Paint Dries When You re Having Fun
- 3 years ago
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Paint Ball
A Fantasy by Sardonicus
It all started out as a way to heighten the interest in our Paint Ball competition. The men in our group had been playing for some time and we had the luck to have a member who owned some land out in a rural area. We had converted it to a Paint Ball war field, complete with areas suitable for constructing camps for headquarters. It was a good forty acres in size, with no immediate neighbors, so it was ideal for our purposes. We basically had some sort of competition every weekend, when the weather was good, and that started to annoy some of our women. To make a long story short, they did the only thing they could do and learned the game themselves, practicing at a pay as you play area in town, while we were out at the game field. When they figured they were ready, they presented us with a demand: let them play with us, or we would be without certain wifely, or girl friend, services, when we wanted them. We argued, of course, because we didn?t perceive our Paint Ball games as a place for women?a manly sport, and all that sort of thing. They insisted, however, and even said they?d make it interesting for us. They?d compete with us one weekend, out at the field, and, if we won, they?d back off and leave us to it. If we lost, however, we had to include them into our future plans for Paint Ball competition. We put our heads together and decided this was the only way to deal with them. Defeat them soundly and they?d bother us no more. After all, we?d be playing on a field with which we were very familiar, and which they didn?t know at all. There were ten of us and ten of them, actually about ideal for what we had in mind, and we figured it would be fairly easy to defeat them at this game which we had been playing for some time and they were still new at.
We negotiated a bit, and formed a set of rules that, we figured, would give us full advantage over them. We stipulated the clothes that could be worn, combat fatigues of two shades, one for us and one for them, along with boots and goggles. We spelled out what would constitute victory, achieving the capture of the opposing team?s HQ flag and returning it to your own HQ, or failing that, the ?death? or capture of every member of the opposing team. We even stipulated that the interrogation of prisoners was authorized, so long as nothing was done to cause them permanent harm. We figured that it would be amusing to have one or two of them tied up for interrogation and we never figured that they were thinking the same thing about us. We even stipulated that, in the unlikely event that no winner had been declared by 6:00 p.m. Sunday evening, one would be determined by simply determining which team had more active members, who had not been either ?killed? or captured. In fact, if I had been able to see into the future and see what was in store for me, I would have never agreed to participate in this contest. As it was, I learned a lesson about the creativity of the women I knew and, while I guess I have to admit I wasn?t really done any actual damage, I would certainly not have volunteered to be a scout when the competition got under way.
My name is Phil Williams, by the way. I?m one of six single members of the group of ten men and my girl friend, Cynthia Byrum, is a very athletic blonde with a very good mind. Too good, I suppose, on reflection, to let myself be deluded into thinking she and her friends would be anything like the pushovers I originally considered them.
We agreed to start early on a Saturday morning in August, arriving at the field at 0600 and giving each team three hours to locate their HQ and prepare to begin. The actual contest would get underway promptly at 0900 and would end, as previously discussed, at 6:00 p.m. the next day. We even got the women to let us have the section of the field as our ?home? territory which we knew to have some of the better hiding places for HQ and some of the best surveillance areas for the protection of same. In other words, we were pretty confident going in. This was a mistake that we all regretted, none so much as I.
When the appointed day arrived, Cynthia and I drove up to the field together. Arriving before 0600 we chatted casually for a while before a couple of the other women arrived and Cynthia took off with them toward the section of the field that had been designated as ?theirs? for the purpose of locating their HQ and the like. I, in turn, went off with the rest of my male friends, to the place we had decided to make our HQ. Since we really didn?t have too much thinking to do with regard to our HQ and the like, much of our discussion centered on a plan to end this competition quickly. It was decided that Jake Stevens, another young and single member of our group, and I would strike out separately for the two sides of their designated area. We were to scout carefully, locate their HQ, then return to our main body, which would be deployed to defend our own HQ. Everything hung on the successful completion of our mission, but we didn?t doubt for a second that we would succeed. After all, we were the big strong men, and we?d been playing this game, over this same territory, for some time now. We figured they?d probably split into two groups, one to defend their HQ and another to search ours out, not realizing that a larger group on such a mission has a lot less chance of success than does a single seeker. It was nine sooner than I thought, so Jake and I gathered our weapons and started out, him to the Northwest and myself to the Northeast
I proceeded cautiously, staying off the main trails, traveling through underbrush and vegetation all the way. If I ran into their group that was searching out our HQ I wanted to be able to conceal myself from them. I traveled this way for almost an hour and a half, and then I began to reconnoiter each progression I made more carefully. I was, after all, now deep into ?enemy? territory and didn?t want to give myself away. What I hoped to do was to spot their HQ then get back to ours with the location so that we could send out a team to attempt to get their flag. What I did was walk right into a trap!
I was making my way carefully around some heavy bushes, attempting to be as quiet as possible, when I suddenly felt myself being surrounded by something quite heavy. It was a net of some type and it settled around me, preventing me from bringing my paint gun to bear on anything, before I could react. Three women were suddenly on me, taking my gun from me and fastening my wrists behind my back with flexi-cuffs. Just like that I was a prisoner and it had been relatively easy for them to make me one. Quickly, the net was off me and I was brought to my feet. I had no weapon and no means of resistance so I decided to just play along and see what happened.
