Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 390: The Heavenly Costume Party free porn video

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Saturday, August 11, to Monday, August 13, 2007

Having described the "Nevaeh As An Angel" plan so thoroughly, I'll leave that aspect out of my description of the party. I'll describe other parts of the night, plus where Julia and I had added to the plan.

Nevaeh hid just inside the mouth of the emergency tunnel for the best part of an hour, waiting until the party was going well. Boring for her, but Julia wanted her creation to have a grand entrance with maximum effect. Julia had told Nevaeh to bring a book and I'd put a chair there for her to sit on, but I saw that Nevaeh spent most of the time daydreaming and lightly playing with herself. I wanted to use NP to help her, but even if I created a Guardian Angel near her, I dared not risk it. For centuries Christians have preached that Sex, the Devil, and Evil are all closely related, if not the same thing, and that's far too deeply brainwashed into people now. If the Guardian Angel touched Nevaeh sexually there'd be too much risk of her flipping over to believing the Guardian Angel was the Devil trying to seduce her into sex. Once that happened, we'd never get her back and she'd be giving herself a huge amount of very real psychological damage and torture.

When Julia decided it was time, the Guardian Angel appeared in front of Nevaeh, stroked her cheek comfortingly, picked her up and flew her out of the tunnel, locking the vault door behind her, like a tidy Guardian Angel should.

Under my control rather than her directing it, Nevaeh flew up to about 400 feet above and to the side of the party. I turned her halo and eyeball lights on, adjusting them to give them the look I wanted, which was freaky but in a low-key way so they wouldn't detract from Nevaeh herself. I placed a large light blob around Nevaeh, shaped to be a tall oval that was just large enough to contain her and her slowly flapping wings. It was light blue in color and too dim to be visible, but as Nevaeh slowly descended to the party, it brightened slowly and steadily; mostly "slowly", as it was just to accent her.

The party was outside around the Kids' pool area. It's a large, very well landscaped area - if I may say so myself - and very suitable for our style of parties. It has total privacy from the rest of the property, bushy areas for the partygoers who want to slip away for some quiet 'cuddling' (we spread dozens of outdoor cushions around to make that more comfortable), plenty of seats around the outside of the open area, good party lighting, a natural looking bar at one end, a 20-speaker sound system - no live band at this party as it was going to be too sexy and weird for that - tables with plenty of food, and an area near the pool that was suitable for a dance floor, a good sized pool-house for freshening up, etc.

The lighting was dim so it didn't take long for someone to point up at Nevaeh and say, "What's that?"

I turned up the lighting around Nevaeh quicker, and soon people were saying, "OH MY GOD! IT'S AN ANGEL!" Mostly it was girls that said that, the guys being unable to speak with their tongues hanging out of their mouths.

The Guardian Angel appeared above my head, then immediately shot up to 'meet' Nevaeh, zooming around her excitedly, like a young puppy running circles around its returning master, only in three dimensions now. I said loudly so everyone could hear me, "It looks like my Guardian Angel recognizes her."

Nevaeh's descent continued, with her encapsulating blue light blob becoming a very noticeable feature. It wasn't bright, but it made up for that by being incredibly impressive and freaky. It looks VERY strange to see someone glowing.

She slowed into a hover about twenty feet above us and turned in a circle to look at everyone, who were ALL looking at her. I heard several excited exclamations along the lines of, "Her eyes GLOW!"

Nevaeh turned to face me. She pointed at me and made the "come here" finger-bending motion.

I floated up in the air, stopping in front of her but two feet lower since I was just a mortal.

Nevaeh reached out and put a forefinger on my forehead (I'd read a lot of science fiction in my pre-girlfriend days). After twenty seconds, she took it off. I looked down at all the open mouths, then said, "I can't say her name. It's not in English. It sounds like a harp and an organ playing at the same time, so it's unpronounceable. I'll call her 'Angel'. Angel heard I was having a costume party and decided she would like to come. She hopes you like the costume she made for you?" When she lands, people will see that her costume is artificially constructed so I was making it clear right from the start that it wasn't meant to be real.

The girls were awestruck, and the remaining third of our audience - the sexes aren't invited equally to our parties - were struck in two different ways: awe- and lust-.

I said, "She's not from here and can't speak English. I don't think she can talk at all. She can understand English though. She's going to join the party..."

That caused an excited ruckus that I had to pause for. Someone recovered from their 'struck-ness' enough to pull out cellphone and take a picture, which started a deluge of copycats.


[Some time after Nevaeh, Julia and I had finished our floating sex two days ago, I'd thought about the risk of Nevaeh's getting photographed. We have a strict rule at our parties that no photography is allowed once things heat up, but people might not think the rule applied to a visiting angel. I could make an announcement about it, but I expected our crowd to be very excited by the angel's costume and they might misbehave. Nevaeh would have her mask on for the first couple of hours, but her identity would be revealed later, and thereafter many people would know who she was. I wasn't happy at the idea of there being pictures of her body in potential circulation, especially not considering the angle the first ones would be taken from, so I'd thought of a solution. A little testing on my cellphone camera confirmed it, as did some online research.

