Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 164: Liaison Meeting; Pipeline Mathematics free porn video

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Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued)

Julia started the meeting off with, "I'll begin by saying that I had a few wrong ideas when I started the Liaison system. The biggest error I made was wanting every suitable girl at school to fall for Mark, to want to chase him, and to treat him the way I thought they should. That caused me far too much frustration and work. So many girls failed to understand how wonderful he is that I felt I was banging my head against a brick wall most of the time. I didn't want any girl to miss out on the opportunity of Mark, nor Mark to miss out on the opportunity of any suitable girl, but Mom made me see that I was mostly behaving this way because of my ego. I wanted to 'win' with every girl, and I reacted badly to my failing to convince them to behave the way I wanted. Mom convinced me not to care about individual girls, especially because there were far too many for Mark to spend time with anyway."

-- "So rather than our - me and you - trying to educate every girl into behaving properly, we're going to turn it around, and make the girls responsible for their own 'survival' in the competition to reach Mark. We're going to start eliminating girls mercilessly, so only the best will have a chance of getting close to him. I originally had alphabetic allocations of girls to Liaisons so you knew which girls you were responsible for, but I'm scrapping that. From now on it's all up to the girls. If they sit on their asses and do nothing - expecting Mark to chase them, for example - then they'll never get started or will get eliminated. If they're motivated enough, then they can do whatever they think might be useful to their chances, including talking to ANY of the Liaisons. You're a resource they can use to find out more about Mark, and especially to find out what they need to do to avoid being eliminated.

-- "In case you're worried about it, how much time you spend on your Liaison duties is up to you. If a girl wants to talk with you about Mark, and you're busy, tell her to go away. If one specific girl keeps plaguing you, tell her you won't talk with her any more. That's up to you. We'll have the list of Liaisons on the website, and we can add more if all of you say you're swamped, for example.

-- "The elimination process would work like a pipeline that gets narrower and narrower, like a funnel..." Julia went on to describe the idea of several girls being put in a group, they'd be allocated a future day and time, and they'd be responsible for arranging a date for me. After which I'd decide which girls got eliminated from that group.

Pat started a question, but Julia interrupted to say, "There are quite a few important issues that we could get distracted by, but it'll be best if I finish the overview first. Then we can swap another girl onto Mark's lap, and start on the questions."

A few minutes later, when Julia had finished her overview, she got me to give Ava a goodbye kiss, and then Ava got off me.

Julia said, "I don't have a coin on me, so which of you," Julia was looking at Pat and Lily, "will go next."

I'd had an idea a while ago about playing "Hide the Hair" with Lily and Pat. Just as something amusing to do if we ran out of things to talk about (rampant sex would be a better choice, but my sisters' presence made that a little awkward, hence my thinking about alternatives). I could easily modify the game to make it the equivalent of a coin toss, so I said, "Julia, how about a game of 'Hide the Hair', modified so the best guesser wins? It'll only take a minute, and the girls should enjoy it."

"Sure. That'll be good. I could do with a pause from talking."

I said, "Can I ask you to do a LITTLE more talking please? I was thinking that you've already seen the game, so maybe during it you could phone a pizza order in. I forgot about that before, sorry."

"I did promise you a pizza, didn't I?"

"Yes. And it's very important not to break promises; and the most sacred of all promises is a pizza-ordering promise!"

"Haha. Okay. I'll do that now. What type of pizza do you want?"

The important practicalities were discussed and agreed on. Julia got out of the tub, wrapped herself in a towel, extracted payment from my billfold (I'd offered because my money was closest. Anything that made getting a pizza quicker was fine with me), and she wandered off to place the order and tell her mom to expect the delivery.

Meanwhile, and less importantly, "Lily, you've got the most distinctive hair. Can you pluck out a single long one please?"

When that was done, "Now tie a couple of knots in it, so it looks very distinctive. Unlike one I could have picked out of the water for example."

While Lily was doing that, I had a thought,






[We subsequently did an experiment equivalent to the puddle idea, teaching us that we couldn't create NP-fingertips inside water.] [[It's a density issue. At the level of ability and force that I had at this time, creating NP-points within water was impossible. Simplistically, they need to 'push' any atoms away extremely quickly as NP-points are created almost instantaneously. That's easy in air, but water is too dense, its atoms requiring many orders of magnitude too much force to compress.]]

