Costume Party
- 4 years ago
- 27
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Ian sighed as he walked down the street, glancing at the shops. He’d been trying to come up with a good idea for a halloween party for a week - the last few years the costume parties they’d thrown had been fun, but now that he and Shauna was engaged, he felt like this needed to be a big one. After all - they’d met at a halloween party, brought there by their mutual love for the holiday.
He’d searched on-line for a good party game, but none of them had jumped out at him. And none of the little halloween shops he’d popped his head into while wandering around today had had anything particularly interesting to offer.
He stopped in surprise as he realized he’d stepped into a small, strange shop while his mind had wandered. He shook his head - he didn’t remember deciding to come in here, but here he was. He glanced a the sign - “Oddues Oddities” it read.
He let out a small laugh - well, couldn’t hurt to wander through the store and have a look.
After about five minutes, Ian was shaking his head in amazement. Some of the stuff in here looked like just junk, but some of it ... was bizarre. Strange puzzles and boxes, skulls made of bronze, a pen that looked like it was made of glass but had a gorgeous woman’s figure seemingly writhing in bliss, an amazingly lifelike statue of a goateed man in a suit, with grey hair pulled back in a pony tail...
“Can I help you find something?”
Ian jumped and stifled a yell as the man spoke. He had been standing very still, in the back of the aisle, looking at Ian, and somehow hadn’t registered as an actual person. Ian shook his head and took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes - something about the light in here was definitely making things look odd.
“Uh, yeah ... I don’t know, actually. I’m just looking for something fun for halloween. A game, or something, so that my fiancé and I can have a good party. Something different this year. Is this a ... Halloween store? I don’t remember seeing it here before, and you certainly have some amazingly bizarre items.”
“Ah,” the man said, and smiled a thin smile, “tis the season and all that. Indeed, you could say we are a store of many tricks for the All Hallows Eve holiday.
“ ... Ian, was it? I think I might have something that will suit you nicely...”
Ian followed the man as he moved back into the shop, and only after several turns did it occur to him - had he ever mentioned his name? Shaking his head again, Ian realized he must have. How else could the guy have known...
Ian halted suddenly to keep from walking into the back of the man, who was pulling something down from the top shelf at the back of the store.
“This has been here for some time ... oddly, no one seems to have noticed it during the holiday.”
He stepped back and held up a wooden box, covered with dust. He blew on the top, and a cloud of grey flew out from it. Ian inhaled a bit and began coughing and wheezing his asthma acting up almost immediately.
As he blinked away the tears from his coughing, he stumbled after the man, who was headed back towards the front of the shop. He hacked and wheezed and tried to speak.
“What... ... what is it?”
The suited man set the box down on the counter, and Ian stopped and finally got a good look at it. The box was made of some gorgeous swirling wood, deep oranges and blacks - clearly colors that screamed “halloween”. It looked ancient, though it obviously couldn’t be as old as it seemed. On the top was an intricately carved jack-o-lantern, with one side a face of evil mischief, and the other a strange expression of horror and ... something else. The light from a candle high up on a shelf flickered in the glistening wood and gave the illusion that candlelight was flickering in the eyes of the carved pumpkin.
Ian found himself staring at the box, almost hypnotized by its strange allure.
“I’ll take it...” he breathed.
The proprietor raised an eyebrow and let out a small sigh.
“Wouldn’t you like to know what it is, first?”
“Oh, uh,” Ian found himself blushing as he shook his head, “sure. Yeah.”
“This box contains a number of costume instructions - one to send to each of your guests so they can prepare for a party. The outfits, and the party - I feel I should warn you - may be a little ... risqué, by some standards.
“The final letter - not to be opened till all have arrived, contains the instructions to follow thenceforth. I am certain that you and your guests will be ... entertained by the resulting effects.”
Ian blinked. His eyes kept flickering back to the box. Risqué, huh? Well, as much as he loved Shauna, he had to admit he had hopes of making her a little bit more sexually ... open, if not adventurous. Maybe a slightly risqué Halloween game would be fun.
“Great! Sounds awesome! I’ll take it.”
