Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 212 Pipeline Date 1A 1 The First Half
- 2 years ago
- 37
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Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued)
Dinner conversation was very lively, as we entertained the Williams family with incidents from the date. Prof, for example, had us in stitches with the recount of his visit to our room. He'd been tall enough to see over the back of the sofa that the dozen girls had been hiding behind, so was able to see the chaos that had erupted there. It made for some very funny recounting.
There were a couple of serious topics. The first was very brief. Prof asked me, "Mark, do you have any idea how long you'll need tonight? I know that's an awkward question because you don't know how successful you'll be, or what unforeseen problems might emerge, but I'm only asking so I have a better idea of what time we should leave and what time we'll probably be back. It's not critical, so just take a guess."
Prof had said that roulette takes two minutes per go, so thirty per hour. I could fairly easily imagine that I might need about that number of trials, to test different ways of doing it. Issues like whether it was better to fill all the adjacent pockets with fingertips to stop the ball entering them, or whether it was better to let it enter the wrong pockets naturally and then flick it out, or perhaps to lift it out. Presuming my ability worked usefully, I should be able to find out how in about thirty tests. Then I might need quite a few more tests to see how well it performed. For example, if the best I could do was to get within plus/minus three pockets of the target, then I should play at least another thirty times to get some statistics for how often I hit each pocket as it was unlikely to be a flat distribution.
"I'd guess two to three hours should be sufficient. If it took longer than three then I've either hit a serious problem or we're gathering statistics for a wide spread of results, if you know what I mean?" Prof nodded that he did. "Taking less than two is also possible, because it might be very easy, or maybe we quickly find out that it's virtually impossible. But I'd guess two to three hours is most likely."
"Let's leave at 7 then. Is that okay with you?"
"Sure." It wouldn't leave us much time after dinner, but it would be AFTER dinner, which was the important thing.
The other serious topic was introduced by Julia, "I'm not succeeding well enough at getting the other girls to treat Mark properly. I tell them incredible, amazing things, and they nod and act all excited, and then carry on behaving like short-sighted, selfish, silly girls. They revert to their normal behavior if I'm not standing over them, managing the whole thing and essentially forcing or tricking them into behaving the way I want. They can't comprehend that their needs are less important than Mark's, so selfishness rules the day. I could work with them if they realized they actually had to do something rather than sitting on their asses waiting for the world to give them everything they want.
-- "Lily's the only one that sees beyond the short term, and she saw the long term virtually immediately. I'm sure she's got her own agenda, because she asks me many questions about Mark's abilities - I mean like his IQ, college studies and other things she knows about - but not many questions about Mark as a person. She's obviously got something in mind, but I'm reluctant to tackle her about her motivation in case it creates a confrontation. I don't want to lose her, because she's the only one of them who's significantly useful to me. She's saved me many hours of work, whereas every other girl has drained my time to some degree or other. My problem is how to get the others to see beyond the short term.
-- "The first times I talked to them about Mark, a few days ago, I stressed the most important amazing thing about him, which is his intellectual abilities, but it seemed to go right past them. Even the smart girls couldn't see how important that is. Today I stressed his physical and sporting abilities, and they got far more excited about that, the idiots! They don't seem to understand that a lifetime of intellectual accomplishment is far more valuable than five years or so of whatever sports Mark chooses. How can entertainment be the only thing they comprehend and get excited about?
-- "The other thing I could do is emphasize money, but that's a weak point until Mark is rich, then they'll be all over him because I know they understand what 'rich' could mean to them. But nearly all of them will still be short-term thinkers, which means they'll still be nothing more than nuisances.
-- "What was particularly annoying about today, is that I picked these girls because I thought most of them would be good replacement Liaisons. Instead they all acted like idiots. I wanted to fire Laila today, but I don't have a good replacement for her. I could pick a replacement more or less at random, but that's not good enough. The ONLY girls here today who were slightly cooperative, were doing so because they wanted sex with Mark. If that's what most interests them about him, they're not likely to become smart, successful Liaisons. They'll be fun for him to play with, but there's no shortage of that type of girl. I want SMART girls, who can be USEFUL. Lying on their backs and waving their legs in the air seems to be about the only things these girls are capable of, Lily excepted. I had an image of our having a large bunch of girls, all eager to be useful and impress Mark. We could choose the most useful to be Liaisons, hopefully all as useful as Lily, and all able to do different things so I could use each of their skills as needed, just like Lily helped with Mark's website. Remind me to show that to you, Mark.
-- "I know it'll take time and effort to train up Liaisons, but it's obvious that it's hardly worth bothering with most of the current ones, and it's obvious that anyone I replace them with isn't going to be worth bothering with either. Laila, for example, is almost certainly going to be fired this Tuesday night. She's got a little menage-a-trois going with her sister and another girl. Laila's loyalty is totally to her group. A win-win is fine, but Laila's only interested in making sure her group gets a win, and she's completely blind to Mark's side. It doesn't even occur to her to think about it. I would have fired her already, but I've got no one sensible to replace her with."
I interrupted, "Umm. First, I'd like to see my website. I don't know ANYTHING about it, and I am kind of curious, seeing as how it's about me."
"I'll show you after dinner. It won't take long as it's very simple."
"Thanks. Second, I thought you were intending to pick Katelin. She was smart enough to pick 280 for my score, and she seems enthusiastic about me."
"I will pick Katelin, but not because she's smart. Picking 280 on the information she had available was probably stupid rather than smart. What she's got going for her is her enthusiasm for you. The two guessing games I ran today were just my way of finding out which of the girls were the most extremely pro-Mark. If I can't find sensible, long-term thinking girls, at least I can find girls who're blindly enthusiastic about you. They'll be highly motivated and easier to control, like Ava is. But it's hardly an ideal approach."
