Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 297
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‘Amy,’ called Mum, ‘your aunt and uncle are here.’
I dashed into the hall and opened the door. Pam kissed me on the cheek saying, ‘Hi, Amy,’ then went through to the kitchen where Mum was putting the kettle on.
Tim stepped into the hall carrying two heavy-looking overnight bags, and I led him straight up the stairs to the guest room. ‘It’s good to see you, Uncle Tim.’
‘You too, kid. How’s it feel without Sally?’
‘Weird. She calls and stuff, and we Facebook a couple of times a week, but it’s not the same.’
Tim dropped the bags on the bed.
‘Come and have a look what I’ve done with my room now I’ve got it to myself,’ I said.
He followed me across the landing, and I closed the door behind us and sprawled on the bed.
‘Loads of room,’ I said. ‘Come on, try it.’
Tim looked shocked, and I grinned. ‘Nothing to be afraid of,’ I said, patting the bed beside me.
‘OK,’ he said, and sat tentatively on the very edge of the bed.
‘Properly,’ I said, and grabbed his shoulders so that he lost his balance. I playfully pinned him down. ‘I’ve really been looking forward to you visiting. I’ve thought of lots of things we can do.’
I let him get up. ‘I think Mum is planning on taking Aunty Pam Christmas shopping tomorrow, so you’ll be babysitting me. I’ll wind Mum up pretending that I’m annoyed at being treated like a kid, but really it’s going to be fun.’
Tim grinned. ‘I’ll play along and pretend to be a bit reluctant to look after you – I’ll suggest making a jigsaw or something else boring.’
Our charade worked perfectly, and Pam and Mum drove into town after breakfast the next morning. As the car pulled out of the drive, I tugged at Tim’s hand.
‘How about we use the hot tub?’ I said. ‘I’ll get my swimsuit on – you brought trunks like Mum said, right?’
Without waiting for an answer, I skipped up the stairs to my room to change. Tim followed me up and went into the guest room to put on his trunks. By the time he’d finished changing, I was already waiting on the landing in my bright yellow two-piece, leaning nonchalantly against the frame of my bedroom door.
‘Very nice,’ said Tim, glancing at me.
I walked down the stairs, and Tim followed me out to the patio. Steam was already rising from the surface of the hot tub.
‘I made sure it’d be pretty warm,’ I said, climbing in and lowering myself to my neck in the water.
Tim climbed in after me and sat facing me.
‘So how are things, Amy?’ he asked. ‘College going OK?’
‘Really great,’ I said. ‘As soon as the Christmas break is over, I’ll be getting down to some serious revision for my exams.’
‘What’s your main subject?’ he queried.
‘Business studies.’
As I said this, Tim’s expression showed keen interest. ‘Do you think you’ll take it further?’ he asked.
‘Definitely,’ I replied. ‘I’ve already got prospectuses – one course that looks really great is at the uni near you.’
‘Well,’ Tim said, ‘if you need any advice, just ask – you know what I do, right?’
‘Mum says you’ve got some kind of hot-shot job with a big firm.’
Tim smiled. ‘Well, I suppose you could say that. It’s a fairly senior management role, plenty of responsibility.’
I gave him a thoughtful look. ‘Maybe I’ll take you up on your offer, then.’
‘Anyway,’ he grinned, ‘do you want to stay in the tub a little longer, or have you had enough of being in hot water?’
‘It is pretty warm, isn’t it,’ I said. We got out, and walked across the deck to the patio doors, picking up towels from a stack on the way.
I stood in the living room drying my hair, then spread my towel out on the floor and sat on it. Tim sat down beside me, looking into the embers of the log fire Mum had lit to counteract the chill of the winter morning.
Tim said hesitantly, ‘How are you doing without your Dad around? It can’t have been easy when Donald moved out.’
I sighed. ‘No, you’re right. Mum does a great job of looking after me, but I miss Dad – there were things it was easier to talk about with him than with Mum.’
Tim smiled wryly. ‘Well, if it’s any help, you can talk to me about anything at all – and you can trust me not to let anything slip to your Mum.’
I reached out and touched his shoulder. ‘Thanks – I really appreciate that.’
‘Do you have a boyfriend just now?’ asked Tim.
I shook my head. ‘There was one guy, we got pretty close, but he wasn’t really as… thoughtful, I suppose, as I’d hoped he would be.’
I felt myself blushing. ‘You know, when we were together.’
‘I’m really sorry,’ said Tim, touching my hand. ‘I’m sure you’ll find someone who’s more considerate.’
‘Anyway,’ I said, taking a deep breath, ‘I’m getting hungry – I promised Mum I’d make us some sandwiches for lunch.’
‘I could definitely eat something too,’ grinned Tim.
We went through into the kitchen and I occupied myself buttering bread and finding cold meat in the fridge. Tim put the kettle on and made coffee.
When we’d finished lunch, I said, ‘So, you want to have a go at that jigsaw?’
‘Sure,’ he replied. ‘Perhaps we’d better change, it’d feel a bit odd sitting at the dining table in trunks.’
He went upstairs and closed the door on the guest room while he changed. I went into my own room and put on jeans and a t-shirt, then went down to the dining room to start getting the jigsaw pieces out of their box.
