MagnetChapter 2 free porn video

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Brandi raced toward me when I reached the front of the school. "Can you walk me home?" She looked at me with a hopeful expression.

I had my own hopeful expression as I looked for April and Molly so I could walk home with them again.

"I can't believe I didn't walk with you yesterday," Brandi said as if it was an apology. "Here I was fixing my makeup as I waited for Brad and I could have been walking home with you. I'm so sorry. Do you forgive me?"

Forgive? It was an apology?

I hesitated long enough that Brandi pleaded, "Pleeeeeease."

"Sure," I said. Why was I so weak?

"Yesss!" she enthusiastically said. She attached herself to my left arm.

"Hi there!" said Tara coming up from behind me and attaching to my right arm. She quickly kissed my cheek.

Brandi saw and quickly kissed my other cheek.

"Ready?" Brandi asked excitedly. The way she jumped up and down I thought my arm would twist off.

"Uh ... sure."

We took three uncoordinated steps then April and Molly appeared.

"There you are," said Molly. She looked at the two girls attached to me with annoyance. "Wellllll..."

"Well what?" replied Brandi. She obviously caught the drift of Molly's tone.

"We agreed to share," reminded April to my two attachments.

"I was thinking," said Molly, "that April and I walk with Kirk first. Brandi lives a different way and Tara lives toward Kirk."

April looked at me for an answer. Brandi squeezed my arm tighter. Ow!

"Uh..." I said. Maybe I could have figured out a solution but my brain was still in shock that four girls were fighting over who got to hold my arms as we walked home.

"You'll always get to walk with him, Tara," further explained April. "Let go of his arm."

Tara loosened her grip on my arm but didn't let go. Molly looked intently at Tara as if mental powers would make the latter release my arm. Nothing happened.

"Can I walk with you, too?" April finally said.

"We can all walk with each other," I said. I decided to take a literal interpretation of the dispute.

"Tell us what to do, Kirk," said Tara.

Tell them what to do? Me? Since when did a girl listen to me? I looked at the four girls waiting for my decision as if I was a leader. A leader? Leader? Me? What a bizarre concept.

I suggested, "What if Brandi and Tara walk with me one day and you and Molly the other day?"

"Tara gets to walk with you every day," said Molly.

"I can't make it fair," I blurted out.

"You're right," apologized Molly. "I'm just happy to be near you."

What a fortunate blurt out! It quelled the disagreement.

"Can I still walk with you?" Molly said with worry on her face. "I'm sorry."

"Of course," I said.

Molly's face grew a big smile. She linked arms with Brandi. April liked the idea and linked with Tara. With that unexpected crisis resolved, we were a human sidewalk blockage as we strolled home. I was in the middle.

I was in middle! Oh, no! What if... ? Why was I so stupid? The girls said they were going to get me again. Afterward they would laugh and laugh and laugh.

We arrived at Molly's house on Gardenia without anything happening. My fears were unjustified. Molly detached from Brandi. The garage was open and a guy I assumed was her older brother was inside.

"Dammit! Mitch would have to be out here," Molly said softly as she eyed her brother.

Mitch was bent over a workbench. He looked over then straightened up when he saw me with four girls. He appeared to be appraising me.

"Would you mind turning this way?" Molly asked the group as she stepped behind us.

We were pretty good moving in unison by now so it was not as awkward to turn as expected. Molly peered between us and looked in the garage. She then moved forward and planted a firm kiss on my lips. I kissed back. Her lips felt amazing. I wanted to hold her but my arms were held tight.

"Tomorrow is Friday," Molly said. "Can we get together this weekend?"

My mind still lingered on her kiss. I said, "Uh ... I don't know."

"I'll call you."

"Okay," I said.

Molly happily ran into the house. Freaky. It was all freaky.

A few houses down April freely kissed me deeply. She broke away three times to take a breath and resume kisses.

"I can't get enough of your sugar kisses," April said. "Do you all want to come in for a while? My sisters will be home soon but my parents aren't home until after six."

"I need to be home by four," said Brandi. "I have a hair appointment. Do you like it short or long better?" she asked.

"Uh ... long," I said. She was asking my opinion? A girl?

"Maybe tomorrow instead?" asked April.

Oh, that question.

"Uh ... yeah. Maybe."

April kissed me quickly on the lips before she finally headed into her house.

Well, this was a very different day than two days ago. Two kisses and no pranks. What if something was on their lips? Stop it! I was just being paranoid. Well, maybe I should be paranoid.

It was freaky. Too freaky.

Brandi smiled at me happily and we headed back toward Apple. We went further north a block and turned right on Lilac. Midway down Lilac we stopped at Brandi's house.

"Can I call you again tonight?" she asked.

"Okay," I said. I recalled the strange conversation from last night which involved Brandi's tits. Would she do it again?

"My mom's home. Sorry I can't kiss you. Oh, what the hell!"

Brandi's kiss was fast to my lips and then she dashed toward her door.

Then there was one.

"This way," Tara said, We continued on Lilac.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as we walked.