The man smiled another thin smile, and muttered, “Of course you will.” He reached into a drawer and pulled out a rolled up piece of paper, and handed Ian a ball point pen as he unrolled it on the table next to the box.
“Please sign here.”
Ian took the pen and signed his name on the rolled out paper. The ink from the pen was a deep red. Ian chuckled slightly at the effect, clearly some sort of fake blood ink. Definitely a Halloween store.
“Enjoy your evening, Ian,” the man said with his thin smile, rolling the parchment up and slipping it into a drawer beneath the counter. Ian nodded and wandered out, carrying the box under one arm.
It was as he was opening the door to the apartment he and his fiancé had just moved into that it occurred to him - he couldn’t recall actually paying for the box. Shaking his head, he opened the door. Definitely a little out of sorts today. Well, at least he’d found them something different for Halloween this year.
Ian stared at himself in the mirror. He had to admit - the simplicity of his costume was a little disappointing. Still, he’d done his best to look his part. His hair was slicked back and dyed black, he was dressed in a sharp-looking gray suit - he’d even bought new glasses, small wire-rimmed things that had a slightly sinister look about them.
He picked up the yellowed piece of paper that he’d chosen from the box, its deep red wax seal now broken, and read it over briefly, nodding. Yep, simple, but he’d definitely done his best to look the part.
“Well, how does this look?”
He turned to look at Shauna and grinned. She stood in the doorway to their bathroom, shyly. She was wearing a sari - a blue one that looked gorgeous against her dark Indian skin, and from the sides of it poked her normal two arms ... and four additional ones. They’d managed to find the extra-arm kits at a halloween store nearby, and he had insisted they paint them to match Shauna’s brown skin. They looked surprisingly real, hanging from her sides, and tied to her real wrists so she could lift them and move them around.
He looked her up and down - she was cute, in a round way. Her face was pretty, and the fact that she was somewhat heavy had never really bothered him. The sari wrapped her soft, large breasts, and then flowed down over her hips to hang to the floor. She was wearing hidden platform heels that added a surprising amount of height - he’d thought that the description called for a woman slightly taller than her 5’1”.
He realized she was staring at him, waiting for a response.
“You look great, sweetie! Just like the description on your page. You’ll be perfect for this, I’m sure.”
She flashed a quick smile, and then exited the bedroom to go check on dinner.
“Thanks. I still feel a little silly - and a little stereotyped as the Indian-girl-with-six-arms. Weird that I happened to open that particular envelope. But I’ll admit, I’m curious to see what happens with this game you brought home.”
Ian nodded. He had to admit - he was a bit nervous about this whole event, since he had no idea what remained inside the last envelope in the box - sealed with an orange and black seal like the carving on the top. There were no other instructions anywhere, and he’d just sort of guessed how it should work based on what seemed right.
The ten red-sealed envelopes he’d mailed to each of the guests, after opening one of them himself. It had been fortunate that they’d had exactly as many as needed for the party - originally he’d thought they were only having eight guests (the three couples they’d originally planned to invite), but then Shauna had asked if she could invite a friend of hers who happened to be in town, and Betsy (Shauna’s friend), had called to ask if they could bring her husband’s cousin, making an even ten.
Yes, very lucky that they’d had the exact number of costume instructions that they needed...
He turned at the sound of the doorbell, and walked out of their bedroom with the box tucked under his arm, switching off the lights as he went.
Time for the party to start.
Ian stepped into the hallway to find his wife hugging another woman, her four extra-arms half-heartedly adding to the hug. As Shauna stepped away from her, Ian realized this must be her friend from out of town, as he didn’t recognize her.
“Hi,” she said, smiling with a slight blush in her cheeks, “I’m Nancy.”
Ian smiled back and shook her hand. Her voice was low and sultry, an amazingly sexy voice - he had to admit that as in love as he was with Shauna, something about Nancy and the sound of her voice he found mildly arousing.
Of course, it could easily have been the outfit she was wearing as well, the probably reason for his blush. She was a reasonably pretty woman, but the outfit she wore beneath her long coat made her into something else entirely.
