reminded me.

?Fine, but you start talking stupid again and I’ll sick the dogs on you,? I threatened.

?Well, I don’t think it’s stupid, but I won’t say it again if you don’t want me to.?

?Sheri, there’s absolutely no way you could think you love me,? I spouted turning around.  ?You don’t even know me.?

?What if I’ve been thinking about you since that night at the theater??

?That’s just pity.?

?No, I mean before your mom showed up.  All I could think about all that day was maybe getting you alone after we came back here and getting you to kiss me,? she confessed.

I had absolutely nothing to say to her and I had no clue where to even go with that type of confession, so I went back to work, totally ignoring the girl.  I must’ve worked for almost three hours without Sheri saying a word to me or me to her and I must admit I was feeling a little bad about it, but I still didn’t know what to say.

At some point, the dogs began pulling at my clothes, reminding me it was time to feed them, so I started putting my tools away while Sheri sat with her knees up to her chin, batting at the mosquitoes as they tried eating her alive.  I had attempted to walk right past her and she still hadn’t moved, but she was beginning to look as though she might cry, so I stopped walking, reaching my hand down to her.

?You wanna stay and have some fish with me?? 


?Yeah, really, but just dinner and then I want you to leave.?

?If you really want me to, I guess I’ll have to.?

?Bout time,? I muttered, walking with the dogs.

?You could ride with me!?  She shouted.

?Naw, I’m good.?

Then she did something I wouldn’t have believed.  She let out a whistle, making me stop as I turned to see all three dogs running back to Sheri and jumping inside her car.  I couldn’t believe how easy they were to win over, even after I whistled for them to come back.  They sat in her car with their tongues hanging out and all I could do was turn around and continue walking.  As they rode past me, the only one to even look at me was Sheri and I noticed she was saying something, but obviously it wasn’t anything for my ears.

By the time I reached the house, the dogs were already eating their dinner, but Sheri wasn’t anywhere to be seen and suddenly I could hear tub water running.  I shook my head, looking at the dogs as they scarfed down their food.

?Traitors, don’t think I won’t remember this,? I warned them as they ignored me.

?Oh leave ‘em alone, at least somebody here likes me,? Sheri scolded as she reentered the kitchen.

?I never said I didn’t like you.?

?Didn’t have to, I can sense these things.?

?Sure don’t seem to know what the proper response is,? I announced, heading for the upstairs bathroom.

?Keep it up and one of these times I’ll take you serious,? she threatened and I actually laughed.

Chapter 8

As I walked downstairs, it seemed incredibly quiet, not even the dogs were there.  I walked out the front door, noticing the dogs had completely vanished.  I gave them a whistle, but they weren’t coming and Sheri’s car was gone.  I actually began to worry that she had some horrible plan in the works all along and had taken the dogs away so they wouldn’t be able to protect me from the thugs she had hired to hurt me.  I knew it was ridiculous and most likely my father was invading my mind, especially since she had locked the door when she left, but it still made me relock the door when I went back inside to start frying fish and potatoes.

The food was almost ready when Sheri’s car came to a stop in front of the house and I ran over to unlock the door, making it back to the stove before the four of them walked inside the house.  I barely gave any of them a notice as I began grabbing plates and silverware, taking it all to the table and setting it.

?I noticed you didn’t have any beans, so I went and picked some up.?

?Gone a long time for just beans.?

?Well I ran home so I could pick up some things to go fishing with you tonight.?

?Things like what??

?Some long clothes, a pole and some bug spray.?

?Nobody cares where you are??

?I’m gonna be 19; I can be where I wanna be.?

?Bet your folks would have something to say about that,? I laughed.

?Mom doesn’t say too much of anything anymore since daddy ran off with that woman,? Sheri stated.

?You’re shittin’ me?!  Your dad?!  I find that hard to believe.?

?Yeah, so did we.  My Aunt Jean came and stayed with us for a while until mom could at least pretend to function in front of her.  As soon as she went back home, mom sorta gave up and just stays around home.  Half the time she doesn’t even bathe or get out of her nightgown anymore.?

?Gee, I’m really sorry to hear that Sheri.  When’d this all happen??

?Last summer.  Daddy just went to work one day and never came home again.?

?You know where he is??

?Yeah, somewhere in California.  He wanted me to come see him, but I don’t wanna see him with her, so I wouldn’t go.?

?Can’t say as I blame ya, but you’re gonna have to accept it at some point, aren’t ya??

?I don’t know, maybe.  Maybe someday you and I could take a trip there together.?

?Yeah, I doubt that,? I said, laughing.

?Maybe someday.?

?Let’s just get through dinner and fishing and see if we survive that first,? I suggested, not looking at her, but I could sense her smiling as I blushed.

Dinner went fairly well as I listened to her talk about her mom and dad and how her aunt wasn’t that big of a help, always making comments about if Mary had done this, that or the other thing, Allen might not have left her.  Sheri moved on to her cousin, Liz and how she continued dropping in, taking things from the house to sell for extra spending money.  It got so bad at one point that Sheri put everything worth anything into her bedroom and bought several deadbolts to put on her door. 

?Yeah, it’s pretty bad when you can’t even trust relatives,? I admitted.

?Not as bad as some things, but it got a little tense from time-to-time.?

?I s’pose,? I said, clearing off the dirty dishes.

?What time d’you wanna go fishing?

?Not for another hour or so.?

?What’ll we do until then??

?There’re some shows I wanna watch first.?


Sheri seemed pretty excited as I watched her move to the sofa, getting comfortable in the middle while I began washing the dinner dishes.  It didn’t take very long before she was beside me, rinsing what I had just washed.

?I forgot,? she stated, a blush traveling across her face.

?No big deal, there aren’t that many, I just don’t like when they get all smelly from sitting.?

?I don’t either, but I really did just forget and by the way, dinner was wonderful.  I don’t normally like fish, but it didn’t taste fishy.?

?Yeah, it’s all in how you fillet ‘em.  If you leave even the littlest bit of fat or skin, it makes the whole fillet taste fishy, at least on Walleye.?

?That’s interesting.?

?Not really, but it’s one of the many useless pieces of information I have floating around in my head,? I confessed.

Once the dishes were finished, we headed into the living room, Sheri taking her spot back on the couch and staring at me as I sat on the loveseat instead of next to her.  I hit the button to turn on the television, flipping through the channels on the remote to find the right one and sat back, putting my feet up on the coffee table.

?Why don’t you sit over here??

?I don’t sit on the couch, ever.?

?Why??  Sheri asked, jumping up quickly.  ?Something gross on it or something??

?No, it was just dad’s couch, so I don’t sit on it.?

?So why don’t you get rid of it??

?Because? I don’t know, I guess I should.  I’ve actually been thinking of remodeling the entire house, make it seem more like mine, but I just haven’t had the time yet.?

?Well I could help you!?

?I’m not really sure when I’ll have the time,? I confessed.

?You could always tell me what you want done and I could do it while you’re doing what you need to do with your outside stuff,? Sheri offered.

?You’re serious, aren’t you??

Chapter 9

And that was where it all began that summer and when I discovered exactly how serious Sheri was about her intentions.  The very first thing she had to do when we were finished fishing, was decide it was too late to drive home.  I told her several times that she should go so her mother wouldn’t worry about her, but she wasn’t going for it. 

I decided that the best way to get her to stop hanging around would be to let her see exactly what kind of a freak I really was, so after getting the dogs inside, locking the doors and shutting off the lights, she followed me upstairs.

Walking into my bedroom, I handed her a nightshirt as I grabbed one for myself and told her she could change in the bathroom, but we wound up changing in the same room.  I couldn’t help but notice how hard her nipples looked when she was pulling the shirt over her head.  I darted my eyes as quickly as I could, but I think she knew I was looking.  A confused look spread across her face when I told her she could sleep in the bed if she wanted before I walked out of the room.  As I walked out of the bedroom and into the spare room, she was directly behind me.  Her eyes scanned the sleeping bag and pillow on the floor.

