Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 377: The President Capitulates free porn video

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Early Summer Vacation, 2007

I also did a little TV watching while my families slept. The two fires had been VERY big news for a couple of hours, especially with the senior Bushes being missing for most of that time. That Washington DC wasn't a crater, but that the two Bush residences had been destroyed so thoroughly, gave people a great deal of hope that the angel had decided on a different approach from that specified in the "explode 2 W80s" email. That the President's parents had been missing for the first few hours inescapably caused people to think that the angel had exacted an appropriate revenge on the President for his failure to stop his agencies repeated attempts to kill Mark Anderson's parents. People were, quite frankly, astonished when the senior Bushes turned up unharmed. Not nuking DC and not killing the old Bushes, and then the most recent email I'd sent, made the Guardian Angel look even MORE moral. And by glaring contrast, the Government even LESS moral.

The nation was MIGHTY relieved; except, I imagine, that part of the nation that was the Bush family. I would've LOVED to have heard their next family conversation [[it was exactly as you'd expect, including being highly amusing for me, but not so much for Dubya]]. The nation was thankful and amazed at the angel's forbearance. Hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians started heading back to the city, although very large number of them decided to stay away for the weekend just in case the President was stupid.

An early morning telephone survey was being done of Bush's popularity rating, working from east to west as the nation woke up and caught the news. For the first time ever, a President had a single-digit approval rating. Even in the worst periods of Nixon's fall from grace, he'd been Mr. Popularity compared to the younger Bush. That survey was also conducted for Washington DC itself, which was a statistically incorrect time to do a survey there because the people at home to answer their phones wouldn't be randomly distributed in their opinions, but even those people gave Dubya's an approval rating that didn't reach even a single digit, being below 1%.

Which explains that while the nation was "Thankful and amazed at the angel's forbearance," many Washingtonians were "Disappointed and amazed" by it. Very many of them were hoping for a change of President, and they wouldn't mind at all if the angel did it for them in the same way it'd caused a change of senior management in the FBI. Washingtonians were VERY angry at the President. Three times they'd thought they were about to be destroyed in a nuclear explosion, after which the Government kept doing even more insane things to anger the angel. If someone does something stupid once, that's one thing, but repeating a mistake of that magnitude over and over again is inexcusably insane. It wasn't a little mistake! At the very least, millions of people would die if the dial-a-yield was maxed out and the warhead optimally placed. That would only happen if the angel was angry, but even it had to run out of its godlike patience eventually. When it did so, people expected some VERY serious anger!

People couldn't understand why the fuck the FBI - and the CIA, DHS and maybe even the Secret Service - wanted to keep trying to kill the Andersons. It made no fucking sense whatsoever! And it ESPECIALLY made no sense because killing the Andersons would make the angel REALLY mad! And to make matters even MORE INSANE, God could resurrect the Andersons again anyway, SO WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT!

The angel's latest email had included, "but US Government did kill Mark Anderson". I'd been a bit lazy in my wording, partly to put a negative spin on it and partly because I knew the CIA would have killed me after they'd finished experimenting on me. I hadn't foreseen that the angel now having so much moral credibility meant that statement was taken as gospel, and it fueled even more anti-Government sentiment because it was now very believable that the DHS's and CIA's treatment of Mark Anderson had been part of the Government's ongoing anti-Anderson crusade.

That sentence of the angel's made people ask, "Why did the CIA kill Mark Anderson?" It appeared that I'd been killed in the raid on Fort Dodge, but there was no actual proof that a raid had happened - only the CIA's word, which was worth less than worthless. Large numbers of people jumped to the conclusion that there hadn't been a raid by some still-unidentified, mysterious enemy force, but that the lab's disaster was part of a very nasty Government plot. The conspiracy theorists decided that the Government wanted to be able to release deadly bioweapons inside America and be able to blame it on the mysterious Fort Dodge raiders. People were screaming that the Republicans were going to deliberately cause a nationwide civil emergency, put the country under martial law, suspend elections, and take over using military force rather than lose power when they inevitably lost the next election. An astonishing number of the recent law changes (e.g. empowering the President to use military force against civilians purely on his say so and outside of ANY due process) and illegal Government actions (e.g. the NSA's spying on damned near everyone, and certainly anyone they wanted to) supported that theory, and the Government's current bloodthirsty insanity did too (maybe the Government was trying to kill the Andersons because they'd learned something about the Fort Dodge conspiracy cover-up), so a very large number of people were seriously worried about the Republicans starting a biowar in America. The people's anger and fear about the Government was skyrocketing to unprecedented levels, and pressure on the Government was climbing just as fast.

