Painting free porn video

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He looked like a pirate standing there with a bandanna tied around his head, his dark hair escaping in wisps. The only thing covering his tanned body was a pair of low slung ragged pants that looked like they had been cut off above the knees with a dull knife. He was facing a large canvas and the sunlight was casting shadows through the windows along the western end of the loft when she walked into the huge area. She stood inside the door and watched as he brushed paint on what looked like a large mass of rolling colors.

She looked around, taking in at a glance the stacks of canvases and supplies everywhere. There were windows on three walls and a door leading to what she assumed was a bathroom. On the right was a kitchenette and she could see how the counter was littered with take out containers. To the left was a huge four poster bed with jumbled bedding. There was a cozy area in the center of the room that had several couches, chairs, and tables loaded with books and other items.

She leaned back against the door jam and watched as he continuously dipped his brush on a palette and jabbed at the canvas, scattering a bright red hue here and there among the other riotous colors that were already there. She didn’t want to alert him to her presents yet as she was enjoying the way his muscles rippled across his back and the way the fading sunlight played across his biceps as he gripped his brush. She caught a glimpse of his face as he turned to the windows. It looked like he was almost willing the sun to last just a little longer but the gloom was filling the room fast as the sunlight faded from the room. She could see him daub paint almost in a frenzy now as he rushed to finish what he was working on. He glanced at the last rays of sunlight and made a final stroke to his painting before laying his palette on a table and dropping his brush into a jar of liquid.

His muscles bunched as he stretched, his arms reaching above his head and then down to his lower back to rub it absentmindedly. He turned and saw her leaning against the door and wondered how long she had been there.

Her breath caught and her pulses raced as her eyes met his. His smile was blinding and went all the way to his eyes. She felt her knees almost buckle and was grateful she had the door facing to help support her. He didn’t say a word but started in her direction with his arms outstretched to her.

Finally drawing in a breath, she pushed off the door casing and steadied herself before walking to meet him. She felt her breath being crushed out of her as he wrapped her into a big bear hug and buried his face in her neck. She caught her breath and started giggling as his lips traced a path up to her ear where he took a quick nibble and then around to her lips where he engulfed her mouth in a heated kiss. All she could do was hang onto his back and drown in his overwhelming heat. His tongue laid claim to her mouth and scorched her down to her toes. Her body tingled, her stomach churned, and there was a molten heat radiating from her womanhood as she pressed her body to his. She started to explore his mouth as he ravaged hers.

He couldn’t get enough of her, the taste of her mouth, the feel of her body pressed to his, and the scent of her was almost intoxicating. He knew if he didn’t let her go soon he would not be able to pull away with dignity but would end as a rutting animal pulling her down with him. His penis was rock hard and he could feel it pulsing between them yet he eased back from her, reluctantly breaking their kiss. He couldn’t resist sucking on her bottom lip for just a few seconds before he drew completely back and looked into her passion filled eyes.

‘Hey there southern girl,’ he purred, ‘How did you find me?’

She was still feeling quivery from the heated kisses they had shared but she put on a sly smile, ‘You seemed happy enough to see me.’ She deliberately looked down at his hardness pressing against his cut offs then looked back up at him.

He could see the merriment dancing in her eyes and casually shifted to relieve pressure on his genitals. ‘Yes, I guess it is hard to hide how happy I am to see you. I was just curious as to how you found me.’

She laughed, ‘I have my ways and if you play your cards right, I might ease your curious nature.’ She ran her hands up his chest and tweaked his nipples before wrapping her hands around his neck and pulling his mouth down to hers.

He didn’t pull away this time but deepened the kiss while pulling her between his legs to let her feel his desire for her throbbing between them. He could feel his nipples harden as her hands and fingers manipulated them. He wanted to feel her flesh against his and started to blindly unbutton her blouse. His questing fingers soon found her front clasping bra, unsnapped it, and pushed the fabric aside to uncover her firm breasts and taut nipples. By this time she was moaning into and around his mouth as she continued to return each tongue thrust with one of her own.

She shrugged out of her shirt and bra without missing a beat of their exploring kisses and pushed her sensitive nipples to his chest. She couldn’t seem to get close enough. His hands splayed across her back and pulled her even closer. She gripped his buttocks and massaged them in rhythm with his hands running up and down her back.