We’d spent several hours on the puzzle, and we’d got quite a lot done, when I heard the sound of the car pulling up outside. Mum and Pam came in carrying several bags each.
‘Wow, you’re doing really well with the puzzle,’ said Mum.
I pretended a grudging smile. ‘Yeah, it’s more fun than I thought.’
‘Well, it’ll be OK to leave it on the dining table,’ said Mum. ‘I’ll make us something to eat, and we can have trays on our laps in front of the television. It is the Christmas holiday, after all.’
When we’d eaten, Tim pleaded tiredness – he’d only finished work for Christmas the previous day – and he and Pam went off to bed. Mum and I chatted for a while, then I went up too.
I undressed, and lay in bed thinking over the day. I was a little surprised at how open I’d been with Tim, telling him things that I was certain even Mum didn’t know. But I decided I really did trust him.
I drifted off to sleep wondering how the rest of this Christmas holiday was going to turn out…
At breakfast, we all discussed our plans for the day. I overdid my show of reluctance when Mum mentioned that she and Pam would be out again for the first part of the day. Mum lost her temper a little, and took me out into the porch to talk to me on my own.
‘Now look, young lady, Uncle Tim’s being very thoughtful agreeing to look after you while Pam and I go shopping.’
I made a face, and Mum flared up, leaning over to slap me with the flat of her hand on the seat of my jeans.
We went back into the kitchen and I mumbled an apology. Mum and Pam left, Mum admonishing me on the way out to ‘be good, and do what Uncle Tim tells you.’
As the car drew away, Tim asked, ‘Amy, did Caroline really hit you?’
‘She whacked me on the bum with the flat of her hand,’ I replied. ‘It didn’t really hurt.’
‘OK,’ he said. ‘Perhaps we can stop pretending so hard that we can just about bear one another’s company.’
I grinned. ‘It’s a deal. Now, what shall we do first? The jigsaw can wait till after lunch.’
‘I know something I need to do,’ said Tim seriously. ‘I brought the presents, but I need to wrap them up. I did bring the wrapping paper, though.’
‘Typical man,’ I snorted, ‘leaving it to the last minute. OK, I’ll help.’
‘With one exception,’ Tim smiled. ‘I did get something for you, and I’m sure you want it to be a surprise.’
‘OK – you can d
o that one last. I’ll find scissors and sticky tape.’
I went into the box room that functioned as Mum’s study, and found the tape and scissors. When I got back down to the living room, Tim had fetched the presents from upstairs.
I helped him wrap and stick labels on. ‘Isn’t there anything else?’ I asked. ‘What about Mum and Pam?’
Tim grinned. ‘These,’ he said, holding up two ordinary-looking envelopes.
‘Well,’ I said, ‘I’d always heard that the smaller the package, the more expensive the gift.’
‘You’re not wrong there,’ he said, ‘but they’re worth it. Do you want to know?’
I thought for a moment. ‘No, that’s OK – then I can really look as surprised as they do.’
‘Very wise,’ said Tim. ‘Now, yours is the only one left that needs wrapping, so shoo! And no peeking.’
I went out to the kitchen and sat at the table listening to the sound of paper rustling and sticky tape being unrolled from its spool.
‘OK, you can come back now,’ called Tim. He handed me a small, neatly-wrapped flat package. ‘You can shake it, but I don’t think it’ll tell you anything.’
I handed it back with a grin. ‘OK – put it under the tree with the others.’
I leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. ‘And thanks.’
‘I’ll expect the same again when you open it,’ he teased. ‘Now, what about lunch?’
Again we had sandwiches, and afterwards we settled down at the dining table to work on the jigsaw.
‘I think we can finish it by the end of tomorrow,’ I said after a couple of hours.
Tim nodded. ‘Although we might end up watching the Bond film after Christmas lunch instead.’
Mum and Pam returned half way through the afternoon, full of talk about the Christmas lights, the shops, and the gifts they’d bought, and we chatted until it started going dark. Mum had made a casserole for dinner, then we watched TV till quite late, and went to bed.
The next morning, Pam and Mum immersed themselves in preparations for Christmas lunch, while Tim and I carried on with our jigsaw.
‘When do you think we’ll get some more time alone?’ I asked.
‘Don’t worry, I have a plan,’ Tim said. ‘Just watch.’
When lunch was in hand, Pam and Mum came back into the living room, and Pam said, ‘Now, how about we all open our presents?’
She and Mum opened their presents from Tim, and both glanced at each other with a broad smile.
‘A pamper day – how thoughtful!’ said Mum. ‘And tomorrow, too – I hadn’t thought they’d open on Boxing Day.’
‘Only for these special gift vouchers,’ said Tim, managing to wink at me without Pam or Mum noticing. I winked back, already looking forward to a whole day on our own.
‘What have you got from Tim, Amy?’ asked Mum.
I unwrapped my gift. ‘Wow, the latest Twilight novel! How did you know I was into that?’ I leaned over to kiss Tim on the cheek.
‘We have our methods, Watson,’ he grinned.
We opened the rest of the presents, then sat down at the table and enjoyed the spread. Afterwards, we went back into the living room, Tim sat on one of the sofas, and I bounced playfully on the seat next to him, then virtually into his lap.
