- 4 years ago
- 21
- 0
He looked like a pirate standing there with a bandanna tied around his head, his dark hair escaping in wisps. The only thing covering his tanned body was a pair of low slung ragged pants that looked like they had been cut off above the knees with a dull knife. He was facing a large canvas and the sunlight was casting shadows through the windows along the western end of the loft when she walked into the huge area. She stood inside the door and watched as he brushed paint on what looked like a large mass of rolling colors.
She looked around, taking in at a glance the stacks of canvases and supplies everywhere. There were windows on three walls and a door leading to what she assumed was a bathroom. On the right was a kitchenette and she could see how the counter was littered with take out containers. To the left was a huge four poster bed with jumbled bedding. There was a cozy area in the center of the room that had several couches, chairs, and tables loaded with books and other items.
She leaned back against the door jam and watched as he continuously dipped his brush on a palette and jabbed at the canvas, scattering a bright red hue here and there among the other riotous colors that were already there. She didn’t want to alert him to her presents yet as she was enjoying the way his muscles rippled across his back and the way the fading sunlight played across his biceps as he gripped his brush. She caught a glimpse of his face as he turned to the windows. It looked like he was almost willing the sun to last just a little longer but the gloom was filling the room fast as the sunlight faded from the room. She could see him daub paint almost in a frenzy now as he rushed to finish what he was working on. He glanced at the last rays of sunlight and made a final stroke to his painting before laying his palette on a table and dropping his brush into a jar of liquid.
His muscles bunched as he stretched, his arms reaching above his head and then down to his lower back to rub it absentmindedly. He turned and saw her leaning against the door and wondered how long she had been there.
Her breath caught and her pulses raced as her eyes met his. His smile was blinding and went all the way to his eyes. She felt her knees almost buckle and was grateful she had the door facing to help support her. He didn’t say a word but started in her direction with his arms outstretched to her.
Finally drawing in a breath, she pushed off the door casing and steadied herself before walking to meet him. She felt her breath being crushed out of her as he wrapped her into a big bear hug and buried his face in her neck. She caught her breath and started giggling as his lips traced a path up to her ear where he took a quick nibble and then around to her lips where he engulfed her mouth in a heated kiss. All she could do was hang onto his back and drown in his overwhelming heat. His tongue laid claim to her mouth and scorched her down to her toes. Her body tingled, her stomach churned, and there was a molten heat radiating from her womanhood as she pressed her body to his. She started to explore his mouth as he ravaged hers.
He couldn’t get enough of her, the taste of her mouth, the feel of her body pressed to his, and the scent of her was almost intoxicating. He knew if he didn’t let her go soon he would not be able to pull away with dignity but would end as a rutting animal pulling her down with him. His penis was rock hard and he could feel it pulsing between them yet he eased back from her, reluctantly breaking their kiss. He couldn’t resist sucking on her bottom lip for just a few seconds before he drew completely back and looked into her passion filled eyes.
‘Hey there southern girl,’ he purred, ‘How did you find me?’
She was still feeling quivery from the heated kisses they had shared but she put on a sly smile, ‘You seemed happy enough to see me.’ She deliberately looked down at his hardness pressing against his cut offs then looked back up at him.
He could see the merriment dancing in her eyes and casually shifted to relieve pressure on his genitals. ‘Yes, I guess it is hard to hide how happy I am to see you. I was just curious as to how you found me.’
She laughed, ‘I have my ways and if you play your cards right, I might ease your curious nature.’ She ran her hands up his chest and tweaked his nipples before wrapping her hands around his neck and pulling his mouth down to hers.
He didn’t pull away this time but deepened the kiss while pulling her between his legs to let her feel his desire for her throbbing between them. He could feel his nipples harden as her hands and fingers manipulated them. He wanted to feel her flesh against his and started to blindly unbutton her blouse. His questing fingers soon found her front clasping bra, unsnapped it, and pushed the fabric aside to uncover her firm breasts and taut nipples. By this time she was moaning into and around his mouth as she continued to return each tongue thrust with one of her own.
She shrugged out of her shirt and bra without missing a beat of their exploring kisses and pushed her sensitive nipples to his chest. She couldn’t seem to get close enough. His hands splayed across her back and pulled her even closer. She gripped his buttocks and massaged them in rhythm with his hands running up and down her back.
