A Fresh StartChapter 133 The Buckman Crisis
- 4 years ago
- 31
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“Mos Eisley spaceport: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.”
Change the name from Mos Eisley spaceport to Washington, D.C., and you’ve got the idea! Even Obi Wan Kenobi would have despaired of this place! That doesn’t mean I was sorry I had run for office. It just made me want to be cautious.
Friday, I managed to get lucky and got a decent draw on office assignments. Names get pulled out of a hat, and afterwards you have fifteen minutes to pick an office. There are three offices for the House of Representatives, Rayburn, Longworth, and Cannon, all on Independence Avenue south of the Capitol. There is a definite pecking order in where you get to call home. It’s like back at Kegs, with Room Roulette, only not as organized, although probably more sober. Seniors outrank juniors, etc. The most coveted offices are in the Capitol building itself, but that is too small. Only senior ranking people, like the Speaker or the Leaders are in there. Most want to be in Rayburn, which is the newest building, and has an underground subway line over to the Capitol! Next down the list is Longworth, and then you have Cannon. Cannon is the oldest and you don’t want to be there. The offices are smaller and were designed before the current staffs got so big. Freshmen Congressmen end up on the top floors of both Longworth and Cannon, and in Cannon, half your staff is in what is known as “The Cages.” Quite literally, they sit in an open bullpen arrangement across a hall from your office and are surrounded by cages which can be locked when unoccupied. It’s like Siberia, only not as congenial. There were two other Congressional office buildings, Ford and O’Neill, but these were only used by committee staff, and in the case of O’Neill, Congressional pages.
Brewster McRiley had told me about this and told me to get an office anywhere but Cannon. When my name was called early in the process, I got one on the fourth floor of Longworth. It wasn’t the biggest office, but I would be able to keep my staff in one place without them feeling like second class citizens. Staffing would be difficult enough without having to put up with a two-tier system.
I wouldn’t be able to move in until sometime in December, during the lame duck session. Losers must leave by the end of November. I wasn’t sure how you got to better offices if you moved up in seniority, but they had to have some sort of rules. My new office was still occupied by somebody who was voted out of office, so I decided to be polite and not check it out until after he had left.
I stayed through Saturday and met with Jacqueline Staymann-Huestis that morning. She seemed capable of meeting my needs, though snobby, which she tried to keep to herself but failed. Instead, she tried for obsequious, considering she must have known about my money. Weird.
Marilyn and I had gone over our needs already, at least between ourselves. First and foremost, we wanted to keep our primary residence back in Hereford. It was close enough that I figured I could commute, if not every day, then every other day. We’d give that a shot before moving to Washington. Still, we would need a place in D.C., and we wanted a home with a yard for the kids and the dog. The most convenient place,’ for those who can afford it’, was in the Georgetown district or out near Rock Creek Park. She promised to line up some prospects. I could do a first cut on things, and then bring Marilyn down to make a final decision. One important feature I told her was the financing; I wanted a two-year lease with an option to buy. I would be generous on the lease terms, since it was unusual, but I needed an out if things didn’t work out.
My committee assignments weren’t all that great. The big committees, the powerful committees, were the ones like Ways and Means (in charge of taxes), Budget (in charge of, you guessed it, the budget), or Armed Services (again, obvious). It was unusual for a freshman to end up on any of these committees. I found myself selected for Science, Space, and Technology and on the Subcommittee on Science. My second committee assignment was Veterans Affairs, and the Subcommittee for Disability Assistance. The first because of my doctorate in applied math; the second because I was a veteran myself.
I wasn’t overly impressed, but I kept that to myself. Science, Space, and Technology had about half a dozen name changes over the years (adding and subtracting the words Space and Technology). Most of the time the committee played catch-up to whatever was happening out in the rest of the world. If they did manage to come up with something useful, you could count on them being overruled by one of the more powerful committees. Veterans Affairs was the same and was relegated to being the outfit that supervised the Department of Veterans Affairs, which had only been created the year before. Nobody paid any attention unless there was a scandal going on.
