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‘Card, please. Welcome back, Frank.’

‘Mike, you know me by name’, said Frank. ‘You know I don’t drink, I’m here for your arcade games. Why do I have to show my ID?’

The bouncer looked at him. ‘I get paid to make everybody show an ID. You too. You didn’t lose your ID again, did you?’

Frank sighed. ‘New year, new ID.’ He produced his new student ID. He was a senior now. Mike had let him in since he was a sophomore, on his brother’s old ID. Mike didn’t worry nearly as much about the validity of the ID for people who didn’t cause trouble.

Right behind him a pretty lady was waiting, or he would have razzed his favorite bouncer more. He stood aside, to let her by.

‘ID, please. Welcome to ‘The Toolkit’.’

Frank glanced at her. She had a dark hair, a page boy haircut, a pert little nose, a flowery top that would have passed for a miniskirt without the blue jeans underneath, and she had an incredibly pretty frown as she dug through her purse. Frank had never seen a pretty frown, before.

She handed over a card. ‘Driver’s license OK?’

The bouncer squinted at it. ‘You with the college?’

She nodded. ‘New this year.’

‘Next time, bring your college ID, please. Out of state licenses are too easy to forge.’

There was that frown again, coupled with a sigh. Frank liked the way her body moved when she sighed. ‘That’s a valid ID. I’m over 21. Besides, I’m not here to drink, I just came to see if you have any pinball machines.’

‘Welcome, Kelly,’ Mike said, after a final glance at her license, ‘my buddy Frank here will show you to our arcade room. Don’t spend your whole allowance.’

Well, Mike, I owe you one, Frank thought. ‘Well, Kelly, is it? They’ve got two actual pinball machines left in these modern times, and several other games. Come on, I’ll show you the ropes.’ She stayed by his side as he went straight to the arcade room. Her profile looked fairly nice.

‘So, new at the college this year?’ Frank hated asking people what there major was, or which sorority they pledged. She must be either a transfer or a non-traditional student, either way, not your typical incoming student. She looked young, but carried herself with a certainty that in his mind went with maturity.

‘Yep, I just came from ISU. They decided they wanted me here, and I wanted a small town. Preferably with pinball machines.’ Her smile was much prettier than her frown.

Kelly was used to being carded at bars. Some people still mistook her for a teenager. She supposed some day she would like how much younger she looked than she was, but it was irritating. She hoped too many people didn’t mistake her for a student. Surely she looked older than a freshman, at least. She had a PhD from ISU, and she still looked young enough to be carded.

‘So’, she asked, ‘are you with the college? What area?’

‘I do philosophy.’

She frowned the pretty frown again. ‘I’m surprised I didn’t run into you before. I’m philosophy too.’

He shrugged. ‘You’re new. I guess you didn’t meet everybody on your visit.’ Then he quickly added, ‘But I’m really glad to meet you now.’

They entered the arcade room. ‘Why am I not surprised,’ she said. The pinball machines were decorated with images of scantily clad buxom women. ‘So sexist.’

‘Hey, I don’t make the machines. Sorry.’

‘I know, most pinball players are guys, yada yada yada, but why is it always so


‘Well, Kelly,’ he liked how her name sounded, ‘You’re right about it mostly being guys in here. And you know how marketing works. Both men and women are more likely to use a product that is associated with a pretty woman. But I must admit…’ he hesitated.


‘Well, this is the first time in my experience that the person playing the machine is prettier than the images ON the machine. Not meaning to be sexist.’ He paused, hoping he hadn’t just put his foot in it. She blushed. He hoped that was a good sign.

‘Do you say that to all the women who play pinball with you?’ she asked.

‘Well, technically, yes,’ he admitted, ‘because you are actually the only woman I’ve even seen in this room. It really is usually a guy thing here.’ Then he blurted out ‘but I’m glad to have you here. Really.’

She had not wasted any time, and was racking up the points while they were talking. His score was suffering, because he kept sneaking peeks at her profile. Maybe she wasn’t centerfold material, but she had a bouncy perkiness that he really liked.

‘Hey,’ she said, ‘I was supposed to get an extra game. What gives?’

‘Didn’t you say you came from ISU?’

‘Yeah, ISU in Bloomington, Illinois. Why?’

‘Oh. Here, when we say ISU, we mean Indiana State University. Bloomington is Illinois State University. I grew up near Peoria, but I got corrected when I first came.’

‘So, what’s the big deal?’