When Lily was ready I said, "Lily, show the hair to Pat so she'll be able to recognize it too. It's too far away for me to see it clearly, so there's no way I could reproduce it. To make doubly sure of that, I will drape my right hand outside of the tub and leave it there the whole time."

I extended my left hand palm up in the approximate center of the tub. "Place the hair carefully in the center of my palm please Lily."

Lily did so.

"Watch carefully." I slowly closed my fist on it, turned my hand over, then slowly lowered it a few inches into the water. By then the hair had flown around to be near Carol. Both of Carol's hands were underwater, but I created some more NP-fingertips and pushed upward on her arm. Carol moved her arm in accordance with my pushes on it, so that it was resting naturally on the edge of the tub, as if she was cooling down a little. I used NP to open one of her fingers and slid the hair in, making sure she understood to keep her fingers closed on it by holding them closed with my NP for several seconds.

I raised my hand out of the water slowly, turned it over, and opened it. "The hair is gone, which is hardly impressive as I could have let the water wash it away. Except that I know EXACTLY where the hair is now, and can produce it anytime I want. I want Lily and Pat to guess where it is. Whoever is closest gets to sit on my lap next. So what are your guesses ladies?"

They hesitated, so after a couple of seconds I added, "It's not important, as you'll both have a turn on my lap anyway. This is just a fun way of replacing a coin toss. There's nothing really at stake, so make a random guess if you want."

Lily suddenly said, "In hand," pointing to my other hand.

Pat agreed, "Yes. That's where it is."

"I was hoping you'd choose different locations, otherwise how can I tell who is closest. I'll get you to guess again, because it's not in that hand. In fact, it's not anywhere to do with me. Not in either hand, not under one of my legs, not in my mouth, or anything like that. Try guessing again?"

Now they were flummoxed. They were so indecisive they couldn't make a guess.

Pat asked, "Is it in the water?"

Julia came back into the room, "Twenty minutes or so, Mark."

"Thanks, darling." Julia gets called "darling" whenever she orders pizza for me.

While Julia was getting back in the tub, I said, "This is taking more time than it's worth. How about I tell you where the hair is, and then you play a game of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' to decide who sits on my lap first?"

"Yeah, that'd be easier," agreed Pat. Lily just nodded her agreement.

It was certainly easier than getting them to pick a random spot somewhere in the pool. I said, "Carol, hold yourself still. Lily and Pat, move so you've got a clear look at Carol's right hand when she opens it."

In due course, Carol slowly opened her hand while Lily and Pat watched closely. When the hair was exposed both girls were amazed. All the usual comments, "Wow, how did you do that?", "I never saw a thing", "Do it again!", etc.

I jokingly answered, "I can't do it again. Performing such complex magic is very tiring, haha."

Lily responded, "Magic. Ahh! You do magic!"

Lily looked and sounded like she believed it, so I quickly said, "I DON'T think so, Lily! Magicians have things hidden up their sleeves, and in case you haven't noticed, I'm not wearing any sleeves, haha."

Lily wasn't going to be diverted, "No. REAL magic. Yes?"

Lily was quite serious, which surprised me. Partly to stall, but mostly because I was curious, I asked, "Do you believe in real magic, Lily?"

"Of course. Very good you can do. You more special and more special every day."


"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but it wasn't magic. I was joking about magic. I didn't expect anyone to take me seriously. You shouldn't go through life believing in magic, because it doesn't exist."

"Yes does. You do magic."

"I know exactly how I did that, Lily, and there was absolutely no magic involved. Just perfectly everyday things. Nothing to get excited about."

Lily shook her head, completely unconvinced.


I said, "We've wasted enough time on that. How about playing RPS so I can get another pretty girl on my lap, and we can get on with business?"

That was quickly done, with Lily winning.


Lily climbed on eagerly, with her back to my chest as Julia had instructed Ava. My cock slid into her easily and she sighed in happiness, hugging my arms tightly to her. I expected her to say something, because she seemed so enthusiastic and happy, but she remained silent.