She was, in a word, dressed like someone’s fantasy of a nurse-dominatrix. A white leather halter top tightly encased her medium-sized breasts, pushing them up and exposing her cleavage enticingly. The red cross nestled between her breasts matched the one on the little white hat she wore. Her midriff was bare, her white skin sliding milkily beneath a white leather miniskirt, from beneath which emerged red fishnet stockings encasing long, sexy legs. Completing the ensemble were the white knee-boots with high heels that added a couple of inches to her height, and the cylindrical clasp lifting her raven-colored hair up into a long pony tail that hung down behind her.
A poke in the ribs from Shauna made him realize he was staring. Nancy was blushing a bit more deeply now.
“It’s too much, isn’t it? I mean ... I tried to follow what the letter said...”
“No,” Shauna said, glaring at Ian, “It’s great! Isn’t it, honey?”
Ian shook his head and smiled.
“It’s fantastic, Nancy! I’m impressed you were able to, uh, put something together on such short notice.”
“Good,” Nancy sighed, taking off her coat, which Ian tried desperately not to watch as closely as he wanted, “I even, uh, did that weird part of the costume, even though you can’t see it...”
“Don’t tell us!” shouted Ian as he took her coat, and both girls jumped.
“I mean - I think that part of the game may have to do with figuring out some secret.”
“Oh,” said Nancy, blushing again, “so you didn’t know what we were all coming dressed as? Or what the ... secret parts are?”
Ian shook his head and opened his mouth to say something further, when the doorbell rang again.
“Come on,” Shauna said, grabbing Nancy’s arm, “let’s grab some drinks while Danny lets everyone else in. We’ll throw your coat on the bed.”
Ian opened the door, stifling the urge to look back over his shoulder at the skimpily dressed Nancy.
“Hey,” Ian said, happily, hugging the tall, slender man who was through the door first, then taking a step back to look at his costume. David was dressed in a slightly ridiculous outfit - pointed brown ears stuck up from a headband on his head, and his nose was painted black. Around his neck was a dog collar that read “Rover”. Other than that, he was wearing jeans and a normal sweatshirt.
Ian raised an eyebrow.
“Hey,” David said, shrugging, “best I could do on my way from work. I’m not so into the whole Halloween costume thing. You know that. Besides, Jenny will make up for me.”
Rolling his eyes, Ian turned to David’s wife, Jenny.
As half-assed as David’s costume was, his wife’s was just as amazing. Jenny stepped shyly into the apartment. The tall, slender, statuesque blond was dressed as a leopardess - well, not so much dressed as painted. Her whole face was painted yellow with lovely spots, and as she removed her coat, a conservative v-neck sweater that swept down towards her modest breasts, and a simple skirt hung down from her waist. All of her exposed skin - arms, hands, legs, feet, chest - sported the yellow leopard fur-and-spots makeup.
“It - it looks OK? I have a friend who does body painting, and she did this for me today,” Jenny said, nervously. The tall woman had always lacked as much confidence as she had beauty. And truth be told, Ian had always harbored a secret infatuation with Shauna’s tall, shyly gorgeous best friend.
“It ... wow, amazing,” Ian said, “Is it really, I mean did she do your whole body like, uh...”
Ian began to blush as he cut himself off, and he could tell that Jenny had started to blush furiously as well. David laughed and chucked him on the shoulder.
“Now you’ve embarrassed her, pervert. Where’s the beer?”
Ian laughed and pointed towards the kitchen where Shauna and Nancy’s voices could be heard laughing. David and Jenny walked that way, tossing their coats in the bedroom as they went, as Ian turned back to the door once again, buzzing in their next set of guests. Which, as it turned out, was all those that remained.
First in the door were Evan and Tracy. The paunchy Evan had on a stuffed muscle-suit on top, and was wearing tight pants that were equally obviously stuffed in the front. Ian laughed as he clapped him on the shoulder and then turned to hug Tracy, Evan’s wife.
She was dressed as provocatively as Nancy, if in a different style. Where Nancy’s outfit was the white leather nurse/dominatrix look, the diminutive, mousy Tracy’s outfit screamed “whore”, or, more accurately, “cheap whore”. The girl’s short blond hair was dusted with sparkles and pink dye on the fringes, and her pixieish face was overly made up with eyeliner, rouge, the works. She wore a frilly lingerie top with spaghetti straps and a red feather boa around her neck, and a hot red mini-skirt that barely went to mid-thigh before giving way to black fishnets much like the red ones Nancy wore.
