My Fiancee Takes Her Coffee Just Like She Takes He
- 4 years ago
- 21
- 0
Well the wedding is finally over. Tina and I are going
on a well planned, but short honeymoon. We aren’t going
to far from home as she is in her eighth month and could
deliver anytime now.
But it’s so good to finally be married to the love of
my life for so many years. Finally I’ll be able to have sex
with the woman of my dreams. Well not right away. You see
the doctor told her that intercourse is out until about 60
to 90 days after the baby is born. Oh, well. I’ve waited
this long, what’s a few more months?
The doctor did say it was okay for me to perform oral
sex on her. So I’ll be performing the same type of sex
I’ve had with her since we began dating and became serious
with each other.
Tina and I have been dating for the last five years. We
had known each other in high school, but we were more
friends than lovers then.
I tried to make her feel for me as I felt about her
back then, but, she insisted we remain friends. After
College I returned home and she and I became closer
friends, then an item. We became serious and then lovers,
but she still wasn’t ready for marriage. She said she
wanted to be sure I was.
I did everything I could to prove to her that I would love
and cherish her, but to no avail, she chose to keep on
dating and for us to remain lovers.
“Tim, I want to be truly sure you’re in love with me
before we get married. I know you love me and I know I
love you. Let’s continue to maintain our relationship
until I’m sure we’re both ready.” Tina said kissing me
before we went out on our date for the evening.
As we drove, I couldn’t keep from glancing at the very
short mini skirt she was wearing tonight. Her blouse was
extremely sheer and she wore no bra. I wondered if her
size 38C endowments would be safely constrained by the
thin fabric. Luckily, there were opaque patches at
strategic places to hide her nipples.
That night I dropped her off at Steve’s apartment.
There were several cars parked out front of the duplex.
Two nights ago I dropped her off at Bob’s apartment.
I suspected he was at Steve’s place tonight also.
“Tim, I’d like for you to walk me to the door this
time and maybe come in for a moment or two before you go
back to my place.”
“P-Please Tina, you know the guys are going to rib me
about you being there with them. Y-You know I haven’t got
over the time you were in the back and they pulled a train
on you while they kept me occupied upfront. Later they
sent me back to get you when they had their fill of you.”
I moaned pathetically in reply.
“You haven’t gotten over that yet? Why that’s been
over four years ago. Tim, you’re just going to have to
grow up and accept that I like to party and be friendly
around the fellows from high school and their friends. It
wasn’t planned to be a sex thing then. It just happened.
It seemed like the right thing for me to do at the time.
They were so horny and their horniness caused me to be
horny too. So I gave them all some. They have their needs
and if I’m in the mood and able to help them out, I do so.
Besides darling, you know I always go home with you, or
come home to you after they’ve borrowed my cunt. If I
didn’t love you I wouldn’t come home at all, especially
after they’ve partially satisfied me and gotten the
hardness out of their cocks. You know you’re the only man
that can really satisfy me after I’ve come in from partying
all night. I really am in love with you, and especially
your tongue. You eat me out so heavenly. No man has made
me feel like you do Tim darling. I feel like I’m floating
out of this world when you put your head between my legs
and lap and suck out all the juices other fellows shoot off
in me.”
“T-Tina please. W-we’ve gone over all this before. Y-You
know I want to please you so much. That’s the only reason
I-I do you… when you come back all messy, drippy and
full of their stuff…, b-but can’t you consider
“No! I’ve told you before that I think it’s romantic
and sexy when you suck my pussy after I’ve been out with
other men. Men with big dicks, I might add.” She said
with a smirk.
I cringed as usual when she does that to me.
“I’m sorry Tim darling. I was wrong. That was unfair.
Even though you’re small, your heart is in the right place.
I know you really love me. I know these guys in there just
love to fuck me, and I guess I love for them doing that
darling. But you see, it’s just sex with them. But with
you it’s always very special. It’s love and sex. That’s
why I haven’t let you put it in yet. If I give you some
and not be married to you, you’d probably take me for
granite and even lose respect for me.”
I truly love Tina even though many would say she is
nothing more than a gutter slut.