"Another thing that worries me is that I expect all the good work we've done today impressing these girls, will unravel over the next few days. I can get them excited if I work on them for several hours, but as soon as it's over they start to 'forget'. They're so short-term thinking that unless it's right in front of them, they don't react to it. They also seem to believe there's safety in a group. If a large group of them are acting in a certain way, no one questions it. They all go along with the majority, rather than trying to deviate in any way. The silly thing is, that according to the scenario they think they're in, they're supposed to be competing with each other so the larger the group the worse off they are.
-- "I never expected this level of short-sighted, selfish stupidity, and I don't know what to do about it. I've known most of these girls for years, and I know most of them are better than average students, but they've all turned into simpletons just at the time I want them to behave as smart as they possibly can. You know Linda Hogan, Mom. I think she'd be good for Mark, as her skills and attitude complement his nicely, but unless I stand behind her and push, she does nothing. She barely said a word to Mark all day. I don't understand why none of these girls are grasping ANYTHING that I am telling them, Lily excepted. I would have gone insane with frustration today, if it hadn't been for something Mark said in the car between the pizzeria and here."
Vanessa raised her eyebrow in the way mothers do.
Julia answered, "I had a mini-frustration explosion in the car. Mark said that if nothing else ever went well in his life, having Carol and me was more than enough to make him a very happy man, and I shouldn't get so frustrated about trying to add more. It was lovely, and it saved my temper here today, but as lovely as it is, it's not practical long term. Mark's being able to finish his BS next year has shown us that things are going to happen a lot faster than we'd thought, which means less preparation time. Plus Mark does need to learn about girls and women, and he's going to need a large support team, especially as the amount of work he is capable of burning through these days is so much higher than I previously thought. Mark's lovely statement made me realize that THESE girls are not important, and I shouldn't get so wound up about them, but I need to do a LOT better at understanding and managing girls and women for the long term. Any advice you've got will be GREATLY appreciated."
Vanessa said, "I've got some opinions or thoughts you might think about further. But first, Mark, thanks for defusing Julia's explosion. Julia often does get too wound up about her projects and she doesn't handle frustration well, so it's good that you've learned a way to make it easier for her. Ironically, Julia, it's YOUR lack of long-term thinking that leads to that. As you said yourself, these particular girls didn't matter much, so you were getting too focused on the short term, and its frustrations affected you too much.
-- "Moving on to your particular issue, I think the problem is fundamentally rooted in two things. First that what you're asking them to do is romantically relate to a boy. I know you've successfully had some of these girls involved in other projects before, Linda certainly, but this time the project is a boy. The second aspect is their age. Sixteen-year old girls have not yet developed many ways in which they can successfully relate to boys. You present them with Mark and tell them how wonderful he is, and about the only way they know how to respond to that, is - to borrow your description - 'to lie on their back and wave their legs in the air'. For the most part 16-year old girls have nothing else to offer, which has never been much of a problem, because 16-year old boys don't want anything else, haha.
-- "They don't have many technical skills. Lily's setting up a website is an exception. You're an exception too obviously, but you know that already. That's the way we chose to raise you and you've risen to the challenge. You say they're smarter than average, and I'm sure they are when it comes to schoolwork and in their interactions with other girls, because their ability to have meaningful relationships with girls is far greater than their ability to have meaningful relationships with boys." [Actually, Lily wasn't doing the website. One of her father's staff was, with Lilly acting - appropriately - as the liaison between Julia and the programmer. I didn't know that yet but Julia did. She didn't speak up because it wasn't worth making an issue about.]
-- "Some of them will have brothers, friends who are boys, maybe part-time jobs where they work with boys, etc., so they're not as one-dimensional as I'm painting, but you're presenting Mark as boyfriend material, and they all know that the way to treat boyfriends is to make the boy run around trying to please them, and if he does that well enough, let him get closer to scoring. Their short-term thinking is programmed into them because boys are supposed to 'Pursue and Persist' while the girls use 'Attract and Resist' to test the boys' interest and commitment. Boys show they're interested by chasing girls, by investing their time and energy in an ongoing pursuit of a chosen girl. Presuming the girl's interested in him, then instinctively she wants him to put so much effort into pursuing her that he's got none left to pursue anyone else, thereby proving his commitment to her.
-- "Girls' instinctively short-term memories force the boys to keep the pursuit highly active. If a normal boy fancied a normal girl, but he took a couple of weeks off from trying to impress her, when he next approached her virtually all the relationship ground he'd gained previously would've been lost. She'd never treat another girl that way, if they met casually two weeks apart, but romance-seeking boys she will. That's the human courtship ritual. A two-week gap in effort implies a gap in commitment, and that's a deal-breaker for a girl instinctively looking for a lifelong commitment. You're fighting against instincts, Julia, and my money's not on you in that battle. You need to change your approach sufficiently, so the situation your friends find themselves in no longer meshes with their normal courtship instincts. Mark's being rich will certainly trigger other instincts; greed being the obviously highly motivating one. For the most part that'll result in short-term thinking and actions too, although some women are smart enough to take the long view; sometimes investing several years in an attempt to lure a rich man to the altar. Whether ordinary 16-year old girls are capable of sustaining a long-term campaign is doubtful.
-- "My other general comment is not to worry so much about this problem. The only things Mark is likely to learn from these girls are their short-term tricks, like Dakota's crying that we talked about on Friday. Did I detect that Anna - that was the name of the girl lying on Mark's chest when I came in, wasn't it?" Julia confirmed the name. "Did I detect that Anna had a schoolgirl crush on Mark?"
"Yes. She was emotionally young, inexperienced and naïve. I let her down a small amount today, and I'll let her down the rest of the way Monday or Tuesday."
