CovetingChapter 14 free porn video

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Tessa & Danny

"Danny, I ran into Margie at the supermarket today and she all but ignored me after I told her we wouldn't be going to anymore parties."

"That's odd; you had mentioned what happened at the last one, didn't you?"

"Of course, and if you recall, that's the very same reason she grabbed Vince and made him leave the previous time. I was under the impression she'd found it intensely gross."

"Not so, huh?"

"Worse! She and Vince appear to be bound at the hip with the Lambert's."

"The Lambert's? They were all but asked to leave that party and now ... now Vince and Margie are partying with them?"

"That's what she told me. And what's more she told me that as far as we're concerned, unless we change our minds and ask to come to one of the Lambert's parties, she won't have anything to do with us."

"Does that include Vince?"

"I don't know. You work together, maybe you should ask him."

"Yeah, I will."

The following evening over dinner, Danny confirmed that Margie and Vince had decided to cut off their friendship unless they were willing to attend the Lambert's parties.

"That's blackmail!" Tessa said, unable to accept that they'd been cut off by their long time friends, and lovers.

Tessa began to cry. Danny, trying to comfort his wife, suggested that they reconsider and attend one of the Lambert's parties.

"No way! He's a son-of-a-bitch and a deviate. If that's the way she wants it between us, so be it. We'll find another couple to be friends with."

Danny suddenly had the image of Stan Gronski's wife flash before his eyes. "You know, I've been meaning to ask you how you felt about Stan and his wife ... I can't recall her name. We met them coming out of the movies about a month ago. You seemed to think they were all right. I mean, I know we only chatted for five minutes or so, but..."

"You're right. They did seem nice. Not that I'm physically attracted to him. Are you ... to her, I mean?"

"Not especially. She looked nice enough ... but I didn't want to jump her bones on the spot," he said sheepishly.

Tessa laughed. "I know you, Danny. If you think she attractive, you would jump her bones. But you have given me something to think about. You can talk with Stan about anything, maybe find out when they're going out and we might 'happen' to run into them."

"Okay, I'll get on it."

"You do that, and Danny, lover?"

"Yeah, babe?"

"Fuck Margie and Vince."

"Literally or figuratively?"

"No, I mean just fuck 'em as friends."

Marge & Vince

For Margie, the night at the Lambert's had been like a vivid dream, but she knew all too well that it was real ... it had certainly happened. She had relished the smells ... Milford's sweaty scent that remained in her mind, and the more tangible odor produced by the dried remnants of semen on the panties she'd worn that night and had been unable to throw in the washer, preferring to inhale his pungent odor several times a day.

She couldn't get his cock out of her mind, and this concerned her, for she was certain she still loved Vince, and Vince possessed a formidable penis that never failed to please her.

Vince was also bothered by his perceived need to possess Carol again. He hadn't felt this way about Tessa, although it had been Tessa that he coveted so much that he'd formed the alliance with Danny in order to have her. He told himself that Carol was different, but he was unable to differentiate just how she was different than his wife, or even Tessa.

Sunday morning Vince went off to play golf with Danny, leaving Margie alone with their daughter, Tabby. Margie was content to be by herself for a while, but was pleasantly surprised when Carol Lambert dropped by.

She was sprawled on one of Margie's kitchen chairs by the time Margie had closed the door and walked back up the hallway. Her eyebrows were raised at Carol's manner.

Margie handed Carol a cup of freshly made coffee, and asked bluntly, "To what do I owe the honor of your visit, Carol?"

"I wanted to discuss this Friday night's gathering."

"Oh, will it be more than Milford and you?'

"Oh yes, in fact, Milford has gone out of his way to make it a bigger party."

"I'm not sure I like that idea," Margie said sitting down next to Carol.

Carol nodded and took a sip of coffee. "Are you mad at us for expanding the number of people?"

"Honestly I'm not sure yet."

"You're thinking, 'I'm not a slut like Carol, how dare they treat me like one?' Am I right?"

Maggie laughed, and felt her body flush as she recalled all the things she'd done so willingly with Carol's husband that fateful night.

"Not exactly; I don't mind doing nearly everything with Milford. I wonder how I'll feel doing those things with other men. Men I have no knowledge of, and may never see again, or worse, who I might run into at an inopportune moment."

"All our guests are known to be respectful of others, especially under circumstances such as you just described."

"Really and how is it enforced?"

"Are you familiar with the basic rules of BDSM?"

"I'd say no. I have an idea, but it's just that."

"Respect, permission, and choice; should you want to end a session, you simply say so, using the safe word. For the sake of this discussion let's just use Stop as our safe word."

"Stop," Margie said, enjoying the feel of the word rolling off her tongue.

