Lindsey free porn video

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It was a gorgeous, warm sunny day and I was intent on wasting a good chunk of it by being inside a movie theater. As I strode along the sidewalk on 5th Street, through the business district, I could still taste the burrito I'd had for lunch half an hour before. I took a sip of my Coke from the cup I was carrying, and generally felt all was right with the world. It was my day off, a new movie I'd been waiting to see was only a few minutes walk away, and my stomach was full of zesty beef and bean goodness. "Hey, how's it going?" I'd just been passing a little coffee shop with the obligatory cafe tables set out on the sidewalk, and this question had come from a fat guy sweating in a fedora and a cheap suit. He was sitting at one of the cafe tables with some sort of iced beverage in front of him. I answered with my own not very enthusiastic, "Hey." The guy gave me kind of a creepy once over, and asked, "You got a minute?" I checked my forward momentum only slightly and shook my head in the negative, responding, "No, sorry man. Got somewhere I need to be." To which he replied by saying, "The hell you do. Come here and sit down, boy." The guy's voice had seemed normal enough when he first accosted me, but as he uttered this last it seemed to change in timbre and acquire a weird resonance, like he was using a microphone with the reverb cranked up too high. The change in his voice wasn't nearly as strange or alarming, though, as the fact I found myself hurrying to his table, pulling out a chair, and sitting down across from him. "That's better," he said, and smiled a greasy smile in my direction. I tried to get up from the chair, but I couldn't make my limbs move in the slightest. This seemed to amuse my tablemate, who chuckled noiselessly and said, "Oh, don't get your panties in a bunch. You can't move until I tell you you can." "That's not possible," I muttered, more to myself than to him as I continued to try unsuccessfully to stand up from the chair. "Relax!" he commanded, and the spooky resonance was back. I felt my body lean back in the chair and relax, like I was just shooting the breeze with an old friend. My soda, about which I'd entirely forgotten, fell from my hand to the sidewalk and rolled away. "What's -" I began. "Shut up," the man commanded, and my mouth shut so fast I heard my teeth click together. I tried to finish my question. I could hear the words in my brain, could feel the muscles in my throat move as if I were about to speak them, but no sound emerged and my mouth didn't so much as open. At this point, I did the only reasonable thing and panicked. Or at least I tried to panic. Outwardly, I just sat there, sprawled loosely, casually on the white plastic cafe chair. (what the fuck?! what the fuck?! what the fuck?!) was about the sum total of what my brain could manage, and probably would have gone on in that vein indefinitely if the man seated across from me hadn't interrupted. "That's not a terribly attractive way to sit, now, is it? Sit up a bit, and cross your legs like a lady." With no intention on my part, I sat up a little in the chair, crossed one leg over the other at the knee--nearly causing myself a painful injury in the process, since women's ability to sit like this is dependent on not having balls--and rested my arms lightly on the arms of my chair. "That's much better. Smile a little, like we're a couple of old friends having a pleasant afternoon. Oh, here: have a cigarette." I felt my face shift into a gentle smile. (I don't smoke) I thought, but the man was leaning across the table, holding out a pack of cigarettes. I may not have been a smoker, but I still recognized the brand and shape of the box as belonging to a kind of cigarette I'd only ever seen a woman smoke. All on its own, my fingers delicately pulled a long, slim cigarette out of the box. When the man leaned closer to light it for me, I got a whiff of his sweaty body. Had I been able react naturally, I would have recoiled at the smell. Seeing him up close, I noticed a couple days worth of stubble on his face, and he clearly wasn't big on the personal hygiene. I drew deeply on the cigarette as my captor lit it, and pulled the smoke into my lungs. I should have coughed; I wanted to cough and choke, and throw the nasty thing away from me, but instead I calmly exhaled smoke out through my nose. As he resumed his seat, the man correcte my performance, saying, "No, hold it like a woman would. Delicate and feminine." A hundred images of women smoking flashed through my mind, from TV and movies, and the hand holding the cigarette turned away from me, wrist cocked back. I lifted it to my mouth and took a deep, sultry drag on the cigarette, shifting my grip to the last knuckle of two fingers, then pursed my lips and blew a thin stream of smoke over the man's head. "My name's Howard, by the way." (fuck off, Howard) I thought, though outwardly I just took another drag on the cigarette and daintily tapped ash off on the ground. I'd never liked being around smokers, and the