To the extent that I was ambitious, I needed to get off these two committees, and onto something more interesting. With my recent background in political economics, Ways and Means or Budget would be good; with my military experience I wanted either Armed Services or Intelligence; with my knowledge of finance the House Financial Services Committee would be good (Andy Stewart’s old hangout). Even Transportation (Eat Your Peas! and infrastructure) might be interesting, although toothless.
That Saturday I made it home, and I spent the next couple of days getting to know my children again. Charlie was old enough to know what I was doing, but the twins were still a bit confused by it all. My schedule was full, though.
That week I had an appointment with a prospect for the Chief of Staff position on Monday after my weekend back in Hereford. For staff I had to start with my Chief of Staff. He, or she, runs the operation, and is critical. I was more than a bit clueless with this. Back when we started the Buckman Group, Jake brought his secretary with him, and that was how we started the staffing. In this case, I didn’t know anybody. I had talked to Newt Gingrich, the Minority Whip, during one of the orientation sessions, and he gave me the name and number for a guy named Chuck Hanson. Chuck had been a Deputy Chief of Staff for a Congressman who had just lost his job and seemed like he could step up to being Chief of Staff. I would start there.
I met the man and he seemed qualified, so I put him on my staff. We decided on the most critical jobs - Legislative Director, Executive Assistant, and a Constituent Services Director. The Legislative Director and the Constituent Services Director would propose several people of their own, who I would then meet and hire, to oversee legislation and deal with the people back in the Maryland Ninth. Cheryl would be the Field Representative back in the district and would become a government employee. My Press Secretary I would hire through the campaign office, and he wouldn’t be a federal employee, saving a slot for somebody else. Most everybody was involved in constituent services. What couldn’t be managed back at the Field Office would need to be sorted out with the Washington professionals who were used to navigating the impossibly large Washington bureaucracy. At that point Chuck gave me a shopping list for staff and turned me loose. He would be looking as well.
My first stop was to see my fellow Republican Congressmen from the great state of Maryland, Helen Bentley (Maryland 2nd) and Connie Morella (Maryland 8th), preferably before Wayne Gilchrest (Maryland 1st) got to them. Wayne was a freshman like me. I was only partially successful in this. I met Helen while Wayne was meeting Connie, and we ran into each other rushing off to meet the other. We had a laugh at this and resolved to meet for lunch later in the morning. From what I learned from Chuck, almost every Congressman has some junior staffers who can be convinced to move to a new office, especially if a promotion is involved. The Congressman losing the junior staffer also has some incentives to allow this. First, there’s a quid pro quo involved - you get my junior assistant flunky, I get your vote on a few bills. Secondly, they now have a blank spot on their own staff they can fill, perhaps with the offspring of somebody powerful or wealthy or connected. Finally, maybe they take this as an opportunity to give a glowing recommendation for the local village idiot and pawn him off on the unsuspecting newbie, who is now no longer their headache, but your headache. Hey, I’m just saying, it happens!
Overall, the entire exercise reminded me of pre-Civil War slave trading, only it wasn’t as dignified.
At lunch, Wayne and I had a very nice meal, got to know each other, and discussed our new staff members. This was his first elected office, also, although it was his second run for office. Nice fellow, used to teach high school. He offered to pick up the check, and I agreed, making him promise to let me pay when we took our wives to dinner some night. Then we split up, to keep hunting for staff. We both had the makings of a staff by the end of the week.
I also spent a day with Jacqueline Staymann-Huestis and looked at homes. It’s a good thing I’m rich! We found a nice place in Massachusetts Avenue Heights on 30th Street, which would ‘only’ set me back about $2 million. What a bargain! Still, it had a fair-sized back yard to let the kids and dog run around in, six bedrooms and baths, and was large enough to have a gigantic formal foyer, formal living room, banquet-size formal dining room, den/library/office, and a designer kitchen with a breakfast nook. It was quite a bit larger than our house in Hereford. If I amounted to anything in the House, it would be perfect for entertaining and home office space. I gave Jacqueline a tentative approval on the property but told her I would need to bring my wife back in a week to look at it. She commented that homes of this quality wouldn’t last long. I told her I’d chance it; there were very few people moving to Washington who could afford a home with that price tag. I smiled and wished her luck moving it in the next week or so.