?You don’t sleep in a bed??


?Mind if I ask why??

?Right now, yes.?

?Have any spare blankets??

?In that closet,? I said, pointing.

I stood back, watching as Sheri completely unzipped my sleeping bag before spreading it open on the floor.  From the closet she pulled out a sheet and a comforter, spreading them both over the sleeping bag.  She seemed to consider grabbing an extra pillow, but wound up closing the door instead and then she went to the new bed, crawling under the sheet before folding it down beside her.

?There, a bed,? Sheri announced.

?Why don’t you just sleep in a bed??

?For whatever reason you won’t.?

?I seriously doubt that,? I stated, sarcastically, flipping off the light before getting into her makeshift bed.

?Well, I don’t know for sure since you won’t tell me.?

?Yeah, that’s right.  Either deal with it or leave,? I said, punching my pillow before turning my back to her.

?Can I share your pillow??

?Why didn’t you grab one??

?Because I wanted to share yours.?


I moved to the edge of the pillow, immediately tensing up as she slid against my back, her nipples pushing into me.  I was trying to remain cool as she draped her arm over my waist and rubbed her thumb against my stomach. 

I don’t know exactly when I fell asleep, but at some point I must’ve relaxed enough to doze off.  Bear woke me up by running his tongue across my face and as my eyes opened, I was on my back with Sheri’s head on my chest, her arm still around my waist.  She looked so sweet lying there and I actually felt like kissing her, but the dogs were practically crossing their legs, so as delicately as I could, I slipped out from under her, heading to the bathroom before letting my boys outside.

By the time Sheri woke up, my morning chores were finished and I had been working on the motorcycle for about an hour.  When the dogs left my side, I knew she was headed for me and I slowly turned to see her walking with two cups of coffee.

?Good afternoon,? I smiled.

?Oh it is not! It’s only around nine,? she protested.

?Did you have some breakfast??

?I kinda figured that’s why you left the bowl and the cereals on the counter.?

?Better not try getting’ anything past you I guess,? I mumbled, turning around.

?Keep it up and I won’t give you this coffee.?

?I don’t drink coffee.?

?Then why d’you have so much of it??

?For company.?

?Get a lot of company do ya??

?Maybe, maybe not,? I replied, stripping a bolt after twisting too hard on the ratchet.  ?Motherfucker!  Bitch!  Son-of-a-whore!?

?I’m sorry!? She shouted, dropping both mugs as I threw the ratchet after standing up.

I turned as soon as I heard the mugs shatter, to see Sheri standing with tears in her eyes.  I began moving towards her as she took a step away from me.

?I wasn’t shouting at you,? I stated before moving the rest of the way to hug her.  ?I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to scare you.?

Her arms wrapped around my waist as I stood there holding her.  I could feel her shaking as I continued telling her I was sorry.  We must’ve stayed in that spot for almost 15 minutes before she stopped shaking.

?You okay now??  I asked.  ?I really am sorry; I just didn’t think it’d strip that easily.?

?I don’t even know what you’re talking about,? she whimpered.

?I can’t just fix that??  I began, thinking of how to explain it so she would understand.  ?It’s a piece that fits through another matching piece, so I’ll have to take it apart again and start from scratch.  I don’t know how else to explain it.?

?I can understand that, is it a hard piece to get??

?I don’t know, probably get it from the dealer in Duluth,? I considered.

?Really? That’s good though; we should take a ride down there anyway and get some things for remodeling the inside of the house.?

?You were serious??

?Well, yeah.  Maybe we should go for a ride today,? she suggested.  ?We should go back to the house and decide what we’re gonna need.?

?How the hell should I know?!?  I snapped.

?You’re kinda moody,? she remarked, stepping away from me.  ?Sorry about the mugs.?

?No biggie, I’ve been thinking about new dishes anyway,? I said, putting the tools away.

?Wish we had a pickup.?

By the time I had finished putting the tools away, Sheri was gone, so I made my way back to the house, immediately going to shower and put on clean clothes.  When I went back downstairs, she was in a cute little sundress with little green flowers all over it, making her reddish-orange hair look even more-so.  I smiled at her as I walked by, grabbing a set of keys off the hook before walking out the door. 

A little beyond the junkyard was the big garage and that was where I headed, unlocking the big door and backing out the Chevy Silverado before locking the garage again. 

As I drove it up to the house, Sheri walked out with the dogs following her.  All three of them seemed to have forgotten about me in a very short time, bastards.  I inhaled deeply before hopping out, loving the new car smell and actually looking forward to being able to drive it somewhere further than around the yard.

?This is beautiful,? Sheri said dreamily.

?Yeah, I always wanted a nice pickup, so I ordered it after graduation,? I explained.

?I love how black and shiny it is.?

?I’ve got some discs in the house; I’ll grab ‘em for the trip.?

?It’s got a cd player??

?Yeah, I like music,? I said simply, disappearing into the house.

Sheri was in love with the big diesel by the time the two hour drive was completed.  She had wanted to bring the dogs along, but I needed to put my foot down on that one.  There was no way I was letting them get fur all over inside the pickup. 

After getting the part for the bike that I needed, along with a few things I didn’t need, we went shopping at the home supply store.  We wound up taking a lot of it with us, paneling, flooring and such, but the furniture along with a few other things would be delivered within the following week.  Sheri thought that would give us time to move the furniture into the old bar by the main highway so we could sell it or store it.  She would leave it up to me, how big of her, was all that was going through my mind. 

I couldn’t believe how she had decided she wanted me and basically took over all of my decisions for me, but the fact that I was letting her was an even bigger surprise. 

Chapter 10

By the end of the following week, several things had happened; the furniture delivery had been delayed for at least another week or two, plus I seemed to have a new constant companion and bedmate as well as a new boss. 

It was about then she began showing me tattoos on the internet, asking me if I ever thought of maybe getting some to cover the scars.  I walked away from her, but once she fell asleep, I got out of bed, going to the website and actually began looking at some of the work on people’s bodies.  By the time she woke up the following morning, I was willing to sit down and discuss it with her.

I explained a few I thought of overnight, starting with a four-headed dragon covering my back with a neck and head traveling down my arms and two heads over my shoulders, ending up on top of my breasts.  I thought maybe a black panther with its ass-end up the front of one thigh and it’s front-end down the other.  For the scars on my wrists, I suggested bloody thorns traveling in a full circle. 

She thought it sounded so incredible that she moved quickly to my lap, hugging me before giving me a kiss that almost made my toes curl and definitely made my pussy twitch.  It was a closed mouth kiss, but as she leaned back, seemingly surprised by her own actions I leaned into her, brushing my lips lightly against hers.  As I brushed my tongue against her lips, they parted slightly, allowing me entrance as our tongues gradually began dancing around one another.  The kissing began getting intense until she slid her hand into my shirt, forcing me to grab her hand and stop her.

?What’re you doing?  I want you,? she muttered breathlessly.

?I want you too, but not until my scars are covered.?

?But I’ve already seen your scars and I don’t care.?

?It’s one thing to see ‘em, it’s another to put your hands all over ‘em.  I could try stuff, with you I mean, but I don’t want you having to touch me yet.?

Sheri got off my lap immediately, making her way over to the computer while I followed her movements with my eyes.  Before I knew what was happening, she was on the phone speaking with someone about the tattoos I had explained.  She was on the phone for almost 30 minutes before hanging up and informing me that she had made arrangements for me to sit through at least 3 sessions to get all of the body designs I wanted and the first one would be in a few days. 

The way Sheri finally explained it to me, she had waited over four years for me and another couple of weeks wouldn’t be that big of a deal as long as she could still kiss me.  I smiled, agreeing to her terms, not knowing I would be spending a lot of time in the lake or under a cold shower.