The digital light sensors inside cellphone cameras detect a wide range of light frequencies. That's no good for color photography because every color would register the same (the sensors can't tell what frequency they're sensing; only that they're receiving light), so each pixel of the total sensor is made to detect an individual color by placing a filter over it, usually red, green or blue for the obvious reason. It'd be useless if the filters only passed through one specific frequency each because all the parts of a picture that weren't one of those three specific frequencies wouldn't register on the sensors and would be pure black in the final image, so the filters have to let through a wide range of frequencies; roughly a third of the width of the visible light spectrum, although that's a simplification.

I experimented, and found that if I took a picture of something with my phone while I had an infrared or ultraviolet light blob in front of it, then the red or blue filter let a lot of my blob's light through to the sensor. That caused the camera's auto-exposure system to believe there was a great deal of light - which there was, just not visible light - so it made the exposure time extremely short, and therefore useless for nighttime photography. The pictures would've come out totally black except that infrared and ultraviolet were displayed on the camera's LCD screens as visible red and visible blue, which would've washed out the image even if the shutter speed had been slower. To make doubly sure I would ruin any photographs, I would use both types of light blobs at the same time. The way the filters worked, more ultraviolet seemed to get through so the camera's display was mostly blue, not that I cared whether it was blue or red, just so long as it wasn't embarrassing for Nevaeh.

I didn't use the above techniques when Julia and I took a lot of pictures of Nevaeh after she'd put her costume on before the party. We wanted them for our albums, and Nevaeh wanted us to retain some copies for her too, to give to her when she was old enough to have enough privacy from her parents. I had some fun imagining her kids one day seeing those photos of their mom and having their opinion of her blown away. During our photography session, Nevaeh had asked me worriedly about her being photographed at the party. I'd told her that the angel had already messaged me that it would protect her from that, which had evaporated her anxiety because she trusted God totally.]


After the deluge of photo taking, there was a deluge of, "Oh no, it didn't work." I'd interposed the infrared and ultraviolet blobs between Nevaeh and the crowd. Not for long enough to cause sunburn, as I'd calibrated how much I would output against the sun's output in the afternoon. I was radiating about ten times more ultraviolet than the sun does at noon, but it'd be for less than a minute. Infrared was less of a danger but I didn't want people to notice it. I could see that they were so distracted that I was able to radiate quite a lot to make sure the photographs failed.

Even the second - and from the guys, the third and fourth - photography attempts didn't work. Nevaeh was puzzled but pleased, which was a good improvement over her suddenly being worried and unhappy when the photography had started. Julia was puzzled and pleased too. Mostly pleased as she wouldn't bother puzzling over it much. She'd just assume I'd done something. Julia doesn't care about the "how" of my abilities, just what they can be used for.

Once the crowd had proved to themselves that photography didn't work, I loudly stated, "NONE of you thought to be polite enough to ask the angel whether she'd agree to allow her naked body to be photographed. She obviously does not agree and she's stopped it working somehow. I STRONGLY suggest you do not try to take any more photos of her because I wouldn't be at all surprised if your phones get crushed next time. You saw the way Archangel Michael escalated his punishments, so please take the hint before it gets painful."

I could see they'd taken my point very well, and most of them were already putting their phones away. No one within my proximity range, which was most of them, was intending to take another shot, so I canceled the infrared and ultraviolet blobs.

I added, "First, I think you're insane for being impolite to an angel. I'll assume you were thoughtless but please don't make that mistake again. Second, she's now a guest at our party so I'm insisting on no photography. You know one of our strongest standing rules is no photography once the party gets wild. None of you would like it if people took photos of you later, so please extend Angel the same courtesy seeing as how her costume is wild already." They were all suitably contrite. I turned to Julia, "All our friends seem to be immoral. Did you spread a rumor for them to behave that way?"

Our immoral friends were too worried to get my joke immediately, but Julia did. Her laughter and apologetic suggestion that I should spank her later made the others realize what I'd meant, and the mood lightened.

While Julia was talking, and our friends were letting out their tension, I whispered to Nevaeh, "Feel my body in a few seconds."

"Thank you, Mark," was whispered back.

"If that's for stopping photos, thank the Guardian Angel later. I can't stop cameras."

"I meant for telling them to stop."

"You're welcome, sweetie."

Nevaeh reached out her hands and placed them on my shoulders. With my NP guiding her hands, she started slowly rubbing them on my body. It cooperated by slowly rising in the air so Nevaeh didn't have to bend over.

