Oddball 3 free porn video

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“Yep. I know”
“You do?” Asked Aries in a sincerely puzzled look.
“Dude we've had like 5 classes together in 2 years” Autumn was clearly annoyed that the guy she didn't want to be talking to didn't know that she didn't want to talk to him or that she knew exactly who he was....and again that she didn't want to talk to him.
“Oh yea, well I dunno I've seen you a lot since middle school and I just figured we could be friends.”
“Yep, I guess” Autumn slumped back in the chair and looked at her pink and gray Nike shoes. She wondered if they really matched her gray and pink shirt, they were exactly the same colors but the swoosh sign on her shoes were pink and the sneakers were gray but her hoodie was pink and the swoosh was gray...is that ok?
Autumn pretty much ignored everything Aries talked about only responding enough to seem barely halfway interested. The only thought in her head was, “Jesus why won't class start already.” and the only thought in his head was “Wow what a total stuck up bitch you've become.”


“Ah man, that's the late bell, I guess we both really needa get to class maybe we'll finish up some other time” Autumn was so relieved to have a legitimate excuse to run away from this guy. As Autumn stood and gripped her backpack Aries cut in “Thanks but don't worry about next time, it was really nice to finally have a conversation with you.” And with that snarky remark Aries turned to leisurely walk to his class overwhelmingly late. Sifting through his regretful memories of the last six years Aries remembered how much he liked Autumn, how for six years he's followed her like a little puppy dog doing all that he could to get her to notice him. He would try to predict her classes in order to sign up for them, he'd sit a few tables over at lunch and breakfast to try and hear her interests, how he would spend endless nights, even last night in his room on his bed with his cock in his hand and lotion lathered over it as he'd jerk it picturing her naked alternating his fantasies of how he'd fuck her trying to decide whether she had cute little brown nipples or big puffy pink ones that he could suck on. Or her legs being pried open by the muscles he didn't have as he would lap her wet juices from between her legs sucking on her clit. Licking biting tonguing sucking until she came on his chin. He couldn't get enough of jerking off to her, almost every night either his bed or stomach was soaked with his hot cum as he imagined stretching that tiny pink pussy open as he ran his fingers over her shaved or trimmed wet pussy as she bounced on his cock. He didn't have a big dick but it wasn't little either he was just average at about 7.5 inches and when he would finally get it between a girls thighs he made a vow to himself that it would only be between Autumns. Autumn's sweet tight virgin pussy that he could ram day and and night until the day she'd bend over with her little ass in the air and tell him to go for it there too. Those were the good old days when he was in love with her, the days like when she was almost raped by...Kennedy? Kris? Whatever his name was he cried for hours in a ball in his room hating himself for not being able to do a damn thing to protect her. He's known her since he was 11 and she was 10 and here they are him 16 about to be 17 in a few months and she 15 about to be 16 in two weeks and he couldn't conjure a single shred of loving emotion if he were commanded by the phoenix Jean Grey telepathically, or Professor X at that. Interrupting his pity party he thought “I seriously needa let the comic books go.”
“Hey!” Shouted Autumn as she caught up with him a little out of breath. “What did you mean don't worry about next time?”
Aries wasn't sure if she wanted clarification or was really that ditzy but he hated to explain it either way, “Look Autumn you know I like you.” Autumn opened her mouth but had no room to interject... “Don't even lie and say you didn't. We both know its obvious and you've caught me staring more than once but I guess I was wrong about you all these years, well these last few years anyways so thanks but no thanks.” Darren rolled on his heels again and took a step only to be cut off by a pint sized blonde as Autumn looked up at him and snapped with fury “Who the fuck do you think you are? Just because you've had some bitchy little crush on me and I didn't return it you think you can just throw me aside like I don't mean shit to anybody.” This made Aries laugh, and laugh a little too much for Autumns liking. “And just what the fuck is so funny?” Aries stood up and smiled. “You, you're funny.” Autumn was sick of the games and it was apparent on her eye-rolling face. This time Aries got serious.
“I don't know who you are, six years of liking you and in one conversation you've killed all my emotions and freed any lingering doubt in my head that I've got no clue to who you are. Cause whoever you are you're not Autumn”
“Then who am I?”
Aries leaned against a locker.
“I dunno, not Autumn” Autumn looked less irritated and more confused than anything. “I can prove you're not Autumn”
“Ok” was all that Autumn could think to say.
“You're outfit is a perfectly coordinated ensemble with matching accessories, you have blonde hair, no freckles, and blue eyes.” Now it was Autumns turn to laugh, much to Aries disapproval.
“So what? Cause I've dyed my hair, I sometimes wear contacts and makeup, and I know that colors go together I'm some kind of imposter?” Autumn condescendingly chipped. Aries leaned in with a straight face and said in a hush voice.
“Really want to know how I know you're not Autumn?”
“Uh Duh!”
Aries stood back up to his full height of 6'1 inches and walked through the double doors leading to the stairs, poked his back out looked Autumn up and down, smiled and said... “Your shoes match”. Then vanished around the corner before the green colored wooden doors slammed shut.