The night before my first session, rather than going fishing we wound up watching television after doing some work on one of the two bedrooms.  I had to admit that what Sheri had been accomplishing without any help was pretty nice.  She had painted most of the ceilings and trim throughout the house without a single mishap.  All of the carpeting had been completely removed, some of it being placed strategically around the yard for the dogs since they didn’t seem to mind it being wet at all, as long as it was soft.

We had showered and gotten settled in our bed, as it was coming to be called, when Sheri slid her body on top of mine, giving me some of the deepest kisses yet.  The more we kissed, the more she began wriggling around on top of me, creating some intense heat as our pussies connected through our thongs. 

I thought about tossing her off of me, but it was only a fleeting thought as I reached around, grasping hold of her ass cheeks, creating a tighter bond.  I could feel her smile into my lips as she continued on with her grinding before I added a few moves of my own.

When oxygen became an issue, we began mostly moaning and panting into one another’s mouths.  Removing one hand from her ass, I slid it under her nightshirt, grasping hold of her tit and squeezing as I felt the rock solid nipple in the middle of my palm.  Moving my hand, I gave it a pinch, causing her to literally screech into my open mouth.

?Oh fuck, oh fuckin’ fuck, fuck yes, oh fuck yes, oooh, fffuu, yyyeeeessss,? Sheri hissed as our bodies stiffened together.

The only thing managing to leave my mouth was a throaty, squeal, leaving the dogs tilting their heads as they watched Sheri and me from their spot in the corner of the room.

Sheri let her head fall beside mine as we both attempted to breathe normally again.  I glanced at the dogs and began laughing at their faces until Sheri gave me a light tap on the arm, telling me I was shaking her too much and should stop laughing.  I asked her to look at the dogs and it didn’t take her very long to be laughing along with me.

?I think they need their own room,? Sheri suggested.

?Especially when we get to the part where we’re all naked and everything,? I agreed.

?You have no idea how happy you’ve just made me by saying that.?

?Yeah, well that sneaky little thing you just did is making me feel a little more flexible.?

?How flexible??  She asked in a way that let me know what she was thinking.

?Not that flexible.  You’re still not touching me until after the tattoos,? I announced, shaking my head.

?You’re kinda pigheaded sometimes,? Sheri stated with a frown.

?Now if that ain’t the pot calling the kettle black, I don’t know what is,? I laughed.

?Why?  What d’you mean??  Sheri asked me, innocently.

?Well, the first day you came here, I told you to leave and several days after that and look at where you are now.?

?That’s only because I was reflecting off your stubbornness,? she stated smugly.

?You’re so full of it,? I claimed, flipping her over so I could tickle her.

No sooner had I begun to tickle her ribs, when the dogs were suddenly on top of me.  Jake and Bear had each clamped their jaws onto an arm while Dakota put his mouth lightly around my ankle.  I’m sure it was a warning, but I was actually afraid he might bite down, so calmly I instructed Sheri to move away from me so they’d let me go.  As soon as she managed to get out from under me, the boys turned me loose and I promptly locked them out of the bedroom, walking back to Sheri with a look of confusion on my face.

?What in the hell’s up with that??

?We’ve been bonding.?

?Funny, I thought they were already bonded to me.?

?Maybe they were just protecting the weaker of us.?

?I don’t know, but I seriously think I need to trade ‘em in, I think they’re broken.?

?Don’t you dare, they’re doing fine!  Are you coming back to bed or what??

?Yeah, I’m just trying to think of the appropriate punishment.?

?And what’d you come up with??

?Well, remember where I was when they stopped me??

Sheri squealed and tried scrambling away from me, but she didn’t get very far before I was on top of her, tickling her again.  The fun didn’t last very long once the dogs could be heard on the outside of the door, trying to get in.  We decided it might be best to calm things down before they chewed through the door, so after getting comfortable, we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Chapter 11

Neither the tattooist nor Sheri could believe how well I handled what the guy was doing to me.  Boof, the artist working on my designs, continued asking me if it hurt, but I never felt a bit of pain through any of it.  The only way I could explain it to either of them was that I knew he was there, but it was more like a small annoyance, comparable to a sandfly buzzing in front of my face when I’m trying to mow.

Boof and Sheri spent almost an hour discussing the possibility of whatever caused the scars may have severed the nerve endings in those areas.  Eventually I tuned both of them out, almost falling asleep while the man continued pushing ink into my skin.  Once he saw how easy I was to work on, he decided to complete my desired artwork in only two sessions instead of three.  Boof wasn’t having much trouble going over my scars, so all three of us were pleased.

I know I didn’t mind hearing that and I was almost positive the dogs would be happy at not having to spend that extra day at a kennel.

Chapter 12

The following two weeks were filled with activity beginning almost immediately after getting home.  We had barely walked in the door as the phone rang and the carpet installer was letting me know he would be showing up first thing in the morning, so once the dogs were free to roam again, we finished moving the remainder of the furniture out to the bar by the highway.

?How come your parents never tried getting your grandparent’s bar up and running again??

?I don’t know.  I know mom suggested it a few times, but before the accident he always laughed it off and told her he was prone to dying of liver rot so he’d rather not.?

?What about after the accident??

?Yeah, well after the accident he wasn’t very interested in anything positive.?

I didn’t hang around for anymore questions, waiting for her in the old pickup and luckily she was okay with dropping the subject, allowing us to get back to the work at hand.  When we did managed to get the floors completely cleaned, we were both exhausted enough to sleep through the night.

Sheri had been supervising the carpet installation, leaving me the freedom to walk to the mailbox.  It made me chuckle when I opened Jacci’s letter to see one entire line of laughter.  It amused her to hear how Sheri had walked in and taken control of my life, but she was pretty happy for me too.  She said it was good that the redhead was so forward since she knew I’d never poke my head out of my shell long enough to be noticed. 

Jacci went on to talk about her girlfriend, Loretta and how they were definitely an item by then.  She was pretty excited that they seemed to be scheduled for release right around the same time, even though that was a few years away yet.  She went on and on about how in love they were and how great the sex was, making me smile as I walked into the house.

?Good letter??  Sheri asked.

?Very,? I smiled, walking over to put the letter with the rest.


?I don’t know, kinda I guess.?

?Can you at least tell me who it’s from??

?My cousin Jacci.?

?Oh, okay,? Sheri replied, going back to the carpet layer.

When I heard Sheri start asking the man questions, seemed like the perfect opportunity to head outside so I could give the dogs some well-needed attention.  The four of us thought a good game of fetch the stick was in order, me throwing it into the river while the three of them raced out to it.  They seemed pretty happy to be home again and secretly I was hoping they might connect it to being a little more on my side than Sheri’s, but I guessed time would tell.

I was about to walk out to do some work on the bike the following morning as the furniture delivery truck pulled into the driveway, making me whistle for the dogs, putting them back into the house and shouting up the stairs for Sheri to wake up.

All I could do was smile at the delivery men as they began unloading the furniture with Sheri giving detailed instructions where everything needed to go.  Jake, Bear and Dakota decided they needed another game of fetch and I had to agree with them, not going near the house until I saw the guys getting ready to leave.  I walked over to the two of them, giving each one a healthy tip, bringing smiles to their faces as they assured me it wasn’t any trouble. 

It only took my being in the house for five minutes to wish I had stayed outside as Sheri decided the furniture needed to be set up differently.  For the next hour we rearranged everything until I finally told her to decide because I was finished.  She stared at me for only a moment before agreeing once she saw I was serious.  When I started making us some lunch, I could still hear her going from room to room, changing things around.

During the tattoo healing, Sheri, my potential lover became Sheri, the mother, scolding me if I got too dirty, or if I was out in the sun too long without sun block or clothing to cover my skin.  She made sure I used the proper soap, washing my back for me whenever I showered.  Ironically she was loving and annoying all at the same time, but I pretty much stuck to grumbling under my breath and doing what she told me.

Chapter 13

We began planning sex about this time and it was then I mentioned the fisting that Jacci had told me about.  Sheri went to the computer, immediately looking up information and bringing the entire discussion to an end for the time-being, giving me the perfect excuse to get in some fishing.