smell of being on the business end of a lit cigarette made me want to heave. Howard asked, "By the way, how old are you, boy?" My paralyzed mouth opened of its own accord, and said, "Twenty." (and what the fuck is going on?!) I added in my head, but my vocal cords had gone right back to not cooperating. "Excellent, thank you. You started smoking when you were thirteen, and are completely addicted to nicotine." As I took another drag, my earlier repugnance was completely gone. In its place, I found an actual affection for the smell of the burning tobacco, and a profound satisfaction at how the smoke gently burned my throat and lungs when I inhaled deeply. Howard next asked, "I can't very well keep calling you 'boy,' can I? What's your name?" Again involuntarily, I answered, "Michael Allen Simmons." Howard shook his head slightly, and said, "No, that won't do," before looking thoughtful for a few seconds. He got a look of satisfaction on his face, and continued, "Your name is Lindsey Washington. No middle name. What's your name again?" (lindsey washington) "Lindsey Washington," my mouth said, in total agreement with the voice in my head. (no it isn't that's not my fucking name my name is lindsey) I took another drag on my cigarette. We were interrupted by a waitress at that point, who set an ashtray down on the table in front of me--good thing, too, as I was just about down to the filter--and asked, "Can I get you something to drink. ". ". " sir?" The disdain in her voice for a guy behaving in such an effeminate way was clear. Howard answered for me, "Bring my friend here a large bubble tea, please." I'd tried a bubble tea before, on a date with a girl who loved them, and had nearly gagged on the large pearls of tapioca and high-octane sweetness of the drink. Howard wasn't really interested in what I wanted, though. I took a last drag of my cigarette and stubbed it out in the ashtray, then leaned back and resumed my "relaxed" pose. Howard continued, "Where were we? Oh, yes. Lindsey, you have the kind of smokey contralto voice that men find very sexy. How tall are you, and how much do you weigh?" The conscious part of my mind was still processing the first part of Howard's statement even as my mouth opened and my voice answered his question: "I'm five feet, eleven inches tall, and I weigh one hundred and ninety pounds." (ohmygod my voice was that my voice? i sound like a woman. a sexy woman) Howard answered, "No, that won't do. I'm thinking you should be about. ... hmmm. ... five foot four? Yes, that will work. You're five feet, four inches tall, and you weigh one hundred and ten pounds." Even sitting, I could see things getting bigger around me. More disturbingly, I could feel my whole body shifting, contracting, my skin tingling. I couldn't move my head, but I could look down. My legs sticking out of my shorts were thinner than I'd seen them in at least ten years, and my arms were downright skinny. Howard leaned to the side and looked under the table at my legs, and snorted derisively. "And you have no beard or body hair." I felt a tingle from just below my eyes all the way to my toes. On the bits of my arms and legs I could see, the hair seemed to withdraw, or maybe grow in reverse. In moments, I was absolutely smooth and hairless. "That's better," commented Howard. I managed to tear my attention from my skinny, hairless limbs back up to my tormentor. He looked like the cat that had just eaten the canary. "Lindsey, you have unusually thick, full hair, with a pronounced widow's peak. It's dark brown, straight and silky, and you haven't cut it in five years." Where I'd felt a slight tingling all over my body a few seconds earlier, my scalp now felt like it was covered in ants, or spiders, and they were all running laps. After a moment, I felt a tug as well, and a steadily increasing weight as my hair managed five years of growth in as many seconds. The sun was suddenly a lot hotter on my head, neck, and back as I'd essentially just gained a thick blanket covering them. "Lindsey, as your hair has grown, you've kept it bleached out platinum blond, with dark blue and black streaks. Because it's hot, you're wearing it up in a twist today. Also, you have bangs cut straight across, just even with your eyebrows." None of the weight went away, but I again felt the breeze on my neck as my hair gathered itself up into a banana clip. Looking up, I could see the streaked, platinum blond straight bangs in front. Just then, the waitress came back with my bubble tea. She did a double take as she set the drink down, obviously confused. Howard spoke up quickly, "It's all right, my dear. My friend here looks perfectly normal to you. Thank the woman, Lindsey." "Thank you, miss," my mouth said all on its own. The poor woman stood up, shook her head slightly, gave me a polite waitress smile, and answered, "Sure thing, honey" before turning and walking back into the coffee shop. "Drink your bubble tea, Lindsey. You absolutely adore bubble tea. You love how sweet it is, and the slimy texture of the tapioca. Have another cigarette, too." I picked up