"What?" Tara responded sounding innocent.

Oh, she was innocent alright. Like a viper in the desert sand!

"Doing all this just so you can be mean to me?"

"I am mean to you?"

Strange. She looked genuinely pained at my comment.

"I know you are going to be."

"I hope not!" she said strongly.

"Where's Jackie?" I asked. She was the only one not around. She had to be the master planner of this setup.

Tara shrugged.

"So this isn't some gag to trick me into making me look stupid?" I asked.

"Why would I do that? I like you."

"You like me," I said a little scornfully.

"All I know was I was putting make up on and then I began to think about you."

"Think about me?" I said with the same skeptical tone.

"Uh-huh. I thought about how much I like you. I like you so much."

Yeah, right. As if!

We crossed Berry Street like I did when I walked home on Newton. We reached Cherry Street.

"Here we are," she said. She stopped at the corner house.

"You live on Cherry?" I said. I lived on Cherry a couple of blocks down

"The address is technically Lilac," she clarified. "Do you want to come in?"

"Um..." Come in? This was the second time I was asked that. A girl asked me to come in? Suspicious. "I should get home."

"No one's home," Tara said. She clung to me tighter.

"Well, I ... um ... I can't. My sister gets home soon." Kendra actually should be home by now.

"Does she have her own key?" she asked.

"Well, yeah."

"Then come on. I'm so happy to be with you!"

She pulled me along. She released me to fetch her front door key out of her backpack. She opened the door then reattached to my arm and guided me inside.

I was alone with a girl inside her house. Me. We passed a wall mirror. Yep, that looked like me. It was me in the house and not someone else.

Before I realized it, I was in Tara's bedroom.

"I can't believe you are finally here," she gushed. "This is my bed."

She sat on it and bounced the springs.

"Uh-huh," I said.

She smiled giddily at me. I stood awkwardly. This wasn't a setup. What was going on here? Freaky.

"Do you want to sit down?" she asked.

"Uh ... I'm okay," I replied. The only place to sit was on her bed.

She continued to look at me in that weird adoring way. Was I supposed to do something?

"Ummm..." I said. What was she waiting for?

"So you want me on my knees before you?" she asked.


"You said you didn't want to sit down."

I didn't want Tara kneeling before me like she was worshipping me! Was there a hidden camera?

"Uh ... I'll sit," I said.

Tara smiled with maximum excitement.

I hesitantly sat on the bed. She immediately slid next to me. I looked at her with concern. She took the opportunity to kiss me. I froze up at first then kissed her back.

"Mmmmm," Tara moaned

She broke away and pushed me back on the bed. Her lips followed mine and we continued to kiss while her blonde hair hung in my face. I didn't care. I really didn't!

"Oh, Kirk! I'm so happy!" she breathily said between kisses.

Her lips were so tasty. I felt a tingle through my loins and admittedly I grew down there. I had a major hard-on. In reflection, it was the perfect time for the girls to burst in on me but gladly nothing happened.

Tara broke off our kisses which brought disappointment in me. She patted the middle of her bed. I moved to lie completely on her bed. She turned and brought her lips back to mine. I was happy. Happy!

She climbed over me. She straddled my stomach and lay down to once again bring her lips to mine. This was an amazing day!

It was like she couldn't get enough of me! Freaky.

Tara abruptly sat up and whipped off her shirt. My eyes bugged out as I stared at her bra. Almost as quickly her bra was gone and my mouth dropped open to complement my wide eyes. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her tits. I instinctively began to squeeze them.

"Oh, yes!" she moaned.

I had tits in my hands! "Me" and "tits"! Those were two words I never imagined going together.

"Yesssss!" she moaned.

She shifted or pushed down or something and knocked the air out of me. She slid down and forced my legs open. Sadly, my hands were no longer on her tits. She was frenzied as she pulled up on my shirt. When I took over the process on my shirt, she attacked my belt. By the time I pulled my shirt over my head, she had my jeans zipper going down. My cock throbbed hard.

With a strong yank, Tara pulled my pants and underwear down at the same time. My cock stood up straight and her eyes went to it. I don't think my cock was ever longer or harder. It looked huge to my own eyes.

Tara, without hesitation, plunged her mouth down over my cock and she moaned.

I gasped out and groaned deeply. I knew whatever parallel world I somehow stepped into was one I wanted to stay in forever.

She quickly bobbed on my cock. My eyes rolled back in response to the incredible sensation.

Tara moved off the bed. I stared at my wet cock then followed her movements. She stood at the end of the bed and undid my shoes. She pulled my shoes and socks off then slipped my jeans and undershorts off my legs. She sat on the bed with her back to me and took off her own shoes and socks. She stood and faced me. I stared at her tits that I earlier held and then at her mouth that previously was over my cock.

"Ready?" she asked.

Ready? Oh, shit! Here I was naked on her bed and she had my pants! They had me! They suckered me in so good! What a fool I was!

She undid her pants and wriggled them over her hips. She was only in her panties now. She watched my face as she peeled off her panties. I stared at the bush of blonde pubic hair. My face broke out in a huge smile. I couldn't help it.