One fish away from my limit and Sheri walked up, slipping her arms around my waist as she moved my hair so she could nibble on my earlobe.

?That feels nice.?

?Mmm, I’m glad.  We should probably tend to your virginity issue before we go into the fisting,? Sheri suggested.

?What issue?  I’m not a virgin.?

?You’re not, but who??

?Does it really matter??  I asked, stepping sideways to look her in the eyes.

?I don’t know there’s just so much I don’t know.?

?Are you??

?No, but you know I was dating all through school.?

?Why would I know that?  I already told you I was never that close t’you.?

?And it doesn’t matter to you??

?I thought we were okay with each other now, I didn’t know then mattered.  It didn’t seem to when I kept telling you to leave, but now suddenly it means something!?  I’ll admit she was starting to irritate me a little around that time.

?I just thought? it wasn’t your dad, was it??  She asked, suddenly looking as though she might be ill.

?I think you should leave now.  Thanks for all your help with everything, but this conversation isn’t happening now, so go home to your mother,? I blurted out, tossing my pole to the ground before going into the house.

I didn’t move from the sofa for two days, other than to go to the bathroom and feed the dogs.  I was flipping through channels when I heard the car drive into the yard and the dogs began going crazy.  I was still flipping through channels when I heard knocking at the door, choosing to ignore it.  Suddenly Sheri was standing in front of me as I worked the remote around her body.

?Those’re the same clothes you were wearing when I left.?

?Can’t slip anything past you, can I,? I stated sarcastically.

?I think that even when we’re older than 15, we still don’t always handle everything right, but neither of us have changed much,? she informed me.

?What’s that mean??

?I was almost ready to do what I did back then, give up and you’re still doing what you did back then, shutting me out.  How am I supposed to know if I can deal with whatever it is when I’m completely in the dark??

Fuck was she pissing me off at that very moment, but mostly because I knew she was right.  I hadn’t changed a bit and I was still afraid that she would leave again once she knew, but would I really be any worse off than when she left because I shut her out.

?What’re you thinking??

?I’m thinking about how sick I’m getting of you being right all the damned time,? I spouted, making her smile.

?So, what’re you gonna do about it??  Sheri asked, sitting beside me.

The only choice I had was to explain everything from the summer at the hospital and dad’s impotency to how he turned into the insane person mom and I had to try dealing with.  I moved on to tell her what happened with all of the beatings and hanging in the basement; how mom stopped defending me and then the one experience that I tried never to think about, pausing a little too long for Sheri’s liking.

?You know you can tell me anything,? she said with tears in her eyes.

?I try not thinking about this because it only happened once, but it was just so fucking much and it happened maybe two days before the leg burns.?

?Its okay baby, it’ll be okay if you talk about it,? Sheri assured me.

?Whenever dad had me do that stuff, I never fought him, so the night he tied me to my bed, I never put up a fuss of any sort, but I kinda started freaking out when he was trying to put the dog collars on my knees and he yelled for mom to come help him.?

?And she did?!?

?Yeah, I told you she stopped fighting with him about it after he hit her.  So when she came in the room, I could see she had been crying and I think that scared me more than anything, especially when she put the tape over my mouth and told me that if I just stayed calm, it’d be over before I knew it,? I laughed.  ?That’s when I stopped wiggling and let him tie my legs open and then he had her put a blindfold on me, so I don’t really know who it was, but the voice sounded familiar.  Mom rubbed my arm and whispered in my ear at the beginning, trying to get me to relax, but I kept trying to fight the ropes and scream and then I felt hands groping my tits and I guess he was trying to open me up or something because he was moving fingers around in my pussy and going on about how wet I was when all I wanted to do was kill the bastard.?

?Was your dad still there??

?Yeah, mom was saying something about him hoping this would make him be able to get hard again.  Like watching your daughter getting raped is some sort of a big turn on,? I snarled.

?I’m so sorry Luce, so very sorry,? Sheri sputtered, tears beginning to fall.

?Whoever he was told my dad I was wet enough and he just slammed his dick into me, going on and on about how fucking tight I was and it was so nice and inviting while I’m still screaming and crying and then I just stopped.  It was already too late, so I just stopped and let him and I didn’t fight even after mom left the room.  It never really hurt, just uncomfortable and I just decided that fighting wasn’t doing any good anyway since the only one getting hurt was me with rope burns, so I gave up and let him fuck me until dad told him it was no good.  Two days later he did the burns to my legs and then I was gone,? I finished explaining.

?I’m so sorry,? Sheri cried, taking me into her arms, but I wasn’t crying.

?It’s over with and no big deal anymore, but I just don’t feel like going back there,? I admitted.

?I can definitely understand that.?

?Funny thing is, he almost made me cum once, but then he kept changing his rhythm and that just wasn’t working for me.?

?You sound so cool about it,? she admitted, almost looking scared.

?Well there wasn’t any emotion involved, other than horniness on his part and seething hatred on mine, but I’m sure as fuck not gonna let it eat me alive,? I confessed before changing the subject.  ?So, you leaving again, or staying??

?Oh I’m definitely staying, if you’ll let me,? she said, almost looking afraid.

?Now you’re worried about whether I want you here or not??

?Silly, isn’t it??  She asked as I began to laugh with her joining in.

I was still laughing when I held my arms open to her, grabbing her tightly as she fell into them.  I actually felt the tears building as we began kissing, but the mood was soon broken.

?I want you so bad, but let’s get you in the shower,? Sheri suggested.

?You tryin’ to say something??

?Yeah, I’m trying to say you’re getting a little ripe,? she stated, making me laugh.

?Okay.  You coming with me??

?Hadn’t thought about being anywhere else,? Sheri confessed.

The only thing going through my mind was that I had to have her right then, not wanting to wait another minute as I stood up, still holding her tightly.  Sheri wrapped her legs around my waist as I carried her upstairs and into the bathroom, carefully setting her down on the edge of the sink. 

Slowly I unbuttoned her blouse, watching as her breathing began catching up to mine before leaning in to brush my lips against hers.

I know I haven’t kissed many people in my lifetime, but her lips were the sweetest ever and I knew in that moment, Sheri Golden would be the only woman I would ever love.  I could only hope she felt the same.

As I was trying to get her blouse off, Sheri was trying to get my tank-top over my head, but it was a little tight, so I wound up tearing it off myself, making her laugh as I threw it across the bathroom, hers following in its wake. 

We continued kissing, our bras being removed before shorts were being unsnapped and unzipped.  I stopped long enough to turn around and get the shower water adjusted, feeling her tugging my tight shorts from around my ass and almost knocking me down.

We were both laughing as we got into the shower, but as the water began running over our bodies, we returned to our lip-lock, changing humor into passion and need.  It was amazing as our nipples pressed one into the other, growing ever taut; I couldn’t seem to get close enough to her and I began pushing into the girl, until I felt her gasp as her back hit the wall of the shower.

I apologized before moving my mouth to take one of those beautiful tits in between my lips, swirling my tongue around it as I sucked.  My hand was suddenly moving around in that bush, I leaned back and look at it, smiling at the orange curls for a split second before sliding two fingers between her lips, alongside her clit, slipping them through her wetness until they entered her hole. 

As I started moving my mouth from nipple to nipple, my fingers began pumping in and out of her pussy as she whimpered into my hair.  With my thumb moving around her vulva, up and down, it was slipping around and over her clit, until she was a moaning mess begging me to fuck her.  At this I dropped to my knees, keeping one hand pumping her pussy and the other going from nipple to nipple as I clamped my mouth over her swollen, hard clitty. 

To further drive her crazy, I slowly increased the suction on her clit as I hooked my fingers inside her, rubbing what I thought should be her g-spot.  I sucked a little harder, pushing the tip of my tongue against her swollen button, flicking it until she literally screamed as she came so hard I was afraid she might actually pass out. 

