Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 115: Hot Tub Party; 90-Second Notches free porn video

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Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued)

Laci had no hesitation going for the main prize, inserting it in her, and expressing her happiness at achieving it.


I won't bother describing the 90-second fucks. A couple of details get mentioned below, but that's about all. Not that I didn't enjoy them, because I SURE did, but they were obviously all very similar, especially as the water made it very hard to get any sort of rapid movement going; a problem I hadn't foreseen as being as significant as it was.

Julia said, "I know one of your questions is about my statement that Mark always acted the same. The one Hannah called me a liar about..."



We got our feet well planted and our hands under Laci's armpits, ready to quickly lift her off and leap out of the tub after Julia.

" ... Mark DOES always act the same. You've heard Mark described as a fantastic lover by several girls. That wouldn't be possible unless he was smart enough - which he obviously is - to give each girl exactly what she wanted. He always considers and acts on each girl's individual desires and needs. You've seen Mark all day, and he's been considerate to everyone all day. Apart from Hannah, you've all seen him at school all year, and he's always considerate. He only had fifteen minutes to please Alexis, so he gave her what she wanted."

"Fuckin' A!" agreed Alexis.

"When he had sex with Lily he did the same as he ALWAYS does - which is what I said before - he considered her needs and gave her what she wanted. Just as he would have done with Hannah, had she not given up her turn."

"But," protested Hannah, "I didn't know that! When you said he always acts the same, I thought you meant he was always violent. I hate violent sex. That's a large part of why I prefer sex with girls." That surprised quite a few of the other girls, who hadn't known about the nature of Hannah's relationship with Laila (or Baby, snigger).

Julia answered, "You've had hours in Mark's company and I'm sure Laila has told you stories about what he's like at school and what other girls think of him, particularly his lovemaking. Laila told us before that she'd regaled you with stories about Mark's sexual prowess. Despite all that, you leaped to a conclusion that was obviously wrong. I'm not responsible for the quality of your thinking, Hannah, and I've got lots of better things to do than run around pointing your mistakes out to you. I was tempted to, because I'd been so impressed by your guess of zero seconds, but there are plenty of other girls for Mark. Whether it was you, Lily, or anyone else didn't matter to Mark, so it didn't matter to me."

"But, but you KNEW I'd made a mistake. You probably deliberately said it the way you did to fool me. That's not fair!"

"Of course I said it deliberately, knowing it'd fool some of you. It WAS fair, because I didn't aim my comment at you, I aimed it - fairly - at everyone. I wanted to see how many of you trusted Mark. As it turned out every single one of you recoiled from Mark except for Alexis, but she had good reason not to, haha. Lily was the smartest of all of you, so she got the reward. That's how life works. Mark can't keep dating twenty four of you at a time. Soon Mark and I are going to sit down and decide which of you he will continue to invest his time in, and which he won't. Whether you trust him is a VERY significant factor."

"But that's not fair," protested one girl, "we didn't know we were being tested."

"Next girl!" announced Carol.

Everyone looked at Laci, who'd been enjoying herself and did not want to stop. She stayed on my cock, trying to get a couple more wriggles out of the experience.

Julia looked back at the girl who'd complained about no knowing they were being tested and answered, "That's a foolish thing to say. Whenever you're on a first date with a boy, you carefully watch his every word and move. If he says or does anything wrong - especially if he puts a hand wrong - it immediately gets counted against him. You all know that you deliberately test boys to see how they'll react. I just did the same thing you all do, on Mark's behalf. It's even more important for him, because there are an unmanageably large number of you..."



" ... But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Every girl he fucks wants more, and there are dozens or even hundreds waiting for their first time. It could be weeks, months or never. It all depends on how much he enjoyed you compared to all the other girls. Or maybe it'll depend on his mood. For all I know, in a few days he might tell me that he's in the mood for another session with you. I've got your number, so I'd call you and tell you to get your butt over here pronto, so Mark can slap it some more, haha. Don't hold your breath, but if he or I call, drop everything and come running. That applies to all of you, of course, not just Alexis."

One of the other girls said, "You mean Mark or you can call us and we have to come running, so he can fuck us? Get real! That's NEVER going to happen!"

Julia said, "It might never happen with you. It's ENTIRELY your choice. I keep saying that phrase over and over again. If Mark or I call you, you don't HAVE TO come. OF COURSE you don't have to! We'd be stupid if we thought that. If you want to say 'No thanks, I'm busy," then that's no problem at all. We'll just cross you off our list and Mark will call some other girl. Nothing could be easier."