The crowd watched with intense silence, which became particularly intense and especially silent as Nevaeh's hands approached my manhood. She showed no reluctance - it'd be more accurate to say she was looking forward to it - her thinly gloved hands sliding under my fig leaf and fondled my cock and balls. Under my leaf was a matching green leather G-string, sigh, which Nevaeh's hands stayed on top of. She and I would get sexier later in the evening.

[Julia hadn't put the same effort into my costume as she had into Nevaeh's. It'd been made by the same people though, amid much joking about getting Markie in for a measuring. Julia had already provided them with a detailed description of my improved equipment and the perverts were very eager to see it for themselves (Julia hadn't been able to resist teasing me about that). They would see it too, a few minutes after Julia decides my body's growth has stopped. Carol was Eve, by the way, as Julia deemed Carol my #1 wife - in my affections rather than in authority; Julia had a lock on that. There was no risk of our guests thinking Carol and me being Eve and Adam implied that there was anything sexual between us, as these were our close friends and they knew us far too well to think of us that way, hehe. To our guests tonight, Julia had pointed out, "Eve had Adams genes, so Carol was the only choice."]

After my cock and balls were felt up, my body raised so Nevaeh could feel my legs all the way down to my feet.

When she was finished, my body dropped down to its original inferior-mortal position.

I said, "Would you allow me to introduce you to my sisters and girlfriends, Angel?"

She nodded, and we floated down toward my girls, who were standing next to a particularly well-landscaped, small stone wall, so we'd only have the crowd on one side of us, making them easier to manage. A gap opening up in front of my girls as people backed WAY back.

Just before we landed, people started exclaiming, "She's got a HALO!", and similar comments. It increased the excitement even further. Judging by their emotions - and it was very easy to judge them because they were so strong - everyone had fallen for our deception. Maybe someone more than twenty four feet from me felt different, but I doubted it. (I should mention that three of the girls here were the ones who were pretending to be Nevaeh's new friends to deceive her parents. They'd seen Nevaeh naked several times so were necessarily in the loop for this plan and were keeping quiet. In my description of the party, I'll write thing like "all the girls did [something]", or "everybody did [something else]". It's too tedious to write "everybody except the three girls in the know". You can assume they did the same actions, as part of their acting as surprised as everyone else.)

I canceled the big light blob around Nevaeh when she touched down. No particular reason; it was just easier.

I said, "Angel, this is my sister Carol Anderson."

"Hello, Angel. I am honored to meet you," said Carol politely, as you should be when talking to angels.

Angel responded by spending the next minute feeling Carol's body. At this early stage of the evening, Carol was still wearing her fig leaf bikini top and bottom, so the sexiest it got was Nevaeh cupping one of Carol's breasts in both of her hands, gently squeezing and rubbing her hands over it. That was still pretty damned sexy judging by the proportion of guys that had erections, 97.5% of us because I was using the ever-useful go-softs.

Then I introduced Donna. Donna had chosen to go as a young Mary Magdalene from when she was still a prostitute, and - according to Donna - wore a dress/robe-thing that bared one breast. The guys would later be spoiled for choice, but Donna has been extremely popular so far during the party. Nevaeh felt Donna, including a full exploration of Donna's exposed breast. 97.5% of the guys were struggling mightily to prevent an accident occurring. Nevaeh and Donna hadn't done anything sexual together before, but neither was the least hesitant about this. Donna had been sexually excited from even before she put her half-costume on, and Nevaeh was even more excited because of her costume and what she was going to do later tonight. Neither lusted specifically for each other, but they knew each other well enough to know that neither of them had any silly sexual hang-ups.

[To explain my knowing that "neither lusted for each other" even though I knew they were both feeling lust: I can proximity sense emotions, such as lust (it's one of my favorites), but the sense doesn't tell me who the emotion is for. I have to get that from the context. Because I can sense everybody within twenty four feet of me with so much detail, including when they let their guard down because they think no one is looking at them, I usually get plenty of the context I need to interpret emotions. For example, Carol often feels lust when she looks at Nevaeh, which reduces when she looks elsewhere, so it isn't hard to work out who Carol's lust is for. Alternatively, I could always do something direct like: "What do you think of Person B, Person A?" At the moment, both Donna and Nevaeh were experiencing lust, but I knew from the context and prior experiences with them that it wasn't for each other.]

Julia - dressed as a very impressive looking Queen Jezebel - was the next. I floated Angel a couple of feet sideways to place her in front of Julia. Upon hearing me introduce "Julia Williams", Nevaeh turned to me and placed her finger on my forehead again for a second (this was scripted in advance).

When Nevaeh removed her finger, I laughed for a couple of seconds, then stopped to explain to everyone, "Angel has a sense of humor. It's hard for me to translate the sensations, but as best I can, it felt like Angel said: 'I was told Julia insisted everyone MUST wear costume, so I make costume. Heaven very scared of Julia.'"