the drink with one hand and sucked hard on the big-bore straw. It tasted wonderful! Even as one hand was setting the drink back down, the other was picking up the pack of cigarettes and lighter Howard had set on the table within easy reach. Heavenly! My favorite drink AND a cigarette. Howard leaned forward, reaching into his jacket and coming out with a silver flask. He pried one side of the lid back on my drink and poured a couple ounces of something clear into my tea, then resealed the lid. "That's vodka, Lindsey. You love vodka even more than bubble tea. As a matter of fact, you had three vodka martinis with lunch. Fortunately, you drink like a fish so you've built up a little tolerance to alcohol." By the time Howard had finished speaking, I was MUCH more relaxed, and more than a little dizzy. I giggled in my woman's voice. (fuck i'm drunk! i'm . ". ". " a little drunk) I giggled again, for no apparent reason. I swirled the spiked tea around to mix in the vodka and took another long sip. It was even better than before! Howard snapped his fingers to get my attention as I took another long drag on my cigarette. "I know you're feeling pretty good right now, Lindsey, but pay attention. We're not quite finished with our conversation. Tell me about school, Lindsey. Were you a good student?" I giggled again, and answered, "Oh, yes" with a tipsy slur. "I'm taking computer programming courses at the community college, and I'm on the honor roll." Howard gave me a look of obviously false sympathy, and said, "I'm sorry, Lindsey, but that's just not true. See, you're dyslexic. And you've always hated math. Any school, really. You started skipping classes in seventh grade, and failed eighth grade three times. You were more interested in getting drunk, or high, and getting into trouble. "When you were sixteen and they couldn't legally try to make you go anymore, you dropped out entirely and got a job in a beauty salon. You learned all about hair, and makeup, and nails. When you turned eighteen, you got a job serving drinks in a seedy bar. You can only read at the fifth grade level, and need a calculator for any math much beyond five times five." They say the human brain can't feel sensation, but I would have sworn that the ants had crawled into my ears and burrowed into my brain. I tried despe. ". ". " despe. ". ". " real hard to remember about school and computers and stuff, but it was like a fog was in my brain. What I could 'member was people calling me stupid. They called me a retard, which was mean and made me cry. But they were right though. I'm really dumb and I don't 'member things so good. "Lindsey. Li-indsey." I looked at Howard. He said, "It's okay, Lindsey. You don't mind being stupid. When people call you a ditz, or an airhead, or a dumb blonde, you just smile and nod. If they laugh at you, you just laugh with them. Okay?" "Okay," I said. I felt a lot better when Howard explained it to me. "Now, Lindsey, remember I said you worked in a beauty salon and learned all about hair and makeup and nails, right?" "Uh huh." I did, too. I knew a LOT about hair and makeup and stuff. "Does it make sense for a boy to know those things?" I wrinkled up my nose as I pondered this for a few seconds. "Maybe if he's a gay boy?" "Are you a gay boy, Lindsey?" I thought about this, too. "No, I don't think so." "Right, so that must mean you're a girl, right Lindsey?" I looked down at myself and then back up at Howard. "No, Howard, I'm a boy." "I'm afraid not, Lindsey. You're a girl. You've always been a girl. A very girly girl, which is why you're so good at hair and makeup, and wanted to work in a salon. When you started skipping school in seventh grade, you were just starting to get boobies, and when some of the boys you were hanging out with played with them, you discovered that you really, really liked it. Remember, Lindsey?" I thought back real hard. I 'membered being a little girl and playing with dolls and wearing dresses and playing princess. I 'membered playing dress-up and and trying Mommy's makeup and getting teased by boys. Then when I got my boobies, all the boys wanted to play with them. At first, I said "no" 'cause Mommy said that was bad. But Tim played with them and it felt soooo good. "That's a good girl, Lindsey. You remember now. And you wanted to make the boys feel good, too, didn't you?" "Un huh." "Sure you did. And you made them feel very good. You gave your first blow job the summer before eighth grade, and then you gave a bunch more, and the boys really liked that. They called you the world's best cocksucker, Lindsey, and you were proud of how good you could make them feel." "Yup. I can suck cock real good." I 'membered all the cocks I had sucked. Some were big and some were small. Some were hairy. Some were thick. All of them were yummy though. I could take even the big ones way down my throat. "I know you can, Lindsey. And pretty soon, you were letting them put it in your pussy, too. Remember how good that felt, Lindsey?" "Ooh, yeah. I like that!" "Your mommy got you birth control pills, and you've taken them ever since. As