He was tugging on her skirt zipper when she broke the kiss and pushed down on his arms to get his attention. It took him a couple of seconds to realize she wasn’t cooperating because as soon as their lips broke contact his mouth had started kissing, sucking, and nibbling down her neck. His nose was buried in her breasts when it finally registered that something wasn’t quite right and he glanced up to see her looking at him. He knew she wasn’t upset at his liberties because she had this wonderful smile on her face but the devilish sparkle in her eyes gave him pause.

‘What,’ he moaned.

‘Before we get to involved I want you to show me some of your paintings and I want to lay down the ground rules,’ she stated firmly.

‘Ahh, come on sexy,’ he purred in that Scottish lilt of his.

She winked at him and said, ‘You won’t be sorry, I promise.’

He grinned broadly, released his hold on her before taking her hand and leading her to some of his canvases. He stopped to rearrange his genitals about half way across the room.

This caused her to giggle and he gave her a mock stern look but his eyes quickly lowered to her bare breasts. He gave one of her nipples a quick tweak before tugging her hand and walking forward again. ‘I hope you keep your promises.’

‘I always keep my promises,’ she purred.

They spent some time walking around the big area and he pointed out some of the works he had finished and some that were in progress. She was amazed at the abundance of colorful impressionist paintings. She knew he had many talents but this one had been a surprise. He had told her not long ago and nothing could keep her from seeing his artistic efforts. The night he had mentioned his painting she couldn’t get it out of her mind and she set out immediately to find his secret loft. They stopped at the canvas he had been working on when she came in the room and he dropped an arm around her shoulders as she stood there taking in the splashes of colors.

‘It really is beautiful,’ she drawled, ‘is this someplace you have been or is it an imaginary place?’ It was a rolling field of colorful flowers twining and tangling and had a towering mountain in the background.

‘Remember the other night when we talked on the phone and I told you I wanted to tell you a story,’ he asked.

She glanced up at him and said, ‘Yes, I remember. I love your stories.’

‘I started painting this after we talked,’ he chuckled, ‘well….,’ he hesitated, ‘actually….he winked at her, ‘it was after we talked and…. after I jerked off.’

They both started laughing and he hugged her to him for anoth
er heart stopping kiss.

She finally pushed away and looked up at him saying, ‘and…?’

He looked into her eyes and then at the painting before saying, ‘That is where I would like to make love to you. Lay you in a field of wild flowers and make you faint with pleasure. I sent you a picture of that mountain erupting and smoking and I want you in my arms erupting your heat and passion to revile the mountain.’

She stood there gazing at the painting for a few long minutes before she spoke. ‘Tonight is my night if you will allow me to take charge,’ and she looked up at him waiting for his answer. When he hesitated she quickly added, ‘You trust me, don’t you?’

He blinked and smiled at her saying in a joking manner, ‘Just be gentle with me, ‘and offered up his hand to be led.

‘Do you have a tub in there’ she asked looking towards the door where she had assumed the bathroom was located.

‘Yes, there is a big claw foot tub in there,’ he replied, ‘You want to join me in the tub?’ He raised an eyebrow and looked at her questioningly.

‘I’ll be right back,’ she said and almost ran to the door of the loft, reached out and pulled in a big tote bag, pulled the door shut, and turned the bolt to lock the door.

His eyes lit up when he saw the bag, ‘You bring your toys with you, southern girl,’ he asked.

She winked at him, ‘You coming,’ and started to the bathroom carrying the bag with her.

He didn’t hesitate at all but strode across the room, stood in the doorway, and watched as she set the bag on the sink counter and leaned over to turn the faucets on the tub. He enjoyed the view of her large bare breasts swaying as she bent over the tub and adjusted the water temperature by turning one faucet and then the other until she got it the way she wanted. He was almost disappointed when she stood up and went to her bag to retrieve several bottles but soon enough the breasts were swaying again while she added what looked like some kind of liquid and salts to the slightly steaming water. Bubbles were erupting now as the force of the water hit. He watched her as she reached over and pulled a big fluffy towel off the rod, folded it in quarters, and placed it in front of the tub.

