Painting with Lydia
- 2 years ago
- 27
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“You’re not serious?” Mom was aghast. “You don’t really think I’m going to let you smear that mess all over me, do you?”
“But you’re the model. You look at yourself in the mirror as you work. It has to be on you.”
“Why can’t you just paint the statues?”
“Two reasons,” I explained. “First, nobody wants a painted statue.”
“I guess,” Mom concurred. “And second?”
“And second,” I continued, “it’s what you see that counts. You’ll see a different array of light and shadow and that will change what you create. Don’t you see?”
“Yes, Mom,” replied, her fingertip in her mouth, eyes narrowing as she thought. “I do see.”
Mom stood up. “Go ahead, then, paint me,” she said, holding her arms out at her sides.
“Not here, and not wearing all those clothes.”
“Where, then? You can’t put that on me in the house. It will ruin the floor if it spills.”
“Right out there then, on the grass.”
“On the grass? I’m not taking my clothes off in the back yard.”
“Just your top, and your jeans.”
“I don’t need to take off my jeans. I only do women sitting.”
“Yes, but the tops of the thighs and the sides of the hips are showing. They need to be painted too.”
“What if someone comes?”
“Who ever comes here during the day?”
Reluctantly, Mom acquiesced. “Alright, but just down to my bra and panties, or maybe I should put on a bathing suit.”
“No, Mom. We don’t have time. We need to be finished before Dad gets home. You can imagine what he’d say if he knew you were painting yourself.”
Mom walked out to the middle of the yard, kicked off her flip flops and loosened her jeans, then pushed them down her legs. She kicked them off, undoing the buttons on her blouse and letting it fall to the ground as she sank to her knees wearing only a brief pair of panties. Not a thong, mind you, but a nice small triangular pair of black panties with narrow ears that rose up and over the swell of her hips. The fleshy part of her ass bulged out a bit under the edge of the black panties.
“What a woman must suffer for her art,” Mom chuckled. “Come on, get it over with.”
As I started rubbing the mix on Mom’s shoulders and back, she barked, “Ugggh. This better work.”
I lathered the ‘paint’ on Mom’s shoulders, arms, back, stomach and thighs, spreading it slowly with my hands and working it into her soft skin. I left the best parts for last: her breasts, the inside of her thighs, and the bits closest to her panties in the back. I did her breasts first because she was used to me touching her there and was less likely to object to my exploring fingers on that part of her body. By the time I finished coloring her breasts, Mom’s nipples were definitely erect. I moved to her legs but as my fingers pushed the paint between her thighs, Mom objected and closed her legs tight.
“Hey, I don’t need this stuff there.”
“If you don’t, you’ll be disconcerted by the line that shows. You should have it right over the tops of your thighs.”
Mom reluctantly loosened her legs to let me apply the paint. I rubbed it up and down the length of her inner thighs but was careful not to get too close to her panties. I sensed that a boundary existed somewhere around there and that my proximity to it was making Mom a little tense. I definitely didn’t want to spook her so I chickened out on my plans to smear the stuff over Mom’s ass, especially those intriguing bulges at the bottom.
“Ok, you’re ready,” I said, standing back to admire my work.
“Well, now we’ll see,” Mom said, standing.
She walked awkwardly to the studio as if she was covered in mud and I supposed that’s what the stuff felt like as it dried. I stood as quietly as I could, out of Mom’s sight, as she worked on the next piece. She worked quickly and rarely stopped to examine her body. When she did, she struck a pose and merely glanced at the mirror rather than twisting and turning, preening, and peering intently as she usually did. Somehow, she was seeing immediately what she needed to see. When she was done, she started on another one right away.
“Ben. Ben!”
I ran to the bathroom.
“Ben! Come here!”
I opened the door, carefully peeking inside, ready to quickly yank my head out.
“Come in. Quickly. And shut the door.”
I stepped inside. Mom was in the shower, the sliding door half open, her eyes closed and her hair full of shampoo.
“This stuff isn’t coming off and your father will be home soon.”
I surveyed at Mom’s glistening body. She had the stuff mostly off her front and the backs of her legs but it still clung to the backs of her upper arms and all down her back. My eyes drifted to her pelvis, the swell of her tummy and the tuft of hair below it. If she turned, I would see my mother’s pussy.
“Ben. Get in here and scrub my back.”
“Get in here. You put it on, now you get it off!”
“Oh, ok.”
I scrambled to get my pants and shirt off.
“Leave those on,” Mom yelled when I pushed my underwear down. “What are you thinking?”