Her mother adores me and strongly encourages me to keep
holding on for her daughter. She urges me to persevere and
be patient as I wait to be her husband one day. However,
her family also supports her being the free spirit she is
and for me to love her in the way she desires me to. To my
chagrin, Tina doesn’t keep it a secret that I suck her
pussy, and especially after she’s been fucked by one of
her many lovers or strangers.
However, something her mom said did upset me.
“Tim you’ll make a wonderful and dutiful husband for
Tina, even know you’ll probably never be the real man in
her life.”
Her words hurt, but I respect her to have her own
The other sad thing is that my family also loves Tina.
My mother and father think she’ll make the perfect wife for
“Dear, I love your father, just as Tina loves you. I
know how she feels. I love to go out and party with other
men too. You’ve know that now that you’re of age. You
also know that you are your father’s child while your
sister’s father was one of my lover’s. Dear, like your
father, you need a slut for a wife. You won’t be happy
with out having slut pussy to suck. From what Tina tells
me, you suck just as good as your father. You are
definitely a chip off the old block.”
As can be seen, Mother was very supportive of me eating
other men’s cum from Tina’s well fucked cunt. Because of
mom, Tina started requiring me to do an around the world
on her with my lips and tongue after she gets ganbanged,
which is about once a week.
I tell you, I’ve licked and sucked a boat load of other
men’s jism out of her luscious pussy, off tits, belly,
thighs, ass, and off her face. She thoroughly likes
me to wash her face with my tongue when men splatter her
face with their thick gluey semen. She also adores kissing
me when her mouth is coated with some man’s, or men’s,
gooey dick slime.
Mother has repeatedly told me women like she and Tina
like two things in a man. Those with big dicks and the
other that has a good tongue and isn’t afraid to use it to
show the woman he loves, he truly loves her.
“You see son, you and your father are in the second
class. The pussy eating class. That’s how you take care
of women the best, and of course to do it up right will
require you to eat cum, other men’s cum, that is from those
with the big dicks, from her cunt. To me that’s the
highest expression of love you can show your woman when
you, as a pussy eating class male, does that for your
woman. Just remember, most women can always find men to
fuck them, it’s the pussy sucking class, like you that are
indeed a treasure for women and are thought highly of.”
In one way or the other mother’s words have been repeated
to me in different ways many times. However, for some
reason, I don’t feel held in high esteem or treasured
by my fiancee. I seem to be in the pits more often than
I really don’t know how I got into this thing of sucking
out Tina’s sloppy slimy pussy.
If memory serves me right, it was when Tina disappeared
at a Christmas party one evening, and I later found her
in a closet in one of the bed rooms of the house where
the party was held. She had let three men, one right after
the other, bone her standing up in the tight confines of
the closet.
It was my misfortune to arrive just after the last man
had busted his nuts and passed me after walking out of the
small closet as he was adjusting his clothes. He whispered
as he walked past me. “There’s a hot slut in the closet. I
just fucked her as well as 2 other guys. She’s sloppy, but
definitely a good fuck.”
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened the closet. It was
such a shock to discover that the slut he’d referred to
was my Tina. Secondly, there was a heavy stream of jism
running down the inside of Tina’s thighs. There was a
stream of pussy juice beginning to run down the inside of
her thighs toward the top of her nylons.
“Tim darling, I’m so glad to see you. I could use some
help here.” She said in more of a matter-of-fact tone,
than one of being surprised to see me. I was alarmed
at her apparent lack of shame.
Just then I heard more voices coming into the bedroom,
which had the many guest’s coats on the bed. I quickly
closed the closet door and dropped a blanket across the
bottom of it to keep the closet light from reflecting out
along the bottom. Why I thought of that, I’ll never know.
The closet was a walk in type and apparently was used
for linen and blanket storage.
Now my attention was back on Tina and her predicament,
which she quickly turned around into my predicament. She’s
so canny about doing that to me. This is how she did it.