Vanessa said, "Thought so. The look of rapturous worship on her face is a somewhat of a giveaway, haha. That's another short-term effect Mark should experience and learn how to handle WITHOUT his passing it on to you! No doubt it'll make him feel uncomfortable, which is exactly what he needs to experience, so he learns that sometimes toughening up is the right thing to do. By the time he's handled a few of those, and maybe mishandled a couple too, he'll have absorbed that lesson.
-- "I think you have been trying to achieve too much with the material that 16-year old girls offer you. With young women from college you'd have done much better, and even more so with young professional women, but not with school-aged girls. I suggest you do two things. Scale down the number of girls you're attempting to handle at one time. You should scale them down in a smart way, eliminating the girls who're the least satisfactory and retaining the best ones. If you do that in a process where the girls know a significant number of them are going to be cut regularly, you might see some interesting behaviors emerge. If you manage it properly you can probably have three or four groups in a pipeline. Do you know what I mean by that?"
"Not really, no." Me neither. The idea of girls in a pipeline created a very peculiar image.
"You don't have enough time left in this school year to do it fully, but it might be usable over summer, and it certainly will be next school year. Start with a large group of girls, something like you had today. Call it 30. Have a date or two with them over a two-week period, and then eliminate half of them. Start a completely different group of 30. Now you've got one group of 30, and another of 15. At the end of two more weeks of a date or two for each group, halve each group and start another new group of 30. Now you've got groups of 30, 15, and 7.
-- "At the end of another two weeks you've got four groups feeding through, two weeks apart, hence the pipeline image. Or if you prefer, you can think of it as a funnel. The smallest group is now 2 or 3 girls. You can either inject them back in a starting group to seed their behavior, or you can keep the few individuals as some sort of final group that you spend most of your time with. You can have the new girls that arrive every two weeks replace the few you'll get rid of on a case-by-case basis, as you get to know them better. That'll include the girls that you catch trying to manipulate Mark, like Dakota did.
-- "With about four groups in the pipeline, and assuming you'd need two dates with each group before you did a cut, that means eight dates. So a two week cycle is probably the minimum because there are other activities you want to do. Time alone with each other and schoolwork being two good examples. I'd suggest at least three, maybe even four weeks between intakes, which makes the rest of this school year only two cycles long. There's no reason you can't keep socializing beyond the end of school, of course. Do you understand the concept?"
"Yes. It sounds very good. Thanks very much."
"There are lots of details that need working on. For example, getting the next group of thirty girls ready to start. You could hand that job entirely over to your Liaisons and give them points for each of their girls that survive each cut, with more and more points for the later cuts. That way the Liaisons will be motivated to choose good girls, give them good advice, answer their questions, etc. Obviously the Liaison points give the Liaison girls various privileges that they'd value. You could even auction off various 'prizes', so they set the values for you.
-- "You should have each pipeline group completely arrange every date, rather than your running around doing it all, and cleaning up after. You'd tell them the day, start time and end time, and standard rules - which you'll need to develop before you start this, like how many girls are allowed how much time with Mark, what they're allowed to do, and such like. The group then has to arrange everything. You arrive, have the date, and you leave. Make sure they know that if they mess-up preparing a date that you'll randomly eliminate half of them immediately. That should be a good enough inducement. Get them used to running around after you, not the other way around. You might get them to pick up the tab too, as that'll help reinforce that they have to do everything and that this is not a normal boy-chasing-girl situation. If each group has two dates in a cycle, then one of them could be here, one elsewhere, at their choosing. I'm sure you can think that through.
-- "You might want to eliminate the allocation of which girls go with which Liaisons. Let the Liaisons get girls from wherever they want: from different grades, outside of school, or wherever. It's their job, and the more ambitious ones will do it better, so why constrain them. You also need a review process to pick which thirty girls are in each intake. You might restrict each Liaison to only submitting ten girls to each intake. That way they'll pick their best ten, rather than submit an unmanageably large number. With six Liaisons you'll have sixty girls. Get your database system going, have you or Mark review the sixty, and pick the thirty that get accepted into the intake. The Liaisons would get minor points for that too. Girls who failed that cut can be resubmitted any number of times, if their Liaison wants to keep putting them forward. It's no extra work for you, so who cares.
-- "You might want to let SOME girls who get eliminated in the pipeline - depending on why they were eliminated - have ONE more try through the system. It's likely they'll be much smarter the second time, which would serve as a good example to the other girls in their new groups. Obviously that wouldn't apply to girls who were cut because they behaved too badly. You don't have to make the groups thirty strong either. No reason you can't start with twenty or ten, or any other number. You need to think that through yourself, and consider what Mark's going to be doing over summer."
I said, "As far as I know, I'm not doing anything much. If tonight's trip proves successful, I won't need my vacation job. My only other planned activity is studying for next year's college courses. That's right, isn't it Prof?"
"Yes. My feeling is that it'd be good to start you at a fairly busy level at the beginning of summer, until we've got enough progress that we can extrapolate it for the whole year, with the intent of your graduating college and high school at the same time. We can then adjust your workload to suit your productivity. It'll have to be online study as the lecturers will be on vacation, but that's no problem because I can fulfill their role for all the undergraduate courses. If I'm a little rusty at something, it wouldn't take me long to get back up to speed, so you could just do something else for a few hours. One large advantage we've got is flexibility, so we can juggle your days, times and courses around. That'll make dating easier for you, just so long as that's not too many nights a week."
"That sounds good, Prof, except I'm a little worried what 'start you at a fairly busy level at the beginning of summer' means. That could be scary. Can you put some numbers on that? If anyone can, you can, haha."
"I'm not going to dictate to you, Mark. That's not my place. I will SUGGEST the following. That you do the nights the way you do now. It seems to me that you've got nothing else worth doing at those times anyway. As for during the day, if you'd normally have worked two days a week in your vacation job, then doing two days of study per week makes you no worse off. Better really, because if one of them turns into a nice day, you can decide to play and make up the time some other day. You're a diligent boy - despite my daughter's best efforts to lead you in temptation - so I'm not worried. Ideally I'd like to start reasonably fast, but I'll leave that up to you. You understand what we're trying to achieve as well as I do. Maybe if you enjoy yourself, you might want to do more. How's that for hopeful? Haha."