you got older, you turned into a complete slut. You would spread your legs for just about any boy who asked nicely. When people call you a slut, or a whore, it doesn't make you sad. It makes you happy, because you know they're just jealous about how much sex you get." "Yup! I'm a big ol' slut, Howard." I 'membered all the boys and men and sticking their cocks in my pussy. Fucking was fun! Some boys wanted to put it in butt too and I was a little afraid but I said okay and that was fun too! "And then, when you got that job as a cocktail waitress, you saved up your money and got implants to make your boobies even bigger, because men like big boobies, and then even more of them will want to fuck you. Look how big your titties are, Lindsey!" I looked down at the really big titties sticking my shirt out. I could feel my bra. Sometimes it makes my back hurt but that's okay 'cause I love my big titties. I squeezed them and pinched my big nipples and it felt soooo good. Howard said, "Lindsey, stop playing with your titties in public, sweetheart. Your boss at the bar made you wear really short skirts and shirts that showed off your new boobies, and really high heels. He told you to always look as sexy as you could. You wanted to do what your boss wanted, so you got only the most sexy clothes and shoes. You made sure your hair and makeup was always sexy. You got piercings and tattoos to make you more sexy. You threw away all your nonsexy clothes." I looked at my clothes and they were really sexy. It made me feel super good and proud to be so sexy. I liked it when men looked at me and whistled and said damn girl you fine. "Yes, Lindsey. You're a very sexy girl. But you're not a slut any more." When Howard said that it made me sad. I like being a slut. I like to be fucked a lot. "Don't look sad, Lindsey. You're not a slut anymore because you're my girlfriend. You're only sexy for me. You're only a slut for me." When Howard said that it made me glad again. Howard would fuck me good. It would be okay. "Come here, Lindsay," Howard said, and patted his lap. I got up and went and sat in Howard's lap and put my arms around his neck like a good girlfriend. "Lindsey, you're totally, completely in love with me. You wake up every morning thinking of how you're going to please me. You think I'm the sexiest man in the world, and you love to kiss and hug me, and be fucked by me." I kissed Howard and it was wonderful. I love Howard. I love how he smells and how his mouth tastes and I love his cock. Howard is my boyfriend. When I stopped kissing Howard, he said, "Nah, I'm just fucking with you. You can have your mind back, Michael. You're a great kisser, though." I almost blacked out from the rush as my memories and knowledge came rushing back to me. I was Michael again. At the same time, I remembered Lindsey's life. On top of the vodka and the sheer insanity of the situation, I was reeling. Finally, mercifully, I did pass out. "Miss. Miss? Are you okay?" I opened my eyes and saw the waitress who'd waited on Howard and I bent over me, her face a mask of concern, and some irritation. Why was she calling me "miss"? I looked around, and found myself alone at the table. My bubble tea and cigarettes sat on the table, next to my purse, but Howard was nowhere in sight. Howard! What the fuck! "Miss? Do you need me to call anyone?" "No, I'm fine," I said in a sultry voice. My voice. Oh, shit. The waitress set a ticket down on the table, and turned away, muttering under her breath as she walked away, "Fucking whores. I don't get paid enough for this shit." I caught my reflection in the big, plate glass windows running across the front of the coffee shop. Sitting at the little cafe table was a bleached blonde bombshell of heroic proportions. I stood up, and turned from side to side. My tits were fucking huge, and my ass wasn't far behind. Masses of streaked, blonde hair were pulled up behind my head in a clip. I undid the clip, and my hair fell all the way to my ass, except where it was trimmed into straight bangs. Though it was the middle of a sunny weekday afternoon, I was made up like I was on my way to a club, probably a very cheap club, and probably with the express purpose of getting laid as early and often as possible. I would have sworn the stretchy blue dress didn't have enough material for a shirt, but it managed to cover just barely enough of me that I wouldn't get arrested for indecent exposure. Prostitution, maybe, but not exposure. I tottered in the six inch stilettos and almost fell, but managed to catch myself on the table and sit back down. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I am so very fucked," I said to myself as I fumbled to light a cigarette. A voice over my shoulder said, "Well, not yet. But would you like to be?" I turned in my chair to find a tall, good looking man holding out a lit Zippo and staring straight down my cleavage. I grabbed his hand and guided the lighter to the tip of my cigarette, inhaling deeply. I flipped the lid closed, but didn't let go of his hand. "I think maybe I would, handsome. My name's Lindsey."