She got a louffa and some scented soap from her bag, laid them in reach, and turned to him. ‘Let’s get rid of these,’ she crooned as she reached for the snap of his shorts, popping it and unzipping them in a quick motion. She eased them down his hips being careful not to touch his penis as it sprang free of it’s confinement. She took his hand and led him to the tub and held it while he stepped into the steaming bubble filled water.

‘Whew, it is hot,’ he said as he slowly lowered himself into the bubbles, ‘Hurry up and join me,’ and he scooted back to allow room for her.

She had already dropped to her knees and started to lather up the soap, ‘No, darling, this is just for you. I took my bath before heading over here,’ and she started applying the soap covered louffa to his broad shoulders and chest.

He was a little disappointed that she wasn’t going to join him but quickly decided this might be just as much fun as he watched her smiling face and large breasts moving as she ministered to him.

When the tub was full enough she turned off the taps and returned to lathering up her lover and massaging his bronzed skin. She noted that his erection was still standing up and looked cute all covered in bubbles. She scrubbed his back, front, legs, and even between each toe, but until now had made an effort not to touch his genitals.

He had enjoyed her care of him and it had been very relaxing except for his sexual tension. He felt like his balls would burst for want of release and he didn’t realize that he could maintain such a rigid hard on for so long. ‘You going to wash all of me, southern girl,’ he teased.

She took his penis in her soapy hand and started to stroke him gently watching as he laid back and shut his eyes.

‘Oh yeah, baby,’ he moaned, ‘clean him good.’

She stroked him for about two minutes, and then splashed water over the soapy appendage. His eyes opened to see what made her stop and he saw her mouth headed for his erection. The bubbles had started to evaporate and his penis was standing at attention out of the water. He wanted to lay back and enjoy her efforts but the visual of her hot mouth encircling his engorged head was a sight to behold and the sensations were overwhelming. Her breasts were swinging as she bent over the tub and one hand was braced on the other side of the tub for leverage.

She ran her tongue around the head and dipped it in his tiny hole to savor the bit of pre cum that was glistening there. She slowly ran her tongue around his swollen head, before taking it into her mouth and sucking gently. Soon she lowered her mouth around his shaft, sucking as she bobbed slowly up and down. She scooped his ball sacks into her other hand and softly massaged them as she continued to suck him deeper into her mouth.

He laid there enjoying this for several minutes but too soon he could feel his balls tighten. He couldn’t help but raise his hips slightly each time her mouth was on the up stroke. He knew his orgasm was near. It had been too long since he felt this kind of relief and he couldn’t help but enjoy the quick rise and fall of her mouth and the sensations she was giving him to the end, even if the end was there already.

She could feel his balls tighten in her hand and the veins in his penis fill with more blood. When the first spurt of sperm shot out, she swallowed quickly and then grasped the base, continuing to stroke him while watching the next bit of sperm shoot up and land on her breast. The next glob landed on her stomach, the next bit only ran out the tip of his still hard penis. While still grasping him she leaned down and licked the tip like a lollipop. She smiled at him and licked her lips.

‘Bloody hell, girl, you know how to please a man,’ he rasped. His eyes had taken on that post orgasmic, satisfied look. He lazily rubbed his own juices into her skin before letting it slide down her arm to her elbow and leveraged her towards him so that she almost lost her balance and tumbled into the tub. He leaned up and forward so that his mouth met hers and he caught her shoulders to keep her from landing in the tub.

They kissed for long minutes before she gained her balance and dropped back to her knees beside the tub. ‘See how fun it can be when you trust me,’ she said and picked up the louffa and soaped up his now diminishing penis.

He winked at her and said, ‘Yes, I can see my trust was well placed.’

She took the louffa and washed her torso where his ejaculate had landed and been smeared around by his hand. ‘Ok, my Scottish Pirate, get your cute butt out of there, I am not finished with you, yet.’

Water ran off his body as he stood and stepped out of the tub. ‘Don’t worry southern girl, I will return the favor,’ he said as he started to dry off with a clean towel he pulled off the rack.

She took the towel from him and dried his back, buttocks, and the back of his legs, then handed it back when he turned to her offering the front of his body.

‘What’s the matter,’ he asked, ‘not getting shy on me are you.’