If he hadn’t known Tracy for the sweet, religious southern girl she was, he would have certainly believed she was a streetwalker. He was somewhat surprised that she had gone to such an extreme, but it was certainly realistic.
After a quick hug and hi and direction towards the drinks, he turned towards the last three arrivals. In front was Betsy, a very pretty, curvy redhead. She was dressed in a catholic schoolgirl’s outfit, complete with white shirt wrapping her largish, soft breasts, plaid skirt, and white ankle socks nestled in very high buckled heels. The shirt was too big, so she’d tied it into a knot, leaving her white belly exposed. Her red hair was pulled up into a ponytail, completing the innocent teen look, which was only helped by her glasses. The effect was ... smoldering to say the least. Betsy hugged Ian with a grin, and he once again felt his temperature rise slightly.
After her came a girl who Ian didn’t know.
“Hi, I’m Beth.”
She stepped in, following Betsy in pulling her coat off. Beth was a medium-height slightly heavy girl, with moderately large breasts, and very wide hips. She blushed slightly as her costume was revealed. Her face was painted white, with a brown patch over one eye. She had on her head a headband with small cow’s horns sticking up from her dirty blond hair, and around her neck was a small cow-bell that tinkled as she handed her coat to Ian. She was wearing jeans, but her shirt was patterned with white and black spots like a dairy cow.
“Right,” Ian said, nodding and shaking her hand, “Danny’s cousin. Welcome.”
“Thanks,” chirped the blond woman, clearly quite bubbly, though not at all in an. way “this seems like fun! Hope the costume looks OK. Danny warned me that I should dress the part as much as possible. I’ll admit I feel a little silly...”
Ian smiled at her, then and smiled up at the final guest, Betsy’s husband. The large, jovial man shook Ian’s hand and then pulled him close in a brief hug. During which Ian was crushed against the most obvious parts of Danny’s costume.
Danny looked mildly ridiculous in his outfit as he stepped back. He had clearly gone all-out with what was obviously a bizarre little outfit. A short black wig settled on his normally bald head (probably the same model as the pink one his cousin wore, though it seemed shorter on the large man), and he was otherwise dressed in classic goth-girl style, in at outfit that fit him remarkably poorly. The red plaid skirt he was wearing came barely to his knees, and his legs extended downwards with black, spider-webbed leggings encasing his hairy legs. Somehow he’d managed to find some platform heels that barely fit his large feet. Around his neck was a slender leather dog collar.
Of course, picking the silliest part of the outfit was a tossup. Danny was wearing a leather top that was as clearly large as he could acquire. But it had given him plenty of room to stuff his bust to absurd proportions. Ian could only imagine what a girl with breasts that huge in real life could actually do. And then in order to complete the silliness, he’d stuffed the bottom part of the shirt with a pillow, in an attempt to make himself look pregnant.
Fortunately, there was no danger of the big goateed man being mistaken for a real girl, pregnant or otherwise.
“Whaddaya think?” Ian grinned, cupping his massive stuffed chest and jiggling the fake boobs invitingly. They rustled slightly from the tissue paper inside.
Ian laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Hot, man. Definitely hot. C’mon, let’s head to the living room.”
Ian turned and led the three of them into the living room, hearing the voices of the other guests approaching from the kitchen. Ian found he was actually mildly excited by the prospect of the game, though a little nervous at the nature of some of the costumes. He hoped it wouldn’t be too risqué, or Shauna might be ... displeased.
As they walked into the living room, though, his worries about the game were drowned out by a much more obvious concern. As his fiancé stepped into the room with Nancy, and he stepped into the room with Betsy and Danny, their guests stopped and stared at each other in disbelief. And not friendly disbelief, either.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Uh ... ah ... oh boy,” muttered Danny.