Autumn finished her day very frustrated after her first real conversation with the lapdog that has followed her for six years. She went home that night and slept uneasily. However the next day she felt completely fine, she showered, got dressed, and headed off to school seemingly forgetting all that Aries said to her the day before. However when she got to school, she ran directly into Aries who was talking to Selena. “Hey girl, I was just talking to Aries, did you know he can speak Hebrew?”
“So” replied Autumn smugly.
“So thats really really cool, Hey Aries I can teach you Spanish if you teach me Hebrew”
“That sounds cool but I gotta ask, how do you know Spanish?” Selena rolled her eyes she always get this conversation.
“I know I may look black but I'm half Dominican” Aries smiled and replied “You do know most Dominicans are black right?” Selena punched Aries in the arm and the two fell out laughing. The entire time Autumn stood there Aries ignored her as if she had never been his dream girl, his midnight fantasy, like he never jerked his peewee dick pretending it was sliding into her wet pussy. Her mind swam with confusion and anger but then he was gone.
“What the fuck was all that about?”
“Chill Oddball I just came over to Aries to ask him how ya'll talk went yesterday, don't worry I'm not moving in on your man, besides” Selena frowned as she walked towards their class “He said that it turns out you two don't have much in common and you guys are just kinda friends”

Autumn didn't understand why he said this, why he didn't tell Selena all that they talked about or why he hadn't told her what a total and complete bitch she can be. But most of all she didn't understand why he continued to smile at her, and be nice to her whenever he saw her but otherwise ignore the living hell out of her as if she was just a person he had classes with and nothing more with such complete authenticity she could almost swear this guy wasn't someone she shared a painfully harsh reality check with the day before.

A few days passed and Autumn felt worse and worse without really understanding why. Then on the following Tuesday she woke up shuffled her way in the bathroom fumbled for the light flicked it on whenced in pain at the stinging brightness then stared in the mirror waiting for the bubbles and fuzzy darkness to dissipate. Then noticed the center of her hair was burnt orange.
“Well ain't this fucking great I gotta dye my hair before school”. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, damn near fell back asleep when she sat down to pee and made her way past her dad, When he shouted
“OH MEH GAWD DON'T KILL ME, MY WIFE HAS MY MONEY” He clutched his chest then leaned over and put one hand on his old faded checkered green pajama pants. “Oh” he panted “ Its just you, for a second there I thought you were some hideous bedhead morning monster robber type thing. then I noticed your hair and thought hey could this be my long lost daughter?”
“Ha ha dad verrrryyy unfunny” Autumn punched her dads arm and entered her room. She gathered her clothes for the day and headed to the bathroom which was pretty much her second closet. She walked into the bathroom and peeled off her tank top and dropped her pajama pants. She reached behind her to unhook her bra, last night was one of the few nights she actually wore a bra to bed. She fumbled for a minute before she realized that the this one closed in the the front. She looked down to undo her bra and noticed her highlight orange bra matched her highlight orange panties which sorta matched her neon green toes and neon green nails. Autumn looked up in the mirror and saw her golden-violet eyes. It was awkward. She was so accustomed to blue eyes, or hazel, or green, or gray. But never violet.
“Jesus Fucking Christ...when don't I wear contacts?” she peered at her roots and wondered why she always switched from blonde to brunette. Are gingers really that bad? Or her freckles that she could barely see from the day befores makeup. Or her matching lingerie. “Do I really hate myself this much?” she wondered while continuing her mental dissection.

““Really want to know how I know you're not Autumn?”...”“Your shoes match””...

“Aries' words rang throught her head dipping in and out of volume whispering under her earlobe and screaming in her ear drum it was overwhelming. Autumn clenched her fist and smashed her bathroom mirror with as much fury as she could doing little more than cracking the glass and cutting her knuckles and palm. “WHO THE FUCK AM I?” and with that the half naked, 5'3 102pound girl curled up on the ground and cried on her bathroom floor.


Cat really wasn't surprised that oddball wasn't at school Tuesday. Oddball usually made a habit of not coming to school when she didn't complete her homework or she was on her period. She knew she wasn't on her period it was too soon but maybe she didn't finish their English essay on Greek mythology vs Roman Mythology “Beowulf vs Ceres”. Cat dismissed her absence and made a mental note to text her lazy procrastinating ass later.


Cat became a little worried Wednesday when Oddball again didn't show up. Maybe she got her period early? It had to be something. She didn't hear or see anything on the news about her brother or father. Why wasn't she at school and why wasn't she returning her calls and texts?


Thursday morning Selena woke up extra early to go to Autumns house. She was down right pissed it was two days and two nights of calling and texting and no response from her best friend. She marched up the cobble brick steps to Autumns white fiberglass door and banged with all her might calling Autumns name between knocks. Mrs. Day opened the door and looked at Selena with a sense of frustration.
“What can I do for you Ms. Matiano?”
“Oh. Um I'm sorry mom, I was wondering if Autumn was home.”
“Well Selena, if you are my daughter then I think I would've taught you banging and screaming on someones door a few minutes shy of 7:00A.M. Is both rude and extremely annoying.”
Selena shrunk back, trying her hardest to disappear within herself. Ever since Autumn and Selena became friends both their moms, Mrs. Day and Mrs. Matiano, treated the either as their own daughter.
“Yes mam, I'm sorry, it won't happen again.”
“I should hope not, and Autumn was up bright and early this morning looking like her old self, she decided to walk to school instead of catching the bus...she said something about the sunrise on its last day...wait no the day is the last sunrise...wait every last sunrise day um....”
“Ok thanks mom I'll see her at school”
Mrs. Day was jarred away by the fleeing African-Domincan from her porch and shut the door to try and force out the winter air. Selena beemed on the bus happy that her friend is feeling better she walked through the doors and instantly found Autumn, as did every one else in the cafeteria which was quiet. Everyone who has ever attended public or private or imaginary school knows, cafeterias are never quiet. They were all staring at Autumn who was eating her breakfast and singing to herself. Selena opted to skip the absurdly long breakfast line and sit down across the unusually empty table and stared at her bestfriend with no words.
Autumn looked up with her violet-green eyes and smiled extremely big and leaned forward to hug cat.
“Hi! CAT” She squealed eager to see her friend after two days of isolation.
Selena sat back and smiled wide. Mrs. Day really meant it when she said Autumn was back to her old self. She was back alright....wayyyyyy back. Autumn sat at the table with her newly almost dye free hair which was blood-red with purple-bluish tips which kinda fluffed or rather fizzled out around her head pulled back by a black headband which made her look like a lioness with a badass mane. Not only was her hair back to when she first met her but so was her outfit with her blue “Black Veil Brides” shirt covered by her white washout jean jacket with a dozen holes in it. Her white mini tutu neon blue leggings adorned with one long purple and gray striped sock and a equal length blue and gray sock secured by her one blue and one purple flat shoes...on opposite feet of the matching color socks of course. But the biggest thing that brought a smile to Selena's face besides her drastic un-makeover was the bright orange freckles on her bestfriends face.
“Hey oddball”.
The bell rang and the two friends got up and headed to class as those who didn't see stopped to stare and those who did see...also...stopped to stare...some more.
“Wow...Autumn?” Oddball whirled around to see Aries with his eyes nearly popping out his head.
Autumn smiled wildly...obviously proud of her reaction. “So am I Autumn?”
Aries opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted before he could utter a word. “Do you wanna go out Saturday? To the cliffs? I like sunsets. I like sunrises too but sunsets more.” What she did next completely caught him off guard. She placed both hands on his shoulders and pulled him down to her and kissed his cheek. Autumn turned on her heels and bounded away without hearing an answer from Aries. Aries stumbled into the locker with his cock straining against his zipper. How unusual, he's kissed a few girls but never got a hard-on from it. He groaned as the late bell rang knowing that if he stood up...everyone would see that he was really standing up. So he decided to take his detention and wait for saturday.