“Tim I can understand you being upset because those
fellows big cocks got me turned on. But now I got all this
cum in me that needs to be cleaned up. We got three
options. One I can use something in this closet to wipe it
up. I don’t like that because I respect the host too much
to mess up their bed linens and towels to do that. Two, I
can walk out of here and others will see me all a mess and
we both will be embarrassed. Your high class college
friends will not think highly of you, including your
religious upright boss, if they see me this way. Do you
want that?”
“N-No, of course not. W-What is the third option. You’d
better hurry, his thick semen has almost reached the top
of your stockings.” I said in a whispered panicky tone.
“That you clean it up with your mouth.”
“S-Stop kidding Tina. I-I am not about…”
“You cleaned your sister’s cunt out several times when
her dates rubber busted. She told me. You’re no stranger
to eating cum, so don’t play naive with me darling. In
fact it was your mother who insisted you do it for her. I
also know your father also did it for her and does it
routinely for your mom after she’s been out with her
lovers. I know about your mom fucking around.”
Her words were like a series of lighting bolts. I knew
I looked sick. Why did my sister tell her about our
family’s dirty laundry?
To make a long story short, I was coerced into eating
her cream pie and cleaning up the evidence of her
closet fuck session.
When I got home that night – this was before Tina and
I moved in together – I let mom know about sis being a
blabbermouth. To my surprise, mom didn’t react the way I
thought she would. I really wanted sis to be on the
receiving end of mom’s wrath, at least once. I thought sure
this was going to be it. Instead, she simply asked me,
“Did you do a good job of cleaning her up with your tongue?
Did you swallow all of the fuck juices?”
I was stunned and speechless. Seeing my slowness to
reply, she went on to let me know that she had expected
this to happen sometime or the other and is the reason that
she had me in training on my sister’s jism filled cunt.
She also revealed that my sister was on the pill and it was
a ruse about the ruptured condom. “I wanted you to be
trained in sucking pussy as well as sucking pussy with a
purpose in mind, which is what happened to you tonight. It
appeared your training came in quite handy and should also
show Tina that you have a quality and skill that will
endear her to you.”
I was spellbound as she talked. I had to sit down.
As I’ve said before, I don’t know why I love Tina so much,
that is, in view of the way she treats me. Each time I get
fed up with her antics and tricks and decide to walk away
from her, it seems I just fall deeper in love with her
and usually get more humiliated.
I’m really puzzled about that too.
One thing that’s kept my sanity about this whole thing
is the counseling that Tina’s uncle, who’s a shrink, gives
to us free.
He invites us both to come in every three months or so
to help us with our relationship. I’m really thankful for
his help, otherwise I believe I’d gone insane by now
because of her.
He’s been so helpful in causing me to see Tina’s
problems and helping her in dealing with them. The only
problem is that it seems I keep letting him talk me into
staying with her and being a part of his schemes to wean
herself away from her sluttish behavior.
He has been helping us for five years. Each time we
go in to see him, he seems to have good reasons why she
does what she does, but no criticism for what she does,
like I often do. Even though he sees her trampish behavior
as her searching for something or the other, there is never
any condemnation of it.
In the end, it seems as if things remain the same and
I feel better about having gone to the session. That’s the
real part that’s a mystery to me, even though he’s
explained that to me also. However, it seems as soon as I
walk away from him I can’t explain it to myself or anybody
else for that matter.
The other thing is his having separate interviews with
us after our main session in which the three of us meet.
It is in his session with me where I feel more at ease and
good about my relationship with Tina, even though I know
it’s a humiliating situation for me. He often has me listen
to some recoded music on headphones for about an hour as I
lay on a divan in this absolutely quiet room he has in his
office complex. It’s so well insulated that you can’t hear
a thing from the outside.
To make matters worse, it appears that Tina always
manages to get laid by someone while I’m in the room
listening to the soothing music her uncle has for me to
The problem is that I often seem to fall asleep doing
these sessions and when I awake, she comes in and tells me
she has met somebody in the office building and had a
quickie with them and now needs some of my mouth treatment
she adores so much.
For some reason, it seems I have no will to refuse her
and end up slavishly yielding to her even though I should
be running away. It seems I always leave her uncle’s
office with the taste of her and some unknown man’s fuck
slop in my mouth and the smell on my breath.