The girl whose turn it was on my cock, who had been waiting increasingly impatiently, finally said, "Ahh, excuse me, but Laci hasn't got off yet, and it's supposed to be my turn."

Julia helpfully answered, "Yes. I'm surprised you haven't done anything about it."

"ME! But I thought you would."

"I'm too busy answering questions, and you already know I don't care who he fucks. If you want to let Laci have your turn that's your business."


"Sure. You heard me ask Carol to call 'Next girl' every ninety seconds. When's the next girl's turn start Carol?"

"About ten seconds," supplied Carol.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR! I want my turn!"

"I agree," said Julia, "Laci has been very selfish. She knows we have a limited time and she's hogging it all to herself." Laci was starting to look a little worried. Perhaps this hadn't been such a good idea after all? Julia is an evil character.

"GET OFF LACI!" screeched Girl#2.

"Next girl!" declared Carol.

"GET OFF LACI!" repeated Girl#2, even more urgently.

Julia said, "It's too late. Laci used up all your time. Who's the next girl?"

"Me!" As Girl#3 got to her feet.

"I WANT MY TURN!" said Girl#2. Which I thought was an unnecessary statement, as I was pretty sure all of us already knew that.

"It's MY turn!" insisted Girl#3. Another unnecessary statement.

Laci was looking back and forth between #2 and #3, nervously, but not getting off either.

"But I haven't had my turn!" said #2.


Julia said, "The girls who have had their turns, or missed their turns, have to get out of the tub. There's not enough room for everyone in here. Once you've got out, get dressed, because this date will end right after the last girl finishes."

Laci couldn't get out fast enough, which was unusually obedient of her. She clearly didn't want to stay and face #2's wrath, and kept looking over her shoulder at #2, expecting the worst.

Rather than getting out, Girl#2 again screeched, "Argh!" in frustration. She paused trying to think of a solution, but couldn't, and then accepted the inevitable and started moving to get out.

Eileen, who would be Girl#4, said, "Umm, I can't decide whether to do IT, or just cuddle. But I think I'd rather give up my turn to Tianna." (Girl#2). "Is that okay, Julia?"

"Of course it is, sweetie. That's very nice of you."

Tianna quickly turned to Julia, and excitedly checked, "I can have a turn?"

"Eileen's giving you her turn."

"THANK YOU, Eileen. Thanks VERY much. I REALLY want to do this!"

"Yes, I could tell, {giggle}. A LOT more than I do. I like Mark, but I don't think I'm ready to do THAT yet."

"Next girl!"

Tianna came over to me as fast as possible, saying to Girl#3, "Get off. It's MY turn now!"

"But I've only had thirty seconds," pleaded Girl#3. "Can't we share?"

"You didn't want to share with me when I was ahead of you." Tianna ended the discussion by pulling Girl#3 off me, and replacing one pussy with another.



"It's not over for you yet, Laci. You've still got hope. Mark and I haven't yet decided to drop anyone from this group, so until then there are opportunities for you all to shine. You can give up, if you're a quitter, but I think the chance of having a fantastic life with Mark, flying all over the world, meeting incredible people, buying fantastic clothes, and everything else you'll do, is well worth a few weeks of effort. But that's up to you, of course."

Laci asked, "I can STILL be picked?"

"Anyone can still be picked. Not after they've been fully dropped, like Dakota, but no one has been dropped from this group yet. So try your hardest, and who knows how wonderful your life could become."

Laci started immediately, "I am VERY sorry, Julia and Mark, that I was so stupid and selfish. I won't do it again, I PROMISE!"

I was about to say "You're welcome," but Julia beat me to it with, "It's pointless apologizing to us, as it wasn't us that you wronged, it was the girls whose turns you selfishly disrupted, or in Eileen's case, lost. You need to make up with them, and I somehow doubt that a simple apology will count for much. I'll leave you to work that out among yourselves."

(Carol had been doing her timekeeping duties, and continued to do so, but I've stopped bothering to record the disruptions here. I let you know #4's total for our final Fuck Count later.)

Julia said, "Are there any more questions from anyone, before I get on to the topics I want to talk about?"

"Yes," said one so far unnamed girl (unnamed for a little reason that will be made clear shortly). "You told Alexis a while ago that when Mark calls up for sex, we have to come running or we get crossed off the list. It's not right that he can just call up and demand we come to him and go to bed with him. That's not how people should behave. It's WRONG!" This was the girl who'd argued the same point back when Alexis asked about having more sex with Mark.