Julia resumed, answering a question that Pat had asked earlier, then took more questions. The conversation turned into a free flowing discussion.

There were several questions to do with the correct judging of the girls in a group. Correctly determining who did good things, who did bad things, etc. For example, "If one girl does most of the work preparing for their group's date, how is Mark going to know that? The other girls could exaggerate their input to make themselves look better." Similarly, "If a date goes bad, the girls might unfairly blame a scapegoat."

Julia's answers, paraphrased together, were something like, "As part of each date Mark will ask the girls who did what, ideally early in the date so the result of it won't bias their answers too much. To actually monitor their preparations would require far too much effort, so we're not going to do that. There are plenty of girls, and trying to implement solutions to all the various schemes they might cook up would be far too much work, so my short answer is that we'll live with it.

-- "The girls who cheat to advance themselves are going to trip up sooner or later anyway. I don't think many of them will survive to the end of the pipeline, because Mark will be spending more and more time with them as they near the end, so he'll be able to see through them. If some of them do get to the end, then Mark will have some interesting experiences handling their deceits.

-- "More of a worry are the good girls who get unfairly eliminated, because some of them might be good for him to get to know. One idea I had about that was to have two types of elimination: a red card and a yellow card. A girl who behaved badly on a date would be red-carded, which would mean permanent elimination. A girl who was rejected, but not for particularly bad reasons, would be yellow-carded. She'd be allowed to join another group and reenter the pipeline a few weeks later."

Everyone thought that was a good idea, even Lily once Julia had checked that Lily understood what yellow and red cards were used for in soccer, so Julia added, "I wondered whether to allow each girl retries after every yellow card she gets, or only one retry after her first yellow card, so the second one would effectively be a red card. I'm leaning heavily toward only one retry. The main reason for that is that Mark is a wimp. Sorry darling, but you are. For this pipeline idea to work, we have to eliminate girls rapidly. I'm thinking of halving the number after each date. I figure we might have three hundred girls who'd be..."

"THREE HUNDRED! Surely you exaggerate? I really can't see that many. There are only forty or fifty that turn up to our lunches, and I'm sure many of them don't want to be my girlfriend. Most of them would refuse to have sex with me, for starters."

Julia answered, "I'm fairly confident in my number. I don't want to get into justifying it now, so can we please just use it as an illustrative number for now, and I'll explain it to you later?"

"Okay, I guess. My ego would love to believe it, but it's obviously excessive."

"I don't think you have an ego, but it's only for discussion purposes, so let's use 300. Assuming 15 girls per group, 300 girls requires 20 groups. If we eliminate half the girls after each date, 15 girls drop to 1 winner after 4 dates. So 4 dates per group, for 20 groups, gives 80 dates. Yellow-carding half the rejects, and allowing them only one retry, increases that to 120 dates. We might be able to average about 3 dates per week: something like one weekday night, a Friday or Saturday night, and a morning or afternoon on the weekend. That'll leave enough time for normal social activities, such as dating Ava and me! Plus time with the Liaisons and any other girlfriends Mark accumulates during this process. Over summer we should be able to achieve more than 3 dates per week. I'll guess 5 per week. 3 months of summer totals about 65 dates, leaving 55. At 3 per week that take another 18 weeks, so the end of this academic year and four months into next, by which time there'll be even more girls who'll want to join in, especially all the college girls Mark will be getting to know.

-- "You can see that even with eliminating half the girls after every date, half of whom are red-carded and the yellow cards only allow one retry, the result is on the very edge of practicality. I think it's even over the edge. But if yellow cards allow more than one retry, OR if Mark is a softie and issues more yellow cards than red ones, OR he doesn't eliminate half the girls after every date, then the numbers quickly become totally impractical."

I said, "I'm impressed by the numbers, Julia. You've obviously thought about this a great deal, and the numbers are very convincing, but they are highly dependent on your assumption of 300 girls wanting to be my girlfriend. I personally think the answer is probably about 20 or 30, but even if we used 100, your figure of 120 dates becomes 40 dates, which wouldn't even take us to the end of summer. In fact, we'd need some slack, because the girls who emerge victorious from the pipeline are going to want to spend time with me."