I had booked the suite at the L’Enfant Plaza for the time between the election and the opening of the 102nd Congress. By then I figured I would be able to find a house and get a start on furniture and what not. Marilyn brought the kids down the following weekend, and they gave the 30th Street house their blessing, and I gave Jacqueline a significant check. She then asked, “Have you chosen a designer yet?”
“A designer?” I asked. I looked over at Marilyn, and she seemed as clueless as me.
“Yes, to coordinate your décor and space, of course.”
“Oh, like an interior decorator?” asked Marilyn.
“Something like that,” she replied.
“Well, my Aunt Peg offered to let me have the furniture in the basement until I could cash my first paycheck and get over to IKEA. Still, I guess we could get a designer. What do you think, honey?” I asked Marilyn.
“Will you behave? You’re as bad as the kids!” She turned to Jacqueline and said, “Never mind him. Do you know a decorator?”
The woman dug a business card out of her briefcase and passed it along. I gave her John’s business card, and one for Andrea. Andrea had agreed to review everything with John, to make sure it was all okay. I wanted a quick closing, which should make everybody happy. We retrieved the kids from the back yard, along with Dum-Dum, and loaded them back up. We drove around the neighborhood a bit, and then we took the kids home. I really needed to look into a better method of commuting. This took two hours each way and was not realistic.
The solution to this presented itself in mid-December. I made an appointment to talk to Lloyd Jarrett of Executive Charters and drove out to see him at the Westminster Airport. “Carl, what’s up? By the way, congrats on winning the election. I would have voted for you, but I actually live down below Reisterstown.”
“Thank you. I appreciate the thought. That’s sort of why I’m here, actually, in a roundabout fashion,” I replied.
“Yeah. We’re still living here, over in Hereford, and it’s crazy to drive back and forth. What I was wondering is, well, what if I buy a helo and commute? Can I do that?”
He blinked in surprise but shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, sure, it can be done. When did you get a pilot’s license?”
It was my turn to look surprised. “No, no, not me! I mean, I’d buy the helo and base it either here or there, and go back and forth as the passenger, like a limo, sort of.”
Lloyd looked at me curiously. “Carl, do you have any idea what that would involve? This would not be cheap!”
“Tell me.”
“Well, there’s the chopper itself. A new Jet Ranger, which would do the trick nicely, will probably run you close to a mill on its own. Then you’ll need a pilot, and you’ll need a mechanic, because helicopters break down real fucking easy! You’ve got to park it someplace, which means you’ll need to pay pad fees and hangar rental, probably both here and there. Fuel and parts ... Carl, you have to be looking at close to a million or two to set this up, and at least a million a year to keep it going.”
I nodded to myself. I could afford that. “What about airplanes? What would a G-III cost me?”
He stared in disbelief. “A Gulfstream III to commute between here and Washington? That’s crazy!”
I smiled and nodded. “No, that’s crazy! I agree! No, I’m just curious, how much would that run?”
“Good Lord! Okay, the plane will be a few million. You can probably pick up one just a few years old for a reasonable figure. A lot of them have come on the market as owners trade up to the new G-IV model. You’ll need two pilots for that, as well as the same sort of hangar space and fees and parts and fuel. If you want both, you’ll be paying two to three mill a year, at least.”
“But it could be done?”
“Yeah, sure. With enough cash anything can be done. Hell, we made it to the moon, didn’t we? D.C. should be a piece of cake.” Then he scratched his head and asked, “Are you serious about this?”
“Yeah, I think so. Can it be done?”
“Okay, but here’s another approach. What do you know about planes and helos, really? Why not pay me to handle this. We can put the birds under Executive Charters’ name and certificates, use our facilities, our pilots, our mechanics and offices and hangars. We handle everything and you get either exclusive use or preferred use on everything. If you aren’t using them, we can use them for rental or charter, to offset the costs.”