I nodded, acknowledging my silliness. Mom pulled the shower door wide open and I stepped in behind her. She reached behind herself to hand me the soap and a wash cloth. I was staring at Mom’s bare ass, the one I had groped the night before and pounded my poor little dick all night over. Naked, it was even sexier than I had imagined it to be, firm but jiggling, the bulgy cheeks clearly separated. I dearly wanted to cup them in my hands.
“My back, Ben. Scrub my back.”
I started rubbing the soap all over Mom’s back and following it with the washcloth, working it in hard. The paint began to come off. When I got her back done, I searched out bits behind her arms and beside her breasts that she had missed. Mom had calmed down quite a bit when she realized the stuff was coming off and stood with both arms stretched up on the end of the shower wall to brace herself against my rubbing hands. Her head turned when they slid below her back and onto her slippery buttocks.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Some of the paint dripped down. You’ve got some here and here,” I said, touching the top of her bum just above her crack and the bottom of each cheek, the parts that would have been above and below her panties.
“Really? How on earth did that happen?” Mom asked, craning her neck to see but unable to.
“I don’t know,” I replied, scratching at the area just above her crack, my scraping fingertip managing to slip into her delightful crevice. “Should I get it?”
“Hurry then,” Mom said. “Dad will be home soon.”
I moved down to scratch at the fleshy bottom of Mom’s cheeks. I was in my glory, rubbing away at Mom’s fantastic butt, my head lowered to see what I was doing. There was, of course, no paint there. Employing both hands in the interest of getting the job done faster, I managed to pull Mom’s cheeks apart to observe her crinkly bottom hole. Of course, the pulpy lips below divided by her furry slit didn’t escape my attention either. If wasn’t long before Mom had had enough because she pushed herself away from the wall and abruptly shut off the shower.
Stepping out, she said, “I’ll get the rest later. Your father will be here any minute now.”
“I managed to get it all,” I said, in case she examined herself in her bedroom and found no paint on her butt.
“Good, good,” Mom replied, toweling herself hurriedly. “You better get to your room.” She glanced at me as she rubbed herself and I noticed that her eyes were drawn to my soaking wet underwear and the swollen cock they contained. “Maybe you should just get back in the shower,” she grinned, and left.
I did as Mom suggested. Of course, I couldn’t leave my cock alone. It was empty when I was done five minutes later and pictures of Mom’s wet cheeks were still floating in front of my closed eyes.
Mom didn’t come down that night. I waited for hours but finally went to bed but I couldn’t sleep. I checked the computer and found several emails requesting more information about the nude statues and their prices which I hadn’t put in because I didn’t know what was appropriate. I was about to answer when one email in particular caught my eye, offering five thousand dollars in the subject line for a commissioned work. The message body promised more to follow if they liked the first one.
Naturally, I read that email with great interest. They — it appeared to be from a man and a women — had read the bio of Mom that I had put up in an ‘About the Sculptress’ page, noting her recent cancer scare. They wanted to know if Mom would do a commissioned work with the woman lying down rather than sitting. I responded to the email saying that we were open to the idea. A response came back within minutes when I was in the middle of responding to a price request. I left that message to read the response.
Are you the Sculptress?
No. I’m her son.
The response was immediate.
Her son. How very nice to meet you. Will your mother do the piece we’ve requested and would she be interested in further requests? We’re willing to pay more.
I’m sure she will. She is very much the artist and is interested in the piece more than the money. That’s why she lets me look after the business part. My I ask how much more?
If we like the first, then we’re thinking $10,000 per piece. Does that sound reasonable to you?
What kind of pieces did you have in mind?
I was so excited I could hardly type. I was relieved this exchange wasn’t taking place face to face. I couldn’t have kept my cool if it was.
Several in the prone position and perhaps a few more sitting or lying with a young man son nearby.
The latter would be much more work.
We’re willing to offer more for those.
If my mother is willing, will you put down a deposit?
We’ll pay up front for the first piece. Please send us the details so we can wire the money to your account.
I couldn’t believe it. I replied that I would send the details ASAP and then responded to the other requests saying that the prices would be posted soon. I wanted to get Mom to see this right away but it was after midnight. I had a heck of a time getting to sleep. I was so worked up, I didn’t even beat off.
I was up early the next day. Dad and Mom were still finishing their breakfast. Mom could see that I was excited but Dad was oblivious. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to let Mom know first and let her decide what to say to my father. I could hardly wait for him to leave and Mom noticed my agitated state.
