Paint Ball
- 4 years ago
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Paint Ball Wars
Well, it was finally time. It was early December, there was snow everywhere,and I was going to Panama to get warm. I had taken a two week vacation,and I was going to spend it hunting women. That's right, I was goingto hunt women. I had heard about a place in Panama where you could huntwomen on a private ranch.
I had checked out their website and then had them send me more informationby mail. I was ready for it. My girlfriend of five years had cheatedon me and then ditched me for her new lover about six months before, and Ihad some unresolved hostility toward women that I wanted to work out.
It was going to be a true dream vacation; two weeks in paradise. Theplace was a remote former plantation on about 1000 acres, and was totally fencedto avoid any intruders. It was expensive, and was costing me almost $3,000per day for the 10 days I would be there, but I knew it would be worth it. Besides,the cost included meals and lodging.
I am a paintball fanatic, so when I heard about this place, I just had totry it. Not only was I going to get to hunt naked women with my paintballgun, but if I captured them, I could do whatever I wanted with them until sunset. Eachday would be a new game, and each game would run from 8am until sunset.
I arrived the day before, and was leaving the day following my 10 days, somy vacation actually included 11 nights. They had told me I would bemet at the airport, but I was still surprised when I was met by an absolutelygorgeous pair of women. The stunning blonde introduced herself as Becky,and said she was from Canada . She handled my bags. The other woman,a tiny sexpot with long black hair and incredibly full lips, was Maria. Shesaid she had grown up in a village not far from the plantation.
?Well, Andy,? Becky said as we walked out of the airport, ?Are you ready tohunt? We sure are.?
?Sure,? I answered. ?I am really looking forward to this. I'veeven been training so I would be sure to be in proper shape. I hope youdon't mind losing.? They just laughed.
They loaded my gear into a Jeep Wrangler, and we set out. Maria drove,while Becky sat in the back seat behind me. They told me it would takeabout 90 minutes to get there. We hadn't been traveling more than a coupleof miles when I felt Becky reach around and start rubbing my cock through myslacks. I got hard in an instant.
?Very nice,? she said. ?I was hoping you wouldn't be some tiny dick. Youshould have seen this guy who was here last month. They say Black guysare all big, but I can tell you that's wishful thinking. So, what areyou going to do with us if you capture us?? By now she had slid her handdown my waistband and was gently squeezing my balls.
Maria said, ?Hey, Becky, that's not fair. Let me get in on this.? Beckyresponded by undoing my slacks and telling me to slid them down around my ankles.
?Underwear, too,? she said, and I promptly replied. As soon as I wasundressed from the waist down Becky reached around both sides of the seat andstarted massaging my balls. Maria reached over, took my cock in her tinyhand, and started stroking up and down. The trip was definitely off toa good start.
Maria and Becky turned out to be artists who had obviously worked togetherbefore. Maria had me close to coming in a couple of minutes, but shewas an expert at varying the rhythm. Becky kept up her work on my balls,but every time I got really close, she would squeeze them enough to hurt andmy orgasm would subside.
Every now and then, Maria would need both hands to drive, so Becky would shiftone hand to my cock. A few seconds later, Maria's hand would be back. Theysuccessfully kept me hard and panting to come for the rest of the trip. Then,as we were driving through the automatic gate into the plantation, Becky askedif I was ready to come yet.
I managed to choke out, ?Yes, please, make me come.?
Instead, just as we were driving up to the lodge, Maria suddenly sank hernails into the head of my cock, and Becky squeezed and twisted my balls hard. Iarched off the seat and screamed in agony. Maria braked to a stop infront of the lodge, and the two of them had jumped out of the jeep before Icould recover. Maria blew me a kiss and said, ?See you in the jungle,tough guy.? Then they both took off at a jog.
A moment later another tiny but sexy woman (Maria's sister, as I later foundout) opened my door on the Jeep, looked down at my raging erection, and said, ?Aren'tyou a sight? I'll get your bags.? I staggered out of the Jeep andinto the lodge, where I met my hostess.
I had talked to her on the phone, but that didn't prepare me for her reality. Lisawas truly stunning. She was easily as tall as me, and I'm 6'3?. Herhair and eyes were the same shade of black, and her skin was deep, golden brown. Iguessed her to be Black/Asian mix. She was wearing a little black dress,and it perfectly accentuated her athletic, yet voluptuous body. I lookeddown and noticed she was barefoot.
?Welcome to our home. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Anna willshow you to your room. Dinner is in 90 minutes.? Maria's sister,Anna, showed me down the corridor to my suite. I decided to shower beforedinner.
Once I got cleaned up and dressed, I went to the lounge, where I found thefour women. Lisa, who owned the place, explained that they were the entirestaff; except that they had a couple of local women come in and do a majorcleaning between clients. ?Each day,? she said, ?one of us will remainhere to run the lodge house and cook the meals, while the other three willparticipate in the game.?
?Now,? she went on, ?let me go over again how it works. I know we talkedabout it on the phone, but I always want to make sure there are no misunderstandings. First,you can wear anything you like, but we women will be either barefoot or wearingonly sneakers during the game. Naturally all of us will wear eye protection. Youstart at 8am each morning. Whichever three of us are playing that daywill already be gone. We can leave as early as we like to get ready. Onceyou are 50' from the lodge, the game begins.?
?Each player will have a paintball gun. You get as much ammo as youwant to carry, while each of us is limited to five paintballs. Your paintwill be blue, while ours will be pink. The premise is that the paintcauses instant paralysis that lasts about 15 minutes, so anyone who is hitis expected to immediately fall and pretend to be paralyzed. They can'teven speak. We will always do that, and you must do it also. Ifyou don't, the game ends that day and we won't play the following day, either.?
?Once you have one of us paralyzed, you can do whatever you want to us. Wewill already be naked, so that should make it more convenient for you. Remember,we quit being paralyzed in 15 minutes, so you may want to tie us up beforethen. To help with the timekeeping, a bell will sound here at the lodgeevery five minutes. A person is paralyzed until they hear the bell fourtimes, so it may actually last almost 20 minutes.?
?Like I said, you can do anything you like to us once we are captured. Whilewe are ?paralyzed' we will try not to respond at all. Once that ends,we may choose to cooperate or fight like wildcats. You can let us fightor torture us into submission. Prisoners can even be tortured just forthe fun of it, if the captor likes that sort of thing.?
?There are a couple of limitations, as I said on the phone. No permanentdamage is allowed. It is also requested that all participants try toavoid deliberately drawing blood in any quantity. Naturally, if you arewhipping one of us with a switch, or we are scratching and clawing to get away,there may be minor injuries, and this sort of thing doesn't count.?
?At sunset, the game ends for the day. If you have any of us captiveat that time, you can choose one captive to spend the night as your slave. Shewill serve you with complete compliance from then until 6am the next morning. Also,there are cameras mounted in many places on the ranch, and we record much ofthe action. When you leave you will be provided with a recording thatyou can enjoy later.?
?I think that's about everything. Naturally the same rules apply toeverybody. Do you have any questions? No? OK, I just needyou to sign this agreement specifying that I have explained the rules as listedhere, and you understand them.?
After I looked over the agreement and signed, it was time for dinner, whichwas excellent. After dinner I was given a tour of the ?playing area? soI would have some familiarity with the layout. There were a lot of trails,and a lot of heavy cover. There were also jumbled piles of boulders scatteredaround, a stream and small lake, and several cabins. There were alsosome structures that looked like big jungle gyms. The ?playing area? wasa bit over one half mile on a side, and surrounded by a 10' chain link fencewith razor wire on the top. The back door of the lodge opened out intothe ?playing area.?
When we got back to the lodge, I looked over the equipment and decided whatI would take with me the next day. They had a nice selection of paintballguns and also a huge variety of bondage stuff, dildoes, vibrators, etc. Ipacked a backpack full of what I thought I would need and decided to turn inearly.
At 6:30 the next morning Maria woke me up. She said the other womenwere already in the playing area. I dressed in running shoes, long pants,and a short sleeved safari type shirt. After Maria served me breakfast,it was nearly 8am , so I grabbed my gun and backpack and got ready to start. At8am sharp the bell sounded for the first time, and I headed out the door.
I had been playing paintball for a long time, so I didn't make any novicemistakes. Lisa had said 50' and I was fair game, so I stood by the lodgefor several minutes and just looked. When I was fairly sure nobody wasnearby, I slipped quietly into the brush. I can be very quiet in thewoods, and these tropical forests had no dry leaves to worry about.
I worked my way quietly through the brush about 30' from the main trail. Ihad only gone about 100 yards when I spotted Becky hiding near the main trail. Shewas obviously waiting to ambush me. When I had a clear shot I carefullylined up and triggered one ball right into the middle of her back. Shelooked around in surprise and then remembered and dropped to the ground.
I waited and watched a couple of minutes and then carefully approached her. AsI came up to her, I saw she was a natural blonde. After making sure nobodyelse was around, I decided to have some fun. I dragged her back intothe brush where I knew no one could see us, and said very quietly in her ear, ?Let'stest this paralysis, shall we.? She stiffened a tiny bit but didn't move. Ireached down and took one nipple between my thumb and finger and started topinch and twist. Becky tried very hard not to move, but she couldn'thelp squirming a bit, and she made kind of a gurgling noise. As hardas I was twisting and pinching, I knew I was really hurting her.
After a few minutes of this fun, I stopped and picked her up in a fireman'scarry over my shoulder. I knew there was a cabin just a hundred or sofeet up the main trail. I went carefully through the brush and checkedit out before approaching. Finally I went quickly across to the cabinand kicked open the door. It was empty.
It was only maybe 15' square, and contained just a bed and a couple of chairs. Ihad heard two bells, so I dropped her on the bed and got some rope from mybackpack. I quickly tied her hands behind her, and bound her ankles andknees. I got a ball gag ready and waited for the fourth bell. Assoon as it came, she started testing her bonds. I leaned over her andquietly asked if she wanted to fight or submit.
She spit at me and said, ?You're a bastard. Why did you pinch my nipplelike that? That really hurt.?
?I know,? I answered. ?That's why I did it. Now, you shouldn'tcall me names. You'll have to pay for that.? I forced the ballgag into her mouth and buckled it behind her head. Then I tied a ropeto her wrists and threw it over a rafter, pulled up her wrists, and tied itoff to the headboard. Finally, I tied off her ankles to the foot of thebed. She was on her belly, gagged, hands tied and pulled up in the air,and feet fastened down, which also kept her stretched out.
After looking out the door for a while to make sure it was clear, I quicklywent out and cut a couple of branches. When I got back inside, I putthe bar across the door. For the time being I was safe. Then Itrimmed my branches until I had one whippy switch and one heavier branch, morelike a cane.
I started with the switch. When I brought it down across her butt, shetried to scream through the gag. I guess it stung. I spent about10 minutes and thoroughly covered her butt and legs. She was thrashingas hard as she could by this time. Then I dropped the switch and pickedup the cane. She immediately started trying to talk and was shaking herhead ?no? at the same time.
I laughed and swished the cane through the air a couple of times. ThenI brought it down hard across her butt. Becky erupted into the air. Sheactually got a pretty credible scream out through the gag. I let hersettle down a minute and then took the gag out.
She was sobbing and writhing around a bit. I loved it. Then Iasked again, ?Do you want to fight or submit??
She didn't even hesitate. She said, ?I'll submit. Please, don'thurt me anymore. I'll do whatever you want.?
?Good,? I replied. ?Now, I think you should apologize for spitting atme. A proper apology will probably take several minutes. Don'tforget to mention any ways you think of to make it up to me.?
While Becky apologized and promised to suck me or screw me or lick me anyway I wanted, I untied her legs and the rope holding her arms up to the ceiling. Soonthe only things bound were her hands, still behind her back. I broughtmy cock out and told her to get busy. She was very enthusiastic, anda few minutes later she swallowed everything I gave her. When I was done,I retied her on the bed and set out to find the other two.
I opened the cabin door carefully and looked out for a couple of minutes. ThenI went out the door and toward the safety of the brush at a run. I didn'tmake it. Anna had snuck in while I was busy and was on the roof of thecabin. She nailed me in the back with two shots, so I fell to the groundand pretended to be paralyzed.
Anna hopped down off the roof, ran over to me, and opened my backpack. Sheremoved the handcuffs, and then she removed the backpack and my shirt beforecuffing my hands in front of me. Next, she scampered into the cabin anduntied Becky. The two of them quickly stripped off the rest of my clothingand then dragged me into the cabin.
They got me onto the bed, and then tied my hands to the headboard and my feetspread to the foot. Once I was tied down, Anna said, ?I'll go find Lisa,? andran out the door.
Becky stood over me smiling and said, ?Let's test this paralysis, shall we.? Shereached down with one hand and slid my ballsack between her two middle fingers. Thenshe cupped her hand around my balls, trapping them firmly, and pulled up, stretchingmy ballsack, and then begin jamming the end of the thumb on her other handinto the side of my left nut. I tried to stay still, but in a few momentsI was arching up on the bed and moaning. She dropped my balls and laughed. ?I'mbetter at the paralysis than you are.?
Then Becky picked up the switch. She leaned down real close to my earand whispered, ?I owe you.? Then she whipped me with the switch. Shestarted with my thighs, and it really hurt. When she moved on to my belly,I started to really thrash, and she was relentless. It was about 10 minutesbefore the other two girls arrived, and she whipped me steadily the whole time. WhenAnna and Lisa arrived, I was crying, begging, and writhing on the bed.