Our audience laughed at that. When Julia tells people that Mark is throwing a costume party, then people know they DAMNED well better be wearing a GOOD costume when they come. If they don't, Julia will think they're being disrespectful toward me, and Julia thinking that about somebody is not good news for that somebody - shortly to become a nobody. So no one was the least surprised that Heaven was scared of Julia.

When Angel had finished feeling Julia, she took Julia's hands and placed them on her [Nevaeh's] shoulders.

Julia asked, "Do you want me to feel you, Angel?" Angel nodded, so Julia starting feeling up God's servant. As we'd planned, Julia bypassed Angel's pussy, but the angel took Julia's hand and pushed it back where it should be. Julia started rubbing, and the angel sighed. That was the first sound she'd made and it surprised people. The angel's hips started moving, causing considerably more surprise and comment. Then she put her finger on my forehead for a second.

I informed the crowd, "She's never been in a human body before. She was taken by surprise by how good Julia is with her fingers." When we'd planned this, I had been scripted to say, "She didn't know how good it felt," so my new wording had given Julia a surprise compliment. Julia chuckled appreciatively.

After several seconds, Angel sighed and stood back.

Julia lifted her hand, saying, "You're very wet. May I lick my fingers?"

The crowd was SHOCKED at Julia's brazenness. Then even more shocked when the angel nodded and Julia did it.

Julia had a good lick, then said, "Hmm, heavenly," which was backward. The crowd laughed at the half of the joke they understood.

The next introduction was to Ava. The moment the introduction started, Angel grabbed Ava's hand and put it on her pussy, sighing as she started moving her hips slowly forward and back. She grabbed Ava's other hand and put that on one of her breasts, then she returned the favor to Ava (over her costume, but it's the thought that counts).

I completed the verbal part of the introduction, then waited half a minute for the girls to complete the non-verbal part. When they were finished, I said, "Now you've met the people I live with. Is it okay if I let everyone else introduce themselves to you as you circulate?"

The angel nodded.

There was a momentary pause, and then YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THE GUYS RUSH TO BE INTRODUCED!

For about one second, until a nervous Nevaeh made the pushing motion toward the bulk of them. All the guys slid backward several feet, then the NP-points canceled. Nevaeh was very happy now; this was going to be fun!

I laughed, then asked Angel, "I'm a poor host. Do you want a drink?"

She made the gesture toward the bar, and a drink poured itself into a glass, a straw added itself, and the drink floated across to her. People were very impressed.

She took hold of it and took a drink. I hadn't thought of it in advance, but I should've told her not to use her hands to hold it. It would've been cooler to have it follow her around, and that would've left both her hands free for introductions. I'd whisper it to her later.

I asked Jessica, one of the nearby girls, to step forward. Jessica is bisexual. Quite a few of the girls in our social circle are, even if they aren't, girls being delightfully adaptable creatures. Jessica truly is bisexual so she had no reluctance about that part of the introduction, but the whole concept of being introduced to an angel was blowing her mind. She very hesitantly faltered her way forward.

When Jessica got close to me, she said, "I don't know what to do?"

That gave me the ideal opportunity to explain the contact rules. I said loudly for everyone to hear, "The Angel is new to humans and you're new to angels, so let's make up some simple rules. If any of you don't want to be introduced to the angel, step backward if she approaches you. I know enough about angels to know she won't force it and she won't be offended either. Angels are very moral and would never go against someone's wishes like that. Obviously that only applies to the girls here because none of the guys would DREAM of refusing an introduction, guys being so much more polite than girls.

-- "If she doesn't want to meet you, she'll either step back or do that pushing thing that worked so well against the stampeding horde of very polite guys a few seconds ago. Is that okay, Angel?" Angel nodded.

-- "Once the introduction has started, there's the issue of sexual contact. Angel can't talk so I suggest that if she wants to be touched sexually, then she makes the 'Come Here' finger motion, like this," I demonstrated it so no one had any doubt what I meant. "If she does that, you're permitted to touch her sexually. You don't have to, but you can if you want. If she wants to touch you sexually, she will half-advance her hand toward you, then pause. If you say 'No' or are just silent, she'll withdraw her hand. You have to say 'Yes' or something else agreeable for her to proceed. PLEASE NOTE that Angel initiates both her being touched and her touching you. She will indicate 'Come Here' or she will half-reach for you. That means - GUYS - that you do NOT reach for Angel. I'm sure you want to but she's a VERY special guest so we're going to be VERY polite to her, AREN'T WE?"

There was a chorus of begrudging, disappointed, "Yeses" and moans.

I turned to Nevaeh, "From time to time human males have been known to get pushy about sex. If any of them misbehave toward you, I suggest you push them into the pool. If one of them misbehaves a second time, push him into the pool and hold him on the bottom for five minutes. I promise he won't misbehave again."