The international press had only two themes: "America is EVIL" and "Bush is EVIL". As fast as international editions were being published, they were being quoted by the American media, especially in Washington. Hearing unanimously condemning headlines from all over the world being read out one after the other for dozens in a row had a powerful effect. The US Government had turned America into an international pariah. Protests were forming outside US embassies all over the world, especially those countries that had sizeable Christian, Islamic or Jewish populations, which is pretty much all of them. Other countries were issuing travel advisories to their citizens warning them not to travel to America, and clearly worse was yet to come because the world was only just starting to react to the US Government's latest illegal, immoral, blasphemous act.

With all that condemnation and with the fear of their nuclear destruction, you have to wonder that 9% of surveyed Americans thought Bush was doing a good job. They were probably Christians who were staunchly supporting their President because of how critically important it is not to tell teenagers about condoms. It was worth losing a city to keep teenagers pure.

The Guardian Angel's email to the media got one totally unanimous response: EVERYONE thought holding the President and his family personally responsible was an EXCELLENT idea. They wished the angel had started doing it earlier.

A few people tried to be sympathetic to the elder Bushes, but others gleefully pointed out, "The FBI damned near killed Mark's parents with their unmanned plane and the poison gas would've killed everyone in his family. The angel just gave the Bushes a little taste back, and it's not as if they can't afford to build a new house."

Many federal buildings had been attacked overnight. Usually by being spray painted with obscenities, shot at, or having Molotov cocktails thrown at them. That was especially true in DC, and especially true of FBI buildings, although easier Government targets had been popular too. The Washington media was VERY happy to report on it, and on everything else that involved people expressing anger and condemnation of the Government. If you'd been out of touch for a week and came back this morning, you'd have thought that Fox News was under radically new management.

It being Saturday meant that the public had nothing better to do than let the Government know that The People STRONGLY disapproved of it. Large protests were formed, some becoming riots when there was something nearby they could vent their anger at, like an FBI building.

The President was a VERY unhappy man:

His parents had just lost their main home and everything in it, and it was because their son was pissing off an angel. Who, if it was pissed off again, had threatened to wipe out three generations of the Bush family tree.

Bush had also lost his own ranch home, which he dearly loved and where he had spent a great deal of time. He was very angry at that, and really wanted to take revenge on someone for it, but the Andersons were the only obvious target and the public would tear him from limb from limb if it became known that he'd ordered any form of retaliation. It would become known, because there was so much condemnation of the previous attacks that someone would leak the details of a new one.

Because he'd been hiding deep in an Air Force nuclear-proof bunker, the Air Force generals with him took the opportunity to let Bush know that they were reluctant for there to be any military response to anything involving the Andersons. That meant they'd either refuse a direct order, or more likely that they'd leak their orders fast enough that the public would demand the operation be stopped. The Prez could ask for something to be done quietly, which would either be a disaster if it failed, or a disaster if it succeeded. If anything happened to the Andersons now, it wouldn't matter if the angel took revenge or not because the public would tear the President apart with their bare hands.

My repeatedly speaking of the public tearing him apart wasn't an exaggeration. There were so many public calls for his assassination, especially from religious groups, that the FBI and SS had no hope of being able to investigate them. He had to cancel all his public appearances for the foreseeable future. Even low-level members of his administration were suffering attacks on their persons, homes or offices. Nothing lethal yet, but a widespread and dangerous level of anger was being directed at them and a great deal of physical damage was being done. The President of America was now the subject of so much public anger that he was afraid of appearing in public anywhere in America, and especially in DC. That was a MAJOR gut punch to his ego. Most of all, he was mortally afraid of Christians, his traditional support base. He felt, and was, besieged.

To make matters worse, it was obvious that the angel could get hold of Bush whenever it wanted. For the past few hours he'd been in genuine and substantial fear for his life. It could ignore bullets and pass through walls or the ground, so could appear in the Oval Office or in the deepest underground bunker regardless of how much security he had. Bush had VERY determinedly asked his protectors about how to stop the angel, but no one had a single clue, let alone an answer. Plus, to quote one advisor, "Even if we could take it out, there are probably more of them wherever it came from. Do you want more of them sent to Earth to get revenge for the first one?" Then there was the whole issue of whether the Guardian Angel really was from God? As in THE GOD, rather than some super-powerful alien or the even crazier theories that'd been thrown around. The President had prayed for guidance about that, but that'd proved inconclusive (prayer tends to be conclusive only when the person praying already knows the answer he wants. Which I guess proves that God is omniscient and omnipotent, because how else would He know the opinions of all the millions of people who pray to Him?).