Lisa said, ?I see you got started without us.?
?Not really,? Becky said. ?I haven't really hurt him yet. Watchthis.? Then she slashed the wicked switch across my balls. I screamed. Shegrinned at me and said, ?I owed you that for the cane.?
Lisa sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked my cock a couple of times. Forsome reason it was hard. Then she said, ?Well, now you see the downsideof our little game. Sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the beargets you. We like to see what our new players do with the first girlthey catch. You might say it sets the tone for the games we play. Ifthey are gentle and kind, then we will be the same way when we capture them.?
?On the other hand, if the player likes to play a rougher sort of game, wecan do that, too.? While Lisa was talking to me, Anna had slipped upon the other side of the bed and suddenly jammed the ball gag into my mouth. Lisaheld my head while Anna buckled it into place. Once it was secure, Lisawent on. ?Since you have shown a fondness for dishing out pain, we willsee if you can take it.?
Becky reached into the backpack and took out the other two pairs of handcuffs. Shetook the first set and locked one cuff around my entire package, tighteningit down firmly. Then she slipped a rope through the second cuff, loopedit around the back of my neck, and pulled it up tight, tying it off. Thispulled my cock and balls up toward my stomach.
Becky used the other set of cuffs above my balls, ratcheting them down tight,separating my balls from my cock and holding them up tight against the skin. Whenthey had me set, Lisa said, ?You are really going to hate this. Beckyand Anna will help you hold still.? Anna promptly straddled my upperbody, facing the foot of the bed, and jammed her ass down on my nose. Withthe ball gag in place, I couldn't do much about it. Becky sat on my legsjust below the knees facing my head. I was pinned down by two full grownwomen in addition to the ropes.
I also couldn't see a thing with Anna's butt on my face. The first Iknew what was going to happen was when Lisa brought a stick down hard acrossmy balls. I guess it was the cane I had made. She beat my ballswith that stick for what seemed forever, and just when I thought I would surelyblack out, she finally stopped. The women got off of me, and the gagwas removed.
Once I had recovered a bit, Lisa sat back on the edge of the bed. ?Sinceit's three against one, we are going to do things a bit differently when wecapture you. We will never hold you more than two hours. Of course,it may seem like two weeks to you, once we get busy. We're going to releaseyou now. We will move some distance away from this cabin, so you don'thave to worry about getting ambushed again. We are also stealing someof your stuff. See you in the jungle, tough guy.?
Anna firmly tied one wrist to the headboard and then unlocked the cuffs. Thewomen gathered up some of my gear and then left. It took me about 5 minuteswith my free hand to get free. The first thing I did was check to seewhat gear they had taken. They had left me a single pair of cuffs andmost of the rope, along with my backpack. They took everything else butmy shoes and paintball gun, and most of the ammo for that was gone.
A few minutes later I headed out to get even. I was naked except formy shoes. The stream was nearby, so my first action was to head thereand smear mud on myself for camouflage. Then I took to the brush andtried to disappear. I hid out most of the day, moving slowly. Patiencewas my friend. About 4pm I was ready to make my move.
The women had hid out most of the day, setting an ambush over one of the sidetrails. Finally they realized I wasn't going to walk down that path,so they got together to plan strategy. I stalked with 50' of their hidingplace and then opened up with what ammo they had left me. In secondsall three were on the ground.
After sprinting over to them, I quickly cuffed Lisa's hands behind her back. Theywere using my shirt as a sack to carry the rest of my gear. I retrievedthe other two sets of cuffs and cuffed Anna and Becky. Then I took somerope and tied their ankles crossed. ?It's nice to see you again, ladies. Iguess it's my turn now. Just so you know, I plan to torment you untilsundown and then decide who will be my slave for the night. I think Iwill take all of you over to that jungle gym, and then we will get started.?
I carried all three of them the 100' to the giant jungle gym, which lookedlike playground equipment on steroids. Next I untied Anna's ankles andtied her big toes together with her shoe laces. By then the paralysistime was over and the women could move again, so I stood Anna up under themiddle of the framework. I doubled a piece of rope, made a loop in theend, and pulled it tight around her waist. Then I brought it down betweenher legs, between her labia, and up the crack of her butt.
I passed it through the waist rope and threw it over the crossbar. Afterpulling it down I tied it off to a support. Anna was now forced to stand,and there was no chance she could run away. Next I unlocked her wristsand recuffed them above her head but behind the rope, and I finished by pullingthe rope until she was way up on her toes, and then retied it.
Anna was now trying to keep her weight off the crotch rope by using her toesand pulling with her hands, but I knew that as she tired she would put moreand more of her weight on the rope. To finish it off, I blindfolded her.
I blindfolded Becky next, and then I tied her on her back on the outside ofthe gym, with each leg tied about four feet off the ground, and spread aboutthe same. She was lying on her shoulders, and I ran a rope from her handsto a lower bar, snugging it up.
Lisa got the ball gag installed, but I left her alone otherwise. I kneltdown next to her and asked, ?Do you submit?? She shook her head ?no.? Igot up and walked into the woods. When I came back a few minutes laterI had several switches and a couple of thicker branches for canes. Annawas moaning a bit and clearly beginning to feel some pain. The othertwo were trying to get loose.
I dropped my bundle on the ground, except for one cane and one switch. ThenI went over to Becky. First I took the switch and brought it down hardright between her legs. She screamed beautifully. I did it twicemore. She was begging me to stop, so I said, ?I am only doing this becauseLisa refused to submit.? Then I used the switch a few times on each nipplebefore returning for a parting shot at her pussy.
When I looked over at Lisa, she was mewling through the gag and shaking herhead ?yes.? I ignored her and went over to Anna, being very quiet. Shewas completely preoccupied with the rope through her pussy, so she didn't knowI was there until the cane fell right across the middle of both tits. Ittook her breath away and she couldn't really scream, but she tried. Iwaited about a minute and then brought it across her butt. This timeshe got the scream out OK.
Then I went back to Lisa, who was still shaking her head ?yes.? I retiedher ankles with about 18? of slack in the rope, and stood her up. I ledher down the trail about 100' to a spot where I could still see the other twowomen, and then I took out the gag. When she started to speak, I putmy finger to her lips and said, ?Shhhh. Don't say anything. Justshake your head. Do you want to submit now?? She shook her headup and down. ?Do you promise to submit and not try to escape for therest of the day?? Lisa's head went up and down again.
?OK,? I said, ?You can talk now, but only very, very quietly and only if youshow proper respect. Now tell me, how many times did you hit my ballswith that stick??
I heard her breath catch, and then she whispered, ?I hit you 25 times, Sir. Pleasedon't hurt Anna and Becky because you're mad at me, Sir. Please.?
?I don't know,? I answered. ?I think the best way to hurt you mightbe to whip the other two. I'll keep that in mind. Right now I oweyou for that ball beating.? I put my index finger against my thumb andsnapped a couple of times in front of her face, and then I sat down on a logbeside the trail and motioned her over in front of me.
When she was right in front facing me, I had her spread her legs and thensquat just a little to spread her even more. Then I told her to reachdown with her hands and spread her pussy lips. She did, but her handswere shaking. I reached up with my index finger and snapped her righton her clit. She gasped. I told her to keep count, so she whispered ?one.? Isnapped her about every 10 seconds, gradually increasing the force, until Ihad given her the 25 I owed her.
When I was done, her legs were giving out, so I pulled her face down acrossmy lap. I know she was expecting to be spanked, but instead I strokedher butt with my left hand and slid my right hand between her legs. Shewas soaked. I kept both hands moving, and soon her hips were dancingthat ancient dance. A couple of minutes later, she exploded in orgasm.
When she settled down, I stood her back up. ?Let's go see how your friendsare doing. Are they just friends, or are they more??
?They are also lovers, Sir.?
?I thought so. Does pain always get you that hot??
?Yes Sir. Giving or receiving, it doesn't matter. I love it.?
This was getting interesting. ?How about the others, do they like it,too??
Lisa hesitated. ?It varies, Sir. Maria likes it both ways, likeme. Becky would rather receive. I'm surprised she didn't come fromthe whipping you gave her. It was probably too short. Anna is alltop. She thinks it's always better to give than to receive. I imagineshe is miserable right now.?
?Good,? I answered. ?Let's go play with Becky.? I walked overto Becky and felt her pussy. It was wet. I started playing withher, sliding two fingers in and out while stroking her clit with my thumb. Inno time she was starting to squirm. I kept at it until I knew Becky wasgetting close, and then stopped. She moaned, and I said, ?Beg me to whipyour pussy.? She just moaned again. I ran my fingers through herslit and she arched. I said, ?You can't come until you beg me to whipyou.?
It only took about five minutes before Becky mumbled, ?Please whip me.?
?What?? I answered. ?Speak up. Whip you where??
?Please whip my pussy. I need to come. Please.?
I started whipping her gently but steadily right between her legs. AsI increased the speed and hardness, she came hard. I kept going, anda couple of minutes later she came again. Then, maybe three minutes afterthat I stopped whipping her and jammed four fingers into her pussy. Iscratched my thumbnail over her clit, and she came so hard I was worried abouther. I untied her from the bar and retied her ankles. Then I recuffedher hands in front and tied the cuff chain to a tree in the shade.
When I got over to Anna, I had once again managed to sneak up on her. Bynow the rope was keeping her very occupied. I stroked my hand up herside, brushing the side of her breast and her armpit. She went rigid,but said nothing. I said, ?Does it hurt, Anna.?
She said, ?Of course it hurts. You want it to hurt, you bastard.?
I laughed. ?I'll let you down. You just have to ask very, verynicely. Oh, and don't forget to apologize for calling me a bastard. Thatreally hurt my feelings.?
She didn't say anything. I waited a few seconds, and then reached outand pinched a nipple with each hand. I pinched hard, and then twisted. ?Iguess you like this. If you didn't, you would ask nicely to get down. Sinceyou like this sort of thing, I'll help you out.? I let go of the nipples,and as she sighed in relief I brought the cane across her butt. Afterabout 30 seconds, I did it again, across her thighs. The third blow fellon her calves, and the next caught the bottoms of her feet, since she was stillhigh on her tiptoes.
Anna was sobbing now, but not saying anything. The next stroke was acrossher belly. That did it. The quiet sobbing became real crying, andshe managed to choke out, ?Please, please, please let me down. Pleasedon't hurt me anymore. I am very sorry I called you a bastard, and Ipromise it will never happen again.?
I leaned in and whispered in her ear, ?Do you submit totally, mind and body? Tellme I own you. Tell me you are my slave. Tell me you are my bitch. Tellme you are my slut.?
Anna was still sobbing. ?I give up. I submit. You own me,and I'm your slave. I'm your bitch and slut. Please let me down.?
I untied the rope and Anna collapsed to the ground. I picked her upand carried her into the shade. Then I took a canteen and gave all threewomen some water. Once I had them all pretty comfortable, I told Lisato sit on my lap facing me and make us both come. She got my pants downand then straddled me, sliding down onto my cock in one smooth motion.
As her hips were moving slowly, sliding up and down my length, she leanedin and whispered, ?Pinch my nipples. I know you want to. Make ithurt for me.? I started pinching and twisting, lightly at first, andthen getting harder and harder. Lisa started moaning and her hips speededup. In a couple of minutes she screamed out her orgasm and I came hardinside her.
When we were done, she got off and then went down and cleaned me off withouteven being told. When I was clean, Lisa looked at the sky and said, ?Well,it's almost sundown. We had better start back, ?cause night comes quickin the tropics. Am I your slave for tonight?? She looked prettyeager.
I smiled. ?Nope, that would be Anna.? I was watching Anna whenI said that, and her whole body got stiff. ?After all,? I went on, ?Shesaid she's my slave, bitch, and slut. It wouldn't be fair to deny herthe pleasure of serving me all night.?
A few minutes later the women were all untied and uncuffed, and we were walkingback to the lodge. I made Anna carry all of my stuff. When we gotto the lodge, Maria was waiting by the door. ?Well,? she said, ?I'vebeen watching on the cameras. You guys had an interesting day. Isee you're the slave, Anna. That's a first.? Maria looked likeshe was mocking her sister.
Anna started to answer, but I cut her off. ?Anna can't talk right now. Sheisn't allowed to talk unless I ask her a question. She wants to saveher mouth for other things. Isn't that right, Anna? You can justnod.? Anna shot me a look that would wither fresh flowers, but she nodded.
I told Anna to take the stuff into my room and wait, kneeling by the bed. Onceshe left, I turned to Maria. ?How long until dinner??
She said, ?About an hour. Why did you pick Anna to be your slave? Youknow she hates it. She'll really be after you in the woods now.?
?I know. That's why I picked her. I'll explain it to all of youat dinner. Right now I want to get cleaned up. Maybe I'll justhave Anna lick me clean.? As I walked away, I heard a buzz of conversationbehind me.
When I got to the room, Anna was kneeling by the bed, as ordered. Mystuff had been thrown in a heap on the floor. Well, I didn't tell herto put it away. ?Hi, Anna, are you having fun??
?Too bad, but you're my slave for the next few hours, so you may as well getused to it. Get your shoes off. I want you absolutely naked.? Sheremoved her shoes and resumed kneeling. ?Now,? I continued, ?You haveto be my absolutely compliant slave, so you have to tell the truth. Whatreally turns you on right now??