Ian and Shauna stared at the the three of them - Betsy and Nancy were staring daggers at each other, Betsy’s look one of horror, Nancy’s one of fury. Danny seemed to be trying to sink back into the wall behind him, which was difficult to do as a large man dressed as a pregnant goth chick. Beth was merely looking on in confusion.
“Uh ... do you guys know each other, then?” Ian said, weakly.
Nancy and Betsy just stood, staring at each other in silence, Betsy turning bright crimson in embarrassment, while Nancy’s eyes flicked from Betsy up to Danny, and her fury seemed flecked with hurt. Finally Danny spoke, weakly.
“Uh, Nancy and I used to ... date.”
“Ah,” Ian said, a grin frozen on his face. He could tell from the tension in the room that there was more to it than that. Quite a bit more, almost certainly.
(And indeed there was. Nancy and Betsy had been fairly close friends while Danny and Nancy were dating. And Nancy had been more than a little obsessed with Danny - she had been convinced that he was “the one”. It hadn’t hurt that the sex had been ... incredible. Which, of course, she’d told Betsy all about. Which made it all the worse when Danny broke up with her. And even worse when, a year later, he’d started dating Betsy. And then had married her.
Hence, tension.)
“Uh, well ... why don’t we, uh ... start the game, shall we? Since we all know each other ... now?”
The room was distressingly quiet as everyone found places to sit. Ian was beginning to panic - it certainly didn’t help matters that Danny, the one they always counted on to start a joke or tell a story to keep things moving, was flicking his eyes, horrified, between his wife and his ex-girlfriend, clearly afraid to open his mouth.
Ian hoped to god that whatever was in that last envelope in the box would break the glacier that had formed in their living room.
“So, uh ... well, welcome everyone...”
Ian walked through a quick spiel, welcoming everyone to their house, thanking them for dressing up. No one spoke. The unexpected triangle sat in various states of emotional distress, while the other two couples just looked at each other, uncomfortably. Shauna was giving Ian a look that quite clearly read “Do something!”
“ ... so, why don’t I open the last letter, and we’ll see what the game brings us, uh, shall we? OK. Good.”
Ian opened the box on the table, and pulled out the sealed letter inside. Hands trembling, he broke the seal and opened it up.
He stared at the page, blinking for a moment. At first, it seemed that whatever was written there was in some language he didn’t recognize. But as he blinked, he realized it must just be his blurred vision, as the words resolved themselves. Had Ian been looking up from the page, he might have seen the brief flash of orange flame in each of his guests eyes, as well as his own. Or perhaps not, as none of the rest of the guests seemed to notice it either.
Ian cleared his throat and started to read.
“Welcome to the ... ah... ‘Fantasy Frenzy’ Brothel,” Ian blushed but forged ahead, not looking up for fear that he’d be too nervous to continue, “where the clientele can sample the loveliest creatures to suit their every fantasy ... and some of the strangest.”
“I’ll say,” Danny muttered. This drew a few snickers from which turned into outright laughs when he followed up with, “just wait till my water breaks...”
Ian breathed a small sigh of relief that the group was relaxing a bit, even though Nancy’s unintentional giggle turned into a glare at the also giggling Betsy almost immediately. Ian read onward, quickly.
“Unfortunately, all is not well at the Frenzy,” Ian read, “as just before it was about to open, the funding fell through. However, a new investor has offered to provide funding to the establishment to see it through these rough times, having been promised that the Frenzy will offer services and pleasures unlike any other establishment of it’s kind in the world.
“The owner,” Ian gestured at himself, “has gathered a group of new potential employees to try to provide services to draw in high-priced clientele, and ensure all of them continue to be employed at the Fantasy Frenzy for the foreseeable future.”
Ian frowned at the bottom of the letter, then looked up at the box, and blinked in surprise. He’d been certain that it had been empty before, but now it was filled with small rolls of paper, each labeled with the name of one of the guests. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he felt like that should bother him for some reason, but he simply shrugged and continued reading.
“The notes in the box give you further direction as to who you are. Eventually, the owner will decide from the clues you give whether you will be the ones to save the Fantasy Frenzy!”