"Yes," agreed Julia. "I was partly ignoring that, and partly assuming they'd be treated like the rest of us, and would see you outside of those three dates per week. I need to justify the 300 to you. Let me whisper it in your ear." Julia whispered, "Dollars." I could tell by proximity that Lily had all her attention focused on my ear, but I was sure she didn't catch Julia's whisper.

"Ahh! I understand. But I wouldn't like girls who wanted to date me because of that."

"They're not going to be wearing signs declaring their reasons. It's not that simple anyway, as all the reasons combine. Most girls honestly won't know what their main reason is, they'll just know that they're hot for you. Regardless of their reason, or reasons, 300 girls will need to be fed through the pipeline.

-- "We can cut a few corners. For example, if you see a girl behave in a way you don't like at school, then red-card her. If she's already in the pipeline, then she's eliminated immediately, rather than after the next date. If she's not in the pipeline, then get her name if you can, and we'll never let her join a group. Another shortcut is to eliminate three-quarters or more of the girls if the date wasn't enjoyable. That'll motivate them better, and it'll cut the numbers down faster. Or possibly red-card half of them, and yellow-card the rest, so the whole group is eliminated.

-- "Another possible way of reducing the number of dates, which I quite like, is to let three groups enter the pipeline at a time, call them groups '1A', '1B' and '1C'. After two weeks you should have had six dates, which is two dates per group. They'll be down to three or four girls each. Merge them into one group, call it 'Group 1D', with about ten to twelve girls. Let three new groups start: 2A, 2B, 2C, who'll repeat exactly what the first intake did. Group 1D you'll keep dating, so you'll need four dates per week. By the time 2A, B and C are ready for merging, in two weeks, Group 1D will be down to two or three girls. You should know them well enough by then to know whether you want to make any of them a more official girlfriend - which should be rare or you'll be swamped - or you could eliminate any of them you think will never measure up, or most likely you could put them into Group 2D, so they can keep trying. It's quite possible that you could have girls from the first intake still trying several intakes later.

-- "If you adopt that structure you'd have to have 4 dates per week, rather than 3, but 45 girls enter the pipeline every two weeks. 300 girls would take 7 intakes, so 14 weeks, which would finish before the end of summer, which would be ideal. If you stick to 3 dates per week, you'd have to have 3 weeks between intakes, but otherwise it'd work much as I said, so it'd take 7 blocks of 3 weeks, being 21 weeks, taking us to the end of summer, so there's no slack.

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Chapter 164: Liaison Meeting; Pipeline Mathematics Videos

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The time seemed to pass faster after Aedan left – or perhaps it was just not jumping from crisis to crisis every moment. I did paperwork, sparred, read dry political treatises, got to know my staff and my soldiers as individuals, hired a variety of family members of current staff to round out our numbers, made decisions on what parts of the Keep to renovate next and how much of our significant but not unlimited budget to spend on it. I spent time with Nathaniel; he quizzed me, on everything...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 164

"You'll love what I have in mind!" Katey gushed. "Let me guess, Las Vegas has a baseball team," Adam remarked. Katey offered him a glare worthy of anyone who shared his bed. She was good at glaring. "Do I appear to be that predictable?" she asked. "Uh, yeah," Adam answered with a laugh. "I have two words for you, Mister," Katey began. "I know, 'bite me, '" Adam interrupted. They were talking in low whispers because Sarah had already shushed one group for discussing plans...

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Liaison Services

When are you going to accept that you’re too old for this job? Chasing the young is no game for a man in his fifties. How many more lame excuses are you supposed to listen to? How many errant businessmen with conspicuous, ring-shaped tan lines on their wedding finger do you need to talk to? It shouldn’t be your job. The family survived more than a century without your stewardship. It would go on without you. There are a thousand other jobs to do, jobs that let you get a good night’s sleep and...