She smiled up at me. ?What really turns me on is the thought of youdangling from a tree screaming while I beat your balls flat with a stick. Thatwill be sweet. I can almost come just thinking about it. Too badI have to wait until tomorrow to see it. That's if you actually havethe guts to play again.?
I sat on the bed and motioned Anna to kneel right in front of me. Whenshe was in position I said, ?No need to goad me. I'm looking forwardto it. Of course you actually have to capture me. Maybe I'll getyou again. Anyway, let's see what kind of courage you have. Yournipples look a little sore. Put your hands behind your head and keepthem there.?
When she had her hands in place, I said, ?OK, now stick your chest out.? Shedid. ?Now I'm going to play a game. I am going to abuse your nips. Whenyou can't take it anymore just say, ?Please, master, give me mercy.' Ifyou say that, I'll stop and we'll both know I've won again.?
A pillowcase over Anna's head closed off her vision, and then I started. Sheexpected my hands on her breasts, but I slid three fingers up into her slitinstead. She flinched and almost fell over, but she was wet, and nowshe knew I knew it. With my other hand I grabbed her right nipple. Ididn't start slow; I just pinched and twisted hard. I kept twisting,letting my fingers slide around as I did.
After a minute or so, I twisted the other way. I just kept pinchinghard and twisting back and forth. As I continued doing this, I couldfeel her getting wetter. I knew she hated it, but her body wasn't sosure. It only took maybe five minutes before I heard her whisper, ?Please,master, give me mercy.?
She said it again, out loud this time, so I quit twisting and pulled off thepillowcase. Tears were running down her cheeks. I started gentlystroking her other nipple and put my mouth over the tortured one, gently lickingand sucking. Her breath started getting faster. I took the threefingers I had been sliding back and forth in her slit and slowly started slidingthem in and out of her pussy. At the same time, I started rubbing herclit with my thumb.
That was all it took. The orgasm hit Anna hard, and she moaned and buckedon my fingers, losing all control. As she came down, I pulled her uponto the bed. I lay on my back, and I pulled her full length on top ofme. When she was lying on me, I told her to put her hands behind herback, and she did. Then I asked her, ?How did you like your first realslave orgasm? It was pretty intense, huh??
Anna's face was right over mine, and she kissed me hard. The intensityof it surprised me. She also slid slightly to the side and started rubbingher mons against my leg. I kissed her back and then reached down to fondleher butt. ?Tell me what you want, slave. Your need is obvious. Tellme.?
?I want you inside me, please.?
All I said was, ?OK, go ahead.?
She sat up and then impaled herself on my cock. The next 10 minuteswere quite a ride. Anna came twice, and I had a huge orgasm as she skillfullymilked me. She had some amazing muscle control.
We showered together, with Anna never saying a word, and I got dressed togo to dinner. Anna said, ?How do you want me to dress??
?Just like you are, naked,? I said. ?I want you kneeling right nextto me all through dinner. You are to say nothing unless I ask you a question,except for this. You are to say, ?I am your slave. I am your slut. Iam your bitch. Hurt me and make me come.' That's it. I wantyou to repeat that every minute or so. I want you to sound like you meanit. Say it for me now.?
Anna lowered her eyes. ?I am your slave. I am your slut. Iam your bitch. Hurt me and make me come.?
?That's good. Let's go to dinner.?
Dinner was fun. The food was excellent again. I fed Anna by hand. Shedid as she was told and repeated her phrase every minute or two. ?I amyour slave. I am your slut. I am your bitch. Hurt me andmake me come.?
About half way through the meal I mentioned what a wonderful time I was having. ?Theincident with the stick on my balls just added to the spice. Don't getme wrong. I didn't enjoy it, but knowing what is likely to happen ifI get caught is sure to keep every nerve alive tomorrow. Knowing I willbe tortured again if I slip up is a great incentive to do my best.?
?In fact, I decided to play fair. Since you plan to release me two orthree hours after I'm captured, I will do the same for you. Besides,it wouldn't be any fun if I caught everyone in the morning and just kept themtied up all day. I would run out of ideas to torture you.?
Lisa said, ?I'm glad you're being such a good sport about this. Someguys don't mind hurting us but get really irate if we get them back at all. Sinceyou are willing to have the rough play go both ways, I don't think we'll mind. Likeyou said, it will really put some spice in the game. Of course, you mayfeel differently if Anna makes you tango.?
?Tango?? I queried. ?What's that supposed to mean.?
Lisa grinned like the Cheshire Cat. ?She's never done it to one of ourclients, but she's told us about it. I'm sure she would want it to bea surprise.?
After dinner I read for a while in the study. I had Anna kneeling nextto me repeating the mantra I had taught her. Becky couldn't keep hereyes off of us, and her arousal was very apparent. After a couple ofhours of reading, I put the book down and had Anna come with me to my room.
I sat on the bed and had Anna kneel in front of me. ?How are you feeling,Anna?? She looked at me with a strange expression on her face.
?You are really good at this, aren't you?? was all she said.
I pulled her across my lap face down. As I rubbed her butt, her breathstarted coming in gasps. I played a bit between her legs and then startedto slowly spank her. I kept it light at first and gradually increasedthe tempo and strength of the strokes. Before long Anna was squirming,and I could tell it wasn't the pain. She had crossed over.
I slid my other hand under her and began stroking her clit while I spankedher. She came almost immediately. While she was still coming Irolled her onto the bed on her back and kept up the activity between her legs. Asshe was slowly recovering from her orgasm I whispered in her ear, ?You didn'tknow you were such a slave, did you?? She cuddled up against me and wefell asleep.
Sometime later I felt a wonderful sensation. I looked under the coversand saw Anna bobbing up and down on my cock. She was really good, andI was quickly nearing orgasm. Anna skillfully slowed down and speededup as needed to keep my close without pushing me over the edge.
It seemed to go on forever. When it seemed I was about to go out ofmy mind with lust, she stopped and slid out from under the covers. ?Sorry,it's six AM. I have to go to work. Too bad I didn't have time tofinish you.? With a final giggle Anna dashed out of the room.
?Well,? I thought, ?It's an interesting start to what is sure to be an interestingday.? I took a shower and headed to the dining room. Becky wasstaying in today, and she had breakfast for me in no time. After breakfastI got my gear together and waited for the 8am starting time. I was psychedand ready to play.
Beginning a few minutes before starting time I watched carefully out the windowto see if I could spot anyone. I was expecting a trap. At 8am promptlyI was through the door. I went very slowly, just as I had done the firstday, but I had a different plan today. For some reason I was expectinga trap right off.
When I got near the 50' limit I suddenly sprinted for the main trail. Ihadn't used it at all the first day, and I thought it would catch them by surprise. Itworked, and a couple of paintballs zipped wide as I ran. About 100' insidethe forest I stopped and melted into the brush. Now it was time to startmy stalk.
Half an hour later I had worked around toward where the shots had come from. Ifinally spotted Lisa hiding in some brush over a minor trail. Anotherfew minutes of looking and I had Anna as well. I carefully picked a spotwhere I could shoot them both and worked toward it. It took me 10 minutesto get into position.
I was just raising my gun when the paint ball caught me on the top of my shoulder. Aftera moment of surprise I fell to the ground, cursing under my breath. Iwas able to see Maria climbing down from a tree, and cursed myself some more. Whyhadn't I looked up? Lisa and Anna were just bait.
Maria called to the others as she came up to me. In a few moments Iwas surrounded by the three of them. The first thing they did was stripme. No surprise there. The cuffs from my backpack were quicklysnapped on my wrists in front of me and a rope used to secure them to my waist,with the knot in back, where I couldn't reach it. A hobble completedthe tie. Anna added the ball gag.
Then they waited for the ?paralysis' to wear off. Once I was movingthey got me up and marched me the few hundred feet to the closest jungle gym. ?Uh-oh,? wasmy thought when we got to the gym.
A rope was quickly thrown over one of the upper bars and tied to my cuffs. Then,as Maria untied the rope holding my cuffs to my waist, the other two pulledmy arms up in the air, tying it off when I was on tiptoes. Another ropewas added from my hobble to a bar behind me so I couldn't bring my feet forward.
Once I was secure, Lisa took my belt out of my pants. I thought shewas going to whip me with it, and I was right, but not like I expected. Shestroked my cock a few time, getting it hard, had then held the shaft tightin one hand while she whipped the head with my belt. The first few slapswere bad enough, but it got steadily worse. Soon I was screaming intothe gag.
While I was distracted by this, Maria had cut a stick to use as a cane. Thefirst I knew about it was when it slammed into my butt. While Lisa continuedto whip my cock, Maria gave me a half dozen more strokes with the cane. Ijust howled. When they were done, I was barely standing.
I looked up to see Anna in front of me with a long piece of rope. ?Youshould remember this tie,? she said. ?You used it on me yesterday.? Annadoubled the rope and looped it around my waist, snugging it up very tight inthe front. Then she took the two ends of the rope down between my legs,running one on each side of my genitals before bringing them up the crack ofmy butt.
As I had done, she ran them under the waist rope in the back and in frontof the cuffs on my wrists, and then threw the ends over the bar above my head. Mariatook the ends of the rope and pulled it down to one of the lower bars. ThenAnna and Lisa each took a leg and lifted me up into the air. Maria pulledthe rope taut and tied it off. When Anna and Lisa lowered me I was hanginga foot off the ground by the rope through my crotch.
Anna took another piece of rope and doubled it. She made a loop in theend and slipped it over my balls, sliding it up tight with the two ends comingoff the back of my scrotum. While she was doing that, Maria and Lisaremoved the rope from my ankles. Then Maria and Anna each took one ofthe ropes dangling from my balls, lifted up my foot, and tied it off to mybig toe.
I could tell this was going to get unpleasant. I was hanging in midairby a rope through my crotch, and now my big toes were tied to my balls withropes that felt about 6? too short to let me extend my legs. I had tohold my legs up to keep their weight from pulling on my balls.
Anna looked up at me and laughed out loud. Then she said to Maria andLisa, ?Here it is, just like I told you. Now all we have to do is wait. You'regoing to love it. He won't like it, but you're going to love it.? Theyall sat in the shade to watch, but not until Anna used my belt to deliver afew hard smacks to my cock.
In a short time, I understood the problem in greater detail. My legswere getting tired. I was holding them up, but now and then my concentrationwould slip and one of my legs would drop, jerking on my balls. Beforelong the muscles in both legs were giving out. One leg would drop, andwhen I managed to lift it up, the other would drop.
Soon I couldn't manage to hold a leg up for any time at all. As soonas I lifted it, it would give out and drop again, jerking my balls. Thejerk would make me lift it again. My legs were alternately going up anddown, and I couldn't control it. As my muscles got more tired, the paceof the action was speeding up, and my legs were dropping harder and harder,jerking even more on my balls.
All three women were laughing now. Anna said, ?See, I told you. He'sdancing the testicle tango.? Then she broke down laughing again. I'vewatched it on my copy of the video, and they're right. It is really funnyto watch. At the time, I was immersed in pain. The rope holdingme up was cutting into my crotch. My leg muscles were all cramping, andmy balls felt like they were being ripped off and crushed at the same time.
I don't know how long they left me dancing in midair, but I do know that mylegs were pretty far gone when they let me down. I couldn't even beginto stand up, and my balls hurt so bad I couldn't see straight. I justlay in a heap on the ground. I had brought a thumbcuff with me today. Annagot it out of my pack and ratcheted it down just behind the head of my dick,tight enough that it wouldn't come off. Lisa added a pair of handcuffsand locked one cuff on my scrotum above my balls.
Maria said, ?Well, we're going now. If you are still here in 10 minuteswe will come back and torture you again, worse this time. See you inthe jungle, tough guy.? They took off at a trot.
It was several minutes before I managed to get to my feet. I couldn'tget the thumbcuff off my cock or the handcuff off my balls, and they had takenall my clothes and gear, including my shoes. I was naked, barefoot, andworse, they had only left me a half dozen paint balls. I couldn't runor the metal on my genitals would do a number on me. Yep, I guess theyhad won round one today.
There was a pile of boulders just a couple of hundred feet away. I headedfor it as fast as I could in my current condition. Once there I exploreda bit until I found a place where I could crawl in under an overhanging rockwedged above two others. It was almost like a little cave. I brokeoff a branch covered with leaves and dragged it in behind me, so the openingwas obscured. Once inside I screamed one time, and then lay down to wait.
I knew the single scream would make it impossible to pinpoint me, but wouldprobable give them enough to bring them into my area. Sure enough, about15 minutes later I saw Maria working quietly in my direction. When shewas passing across my front about 50' out I carefully triggered one paintball. Itsplatted against her left breast, and she went down. I just waited. Icounted the bells, and watched for the other two.
When Maria's time was up, she looked around carefully before slowly gettingto her feet. As she rose, I sent another paintball, aiming for her pussy. Ithit her leg a couple of inches off and she went back down. Two or threeminutes later I saw Anna and Lisa slowly working my way, clearly looking forMaria. When they saw her on the ground, Lisa ran over to her, but Annawas more wary. She circled around, and her path brought her right pastme. It looked like she was heading for the rocks to take up sentry duty. Shenever got there. As she passed me, I put a nice, blue tattoo right inthe middle of her belly.