?Well, well. Our first prisoner of war has been delivered to us and it?s Phil. I think that?s pretty special.? The voice came from Margaret Estrella, a young lady of Hispanic descent who dated one of my teammates. ?Go tell Cynthia and ask her to come down here,? she said to one of the other ladies who ran off immediately to carry out her bidding. ?While we wait, we might as well get him properly searched,? she said, nodding to one of the other girls. They quickly, and quite professionally, patted me down in such a manner that I would have been unable to conceal a weapon or anything else from them. They removed my wallet and the few other things I had in my pockets then, to my chagrin, they also removed my boots and socks. ?This?ll slow you down a bit, if you get frisky and try to run? I was told. They were right. I wouldn?t be traveling anywhere fast, with the underbrush full of thorns and the like, not in my bare feet.
Now Cynthia had arrived, along with another couple of girls. I?m not sure what I hoped for, but it certainly wasn?t the reaction I got. She took one look at me and burst out laughing. ?Well, I hadn?t expected it to be you, but since it is, we might as well get to it,? she said. ?I?ll give you one opportunity to tell us what we want to know. If you refuse, we are going to interrogate you until we get what we want from you. Believe me, Phil, you don?t want to resist. We?ve thought this whole thing out fairly carefully.?
?If you think I?m going to tell you the location of our HQ, you?re crazy,? I exclaimed. ?Go ahead and interrogate away. You won?t get any information out of me.?
?I really think you should think that response over,? was Cynthia?s reply. ?We?ve got a lot of time and a lot of imagination to use on you.?
?I?m not going to change my mind,? I said. The thought of explaining to my fellow team members that I had given up the location of the HQ because of some voiced threats from my girl friend was nothing I wished to deal with.
?OK ladies. You heard the man. Let?s get him stripped and start back.?
They were quickly on me. With their numbers it was easy for them to get me down on the ground and start to pull off my cammie pants.
?Hey! Wait a minute!? I yelled. ?You can?t be serious about this. You can?t be planning to strip me naked!?
?Oh we?re quite serious about it,? said Cynthia. ?We talked this over and we agreed that our first goal was to capture a prisoner. Once we did that we figured that the quickest way to lower his resistance was to get him bare assed in front of us. We agreed that was the way and we took an oath to do it, no matter who the prisoner was. Too bad it?s you, but you?re gonna be naked from now until you give us what we want and we can verify it. Go ahead and finish the job, ladies.?
They did it very quickly, finishing the removal of my pants and underwear, then cutting the shirt right off my back; I was completely naked, with my hands tied behind me. Then two of the women bent to my ankles and looped one of the flexi-cuffs about each of them. Once they were in place, they joined them together with a third flexi-cuff, tightening it until I had about four inches of play between my ankles. Now the cuffs on my wrists were cut off and my hands were pulled in front of me where they were re-fastened together with yet another of the ubiquitous flexi-cuffs. Another cuff was placed loosely around my neck then my hands were drawn up, over my head, and fastened to the cuff around my neck at the back with yet another cuff. I was completely helpless and felt very embarrassed at my nudity. I could do nothing to cover myself with my hands kept high and behind my neck and I noticed, to my very great shame, that I was beginning to experience an erection. My cock was actually getting hard as these crazy women gathered around me!
?Cynthia. Damn it!? I said, helplessly. ?You can?t be doing this to me. I?m even getting hard!?
?So I notice,? she said, and laughed again. ?You know how to stop it. Just tell us how to find your HQ and we?ll cover you back up. Of course, that?ll be just as soon as we?ve been able to verify the location. I can?t imagine you?d lie about it, now, but we aren?t going to take any chances.?
?You know I can?t tell you.?
?Fine. Then let?s get you back to where we can get down to some serious interrogation.?
Cynthia came over to me and tied a loop in a thin rope tightly about my testicles, then she ran out a lead length of rope and began to lead me through the forest. With my feet restricted to four inches of movement by the flexi-cuffs, I had to hurry along as best I could. I didn?t wish to fall and have the lead on my balls yanked sharply. I shuddered at the thought of how truly painful that would be. She seemed to be intentionally leading me through some of the rougher areas, of course, making sure that my naked body and tender bare feet came into contact with all manner of unpleasant little growths and rocky areas. I maintained her pace, but was really glad when we seemed to arrive at our destination. We were apparently at their HQ, which was reasonably well hidden, and well constructed. Much better than I had thought they could do, and certainly well enough built to function as a defensive position, if they should be attacked.
?Take him over there and tie him to the trees we picked out,? Cynthia said, handing the lead rope to one of the other women. ?I?ll be right there as soon as I get the shaving equipment ready.?
I certainly didn?t like the sound of that, but there was nothing I could do about it as I was led to two fairly tall trees, which were bare of branches below eight feet, and were just about far enough apart, three feet or so, to serve as an excellent restrainer. Once at the trees, the flexi-cuffs on my wrists were released from their position behind my neck, then quickly tied again, this time with my arms extended outward and upward, to the trees. With my wrists secured, they did the same thing to my ankles, leaving me in a standing, taut spread eagle. The flexi-cuffs were tough and certainly weren?t going to give me any leeway. I was there until they wanted me elsewhere, I decided, with a sigh. This looked as though it could get pretty bad for me. The girl, who had led me over, carefully released the loop from my testicles and let it drop to the ground. I guessed they had no need for it now. I was naked and helpless, and quite ready for interrogation.
They seemed to be waiting for someone, or something, and then I remembered Cynthia?s comment about the shaving equipment. Sure enough, here she came, with a bucket of water, some shaving cream, and a plastic safety razor.
?OK,? she said, putting the gear down at my feet. ?Let?s get you really naked.?
?Cynthia, please. Don?t shave me. How will I explain it??
?Well, it?ll all grow back in a month or so,? she said, as she began sponging my armpits, chest and genital area with the cold water. ?We won?t shave your head or anything, so you might not have to explain if you?re careful. You might not be able to take any community showers for a few weeks, but that?s not the end of the world. You definitely want to hold still for this, though. I wouldn?t want you to make me cut you by any foolishness on your part.?