‘Don’t hassle your uncle,’ chided Mum, ‘After a meal like that, he probably wants a nap.’
I pouted convincingly, then said, ‘You don’t mind, do you, Uncle Tim?’
‘Of course not,’ he smiled, and gave me a quick hug. I settled down against his shoulder, and Mum shrugged, turning her attention to the Bond film that we’d all seen dozens of times before.
When the film finished, Mum got up and made snacks for us – nobody felt like a substantial meal after the Christmas lunch – and Tim and I ate still in our comfortable position.
‘We’d better go and dig some things out for tomorrow,’ said Pam, and she and Mum went upstairs to find their swimsuits, towels, and whatever they’d need to be ‘pampered’.
While they were out of the room, I snuggled closer to Tim, and he put his arm round me without speaking.
We heard footsteps on the stairs, and sat up. When Pam and Mum re-entered the room, we were both doing our best to look fascinated by the inane ‘review of the year’ show on the TV.
‘Probably time we all went to bed,’ suggested Mum. ‘Pam and I have to be up early to start our day, and I thought you two could take a look at the sales in town.’
‘Sounds great,’ I said. ‘I got some vouchers for Christmas, and I can drag Uncle Tim around the clothes shops while I try stuff on.’
‘I’ll probably end up in the coffee shop after about ten minutes,’ he warned.
Pam nodded. ‘He isn’t great at shopping, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up.’
‘OK,’ I said, ‘but I definitely want to get some new stuff.’
I got up, and tried to do a convincing job of going up the stairs as though I was suddenly bored of the stuffy adults and their lack of enthusiasm for anything a young woman would find interesting.
The next morning, Pam and Mum left for their pamper day just after breakfast, and Tim and I set off to walk into town to see what the sales had to offer.
‘Do you think it would be too conspicuous if we held hands?’ I asked.
‘I don’t have a problem with that,’ replied Tim. ‘If we see someone you know, you can just do the ‘my boring uncle doesn’t think I’m old enough to go off around town by myself’ act.
I grinned, and took his hand. When we reached the main shopping street, I stopped. ‘You won’t really go and sit in the coffee shop, will you?’
‘Of course not,’ he grinned. ‘I have to tell you what I think of the clothes you’re going to try on, don’t I?’
I smiled, and pulled him into the first shop, one of my favourite places to buy clothes. I chose some things that caught my eye, then walked toward the changing rooms.
Tim followed me, waiting outside the cubicle for me to emerge in the different outfits.
He gave his opinion on each – I was surprised that he actually had quite a good sense of what worked and what didn’t – and when I came out in a red dress cut low at the front, he said, ‘Wow – that really suits you. It’d do for a ball or a cocktail party. What do you think?’
I hugged him, being careful not to crease the dress, and smiled. ‘What I think is that I’ll buy it, and see if I can find an occasion we can both go to, so you can admire it properly, with makeup and everything.’
I changed back into my own clothes, and paid for the dress, and soon we were back on the street.
‘Now,’ said Tim, ‘there’s somewhere I want to take you shopping.’ He took my elbow, and guided me toward an expensive jeweller’s. My eyes widened, but I didn’t say anything.
‘Watch this,’ Tim said, as we went into the shop. We were approached by an assistant, and I smiled as the man obviously tried to work out exactly what our relationship was to one another.
‘I’m looking for something special for the young lady as a late Christmas present,’ Tim said. ‘Perhaps something with rubies, to go with a new dress.’
My eyes widened again, but the assistant simply said, ‘If you’ll follow me?’
He led us to a glass display case with some exquisite pieces. ‘Perhaps the lady would like to try this one?’ he said, indicating an elegant necklace with a central ruby and several smaller diamonds.
‘Yes, let’s try it,’ Tim said. The assistant unlocked the case, and carefully handed Tim the necklace. Tim moved behind me, and fastened the necklace around my throat. I looked in the mirror, and smiled.
‘I think that shade will go perfectly with the dress,’ I said. My voice betrayed my anxiety in case I was not playing the right part in the game Tim seemed to have started.
Tim played his final card. ‘Lovely – we’ll take it.’
As the assistant moved to the counter to find a box for the necklace and wrap it, Tim smiled at the look on my face.
‘Are you serious?’ I said, shocked and pleased all at once.
,’ Tim replied. ‘We can tell your mother it’s costume jewellery, but we’ll know.’
‘But the price!’ I said.
He looked straight into my eyes, and said carefully, ‘I promise not to spoil you, but if you’re OK with me getting you one special treat this time around, I’d be really grateful.’
I nodded, not speaking. The assistant returned, and said, ‘If you’ll follow me, sir.’
Tim went with him to the discreet area of the shop where the till was situated, and gave him a black credit card to swipe. Then the assistant handed over my purchase in a small carrier bag with the shop’s logo, and Tim rejoined me.
Back on the street, I said, ‘I thought it would be you who’d give up first, but I’m a little overwhelmed with shopping already.’
Tim chuckled. ‘Just one more stop, then we can go back.’