Julia said, "So you think it's wrong that one person can dictate another person's actions, especially about sex?"

"It's VERY wrong! It's immoral."

"Then stop doing it!" commanded Julia

"What? I'M not doing it, MARK and you are."

"Yes you are! If Mark or I call a girl, then it's entirely up to her whether or not she says no. Mark and I aren't going to beg her, force her, or apply any coercion. We'll just hang up. We're not forcing anybody, just like we haven't been forcing anybody all day. How many times do I have to keep saying that? Of course there are consequences, because any girl that says no to Mark will be letting him know that she doesn't like him very much, but that's ENTIRELY her choice and her right. Neither Mark nor I will ever DEMAND a girl has sex with him.

-- "We were talking about Hannah just a few minutes ago. Hannah was very annoyed that I didn't explain to her that she was wrong in thinking Mark was a violent lover. I've told you all that Mark and I won't coerce any of you into anything. If I had tried to convince Hannah she was wrong, then that could've been interpreted as me trying to coerce her. Of course I knew she was wrong, but that's what everyone always thinks when they argue with someone. You all saw what I did with Hannah; as soon as she expressed reluctance, I let someone else have the choice. So don't you DARE try to suggest that we are forcing or demanding anybody do anything, because that's completely untrue, and you all know it. We're not even trying to persuade you, so we're obviously not doing anything stronger." Several of them were nodding.

-- "YOU can say no if Mark or I call you, just like every other girl can. You know that. So why do you keep telling everybody that you think it's wrong that they've got a choice whether they say yes or no? To me it's obvious that you don't believe people should have a choice about who they have sex with. YOU are trying to CONVINCE them to always say no. That makes you guilty of EXACTLY the same crime that you are falsely accusing us of."

"That's not fair. You've twisted my words around. I..."

"I have NOT twisted your words. You said it was not right that Mark could call up and ask a girl for sex. There's nothing immoral about that at all. Mark can call up anybody and ask them for a million dollars, if he wants. They are, of course, perfectly entitled to say yes or no, as they wish. That's their choice. There's nothing immoral about it. It'd be a stupid waste of time, but not immoral. Anybody can ASK anybody anything. Just so long as it IS a question and no coercion is applied, then it's moral."

"But there is coercion. You said that if the girl says no you'll cross her off the list. That's blackmail!"

"Wrong again! If Mark called you up and asked for a million dollars, and you said no. Then the next day he called again, and asked the same question, you'd start getting annoyed. If he repeated it day after day you'd get very annoyed. Your annoyance would be justified because he'd be wasting your time. By far the most moral thing he can do is call the girl, and if she says no, never call her again. Of course, if she said yes, then obviously it'd be fine to call her again some other day, because she's shown she wants such calls. To make your accusation even sillier, you're objecting that saying no to sex removes you from the list of girls that Mark THINKS wants to have sex with him, because those are obviously the girls that he's calling. Isn't it obvious that if you just said 'No, I don't want to have sex with Mark', then that means that Mark should no longer think you want sex with him? It can't be any simpler than that!"

"But it might just be that the girl doesn't want sex THEN. Why should she be crossed off from the list totally? That's not fair!"

"What? You want Mark to call the same girl day after day at random times even though she keeps saying no? Make up your mind!" Several of the other girls laughed at that. "We just agreed that the most moral action was to call just the once. More often than that could even be considered coercive, and we'll NEVER do that. What we will do, is cross the girl off the list. That is the ONLY moral thing to do."

"But I might want sex later. I may not want it exactly at the time Mark called. It may not be convenient. But maybe I want it later, maybe after I get to know him better. It's not fair that I'd be crossed off the list because I didn't come running the second Mark demanded it. That's not how relationships work."

"First, you used the word 'demanded' again. I'm going it ignore it though, because all of us knows that accusation is wrong. We will NEVER demand!

-- "Second: 'Not how relationships work'. How much experience have you had in knowing how relationships work with a guy who is the best overall athlete in the world and could easily be number one in a dozen or more sports, AND who is also a genius of Einstein's level, AND is also incredibly muscled and good looking, AND is also incredibly nice? How many relationships with such people have you studied? The answer is obviously zero because there's never been a guy like Mark before. If dozens or hundreds of girls want such a relationship with Mark, who are you to say it shouldn't be done that way? The only relationship of Mark's that you have half a say in is your own. So stop telling other girls how to manage their relationships with Mark. That is their choice, and you are morally wrong to impose your values on them.