1 year ago
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2nd Sexual Liaison with Study Mama

*** Part 2 of sexual liaison with study mama. I returned from overseas and felt a powerful drive to look for the study mama. I called her to book her service but this time, I wanted her to come over to my office at 10pm which she delightfully agreed. she arrived after work and was quite shy and timid. I already prepared the massage bed which I had one in my office. she dutifully spread the towels and prepared the oil. I switched off all lights and removed my shirt and pants to bare naked. she...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 274 Two Important Meetings With OSU and Mom

Thursday, July 28 to Saturday, August 13, 2005 (Continued) I had some important meetings at OSU on August 10 and 11. I'd lost three weeks of studying time during our trip to Europe, but by mid-August I'd done about five weeks' worth over summer. I'd completed quite a few courses, as my studying speed had increased to about two weeks per course per screen. The increase was partly from studying for more hours because I needed less sleep, partly because I didn't lose as many nights to...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 193 Meeting the Norrises

Sunday, May 8, 2005 (Continued) Prof and Vanessa hadn't bothered putting a phone in my study, so I went up to Julia's bedroom to call Mackenzie. On the way I tried to think of something more interesting to do than a movie and dinner. I hadn't thought of anything by the time I got to the phone, mainly because I knew almost nothing about Mackenzie; unlike her about me, given that she'd won the quiz. I didn't care about not having an idea, as it wasn't an important date and I didn't need...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 31 Progress Report Meeting

Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saturday morning I woke up feeling energetic and decided that I wanted to go for a run. It felt like I wanted to burn off some energy, although it seemed that I could run without using ANY energy. Despite the impossible physics, not playing soccer while my arm was healing meant I didn't get enough running around, and I felt like it this morning. It was about the time we normally get up for school, so I lightly tapped on the girls' door in case they were asleep....

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A Dangerous Liaison

A dangerous Liaison.I’d just spent a night at Sara and Jeff’s home, where they drank copious amounts of alcohol, performed hilarious renditions on the karaoke and had a fun evening all round. As the evening drew to a close Jeff had obviously had one or two more than his capacity and said something out of earshot which didn’t sit well with Sara. She was more angry than upset, but escorted me to the door in her usual jovial flirty manner. I bent to give her cheek a kiss goodbye when she stopped...

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Secret Liaison

“Hi, Kate!” he said as you walked along the corridor towards him.“Just the person I’m looking for!” you reply. “What are you up to this weekend?”“Nothing much, why?”“Are you willing to obey me?” you whisper quietly.“Eh.. oh yes” he mumbles blushing.“Good, be standing on the corner of you road at 7.30 Saturday night prompt. If you are not there, forget everything! I can’t abide lateness. … Oh! Make sure that you’ve showered thoroughly, wear slip-on shoes and don’t wear any underwear. Bring...

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Black VelvetChapter 5 Liaison

“Is there a bruise?” Velez asked, turning his head so that Edwards could see his neck. “Stop being such a pussy,” Edwards laughed as he removed his chest plate, “it can’t hurt as much as the time that pissed off Elysian opened you up. Your arm looked like a piece of fresh salmon.” “Yeah, well I was in shock that time, dulls the pain. This hurts like a bitch.” “Where’s Yuta, anyhow?” Simmons asked. “She said she was going to get something to eat at the log,” Velez replied as he rubbed his...

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The Contraband PipelineChapter 2

We spent the afternoon in an antique shop in Chester, Vermont. We returned to Brattleboro going to The New England House for dinner. We ordered wine and she drank most of it through dinner, finishing off with a brandy and Benedictine. It was early and still light when we got back to our home. Sheri had too much to drink to climb the stairs alone. I helped steady her as we slowly climbed. She giggled, "There has never been a man up here, but that is okay as I trust you. I haven't been this...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 149 Dad Meets the Killers

Friday, April 29, 2005 (Continued) At the Williams', I had the opportunity to briefly pull Julia and Carol away to another room, tell them what I was going to do, quell their laughter, then tell them what I wanted them to do. Then we all went up to Julia's bedroom, Donna and The Boys excepted. To the four parents I said, "I have a few reasons for showing you what I'm about to show you, but the most recent reason is to address Mom's concern at my ability to handle someone attacking me...

3 years ago
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Business Liaisons Introduction

business Syllables: busi-ness Part of speech: adjective Definition: 1) of or relating to commercial business. liaison (liaisons) Syllables: li-ai-son Part of Speech: noun Definition: 1) a communication link between groups or parts of an organization, or a person or group that performs this function. 2) a close relationship, communication, or connection. 3) an adulterous or otherwise unpermitted sexual affair. Guess which definition of liaisons applies to this story! ______________ ...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu

This is a work of science-fiction in a general sense, and is not possible at all. All characters are made up, and are not based on any real persons dead or alive. All characters are of appropriate age in the story context. If this time of story is offensive to you please do not read it. * John was a special child growing up. He had always felt that he may have had ESP or something close to it. He always had this sense that he had been to places that he never been to before, and meet people...