He was tugging on her skirt zipper when she broke the kiss and pushed down on his arms to get his attention. It took him a couple of seconds to realize she wasn’t cooperating because as soon as their lips broke contact his mouth had started kissing, sucking, and nibbling down her neck. His nose was buried in her breasts when it finally registered that something wasn’t quite right and he glanced up to see her looking at him. He knew she wasn’t upset at his liberties because she had this wonderful smile on her face but the devilish sparkle in her eyes gave him pause.
‘What,’ he moaned.
‘Before we get to involved I want you to show me some of your paintings and I want to lay down the ground rules,’ she stated firmly.
‘Ahh, come on sexy,’ he purred in that Scottish lilt of his.
She winked at him and said, ‘You won’t be sorry, I promise.’
He grinned broadly, released his hold on her before taking her hand and leading her to some of his canvases. He stopped to rearrange his genitals about half way across the room.
This caused her to giggle and he gave her a mock stern look but his eyes quickly lowered to her bare breasts. He gave one of her nipples a quick tweak before tugging her hand and walking forward again. ‘I hope you keep your promises.’
‘I always keep my promises,’ she purred.
They spent some time walking around the big area and he pointed out some of the works he had finished and some that were in progress. She was amazed at the abundance of colorful impressionist paintings. She knew he had many talents but this one had been a surprise. He had told her not long ago and nothing could keep her from seeing his artistic efforts. The night he had mentioned his painting she couldn’t get it out of her mind and she set out immediately to find his secret loft. They stopped at the canvas he had been working on when she came in the room and he dropped an arm around her shoulders as she stood there taking in the splashes of colors.
‘It really is beautiful,’ she drawled, ‘is this someplace you have been or is it an imaginary place?’ It was a rolling field of colorful flowers twining and tangling and had a towering mountain in the background.
‘Remember the other night when we talked on the phone and I told you I wanted to tell you a story,’ he asked.
She glanced up at him and said, ‘Yes, I remember. I love your stories.’
‘I started painting this after we talked,’ he chuckled, ‘well….,’ he hesitated, ‘actually….he winked at her, ‘it was after we talked and…. after I jerked off.’
They both started laughing and he hugged her to him for anoth
er heart stopping kiss.
She finally pushed away and looked up at him saying, ‘and…?’
He looked into her eyes and then at the painting before saying, ‘That is where I would like to make love to you. Lay you in a field of wild flowers and make you faint with pleasure. I sent you a picture of that mountain erupting and smoking and I want you in my arms erupting your heat and passion to revile the mountain.’
She stood there gazing at the painting for a few long minutes before she spoke. ‘Tonight is my night if you will allow me to take charge,’ and she looked up at him waiting for his answer. When he hesitated she quickly added, ‘You trust me, don’t you?’
He blinked and smiled at her saying in a joking manner, ‘Just be gentle with me, ‘and offered up his hand to be led.
‘Do you have a tub in there’ she asked looking towards the door where she had assumed the bathroom was located.
‘Yes, there is a big claw foot tub in there,’ he replied, ‘You want to join me in the tub?’ He raised an eyebrow and looked at her questioningly.
‘I’ll be right back,’ she said and almost ran to the door of the loft, reached out and pulled in a big tote bag, pulled the door shut, and turned the bolt to lock the door.
His eyes lit up when he saw the bag, ‘You bring your toys with you, southern girl,’ he asked.
She winked at him, ‘You coming,’ and started to the bathroom carrying the bag with her.
He didn’t hesitate at all but strode across the room, stood in the doorway, and watched as she set the bag on the sink counter and leaned over to turn the faucets on the tub. He enjoyed the view of her large bare breasts swaying as she bent over the tub and adjusted the water temperature by turning one faucet and then the other until she got it the way she wanted. He was almost disappointed when she stood up and went to her bag to retrieve several bottles but soon enough the breasts were swaying again while she added what looked like some kind of liquid and salts to the slightly steaming water. Bubbles were erupting now as the force of the water hit. He watched her as she reached over and pulled a big fluffy towel off the rod, folded it in quarters, and placed it in front of the tub.
She got a louffa and some scented soap from her bag, laid them in reach, and turned to him. ‘Let’s get rid of these,’ she crooned as she reached for the snap of his shorts, popping it and unzipping them in a quick motion. She eased them down his hips being careful not to touch his penis as it sprang free of it’s confinement. She took his hand and led him to the tub and held it while he stepped into the steaming bubble filled water.