The wee small hours were freebies as far as I was concerned. Provided I didn't get bored and had plenty of food to keep me going, I was perfectly happy to study during them. A couple of days a week wasn't onerous. I can't recall ever telling him how many days I worked in my vacation job, but he'd got accurate information from someone about that. I'd rather study math than work in a warehouse anyway. I could always go for a run for half an hour or so if I needed to blow the cobwebs away.
"Sounds good to me, Prof."
Vanessa had been waiting for my answer, and resumed her ideas, "So Julia, Mark will be around and flexibly available. If you had groups of girls in your pipeline, they can arrange some summer activities for you. It sounds like you might have a fun summer. A few minutes ago I said I had two suggestions, scaling down the number of girls by using the pipeline system being the main one. The other suggestion comes at it from the other angle: how about Mark doing some traditional dating with individual girls? That way all their normal instincts will kick in, so Mark will experience them. You'll need to modify the process in some ways, but it should still let girls' normal instincts kick in. Normally, for example, girls rather frown on their suitor going out with other girls. That's not going to fly in Mark's case, so you'll have to find girls that can tolerate that initially. As much as possible Mark should be the one picking the girls, managing them, etc. You need to know what's going on, but keeping informed is not the same as managing the process for him. Your existing Liaisons are the obvious first candidates for one-on-one dates, but it doesn't need to be them, or just them.
-- "HOWEVER - and it's a big however - girls aren't the only ones with instincts; guys have them too. If Mark starts one-on-one dating with another girl, some of his instincts are going to come to the fore. There are dangers in that, so the three of you need to think about that carefully. There's no hurry to act on that suggestion, so take your time. The other obvious source of one-on-one date material are the girls who survive to the end of the pipeline process, which gives you several weeks to think about how to treat them."
Julia said, "Funny you should mention that Mom, because I've half-started it with one girl already today. Not for the reasons you said, because I never thought of those, but it's still heading the same place you suggested." Julia looked at me and said, "Chloe."
"Oh. Really?"
"Only half-started. She might not be suitable, but I should have a better idea about that in a day or two."
-- Turning back to her mom, Julia said, "You haven't seen her because Chloe couldn't come here after lunch. She's got huge breasts - which is something that didn't escaped Mark's notice, haha - but she's also got a major negative issue about them. So much so that they've ruined every chance she's had for a relationship with a boy, because as soon as he looks at her tits, which is literally impossible for a boy not to do, she believes that he's only after her for them. She's got no confidence in herself, and a one-dimensional character when it comes to boys, so she'll be extremely easy to manipulate. At lunch she did a nice thing for Mark, and just after lunch he did a nice thing for her, so the ice has been broken. I've already started the process of convincing her that Mark is trustworthy, and in a couple of days she should be eating out of his hand. I was setting it up so it was HIS hand she was eating from, not mine or ours.
-- "It's straight out of your negotiation textbooks, Mom: a single-issue negotiation. She won't have read the books so she won't have a clue what's happening. She doesn't have any relationship experience with boys because none of her relationships last more than a few hours of face time, she doesn't have any confidence, and she's a big-hearted girl, like Carol, so I can't imagine anyone safer for Mark to start with. That's presuming we can get over the hurdle of her tits, haha."
"She's like me?" asked Carol.
"In many ways, yes. Weaker, unfortunately for her. There are important differences, but the best aspects of Chloe's personality are similar to the best aspects of yours. It'll be interesting to see what sort of person she'll blossom into when Mark and I finish working on her. I think she might become a very good person, which is why I'm trying so hard to make it happen. I think this project will be a large win-win. A life-altering win for her, and two very wobbly wins for Mark, haha."
Vanessa said, "Sounds like you've got it all mapped out already."
"It's very easy, Mom. Chloe's crying out for this. It needs a boy to do it, and Mark's the perfect boy because Chloe likes Mark a lot already."
"Huh? How can she like me? We've barely spoken all year."
"That's largely why. Boys hang around her like flies, trying to talk with her while staring at her chest. She loathes that, but you don't do it, or stare at her from a distance. You ALWAYS try to be inoffensive to people - that's your GREATEST defining characteristic! I'm sure you know the way to offend Chloe is to look at her breasts, so you don't. I can't say that I've noticed in particular, but I've no doubt that if you met her head-on in a doorway, you'd be a total gentleman toward her, whereas virtually every other guy would deliberately rub up against her as they crossed. I've seen countless occasions where boys have deliberately timed their arrival at a doorway to coincide with Chloe's, so they can try to rub her, although she always holds her bag to her chest going through doorways."
Back before my first merge, sixteen months ago, I'd done the doorway trick several times. Maybe not making the effort to time my arrival, or not very often, but I certainly used to take full advantage of any lucky doorway encounters. That used to be pretty much my sole source of sexual contact with girls. My first merge, and its resultant increase in my ability to notice people's reactions, led me to stop doing those sorts of things. Fortunately my early stupid behaviors had not been in the same grade as Chloe, so my reputation with her was spotless. "Oh. Umm, I'm confused about what you're doing with Chloe. Is she 'eating out of my hand' like you said, or 'blossoming' like you also said? Because they don't sound like the same thing."
"Getting her to eat out of your hand will make her blossom. Which I know makes no sense to you now. I'll explain after you get back, because we don't have time now. I have to tell you so you'll know how to talk with her tomorrow. Don't worry, it's very easy. She's a one-dimensional character when it comes to boys, so you'll easily understand what I mean, and what you need to do..."