Well now that we’re finally married and she’s wearing
my name, even though she’s carrying another man’s baby, I’m
hopeful that marriage and motherhood will wean her away
from her promiscuous ways.
Tina’s uncle didn’t provide me much consolation by his
take on things.
“Tim, it’s amazing what marriage can do for a wayward
woman like my niece. It can help her get over letting
other men sew their wild oats in her. The good part of it
all is that no matter how long it takes, or how many of the
sown oats turn into babies, you, her faithful husband, will
be by her side, and of course, we expect you to be a good
daddy to those kids.”
His wedding present to me was a CD, which he told me
to listen to daily. It’s labeled “Being A Happy Husband”.
Tina’s uncle seems to have a hold or influence over me
I can’t quite explain. It’s almost hypnotic at times. It
seems that I just have to do what he tells me to.
Oh well, maybe it’s just me. Anyway, on the CD, there
are several lectures or chapters by him and others that are
suppose to give encouragement to husbands who have wives
like Tina.
There are chapters with such titles as: -Living With A
Wife That Puts Out For Many, But Who Encourages You,
Her Husband To Jack Off.
-Sucking Up After Others, A Definitive Guide For Husbands
Whose Wives Need Them To Perform Slimy Cunnilingus After
Other Men Have Fucked Her
-Being A Cuckold Does Not Mean Being Humiliated
The father of our baby, was one of Tina’s old
boyfriends. Tina wasn’t sure before the baby being born.
His name was Gregory and the baby’s face is a spitting
image of him. Tina insisted we name our son Greg. I
wasn’t thrilled with the idea, but as is often the case, I
can’t seem to stop giving in to what Tina wants, or going
along with her ideas and suggestions, when I know I don’t
want to do them, or go along with her.
I’ve grown fond of our baby son and realize his
innocence in all this, so I’m being the good daddy. My
wife and both our families are pleased at my behavior.
Even Gregory, the baby’s father, compliments me. The bad
part of it is that he does it when he comes by to take Tina
out on dates, while I’m home baby-sitting little Greg.
I was of course opposed to Tina going out with her old
flame, the sire of our child. However, both my new wife
and her uncle, quickly let me know I was being repressive
and overly possessive as a husband. Again, I was
overwhelmed by their desire for me to not refuse her. And
again, I found myself with no will to resist. I
However, I must say I did manage to save face by
winning a concession from my wife and her old boyfriend.
“Okay Tim, I promise that I won’t let more than five
men, other than me, fuck your wife if she gets the urge for
a gang bang.” Gregory said as he reached out to shake my
hand. I reluctantly shook his much larger one, which hurt
as he almost crushed mine.
Tina also promised too, but added a condition that
probably was already understood.
“Honey, it makes me feel good for you to put limits on
me. I know you mean well and it tells me you do it because
you love me. However, at the same time, I still need you
to show your love for me and my wet pussy when I come
Embarrassed at her unexpected openness, I meekly, and
while blushing a very deep red in front of her, her uncle
and mother, as well as Gregory, I promised that I would
suck her “wet used” pussy nevertheless.
“You’re so sweet and just a perfect understanding
husband.”” My new wife said as she planted a kiss on my
cheek just before she and Gregory left on their night out.
“Tim, Tina is more outgoing than you. That’s her
natural personality. She brought that into the marriage.
You on the other hand are an introvert, and not very
outgoing. That’s your personality and what you brought
into this marital partnership. Your role is ideal to be the
one to stay at home, while she goes out. Your wife will be
at ease knowing that your child is being well taken care of
as she enjoys herself dancing and drinking the night away.
Also, by her temporarily getting away from the bonds of
marital life for a short time, it’ll renew her bond with
you and the marriage. And as far as her going out with
little Greg’s real father, you should be comforted that
she’ll be with someone we’re all close with.”
I looked at her uncle with a bewildered and speechless
look as he consoled and reassured me I had done the right
thing. However, his fleet-of-foot talking was dazzling,
not so much from its strange logic, as it’s unbelievable
and brazen disregard for the sanctity of marriage and the
traditional role of a husband.