We hadn't scripted this conversation, and Nevaeh was scared about agreeing to what I'd just said. She was probably worried that the Guardian Angel would do it if she agreed.

As worried as she was, and even without her nodding, the guys were a GREAT deal more worried. Even scared. They apparently thought the angel wouldn't know how long humans could hold their breath, so it was frighteningly possible that she would hold them on the pool's bottom without any awareness of how serious it was. Their fright would dissipate quickly - Angel had exposed D-cup breasts - but hopefully enough of it would remain to keep them polite.

I said, "Let's restart this introduction. Angel, if you want Jessica to touch you, make the 'Come Here' motion."

Angel did so, and a nervous Jessica reached out to touch Angel's hip.

Angel used her hand to correct Jessica's aim, then she half-extended her hand toward Jessica's breast.

"{Gulp}. Yes," agreed Jessica, the shameless hussy, that trait of hers being a large part of why she'd gotten an invite to our party.

The angel started feeling Jessica through her clothes, which spurred Jessica to get her own hand moving, and a few seconds later things were progressing nicely. Angel added her second hand, then Jessica did so too, and they spent a few seconds getting to know each other's good parts.

When Nevaeh had enough, she stepped back.

Jessica sighed, then raised her hand. She asked Angel, "Can I taste please?"

Angel nodded.

Jessica tasted Nevaeh's juices cautiously. Then took a couple of bigger licks. With a surprised voice, Jessica exclaimed, "She tastes like a normal girl!"

I pointed out truthfully, "She is a normal girl. That's a human body there, in case you hadn't noticed."

"Ahh yeah. I expected different, but you're right."


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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 390

tavern_knight’s Nasty streak tsk tsk What’s the difference between a mosquito and a blonde (or any other female)? Mosquitoes stop sucking after getting slapped. Here are a few thoughts from squaddie Q: Why did the Irish racing driver make ten pit stops during the race? A: He was asking for directions! Q: What is a myth? A: A female moth! Q: What do you call a sleeping bull? A: A bull-dozer. Q: What did the farmer call the cow that had no milk? A: An udder failure. Q: What do you get...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 390 Parties and New Starts

Party time, at least according to April at six AM. Everyone loaded up to go to Elena’s resort near town. She was bringing the girls. The rest of the octuplets were going to be there as well. Seeing all eight together made it pretty clear that they were all sisters. April linked to them all as soon as we arrived. Genetic testing showed the sets weren’t related, but their families suspected. Fortunately, the resort had opened. There were a lot of children in all various child care areas. The...

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Karen Fisher 700 390000

How fucking sexy is Karen Fisher? You do not have to answer, because the truth is in the details; of her titties. She’s goddamn gorgeous. She has this classic pornographic look that is timeless as fuck. One look, and you feel like you could fuck her in any decade!But you cannot do that, can you? You broke ass mother fucker! You cannot possibly fuck her, ever! So instead of thinking and pretending that you have a fucking shot, you should instead follow Karen Fisher on her official Twitter...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Girls only costume party

"This Halloween we will be hosting the first ever "All Whores Eve." No one will be admitted to the party unless they come in their best sexy, slutty, costume. The cover is only $20 which gets you in the door, entered in the costume contest, and see a special live performance by pop sensation Gwen Stefani starting at 8 pm, and she has promised to join the party after the show in a rare opportunity for fans to meet her in person with her lovely Harajuku girls. All drinks served in our special...

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SEXI MAD Costume Party

Extemporaneity.Darry kicked back in his chair. The solution in the spray bottle had taken on an unearthly color but it had also clarified. And it didn't smell all that bad either, kind of reminded him of spicy musk cologne. The two new batches he had started with the sludge from the bottom of the first had gone through the expected changes. By the evening of the Alti-Verse Bash, he would have three bottles of the potion ready.The Mu Alpha Deltas (MADs) were the college science and tech geeks....

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A different kind of costume party

Please note that this story is entirely fictional and the product of two kinky minds,mine and my lovely friend who goes by RingRoad this story was shaped of an ERP we shared and a I loved so much I had to expand on it.And without him this lovely story wouldn’t be a thing.Be warned that is story contains light to moderate themes of BDSM,slight forced play,elements of voyeurism,and fetishes for large insertion and costumizationI let out a huff of air clouding the inside of my triceratops mask for...

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Costume Party

I left Jennifer and Jerry’s house after a great breakfast and several cups of coffee. I had a lot to do that day before even getting ready for the evening’s events. The day had turned out just as the weatherman had predicted the night before, a balmy warm day in the low seventies and the evening wouldn’t dip too far into the high fifties and the same weather pattern would last about three days. It was looking like a nice weekend and the possibility of riding the bike to the party that evening...

