A Fresh Start EpilogueChapter 5 Colonel Buckman
- 2 years ago
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“Good evening.
Almost four weeks ago our nation was attacked by terrorists. Four airplanes were hijacked in a coordinated attack and flown to targets in New York and Washington. Two were crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, one was targeted at the Pentagon here in Washington, and a fourth crashed in Pennsylvania when the passengers managed to overpower their attackers but lost their lives in the process. President Bush and over 3,200 other people died that day, and our nation changed forever.
At that time, I promised you that we would determine who had committed these atrocities and that we would respond. Tonight, I am able to speak for the first time about what happened that day and what we have done since.
Following the attacks, I ordered a joint investigation by members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the United States Secret Service. I ordered them to find out who attacked us and how it was done, and whether we could have prevented it. The investigation is still continuing, but I can provide some information now. First, there is no indication that this was a planned assassination attempt on President Bush. The evidence all points to a conclusion that the attacks were planned before President Bush even scheduled his trip to New York.
I can now state that our intelligence services were able to determine who the attackers were within a matter of hours. That first night, when I spoke to you to tell you what had happened, we already knew who had attacked us. We could have attacked at that time, but our response would have been premature and ineffective. We needed confirming intelligence and information, so we waited until our armed forces were prepared to respond effectively. That response was made today!
A terrorist group named Al Qaeda, consisting of radical Islamic fundamentalists, was behind the attacks of September 11th. They are based in Afghanistan, and have the support of the Afghan government, the Taliban. At 12:30 AM our time, and 9:00 AM local time, Operation Enduring Freedom commenced. American warplanes began a massive and coordinated attack on Al Qaeda and Taliban targets throughout Afghanistan. We targeted training bases, military assets, a wide variety of government targets, and terrorist safe houses and support facilities. Tomorrow, the Pentagon will release more specific information, but it will be limited. Military operations continue even as we speak, and I will not endanger the lives of our soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen by releasing information prematurely.
I can say with a considerable degree of certainty that our assault was highly successful, although the exact degree is not yet certain. Unfortunately, a price was paid by our armed forces. Thomas Jefferson once wrote that the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. I am not yet free to divulge all the details of Operation Enduring Freedom, but I can say that while our losses were extremely light, there were losses. Patriots shed their blood, to protect us from tyrants. I cannot promise there will not be losses in the future.
September 11th changed our lives forever, and in ways that will probably take years to determine the extent of. Many of us believed that what happened then could never happen, or that if it happened, it would be somewhere else, in another country, with people we never heard of. We slumbered peacefully and have received a rude awakening. We must now come to terms with a very different future than what we had planned. As I said earlier, we must change the way we handle our intelligence and determine new ways to deal with new threats. Our nation faces new enemies, enemies who wish to destroy the peaceful and free society we possess.
However, America is strong, not in spite of our freedom, but because of that freedom. The greatest amendment to our Constitution is the very first amendment. It states that we are open and free, in our religion, our speech, and our right to assemble. It is, in effect, the right to freedom of thought. We will not give up those rights. When I was sworn in as President, I swore to preserve, protect, and defend the very Constitution that says we will be a free and open people. Those who would try and change us will fail. We as a people are strong because of our beliefs, and working together we will remain strong, as individuals, and as a nation. Our nation has been challenged and will grow stronger through this challenge.
Thank you, good night, and God bless America.”
I kept staring at the camera with my mouth shut until the director turned off the bright lights and began talking. I looked over at Ari Fleischer, who was standing in the corner with a copy of the speech in his hand. “Did I blow my lines?” I asked.
“No, sir, I think you got them,” he answered.
“Good.” I waited for some of the technical people to leave and said, “Remember how I said I wanted a sit down with you to go over some of the information on the intelligence problems we had?” He nodded, so I continued, “I had a call from Ashcroft earlier this afternoon. He and one of his investigators are coming over the end of the week for an update. I would like you to join us. The only reason I didn’t bring you in earlier was because I couldn’t take the slightest chance of a leak affecting the military operation. That doesn’t apply any more, and you need to know what is happening. I am not being sneaky for the sake of being sneaky.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you. What is going on? The Attorney General is involved in this?”