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Julie Barnes watched in horror as the tall, lithe Wilson Red Hawk forward shot down the middle of the soccer field toward her teams' goal, the ball moving from foot to foot as he easily raced towards scoring the winning goal. A wave of disgust shot through her body as she realized what was happening then, out of nowhere, Chris Bolton raced down the sidelines then crossed in front of the Wilson forward, kicked the ball loose just before their bodies collided. The crush of the two boys' was...

2 years ago
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Enter Jenny

When my wife died, I was devastated. Married less than 10 years, and taken from me suddenly. More than just my wife, she was my best friend. We would laugh together, cry together. We had amazing adventures all over the country, and our intimacy was stuff of legend. At times it was all I could do just to get out of bed in the morning. I knew that I had to get through this, I just didn’t know how. After several months of establishing myself in my new life, I decided it was time to find myself a...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Anna De Ville Kat Dior The Shy Roommate

When roommate Anna De Ville blares music in her bedroom, topless Kat Dior stops masturbating to tell her to turn it down. Kat encourages shy Anna to go out with some friends since it’s Saturday night, but Anna would rather stay home. When Kat presses her shy roommate further, Anna admits that she met a girl at a punk concert. Kat is taken aback and tells Anna to show her what she plans on doing with this girl she’s supposedly seeing. Anna doesn’t know what she means, or why...

4 years ago
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Captured Ch 02

Please note that there are some reluctance themes. Carly moaned softly as the gentle rocking of the boat intruded on her drowsy slumber, and her fingers curled in the sheets. She lay sprawled on the softest of mattresses, her hand nestled beneath her cheek, her limbs free from constriction beneath the clean sheet. Her sky blue eyes fluttered open, and she stretched, feeling a delicious ache between her thighs. Her heart thudded in her chest as she sat up with a start, hastily drawing the...

3 years ago
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Meri Pehla Sex Jis Se Me Bana Call Boy

Hii friends me daman. Apni pehli story post kr raha hu or me udaipur ka rehne wala hu or koi female mujhe contact kr sakta hai ek bharpoor chudai kaa aanand uthane k apne bare me bta du me ek athele body hai or meri height 6ft 4in hai…jsa k sab kehte hai k meri height ki wajha se me attractive lagta hu or mera 7 inc ka hai…. Me ab story pe aata hu. Toh frnds baat un dino ki hai jb mere boards exm khatm hue the or me vella tha..or aise me humesha chudai ka hi khayal rehta tha k kb...

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The ParkersChapter 58 The whole family

Roger Parker couldn't believe his eyes! Everybody was naked. Fucking! Not just Lucy, but their kids! All of his kids! The eight of them! Naked. Fucking. Sucking. The whole family! How did this happen? In what? A few hours? He had left home this morning, and everything was normal as usual! How did this happen? Who the fuck cares? His dream was right there, in front of his eyes! He smiled! And his kids started to move closer. They kissed him. They said things like "hi, dad" and...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 5 Christina Aguilera

Life was good. In my two months since taking over the talent agency from my father, not only had I fooled around with some of the hottest women in Hollywood, but the accountants told me that the firm was bringing in records amounts of money. And of course there was Alyssa Milano, my current girlfriend and who I felt was my soul mate. I couldn't think of anything else to make life better. I was truly at a plateau of bliss. However, when things can no longer go up, the only direction they tend...

3 years ago
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The Rapt Student

Flashback: exactly one year ago today. You were my English Lit professor and I, your rapt student. I knew that I absolutely wanted your cock inside me the first day you walked into that classroom. And, I was determined to do whatever I could do get my hands on it - whether you liked it or not.I sat at the front of the class. Hip-hugging black, A-line skirt, red tank top, strappy sandals. Short, wavy hair lightly tousled around my face. You were my wet dream come true: tall, strong, confident,...