He led me to a shop which had just recently opened in the town, specialising in lingerie and sexy nightwear. He stopped outside the door, and said, ‘I figure you’ll enjoy treating yourself to some things you can wear under the dress.’
I grinned, and disappeared into the shop. I came back out a short while later with several bags.
‘That didn’t take long,’ Tim said.
‘I’ve looked through their catalogue before,’ I said, ‘and I knew exactly what I would choose if I ever went in there.’
We walked back to the house, and as I closed the door behind us, I said, ‘Can I?’
Tim nodded, knowing what I meant without having to wait for an explanation. I grabbed the bags and walked up the stairs, closing the door of my room behind me.
I undressed, then put on the most sexy of the lingerie I’d bought, enjoying the feel of it against my skin. I carefully slipped on the red dress, then took the velvet box containing the necklace from its small bag. Finally I put on a pair of high-heeled shoes.
I went back down the stairs, calling to Tim, ‘You have to close your eyes.’
I reached the bottom of the stairs and stood in front of him.
‘You can open them now,’ I said.
He opened his eyes, seeing me standing there in high heels, stockings, and the red dress. He glanced at my throat, then saw that I was carrying the velvet box from the jeweller’s in my hand.
‘I wanted you to put it on me like you did before,’ I said.
He complied, opening the box and moving behind me to clasp the necklace round my throat.
He put what he was obviously feeling into words. ‘Amy, you’re beautiful. Even if we hadn’t had the great time we have over the last couple of days, I would be overwhelmed seeing you like this.’
I turned to him, and put my hands over his shoulders. ‘That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you, Tim, it really helps me to know that someone can see me that way. And thank you for the gorgeous gift, too.’
With a feeling almost of regret, I went back upstairs and took off the red dress, hanging it carefully in the wardrobe. I unclasped the necklace and put it back in its velvet box and then in the back of my underwear drawer. I pulled on jeans and t-shirt, then went back downstairs. Tim grinned at the transformation.
We managed a scratch lunch of leftover turkey and vegetables heated in the microwave, then sat and watched a DVD.
As the credits rolled, I heard the sound of the car in the drive, and Tim got up to open the door. Pam and Mum looked relaxed and happy, and Tim hugged Pam as she came through the door.
‘Have you two managed OK?’ Mum asked.
‘I managed to survive the shops, and I think Amy got a few things she liked,’ Tim said.
‘Good. Well, we didn’t think you’d feel like cooking, so we brought pizza.’
‘Perfect!’ I said.
We all sat in the living room and ate pizza out of the boxes, and Mum opened a bottle of wine for us all.
We put the TV on and watched an old film. As the end credits rolled, Pam yawned and said, ‘Tim, you ready for bed?’
Tim nodded. He wished us goodnight and followed Pam up the stairs.
At breakfast, Pam reminded Tim that this was their last full day with us, tomorrow after lunch they’d be driving back.
Mum had asked me to help her with the housework that morning, so I put on some scruffy clothes and tied my hair up.
Just after lunch, the phone rang, and Mum took the call in the dining room. She returned after only a few moments, her face pale, and Pam asked, ‘What’s wrong?’
‘Donald is ill. The hospital have asked me to go to him as soon as possible, and I think you should come too, Pam.’
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TransThe summer moves along. Grace is now cleaning twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. Tim and Abbie do not see her except at their Thursday dinners. The extraordinary job Grace is doing keeping their house up for them is obvious. The three do leave notes for each other, sometimes about something needing to be done, but more often just small, humorous things for the other’s enjoyment. While Tim enjoys these snippets also, it is really just Abbie and Grace back and forth.Now it’s early July. ...
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TransTim wakes up early, realizing he is still holding Abbie on his chest. He rubs Abbie’s back and works his way down to massage her ass cheeks. He realizes with the two spankings of Abbie’s bottom, he is getting very attracted to doing that when needed. The feel of Abbie’s ass cheeks, its softness, and yes, even how it glows when spanking it. Tim feels the heat emanating from her bum after the previous night’s punishment.Waiting for Abbie to wake, he thinks over how different things are going...
TransSaturday night, after the epic afternoon, Tim and Abbie fall asleep in each other’s arms. The intense sexual release they experienced takes them to a soft and gentle space where they want each other to know how much they care.In a roundabout way, Tim and Abbie did talk about each proclaiming their love for each other. In the end, unspoken, they know now it is a given between them. The gate is unlocked, so going forward, they can proclaim their feeling openly without fear of rejection.What a...
TransIn the bedroom, Abbie, just turning thirty and starting to be unsure if still desired, finishes applying the last of the makeup. The lips, always the last. Starting with the brows, then mascara, the eyeshadow, eyeliner. Down to the powder and blush. Abbie really wishes didn’t need as much as that, but it is necessary to create the allusion. And now that the lipstick is added as the finishing touch, steps into the rather short dress, well mid-thigh, low neck to show off the new firm breasts...
TransSunday morning, Tim and Abbie get started on their day. But not before Abbie peeks out the window one more time. Les appears not to be back yet. She says as much to Tim as they head to the shower. Tim again spanks one of Abbie’s bare cheeks and laughingly tells her to stop being a little spy. But he, in reality, is extremely interested to know the status of things between Les and Phoebe himself.They shower, taking their time to enjoy each other’s attention to the important parts of their...