I nodded. “Remember how during the summer all you heard out of some of the people surrounding the President was Iraq, Iraq, Iraq?” He nodded again, so I shrugged and shook my head. “Guess what, it wasn’t Iraq, and some people knew it. It isn’t completely clear yet, but it’s going to be a mess, and there are probably going to be some indictments. I would bet that there are going to be hearings on the Hill about this, just like with everything else about 9-11. We can’t be seen to be playing politics with this, so any announcements need to be out of Justice, but you are going to need to know what is happening. As for the timing, I have no idea. Maybe we’ll find out when John and his people come here.”
“Thank you, Mister President.”
“Ari, I just want you to know that if I have to be an asshole at times, it’s not for the sake of being an asshole. I’ll have a reason. I need talented people here, and you are one of those people.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you.” He paused for a second and said, “Indictments?”
“Ari, I could see it happening right in front of me and even I was surprised. For your information, if there are indictments, I won’t be issuing pardons on anything related to 9-11. People didn’t do their jobs, and now we have 3,200 dead Americans and a dead President and I ended up in the jackpot. No, I won’t be handing out any pardons.” I stood up from the corner of the desk I had been half sitting on. “Come on, it’s late. Go home and let me get out of here, too.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you.”
The next step was scheduled to occur the next morning. Secretary Powell arrived at my office at 9:45, and the first thing he said was, “Are you really sure you want to do this?”
“Colin, people need to learn the consequences of their actions. When you were growing up, if you acted up, your mom or your dad would smack you on the butt and tell you not to do it again. Why should countries be any different?”
He crossed his arms and argued, “That’s all well and good, but don’t think there won’t be consequences for your actions, too.”
“Every day I think about those consequences, Colin, every single day.”
We were still discussing consequences when the intercom on my desk announced our guest was arriving. Colin went to the lobby. The Saudi Arabian Ambassador, Prince Bandar bin Sultan of the House of Saud, one of the innumerable Saudi princes and arguably one of their smarter ones, had been invited, and you don’t just let ambassadors wander around the place looking for the proper door to knock on.
Then again, while he wasn’t on my current list of favorite people, I didn’t need to be overly hostile. My actions in the next fifteen minutes would be hostile enough.
One of the agents at the door knocked and opened it, ushering in Ambassador Sultan and Secretary of Defense Powell. He approached and stretched out his hand and I shook it. “Thank you for coming to see me, Mister Ambassador.”
“It is my pleasure, Mister President. I hope you and your family are well.” We chatted about everything under the sun for about ten minutes, since it is considered rude to get anything accomplished. Eventually he came around to business. “I am sorry that I was not able to meet you a few weeks ago following President Bush’s passing. I can understand how busy you must have been, and still are, it would seem.”
I nodded. “Yes, yesterday was quite busy. Unfortunately, while I hope that our response to the attack on my country will deter future attacks, I seriously doubt that it will dissuade anybody. That sort of fanaticism does not truly believe in the power of consequences for one’s actions.”
“Actions such as we all witnessed on September 11th are hateful to Allah, and an affront to Islam, a religion of peace,” he commented.
“It is good to hear you say such things, Mister Ambassador, but it seems to be at variance to the actions of your country. This is truly disturbing to me, and to my fellow citizens,” I replied.
“I do not understand. What do you mean, sir?”
“Well, in a very short time, the details of September 11th will be publicly known, in full. Details such as the fact that of the nineteen hijackers, fifteen of them were Saudi citizens. Details such as the fact that the leader of Al Qaeda is a Saudi citizen. Details such as the fact that Saudi charities and financial institutions provide the funding for terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and others. Details like the fact that the extremist religious doctrines that promote this sort of behavior are routine parts of Saudi culture and thought and have government support. To the average American citizen there is little difference between the individuals who did this and the nation that, to all intents and purposes, sent them.”
“Mister President, you paint my nation in much too harsh a light. Groups such as Al Qaeda are banned in Saudi Arabia, and these terrorists have fled us, to other places where they can hide in rocks and caves from civilized people. My country categorically denies any participation in such hateful actions, and I am surprised you would consider this of us.”
Colin Powell was simply sitting there watching us and wondering whether I was giving myself enough rope to properly hang myself. In for a penny, in for a pound. I kept going. “Unfortunately, Mister Ambassador, my country has a saying. Perhaps you have heard of it - actions speak louder than words. The actions of your nation are not the actions of a friend or an ally. What am I to think, and what is the average American to think, of these actions?”
“Mister President, for many years now our nations have been allied, and we have not allowed minor differences to detract from our joint mission of bringing peace to the entire region. Surely you cannot doubt the resolve of Saudi Arabia in this noble endeavor,” he countered.