"Do you like?" Tara asked.

I nodded vigorously. The thoughts that this was a trap by the girls that I had a moment ago were gone like the ... um ... hmm ... like they were gone.

Tara climbed on the bed between my legs and put my cock back into her mouth.

"Ah!" I groaned in response to the warm, hot feel.

She bobbed only a couple of times then moved up and over me.

She was about to... !!!

Tara grabbed my cock and lowered her pussy. She adjusted my cock's position and I felt the head against her. She pushed down slowly then pulled out her hand. She next pushed down firmer then, THEN, I was inside her. Inside her!

"Oh, yes!" Tara moaned.

Oh, I was in ecstasy! I never felt so good in my life.

She slowly began to move up and down. I got the distinct impression she savored every movement of my cock inside her pussy. Savor! Savor, I say!

Together our breaths became harder and harder.

"Ohhhh!" I groaned as my cock began to fill with cum in preparation for release.

"Oh, fuck, yes!" she moaned as she trembled. She slowly slid down my cock and then gasped out hard. Her whole body quivered and her pussy contracted hard around my shaft.

"Unnnnhhhh!" I grunted as my cum load powerfully shot. With spasm after spasm, I released into her.

I lay there in wonderful afterglow and tried to catch my breath.

I just had sex with Tara. I didn't think this was some elaborate prank any longer. No girl would go to such lengths to play a practical joke on me. Tara suddenly liked me. All the evil girls liked me now. Well, not Jackie but four out of five was eighty percent. That's great!

Tara moved off me and then lay on her side against me. She looked adoringly and said, ""I dreamt about this for so long."

"How long?" I asked. I was curious.

"It feels like forever."

It could only be within a day or two. Something did happen. Something had to have happened. I wasn't objecting to anything that happened. I just had sex with the beautiful Tara after all. I just really wanted to know what occurred.

Before I went home, Tara and I fucked again. This time I was on top. It was a whole new experience as I lay on her firm tits and I thrust into her pussy again and again. She orgasmed hard once more and I released another river of cum into her.

On my walk to school next day Friday, I had Tara disengage from my arm and instead we held hands on the journey.

When we arrived, April, Molly, and Brandi waited in front and immediately latched onto my arms, so Tara grabbed my arm also. I had a girl on each upper arm and on each lower arm. It was a new way to walk but we managed. If not for yesterday with Tara, this would have brought paranoia about a trap. I admit I had a couple of residual feelings and thoughts. I knew however that for whatever reason these four girls liked me now. I relished the looks on the faces of the girls and guys who saw all the attention these beautiful girls gave me.

"Do you like my hair?" asked Brandi.

Oh, that's right. She had a hair appointment yesterday.

"Yeah," I said. She had a wave in her auburn hair now.

"So it's okay?"

"You look beautiful," I said.

"Thank you!" she said merrily while nearly squeezing my arm in two. I needed to find out where I could buy phony arms.

"Sorry, I didn't call you last night. I got stuck going out with my parents."

"It's okay," I replied. A mental recall of my afternoon with Tara was the only thing on my mind all last night anyway.

For the first time, I looked forward to April as my lab partner in chemistry and biology classes. She listened to what I said to do during the experiments. I was patient with her as she tried what the teacher wanted us to do.

The whole new April started a change into a whole new me. I felt more confident when I was around other girls in my classes. I felt more comfortable talking to girls.

Today the girls decided to take turns feeding pieces of my microwaved pizza to me. I felt like a king.

Jackie showed up and sat down at our table across from us. She had a heavy scowl on her face.

"Hi!" greeted Brandi.

"Weren't you asking about Jackie the other day?" said Tara to me.

"What are you doing with him?" asked Jackie to no one in particular.

"Isn't he wonderful?" cooed Molly. She kissed me on the cheek.

"What have you done to them?" Jackie followed up.

"Who?" asked April.

"Kirk. He's done something to you. He's done something to all of you."

"I know," said Tara. "Isn't it wonderful that he is willing to share us all?"

"What did you do to them, Kirk?" Jackie asked.

"I don't know what you mean," I honestly said.

"Do you really think you can go from being the butt of our pranks to ... it looks like you're their boyfriend ... in three days? You had to do something to them."

"Don't talk about before," warned April firmly.

I answered Jackie. "Do you think if I did something I wouldn't do something to you too?"

"He can share with you, too," said Brandi.

Jackie ignored her and said, "Maybe you can't get to me."

"Then why are you sitting here? I could get you now."

From the look on Jackie's face, it was the first time the obvious occurred to her.

"We're friends," I said. "That's all."

"Very, very good friends," giggled Tara. She softly kissed me on the lips.

Jackie looked repulsed.

"I'll figure out what you did," she threatened.

"Are you being mean to Kirk?" Molly stood up and gave an angry glare.

"He's being mean to you," said Jackie.

"If being Kirk's friend signifies he is mean then I hope he's the meanest guy in the world."

Signifies? Was Molly picking up my vocabulary?