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Deja Vu Christmas

‘That’s what I saw on the TV news just now. So maybe you’d better . . .’ ‘It’s Christmas Eve, Stella,’ Nadine answered, the stubbornness in her voice almost palpable. ‘Those guys were really cute, and I’ve never skied Winter Park before. Gotta do something to get out of here.’ ‘Yeah, well, if the snow really hits up there at Berthoud Pass, there wouldn’t be any skiing, they wouldn’t find you ’til spring,’ Stella said. She was fiddling with the crooked plastic Christmas tree in the corner of...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu All Over Again

It’s been said that, once you've left, you can never go home again. I found that to be false. Last week, I returned to my home town to visit my baby sister, Fran. Fran and I are close, and we visit one another a couple of times a year, catch up on old times, and stay connected. After college, it seems we both returned home, living with siblings and parents until we got to the point of financial independence, even though we did it ten years apart. We also never married. For my part, I’m...

Quickie Sex
5 years ago
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Deja Vu

Michelle and I had been taken and decided to go to the adult theater. We went with a friend of ours Mike, Mike is a large gentleman of blk per suasion. Been our friend for years. We all met at the theater paid for our tickets wet to take a quick look at the toys and other marital aids. We wandered the ills looking and joking about the miss use of the things we saw but plugs big engulf to heart a rhino . Dill does so long and wide cant images any one that could take that. Dam thing look like a...

3 years ago
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Deja vu

It was almost thirty years since I'd visited an Arcade or Adult Book Store, but I was in another city that wasn't afraid the "Adults" might want to see adult things or see Adult movies. I almost felt "dirty" like I did when I first discovered such places. I passed the store ,as another man was coming out catching just a glimpse of a rack of the inside displays. It was early evening and the area seemed saturated with way more people I was used to, at home I would be intimidated of maybe...

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Deja Vu

I was laying on my bed in my room. My TV was on, but I wasn't really paying that much attention.Truthfully, I was browsing the magazine in my hands. Not the one I appeared to be leafing through... that would be a 'Popular Photography', which was visible, camouflaging the true subject of my attention. Inside the Pop Photo, was the most recent copy of 'Mayfair'.I suppose I didn't really need to hide it. I was eighteen, and legally able to buy the magazine, but I also didn't need to stir the pot...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu For a Drow

D?j? vu for a DrowChapter 1So far everything had gone to plan for Liavondra. Despite being unwilling to leave her free and unplanned life, she had agreed to her friend Alcala’s request for help. As a Drow she was not trusted by many, as her kin were notorious for their treacherous, violent ways. Lia was different though, and had striven to be different from all other Drow for centuries. Thus, when an infiltrator was needed for the Drow, she was the first and only choice. The mission had been s...

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Deja Vu a MILF teacher submits to her past and loses everything

Now for the normal disclaimers, no kids (under 18), animals, blood, scat, or other extreme things are in this story. If I haven’t scared you off yet, read on and vote. Chapter 1 Suzanne was finishing another day at school. She was a first-grade teacher, and it had been a very long day. Most days she loved teaching, but today was particularly difficult. For some reason today, her kids, who were normally...

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Brittany Rogers peered through the store's broad front windows, carefully inspecting each inch of the nearly deserted parking lot. Satisfied, she unlocked the door, set the alarm and slipped outside in the required thirty seconds. She locked both top and bottom locks and scurried towards her car. As she went, she nervously scanned the area, her head swiveling. Twice she turned and walked backwards a few steps to check behind her. Why had she stayed so late, she berated herself silently....