Letting her cum as long as I dared, I stood to hold her in place as her knees began to buckle.  For several minutes, all Sheri could do was make guttural sounds until she was able to hold up her own weight again.

?I can’t believe what just happened,? she admitted.

?Me either, but man was that ever awesome.?

?How’d you know to do that??

?I started looking stuff up as soon as Jacci wrote to me.?

?Yeah, Jacci,? Sheri said weakly.

?You okay now so I can wash up??

?I think so, but I think I will just stand here for a minute.?

I smiled, leaning in to give her a quick kiss before getting under the water and washing as rapidly as I could, afraid we might run out of hot water. 

I had just finished scrubbing my pussy, almost getting myself off, but then Sheri pushed me face first into the corner.  Luckily I had managed to put my arms up before smashing my nose into the wall.  As I stood there, she began kissing my neck and sucking on my earlobe as both hands began rolling and stretching my nipples, making me gasp. 

This onslaught continued for minutes, seriously making me want to warn her about the water, but not being able to form words, at least not any that could make it through my lips.  I felt Sheri’s hand sliding down my stomach, stopping to swirl around and dip into my navel as I felt it shoot straight into my pussy. 

Moving on, she lightly grasped my twat, sliding her middle finger in between my drenched lips.  Her middle finger moved so slowly into and out of my vagina, up to my clit and then back to my hole.  It didn’t take long for me to begin thrusting into her finger, begging her to go faster, fuck me faster.  I could feel her tits pressing firmly into my back as she began lightly biting along my neck. 

Stepping to the side of me slightly, Sheri entered another finger into me while another one on her other hand began swirling around my sphincter, gradually entering before she began pumping it in and out of me as my moans and grunts were becoming loud echoes ricocheting around the bathroom. 

The woman began twisting me around, finally ordering me to move when I became firmly planted where I was.  Carefully, with her fingers still inside both holes, I turned so she could smile at my bald pussy before clamping her mouth against my clit, forcing me to have the best orgasm ever as I attempted to thrust my hips towards the front and back at the same time. 

Near the end of I don’t know how many orgasms I slammed my hands against the shower walls, letting the highest pitched squeal escape from my mouth.  I begged Sheri to stop, warning her I was about to collapse into a puddle and reluctantly she withdrew, standing up to kiss me again immediately before the water began cooling off.

Chapter 14

The very next morning, Sheri had pretty much moved in with me, picking up as many of her belongings from home as she could get into the pickup.  Yes, I let her drive the pickup, but don’t think I wasn’t a nervous wreck until she returned.  Naturally I wouldn’t admit to her I thought she might wreck it. 

That was where life started over for me and Sheri agreed that up until then, she had never had a better summer in her life.  We couldn’t keep our hands off one another after that night in the shower. 

Around the house, neither of us ever wore more than a tee-shirt, so naturally whenever she was cooking a meal, I would sneak up behind her, kissing her neck while slipping one hand under and up to her nipples as the other hand would glide through her pussy lips, which always seemed to overproduce her juices. 

My Sheri was always so horny that she would cum as soon as I decided to let her and the girl was so cooperative, spreading her legs as she would lean into me so I could have my way with her.  Normally I would get her so worked up that when she did eventually cum, there was so much power behind her thrusts that I actually thought she broke my wrist the first time.  It only took once for me to be prepared to move with her after that.

Sheri’s favorite time to sneak up on me was whenever I was bending over to do anything, especially cleaning the toilet bowl.  After the second time, I would just pretend to be getting ready to clean it, bending for the toilet brush, but keeping one hand on the tank. 

She would always slip her thumb directly inside my pussy before sliding it back again to massage my sphincter while three fingers worked their way inside my big hole.

Making me keep my hands on the tank, she would force my head as close to the toilet lid as possible before pumping her fingers in and out of me, pounding her pinky into my clit.  As soon as the orgasm would overtake me, her thumb would plant itself in my anus, causing my knees to buckle slightly before I would catch myself.

It was definitely the summer of sex and one I wouldn’t have missed for anything in the world.  It was almost the end of August as we were almost ready to cum in a 69 position.  Naturally I was on top since my legs were stronger and we were both sweating so badly that the bed was going to need changing before we actually tried sleeping in it. 

I was trying hard to mirror all of the moves I felt her making, but it felt as though she had more than the two hands.  I figured I was probably doing something right by the sounds she was making as we both clamped down on the other’s clitty.  My new thing was to nibble hers, forcing her to nibble mine, giving a whole new meaning to ‘curling my toes.’  I was positive I would never be able to move again after that amazing experience, but there was no way this wild redhead would allow that.  My overzealous lover informed me that there was a surprise in store for me that evening.

Once we both took some recovery time and grabbed some water to drink, Sheri forced me onto my back before sitting up high on my stomach and hanging those voluptuous breasts over my face.  Not needing to be told twice, I went to work on the two of them, pushing her nipples close enough together so I could get them both into my mouth at once.  I was nibbling and sucking for all my worth until they were suddenly pulled away from me, forcing me to whine. 

Sheri giggled as she kissed her way down my body, stopping to clean her own juices off my stomach along her way.  I don’t know about anyone else, but I thought it was one of the hottest fucking things I had ever seen.

By the time the love of my life spread my legs, I could feel my own juices dripping down the crack of my ass.  Suddenly her tongue was collecting everything from everywhere, including my insides.  Before long, she stopped working her tongue as much, only flicking it across my clit occasionally while moving her thumbs around my puss and it was amazing how good it felt.

I could feel her thumbs moving and stretching my insides, massaging the walls of my vagina and it felt magical as she continued to move them.  I could feel myself sweating as my face began to flush with color and all I could manage to do was close my eyes and focus on breathing. 

It wasn’t long before the thumbs were removed and two fingers began moving in and out of my hole.  She was twisting and turning those fingers until gradually a third and a fourth followed.  There was such an overwhelming sense of feeling happening that I can’t even explain what I felt when knuckles began entering my vagina.

It was intense, to say the least when I felt all of Sheri’s hand inside me and I grabbed the bed sheets at my side, stopping myself from trying to pull her hand out of me.  I definitely felt full inside, but when Sheri asked if it hurt, I could honestly say that I never felt a bit of pain.

The minute her hand began moving and stretching inside me, I felt as though I needed to push into it, forcing it to touch as many places as possible.  I’m not sure exactly what she was touching in me, but it was definitely feeling good enough to force several unintelligible mutterings from my mouth.

I couldn’t fight the smile on my face, even if I had tried and I’m not exactly positive where I was, but it definitely felt like heaven to me as I continued feeling knuckles roll around my inside walls.  I could feel my own orgasm building and somewhere in the distance I could hear more moaning, but wasn’t relating it to the fact that Sheri was masturbating furiously so we could cum together.

When my orgasm eventually hit, the only word that could possibly explain my emotion at the time would be euphoric, as my pussy attempted to swallow that beautiful redhead whole.  In that exact moment I had been transported to Shangri-la and everything was perfectly peaceful, except for the high-pitched squeaks escaping my mouth because of the multiple orgasms I was experiencing.

Somewhere in my fog, I could feel Sheri as she collapsed onto my body and slowly my surroundings began creeping back into my awareness as I began coming down from one of the most fantastic highs ever.

By the time Sheri managed to work her hand out of me, I definitely felt a little overworked in the pussy area, but it was a good hurt, so that was okay.  I’d even go so far as to say it was fan-fucking-tastic and that was exactly how I explained it to Sheri once I was able to speak coherently again.  With our sweat-soaked bodies sticking together, we both fell into a deep, relaxing sleep. 

When I finally woke up, I could hear the shower running and tried to focus on the clock, thinking the new alarm clock had already broken since it was telling me it was 10 o’clock in the morning.  As I began moving from the bed, I needed to move slowly since my crotch seemed to be a little sore.  Apparently some muscles I didn’t know existed had gotten a bit of a workout, making movement feel a little risky.

Sheri was getting out of the shower as I made my way to the toilet and she gave me one of the sweetest smiles I had ever seen.