Finally, Mom accompanied Dad to the door, dressed in a white blouse and a black, pleated skirt. She kissed him goodbye, stood at the door until he got in his car, then waved as he backed out of the driveway. Closing the door, Mom turned and walked back toward the kitchen, already unbuttoning her blouse as she came.
“What’s up mister? Why are you so antsy?” she smiled as she entered the kitchen, the buttons already undone almost to the waist of her skirt. Mom was pulling the blouse up, untucking it from the skirt but stopped, peering at my face. “What? What is it?”
“You won’t believe it, Mom. Some couple wants to commission a statue ... for five grand!”
“What? You’re joking?”
“Nope, I kid you not.”
I got up and went to Mom. Instead of hugging her, I brushed her stilled hands aside and grasped her blouse, pulling it up out of her skirt to finish the job for her.
“You’re really serious, aren’t you?”
“I am,” I laughed. “I’m really, really serious.”
I struggled and failed to keep a straight face. What I didn’t fail at was undoing the remaining buttons on Mom’s blouse. She didn’t seem to even notice what I was doing, even when I pulled her blouse apart to reveal her naked breasts and started pushing it off her shoulders.
“What do they want?” Mom asked, automatically holding her arms out from her sides to make it easier for me to strip off the long-sleeved blouse.
I got it off one hand but it hung up on the other. I ignored it and grasped her breasts in both hands.
“I told you these, I mean they, would sell.”
Mom was oblivious to my caressing hands.
“When do they need it?”
“When you’re done. It’s at your discretion.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“You’re a Sculptress, Mom. You’ve really done it.”
“With you’re help. You’re the one that made it happen.”
Mom threw her hands around my neck and hugged me hard, almost dislodging my hands but I managed to retain my grip.
“You wonderful, wonderful boy. You’ve given me a new career.”
Mom kissed me, full on the mouth.
I was stunned. So stunned, I forgot her tits and actually let them go. Mom was giddy with laughter. I slipped my hands around her shoulders and kissed her back. We broke apart and laughed together. My arms slid down to the small of her back and I kissed her again. The laugh between was short-lived. Mom’s arms tightened around my neck and we kissed again. This time, Mom really kissed me, her lips mashing against mine for several long seconds before her tongue slipped into my mouth. I moved my hands around to her front to reclaim her tits, sucking her tongue deeper into my mouth. Mine dueled with hers and finally pushed it back until it retreated to its home, closely chased my mine invading her own mouth. We were gasping for air when we finished. Mom’s hands slid from my shoulders and she stepped back.
“Whew,” Mom sighed. “I guess we got a little carried away.”
“We had a good excuse,” I panted.
“I suppose. I guess artists sometimes let their emotions get the better of themselves,” Mom responded, turning away, pulling the blouse off her wrist and tossing it onto a chair. “We’d better finish our breakfast, we’ve got painting and sculpting to do.”
As we finished breakfast, I filled Mom in on the email exchange. I could see her mind drifting off to plan the new sculptures as I spoke. As I suspected, the money, fantastic as is was, was secondary to the fact that someone wanted her work. As her mind toiled, I could have slapped myself to see if I was really awake and not dreaming. I mean, I was sitting at the breakfast table with my sexy mother, dressed in a skirt with her breasts nonchalantly on full display without a hint of discomfort on her part.
We walked together into the yard but Mom stopped in the middle of the grass.
“I guess you better paint me,” she said, indicating with her flapping hand that I should fetch the paint.
I returned quickly to find Mom still standing where I had left her. When she saw me, she smiled and reached down and slid the zipper down the side of her hip, then kinked it up and back, letting the skirt fall of its own accord. Mom kicked it away several feet, then turned around and kneeled on the grass wearing only her panties. I went to her and sank to my knees behind her.
“I guess you’d better paint all of me,” she instructed in a rather throaty voice.
I splashed the paint on Mom’s back and spread it around, covering her arms and shoulders and even the back of her thighs and her calves. When I reached around to do her front, and Mom didn’t object, I concentrated on her breasts, kneading and stroking them for long minutes, massaging and flicking her nipples, once even tugging them up until they dropped from the weight of their fleshy substrate.
The two pieces Mom had done the day before were really superb and I really thought it was due to the paint making the contours of her body more apparent to her as she worked. After all, she had worked quickly with the briefest of glances at her body in the mirror, but I had now changed my mind. I now believed the superior work was due to Mom’s state of arousal and I was going to make sure she was aroused for this first commissioned piece of work. I think Mom was aware of it too, at least at some level, when I thought about the strength of her conviction that it was me that had made it happen. I had thought she was referring to the website but now I think she was voicing her own conviction and she, more than anyone, should know what was driving her.