‘This is Indiana. The Indiana anti-gambling laws prevent pinball machines from giving extra games.’

She looked at him. ‘You’re joking. I’m going to need more quarters than I thought.’

He held his palm up, as if being sworn in court. ‘You came to the wrong state.’ He slid a quarter over to her. ‘I’ll spot you a game or two, as a welcome to Indiana.’ He looked at her. ‘Your company is worth a lot more to me than a quarter.’

She laughed. ‘You smooth talker, you. But the only thing you get for your quarter is to watch me play it. Are we clear on that?’

‘Sure. It’s worth it, to watch a pro.’ She really was good. If not for that silly law, she might have been able to play all night on one quarter. She was totally into the game, bouncing from side to side, cheering, cursing, and having a grand old time. Too soon they were both out of quarters.

She was breathing heavily, beaming, her face was glowing. For her, pinball was good exercise. ‘So, Kelly,’ he said, tentatively, ‘I’m out of quarters, but I think I’ve got enough bills for two ice cream cones on the way back to campus. Celebrate the new semester?’ I really should get to bed early, Frank thought, but I want a chance to get her phone number. She’s a live one.

Kelly hesitated. He seemed so nice, and she needed to make friends among her coworkers, but tomorrow was the first day of class, and she wasn’t ready yet. ‘I’d love to, Frank, but I really can’t. Rain check?’

He was a little disappointed, but tried not to show it. ‘Did you drive here or walk?’

‘I walked. Why?’

‘So did I. Can I walk you back to your place, then? We might as well walk together.’

She gave him a long look, and then smiled. ‘Yes, I’d like the company. Thank you.’

They started walking. Frank was trying to nerve himself up to hold her hand on the walk back to campus, when she stubbed her toe on a bad spot on the sidewalk. He had just taken a long step over the spot, and heard the crack of shoe on sidewalk. He turned, and just managed to catch her. He pulled her upright, which incidentally pulled them very close together.

‘Are you OK?’ he whispered into her ear.

‘Yes, thank you,’ she whispered. She didn’t pull away.

‘I’ve never had a beautiful woman fall for me like that before.’

She turned her head to look into his eyes. ‘You are pretty strong. That would have been a bad fall. Thank you.’

‘I’ve never thought of myself as pretty strong, but I already think of you as pretty.’ Couldn’t he come up with a better line than that?

‘I was already glad I met you tonight,’ she answered, ‘even before you caught me.’ She nodded. ‘Nice catch.’

He nodded too. ‘I thought so. And I’m sure anyone who met you would agree.’ He enjoyed watching her blush, as she caught his second meaning. ‘And I’d like to see you again’ he said. ‘Are you going to be on campus this weekend?’

‘Yeah, but I’ll have a lot to do. But…maybe some pinball and icecream? Saturday?’

‘Give me your phone number, and I’ll c
all you to find out what time you’ll be ready.’

Her eyes widened. ‘I… don’t have my new phone number memorized, yet.’

His face fell. Was that truth, or brush off?

‘Give me YOUR number,’ she said. ‘I’ll call YOU. OK?’

‘Oh, very much OK,’ he said. His arms were still around her. Her face was close. He took the chance, and leaned over, and gave her a gentle kiss. She smiled at him.

‘I really have to get back home,’ she said. ‘But I really look forward to seeing you this weekend.’

It turned out she lived in a little house, on the edge of the park near campus. She let him in, just long enough to write his phone number down. ‘See you Saturday. I’ll call.’ And she gave him a sweet little kiss, just before she shooed him out.

The next day, Frank arrived extra early for his first class. It was Ethics, required of all majors. He was hoping the new student, Kelly, was in at least one of his classes. As philosophy majors, there was a chance. If she hadn’t had Ethics yet, she’d probably be here. Most took it as freshmen, he was probably the only senior.

Kelly liked to be early to class, but she had to copy the syllabi for the students, so she didn’t have as much lead time as she wanted. She would have looked up Frank in the department directory if she had had time. She hoped she could catch Frank in the faculty lounge later. She kind of wanted to see him again. She walked into the classroom in good time, put the roster on the podium, and looked out at the gathering class.

There was Frank, sitting in one of the student desks. She peeked at the class roster. Pierce, Frank, was right there, plain as day. She looked up, and tried to smile. She was sure it looked weak.