I opened my mouth to argue but stopped halfway. This might make sense. I didn’t really want to own airplanes; I just wanted to use them whenever I could. Why in the world did I want to run an airline? Even the airlines lost money doing that, and they were the ones who were supposed to know how to do it! I closed my mouth, thought about it, and gave Lloyd a wry smile. “Listen, do me a favor and look into this. Come up with a proposal. I just want to be able to hop back and forth when I want to and use the airplane for longer trips and vacations and such.”
“You want to go into National, or College Park?”
“College Park?” That was where the University of Maryland was, just outside of D.C.
“There’s a small airport there, be good for small stuff, easier to fly into and out of than National. A Gulfstream would be too big for it, but a helo would be fine. Further out, though.”
“Work it up both ways. I might have to drive from our home to both to time them.”
Lloyd nodded. “Where’s the house?”
“Northwest. Near the Naval Observatory and Rock Creek Park.”
He nodded again. “Give me a few days. Let me make some calls and work something up.”
We shook hands on it. Maybe we could make this work.
The day after my offices in Longworth were emptied, I moved in. It was bare bones, but habitable. Sherry Longbottom, my new Legislative Director, commented, “Not much to look at, is it?”
“You’d prefer a spot over in the Cages?” I asked.
“Been there, done that! It’s really quite lovely here, isn’t it?”
“That’s the winning attitude!” I answered, smiling. “Okay, seriously, let’s make this habitable. Figure out what we’re going to need and let’s get it ordered. I don’t need a matching mahogany and gold suite, but we need something decent, computers for everybody, printers, copiers, all that stuff. If we don’t have it, get it. Beg, borrow, or steal, I don’t care. If you need me to run interference, fine, but you guys probably know how to get it done better than I do.”
Mindy McIlroy, my Executive Assistant, smiled and commented, “I am guessing your watchword will be plausible deniability?”
“You have hit upon my next campaign slogan! Write that down!” I motioned for her and Chuck to follow me into my personal office, which was also fairly bare. I glanced around and said, “The same goes here. I’m not all that picky on décor, but we need to do something. In the meantime, let’s go over my schedule.” The three of us sorted things out. The lame duck session was over, and wouldn’t reconvene until January 3rd, early for Congress. Then we would be out again for almost two weeks in February, almost three weeks in March/April, and another week in May, two weeks in June/July, six weeks in August/September, and then another six or seven weeks from November until January in ‘92. I started adding things up, and I counted out about twenty-six weeks when Congress wasn’t in session, half the year! It gets worse - most work weeks are only four days long!
It’s not as inefficient as that makes it seem. The worker bees on the staff work Monday through Friday, and through recesses. It’s the elected officials who spend most of their time doing anything other than the nation’s business. I had already heard about the informally named ‘Tuesday-Thursday Club’. These were the Congressmen who would fly home on Thursday night and fly back to Washington on Tuesday morning, cramming four days of fundraisers or junkets into the weekend, and then forcing themselves to put in three days in Washington - usually at fundraisers.
It’s one hell of a system!
Then I went out to talk to Sherry about anything coming up for votes or committee action. Nothing significant seemed to be on the horizon involving either Science or Veterans Affairs, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t work that would be involved. After Congress convened, I’d start officially attending committee meetings, but before that I would be learning my assignments and meeting with top committee staffers.
Then I went home for a few days. I would be back on Monday morning, and I expected to find some decent office furnishings and a functional staff by then, by hook or by crook! Meantime, I had to go home and be husband and daddy for a few days. In particular, the Cub Scouts were doing an overnight camping trip this Saturday night, and I needed to attend. Charlie was looking forward to this. He was a Webelo now, and they could go camping. They only did one night at a time, not two or more like the Boy Scouts did. I had missed an earlier trip during the campaign. I couldn’t put it off again.
That Thursday night, all that Charlie could talk about was the upcoming camping trip. Both of the twins wanted to go camping, too, to which their brother replied, “No way! You’re girls!”
I stifled a laugh and shook my head. “I think you two should stay home and help Mom.”
Holly whined, “Mom!”
Molly whined, “Dad!”