She turned, grabbed her bag, and walked towards the bed. She turned her head and winked at him saying, ‘Remember that hot oil I told you about, if you get over here, I will give you a nice massage southern style.’

‘Oh ya, I would love one of those hot oil massages you have been teasing me with for years.’ He tossed his towel back in the bathroom and strode across the room but waited for her to straighten the bed cloths.

She tossed the comforter into a nearby chair, smoothed out the sheet, then fluffed up two pillows and stacked them in the middle of the bed. ‘Okay, lover,’ she indicated the now ready bed and stepped back. ‘Face down with the pillows under your stomach.
He looked a bit dubious but situated himself so that his head tilted to the side and was resting on his hands, his hips were elevated by the pillow and his long legs were slightly apart and stretched almost to the end of the bed. He watched her bend over and dig through her bag. She brought out a clear bottle with a red looking liquid. She opened the bottle and set it on the bedside table and he could smell a faint cinnamon fragrance. He watched as she reached back in the bag and brought out a small bag, placing that beside the bottle of oil.

She knew he was watching her every move so she decided to put on a show for him. She kicked off her flats, then reached behind and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor and stepped over the fallen material. She smiled at him as she slowly undulated her hips and danced to an imaginary song.

He watched as she moved her body and limbs to a very sensuous rhythm. Her large breasts swung gently as she reached down to slide her almost transparent silk bikinis off her hips. She gracefully stepped out of them and handed them to him. Without even thinking he brought them to his nose and breathed in her womanly fragrance. He looked at her hungrily and smiled in anticipation.

She winked at him before taking up the bottle of oil and climbing up on the bed. She straddled his hips and poured the oil into the palm of her hand, recapped the bottle, and dropped it on the bed. She rubbed her palms together to coat them with the fragrant oil and then leaned down to start massaging his shoulders. Cinnamon scent wafted all around the bed as she spread the oil down and back up again. Her fingers splayed and kneaded up and down his back.

He moaned softly as she manipulated his muscles. The scent was nice, the massage was pleasurable, and the fact that his lover’s crotch was nestled against his buttocks rocking gently as she moved back and forth massaging him was a major turn on to him.

When she leaned down and licked his shoulder blade the heat created by the special formula of oil surprised him and he jerked a bit and purred, ‘Yurr setting me afire southern girl and it feels so good.’

Her only answer was the flat of her tongue blazing a heated trail down his back. Moaning softly and arching his back to meet her wet tongue let her know he was enjoying her special treatment but soon enough she went back to massaging. He glanced back to see what was going on when he felt her weight lift off of him and cool air hit his backside. He saw her rise to her knees and shift back a bit so that she was straddling his thighs. He loved watching her breasts undulating as she shifted into place. He watched as she reached for the oil and poured more into her hand. He couldn’t help but clench his butt cheeks as her hands started to knead his flesh. He wasn’t a homophobic but he wasn’t used to anyone ministering to his butt either. The massage felt so good that he soon relaxed as her strong fingers rubbed deep into his flesh.

She waited until he relaxed before palming his cheeks and pushing outward a bit each time she rocked up and out. Her thumbs would dig a bit into his lower back and then run along his spin as her palms and fingers massaged on either side of the center back. She rocked back and forth for long minutes letting her hands create a rhythm of massage from his butt cheeks to his shoulders. The next time she added oil, she let it dribble from the bottle into the crack of his cheeks and quickly started to rub the oil into his warm flesh. This time she ran her thumbs within his crack, spreading the oil deeper into the cleft and pushed down and out separating his cheeks a bit but would then run her hands all the way up his sides, making one continuous motion and back again.

He felt relaxed and was really enjoying the massage. His muscles were loosening up a bit and he was surprised to note how erotic it felt to have her massaging his buttocks. He could feel the warmth of the oil, the friction of her hands against his flesh, and the heat of desire that was boiling in his blood. He was so into the pleasure that his eyelids had lowered. He had given his body over to his southern girl and he figured that he might as well lie there and enjoy it to the max. He was so relaxed that he didn’t even open his eyes the next time her weight shifted to his calves. More oil hit the backs of his thighs and he felt her massaging from the back of his knees up to his shoulder blades. Her breasts would touch his middle back as she leaned over far enough to accomplish this long reach. This went on for some time as her fingers would splay out running from top of his calves to his shoulders. Each time her fingers spread across his rear, she would dip her thumbs in, smearing the oil inside of the crack until it grazed his tight pucker.