Autumn was whispered about for the next two days, some friends dropping her instantly, others trying to be nice while completely weirded-out, and the last few as loyal, loving, and encouraging as Selena. But Autumn genuinely didn't care. She hardly cared about anything anymore just a carefree girl, free of so many things and just happy. She was happy she was alive, happy she was herself, happy it was Saturday.


Aries arrived at the Day house. He knew as did all the guys who had a crush on Autumn who her father was and who his “friends” were. No one dared mess with the Captain or his loyal and more intimidating lethal police force. Aries figured if he was gonna die he was gonna die like a man...who made sure to pee before he left the house that way he wouldn't do it when Mr. Day wrapped his massive “criminal-killing” hands around his scrawny 16year old neck. Aries stepped out the car and walked towards the Day house each step reciting the lords prayer. *step* “our father who art in heaven” *next step* “hallowed be your name.” *step...aries was on the the first step of the porch...how the hell did he walk so far already?* “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” Aries reached out his hand and rang the doorbell. Before the chime could end Mr. Day...not as tall as he thought but definitely as muscular stood before him in a muscle shirt, blue jeans, socks, and a Smith & Wesson M&P9L austintatiously strapped to his hip.
"You Aaron?" he asked without blinking once since he opened the door.
He truly thought about correcting him, "Y-y-yess sir." he said trying to clear his throat through his words
"Shoes off, go down the hall sit on the coach don't touch anything."
As Aries entered the room he then again reverted to the bible.
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." Aries made it to the couch. While sitting on the couch Mr. Day made it clear that he was not to fuck, kiss, touch, smell, hear, see, taste, or think about his daughter while out on her FIRST FUCKING DATE. She coulda mentioned that, and when was it a date? I thought they were hanging with friends when did it become so exclusive? Fortunately Mrs. Day came down and forced Mr. Day to quiet down while she chatted with Aries. Eventually Autumn came down with a large oversized t-shirt on and swimming trunks. Her hair with even more blue and purple. Mr. Day was overpowered by the two women in his life and eventually retreated to his favorite chair while he cleaned his gun. After almost an hour they two made it out the house at about 11:30 and headed to the cliffs. It was easily a 90 minute drive and Autumn sang the entire way...without the radio. She wasn't a terrible singer but far from the best but she was so into it. The way she'd clutch her chest when she sang Whitney Houston or pumped her fist to LMFAO. The wind blew through her hair in Aries, Jeep Cherokee and she sang her heart out while she wiggled her butt in the leather of his car seat. He loved seeing her happy and even chimed in with a duet when she sang "I just can't stop loving you" by Michael Jackson and "Little Talks" by Of Monsers and Men. Finally they arrived. At the cliffs a little after 1pm and he asked Autumn whether she wanted to go up the the cliffs or recline on the beaches. She didn't respond she just started heading towards the trail. It took less than 20 minutes to get to one of the highest cliffs an Aries threw the jeep into park and slid out to stretch his legs. Autumn climbed out the window like a silly monkey. Aries couldn't get enough of her. She peeled off her shirt reveling a very bright neon yellow bikini top. She may have only been about a 34B cup and pretty skinny but she was sexy and majestic at that moment. Autumn tiptoed to the edge of the cliff and wiggled the dirt and sand between her feet.
"Don't stand too close, if you fall I'm not jumping down there to get you."
"Aw not even for me?" She asked with a pouty face. Aries walked over to Autumn, grabbed both of her hands and looked her in her eyes.
"Hell no." he dropped her hands and laughed as he walked to the jeep to search for snacks.
"I want to go for a swim" she said looking at his abs through the jeep window.
" What?" now he was annoyed. "We just walked all the way up here and you want to go back down, fine but later i'm not going to be doing all this climbing today."
"You really wouldn't jump after me?" Aries felt sick, he slowly leaned out his truck and measured how close Autumn was to the edge of the cliff....yep a strong or light wind could knock her right off. To make matters worse she took off her swim trunks at some point displaying the most beautiful pair of matching yellow binkin bottoms.
"Autumn wh--..."
Autumn smiled "Each days sunrise could be the last" with those words she flashed a smile at him, and let her body fall off the edge of the cliff.
"AUTUMNNNNNNNNNNN" Aries strangled scream pierced the beautiful scenery as his voice cracked and he ran to the edge of the cliff. He didn't prepare he didn't slow down he simply took one hard step on gravel and another on thin air as he launched himself over the cliff after her. Jeez falling is so much faster than running. He was within 10 feet of her on the cliff but over 40 as they fell. She was dangerlously close to the water her hair flowing past her face as her feet and arms flailed and her back prepared to hit the water. The world slowed, sound ceased and Aries' heart sank as he knew the way Autumns body was falling would cause serious and possibly lethal reprecussions when she smacks the water...but there was nothing he could do to catch up to her and turn her body. Then in the most graceful and impossible move. Autumn arched her back pressed her thighs together, pointed her toes, and rose her arms above her head in a olympic style dive meer feet above the water and dove deep into it as he pretty much smacked the water after her impossibly impressive dive. His chest stung and he lost a bit of air and took in a lot of water as he struggled to reach the shimmering light of the sun and surface. Then teeny tiny hands wrapped around his waist and yanked him to the surface.
