Oddball 2 free porn video

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“Talking to yourself again?” queried Darren from her door. “Such a fuckin oddball.” He teased as he strode to her bed and plopped himself down.
“Why aren’t you rich, with millions of dollars working as some nerdy ass physicists like on that show “The Big Bang Theory?”” Autumn got off her window landing and sat down next to her brother.
“I don’t want to be, I’m training in the academy to be an officer just like dad, that’s what I want to be nothing more nothing less, so is it ok if I can be a brilliant, smart, intelligent, genius, sexy officer?” asked Darren pushing his sister off the bed.
Autumn smiled as she tried to gain her balanced and shot at him “You can be smart and all that stuff but how the hell are you gonna convince people that your sexy?
“Hey! You can’t see it cause your my sister but come on, I’m 6‘4, I’ve got reddish brunette hair, golden-green eyes, one hell of a chiseled chest and abs, I’m smart as all your friends in the 10th grade combined, I have a gorgeous pearly white smile, I’m nice and funny, I’m tough and a fighter who doesn’t lose, and even though I mentioned my physique once I feel that my massive biceps need a mentioning of their own.” Darren stood up to flex for his sister, his muscles tugging at his v-neck, straining it so tough that if he flexed any tighter it would strangle him, or rip….yea more likely rip. “Sorry to tell ya Oddball, but I took every good gene mom and dad could make…ever. Why do you think you’re such an Oddball?”
Autumn rolled her eyes at his arrogance, “And modest, you forgot to mention how modest you are” she quipped as her brother continued to flex and smile smugly.
Though her brother’s arrogance annoyed her everything he said was true. He was a knockout, not only good looking and an adorable loveable personality; he was really that brilliant a mind working as fast as a computer. Maybe he did take all the good genes.
“Yea yea, what a waste, all that brain and all you care about is screwing girls, you typical guy.”
Darren stopped flexing and studied Autumn, she was genuinely annoyed, not the first time he’s seen this side of her since he’s been back. Every time he’s seen it it’s been whenever she was talking about a guy.
“You know I’ve never had sex” Darren’s statement was a little off placed and completely caught Autumn off-guard. She peered through her glasses at him as he pulled the black leather office chair from under her desk and swiveled it towards her as he sat down placing his elbows on his knees and his stubbly red chin in his hands. She liked that about him now…facial hair, it was cute; it made him look like a young kid trying to look old.
“Yea right you not having sex, please that’s what all guys want doesn’t matter what age, and with your brains and looks of course you have.”
“Is that what you think?” Darren said a little above a whisper
“Of course, don—”
“Then you’d be dead wrong.” The sharpness in his tone made Autumn shiver. She leaned back into her pink and purple pillows pondered the situations and then spoke.
“Ah I see, you’ve been with Jaz pretty much since you’ve left and she won’t let you hit huh?” Autumn giggled to herself at the thought of her big old muscular manly brother begging to get some and being shot down by a tiny bubbly blonde.
“Wrong again.” The seriousness in his voice made her feel like a child who just didn’t know when to stop playing. “Jazmyn has wanted to have sex, lots of times, sometimes it almost happened other times it was stopped quickly each time though I thought about you.”
“WHAT THE FUCK” Autumn thought, she would’ve said it but the words couldn’t get past the vomit swelling in her throat. All this time her brother some kind of sick incest pervert. It disgusted her and she wanted nothing else to do with him.
“You’ve got some really fucked up thoughts oddball”
Autumn managed to look through her glasses at her brother as he sat back and stared at her as if she had to be the dumbest ginger on the planet.
“I meant that everytime I tried to have sex or got close to it with Jazzmyn I stopped because I thought of what happened between you and Kyle, and each time I couldn’t love the woman I love most.” Autumn couldn’t believe what she was hearing; her near-rape experience had traumatized her brother.
Darren spoke again, somehow managing a more serious tone than before.
“I love Jazmyn, and this time next year she’ll be my wife, but I can’t make love to her because I’m afraid of hurting her the way Kyle did you. What if we don’t work out and I was the one who took her virginity? I think about what kind of marriage we’ll have when a husband can’t screw his wife.” Darren dropped his face into his hands and sighed deeply.
“You know it makes Jazmyn depressed at times, sometimes she doesn’t speak to me for a week or two…I know it’s because she thinks I’m not sexually attracted to her and God that’s wrong but I don’t prove otherwise.” Darren stood up and looked at his little sister,
“I’ve noticed your hatred for men and I don’t blame you, but you have no male friends nothing but the homos anyways and they don’t really count. This is a secret that only Jazmyn and I know about…and now you.”
Barely able to talk Autumn muttered. “So why are you telling me? I thought it was your job to tell me not to let a guy touch me or you’ll beat his ass.”
“I shouldn’t have to tell you Autumn, I’ve done that already before, and I’ll do it again. But I’m sure you knew that. I guess I’m telling you this because I don’t want your life to be like mine, full of doubt and worry to the point where you can’t function in a healthy relationship that is the best thing that could ever happen to you.” Darren slumped to the door cocked his head and told his babysister.
“Autumn I love you, but if the right guy wants to love you…let him, but you must love him too, and promise me you’ll never let him go.”
He didn’t wait for an answer he disappeared from her doorway and Autumn turned over into her pillow and burst into tears.


It was decided two weeks ago, the week of New year’s eve, that it would be best that Darren and train as a police officer in another county so that his father’s position couldn’t play an influence on his promotions and repercussions. Since that day the entire Day family and Jazmyn have been searching for an apartment to move to in the New county. The found a condo in Sumter County, the pricing didn’t matter Jazmyn bought it with no problem, the only issue is Sumter County is 3hours away from Taylor County where the Day family live. Autumn was sad to see her brother and new friend leave but they both invited her to stay at their place over the summer. That made her happy.


All the moving was done by January 12th, which was a relief because Darren planned to spend his 20th birthday partying with his girl, they could unpack on the 14th but the 13th would be his. But in order to live it up on the 13th he had to go to bed now, he was dog tired too after all the heavy lifting. Jazmyn of course bought a penthouse and even though they had an elevator that was a lot of moving. They managed to set up the fridge, couches, Tv, and bed. The entire time Darren whining about the plenty of fully furnished condo’s in the area but noooooooo Jazmyn wanted to make it personal to make it “Theirs.”