Frank was watching everyone come in, and yes, there was Kelly! But she walked over to the podium. He looked down at his schedule again. Ethics: Marshall, K. He looked up, and caught her eye. He tried to smile, but he was pretty sure he looked sick.

She actually gave a very good first lecture. She hit the highlights of the various ethical theories that would be covered, and reviewed practical situations in which ethics played a central role. She started almost stuttering when she mentioned legal situations that would be reviewed in class, and then he saw it coming. She stared at the girl in the front row, deliberately not looking at him, as she said, ‘and, of course, there are situations of sexual harassment, and why employers need to be careful how they treat employees, and professors need to keep their hands off of their students. So, I expect by the time we finish discussing legal aspects of ethics, the semester will be over, and we will have a fun and exciting final exam, to tie it all together. Any questions?’

‘I’m sure we can’t discuss this today,’ Frank said, ‘but can we discuss how to deal with legal protections that accidentally prevent something that would be perfectly moral?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well, say you have a supervisor in a company, and an employee she supervises.’ ‘Kelly, are you thinking about professor and student right now’ he thought. ‘I certainly am.’ ‘If both want… more social contact outside of work, and neither wants to abuse the professional relationship, would that be morally OK? Could it be legal? How can you know when it’s OK to make an exception to a very good general policy?’

Now she looked at him, with a sad look. ‘You’re right, that’s too complex to get into today. But yes, I think we should discuss that later, in office hours, if necessary.’ He nodded. ‘Class dismissed.’

After she finished her last class of the day, she returned to her office. Frank was waiting. ‘Professor Marshall,’ he said, formally, ‘may I make an appointment to discuss something in office hours? There is no real rush, honestly, but there is an… ethical situation I would like to discuss with you… ideally before Saturday.’

She opened her office. ‘As it happens, I have a few minutes right now.’

He followed her in, pushing the door mostly closed, but leaving just enough gap so that the door could not be said to be closed.

‘Please, Frank, sit down.’

‘Professor, first I want to say, I suppose I should offer you an apology. I just assumed that you were a transfer student. It never occurred to me that you were the new philosophy professor. But…’

‘Go on?’ she prompted.

‘But I can’t say I’m sorry about what happened last night. I, as a human being, met another human being, who I found interesting. And I found her very attractive. And I enjoyed very much the little time we spent together. And I was looking forward to having more time to get to know her, starting Saturday.’

‘And now, I’m worried that because of some laws and policies, that are very good for people in general, I’m not going to have the chance to develop a relationship with such a wonderfully, intriguing person, simply because she is in a position of authority over me. Quite an ethical dilemma, isn’t it?’

‘I know I’m an ‘A’ student. I’m perfectly OK with being graded by the same standards as everybody else. I’m sure I’ll do fine. I’d drop the class, but I’m a senior, and I need it for graduation. But please. Please give me a chance to get to know you… off campus. Please don’t lock me out just because I’m a student. Please let me at least be your friend.’

‘Frank, I feel bad. This is my first semester here. I don’t have tenure. The Dean doesn’t even need to give a reason to not hire me back for next year. I can’t risk it. Even tenured people here lose their jobs if they… develop a relationship with one of their students. Tenured philosophy positions of any kind are few and far between, this is my best shot at a job this good. I admit, I feel attracted to you, and that’s why I can’t. I just can’t. I’m sorry.’ She looked closer, there were tears in his eyes.

‘Is it against College policy to give upset students a hug?’ he asked.

She came over to him, and pulled him close. He hugged her fiercely back.

‘Just so you know,’ he said, ‘every Saturday night, all semester, I intend to be at the arcade room at 8. There is no reason you have to avoid doing an activity you enjoy, just because one of your students might be present, is there?’

‘I guess not,’ she said. ‘It’s a small town, and a small College.’

‘So, I may or may not run into you, but I’ll see you for sure in class. You’re already my favorite professor, after one lecture.’

She gently reached up and wiped tears from his cheek. ‘I’m not allowed to have favorite students. But, I’m glad we met last night, first, even given how awkward that made it, today. I do love to play pinball, I’ll probably run into you at the arcade, now and then. You’ll be there Saturday at 8?’

He nodded, not trusting himself to say anything else, he left.

Mike nodded at Kelly as she produced her ID. ‘Welcome back. Frank’s in the arcade area, but if you elbow him, he’ll let you play your favorite machine.’

‘Thanks,’ she said. ‘There’s more than one machine, I’m sure we can share.’