-- "Third, if a girl is crossed off the list, I've not said a single word that implies SHE can't call up Mark or me, and ask to be put back on the list, or to call him up and ask for sex. If it's moral for Mark to call the girl, it's certainly equally moral for the girl to call Mark." I could see virtually every girl's eyes light up at that news, which was actually a worry because some of these girls were voracious. I'd seen how some of these girls get when they're excited, and it's truly scary.

-- "Of course," Julia continued, "Mark is EXTREMELY busy. He's completing his bachelor's next year, for goodness sake! Not to mention the dozens and dozens of other girls he's got available to screw. So it is almost impossible to imagine that he'll be free for some random sex at precisely the moment that you call. His time is booked up DAYS in advance! Almost certainly - you might as well say certainly - Mark will say no. As we discussed before, the girl can NEVER call a second time, because that's immoral and coercive. If that happened more than a few times, Mark would have to call the girls parents and complain that the girl was sexually harassing him.

-- "It's quite obvious that BY FAR the most moral process is for Mark to call the girls when he's available for sex, and for them to tell him yes or no, as they're FREE to choose. Then for Mark to NEVER again call girls who say no, which he ensures by crossing her off the list of girls he thinks want sex with him. If she later decides that she does want sex with Mark, she can call to ask for sex, but the chance of her being told yes is virtually zero and she'd never get another chance. Or she can call and ask to have her name added to the list. But Mark's list will soon contain the names of hundreds of girls who'll come running whenever he wants, so I can't imagine why he'd bother putting such an erratic girl back on it. To me that girl sounds like too much of a nuisance to bother with. He'd put her back on the list, but on the bottom of it.

-- "Anyway, what I just described is CLEARLY the most moral way of doing it. If you don't agree, feel free to say no if Mark ever calls you. Just don't try to force your values upon other people. That's immoral, and it's hypocritical as you just tried to accuse us of exactly that."

[A few hours later I PRAISED Julia for the above. She told me that she'd worked out most of this 'logic' (hehe) some days earlier, and had been waiting for the chance to use it. Julia had appeared to be outraged, but had actually been close to wetting herself with laughter. The girl - who I deliberately left nameless in this document, to show my contempt for anyone who knee-jerk argued self-centered morality without bothering to think about the circumstances - was not invited to any future Mark-centered functions. Julia didn't drop her now because Julia wanted Chloe pushed into my web with a very clear message from the maximum number of girls, and without any negative incidents being part of the story she'd hear.]

"But... , but you're saying Mark can call a girl whenever he wants, and demand... , and tell... , and ASK her to come immediately. That's not right!"

There was sufficient laughter from the other girls that Julia didn't need to bother arguing it further. Julia couldn't resist adding, "You haven't understood much about Mark. First, the sex that any girl has with Mark is the best sex of her life, isn't that right Lily, Laila, Pat, Alexis?"

Agreements from all of them, including an emphatic, "Fuck yes!" from Alexis.

Julia continued, "My opinion is the same, as I'm sure you all knew." I was VERY sure I was the best guy Julia had EVER had sex with, haha. "Feel free to disagree with me girls, but if Mark called up any of us and offered sex, we'd come running. I know I would. How about the rest of you?"

The consensus was, "Fuck yes."

Julia continued, "You all saw how incredibly reluctant Mark was to even hold a breast unless his invitation was explicitly and strongly given. You've got to grab his hand and shove it against your own breast, otherwise he'll sit there twiddling his thumbs for hours, rather than risk upsetting you by his being too forward. What's the chance of him calling up and - haha, DEMANDING sex?" Lots of the girls laughed at that.

"So why did we spend all this time arguing about it?" asked the nameless girl.

"Because I'm trying to train Mark to be more assertive. Hopefully one day he will start calling girls. But I know Mark, and I'm sure he'll only ever call girls who've made their ENTHUSIASTIC willingness perfectly clear, like Alexis, for example."

"Fuck yes. Anytime, anywhere, any position."