As I said, the President was a VERY unhappy man.

How'd you like the job as the speechwriter for the President's next speech?

The President could hardly condemn the attacks on his and his parents' homes because: (a) He was condemning an agent of God, and (b) The President's agencies had repeatedly attacked the Andersons' homes. He couldn't even publicly express sympathy to his parents because what happened to them too closely paralleled what his Government had been doing to do to the Andersons.

The Prez couldn't say that he was ordering the Federal agencies to stop harassing the Andersons because he'd already ordered that. He was looking pathetic because the agencies appeared to be ignoring his orders, but he'd look even more pathetic if he repeated the same order.

The President had been repeatedly called "Evil" by an angel of God. It was difficult for the speechwriter to think of a snappy comeback that would negate that accusation.

Everything the Prez could say, even if it was heartfelt, would be received with harsh condemnation. People were ANGRY!

Nor could the Prez duck the issue. As hard to imagine as it was, that'd be even worse.

I almost felt sorry for him - the speechwriter I mean; obviously I don't mean the asshole who didn't get his agencies to leave us alone and who just stole $215.9 billion from us. The FBI HAD surveilled us repeatedly and extensively, in clear breach of the settlement agreement the Government had agreed to be bound by, so that money was inarguably owed to us, and I'd been REALLY looking forward to being able to establish an absolutely wonderful scientific lab.

From the Government's perspective, the ONLY good thing about the Guardian Angel was that it should stop its attacks if the Anderson family was left alone. That, not having any other choice, and being in real fear for his life, dictated the strategy Bush had to use: to give up handsomely.

The President had FINALLY decided to do the obvious, although doubtless hating that he'd had to back down about something that was happening inside his country's own borders - although "backing down" wasn't really the right phrase because the President couldn't find out why there'd been any "going forward" in the first place. (Why isn't the opposite of "backing down" "forwarding up"?) The Prez had tried hard to find out why there'd been any attacks on the Andersons. He'd DEMANDED to know the reason for the attacks, but the FBI swore black and blue that they'd never intended any assassinations. The previous Director and Deputy Director weren't available to answer questions and there was no written evidence of any assassination intent that anyone could find, so it was a screwed-up situation all around. The best the FBI's new Director could do was to apologize profusely - while blaming the previous management - and promise he'd never allow the FBI to do anything like that again.

The Director did get his ass SEVERELY kicked over the bugs and gas canisters though, the Prez screaming at him that he should have ordered those removed. Clearly the Director had to bend over and take it because the Prez wasn't interested in excuses, but the Director had been in a real dilemma over that issue: It had appeared that the Andersons and angel were unaware of that stuff. Because there'd been no way of getting FBI technicians onto the property sneakily to recover that stuff, the Director would've had to ask the Andersons for permission for technicians to "do something secret" inside the Anderson's homes. No way would the Andersons have granted that request! The Director would have had to explain about the bugs and canisters. When the angel learned about them, it was all too easy to imagine that it would've reacted by immediately nuking Washington. On the other hand, if the Director said nothing and the angel eventually found the stuff, maybe it'd nuke Washington then. It would be VERY bad for the Director's career if he and the rest of DC was vaporized, so he'd been very unsure which way to go. The only thing he'd been sure about had been the merit of letting tensions ease for a while before doing anything. That had seemed the best option because the Andersons clearly hadn't known about the stuff. He didn't think the President would appreciate having that logic explained to him now though.

The Prez may have been ignorant about why things had happened in the recent past, but he knew very well what would happen in the near future if someone pissed off the angel again. His doing anything other than backing down would lead to a public uprising on a scale never before seen in modern America, and the unstoppable angel would exact a terrible penalty, quite likely including several Bushes in the retribution. The Old Testament was full of examples of all sorts of things that the Prez couldn't afford to let happen let alone be blamed for afterward, and the only way of preventing them was his total capitulation. The angel mocked every single weapon America had in its arsenal, it could ignore matter including bullets and missiles, and the energy it'd been exposed to - passing through flames, for example - seemed to have no effect on it either. Bush loved the power of being the president, but he hated that he was powerless in the face of the angel.