‘Whew, it is hot,’ he said as he slowly lowered himself into the bubbles, ‘Hurry up and join me,’ and he scooted back to allow room for her.
She had already dropped to her knees and started to lather up the soap, ‘No, darling, this is just for you. I took my bath before heading over here,’ and she started applying the soap covered louffa to his broad shoulders and chest.
He was a little disappointed that she wasn’t going to join him but quickly decided this might be just as much fun as he watched her smiling face and large breasts moving as she ministered to him.
When the tub was full enough she turned off the taps and returned to lathering up her lover and massaging his bronzed skin. She noted that his erection was still standing up and looked cute all covered in bubbles. She scrubbed his back, front, legs, and even between each toe, but until now had made an effort not to touch his genitals.
He had enjoyed her care of him and it had been very relaxing except for his sexual tension. He felt like his balls would burst for want of release and he didn’t realize that he could maintain such a rigid hard on for so long. ‘You going to wash all of me, southern girl,’ he teased.
She took his penis in her soapy hand and started to stroke him gently watching as he laid back and shut his eyes.
‘Oh yeah, baby,’ he moaned, ‘clean him good.’
She stroked him for about two minutes, and then splashed water over the soapy appendage. His eyes opened to see what made her stop and he saw her mouth headed for his erection. The bubbles had started to evaporate and his penis was standing at attention out of the water. He wanted to lay back and enjoy her efforts but the visual of her hot mouth encircling his engorged head was a sight to behold and the sensations were overwhelming. Her breasts were swinging as she bent over the tub and one hand was braced on the other side of the tub for leverage.
She ran her tongue around the head and dipped it in his tiny hole to savor the bit of pre cum that was glistening there. She slowly ran her tongue around his swollen head, before taking it into her mouth and sucking gently. Soon she lowered her mouth around his shaft, sucking as she bobbed slowly up and down. She scooped his ball sacks into her other hand and softly massaged them as she continued to suck him deeper into her mouth.
He laid there enjoying this for several minutes but too soon he could feel his balls tighten. He couldn’t help but raise his hips slightly each time her mouth was on the up stroke. He knew his orgasm was near. It had been too long since he felt this kind of relief and he couldn’t help but enjoy the quick rise and fall of her mouth and the sensations she was giving him to the end, even if the end was there already.
She could feel his balls tighten in her hand and the veins in his penis fill with more blood. When the first spurt of sperm shot out, she swallowed quickly and then grasped the base, continuing to stroke him while watching the next bit of sperm shoot up and land on her breast. The next glob landed on her stomach, the next bit only ran out the tip of his still hard penis. While still grasping him she leaned down and licked the tip like a lollipop. She smiled at him and licked her lips.
‘Bloody hell, girl, you know how to please a man,’ he rasped. His eyes had taken on that post orgasmic, satisfied look. He lazily rubbed his own juices into her skin before letting it slide down her arm to her elbow and leveraged her towards him so that she almost lost her balance and tumbled into the tub. He leaned up and forward so that his mouth met hers and he caught her shoulders to keep her from landing in the tub.
They kissed for long minutes before she gained her balance and dropped back to her knees beside the tub. ‘See how fun it can be when you trust me,’ she said and picked up the louffa and soaped up his now diminishing penis.
He winked at her and said, ‘Yes, I can see my trust was well placed.’
She took the louffa and washed her torso where his ejaculate had landed and been smeared around by his hand. ‘Ok, my Scottish Pirate, get your cute butt out of there, I am not finished with you, yet.’
Water ran off his body as he stood and stepped out of the tub. ‘Don’t worry southern girl, I will return the favor,’ he said as he started to dry off with a clean towel he pulled off the rack.
She took the towel from him and dried his back, buttocks, and the back of his legs, then handed it back when he turned to her offering the front of his body.
‘What’s the matter,’ he asked, ‘not getting shy on me are you.’
She turned, grabbed her bag, and walked towards the bed. She turned her head and winked at him saying, ‘Remember that hot oil I told you about, if you get over here, I will give you a nice massage southern style.’
‘Oh ya, I would love one of those hot oil massages you have been teasing me with for years.’ He tossed his towel back in the bathroom and strode across the room but waited for her to straighten the bed cloths.