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Ashley and Jennifer

Ashley Capistan and Jennifer Fergoski both celebrated their twenty-first birthday. Both girls were five-ten, both weighed the same, they both had strawberry blonde hair that hung straight to mid back. Both girls had 34-23-30 hourglass figures, nice round and firm C-cup breasts, and what many would call beautiful bubble butts. If one would put the two girls side by side, they would pass as twins! They were twins! Unfortunately the two girls were separated at birth, given up for adoption by a...

4 years ago
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Twisted But Precious The Morning After the Sunrise Dance

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller Have you ever thought of hosting a party in the middle of the desert and inviting 70,000 people? Well Larry did and John finally went. _________________________________________ The Present- “Smelling the Roses” It was the morning after the Sunrise Dance. John’s head was pounding with the dull throbbing pain of a heavy hangover. What a spectacular fucking night. It had been years...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Joanna. In my last story, I told you how I came to live with Gordon. It is now six weeks later and I have taken to my new life like a mouse finding a hole in the skirting. At first, I thought Gordon was just a kind man satisfying his fetish for a transwoman, but as the weeks went on I found myself just waiting for his car to scrunch on the gravel, telling me that he was home. He liked me to always be in a dress and fully made up, wearing heels. That suited me. Not only was it what I...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 6

I got a sinking feeling when I saw my mother come into the lunch room and look around. I closed my laptop and packed up right away, knowing that she was about to collect me for something. She saw me get up and waited by the door for me. “What’s up?” I asked, knowing she’d be enjoying her lunch in the faculty lounge if there wasn’t a problem. “Lana and Beck are being taken home for the afternoon,” she said. “I don’t know what you said to them, but they’re hysterical.” She wasn’t accusing me...

3 years ago
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I was strangling in my job and my life. I found myself grinding my teeth before going to work every morning. I drank myself into a solitary stupor every night. I'd worked myself into an unendurable present and a grim death spiral. I could see no real way out but a complete break in occupation, lifestyle and habits. What was a more divergent lifestyle from a chair-born computer management job than that of a mechanic? I'd once been a bench tech and found that I had the knack. I took night...

4 years ago
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Triple Play

Triple Play By Ellie Dauber (c) 2004 Author's Note: If you ever wondered whether there was a point to posting comments to a story, this story is your answer. When I first posted it to the TG_Fiction List, it had a different ending. But, after reading and thinking about comments I got from from Jezzi Stuart, Steve Zink, and Ron Green, I re-worked it to the ending it has now. Thanks for the help, you three. *** Matt Bauer saw his prey about twenty...

2 years ago
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Being kept is where I belong

How time has flown by. It was more than eight years ago when I started my journey. To catch you up on my story, I’ll be brief. I met a CMT named Jim and after some trust was given, I started to see him at his home studio. He had over the next few sessions begun to slowly seduce me and lower my reluctance. His touching and planned erotic work ultimately drew me to be used as a bottom. I was confused and frightened for the first few months. But I was unable to stay away from him and his requests....

Gay Male
1 year ago
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One amazing night

It’s taken me a long time to write this story, well actually it’s not a story because everything I am about to write is completely true and I still haven’t been lucky enough to read it again. The names have been changed to protect the naughty! There was a close f****y friend who was always a little bit older than me, her name was Sarah. I met her early in life and remember that was the moment I knew I was always going to be in love with older women! She was absolutely stunning she had great...