Military scientists, when they weren't drooling with envy, wondered about the angel's vulnerability to things like high-energy lasers or nuclear explosions, but there was no way to test those, or to work out the answers from first principles because no one had the first clue how the angel's non-body worked. Archangel Michael's description about Guardian Angels had said that God created them without a body so they'd be invulnerable, and that truly seemed to be the case. Scientists couldn't even understand how the angel could exist without a body, let alone be as powerful as it so demonstrably was. They'd dearly love to understand it, but all they had were wild ass guesses that they suspected would be almost certainly wrong (they were right about that).

The speechwriter crafted a "Magnanimous in Defeat" speech. The President made a nationwide address in which he praised the angel's dedication to its job, stated unequivocally that there'd be no more misunderstandings or mistakes by federal employees, and other bullshit. Bush banged his rostrum and firmly declared that he'd decided that every employee of the CIA, DHS, NSA and Secret Service had to sign a form stating that they understood the Anderson extended family was not to be subjected to any investigative or other interfering actions. He firmly announced other strong "Take Charge" measures that he was taking, making himself seem like an innovative, go-getting, problem-solving sort of guy.

He barely mentioned the disastrous past - maybe because people laugh when he says "nukular" - instead spending most of the speech enthusiastically concentrating on the wonderful future. There was lots of crap about the glowing success that was going to be Mark Anderson's career and the contribution he'd make to America, plus even more crap about how wonderful it was to have God's personal involvement in events on Earth again and God's representative in America. Bush said he was sure that it would reinvigorate the spiritual life of all Americans and lead society to re-embrace the decent, Christian values that the country had been so successfully built on. He even worked in a "Praise God!" and his speech ended with a short, touching prayer to show that he was on God's side too.

He regretted he couldn't stay to answer questions, making a carefully rehearsed impromptu joke about all the work he had piled up because his protectors had kept pulling him away from his desk. But - he stated with impressive determination - he was going to ensure that there would not be any need to pull him away from his desk again.

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Cursing the public morals committee president

Aiko Kimura, or as most of her classmates know her: the public morals committee president with a stick up her butt is a calm, collected but most importantly; a prude. She's held her position with an iron fist for the past two years, and has resumed her duties for her final year in high school. This means that both her and all her peers are 18 to 19 years old. Ms Kimura's chances of ever finding a teenage boyfriend, or even a crush are running thin, not that she cares for it. In fact, Aiko...

Mind Control
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 273 Fooling Mrs Norris Dianas and Claires Mother

Thursday, July 28 to Thursday, September 1, 2005 Back at home, there was a great deal of catching up required. For example, Katie West had been laid low by her treatment, but had bounced back (that's what it was supposed to do), and now seemed fine. She wasn't fine, as the chemotherapy had only been a delaying action, but she looked better if you ignored that she was wearing a wig. Carson was also booked in for something similar soon. We'd talked to Ava every day while we'd been away,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 430 42000 Marks We Go Clothes Shopping

Tuesday, July 1 to Thursday, July 10, 2008 It was much easier to get the non-Mom members of my family onto my side. I went running with Donna the next afternoon. We had a long conversation about topics that I knew were important to her. Naturally there was a lot of talk about sex, as Donna was very curious about it anyway and had been bursting to ask me about what she'd observed. She already knew enough about sex to know that she'd seen something very unusual. She was also amazed that...

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The Vice President

My husband was transferred to his company’s corporate offices, we found a house in a very nice suburban community and I was at the school getting my second grader registered. After I had finished the process and he was on his way to his new schoolroom, I asked about the PTA. The principal’s secretary informed me the committee was meeting right now if and she would take to the meeting if I were interested. She showed me into the room, introduced me to the president and wished me luck. The...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 89 Homosexual Clothes Make Girls Faint

Thursday, April 21, 2005 (Continued) We were cutting getting to class a little fine, so Julia, Lily, a couple of the Liaison rejects and I went straight into the classroom as soon as we arrived. I was thinking about other things (recalling the wonderful stripping race, if you must know), and I automatically paused to let the girls traveling with me enter the room first, then I entered after them. Classrooms are always very noisy places just before class starts. There's lots of catching up,...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 143 Helping the Police with Their Inquiries

Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) The trip to the station took only a few minutes. The cops made casual conversation with me, most of their comments being casual questions about recent events. I said nothing. I was escorted to the interview room and had to wait a little while until my lawyer and parents arrived. Soon we were ready to start. With pen poised, Mr. Walker said, "Start at the beginning, Mark. Go slowly and give me as much detail as you can." "You want all the...