Jackie stood and looked at me directly. "I'll find out."

I shrugged. I wouldn't mind knowing what happened myself. What if it could be duplicated? Imagine!

On the walk home, April asked, "So can you come in today?"

Yesterday when I came in with Tara I ended up cumming in Tara. Twice.

"Okay," I said. I didn't have to be home right away.

"Yes?" said the brunette as if she was unsure of her ears.

"I can come in," I reiterated.

"Oh, wow!" said April. "You're going to be in my house."

We stopped at Molly's house first.

"Be right back!" she said. She raced into the house and returned in less than a minute without her backpack.

I guess Molly was coming into April's house too. I thought what happened with Tara yesterday could happen with April but with Molly there ... oh, well.

We walked over to April's house.

"See you later," I said to Brandi and Tara.

"Can we come in too?" quickly asked Tara. "If you don't mind."

"It's April's house," I replied.

"If you want them to come in," said April. "I'll do whatever you want."

I was tempted to tell them to go home, but I couldn't do it. I was afraid of hurting their feelings.

"Okay," I said to the duo.

"Thank you," said Brandi and kissed me.

Tara squeezed my arm and kissed me. What was with all the arm squeezes? Freaky.

"What do you want to do?" April asked me when the five of us entered the house.

"Can I see your bedroom?" I asked. It would help me imagine being with her in fantasy.

"Sure!" she said with a large smile.

We all piled into her room. It was surprisingly similar to Tara's. I sat on the bed. April sat on it also and Molly sat on the end. Brandi and Tara stood.

I looked at April but she looked away. That was different. Usually the girls couldn't keep their eyes off me.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I was hoping..." she said and stopped. "I was hoping that this afternoon would be special."

"Go ahead," said Tara.

April and I looked at Tara.

Tara said, "If you mean what I think you mean then Kirk and I made yesterday special."

"You did?" said April stretching out the words. She looked at me.

I couldn't deny it. Tara was in the room. She was a witness. Witness wasn't the right word. Of course, I wouldn't deny it. Why would I?

"Yep," said Tara. "We fucked!"

Suddenly Brandi and Molly were alert and the latter stood up.

"You did?" said Molly excitedly. "You did?"

"We did!" said Tara.

"Oh, wow! When can we fuck, Kirk?" asked Brandi.

"Uh..." I replied.

"And me too?" said Molly.


"We all love Kirk," said Tara. "Since we are in your bedroom, April, why don't you fuck him now?"

"We won't get in the way," said Molly.

"Right," agreed Brandi.

April looked at me and said. "You did say you'd share us and we all agreed to share you."

"Right," I responded even though I was unsure of what was said.

April slipped off her shoes and pulled off her socks then stood. She put her hands on her belt and I watched enraptured.

"Do you want to do it?" she asked.

"What?" I said not understanding.

"Take my clothes off or do you want me to do it."

"I'll do it!" I quickly said. I was going to transform April into a naked girl. Me! Where was a mirror so I could confirm it was me again.

April stepped forward and after some fumbling I undid her belt. The clasp on her pants was easy and then I slid them down. They dropped to the floor and she stepped out of them. She was now in red thong panties. I stood and pulled up on her shirt. She lifted her arms and soon was only in bra and panties. I stepped to the other side and for the next minute struggled with her stupid bra until finally I had it undone. I slid it off her arms. I dropped to my knees and from behind I slipped her panties off.

April turned around and said, "My turn."

She pulled my shirt off then dropped to the floor and took off my shoes and socks. She expeditiously had my pants and undershorts down. She helped me step out of them and rose back up. She took my hard cock into her mouth.

"Mmmmm," April moaned. She slowly moved back and forth on my cock. I felt the head repeatedly touch the opening to her throat.

"Yesss," I soft hissed.

"Tell me when you're ready to fuck," she paused to say.

"I'm ready," I instantly replied.

She popped her mouth off my cock and giddily lay on her bed with wide open legs.

I climbed on her and my cock immediately found the correct position.

"Ohhh!" I groaned as I entered her pussy.

"Oh, yes!" April responded at the same time.

I used my arms to lift up and noticed that the other three girls stood next to the bed. Okay, I had a front row audience. I could deal with it.

I began to thrust into April right away.

"Oh, fuck! Oh, yes! Oh, yes!" she moaned loudly.

My tempo increased quickly and I thrust into April harder and harder. I began to gasp and grunt. The intensity of April's moans kept pace with my strokes.

"I'm cumming!" April cried out.

I grunted as I pounded into her. My urgency to cum was imminent.

April tensed up and then relaxed.

"Ahhh!" I grunted and then with a hard gasp I released my cum into her pussy.

"I feel it," April said in a loud whisper. "I feel it all."

We lay gasping for a while.

Same as Magnet
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Joyce and I had been together for three years at the time of this experience.  The way we had gotten together was that she had found her husband cheating on her and the following day, asked me to take her to dinner as a friend.  We had known each other as co-workers for years prior to that, and we had an excellent working relationship.  Joyce had gotten very tipsy on wine at dinner and I had her stay in my guest room that night.  The following morning was the beginning of new chapters in both...