"Precisely, Margie, say the word and everything stops. We don't throw anything goes parties; they're more like anything may go parties. Look, I've been shackled on hands and knees and sucking every cock in the room while being spanked and told what a nasty whore I am. It makes me feel good to let go occasionally."

"Should I be worried that that image didn't make me cringe?" Margie asked the concern evident on her face.

"I think you should know your limits. But how do you know what they are without some experimentation?"

"I thought your husband and I did quite a bit of ... experimenting the other night."

"Perhaps you did, but you actually only skimmed the cream off the top."

"I've fooled around with other couples, you know."

"Yes, Don and Tessa, that's fine, but still somewhat limited. The more people you have intercourse with, the more knowledge acquired. It's that simple."

Carol finished her coffee while Margie's mind was trying to work out where her metaphors had been going, and took refuge in the fairly automatic process of refilling it.

She sat down again, and leaned forward with a calculated air of being about to speak. Carol let her.

"Look, Carol," she said. "You know I like and respect you and Milford. But what I want to know is where the hell are you going with this?"

Carol ignored her coffee and gave her a hard look. "Margie, you need to do this. Believe me; you really need to do it."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Look," Carol responded, revealing a touch of exasperation, "we only intend on having three couples over."

"Do I know the others?"

"I think not. Do you know the Radford's, Ginger and Bobbie?"


"How about the Wheaton's, Mavis and Tex?"

"No, not them either," Margie admitted.

"And there may be another man invited. One can never have too many of them, don't you agree?"

"I guess, if one wants to be well fucked," Margie conceded. "Who would that be?"

"I don't know. Milford's got someone in mind, but he hasn't told me."

Margie sat back and stared at her, properly speechless, until Carol raised an eyebrow at her and said "Well?" in a meaningful tone of voice.

Margie finally found her voice. "Can I get back to you?" she asked in a squeaky voice.

Carol shrugged, and picked up her mug. "Sure. Just let me know by Thursday. Give me time to plan a few things."

Carol stayed to chat about everything but sex for another half hour, and Margie was feeling the need to be with Milford more than ever by the time Carol left. Then she called Vince.

On Friday, they went to the Lambert's party with great expectations. Vince at the thought of not only screwing the voluptuous Carol again, but two other women who promised to be as attractive, or nearly so, as Carol herself.

And Margie, who could not get Milford's magnificent cock out of her mind. To her way of thinking, after Carol's comments, to enjoy Lambert's skilled lovemaking again, she would lay down with almost anyone. And Carol had all but assured her she would find the other men to her liking as well.

"Oh, that should be worth some points! The ash blonde in the red dress was saying as several others laughed, while Lambert showed Margie and Vince into his living room.

Most heads were looking at the skinny redhead who was reading the questions.

"Her name is Mavis, honey," Carol whispered to Vince on seeing his sudden interest in the redhead when she leaned forward and revealed an excessive amount of cleavage to her audience.

"Oh, really? Thanks, Carol," Vince replied, already busily devouring the redhead's breasts with his eyes.

"She's from Texas. Her man is in the oil business, or so I'm told."

"Think they're real, hon?" Vince inquired of his less interested spouse.

"She's had work done. I'm almost positive, Vince baby. Now tell me what you know about her husband. He's that tall gentleman in the black suit."

"Oh, Tex ... all I know is he's supposed to be very good with the ladies. But isn't, or should I say, aren't all the men here in that category?"

Margie laughed, "You wish!" she said still laughing. But her eyes glittered lewdly at the thought.

"Aw," Carol said to Bobbie Radford, "I was looking forward to hearing you talk dirty. It sounds so much better coming from a man with a Texas drawl." Her voice was brittle and too bright: Vince realized that she was drunk, and Milford was no longer in the room.

Bobbie touched her arm. "You okay, Missy?"

"I'm fine," Carol replied. He shrugged. He could hardly force her to talk about her problems. Probably it was just the booze; he knew it had been a rough week financially for the Lambert's. Ostensibly, that was the reason he and his wife, Ginger were at the party.

He gave Carol a quick hug, and whispered in her ear, "It will be all right. I'm going to help Milford through this, don't worry about it."

She whispered back, "Bobbie darling, I appreciate that."She glanced around the room. "Bobbie, any woman you want. Just point her out to me."

He pulled her close, crushing her generous breasts against his chest, and let his hand rove over her rear until he found the cleft of her ass and then he goosed her.

With a small shriek, Carol pulled away. "That's not nice!" she said to cover her embarrassment as almost everyone else laughed at her expense.

A few minutes later everyone was seated for dinner. Vince grinned at Margie from one end of the table. To his left sat Ginger Radford, and to his right was Mavis Wheaton. Their husband's Bobbie and Tex sat on either side of Carol and Margie.