I dipped my hand in the paint bucket and, with my left lightly stroking Mom’s throat, I splashed the right on her belly, moving the paint slowly around in an ever widening circle. Again, I dipped my hand and spread the paint everywhere, even onto Mom’s panties. Dipping my hand in again, I dropped it onto Mom’s thighs which parted to give me access to the inside of her legs. My lips dropped onto Mom’s neck and I nibbled the crook as my hand languidly pushed the paint deep between her legs, scraping her panties on each upstroke.
I looked at Mom’s eyes and was pleased to see they were shut, a wanton expression covering her face. Dipping my hand again, I surprised her by rubbing it onto her bottom, covering her cheeks and the panties. She slumped back against me so I curled my left arm around her torso beneath her breasts to pull her up on her knees. I dipped my hand again and applied a liberal quantity of paint to Mom’s bottom again, this time working it between her legs from behind. I wasn’t shy about rubbing my hand up her center, letting my fingers push into the crevice dividing her cheeks. The next handful went directly on the front of Mom’s panties and my mouth covered her ear, the tip of my tongue swirling slowly around its rim, then tasting the center. When the first low moan escaped Mom’s lips, I pushed her forward onto the grass.
Mom lay still where she had landed. My eyes drinking in her painted body. It was a surreal, extremely erotic sight. I leaned forward and pushed the back of her right knee, moving it up until her leg was bent at almost ninety degrees. Observing her position critically, I moved her left leg up too but not as much. After a brief pause, I pulled on Mom’s right shoulder until her upper body was almost perpendicular to the grass. Gently, I pried her face up so it looked like she was trying to look back, waiting expectantly for someone behind her, except her eyes were closed. Almost satisfied, but not quite. I adjusted Mom’s hips so they tilted forward slightly but her ass pushed up and back. For the final touch, I moved Mom’s knees together and aligned her lower legs so they matched, one on the other, with one foot curling over the other.
Perfect. A woman waiting expectantly for her lover. Apprehensive, yet offering him everything, from behind.
I laid down behind Mom, snuggling up to her and fitting myself around her body, the lump in my shorts just barely touching the triangle below her painted panties. As I leaned over to whisper in her ear, my bulge pressed into that sacred spot.
“You’ve got work to do,” I whispered thickly into her wet ear.
I stood and dragged Mom to her feet.
I kept my distance, quietly watching Mom as she worked feverishly for the next few hours. She worked right through lunch, though I set a plate of fresh fruits and vegetables nearby. She finished the first statue, lying on its side, twisting up to look at the sky, the pert upper breast leaping from its chest as if it wanted to launch itself up to meet the target of its gaze. The second was finished in the middle of the afternoon. It, too, was lying on its side, though turned down toward the earth, its prominent, naked bottom pushing up as if unashamed of the heathen triangle it blatantly offered.
When she was done, Mom looked vacantly about, almost immediately noticing the food. She devoured it ravenously, the speed with which she ate forcing juice from the oranges and tomatoes spilling over her chin. She didn’t drink until the food was gone and then she gulped it down in one go. Then, she slumped in her seat before getting up and tottering like an old woman. I stepped quickly forward and grabbed her, fearing that she was about to fall. I carried her in my arms, upstairs, to the bathroom and the shower. There, I pulled the panties down and, God help me, kissed each bare cheek as I pushed the panties down her legs and off her feet.
As she stood in the shower, leaning against the wall, letting the water run over her back, I undressed ... completely. Mom was watching me with listless eyes but they still tracked my underwear being dragged down to my feet and off ... then rose to follow the spring of my cock. I stepped into the shower behind her, soap in one hand and a washcloth in the other. I set to work, wiping away the paint and the stress.
I cleaned her well and massaged her body as I went, interested more in relaxing than caressing. Yes, I took liberty in touching every part of her body but I didn’t try to rub my hard cock on her though my tip did accidently bump into her bum several times. I don’t know how but I resisted the urge to push it between her legs. She was susceptible and I didn’t want to take advantage. I let her know that I loved her in the tender way I touched her, that I was fascinated with her beauty in body and soul, but most of all, just that I loved her.
We didn’t say a word to my father about the emails or the new sculptures.
Mom didn’t come downstairs again that night either. Perhaps the day’s events had taken too great a toll.