?Good morning sleepyhead.?

?It really is after 10?? 

?It really is,? she assured me.

?Oh what you do to me,? I laughed.

?I see that,? she said, nodding towards me as I carefully lowered myself onto the toilet seat.  ?I was actually considering letting you do that to me, but not after looking at you.?

?I don’t care, it was definitely worth it.?

?Maybe, but I think we’ll save it for special occasions.?

?Everyday with you ‘is’ a special occasion,? I confided as she bent down to kiss me.

?That goes double for you love.?

I smiled up at that beautiful face before letting her help me up from the toilet seat that suddenly seemed too low.  Sheri adjusted the water for me, helping me get in and then she was off to make us some breakfast.

Chapter 15

Sitting at the table, I glanced out the window at the dogs fighting over a stick, before letting my eyes roam over Sheri’s body.  If my own body hadn’t been so stiff, I would have had my way with her again, but since it took most of my energy to sit down, it didn’t seem like a good idea.  Sheri looked over her shoulder at me, smiling as though she had read my thoughts.

?You gonna be okay??  She asked.

?Yep, just a little stiff right now.?

?I assumed that, since you’re not right behind me,? she laughed.

?Don’t be thinking I won’t make up for it later.?

?I’m counting on it.?

We were almost finished with breakfast when Sheri began looking nervously around the kitchen.  She was almost looking as though she was about to start crying.

?What’s up??

?We need to talk.?

?I kinda figured that by the look on your face.?

?You know I plan on going to college.?

?Yeah, I know you wanted to go to the community college and stay here.?

?Well, when dad called the other day, he was almost crying on the phone about how much he missed me??

?Guess he should’ve stuck around then.?

?Yeah, I said that too, but he said he won’t pay for my college unless??

?Unless what??  I asked, suddenly giving her my full attention.

?Unless I go out by him,? she finished, biting her bottom lip.


?Just, oh??

?I know you wanna go to college, but I could pay for it if you wanna go here,? I offered.

?I don’t think I should let you do that.?

?Because you’d really like to see your dad again,? I finished for her.

?Are you upset??

?I’d never stand in the way of what you wanted, but I would imagine I’m about as upset as you are about being apart.?

?You could come with me,? she suggested hopefully.

?I love you and I’d love to be with you, but I wouldn’t feel right out there.?

?I love you too,? Sheri said as though that was all she heard.

Smiling at her, I carefully made my way around the table, kneeling in front of her for a hug and a kiss.  We held one another tightly until the dogs began scratching at the door to get in.

?You know when you told me that you had already waited for me for over four years and another two weeks wouldn’t matter??  I asked.

?Yeah, I remember.?

?When exactly did you start having those feelings??

?I guess it was a few weeks before your 15th birthday.?

?Exactly what happened to make you want me to kiss you??

?Well, it’s actually kinda silly, but we were swimming that day in gym and I don’t even know why I noticed it, but all of the other girls had to use their fingers to pull their suits out of the crack of their asses, but when you got out of the water, you always flexed the muscles in your ass cheeks and it just made me so hot that I almost couldn’t stand it,? she explained.

?That was it, I flexed my ass??

?I guess.  All I know for sure was that after that I wanted to kiss you and touch your ass.?

?Now that you’ve gotten to, d’you still wanna??

?I could stand a lifetime of touching your ass.?

?Then as long as you remember that when all those tan, blonde bombshells start hitting on you, I won’t need to worry about you not coming back to me.?

?Silly girl, I’ve already got myself a tan, blonde bombshell and she’s quite the hottie.?

?I’m not really sure how you did it, but I love you Sheri Golden.?

?I’m not sure how I did it either, but I know I’m glad I did because I love you too Luce Yates.?

Sheri kissed me so much that morning that it felt as though my lips had been rubbed raw and when I watched her putting on lip balm later, it made me smile.

Two days later, Sheri and I were at the airport, kissing goodbye until they called her flight.  I was definitely going to miss her, but she promised to call every night, making sure I had a brand new cell phone so she could reach me no matter where I was.  She would be back home for holidays and the following summer would be ours again, so I worked up my best smile as I pushed her towards the plane, not shedding a tear until she was out of sight.

(To be Continued?)

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When I was in college, my Math teacher was one of the hottest little teases you could imagine. She was about 5’5″ with true black hair, well that we find out about later, nice tits and an ass that could stop the world. She had to be no more than 23. Her name was Ms. Megha Patel. Ms. Patel knew she was hot and did everything she could to drive all the horny 18 year old studs in her classes absolutely wild. She wore little skirts with thigh high stockings and those little black rimmed glasses...

2 years ago
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House Slut 36 48 Hours Rant Rave

She alighted from the car with Jackson’s assistance, endeavouring to keep her thighs together and microskirt down. There were a few people in line for the nightclub as well as a large group of smokers clustered in a fenced off area outside. A few heads turned to look at her in her outfit but despite her feeling exposed no one seemed to linger on her for too long and she realised that her outfit was not hugely out of place – though she imagined that most of the other women here were wearing...

3 years ago
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Rebecca and the Gardener

I arrived home from work at around the usual time, six thirty. The gardener’s pick up truck is parked on the driveway, meaning I had to park my Peugeot in the street. The noise coming from upstairs made it obvious that Rick our Aussie gardener was doing a spot of indoor gardening, planting his trowel in my mothers seed box! I slammed the front door as I went in, sidestepped a pair of dungarees on the floor, kicked one of a pair of boots in the doorway and shut myself in the kitchen. My mother...

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Serving Her

Serving Her ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Serving Her Our world has not always been kind to women and sadly much of it still is not.Though coveted for their beauty, intellect and insight they have often been relegated to be trophys of war, excuses for war and abandoned to rebuild society by their own hands. Civilization has progressed and, with that, the stature of women has progressed. Within my lifetime I have seen a growing awareness of the worth, the equality...

1 year ago
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RedtailChapter 1 The First Time

Why is it that everybody wants to know about your first time? What kind of voyeurs are we? Do we just want to compare to see that we weren’t the only ones who were somehow disappointed? Or to prove that our experiences were so far better than everyone else? Or to participate vicariously in something we lost long ago? The first time. The first time. Well, I was in Seattle for a conference on cattle-breeding. Why the hell they held a conference on cattle-breeding in Seattle is beyond me,...

3 years ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 6

A Change of Lifestyle Part 6 By Sandy Paris I would like to thank all of those who have read this story so far and I am pleased that many of you appear to have enjoyed it. Many thanks to those who have submitted reviews, most are complimentary, some are suggesting that the story head in a particular direction, others have criticisms' but they are constructive and so will be useful for me in the future. I have read many,...

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Your Night

move my mouth from your cock and slide my body up yours... I reach your neck and slide my tongue along it till I reach your tongue licking lightly along your ear I whisper... I say babe what do you want to do...and i wait for your tell me baby I will show you what I reach into the drawer of the night stand by the bed...and pull out a bandana...and tie it around my head making sure I can't see then lead me to a chair...sit me down and proceed to...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 5

" ... and as I have a very personal interest in this case," the radiant, red-haired queen announced, her voice echoing off the pristine stone walls with regal authority, "I must dismiss myself from this chair. Instead, the Golden Goddess will sit in judgment." Elaine stepped up; Queen and Justice exchanged a brief ceremonial kiss as Alana stepped down from the bench. Sibilius remained, however, so the Bard Geoffrey, who had also begun to rise, as he usually chaired with Elaine, quickly...

4 years ago
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Friday Night Poker

What he offered me was definitely not what I was expecting. "I'll give you half of Baileys college fund back free of charge buddy. All you gotta do is promise to keep playing poker until you win back everything or loose it all again. Think of it as another chance since we're such good buddies" "Thanks man, I can't tell you how awesome that is and you don't even want anything in..." "Actually I do, but it's really no big deal. Just, if you're daughters...