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Jay and Deb after a bad day at work

When I got home from work I was pretty pooped, and not in the best of moods. My day had been a bitch, and so had my boss. The wife was doing the laundry, and I surprised her by being half an hour early. We were still suffering from the after effects of an argument a few days before, so there was tension between us. I flopped in the livingroom and turned on the TV. She came in and sat on the adjoining couch. After a few moments, she said ‘Are you still mad at me?’ After brief consideration I...

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Billy Oldhams WarChapter 11

They spent a day in Kansas City so that the women could do some window shopping, but they didn't buy anything because they didn't want to encumber themselves while they were on patrol. It was just as well because they ran into some jayhawkers who had crossed the Kansas-Missouri border to cause some trouble with "slavers." The jayhawkers simply wanted to cause trouble for Southern sympathizers in Missouri, and anybody who they found along the river was a slaver by definition. This was a...

2 years ago
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Long Days Night

I come home one day, and I see you there fresh from the shower, in nothing but your dark silk robe, your legs glistening from the water. I can smell the body lotion on you. I’m in my suit and tie, and I go to you and kiss you deep, my hand slipping under that robe, the flimsy knot was never meant to keep me out. I kiss your neck, and when your body reacts, I can tell you just don’t want a hello kiss. You grab my hand and drag me into the bedroom, but it is the last time you take control. As...

2 years ago
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Caught But By Who Part 4 final

I finally got out of bed, the thoughts of mum's sexy body still in my mind. I couldn't go down stairs just yet, I needed to calm down a bit, I flicked on the TV and then played the Xbox for a bit. Just as I was about to go down stairs I got a text. It was from my step-mum. "Are you OK?" "Yeah, I'm great. I just got the best blow job of my life. Are you OK?" "I'm okay, I feel a bit guilty though. Are you coming downstairs?" "Yeah, I'll be down in a few minutes. Aww, don't feel guilty. Would you...

4 years ago
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The Confession

"Honey, I have a confession to make."I looked into Mat's eyes as he made this statement, and I could see he was quite serious. Needless to say, I was curious and quite intrigued. I looked back at him, my eyes indicating he should continue."We both know that I'm not able to meet your needs sexually," Mat began. "I wish I was more well-endowed, and I know you need more than I have to offer."I covered my mouth with my hand so that he wouldn't see me smiling. His four-inch cock has always been a...

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Muleskinner BluesChapter 12

I woke up some time later. My mind swam up out of a fog and I was instantly alert. My eyes sprang open, but when I tried to move it was as if I was mired in quicksand. I was lying on my back with my head cradled on something soft. My legs were out straight and my arms were at my sides. I did not appear to be tied up; instead, it was as if all my limbs were asleep. I twitched just then as my muscles were starting to come back to life. The second time I twitched, Helena's head loomed over mine...

2 years ago
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Secret Sex With My Wife8217s Friend

I am back again with a recent experience. This happened a few months back when my wife Ramya and I went to Bangalore to meet some of our friends. That is when I met my wife’s friend, Shyama. She was a sex bomb with a perfect figure. She was offered drinks by total strangers to impress her. We all were having drinks at a local pub, and that is when she came. She was wearing a pink knee-length party wear. I could see her full figure in that dress and immediately had a hard-on. We all had some...

1 year ago
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Dancing Backwards

NOTE #1: If you are offended by stories that lack crude, foul, or profane language, then this story is not for you. Likewise, if you are looking for descriptions of explicit sex or violent and aggressive behavior, you will have to look elsewhere. NOTE #2: This story is my property, but you may post it anywhere that makes it available to readers for free. If you do post it somewhere, please include all of it, including the comments and glossary that appear after the story. And please...

4 years ago
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What the Future May BringChapter 26

The ambulance carrying Steve Stone and his patient arrived at the hospital without further incident. As the injured man was wheeled into the Emergency Room, a doctor came over to examine the wounded leg. After a quick examination of the leg, the doctor told the nurses to prep the man for surgery. Turning to Steve, she said, "Doctor, you saved this man's leg and possibly his life as well." "Gracias, Doctora. Would it be possible to come into the O.R. to observe the surgery? I am still a...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Exercise Mera Sex

Hello dosto my self “lucky” mai delhi se hu my id () face book same id and my age 27 hight 5.8 body fit hu ku ki gym karta hu dekhne mai bole to vo aap khud hi dekh lena to ye story hai ek bhahbi ki jis k sath maine morng mai sex kiya us k ghar pe us ko exercise karni thi or mujhe sex bad pe pata chala k us ko bhi sex karna tha to kese hua read story…. Mai roj morng mai gym jate hue running karte hue jata tha rood pe to raste mai 1 bus stand tha maine us k samen se jata tha vaha kafi log rahte...