Coughing and spitting Aries screamed "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? DO YOU WANT TO DIE?"
"Um, I dunno, I don't really care" she responded. This infuriated Aries.
"Fuck it. You're not cool, you're not unique, you're not carefree, you're a fucking dumb lunatic and i'm taking your stupid ass home." Aries wadded a bit and turned at Autumn who was sifting in the water.
"Lets go, now, this date is over."
"I'm sorry I got you mad, next time will be better". Aries screamed. "Next Time? THERE WON'T BE A FUCKING NEXT TIME. WE AREN'T DATING, WE AREN'T FRIENDS, WE AREN'T SHIT NOW GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WATER!"
Autumn swam over to him and grabbed both his hands. "I think you love me." she said smiling and blushing together. Aries couldn't get it, what was wrong with her? He was cussing her out and telling her he was done with her and she was trying to flirt with him? "You really are nuts I don't love you, Ii don't even like you, as a girlfriend or a friend anymore."
"So you admit it, you wanted me to be you're girlfriend?...Because you love me right?"
"But I didn't, I'm an excellent swimmer and nailed a perfect dive, you almost drowned silly...I saved you."
"Yea well hold on to that memory cause its the last one we'll ever share, you're a fucking lunatic and I always knew it but never wanted to believe it."
"And yet you jumped off a 185ft cliff for me when only last week I was a total bitch to you...its ok, I love you too Aries." before he could form a cognizant rebuttal Autumn crushed her lips against his. It took all but a matter of seconds for Aries to genuinely return the passion and lust he felt for his dream girl of six years. They continued to kiss as Aries wrapped his arms around her waist and they wadded in the water their bodies pressed against one anothers. He might be too skinny for other girls but his skinny body was technically ripped. Aries tried to slide his hand to the back of Autumns neck but his thumb got snagged on her bikini string and the top fell down. They broke their kiss and Aries instantly apologized desperately trying to convince Autumn that it was an accident. Autumn just giggled and undid the bottom of her bikini top and let the top float in the water she moved against Aries pressing her pussy against his cock. Even through his swim trunks, the water, and her bikini bottoms he could feel the heat radiating from her pussy, he just knew she was wet and he couldn't take it. He grabbed Autumns bottom and squeezed as he kissed her neck and finally fufilled his dream by sucking on her pink nipples. He took the right one in his mouth and suckled as he pinched and pulled the other. Autumn squeeled and grinded her pussy against his trunks which made him nip down only to be returned with a harder grind. The two were so in sync with one another that when the water in front of Aries cock exploded with heat as Autumn entered her orgasm Aries let go of her nipple and kissed her as his cock exploded cum out the tip off his swim trunks. The two moaned and kissed and shook and grinded until their orgasms passed. She wrapped her legs around him tighter as he held her in the water. Eventually she released and and tied up her top. She grabbed his hand and they slowly made their way to shore. Most people ignored them but the ones closer to the water eyed them...possibly overhearing them. As they made their climb they ate all the snacks Aries packed earlier that morning completley famished from all the swimming and the two incredible orgasms they shared.


Hours passed and Autumn and Aries talked them away. The sky burned orange and pink as the sun began to set.
"A few days ago you said you like sunrises and sunsets. But sunsets more...why?"
Autumn smiled and lifted her head off of Aries chest and looked him in the eyes. She looked down at their feet hanging over the cliff edge and back into his beautiful gray eyes. "Because. A sunrise is a new beginning a chance to make new accomplishments or new mistakes. Either way you've got a chance...at least one more chance. But a sunset is the end. You might not have any more chances so you better have used them to the fullest. Thats why I asked you to take me on this date."
"Ah so I'm an experiment?"
Autumn wrinkled her nose and wiped away her now orange hair. "No, you're an amazing guy who has always cared about me, tried to protect me, has always been nice to me, and has always admired me. I should've noticed before...I did notice before...I just didn't care and for that I'm so so sorry." Tears rushed to Autumn's eyes as she fought to keep them in, a few too powerful to be witheld. Aries wiped them away. "Don't ever apologize for who you are, who you were a week ago and these last few years. That wasn't you, who I'm with now is who you are, who you were happier as and who you probably will be happier as now. And if you're not I'll make you happy I promise. I love you Dork" Autumn smiled, "I love you too nerd." Aries leaned in for a kiss and the held it for a while then finally broke. "Besides its my job to make you happy, I am your boyfriend." Autumn wrinkled her nose again.
"Boyfriend?" she laughed at him "When did you become my boyfriend?" Aries was 110% confused. "But---in the water—and you said you love me—and i thought."
"I do love you Aries...but you never asked me to be your girlfriend."
"Fine!" Aries said rolling his eyes "Will you be my Girlfriend Autumn Lynette Day?"
Autumn giggled "Well Aries Michael Clear...we'll see..."
"WHAT? WE'LL SEE? Tell me you're joking."
"Of course I am, I already made my answer after our first kiss."
"Well" asked Aries rather impatiently. "What the hell is it?"
Autumn ran her fingers through Aries dirty blonde locks and kissed him. She scooted away from him and gave her evil smile.
"Look baby, the sunset is almost over. That means its the end of the day. Heres the deal I'll tell you if you can catch me before the end of sunset." Aries gave her a stern look and she blew a kiss to him. "See you at the bottom" She slid off the rock and headed towards the cold water below. This time Aries took the time to gather himself and dove with a perfect spiral into the water after his possible girlfriend.