I was up early again the next day, eager to see her. Mom wore a simple white blouse, braless again, and a dark, navy blue skirt with intricate designs sketched in thin white lines. The thin cotton skirt swirled about her legs as she walked but when she returned from waving goodbye to Dad it was her blouse that attracted my attention. It was fully buttoned and Mom didn’t give any indication that she was going to unbutton it as she walked unsmiling toward me and stopped in front of my chair.
I can’t describe the thrill that spread through my chest when, once there, a smile appeared and Mom started to undo her blouse. Slowly, very slowly. I didn’t say a word as I craned my neck to see and neither did she. The white blouse was dropped carelessly and my eyes followed it to the floor despite the fact that Mom wasn’t wearing a bra. Her fingers were already sliding the zipper down on the navy blue skirt and my attention focused there, intent on the bare skin being exposed as Mom slowly lowered it over her hips. The depression between hipbone and tummy was revealed only to be hidden by the unfortunate appearance of panties but, as the skirt continued its fall, Mom’s flesh, in the form of soft, white thighs, reappeared. The skirt passed her knees and Mom stepped carefully out of it before dropping it onto the blouse. Two pieces of clothing. Only white panties were left. Mom leaned over me to brace her hands against the wall behind my head.
“I don’t want to get paint on these. I had to throw the black ones out yesterday.”
Mom waited, still smiling, but didn’t say anything more. Her words sank in and I reached out with both hands to tug the panties down her hips. They caught briefly on the jutting swells of her behind, then snapped down to the base of her ass and the thickness of her thighs. Her pussy was bare, a neatly trimmed slot barely covering the puffy lips. I savored its musky aroma. Slowly, I tugged the panties further, in no hurry, leaning closer to Mom the farther I pushed them down her legs. When they were near her feet, my face was so close I could have stuck out my tongue and tasted her. Mom stepped out of the panties and I dropped them where they were on the floor.
Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due to the sagging economy, the company was...
This story was written by Kap007. enjoy.Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due...
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BisexualPaint BallA Fantasy by Sardonicus It all started out as a way to heighten the interest in our Paint Ball competition. The men in our group had been playing for some time and we had the luck to have a member who owned some land out in a rural area. We had converted it to a Paint Ball war field, complete with areas suitable for constructing camps for headquarters. It was a good forty acres in size, with no immediate neighbors, so it was ideal for our purposes. We basically had some...
Author’s Note: This has long been one of my favorite songs, it has such an elemental rhythm that you can feel the song. There has been a lot of speculation over the years about ‘what does it mean?’ but little agreement. This story is what I feel as I hear the song. Mick Jagger and Keith Richards wrote ‘Paint It Black’ with the assistance of other members of the band, especially Bill Wyman and Brian Jones. Thanks to Techsan for his editing support – without his aid readers would be literally...
I SEE A RED DOOR AND I WANT IT PAINTED BLACK Because of some quirk in human nature we always seem to remember what we were doing when some life-altering event happens. For me, well, it turned out I was doing something stupid and trite. We had just finished a major project at work and everyone on the team was given a week off. Half were to go one week and the other half the next. I remembered my boss, Wayne, pleading with me, "Damn, Jim. I know you have worked even more hours than I have on...
Painted into a Corner By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 1 "You have no idea what a huge favor you're doing me," said Justine, tearing up. "Thank you so so much." Justine sat back, wiping her tears and sipping her coffee for a minute composing herself. "Mom, come on! Are we really that desperate?" Chris walked in. "She's freaking ancient. It's a retirement home. What the hell am I going to do there? Please call one of my friend's mothers." "Stop it. It's too...
Erin sighed softly as she looked at the blank canvas. Her art final was due tomorrow and she was still looking at an uninspiring wall. She ran her fingers through her thick dark hair, teeth nibbling at her full lower lip. She shook her head as she laid the canvas on the ground, her paints spread out nicely on the table. She stood before the canvas, hands on her voluptious hips, the loose tunic hanging on her thighs, her long silky legs stretching from the shirt. Shawn smiled as he peeked into...
Erin sighed softly as she looked at the blank canvas. Her art final was due tomorrow and she was still looking at an uninspiring wall. She ran her fingers through her thick dark hair, teeth nibbling at her full lower lip. She shook her head as she laid the canvas on the ground, her paints spread out nicely on the table. She stood before the canvas, hands on her voluptious hips, the loose tunic hanging on her thighs, her long silky legs stretching from the shirt. Shawn smiled as he peeked into...