It didn’t matter the day was over, the moving was done unpacking was for after his birthday. Yet his body ached every last muscle ached from all the loading and unloading of the day. He went to take a shower, letting the water roll over his body letting the heat ease his thoughts and put him into a trance. He lathered up his hair and stood directly under the stream of water to rinse it out. He let the suds run down his chin and neck over his muscles around his back down his toned ass and abs, drip off the tip of his dick and ring around his legs into pools around his feet. As the water trickled he thought about the conversation he had with his sister, how he had never allowed Jazmyn to love him. Hell she’d be in the shower right now with him if it weren’t from him refusing to allow her. He never allowed her to do anything that could lead to sex, no hand jobs, no showers, no sleeping naked nothing. He turned off the shower and Darren wiped the mirror he looked at himself and felt pity and regret. He sighed reached for a towel, of course there were no towels he left all his shit in the living room with the other boxes, but which box? He opened the door and expected Jazmyn to be asleep but she was sitting on the bed with her hair in a messy ponytail, the lights on and watching the news. She looked up at him and her face became flush red as she looked at her naked boyfriend. She’d seen him naked before but never completely each time was just a flash and he was gone but now he stood there. Darren bit his lip
“You know where my towels are, or underwear?”
“There in one of those boxes, I know exactly which ones, I never forget, there under the old heavy boxes from the apartment, the ones you said you’d move tomorrow because you were sore tonight.” With that she got up and tossed him a towel never letting her eyes leave his body. He whence at the thought of moving those boxes and decided he could break his rule for just one night. Darren shrugged his shoulders and slid into bed.
“What are you doing” Jazmyne breathed as she felt Darren slip his arms around her waist.
“Watching Tv. What are you doing?”
“Uh.um w-watching tv too I-I-I guess?”
“Ah, ok then shush lets watch.”
Jazmyn could feel her panties dampening she couldn’t help but imagine Darren naked under the sheets just knowing he was there made her nipples stiffen and her pussy itch.
“Up next on TMZ, should Riahnna forgive Chris Brown? How long is too soon or too long? I think we know as we caught the pop duo get cozy in a hotel, I guess Chris Brown really had to have that Cake Cake Cake!”
“Please turn this shit off” murmured Darren into his fiancé’s shoulder.
“The remotes on the bed somewhere” she replied breathing heavily. Darren tried to ignore her as to not feed into her sexual desires. He felt around the bed with his feet and found the remote at the end of the bed under the covers. He lifted the sheets over his head and was instantly hit with a powerful, moist, tangy smell. Darren knew exactly what it was as he smelt it on Jazmyn before but never so strong. Darren left the remote sat up from under the covers, he pulled the sheets back and slipped his fingers between Jazmyn’s legs. He pinched the edge of her nightgown and peered between her legs against her yellow panties. Her panties weren’t wet, they were downright soaked, a huge stain from near the brim of her panties all the way down, disappearing between her supple ass cheeks. Jazmyn didn’t dare look at Darren she was embarrassed as hell and even hornier, but instead of her usual whining and begging to just get a peek at his cock while she fingered herself she saved herself the torture gripped the sheets rolled over and closed her eyes.

The first thing she felt was the piercing cold air strike her body, the second was a powerful hand gripping her rib turning her on her back grasping her thighs and pulling them apart, and third she felt her nightgown being ripped straight down the middle followed by her panties being pulled on both sides making them ride into her pussy a bit before finally giving way and snapping. Finally she felt the most electrifying and stimulating feeling she’s ever known she felt to hands cupping her ass with a pair of lips pressed roughly against her pussy. With her last ounce of sanity Jaz pushed Darren back and closed her legs. Darren dropped his shoulder in between her thighs forced her legs open and wrapped his lips around her clit.
Jazmyn arched her back gripped Darren’s ginger locks tightly and slid is face, up and down over her pussy. She loved the way his brushed against her pussy, how his moist lips were covered with her wetness how he tugged on her folds, on her inner lips, with his teeth. Darren reached around her thighs and used two fingers to spread her pink pussy. His cocked strained in his pants as he saw glistening liquids dribble out of the wet hole down her pussy dipping and disappearing under her ass. Without further ado, Darren flicked out his tongue, licked his lips, swallowed hard as he tried to clear his dry throat closed his eyes and pressed his tongue flat against the bottom of jazmyn’s pussy and licked slowly but hard all the way up to her clit, allowing at times for his tongue to press and briefly slide between the folds of her lips. When his tongue circled her clit she grabbed his head and pressed down further, and whispered,
“Suck it baby, do it please, I need it”
Happy to oblige Darren wrapped his lips around her swollen clit sucking and nibbling, licking and kissing and then it was gone. Jazmyn peeked through one eye and saw ginger hair between her legs. She felt two thumbs slip deep into her pussy then they pulled her wide apart. Darren didn’t take his time admiring this time he shoved his tongue as far into Jazmyn’s wet pussy. Licking over her walls, sucking on her lips tugging and chewing on the edges.
“Fuck baby stop, s-stop”
Darren continued to twirl his tongue over her walls licking every inch savoring the tangy sweet taste she released in his mouth.
“B-baby n-nooo n-nooo” Her hips began rocking she crushed Darren’s head between her thighs, her pussy juices pouring down his chin.
“Aughhh, F-F-FUCK Fuck Fuck Fuck, mhphhhhhhhh” Jazmyn flailed and thrashed on the bed kicking and gripping shoving and grinding Darren’s head deeper into her abused little pussy until she came down from her climax.
Darren slowly kissed his way up to his fiancé’s neck, he whispered in her ear. His hot tangy breath on her lobes, making her shiver.
“I love you Jazmyn Green Dreamer.”
“I love you too Darren Anthony Day.” She gave him a tender kiss on her head and cupped her still convulsing pussy. Darren looked down and smiled. He replaced her fingers with his and slowly stroked her, slightly prodding his middle finger into her depths.
“I’m glad I could finally do this for you, but I won’t break my rule babe, I don’t want to ruin this moment so we can talk about it when we wake in the morning…should I get dressed?”
Jazmyn’s first instinct was to get mad, how the fuck could he lick her pussy so good, especially for a virgin, make her cum for the first time ever besides a dildo or her own fingers and say no sex? But this was her baby in rare form this was Darren horny and dominate she wasn’t about to give up so easily.