"Mark's list is only going to have girls on it that he's VERY sure about because they're BEGGING him to call them. Girls who are not so full of themselves that they think they're superior to Mark. Mark is so much superior to ALL of us that our insisting he subsume his desires to our pride is ridiculous. I've told you that the normal rules don't apply to Mark. You've seen that even my parents, the DMV, OSU and several important people already know that. One of the rules that doesn't apply, is that the girl is in control of dishing out the sex. With Mark, it is Mark that's in control of that. He is SO MUCH in control that to even dream that you have the faintest hint of power over him is truly absurd. Your only power, is the power to say no, and you only get to use that once."

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Fun in the Hot Tub

"Rose, what do you think?""A nice holiday, somewhere hot.""Peter, it's your turn.""A new car," then I stood there smiling, expecting Father to agree with me, but he didn't say anything, instead he just looked at my Sister.Her face was a picture of concentration, then a huge grin appeared.She almost shouted it out, "I want a Hot Tub."Mother was now shaking her head."I still think we need a holiday," then she gave my Father a look that said, 'Agree with me'."I wish I hadn't asked.""Yes, it should...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Suprise

Chapter 1...I'm Paul and I'm 41 years old. I'm divorced and I live alone. I'm an attorney - not rich - but I live a comfortable life.When I met Jenny, I was 27 and she was 25 years old. Her daughter, Nikki, was 5 years old and the cutest thing that I had ever met. She had curly brown hair and dark brown eyes that totally captivated me. She was a very well mannered c***d and she deserved all the affection I could provide her. I wanted to be her daddy. I wanted to be the guy who kept her safe and...

4 years ago
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Lakeside Friends HotTub Seduction

The late afternoon sun peeked through the clouds as the sky began to clear over the lake. After two days of rain that kept us stuck in the cottage, I was ready to get out on the water to feel the wind in my face and course through my hair. It was especially hard to be shut-in during Thunderstorms after months of lockdown and self-isolation due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We bought our island cottage about 5 years ago to get a respite from work and share some great times with our family and...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub Fun Revisited

From Author: I placed this story in Romance instead of Group Sex even though it started out as group sex, it turned into a romantic coupling. For those of you who HATE a cheating wife, even though this one is justified I would like to leave right now and not read any further. I’m not looking for your kind to read my story! * Last month I wrote about some fun a couple of co-workers and I had in my hot tub. Well Andrea and Lynn told me that they had a few ‘close’ friends who they knew would...

4 years ago
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Drifting happily through the living room wondering what I'll cook for dinner tonight as I smile and think of Daddy sitting at his desk in his office at this very moment. Coming up to the stereo and opening the clear glass encasement to flip on the power button and tune to my favorite radio station. Giggling silently as I turn up the volume slightly so I can hear it in the kitchen as I prepare the nights meal in anticipation of Daddy's arrival home. My heart having grown so full these last few...

4 years ago
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Cindy and Gail in the hot tub

Cindy has been working regular and there had been not more rough sessions since her beating. She has seen John on occasion and they have talked but John has not sampled Cindy’s merchandise, not that she has not offered and John for sure likes what she has. John is just a little protective and well he looks at Cindy like someone needing a friend and protector and not just another man fucking her. She has plenty of men it seems as she is working almost every night. John keeps taps on the...

3 years ago
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The Hot Tub Blues

Jodie wondered how things had ended up like they had. She was at once surprised, horrified, elated and ... yes ... horny. She had just taken a shower and was sitting on the john drying her hair, wondering what to do next. She stared between her legs. Yes, there was definitely sperm oozing out of her pussy. She knew it was there, of course, and hadn't washed it out in the shower. But now, she wondered whether she should have done so. She thought back to the beginning of the night - the most...

2 years ago
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HotTub true story

His name is Robert, he is six-two, has salty brown hair, that touches his shoulder, greenish-blue eyes and a smile that light up the whole room when he enter it. He is the vice-president of the Hub City Brewing Company, Stanley, Iowa. He is divorced also, and an active swinger. He says he likes watching porn, and says that sex is a favorite hobby of his. He loves America, baseball, and apple pie. It’s six pm, when I arrived at the Kiss Club in Des Moines, Iowa. The place is a friendly no...

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My name is Deana. I live right in the middle of corn country; Iowa City, Iowa. I’m sales rep for a major department store, with two cats and a dog named Cuddles. I stand five-five in heels, am a full figured woman, with long red hair, green-eyes, and a zest for life, love, and adventure. I was introduced to swinging six year ago by my now ex-husband and loved every minute of it. Or I did, until he got jealous of me having more fun. So I quit. He has since divorced me and married a younger gal....