With that she began to shave my armpits and chest, saving my genitals for last. When the upper part of my body was clean enough to suit her, she moved to between my legs, grasping my firming penis in one hand while she casually scraped my skin with the razor with the other. ?We figure it?ll give you some real incentive to tell us what we want, but you?d better hurry. Once I finish with this shaving, you?ll be ready for some interesting and somewhat painful interaction. As I told you, even if you give us the information, you are going to stay just like this, naked and on display, while we check it out. You can blame no one but yourself for any embarrassment or pain you may feel. It?s just about one o?clock, so we?ve got lots and lots of time to work on you. We, naturally, can?t do any damage to you, but you?ll definitely wish you weren?t here once we begin. I think you?ll be amazed at the number of quite painful things we can do to you, and not even leave a mark.? She paused for a moment, as if considering her remarks then went on, ?Actually, we can leave marks, as long as they won?t be permanent,? she said. ?That was the deal we agreed on, right??
I was shaved now, and anxious to avoid the inevitable next step. I could think of nothing to say, however, so I just waited for her to continue.
?Well, if you?ve got nothing to say, I guess we?d best get started on you. First up is going to be Margaret, since she captured you. Margaret tells me she thinks she can get you to talk with nothing more than a bag of alligator clips. What do you think?
I wanted to make a clever remark, but the thought of being at the mercy of Margaret with a bag full of alligator clips at her disposal, and me naked and shaved like this, was not very conducive to clever conversation.
Margaret appeared, almost magically. Sure enough, she was holding a plastic bag that appeared to be full of shiny metal alligator clips, about one inch in length. She stood in front of me and grinned. ?Well, Phil, we?re going to see just how tough you really are. I don?t think you can take more than a few of these, particularly where I plan to put them, but let?s see how you do.?
She placed the bag between my legs and drew one of the clips out. She seemed amused at the choices she had, but finally decided to start with one of my nipples. She teased and twisted my left nipple until she was satisfied with its preparedness, then placed the clamp carefully on the very tip. Ignoring my gasp of horror at this offense, she quickly grabbed another clip from the bag and repeated the process with my right nipple. When it, too, had its clamp attached she backed up, slightly, and just watched me deal with the pain.
?Wow! You don?t look very happy, and I haven?t even begun the real stuff,? she bemused. ?Just wait until you feel a few of them on your cock and balls.?
She was right, of course. The clamps hurt tremendously yet would leave no mark on my body of any kind. This was turning into a very unpleasant afternoon.
She was proceeding to take another clip from the bag, and was now examining my penis, which, to my total amazement, was getting very hard.
?It?s nice that you?re getting all hard for me,? she said. ?That?ll make these little things hurt even more.? At that she placed the clip, carefully, on the crown of my penis, right on the edge. ?Looks like there?s room for quite a few more along this little ridge,? she said, digging for another clip. She very meticulously lined up about a dozen of the clips around the ridge at the crown of my penis. I was in tremendous pain, but didn?t want to give her the satisfaction of showing it. She appeared annoyed at that, and took a piece of thin rope and tied my testicles up tightly. Then she began to place clips around my balls. The pain was incredible, but somehow I had determined I wasn?t going to let her defeat me. She was down to the last two clips in the bag. She looked me over carefully, then grasped my still hard penis firmly and placed the two clips, one on either side, at the opening in the end of my shaft. I gasped, but was somehow able to hang on. Disappointed, she watched me struggle with the clips for about ten minutes, before she grudgingly began to remove them. She didn?t say a word when they were all off, just walked away.
Cynthia, who had been watching quietly, simply said ?OK, tell Melinda she?s next.? She walked over next to me and worked my still hard penis with her hands. ?You did a lot better than I thought you would with that one,? she said. ?Perhaps Melinda?s idea will get the job done.?
Melinda was a small brunette who was married to Steve Mills. She had always seemed quiet and reserved, to me, but I was learning to take nothing for granted when dealing with these women. Believe me, when you are tied, naked and shaved, to a couple of trees out in the woods, and a group of women is trying to get you to tell them something, you respect every idea they may have. Melinda?s was no exception.
When Melinda arrived, Cynthia released my cock and stepped aside. ?He?s all yours,? she said, looking with sardonic amusement at my male equipment, completely devoid of hair and swinging merrily in the air between my legs.
Melinda wasted no time. First, she placed a clothespin on each of my nipples, for the purpose of ?keeping interest alive? was her only explanation. Next, she took a pair of rubber gloves and placed them on her hands. When the gloves were in place, she took a white tube from her pocket and began squeezing a generous amount of a white substance onto her gloved hand. ?It?s called Icy-Hot,? she explained. ?It?s like Ben Gay only about 5 times as strong.? She began rubbing the white goop into my penis and all over my testicles. ?When this stuff gets going, it?s pretty amazing how strong it is. You should be beginning to feel it just about now.?
She was right. At first the substance had felt cool and quite pleasant. It was rapidly becoming uncomfortable, however. My cock was on fire and my balls were beginning to feel as though they had just been shoved into their own little fireplace. This was not going to any fun at all!
Melinda was watching me, carefully. When it seemed as if the heat had reached its peak and begun to cool down, she applied even more, slathering it generously about my genital area. The second time apparently was worse than the first! My cock and balls began to feel as though they had been swabbed with alcohol and set afire!