“Mister Ambassador, I sincerely hope that you are not categorizing the deaths of 3,200 Americans and an American president as a minor difference! I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and trust that was simply a poor choice of words!” interjected Secretary Powell.
Bin Sultan turned to face the Secretary and replied, “I do not mean to take this lightly, Secretary Powell, but the fact is that we have had differences in the past and will probably continue to do so. Certainly, your nation’s continued and uncritical support of Israel over the overwhelming and legitimate rights of the Palestinian people is at least as serious a concern to us as any concerns you might have as to my nation’s religious beliefs. Regardless, we have stood together in the past, and will continue standing together in the future.”
“Regardless, sir, we now come to the crux of the matter. As you are aware, the United States has not had an ambassador to the Kingdom since Ambassador Fowler left in May. Absent any change in the policies and behavior of your Kingdom, our replacement for Ambassador Fowler is being held in a state of abeyance for the foreseeable future. Inasmuch as this seems an inequitable state of affairs, we are requesting that you return to Saudi Arabia, to discuss with your government ways in which America’s trust in your nation can be rebuilt,” I told him.
The Ambassador was possessed of an excellent poker face, but this took him by surprise. “You are declaring me persona non grata!” he exclaimed. Being declared persona non grata, also known as being PNGed, was a diplomatic version of being told to get out of town, usually within forty-eight hours. Afterwards, they theoretically lose their diplomatic status and can be arrested.
“No, of course not. I have no wish for this to get any uglier than it has to. However, I do think, and my advisers agree with me, that it would be best if you were to go home and discuss measures to reassure us in the future, so that your successor can someday return, and we can put this painful period behind us.” Your successor, because you won’t be found acceptable. “Perhaps a convenient diplomatic illness?” I suggested.
“I am most disappointed, Mister President. I have watched you for many years, and throughout your history you have always been a voice of reason when others around you beat the drum for war. Yet here you are waging war on Islam, bombing countries that had nothing to do with what happened to your nation, and acting the madman. Certainly, that is the impression my countrymen will take from such actions. They will not want to do business with people who cannot be trusted to behave according to international standards,” he said. Business, code word for raising oil prices.
I barked out a laugh. “Mister Ambassador, you obviously have drawn some very poor conclusions about me. I would suggest that once you land back in the Kingdom, you open your eyes and see what your nation has wrought on the world and consider what the consequences of your actions are. We will be happy to reconsider things at some future date, but only if there is reason to believe that the Kingdom has changed its practices.”
I stood up, followed by Colin, and then finally, slowly, by the Ambassador. He looked at me, and said, “I cannot ask you to swerve from this course you seem determined to follow?”
“It is a course forced upon us by others, sir, not one I would have chosen on my own.” I reached out and he reluctantly shook my hand. “Farewell, Mister Ambassador. I wish you a safe trip home.”
“Farewell, Mister President.” He followed Colin Powell out the door.
Colin was back a few minutes later. “Well, I have to say, when you decide to piss somebody off, you do it in a big way. Like I said earlier, there are going to be consequences, and they are going to land in your lap.”
I shrugged. “So be it. I think they are survivable. They are pissed, but they don’t have all that many weapons to use against us. They will undoubtedly reduce the amount of oil they pump, so that is going to raise prices. That won’t be good for the economy, but that is taking a major hit anyway. It is going to take years for the airlines to recover, and some of them won’t. If oil prices rise, it will make it much more palatable to raise fuel efficiency standards on cars and trucks. In addition, it will spur oil and gas drilling here at home. Are you aware of just how much natural gas they are discovering right beneath our feet here in America? Once they figure out how to drill it and get it out safely, we’ll be able to convert every coal fired plant in this country to natural gas. Who needs the EPA to regulate emissions when the power companies will do it for them! The Saudis will cut back on purchases of our weapons? Fine! Who ever thought giving camel jockeys billions of dollars’ worth of hardware was a good idea anyway? They won’t be able to get what they really want anywhere else. They want the most modern stuff available, to protect themselves from Iran and Israel. Neither country is overly impressed anyway.”
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Aiko Kimura, or as most of her classmates know her: the public morals committee president with a stick up her butt is a calm, collected but most importantly; a prude. She's held her position with an iron fist for the past two years, and has resumed her duties for her final year in high school. This means that both her and all her peers are 18 to 19 years old. Ms Kimura's chances of ever finding a teenage boyfriend, or even a crush are running thin, not that she cares for it. In fact, Aiko...