Lisa heard the shot and looked over just in time to catch two paintballs inthe chest. I had them all! Lisa was carrying the pack, so my firstaction was to get the rest of the cuffs and the keys. I unlocked thethumbcuffs from my cock and used them to lock Lisa's left thumb to her rightbig toe. Since Maria was right there, I took the cuffs off my balls andlocked her left wrist to her right ankle. Then I took another set ofthe cuffs and hurried over to Anna. I cuffed her hands behind her backand then carried her over to the others. Once there I connected her bigtoes with another set of the thumbcuffs.
Once they were all secure, I got my clothes and shoes out of the pack anddressed. I also put a bunch more paintballs into my gun. Then Iwaited for them to ?wake up? and planned what I would do with them. Itwas mid-afternoon by this time, so I saw no reason to let them go today. Iwould play with them until sundown and then pick one for the night.
Now I just had to decide what to do with them until sundown. I definitelyowed Anna something special for the ?testicle tango? experience. I startedwith Maria. ?Tell me, Maria, do you submit, or do I have to make yousubmit? If you promise to submit, I will expect your complete obediencefrom now until sundown. I will probably still hurt you, but not as much. What'sit going to be, submit or suffer??
She only thought about it for a few seconds. ?I'll submit. Pleasedon't hurt me too much.?
Lisa was next. ?How about you, Lisa? Do you want it hard, or notquite so hard??
She had to think a little longer. I saw resistance in her eyes, butit faded. ?OK, you win this one. I submit. Like Maria said,please don't hurt me too much.?
That left Anna. When I turned I saw the defiance in her eyes. ?Youwon't submit, will you?? She shook her head from side to side. ?Maybe,? Isaid, ?We'll see. I better get our first activity ready. Oh, bythe way Anna, you won't get another chance to submit for a while, and if youdo change your mind, you'll have to really beg for it.?
I looked for a branch about two inches in diameter and six feet long. Withmy knife I whittled it so one side was narrower. Now it was round onone side and triangle shaped on the other, tapering to a ridge about one fourthinch wide. I lined it up with two trees that were about 4' apart andthen flattened the sides where they met the tree. Now when I tied itto the tree, the flat edge would stay pointing up.
I threw a rope over a branch above the gap between the trees, and then stoodAnna up and carried her over. I tied the rope around her chest underher arms, which were still cuffed behind her, and then tied it off so she hadto remain standing. Once she was fixed in position, I slid my branchbetween her legs and held it up. I used my knife to mark the two trees,and then I let one end sag while I bound the branch to one of the trees atthe height of my mark. Anna was starting to look worried.
?You know what this is, don't you??
?Yes,? was all she answered.
?What's it called? Enlighten your friends. Have you ever donethis before??
?No, but I read about it. It's called a pony ride.?
?Yes, it is. I hope you enjoy it.? Once one end was secure, Ipulled the other end up slowly to my mark. As I did, the top edge pressedup against her crotch. I made sure her labia were opened so it couldgo between them. When the branch reached the mark, she was up on hertiptoes. I quickly lashed the branch to the second tree. It wasnow horizontal between her legs, but high enough that she couldn't stand flatfooted. She had to stay high on her toes.
Next I moved the rope from around her shoulders to her wrists and pulled themup behind her a bit. That made her lean forward. I looked at Mariaand Lisa. ?You chose well. If you hadn't submitted, you would havegone for a pony ride, too. You see, her legs and toes are going to tire,and she will lower herself onto the edge, but, leaning forward like she is,it will press on her clit and hurt, so she'll lift herself back on her toes.?
?Pretty soon, though, her muscles will give out again and she will lower herselfback down. The pain will make her force herself back up. Beforelong she will be bobbing up and down banging her clit on the branch every timeshe drops. Let's see how long it takes.?
I got out a canteen and sat down for a nice drink and show. As we watchedAnna, I fingered Maria. Soon she was soaking wet. As I slid myfingers in and out and rubbed my thumb on her clit, she came hard. Onceshe was done, I started on Lisa. She was already turned on and wet forme, and it only took a couple of minutes for her to come as well.
Meanwhile, Anna was starting to get into serious problems on the pony. Shehad entered the out of control phase where she couldn't stop herself from bobbingup and down, and from the look on her face, it was causing some serious pain. Acouple of minutes later she broke and started to beg.
?I give up, I can't stand this. I submit. Please, I submit. Pleaseget me off of this.?
I let her beg for another minute or two, until she was nearing hysteria, andthen said, ?What are you going to do for me if I let you down??
?Please, I'll lick you. I'll suck you. I'll screw you till I'mblind. Please. I'll be your slave again. I'll be the bestslave. Please let me down. It hurts so much.?
?I can already pick you as my slave. That's no offer. You'll haveto do better.?
?I don't know. It hurts so bad. Please. You can pick somebodyelse and I'll be your slave, too. You can have two of us. Pleaselet me down.?
?You'll be my slave every night? Not just tonight.?
?I will, I will, I promise. Please.?
?OK, I'll let you down as soon as one of these other ladies also promisesto be my extra slave tonight. Then I can pick the third one and haveall three of you tonight, and two all the other nights. Well, ladies,is one of you willing to help poor Anna??
Maria spoke right up. ?OK, I'll do it. I'll be an extra slavetonight, too. Please let her down.?
I grabbed Anna around her waist with one arm and held her off the branch. WhileI held her up, I stuffed my hat under her between her legs and carefully loweredher onto it. ?Just hold on a second while I get the cuffs loose.? Whileshe sat on the hat I quickly unlocked the thumbcuffs around her toes and untiedthe rope from her arms. Then I lifted her carefully off the branch andset her on the ground.
I lay down next to her and held her while she settled down and recovered. Whileshe was recovering, I held her and gently stroked her legs, breasts, butt,face, and everyplace else I could reach, except her pussy, which I knew mustbe sore. After a few minutes, she asked my very quietly to play withher pussy. ?Please, be very gentle. It's still sore, but I wantit to feel better.?
I carefully slid one finger into her opening. It felt like she grabbedit. She was very excited already, and as I gently and carefully strokedmy finger in and out, she started squirming. I slid down and very lightlyran my tongue over her clit. It was so light it was almost imperceptible. Icontinued to lightly lick her clit while I ran a single finger in and out ofher grasping tunnel. In a short time she whispered, ?Lick it harder,please.? I did, and she came, bucking up against me.
I slid back up and hugged her. ?Well, it looks like you're still fullyfunctional. Want to go for another pony ride??
?Please, no. You've discovered a perfect way to intimidate a woman. Iwould do anything to keep that from happening again.?
?OK,? I said, ?How about we end the game early this afternoon. Sinceyou are all my slaves until 6am tomorrow, it seems pointless to keep tormentingyou until sundown ? that is unless one of you other ladies wants a pony ride.? Thechorus of no's was unanimous. ?Fine, that's it, then, onward to slaveduty.?
I unlocked Maria and had her release the other two. Naturally they hadto pick up all the gear and carry it back. It was just before 4pm whenwe got back to the lodge.
Now I had a problem. Excuse my lack of experience, but I had absolutelyno idea what to do with three women at once. I had never even been withtwo women at once.
Becky was very surprised when I explained that all three of the others weremy slaves for the evening. She said dinner would be about 7:30pm as usual,and I told her to knock and remind me a half hour before.
Once we got to my room, I admitted my problem. ?Now that I have youhere, I don't really know what to do with all of you at once. I am opento ideas.?
Anna's face suddenly took on an expression that was hard to interpret, witha slight smile playing around her mouth. She said, ?You just let us dowhat slaves should do. First we'll get you properly undressed.? Onceshe and the others had removed my clothing, Anna continued. ?OK, lieon the bed on your back. Maria, you take the top. Lisa and I willdo the bottom.?
Maria started with her mouth on my nipples, and while she was doing that,the other two started on my toes. It felt great. Then Lisa pulledthe padded bench from the foot of the bed out a couple of feet and they slidme down so my butt was just hanging off the foot and my legs were spread withmy calves resting on the bench.
Once this was set, all three started in again, with Maria returning to mynipples and the other two doing my feet. They were sucking my toes andrunning their tongues between them. Gradually all three women startedworking their way up, and when Maria kissed me hard on the mouth Anna and Lisareached my genitals. Anna started bobbing on my cock, and Lisa workedmy balls from underneath.
Then Anna said, ?OK, let's go.? Maria straddled me facing my feet andlowered her pussy onto my face. I got to work with my tongue, and sheused her hands on my nipples. Anna straddled me facing Anna and slidright down on my cock, burying it in her pussy. Lisa kept up her workon my balls from below, using a hand and her mouth.
Lisa must have been using her other hand on herself, because she was the firstto come. Maria was next, and then Anna and I came together. I thoughtI would pass out from the sheer, heavenly pleasure of it. When we allfinished, they slid me back up on the bed. Maria cuddled up on one side,Anna was on the other, and Lisa was between my legs cleaning me off. That'show we fell asleep and didn't wake up until Becky called us to dinner.
Since we hadn't cleaned up, showered, or in any other way prepared for dinner,I put on a pair of boxer shorts and had my three slaves come to dinner naked. Noneof them were allowed to eat on their own, but they were allowed to feed eachother.
Becky was obviously upset that she was the only one left out for the evening. Lisawhispered a request into my ear for me to allow her to invite Becky to joinus. I agreed, so Lisa said, ?Becky, would you like to be a slave tonight,too? Andy doesn't mind.?
Becky agreed immediately, so I said, ?Well, slave, why are you clothed whenthe rest of my slaves are naked. I will have to punish you later.? Beckywas stripped almost before I could get the words out. Nevertheless, oncedinner was over I had her lie down across my lap and proceeded to give hera good spanking.
I started slow and easy, but in a few minutes I was covering her bottom withsolid smacks. A short time after that she started begging for an orgasm,so I had her lie across the table on her back and started to spank her pussywith my hand. I didn't do it too hard, but it was hard enough to bringher off almost as soon as I started.
I decided it was my turn again. I told Anna to get me off with her mouthwhile the others kept the rest of me busy. They arranged me on the bednear one edge, and Anna knelt next to the bed. I mentioned earlier thatAnna was really good. She is such a tiny woman, standing only 4'11? tall,and weighing 95 pounds, and you would swear that her mouth is too small tofit around a cock. Instead of having trouble with me fitting, she deep-throatedme without hesitation and really worked me.
Meanwhile the other three were all licking, rubbing, massaging, and generallymaking me feel like I had arrived in heaven. I thought I couldn't holdout more than a minute or two, but Anna's expert changes of pace kept me onedge for a long, long time. When I finally came, it was epic, and Annanever missed a beat.
Since Lisa had told me the women were lovers as well as friends, I thoughtit would be fun to watch for a while, so I told my temporary slaves that theycould play together if they wanted. I sat up and leaned back againstthe headboard with a few pillows for comfort.
Anna paired off with Becky and Maria got with Lisa. I had one coupleon each side of the bed doing the old 69 thing. If they ever make thisinto a TV series I guarantee a hit. When they had all ?come together? soto speak, Becky, Maria, and Lisa moved to the floor and made a daisy chain. Annacuddled up next to me on the bed.
I whispered to her, ?You don't want to get together with the others??
?No,? she whispered back. ?Remember, Maria and I are sisters. Besides,I would rather cuddle up here next to you. Nobody ever picked me as aslave before, and I never wanted to be one for anybody else. Like I said,you are really good at this, and your old girlfriend is a moron.?
Once the ?three bares? had finished, we all needed a shower. Anna showeredwith me while the other three headed off to one of the other showers. Weall met a half hour later in the study. Everyone was naked but me aswe all lounged around, had a drink, and talked for a while. I'm not aheavy drinker, but when I discovered they had Bushmill's Single Malt I couldn'tpass it up completely.
I was very tired, and a little after 10pm I was in bed. It was crowdedwith four women in it, but I decided I could learn to live with it. Thenext morning Lisa woke me. She was staying in and the others were alreadygone. I had another great breakfast and headed out to play.
After doing the ?Tango? the previous day, I was being very cautious. Itturned out everyone else was, too. Noon came and went, and I hadn't seenanyone at all. The forest was quiet and seemed peaceful, but I knew better. Annaowed me for the pony ride, and I wasn't sure I wanted to find out what shewould come up with to get even.
About 3:30 I finally spotted Maria up in a tree. For some reason I smelleda trap, so I crawled in very, very slowly. Lucky I was being so quiet,because I almost crawled right into Becky, who was holed up deep under somebrush. I was only about 10 feet away when I spotted her. She waslying facing away from me.
With a paintball in my hand I crept in on her. She never saw me untilI landed on her, splatting the paintball on her hip with my left hand whileI covered her mouth with my right. I whispered to her to remind her shewas paralyzed, and then quietly cuffed her.
I watched Maria for a couple of minutes, and then finally saw her signal witha wave. From where she was facing, I knew where Anna had to be. Idecided to get a little bolder, so I lined up carefully and put one ball rightinto Maria's side. Then I jumped up and ran toward where I knew Annahad to be.
When I saw her raise her gun to fire, I rolled to the side and came up shooting. Mythird shot caught her square and she went down. I quickly cuffed herand headed to the tree. Once there I said, ?Now, you can climb down hereand pretend to be paralyzed on the ground or I will climb up there and cuffyou, in which case you may fall trying to get down.?