Group Sex
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 254 The Aquatic Center The Group Gathers

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) When Savannah was sufficiently far away, Carol giggled, then added, "You can't resist doing some silly things." "You're mostly right, sweetie, but there is a serious aspect to it. Julia and her parents want me to learn about the manipulative tricks girls can use. Savannah is terrible at them, because she's far too busy being arrogant to think about things from her intended victim's perspective, but there are other girls who're much deadlier....

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The Costume Ball Complete and Revised

The Costume Ball It was the first time that a girl had placed her hands that close to my crotch who wasn't my girlfriend. "Is this really necessary?" I asked Sandy, one of my girlfriend's best friends. Sandy looked up from where she was measuring the length of my inside leg. "It is if you want the costume to fit," she replied. "But I don't even know what it is!" Sandy grinned. "Oh you'll like it. I can't wait for you to find out what you and Jasmine will be wearing to...

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Halloween Costume Malfunction

Louise had her ear leaned up against her brother's door, hearing his muffled voice through the wood. "Let me see," she called back through. "There's no way I'm going to a party like this. Just forget it." "It's not that bad. Open up and let me see." Frustrated, Louise pressed her skull into the wood, considering popping the lock briefly, and even more briefly, considering letting her brother off the hook. A few seconds later, the knob clicked. Louise stepped into his...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 164 Liaison Meeting Pipeline Mathematics

Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) Julia started the meeting off with, "I'll begin by saying that I had a few wrong ideas when I started the Liaison system. The biggest error I made was wanting every suitable girl at school to fall for Mark, to want to chase him, and to treat him the way I thought they should. That caused me far too much frustration and work. So many girls failed to understand how wonderful he is that I felt I was banging my head against a brick wall most of the time. I...

5 years ago
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SRU The Costume Box

Feel free to archive my stories anywhere you'd like. All comic characters mentioned in these stories are the property of their respective comic book publishers, such as Marvel, DC, and Image. No profit is being made from their usage here, and are strictly used for non-promotional purposes. Steve Zink ------- SRU: The Costume Box, part 1/? CATching the Party by Steve Zink The fraternity was hosting a costume party for Halloween. The elder members of the frat made sure that...

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Costume Parade

This story is based upon events, which transpired last fall. Some events are exaggerated or even completely fabricated; however the basic scenario, as well as the name and layout of the store are 100% accurate. The names of all others involved have also been changed in order to preserve anonymity. Costume Parade I was practically a nervous wreck as I walked through the doors under the huge pink sign which proclaimed the location of Shirley Potter's. Immediately in front of me,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 420 So Many Options Major Themes

Friday, July 25, 2008 and on There aren't an infinite number of w's. They are finite, just as the x, y and z dimensions are finite and bounded. The w's tend to have evolved thematic commonalities as a consequence of the properties of the synchronization process, but some random events have caused diversions which no practical amount of synchronization can bring back toward the average. There are w's where Earth is empty of humanity. In some cases Earth is no longer habitable because it...

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Smilin Jack Its Only A Costume Isnt It

I have to admit that I don't think I used Jack quite as well as I should have, compared to how Maggie used him in her own story. I sure had fun using him as a means to an end for this story. It was a lot of fun to write, and I sure hope you have as much fun in reading it. It's Only a Costume...Isn't It? A Smilin' Jack Halloween story by Steve Zink Hi! Do I have a story to tell you! My name's Bill Evers, and...oh, what's that you say, Melanie? Yeah, you're right, that...

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The Costume Contest

The Costume Contest Belladonna "Where do you want to go for you birthday lunch?" David Paris inquired with his secretary. Veronika paused as she thought over her boss's question. Her mind parsed through the various establishments she had been treated to lunch at since she started working for the man. She shook her head as she answered, "I'm not sure." David was struck by Veronika's indecisiveness. She normally had the answer right at the tip of her tongue. Her slight...

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Two Friends Share a Halloween Costume chapter 3

This story stands on its own merits, and you do not have to read the original stories to enjoy it. The original stories dealt with a heterosexual man and his first foray into gay sex, this story continues his story but it is strictly heterosexual. My Name is Dave. About five years ago, my best friend seduced me while we shared a Halloween costume. A lot has happened since then; Tom and I are still best friends, but he moved away so I have not seen him in a few years. Since that time I, have met...

2 years ago
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MAU The Ultimate Costume

MAU: The Ultimate Costume Synopsis: A couple are planning to go to a Halloween party, but can't decide on a costume. At the last minute, the host offers to let them use his newest 'toy', an alien device that can change people. The two put their heads together and come up with a very unique 'costume'. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: The Ultimate Costume Jeff turned the last page of the catalog,...

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The Public Adventures of Mark The Halloween Costume

The Halloween Costume "The Public Adventures of Mark" Halloween Humiliation" Mark had asked all week about Cindy's plans for him on Halloween. She would not even give him a hint as to what she had in mind. All he knew was he going to walk the mall and parking lot with Cindy in the costume she had selected. "Don't you worry about it baby. I promise you it will be a night you won't forget," she said smiling as Mark slipped into the bed next to her. "I know," he said looking...