?Now for the coup de grace,? Melinda said. With a grin, she took a generous dollop of the horrible cream and shoved it up my ass, turning it, almost immediately, into a burning hell of its own. Then, quite calmly, she showed me a cocktail stirrer, covered it with the vile substance, and very slowly pushed the stirrer into the opening of my urethra. She worked it down about four inches, then carefully moved it around inside me. The sensation was incredible. I felt as though she had set fire to my cock, both inside and out. I was still hard and that only seemed to make the whole thing more remarkable. How I could be hard, and be experiencing the pain I was feeling from the cream was beyond my understanding. I only knew that I, somehow, had to bear this out. I had to convince these women that they would not be able to get the information they wanted through this method
Melinda watched me suffer for a while, then she, amazingly, began the whole process again! This time I had real tears in my eyes as I struggled against the flexi-cuffs that bound me. Somehow, I managed to survive, because she, like Margaret before her, finally walked off, leaving me with a still burning cock and balls, but real hope that I was going to be able to get through this. Surely, they didn?t have anything more fiendish in store for me than they had already trotted out!
I should have known better! Cynthia was still there, watching with amusement, and, it turned out, simply waiting for her turn. She had thought it only fair that the others should have first crack at me, but she was certain that she had a method of persuasion that would not fail to get me to give up the information.
She came up to me now and smiled as she took a wash cloth to my cock and balls, not neglecting my poor burned ass hole. I couldn?t help but be aroused by her touch and actually would not have minded her having me in this position, if only the other women weren?t standing around, watching. Watching they were, however, and I realized, too late, that Cynthia planned to take advantage of some rather intimate knowledge she had of my body, in spite of their presence.
She tossed aside the wash cloth and brought forth a bottle of oil. She began to rub the oil into my cock and balls, very gently, and very seductively, pausing occasionally to wriggle the clothespins on my nipples just a bit. ?Well, Phil, here we are. It?s just you and me, and a few of my friends, and we?re going to have a good time, now.? She was working my penis very slowly as she said this, and I could feel myself beginning to work up to coming, in spite of the audience. She knew, though, and backed off, leaving my hard cock waving violently in the air. ?Not so fast, big boy,? she said. ?I?m going to keep you near orgasm, but I?m definitely not going to let you come until you tell me what I want.?
?Oh come on. This isn?t even remotely fair. I?ve resisted your best tortures.?
?Not my best torture,? she said. ?I think this is my best torture and I don?t know how long you can hold out. I guess we?ll find out though. The girls have agreed that this is our best chance, so you can end it whenever you want.?
I didn?t like the look of this. She seemed determined to get what she wanted from me and, to tell the truth, I wasn?t sure how long I could hold out. I was already feeling an almost heady desire to cum.
She was back at me again, slowly milking my cock, but watching my face carefully.
?I don?t think you can fool me,? she said. I?ve known you too long, and made love with you too many times to be mistaken about when you are going to reach the top. I?ll back off before then, let you calm down, then start all over again. How many times do you think you can stand to be taken that close and not be allowed to get the release you need??
Her hand was like the devil on me. It seemed to promise everything, but actually denied any relief. Whenever I looked close to coming, she would back off, put a little more oil on her hands, and then slowly start again. I really wasn?t sure how long I could take this! The other women were gathered around closely, watching her tease and torment me. They were obviously enjoying the spectacle as much as I hated the inevitable result.
I held out for almost two hours, I think. Finally I just simply could take no more. She had won, and she knew it. One more touch of that incredible pair of hands and I would become incurably insane.
?Oh, please. No more,? I begged. ?I?ll give you the location you want. Just finish me off!?
?Let?s have the location,? she said. ?Come on, give.?
I gave it to her almost in a relieved fashion. Shouting out the location of our HQ. When she insisted on more details, I gave those to her too, even telling her the best approach to it to avoid being seen.
When I had given her enough to ensure that they would be able to easily capture our flag, I asked her to, please, please, let me come.
?Not before we return with the flag, sweetie. You knew the deal. You can stay here and wait for me to return and, if you?ve been completely honest with me, you?ll get the reward I know you rather desperately need, now. We?ll even leave Margaret and Melinda here to keep an eye on you. I?ll bet they can think of some fascinating ways to keep your interest from lagging.?
She was correct about that. Cynthia and her team were just barely out of sight when Margaret and Melinda came around from behind me. They each were carrying a paint gun and that made me a little nervous. I pulled again at the Flexi-cuffs to no avail. I was going to be here, restrained and naked, until they were done with me.
?Well, Phil,? said Margaret as she eased up in front of me. ?You managed to resist my torture and Melinda?s, but you couldn?t hold up under a barrage of denied sex.? She pinched my nipple with her free hand, then stroked my penis, watching it harden once more. ?I think we might as well have a little target practice. What do you think?
What I thought clearly made no difference to them, whatsoever. Margaret put down her paint gun and picked up a length of thin cord. She placed a loop in one end and slid it down over my penis about an inch behind the head. She snugged it tight and then wound the rest of the rope around my waist, pulling my penis straight up and presenting my balls. She then took another short length of the rope and tied it around my balls, winding it around them several times before tying it off around the base of my cock.
?That ought to do it,? she said, more to Melinda than to me. ?Now let?s get about twenty-five feet away and start taking turns. Fifty points for a direct hit on his balls, ten points if you hit his cock, nothing for anywhere else.?
?Nooooo,? I pleaded. ?Those paint balls sting when they hit bare flesh. That?s why we insist on the wearing of cammies. You can hurt someone very badly if you hit them in such a tender place.?
?You know, he?s right,? said Melinda. ?We don?t want to do him any damage. Here?