Quickie SexDave parked his car, grabbed his camera, and strode eagerly to the house. He only paused to turn the handle before he walked through the front door. Dave had been here many times before, and was well aware of May’s open door policy. She was more likely to tear you apart for knocking and making her answer, than if you just walked in like you owned the place. Walking through the door Dave found the living room empty, but heard the soft sound of music playing from a room down the hall. “May! Are...
LesbianHer name was Lucy and she took a shine to me right away, which was kind of nice. By the second day I figured out that she was into girls because of the way she kept checking out my ass. I mean several times a day if I was bending over a paint tray there was Lucy checking out my tight teen ass. So by the second week I decided to push the issue, I started wearing shorter and tighter shorts, and made a no underwear pact which meant that when Lucy checked me out she might have just as well have...
## I was feeling a little melancholy. I had been pretty busy since moving from my small town in down state Indiana to the north suburbs of Chicago. I hadn’t had a lot of time to get lonely but tonight was different, it was my 31rst. birthday and I had no one to celebrate with. Everyone I knew, including my ex-wife of 3 years, was back in Indiana. I decided to drown my sorrows in a couple of cold beers and left for a little dive I’ve seen a few miles from my house. I had been...
Tales From The Painted Lady: Nikki's Awakening - By Beryl33 Hello, everyone! This is Nikki again, chambermaid at The Painted Lady. I've had some requests for the beginning of my story, the tale of how I became Mistress Anne's devoted - and transformed! - "lesbian" slavegirl and slutty she-male maid. Here's how it all began: I woke slowly, or half-woke, still drifting in the dream - a bizaare but very erotic dream in which I tried on various pieces of lingerie at the orders of a...
Paint Ball Wars Well, it was finally time. It was early December, there was snow everywhere,and I was going to Panama to get warm. I had taken a two week vacation,and I was going to spend it hunting women. That's right, I was goingto hunt women. I had heard about a place in Panama where you could huntwomen on a private ranch. I had checked out their website and then had them send me more informationby mail. I was ready for it. My girlfriend of five years had cheatedon me and then...
{ i’m taking the feedback from my previous story and applying it to this one..hope its better. Laptops annoy me…so i end up having grammar/spelling issues. } Karly stared at the paint then glanced up at her bedroom wall. Two cans. It seemed as if it wouldn’t cover the whole room, but Karly may by surprised. She had called up her pretty good work friend Nicole to help her out, she was a very ‘do it yourself’ kind of girl. She loved working with her hands and doing a bunch of artsy fartsy stuff....
Chloe slid the key card into the slot. The little green light blinked twice and she heard the click. Pushing open the door, she struggled to get in to the sitting room with her computer bag and bucket of ice. It had been a long, mentally draining day but now she was home, at least whatever hotel was home that week. Placing her keys, key card, and the filled bucket of ice onto the wet bar, she thought of his text, the instructions. “get ice, fill a bucket, bring it back to the room.” Smiling...
MasturbationI'm sitting in my history class, staring out the window. I hate being here. I hate that no one else wants me here. I hate myself for feeling so depressed.Suddenly, I feel a snicker behind me. It comes from Jason, an RB of the football team. I can feel the eyes of more than one person burning into me and the laughter grows. I feel the humiliation rise within me. I haven't any idea what they have done this time, but I ignore it. After all these years of abuse, I developed an anxiety which freezes...
LesbianThis was an entry in the "We are very disappointed with your progress" contest, where the object of the story was to write a short piece using the above phrase at least once in the story. Paint Work By Joe Six-Pack Darren Kennedy had arrived home late that night, weary and worn. Not from working, but from anxiety. He was as skittish as a lost kitten, constantly on his toes and ready for anything. At any time, in any place, his world could have been turned upside-down. Was he...
I'm soo thankful to have feminine feet and legs. My cock is around 6 and a half inches and I have a cute boi-pussy that is tight, but can take a sizeable dick. I would also like to point out that I have enemas on a regular basis so my butt is pretty clean. That part is true and the only part of this story is me at the locker room showers with my painted toes.In the gym that I go to there are three individual showers. The way the showers themselves are set up to where you push the first curtain...
Painted into a Corner By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 3 He looked ready to kill as Mrs. Baker closed the door. "Oh this is going to be some fun tonight, little cuz!" said Kayla, looking over. "I didn't even know we were cousins until my grandmother told me, and now we're BFFs and cousins. That's so cool right?" Chris couldn't even answer her as it didn't matter as she barely shut up, babbling all the way to the party. When they arrived, he found himself being led...