Maria elected to climb down, and I cuffed her on the ground. Now thatI had all three, it was time to play. First, I carried all three to oneof the cabins, which was nearby. By that time, the paralysis time wasover. I asked all of them if they wanted to submit or fight.
Maria and Anna immediately agreed to submit, but Becky surprised me. ?Iwon't submit, and you can't make me.?
I made Maria and Anna follow me outside. ?What's up with Becky? Imade her submit two days ago. What's she up to??
Anna answered, ?She wants you to torture her. Remember, she likes it.?
That cleared it up. We went back inside and I forced Becky onto thebed. She was struggling, but it didn't seem serious to me. Onceon the bed, I tied her feet spread and then tied her knees spread as well. ThenI uncuffed her and tied her hands above her head.
Once she was secure I noticed that she was already wet and shaking a bit inexcitement. I ran my fingers up and down the soles of her feet. Shefreaked. I tickled her for several minutes, and she started begging tosubmit almost right away. I ignored her.
After a while I switched to her armpits, and then started occasionally brushingher pussy. Her hips were coming up to meet me. When I sensed shewas close, I stopped. ?Well, Becky, I see you're getting worked up. Toobad. You should have submitted when you had the chance. I thinkI'm going to tease you all afternoon and then pick you as my slave. Thatway I can tease you all night. By morning you'll be sorry you didn'tsubmit when you had the chance.?
I waited a couple of minutes for Becky to settle down, and then I told Mariaand Anna to tease her for a while. ?If you let her come, I'll make youride the pony,? I threatened. I cuffed their ankles so they couldn'trun and uncuffed their hands, and they went right to work on Becky, ticklingher and stroking her. In about 10 minutes I had to make them stop beforeshe came.
That was how we spent the rest of the afternoon. One or all of us wouldtease Becky and between times Maria, Anna, and I would play with each other. Well,I played with both of them, and they both played with me. By sundownI had come twice, while Anna and Maria had each come several times. Beckywas crying and begging.
I picked Becky as my slave, and I cuffed her hands behind her before I lether off the bed. Once her legs were free, she got right down on her kneesand begged me to whip her. Instead, I put a ball gag in her mouth andwalked her back to the lodge. Since Anna was also my slave, I made hercarry my stuff.
By dinnertime, Anna and I had Becky practically incoherent. I have neverseen any other person, male or female, so out of control with lust. Herneed to come had become her entire existence. Becky's whole body hadturned into an erogenous zone, and any touch anywhere made her moan and writhe.
We discovered a secret that she had kept from even the other women. Beckydidn't just enjoy pain. She actually needed it. She couldn't comewithout it. We didn't have to worry about making her come by accident. Aslong as we didn't hurt her she was unable to come.
Once we found out about that, we went to town on her. We licked andstroked her constantly, and she remained right on the edge of her orgasm. Shejust couldn't cross over. She screamed, she thrashed, she cried, shebegged, she moaned, but she couldn't come.
When Lisa called us to dinner, we took Becky with us. We tied her toa chair right between Anna and me, and then we took turns feeding and fondlingher. By the end of dinner, all she was saying was: ?Please, please, please,please?? over and over again.
After dinner, I took Becky back in the bedroom and tied her face up on thepadded bench at the foot of the bed. She had quit talking and was justsobbing quietly. Once I had her tied down, Anna took my arm and led meout of the room, closing the door. ?I am your slave tonight, and I don'tmean to be out of line. Please don't do this to Becky until morning. Sheis really suffering.?
I hugged Anna for a moment and said, ?I know. I was planning to giveher relief now, and you can help if you want. I'm glad you are concernedabout her. I really, really like you, you know.? Anna's smile backalmost made my heart stop.
Once back in my room, I stood over Becky for a minute or two, just lookingat her. Finally I said, ?Maybe I will help you sooner than tomorrow morning. Seeif you can convince me.?
Becky immediately started begging for me to whip her or pinch her, or anythingelse I wanted to do. I asked her what was in it for me. She said, ?I'lldo anything you want. I'll suck you or screw you or anything else youwant. I'll be your slave every night, like Anna. I'll be your slaveforever, until you don't want me anymore.?
That caught my attention. ?Really,? I answered, ?You'll be my slaveall the time from now on, even when I leave here? You'll go with me andbe my slave??
Becky was violently shaking her head up and down. ?Yes, yes, I will. I'llbe your slave for the rest of my life. I will. I promise.? Shewas practically wailing now.
I whispered some instructions to Anna, and then I got down and started lickingand sucking between Becky's legs. Anna was stroking her breasts. Beckywas humping her hips up and down and once again saying, ?Please, please, please?? overand over.
On my signal, I bit down on her clit. It wasn't hard enough to drawblood, but it was close. At the same moment, Anna pinched both nippleshard and twisted them as well. Mt. Saint Helens never went off like Beckydid then. Even with her tied down it was all Anna and I could do to keepher from throwing the bench around the room.
She screamed and cried and came for at least two or three minutes. Bythis time Maria and Lisa were both in the room, attracted by the screams. Finally,Becky just passed out. Anna and I stood up, and we were both shaking. Shethrew herself at me and we both just hugged for a time. Finally, I said, ?Wow,that was intense. Think she had a good time??
Lisa was the first to answer. ?Are you kidding? She'll be glowingfor days.?
Anna looked up at me. ?Like I said before, you are really good at this. Ithink I'm in love with you myself.?
I untied Becky and put her on my bed, under the covers. Anna and I tooka shower together, and then went to bed. I told her to be very quietso she didn't wake Becky, and then I pinched her nipples until she was squirmingwell. When I slid inside her, it felt wonderful, and we moved togetherlike a dance team. I knew I was in trouble.
Anna woke me at 6:30am , and I got dressed. At breakfast, Anna, whowas staying in today, said, ?We need to talk a minute. What are you goingto do about Becky??
I was confused. ?What about Becky??
?She promised to be your slave forever if you would make her come, and thenyou did. She thinks she's your slave, and she packed her bags this morningso she'll be ready to go back with you. Also, I have a feeling that Mariaand Lisa are in more danger from her than you are out there today.?
I sat back in the chair. ?Well, I like Becky. Unfortunately Ilike one of her friends better.? I smiled at Anna.
She smiled back. ?Me, too, but can you afford three women??
I think my smile may have faded a bit. ?What are you talking about,three women??
Anna sat on my lap. ?Becky is counting on this. I have never seenher so happy. She would be devastated if you didn't let her come withyou now. I think she's been looking for somebody like you, a real master,for a long time. As for me, I'm very close to my sister. We wouldn'tlike being separated.?
I thought for a few minutes. Anna didn't say a thing, she just waited. FinallyI said, ?To answer your question, yes I can afford three women. I ownmy own business, and I have about 2,000 employees. The 30k I spent tocome here isn't even 1% of my annual income. The social aspects of thisare what concern me. I want to marry you. As a wife, I think youwould object to my keeping a sex slave. In addition, I don't know howeasy it would be for me to keep my hands off your sister if she was livingright there.?
Anna kissed me, hard and deep. ?Don't be silly. If you don't touchmy sister, she'll become depressed, and Becky is my friend, too. My mainconcern is a little different. We all love competition, and if I win,I will still want to torment you, even if you are my husband. Can youlive with that??
?You play poker?? was my only answer.
At 8am sharp I headed out to the jungle to see whom I could shoot. Iwas keeping low and moving slow, and it took me over an hour to get 200' intothe jungle. That's when I saw Becky. She was gagged and blindfolded,and she was tied standing on her tiptoes with her hands over her head to abranch.
I'm not an idiot, no matter what my employees may think sometimes. Inever even considered going over to her. I just stayed down in the brushand scanned the area. It was probably another hour before I had bothof them spotted. Maria was up in a tree right over Becky, and very wellconcealed. I think she had cut a bunch of branches to put around herself.
Lisa turned out to be right beside me, only about 20' away, and I thankedthe fates I had been so careful. I lined up on Lisa and shot her oncethrough a gap in the brush. It hit her right on the hip, and she wentlimp immediately. Maria had heard the shot, but it wasn't enough forher to pinpoint me. I waited until she wasn't looking right at me andjumped to my feet, firing constantly as I ran toward her.
She tried to swing her gun toward me, but it was too late. One of mypaintballs made it through her leafy bower and nailed her on the left nipple. Shesaid, ?You got me. Can I climb down and then be paralyzed??
?Sure,? I answered, ?But I want you on the ground in less than one minute.? Whileshe was climbing down I went back to Lisa and cuffed her hands behind her. ThenI carried her over to the others. When I got there, I cuffed Maria aswell, and tied Maria's right ankle to Lisa's left ankle.
Next, I took out Becky's gag. I left her tied and blindfolded. Themoment she was ungagged she said, ?Thank you Master for rescuing me. Itried to shoot both of them earlier, but I missed Lisa and she tackled me,that's??
?Shut up,? I snapped at her. ?I don't remember you asking for permissionto speak, and I know I didn't give it.? Becky gave a little gasp andwent silent. I waited a few seconds and then continued. ?Firstyou insult me, and then you speak without permission. Obviously you aren'tqualified to be a slave.?
Becky recoiled like I had hit her, and then in a tiny voice said, ?Please,Master, may I speak??
I waited almost a minute this time. ?Fine, speak your piece, but keepit short. I don't know why I even bother to listen.?
Becky took a deep breath. ?Sir, I am so very sorry I spoke without permission. I'lltry to be better, I promise, but I didn't insult you Master, it was just amistake.?
?Really? Are you calling me a liar, as well??
?No Master, I just don't remember insulting you.? There was a briefpause while she thought about it. ?I'm just so stupid I probably forgot. I'msorry.?
I reached out and pinched her right nipple hard. ?Yes, you certainlyare sorry. You are a sorry excuse for a slave. You thought I wasso incompetent that I would need the help of someone who can't even be a decentslave, and you wonder why I'm insulted? When you promised to be my slave,I thought you were serious. Instead I find out you were just lying soI would let you come. You should get an Academy Award for that performance.?
When Becky opened her mouth to answer, I jammed the ball gag in place andtightened the strap around her head. She was frantic, moaning and tryingto talk through the gag. She was also thrashing in her bonds and I couldsee tears flowing out from under the blindfold.
By this time Lisa and Maria were ?awake? and were watching with fascinationas I disciplined my slave for the first time. Becky was too much of apain slut for me to think hurting her would do any good. I sat down bythe other two and casually played with them while I watched Becky. Aftera few minutes they were both rising to meet my stroking fingers and startingto pant a little.
By this time, Becky was just hanging limp in her bonds and sobbing. Istood up and wrapped my arms around her, supporting her weight. ?Well,little slave; have you learned your lesson? Do you want another chance?? Beckywas shaking her head up and down.
I reached up with one hand and took off the gag. Becky very quietlysaid, ?Please Master, may I speak??
?Good,? I answered, ?I see you can learn. Go ahead.?
?I'm sorry, Master. I made a terrible mistake. I didn't mean tomake you angry. I was trying to be a good slave and instead I messedup everything. I thought it was going to be such a wonderful day, andI ruined it.? Becky started sobbing again and couldn't continue.
I reached up and cut the rope holding her hands overhead, catching her asshe collapsed. Then I gently lowered her to the ground and held her whileshe cried. After a minute or two, I started with my hand between herlegs. She lifted her hips to meet me and was writhing almost as soonas I began to stroke her.
I stripped my pants off and entered her in one stroke. As I moved insideher, her crying turned to moaning, and she put her bound wrists over my head,pulling me down so she could kiss me. As I started to come, I pinchedand twisted both of her nipples, and she crashed into orgasm with me. Whenwe had both come down, I removed her blindfold and watched as she blinked againstthe light.
?Well, little slave, do you feel better now??
?Yes, Master. Thank you.?
I untied her wrists. ?Now we need to decide what to do with our captives. First,do you both submit??
Lisa and Maria both immediately said, ?Yes.?
Becky said, ?Master, can we make them ride the pony? That would be funto watch.?
?Of course not,? I replied. ?I indicated yesterday that I would notdo that to someone who submitted when captured. Besides, they haven'tdone anything like that to me. The testicle tango was Anna's idea. Ihave a better idea. I want you to play with them. Get them as excitedas you can, but don't let them come. If either of them comes, I won'tlet you come for a week. Just remember how you felt last night and thenimagine a week like that.? The look of fear that came over Becky's facewas priceless.
She got right to work, starting with Maria. When her tongue betweenMaria's legs had her close, she switched to Lisa. While she ran her tonguearound Lisa's slit, I stroked Maria's nipples to keep her interested. WhenLisa was so close she was begging for release, Becky left her and came backto Maria. I switched my attention to Lisa.
An hour and a half later, both women were pleading for me to relent and letthem orgasm. That's when I had Becky stop. It was about 12:30,and time to release them. Becky and I wrapped a lot of rope around theirankles and tied it with a lot of knots. Then I unlocked their cuffs andheaded out. I had made sure they each had 25 paintballs. Sinceit was now two on two, I thought they deserved more than five each.
Becky and I sprinted all the way to the furthest cabin and had some lunch. Iknew they would be moving slowly and carefully, and so we had some time. Afterlunch I took Becky into the jungle and we got belly down in some thick brush. Overlunch I had instructed Becky on a silent signaling system.
We were lying mostly covered with leaves, facing in opposite directions. Ourfeet were touching, and we played ?footsie? while we waited. It was about4pm when Becky tapped my foot firmly with hers four times. That was thesignal she had seen something. A moment later she tapped twice. Shehad both of them in view.