She placed a pair of goggles over my eyes and laughed. ?There?s nothing else exposed that will do him any serious damage.? She laughed again and then began to calmly pace off the twenty-five feet. ?OK. We can shoot from right here.?
She was frighteningly close. That seemed to be of no concern however, as she took careful aim and fired.
Splat! The ball of paint exploded on my midriff, just above my tied penis. It hurt quite badly, but that seemed of no concern to either of the women, as well. Margaret aimed carefully and fired. Her shot got my cock, just above the roped balls and it hurt a lot. I could only pray that they would tire of this game soon. If not, I was going to suffer a great deal when they had the range down. I tried again to pull free of the flexi-cuffs but to no avail. I was a naked, spread-eagle target for their amusement.
They continued to fire away, hitting me mostly in the bare skinned area of my thighs and middle. Finally, Margaret scored a direct hit on my balls and I thought a mule had kicked me! My breath whooshed out of me and I actually thought I would be sick! The girls were quite excited by the good shot and, after giving me a moment to regain my composure, began taking turns again. My whole middle was dripping paint and my balls ached horribly. Soon, a second shot found my balls, then a third. I was in agony and they showed no sign of losing interest. Finally they did, however, and, after a few amused efforts to hit a nipple, which also stung rather badly, they decided to give it a rest and wait for the others to return. Margaret refused to let me be totally in peace, however. She untied my penis and lowered it then took a heavy stone and tied it to my balls by the rope around them. She gave it a push and watched amusedly as it swung back and forth, causing me a great deal of discomfort, but nothing was as bad as being hit in the balls by the paint gun?s projectiles.
Finally, Cynthia and her group returned, waving our flag proudly. We had lost, and our paint ball game was never to be the same again. We had a large number of girls against the boys games and I finally got a chance to pay her back for the mistreatment they had given me. That, however, is another story.
At least she was good to her word. After finding a great deal to laugh at in my predicament, covered with paint and swinging the rock from my balls, She gave me a really incredible hand job. If the other girls hadn?t been gathered around to watch, I probably would have enjoyed it even more than I did, but, having suffered throughout the day, I was glad to be able to get off, at last. For a few moments, at least, paint ball didn?t seem too bad.
Author’s Note: This has long been one of my favorite songs, it has such an elemental rhythm that you can feel the song. There has been a lot of speculation over the years about ‘what does it mean?’ but little agreement. This story is what I feel as I hear the song. Mick Jagger and Keith Richards wrote ‘Paint It Black’ with the assistance of other members of the band, especially Bill Wyman and Brian Jones. Thanks to Techsan for his editing support – without his aid readers would be literally...
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Dave parked his car, grabbed his camera, and strode eagerly to the house. He only paused to turn the handle before he walked through the front door. Dave had been here many times before, and was well aware of May’s open door policy. She was more likely to tear you apart for knocking and making her answer, than if you just walked in like you owned the place. Walking through the door Dave found the living room empty, but heard the soft sound of music playing from a room down the hall. “May! Are...
LesbianHer name was Lucy and she took a shine to me right away, which was kind of nice. By the second day I figured out that she was into girls because of the way she kept checking out my ass. I mean several times a day if I was bending over a paint tray there was Lucy checking out my tight teen ass. So by the second week I decided to push the issue, I started wearing shorter and tighter shorts, and made a no underwear pact which meant that when Lucy checked me out she might have just as well have...
Chloe slid the key card into the slot. The little green light blinked twice and she heard the click. Pushing open the door, she struggled to get in to the sitting room with her computer bag and bucket of ice. It had been a long, mentally draining day but now she was home, at least whatever hotel was home that week. Placing her keys, key card, and the filled bucket of ice onto the wet bar, she thought of his text, the instructions. “get ice, fill a bucket, bring it back to the room.” Smiling...
Masturbation{ i’m taking the feedback from my previous story and applying it to this one..hope its better. Laptops annoy me…so i end up having grammar/spelling issues. } Karly stared at the paint then glanced up at her bedroom wall. Two cans. It seemed as if it wouldn’t cover the whole room, but Karly may by surprised. She had called up her pretty good work friend Nicole to help her out, she was a very ‘do it yourself’ kind of girl. She loved working with her hands and doing a bunch of artsy fartsy stuff....
{ i'm taking the feedback from my previous story and applying it to this one..hope its better. Laptops annoy i end up having grammar/spelling issues. } Karly stared at the paint then glanced up at her bedroom wall. Two cans. It seemed as if it wouldn't cover the whole room, but Karly may by surprised. She had called up her pretty good work friend Nicole to help her out, she was a very "do it yourself" kind of girl. She loved working with her hands and doing a bunch of artsy fartsy...
MasturbationDuring my final vacation before graduating from high school, my father informed me that I would have to oversee a paint job in our home. I was not keen on having to spend two days of my holiday homebound but was given no choice in this matter. My mother had found a new colour that she simply couldn’t live without and so, our dining room and living room simply had to be repainted.On the advice of a neighbour, my dad employed a Hispanic man, Mateo, to do the job. My folks left for work early on a...
Gay MaleI'm sitting in my history class, staring out the window. I hate being here. I hate that no one else wants me here. I hate myself for feeling so depressed.Suddenly, I feel a snicker behind me. It comes from Jason, an RB of the football team. I can feel the eyes of more than one person burning into me and the laughter grows. I feel the humiliation rise within me. I haven't any idea what they have done this time, but I ignore it. After all these years of abuse, I developed an anxiety which freezes...
LesbianThis was an entry in the "We are very disappointed with your progress" contest, where the object of the story was to write a short piece using the above phrase at least once in the story. Paint Work By Joe Six-Pack Darren Kennedy had arrived home late that night, weary and worn. Not from working, but from anxiety. He was as skittish as a lost kitten, constantly on his toes and ready for anything. At any time, in any place, his world could have been turned upside-down. Was he...