Mind ControlMy husband was transferred to his company’s corporate offices, we found a house in a very nice suburban community and I was at the school getting my second grader registered. After I had finished the process and he was on his way to his new schoolroom, I asked about the PTA. The principal’s secretary informed me the committee was meeting right now if and she would take to the meeting if I were interested. She showed me into the room, introduced me to the president and wished me luck. The...
Lesbian"And I really don't believe that I can support a bill that will leave so many of our nation's poorest citizens without a safety net." Senator Steve Caine from New York droned on and on. The pompous windbag had been the bane of your existence ever since your freshman year in the U.S. Senate. Now, he is determined to make your presidency look like it is a tool of corporate America. "Well, Steve," you say while standing up (the signal to the holier-than-thou bastard that you have no more time for...
The bus driver couldn't help but stare as she skipped away from the bus, throwing a backpack on over her back. Her skirt bouncing ever so slightly, revealing a deadpool face on the back of her panties. A slight bulge visibly showing in his pants. The smell of her perfume still lingering from when she walked by, making him feel dizzy and very turned on. Luckily, this was his last stop, and as he closed the door, headed back to the bus depot, to go home, and deal with his sexual...
Ek mahine phle kch aisa hua jiske karan mai aj apni real story likh rha hun.Mera naam Ansh Jain h aur mai Nagpur me engineering kr rha hun.Meri height 6 ft,rang gora aur body bhi acchi hai.Ab story pe aate hain.Pichle mahine hamare college ki trf se 4th yr k students ko tour me Hyderabad le jaya gya.Tour me waise to bht si ldkiya thi pr ek ldki thi jo behad khubsoorat,hoshiyaar aur sexy thi wo mechanical branch ki thi.Wo ldki mujhe first yr se hi bht acchi lgti thi pr na to wo facebook pe thi...
“The defendant will rise and face the bench.” Judge Markstein knew the law was unjust, but it was clear that the sentence was necessary anyway. Even counsel for the defense had made it clear. People needed a scapegoat for the country’s troubles, and the “family values” demagogues had whipped the faithful into frenzy over the President keeping a mistress. The mobs would demand a death, and the unfortunate defendant was the logical victim. This convenient trial would provide them with the...
Carol burst into Katrina’s bedroom unable to contain herself. “You’ve done it! You’ve done it!” she was shouting. Katrina sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes. What was this raving, lunatic of a girl shouting about. “What have I done?” she mumbled quietly. Carol shoved a piece of paper under Katrina’s nose. “Read this” said Carol in a slightly less excited tone. “You read it to me” said a naked but still sleepy Katrina Jones. “It says here” carried on Carol, “that the Executive...
At a very personal level, Dexter didn’t like the idea of a corporation. It was strange to him that a legal fiction produced a virtual entity that had what he felt were greater rights than a human being. The only punishment for violating some law that a corporation could receive, was a fine. Those fines usually had little or no impact at on the corporation’s bottom line. Unlike a person who broke a law, a corporation could not spend time in jail. Products engineered and sold by a corporation...
The election was a real shit show. Real politicians tried to make a comeback, but it was too late. Instead the ballot was comprised of reality TV stars, comedians, former models, YouTube stars, professional wrestlers, and on and on and on. All getting far more press than any serious candidate. By the time Election Day came, no one knew who would win, but everyone knew it would be a disaster. But no one could have called it. No one could have predicted how it actually turned out. And afterward,...
FetishChapter One: Futa's First Presidential Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Final segment,” Adelia said, squirming. “Then I am taking you and your beautiful wife to dinner and then back to my place.” She grinned. “How does that sound?” “Like a lovely evening,” I said, glancing at Sharron hovering just off-stage, her hands grasping her pregnant belly. I arched an eyebrow in question. Her blue eyes sparkled as she nodded her head. “Well, the wife agrees,” I said. “It...
I put the phone down on my hubby Mick as I was wanting the big salami in front of me. I thought that as my BIG African lover had just shot his fat load he would want to rest to re-charge his balls. I Know from many black lovers they will cum all night without stopping. Some will wait a few minutes and then their Dick is up in the air again demanding more pussy! I held his cock as it rose and stiffened, it was lovely as the erection forced out the spunky leftovers from his orgasm, this gave me...