“And what about you baby? What can I do for you?” Jazmyn slid her hand down to hardened dick and gripped it, slowly stroking it up and down. Darren’s words were caught in his throat, he’d been masturbating since he was 11 and never had he felt such a perfect rhythm and stroke as the one Jazmyn was giving him. She wrapped soft hands around his cock, slipped them all the way down , putting a slight pressure on his balls and slid them all the way up past the tip of his dick letting her thumb circle the entrance on the tip of his head.
God she was beautiful, her dirty blonde hair caressing her face, as her gray eyes shined through. She had a devilish smile, not the cute pouty one, or the sexy adorable one, but one with hell bent intentions on getting him off tonight. Darren removed his sticky fingers from inside his fiancé and pushed her back away from him slipping her hand off his dick.
“Jazmyn I love you, your my future wife, and I don’t regret what I did tonight but to avoid any temptations I just think its best that we leave you as the satisfied one tonight, I’m happy knowing what I did for you.”
Are you fucking kidding? HE WAS SERIOUS, she could tell it was written all over his face he was hard, she was naked, wet and sticky, and he wanted to go to bed.
“Jazmyn? What do you have to say mami?”
“Mami says fuck that Daddy” She pressed her sticky palms into Darrens chest and slipped from his lunging hands. She gripped his cock and without thought or instruction she shoved the massive pole in her mouth. In her haste to get a taste of the pre-cum oozing out of Darren’s dick she shoved his dick in a bit too deep. The tip of his cock grazed the back of her throat and she let out a gargled moan as she felt his grip on her shoulders. Darren slid to the edge of the bed to allow his bride-to-be to rest on her knees on the floor of their new condo. Jazmyn rubbed her hands over Darren’s thighs, she gripped his ass, and ran her hands over his abs as she bobbed her head over his dick trying her hardest to imitate the countless porn she’s watched. Darren started breathing harder gripping the bed with his left hand and pushing Jaz down harder, faster! As he neared cumming. Then his eyes flew open as one thick, hot, long rope of cum shot into the back of her mouth. Jazmyn had practiced sucking cock on her dildo plenty of times but it never came in her mouth, panicking Jaz tried to swallow it. That would’ve been a good idea if it weren’t for the massive cock in her mouth. Her throat started contracting over Darren’s member, squeezing and tugging as it tried to swallow him. The feeling became too intense and Darren pushed Jazmyn’s head down completely onto his cock. Forcing a little of 7½ inches into Jazmyn’s throat. With her nose pressed to his stomach Darren shot off round after round of hot, sticky, thick, cum into his fiancé’s throat. After ages he finally slid his dick from her mouth. Jazmyn jerked back instantly gasping and sucking for air, clutching her chest and trying to pull herself back onto the bed as she sucked in chunks of air. The feeling of euphoria passed and Darren was mortified at what he’d done, how could he have hurt his little Jazmyn?
“Baby I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I couldn’t help it you were sucking so good I didn’t mean too I know you th—“ Darren stopped in dead sentence as he watched Jazmyn, still trying to regulate her breathing, climbed onto the bed. Her pussy was glistening, it was shiny all over her lips and ass. He glanced down and saw her fingers slick with her juices. That little minx. While she was choking for air she must’ve been fingering herself, doesn’t look like she was able to cum in time; good thing too. As Jazmyn tried to ease her body down onto the bed she felt two solid biceps against her thighs, two strong hands on her ribs squeezing them applying pressure, the fingertips of these hands pinching and pulling her nipples. Darren pulled her into position on all fours. His newly renewed hard cock bouncing off her ass. He saw the succulent little pink star of an asshole as he gripped her cheeks and spread them. It took him all his strength not to shove his cock in there, but now wasn’t the time he’d get there…eventually. Besides he didn’t want to hurt her, more than he figured losing her virginity to him would be. Darren positioned the tip of his head against her entrance. His head nudging and prodding her clit. He slipped the head into her wet folds,
“You sure about this baby?”
“Yea, fuck me”
“Its going to hurt mami, I don’t like hurting you”
“Ohhhh its ok, I-I got a dildo, my-my-my hymen’s gone” Darren continued to press his head against her clit, harder, and harder, and harder.
“Oh so I can ram it in?”
“WHAT! Hell no”
“Too late”.
Jazmyn tried to roll over but Darren slapped her ass making her arms buckle. As she fell into the bed she felt her folds being pulled apart, her lips separating, her pussy opening. Then she felt a massive cock being slammed into her.
“Augghhhhhhhh” It was alls he could manage as the tears built a blurry wall in her eyes, waiting for the first blink so they can crash down her face. She may have had a dildo but Darren was wider than it…a lot wider.
“Oh fuck jaz” What the hell was he thinking all this time? Not fucking jazmyn when she asked him to, when she begged him too. She was tight, realllly tight, in fact if she wasn’t so wet and slippery she might actually hurt him. He eased his way out his head barely between her folds, then he shoved it back in. This time a lot slower, then faster, then faster, then longer, then faster. He picked up a rhythm as the blonde shoved her face into the pillow.
“The fuck are you doing?” Darren slapped Jazmyn’s ass leaving a bright red print on her ass.
“When I fuck you, I want you to scream, don’t hide it, tonight everyone is going to know Jazmyn Green Dreamer lost her virginity.” With that he grabbed her ankles and shoved his rod into her deeper, pumping in and out of her. When Darren had settled into a rhythm Jazmyn kicked with the fury of a wild stallion, threw her head and body into the bed and rolled away from Darren’s penetrating cock. Her moves were so spontaneous Darren fell back into the wall, Jazmyn rebounded and eyed her naked lover, his ginger sweaty hair, his golden-green eyes, his flush tan body, his adorable ginger freckles, his tightening biceps, his endless abs, his firm ass, and tone thighs, and his long swinging dick covered in pre-cum, her pussy wetness, and a little of her blood. She charged at him and jumped straight in the air. She figured if she was going to lose her virginity tonight then she would have some say in how it happened. Her body hit Darren’s and he did a remarkable job of staying on balance. Her pussy crashed against his hard member and her nipples slammed against his chiseled chest. She cried out in pleasure as their lips meshed and the two intertwined. Darren gripped Jazmyn’s ass sliding his hands under her thighs to stroke her pussy before dropping her on his dick.
“FUCK, DARREN, BABY!” Jazmyn exclaimed as she was impaled by his long cock.