Milford played the role of butler, serving each person in turn and then sitting in an arm chair to eat by himself.

Vince learned that Milford had been close friends with the others for several years; both in business ventures and on a personal basis.

Carol joined the others in laughing appreciatively at one of her husband's jokes. Of course the jokes followed a planned progression in that they got dirtier as the dinner wore on. But then that was the way it always was at these get togethers. That and the outrageous flirting that all the women appeared to relish.

Margie was pleased to see that both Tex and Bobbie were in good physical shape. In fact, had she not been so enamored with Milford, she might have been delighted to spend some time alone with either of the others.

Margie was promptly reminded of those feelings shortly after dessert when Tex said, "Margie, that dress you are wearing is so tempting."

"I'll second that!" Bobbie laughed.

"Well you know what they say don't you?" Vince chuckled.

"What do they say?" Margie asked with a giggle.

"That you should always give in to temptation," Milford laughed intercepting Vince's punch line.

Margie glanced over at her husband, who grinned then winked at her.

A moment later, Carol whispered in Margie's ear as she passed out another round of drinks. "Getting turned on by all the testosterone in the room?"

Margie nodded, but said nothing. Carol laughed and moved on to Ginger, whispering in her ear as well. Margie wondered if she had asked the same question of her, or had she posed a different one, and if so, what had it been?

A while later, Margie was helping Milford Lambert clear away the empty dinner plates and glasses.

"Wherever did Carol go?" she inquired, already thinking that she hadn't seen Tex for a while either.

Lambert's left hand came to rest on her rear-end and gave it a light squeeze.

"Milford!" she protested for appearances sake, and then remembered why she and the others were there.

"Are you turned on, my little Margie?" he grinned as they finished with the chore. "Been thinking about 'temptation?'"

"As a matter of fact..." she smiled and glanced down at the bulge in his trousers.

"Yes," he replied, "I can see that you have. You're a little minx, aren't you?"

"Sometimes I really am, Mr. Lambert."

He laughed then raised an eyebrow.

"Would tonight be one of those times?" he asked quietly, and added, "If the opportunity arose?"

"I would say yes to both questions, Mr. Lambert," and let her hand lightly brush against his now prominent bulge; and then giggling to herself, left him to take a seat on the couch where Mavis sat next to Vince, expecting him to join her.

A slow song came on from the CD player, and Bobbie took Carol's hand and led her onto the dance floor, stopping short of bumping into his wife and Tex Wheaton, who were swallowing each other's tongue. They broke apart as he shouted, "Excuse me," and Tex nodded at Bobbie who smiled back and resumed kissing Ginger Radford.

"You Texas guys are something special," Carol whispered into Bobbie's ear.

"Well, we ain't all hung like horses, ' he said with a smile.

"But you and Tex are," Carol said, smiling back at him.

"True dat," he said, adding, and we's white boys at that."

Laughing, she hit him on the chest, saying, "Behave yourself, that's not nice."

"I know I just wanted to try my Ebonics out on you."

"Well you did, now please don't do it again."

The party's started; Margie thought as Milford finally joined her on the couch and let his hand discreetly drop onto her lap. A moment later she felt his middle finger, tickling her cuntal slit through her dress.

A moment later, Carol and Tex sauntered back into the living room. Margie noted that Carol's lipstick was almost worn off and her bra had disappeared while she was with Tex in another room.

Carol sank down into the couch and settled back against Tex. Her breasts seemed to come alive under her sheer white blouse, jiggling and swaying; her nipples a pair of dancing smudges, clearly visible in the dim light through the thin material.

Mavis laughed loudly then looked at Margie with a broad grin when Milford started telling them how he had touched her up at their previous meeting.

"Poor Marge here nearly jumped out of her chair when I put my hand under the table and slid my hand up her leg." Milford was saying. "Mind you, once she realized what I was up to, she just opened up and enjoyed it. Didn't you, darling?"

Seeing no alternative, Margie shot back, "You're damn right, it was one hell of a turn on."

As Milford continued with his tale of that exciting evening, Margie felt a light touch on her shoulder and glanced back to see Bobbie and Mavis standing behind the couch. It had been Bobbie who had tapped her shoulder.

"Yes?" Margie said, wondering why he'd touched her shoulder.

"Pardon us," Mavis said, but you have such beautiful breasts, we were wondering if you'd display them for us? I'll be only too happy to show you mine."

"And," Bobbie laughed, "I'd be delighted to show you mine as well. Oops, I didn't mean my breasts though..."

"Never mind," Margie laughed. "But I don't think I'll put my babies on display."