I just looked my wife in the eye and shook my head, “NO!” That was all I needed - a winter camping trip with three women who had never been camping before! I’d rather go camping back in Nicaragua.
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“You know, your cousin is getting even more out of hand than usual,” Eric Goddard told his wife April, being very annoyed by Dan Logan. “Oh, yes ... Dan the Man! Pardon my vulgar language, but everyone sucks up to him too much, too, including Pastor Denny, you know, and Ellie, that slut of a preacher’s wife that we’re stuck with right now. She’s a disgrace, even if she is a sweetheart,” April ranted now. “She’s your sister!” Eric pointed out. “That’s what makes this so much harder, honey....
“Hey, I’m looking for a Dan Logan,” a rather luscious black teenage girl approached Jeff Bob Chutney out of the blue as he sat just outside his trailer next Sunday morning while most folks in town were in church. “Dan Logan ... did he knock you up, sweetie? That’s usually my department with the young’uns. He tends to go for the married pussy, you know. I’m the local chicken licker,” Jeff Bob grinned and showed his remaining teeth while spitting out his chaw. “Not me ... my mother. He’s my...
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“Eric, Eric, honey, where is everyone at church?” April Goddard looked around at where the Wednesday night prayer meeting should be. The sanctuary was empty, not a soul in sight ... but that couldn’t be, right? Not unless ... no, that wasn’t possible. It just ... didn’t make any sense at all. She was saved. April knew that she had gotten right with God, had received Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior, right? So, no, it couldn’t be the Rapture, not with Pastor Denny gone. She was...
My eyes blinked slowly. I realized that the dark was paling as somewhere in the east the sun was starting to climb into the sky. I focused again, drawing myself from my remembrances of that first awful summer. There was no one on the patio anymore – 'C' and Molly had disappeared. I rose slowly and went into the bedroom to get anouther drink. Sitting on the divan at the end of our bed was my wife. "What are you doing here?" I asked with a rasp in my voice. Jennifer looked at me and...
That day was unique, I would never forget how an 9 year old boy touched, caressed and tasted the veiny, big and fat cock of a 35-year-old man.I did not go again to my friends' house until three days later, since I was a little afraid that Mister Joachin might say something about what happened, I did not know what he was going to tell me, he would scold me, he would tell my parents; I didn't know what was going to happen.On the third day I came back. I remember it was Saturday and that meant...
I remember that it all started when I was still a c***d, I was about 7 years old at that time and I loved to play with my neighbors, they were some funny girls, I used to stayed in their house, playing all kinds of games that we can think of.I remember that just as I came home from school, I left my backpack, threw it away and went to play; that's how many years went by until I turned 9 years old. I began to notice that boys were not so indifferent to me, especially older men, I remember that...
The morning broke clear and slightly warmer than usual. Morning chores were taken care of, more out of necessity than usual. The offspring were going home from their visit. June was fighting tears. She always LOVED coming home so much, and actually HATED having to go home. The c***dren were "out of sorts" too. They saw Grandpa and Grannie's farm as a huge amusement park. There were always new things to see and do, and Granny ALWAYS had something yummy for them to eat or drink. She NEVER...
IntroductionWhen I first started writing this episode it was a mixture of conjecture and fantasy; my ‘virtual’ Mistress Anna Dominatrix and her real sub Dave have confirmed that most of it actually happened last night.All characters are real users here on xhamster (their profile names in brackets), except for Gillian who as my teenage avatar is able to go places I never could.Stockbridge, HampshireSunday morning Dave (used_sub) collapsed into the softest armchair in his Stockbridge pub after...
A week later, Sophia and Warren walked into Sophia's house. Ellen, Dan, and Kate were all there waiting. "Well?" Ellen asked. "Well, what?" Sophia grinned. "Didn't you have an ultrasound?" "Yup. I saw it," Warren confirmed. "We have pictures. The hands were wiggling and the feet were kicking, and everything." "Great," Ellen said. She waited a beat, glaring at them. "Well?" "Well what?" Sophia said, grinning. "Did you find out what it is?" "Yeah, it's a baby,"...