2 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingEpilogue

Allison Delaney had never seen herself as the adventurous sort, and yet, as she got ready for their graduation ceremony, she had to admit that she no longer even remotely resembled the young girl who appeared on campus nearly four years ago. Between her makeover and her sexual revolution so to speak, she was a totally different person. And in her eyes, that was a good thing. So the book she was supposed to write with Professor Salinger never panned out. It wasn't his fault. The series the...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Dixie Lynn The Professional Debut Of Dan Damage

It’s another “double debut” this week, as both big dick newb Dan Damage and the lovely Dixie Lynn ❤️ are making their 1st appearances here at See H?️M Fuck, and it’s also the 1st PROFESSIONAL scene for HIM ? After our stupendous ? director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about HIM, Dan stands up and begins to strip for Dixie (and you). She then gets HIM all lubed up ? making sure Dan’s girthy prick is slick and stiff. Dixie then has HIM take a seat so she can...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 58

Trevor and Stephanie were still asleep when I left for school Monday morning. I bumped into Andrew Perkins and a semi-awake, very worn out Tyler Madden on the way to the parking garage. Andrew was driving Tyler and himself to the airport to catch their flight to Indianapolis for the NFL Combine. Half a dozen other seniors hoped to get an invite but didn't. Their only shot at impressing NFL scouts would come later in March when our team held our Pro day. I wished Andrew and Tyler good luck...

1 year ago
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Marion stood by the park swings as her two young daughters both squealed with delight while flying through the air with the greatest of ease!!! "Look, mommy," Lindy yelled, "I'm going higher than your head!!!" "Just be careful," Marion replied, "an hold on tight, I don't want to have to explain to your father how you fell on your head!!!" "Oh, don't worry, mom," Kristy retorted, "we know what we're doing!!!" "I'm sure you do," Marion answered while shaking her head and laughing, "but be careful...

3 years ago
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Cd crossdresser sissy caught by mom and dad pt5

Sorry I haven’t made any posts. Have been very busy with school and work. I started to write a story, would get about halfway through It then quit and not safe any of what I wrote. Last story was a few months ago when my parents and I went to the Bahamas on our boat. It was really fun. I’ve been taking hormones for a few months now and have little 36B boobs. My nipples are crazy sensitive now too! I haven’t really been wearing a chastity belt very much recently. Weirdly find It pleasing to wear...

2 years ago
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an introduction

lets skip all the early stuff and jump to summer 2008, university, all the usual stuff but i loved the nights out with the girls, but could not bring myself to do what i wanted. one special night dancing all night with a friend getting closer and closer and loved the way she took control spinning me round holding me close, later on we were stood at the corner of the bar she was behind me i could feel her breath on my shoulder she slid her arms around my waist and pulled me closer her hands...

4 years ago
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My mom and my cousin

I had rushed home from work so that I could have some time alone in the house before my mother and brother got home. My cousin, Ram, and he still lived with us while he worked. He enjoyed living with us, and my mother Anu, and knew that they needed to for awhile, until she got back on her feet after the divorce. It wasn’t easy for her because she had never had to work until my father divorced her. I went into my bedroom, stripped down to my briefs and shuffled through the clothes in the bottom...

3 years ago
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Tuitionil Iravu Nera Kaamam

Indru kama kathaiyil ungalukaagave oru unmaiyaga nadantha sambavathai pagirugirom, engal inaiya thalathil niraiya vaasagargal avargalin vathivugalai engaluku pathivu seigiraargal. Avargal pathivu seiyum kathaigalile sirantha kathaigalai thaan ungaluku naangal alikirom. Agaiyaal neengal engalin vaasagargalin tamil kamakathaigal pathivugalai padithu magizhungal. Hai friends, en peyar iyewarya anaivarum ice endru ennai azhaipaargal, enaku ippozhuthu vayathu 35 aagugirathu. En siru vayathil...

2 years ago
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Finding a fuck buddy

Finding a fuck buddy.As a single man (wife not interested or bothered) I thought life was passing me by. I decided to find a lady that enjoyed sex as much as I did. You would think that an easy task but no – couples always meet as couples, lots of ladies look for a bi experience and single ladies very rarely meet for real.However one day I was lucky enough to talk to you and your partner and he stupidly agreed to a 3-some – boy what a lucky day.I arrive at your house at the designated time –...