‘He’s pretty good at sharing,’ Mike agreed. ‘Say, did you walk or drive?’

‘I walked’, she said, ‘why?’

Mike hesitated. ‘I’m not paid to scare off business. But I gotta mention. Last night, a young lady leaving at bar close, intoxicated, was apparently assaulted on her stumble home. Police didn’t say if it was mugging or something else. I don’t think anything will happen tonight, but, if Frank offers to walk you home, you should take him up on it.’

‘Oh, I’ll be OK. It’s not like we’re dating, or anything. He doesn’t need to walk me home.’

‘Listen. Miss Kelly. A guy doesn’t need to be dating a lady to be a gentleman and walk her home. I’m a big guy, and nobody bothers me. But a lovely lady such as yourself, you’d be safer if someone was with you.’

‘Well, thanks, for thinking of me.’

Frank smiled at her as she walked into the arcade. She smiled back, but didn
‘t say anything. There was a third person there, on one of the other machines. She was already through her first quarter before she started loosening up. Shortly after that, the third person left.

‘I’m getting a soda, want anything?’ Frank asked.

‘Thanks for asking, Frank. I’m good.’ Once he came back with his drink, she started feeling more normal. ‘So, how are your classes going?’ she asked.

‘Pretty good,’ he answered. ‘It’s my senior year, but most of my major classes are done. So I get to finish up my minors, and take some fun classes. And my one major class I’m taking, is with a new professor, but she seems pretty smart and with it. I like her a lot, and I think it will be a great class.’

‘So, what minors do you have?’

‘Math and computer science. I figure the computer science will get me a job, even if I don’t go to graduate school.’

‘Makes sense. In philosopher school, they teach you to avoid questions about employability. Not very many of us get the teaching jobs. I’ve got teacher certification in history, as my backup.’

At the beginning of her session, she had lined up 10 quarters on the machine. She grabbed a quarter, leaving two left. Then she saw movement out of the corner of her eye, and there were three quarters again.

‘Have you been adding quarters?’ she demanded.

‘Guilty as charged,’ he answered. ‘Remember what I said about quarters last time?’

She thought, and then nodded. ‘But how many?’ she asked.

He smiled at her. ‘Five, so far.’

She smiled at him. ‘That’s very thoughtful, and I appreciate it, really, but I can’t have you paying for my pinball addiction. It just isn’t proper. You know why.’ She handed him back the three quarters lined up on the machine. Besides, I’ve got to get home. I have some papers to grade.’

‘Such a mean professor,’ he teased, ‘making an assignment due Friday of the first week of class.’ He paused. ‘So, are you leaving?’


‘Ummm, did you hear about what happened last night?’

‘Mike told me. I’m surprised I hadn’t heard it on campus today, but yeah, I heard.’

‘I really think I should walk you home.’

‘No, Frank, I don’t think so. I appreciate it. But I can’t afford to be seen being walked home by a student from the bar.’

‘OK’, he said, ‘but I’m telling you. I’m leaving too, and I’m going to follow you all the way home. That’s not walking together, but it still makes sure you get home safe.’

She sighed, and looked at him. ‘OK, thank you. I accept.’

True to his word, Frank followed about a block behind. When she got to the park, which had no street lights, he was suddenly next to her. ‘Maybe you should walk AROUND the park tonight,’ he said softly. ‘Better lighting.’

She went straight on in anyway, but she didn’t object to him walking her through the dark park. Then she saw, in the moonlight, shadowy figures ahead. ‘Frank, someone is smoking up there, by the path to my house.’

‘Bull through, or retreat?’ he asked.

‘Bull through. But now, I’m glad you’re here.’

The two shadowy figures blocked the main path. ‘Well, what have we here? Are we out for a little walk?’ one of them said.

Frank whispered to her, ‘go on home without me if you get a chance. Seriously.’ He walked up to the two shadowy figures, incidentally leaving her a clear shot at the side path that was her true destination.

‘Yeah, guys, want to join me? I’m just getting a little healthy exercise.’

‘How about your girlfriend? Is she exercising too?’

‘Oh her? She just followed me into the park. Will you protect me? I was afraid she was going to mug me.’

‘Well, said the other, we got good news and bad news. The good news is, we won’t let her mug you.’

‘But the bad news is’, said the other, ‘that we WILL.’

Kelly took off running. One of the guys started after her, Frank spun around and tripped the guy with his leg, sending him sprawling. That gave her just enough time to get away, but now he was trapped.