Love Stories
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My Sisters SlaveChapter 4 Rose

I put the pee soaked towel back around me. My parents, Uncle Joe and his wife, Aunt Kathy, with my two cousins Allyson who is 16 and Matt who is 18, were looking at some photo books, so no one seen me walk past them. I took a shower, and I put on some make-up, put my hair into a ponytail. I then put a new towel around me and went to my room. Kara had laid out my blue dress, it was very short, its a couple years old but I can still fit into it. There was no bra to put on; she did lay out a...

2 years ago
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Irvin and Isabel Davis

"I don't know, Minnie, it's just so damnably frustrating," said Isabel. "Izzy, count your blessings. Your last husband, Hollis Cort, beat you up—regularly!—and that the whole one and a half years you were married to the asshole," said Minnie. "The way I see it, you've got no gripe. So what if Irv is kind of a pussy. He works, pays the bills, and treats you pretty good as far as John and I can see." "Yes, he pays the bills—barely. But, he's been passed over for promotion at least...

1 year ago
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Getting ByChapter 6

"Please, don't say anything," Amanda told me, placing a wet hand over my lips. "There's something you need to know, first." I nodded, surprised not so much by her presence, as by the shy, almost timid manner in which she spoke. "I - I've been talking with your people, and I know that you expect women to be doing their damndest to get pregnant about now. I understand that, and have even passed it on to the people who came with me. I imagine most of them are somewhere out there...

1 year ago
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Wie es begannhelliphelliphellip

Hallo Freunde der Disziplin und der brennenden Körper.Heute, im Alter von fast 50 Jahren könnte ich hier Bände mit Geschichten füllen. Ich weis nicht wie oft mein Körper dran glauben musste und derartig durchgestriemt wurde das ich tagelang nicht sitzen konnte oder keinen BH tragen konnte. Ob auf der Arbeit oder Privat, ich scheine den Männern, und Frauen zu signalisieren, bitte benutz mich auf die harte Tour und bring mich zum Schreien. Hier möchte ich mich aber einmal darin versuchen euch zu...

2 years ago
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Trevors bootcamp visit

one of my buddies that has had sex with my wife has a son that called asking me to entertain him and his buddy at the all nude strip club in Canada.They just got out of bootcamp and wanted to see a strip club for the first time. he remembered that I often went there with his step dad and he wanted to experience it himself.Trevor and ricky were fresh out of high school and were really naïve to life other than a couple of girlfriends.I took them to Windsor and we had a good time. Trevor was real...

3 years ago
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The Whole Damn Family art 1

I was married to Liz's sister. My wife Carol is the youngest of the family, a real black sheep. She rebelled against everything the family stood for: religion, education, alcohol, behavior in public, and I was the lucky recipient. My god, she was wild in bed, ready and willing to do almost anything I asked. The only exception was “no spanking.” She said it had something to do with her childhood and her father but I was never to ask about it. I was puzzled but kept to my word, until one...

4 years ago
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Moms MILF Spirits Making Bridgette Squirt

Why did I feel like I was about to have a baby? Maybe it was because Melanie was behind me, my body propped up on hers, and mom had my legs spread as wide as she could get them as she stood in front of me in the pool. The only difference was Melanie reaching around and pressing hard onto my breasts and mom having her fingers buried deep inside my pussy. But it finally felt like my body was going to get release. I looked around, scanning the area that surrounded me. The sun was bright and I...

3 years ago
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The Lawyer and the Killer Ch 06

Shawn was a man whose life was a convoluted mess. After his time in the service he’d gotten mixed up with a syndicate connected murder for hire operation. He remembered thinking, hell he’d been rewarded for killing people while in the army, why not just keep doing the same thing for money after he got out. At first the money was good, and the thrills were indescribable, but it got cold fast. Some people were so piteous. It took a cold blooded personality to want to perpetually do the sort of...

1 year ago
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I Love You Daddy Part 1

As usual, I was the first to wake up. Master’s sluggish, heavy body was totally still, and since his cock wasn’t pushing into my side, I crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower and shave. I had just finished my eye makeup (lots of blue eye shadow this morning, with thin tapers on the edges of my eyes) and was straightening my honey-blonde hair when he came in to relieve himself. “Good morning, Master,” I offered as he stood there peeing, holding his thick, flaccid Mulatto cock....

1 year ago
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Family Sinners

FamilySinners! Family sex fantasies are so hot for so many reasons. I love the thought of always having a few babes around to suck me off or ride my cock, and filling those roles with hot moms and gorgeous sisters is the kind of scandalous that makes me get all drippy. They say it’s illegal because you’d end up with a bunch of inbred monster children, but honestly, I wonder if it’s just prudes trying to ruin our fun again. Incest is called the ultimate taboo for a reason. FamilySinners is not...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The motherfuckers part 7

Down in the dining room most of the group is already there waiting to be seated for breakfast. Carole sees Andrea and Jason and they walk over to say hi. Andrea speaks up."Good morning you two! How are you...lovebirds this morning?""Well, good morning Andrea. Good morning Jason." "Boys, before they get us a table, why don't you go over there and talk to the others. Your mom and I have a few things to discuss."Jason and Ricky walk over to talk to muscle boy Grant and Joel Graves. The suitcases...