Oh well, They say marriage is give and take, but it
seems like I’m having to give up much of my esteem as a
man, and take a lot of humiliation as a husband.
When I lament about “my perceived situation” – my wife’s
and uncle’s words – they encourage me to listen to her
Uncle’s CD. They direct me to the chapter on: “Your Self
Esteem Is At its Highest When You Kneel And Place Your
Head In Your Wife’s Crotch When She Comes Home From A Date
With Another Man”.
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After the wedding everything went good for a while even though the sex was lacking I thought everything would be ok, that I had gotten away with what I had done and everything would be behind me now. It had been 2 months since we were married it was august now and the honeymoon was over.My fiancee started traveling again and I was left alone a lot of times, which I knew I would be before we were married. Leon had not tried to contact me so I thought everything was good and he kept his word. As...
As we stood by the car my body was trembling I begged for Leon to stop but no matter how hard I tried to get him to stop the more persistant he became, I think he knew he intimidated me and eventually he would get his way his dirty talk and vulgarness continued. Leon said now look bitch if you do what I say then I will leave you alone and you and your little white boy can get married and be happy, besides he fired me and now im going to fuck his little girlfriend again to get even.Finally...
After the wedding everything went good for a while even though the sex was lacking I thought everything would be ok, that I had gotten away with what I had done and everything would be behind me now. It had been 2 months since we were married it was august now and the honeymoon was over. My fiancee started traveling again and I was left alone a lot of times, which I knew I would be before we were married. Leon had not tried to contact me so I thought everything was good and he kept his word. As...
InterracialAs we stood by the car my body was trembling I begged for Leon to stop but no matter how hard I tried to get him to stop the more persistant he became, I think he knew he intimidated me and eventually he would get his way his dirty talk and vulgarness continued. Leon said now look bitch if you do what I say then I will leave you alone and you and your little white boy can get married and be happy, besides he fired me and now im going to fuck his little girlfriend again to get even. Finally...
Erotic FictionTim wakes up early, realizing he is still holding Abbie on his chest. He rubs Abbie’s back and works his way down to massage her ass cheeks. He realizes with the two spankings of Abbie’s bottom, he is getting very attracted to doing that when needed. The feel of Abbie’s ass cheeks, its softness, and yes, even how it glows when spanking it. Tim feels the heat emanating from her bum after the previous night’s punishment.Waiting for Abbie to wake, he thinks over how different things are going...
TransIt had been several weeks since Tim's sexual encounter with his mother. It had started with a legitimate enema for Tim's upset stomach and had ended with a day of fucking and sucking that Tim would remember for the rest of his life. It was by far the best experience that the fourteen years old boy had had to date. No matter what Tim said. No amount of shameless begging. Nothing would change Libby's mind. It was a one time experience that she had thoroughly enjoyed but was so guilt ridden...
Tim had spurted his cum three times already. Once masturbating with his mother's helping hand, then again cumming in his mother's loving mouth and now the third one while sprawled naked on his bed letting his familiar hand stroke his cock to fruitation. As he wiped the slime from his cock and stomach Tim was still hard. He started pulling on his cock again wishing his mother was there to help. As soon as the thought crossed his mind Tim got up and headed towards his mother and father's...
“That’s fine.” Tim says. “Just let me take a shower and get dressed.” She turns and walks out of the room, her face as red as a cherry tomato because she was embarrassed at seeing her dad naked, and what he was doing. Her father has always been very open sexually. When she was growing up, if she was curious about guys, orgasms, dates, condoms, birth control etc. she always went and asked her dad. She didn’t have a woman to ask these questions to since her mom ran out on her and her dad with...
Almost jumping out of his pajamas as well, he removed it within seconds, and instead he put on a new pair of gray underwear, dark blue shorts and a green T-shirt with some funny comic character on the front. He didn’t bother with socks, always preferring to be barefoot during the summer as often as he could. The reason to why he was in such a hurry, was that on the day before this one, was his birthday, and the first thing he had seen when he woke up that day, was this brand new, shiny...