© 2000 "She's doing it again." I told Bill, more nonchalantly this time. After all, I had watched her routine at least twelve times by now. I left good neighbor Bunny to her strip tease and returned to my painting. "Doing what again?" Bill asked, as if he didn't know. I guess he thought I would forget he had watched Bunny's routine at least twelve times by now, too. Standing right next to me, no less. My paintbrush hit the wall with a wet splat followed by the shush-shushing of my...
"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...
"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...
CHAPTER 1 Eddie Carter had been working for Gilmore Home Decorators in Crawley, England, for three weeks and during that time had been painting commercial premises – a paint store, gymnasium, bicycle shop and bakery. The Australian preferred painting homes where there was always the chance of the woman of the house providing coffee and freshly-buttered scones for morning and afternoon tea and a hot lunch in return for excellence in painting. Eddie wasn’t sure how women could tell if the...
Candlepeen Balling By James X Pendergrass Copyright 2014 – All Rights ReservedDr. Stanley Gradkowski, Chair of the Mathematics Department at one of the most venerable institutions in the world, stared out the window of his office on a cool late fall day. The students seemed to get worse and worse every year. And as far as he was concerned, that was a good thing. Now almost 44, and, after a meteoric rise, having basically arrived at his station in the world, there were many aspects of his...
Thanks to my usual cast and crew of advance readers and editors, especially Dragonsweb, The Old Fart and WorldWanderer And there used to be a ballpark where the field was warm and green And the people played their crazy game with a joy I'd never seen And the air was such a wonder from the hot dogs and the beer Yes, there used a ballpark right here And there used to be rock candy and a great big Fourth of July With the fireworks exploding all across the summer sky And the people...
He looked like a pirate standing there with a bandanna tied around his head, his dark hair escaping in wisps. The only thing covering his tanned body was a pair of low slung ragged pants that looked like they had been cut off above the knees with a dull knife. He was facing a large canvas and the sunlight was casting shadows through the windows along the western end of the loft when she walked into the huge area. She stood inside the door and watched as he brushed paint on what looked like a...
I finally got rid of them. All of them. The screaming video-head kids; the jobless wanderers; the aimless adults. As the last of them shuffled out the front door, I closed and locked it, returned to the rear of the arcade, and turned off the lights. There was enough flickering illumination from all the video screens to get around, and I quickly walked a final round, clearing food wrappers and other visible rubbish from the surfaces, completely ignoring the litter covered carpet for now. Happy...
My eyes were heavy and tired. I had smoked that morning before going into work. I shouldn’t get high before work. But I knew I was going to be here by myself today. No boss or other crew. I wanted to feel good. So, I took down a joint with my roommate before heading out. Now my brain was hyper focused on the evenness of the brush strokes. I didn’t want to leave any evidence that I was stoned when I left this afternoon. I had to make sure everything was perfect. There were feet on the stairs...
The Martin’s lived out on Farmers Road in a new subdivision with their family Wes and Peggy, both in high school. They belonged to the Country Club and played golf on the weekend and Bridge on Friday nights, every Friday night. Wes was a baseball player on the varsity team and Peggy was a mid distance runner on the track team. Both were very good at their chosen endeavors and for a junior and sophomore, excelled to a legendary status, with Wes, the elder of the two, being placed on the...
PAINTER LOVES PANTYHOSE SEXWhen I was sixteen my parents hired a painter to paint rooms on the first floor of our house. The night before he was to paint I had gotten an insane migraine. The next morning, at 6:00 a.m., when I should be getting up for school, Mom told me to stay home and rest because I still looked a little off. I rolled over and fell into a deep sleep. I didn’t hear my parents leave or let the painter in.I’m not sure when the painter arrived but at approximately 9:45–10:00 a.m....
The Ballerina By Melissa Tawn CHAPTER 1: A STAR IS BORN In the communist Soviet Union of the 1970's, as in the imperialist Britain of the 1870's, family lineage was an important factor in a person's success. Vladimir Ivanovich Nekrasov therefore considered himself extremely lucky, for few Soviet citizens had a better lineage than he did. His grandfather, Colonel-General Alexander Michaelovich Nekrasov, died valiantly in the heroic defense of Stalingrad during the Great War...
The Golden Ball THE GOLDEN BALL(by [email protected]) ?Oh, blest are they who beheld these last years and breathed their autumnal air full of rot and corruption! But twice blest is he who suffered the touch of their knowing, sinful flesh...???????????? ? From a medieval manuscript kept at the abbey of St. Colomannus. 1. One cold evening in late October, 1785, an open coach rattled along the dark and narrow Parisian streets, its wheels disturbing the chilly fog that crept over the...
Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due to the sagging economy, the company was...
This story was written by Kap007. enjoy.Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due...
“You’re not serious?” Mom was aghast. “You don’t really think I’m going to let you smear that mess all over me, do you?” “But you’re the model. You look at yourself in the mirror as you work. It has to be on you.” “Why can’t you just paint the statues?” “Two reasons,” I explained. “First, nobody wants a painted statue.” “I guess,” Mom concurred. “And second?” “And second,” I continued, “it’s what you see that counts. You’ll see a different array of light and shadow and that will change...
I sat trying hard to wait patiently, but I could not help but fidget. A few others in the room also fidgeted as we waited our turn for the audition. So far three had taken their turn, with twelve of us yet to go. I looked nervously about, well aware that I was extremely lucky to be here, and by the looks from a couple of the others, a deep loathing that showed their total resentment that I should even be in the same room as them.To them, I was the odd man out, Yes... Man, but I was not a man...