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Robins Costume Capers

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! This is a story I wrote using a...

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Surprised Birthday Costume

Surprised Birthday Costume By Bill Hart Dressed as John Zatara, the late great magician and man of mystery from the Golden Age of comics, Wesley Dodds entered the stately home owned by the parents of Theodore Knight. Once inside, he blended in perfectly with the rest of the crowd attending the masquerade party being thrown to celebrate Ted's birthday. For those lucky, or in some cases unlucky, enough to have been invited, the party was a come as your favorite comics' costumed hero...

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Costume Gun Michelle

(Author's note: My thanks to Blot for allowing me to be the first 'outside' author in the Costume Gun universe. I have done my best to be faithful to all particulars of the gun's workings, but if I've erred in any aspect, please consider this to be 'non-canon.') Costume Gun: Michelle By Heather St. Claire Hi. My name is Michelle Guptill, I'm 44 years old, and I'm dying of lung cancer. I don't have an ounce of self-pity, because I brought all of this on myself. I do feel terrible...

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Costume Gun Never Use The Gun While High

Costume Gun: Never Use the Gun While High By Heather St. Claire Brittany Kroger paced back and forth in her living room. Every couple of minutes she would peer out from between the stained Venetian blinds to see if her best friends had arrived yet. She had quite a surprise waiting for Ashley and Brad. She found herself growing increasingly fidgety, twirling a section of her shoulder length-hair between her fingers, nervously tapping on the wall when she snuck a look between the...

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Two Friends Share A Halloween Costume

Copyright © 2003 by Floridaguy2001. All rights reserved. Halloween just past a few days ago and it reminded me of a very interesting Halloween a few years ago. I was recently divorced and pretty down about the whole thing and my friend Tom wanted to cheer me up and suggested we go to a Halloween party, I asked about his wife and he said she was going out of town to visit her mom so he had nothing better to do anyway. I agreed, but as the evening approached I started to have second thoughts I...

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Halloween costume

A friend sent this to me in my email I just had to share itHalloween just past a few days ago and it reminded me of a very interesting Halloween a few years ago. I was recently divorced and pretty down about the whole thing and my friend Tom wanted to cheer me up and suggested we go to a Halloween party, I asked about his wife and he said she was going out of town to visit her mom so he had nothing better to do anyway. I agreed, but as the evening approached I started to have second thoughts I...

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Two Friends Share A Halloween Costume

Copyright © 2003 by Floridaguy2001. All rights reserved.Halloween just past a few days ago and it reminded me of a very interesting Halloween a few years ago. I was recently divorced and pretty down about the whole thing and my friend Tom wanted to cheer me up and suggested we go to a Halloween party, I asked about his wife and he said she was going out of town to visit her mom so he had nothing better to do anyway. I agreed, but as the evening approached I started to have second thoughts I...

Gay Male
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What a Fucking Halloween Costume

College life wasn’t as fun as Katie had imagined it, even though she had survived her freshman year and now was a “sophisticated” sophomore. Sure, it was nice to be independent, and going to school in Sunny Florida was a nice departure from her home in Maine – especially since it was now well into Fall. Her sorority life was good – she got along with almost everyone except for chapter president Julia (“How could they elect that fucking bitch president?” she thought after elections at the start...

Straight Sex
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My GFs Halloween Costume

MY GF'S HALLOWEEN COSTUME by Throne I made two stupid mistakes. There I was, happily enrolled in college and with a stunning girlfriend. Magda was a svelte beauty with long black hair. She was easygoing about almost everything, except her insistence that magic was real. We dated for a month before she confided that belief to me. I immediately began to chide her about it and, to be honest, as the weeks passed my taunts went from mild to outright disrespectful. Halloween was getting...

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The Final Costume

The Final Costume by Sarah Miller It was Monday. As usual, my morning was a blur of meetings and phone calls from people wanting information or help with a project. By lunchtime, I was already frazzled, and was looking forward to a relaxing tanning session. I checked in with Veronica, the receptionist, and started my session. When I came out of the booth, I was feeling much more relaxed. As I walked back past the reception desk, Veronica yelled,...

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Costume Gun The Ultimate Gift

Costume Gun: The Ultimate Gift By Heather St. Claire Joan Fuller sat in the lunchroom of the Dixon County Jail surrounded by co-workers and friends. She was the center of attention, which was to be expected, as this day marked her 50th birthday. Joan's square face was framed by a short brown bob. Her large, liquid brown eyes were her most compelling feature; usually, when she was on the job as a Corrections Sergeant they burned with a fierce intensity; but this afternoon, they...

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Costume Party

You approached the front door of the house. You were about to enter the craziest Halloween party in town. Anything could happen. You take a deep breath, hoping you look good in your Spider-Man costume, and walk inside.