4 years ago
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Yes Mr President

"And I really don't believe that I can support a bill that will leave so many of our nation's poorest citizens without a safety net." Senator Steve Caine from New York droned on and on. The pompous windbag had been the bane of your existence ever since your freshman year in the U.S. Senate. Now, he is determined to make your presidency look like it is a tool of corporate America. "Well, Steve," you say while standing up (the signal to the holier-than-thou bastard that you have no more time for...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 326 Finishing the DHS CIA Lawsuit and Other Miscellany

Friday, December 1 to Sunday, December 31, 2006 (Continued) Early December, the jury finished their deliberations in our $242 trillion civil lawsuit. The trial itself had gone very much as expected. The DHS had picked me up without a warrant - end of story! That was a breach of my Fourth Amendment rights. The DHS's claim that they had acted under the Patriot Act and so didn't need a warrant was a dead duck of an excuse, and had been openly laughed at when their lawyer advanced it in...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 310 Keeping an Eye on the Other Side

Late-May to Thursday August 10, 2006 The Government's lawyers didn't rush away to get the just-modified agreement signed. It was never going to happen like that, Vanessa assured us. She would've been disappointed had that happened, as this was meant to be just the first round of several. She was hoping to get the Government dancing to our tune, and they weren't on the ropes enough for that yet. Despite Vanessa's saying she'd be very disappointed to get exactly what we had told our...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 319 The Trap Turns on Them

Thursday, September 7, 2006 (Continued) The assault on my home had been derailed and there was no immediate sign of it restarting, giving me time. Time was good, because sooner or later other people would start arriving and that would prevent the assholes from using deadly force. I decided I needed to quickly read the contents of the satchel to find out how deadly the Government's plan for my families was. If the orders were deadly, I might have to do something extreme now. If the orders...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 422 Refuges Stables and Other Aliens

Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) I teleported us to the stable. "Stable" is misleading because internally it's more like a very large, luxurious, natural animal den, although with some internal walls, shelves, etc. I told Donna, "Your new pets are outside." Donna ran for the door. I told everyone else, "Follow her quickly because you'll enjoy seeing the expression on her face." We exited into a lovely highland plateau. It was covered in thick grasses and areas of multicolored...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 244 Carols Cuties Carol Manages Them Wonderfully Well

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) I made myself a comfort sandwich while I tried to work out what I'd done wrong. I remembered Julia previously telling me off for talking too long. Girls who're already eating out of my palm don't need to be led in tiny steps, which had been what I'd done. Knowing where I'd gone wrong didn't tell me what I should've done though. I couldn't have bluntly told them not to be jealous, not to be early or late, and not to rely on me driving them around....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 243 Carols Cuties I Mismanage Them

Sunday, June 19, 2005 I woke, got dressed, and went downstairs for a breakfast. I'd only slept for 2.5 hours, but my last meal was several hours ago, plus my body expects a breakfast after it wakes up and I wouldn't want to disappoint it. Back in my study, the first thing I did was quietly move the scrolling keyboard off the desk to put it on the floor behind one of the computers, where it couldn't easily be seen by anyone in the room, and certainly not by anyone peeking in from the...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The president8217s mistress

“The defendant will rise and face the bench.” Judge Markstein knew the law was unjust, but it was clear that the sentence was necessary anyway. Even counsel for the defense had made it clear. People needed a scapegoat for the country’s troubles, and the “family values” demagogues had whipped the faithful into frenzy over the President keeping a mistress. The mobs would demand a death, and the unfortunate defendant was the logical victim. This convenient trial would provide them with the...

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The NRC Vice President An Agenda Story

The bus driver couldn't help but stare as she skipped away from the bus, throwing a backpack on over her back. Her skirt bouncing ever so slightly, revealing a deadpool face on the back of her panties. A slight bulge visibly showing in his pants. The smell of her perfume still lingering from when she walked by, making him feel dizzy and very turned on. Luckily, this was his last stop, and as he closed the door, headed back to the bus depot, to go home, and deal with his sexual...