Trans”I found one!” Lilly wrote to Matt.Matt had just arrived home from work, signed into Lush, and checked his messages, where he had received this note from his favorite feisty friend, LillyM.It’s the Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball at the Castle McCulloch near High Point, North Carolina. February 29, 2020. Leap Day! Do you think we can do it?Matt and Lilly had met on Lush about a year ago and had communicated haphazardly but not terribly frequently until the last couple months. It’s not entirely clear...
OutdoorChapter Nineteen – The Yule Ball Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mmff, cream pie, exhib, hp, magic, mc, spank, voy The party following the completion of the First Task was a very successful and enjoyable one, especially for Harry, who was fortunate enough to fuck two of the hottest Gryffindor House girls after the party had ended. Lavender Brown and...
“Do you really think you won’t be going to the ball?” My friend Isabella asks me, as we dress for class. We live in the same apartment and have for the last two years. She’s my best friend, and I don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s been there for me, through good times and bad. Of course, I've done the same for her. “I really don’t know, Izzy. I mean it’s not been that long since Jay and I broke up. I don’t even have anyone to go with,” I let out a small whine, wishing she’d just drop...
SeductionWearing nothing but a robe and tennis shoes, I sit on the couch starring out the picture window of our living room. It’s 1:00pm on a Saturday and I can’t relax, and for good reason. My wife and I are expecting visitors. What’s happening today started out as an idle fantasy, something that Heather and I had come up with over late night chats in the bedroom. We are admittedly a rather kinky couple. Case and point, we own one of the strongest shock collars on the market, but have never owned a...
I've always loved the Victorian era. In my country during the month of February we celebrate Carnival everywhere with masquerade parties, confetti, and parades. I've always opted for costumes of the Victorian era, I loved to feel like a princess, or a rich milady, if only for one day. My favorite fairy tale has always been Cinderella and I’ve always dreamed of being the beauty chosen by the prince to dance with him and my sisters watching, dying for jealousy.Needless to say, it was only a...
Love Stories“Cassius,” said ‘The Alana’ which is how he referred to her when she was in full flight or being formidable or particularly clever, “I would like to know a little bit more about what is going on. My darling, I have been very patient with you; but that patience is running out, and you are heading for trouble. You are busy having meetings and talking to people. It is unwise to exclude me, as you know from past experience. You rely on my judgment and my advice. “You and Jason are busy having...
Robert and Lisa Strong rose at the sound of the doorbell and went to welcome their guests. They opened the front door to greet Daniel and Elizabeth Mason and the Masons’ 16-year-old son, Jacob. He was a handsome boy with a build reflecting his athletic nature. At 5 feet, 8 inches, he was average height for his age. He projected maturity and self-confidence with a beaming smile and a handshake for the Strongs. He had soft features, clear skin and tousled blond hair. His parents, like...
Professor Andersen was a short, stout man who's salt and pepper hair had fled from the top of his head. His cheeks were round and slightly pink and his nose rather too large for his face. In his tweed jacket, anyone who looked at him might have guessed he was a professor. No one would have ever guessed he was an artist."Now, if you'll turn to page three of the course outline, you'll see the year's projects. I want four original works, one still life, one portrait, one scenery, and one nude. I'm...
It started with a phone call, at most inopportune time. My cell phone was blowing up while I was demonstrating my patented hucklebuck position to my cute neighbor; Jill. The constant clattering of the phone vibrating across my night stand became too much for me to ignore anymore."Hello?""Who's this?" a female voice inquired."Whose phone did you call? I asked back."Xav is that you?" She asked sounding more annoyed"Maybe, who am I speaking to?""It's Katrina, Xav."I was about to ask what she...
Interracial"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 4: "B" is for Ballerina When mummy told me I was going to ballet lessons, I howled and sobbed. "Please, mummy!" I cried. "Please don't make me do ballet dancing!" Mummy wouldn't change her mind. "Going to ballet is part of your punishment for being such a naughty little boy," she said. "But mummy," I said, tears rolling down my face, "I already wear lacy dresses and frilly knickers every day. Why do I have to do ballet and go to Brownies as...
The 8-ball is a mysterious item rumored to be from an alternate dimension; it's everlasting, undying, passed down from generation to generation. But this 8-ball isn't just an antique to hold, or a tool to be used, hell, it isn't even meant to be in a game of pool. No, this 8-ball is alive, or to be more exact, whatever's inside is alive. Multiple individuals have claimed to have spoken to the being in the ball, though no one has ever seen it; or if they have, lived to tell the tale. You see,...
Mind ControlThe Snowball I was on my way home when I smelled radiator fluid inside my car. I knew right then that I had a leak in the heater coil, so I rolled my window down to let the strong odor escape. That’s when I got hit in the side of my face with a snowball. As I looked around I saw a young girl in a pink coat with white fur run into a house. I parked my car and walked up to the door. A very pleasant woman opened the door. Samantha was thirty years old and my age. She was way to young...
Meet Candice, a 35 year old single woman with shoulder length black hair and sapphire blue eyes. Her perky breasts are 38C with large nipples and her pussy is always smoothly shaved. She has never had sex with a woman at all as she prefers men with long hard cocks. She had come to the costume shop in search of that perfect Halloween costume. She stood there looking at a variety of costumes; Dancing girls, Witches, Hookers, Policewoman, Queens, Tarzan and Jane matching outfits and...
The Blue Ball By Keterra Sands Copyright (c)2000 by Keterra Sands all rights reserved [email protected] This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with changes of gender. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T. This is a science fiction story. About a boy who is captured by aliens for their experiments and...