"Just yet," Milford added and got a big laugh from everyone listening.

Margie felt a glow of excitement heating up between her legs and gave Bobbie her best smile, "But when I do put them on display, Bobbie, sweetie, you'll be the first to see 'em," she purred.

"What!" Milford blurted, feigning anger over being passed by as the first to see her breasts.

"That's right, honey," Carol called over, "Pigs before swine, but it's a really close call."

Everyone, including Milford and Bobbie roared their approval at her apt remark. Moments later, Bobbie and Mavis joined them on the couch, with Bobbie bookending Margie between himself and Lambert.

As the laughter died down, Lambert's hand began roving the length of Margie's leg, and since she made no objection, he went even further, slipping through the slit and coming to rest on Margie's leg at the point her thigh high stocking ended.

Margie drew in her breath a moment later when a second hand found its way under her dress. Before venturing a look at what had to be Bobbie, she glanced over at her husband and made eye contact with Carol, who raised her eyebrows in reply.

"Having fun?" Milford whispered, leaning a little closer to Margie.

"So far." she replied with a smile.

"You'd have even more fun," Bobbie said softly on the other side of her "if you let yourself open up."

"Perhaps you should pay more attention to the lady sitting next to you," she said coolly, hoping he would. Still, she took his suggestion to heart and widened her legs a few inches and immediately felt Milford's hand approach her pussy.

"You three are awfully quiet." Mavis commented off-handedly. Then seeing where their hands were, "Why not yank her dress up around her hips, guys?"

Guiltily, Margie tried to close her legs, but neither Milford nor Bobbie were about to let her do it; in fact, they pried her legs further apart, with Lambert actually sending a finger into her sopping wet pussy.

"Ohhhh!" Margie exclaimed.

"Milford's a master at work," Bobbie chirped and Mavis started to giggle.

"She is worked up," Mavis said. "I can smell her arousal!"

Milford laughed and stood up. "Back in a minute," he said and left the room.

Margie was about as embarrassed as she'd ever been in her life, but couldn't bring herself to remove the hand that was fingering her openly. Her dress was now over the tops of her thigh-highs. Anyone interested in looking up her dress could do so with relative ease.

Mavis laughed lewdly and said, "Bobbie, why not lower her top? You said earlier you wanted to see her boobs, babies, I recall Margie calling them,"

Ignoring her comment, Margie turned to her husband and said, "Ask her to dance, Vince, I'm waiting for Milford to get back. He'll only be another minute or so."

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not. Just don't jump her bones too fast; she's so thin she might fall apart."

"Think she's anorexic?"

"It's possible, but I'd like to know if I'm right about her boobs."

"What about her boob's?" Vince asked as he stared at Mavis Wheaton's chest.

"Duh, didn't I just finish telling you I thought they'd had some work?"

"Oh ... right, you did. Um, I'm going to ask her," he said, obviously mesmerized by Mavis' breasts.

Vince left his wife sitting on the couch and approached Mavis Wheaton.

"Care to dance?"

"All right, the skinny redhead replied, "but it's almost over."

"I'm sure another tune will follow," Vince replied as he took her in his arms and began to sway to the music.

The thin red strap of her dress slid down her left shoulder, in stark contrast to her pale skin. Mavis shrugged up that shoulder and the strap found its way back to its proper place. Vince thought he saw her breasts sway just a bit more-- Mavis leaned her head back and looked at Vince, the movement accentuated her breasts even more and she followed up by smoothing her dress so that his attention was slowly drawn downward to her pussy.

A drop of sweat ran from his hairline, down his forehead. Mavis threw her arms around Vince and sensuously licked the drop of perspiration from his brow with her pink tongue.

Milford returned carrying a small package, and made his way past his wife, Carol, who was sitting next to Tex Wheaton with her hand on his thigh. He leaned in and gave her a perfunctory peck on the cheek and whispered something into Wheaton's right ear.

As he turned toward Margie, Wheaton sent his left hand into Carol's bodice and brought her breast out into view.

Milford sat next to Margie and, placing the package on the table in front of them, pulled her to him and sent his tongue so far into her mouth that Margie thought he might be performing a tonsillectomy on her.

In the center of the living room Vince placed his palms against the reed thin, Mavis' hips and enjoyed the feel of her hipbones sway under his hands.

"Move them higher, I think you'll enjoy it more," she whispered huskily into his ear.

He brushed his fingertips across the silky fabric of her dress, felt what had to be the underside of a pair of fantastic tits and explored further, his fingers tingling as Mavis' nipples stiffened under his touch.