I led us all back to the apartment, with the guys behind me and Amelia taking up the rear (so to speak.) Inside, Brent took the opportunity to introduce Amelia and me to the guys. Amelia proceeded to greet the guys by pushing her naked body against them as they all gathered around her. Except for Brent who slid away to whisper to me. “Hey, dude, how come, well, you’re dressed like that?” he said. I whispered back to him. “It was Jess and Amelia’s idea. The theory was that my being like...
The CEO of Travel Corp. almost spit his coffee across the room when his assistant informed him that Elizabeth Barton-Warner was waiting to see him. The man glanced nervously at his watch and it confirmed what he already knew: He was late. The day had started off poorly with an argument with his teenage daughter over the attire she had chosen for a trip to the beach with her friends – a fight that extended from the weekend and filtered down to his younger daughter. He found a flat tire on his...
Yes it was embarrassing, but I knew that no real harm was done. After he got his shit and left, I finished what I had been doing. I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on TV shows on line. I did keep up with them, but not to the extent that I couldn't miss a few episodes and catch up later. When bedtime came, I was alone again, and I was fine with that at the moment. I knew that the time would come, and it wouldn't be that much longer, when I need that rush. The one that sex of any...
Sandra felt small droplets running down her back and on other parts of her body. The woman still hadn't returned, and her body was aching. Her legs were trembling, and acidified muscles were complaining. Why she endured it all for this long? She had no clue about. For some reason, she just wanted to obey this woman and didn't want to disappoint her. Luckily, there were all those other women and girls who kept on looking at her. This boosted her willpower, because she loved how they made...
I skipped dinner rather than face them. I stayed in my office doing busy work. The bank accounts were fine. My investments were fine. I answered all the emails I had been ignoring. What did I need if eleven guys couldn't satisfy me? Was I just one of those assholes who was never happy with what they had? And now the boys thought I wanted them to leave! What kind a fool gets a harem and loses it? That was an easy one - a fool like me. The real problem was that those words kept wanting to...
Yumi: Lord Shishio, this might not be for me to say, but aren't you a little worried about Brother Anji fighting Sagara Sanosuke? The only one who could have taught that man the Futae no Kiwami is the priest himself... Since he's gone so far already, could he hold back during the fight out of compassion... ? Shishio: You don't have to say it. The possibility is there. Anji may be a fallen monk but he lives in accordance with Buddhism. (In his chamber, Anji stares at a small statue of a...
December 17, 2017 I woke sometime in the middle of the night to Heather moving behind me. I realized that I was on my left side, that Heather was snuggled into my backside with her right arm around my waist, her crotch pressed tightly into my butt. Brett was on his back and ... not snoring, but breathing slightly heavily and regularly, so he had gotten to sleep. The “interesting” part was that my face was against his right shoulder and my right foot was resting on his legs. I remember lying...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Julia got everyone's attention, then, "Sorry that took so long. Laila dug herself into a hole then tried to get out by digging it deeper. She's going to be fired as Liaison unless she finds her way out by Tuesday night." There were expressions of shock from all around the table (well not from Robert or Donna, but you get the idea). Laila didn't look shocked, being too busy looking unhappy. #3:
I had them stand up and walked them into a row by the showers. I separated Karla and Leathers then paired the gang up. I turned each girl so they were standing face to face but only a foot apart. "You are looking at your partner. If you or your partner fails to obey any rule or instruction, violates any rule or order you both will be severely disciplined. If the infraction merits death you both will die very slowly and painfully." "By surrendering to remain among the living you gave up...
~~Eric~~ It was probably a dumb idea. Hell, he knew it was a dumb idea. But he was going to do it anyway. Maybe he was doing this because he wanted to get some control of his life; it hadn’t been under his control in god damn forever. Maybe he was doing this to prove to Avery that he could be Uratha without her guidance. Maybe he was doing this because Jessy was obviously into it, and he could practically feel the hunger in her gaze when he announced his intentions. Going against the ‘man’...