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) I entered the hot tub room with a non-specific apology loaded up and ready to speak, but there was no one in the room. I could hear loud music and laughter coming from the Guys' Room, so that's presumably where everyone was. Julia's instructions had been for me to strip and get into the hot tub. She'd even said to do so even if there was no one in the room. But I was ten minutes later than she expected, so did that change anything? Also, should I stick...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Julia pointed out, "If you think you all understand how uniquely special Mark is, let me tell you that your understanding means NOTHING unless you change your behavior. If you continue to treat him like an ordinary boy, then you've learned nothing. Emily, why are you wearing a bra?" "Huh?" Emily was taken by surprise, not ready to be singled out. "Why are you wearing a bra? Is it because you don't feel comfortable exposing yourself?" "Yes....
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) I'd painted myself into a little corner by claiming the moral high ground. What I was about to start doing could hardly be done from that position, so I needed to get off it. I'd worked out what to say next ("Let's fuck!" What it lacked in subtlety, it made up for by lacking in subtlety). Unfortunately, just as I was about to leap off the moral high ground, I realized that I'd lost the mood, and all the scrutiny I was under now was definitely not...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Vanessa walked in from the hallway door. The girls were surprised by her sudden appearance. Most of them were fully dressed and had no reason to react beyond surprise, but a few did. Anna frantically pushed my hand off her breast. Pat stiffened, hesitated, then looked at me. By way of answer, I resumed stroking her breast (I'd stopped in surprise too). Pat relaxed, trusting me to know how to act. She'd also met Vanessa before and knew of her permissive...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Laci had no hesitation going for the main prize, inserting it in her, and expressing her happiness at achieving it. #4: I won't bother describing the 90-second fucks. A couple of details get mentioned below, but that's about all. Not that I didn't enjoy them, because I SURE did, but they were obviously all very similar, especially as the water made it very hard to get any sort of rapid movement going; a problem I hadn't...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Many of the later girls had not bothered to get dressed yet, and Julia pushed them to do so quickly. They needed pushing, or it would have taken hours to get them out the door. If you think girls take a long time to get dressed, wait until you see them doing it when they're TRYING to stall! Fortunately Julia was on the case, and she doesn't stand for much fooling around at the best of times. There were some delays though: we were asked, "This was fun....
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Donna is competitive and has to see people trying hard to beat her for her to enjoy playing games with them, so whenever we goof off these days, I always handicap myself. I enjoy it more that way too. We negotiate, and something renegotiate, the handicaps with the various games we play, or maybe we just make up a new game heavily slanted in her favor to make it a challenge. With 8-ball, I wouldn't use any TK (Donna doesn't know about that anyway), and I...
Dan Thompson worked for an oil company, which just had its contract accepted for building an oil pipeline through the Brazil Jungle. It was his honor to go ahead of the work crews and announce their coming to the natives. Our mutual adventure happened as he drove up the narrow dirt road to the small village of Ojo. The sound of his hard working truck making the steep climb up the dead end road announced to all of his coming. Stopping in front of the one large shack of several grouped in a bunch...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Carol volunteered, "Even I've walked around this house naked. All of Julia's family have seen me like this. They were all very nice about it and I felt totally safe. They're very nice people." "Especially Robert. He can see me naked whenever he wants, haha." That was from Donna, in case you're wondering. I didn't know whether Donna's comment was literally true, or whether Donna had said it just for fun. It didn't matter either way, as I had...
In February, Wallace came to the door. "Kinsman, I have some people with me this time. They are going to have to stay in the cellar for three days. The arrangements we made for their journey has been held up on the receiving end. They are a man, his sister, his wife and two daughters, eleven and sixteen. Keep them down below in the cellar." "What about food?" "They will need water. Set a jug on the top step of the stairs. They have trail mix for food." "Okay, I guess I can do that....
Being a newly divorced guy in a huge house with a pool and a hot tub has its rewards. I did not intend for the casa to become a party haven, but that is exactly what happened a while back.Jack was a work buddy and he too was divorced. He suggested we throw a naked hot tub party and invite some girls from a nearby college. I told him he was nuts if he thought any college coeds would want to come and party naked with a couple of middle-aged guys, but he only laughed and said, "Leave it up to...
Group SexAll characters are 16 or older and all sex is consensual. Also don’t steal my story that wouldn’t be cool. Riding the Pipeline I think I’m going to scream, if he says over the next hill one more time! I’m Katherine Holman. My son Brad wanted to take a long ATV ride and camp out overnight, so we are riding the pipeline in southeast Missouri to a remote campground near Van Buren MO. We ride the gas & power lines which are great trails. We have to connect to some county roads once in a while....
Incest117. WENDY COLLECTING A YOUNG STUD.WELL WHAT HAPPENED WAS Wendy, as frustrated, hubby Trevor was still away in the Alaskan oil field, no doubt freezing the assets of some small oil company, found she was frustrated again, it didn’t take much, as she said to me the other day; I'm a classy woman outside of the bedroom...but once I let go I can be a very classy slut---no one would ever think I do things like this! Trevor had kept in touch saying the job was going to be longer and slower than he...
This story is based on a real event and happened a few years ago. Of course I changed the characters names. It was almost 4pm when my phone rang. "What's up Josh?" I said answering my phone. "Nothing much man," Josh replied on the other end. "You feel like coming over Dion, my parents are on a holiday to Las Vegas so I got the kingdom all alone," Josh asked me. Josh is a good friend of mine. He lives with his folks on a farmland on which two houses stand. One is of Josh and his parents and...
ExhibitionismSaturday, September 24, 2005 All too soon - because it was nearly the end of the summer vacation - the time came to send out the invites for my house-warming party. I'd intended the invites to be nothing more than casual phone calls; Julia wanted to send out real invitations. Guess which approach we took? [On the topic of alternative approaches, I'd also been thinking of a nice, casual pool party. Julia had considerably more upmarket plans. Guess which approach we took for that too? I'll...