2 years ago
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Pussy Worship

Here is my story to answer a curious person on my blog at asked: yeah i think u should let your friend your worship your pussy and how is your friend going to worship your pussy? did the guy fuck u really good? [He is referencing another guy I fucked earlier that day in the second question.]Me: Thanks for keeping my tumblr fresh with some stories I might not have told, and drawing all the details out. You are in for some loooong answers. Well, turns out...

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Snake Chapter 12

Snake - Chapter 12 by: Beverly Taff Having slept the sleep of the utterly besotten, Sissy woke the next morning to an even greater surprise. As the soft dawn light filtered through the curtains she slowly ascended from the depths of her slumbers to the sound of soft whisperings in her ears. Contentedly she assumed the sounds to be Sarah gently assuaging her senses but as she squirmed licentiously, she extended her toes to find no soft warm body beside her in the bed. Sleepily...

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Growing Up A MasterChapter 11 Introducing the Harrisons

A bunch of us were hanging around at Helen's house one weekend. She had a great house for it, with a nice entertainment area and a pool with a big deck in the backyard. Others might ascribe different motives to it, but I think that Helen had us over to show me how she controlled Ken. They had been dating for a while, and I was able to observe them together when they were around me, as well as when they didn't realize that I was nearby, and despite her protestations, she treated Ken...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Come True

Joan and I have been swinging now for over 7 years, in that time we have had a fair share of fun, we have always played as a couple, but it has always been my fantasy of letting Joan play while I am out and to give me full details when I return, (even though I said to do it I didn’t know how I would react if she ever did) I have asked her many times to do this but she has always refused, that was until last Friday. I went out with family to watch a game at the millennium stadium in Cardiff,...

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Split Tails RanchChapter 5

SPLIT TAILS RANCH, PART 5 She didn’t realize she was holding my hand until the girls came running up to us. They stopped and stared before breaking into huge grins. She looked down, flushed to the roots of her hair, and let go. It just wasn’t done in the day and time, especially if the woman was newly widowed. It especially wasn’t done with the man who had killed her husband. She was expected to wear black in mourning for a year, but she steadfastly refused. “To do so would honor the...

2 years ago
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Honey for sale part 2

Introduction: a nine year old goes with a man to live with him and his wife Honey for sale 2 I was holding the check out to Jeb, but he wasnt reaching to take it and I began to worry that he might back out of the deal. Jeb scratched his balls and sniffed his fingers, the odor must have met with his approval because he looked at me, rolled the match stick in his mouth to the other side and said. I got a couple stip-a-lations ta add ta thisen greement. He said trying to sound all lawyer like. ...

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The Masquerade

       I took a sip of my Appletini, dancing in my seat at the bar to blaring dance music, watching men and women, masked and half-naked, grinding erotically on the strobe-lit dance floor. My girlfriend Velia, the naughty little thing that'd talked me into attending this swinger's club with her  and her husband, was in the already in the Red Room, probably getting the brains fucked out of her. I couldn't bring myself to go in there. Not without getting a few drinks in me first, anyway. I had...

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TandraChapter 86

Henry journeyed from the Sol system many times to visit his scattered family in his newest ship, the "Albert," named for his paternal grandfather. The ship had more room for carrying family and cargo and served more like a minivan. A few tweaks allowed it to travel as fast as the "courier" class ships, even though it weighed twice as much. He took some of his mates with him on the first of these trips. This was quite practical, because they were in constant contact with Mom, Marcus and...