Beneath the sounds of the music and his breathing, he was aware of people murmuring. He registered the fact then ignored it as Mavis dropped her hands to his ass and pulled his hips in tight. His right thigh fit nicely between her legs; he slid one hand down her back, scraping his thumbnail along the cloth, until his thumb was hooked comfortably into the cleft of her jutting ass through the dress. Mavis moaned into his mouth as he tasted the sweetness of her lips. He smelled her, musky and warm, and when he pulled back to look at her he saw her eyes were half-closed, and he decided to lick her lower earlobe.

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Ally turned to focus on Jack, who was setting his laptop aside and getting up from his seat on the couch. After the shower he changed into flannel pajama pants and a worn T-shirt advertising UC Davis School of Law. He’d done nothing with his hair out of the shower and it had dried into a wavy mop. He looked incredible and Ally wanted to shout to the world that he was hers—all hers—but he wasn’t hers. She smiled through the familiar stab of hurt. ‘Are you being protective? That’s adorable.’ Her...

3 years ago
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Life of a horny kid Chapt 1

This chapter does not contain any preteen sexual interaction. if you want some read my next chapter Chapt-1.1- My first instincts My name is Luke. I discovered this site a few months ago and since then I have fell in love with it. Anyways my sexual adventures began when I was 8 years old. When I used to take a bath my mom used to soap and wash me. As my line of vision was way below her cus I would be sitting in a tub I could see under her summer dress/gown . As she wore no panties I could...

1 year ago
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Music of Change 1 Nice Girls

Music of Change #1: Nice Girls By Valerie Hope Jenna slumped down beside him, hard, the sheen of her sexual sweat still reflecting amber candlelight from her smooth, unblemished skin. She buried her head in the covers and Heath could hear the telltale growl that announced she was fighting tears. He tried to keep it going, somewhat frantically, his hands caressing her skin gently and designed to keep her desire alive. "Forget it," he panted. "I love you. Please, let's keep...

3 years ago
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A Hole in the Darkness Chapter One

There are only two times when I feel like I’m close to opening a small hole in this reality enabling me to see my kind in their true form. That’s usually when I’m on the brink of consciousness and sleep, or during moments of intense piercing passion, when I’m cumming and only then when I’m sharp enough to spot the signs. There are so few of us we rarely run into each other and the times that we do our senses are fleeting at best. As hard as it is to see others true forms it’s even more...

4 years ago
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The Girls Put on a Show Club Wives 10

I fulfilled my end of the deal for Rochelle and a few days later put her in contact with the gangbang group. In the meantime, Vanessa had found me on Facebook and was constantly messaging me for another hookup. I had my hands full with Chrissy and Jennifer so I also connected Vanessa with the gangbang group. I didn’t know that both Rochelle and Vanessa scheduled to meet up with them at the same time. Unfortunately I had to go out of town for business the night the party happened, so I was...

3 years ago
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I Always Wanted to Try a BBC Gay

I have always wanted to try this. And here I am actually and finally experiencing it.His black cock was wet with a mixture of pre-cum, lubricant and my own saliva. What I loved most about his cock was the big head. How it swells as I suck on it. How it gets wet with crystal drops of his salty, tasty pre-cum.I'm sitting on my knees, with my arms stretched to support my weight. I must look like a Japanese geisha waiting to serve her master. The view of my (well lubed) round ass right next to his...

1 year ago
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Renaissance Part 1

Dana and I have been married for thirty plus years. Now, in our fifties, our sex life was starting to downshift. We used to have all sorts of crazy sexual adventures, but that had faded into oblivion.It was time to get back into our groove again. We were everyone's idea of two people who had never tired of each other. We had talked it over and it was time to make an effort to rekindle the fire. Friday night would be dinner at a nice restaurant and the opening round of crazy sex. Since this was...

Wife Lovers
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CommunityChapter 50

Okay, here's a real Cajun recipe (Author's note: Ever since Cajun food started figuring in my stories, I've gotten requests for a gumbo recipe. Here's one from a blog by a friend of mine. If I wrote recipes, it would be something like this. One more note: through the power of the Internet, you can order ingredients such as file' and prepared roux from online. Google "Cajun grocer".) First, let me state that I was raised Cajun, although Dad's got 50% German Swiss ancestry. It is not...

2 years ago
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The Famous Four and the Pigs

CHAPTER ONE    With Bill gone, we could devote our entire time to the piggery. On Friday, both Justin and Jason arrived in the latter's sports car to help as promised. We set to with a will, Robbie and Jason with electric brick-cutting tools to cut channels at the right height in the walls of the sties for the wires that controlled the collars, Justin and I outside in the yard cutting the big tarpaulin into six foot by six squares. Having shyly confessed that he'd come to enjoy going without...