“That’s right, you’ve wanted you’ve got it, ride me.” And ride she would Jazmyn rode Darren’s dick up and down allowing her nipples to slide over her man’s chest sending pulses throughout her body as her clit slid against his stomach. Not one to be shown up Darren forced his dick deeper into his love. The two both fighting for control.
“Ugh, Jaz I’m going to cummm.”
“What? NO! Not in me, BABY NO!” Since they’ve never came close to sex Jazmyn wasn’t on the pill, she placed her foot on Darren’s thigh to try and rise off of him but she slipped, shoving nearly all 7½ inches inside her. That was all he needed, his balls began to tighten and gripped her ass wrapped his arms around her back pulled her close and came in her pussy. His warm liquids were just about done emptying into her belly when she startled him by wrapping her thighs and legs around his waist. Clawing at his back, biting his shoulder bouncing up and down, grinding, and moaning.
“B-baby no no no” Jazmyn shook extremely violently, her body contracted as her pussy milked every inch of cum from his dick as he shot off his reserves inside her. His stomach was soaked, so was hers, and their legs, and a pool on the floor, 18 years of built up frustration and Darren helped her reach her first squirting orgasm. Darren plopped down in the chair, slid his body from under his love and licked her pussy. Savoring the mix of cum and wetness. She cooed and sighed as his gentle tongue rolled over her lips and folds. She moaned as he sucked softly on her clit, and when she was clean he carried his baby to the bed. Darren was tired, this was tougher than any training he’d done so far in the academy.
“I love you Daddy.”
“I love you too Princess.”
“Do you?”
“Of course, that’s why I proposed”
“Good, just making sure you’re not in this for the sex”
The two fell into laughter half-heartedly both too tired to rattle off jokes.
Before Darren could respond Jazmyn was asleep. He leaned over and flipped off the light then turned off the T.V.
He nuzzled against his Jazmyn and buried himself into the scent of her soft Melon scented hair. Ugh they still have to unpack in the morning…well that will be in the morning, and this will be now. Now is time for love, now is time for sleep, now is the time for Darren to hold his Jazmyn after the closest night they’ve ever shared.


It had been a little over a week and a half since Darren left and already Autumn was missing him terribly. She hadn’t seen her brother in almost four years and he was already gone.
“Girl, what is with you, you have been zoned out all day…still think about Doom?”
“Hey Cat, yea, I dunno I just really miss him, Jazmyn is cool but I wish he didn’t have to go I mean if she wasn’t here then he’d be living with us.” Autumn crossed her arms on the cafeteria table and dropped her head into them.
“Ok um, first I thought you liked Jazmyn, second even if she wasn’t here he’d still be an officer in another county, stop making excuses oddball.”
That made Autumn smile. When Darren left she used to bounce the ball he gave her, it always made her happy. But the problem with a lopsided ball is it doesn’t bounce very well, well bouncing wasn’t the problem…it had plenty of bounce it just never came straight back up. When she lost it in the weeds behind her school she cried as she frantically searched for it. Many kids gathered to help search for the ball but no one could find it, the grass wasn’t cut over the summer and the kids gave up rather quickly despite all that happened to her recently. Selena was the only one who stayed with her for hours and eventually found it, across the street on the sidewalk where no one thought to look.

(“Thank you soooooo much, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, TH—”
“OK YOUR WELCOME PLEASE SHUT UP!” Autumn was shocked. Here this stranger help her search for a ball for hours and then yelled at her to shut up.
“I’m sorry I just—, this just really meant a lot to me.”
“It looks weird, Selena said, sort of like an oddball. Hmmm it fits you you’re an oddball.”
Autumn’s eyes darted to Selena, not sure what to make out of the unique nickname that only her brother called her.
“So how’d you lose it?”
“I bounced it”
“That’s stupid”
“YOU’RE STUPID” Snapped Autumn, now she didn’t care if this mystery girl had helped or not, she was offending the sacred ball her brother gave her.
“YOU’RE STUPID FOR BOUNCING AN ODDBALL!!!!!!” shouted Selena she was mad now, why did she even help this kid.
For some reason neither girl could explain they both fell out in laughter.
“Hi, I’m Selena”
“Ah so I’ll call you catwoman” beamed Autumn waiting for Selena to ask why.
“Nah, Catwoman is Selina Kyle, with an “I” not an “e” but Cat.” Autumn was baffled, how could such a pretty cool looking kid know about batman?
“Ok Cat it is, I’m Autumn.”
“Duh everyone knows who you are, you’re all anyone talks about nowadays.” Selena rolled her eyes. “Well I can’t think of a nickname for Autumn so I’ll call you Oddball.” Despite her brother creating the original nickname, it sounded right, it sound like home coming from selena. Thus Selena (Cat) and Autumn (Oddball) became bestfriends.)

“Helllooooooooooo, Wake up Oddball, I think all your staring has made he come over.”
Oddball snapped out of her flashback, and glanced at the tall slim, boy walking towards the table.
“Oh God no, not him again, let’s go.”
“Ugh Autumn I swear either you’re lesbian or you’re lesbian, he’s cute…cuteish… he’s just a little nerdy at all but he’s nice and he’s always trying to do things for you.”
“I’m not interested ok Selena.” Autumn spat these words with fire, she was annoyed and clearly wanted the conversation dropped. She looked up the boy was almost at the table, a few more steps and he would be in annoying distance.
The boy pulled out a chair, “Hi Autumn”
“Heyyy, sorry I can’t talk I should’ve left for class 10minutes ago” Autumn grabbed her back flung it over her shoulder and turned away from the boy.
“Oh, alright”
Autumn was halted by Selena who whispered in her ear.
“Alright Oddball, leave if you want to, but you’re going to be 16 in two months, and you’ve never had a boyfriend, let alone been on a date. Besides I thought you promised your brother you’d try.” Autumn was instantly annoyed by the fact that she couldn’t keep anything from Cat.
“First I didn’t make a promise we just talked, and second Damn you I hate you” she turned around threw her bag on the floor and sat down in the chair as Cat giggled and dashed away in the horde of people preparing for the end of lunch.