She tossed the comforter into a nearby chair, smoothed out the sheet, then fluffed up two pillows and stacked them in the middle of the bed. ‘Okay, lover,’ she indicated the now ready bed and stepped back. ‘Face down with the pillows under your stomach.
He looked a bit dubious but situated himself so that his head tilted to the side and was resting on his hands, his hips were elevated by the pillow and his long legs were slightly apart and stretched almost to the end of the bed. He watched her bend over and dig through her bag. She brought out a clear bottle with a red looking liquid. She opened the bottle and set it on the bedside table and he could smell a faint cinnamon fragrance. He watched as she reached back in the bag and brought out a small bag, placing that beside the bottle of oil.
She knew he was watching her every move so she decided to put on a show for him. She kicked off her flats, then reached behind and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor and stepped over the fallen material. She smiled at him as she slowly undulated her hips and danced to an imaginary song.
He watched as she moved her body and limbs to a very sensuous rhythm. Her large breasts swung gently as she reached down to slide her almost transparent silk bikinis off her hips. She gracefully stepped out of them and handed them to him. Without even thinking he brought them to his nose and breathed in her womanly fragrance. He looked at her hungrily and smiled in anticipation.
She winked at him before taking up the bottle of oil and climbing up on the bed. She straddled his hips and poured the oil into the palm of her hand, recapped the bottle, and dropped it on the bed. She rubbed her palms together to coat them with the fragrant oil and then leaned down to start massaging his shoulders. Cinnamon scent wafted all around the bed as she spread the oil down and back up again. Her fingers splayed and kneaded up and down his back.
He moaned softly as she manipulated his muscles. The scent was nice, the massage was pleasurable, and the fact that his lover’s crotch was nestled against his buttocks rocking gently as she moved back and forth massaging him was a major turn on to him.
When she leaned down and licked his shoulder blade the heat created by the special formula of oil surprised him and he jerked a bit and purred, ‘Yurr setting me afire southern girl and it feels so good.’
Her only answer was the flat of her tongue blazing a heated trail down his back. Moaning softly and arching his back to meet her wet tongue let her know he was enjoying her special treatment but soon enough she went back to massaging. He glanced back to see what was going on when he felt her weight lift off of him and cool air hit his backside. He saw her rise to her knees and shift back a bit so that she was straddling his thighs. He loved watching her breasts undulating as she shifted into place. He watched as she reached for the oil and poured more into her hand. He couldn’t help but clench his butt cheeks as her hands started to knead his flesh. He wasn’t a homophobic but he wasn’t used to anyone ministering to his butt either. The massage felt so good that he soon relaxed as her strong fingers rubbed deep into his flesh.
She waited until he relaxed before palming his cheeks and pushing outward a bit each time she rocked up and out. Her thumbs would dig a bit into his lower back and then run along his spin as her palms and fingers massaged on either side of the center back. She rocked back and forth for long minutes letting her hands create a rhythm of massage from his butt cheeks to his shoulders. The next time she added oil, she let it dribble from the bottle into the crack of his cheeks and quickly started to rub the oil into his warm flesh. This time she ran her thumbs within his crack, spreading the oil deeper into the cleft and pushed down and out separating his cheeks a bit but would then run her hands all the way up his sides, making one continuous motion and back again.
He felt relaxed and was really enjoying the massage. His muscles were loosening up a bit and he was surprised to note how erotic it felt to have her massaging his buttocks. He could feel the warmth of the oil, the friction of her hands against his flesh, and the heat of desire that was boiling in his blood. He was so into the pleasure that his eyelids had lowered. He had given his body over to his southern girl and he figured that he might as well lie there and enjoy it to the max. He was so relaxed that he didn’t even open his eyes the next time her weight shifted to his calves. More oil hit the backs of his thighs and he felt her massaging from the back of his knees up to his shoulder blades. Her breasts would touch his middle back as she leaned over far enough to accomplish this long reach. This went on for some time as her fingers would splay out running from top of his calves to his shoulders. Each time her fingers spread across his rear, she would dip her thumbs in, smearing the oil inside of the crack until it grazed his tight pucker.