The summer moves along. Grace is now cleaning twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. Tim and Abbie do not see her except at their Thursday dinners. The extraordinary job Grace is doing keeping their house up for them is obvious. The three do leave notes for each other, sometimes about something needing to be done, but more often just small, humorous things for the other’s enjoyment. While Tim enjoys these snippets also, it is really just Abbie and Grace back and forth.Now it’s early July. ...
TransAugust does bring many new things into Abbie and Tim’s life. They would have never imagined that five weeks could hold so much. It started out as told, with a new license for Abbie, a car for Tim, and what got to be part of their regular weekday schedule.It starts with Abbie, seeing that Tim’s hair is getting a bit long and messy, taking things into her own hands. Since meeting Abbie that fateful night after stopping at his barber on the way home, Tim has only had one haircut in June, which...
TransIt was rather minor league what transpired between Abbie and Tim the night before. Something two teens would start at, though today they would have probably gone much farther. For Tim, inexperienced as he is, feeling Abbie’s soft hand on his cock wanking him was heaven. Even if all his contact with her so far has been through her clothing, it is intense. Yes, lingering questions. So many questions, but being with Abbie that way is so good.After everything from the night before, Tim wakes,...
TransSaturday night, after the epic afternoon, Tim and Abbie fall asleep in each other’s arms. The intense sexual release they experienced takes them to a soft and gentle space where they want each other to know how much they care.In a roundabout way, Tim and Abbie did talk about each proclaiming their love for each other. In the end, unspoken, they know now it is a given between them. The gate is unlocked, so going forward, they can proclaim their feeling openly without fear of rejection.What a...
TransSunday morning, Tim and Abbie get started on their day. But not before Abbie peeks out the window one more time. Les appears not to be back yet. She says as much to Tim as they head to the shower. Tim again spanks one of Abbie’s bare cheeks and laughingly tells her to stop being a little spy. But he, in reality, is extremely interested to know the status of things between Les and Phoebe himself.They shower, taking their time to enjoy each other’s attention to the important parts of their...
TransThings are not always rosy between Tim and Abbie. Well, actually, they are still rosy, but in a quite different way sometimes.Things have gone well for a couple of months now, and Abbie has not been across Tim’s lap for discipline. Tim almost thinks that perhaps they are past that stage, until a Tuesday evening in early October.After dinner, Tim goes out to the garage to put washer fluid in Abbie’s car. He notices a dozen bags or more in the trunk and on the backseat. He fills the fluid and...
TransSo let me start at the beginning about an incredible adventure, if you like this I will continue to post. I moved into my block of flats when I was 22, I was a single career minded individual, who managed to buy their first flat. The block was pleasant with 2 flats per floor covering three stories. I soon made friends with my neighbour Debby who was five years older than me very glamorous and her eleven year old son Tim who seemed a sweet but shy boy. Debby and I would meet up on...
Before going forward more, some explanation about Tim’s life and home. It is a rather big house compared to others in the estate. The neighborhood was built after WWII when the area had been bombed out. Around the perimeter of the six-block community, the outer ring is larger, detached homes. Inside the circle, smaller attached homes are the norm. How Tim and his mother ever ended up here, Tim never knew. There had been someone who owned the home before them. Cynthia and Tim moved in 1990...
TransTim always viewed himself as an outsider. He felt everyone viewed him as a bastard in school for not having a father and wanted nothing to do with him. In truth, except for one day in school when he was about seven, no one ever thought about that at all. That day was when the children were asked to say what their fathers did. When it came to Tim’s turn, he blurted out that he didn’t know as he did not have a father. The children giggled some, and at the break, one boy did ask Tim if he was...
TransMonday morning, Tim wakes up, still resting on Abbie’s boob. He so wants to wake her to take things a little further, but he also notices the time. He does need to sprint home in time to get showered and dressed for work. Tim leaves a note saying he will see Abbie on the bus shortly and quietly leaves so Abbie can sleep the extra half hour.He is at his stop on time and enters the bus to join Abbie at ‘their seat’ as he thinks of it now. Tim so wants to take Abbie in his arms and kiss her...