{ i'm taking the feedback from my previous story and applying it to this one..hope its better. Laptops annoy i end up having grammar/spelling issues. } Karly stared at the paint then glanced up at her bedroom wall. Two cans. It seemed as if it wouldn't cover the whole room, but Karly may by surprised. She had called up her pretty good work friend Nicole to help her out, she was a very "do it yourself" kind of girl. She loved working with her hands and doing a bunch of artsy fartsy...
MasturbationPainted Student Lunch time in the refectory can be hectic. Students and staff share the same facilities, queuing for hot meals or panini’s and coffee. It isn’t the largest room in the college so, the tables and chairs can become precious, especially when they are pulled out of their serried ranks into group patterns so friends can socialise while they eat. Today was just like any other at lunch, hectic. The place heaved with a mass of young people whose voices joined in a cacophony of...
During my final vacation before graduating from high school, my father informed me that I would have to oversee a paint job in our home. I was not keen on having to spend two days of my holiday homebound but was given no choice in this matter. My mother had found a new colour that she simply couldn’t live without and so, our dining room and living room simply had to be repainted.On the advice of a neighbour, my dad employed a Hispanic man, Mateo, to do the job. My folks left for work early on a...
Gay MaleNikki's First Time Part One "Very good, Nikki ? very good indeed," Mistress Anne enthused in her crisp English tones. I blushed with pleasure at her compliment and with the rush of sweet pressure from my chastity. I offered my captor a dainty curtsey, ankles crossed, skirt carefully raised, and gathered up the coffee things on their tray. I was careful not to stumble in my four-inch-heeled oxfords as I left the room, skirts and petticoats swishing about me excitingly. Three...
Painted into a Corner By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 2 "Auntie B, I really have to uumm uuumm tinkle now," said Chris as Jeanine was stroking the clear coat on the other hand. "Krissy, you're fine and your nails are wet honey," said Mrs. Baker switching off the water. "Don't focus on that." "No I really have to," said Chris, panicking. "Wiggle honey," said Jeanine blowing on his fingers as he wiggled his fanned out hands now. "She's fine Jeanie," said Mrs....
Painted Student Lunch time in the refectory can be hectic. Students and staff share the same facilities, queuing for hot meals or panini’s and coffee. It isn’t the largest room in the college so, the tables and chairs can become precious, especially when they are pulled out of their serried ranks into group patterns so friends can socialise while they eat. Today was just like any other at lunch; hectic. The place heaved with a mass of young people whose voices...
First Time© 2000 "She's doing it again." I told Bill, more nonchalantly this time. After all, I had watched her routine at least twelve times by now. I left good neighbor Bunny to her strip tease and returned to my painting. "Doing what again?" Bill asked, as if he didn't know. I guess he thought I would forget he had watched Bunny's routine at least twelve times by now, too. Standing right next to me, no less. My paintbrush hit the wall with a wet splat followed by the shush-shushing of my...
Lunch time in the refectory can be hectic. Students and staff share the same facilities, queuing for hot meals or panini’s and coffee. It isn’t the largest room in the college so, the tables and chairs can become precious, especially when they are pulled out of their serried ranks into group patterns so friends can socialise while they eat. Today was just like any other at lunch; hectic. The place heaved with a mass of young people whose voices joined in a cacophony of noise. The smell of...
Painting a Picture of Dominance By :Blmorticia “I’m missing you honey. I can’t wait to get back and make love to you.” “I know, baby, but it’s only been one night.” “Yeah, one lonely night,” he said. Distracted, I looked at our wedding photo on my desk. Here I was, at home because I had a deadline to meet while he was enjoying a trip to England to visit family. As I listened to my loving husband and slave on the other end, I chuckled, “You’ll be back in our bed before you know it,...
This is the first story of many for me – the first real fetish ‘sexperience’ I have had. Straight from high school we were together, B and I. We shared six great years together. Every single day was a new day, and new and more exciting things came to us. It seemed like we were willing to try anything with each other. She gave great head and I would deliver a fantastic ecstasy for her with my tongue, but there was one thing that hadn’t been explored. Our fetishes. I have a foot fetish like you...
I was completely submerged in water, the only part of me that was sticking up was the top of my head and my nose so that I could breath. It was so warm my head span even though I was lying down but the weak feeling was welcomed by my hot body that writhed beneath my hand. My left fingers slipped between the lips of my sex and gently rubbed the juices that I could feel despite the water. My body instantly responded to the touch and made my hips buck. I had to be at an art class soon, but I was...