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CrossdressingThe Initiation of Anne-Marie By Rosemary Flowers "It must have been the amphetamines" I mused as I observed my image in the mirror. Why else would I have submitted to this crazy and possibly dangerous challenge? The vision that stared back at me in those unfamiliar clothes was not reassuring. In long blonde wig, absurdly short floral summer dress, high heels and black stockings I was the image most transvestites would die for; but unfortunately the current...
“Gotcha!” I said to myself in satisfaction as I reviewed the video feed from the security camera. “Gotcha, indeed!” As the lead Verger at an Anglican-rite church, one of my duties was being the de facto head of the Worship Committee. A few years ago, towards the end of the summer, one of the Altar Guild ladies had informed me that they were experiencing “inventory shrinkage” in bottles of un-blessed wine. After discussing the matter with the Vestry, and due to the amount of wine going missing,...
At An Adult Theater In Flint....I was just at a theater in Flint. I saw on a gay hook up site that the deja vu adult theater was a good place to go to suck cock. And it was for sure. I had three lovely cocks unload in my mouth. What you do is if you want to suck cock you sit in an aisle seat and someone will walk up with their cock out and your off and running.I sucked my first cock (The boy next door) in 1971 and have been hooked ever since. I was wearing short shorts and a flowered top. And...
Viele Monate hatte ich das Glück, ganz oben im Haus in meiner gemütlichen Dachgeschosswohnung komplett meine Ruhe zu haben, da die Wohnung neben mir leer stand seit ich eingezogen bin. Dass das nicht von Dauer sein würde, hatte ich mir gedacht. Und so kam eines Tages ein Brief, in dem mir die Renovierungsarbeiten mitgeteilt und sich im Voraus für damit einhergehende Unannehmlichkeiten entschuldigt wurde. Der Tag kam und die Bauarbeiter klingelten, um sich der Höflichkeit halber kurz...
There’s no doubt Jesse Jane has a winning business model on her hands. The blonde bombshell is providing home cleaning services with a twist. A scantily clad Jesse wanders about a classy home, in french maid attire, sometimes bending over revealing her prime backside. She makes her way to the shower. Standing and waiting to offer her client a towel. The lucky homeowner smiles and briefly dries off but clearly has his sights set on his new house cleaner. The couple begin kissing passionately...
xmoviesforyoutitle: Urgah the Magnificent - Season Premiere - Talia's Rescue Selected scenes from the Talia's Rescue episodes: An improbable trio rode into town: a large man in a bearskin cloak and a tall man in a black cape. A woman with a plain metal ring around her neck - a slave's collar - rode behind the large man. She wore a sleeveless shirt tucked into knee-length trousers that were held up with a chain. They stopped in front of a blacksmith's shop and the woman dismounted. She looked up and...
If you ever wanted to enjoy a bunch of girls with big tits, but you aren’t a fan of curvy bodies, then you were probably wondering where you can get content with skinny chicks that carry huge milk jugs on them. Well, that’s exactly the problem I’m trying to solve for you today. You see, there are many people just like you who wanted to see huge tits on skinny chicks, so the DEFI4NT network on went ahead and created a subreddit called /r/titsonastick. It’s a phenomenal sub where you...
Reddit NSFW ListA Few Changes By allie elle Part One Steve sat in his favourite tree looking out over the fields; he swung his legs idly as he watched the dusk sun. He was happy with himself; he had managed to avoid the fallout from his latest escapade. He had managed to lock most of the doors to the Martin's farm house and make it so only one door opened. He sat there laughing to himself as he tossed stones from his pocket into the stream that flowed under the tree. He was not a bad boy just...
So here I was naked and being bent over the armchair my drunken father was asleep in. My dads two friends Dan and Mark had their fingers applying lube to my virgin ass as they adjusted my position to allow them better access.I tried to reach forward and slap my dad round the face to wake him up, but Dan reached around and pulled both my arms backwards and behind me extending them fully to make my back arch and shove my ass out towards them, and my naked little bare chest out towards the arm of...
When Naomi Hatara graduated from high school, she wanted to attend the University of Maryland at College Park, but her parents were urgent about getting her to discontinue the relationship with her high-school boyfriend. It may be that they felt the hulking Robert Hairston represented too great a threat to her virginity and her marriage prospects to a good Japanese boy. Her parents, if so, did not realize that her chances on the latter were not great — and they probably never guessed that she...