1 year ago
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Danika Morico

Reddit can be a fantastic source for quality porn. There aren’t many other sites where you can follow certain genres of porn and specific pornstars so easily. If you only like BDSM, there are a ton of subreddits you can follow to get just that sort of content. Same with any other fetish.It’s fucking great. You never have to leave the site for your porn if you don’t want to! And these subs usually link out sources for the full videos and shit. But some of my favorite subreddits follow specific...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Teresas Torture

When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy debt through his own mismanagement of his business; and it turned out after a while that he had gone to a business associate of his, an Arabian named Kabul. I guess we all knew from the start that Kabul was a bit of a shady character, and had his fingers in various slightly criminal pies. Dad said he'd had no choice, the way things were, but to get a large loan from Kabul, and intended to pay it back when he could. However, we also knew that Kabul...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Sex Between Me Servant8217s Wife

Hello ISS fans I am Sameer 30 yrs old from Hyderabad, I am 5.6 feet with a nice body, well this incident took place around 2 year back. I am running a small call center (domestic) in Hyd. I was in need of a security guard & a woman for cleaning our office. I was searching for security guard & cleaning lady, One day a person name Ramesh came to my place for work. He was around 45 yrs old and was will to work as security guard & he informed me that his wife will take care of cleaning activities....

4 years ago
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Our Stories Sheris Wild Lesbian NightThe Recap

After our encounter with Tara and Charlene, I had a feeling Sheri was going to keep exploring. We were getting on the bus to go home the following morning. I was up early, so I went down to the beach one last time. Sheri saw me from her balcony and blew me a kiss. I did the same and headed back to my room to get my stuff. I got on the bus and found my seat near the back. I watched out the window as Sheri, Charlene, Tara, and a junior named Heather were headed to the bus together. That was odd...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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A Love For The AgesPart 8

Moya Tilmitt had gotten into the habit of wearing a sword nowadays. It wasn't unknown, by any means; many men who lived in the Silver City had served in the Silver Guardsmen or the army at one point or another--which, in Eretria, was synonymous with having been to the Spring Lands--and they sometimes wore their weapons as a badge of honor. Others, mostly young men, wore them as a sign of defiance, as if daring some unwary passerby to challenge them to combat. And others wore them for...

3 years ago
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Empress New Underclothes The

Fresh out of the shower, I laid my damp towel on our bed and sat on it. With my semi rigid dick automatically in my hand, I watched my sexy Sue pick out her three bits of clothes to wear tonight. She stood at the edge of our bed wearing just a bright yellow towel wrapped loosely around her. It covered the tips of her tits down to barely below her freshly shaven, tempting twat. Her beautiful labia invited me to taste them each time her movements revealed them to me. After sucking down my drivel,...

4 years ago
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Weekend Worries

The responses came in, one stood out to me 55-year-old married man, he said he could host, was about 30 minutes away from me, and he sent some pictures. He was a good looking guy, and from his pictures, he had a nice thick cock. I was nervous, I almost chickened out, but as I looked back at the porn I gave in and we arranged to meet at his house around 7 pm. He asked if I had ever played with toys? I said I was planning on playing with some of them today. He told me to bring them. I...

3 years ago
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Anal Loving Neighbor

Anal Loving Neighbor Londebaaz Chohan “Oh, thank you Loretta”. Patrick smiled and introduced himself. They were the new neighbors and Loretta had thought to be the first to welcome him in the neighborhood. As she rang the bell and waited, the door was opened by an older man with salt and pepper hair and deep penetrating green eyes. He reached out to take her small extended hand, saying, “Oh, thank you Loretta, the young lady, I am Patrick”, as he gestured her to come in. With their hands...

3 years ago
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Tabea und Cristina

Tabea und CristinaVorwortHallo, ich hei?e Tabea und bin jetzt 33 Jahre alt. Ich habe zwar keine Modelma?e, bin aber recht h?bsch. Ich bin 1,72 m gro? und habe schulterlange blonde Haare.Cristina ist 1,77 m gro? und 27 Jahre alt, sie hat blondes taillenlanges Haar und einen K?rper, der wohl seinesgleichen sucht. Ihr herausragendes Merkmal ist f?r mich nicht ihre K?rpergr??e, sondern ihr umwerfendes L?cheln. Und wenn ich sie ?FETTE SAU‘ nenne muss ich rennen und hoffen, dass sie mich nicht f?ngt bevor sie ...

1 year ago
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The Plumbers Plunger

It was a lovely day and I had the day off from work, so after finishing my house hold chores I decided to sit in the garden and get stuck into my book that I had been reading in dribs and drabs and  not getting  into the story quick enough for me. I got my chair out from the cellar and sat out in the sun with my sun top on and a very flimsy skirt that one would call just modesty keeping. The sun was bright so I set myself down in a very private part of the garden where I was not overlooked by ...