I didn't even quiver a muscle. Maybe I should mention that I was trainedas a sniper when I was in the Army. I could stay like this for a coupleof days, if necessary. I never saw combat, but the training was stillgood. I could probably hide in your backyard for a few days, and you'dnever know I was there.
A few minutes later, Becky opened up. I heard incoming paintballs, soI knew she didn't get both of them. Then her feet stiffened and she wentlimp. I still waited. I heard footsteps approaching, and it soundedlike a single person. Someone was circling our brush hideout lookingfor the best way in.
I kept waiting, and as Lisa came around my side of the hide, I let her haveit. She dropped like a rock with three paint splats on her belly. Iquickly went over and cuffed Maria, and then returned to cuff Lisa. Onceeveryone was no longer paralyzed, I asked Lisa and Maria if they submitted,and both quickly agreed.
I was more than ready to play again, so I told Lisa to get busy with her mouth. Assoon as she had a rhythm going on my cock, I told Becky to tease Maria. Aftera few minutes, I took a short break and then told Maria to go down on me whileBecky teased Lisa. With breaks for me to settle down, we continued thisuntil just before sundown. After the earlier teasing and now this hourand a half of frustration, both Maria and Lisa were almost frantic to come.
It was interesting to compare their techniques. Lisa is a big woman,standing 6'3? tall, with an Amazon build. She has no problem engulfingmy cock right down to the root, and she sucks like a Hoover . Maria,like her sister Anna, stood maybe 4'11?, and had to stretch her mouth wideto get my cock in at all. Her approach was more delicate, with lots oftongue work fluttering over the head. Both were very effective.
?Well, ladies, I have an interesting choice to make. I have to pickone of you for a slave tonight. The other will just have to be frustratedor else get herself off. That's a lonely business, isn't it? I'llgive each of you a minute to plead your case. Tell me why you shouldbe the one to be my slave and have multiple orgasms later. Maria, yougo first.?
?Thank you, sir. I will be a very obedient slave. Besides, Annaand I are good at working together, and we will make it really good for you. Pleasepick me.?
I motioned for Lisa to go next.
?Well, sir, what you need is a real woman to be your slave, not one of theselittle girls. I don't think I have ever been so turned on in my life. Pickme and I'll make you come so much you may pass out.?
I folded my arms and thought for a minute. ?I don't know. It'shard to choose. Maybe I will just pick one of you at random and thentie her down and have Becky tease her all night while the other one suffersalone. How does that sound, Lisa??
Lisa kind of moaned and stamped her foot. It was cute. ?Anna'sright, sir, you are very good at this. I don't want to chance not beingthe one picked, and neither does Maria, I'm sure. Why don't you pickboth of us? I'll agree if Maria does.?
I looked at Maria. She said, ?That would be fine with me, too.?
?OK,? I said, ?I'll do that. Do you both agree?? When both womenhad agreed, I cut a nice switch and gave it to Becky. Then I unlockedLisa and Maria and had them put their hands on top of their head.
?I want you both to dance for me all the way back to the lodge. In addition,I want to hear you repeating over and over, ?I am your slave, I am your slut,I am your bitch. Please hurt me and make me come.' Becky will usethe switch to encourage you and help you concentrate. Don't get too farahead of me. Now, get started.?
Lisa and Maria began to dance as well as they could with their hands on topof their heads, and both started reciting the phrase, ?I am your slave. Iam your slut. I am your bitch. Please hurt me and make me come.? Istrolled very slowly back toward the lodge, so they had to dance in place muchof the time.
Meanwhile, Becky was really getting into it with the switch. She movedfrom one to the other using the evil stick on their butts, tits, and an occasionalshot to their pussies. A few times she brought it straight up betweentheir legs and buried it in their slits. The better the switch caughtthem, the more frantic their dancing became.
By the time we got back to the lodge, they were both exhausted. Annamet us and was amused to learn that all four were my slaves again. WhileLisa and Maria took a rest, Anna and I strung Becky up to one of the beamsin the dining room. Soon she was standing on her toes with her arms upto the beam and her legs tied apart.
I walked in front of her and stroked her face. She said, ?Please Master,may I speak?? I nodded. ?Are you angry with me, Master? Whathave I done wrong??
I smiled at poor Becky, all spread out and exposed. ?I'm not angry,Becky. You were very good today. In fact, you can think of thisas your reward. You've been teasing Lisa and Maria all day, not to mentionall that fun with the switch, and I just thought it would be fun to watch themget even for a while.?
I turned to Lisa and Maria, who were suddenly all smiles. ?All rightladies, it's time for you to have some fun. I want her teased and tormented,but don't let her come. If she does, you'll both get a pony ride.?
Maria dashed off and returned a moment later with two very thin, flexiblebamboo canes. I asked Anna how long it was until dinner and she saidit was an hour and a half, so I sat back to watch the floor show. Theyhad to be careful, because Becky could come from pain alone. Maria andLisa had tormented her before, so they knew how to handle it.
They whipped her pussy until she was close and then switched to her tits. Lisaexplained that Becky couldn't come from pain alone unless it was on her pussy,so it was safe to whip her everywhere else. They were a good team, workingone from each side. After her tits were nice and red they switched again. Thistime Lisa did her butt while Maria worked on her belly.
The strokes to her belly really got her jumping. When they tired ofthat, they began doing her thighs, with Lisa striking from the back and Mariafrom the front. They were spacing their strokes to let Becky feel eachone, and had been at it for about an hour. Becky was deep in space somewhere,just swaying and moaning.
I slipped out of my clothes and went up to her, dropping to my knees. Islid my tongue up and down her slit and then concentrated on her clit. Atthe same time Lisa started laying strokes on her butt, while Maria returnedto the tits, laying a perfect stroke right across her nipples.
I swear it was like she exploded. I have never seen a woman come thathard. The amazing thing was that it just went on and on. I hadheard about continuous orgasms, but I had never witnessed one before. Aftermaybe five minutes of the most incredible wailing and thrashing, she finallypassed out.
I quickly stood up and wrapped my arms around her, supporting her weight whileall three of the others got the ropes untied. Then I carried her intomy room and put her gently on the bed, covering her with a blanket. Shewoke up momentarily, just long enough to say, ?Thank you, Master,? and thenfell asleep.
Now that Becky was settled down for a while, the rest of us sat down to dinner. Iwas still naked, and I had Anna strip, so that made it unanimous. Dinnerwas great again. Anna had made a standing rib roast with all the trimmings. Allof these women could really cook. I consider myself a pretty fair handin the kitchen, and all of my meals here so far had been as good as I coulddo myself.
During dinner I said to Lisa, ?You're going to be upset with me. Annaand I have really hit it off, and I asked her to marry me. I think sheaccepted. I know Becky is planning to leave with me, and Anna says sheand her sister do everything together. It looks like I'm raiding yourwhole staff.
?I know,? Lisa said. ?I've been trying not to think about it. Iknew everyone was getting tired of playing this game every day. I am,too. This week has been great, but most of the guys who have come hereto play are rich jerks, and several have been real sadists. It'll beOK. I'll make out fine.?
Suddenly Lisa jumped up and ran out of the room. Anna motioned for meto follow her. I went back to her room and quietly opened the door. Lisawas sprawled over the bed sobbing. I lay down next to her and huggedher close. It was a minute or two before she could quit sobbing.
?Alright,? I whispered in her ear. ?Tell me all about it.? Lisarolled over to face me and started to protest that it wasn't my problem. ?Stopit,? I said. ?You are my slave tonight, and if you don't tell me I amgoing to have Anna and Maria tease you while I cane you. We'll keep doingit until we break you, so you might just as well tell me now.? I noticedthat Anna and Maria had crept into the room and were sitting cross legged onthe floor by the bed.
Lisa nodded. ?OK, here it is. My ancestry is a little mixed up. Mymom is Korean and my dad was half American Black and half Panamanian. Mydad's mom inherited this place from her dad. I own it now, but there'sa mortgage. I have been barely making it, and the bank really wants it. I'mafraid I might lose it, and now my best friends are moving away.?
By now she was crying again. I asked her, ?How much is the mortgage? Maybeyou can refinance with a more understanding lender.?
?I've tried, but it's almost two million US dollars. I'll be OK. I'lljust have to think of something.?
I thought for a minute, and then looked over at Anna with a questioning look. Shenodded. I said, ?Think about this. I'll arrange a new loan foryou. I guarantee I can do that. Do you want to keep living herefull time??
Lisa's face was starting to look a bit more hopeful. ?Not really, butI haven't had much choice. I love it here, but it's so remote. Canyou really arrange a loan? Are you sure??
I ignored her last two questions. ?How about if you hire some staffto run this as an eco-tourist place? Then you would be free to stay herewhen you want, but you wouldn't be trapped. I'll give you a job in theStates. Let's see, Anna is going to be my wife. Maria will officiallybe the chef at my house. Becky will officially be my housekeeper. Ialready have a driver and a couple of gardeners, plus the people who come inonce a week to clean. We will need someone to supervise all the staffand generally run things. It will pay pretty well, and there are someunusual perks associated with the job.?
By now the tears were gone and Lisa was smiling. ?Really? You'lllet me come with you? I thought about that, but I didn't think it couldhappen. Are you sure it would be OK with Anna??
I laughed. ?Anna's sitting right here, and I already cleared it withher. I'm not an idiot, you know. If I mess with her, I'll be doingthe tango again.?
Anna and Maria joined us on the bed. Anna said, ?I think it will begreat. We can all stay together. Andy's wrong about one thing,though. He'll certainly be doing the tango again, and probably prettysoon. That was just too much fun to watch. I've decided it's probablyworth the pony ride I'd have to take later.?
Maria pushed me over on my back and sat straddling my chest. ?Please,Master, may I speak?? I just nodded and she continued. ?Two ofMaster's slaves have been frustrated all day, and they need Master's help.? Sheslid up until her pussy was pressed over my mouth. It only took a fewminutes of my tongue work for her to start coming, but she stayed right inplace and let me continue licking her.
Meanwhile, I had watched Anna out of the corner of my eye. She was ina 69 with Lisa. Before long Lisa broke away from her and mounted me. Asshe slid up and down on my cock, she massaged Maria's tits from behind. Annasat on my legs and began tonguing my feet, sucking each toe while ticklingthe soles. I held out until Lisa suddenly clamped down on my cock. Thetwo of us came together.
Maria and Anna immediately switched places, and I licked Anna's clit untilshe was as satisfied as the rest of us. After a short interlude of cuddlingin a heap, we all went into the lounge. I told Lisa to put some musicon the stereo, and then instructed everyone to start the floor show. Themusic woke Becky, so she joined us.
If you've never had the experience of four lovely, naked women dancing justfor your pleasure, I highly recommend it. Being naked myself, my enjoymentof the dance soon became obvious to everyone in the room. After about45 minutes of watching the show, Becky knelt in front of me. She startedwith my balls, but soon turned her attention to my cock.
Her technique was a sort of combination of the others. She took me deepas easily as Lisa, and all the while her tongue danced its own rhythm up anddown my shaft. Meanwhile, her busy fingers moved from one area to another. Asshe worked, her eyes never broke contact with mine, and as I looked into them,I saw devotion. There is no aphrodisiac more powerful than a look oftrue devotion in a woman's eyes as she uses her mouth and all her skill togive pleasure to a man.
Before going to bed I told all the women to stay in the following day. Iknew there were a lot of things we needed to work out, and I needed to calla couple of my people in the States to get the ball rolling from a businessstandpoint. I was lying in bed on my back with my legs spread a bit. Annawas lying on top of me, pressing her tits into my chest. Maria was betweenmy legs with her face against my thigh, and I had another woman cuddled upon either side.
I was actually thinking of business details when I drifted into sleep. WhenI woke up, I was still on my back, but I was no longer surrounded by women. Ittook me a minute to wake up enough to realize that I was tied spread-eagledon the bed. I looked up to see that Becky was tied standing with herhands up to a beam and a ball gag in her mouth.
I had only been awake for a couple of minutes when Anna came into the room. ?Goodmorning, Andy. I see you're awake. You may be wondering why you'retied to the bed. Well, it's been a couple of days since I had a chanceto play with you, and I've been missing it. So, Lisa and Maria helpedme get you secure.?
?We had to tie Becky as well, because it looked like she was going to helpyou. Now that you're awake, I am going to see if I can make you rememberthe testicle tango as an easy time. First I guess I had better let youpee.? She had one of those bottles like they use in a hospital, and aftershe held it in place for me to use she washed my genitals with a warm, wetwashcloth and wiped me dry.
Maria came into the room with a box of stuff. I couldn't see what wasin it, but the first thing she took out did not bode well. It was a woodencontraption she attached to my genitals. The best way to describe itis to say it was a set of stocks for my cock and balls. Once it was on,my balls were sitting on top of a wooden platform, and my cock came througha hole in the same platform. A Velcro strap held my cock up and out ofthe way.
Once it was on, Maria straddled my face and pressed her pussy in place overmy mouth. I got to work with my tongue. Anna started to smack mein the balls with what felt like a little paddle. She didn't hit themtoo hard. It was just hard enough to hurt a little bit, but she keptdoing it relentlessly. I would guess she smacked them about twice a second. Itwas like, one ? smack ? one thousand ? smack ? two ?smack ?one thousand ? smack.