TransSuddenly, such freedom is opened to Tim and Abbie. No longer shackled to public transportation, they have extra time in the morning to begin their day. Time for them to spend on some morning enjoyment. Whether in the bed, bath, or shower. All made possible by now having a car of their own.Neither has ever owned their own car. Tim has his license, thanks to Leslie. When he was sixteen, she taught him to drive using her car and urged him to get a license. She told Tim, congratulating him...
TransTim wakes up Thursday morning, so rested, considering the few hours of sleep he had. Then his mind takes over and reminds him of what happened yesterday. He is a bit sore from all the physical labor he did, but remembering last night with Abbie sends shudders through him.He wants a sexual and loving relationship with Abbie. Both of them equals, well actually her leading him down this new undiscovered path they find themselves on. Now he is supposed to be the one in control, be her ‘daddy’...
TransLast night was mind-blowing to Tim. Never would he imagined the feelings he had. Abbie’s fingers on his cock would be like. And him just brushing at her through her dress. Not anything he had experienced before. It is a lot to comprehend and adjust to, but he wants to so much.After that encounter, Tim wakes up refreshed and eager on Monday morning for the day ahead. On waking, he has a hard-on, and he knows the cause. For the last three days, he feels like he has been in a perpetual...
TransThings are not always rosy between Tim and Abbie. Well, actually, they are still rosy, but in a quite different way sometimes.Things have gone well for a couple of months now, and Abbie has not been across Tim’s lap for discipline. Tim almost thinks that perhaps they are past that stage, until a Tuesday evening in early October.After dinner, Tim goes out to the garage to put washer fluid in Abbie’s car. He notices a dozen bags or more in the trunk and on the backseat. He fills the fluid and...
TransThe characters in this story were first introduced in a series called “Well, we did it again!” parts 1-5. This rendezvous occurred after part 4 of the mentioned series. This story was re-written to stand alone but reading the other series first will help the reader with some context. It's Sunday morning, the wife has gone to church to pray for my soul. Course she wouldn’t have to save my soul, if she’d just spread her legs a couple times a month! When my wife hit her 60th birthday the...
Climbing on the bus Tuesday morning, Tim is delighted to see Abbie sitting there. He hurries to the seat next to her, being the one to kiss her good morning first today. “Thank you for last night,” he tells her in a low voice. Abbie smiles in return.The ride to work is too short. It seems to Tim to be too soon when he must leave Abbie. With a quick kiss goodbye and promises to text during the day, he makes his departure. Knowing now how close Abbie is to him during the day, only a few...
TransAt four in the afternoon, Tim picks Abbie up from work, and they head home to get ready for the reception starting at seven. They have plenty of time as the festivities will be in the atrium at Microga Headquarters, where Tim works. A short drive back to it.Abbie is still a bit hesitant about the reception and what kind of acceptance her entrance with Tim will make. She tells herself to put aside her worries and support the man she loves fully. She knows they will have to come out together...
TransMonday mornings always seem to come too soon. After the busy weekend working in the yard and taking the time to play, it seemed to arrive even sooner. Tim and Abbie wake to return to the work world. They are a bit sore from spending most of Sunday outside cleaning the front yard, cutting the grass, and getting some plants from Les to begin their renovations. Not to mention the breaks they took for mutual enjoyment.Both are starting nice tans from being out in the sun. Tim’s face is already...
TransMonday morning, Tim wakes up, still resting on Abbie’s boob. He so wants to wake her to take things a little further, but he also notices the time. He does need to sprint home in time to get showered and dressed for work. Tim leaves a note saying he will see Abbie on the bus shortly and quietly leaves so Abbie can sleep the extra half hour.He is at his stop on time and enters the bus to join Abbie at ‘their seat’ as he thinks of it now. Tim so wants to take Abbie in his arms and kiss her...
TransThe next day can’t pass quickly enough for Tim. He goes through his closet, trying to decide on what to wear. In the end, he puts on khakis and a light blue button-down shirt. He leaves a couple open at the neck. He grabs a navy-blue blazer to finish the look.Abbie spends a good deal of time preparing for their date also. Deciding on a nice flower print sleeveless dress, low-neck like all the dresses Abbie wears. Cinching at the waist with a flowing bottom half.Abbie spends time spreading...
TransMonday morning, Matt and Peter speak shortly before work starts about the meeting later that day. They trust Tim and know he will not do anything to jeopardize their jobs. But how much should they tell? Both agree they would see how things go in the meeting and who all is there.At the break at ten, Matt and Peter meet again and hurry to get out of their coveralls. Both wear suits today, at the insistence of Martha and Sarah. They straighten their ties and put on the jackets before heading...
TransSpring came upon them as a soft, warm breeze. Offering delights for all. For some special ones, sexual enchantments also, which they share with ones they love. Open windows to let the gentle wind in does lead to libidos charging. Morning moans fill the air in concert with the birds chirping.It is a couple of weeks since the evening visit from Abe. Abbie and Tim are getting into a nice routine for work and play. They have kept to themselves a good deal, but that is what happens at the...