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Erotica

The inspiration for this story came directly from a series of pictures posted by the xHamster user Crazgrrl who posted a series of pictures from a night in the hot tub with her male partner. My mind instantly built a story around the pictures and she was kind enough to grant permission to use them as the basis of this story. This is my first illustrated story and all pictures are used with her permission but remain her property and can be seen on her profile.This story is pure fantasy,...

2 years ago
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Sex in a Hot Tub

Jacuzzi or a hot tub is a popular amenity in American homes. Typically installed in a backyard on a patio, near the home, and equipped with water heater to keep water warm, and massaging water jets to relax and enjoy. My patents installed a hot tub soon after our family moved to a new house in Seattle in Spring 2003. Since than, it has become our favorite place for partying and relaxation. Later, in a few years, when I grew up, I often invited friends to my house, and we liked to sit in hot...

4 years ago
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Hot Tub Service Girl

Emily here. I'm "No-boobs," remember? (From "Summertime Sex Ed.") They aren't any bigger now, even though I'm a year and a half older than I was then. I'm a sophomore at a big Midwestern state college now, with a tennis scholarship (thank you, Title 9!) I had a boyfriend in my freshman year, but it wasn't much of a relationship. For now, let's just call him LB (for Loser Boy). I fucked him and gave him a blow job from time to time, but I felt that I was investing a lot more in the...

4 years ago
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Haunted Hot Tub

Note - All characters and scenarios contained in this story are pure fiction. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental. The type of hot tub described in the story does not exist. The religious practices as they are described are not, as far as the author knows, actual, and are perversions of parts of religious rituals found through a couple of web-searches. If you are a practitioner of a Pagan religion or kundalini yoga and feel you might be offended by a fictional...

2 years ago
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Oh Holy Hot Tub

We had arrived in my husband's home town. It was really a small village with a main street that looks like it came right out of a painting. The town was decorated for Christmas; all the lamp poles had colored lights running up and down them. A fresh carpet of snow blanketed the town; this place could really get you in the Christmas mood.There were so many of his family members in town there was no room for us at his parents house so Don had already made reservation at a nice local hotel. This...

3 years ago
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At the hot tubagain

After our last trip to the coast, we just couldn’t stop talking about how much fun we’d had with young Eric in the hot tub and how turned on we both had gotten. We have reminisced about the experience many times since that trip and always have amazingly hot sex when we start talking about it. We couldn’t wait to take another trip and see if we could recreate a similar scenario. Well, we did take that trip and you’ll never believe what happened… After we arrived and checked into our hotel, we...

3 years ago
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Hannahs Hot Tub Part 2

It was Friday night, a few weeks after I had comprehensively fingered my stepdaughter, Hannah, that extraordinary evening in the hot tub. I had arrived home from work unexpectedly early; my meeting in London having ended sooner than usual and I had been able to catch an earlier train. Haunted by guilt and the fear of exposure, I had been avoiding both my stepdaughter and the tub ever since that night. Unnervingly, Hannah had been behaving as if nothing had happened - though it was obvious she...

4 years ago
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Caroline and the Hot Tub

Caroline was Amber’s housemate and college classmate. We hung around the same circles so we knew each other pretty well. She was from down San Diego way and was also majoring in Marine Biology like Sis. I thought nothing of just walking into the house since I was there most of the time, fixing things and such; plus, I also owned the place. I co-signed with Sis and I also pay half of the mortgage. It’s a great location and can bring in a huge return on our investment. We got a pretty sweet...

2 years ago
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At the Hot tub

My wife Amber and I have a favorite place on the coast that we love to go to when we want to get out of town for the weekend, away from the hometown crowd. We look forward to these weekends because we tend to get a quite adventurous and daring sexually. For example, we usually start talking about sex and playing around in the car on the drive over, we leave the hotel curtains open and wonder if anyone might be watching. We have also found a very secluded beach that she Amber loves getting naked...

4 years ago
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Eddie and The Hot Tub

“Good holiday?” Eddie asked as he handed Kerry a bunch of keys. “It was lovely, thanks. We really had a great time.” She told him. “All over tan?” He asked with a twinkle in his eye. Kerry laughed. She liked Eddie, her next door neighbour. He was a sixty year old retired widower and he had a great sense of humour. He was also trustworthy and whenever they went away they would leave the house keys with him to feed the cat and look after things. “Just a couple of white bits!” She teased. ...