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A Reluctant GunfighterChapter 5

Show business was just my style. It was hard work while I was performing, but I had a lot of free time to do whatever I wanted. I had to admit that I liked staying in one place to put on shows; I had gotten pretty tired of driving that mule, though Lucy was a real nice and accommodating animal. If things stayed just like they were now, I felt like I could go on forever in Amarillo. Amarillo was a nice place, although the weather could be a bitch on occasion. We were into our third six-week...

1 year ago
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Cuckolding with Kindness

I copied and pasted a real chat with my Ex, here, below. I changed the names for privacy reasons. I copied and pasted a real chat with my Ex, here, below. I changed the names for privacy reasons. It's cuckolding with style, with kindness. You don't see things like "sissy, my dog" No. No humiliation It's about love and extra kinky fun. 10:18 PM - Miguel: You know, I already got used to our crazy things10:19 PM - Rebeca: Ok my love10:19 PM - Rebeca: babe I missed you10:20 PM - Miguel: I miss you...

3 years ago
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Enjoyment With Adviser

Greetings to ISS readers! I would like to narrate a story that happened in real. Firstly, let me introduce myself, I am Balwant. The incident took place some couple of years back when I was working with respected insurance company. Let me tell you about myself. I am 5Feet 10 inch with 5.8 inch long tool. Any woman / girl interested in getting satisfied from Ahmadabad/Gandhi Nagar may contact me on my mail id which will be kept highly confidential, Let me come to the real part. This happened in...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Nora 02232017

Redhead Nora is 23, from Colorado, looks almost crazy with those designer glasses so we’re glad when TC has her take ’em off so WE can get off. Nora has an incredible attitude, lots of energy, smiles, down to earth. Clearly looks for porn fame but today she gets a mouthful of cock that eventually makes its way into her tight pussy – in the car and outside. We love outside sex so we’re really happy TC pulled that off with her. She looks taller than her 5 foot 5 she claims...

3 years ago
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A Different Kind of Job

This story is a little long because it talks about events that happened over the course of 2 days. I promise it's a good read. A few summers ago I was applying to different to a job. . The interviews for the kind of job I am applying for involve an initial phone/webcam interview, then a committee interview with 4-7 of the decision makers. It sometimes happen that some of the decision makers will take out some of the candidates for dinner or an activity in order to see how they are like outside...

1 year ago
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Baseball The AllAmerican Sport

I was sitting in the stands watching and recording each move of a baseball game, keeping a watchful eye on every tight ass on the field - especially the one belonging to the pitcher. As the game drew to a close, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter. Before I knew it, I was wiggling in my seat! When the game was over I took off for my post-game interviews. My press pass got me into the locker room area where I congratulated the team. When I finally made my way to my favorite player, I...

4 years ago
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The RiflemanChapter 13 Reunion

Day 54: Nadil I cried out in pain when something hit me in the back and I hit the ground hard. I had heard two of the loud sounds again just before I was hit. Scrambling to my feet my back felt like it was on fire. I heard another of those strange noises and I didn't know what they were, what made them or even who I was, everything was a blank. I shook my head in confusion and looked up to see another of the strangers coming at me. He was dressed differently and he had something in his...

2 years ago
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Oliver BrownChapter 3

Catherine woke up in bed next to Oliver and snuggled against him, happy that she didn't have to go to work. This was the first time ever that she didn't want to go. Last night, she had dreamed of the God and she had to talk to Oliver today about her dream. She studied his features as he slept. His rugged features and tanned skin gave him such a masculine appearance. Although he always looked like he had shaved, she had never seen him do it. Somehow, never having the opportunity to watch him...

3 years ago
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Son of Chronos Book 1 OriginChapter 14

Monday, Luke went looking for Matt between classes, finding him in the student union. Luke walked up to Matt. “I need your help.” “What’s up.” “A couple of things. The gang hasn’t gotten together just to hang out since before school started. Fred wants to get together and introduce Tasha to the whole gang.” “No problem we can get together at the ranch some time, but why isn’t Fred bringing this to me?” “Because, I may have a toy of my own, or a shit load of trouble. I’m not sure...

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Brandys Bedroom

"Daddy!"My daughter dove into my arms. I stumbled back and nearly tripped over the porch steps. It felt good to have her in my arms again after so long. "I've missed you, baby.""Brandy!" her mother hissed. "Don't hug him like that!"My daughter let go and stepped back, rolling her eyes for only me to see. I was taking her in. I don't know when she got so tall. She must've been 5'6". I was sure she was under 5' the last time I saw her. She really sprouted these last three years. She had filled...