‘Oh, you shouldn’t have done that. YOU spoiled our fun. If you got enough money on you, though, we’ll not beat you up.’

‘TOO bad,’ added the other.

Frank stuck his hand in his pocket. He grabbed the remainder of his roll of quarters inside his fist. ‘I’ll give you all the money I have on me,’ he said.

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"I'LL SAY!" came from the doorway. "Who the Hell are you and what did you do with Shannon?" "Rache!" Shannon squealed, "Omigod! I had NO IDEA! He's STUPENDOUS!" "Yes, he is, Sweetie!" Rachel agreed, "Yes, he is!" "Oh, yeah -- like you had nothing to do with it!" I croaked. "Modest, too!" Rachel cackled. "You were WONDERFUL!" Shannon insisted. "I was scared to death but you took your time and pretty soon I was too hot to say no and I remember worrying because it was...

2 years ago
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I Love Creampies and Cock

It was a rainy summer day in the early 90's and with it raining there wasn't much to do outside so I was over at a friends house named Steve. Both Steve's parents worked during the day and didn't get home until about 5 Pm. We were hanging out playing bumper pool because it was going to rain all day and after some time we got bored and Steve had 2 brothers, Steve was my age (18) and Harry was almost 20 and Phil was a couple years older and some how we started playing truth or dare. It all...

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Life Out of Joint Chapter 17 Home for Halloween

LIFE OUT OF JOINT ================= by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work is not intended to make profit. It may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. While it contains copyrighted intellectual property (namely, appearances of fictional characters), no copyright infringement is intended. As the story deals with topics and themes related to sexuality, violence and...

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Mirror Masturbation

I woke up this morning super-horny for some reason. Oh, that reason is: I am horny a lot! After showering, taking time to shave my legs and trim my pubic hair, I put on some pretty-smelling lotion, making sure to massage my breasts, turning my nipples hard.

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A Family Reunion Chapt 2 Danville here we come

I had thought about it long and hard before I picked up the phone and called my cousin Nick back. If you recall, he had spoke to Marcy while I was out, about me being in his upcoming wedding. That would entail Marcy and I taking a trip out to Danville, Pennsylvania for a long weekend. That was not a real big deal as it was easy enough for me to get the time off from work. That was really the least of my worries. In the back of my mind I really did want to see my relatives again. I had...

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WebYoung Penelope Kay Anna Claire Clouds She Needs IT Bad

Anna Claire Clouds, an office intern, receives a phone call from her boss telling her she needs to do a major presentation. Anna accepts, though is nervous. Anna calls their IT services to get help making a slideshow. A short time later, the IT agent, Penelope Kay, enters the room. Anna is momentarily taken aback by Penelope, since she’s not used to seeing young women as IT agents. Anna gazes at Penelope with a hint of attraction. Anna asks for help with the slideshow, which Penelope...

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Timestop The Train Ride Chapter 2

In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! --------------------------------- CHAPTER 2 I awake to the perfect silence again, the world still frozen around me. I had...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 34

Nothing special happened on the Thursday. We just had some fun at the pool and the pond again and enjoyed our last day in the resort. At the evening, I said my goodbyes to some of the people I had befriended in the resort and exchanged my e-mail address with Loesje. However, we only wrote a few e-mails, and then we just stopped writing to each other.

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Ricks Wife part 4 of 6

Rick's WIFE 4 (4 of 6) I heard Linda's footsteps as she returned with William's Scotch. I was seated on the couch, apparently alone. From the sound of his voice, I knew William and his wife were sitting to the left of the fireplace in our loveseat. Linda's footsteps crossed back in front of me and stopped. Her hand took my wrist and gently placed a full snifter in my hand. I heard her move to my right and seat herself in a high-back chair...

4 years ago
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A Little Oral Training for Holly

Holly’s Daddy had told her, “get your sweet lips all the way to the pretty red ribbon tied on the dildo and leave me some teeth marks…and then maybe I will think about untying you!”That was the previous night. And in the extremely agonizing 24 hours since, she had gotten no further than just over half the way there. She now just knelt there bound and aching in her ropes, her mouth and jaws sore from having tried so hard to reach the ribbon.A low long creaking noise, as the door opened behind...

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Sunday Morning Chapter 1

I love to write stories with other people, and this one is no exception. I typically don't post these because they can be considered more fap material than actual stories, however this story felt different. I wrote this with my friend, and unlike most stories, we took our time, though some may disagree and call this rushed. We tried our hand at mixing in suspense, and I feel that it works. We didn't make a hard effort to polish this, so if there are grammar mistakes, which there...