It wasn't bad at all, and was very bearable, but she just kept doing it. Afterwhat seemed like a few minutes, it suddenly started seeming much worse. Ashort while after that it became unbearable, and I started thrashing and buckingin an effort to get away. Anna just kept smacking my balls over and over.
I would have been screaming, but between the constant hits to my balls andMaria pressing and rubbing her pussy over my face, I could hardly catch mybreath. Then Maria started coming violently on my face, and Anna justkept the torture going on my balls. Just when I thought I would surelypass out soon, she finally stopped.
Next they switched around. Lisa had come into the room, and she goton my face. Maria was between my legs. While I was forced to lickLisa's slit, Maria started whipping my cock with a leather strap. Shewhipped it fast and hard, and soon I was screaming into Lisa's pussy. Mariakept her strap going until Lisa had come hard.
Then they switched again. As Anna got on my face, Lisa showed me a rubberspatula. ?You're going to love this,? she smirked at me. As Annarode my face, Lisa worked over both my cock and balls with the spatula. Itstung worse than the leather strap, and every blow to my balls felt like gettingkicked. Like before, they kept this up until Anna crashed into orgasm.
This time, though, Anna didn't get off. She kept riding my face, butthe other two switched tactics. One of them went down on my cock. Fromthe technique I knew it was Lisa. She engulfed me right to the root andstarted really sucking and working up and down. In no time I was veryclose, but before I could come, Maria whacked me hard in the balls a few timeswith the paddle. (I later found out it was the back of a hairbrush.)
That's how it went for a while. I brought Anna to one orgasm after another. MeanwhileLisa was keeping me right on the edge of coming, but Maria kept hitting mein the balls to keep me from getting over the edge. Finally, even herconstant hits to my incredibly painful balls couldn't prevent it. I cameharder than I had ever come in my life. It was truly awe inspiring, andLisa didn't quit sucking me until I was empty.
The three of them cuddled me for a few minutes, gently stroking, and thenLisa announced, ?Time for breakfast.? They untied both Becky and me,and we went into the dining room. I felt like a wet dishrag, but I hadto admit it was an amazing orgasm.
As we were eating breakfast, Anna said, ?I just needed to do that to you thismorning. I wanted to make sure you knew that I still liked being theone in control, at least some of the time. You are the first man to evermake me really feel like a slave, and that's great, but I'm always going towant to make you the slave sometimes.?
I thought about what she said, but it didn't bother me, and I told them so. Ilove to play games, and I don't mind paying a forfeit when I lose so long asI can collect one when I win. I like the tension of really being concernedabout the outcome of a game, and I'm rich enough that reasonable money betsdon't do it for me. However, I assure you that knowing I will be torturedif I lose puts the tension back into any game.
After breakfast I called my office and arranged for a couple of my peopleto come down the next day and get the business end going. Lisa showedme the last notice she had received from the bank, and she was right. Ithad a very threatening tone. I called the bank and eventually got throughto a Mr. Gordon, the manager. I explained that my company would be doingthe refinance and I assured him that any further threats would be met by legalaction.
After the business was out of the way, we talked about my house and the arrangementsI was considering. I have a really big house, with a dozen or so bedroomsand a servant's wing with several two room suites for domestic help. Thehome was built in the late 1870's when people had more servants. I hadbought it about four years before and had the whole place restored.
The women were really interested to learn that the house had originally beenbuilt with several secret passages and rooms. It was the main reasonI had bought it, and I had made sure they were all restored to their originalcondition. I told them about the one secret room below the main basementthat we could equip as a playroom.
Since it is below the regular basement, it is far underground, making it completelysoundproof. The room is about 30' square and has a 12' ceiling with exposedbeams. I had often thought it would make a great ?dungeon.? Withthat in mind, during the restoration I had it carpeted and had a full bathdown there. Let me tell you, putting a bathroom into a sub-basement isnot cheap.
I'm going to jump ahead a few months. Anna and I got married in April. Guesswho the bridesmaids were. The five of us have settled into my house andso far everything is working out just fine. I went for my annual checkupthe other day, and my Doc says she's never seen me so fit. I guess marriedlife agrees with me. Anyone up for a nice game of chess? If I win,I promise to be gentle? not!
TRANSVAMPORIA FOUR GENDER WARS Introduction: Hi once again and welcome to the fourth installment of the Transvamporia saga. By now, I shouldn't have to tell y'all to read the first three parts before this one. I will say that so far my writing has been going fairly smoothly and I have been able to get out quite a bit fairly fast. I intend to try and keep up the pace as I have this big story inside my head that needs to get out. So once again I will cut with any...
One of the most recognized franchises ever, Star Wars features some incredible characters. From Darth Vader, to Luke Skywalker, to Kylo Ren, Star Wars knows how to make them memorable. The women are no exception, from Leia Organa to Ahsoka Tano, to Padme Amidala, Star Wars is exceptional at making strong female characters. It is these people we will be focusing on today.
STAR WARS A long time ago there was a galaxy far far away which is constantly in turmoil. No matter what era, there is always some conflict going on. While this is a perfect recipe for many a legend to arise, especially with a mystical power like ‘the force’ touching so many, most people forget there are plenty more non-force-sensitives who are just trying to live their lives. These are an anthology of stories of the previously ignored people who make up the backbone of the star wars galaxy.
You sit and sip your drink slowly, while watching your surroundings. The bar is not the worst place you've been in, but it's not far behind. You wonder for tenth time what convinced a [A1]Man [A2]Woman like you, to come to this place. Drinks were awful, the information scare and food – you wouldn't touch it with 10 foot stick. You thought that this would be a good place to celebrate the successful completion of your last contact. But in hindsight,...
One of the most recognized franchises ever, Star Wars features some incredible characters. From Darth Vader, to Luke Skywalker, to Kylo Ren, Star Wars knows how to make them memorable. The women are no exception, from Leia Organa to Ahsoka Tano, to Padme Amidala, Star Wars is exceptional at making strong female characters. It is these people we will be focusing on today. Cover by: Mr_Hyde_06
1760 The Fall of Montreal The heated battles of the French and Indian Wars were primarily fought in the deep forests and isolated outposts of the exposed English settlers. However, the British eventually brought the fight directly into the heart of the French Colonial Homeland in Canada. The initial assaults on Quebec were fought off but it eventually fell to the English forces in 1759 with much loss of life and property. The key to this success was the prior taking of Fort Niagara by the...
Paint Dries When You're Having Fun Discreet White or Fancy Pink? Rose compared the two paint samples the Sherwin-Williams employee had just handed her. Despite the name, Discreet White wasn't all that white. It was really more of a pink, although only slightly. Rose could barely tell the difference between the two. "So, what do you think? You said you wanted something with a tinge of pink, but not overbearing. I think these two are pleasant, but muted." Rose glanced at his name tag, it...
Gamindustri. A magical land of scientific and technological progress. The continent is divided into several nations, each protected by one of the Console Patron Units who oversee and guide its inhabitants. In turn, the CPUs are worshiped as goddesses and empowered by the physical manifestation of their people's faith - a mystical energy known as Shares. Much of Gamindustri's history prior to the signing of the Treaty of Friendship is dominated by the Console Wars, an era of devastating battles...
Bootleg Wars? Spitman, 2006SCENARIOThe consumption of meat harvested from human females is a major industry in the world of this story, so much so that official agencies have been set up in the USA and elsewhere to control the breeding and harvesting industries, and to maintain the highest possible Real Meat standards. The CRMPA or California Real Meat Processing Authority is the foremost of these authorities. The CRMPA is required by the US government to ensure that Real Meat (human female...
CuntWars aka Chick Wars! What a fucking name for a site. They are definitely not messing around. No, Cunt Wars is not about a couple of chicks finally duking it out in a ring, though that would be amazing., made by hooligapps, is a card-based strategy game. I know, I know. It sounds lame, but before you go zipping up your pants and taking your wank elsewhere, hear me out. I’m usually pretty bored by porn games in general. There’s never enough action, the game concept is usually...
Best Porn GamesI was completely submerged in water, the only part of me that was sticking up was the top of my head and my nose so that I could breath. It was so warm my head span even though I was lying down but the weak feeling was welcomed by my hot body that writhed beneath my hand. My left fingers slipped between the lips of my sex and gently rubbed the juices that I could feel despite the water. My body instantly responded to the touch and made my hips buck. I had to be at an art class soon, but I was...
LesbianChaos and Order: The War Eternal "Small Wars" An Urban Fantasy Tale (Set in the Consultant Universe) Magic has always existed and is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can actually be taught to cast spells. Only about 1% has the ability to earn a Magic-User 3rd Class license. In a country of 300 million that means there are potentially 3 million professional practitioners. ...
Painting a Picture of Dominance By :Blmorticia “I’m missing you honey. I can’t wait to get back and make love to you.” “I know, baby, but it’s only been one night.” “Yeah, one lonely night,” he said. Distracted, I looked at our wedding photo on my desk. Here I was, at home because I had a deadline to meet while he was enjoying a trip to England to visit family. As I listened to my loving husband and slave on the other end, I chuckled, “You’ll be back in our bed before you know it, besides...
Bisexual(( My first story here, please feel free to add to it as my own store line will follow the results that advance the plot. TRANSLATION: If you want the character to take a quicker route to sexual experience and depravity please insert your own branches or be patient with me and I will do so when I have time. I will review all submissions for addition daily as possible. Happy writing/reading... and other things... NOTE: If you'd like to begin your own entire story based on my opening premise and...
FantasyAuthor’s Note: This has long been one of my favorite songs, it has such an elemental rhythm that you can feel the song. There has been a lot of speculation over the years about ‘what does it mean?’ but little agreement. This story is what I feel as I hear the song. Mick Jagger and Keith Richards wrote ‘Paint It Black’ with the assistance of other members of the band, especially Bill Wyman and Brian Jones. Thanks to Techsan for his editing support – without his aid readers would be literally...
First let me tell you where this story came from. I was mountain biking in a park near my home when I came across two unrelated but interesting things. First I came across the remnants of a huge paintball fight. There were paintballs splattered everywhere, empty and partially filled speed loaders, tons of CO2 cartridges, and between ten and twelve empty cartons that had once contained paintballs. The battle had spanned most of the 25 plus acres of heavily wooded park and there...
I SEE A RED DOOR AND I WANT IT PAINTED BLACK Because of some quirk in human nature we always seem to remember what we were doing when some life-altering event happens. For me, well, it turned out I was doing something stupid and trite. We had just finished a major project at work and everyone on the team was given a week off. Half were to go one week and the other half the next. I remembered my boss, Wayne, pleading with me, "Damn, Jim. I know you have worked even more hours than I have on...
Teasing Wars This story is based on true events I observed. I only had to change names and a few details. Ive waited years to tell this. Ive watched my youngest daughter, Tina, grow up and she was a born prick teaser. She was pure sexy, and she like to tease me sexually. I always resisted and never touched her&hellip,.but it wasnt easy. She used me,&hellip, to practice turning a man on. &hellip,.I watched Tina and my fake son-in-law lust for each other. I just made mental notes and vowed...
For a time Jango Fett was considered as a template for clone army, but in the end someone different was chosen – Ros Lai. A busty redhead human female and force using Nightsister. Even through she was a strong force user, only small percentage of her clones have have talent in it. Those clones had been given special training by count Dooku himself. Their existence was a secret to all but Dooku and Sidious. There were only two major changes in growing clone army. First, their uniforms were...
Retribution 2: Nanotechnology and The XY Wars By Po Prologue... The crazy plan of Wels Wright is initiated again as the Retribution facility rounds up more helpless victims again. This time their technology and methods are more advanced, which speeds up the transformation process. Out of 100 transformees, 90 were eliminated by measuring of skill. Fredrick, the last main character, survived and went on to live his dream while his first best friend, Nick, was turned into a very...
This story is total fiction. Nothing in it ever took place. The summer began like usual, college was out and my two weeks vacation in New York with my cousins was up, I would be heading back to Utah to live with my dad at home for the remainder of summer. I was looking forward to seeing him, my first year of college was tough being away from home, and since my mom passed away when I was little I had always been close to my father. We would go on trips together like to Hawaii and he is going to...
IncestErin sighed softly as she looked at the blank canvas. Her art final was due tomorrow and she was still looking at an uninspiring wall. She ran her fingers through her thick dark hair, teeth nibbling at her full lower lip. She shook her head as she laid the canvas on the ground, her paints spread out nicely on the table. She stood before the canvas, hands on her voluptious hips, the loose tunic hanging on her thighs, her long silky legs stretching from the shirt. Shawn smiled as he peeked into...
Erin sighed softly as she looked at the blank canvas. Her art final was due tomorrow and she was still looking at an uninspiring wall. She ran her fingers through her thick dark hair, teeth nibbling at her full lower lip. She shook her head as she laid the canvas on the ground, her paints spread out nicely on the table. She stood before the canvas, hands on her voluptious hips, the loose tunic hanging on her thighs, her long silky legs stretching from the shirt. Shawn smiled as he peeked into...
Quickie SexA trans sissy’s return to school.Vince brought his car to a halt outside the school railings on its carpark with his sexy little femboy faggot sat in the passenger seat, excited and nervous at the same time.‘Thanks’ Vince for dropping me off’ Anna says as she gives Vince a cheeky kiss on his lips, she lingers her mouth a centimetre from his and rests her scrawny hand momentarily on his lap with a dirty grin. ‘I’ll pick you up as well once you’re done and we can engage in our own activities...