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Abby TwoChapter 39

No. Seriously ... the high piedmont west of the Blue is having a ‘porker’ problem. We bought a couple of chilled piglets in Sydney ... Vickies was not the only place we went. I had a yearning for ‘pig in the ground.’ All my rowdy friends are coming over tonight ... Big Aussie rules match on the telly. Oh ... lest I forget ... I found the parts to fix the house unit in Sydney. Daddy is pissed... “Who shall we call to do the repairs,” I will admit ... the statement was said a little more...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyDaughterGoBlack Anna Claire Clouds Casca Akashova 06282021

Casca knew her stepdaughter was extremely disappointed with the birthday present her conservative father had given her the night before. What young lady wants roller skates? C’mon now. This stepmom knows quite well what every young girl needs – a big cock! Anna is ecstatic when the big stud her stepmom found brings out a birthday cake for her. As she blows out the candle Anna’s one wish is that her little white pussy will soon be filled with sweet dark chocolate. Stepmom Casca...

4 years ago
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The First EntryChapter 14

January 3, 2013 When we stepped out of the doctor's office, I stopped to put on my coat, while Jules dug through her purse for her keys. "Told you," I sang with a smug grin on my face. "You still took a crazy risk letting him fuck you without a condom. You don't know, he could have some kind of disease." She'd been in rare form this morning. The night before, we'd talked for hours, until she took me to bed to drive me crazy with her tongue. We'd woken up late and had to scramble...

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Sameera and me

Hey my name is shailendra my distant cousin invited our family to a function in his house . My father sent me to his house on behalf of him . One day earlier I reached his hose. Istood in the doorway and saw a lady and watched as she moved around the room, her natural grace making her movements into an unwitting seduction. She was cleaning the table. Collecting dirty cups and setting them in the sink, tossing away empty cans and the scattered remains of the pizza they’d eaten. She hadn’t...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Paige Owens Up Close And Personal

Get to know the gorgeous, fit, sex bomb, Paige Owens in the newest installment of Up Close And Personal. This wonderful cock sucker talks about her time in the business and her sexual desires. Watch her and her co-star Mike Mancini go after each other in this extremely hot sex scene. If their was ever a girl who loved a pounding it is Paige. Her perfect round ass and perky tits are exactly what any man needs to feel uncontrollable arousal. Enjoy this fresh new interview and hot gonzo style sex...

4 years ago
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Freshers Night

Late night - centre of town. I'd moved into my Halls that afternoon - fixed up a dodgy jacket potato and walked into the Student's Union - Freshers Party was probably winding down by now - but I could still hopefully hook up with some people. First stop was the bar - of course. "Pint of Carling please." I called out - my order duly arrived - I'd come to the place completely solo - having made no contacts whatsoever beforehand and sharing my flat with no one - welcome to Uni...

1 year ago
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Jennifers surpriseChapter 7

"Fuck my ass," Jennifer Smith was whimpering aloud, breathing and biting into the soft pillow beneath her head. The 39 year old glasses-wearing assistant sales-director, wife, and mother of two was positioned on her marital bed on hands and knees with her perfectly shaped ass in the air. Her husband Tim was sitting in a chair in the corner pumping his own meat, and her 19 year old son Mark was sitting on his knees behind her, about to insert his 8 incher into the only orifice belonging to...

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Undercover Assignmnet

Undercover Assignment By Ray Kitten As I got out of the car and approached the door I was all too aware of the sound of my little hard soled shoes tapping against the sidewalk. I could not believe that I was actually going through with this stupid bet, but I really had no choice. I had been wanting to propose to my girlfriend for months, but didn't have enough money to buy her the quality of ring that someone as beautiful as her deserved. I saved for almost six months, and...

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Bakers DozenChapter 5

On Saturday morning, when I had the weekend off from work, so we weren't in a rush, Sian suggested we have another go with her on top. We both went for a pee, and I got back onto the mattress and laid down on my back. Sian laid on top of me, and we kissed, cuddled and rubbed chests until she said she was ready. My cock, now named Gustav by Sian, was ready to go, and as she got up on to her knees and lowered herself onto him, he went where he was supposed to go. But it still didn't quite...

1 year ago
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Flying HighChapter 4

"I can't quite believe this is happening but, well, this girl is horny and what I see in front of me looks awfully good. My little brother has grown up quite nicely. And you say he uses that pretty good?" my sister asked Brenda as she reached over to take my dick in her hand. "I guess we need to go to my room with this," she said, tugging me toward her bedroom door by the cock. "Wanna watch me do my little brother?" she asked Brenda who followed us in to my sister's room and sat on...

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