TransSpring came upon them as a soft, warm breeze. Offering delights for all. For some special ones, sexual enchantments also, which they share with ones they love. Open windows to let the gentle wind in does lead to libidos charging. Morning moans fill the air in concert with the birds chirping.It is a couple of weeks since the evening visit from Abe. Abbie and Tim are getting into a nice routine for work and play. They have kept to themselves a good deal, but that is what happens at the...
TransIn the bedroom, Abbie, just turning thirty and starting to be unsure if still desired, finishes applying the last of the makeup. The lips, always the last. Starting with the brows, then mascara, the eyeshadow, eyeliner. Down to the powder and blush. Abbie really wishes didn’t need as much as that, but it is necessary to create the allusion. And now that the lipstick is added as the finishing touch, steps into the rather short dress, well mid-thigh, low neck to show off the new firm breasts...
TransBy mid-August, Abbie and Tim are settled into their new home and lives. It is incredible how far they had come since that night last April when they met for the first time. Four months for so many changes, and all so positive to happen. Let alone that it just feels like how it should be.The house looks wonderful, thanks to Grace’s diligence. The yard and garden now a showplace which they both like to work in. Finding new interests together and learning more and more about each other’s past...
TransSuddenly, such freedom is opened to Tim and Abbie. No longer shackled to public transportation, they have extra time in the morning to begin their day. Time for them to spend on some morning enjoyment. Whether in the bed, bath, or shower. All made possible by now having a car of their own.Neither has ever owned their own car. Tim has his license, thanks to Leslie. When he was sixteen, she taught him to drive using her car and urged him to get a license. She told Tim, congratulating him...
TransTim wakes up Thursday morning, so rested, considering the few hours of sleep he had. Then his mind takes over and reminds him of what happened yesterday. He is a bit sore from all the physical labor he did, but remembering last night with Abbie sends shudders through him.He wants a sexual and loving relationship with Abbie. Both of them equals, well actually her leading him down this new undiscovered path they find themselves on. Now he is supposed to be the one in control, be her ‘daddy’...
TransLast night was mind-blowing to Tim. Never would he imagined the feelings he had. Abbie’s fingers on his cock would be like. And him just brushing at her through her dress. Not anything he had experienced before. It is a lot to comprehend and adjust to, but he wants to so much.After that encounter, Tim wakes up refreshed and eager on Monday morning for the day ahead. On waking, he has a hard-on, and he knows the cause. For the last three days, he feels like he has been in a perpetual...
TransThe characters in this story were first introduced in a series called “Well, we did it again!” parts 1-5. This rendezvous occurred after part 4 of the mentioned series. This story was re-written to stand alone but reading the other series first will help the reader with some context. It's Sunday morning, the wife has gone to church to pray for my soul. Course she wouldn’t have to save my soul, if she’d just spread her legs a couple times a month! When my wife hit her 60th birthday the...
Climbing on the bus Tuesday morning, Tim is delighted to see Abbie sitting there. He hurries to the seat next to her, being the one to kiss her good morning first today. “Thank you for last night,” he tells her in a low voice. Abbie smiles in return.The ride to work is too short. It seems to Tim to be too soon when he must leave Abbie. With a quick kiss goodbye and promises to text during the day, he makes his departure. Knowing now how close Abbie is to him during the day, only a few...
TransAt four in the afternoon, Tim picks Abbie up from work, and they head home to get ready for the reception starting at seven. They have plenty of time as the festivities will be in the atrium at Microga Headquarters, where Tim works. A short drive back to it.Abbie is still a bit hesitant about the reception and what kind of acceptance her entrance with Tim will make. She tells herself to put aside her worries and support the man she loves fully. She knows they will have to come out together...
TransMonday mornings always seem to come too soon. After the busy weekend working in the yard and taking the time to play, it seemed to arrive even sooner. Tim and Abbie wake to return to the work world. They are a bit sore from spending most of Sunday outside cleaning the front yard, cutting the grass, and getting some plants from Les to begin their renovations. Not to mention the breaks they took for mutual enjoyment.Both are starting nice tans from being out in the sun. Tim’s face is already...