2 years ago
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Power Chapter Seventeen Second Semester

CHAPTER 17: SecondSemester Studying, practical exercises, oral exams and lab experiments. Oh, also some classes. Jay arrived on campus the day before classes started. He had signed up for a bunch of courses, most of which I did not understand. Theory II I got. Music History I got. Introduction to composition I didn’t get. He was also enrolled in HS 102, Introduction to Human Sexuality, but was in a different section. Second semester English and Intro to Anthropology rounded it out. He told...

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My wife Sarah and I had seemed to get more risqué with our sex life as we moved into our early 50’s. Sarah had hit the menopause a couple of years earlier and had put on weight going from a size 12 to a size 16, although on a plus note her magnificent breasts had swollen from a 38C to a 38D, but standing at 5 feet 8 inches and having a broad swimmers body she carried it well and with her long blonde hair and dazzling smile she still looked terrific.Sarah is rather a chatty girl, often...

4 years ago
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Jennie Teachers PetChapter 2 Mom Uh oh

(M/f F/f incest) (edited) Weeks had gone by from when Mike and Jennie had those amazing couple days together, and so far, they had stayed the course; they couldn’t see each other much since, well, she was his 16-year-old underage student, and he was her 32-year-old teacher. They texted (and sexted) quite a bit, especially now that Mike’s wife had left him. He was rattling around his empty house, fighting to keep from going after Jennie. Even the texts would drop away for days at a time when...

4 years ago
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Car Fun with Mike

Car meetingI was at home alone, My wife and k**s were all gone away for a few days visiting my wife's family, leaving me with time to myself. As is normal when I have time to myself I tend to relax and make the most of it and after I got up out of bed I headed straight to the kitchen. I was naked and my morning cock was swinging freely between my legs as I made breakfast and turned on my computer. I logged into my favorite gay dating site to see a message from BigMike25 in my inbox. I opened...

3 years ago
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Invisible EmpireChapter 4 2001 2008

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley develops his gifts further, and cements his relationships with his lovers. He also participates in a major agency operation that ends with mixed results. A talent named Phillipa is recruited but at a cost Stanley regards as...

2 years ago
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Thrilling Rape Fantasies Illustrated

THRILLING RAPE FANTASIES THE ADVENTURES OF ALISON By Teamster All contents copyright Ralph Reese 2004 and may not be used without permissionin writing from the author. COVER ART; A classy-looking young blonde cowers on her butt in a dirty alley surroundedby garbage cans, etc. A menacing shadow looms over her. Her skirt has riddenup over her thighs revealing the tops of her stockings and the vee of her satinypanties… DISCLAIMER; The following is a work of fiction, a fantasy. It neither is...

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Frankie by Callie Messenger The bottle had belonged to my great-great-grandfather. He had been an only slightly famous but very passionate archaeologist and Egyptologist. That was about all I knew about him, and what was written in the museum notes. But the museum was being shut down, and the small loan section that had belonged to Harold Arthur D'Arborfield Jenkinson was being returned to his family. That was me, Johnathan Francis Jenkinson. Frank to all that knew...

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I will never forget that tragic day, July 14th, 2002. That was the day I lost the love of my life in an automobile accident. My lovely wife, Caroline, was driving home from the grocery store when a drunk driver ran a stop sign, abruptly ending her life. I still haven't gotten over losing her. I can't imagine ever trying to replace her love with another woman, having only dated a few times over the past ten years since her death. Those few dates weren't even my idea, friends and co-workers were...

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The Wedding Game Sister

Hi friends, I am 24years average guy,5’8”ht and athletic build from a neat healthy background, i live in Rawalpindi and m doing Masters in engineering from a reputed Uni,Now coming to the story, Last year in July 2014 summers there was a wedding of relatives in our native village in Bahawalpur which is a small but well off city in south Punjab, all the relatives and cousins were gathered there and it were summers and weather was very hot + energy crisis added to it due to extra extra large...

3 years ago
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To Fuck a Cop part 2

I held my breath and waited for the assault as the assembled guys stood hushed and expectant, slowly wanking their hard pricks. I momentarily thought, god, what a fool, how did I ever get myself into this mess, just as I felt the monster nudge at the entrance to my arse. The driver moved to my head and held my shoulders against the force of the huge black prick which was slowly but surely forcing my already stretched sphincter muscles open.I hadn’t expected any pain after the fisting I had just...

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Star Wars

With the communications to the Senate blocked. Her council knew it was only moments away till the federations invasion was going to begin. The position of Queen had always used handmaidens as body doubles. To help the Queen from being captured or tortured. But this time, if the Trade Federation occupies the planet. It would only be a matter of time till Padme would crack and do anything to save her people. So it was decided, her captain, escorted her to a public hangar. Where there were several...

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Sid and Melissa

At eighteen, Melissa was hardly sexually experienced. This was a small college town in a state in which abortion was not legal. A girl of her age couldn’t just walk into the family doctor’s office and say, ‘Hey, I really want to fuck! Put me on birth control pills.’ When she started college in the fall in the big city, she was sure she’d be able to get on the pill. Her first, ‘lover’, if you could even call him that, had been an upper classman at the university in town. They’d really only had...

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Yes, this is a reposting. The old post didn't catalogue number of readers or comments. This is one of my favorites. Hope you enjoy and comment. -L***********************She introduced herself as Ms. Parks to the class, but I already knew her as Phyllis.  Phyllis lived with her parents who the summer before had moved into the apartment next door to my estranged father.  That was the very same summer in which my beloved mother favored my sister to travel around the country with her –my mother...

2 years ago
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Generic CHYOA Story

I open door, and see sexy girl. I fuck sexy girl with my 20 inch penis and she like it very much. Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very...

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Snap Shot pt 1

Introduction: Woman having an affair It was wrong, she knew it was even while she planned it. Married for over seven years Ritty had never been completely satisfied. It didnt help that Jake stayed out of town most of those years. His job made him travel constantly, leaving her home all alone night after night, week after week. She thought back to when she had started her new job. When she became good friends with her boss it helped take her mind off the long nights by herself. What had started...

2 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 2

Lady Rawlings looked down at the tableau of girls before her. Her maid lay naked on the floor her legs spread wide. Between them sat Veronica her hand laid on the back of the girls knee. Diane was sat to the side gently stroking the shoulders of the exhausted innocent. 'Help her on to the settee beside me. ' Lady Rawlings said softly to her daughter. The girls got up slowly, helping Wendy to the couch. 'Lay her head on my lap, that's the way.' Diane's mother said as they helped the...

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Georgia Part two

Georgia – Part Two By the time I got to the third floor, I was huffing and puffing. Lugging that tray pack sax/clarinet/flute case up six flights of stairs was no picnic. And, of course, I had packed an instrument stand and a bunch of tools in it, so it weighed about seventy five pounds. I’m getting too old for this shit, I thought to myself. I leaned against the wall in the landing, trying to get my breath, before opening the door, and venturing out to the hallway. I stood the case on it’s...

4 years ago
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Drama queen part three

Drama queen part 3The next day (Friday) I got up and dressed in clean lingerie and a mini skirt with top, I did my make up, I was getting better; especially after the tips Alice had given me. I took my dirty lingerie and loaded it into my washing machine. I did notice there were no male underwear, and did a smile to myself. I checked the skirts, top and dress I had worn and decided that they needed a wash too so they were set aside for the next load. I remembered I had some essays from Drama...

3 years ago
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iam a white sissy

I knew it was wrong yet i coudnt stop after trying it onceshe was out again dinning with some of her friendit took me only 10min to be back in my room putting a condom on my mom toya nice 7 inc realistick pink cockwith 10 vibration modei knew how wrong it was, yet coudnt stop wanting to feel it in me feeling so horny walking to my room my mom toy and one of her lacy panty in my handthe feeling of my mom smooth frilly panty only made me want to be sucking and fucking on her toy morestarting some...