3 years ago
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The ravaging of Emily

Feel free to change your relation to Emily in the sidebar. Currently explored fetishes include: Rape, non-con, watersports and incest. Curretly working on lesbianism and cuckold Feel free to suggest fetishes to explore.

1 year ago
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office wank

I closed my eyes while rotating my head it had been a long day, and now it was almost ten thirty at night and had a pile of work to do before tomorrow! Deciding to take a break, I stretched, and , cupped my full chest All of the tension in my body seemed to have moved down to my pussy, which by now was literally dripping and throbbing iwaiting for a much needed orgasm!!! "better not I've got loads of work todo," but I knew the only way that Id ever get done was if I could get some...

1 year ago
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Real Horny Housewives Tales

Prologue.Amanda and Nancy have much in common. They share the same birthday, grew up on the same street, went to the same schools and graduated from a prestigious university.They both married into the same, influential and very rich family. This wasn’t by fluke or fate. Amanda and Nancy had conspired and meticulously planned out their future, shortly after entering university.It didn’t take the two very beautiful and shrewd blondes any time at all to master the art of manipulation. A professor...

2 years ago
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Something To Remember

Hi guys, this is rakesh from mumbai. Thanks for likes and appreciations on my previous stories! All comments and feedback and proposals are welcome at It was a lazy saturday afternoon and I was browsing profiles of new guys on a dating website, trying to find out someone interesting and to find out an activity for sunday. But I wasnt really happy at what I was looking. After a while I received a message. It was from a guy named yash. He was also 24 years old and lived nearby. He was nice and...

Gay Male
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My First Sex With My Favorite Teacher In School

Hello friends and my sweets hot and sexy females. I am Anuj live in Anand (Gujarat) and this is my 3rd story on ISS. This time I am going to write about my first sex story, when I lose my virginity with my school teacher whom I had crush and she is my favourite teacher. Her figure was 36-30-34 and her age is 28 while I was just got 18. Two years back when I was in 12th class. She was our class teacher I was her favourite student because I am sincere and a bright student. She teaches us Physics....

3 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 8

Thursday morning, Helga was already talking on her phone as I walked past her desk in the outer office. Her eyebrows raised in question as she saw me, and I gave her a ‘thumbs up’, which she returned. Of course she came in with my coffee a few minutes later, demanding more detail; I told her that it was going well and we had a movie date the next evening. “Don’t forget to call her tonight just to keep in touch!” “Don’t worry, Mom, I’ll do that just as soon as Max has had his supper.” Helga...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Piper Palmer Rosalyn Sphinx Ryder Skye Alessandra Snow Sexy Milfs Swap Their Aggressive Teen Slut Daughters

Ryder Skye and Alessandra Snow were enjoying some beverages while their daughters Piper Palmer and Rosalyn Sphinx were upstairs gossiping. The moms were happy to finally be hanging out again, and the girls were getting pissed at each other because through their gossip they found out they had both slept with the same guy. The girls began to fight, then their moms heard what was going on, went upstairs and tried to pull them apart. The moms then let the girls cool off and sat them down to give...

2 years ago
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Campus Life Rush WeekChapter 5

Andi realized that it was going to take more than just talk to get her fellow Pledges out of their initial shock stage and into relating socially and sexually. She looked around at her fellow Pledges before continuing. "I think we'll all be more comfortable with all this as we get to know each other even better, like we've been doing for the past twenty minutes. That way we can help each other out. "For example, Trevor, it looks like you could use some help with that massive hard-on....

1 year ago
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Lucinda stirred in her soft cosy bed, she glanced at her bedside clock, it read 6 a.m. She groaned and rolled over hoping to get back to sleep. The sun shone brightly through the curtains of her room. The sun always rose early in Zimbabwe. Something had disturbed her sleep. She became suddenly alert to noises outside. Her parents were ever fearful of burglars. Had they heard the noises? She knelt up on her bed and peaked out of the window. Across the short cut grass of the immaculate lawn...

3 years ago
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The Accidental MasterChapter 12 And then there was light

The rest of the evening and the night is still a blur. To say it was filled with sex, to the point where I didn't even have a sexual thought the next day, would be putting it mildly. When I had penetrated Sally and taken her virginity, I was so engrossed in the power and the sex that it barely registered with me at the time, but when I had orgasmed inside her, filling her with my cum, it dawned on me that she might not be on birth control since she was a virgin. And then the dark guilt...

2 years ago
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We were at Mark and Crystal’s house for a dinner and pool party, so we were all in our bathing suits – the men in trunks and the women in bikinis. Dinner was long over, and we were just sitting out by the pool, cutting up and having fun. We had been drinking a LOT of wine before Mark, Crystal, Kyle and Deb decided to jump into the hot tub. The rest of us – Bryan, Lisa, Stan and I – were still sitting at the picnic table on the patio, finishing our wine and watching the antics of the four...