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Business Traveler Part II

I had met a handsome man on the airplane from Raleigh, North Carolina to Vancouver, Canada and had cum three times that same day. First was when he rubbed me off on the plane, second was when he sucked me off in his hotel room, and third when he fucked me, and took my anal virginity. Unable to control myself, I came easily and fast each time. I had some gagging issues when I was sucking his cock and he told me he would teach me to suck his cock and take it in my throat. While I was lying in bed...

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The Presidents ClubChapter 7

Standing up suddenly, he deposited her unceremoniously on the floor. "Stay there!" he said commanded. Karin smiled to herself, the tingles in her belly starting already. Her man was back to normal. Or at least, what passed for normal in their short relationship. She didn't want him to be gentle when he needed to be rough. That just made him confused. There would be a lot time for gentleness - for 'normal' sex - later, she was sure. Right now, she wanted him to be her master, her...

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6 Mrs Wild Jo The Photoshoot

“You’re here early again, Jo… in fact fifteen minutes.”“Well, I need to get the most out of this two-hour slot, Jean-Pierre.”“Lucky for you, I finished with my other client early, so you can come right through.”The receptionist was a part-time student in her mid-twenties. She smiled to herself. Most of the women who came to the studio were flirty with Jean-Pierre. Despite her make-up and Botox, she could tell this client, Jo, was well in her forties. She doubted Jean-Pierre would be giving her...

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Alicia and I play Lets Make A Deal

Her name was Alicia, and she was a true thing of beauty. She'd been hired at the company the week before me. Huge knockers, a tiny waist, and a high round ass - she was kind of a throw-back to the old pin-up days. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. For a brief time, we worked in the same department (data entry) and luckily for me, she felt a little bit of responsibility towards the new guy. To pay her back for her many workplace kindnesses (and because I thought she was really hot), I invited her...

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Anita away on a business trip

My sweet Ana had to fly to another town in a quick business trip. I drove her to the airport and we kissed goodbye.We kept in touch through the day while I was at my office.At early evening, I came back home after getting some groceries.Just as I was cooking some meal, I had a message from Ana, telling she felt hungry and was going out for dinner.I knew my sweet wife would not be alone. One of two of the office girls would be with her staying at the same place.Then I asked her to send me a...

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Kidnapped Sex SlavesChapter 8

Devon's third show had not been with Brigitte. Instead, wearing the same schoolgirl outfit, she'd been raped and ass fucked by a tall, muscular black man. The man had roughly stripped her, pushed her flat on the low stage and spread his weight on top of her. Then he'd roughly sodomized her as the men stood around and watched in amusement. He had been so much bigger than her that he'd crushed her beneath his weight. His cock had been long and thick and had hurt badly as he'd pumped it in...

4 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 48

"What are you grinning about?" I climbed back to my feet. It felt like every Tiger in the stadium had piled on me after I ran back the kickoff to the fifty. "I was thinking how nice and peaceful it was to just be playing football." "Peaceful?" Robbie asked, cocking her head. Then she got it and nodded. "Maybe we can do a double or triple overtime so you can stay out here." "Please." "I talked to the coach, and he said it was okay." I looked blankly at Tami. "Coach?...

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Tim laments why he loves his fiancee so especially in light of the abject humiliation she subjects him to

Well the wedding is finally over. Tina and I are going on a well planned, but short honeymoon. We aren’t going to far from home as she is in her eighth month and could deliver anytime now. But it’s so good to finally be married to the love of my life for so many years. Finally I’ll be able to have sex with the woman of my dreams. Well not right away. You see the doctor told her that intercourse is out until about 60 to 90 days after the baby is born. Oh, well. I’ve...

1 year ago
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100% fiction! The nuclear apocalypse shocked everyone. More accurately, it shocked the ones who were left to recognize it had happened. The others were burnt to a crisp. The few survivors lived across several continents. Some found each other. Suzy, Jeanine, and their father wandered for years and found no one. They became accustomed to foraging all day every day while their father built their house. One day the house was finished, and the three of them celebrated by laying closely together in...