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Slut Born to Tease part six

I’m driving back home after a raunchy night of outrageous fucking with a brand new lover. I met him last week whilst out lingerie shopping and was bold enough to get him to select a few outfits for me. We went into the nearest wine and destroyed a full bottle of Prosecco, where he played along with the charade of seducing me and arranged our evening of unfaithful sex. He’s married and arranged to fuck me in a friends flat where we’ve just exchanged copious amounts of bodily fluid. I turned up...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Melody Marks Prom Night Pussy Practice

Crystal eyed Melody Marks has that perfect girl next door look. But this lucky guy gets to live with her because he is her stepbrother! Today, he is getting ready for prom when his concerned stepsis wants to give him some pointers. She knows he is going to lose his virginity tonight, so she wants to make sure he provides the proper pleasure to make his girl cum. To give him some practice, she invites him to enter her sweet, teen pussy and try her on for size. He slides his tree trunk dick in...

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Wash Wear

Tonight was the night! Jim stood in front of the bathroom mirror making sure everything was perfect for his date this evening. He was feeling really good… and just a little bit nervous too. It had been 6 weeks since he had first laid eyes on her. He remembered it like it was just yesterday. He had been at work getting everything ready for the product photo shoot in the studio. He heard the studio door open behind him and then his boss’ voice as she gave the usual tour-guide speech and he...

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Watching my wife seduce my boss pt3true story

Well Krys and my boss were now seeing each other not only when she would come to the motel on weekends but he was now spending nights fucking my wife in our bed and thier affair went on for 2 months.She told me everthing they did from how many times they fucked to where as well as where he cum on her.He was clueless that I knew what they were doing the whole time and I was getting off on it. She had admited to me that she allowed him to take photos and videos while they were having sex and was...

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Hot risky and spontaneous

Hello all, I hope that you all enjoyed Summer. My boys are back in school and I'm back at massage parlor. I have a story that occured this past Tuesday, so get hard, sit back and enjoy.Every weekend morning, I wake up and do same thing. I make lunch for my boys to bring to school, kiss them and send them off to bus stop. The rest of the day, until 3:15PM. is mine. This past Tuesday, I awoke extremely horny, so after my boys left, I pulled out a vibrator and masturbated to a shaking orgasm. The...

Straight Sex
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Isabells Fantasy II

(Okay heres number 2 let me know what u think) Dante grabbed his belt and strapped her arms above her head to her bed post. ‘Dante?’ She asked as he did the same with her legs. ‘What?’ He whispered against her wet pussy lips. All her words left her as Dante began to slowly lick herp ussy lips. She wanted to grab his hair and push him down, but he had tied her up good. Dante smirked as small moans of pleasure escaped Isabells mouth. ‘You like that baby?’ He asked. ‘Dante, Dont stop.’ She...

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The Masters Project 6 Micky And SusanChapter 4

A few minutes had passed while I cradled my jewels and waited for the urge to puke to abate. Susan tidied up the table and Micky just sat and watched me do what I'm sure appeared to her to be fondling myself. "Are you guys sure about this?" I asked. "You don't owe me anything or ... anything." "I told you we talked about it," said Susan. "It's simple. You're different than most men ... special. You have something to offer us, and we have something to offer you. As friends ......

4 years ago
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Sex In Goa With A Matured Woman 8211 Part II

Hi readers, this is Atul again came up with 2nd part of fucking Suzan in Goa. I am sure, those readers who have read my earlier part how I fucked Suzan in her flat in Panaji, Goa would like to know more about her further exploration. So here I go. The day was boring for me as Suzan went to office. She had cooked food for her as well as for me. So in the afternoon, I had 2 pegs from her bar and had my food. She was a very good cook and the food was delicious. After food, I was feeling sleepy...

3 years ago
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Happily Ever After Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Cable Car Tuesday ran away from me. Wednesday we finished up the outside painting. I was anxious to get to work on the interior. I kept careful notes about the number of hours that Aunt Melissa put in. I attempted to pay her at the rate of ten dollars per hour. She laughed at me and told me to put my money away. Dumb struck, I didn't know what else to do so I followed her instructions. We brought the ladders back inside and I began...

4 years ago
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Watching the neighbour shower part 2

I wrote ‘Watching the neighbour shower’ some time ago and always intended to add this next chapterAs you can imagine the images of watching her shower remained with me and still do. During the next little while I continued to glance in the direction of this talented ladies window hoping to see once again her beauty displayed. Days went by, doubts availed themselves. Was this then a one off viewing, never to be repeated? Was she perhaps a visitor? Days turned into a couple of weeks and still no...

2 years ago
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Bike Shorts

Sam looked out the window of his second story bedroom on clear, sunny Saturday afternoon and realized that it would be a perfect time for a bike ride. There was a trail not far from his house and it was just warm enough and late enough in the day that he might see some interesting activity if he wondered off the beaten path. Sam loved biking. He was a naturally stocky guy of average height and biking, along with trips to the squat rack, helped keep his muscular ass from getting sloppy now that...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 13 Learning the Milk House Rules

[A peek into the future as post first-fuck training commences and Lilly warns onlookers] Early afternoon, before milking, I just waited, laid out on the loading dock in the sun trying to do something about my glaring white skin. I wanted to look dark like Lilly if I was going to have to bare my entire body and soul all summer. I wanted to look natural instead of like a beacon. I lay there and played with my long penis as the sun shown down and it was very happy standing proudly on its own...

3 years ago
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The Gorgeous Girl Pics

"I am soooo horny!" Richard said to himself as he sat in front of the computer trying to find good pictures of girls. He liked gorgeous girls from head to toe. He didn't like pics where girls had their lower legs and feet cut off. He thought that the legs and feet were as sexy as the rest of the body. And lots of pics that he found cut off the girl's lower legs and feet. "Come on. Where are some good barefoot pics?" Richard demanded. He then went to an internet search engine and typed in...

1 year ago
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A Very Good Day

You’re sitting in French class and can barely keep your eyes open. The teacher, Mrs. P. is going through verb conjugations over and over. Suddenly you catch the teacher looking at you disapprovingly and you sit bolt upright in a not-so nonchalant way. She smirks at you and turns to the class. “I’m going to step out for a minute. Angelica, would you please continue to write the conjugations on the board?” With that, Mrs. P. was out the door and down the hallway. Angelica sat behind you. She’s a...

Mind Control
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Fick im Heu

Fick im Heu Es war ein wundersch?ner Sonntag Nachmittag und ich und mein Freund George verbrachten den Tag am Land, bei seinen Eltern. Er hatte mich ihnen vorgestellt, weil wir nun doch schon seit fast einem halben Jahr ein Paar sind. Bis jetzt glaube ich, dass seine Eltern mich ganz gern haben. Aber ob das wohl auch noch so sein w?rde, wenn sie mein kleines Geheimnis herausfinden w?rden? Denn was George ihnen verst?ndlicherweise verschwiegen hat ist, dass ich in Wahrheit eine S...

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Chandigarh Ki Bhabi Ke Mje Liye

Hi friends main deepak punjab se age 27. Main chandigarh main job karta hu.. Ye meri pahli khani hai so agr koi galti ho to sorry.   To ab story pe aata hu bat 2 mahine phle kki hai .. Main roj bus se office jata tha. Ek din main jb bus main chda to mainy ek bhabi ko dekha bhabi ka name renu(name change) tha age 29 wah kya lag rahi thi main to bus dekhta hi rah gaya. Ek dam mst ptaka thi. Jab tak mera office nhi aa gaya main use dekhta raha . Uske agle din wo dubara muje wo roj bus main milne...

3 years ago
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The Convention

Part 1 “I’ve caught one-hundred and twenty-six so far, how about you?” Naomi said to Becky as they approached the gates. Beyond them, you could see hundreds of people gathering, anxiously waiting outside the convention doors to be let in for the festivities. “One-hundred and twenty-eight,” Becky said with a shit eating grin, “I caught Charizard this morning.” Naomi rolled her eyes and closed the Pokémon Go app as the attendant scanned their tickets to be let in. Naomi had been obsessed with...


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