~~~Ok I feel that most stories on here, all though some phenomenal, lack a sense of interaction, I left the boy nameless on purpose, for two reasons first, I’d like you to choose a name, if I like it enough boom that’s his name, second I want you guys to tell me if Autumn is ready for a potential relationship Thanks for reading I hoped you like it as always comments adored~~~


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Moms Big Dicked Boyfriend

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live with my mom. She is 60, widowed, cute, sexy and as slutty as it gets. She's 5 ft. tall, weighs about 120 lbs. with old style cat eye glasses, short gray hair, decent figure with big boobs and a nice bubble butt. Dad was very religous and controlled mine and moms live's. She had to dress very conservatively and couldn't wear makeup or be to outgoing. When dad died four years ago, mom went off the deep end. She quit the church, started dressing way to...

4 years ago
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Mind Swapping Chapter 27

Mind Swapping Chapter 27 I awoke early. Today, I would take my last final exam this semester. I got out of bed, made breakfast, awoke Tom in the usual way by sucking his cock. However, I didn't let him cum in my mouth, I climbed on his cock and rode him as if he where a race horse and I was the jockey. I came as his big hard cock jetted cum deep inside my belly. We ate breakfast and I took a bath while Tom took his shower. Tom was completely dressed by the time that I had styled my...

3 years ago
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I love to go on business trips

This is my first story, so please be gentle with your comments. It's part true and part fantasy.....My name is Kate. Several years ago, I had occasion to travel for work every other month or so. I met with the same group of people, but at various locations. I was married at the time, but not happily, and was seriously thinking about divorce. I about 40, a tall brunette, curvy, with large breasts with big nipples. Over time, I noticed that there was one man in the group always seemed to end up...

3 years ago
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The Last ManChapter 5

In Washington President Nancy Bellows had just finished with a security council meeting. The number one subject for many weeks was "Who had done this and how are we going to get them?" After chasing down thousands of leads the CIA and FBI had not found a thing. The Air Force had planes running around like chickens with their heads cut off and nobody had found diddly-squat. What they knew wouldn't fill a paragraph and what they didn't know about the disease and more importantly its shady...

2 years ago
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The Secret Life of a Robot Fuck ToyChapter 4 Victim

A week went by, and Billy got paid and bought the bed he promised. It was big, too big for his car, so we had to use Dave's van to bring it home. He grunted and struggled to drag it into the house. He struggled more to get it set up in the room. But now we had a bed. Finally, we slept together side by side. I clung to him and he didn't seem to mind. Little pinches, a few kisses. "Please fuck me." That night, after he finished me off – again with his fingers – he didn't leave and sleep...

2 years ago
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RegretsChapter 2

I knew that Darcy was now starting to date and went out with the girls at work. She didn't go out a lot or try to flaunt it. I guess she was trying to start over. I decided to go out and have a few dates myself. I dated probably twice a month with women who were probably as lonely for companionship as I was. I had sex with them but it wasn't love; it was just sex. One night I was in the store downstairs from where I lived and in came Alice. "Hi there, stranger, long time no see. Still...

2 years ago
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Nina Ne Apni Maa Ko Chudwaya

By : Shilumbd Dear friends hello I’m back with my new story isse pehle meri story nina ki kunwari choot fadhi aap logon ne kafi pasand ki jiske liye main aap ka aabhari hu mera naam raj hai aur main moradabad mei rehta hu ye meri nai aur sacchi story hai mujhey jaroor apna feedback bhejhey par aur moradabad ki hot girl bhabhi ya aunty sex karna chahey to bhi mujhey mail kar sakti hai. Ab main apni story par aata hu baat pichle haftey ki hai main kisi kaam se nina ke ghar gaya tha wahan par...

3 years ago
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Carol and I have been living together for over a year when she told me of her fantasy. She wanted a menage a trois. Being liberal minded and kind of turned on by the idea of having two girls in the sack at the same time, I agreed. I said "Carol, if it's a menage a trois that you want, then by all means lets fulfill your fantasy." In my mind I was wondering which of her girl friends she was going to bring for me. My dick was proceeding to the hard-on phase just thinking about the...

2 years ago
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Dark Knight The Lady

This short story is a bit longer than my usual ones. But to take away events of the story to make it shorter, would take the integrity and true power of this story. Please read it careful and you wont regret it, this story means alot to me…it took me 6 months to write it, because I wanted it to be just right. thank you. London, England May 1785, Standing alone on the Stanhope terrace, Lady Georgia Kent watched, as the first ball of the season was in full swing. This was her coming out...

4 years ago
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The Deckhand Saturday Cruise Part 1

I slept well Thursday night into Friday morning and woke feeling ready to tackle the day.  I showered and ate before heading to the hardware store for a little physical labor.  I walked in the door about fifteen minutes early, and Mr. Solyst approached me right away.  "Good morning Mr. Solyst.  How are you today," broached my lips before he had a chance to speak."I'm good. In fact, I'm very good," he answered as he led me back to his office.  Once inside, he continued, "Your work at Mrs....

3 years ago
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Valentines surprises Part I

Please comment if you’d like to read a second part….--------------I am sitting on my desk in my office, wondering why we didn’t take the day off. It’s the morning of Valentine’s Day and I can’t really focus. I am just sitting here browsing the web, not paying attention at all to what I see while my thoughts drift off. Again. Ever since earlier this morning when I left home, I only can think of one thing: Lauren’s body. I can’t wait to see her again. Not after what she said...

1 year ago
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Eritrean Girl For Bisexual Man

Ladies and gentlemen, the discoveries we make about our significant others quite often change the way we feel about them. Sometimes, that can actually be a good thing. Yesterday I discovered something in my boyfriend Solomon Al-Rashid’s apartment which forever changed my opinion of him. I’ve always thought of men from the African and Arab worlds as macho, dominant and not terribly concerned with women’s rights. It’s as much a cultural thing as it is a religious norm over there. To be...

4 years ago
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By the Book Ch 01

April 30, 2004: Age 34 years and 364 days. As good a time as any to start my autobiography. It’s Britain, so it’s raining. I’m British so it’s important that I mention the weather: my communication skills would be zilch if I didn’t. Today the weather came up no less than four times. Firstly, Neighbour: Terrible weather! Me: And they call this the start of summer! Neighbour: Gives the flowers a chance I suppose. Later: Newsagents: Not letting up, is it? Me: Good for the flowers, though. ...