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TinaChapter 11

Sam knew he had to talk things over with Lizzie. It was only a couple of weeks after he had told Derrick and Dickie, but it had started already. The gossip had started among the wives, and it was only a matter of time before one of them raised it with her. It would be ‘ ... for her own good... ‘ of course, but some of his brother-in-law’s wives were Class A bitches and could be counted on to screw things up royally. Noreen had already made a bunch of snide comments to him and asked what he...

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Princess The Stud Ch 05

Lila stepped out of the car and onto the curb of the now familiar street. The parting smile she gave the driver turned into a delighted grin as she realized Michael was home already! He had been working late most of this week and she’d had to wait for him the last few nights. Not that she minded. She’d been given a key after their second date and she made herself welcome. She’d even tried a few recipes the cook had given her the last few nights. Tonight was his turn. It was amazing how much...

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Son Showed A Glow Of Sex 8211 Part 1

Hi..! I’m new to This site… Let me introduce myself. I’m ramya.. I’m from Hyderabad. I’m 5.2feet. I am white in complexion and have long hair till my ass. My size is 36-34-36 I’m 36 now.. I got married when I was just 14. My husband is 32 that time .at that small age I don’t know anything about sex.. He used me like a doll in his bedroom… I can’t bear the pain… He uses to give.. He have a cock only up to 4.5″ But at my 14th age that is a rod… As the time passes I became pregnant when I was 15…...

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The Chameleon 6

Author's note : For all the readers who have been reading my story, please know that I'm sorry I haven't poseted a story more than a month. But here is the new chapter. It is my humble request to please let me know what you think about the story by leaving reviews/comments. I'd really appreaciate it. CHAPTER 6 Her body couldn't move. She froze at the sight of the person approaching her. The real Ivy hasn't seen her doppelganger yet. Max had promised he wouldn't take her face and...

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A Dark and Stormy KnightChapter 3

Gavin managed to slip the two of them out of town and deep into a patch of woods to the west. Nadia was horrified at how easily he knocked out the gate guards with a simple word of the harsh speech, both men slumping to the ground as if they had been struck with clubs. They traveled through the night and came to a small farmstead in the wee hours. Gavin spoke a few moments of killing the inhabitants and resting here for a while. However, he noted that there may well be more than he could...

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Randi Mosi Ki Chudai 8211 Part 4 Monisha Ke Saath 8211 Part 2

Hi to all the ISS readers.This is me again.Through this story I would like to bring to your knowledge the sex relationship between me,sarita(my mosi) and monisha(my girlfriend). After the first encounter we three were having regular sex encounters.This story is about one such encounter. Let me start by introducing the characters of the story.First let me introduce myself.My name is Arvind. I m 19 years old and I live in chennai.I m 6ft tall with a good athletic body enough, to please any horny...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 207

Compliments of joevsr‎ When a Military Man dies, we shoot all night. When a Drunkard dies, we drink all night, When a Christian dies, we pray all night, When a Musician dies, we sing all night. I would love to attend a Prostitutes funeral!!! ✧ ✧ ✧ Say Thanks to Connaught these two!‎ ✧ ✧ ✧ Jewish husband and wife were having dinner at a very fine restaurant when this absolutely stunning young woman comes over to their table, gives the husband a big open mouthed kiss, then says she’ll...

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Nice Niece 2

Claire and I stood hand in hand looking at the door where Claire’s mom had barged out, furious, cutting a mother daughter tie. I was in a whirling fog. What will happen now. Claire was so young and we had melded in a passionate fury. Was I at fault or did Claire know what was at stake ? Claire turned to me a gently hugged me, crying. “It’s ok Claire.” “I’ve put you in a messy situation. I’m so sorry!” “We’ll make the best of it. Your mom will calm down.” Claire was frightened of her own...

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Jamaican Lullaby

Laura and I had arrived in Jamaica only four hours before. We hadn’t been ballsy enough to bring our own pot and decided that we needed to look for some. As everyone knows, the island is swimming in the stuff and we didn’t think there would be any problem.Laura and I showered and she put on a beautiful sundress. It was all white and you could see her body perfectly underneath the material. She looked stunning and I couldn’t stop staring her down.We went downtown to experience the nightlife of...

Group Sex
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Shock and Awe0

By co-authors Phyllisroger It was long ago or was it yesterday. Finally, after a long day it was time for some rest and recreation…heavy on “recreation.” My home was empty except for me and my favorite large dog. I was feeling randy. When the air came through the open door I could tell. My cunt was wet and the air cooled me, only making me more hot and ready to go upstairs with Duke…my large black lab. OMG, we were a team and we joined…as in joined…together for fun whenever we had the...