4 years ago
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I looked forward to this summer. It was supposed to be the summer of my final internship rotation for graduation with a degree in psychology and start of my adult life as a licensed clinical practitioner. I was 26 and excited to call myself free to discover the real world.The bubble burst on my first morning driving to the clinic to begin my final rotation. The freeway was crowded, as it usually is this time of morning; I was easing off the road at my exit when out of no where an idiot driving...

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Niki Comes of Age Part 3 of 4

The next days passed with some semblance of normality. Niki recovered from our misguided anal adventure and she had a whirlwind week of study prep and soccer practice. I had stumbled onto some consulting work for an old friend and hardly had any free time. Our nightly foot massages resumed and life was good. Niki had spoken with Heather midweek and reported that her grandma was not doing well and her mom still didn’t know what was going to happen. It was Friday evening and I was making...

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MenagerieChapter 37

I opened my eyes and looked down to admire my sleeping pets for a moment before gently shaking Scarlett awake. Scarlett rarely slept alone because she had a hard time sleeping without a warm body pressed up against her. She also held on to whoever was in bed with her fairly tightly, so I had to wake her to get out of bed. She grumbled a bit as I kissed the top of her head and slipped out of bed, but me getting out of bed woke Shelly up. “It’s okay momma bear,” she mumbled sleepily as she...

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Lahore To Karachi In Train

My name is Abdul Majid born in Hyderabad – India….now I am living with my parents in Brazil-South America… It was my first visit to Karachi-Pakistan and I was really excited at the idea of meeting relatives who had migrated there from Hyderabad-India… my immediate family had stayed back. I was equally excited to be travelling to a different country… all on my own…. I am 18 and it is my summer vacation. First I met at Lahore by my uncle Zahid …. Zahid Uncle drove me to the railway station before...

Gay Male
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Surrender Part One

The sound of her high heels clicking across the wooden floor was the first thing to catch Mike's attention. It wasn't the sound itself that was intriguing. Many of the women who frequented this upscale tavern on Friday evening wore high heels. Her stride was different. It spoke to him of power, authority, and self-confidence. He turned to look, curious as to who this might be and was ensnared. Caught like a fly in a spider's web.The vision he beheld was almost too much for his eyesight to...

4 years ago
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The CureChapter 46

“David, you have a summons to Medical Resource.” The AI announced as Kirim and I awoke and began our morning routine, which sort of revolved around getting Kiria ready for school and us ready for work, though Kirim and Kiria were on a day off for this time period. “Reporting to?” I asked. “Supervisor Monitor Ashlann.” “Be there in sixty rotations (half an hour).” “I will so inform her.” “Thank you.” “You are welcome, David.” “Wonder what she wants now?” Kirim mused out loud, as, for...

2 years ago
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Taking advantage and seducing the beauty

My name is Rohit ,age 23 years(name changed),this is a true story that happened to me when i was in my 12th class, at that time i was 18 years, my father was in the Army, so used to be busy and mom was a school teacher, so she to would not be there till the noon .There was this maid and her husband who used to do the household work since ours was a big house with many rooms, The maids name was Manisha, she was dark in color and was a mother of 2 children , she was 34 years of age, i never...

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Hey guys! This is my first story here so criticism is needed. More stories will come, and I hope you enjoy this one!THERE WAS always something missing in Anney's life. It made her sad to think of never finding out the reason why. Sure she was pretty, with her deep mahogany hair and piercing green eyes, and she never had problems with guys. Well, until she had met a man one day in the local bar. Just by looking at him had made her wet. It was so sad that she had to go anyway, leaving the...

Love Stories
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New Career 1930Chapter 3

Author's note: [ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. Mr. Worthy read the letter and handed it to me as soon as I came into his office at his summons. "John, this is one of those extortion letters. I have handled it as little as possible. I hope there is something there that will help us find the bastards." I laid the letter on the desk to read it so that I would not get my fingerprints or DNA smeared all over the page. "Please hand me the envelope to keep the letter in so that no...

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Luanas Degradation

La Degradaci?n de LuanaLa Degradaci?n de LuanaCap?tulo 1. El InicioBueno, voy a ver como relato mi historia, mi incre?ble historia,al menos como la comienzo, pues todo inicio es la parte m?s complicada, as? quevayamos por partes.La principal protagonista de esta historia, aparte de unaservidora, claro est?, es Tonya. Tonya es mi jefa y mucho m?s, a lo largo delos ?ltimos a?os trabajando juntas hemos llegado a ser amigas y confidentes,de ah? que haya historia que relatar.Ella es la Vicepresidenta ejecutiva de Industria...