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Sofie Marie is relaxing on the couch when her stepdaughter, Athena Faris, arrives with a suitcase. Sofie is surprised by the visit, because Athena had just recently moved out. Athena sheepishly admits that she wasn’t getting along with her roommate. Sofie scolds Athena, saying that she knew it’d never work out with that roommate, and that Athena should’ve listened to her. Athena is embarrassed, but starts to head towards her old room. However, Sofie decides to use this as a...

2 years ago
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My kings Birthday

You text me and ask me what I am doing for the next few days. I am surprised but say nothing; I tell you I have three days off in a row. I can see your smile as you ask if I want to go for a ride. You know that I won’t ask any questions so you tell me to bring no more than what will fit in a back pack. I smile to myself and grab my small bag and throw in a tank top, jeans and massage oil and my overnight kit. I slip into my jeans and a tight black t-shirt with a very low cut front and put on my...

3 years ago
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Wifes friend not mine but had to share

Sandy was twenty-eight and single. She was slim with medium sized perky breasts that revealed wonderfully pert nipples whenever she went without a bra, which was most of the time. Her long, wavy, honey blonde hair fell naturally around her lightly freckled face. Tanned and always in shorts and sandals, she was the quintessential beach girl and she was my wife’s best friend. I have to admit that I have always had an affinity for blondes so I had more than a platonic friendship attraction to...

2 years ago
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Krieg bleibt immer gleich

*neuster Edit: Diese Geschichte war meine erste und ich wollte mich erstmal ausprobieren. Viele Entscheidungen und Wege kommen deshalb im Nachhinein betrachtet möglicherweise nicht ganz schlüssig daher* OB DEIN ERLEBNIS ROMANTISCH, SEXUELL, FREUNDSCHAFTLICH ODER KINKY WIRD, HÄNGT ALLEIN VON DEINEN ENTSCHEIDUNGEN AB! SPIELE IM GAME MODE FÜR EIN OPTIMAL REALISTISCHES ERGEBNIS! Die Strahlen der Sonne dringen allmählich durch die Spalten zwischen den Holzlatten deiner Hütte. Es ist kühl, für...

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ShapeshifterChapter 3

That night, as Billy was about to go to sleep, Genie said to him, Master, you have to come to a decision. Just how much do you want me to augment your normal abilities while you are playing on the basketball team? I will do whatever you want, but I do feel that I should point out that you would be, in effect, cheating if I pushed you to your limits. I suggest that you allow me to adjust your capabilities to a level equal to the top 5% of players your age. That should make you good enough to...

3 years ago
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Meeting up with an Xhamster member

MY NEW FRIEND.I hadn’t been a member on Xhamster very long but in a couple of short weeks I had I met quite a few interesting people from all around the world, I hadn’t really joined to hook up with people I just enjoyed the escapism from my normal life as my husband being away for 10 months out of every year with the army it does become a little lonesome sometimes although I have quite a few good friends, but sex is missing from my life only managing to have a few discrete flings every now and...

2 years ago
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Altargen Foundation

Thursday Night George George collapsed on the bed next to his girlfriend Lucy. "That was the best yet sweetbuns. Night". He laid down his head, closed his eyes, and smiled as remembered the big game the next day. "George Hallis Lindern, what do I tell you day after day?" "Like I care?" He heard Lucy give an audible sigh. "Sometimes I don't know why I stay with you. You treat me like shit and you don't even care if I cum or not". "Bitch bitch bitch ... that's all you do. I wish...

2 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 2 And Awaaay We Go

“Daddy?” “Yes.” “Are you ok?” “No. Not if Taylor is dead.” “She is.” “Why?” “Because she loved you.” “Why?” “Because you are our Daddy.” Taylor Erin O’Dell. My first child with Erin. My favorite. MY little girl. The one who was the leader of the Herd. Dead. I felt myself coming out of a fog. My head was throbbing. My face was wet. My body was shaking. I was crying. Hard. “Paul!” A soft hand on my shoulder. “Taylor? Erin?” “I’m here Sweetie.” Erin answered...

3 years ago
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Im Weak for good Dick

Ok I shouldn't write this because my girlfriend is in the next room and if she knew what I was writing she would break up with me. I'm a soft feminine woman and my girlfriend is slightly tougher. She met me at a party for her cousin Lynn. I knew I needed to change my life after my last boyfriend that was such a cheater. He had sex with at least 3 of my friends and his sisters best friend and a few of the girls in the building he lived. His dick was nice and juicy thick head 11 inches and...

4 years ago
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Ambush at Willow RunChapter 12

I didn't faint from the blow to my kidney, but I wished that I had. I didn't have time to move from the crouch the blow to my kidney had forced me to before there was another blow to my side which rolled me over. I found out later that a kick was being aimed to my head (which could have been fatal) when the pistol shot rang out, and a huge body fell to the ground beside me. The next thing I knew was that I was lying on the bar and a very angry Joe was facing half a dozen toughs. He had his...