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BSC04 Educating KatrinaChapter 11 A Visit From the President

Carol burst into Katrina’s bedroom unable to contain herself. “You’ve done it! You’ve done it!” she was shouting. Katrina sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes. What was this raving, lunatic of a girl shouting about. “What have I done?” she mumbled quietly. Carol shoved a piece of paper under Katrina’s nose. “Read this” said Carol in a slightly less excited tone. “You read it to me” said a naked but still sleepy Katrina Jones. “It says here” carried on Carol, “that the Executive...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 104 Let There Be Light

Sunday, April 24, 2005 We'd gone to sleep about 11:30, and I woke at 4 o'clock, so about four and half hours sleep. My first problem was figuring out what to do for three or so hours. Get a snack obviously, but what to do after that? Schoolwork, I decided. My basic study plan had been to do my college work in the wee small hours and school stuff in the afternoons. Unfortunately (with tongue firmly in cheek, and elsewhere) Julia had recently been 'making' me have sex every afternoon....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 304 For a Woman There is Something Worse than a Ladder in Her Stocking

Saturday, May 6, 2006 (Continued) I overflew home at a safely high altitude. As I'd hoped, there was a media circus besieging our gate, and several extra cars parked inside (lawyers, cops, CIA?). Watching closely to make sure no cameras pointed skyward, I descended enough to see that all of my extended family were inside. They were watching TV and talking a lot to a few suit-wearing men that I didn't recognize. My families didn't appear to be under any duress and Ron Fisher had no...

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College President Ki Tour Me Chudai

Ek mahine phle kch aisa hua jiske karan mai aj apni real story likh rha hun.Mera naam Ansh Jain h aur mai Nagpur me engineering kr rha hun.Meri height 6 ft,rang gora aur body bhi acchi hai.Ab story pe aate hain.Pichle mahine hamare college ki trf se 4th yr k students ko tour me Hyderabad le jaya gya.Tour me waise to bht si ldkiya thi pr ek ldki thi jo behad khubsoorat,hoshiyaar aur sexy thi wo mechanical branch ki thi.Wo ldki mujhe first yr se hi bht acchi lgti thi pr na to wo facebook pe thi...

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Service SocietyChapter 13 President James

At a very personal level, Dexter didn’t like the idea of a corporation. It was strange to him that a legal fiction produced a virtual entity that had what he felt were greater rights than a human being. The only punishment for violating some law that a corporation could receive, was a fine. Those fines usually had little or no impact at on the corporation’s bottom line. Unlike a person who broke a law, a corporation could not spend time in jail. Products engineered and sold by a corporation...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 318 The Trap Closes on Us

Thursday, September 7, 2006 (Continued) I had to try to find out what the soldiers intended. My loved ones were all relatively safe in the tunnel, but if I waited for the action to start, by the time I understood what it was that they were doing it could be damned difficult for me to stop it. If the soldiers had lethal intentions - and they'd certainly come equipped for that! - the tunnel safety wouldn't last long. If I took my eyes off the soldiers to get involved in doing some research...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 350 The Guardian Angels First Public and 1000 Pubic Appearances

Saturday, June 2, 2007 (Continued) Saturday afternoon was saner for us, but not for some other people. TV showed us scenes at the main access routes into Corvallis, especially the highway bridges over the river. There were many hundreds of cars parked down the Corvallis-Lebanon Highway (the main road into Corvallis, to the east of the river) that had been prevented from getting any closer by the roadblocks. Consequently there were thousands of people yelling at the soldiers to demand that...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 363 The Home Team Fights Back

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 The second battle in our war was going to be at Beale Air Force Base. According to the very helpful Wikipedia, it's the USAF's (US Air Force's) largest UAV operations center, almost certainly where the UAV that had taken out Mom and Dad's bedroom had been operated from and out of [half right, as it'd been operated from a Northrop Grumman's facility in LA]. The Government, media and public would recognize the appropriateness of the Guardian Angel's...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 410 The Mossad Problem Solved

Wednesday November 21 to month end, 2007 (Continued) The US Government did not drop everything else and make it their number one priority to carry out the angel's orders, but the investigation did go ahead rapidly. The media wasn't given full access and information wasn't made public as fast as it could have been, but quite a lot of access was given and a good amount of information was reported, with more progress being usefully made behind the scenes. It didn't take long for the FBI to...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 389 Planning for the Costume Party

Saturday, July 14, to Saturday, August 11, 2007 In my following the Sondarm School thread from planning through to execution, I skipped over a few things that I'll attend to now. Carol's birthday was the first event. She didn't want a big bash because she's not really a gregarious person and there were plenty more parties coming up anyway, so she chose to have a small gathering with our families plus three of her best friends from school. It was a very nice evening, and Carol's being...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 320 The Second Settlement

Thursday, September 7 (Continued) to Saturday, September 30, 2006 The initial media coverage was excited, uninformed reporting of what they could see, but it only took the reporters a few minutes to learn the essential facts. All the Rangers and cops knew the situation, and they hadn't been too concerned about protecting the CIA. Somewhat the reverse, actually. So from breakfast time on the east coast, and through the nation's breakfasts as each time zone got up, America learned that,...

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