4 years ago
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Mrs Clause

‘But why can’t I go? You said yourself that it was getting harder and harder to make the whole circuit in one night. I can help you unload the gifts.’ ‘Because I can’t take the extra weight. Every year the cargo gets heavier and the reindeer are at their maximum now.’ ‘Well, why not add a couple of extra reindeer?’ He paused trying to think why such a simple idea would not work. He studied the corral, stroking his chin, and realized for the first time he had more than enough reindeer.. ...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty

Indefinite 1 Burt was relieved it was Sunday. It meant he didn't have to put in a full day's work. He got the morning off to attend church. He'd slept a lot better on his pallet in the hayloft and the aches he'd had from going back to hard labour after a fortnight of growing soft had all but gone. He actually felt fit and strong again and caught himself enjoying it before he reminded himself that he didn't like anything about being a man. He hated every element of it. He wore...

1 year ago
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Share this night with me

" Share this night with me" You look up at me,gazing at my face shadowed by moonlight and the cool of the evening. My words slide like honey in your ear..warm...sweet..inviting. Will you share the night..this night..with me? Will you soak it in and let it drench you in sultry sensations and urges that could carry you anywhere or nowhere? Will you do it and let me be there to witness it? The candlelight dances with the soft breeze and aromas of the earth and man float around us. Slightly salty...

3 years ago
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Side Effects Part 2

Side Effects Part 2 DISCLAMER: If you shouldn't read this, don't. Tom lay back in his bed. In all fairness, it was just a futon mattress that sat on the floor of his bedroom. Tom never quite got around to buying a complete bed: you know, frame, spring mattress? blankets. Tom had better things to spend his money on. The futon mattress had served him adequately for the past six months since he moved into this apartment, and it had served him more than adequately for the past...

3 years ago
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Spring Break Fun Charlies Adventures 4

Introduction: After over a year of not writing anything, Im so happy to be back. I hope you all enjoy, please rate and review! I am definitely planning on reigniting that fire within Charlie. I cant wait to share more of her stories. Please PM me with any fun ideas ,) Enjoy! The night at the ski lodge changed everything for Ali and me. For most best friends, it would be extremely awkward. Thankfully, we were just super giggly after and saw each other in a new light. Michael noticed something...

2 years ago
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Slut Terry Webb Grope Her Booth 1st of 2

Another one of our adventures that is more in line with being exposed and just being sexual. I hope my making money on my body don't cause you to think less of me. I mean I use to fulfill requests for pubic hair and dirty underwear at a price and even made photos or videos to order and sold them. I was paid by the magazines for the use of my photos. So in a way I have been selling my body for years.For me one of my wildest income producing sexual acts involve a "GROPE HER BOOTH". Hubby built...

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Daddys Little Girl

DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL 1985Madeline was late getting in, but just by six minutes?but she’d have to sign the chart?Daddy and Mama gave her twenty minutes to walk home from school, and she’d foolishly stopped to discuss a French quiz with a classmate, and there would be trouble. Madeline also had to mark the chart for the weight and size of her bowel movements, which Daddy made her keep in a separate freezer. Daddy loved Madeline, but only in his way. She finally got to the house and opened the...

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The Odds

Copyright© 2006 by Carlos Malenkov "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm getting at. Anal sex does skew the odds. It disturbs the natural order of things and scrambles the probability distribution. If anyone ought to know, I should." "Well, it most certainly sounds like a load of horseshit to me." "Listen, Mick, you think I'm in this for kicks? Because I just happen to like sticking my cock into any random signorita's butthole? Hey, I'd always thought asses were for toilet functions --...

4 years ago
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Alex to Alina Chapter 10 The Return

Chapter 10: The Return I stared into the mirror for a while, contemplating what I had done... I looked every bit the part of a naughty school girl, with my cute sucker punch skirt still on, my heels, and my bra and breasts -- now covered in cum. I just continued to stare, entranced by the image... Alex was no longer protesting. I wasn't arguing. I was just in shock, staring at the image, and hating myself for finding it so hot... On that note, I slowly raised a finger, with shiny...

2 years ago
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My ex gf recently found pics of her on this site

I'd like to think I've been an honest person. Trustworthy. Reliable. A one-woman kind of guy. I've never hidden anything from the girls i had the two deepest/longest relationships with. By my age (20) most people claim they've fallen in love with almost everyone they've been in a relationship that lasted over 2 months. I'm not that way. If you spread your heart out to everyone you date too soon there wont be much left for youself or the person you marry. Ya i watch porn and read these stories...

2 years ago
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Khudi Nka Sahito Maja Odia

Hi dosto mera naam Amit hai age 21 me Orissa ka hu ye meri ek sex kahani hai me pichale 3 salo se iss ka reader hu muje iss ki mature aunty aur incest story padhana bahut acha lagta hai agar koi aunty ya bhabhi real sex karna chahe to mere id par mail kare Mu bartaman story odia bhasa re arambha karuchi. Aie story mo Khudi nka sorry Sango mu toh mo khudi nka bisayare kahibaku bhuli jaichi. Mo khudinka namo Priya Tanku 29 barso bayasa Dekhibaku Sundar tike kam dhola kintu tanko figure 34-28-36...

1 year ago
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Aching for some Red Hot Pie tonight? Shit, I feel you because it feels like it’s been hours since I last ejaculated into an old gym sock. Seriously, though, the pandemic was a bad time for trying to find some poon on the Internet, but it seems like the clouds are finally starting to lift. Maybe you’re vaccinated, or perhaps you just never gave a fuck, but either way, I think it’s about time to get back into the game.To that end, RedHotPie.com.au might have precisely what you’re looking for. As...

Hookup Sites
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My Sweet StepDaughter

I stripped off my damp t-shirt (the weather was quite warm) and tossed it over the back of a chair to dry, and suddenly shivered in the coolness of the air-conditioned living room. We sat on the couch, with me partially reclining against the left arm with a cushion behind my shoulders when she suddenly lunged forward and starting tickling me. She laughed and screamed as I retaliated, moving up my body until her hands were around my neck. Because her shirt was mostly unbuttoned, I had a clear...

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Amys Junior Year AbroadChapter 7 Margaret

Right behind Alexander, in stepped Margaret. She was wearing a white chiffon blouse, a black skirt, nude hose, and four inch pumps. He make-up was immaculate. She said, “Hi, Amy.” Amy couldn’t believe her eyes. It had to be a dream. She was sure that she was imaging them both, even as they stood before her. “I see you haven’t changed anything,” Margaret said. Amy fainted to the floor. The piss puddle grew as it surrounded her supine form. Margaret looked at Alexander. She stepped over...