2 years ago
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Deja Vu

"Oh grandmother, I still can't believe it!" The young blonde haired woman exclaimed as she gushed with excitement. "Two days from now I'm going to be in Europe." "Well it's nothing that you don't deserve." The older woman smiled back. "I'm very proud of you, and all that you've accomplished." "I don't think Mother would agree with you on that." Jenny D'Angelo replied. "She thinks the entire trip is a colossal waste of money." "Your mother thinks everything is a waste of...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu All Over Again

PART 1 My company had just relocated to brand new offices downtown in that fancy mega-complex that took up four city blocks. I had just parked my car on level B5 and rode the elevator up to the mezzanine level. So here I was Monday morning, with a map of the complex in hand. A lot of companies' hours are 8 to 5, but I was fortunate to work for a company that worked 9 to 5 and included our lunch hour for "free." At close to 9, the mezzanine was relatively sparse with a few people shopping in...

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Deja VuChapter 10

Sunday when I was pulling into the driveway I had another vision. I saw a bunch of motorcycles in front of the house. I knew that was bad news for sometime in the future. I figured it would be a good time to start building my war chest. I got my cell phone out and dialed the number I had been given in D.C. it was answered with, "6619." I said, "This is the Griz." "Is there a problem?" "Not right now, I think there will be." I related my vision. "What do you want us to do about...

2 years ago
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Deja VuChapter 11

On our way out of Illinois we stopped for the day tour of New Salem. New Salem is where Abraham Lincoln ran a general store and got his first law book and started studying to be a lawyer. It has been restored and is a general tourist trap, to see what life was like 150 years ago. You see Ox drawn carts and wagons. 'New Salem' makes you realize that you do not want to live life back then. We made a leisurely trip to Mt Rushmore. Mt. Rushmore is a very impressive scene. From the welcome...

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Deja VuChapter 12

As Tom and Betty got off the plane in Havana, the Minister of Communication met them. Senor and Senora Wilcox, "It is my pleasure to welcome you to Cuba. Your bags have been taken to the Hotel Tropicana. I am sure you will be very happy there. I have your transportation waiting outside." Once they were in the limo, "Senor, Senora Wilcox, I have been asked to request that you have a private dinner with the President tonight. He will send a car for you." Tom replied, "We will be...

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Deja VuChapter 13

The trip was over and everyone was get back into the swing. Suzy was going to school. The drive to her school was shorter from the new house than from her folks place. Joanne started to sue to get the rights back for my programs. Elizabeth and I decided to open an office away from the house to work from, just so the house was a home and not a place we worked from. We opened an office in Winter Park, about 15 minutes from Suzy's school. If anything happened and Suzy needed something we...

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Deja VuChapter 14

I got an invitation for my High School Reunion in Deland. I asked everyone what I should do about it, go or not go? Jeri and Elizabeth, both wanted to go they loved to dance. Corey said she wanted to go, Joanne decided to stay and keep an eye on Suzy. The girls had fun shopping for dresses. We went to the football game. This was the first time in over 30 years I had been back to Deland for any thing other than stopping to get something to eat or shopping at Wall Mart. I was surprised that...

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Deja VuChapter 15

Elizabeth and I had a lot of work for on Monday. Jeri had joined us for lunch at the 'Big Bite'. Since we had to wait for the hardware to arrive, we decided to leave early. It seemed like a nice day to be lazy by the pool. As we were driving home we drove past the house. We saw several motorcycles in the driveway and a few biker-carrying guns. None of the family was in sight. Suzy truck was in the driveway. We drove about a half a mile past the driveway, Jeri and Elizabeth changed cars....

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Deja VuChapter 16

Tom and Betty came home for Christmas. Suzy spent the holidays moving back and forth. Jenny came back for Christmas and I flew her family in from California. Since we had the room, I got Bill to bring down the family and Dad on Christmas, they could not take off until after Christmas Eve. This is the first Family Reunion at Christmas our family had had for years. Rick told everyone that he was planning on going in the Army. He is supposed to leave in April for Basic Training. He was going...

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Deja VuChapter 17

I was hearing someone call me, "Mister, hey Mister are you alright? You just lay right there. The ambulance will be here in a few minutes. You had me scared." Setting up, I find that I am at the 7-11 where I bought my winning Lottery ticket. I asked, "What is going on?" The store clerk responded with a worried look, "Mister you were standing in front of the door, and some kid came running in and knocked you down, you passed out. That dumb kid took off. I called 911, they said that when...

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