Saturday, August 11, to Monday, August 13, 2007 Having described the "Nevaeh As An Angel" plan so thoroughly, I'll leave that aspect out of my description of the party. I'll describe other parts of the night, plus where Julia and I had added to the plan. Nevaeh hid just inside the mouth of the emergency tunnel for the best part of an hour, waiting until the party was going well. Boring for her, but Julia wanted her creation to have a grand entrance with maximum effect. Julia had told...
Hi im J a 40 something fitness instructor , i know everyone and there wife is a fitness instructor these days but i have been doing it over 20 years and have built up a nice businessIm also very lucky in that my job keeps me very fit and my body in great shapeIm 5 ft 10 with enhanced 36dd boobs and am usually quite tanned as i like to look healthyI want to tell you about a couple of my clients, names changed for obvious reasonsClaire and Paige are a couple i have personal trained for a few...
Monday, September 26 to the end of 2005 (Continued) The usual jock-related crap didn't occupy much of our time, as there were too many other fun things to do. Carol and I had both enjoyed "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (I'm pretty sure for different reasons, although we both agreed that we liked Johnny Depp), so I booked out one of the local movie theaters on Nov 7, the day "Dead Man's Chest" came out. Me, Carol, and a hundred of our closest friends saw the...
Saturday, July 14, to Saturday, August 11, 2007 In my following the Sondarm School thread from planning through to execution, I skipped over a few things that I'll attend to now. Carol's birthday was the first event. She didn't want a big bash because she's not really a gregarious person and there were plenty more parties coming up anyway, so she chose to have a small gathering with our families plus three of her best friends from school. It was a very nice evening, and Carol's being...
Amber and Kim: I was married to Justine for two days short of one year. It was nearly our first anniversary and I came home with a bouquet of flowers, a box of candy and a bottle of cabernet. I walked in our front door, put everything down and walked into our bedroom. I was surprised to find a half dozen cardboard boxes sealed with masking tape sitting on top of our bed. Jus was putting my clothes into the one box which had not yet been sealed. I asked her what she was doing and without a bit...
Kara held the skimpy top in front of her. She draped it over her bare breasts and hooked it in the back. It had a one inch band of stretch denim that went across the tops of her breasts and fastened in the back. It was tight enough that it didn't need straps to support it. Hanging from the denim was four to five inches of white lace hankie type material. That was it. Tonight, for the first time since her prelaw days, Kara was going out alone, actually with her friend Leia, but she didn't have...
Straight SexFor the next two weeks, we were living as husband and wife. As we were advised, we painted the trim around the house before the siding arrived. It would look neater and we wouldn't have to be so particular with the painting the trim. We also had the fiberglass vapor wrap stapled in place. My furniture came up from North Carolina. I directed most of it to be stored in the storehouse in Claremont. We just unloaded the necessary things, like a couch for the big room in the front of the house....
My wife Alexa decided that we should take a weekend trip up to Napa from San Francisco to get away from the city for a few days. She was always dragging me on these little Northern California road trips because she said that it’s good for your mind to have new experiences. I am more of a home body myself and would have just as well spent the entire weekend at home browsing the internet. But Alexa is pretty willful, so I usually let her have her way to avoid a big fight. We did a one of those...
CuckoldIntroduction: I always try to pull real life in to my stories. Most of them involve people I know or have seen. This one came to me while hanging out at a hotel with my family. I also enjoy hearing from people that enjoy my stories. If you like them, feel free to drop me an email. Let me know what story you like best or lets chat sometime. For the past 12 years, one of my favorite activities has always been fucking my wife. Of course, as with all things, work, normal day-to-day things and the...
We are a pretty normal married couple. I am in my mid-40s, 6’1 with short light brown hair, blue eyes and a fairly athletic build. I have a small spread that has started to appear around my midsection which also comes with aging. I am pretty proud of my slender build and even more satisfied with the hard 8 inches that can rise when the occasion presents itself. My wife is also quite attractive. She is just a year younger than I am. She is 5’7 with long brown hair and eyes. She has...
We both were in a mood to party having spent too many weekends working on the home projects – which never seem to end. So when Paul, who Marie had been talking to each other on AOL and the phone for over a year, told her he would be heading up to Connecticut and passing through Washington, it was decided she would meet him for dinner. Although she had never met Paul, Marie felt very comfortable meeting him alone because of their prior conversations. The day of the dinner Paul...
"Rose, what do you think?""A nice holiday, somewhere hot.""Peter, it's your turn.""A new car," then I stood there smiling, expecting Father to agree with me, but he didn't say anything, instead he just looked at my Sister.Her face was a picture of concentration, then a huge grin appeared.She almost shouted it out, "I want a Hot Tub."Mother was now shaking her head."I still think we need a holiday," then she gave my Father a look that said, 'Agree with me'."I wish I hadn't asked.""Yes, it should...
Wednesday, May 11, 2005 I had a good study session, getting in plenty of undistracted hours. I felt good about it too, especially knowing that memory sharing meant that I wasn't going down a blind alley that I'd have to fix by re-studying both courses with my minds swapped. At breakfast Prof was pleased with my progress, and he added, "You have another assignment coming up shortly. I'll drop it in your study, but just review it like you did for the last one." I collected Julia's...
Chapter 1...I'm Paul and I'm 41 years old. I'm divorced and I live alone. I'm an attorney - not rich - but I live a comfortable life.When I met Jenny, I was 27 and she was 25 years old. Her daughter, Nikki, was 5 years old and the cutest thing that I had ever met. She had curly brown hair and dark brown eyes that totally captivated me. She was a very well mannered c***d and she deserved all the affection I could provide her. I wanted to be her daddy. I wanted to be the guy who kept her safe and...