2 years ago
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Some Day Was our Mantra Mya Made it Come True

I was just sitting there relaxing after writing Mya and logging off Lush. She’d joined about a month before I did and she contacted me first. I’d been there for a couple of months just reading the stories before I joined. As we got to know each other we became true friends. I’m 71, white with long white hair and a beard, she’s in her early 50’s and African American. She’d had a problem with someone who didn’t like that she was black, but that worked for me. I loved it. It seemed to work for us...

1 year ago
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Home alone

Laura was enjoying herself. It was the first time she'd ever had the entirehouse to herself. Her parents had taken her little sister, and gone tovisit her grandparents across the state, leaving Laura alone for the veryfirst time in her life. Normally, she would have gone, too, but she had asoftball game. She'd begged her parents to leave her alone. After all, shehad just turned s*******n, and come August would be a senior in high school.Her parents had finally agreed, because Laura had always...

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Sent To Miss Storeys Office At Lunchtime Miss Downeys Story Chapter Six

Eighteen-year-old sixth former, Nicole Rannigan fidgeted with her hands, then her hair and finally her black school shoes as she waited on the blue padded chairs which lined the wall facing the offices of the Head Mistress, Deputy Head Mistresses and Heads of Year at St. Katherine’s Girls’ School. Nicole was in serious trouble this time and she knew it. During her six and a half years at the school she had been in this position on many occasions but this time it was really serious.She thought...

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Fishermans Wife

(No seafood was harmed in the making of this story.) Had it been one of those small, gentle urges she probably would never have awakened. Instead of being a tiny, "you-know-a-good-fuck-would-be-nice-right-now" kind of urge it was a "fuck-me-now-or-I-might-explode" craving. Needless to say, she was through sleeping for the night. She stretched out her arm, expecting the familiar warmth of his body next to hers in bed. "Damn," she muttered under her breath. The Alaskan sun was glowing...

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Stuck in an elevator with a black man

Stuck in an elevator with a black manI was attending a conference at Baltimore those days. Victor had stayed at home this time and I had to fly away from New York. That afternoon I walked through the hotel lobby toward the elevator. I had had had a long day and really needed to get some rest before the next day conference. My four inches heels were killing me: I wanted to get rid of them and take a long hot tub bath. The elevator finally arrived. I stepped inside, noticing the mirrors all...

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Sexy Tina

This happened a few months ago. I was having serious marriage problems, my wife, a nurse worked the day shifts I a factory worker had night shifts just to avoid each other. We were passing each on the downswing of our life together. Neither of us getting anything remotely satisfying out of the marriage anymore. I had already had two affairs and know for sure she has been fooling around too.I started noticing the barely legal girl in our building who lives on the 2nd floor, her father is a...

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Neetu ki chudai

Hello, mera naam satyam hai, main motihari ka rahne wala ek hatta katta nawjawan hoon.meri umar 26 saal hai or main ek private company me kaam karta hu, main jo kahani sunane ja raha hoon, wo aaj se 4 saal pahle suru hui thi, jisko maine hamesha choda or aaj v chodta rahta hu,kuonki wo meri biwi hai ab.Meri biwi ka naam neetu hai, or uski 2 bahane bhi hain.uske papa court me kaam karte hai ,ye ghatna aaj se karib 4 saal pahle ki hai jab neetu apne graduation kar rahi thi. Wo mere ghar ke theek...

4 years ago
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Tranny and Me Meet The MILF

This past Friday morning my phone rang. It was Chandra my tranny friend who I met and fucked some weeks ago. She told me that she had nothing to do this weekend and that her roommate was out of town and she was alone. I told her that if she wanted to get out of the city that she could spend the weekend at my place. She said that was a great idea and that she would be over in a few hours. When Chandra got to my place she was horney as hell. She dropped her overnight bag, dropped to her knees and...

3 years ago
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Finally!after years of hard work and many loans from the bank you have at long last created the worlds first cloning machine.All it requires is a hair sample and a waiting time of approximately 10 minutes and the machine produces a living clone. Of coarse you can alter parts of the clone in the machine as to help the human race for example not only producing a Stephan hawking who can walk but a Stephan hawking who doesn't need sleep.The only downside is the clones only last for a few hours so...

Group Sex
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Crissy the stepmom

Crissy always gave the impression that she was always in control and very prim and proper but the truth is that was just a cover for her being very submissive. She always wanted to please everyone and what few people realized is it was very difficult, almost impossible for Crissy to say no and she was worried that Kevin had figured that out and was continuing to test her. It would start with small things like, when Crissy told Kevin to bring all the laundry down, he told her that was...

1 year ago
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I never knew that watching could be so much fun 3

100% fiction! It's Friday and dad is going to play golf tomorrow morning and will not be home until noon. Oh well if I am going to die i'm going to die with mom knowing I have the pictures of her. Mom always checks her E mail Saturday morning so I am going to send her pictures of her sucking cock and see what happens. I just sent them and I heard her yell " go to bed." I always sleep in on Saturday morning, I didn't hear Mom come into my room I just woke up and she was sitting on my bed. " Well...

4 years ago
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Holiday Bondage Fun

It was a small, rented, holiday villa in Greece. I was there with my girlfriend, Elaine, a very sexy, dominant lady, who has been my friend, lover and mistress for many years. She works as a window dresser for some top High Street stores, and is used to posing and photographing the shop-window display dummies. I suppose it is only natural for her to treat me like one of them, when she wants pictures of me.The villa was lovely, off the beaten track, and quite isolated, which suited us perfectly....

1 year ago
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Back Door Lady Cop

It was late at night, on a Friday, and I had just left a long, boring party at my office. I was driving home to my apartment, struggling to stay awake. I was completely sober, but I was totally exhausted from a seemingly never-ending week full of meetings. While I was driving, at some point I must have lost my focus, because I glanced down at the dashboard and discovered that I was driving way over the speed limit. I immediately slammed on the brakes, and pulled over to the side of the street...