Trans‘Amy,’ called Mum, ‘your aunt and uncle are here.’ I dashed into the hall and opened the door. Pam kissed me on the cheek saying, ‘Hi, Amy,’ then went through to the kitchen where Mum was putting the kettle on. Tim stepped into the hall carrying two heavy-looking overnight bags, and I led him straight up the stairs to the guest room. ‘It’s good to see you, Uncle Tim.’ ‘You too, kid. How’s it feel without Sally?’ ‘Weird. She calls and stuff, and we Facebook a couple of times a week, but it’s...
Wednesday night, Abbie and Tim sleep very well in their sizeable new bed. They cuddle together in the center. Tim is learning to enjoy Abbie’s back, pressing against his chest and other parts as his arms hold her to him. Waking to smell Abbie’s hair, and then more of her lovely scent. Thursday, they take their time rising, as it is a day off, and neither needs to rush to work. The morning play is extended some too. Tim, going down under the sheets to finger, lick, and pleasure Abbie. His...
TransThe next day can’t pass quickly enough for Tim. He goes through his closet, trying to decide on what to wear. In the end, he puts on khakis and a light blue button-down shirt. He leaves a couple open at the neck. He grabs a navy-blue blazer to finish the look.Abbie spends a good deal of time preparing for their date also. Deciding on a nice flower print sleeveless dress, low-neck like all the dresses Abbie wears. Cinching at the waist with a flowing bottom half.Abbie spends time spreading...
TransMonday morning, Matt and Peter speak shortly before work starts about the meeting later that day. They trust Tim and know he will not do anything to jeopardize their jobs. But how much should they tell? Both agree they would see how things go in the meeting and who all is there.At the break at ten, Matt and Peter meet again and hurry to get out of their coveralls. Both wear suits today, at the insistence of Martha and Sarah. They straighten their ties and put on the jackets before heading...
TransSaturday morning shines in on Tim and Abbie as they lay cuddling in each other’s arms. They have been awake for a half-hour or so but are just enjoying this closeness together.Tim finally stirs some and tells Abbie he needs to go back to his house for a while today. Abbie feels like she has had enough of this. “What is at your house so important that you keep having to run to do things at it? Aren’t you happy being here with me?” Abbie more or less whines.Tim comprehends, he has kept...
TransFriday morning, Tim wakes up remembering last night, the smell, the feel, the taste, of Abbie. He enjoyed sucking and playing with Abbie’s ‘big clit’ and plans to experience it again very soon. Sooner than expected even.Smiling to himself, he hears and feels Abbie waking beside him. Tim dives under the sheets and works his way licking and touching until that organ is in his mouth again. Abbie fully awake now, feeling Tim’s mouth sucking her is thrilled that Tim must enjoy this after his...
TransSummer is at its halfway mark. The gardens are blooming to their fullest. The Thursday Bunch, as they have dubbed themselves, are all in a state of bliss. New love for all of them. Enjoying the days before noticing flaws. Totally enamored with their new mate. Time will take some of the stars out of all their eyes. But during this harmonious period, if perfect, it can be the backbone of what is ahead.Tim is involved with getting his new division up and running properly. But he does not...
TransBack home from the coast, it is soon September. Work for Tim and Abbie is fulfilling, as is the time they spend with their new circle of friends. It is a wonderful balance for them all. Since Ruth’s visit to Pathways, she and Phillip Clarke share a meal with Tim and Abbie about once a month.The two do find plenty of time to share pleasures. Tim is learning to enjoy wearing a cock ring that holds his shaft tightly during foreplay and slows down the final release during intercourse. Abbie...
TransAbbie’s hand is firmly around Tim’s shaft, helping it get harder and harder. Tim moves between Abbie’s legs, which are pulled up, so her heels touch her ass. He reaches over into the drawer of the nightstand and takes out the container of lubricant. Tim squeezes some over his glans and shaft.Abbie gasps and is wide-eyed, realizing what Tim intends to do. Tim stares into her eyes as he lifts her legs to be over his shoulders. He leans and kisses her, then pulls back with a questioning look...