The late afternoon sun peeked through the clouds as the sky began to clear over the lake. After two days of rain that kept us stuck in the cottage, I was ready to get out on the water to feel the wind in my face and course through my hair. It was especially hard to be shut-in during Thunderstorms after months of lockdown and self-isolation due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We bought our island cottage about 5 years ago to get a respite from work and share some great times with our family and...
From Author: I placed this story in Romance instead of Group Sex even though it started out as group sex, it turned into a romantic coupling. For those of you who HATE a cheating wife, even though this one is justified I would like to leave right now and not read any further. I’m not looking for your kind to read my story! * Last month I wrote about some fun a couple of co-workers and I had in my hot tub. Well Andrea and Lynn told me that they had a few ‘close’ friends who they knew would...
Drifting happily through the living room wondering what I'll cook for dinner tonight as I smile and think of Daddy sitting at his desk in his office at this very moment. Coming up to the stereo and opening the clear glass encasement to flip on the power button and tune to my favorite radio station. Giggling silently as I turn up the volume slightly so I can hear it in the kitchen as I prepare the nights meal in anticipation of Daddy's arrival home. My heart having grown so full these last few...
Cindy has been working regular and there had been not more rough sessions since her beating. She has seen John on occasion and they have talked but John has not sampled Cindy’s merchandise, not that she has not offered and John for sure likes what she has. John is just a little protective and well he looks at Cindy like someone needing a friend and protector and not just another man fucking her. She has plenty of men it seems as she is working almost every night. John keeps taps on the...
Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) Emily and her apparently sexually inadequate boyfriend had turned right, so I thought it'd be a good idea for me to turn left. I found a good place to window-shop. Coincidentally they served good food, and it would have been rude to stare out of their window without buying something, so I placed an order. I ate slowly, figuring I probably had the best part of an hour to kill. From time to time someone from school would recognize me through the window....
Jodie wondered how things had ended up like they had. She was at once surprised, horrified, elated and ... yes ... horny. She had just taken a shower and was sitting on the john drying her hair, wondering what to do next. She stared between her legs. Yes, there was definitely sperm oozing out of her pussy. She knew it was there, of course, and hadn't washed it out in the shower. But now, she wondered whether she should have done so. She thought back to the beginning of the night - the most...
His name is Robert, he is six-two, has salty brown hair, that touches his shoulder, greenish-blue eyes and a smile that light up the whole room when he enter it. He is the vice-president of the Hub City Brewing Company, Stanley, Iowa. He is divorced also, and an active swinger. He says he likes watching porn, and says that sex is a favorite hobby of his. He loves America, baseball, and apple pie. It’s six pm, when I arrived at the Kiss Club in Des Moines, Iowa. The place is a friendly no...
My name is Deana. I live right in the middle of corn country; Iowa City, Iowa. I’m sales rep for a major department store, with two cats and a dog named Cuddles. I stand five-five in heels, am a full figured woman, with long red hair, green-eyes, and a zest for life, love, and adventure. I was introduced to swinging six year ago by my now ex-husband and loved every minute of it. Or I did, until he got jealous of me having more fun. So I quit. He has since divorced me and married a younger gal....
ExhibitionismThe inspiration for this story came directly from a series of pictures posted by the xHamster user Crazgrrl who posted a series of pictures from a night in the hot tub with her male partner. My mind instantly built a story around the pictures and she was kind enough to grant permission to use them as the basis of this story. This is my first illustrated story and all pictures are used with her permission but remain her property and can be seen on her profile.This story is pure fantasy,...
Jacuzzi or a hot tub is a popular amenity in American homes. Typically installed in a backyard on a patio, near the home, and equipped with water heater to keep water warm, and massaging water jets to relax and enjoy. My patents installed a hot tub soon after our family moved to a new house in Seattle in Spring 2003. Since than, it has become our favorite place for partying and relaxation. Later, in a few years, when I grew up, I often invited friends to my house, and we liked to sit in hot...
Emily here. I'm "No-boobs," remember? (From "Summertime Sex Ed.") They aren't any bigger now, even though I'm a year and a half older than I was then. I'm a sophomore at a big Midwestern state college now, with a tennis scholarship (thank you, Title 9!) I had a boyfriend in my freshman year, but it wasn't much of a relationship. For now, let's just call him LB (for Loser Boy). I fucked him and gave him a blow job from time to time, but I felt that I was investing a lot more in the...
Note - All characters and scenarios contained in this story are pure fiction. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental. The type of hot tub described in the story does not exist. The religious practices as they are described are not, as far as the author knows, actual, and are perversions of parts of religious rituals found through a couple of web-searches. If you are a practitioner of a Pagan religion or kundalini yoga and feel you might be offended by a fictional...
We had arrived in my husband's home town. It was really a small village with a main street that looks like it came right out of a painting. The town was decorated for Christmas; all the lamp poles had colored lights running up and down them. A fresh carpet of snow blanketed the town; this place could really get you in the Christmas mood.There were so many of his family members in town there was no room for us at his parents house so Don had already made reservation at a nice local hotel. This...
After our last trip to the coast, we just couldn’t stop talking about how much fun we’d had with young Eric in the hot tub and how turned on we both had gotten. We have reminisced about the experience many times since that trip and always have amazingly hot sex when we start talking about it. We couldn’t wait to take another trip and see if we could recreate a similar scenario. Well, we did take that trip and you’ll never believe what happened… After we arrived and checked into our hotel, we...
ExhibitionismIt was Friday night, a few weeks after I had comprehensively fingered my stepdaughter, Hannah, that extraordinary evening in the hot tub. I had arrived home from work unexpectedly early; my meeting in London having ended sooner than usual and I had been able to catch an earlier train. Haunted by guilt and the fear of exposure, I had been avoiding both my stepdaughter and the tub ever since that night. Unnervingly, Hannah had been behaving as if nothing had happened - though it was obvious she...