4 years ago
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tired busy day

Coming home in the evening after busy day at work...Kissed my lady, ate delicious pasta she made and went for a shower...Shower was relaxing and easing...Coming back to living room, hugged my lady and we covered with a blanket, watching some show on TV...I dozed of...slowly drifted into dream world...Dreams were kinda strange, I dreamed some shapes, like pipes, rollers...kinda meaty, were moving around..something wet was on them...really strange dreams, I couldn't make sense of it..Kinda...

3 years ago
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Perfect Wife to Black Dick Slut Part 1

Introduction: My wife is pregnant and I blame myself that its not my child growing in her womb From Perfect Wife to Black Cock Slut – Part 1 Chris and I had just flown back from Rome, a trip Id arranged so wed be back in the UK on 15th April, which was our 10th anniversary and Chriss 35th birthday. The plan was to dine at the same restaurant that Id proposed to her exactly 11 years previously, am I a romantic at heart? The flight landed at Stanstead so I was driving up the M1/M6 heading back...

2 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 16 Fun and Games

All work and no play makes Jack a depressed sailor or marine. And, aside from Kenji's radio network and pickup games of chesterfield rugby played between sponsors and concubines (and occasionally between sponsors), not much was going on. And some of the officers noticed, and brought it to the attention of the one person on the entire planet who was in a position to do something about it: the senior Civil Service officer. She, in turn, brought it to the attention of the planet's already...

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Moguls FatherSon Breakfast

Luca Alessandro Marc Branch woke up early. Next to the six-foot-two-inch, slender, cashew-skinned man lay his wife, Tenika. He picked up his cell phone and perused a couple of news stories before messaging his father to see if the old man was awake. It buzzed back shortly thereafter indicating that Doug Branch was indeed up and at ‘em. ‘What’s up,’ wrote the dad.‘Nada. Wanna run out and grab some breakfast?’‘Yeah! Give me 10.’The Branch men met outside on the front porch. Luca was dressed in a...

1 year ago
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Jenna sophisticarted lady has an affair

Where should I begin ?? This is my first post and I am not sure how I should go about it but I feel like sharing some recent events that occurred in the past few months. A little bit about myself. My name is Jenna, I am 40, married with 2 kids. I am 5’6” tall and weigh 130lbs. Brown hair in a bob haircut and brown eyes. Good curves where they are needed if I may say so. My main assets would be Long legs and larger breast than the natural average. Still attractive but not a knockout, let’s not...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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I am his whore

I am Rose from India. I am vary fair in color. I am 21 years old. I am 5 feet 5 inches tall with big breasts and big swaying ass. I have firm breasts and I am very proud of those globes. They make every male look at me twice. . In collage every guy look at my boobs with greedy eyes. I have a terrific figure of 36-24-34 and innocent oval face. I have light brown color pointed nipples with about old one rupee coin size areola hungry for some mouth to suck them. I and my girlfriend Shazia went to...

4 years ago
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Eldritch Whorers

"Son? Can you go clean out the attic while we work on the kitchen?" your mom's voice rings out through the massive mansion, reaching you all the way on the third floor. "Yeah mom, I'll get to it." you respond but grumble a bit as you trudge your way towards the ladder. The rungs creak and strain under your weight as you open the attic opening and go in. It's day outside but the inside of the attic is pitch black and stuffy, your heart beats a little faster, you've never been very good friends...

3 years ago
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My First Time Part 2

I was in a daze, it had all happened so quickly. I had just had the most explosive sexual experience of my life at the hands, and tongue, of my best friend Abbey. The uncontrollable vocal expressions of my sexual ecstasy had almost alerted her mum to the fact that we had been having sex. Amazing sex! At least I hope she hadn't heard me, that would be really awkward in the morning, and now, now it was my turn to reciprocate.Abbey pulled me up to my feet so that we were standing on her bed; my...

2 years ago
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The HomestandersChapter 33

Two by two, the four Harleys rumbled up the quiet, shady suburban street, likely rattling the window panes in the houses they passed. It was an older neighborhood, an upscale subdivision from perhaps the fifties, consisting of moderate-sized comfortable homes with impeccable yards, the kind of neighborhood young professionals with young children would be likely to want to live in. It was not the kind of neighborhood where a pack of noisy motorcycles would be expected to roll slowly and...

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Ik Choti Ci Galti Jindgi Mein Jo Maine Ki 8211 Part 1

Hi mera naam nidhi singh hai age 38 hai boobs size 38-34-36 hai height 5.6″ and rang gora hai mein punjab se ik chote sehar se belong karti hu mein app logo ko apni life ki ik sachi gatna sunane jari hu kindly send ur feedback at I waiting for your valueable feedback. Mere husband foaj mein nourki karte hai so wo kabhi kabhi hi ghar ate hai matlab lagbagh 5-6 mahine baad har aurat ki tarah mujhe bhi sex ki bahut icha rehti hai but fir bhi maine apne pati ke ilawa kabhi kisi aur se sex ka kabhi...

2 years ago
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They're writhing sensuously in time to the pounding beat of the music, offering themselves blatantly to the groups of youths and boys hanging around the bar, drinking, pretending not to notice the long naked legs, the tiny little mini skirts, the still developing breasts beneath their skimpy coverings! The smell of hot, fresh little cunts assails my nostrils as I weave unseen between their feet, occasionally stopping beneath a girl if she takes my fancy, panties of every description cling...

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In Xanadu Ch 04

‘No Yowee this time?’ Fanderpeice asked. ‘Oh there was plenty of Yowee,’ Jane replied, ‘Only it was totally internalized. And I do mean totally. My body is still tingling.’ ‘You will find when you leave here that you will be ready to go to work and that you will be totally energized for your work, that tensions you didn’t even know you were experiencing are gone.’ ‘Because we fucked?’ ‘Because we fucked freely.’ ‘I always fuck freely.’ ‘Like just now?’ Jane thought for a moment. Jane was...

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Love Romance Sex Cute Rajkot Male 8211 Part II

Hi my lovely friends mene first part me jo kaha vo apne padliya hoga or khub enjoy kiya hoga or ab 2part vese to ap log muje jante hi honge ab im raj 27m from rajkot looking cute handsome i want one good gf good sathi good partner acha to ab or kuch nai kehna he jo kahena tha vo first part me kehdiya he ab story start karta hu jo kehna hoga vo last me kahedunga coz I know now ur hot time or pani nikal jaye akhir me jo kaha ho vo padlena sirf girls kyu ke boys ko koi faida nai he or nahi muje...

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