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Superman vs the goddess Callisto

A pleasant day in Metropolis turned to pure carnage out of nowhere. The cause, a scantily clad goddess called Callisto. Callisto was strong, powerful and sexy. She was tall, around six feet, and she was wearing a skin tight black tank top, skin tight black shorts and black boots. Her hair was blonde. Her body was an almost perfect athletic build. She weighed around 135 pounds but it was more muscle than anyone could see. Superman was stunned at the destruction happening in Metropolis. He...

2 years ago
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Getting Cindy Fucked Part two

Introduction: This story is a continuation of Getting Cindy Fucked, expanding the theme developed in that story. As noted, the story is a work of fiction, but it is based upon real people and genuine circumstances. Names and situations have been changed or modified in order to provide anonymity. As you recall from Part one of this series, my old Army buddy, Steve, and I introduced my attractive wife Cindy to the erotic excitement of a threesome. As most of you also remember from the earlier...

3 years ago
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Penalty Of Love

Once Marcy saw it she couldn’t unsee it. She couldn’t believe her eyes but the pictures didn’t lie. Her client was displaying a dick print through his denim jeans, not just a little bit, but a full-on 3-D image of his dick embossed in his jeans; and it was impressive!Anyone else would have been embarrassed for their client, and Marcy was, while maybe even a little bit turned on. She suddenly became aware of how long she’s been without. She’d been so busy establishing herself in her career as...

Love Stories
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My Wife and I do it with our Babysitter

My name is Bill, and I have a wife named Kelly. About six months ago we had our first baby. We named her Jessica, and we both think she is beyond beautiful. Anyway, I'm 33, and Kelly is 36. Obviously, we still have a decent sex life. We didn't get hitched until I was 30, and we never really talked about kids, until one morning she told me she was pregnant. We weren't expecting her, but nevertheless, we've been raising her well. We have also been having a lot of fun in the process. We still try...

Group Sex
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Tingles Seventeen

Tingles Seventeen By Katharine Sexkitten I've had so many moments in the last two weeks, since discovering Jessica, my true self. Highs, more highs, and even more highs. With no lows. Unmatched sensual and sexual experiences, feelings, and epiphanies. Unparalleled new and exciting friendships, of the kind I just never would have even imagined before, in my wildest of fantasies, which now showed themselves to have been as tame as a kitten. Those weren't fantasies at all, I...

3 years ago
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Shifty Fades of Grey

Dear readers, this is the bare arsed plot. To save you wading through pages of tedious exposition till you get to the smut, you get a brief set up below then it’s straight into the BDSM…The Set UpConan Steel is the cruel but brilliant twenty something millionaire CEO of a soft furnishings company in Rochdale. He acquires a young intern, the beautiful and headstrong Alexandra Rasputin, the daughter of Russian émigrés. Steel is intrigued by her ethereal nature and confession that she is a virgin....

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A Worthy Sacrifice

I stood in what appeared to be dungeons below the old university grounds. I had no idea where I was as I had been blind folded and brought down here from my bed, but I had been expecting that. All the worst initiation shit happened after hours. I had been through hell and back this past week, and knew my hazing period was coming to an end. What I was not expecting to see when the blindfold was removed was a fully naked girl chained to a stone table with a gag in her mouth and a blindfold...

3 years ago
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33 Years of Fun Part 5

That first October weekend Sarah rejoined me back in 1969 was magical. Neither of us wore a stitch of clothing the entire weekend and spent most of it sucking and fucking each other only taking breaks to rest eat and drink or watch some boring tv. Somehow her expensive perm stayed in place though it certainly got a strenuous workout and I think there was a few bits of dried sperm in there, but she managed to comb it out. She confessed Sunday night as I prepared my uniform for work that her...

1 year ago
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Summer of 2000 Page 3

Right on time a limousine pull up at my house. In a few minutes we were at the small county airport. While walking to a small Gulf stream airplane that was waiting. She said “this is my company plane, do you like it”. I nodded by head. Once we were off the ground Al relaxed from business. She turn off the cell phone, took off her business suit, shoes, and asked me “have you ever had sex at 30,000 feet before”? Then I said “have you” then we both smiled.Al was wearing a black leather skirt. Also...

4 years ago
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Rachael And JuliusChapter 13 Legally Bound

Rachael admired herself in the mirror. She loved dressing up for JD - finding sexy lingerie, revealing dresses, skirts so short she didn't even have to bend over. Today was new for her. She found an adult clothing shop among the trendy U Street boutiques and they carried non-piercing jewelry. She bought a matching set of nipple rings and a clit clip. Sparkly purple beads now squeezed her nipples delightfully making them strain against her light silk shirt. They were clearly visible. She...