I think this story can stand alone, but will make much more sense if you read the first part posted earlier. Paintball and Panties Ending #1 Gang-Banged August 5th-2002-? Erica Wright I crept up to the edge of the small berm. There was a group of at least fifteen guys drinking beer! I thought of the way I was dressed. I thought of how the night could end, worse case they beat the crap out of me. Best case I got gang-banged! I whispered, 'Fuck! Now what...?" Paul had all...
I hate going to charity balls. You have to get dressed in a monkey suit, they’re always so crowded and boisterous that even if you don’t have claustrophobia you feel icky, you have to listen to boring speeches, the band is often either too loud or bad, and the drinks are way overpriced. I have no problem sending money to worthy causes I just don’t like the events that they think they have to sponsor to get donations. My wife, on the other hand, loves to get dressed up, chat with dozens of...
I hate going to charity balls. You have to get dressed in a monkey suit, they’re always so crowded and boisterous that even if you don’t have claustrophobia you feel icky, you have to listen to boring speeches, the band is often either too loud or bad, and the drinks are way overpriced. I have no problem sending money to worthy causes I just don’t like the events that they think they have to sponsor to get donations. My wife, on the other hand, loves to get dressed up, chat with dozens of...
MatureAuthor's note: This story was written in the 1980's, way before 'Billy Elliot' saw the light of day! BILLY, THE BOY BALLERINA By Sylvia Who? 1. Billy Liar "Bye, bye Billy!" Melissa called cheerily as she closed the front door behind her, trotting down the path to join dad in the car for her trip to school. Meanwhile, I was staggering down the stairs still half- asleep after my early morning foray into the garden while everyone else was still in bed. I could see mum out...
*This story with pics. "Screwdrivers and a little 9 ball" "Screwdrivers and a little 9 ball" Hello I'm Tara, First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself in case you haven't read any of my stories before and also to help you understand the story a little...
As Cassandra felt the delights of Alfonse's cock for the first time and drank of his blood to fulfill her destiny more than her body was changed. Yes, she became a vampire as was he, but somehow the desires to know everything flooded her mind and body both. This is the continuation of the short story written originally for a contest. Without the word count limitation now in place, see just how far our little vamp slut will go to find the answers to her fantasies.Cassie grinned from ear to ear...
SupernaturalHi All,This is my first ever real attempt at writting a story to post. It is ALL fiction, and most of it is just made up and what I think it would be like but never experianced. I was inspired to write this after looking at some pics from a friend. I have an overactive imagination which is probably much better in my head than on paper. I suppose I should have proof read it, but I'm assuming I'll probabl be the only person to read it. Please have mercy when commenting... if anyone reads this at...
I flew to Perth to spend the weekend with my friend Kate, who lives there. Although she is so different from me, we have managed to stay close friends for years. She is vivacious, outgoing and has great model-like looks.I had gone to watch her take part in an annual bodypainting competition. She recently qualified as a beautician, and her beauty school takes part in a national inter-beauty-school bodypainting competition.The beauticians are selected to be either amateur artists or amateur...
ExhibitionismVanessa lived alone in the mountains near a lake. Tourists often visited nearby cabins. She loved living there, especially during the different seasons. The town took different shapes and same with the people and moods. It was winter then and she couldn’t wait for springtime. In the winter she was often left alone. Vanessa had a boyfriend that would come and stay with her at times, but not as often as she would like. Often she missed a man next to her at night, cuddling through those long...
Evan laid back on his bed with a sigh. He was exhausted, stressed, and he missed Cat. He hadn’t seen her in over a week. At least she would say more than two words when he called now. He wasn’t quite sure what he’d done to piss her off, but he was sure that she would tell him. He guessed it had something to do with him being inconsiderate of something. Sometimes, it was easy to forget she had feelings. She rarely showed them. He didn’t feel like things were going so well between them at the...
Cat sat in her spinning desk chair with her knees pulled up to her chest and her elbows propped on her knees. People told her she never looked comfortable sitting like that, but she didn’t see why. Her name said a lot about her nature. While ‘Cat’ was short for Catherine, Catherine Williams, she had the natural grace and light-footedness of felines. She was also standoffish and a little prickly at times, as well as well-groomed, adorable, and fun to watch. She was thinking. And she was...
Cat couldn’t get Evan out of her head. She had been trying since the moment he walked away from the café table the previous night. ‘Damn’ she muttered as she stood up from the kitchen table in her apartment. She walked to the refrigerator to get chilled water. She leaned against the cabinet and stared at the drawing pad on the table. The beginnings of a cityscape were apparent. The foreground was entirely erased. She often used either herself or Ande for the model of any woman in her art and...
It was nice to be able to spend the day grooming, being artistic, and cooking. Cat had just finished taking a pan of cinnamon buns out of the oven and flopped down on the sofa to lounge and think for a few minutes. She had no idea what time Evan would be back. It was still early in the afternoon, so she probably had a little while. He had left her a key and she had wandered the neighborhood around his apartment, going into little shops of various sorts until she had a small supply of grooming...
Hi guys!!! It’s me additya here, with an incident that happened with me. I’m not a fiction writer but yes I can write what truly happened with me. So basically, I’m from pune. I’ve a great athletic body and weight around 70 kg and height 5.9 feet so aunties and boy’s from pune can contact me on my mail-id() and we can hangout sometimes. So mein story par atta hun. Baat jyada purani nahi hai yahi kuch 2-3 mahine pehle ki hai. Humne ek samsung ka bada ledtv liya tha. Ghar ka purana tv beich diya...