I awoke and glanced around with a growing sense of déjà vu. I was sitting at a campfire on a warm night with a sky filled with more stars than you’d think possible. No Thea, my deceased wife, this time though, but Oonagh was there, sitting opposite me, gazing around with a somewhat wild look in her eyes. “Relax Oonagh, it’s OK,” I spoke in a calm voice. “Where are we? How can this be OK as you put it? Are we dead? What’s happening?” the questions tumbled out of her mouth. “Where are we? I...
The meeting ended with Marty's promise that Mike would be calling me to arrange the camera work. I presumed that Mike would also be occupying the last of my apartments. Jen worked out an arrangement so that the rent payment and the release fee went directly to my bank account. I trusted her to take care of those kinds of details. Since all my tenants had moved into their apartments, activity around Casa Del Aster was minimal at best. I could have returned home and just slept all day, but I...
Hey Lily, You have trees outside the dome? I thought your homes were underwater. Or are you saying that there are additional domes, away from your "home" dome. Just trying to get a picture of your setup. I know Willow wrote a bit about ours to her brother back when we first landed over a year ago. Wow, it's been a long time since we came. The island we are on is large considering that several people estimate that it was once the top of a volcano crater. One of the college prof corporals...
This one is compliments of eugeneofsavoy One day a pirate walked into a bar. while the bartender was pouring his drink he looked at him and said, "What happened? You look terrible." "What do you mean?" said the pirate, "I feel fine." "What about the wooden leg? You didn't have that before." "Well," said the pirate, "We were in a battle, and I got hit with a cannon ball, but I'm fine now." The bartender replied: "Well, OK, but what about that hook? What happened to your...
The downstairs was empty - except for Robert Riley. Andy had thought the adults had departed while he was standing in the rain. "Is everything OK, Andy?" Robert asked, the concern clear in his voice. "Yeah," Andy said. "Are you positive?" Robert pressed. "You've been ... out of kilter for a few days now." "You're not kidding," Andy said. "I've had a lot on my mind and I haven't really had a chance to think things through." "The girls will be fine by themselves if you...
LATE TUESDAY AFTERNOON: As they were preparing to get off the plane in Boulder, "We forgot to buy Hope a coat," Diana fretted. "She can wear mine until we can get her one," Jennie said with so much conviction that Diana could feel the sting of tears touch her eyes. Jeff started to offer his coat, but a look from Diana stopped him. From long association, the 'Jennie needs to do this' came across quite well, though neither of the two spoke aloud. Instead, Jeff said to Hope, "Once...
Dinner was fun for everyone. Meredith started to relax around the group. She had become fast friends with Rebecca, Leslie and Trinity, in particular. Katey found herself seated between Sean and Allie. Everyone kept the conversation light. Rachelle didn't flinch when the manager brought the bill. It was for $1,100 but she simply handed over her credit card and refused everyone's attempt to pay her back. "It's my treat," she said. "Meredith, I know it's hard to believe but this group...
Shocked, emotionally drained, and sexually overwrought, Laura locked the door and made herself another drink. She was very sad that this had happened, but in her experience--chiefly with Yvette, and Sholandra, and Jonelle--she had found that they always came back. Once they had tasted what Laura had to give them, they couldn't refuse it. Would it happen with Trina? Things were so different with her, complicated by the memory of Rina. How true might it be that Laura was trying to sleep with...
It was a week later that we got the diagnosis for Doug. I called Angela. "Lymphoma? Crap!" she said. "Hodgkins or non-Hodgkins?" "Oh. They said it wasn't Hodgkins. That's good, isn't it?" I said. "Not necessarily." She hesitated for a few seconds. "They'll probably want him to start treatment right away. It depends on what stage it's in as to what the treatment will be. I'll send you some info so you'll all know what to talk about with the oncologist. Don't try to...
As the dog team disappeared into the driving snow, Heather scurried around, trying to retrieve some of the papers that had been spilled from her briefcase, but the wind was taking them, and she was only able to salvage part of them. There were papers there that she didn't want to lose, mostly concerning the lawsuit, but the wind and pure chance controlled what she could save. In only a few minutes, it was clear that she had saved all she was going to. She went over to where her car was...