2 years ago
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ExhibitionMy good friend opens a photo exhibition. And in a month its opening will take place. What kind of exhibition I did not know, but he intrigued me, he said it would be interesting to me.Time passed, and today is the discovery. In the morning I woke up around 10 in the morning. She threw a silk robe over her naked body, sauntered into the kitchen to make coffee. Coffee languishes on the stove, since today the day off in the cafe splashed liquor, and not a lot of spices. Having poured...

3 years ago
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Collision Course and AfterChapter 19

Things were settling down. Greg and Steve once again had their house to themselves with the exception of Mrs. Graso, Jessica, and Rachael and Tracy. The bunk house and cabin were sufficient for the amount of men that were on the property as guards. Steve was sitting on the porch, taking in the evening air when Mrs. Graso came out and informed him that his brother wanted him in the study. Steve got up and went in to see what his brother wanted. "So you see, now that we have completed the...

3 years ago
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Last Nights Dream

I walked into my room last night after a long day at work. Sitting down for a few minutes to catch my breath and let the day roll off of me, I started to think about you. I decided to watch a movie to relax before going to bed, but I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering from this to that. No matter what popped into my head, my thoughts seemed to always return to you. After the movie, I changed into my pajamas and checked my email before deciding to lay my head down and drift off to sleep. I lay...

2 years ago
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In A MeetingChapter 2

If I were there, I would enter the room wearing a short black leather skirt, white blouse, stockings and high heels... My hair is up in a neat French twist with light makeup except for my very red moist lips... You would be sitting behind your desk and I would come around and push your chair back a bit so I could stand in front of you... Slowly I unbutton my blouse, sliding my hand inside to touch and tease my nipples through my lacy white bra for just a moment while you are watching... You...

4 years ago
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Do I believe in soulmates? You bet I do, and if you’re destined to meet yours you will, no matter what mountains may be placed in your path. In the case of Evan and me, there was just one mountain and it was an isolated peak of 7200 feet in northwestern Montana. It was called Wolf Mountain and there was a lookout tower on top of it, a fourteen by fourteen foot box perched on stilts above a barren rocky summit, below which stretched sloping meadows of beargrass and dwarf huckleberry interrupted...

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My Doctor Part I Dana and Dennis

Anne looked over her client list while she sipped on her morning coffee. She noticed that a significant portion of her clientele had started to become single parents, mostly mothers, bringing in their children. While she was single herself, she was not a parent. And at 35 years of age she was pretty sure she was not going to share that with anyone. Anne was striking. Although she always dressed conservatively for her clients, she always wore heels. She always wore a skirt or dress...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 46 Fantasyland

March 18, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Good morning, Mitsuko!” I said when she came into the dojo on Saturday morning. “Good morning, Sensei Steve! This is my friend Dyani. She’s a Freshman at UofC and is interested in martial arts.” “Welcome!” I said. “Were you hoping to start today, or just watch?” “I think I’ll just watch today,” she said. “OK. I’ll come talk to you afterwards to see what you think. Mitsuko, are you participating this morning?” “Yes! I need to change.” “Dyani, you can...

1 year ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 26 Back in New York Talking to the Nypd

It’s so good when somebody loves you back. Mara was very happy as I turned her over to Nightwing, and Sandy. I was happy as I caught Min and pulled her to me. After she went wild a few times, she was told she couldn’t be with me without supervision as when I had sex with her, all knew I was done for the night. Min tried to get away as she has been spanked more than a few times by the harem because she takes so much energy to please her. Even though she is a mirror image of me when it comes...

1 year ago
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SRU Sugar N Spice

SRU: Sugar and Spice I had always known that I was different. Growing up as a male, I had always felt trapped in my own body. I longed for the soft curves and gentle grace of a woman. I dreamed of being able to bear children and experience the fullness of my femininity. But the world is cruel and unkind to those who do not fit into the mold society has set for us. I was told that my desires were unnatural, that I would never be able to truly become a woman. The world...

2 years ago
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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 3 Dancing the Blues Away

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 3, Dancing the Blues Away "Beth." "BETH!" "ELIZABETH VICTORIA BENNET!!!" shouted my Mam from downstairs. I sat up in bed and wiped the sleep from my eyes. Whatever's wrong it must be urgent for her to use my full name including a middle name I didn't realise I had. "WHAT?" I shouted back. "DON'T "WHAT" ME YOUNG LADY," she shouted back up again. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE FITTED FOR THREE DRESSES THIS MORNING BEFORE YOU TURN UP FOR PRACTICE AND YOU'RE...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Lani Rails I Thought You Liked Me

Lani Rails was doing her morning jog when she passed a weird nerd who was staring at his cell phone while walking and said hello to him. Johnny Love was amazed that a girl would talk to him and decided to follow her. He quickly ran after her. When she entered her house he closed the door too quickly for him to follow. So Johnny sneaked around the house until he found the bathroom window and was able to peep in. There was Lani, taking off her clothes going to the shower. Nothing was better than...

1 year ago
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The Love Fairy Took My Dick

So... Gonna need some explanation for that, huh? Well, sorry to disappoint, but it's not exactly the triumph over my virginity that it sounds like. Not at first anyway. Not to say I haven't been trying to get with some women... A woman. She's really cute, works at the games store I frequent. I've been attempting flirting. Not sure if it's really gotten across. Either way, I'm pretty sure she's not interested. But about that title. The "Love Fairy" part will take some time, but I guess I can...

2 years ago
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Sophies Tale 01

She looked through panel after panel of glass, out onto an unknown city. People rushed around her, to and fro like busy ants. But she just stood there. Taking deep breaths. Quietly smiling to herself. After what seemed like hours to her, but was in fact around ten minutes, she picked up her small trolley suitcase and headed towards the doors. Washington Dulles International Airport. The beginning of a new life. Sophie was British, born just outside London. She’d attended a good university...