I was intrigued by a message I got from an African man, here in the UK and coming to visit my local City. He was very flattering saying he had never seen such a lovely white booty before as mine?I nearly deleted the message as it started with enrich your life by offering me the chance to help you and was from a gent offering me this in Africa. He went on the say he was a wealthy man in a high position of office who traveled to the UK in his position. You know the type of Spam mails we get that...
Brenda walked to her car and hesitated before getting in. She put her hand on the door handle and looked at Ron. Ron knew that she was still not sure of his feelings toward her and she was afraid to pressure him. "Brenda, your not going to chicken out on me are you?" he asked. "I want you to spend this week with me and I really don't think I can sleep without you next to me." Brenda broke out in a big grin and said, "Follow me to my place." Brenda led the way through the traffic to...
Ron and Brenda stayed in the hotel until Sunday afternoon. Ron insisted that she pickup clothes to wear for work and bring them back to Ron's house. She gathered enough clothes to wear for work for about a week. Brenda picked up her clothes and followed Ron back to his house in her own car and they spent the day relaxing on the porch, looking out over the lake. Brenda left for work a few minutes before Ron. Ron made a few phone calls and left for Howell about 30 minutes later. Ron pulled...
Here, I was, sitting in my apartment, AGAIN prowling XHamster (and playing with my cock) when I got a call from the beautiful, sexy Ronnie who I had spent last Valentine’s Day fucking and sucking. Turns out, she was having another bash for Presidents Day at her house. She informed me that a bra, panties and black nylons was a dress requirement. She also informed me that since I was bald, it would be cool if I wore a wig. She knew I owned none of these and purred that she would dress me when I...
Late night - centre of town. I'd moved into my Halls that afternoon - fixed up a dodgy jacket potato and walked into the Student's Union - Freshers Party was probably winding down by now - but I could still hopefully hook up with some people. First stop was the bar - of course. "Pint of Carling please." I called out - my order duly arrived - I'd come to the place completely solo - having made no contacts whatsoever beforehand and sharing my flat with no one - welcome to Uni...
For the President's Eyes Only: Project Sweetpea By DEE DEE PERRI CHAPTER 1 The agent's eyes swept the crowded room once again with professional efficiency. To one untrained in his science, it would appear as a casual, almost bored, cursory examination of the restaurant, but a skilled observer would have noted the brief, almost imperceptible pause- the agent had detected something interesting. Now using the menu to partially obscure his actions, the man visually confirmed his...
Are you hungry? Looking for some "Fresh Scat"? Is there really a need for me to introduce a site with such a straightforward name? Sure, some people might be confused as to what freshscat.com has to offer, but then those people are probably too young or not into this particular fetish. Well, if you do not know what scat means, that is basically pornography that includes a lot of disguising (for me) yet tasty (for some) fetish with shit, and sometimes other things as well.If you do not have a...
Scat Porn SitesFresh MMS! Greetings, freaks, and deviates. On today’s menu of amateur sluts, we’ve got super hot Bengali girls slithering into bed to show off their tits and muff, Arab girls in hijabs getting fucked hard, and Desi girls railed from behind in hotel rooms. FreshMMS.com has this and more, all for free.I have to confess, I’m a little late to the Fresh MMS party. The site showed up around 2016 and has been steadily growing in popularity. The last year or so has been fucking great for these...
Indian Porn SitesIt was to be my first day of highschool. I had spent a week out of town on the East coast and had already missed the first three days of school. I had my class list, books and the usual items and went to school. School was kind of a bore during the day. Finaly 8th. period came along. As I was aproaching my class a senior started talking shit. I was about to deck him when a teacher approached and broke the whole thing off. She was HOT. she sent us on our seperate ways and I went to class with a...
She MalesHer Daddy walked in wearing a suit. He smiled at her and draped his jacket over his shoulder as he crossed the flat languidly. She was wearing a tight black cocktail dress, big black heels, and blood red lipstick. She let out a breathy tune as she begin to sing ‘Happy Birthday Mr. President’ in a raspy voice while she walked over to him, taking his jacket and handing him a glass of whiskey. He chuckled and pulled her against him, looking her up and down. He tugged at the pearls that adorned her...
Her Daddy walked in wearing a suit. He smiled at her and draped his jacket over his shoulder as he crossed the flat languidly. She was wearing a tight black cocktail dress, big black heels, and blood red lipstick. She let out a breathy tune as she begin to sing 'Happy Birthday Mr. President' in a raspy voice while she walked over to him, taking his jacket and handing him a glass of whiskey. He chuckled and pulled her against him, looking her up and down. He tugged at the pearls that adorned her...