“Did you threaten Mage Frederico, John?” Morgana asked mildly after requesting my presence in a meeting room in the command centre with Mages Sofya, Frederico, Simon and Julia. “Yes, my Mage. I most certainly did and meant it too,” I replied. “Why would you feel the need to threaten him, John?” she asked, knowing fine well why. “It would have been somewhat impolite to simply kill him on the spot, my Mage,” I replied, utterly deadpan, seeing Simon and Julia start slightly before hiding...
I drove to Mossberg to talk to Bart. He was the closest thing I had to a best friend. I found my Mossberg key ring right where I left it. Once inside my condo, I found everything there dusty and damp but undisturbed by human hands. I walked down to the cafe before settling in for some deep thinking. Boxer: My god look what the cats dragged in, a stray dog. Me: Nice of you to make me feel welcome after all these months. I recognized most of the lunch crowd. At least I had a nodding...
John’s mouth fell open as he stared at the images the Vulkat had taken of the salvaged Thrall ship components. He felt an eerie kind of click as Dana named each of the forbidding black objects, her words resonating in his mind. “They’re standard issue in all Thrall vessels!” he blurted out, his eyes widening as he stared at the ship’s equipment. “I know what they do!” “Yeah, me too,” Dana confirmed in a hushed voice. “The schematics just popped into my mind...” He glanced her way and...
Political Quotes: “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” Groucho Marx “Politics is made up of two words... ‘poli’ which is Greek for ‘many’ and ‘tics’ which are blood sucking insects.” Gore Vidal “Politics is War without bloodshed, while War is Politics with bloodshed.” Mao Zedong “Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even when there is no river.” Nikita Khrushchev “Too...
As lunch started, Katherine went looking for Christine. She'd promised Alan that she would try to befriend Christine and also apologize for spying on her and Alan at their Tuesday night dinner date, and she was determined to keep both promises despite her great reservations about Christine's character. Christine, though, wasn't at her usual cafeteria table with the other "Goody-goodies." But the members of that group seemed to have some sort of sixth sense about what the others were...
The morning after I was released from jail, I was back in the airplane. I rode the trike to the strip, then I towed the plane to a spot where I could take off into the prevailing wind currents. The little canary rolled out nice and got enough lift to take off in a very short distance. After two hours in the air, I settled back on the ground as gently as a butterfly. It was a great experience flying the canary. I was getting to be a confident, if not really experienced pilot. Being able to...
The person who now knew the least about our forthcoming holiday in Brittany was me! Julie sorted out her papers while I made us another cup of tea, and then she updated me on what was planned. We (she after seeking the advice of the travel agent) had elected to use the fairly recently inaugurated Townsend-Thoreson ferry service between Portsmouth and Cherbourg. “Are you quite sure that we can get ferry tickets this close to travelling? Shouldn’t we have booked weeks ago?” My blonde lover...
"Rhonda," I squeaked as I turned to look at her. "You can't say things like that. I can't..." She stomped her feet into her boots and stormed out the back door. Shit! I couldn't have Rhonda saying things like that. I left the bread in the bowl and grabbed my boots. She was already in Gypsy's stall when I got to the barn. I didn't bother with either Princess or Jingo. I went into the same stall and put my hands on her shoulders. She stiffened. "Rhonda. Honey. You can't say things...
The whirlwind of events for that final show of the Redsands Teen Beauty Pageant began with the final full nude section of the parade. This was probably the part that had caused the most contention when the Teen Beauty Pageant was first mooted as being sponsored by the National Trust For Lifestyle Nudism. That was almost a year ago now and so much had changed in the little 50,000 strong community of Redsands, Georgia, USA, since then. The original concept of a Teen Beauty Pageant involving...
Tia and Tara are here. This should be fun. Never having told the place in my head to stop tracking them, from back when we were in D.C., I had no issue locating them down at the pool in front of the farthest building from the main resort building. I could hear them thinking that they still hadn’t found any boys that didn’t talk to their tits. It made me laugh thinking that if Tia got a good wax job she could go around in only a bikini top and no one would notice. Bambi was spot on with her...