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School Junior Ne Diye Maze Office Join Karke Aur Meri Girlfriend Banke

Hi, mai delhi ka rehne wala hu ye story nahi real life incident hai jo aaj mai share karne ja raha hu. Ye incident sirf ya to mai janta hu aur wo ladki ki humne kaise maze lete the pyar ke office me, aur aaj ye story padne ke baad aap sab bhi jaan jayenge jab do pyar karne wale pyar karte hai wo kaisi feeling hoti hai au kaise har moment enjoy karna chahiye Chalo ab sex story pe aata hu zyada time na waste karte hue. Mene graduation karke ek job ki 2 saal lekin humesha se muje apna kaam karne...

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Love At First Sight0

It was a cold winter night. I had been walking outside for about two hours dodging police cars and traveling in the shadows. My buddy Rick said that the house was on 27 Kinley St. , I looked on my map, Kinley st. was a block away. A scary, deep masculine voice sounded in the quiet. "Finally, almost there." It was my voice, the sound of somebody who had been unjustly imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, the sound of somebody who was about to commit a real crime, and this time he would...

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Dads Best Friend

My name is Krystal. I was seventeen my last birthday. I’m five foot seven and have an average body. I have always thought of myself of the kind of girl that would never find her dream guy, but one night changed everything.As I lie in my bed, I hear someone come into my room and quietly shut the door behind them. I slowly open my eyes to look around, scared of who it may be. When my eyes adjust I am utterly shocked to see my dad’s best childhood friend, Mike, standing in front of the closed...

Straight Sex
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High School Dilemma Part 2

From: fundipity: [email protected] Subject: High School Dilemma Part 2 (TG) Story written in 2001 High School Dilemma Part Two (final chapter to follow) By Lauren Westley Jimmy told me to get him a beer. As I turned to go to the kitchen Sean called out that I was to curtsy and say, "Yes Sir," when a man was talking to me. I turned back to Jimmy and curtsied saying, "Yes Sir." But, again Sean called out and reminded me that a proper curtsy was with my...

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Freaky Fantastic Fourth part 4 the finale

(The Fantastic Four are owned by Marvel Comics.) (The 'Fourth Of July' villains (a.k.a. the Telekinetic Trio)are created and owned by the author.) A Freaky Fantastic Fourth A Fantastic Four adventure told in four parts! Written, Directed and Edited by Caleb Jones Part Four The Fantastic Finale! Previously, in Freaky Fantastic Four... The Fantastic Four were called into action once again! While fighting their latest foes, one of the 'Fourth of July'...

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Thunder and LighteningChapter 14

Life had settled into a comfortable pattern for Jerry. When the weather had turned cold, he had purchased an electric heater that kept the living room warm enough to be comfortable. He was driving the Camaro to work, to the therapist, and on errands. Mondays were spent working on his truck and the bodywork was nearly finished. The only real major work to be finished was to paint it and to replace the bed of the truck. It was beginning to get a little too cold to work on it, but he felt...

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Making the Teacher

Like every red-blooded American boy, I had a fantasy about having sex with a favorite teacher. I fell in lust with my Spanish teacher, Miss Carlson, the first time I saw her. It was her second year as a teacher, she told us that the first day of class, so she couldn’t have been more than twenty-three or twenty-four. She was a real fox. Today she would be called a hottie, but back in the 70’s, she was a fox. It was the time when short skirts were in and Miss Carlson wore hers a lot shorter than...

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Wanting to be a girl

When I was thirteen, I took it a big step further. I had already been masturbating for months thinking about the time I could completely dress up in some of my moms slutty clothes she wore out with my stepdad. One summer day, when I thought it was safe, I put my fantasy into action. When both my mom and stepdad left for work, I sneaked into their bedroom to dress up. The first thing I looked for was some sexy panties. What I found was a jackpot of thongs. I chose to wear a cute black...

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KinkySpa Abella Danger Horny Masseuse Massages The Steele

Abella Danger is working as a masseuse on the side to pay the bills, but while on her way to another appointment her car breaks down. Hoofing it all the way to his home, her client Lexington Steele waits outside, annoyed at her tardiness. Once he lays eyes on his gorgeous masseuse in her tight yoga pants that accentuates her nice ass however, all he can think about is how tight her Latina pussy must be. Abella makes it up to Lex, paying special attention to his inner thigh area as she strokes...


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