TabooCaroline was Amber’s housemate and college classmate. We hung around the same circles so we knew each other pretty well. She was from down San Diego way and was also majoring in Marine Biology like Sis. I thought nothing of just walking into the house since I was there most of the time, fixing things and such; plus, I also owned the place. I co-signed with Sis and I also pay half of the mortgage. It’s a great location and can bring in a huge return on our investment. We got a pretty sweet...
My wife Amber and I have a favorite place on the coast that we love to go to when we want to get out of town for the weekend, away from the hometown crowd. We look forward to these weekends because we tend to get a quite adventurous and daring sexually. For example, we usually start talking about sex and playing around in the car on the drive over, we leave the hotel curtains open and wonder if anyone might be watching. We have also found a very secluded beach that she Amber loves getting naked...
Exhibitionism“Good holiday?” Eddie asked as he handed Kerry a bunch of keys. “It was lovely, thanks. We really had a great time.” She told him. “All over tan?” He asked with a twinkle in his eye. Kerry laughed. She liked Eddie, her next door neighbour. He was a sixty year old retired widower and he had a great sense of humour. He was also trustworthy and whenever they went away they would leave the house keys with him to feed the cat and look after things. “Just a couple of white bits!” She teased. ...
Wife LoversWe all stumbled out of the cab and began walking up the drive way while my friend Megan paid the driver. It was my 22nd birthday, and we managed to drink at every bar downtown. We finally had gotten back to Ali’s house and we were all pretty intoxicated. One by one we plopped down on the couches and chairs, starting with Ali. Ali was my best friend who I was always jealous of. She was taller than me by a few inches and constantly worked on her body so she had long legs that were perfectly...
I have an eight-and-a-half-inch cock. That’s 0.2159 meters if you think metric. And thick. I tell you this right up front because I am an exhibitionist and I get my kicks out of telling people about my cock, and watching their expressions should they happen to see it.So you’ll understand where I’m coming from when I tell you what happened yesterday at my gym. I’d just finished my workout and was taking a long, hot shower. The showers there don’t have curtains, and I often wonder who made that...
ExhibitionismI've always had a really high sex drive where almost anything goes, but Fiona has always been a little more reserved. She enjoys spending time together and feeling close, cuddling, kissing and making love. Despite having had two children and making her way towards 40, she looks incredible. 5 foot 7 with curves in all the right places, an ass with curves to make a peach jealous, and her incredible 34C breasts that often catch the eyes of others when we're out. With her long brown hair,...
About six years after we moved in, the neighbors next to us moved out, and a retired man moved in. We met our new neighbor, Kirby, while working in the front yard shortly after he moved in. He seemed like a nice guy, although he seemed to spend an awful lot of time eyeing my tits and ass. I get it …… I have a nice rack. For a 35 yr old woman, I was in really good shape, with natural, 36F tits, a narrow waist, and a pert ass. With my long, blonde hair and green eyes I tended to attract...
Ah, college…that wonderful time in one’s life that we take for granted when we are living it, but later on fills us full of yearning and nostalgic feelings. My name is Alec and I had an amazing 5 years or so of schooling in a small college town, living life to its fullest, being somewhat of a cad, and dating some amazing women. One of these women I had somewhat of an on/off again relationship, was named Beth. This story, and a number to follow, chronicle those times we shared (some poetic...
My wife and I have talked about adding men to our love making for a couple 0f years; it is her greatest fantasy, a submissive gangbang. But her parameters have always been rather restrictive. It has to be at home, all men, her being taken and made to submit. It can't be close friends, but shouldn't be complete strangers. Anyways, this summer we put up an 8' tall privacy fence and built a gazebo with sitting area and a fire pit, and put in a hot tub. This seems irrelevant, but it actually...
Prelude What had already happened between Scott and myself in the hot tub that night had been unexpected. There are, of course, different kinds of unexpected. This wasn't like finding out that my car needs four new tires, or waking up to a foot of snow in October. Instead, it had been like going to pay my bar tab, and discovering that a friend had already settled up. It had been enough to make my head spin and my heart race when his lips met mine for the first time. It wasn't as if there had...
Wife LoversSEX IN THE HOT TUB I have been married to my gorgeous wife for 10 years and our sex life is just perfect we are both in our mid thirties,We enjoy lots of sex and I must admit my wife sometime wears me out with her constant demands to try new things,We have no c***dren as we both have jobs that keep us very busy,I work as investment banker and my wife works as a private sectary for a firm of solicitors,Let me describe my wife Jen she 36 about 5’9’’ with long dark hair very sexy long legs and a...
Julie’s friend Lorraine was off on vacation leaving Julie to watch over her house. This was no hardship, Lorraine has a really nice place on the lake with a big-screen TV, jacuzzi hot tub and a cat named Bill. I was away on yet another work trip so Julie stayed at Lorraine’s house full time. It was early spring and still too cold to swim in the lake but the hot tub was a nice relaxer after a long day so Julie had gotten in the habit of taking a dip after work. She’d sit with a nice glass of...
Wife LoversI knew another local business who had in the past, on occassion, offered some work and thought maybe I could hit them up for some work or maybe even a loan. I knew the owner Neal in passing. Bit of a blowhard, but driven and successful. More than me at least. My wife Karen, 5'9" brunette c-cup weighing a good 150lbs with hips ass and things. She was never a big fan of the shop and the financial strain it put on us from the start, but she loves me and knew that the shop was part of me. So...
PreludeSummer was slowly slipping away in Ontario. Hot and humid nights had given way to cool and clear mornings, with the crisp hint of autumn in the air. The bustle of summer was gone. The tourists had all dispersed, heading home to work, school, life in general.It was only a matter of time now before the leaves would begin their annual ritual of moulting into fiery reds and oranges and golds. It was always a bittersweet time of year for me - lamenting for the end of summer, but longing for...
Gay Male