1 year ago
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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 8

Marie expected that she and Noora would return to Dubai as soon as the university term ended. However, Noora’s family had decided to spend the summer in London, so Noora was told to bring Marie with her and meet the family at the apartment they had rented near Harrods. Marie was disappointed because she had been looking forward to renewing her secret life as a slut in Dubai. Instead, she found herself working almost like a slave looking after the family, cooking, washing clothes and generally...

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Panspermia is the notion that life exists everywhere in the galaxy and that it arrived on Earth via an asteroid. One variant of this idea is the notion that aliens seeded life on Earth for some reason. Most reject the very idea, but a few find merit in such a concept. These people also believe that those same aliens have been messing with human life for thousands of years. They claim that aliens continue to control the flow of human evolution to this day. You would never have believed this...

3 years ago
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Makin the Best of a Bad SituationChapter 2 Pain and Suffering

After calling my friend and setting up a meet, I had some time to kill. I sat there and thought about the recent past to see if I could come up with some explanation that would have clued me in on what was going on with my wife. From what I had seen the previous night, things were not as I had believed them to be. I had been happy and I had always looked forward to getting home to Becky after a week on the road. I normally went on the road two weeks a month. Had this thing with numb nuts...

1 year ago
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Sex with Gorgeous Stranger

Sex with Gorgeous Stranger [email protected] And ladies and bhabhis, who would like to have some fun, oil massage or want to have chat, please mail me on the given address. I am eagerly waiting for your reply.

3 years ago
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The game begins

"Ohhh baby, baby, baby, , , harder baby yes FUCK!"wait what? "FUCK"This word from my wife rang some bells that got rust all over them in past eight years of relationship I had with my wife.Yes I come from a conservative society where husband and wife are to be formal with each other. In past eight years I never heard my wife say Fuck while we were making love. It was always silent or only moans. I have to admit that my wife moans real good and at times only her moans can get me to spray it...

2 years ago
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Freedom DeniedChapter 3

Mandi had been used and abused for some three hours by these guys, when Adam entered the room and blew a whistle. The guys grabbed Mandi and immediately retied her binds before grabbing their clothes and disappearing; Adam approached Mandi without her seeing the ball gag in his closed hand. Seconds later the foul smelling and tasting gag was forced into her mouth and the straps tightened. Adam delighted in telling Mandi of the sponge interior of the object wedged tightly in her throat, but...

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Fucked The Sweeper Lady One Sunday

Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan back after a long time. About me I don’t need to give much intro, I’m a 23-year guy from a South Indian city. I believe in sex from various walks of life. Sex should never be forced or imposed. Those who haven’t read are requested to read them and enjoy me fucking various types of women from all walks of life. So coming straight to this incident about the sweeper lady. Sunday morning, I’m alone lazily curling in my bed. I felt hungry as it was already around 8 AM....

4 years ago
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Young Sex

Helo babes and boys. This is Abhishek Singh 20 male from Delhi again. I m back for all of u who have supported me for writing the stories and praising it to the core. One thing more, the stories which I post here are not real. They are made by me for ur enjoyment. Any of u can reach me with my email id on yahoo that is Enjoy the free story……………………………….!!! I missed my first autumn at college. I had been going through a lot of issues during my high school years, just teenage stuff, but it caused...

1 year ago
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Shelly Part 2 Halloween

After that first night, Rachel and I developed a bond that was closer than the loose friendships among the rest of the group. We began to meet at least once a week to study for Calculus together and would often have lunch after class or simply sit and talk. I learned that she was a Biology major. She took it upon herself to be my mentor, to help me avoid or at least get through all of the mistakes and missteps that everyone made in their first year. There were nights when we would just the two...

1 year ago
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So Far Yet So Near

So Far, yet So Near. By BBWLOVER56     Hello my darling Am sorry about these emergency meetings that take me away from you, I promise I’ll make it up to you as usual darling In the mean time, I was hoping that maybe we can satisfy one another over the phone as always, I know it’s not the same but we both have jobs that have odd schedules and we must keep the fires going   Let’s begin with you coming out of the...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Exercise With Hot Aunty In Park Part 8211 2

Hi, All ISS readers, I am Vishal again, back with my second sex story. First of all, Thanks to all of you for 2000+ Likes,wonderful rating and feedback given for my previous story by ladies from Delhi to aunties in South- which inspired me for my next narration. Mail me at for feedback, review, and conversation.Please share your views and correction. Secrecy is insured. Telling about myself, I am a male, 6″ tall broad shoulder Fair skin, bachelor. I am doing master’s in Delhi. Now coming to...

3 years ago
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Sex With Indonesian Maid

Hi everyone! I am Vikram from Singapore. Simply love reading stories from here since I was 20. Now I am 28. Born and grew up in Singapore. I am about 1.75m and weigh 70kg. Now I have gathered my courage to share my sexual experience with a maid. This took place about 3 years ago I stay in Yishun estate. So one fine day I was at a shop near my house buying stuffs when I saw this maid looking at me. She was Indonesian and had a great figure. She was small built about 1.6m tall and slim but I...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 8

It was some ten months later that the halls of Sir Robert’s castle reverberated with the sound of a baby’s wails and maids were seen scurrying hither and yon in search of adequate cleaning cloths to keep the male baby in good stead for presentation. His blushing bride was blushing no longer. She had been introduced to his rough and tumble ways of copulation even unto the end of her pregnancy and she made no objection to the constant use because she preferred keeping Sir Robert’s huge cock...