4 years ago
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Desperate MeasuresChapter 7

Gina Weston finally gave up. It was now two in the morning and she still hadn't found a suitable take-home for the evening. After spending nearly three hours in a building filled with loud music, drugs and hot, sexy teenagers she was still unable to pick up any of the young girls that appeared to be so available. She shrugged her shoulders, chugged down the last of her drink and headed for the exit. Some nights she just went home empty-handed. 'At least, ' she thought to herself, 'I was...

3 years ago
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As I layed down on my beach blanket watching the sun go down on the most beautiful beach I've ever been on. I thought to myself " This must be what Heaven is like". If not just being on the world most perfect beach is not enough that's not what makes this place Heaven it's everything. The hotel, the food,the service which by way is run by beautiful black goddess called Hannah. Anyway back to the story. The thing that makes this place heaven is the women!! I've never seen so many of the most...

4 years ago
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Pleasure and Plain Part 1 improved format

I was just settling into the couch to play a few hours of Madden, when the front door burst open and my father barged in. When I saw the look on his face, I become a little frightened. “What’s wrong Dad? Why are you home so early?” “Grandma Kathy fell down the stairs in her house and she’s in critical condition in the hospital. I have to pick up your mother’s and my passport and then we’re off to the airport. We’ll give you guys a call once we’re on the ground in Vancouver.” He...

2 years ago
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The Dildock Virus

Laurel reflected on the past few weeks as her walk from the supermarket drew her closer to the apartment building where she now lived. It only had been a couple of weeks since her move to the big city and a world of difference from life with mom and dad to being on her own. Recently graduated from college as a production line specialist, her new job at Spanner Industries was the biggest change in all her twenty one years. She thought how especially her mom didn't want...

4 years ago
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Rock and Water Chapter 6

Patrick stays over the next evening too. It feels like we’re falling into an easy rhythm. So far we’ve always stayed at my house, but he asks that I come to his place for the first time this Friday. We’re both pretty wiped out when he arrives after work, so we just eat a simple dinner and watch a movie curled up on the couch together. Both too groggy to do much more than stumble to the bedroom when the movie is over, he puts me to bed promising wicked pleasures in the morning. For once, I wake...

3 years ago
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Daughter In HeatChapter 3

Heather fell asleep in classes, and when awake was plagued by nasty thoughts. With all there was to think about, and all of it being highly erotic, she was lucky the day was devoted to admin bullshit. She wouldn't have learned a thing otherwise; and for once, she looked forward to the bus ride home. The last hour of her day was spent masturbating in the nude at her desk which was perched atop her teacher's desk, a bizarre way to spend a class hour but most satisfying for a devout...

3 years ago
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The quarantine elder house

I've volunteered and now im stuck in quarantine , with a group of elder to keep safe and wellespecially Mister Henry and his cousin Joseph, both retired rich elder black guys it went normal during the first few days and after 2 days of getting to know themthey wanted to say thanks to me for being such a ''good boy''I was quite not sure but he insisted , saying he could give me an allowance if i choose to take care of them during the crysisi refused saying it was fine i was here to helpHenry and...

3 years ago
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Finding a Black Dildo

He’s massive. He takes my breath away as he enters me. A tear rolls down my cheek as he pulls my hair back, torqueing my head as I grip the sheets in front of me. His well-muscled body presses my knees into the mattress. His large black hand wraps around the side of my waist. He starts slow, but I know he will soon pick up the pace. He always starts slow, but as we both lose ourselves, he begins to pump like a steam engine. My teeth rattle in my skull while he pounds me to ecstasy. He owns me...

3 years ago
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Friendly Visit

So, I was in the house alone, just watching YouTube videos about cats diving into boxes. Then the doorbell rang.Who could it be? No one texted me saying they were coming. I went to the door wearing a little tank top and shorts. I looked through the peephole and saw a very good friend of my mom, Ms A. I opened the door and said hi and told her that my mom wasn't home."Oh, that's a shame. May I come in? I haven't seen you in ages and we can talk.""Sure!" I smiled and let her in. We went to the...

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