Dave parked his car, grabbed his camera, and strode eagerly to the house. He only paused to turn the handle before he walked through the front door. Dave had been here many times before, and was well aware of May’s open door policy. She was more likely to tear you apart for knocking and making her answer, than if you just walked in like you owned the place. Walking through the door Dave found the living room empty, but heard the soft sound of music playing from a room down the hall. “May!...
continuation. ————————————————————— Nicole was in shock, she never liked to suspect that people were homosexual, cause if they turned out to be straight, she would feel like such a bitch. Karly was facing the opposite wall. Nicole went to touch her arm, she then let her arm fall and then sighed. What could she say? Karly was pretty hot, even though she never thought of girls in that sort of way. How could Nicole deal with this situation in a way that could benefit everyone? She sighed, ‘Well,...
I’m sitting in my history class, staring out the window. I hate being here. I hate that no one else wants me here. I hate myself for feeling so depressed. Suddenly, I feel a snicker behind me. It comes from Jason, an RB of the football team. I can feel the eyes of more than one person burning into me and the laughter grows. I feel the humiliation rise within me. I haven’t any idea what they have done this time, but I ignore it. After all these years of abuse, I developed an anxiety which...
Chloe slid the key card into the slot. The little green light blinked twice and she heard the click. Pushing open the door, she struggled to get in to the sitting room with her computer bag and bucket of ice. It had been a long, mentally draining day but now she was home, at least whatever hotel was home that week. Placing her keys, key card, and the filled bucket of ice onto the wet bar, she thought of his text, the instructions. “get ice, fill a bucket, bring it back to the room.” Smiling...
“Hello, can I help you?” Sue asked as she opened the door to the tall, dark-skinned man who had just rung her bell.“Mrs Harris? The names Joe; I work with Harry, who normally cuts your lawn. He has hurt his leg and asked me to cut it for him.”Sue showed Joe where the lawn mower and other garden tools were and left him to his work.Ten minutes later she was in her bedroom making the bed when she stopped and looked out of the window to see how Joe was getting on.He had removed his shirt, and was...
InterracialIt's your average Saturday morning: you woke up in your apartment, you watched your morning cartoons (no matter how old you get, you still enjoy a good cartoon), ate a simple lunch and decided it was time for you to join the world of the living. You climb off the sofa and head to your bathroom for a shower. As you strip off in front of the full length mirror on your bathroom door, you begin to take stock. So the important question is:
continuation. --------------------------------------------------------------- Nicole was in shock, she never liked to suspect that people were homosexual, cause if they turned out to be straight, she would feel like such a bitch. Karly was facing the opposite wall. Nicole went to touch her arm, she then let her arm fall and then sighed. What could she say? Karly was pretty hot, even though she never thought of girls in that sort of way. How could Nicole deal with this situation in a way that...
LesbianLunch time in the refectory can be hectic. Students and staff share the same facilities, queuing for hot meals or panini's and coffee. It isn't the largest room in the college so, the tables and chairs can become precious, especially when they are pulled out of their serried ranks into group patterns so friends can socialise while they eat. Today was just like any other at lunch; hectic. The place heaved with a mass of young people whose voices joined in a cacophony of noise. The smell of...
I cooled down in the next couple of days to the reality that she was my mama’s wife and that she showed her thighs to me just for the sake of relieving her pain and nothing else. After this incident we were playing cards in the night, waiting for mama to come. My mami through a joker down by mistake but she realized the mistake immediately. She tried to take the joker back to which I objected. She had already picked the joker card from the floor and was trying to put it back with her other...
Incestprepared for the arrival of his aunt, Alison. Alison was his father's sister whom Chad hadn't seen in twelve years, when he was only six years old. Even though she was his aunt, she was only eight years older than him. When he was a baby, she treated him more like her own kid than just a nephew. Alison hadn't seen her brother and his family in many years, ever since she and her parents moved across the country to Oregon. This Christmas though was very special. Alison's...
I’m sitting there staring at my cock with nothing else to do. It’s still standing very proud and tall. The veins have subsided a bit since I’ve been able to cum, but the knob that is the head of my dick is still expanded out. I haven’t lost any of the expanded length of girth either. I’m ready for a good fuck. I want to follow her into the bedroom and lay her out flat on her back, but I’m very intrigued by the plan that she has in store for me. I’ve never seen her this intent on having...