It's been all over the news. A new CCG (collectable card game) has been sweeping the globe. Everyone wants to be apart of this game that allows you to "make anyone your slut." Everyone knows you can't make just anyone your slut. You have to get their ownership card first. My name's John. I am a senior in High school. I have been holding out on this trend because registration is so expensive. However, I'm going to finally do it today. You have to go down to one of the pop-up Slut Wars locations...
FantasyWARNING: This story contains insulting humor to the Republican party, the current United States President (George W. Bush), the Catholic Church, and the current Pope (Benedict XVI). If you cannot take a joke then please leave, and please let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Otherwise, you Bad Humor Fans, ENJOY!! A not so long time ago, in a political blunder far far away... BLUNDER WARS Episode H: Attack of the Government Ineptness Chapter 1- The evil Repulican Empire for years has...
Non-EroticCar Wars.. Chevy Corvette Vrs Toyota Prius.I wrote once that God Drives a Chevy Corvette, Toyota Prius was made by the Devil. Only one person ever said anything about that. She wrote to me and said " But Prius cars are great for giving abortions in!"It hurt... It was like a knife was thrust into my V8 heart. So I wrote this.I'm not sure if I could describe in detail the power felt when shifting that Corvette from Second gear to third, at 4500 RPMs... You can feel the mechanics like the bolt...
Dave parked his car, grabbed his camera, and strode eagerly to the house. He only paused to turn the handle before he walked through the front door. Dave had been here many times before, and was well aware of May’s open door policy. She was more likely to tear you apart for knocking and making her answer, than if you just walked in like you owned the place. Walking through the door Dave found the living room empty, but heard the soft sound of music playing from a room down the hall. “May! Are...
LesbianHer name was Lucy and she took a shine to me right away, which was kind of nice. By the second day I figured out that she was into girls because of the way she kept checking out my ass. I mean several times a day if I was bending over a paint tray there was Lucy checking out my tight teen ass. So by the second week I decided to push the issue, I started wearing shorter and tighter shorts, and made a no underwear pact which meant that when Lucy checked me out she might have just as well have...
Chloe slid the key card into the slot. The little green light blinked twice and she heard the click. Pushing open the door, she struggled to get in to the sitting room with her computer bag and bucket of ice. It had been a long, mentally draining day but now she was home, at least whatever hotel was home that week. Placing her keys, key card, and the filled bucket of ice onto the wet bar, she thought of his text, the instructions. “get ice, fill a bucket, bring it back to the room.” Smiling...
Masturbation{ i’m taking the feedback from my previous story and applying it to this one..hope its better. Laptops annoy me…so i end up having grammar/spelling issues. } Karly stared at the paint then glanced up at her bedroom wall. Two cans. It seemed as if it wouldn’t cover the whole room, but Karly may by surprised. She had called up her pretty good work friend Nicole to help her out, she was a very ‘do it yourself’ kind of girl. She loved working with her hands and doing a bunch of artsy fartsy stuff....
{ i'm taking the feedback from my previous story and applying it to this one..hope its better. Laptops annoy i end up having grammar/spelling issues. } Karly stared at the paint then glanced up at her bedroom wall. Two cans. It seemed as if it wouldn't cover the whole room, but Karly may by surprised. She had called up her pretty good work friend Nicole to help her out, she was a very "do it yourself" kind of girl. She loved working with her hands and doing a bunch of artsy fartsy...
MasturbationDuring my final vacation before graduating from high school, my father informed me that I would have to oversee a paint job in our home. I was not keen on having to spend two days of my holiday homebound but was given no choice in this matter. My mother had found a new colour that she simply couldn’t live without and so, our dining room and living room simply had to be repainted.On the advice of a neighbour, my dad employed a Hispanic man, Mateo, to do the job. My folks left for work early on a...
Gay MaleI have the misfortune to be named Alejandro del la Mancha. The other children in school used to tease me unmercifully, asking where my donkey was and was Pancho coming to kiss my wounds better. I learned to fight well and willingly those early years in Valencia. I had thirteen summers when these events began. I was a fair-skinned, blue-eyed, blonde Spaniard, very rare and often cursed. My uncle was a swarthy skinned, curly haired flamboyant drunkard of a man who made his living renting out...
“Talking to yourself again?” queried Darren from her door. “Such a fuckin oddball.” He teased as he strode to her bed and plopped himself down. “Why aren’t you rich, with millions of dollars working as some nerdy ass physicists like on that show “The Big Bang Theory?”” Autumn got off her window landing and sat down next to her brother. “I don’t want to be, I’m training in the academy to be an officer just like dad, that’s what I want to be nothing more nothing less, so is it ok if I can be a...
After my first year at college I returned to my parents` home for the summer., summer in Britain translates to about three hot weeks in June or July but as my home town was a coastal resort, I found part-time work at the holiday camp on the outskirts of our town.The camp consisted of mobile homes and caravans, rented for periods of time with a central complex containing bars, a disco, shops, etc. Because we were...
Nobody expected there to be a World War 3, but when it did come, everyone knew the terrible truth. No world leader would give up willingly. Missile defense systems, foreign and otherwise, were designed to withstand nuclear attacks from without, rather than within. Greedy politicians and foreign dictators, spoiled in their positions of absolute power, simply refused to lose to one another. Rather than roll over and admit defeat, several decided that their toys, were only for them,...
‘Card, please. Welcome back, Frank.’ ‘Mike, you know me by name’, said Frank. ‘You know I don’t drink, I’m here for your arcade games. Why do I have to show my ID?’ The bouncer looked at him. ‘I get paid to make everybody show an ID. You too. You didn’t lose your ID again, did you?’ Frank sighed. ‘New year, new ID.’ He produced his new student ID. He was a senior now. Mike had let him in since he was a sophomore, on his brother’s old ID. Mike didn’t worry nearly as much about the validity of...
I'm sitting in my history class, staring out the window. I hate being here. I hate that no one else wants me here. I hate myself for feeling so depressed.Suddenly, I feel a snicker behind me. It comes from Jason, an RB of the football team. I can feel the eyes of more than one person burning into me and the laughter grows. I feel the humiliation rise within me. I haven't any idea what they have done this time, but I ignore it. After all these years of abuse, I developed an anxiety which freezes...
LesbianThis was an entry in the "We are very disappointed with your progress" contest, where the object of the story was to write a short piece using the above phrase at least once in the story. Paint Work By Joe Six-Pack Darren Kennedy had arrived home late that night, weary and worn. Not from working, but from anxiety. He was as skittish as a lost kitten, constantly on his toes and ready for anything. At any time, in any place, his world could have been turned upside-down. Was he...
From as early as my p*****n years, it was obvious that sports and I didnot get along. I was either too slow or not coordinated enough. Teamafter team would either cut me, or only allow me to play the minimumamount of time that was required. When teams were picked in gym class,I was almost always chosen last. My uncle observed my frustration, andtook it upon himself to help. He was concern about the long-term effect ofmy low self-esteem, so he introduced me to the world of racquetball.When...
I have been married to Karen for twenty-five wonderful years, and I knew the first time I saw her that I wanted her for my wife. She was seventeen at the time and a senior in high school. I was twenty and just starting my sophomore year at one of the local Universities. Her beauty took my breath away. She was a tall, lean blond with sky blue eyes. At first glance, I guessed her height to be around 5’ 6," and she weighed maybe 120 to 125. The most noteworthy thing I noticed was her marvelous...
You have finally turned 18 standard years old! You now can enlist, as you have been wanting to do for some time now even though your parents are against it. Especially these days, considering that there was a war going on between the Empire and Rebel Alliance. But, now, you must make your decision on which one to join. You think of what you know. The Empire is powerful and stretches far and wide and has better weapons and army. Also, it would be less dangerous considering if you were a rebel...
Es war einmal vor langer Zeit in einer weit, weit entfernten Galaxis ... Padme Amidala, die ehemalige Konigin von Naboo und nunmehr frischgebackene Senatorin hat gerade ihre Dankesrede zu ihrer Ernennung beendet. Die Mitglieder des Senats der Republik spenden ihrem jüngsten Mitglied freundlichen Beifall. Kanzler Palpatine, ihr väterlicher Freund und Vertrauter seit ihrer Jugend legt seinen Arm freundschaftlich um Amidalas schmale Schultern. „Ich beglückwünsche Sie zu Ihrer Ernennung, Hoheit!...
It was my first year of college. Naturally, i signed up for a fraternity to help me fit in. Little did I know it was going to be the worst mistake of my life. Me and my fellow pledges stood in a straight line. In front of us were the fraternity leaders. There was Dan, the president of the fraternity, who stood 6 feet tall, brown hair, although he had a buzz cut, and had the body of a tan, Greek god. He stood next to his two right hand men, Brandon, a 6 ft, light skinned, ripped athlete, and...
Fetish“Yep. I know” “You do?” Asked Aries in a sincerely puzzled look. “Dude we've had like 5 classes together in 2 years” Autumn was clearly annoyed that the guy she didn't want to be talking to didn't know that she didn't want to talk to him or that she knew exactly who he was....and again that she didn't want to talk to him. “Oh yea, well I dunno I've seen you a lot since middle school and I just figured we could be friends.” “Yep, I guess” Autumn slumped back in the chair and looked at...
© 2000 "She's doing it again." I told Bill, more nonchalantly this time. After all, I had watched her routine at least twelve times by now. I left good neighbor Bunny to her strip tease and returned to my painting. "Doing what again?" Bill asked, as if he didn't know. I guess he thought I would forget he had watched Bunny's routine at least twelve times by now, too. Standing right next to me, no less. My paintbrush hit the wall with a wet splat followed by the shush-shushing of my...
Introduction: My story continues with Me and the teen Lisa being the participants in a game the guys invented called Fuckball! Part 6: Mr. Bill and me! – Football or should I say Fuckball! Once again I awoke after a night of being a total slut. Lisa lay facing me in the king sized bed we had now shared for two nights. She was so young, beautiful and so far from innocent! I began stroking her beautiful silky auburn hair. Making a soft mewing noise she cuddled up closer to me. I slowly began...
------------------- Darren walked over to the glass backdoor, flipped the aluminum latch up turned on his heels and strolled back towards his room. “W’Sup DOOM” shouted kyle as he slid the door closed and threw the latch back down into locked position. Not pausing a second or turning back Darren continued bounding up the gray wool steps towards his room and shouted back, “Yo Kyle.” And with that he was in the sanctuary of his room, door closed music loud, allowing every bit of...
Once again I awoke after a night of being a total slut. Lisa lay facing me in the king sized bed we had now shared for two nights. She was so young, beautiful and so far from innocent! I began stroking her beautiful silky auburn hair. Making a soft mewing noise she cuddled up closer to me. I slowly began kissing her face starting at her forehead and then her eyes and on to her soft lips. Rubbing her firm back, she wriggled and her eyes fluttered and opened, revealing those emerald green...
"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...
"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...
In my senior years at school, I just loved watching girls playing netball in their short skirts and a wide variety of colours of cotton knickers. I have to admit, though, that navy blue, bottle green, maroon and plain white were my strong favourites.One girl in particular caught my eye. Susie was sixteen going on seventeen and went to the local Catholic Girls High school where they wore a bottle green gymslip, bottle green knee-hi socks and a yellow blouse. The team she played netball for wore...
FetishCHAPTER 1 Eddie Carter had been working for Gilmore Home Decorators in Crawley, England, for three weeks and during that time had been painting commercial premises – a paint store, gymnasium, bicycle shop and bakery. The Australian preferred painting homes where there was always the chance of the woman of the house providing coffee and freshly-buttered scones for morning and afternoon tea and a hot lunch in return for excellence in painting. Eddie wasn’t sure how women could tell if the...
Candlepeen Balling By James X Pendergrass Copyright 2014 – All Rights ReservedDr. Stanley Gradkowski, Chair of the Mathematics Department at one of the most venerable institutions in the world, stared out the window of his office on a cool late fall day. The students seemed to get worse and worse every year. And as far as he was concerned, that was a good thing. Now almost 44, and, after a meteoric rise, having basically arrived at his station in the world, there were many aspects of his...
Dusty and his wife Christy are an average couple with not-so-average sexual tastes. You see, in this relationship cum is shared by both! Hers or his! They have been snowballing cum kisses throughout their relationship, in fact it was a key ingredient in the entire courting process.Christy considers herself a cum addict or a cum slut since she loves cum and wants it in her mouth every single day! First thing every day when she wakes up is to coax a nice warm load out of her husband. Of course he...
‘Whoever had the brilliant idea to hire two female anchors, should be taken out and shot,’ Sue Marshal said, as she watched the two women storm off to their respective dressingrooms. Sue was the producer of the late night K-U-N-T Channel 7 TV news program the two women were supposed to co-host, and had been dealing with their temper tantrums for over six months now. What had started out as a simple dislike had now escalated into full-scale warfare. Sharon Daniels and Lisa Moore had disliked...
You wake up in your bunk on your ship feeling particularly groggy. You walk over to your closet pulling out some clothes deciding against wearing the armor laying in pieces on your closet floor and leaving your blasters back in their weapons locker. You still have a splitting headache and audibly groan as you head toward the bathroom. You walk down the cold metal hallways of your ship floating through the abyss that is the space between worlds taking a moment to appreciate the quiet, well as...