2 years ago
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Bobbies Story Part 4

Bobbie's Story Part 4 The giant slip-n-slide was something that all the kids and most adults loved. It was set up on a hill with a slight incline, so when you went down it you would gain a little speed. People would slide down and go back for hours, it was simple but huge fun. My brother came running back to the camper and almost ran over my mother. My mother said, "Hey watch it young man, where are you going?" "I'm getting my swim shorts on so I can go down the...

4 years ago
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my plans when i get home from being away

when i get home baby the first thing i will do is drop my things and close the door! and start kissing you it will start slow then it will heat up! i will start to un button ur pants ''unless you are already un dressed'' and slide my hand down to that pussy and just feel her as she starts to get wet! as i do this you will slide your hand down my pants and grab him and start beating him off slowly! after a about 10 sec of this i will pull ur pants down as...

2 years ago
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Mom In A Tshirt And Panties

Mom In A T-shirt And Panties Almost every day of my life I have seen my mother in just a T-shirt and her panties during breakfast before I went to school. She is an executive and doesn’t want her clothes wrinkled. So she never sits down at work, she puts on a wrap around dress at the very last minute, and doesn’t put on her blouse and skirt until after she actually gets to work. She has a big van with dark windows to change in. She has the back converted into a dressing area...

3 years ago
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Beylke Is Snow White

Beylke woke up refreshed after a peaceful night's sleep. The young girl could hardly wait to get up and go to work at her new job. She had gone through some training at the hospital for the position, emptying bedpans and seeing to the comfort of elderly patients, bringing cheer to their lives. She loved helping others and would be an ideal candy striper. Beylke had been given her name which meant White when her adoptive parents first saw what a pale-skinned daughter the Lord had blessed them...

2 years ago
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Dragons KnowledgeChapter 6

Dracon and Karen returned to the cave just as the sun finished going down. Beth was mad as hell at both her kids but put that aside when she saw that Karen was safe. Dracon placed her right at the table then shifted to his human form. "Karen, how are you doing?" he asked looking concerned. "I'm hungry. Starved in fact but I just don't have the energy to cook." She replied. "Don't worry about that. I have bread and cheese here." Said Beth and she placed them on the table in front...

1 year ago
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Corruption of InnocenceChapter 8

Over the next few days, Laurel called several times, but Vickie always seemed to be unavailable or when Andrea convinced her she should at least talk to her mother, her conversations were short and curt. Laurel was having little luck at finding employment. She had had three interviews but so far, her lack of experience was working against her. She was far more troubled however, with Vickie's change of attitude. The girl was almost insolent and seemed as if she could hardly wait to hang up....

3 years ago
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I Am Negative

I was old, tired, heavy. My flab dragged me down with every step. Now I am young and full of energy. I feel light as a feather as I skip through life. I was solitary, single, awkward in company. Now I am popular. I have friends and lovers around me wherever I go. I was a man. Now I am a girl. I was a bank manager, respectable pillar of society. Now I am a porn actress, despised outcast. I wore dull clothes, suits and ties, and corduroy slacks at the weekend. Now I wear crop...

1 year ago
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Temptations Kiss Ch 04

Cassidy rolled over in bed and hit the snooze button on her alarm clock. It was Sunday. The shop didn’t open on Sundays. There was absolutely no reason to get out of bed, Cassidy thought as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stretched. With a yawn and a wistful glance at her bed, she stood and headed for her bathroom. Sunday was housework and grocery shopping day. It had been ever since she had opened the bookstore. After a long steamy shower, Cass put on a pair of old jeans...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Havana Bleu Hot And Spicy Stepmom Sex

Hot Latina MILF Havana Bleu has it all. She can cook and she has the most banging body her stepson has ever seen. Today, Havana gets her stepson to help her prepare dinner for his old man, but they put too many hot peppers in the dish. The old man gets sick, which gives them some time to get into a hot stepmom, stepson fuck sesh. The lucky guy penetrates his stepmoms dripping pussy after pulling up her skirt and exposing her plump ass. He rocks her cunt from behind while her ass meat jiggles....

3 years ago
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And, of course, I was the last one to get to know. That bastard made me feel just 6 inches tall. I just can't get it out of my head that he was fucking Jenny behind my back." You could almost see steam coming out of both ears as my sister, Rosie, was talking on the phone to one of her friends. "Just how I'm going to get my money back I don't know. I guess the travel insurance would only pay out if I got knocked down by a runaway bus and I can't just tell them my boyfriend was fucking one of my...

2 years ago
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The desert is safe from the virus

It has been several months now being stuck in the house venturing out every week or so for errands and nothing else. I do ALL for myself so I don't really need to wander out.....except for companionship. Thank goodness for the Internet.I have been in touch with a lot of the ladies I'm involved with including another who is still becoming one.I met Penny several years ago and we hooked up for an afternoon. She had not been out of prison long enough to get a regular job and her transition was...

1 year ago
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My Virginity Taken The Finale

"Ok Natalie start wanking him" Nat did as she was told. She wrapped her right hand around my stiff cock and started jerking me. "No ! you'll make cum too quick" I blurted but Nat continued "Slowly Nat" Hazel said as she climbed onto the bed next to me. She opened her legs. She looked at me as she started rubbing her pussy. "Just getting the juices flowing" she said and watched as Nat continued jerking me.Hazels hand increased the pace of her own masturbation and suddenly a big gush of water...

1 year ago
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SeducedByACougar Richelle Ryan 22341

How long can you tiptoe around the house, two-months late with the rent, before the owner catches you? Not long if Richelle Ryan is renting you a room! The sexy landlord sits in her tenant Ryan’s room, pining for him and his late payment. He sneaks into the house, but his ninja skills are no match for Richelle and her big tits, who greets him with a smile and a chat about his rent and his constant excuses. Good thing for him that Richelle’s a negotiator, and a cougar! She tells him he can just...


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