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The Story of Jim and Bea chapter one The Cursed Cunt

“Oh yeah, cunt!” he muttered under his breath.“Yeah, hot fucking cunt!” he continued, ogling the juicy specimen of beauty displaying herself to his lustful eyes. Her pussy was indeed beautiful – pink and delicate, with a finely-crafted blond landing-strip, held open by a pair of painted fingers, so that he could gaze into its hot, wet, steamy depths. He stroked his cock in anticipation, feeling his shaft stiffen and grow, and feeling that exquisite yearning sensation spread outwards, filling...

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EvilAngel Spencer Bradley Destiny Cruz Lesbian Ass Passion

Scorching blonde Latina Destiny Cruz and silky brunette Spencer Bradley fondle and tease in heels and string bikinis. The shapely, longhaired beauties launch a decadent lesbian anal tryst with passionate kissing. They devour the budding nipples on each other’s natural breasts. Spencer eats ass, giving Destiny an energetic rim job. Destiny chews on Spencer’s fuzzy pussy and jams her tongue inside. One end of a sexy toy fills Destiny’s asshole as Spencer sucks the other. Spencer...

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New Slave Monica

Max Colton is a CEO of a large international company and a member of an elite private BD/sm club. After attending several of the club's functions Max had observed many of his friends and members had female slaves serving them with pleasure and loyalty for nothing more than than care, protection and support. The slaves were provided with a nice place to live and all their needs for services ranging from domestic duties to sexual service for their Master. After talking to several of the slave...

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Pavitra Incest Saga0

Sujata’s fingers were moving with lightning speed between her thighs, in her love hole and her eyes were glued to the Laptop screen. She was not watching a steamy porn movie but was reading an i****t story, Mom seducing and getting fucked by her son. She read many Mom son stories but nothing excited and drove her up the wall like the one she was reading, Vanaja’s insatiable i****t. The story was so near to her feelings towards her son, Rohit and the deion of fucking scene so graphic that she...

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The Family That Cums Together Stays Together

Introduction: The Journey of a family whose lives are changed by the sexual situations they encounter. The Family that Cums together Stays Together Pt.1 Chapter one: The Hunger Within In the summer of 2013 Brad and Ashley West were a typical upper middle income couple. They had been sweethearts from the fourth grade all the way through college. Married in 1994 they seemed to be the perfect couple. Ashley loved her life and never regretted for an instant her decision to become a home maker...

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Playing Doctor

This is not my story, I found it online and wanted to share. Enjoy!My sister and I had always had a great relationship. I was the younger "protective" brother and she was the older "troubled" c***d that always had me on my toes. You see my sister and I were the only ones we could count on after my dad died in a plane accident. My mother was a local gynecologist, and always busy with patients and rarely at home. So that left my sister and I with a lot of time together to talk and lounge around...

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London Lovers part 1

The trip had been planned for over ten months, ever since the success of the London Olympics, and now finally you're all here in England. You, your husband, and two of your sons, have been here a week. You caught the last few days of Wimbledon, you've seen the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, in fact, you've all done the tourist trail together, but today for each of you, is the highlight of the whole trip, but for very different reasons. The guys are off to Lords,...

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Legal Issues Ch 07

Early morning sunlight streamed through Lynn'scurtains. The young woman woke slowly, still smiling from her dream. She felt unreasonably happy, as if she were a small child tucked into bed by loving parents after a full day of play. An empty chair stood beside her bed and, next to the chair was a small table. Atop the table was a plate full of vegetables and a bowl full of mixed greens. Lynn's stomach rumbled loudly and she remembered she hadn't eaten anything the day before. But, worse was her...

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The Shack an Angry Man

This story is one of a continuing series of connected stories known as “Tales from the Shack.” This story stands on its own, though it is part of the series. I typically don’t write graphic sex into this story line and that remains true here. Thanks to blackrandi and Sbrooks for amazing short notice editing; they make these readable. The Shack: An Angry Man Just One of those Fuckin’ Days. There are just days you shouldn’t even get out of the fucking bed. The kind of days you start off by...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyDaughterGoBlack Zelda Morrison 10232016

A few weeks after her mom re-married, Zelda Morrison caught her step-dad jerking to interracial porn on the internet. Her step-dad was very embarrassed, but Zelda told him it was cool. Then, she confessed to him: “I’m a black cock slut!” Since then, they’ve come to an agreement. Zelda gets pretty much whatever she wants as long as she lets step-dad in her bedroom while she’s entertaining her African-American friends. It really works very well. When Zelda needs...

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Carlys first threesome

I've been fucking Carly for five months now and for the most part things have remained pretty hot between us. Fucking a married woman behind her husband's back has always been a major turn-on for me, and over the course of our affair I have noticed her becoming more uninhibited during our sex sessions. It started early with her telling me to pull her hair while I took her from behind, and has progressed to letting me fuck her in the ass on occasion.What I've been a little surprised by has been...

Wife Lovers

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