Wife Lovers
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Afterbar Hot Tub and Fun

We all stumbled out of the cab and began walking up the drive way while my friend Megan paid the driver. It was my 22nd birthday, and we managed to drink at every bar downtown. We finally had gotten back to Ali’s house and we were all pretty intoxicated. One by one we plopped down on the couches and chairs, starting with Ali. Ali was my best friend who I was always jealous of. She was taller than me by a few inches and constantly worked on her body so she had long legs that were perfectly...

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Hot Tub Switcheroo

I have an eight-and-a-half-inch cock. That’s 0.2159 meters if you think metric. And thick. I tell you this right up front because I am an exhibitionist and I get my kicks out of telling people about my cock, and watching their expressions should they happen to see it.So you’ll understand where I’m coming from when I tell you what happened yesterday at my gym. I’d just finished my workout and was taking a long, hot shower. The showers there don’t have curtains, and I often wonder who made that...

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Dereks Hot tub cottage Part 1

I've always had a really high sex drive where almost anything goes, but Fiona has always been a little more reserved. She enjoys spending time together and feeling close, cuddling, kissing and making love. Despite having had two children and making her way towards 40, she looks incredible. 5 foot 7 with curves in all the right places, an ass with curves to make a peach jealous, and her incredible 34C breasts that often catch the eyes of others when we're out. With her long brown hair,...

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About six years after we moved in, the neighbors next to us moved out, and a retired man moved in. We met our new neighbor, Kirby, while working in the front yard shortly after he moved in. He seemed like a nice guy, although he seemed to spend an awful lot of time eyeing my tits and ass. I get it …… I have a nice rack. For a 35 yr old woman, I was in really good shape, with natural, 36F tits, a narrow waist, and a pert ass. With my long, blonde hair and green eyes I tended to attract...

2 years ago
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It Begins Pt 01 Hot Tub

Ah, college…that wonderful time in one’s life that we take for granted when we are living it, but later on fills us full of yearning and nostalgic feelings. My name is Alec and I had an amazing 5 years or so of schooling in a small college town, living life to its fullest, being somewhat of a cad, and dating some amazing women. One of these women I had somewhat of an on/off again relationship, was named Beth. This story, and a number to follow, chronicle those times we shared (some poetic...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Fuck Machine

My wife and I have talked about adding men to our love making for a couple 0f years; it is her greatest fantasy, a submissive gangbang. But her parameters have always been rather restrictive. It has to be at home, all men, her being taken and made to submit. It can't be close friends, but shouldn't be complete strangers. Anyways, this summer we put up an 8' tall privacy fence and built a gazebo with sitting area and a fire pit, and put in a hot tub. This seems irrelevant, but it actually...

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Hot Tub Confessions Three Certainly Isnt A Crowd

Prelude What had already happened between Scott and myself in the hot tub that night had been unexpected. There are, of course, different kinds of unexpected. This wasn't like finding out that my car needs four new tires, or waking up to a foot of snow in October. Instead, it had been like going to pay my bar tab, and discovering that a friend had already settled up. It had been enough to make my head spin and my heart race when his lips met mine for the first time. It wasn't as if there had...

Wife Lovers
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SEX IN THE HOT TUB I have been married to my gorgeous wife for 10 years and our sex life is just perfect we are both in our mid thirties,We enjoy lots of sex and I must admit my wife sometime wears me out with her constant demands to try new things,We have no c***dren as we both have jobs that keep us very busy,I work as investment banker and my wife works as a private sectary for a firm of solicitors,Let me describe my wife Jen she 36 about 5’9’’ with long dark hair very sexy long legs and a...

3 years ago
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Julie and the Hot Tub

Julie’s friend Lorraine was off on vacation leaving Julie to watch over her house. This was no hardship, Lorraine has a really nice place on the lake with a big-screen TV, jacuzzi hot tub and a cat named Bill. I was away on yet another work trip so Julie stayed at Lorraine’s house full time. It was early spring and still too cold to swim in the lake but the hot tub was a nice relaxer after a long day so Julie had gotten in the habit of taking a dip after work. She’d sit with a nice glass of...

Wife Lovers
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Hot Tub Wife Pimpin

I knew another local business who had in the past, on occassion, offered some work and thought maybe I could hit them up for some work or maybe even a loan. I knew the owner Neal in passing. Bit of a blowhard, but driven and successful. More than me at least. My wife Karen, 5'9" brunette c-cup weighing a good 150lbs with hips ass and things. She was never a big fan of the shop and the financial strain it put on us from the start, but she loves me and knew that the shop was part of me. So...