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The Costume Debacle

Lisa has always trusted Adam. Never once did she have to worry about Adam cheating on her with any other female. But that didn't stop her from being curious about how he acts when she's not around. Is he like every other male who stares at everything that walks by with tits and an ass? Certainly one would think not. Adam has always felt like he was a lucky man. Lisa is a very beautiful woman and could've done better than Adam, which is why he was grateful to be with her. He would have to be a...

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Costume Party Prank

Tami, a highly motivated woman sits in her harness waiting for someone to answer the door. “Pacifier! Where's my pacifier?” she orders true to form. Jim, playing her daddy calmly fumbles around in his pocket to find the pacifier. “Oh, hey. It comes with a flavor packet.” Tami is not impressed, “Just hurry up. Someone's coming.” Jim doses the pacifier with jell, “Open up.” She opens her mouth and he quickly pops it in, filling her mouth. He holds it in firmly just as the door opens....

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A Special Costume

Jane is walking by the streets, when she finds a poster: "Halloween Party 2018." She likes parties, but they often seem the same old story: you find a costume, you drink, you have fun with your friends and you come back home really late, without any energy to study the next morning. Every costume she choosed the previous years was either too boring or too revealing: being a woman can be hard sometimes. It's so much easier for her friend David: he just picks a white shirt and a black...

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Jamies Halloween Costume

The school announced a Halloween party and Mother always volunteers to help. She likes to decorate the gym and make punch and stuff. I'm not sure why, as this is high school function, but I think it's because she's trying to relive her past. She asked me during dinner what I was going dress up as this year, and I told her I hadn't decided. She's determined to select my costume the best this year so I might win some prize at the school Halloween dance. She told me we would be shopping...

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A Costume Affair

My husband’s thirtieth birthday was approaching, and it was my job to organize his party. His birthday just happened to be on a Saturday this year, and better it also landed on a Comic Convention. My husband is pretty nerdy despite his strong athletic build and I must confess I am also seriously nerdy despite my sexy curvy body and attractive looks. When I met him, he was so surprised when I told him how into science, fiction, fantasy and even gaming I was. A lot of his friends were shocked and...

Wife Lovers
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Costume Gun A Dish Served Cold

Costume Gun: A Dish Served Cold By Heather St. Claire I pulled myself to my feet, held on to the chair in front of me for support, swallowed hard and looked around the room. I uttered nine life- changing words: "Hello, my name is Jennifer, and I'm an alcoholic." If you had told me a year ago I would be standing up at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, I would have said you were crazy. If you had said I would be doing it as a woman, I would have said you were stark raving mad. You see,...

2 years ago
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Costume Gun My Little Princess

Costume Gun: My Little Princess By Heather St. Claire Life's a funny thing. Just when you're sure the script has been written and there are no more surprise turns left, life deals you an ultimate surprise. Mine came just a few days ago. I was a not-quite thirty-five year old man, newly divorced, father of a beautiful five year old girl, and I was dying of pancreatic cancer. Charlotte and I married when we were both twenty-eight. Our darling Madison--Maddie-- arrived not quite two...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 25 Theyre on to us Guys

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 (Continued) We lay on Julia's bed, holding each other with our faces an inch apart. It's a wonderful position to talk with your girlfriend in. Julia asked me, "How has your evening been?" "Some things stand out. First, learning 8-ball so quickly was interesting, to put it mildly. Your brothers were shocked, so that was fun. Dad and Prof bet on me before my first game. Talk about having faith in me! When they gave me half their winnings your father said I...

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The Costume

You stand in the costume shop and cough, the heavy smell of incense and potpourri overpowering your fragile sinuses as you gaze at the mounds of multi-colored clothing piled in huge masses all over the cramped shop. You hear a voice come from somewhere in the back of the shop, “Just a minute please.” It is a feminine voice, sounds like a slightly older lady. It reminds you of the voice of some of your grandmother’s old bridge club friends, the blue hairs that always pinched your cheeks and...

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Costume party fun with my sister

When I was nineteen, my family went to a costume party. I had always thought those were lame, and I wasn't looking forward to wearing a costume. So I was going to hide somewhere and wait the party out. But when we got to our friends' house, there were already a ton of people there. It looked like the whole neighborhood showed up.I groaned inwardly and went inside with my parents and my older sister. She was two years older than me, and was kind of a health nut. She was always watching what she...

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Costume Gun Goth Girl to Soccer Mom

Costume Gun: Goth Girl to Soccer Mom By Heather St. Claire Today is a big milestone in my life. But my wonderful husband, my three darling children and my beloved mother will never know about it. It may seem like an ordinary day in the life of a very ordinary 29 (soon to be 30) year old. But there is something really special about it because beginning today, this average yet oh-so-wonderful day, I will have spent more days of my life as a female than a male. I'm not much to look...

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