2 years ago
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Speed trap

Lana was furious with the way she was being treating. So what if she had been doing sixty-five in a forty-five? The speed limit hadn`t been postet, or at least not obviously so. Did they lock up everyone who got a speeding ticket in this hick town?Being handcuffed had been annoying enough, but the strip search and body cavity inspection had been positively humiliating. At least the latter two indignities had been performed by a female deputy. She had taken Lana`s clothes, through, and not given...

3 years ago
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Who needs a Fleshlight when I visit

'Mom, can I have my shirt', he called down the stairs. I looked up towards where his voice drifted from, and got an eyeful, he was leaning over the banister in a pair of skin-tight briefs and a broad smile.Dropping his hand onto his bulge he smiled even more broadly, adding a 'Hi aunt Mariel', giving himself a squeeze, somehow I felt it was more for my benefit.Just then his Mom walked-in with his ironed shirt and looked up, his erection was straining the stitching in his underpants, and she...

1 year ago
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Divine Perversion

He watched the couple embrace passionately against the unyielding surface of her front door. It was the end of the second date, and yet the two were sucking each other’s tongues down their throats as if their lives depended upon the decadence of their lover’s mouth. The woman had her arms wrapped tightly around the taller man’s neck, and he had her ass cupped in his hands. He was kneading the plumpness, as he grinded her center roughly against his with mindless relish. A hand came around to...

4 years ago
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Life and Times of a Horny Couple Chapter 7

Life and Times of a Horny Couple - Chapter 7This is a continuation of our real life sexual journey. All of the events described actually occurred as we explored new ways to stimulate our sex lives. We enjoy reading your comments and would love to hear about your own sexual exploits.  A night with Lacey and John continued.Now that Lacey had cum twice, and Erica once, John and I where left sitting there with raging hard-ons. Since I was the only one who hadn't had a chance to direct the others,...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Taking Care of the BoysChapter 6

One day when Judi and her mother Sally were driving somewhere and talking about personal things, Sally asked, “How often do you and Dad make love?” Her mom was quite surprised so responded, “What made you ask that?” “My room is right next to yours and I never hear you doing it. Don’t be shy with me, you have probably figured out that I was fucking Bill and now Nate. I am far from innocent or naive about sex.” Mom’s jaw dropped a bit at the directness of her daughter. “Ummm ... a couple of...

3 years ago
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Wolf Creek Ch 12

At his own request, Frank Wolf was cremated, and Ada and Frank’s surviving son, Jess, took the ashes up to the glade of the upper fork of Wolf Creek, where he and Ada had been married and, together, they scattered the ashes. Jess was a perfect gentleman, which Ada found quite surprising. But Frank had told Ada some time earlier that Festus’s death had sobered and mellowed Jess considerably, and, by all evidence, Jess’s father’s death had completed that process. Ada had thought it only right to...

4 years ago
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Actress Exploited

Samantha was a leading Actress in India. But to her dismay, the film she produced saw a big drop and she was in debt. She got some money from her close friend, Anjali and Oviya. She then flew to Kyle, an island country. Kyle was a private democratic country with strict and dominance. Their rules are so cruel. Samantha thanked Anjali and Oviya for helping her. Samantha got a job in a High School as a Zoology Teacher. She lived happily. One day when she returned from she was shocked to see the...

2 years ago
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My little sissy

Hi. My name is Mike, Mike Harper, a 40 years old father, and this is probably the worst day of my life. Two days ago, the trial of my divorce ended with my wife winning everything. That worthless cunt barely left me anything! Before you start saying that a disrespectful misogynist like me deserves it, let me explain. My wife and I married early and were deaply in love. When we got our son, she decided that I had to find a job to pay for our daily expenses because she refused to stop her...

3 years ago
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Mommy Tries To Resist

Follow me on Instagram. True Story, Blackmail, Blowjob, Boy, Consensual Sex, First Time, i****t, Male / Older Female, Masturbation, Mature, Non-consensual sex, Pregnant, ****, Teen, Teen Male / Female, Virginity, YoungMy mother Helen divorced my dad when I was 16 years old and I chose to live with her. I am now 17 and just graduated from high school. Everything seems to go well and normal until one time I noticed my mother standing outside the bathroom spying on...

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AmlieChapter 8 Reconciliation

[Undated entry] On the home island WHEN SHE SAW Father she threw herself at him and hugged him as tight as she could. She felt something warm and wet on her cheek and knew her tears were not alone. She kissed him then, on both cheeks. “Father.” “Amélie.” She held him tight. “I’m sorry, Father. For everything.” She felt him squeeze her. “No. Amélie. You have nothing to be sorry for.” He released her and looked from her to Gérard. “Nothing at all. I was wrong. You were right to do what...

3 years ago
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Second Date with Lori 01

This is a continuation from the story “ART FESTIVAL”. A knock was at my door and I went to answer it. Lori was standing there with a big smile on her face. My mind flashed back to the previous date with Lori, a week ago, and I am sure she also had a flashback with that grin she had on her face. I grabbed my jacket and off we went. Diner was great but the dance club was even better. Lori had a few hits from other men asking her to dance with them but she refused them all; politely...

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