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Hot Tub Confessions When the Wifes Away the Boys Will Play

PreludeSummer was slowly slipping away in Ontario. Hot and humid nights had given way to cool and clear mornings, with the crisp hint of autumn in the air. The bustle of summer was gone. The tourists had all dispersed, heading home to work, school, life in general.It was only a matter of time now before the leaves would begin their annual ritual of moulting into fiery reds and oranges and golds. It was always a bittersweet time of year for me - lamenting for the end of summer, but longing for...

Gay Male
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Hot Tub and Whipped Cream

Emily again. I told you about how I met Paul and Sara in "Hot Tub Service Girl." The story didn't end there. In fact, it just started to get interesting. After that wonderful Saturday evening, I couldn't get that couple out of my head. So I looked up Paul's email address and left him a note thanking him and his wife for their hospitality. I got a message back that same day, saying that I was welcome over at their house any time. I responded with "How about Saturday afternoon?" and the...

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Hot tub Fun1

Just thought I would share the experience I had the other night with my Sister in law. It was a hot Wednesday summer afternoon. Everyone was relaxing, staying as cool as possible with the air conditioning going. I guess at some point, I managed to doze off on the couch and when I woke up, it was past seven in the evening. I couldn't believe I had slept so long. After getting up and seeing where everyone was at, I found my wife April hanging out watching movies with her sister Christy on...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub

Feel free to send me an email telling me what you liked and disliked. I even enjoy getting emails from people helping me with my grammar and technical issues!All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic means, including photocopying, recording or by any information and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author.Start:"Where are you going?" I knew where he was going but wanted him to ask me. I love to have him ask me to join...

Group Sex
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Our sexy neighbor comes over and joins us in our hot tub

“Where are you going?” I knew where he was going but wanted him to ask me. I love to have him ask me to join him. There is something sexy about a hot tub, with hubby and with friends. It’s my second favorite public place as the beach, oh yea the beach. I have to say that there is something so erotic about the beach. Mike and I purchased this house three years ago. It’s amazing that we were able to purchase that house before we turned twenty-one. Mike works hard and has...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub Flashing

I just came back from the hot tub in the hotel in which I'm staying for the week. It's a nice property, about the nicest in the community where I'm doing business.While in the hot tub, I pulled up one of the legs of my swim trunks so I could exposed my cock and balls to the turbulent hot water. I find this stimulating and emotionally relaxing - and do so whenever I have a hot tub to myself.I was so relaxed after a long, hard day of work, I must have dosed off. I thought I was dreaming, for I...

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A day in the hot tub takes an unexpected turn for a girl and her brother

his story was written as an extreme adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. Simka walks in the house, glad to be home, glad to be alone at home. “I think I am going to go sit in the hot tub for a while and just relax, especially since no one else will be home for a few hours. She quickly runs up stairs and strips out of her school clothes. After a moment of looking in her drawers, she finds a bikini. It is not her new one, and it is slightly...

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Theres a Unicorn in the Hot Tub

What is a unicorn? Most define it as a beautiful mythical creature - a horse with a straight horn protruding from its forehead. In more general terms, it is defined as something difficult to find, but highly desirable. For me, I will learn it is a term used in the swinger world - someone who has sex with couples. This is my story of how I became the elusive unicorn. I love the sound of that - Lucy the Unicorn. Never did this quiet, reserved 'good girl' ever dream she would become craved and...

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The hot tub experience

Finally, Pete and Kitty had a weekend alone! They slipped their bags into the cottage on the outskirts of vast farm fields and surveyed the view. Nothing but the small compound of cottages and open fields for miles either side. Kitty gave a stretch and kicked her shoes off, picking up a much needed glass of wine, she followed Pete outside onto the patio yard. She cast her eyes over him as he explored the grounds, his fitted combats hugging that gorgeous arse and strong hips, broad shoulders...

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Very Very hot tub

Summer 2007 I was 15, and completely average. I was skinny, pale, and awkward, my hair was too long, and I was constantly horney. I was lucky really, I think by most girls standards I was “cute” sandy blonde hair blue eyes and I looked good with my shirt off. I was spending the week at my uncle’s cabin in Oregon. My uncle offered to have me over while my parents were on a cruise, I was a little pissed until I saw the cabin. It looked more like a private resort. I Several cabins surrounded a...

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