TransSaturday morning shines in on Tim and Abbie as they lay cuddling in each other’s arms. They have been awake for a half-hour or so but are just enjoying this closeness together.Tim finally stirs some and tells Abbie he needs to go back to his house for a while today. Abbie feels like she has had enough of this. “What is at your house so important that you keep having to run to do things at it? Aren’t you happy being here with me?” Abbie more or less whines.Tim comprehends, he has kept...
TransFriday morning, Tim wakes up remembering last night, the smell, the feel, the taste, of Abbie. He enjoyed sucking and playing with Abbie’s ‘big clit’ and plans to experience it again very soon. Sooner than expected even.Smiling to himself, he hears and feels Abbie waking beside him. Tim dives under the sheets and works his way licking and touching until that organ is in his mouth again. Abbie fully awake now, feeling Tim’s mouth sucking her is thrilled that Tim must enjoy this after his...
TransBy mid-August, Abbie and Tim are settled into their new home and lives. It is incredible how far they had come since that night last April when they met for the first time. Four months for so many changes, and all so positive to happen. Let alone that it just feels like how it should be.The house looks wonderful, thanks to Grace’s diligence. The yard and garden now a showplace which they both like to work in. Finding new interests together and learning more and more about each other’s past...
TransUpstairs, Abbie shows just how horny she is. The lust which has been building up in viewing and selecting a car modeled to her precise choices starts her juices churning as she sits on Tim’s lap, feeling his hard cock growing against her crack. Everything is primed for a wonderful scene to unfold.Abbie gets all of Tim’s clothes off him in minutes and then has him settle himself on the bed as she does a slow and seductive striptease for him.You can almost hear the music in the background as...
TransThe car secured from Les, Tim and Abbie’s first stop, with Abbie’s covered face, is to her flat. Tim drops her at the front door and then pulls into the building’s parking lot next to it. Tim had put some boxes in the back of Les’s car before leaving. He carries them into the flat for packing Abbie’s things. By the time Tim reaches the apartment, he can hear Abbie moving around in her bedroom and knows she is ‘putting on her face’ before anything else.Tim chuckles to himself but understands...
TransTim went round to see his friend, Amy one day. Amy knew he was coming, but she said she had just popped down to the shops and wouldn't be long, about fifteen minutes, she said. When he arrived, Amy's mum answered the door. Today being a warm day, she had a very short skirt on and a top with her tits bursting to get out.Tim had always admired Mrs Stevens' sexy body and wondered what she would be like in bed."Hello, Tim," she said. "Amy has just popped out to the shops, but won't be...
First TimeTim wakes about six am the next day. His arms still around Abbie, and she is cuddling up against him. This is a fantastic feeling. Tim has never spent a night with anyone before. He stretches a little and sees the back of Abbie’s lovely neck right below him. Tim doesn’t want to wake Abbie, but can’t resist. He leans and kisses that tender spot at the back of her neck.Abbie stirs in her sleep, and almost a purr comes out of her lips. Tim kisses her again in that place, and Abbie wiggles with...
TransAugust does bring many new things into Abbie and Tim’s life. They would have never imagined that five weeks could hold so much. It started out as told, with a new license for Abbie, a car for Tim, and what got to be part of their regular weekday schedule.It starts with Abbie, seeing that Tim’s hair is getting a bit long and messy, taking things into her own hands. Since meeting Abbie that fateful night after stopping at his barber on the way home, Tim has only had one haircut in June, which...
TransThe next morning I opened my eyes to find Vera on top of Nathan, both still sound asleep. I studied their faces again, trying to find common traits to their features, but quickly found my attention being diverted to Nathan's face by itself as it slept. Something kept tugging the back of my mind, a nagging feeling of familiarity yet I couldn't put my finger on it. I spent the longest time trying to recall ever having met him before somehow, then tensed up when the thought occurred that it...
They finally go to sleep that night, holding each other as now is their habit. Both find having Abbie snuggled up against Tim’s chest and stomach, his cock just against her crack is their favorite way to sleep.Sunday sun rises and they stir from sleep. While Abbie has the question on the tip of her tongue all last night, she held back from asking it. But now, as they lie together arm in arm adjusting to the new day, she asks Tim in a small voice, “Do you have things you have to do today?”Tim...
Trans“Abbie, what is wrong? What has upset you? Tell me what I can do to make it right,” Tim begs of her.Abbie finally calms herself enough to gasp out, “Take me home, Tim, I will explain there.”Tim, with his arm around her, holding Abbie tight against him as he carries her laptop case on his other arm, they make their way down the blocks from the train station to Abbie’s flat. Once there, Tim takes Abbie to the couch and actually sets her on his knees as he strokes her back and tells her...
TransWednesday night, Abbie and Tim sleep very well in their sizeable new bed. They cuddle together in the center. Tim is learning to enjoy Abbie’s back, pressing against his chest and other parts as his arms hold her to him. Waking to smell Abbie’s hair, and then more of her lovely scent. Thursday, they take their time rising, as it is a day off, and neither needs to rush to work. The morning play is extended some too. Tim, going down under the sheets to finger, lick, and pleasure Abbie. His...