After a while, I slept besides her and was dozing off, I heard her cell ring and she was talking with Mustaq. In between I heard the baby crying she was nursing him, but I continued sleeping feeling relaxed after the heavy work out on her anus. About couple of hours later, I was woken up from my deep sleep when I felt her all over me, sucking and chewing on my nipples slowly going down my stomach and using her tongue on my hairy chest and navel, then lifting my semi erect dick I felt the dry...
It must have been 15 minutes or so when Eric stood up and invited all of us to come to the bathroom where he would clean our bodies with soap. This time I was the first one to take the offer and so followed Eric into the shower. He softly soaped my body, massaged it around and finally sprayed me clean. Before I left the shower, he kissed me deeply. I dried off and walked happily into the cabin shouting: next please and laughed loudly. Maria smiled, stood up and entered the bathroom. The same...
Cora walked Jake one lap around the field just to warm him up. Then trotted the next lap. Finally she broke out into a canter. Jake was a big boy so his canter threw her high with every stride. She did a figure eight and a serpentine. Then she let go of the reins and let him canter freely. She pulled the hair tie from her pony tail and let the wind they were making flow through her hair. She closed her eyes and put her arms out at her sides. The wind carried her hair and her open flannel...
Prolog Eine Nebenstra?e f?hrte aus Hoyt, einer Kleinstadt in Kansas, schnurgerade hinaus durch flaches Land nach Norden, bis sie an einer Schranke an der Grenze zu einer Reservation versperrt wurde. Etwa auf halber Strecke zwischen dieser Kleinstadt und der Reservation stand auf einer Stra?enseite ein einsames Haus. Es war ein ganz gew?hnliches, etwas ?lteres eingeschossiges Einfamilienhaus. Es war dennoch nicht gerade klein, hatte eine Doppelgarage und Veranda vor dem Eingang. All...
I am a young lady of 25, married, hubby gone to states, staying alone in a 4BHK flat in Mumbai in a posh locality. So far as my looks go, I would describe myself as a beautiful lady, fair skinned with well formed nose and lips. Eyes are very attractive and Iam graced with long black hair which when in Free State extends down to cover my butts. My body statistics is quite attractive as it measures 36-26-38. I usually wear sarees with a sleeveless well fitting blouse which is small with quite...
A few sundays after my hospital visit, I came back from my football game, took a shower and sat down to continue reading a book. Under the book on the table was the card given by my bear doctor. I picked it up and was pondering for sometime whether to call him or not. A few minutes later I decided to call him. He picked up the phone. He was panting, I thought he was in the middle of a work out. I apologized and introduced myself. He said a cheerful Hi and and asked how I was doing and if there...
Once in his childhood, Dale had found a wallet with over one thousand dollars on a sidewalk near the elementary school he attended. He turned it into the principle and was assured that he would return it to the owner. Later that same week a man stopped by his house in the evening and asked to speak with him. The man thanked him for turning in his wallet; but he said one thing before he left that really bothered Dale: "To bad the thief had already stole the money out of it." This incident...
In Vino Veritas (Part 1). This is another true story of an episode that happened a while ago but just recently came to light. About five years ago a friend of my wife came back from Scotland to spend a week’s holiday here at home with her family. She was married but had no kids. Anyway she had arranged to go out to a local club with my wife and that was fine. So on Sunday night she called to our house and we all had a couple of drinks before they left. I sat in as I had work the next day and...
I had just put the groceries down when a new text message came in. Busy? Was I busy? Probably not. Nope. What’s up? I’m horny Really? :) Really. Want to help me out? And how can I help? You could come over and lick my clit until I cum I could. Is that all you want? I want you to fuck me multiple times too Sounds like fun. Are you naked? Yup The picture that came with the response showed her pulling on one engorged nipple and naked on the couch. Sexy. Can you wait for me to get...
She began moaning as I ran my wet tongue all around her clit and pussy. Just then Giogo began licking my ass. She was moaning and cooing and I stuck a finger in her pussy and the next finger in her anus and began pumping them in and out. Both holes were tight and held my fingers for a moment as I pumped them. My cock was growing back to life and my anus began to relax to the point where Giogo was able to get his tongue inside of me. A little bit of shit must have been just inside as he...
"Phillip this isn't you, is it? I am sorry that I haven't returned your calls. And my other emails have been so very cold. But things have changed. I am so confused. I really think I need some space." As Ray read her email he nearly did a back flip. She needs space! Talk about the kiss of death. Phillip Marriot your days are numbered. And God help us all if I ever see you, Ray thought to himself. 'Dana, is who as important as why?' 'Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness,...