TransSummer is at its halfway mark. The gardens are blooming to their fullest. The Thursday Bunch, as they have dubbed themselves, are all in a state of bliss. New love for all of them. Enjoying the days before noticing flaws. Totally enamored with their new mate. Time will take some of the stars out of all their eyes. But during this harmonious period, if perfect, it can be the backbone of what is ahead.Tim is involved with getting his new division up and running properly. But he does not...
TransBack home from the coast, it is soon September. Work for Tim and Abbie is fulfilling, as is the time they spend with their new circle of friends. It is a wonderful balance for them all. Since Ruth’s visit to Pathways, she and Phillip Clarke share a meal with Tim and Abbie about once a month.The two do find plenty of time to share pleasures. Tim is learning to enjoy wearing a cock ring that holds his shaft tightly during foreplay and slows down the final release during intercourse. Abbie...
TransAbbie’s hand is firmly around Tim’s shaft, helping it get harder and harder. Tim moves between Abbie’s legs, which are pulled up, so her heels touch her ass. He reaches over into the drawer of the nightstand and takes out the container of lubricant. Tim squeezes some over his glans and shaft.Abbie gasps and is wide-eyed, realizing what Tim intends to do. Tim stares into her eyes as he lifts her legs to be over his shoulders. He leans and kisses her, then pulls back with a questioning look...
TransYes, midsummer dreams are really a part of the beginning of summer solstice, but there is still is so much magic in the air. Sexual desires are lingering as the summer moves on through July. The weather has been perfect, and from working in the yard, Tim and Abbie are both golden brown.Both look so healthy and happy at work. Colleagues wonder what magic has happened. Abbie is enjoying having Les at the Institute now. They are even working on a couple of projects together. This new aspect...
TransTim thought about the invitation to go around and visit Lorraine that night. It was just for drinks she had said, so he presumed it was okay to go. He was a bit shy though and really did not want to be unfaithful to Amy, especially as they were now considered as an item by their friends.'What the heck,' he thought, 'it is only for drinks and some chat and I am just going to see my girlfriend's mother. We will both miss Amy for the time she is away and all this talk of her wanting a toyboy is,...
CheatingSaturday arrives when Abbie and Tim awake at eight AM. They have hours until Grace, the candidate for a maid, will be there at three o’clock. Tim shyly asks Abbie if she would put a plug in him, a bit larger than the other day. Abbie is surprised that Tim is enjoying such play, though she is happy to do so for him. Abbie makes sure both Tim and the plug are well lubricated and presses the larger piece in place. Tim gives a sigh of contentment, feeling it fill his ass. His cock is showing...
TransLes and Phoebe have no real concerns about Mark and Brian. They know Brian from the Peacock and feel he is a gentleman. Mark, they only know about from what Grace, Tim, and Sam disclose to them Friday night. Grace, Tim, and Sam tell Les and Phoebe about what went on earlier. They mention the incident in terms of their concern about how it affects Abbie.Les and Phoebe hope it all has a good outcome. For themselves, they are more interested in what Sam can tell them about Les’s house...
TransAfter all the excitement of Timara’s birth, Mark coming out, and Les and Phoebe moving in next door, things begin to calm down by mid-October. The weekly Thursday dinners continue, as do the football night at the sports bar.Timara’s baptism occurs during it all, which is lovely, especially as Tim and Abbie are named godparents. An honor they somewhat tremble over, but more so gush over. Timara finds gifts streaming down on her and a lovely start to a university savings account from her...
TransIt’s the 1970’s. Tim and Anne were dating in high school. Anne was so cute and beautiful. The boys also pursued her. She would meet the boys over in a ditch by the railroad tracks acrossed from the school at lunch time. The k**s would smoke cigarettes passing them around. Anne would let the boys rub her nipples or finger fuck her. Eventually she would get so stimulated she would do blowjobs. Anne loved the attention, the sexual stimulations and cocks.After graduation from high school, Anne and...
So much has happened since last Friday night and Mark’s outburst. For all who had been there on different levels. Monday afternoon, about the same time Tim, Matt and Peter finish their meeting at Microga; Mark arrives for his appointment with James at Pathways. He does not see Abbie today. Mark feels bad as he wants to apologize to her in person for his bad behavior on Friday.Mark’s time with James, relating how he and Brian are reconciled, is for Mark filled with soul-searching. Relating...
TransThis story is about a young woman that is seduced by the wealth and power of her rich boss. All the characters involved in any sex are over 18. Thank you for reading. Enjoy! TIM & ERIN prolog---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wedding bells were once again silent. The gifts opened, the honeymoon over. They had both lost their virginity on the first night in a honeymoon suite. Their sex was unsatisfying and painful for her...
The Peacock is just starting to jump. Tim realizes that his pub-crawling time always is early evening. From seven until perhaps ten at the latest. And if a Saturday game is on, the drinking is an afternoon sport while watching. He knows pubs don’t ramp it up until when he often calls it a night. Open until eleven with a wind-down and afterglow at some places. But Tim is just not into that level of nightlife.For Abbie, she usually goes out for fun and games, never gets to the bar until...
TransAbbie wakes Wednesday morning feeling so good. She had dreamed of Tim and her together, in such erotic ways. The dreams slip back in her head, leaving her smiling as she showers, dresses, and prepares for the day.It will be fun to be back at the London site. Abbie will get to see the friends that helped her through her transition to what she is now. And okay, so a few of them are also ones she romped with in the past. While Abbie would not go back to that life, especially with Tim now as a...
TransAfter all six celebrating Tim’s promotion, they all gather together again a couple of days later. It is the first Thursday suppers at Tim and Abbie’s home. Dinner fixed by Tim is delicious, and they were having a wonderful time enjoying the food and conversation.During dinner, Tim turns to Abbie and says, “Honey, Microga is having a reception and then dinner tomorrow night to formally acknowledge my new position. We will have time to come home and change before it.”Abbie says nothing in...
TransRecovered from that little mid-day romp in the kitchen, Tim wondering if, in time, Abbie and he will play this way in every room of the house. Tim and Abbie pull themselves together.Tim suggests that they clear out the clothes and things of his mother’s in the spare room so it can be redone. With Abbie’s furniture to put in the room, he would like to have it repainted and ready for that soon.Going through the clothes, they decide which to donate and which are not really good enough to do that...
TransThe next week or so is calm. A couple of evenings each week, Tim and Abbie spend cleaning the house and washing clothes. They are doing it in the evenings to have the weekend to work in the yard and play more. But the task of keeping up the house while both are working is rather time-consuming. Abbie does not complain, but it only took an hour or so for her to clean her apartment weekly. She sent most of her clothes to the dry cleaners so there would only be one or two loads needing doing. ...
TransSaturday morning is sunny and pleasant when Abbie and Tim awake and start their day. In the high seventies, it is cool enough not to be overheated as they walk through the outside market.After a quick breakfast where Tim tells Abbie he wants to learn to do the prostate massage properly for her enjoyment, they find themselves aroused again. They will have to put some reins on things, but for now, in the early days, it is fun giving into longings and desires.Back upstairs, their clothes...
TransMonday morning dawns. Tim and Abbie rise to get ready to return to work after their days off. Abbie thinks about how funny it is, how things have so changed since last Tuesday, the last time the two went to work together. Then it was from her stop by her apartment, which is no longer hers. Now, getting on from Tim’s stop, the two go together.While they haven’t got the morning down to a routine yet, they shower together, enjoying running their hands over each other’s bodies. After dressing,...
TransFriday arrives, and Abbie drives herself to work, telling Tim she will see him at home afterward. She is a bundle of nerves today and keeps admonishing herself to relax and not worry. She is experiencing the same worries as she did over the party at Microga. Abbie tells herself to look at how well that worked out, worrying for nothing.Abbie herself has self-esteem issues almost equal to those that Tim had. Tim has learned that most of the things he attributed to others were all just in his...
TransAfter Abbie’s night in Abigail’s Room before showering Thursday morning, Tim removes the cockcage from Abbie’s clit. It isn’t that bad wearing one, Abbie realizes. However, the extra weight and pull make it a bit confining.Tim takes care for Abbie so gently in the shower she knows it is in response to what he had to do last night. Tears again start to form in her eyes, remembering it was her misbehavior that made that have to happen. She hugs Tim tightly.As he drops Abbie off to work in the...
TransTim leaves for a while to get ice cream for dessert. Also, for some time to think about what Leslie has told them. Today, which was supposed to be celebrating Abbie and him together, has taken a strange, and to him, a somewhat bothersome turn. He needs some time to sort it all out. Abbie knew that instinctually, offering him a way to step away for a bit.Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, Abbie turns to Les. Abbie urges her to tell about how sensational sex was with Cyn the first time. Les...
TransFriday dawns clear and nice outside. The sun is shining, making the May air feel even warmer. After morning fun, Abbie and Tim are up and ready to head back to the apartment to finish emptying it.Tim knows they need to get a rented truck to move the larger items, and going out the door, he mentions it to Abbie. As they reach the car, Les comes over and asks if they need help today moving? Tim realizes that a third person would be an asset considering what they want to move and thanks Leslie...
TransToday the degradation of my self control accelerated beyond the simple urges to touch myself and flashbacks of the sexual experience I had on Friday. Concentration was disrupted repeatedly by momentary glances at the boys in my classes, followed by staring, then progressed to daydreams about them. At lunch time I managed to make it to a stall before taking off my undergarments and fighting the urge to touch my sexual organs. After lunch I continued to have problems focusing my attention on...
As the first week of their time at the shore winds down to the midpoint of their vacation, Tim and Abbie have chatted with several other guests about things they have done. There is one that stirs them as it is something they have never experienced. The choice of options to do so are varied, with each of the guests offering suggestions about their favorite.They talk about the possibility as they lazily play with each other one evening. Abbie is up straddling Tim’s waist and crotch but just...
TransTim was masturbating again. He was locked in the bathroom, sitting on the throne with his erect cock firmly in his tight right hand. As he stroked himself slowly letting his precum covered palm reduce the friction and intensify the feeling, while he jerked himself towards an orgasm. He closed his eyes and thought of the day he had fucked his mother. She sucked and fucked her son finally begging him to put his teenage cock into her tight asshole. Libby, his mother, wouldn't have sex with him...