Sexy Russian slut Emily Mayers is helping her friend Lana Roy move into her new home when they take a quick break for some quick lesbian sex. After taking turns licking each other’s cunts, Lana Roy puts on a strap-on dildo and begins fucking Emily’s tight pussy from behind. All of the sudden, an unexpected knock interrupts the sensual strap-on session. Lana’s new neighbors David Perry and Josh are at the door. Half-naked and without shame, they open the door, invite the two men inside, and...
xmoviesforyouIt got real quiet after that. Mom flipped her robe down, dad turned around and lumbered out of my room. We heard his foot falls one by one as they went down the steps. Then into the kitchen, we heard the fridge open and the sound of the partially drank 12 pack of beer being picked up. The cans rattling as he grabbed one and carried the rest to his chair in the living room. I guess we got his answer to moms outburst with that. Mom muttered about needing to get him to file first or she had...
Watching the rat scurry from one sleeping boy to the other, Jenny held her breath. The large grayish-brown rat, with a pink tail at least a foot long, seemed provoked that anyone should dare to invade the hayloft at night, and he fearlessly sniffed each boy in turn as if to determine whether the boy was edible. In the light of three kerosene lanterns - two hung from pegs on posts and one perched atop a stack of hay bales - the rat's eyes glowed a devilish, pulsating pink as he turned them...
It was too much for Jamie to stop himself, between Amy’s hips moving so vigorously and enthusiastically, to her warmth and wetness on his dick, to Tom’s cock plundering him so ruthlessly. He completely lost it, shooting his spunk deep inside his sweet Amy, spilling his seed inside at last. She came very loudly and eagerly, the reunion complete and delightful to her now that she had Jamie’s seed inside her again. The excitement of this reconciliation was too much to resist. As Jamie filled...
Cute MILF Alison Rey loves making money almost as much as she loves sex. That is why she is such a huge fan of camming. She gets the best of both worlds as she fills her pussy up with huge dildos while a ton of pervy guys shower her in cash. But when one of her fans spams her with messages, Alison is a little weirded out. She challenges the guy to come over and talk to her face to face. But when he shows up, she cannot believe her eyes! He ties her up with some rope and then makes her gag on...
xmoviesforyouThe story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction. None of the events depicted here actually happened. Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental. I promised I’d deliver the story about what happened between my daughter’s friend Sandi and myself. Well, here it is. Ah, memories… The summer afternoon of Kimberleigh’s 16th birthday party was a hot one. The sun was blazing overhead and made me thankful for the cool shade of the trees in the...
Chapter 2 I'm not going to lie, I was stunned. I wasn't trying to be rude, but this cute girl in front of me just admitted that she was a friend of mine that I had known as a guy... I was looking at her face, and I could then see the Sam I had known, well sort of. Sam had always had this look... I mean we all have a look, but his was like he was always concentrating. He had been a good damn player, and I mean totally focused, even for a kid. Now though, that intense look that he...
Erin’s hand slipped from Damian’s cheek, down his chest and over his crotch, where his cock pressed rigid against the fabric of his pants. She gently squeezed his arousal and smiled at him before sliding her fingers back into Damian’s hand and leading him to the stairs. Together, they ascended the stairs, Damian fully dressed and Erin entirely bare. Naked.As they rose up the stairs, Erin felt the fully alive sensation within her growing. Deepening. She felt something raw, primal, and natural....
TabooMy wife Sarah and I had always enjoyed a very active and fun filled sexual life, occasionally straying into the mild kinky side of sex with a bit of exhibitionism and role play scenarios but in the main it was just good basic sex, never any use of toys or aids as we never really felt the need or desire to experiment. Although in our 50’s we are both still fairly active, but age was catching up with us a little, in that Sarah had one up a dress size or two and was now about a size 14-16 although...
Elsewhere, teams moved into various positions. The plan was to herd everybody to a couple of locations and process them as quickly as possible, transporting 'family' groups as soon as they were created. As a result, the fairground perimeter was covered; there were three drones overhead to allow for subdividing things as necessary to maintain control. Captain McPherson, commander of Bravo Company, Second Battalion, Seventh Marine Brigade, made his way with his XO to the control booth from...