Ian looked up at the group, and found them looking back at him with various expressions of bemusement, embarrassment, and interest. A quick glance at Shauna revealed embarrassment and a vague forced look of happiness. Ian had the feeling that she wasn’t entirely pleased with how risqué this game was turning out to be. Ian gave her a slightly guilty smile, and then began handing out the wrapped notes to each of the guests. He was once again too preoccupied to see the orange flare in each of their eyes as their fingers touched the notes.
“Should we, uh ... open these?” Jenny said, blushing and clearly very embarrassed by the whole thing.
“Actually,” Shauna said, standing, “why don’t we wait just a minute on that while I check on dinner ... we may want to eat first if it’s, uh, ready...”
“You need a hand?” Beth asked, obviously uncomfortable at the tension between her cousin, his wife, and his former girlfriend. Shauna nodded at her, and Beth unfolded herself off of the couch with relief to follow the shorter Indian woman down the long hallway towards the kitchen. Shauna left with a vaguely horrified glance at Ian, grabbing her note as she walked by. Ian looked after her, trying to decide if he’d gone to far with this game when he was interrupted by a nervous giggle from Jenny.
“Tracy ... wh-what are you doing?”
Ian turned to look at Tracy and his eyes widened he saw that she had spread her legs wide on the coffee table, and was starting to stroke them sensuously. Tracy wore a look of surprise, looking down at her spread thighs and stroking hands in shock as though they were someone else’s. Her skirt was slowly creeping upwards.
“Ah ... ah don’t know,” Tracy panted, her southern accent, usually nearly nonexistent, suddenly overwhelming, “Ah just feel ... well, ah feel kind of ... horny, you know?”
“Tracy!” Jenny said, shocked. Evan coughed in embarrassed shock at his wife’s statement, and stared at her. She looked back at him, a look of clear confusion on her face as she squirmed on the couch.
“Uh, hon, don’t you think you’re playing this up a little too much?” Evan choked out.
Panic crossed Tracy’s face as her small hips suddenly began to thrust upwards while everyone stared at her.
“Ah ... ah don’t know what’s going on ... ah just ... ohhh...”
Tracy let out a long sigh and her eyes widened. She suddenly reached down and pulled her small legs back, forcing the skirt to slide up around her waist, and revealing that she wasn’t wearing any panties. Her pussy was covered in light brown fur (revealing that she wasn’t a natural blond) and was bright red and glistening with arousal.
All of the women in the room gasped. All of the men found themselves staring at the small woman’s exposed cunt in amazement, with the exception of Evan whose eyes widened as he stared at his sweet wife displaying herself lewdly to their friends.
“Tracy!” he shouted, mortified. Had anyone been watching, however, they might have seen the impossibly large bulge in his pants give a sudden equally impossible jerk. Everyone’s attention was fully on Tracy, however.
Horror, panic, and obvious arousal played across the tiny woman’s face, and she was panting heavily now. She turned to look at her husband, a tear starting to roll down one cheek, and a dribble of cum streaming from her pussy and dripping onto the couch below.
“Ah ... ah don’t know what’s wrong with me,” a small sob escaped as she glanced down at her exposed cunt, and then a lustful, sluttish expression replaced it and she sighed.
“But ah know that a cock inside me would sure make it better...”
“Oh my god,” Betsy’s hand flew to her mouth in disbelief at what was happening. She’d never met Tracy before tonight, but she couldn’t believe that what she was doing was normal behavior.
“Ah’d just finger mah wet cunt, but ah don’t think that would do it,” Tracy moaned, then whimpered in humiliation, then moaned again, “ah need a big, thick, hard cock in mah little pussy. What do you say, hon, you wanna fuck this slut? Fuck your Tracy hard?”
Evan stared mouth moving but no sound coming out. Tracy turned languidly to look at David who was staring at her, tongue hanging out slightly as he looked at her wet cunt. She grinned a come-hither grin at him.
“How about you, hon? You want to mount Tracy and f-fuck her? I ain’t never had a dog’s cock inside me, but ah’m so horny, ah’d ... oh god ... ah’d fuck anything that wanted some of mah wet little cunt...”
Jenny turned to look at her husband, staring at the exposed cunt of their friend, and suddenly anger and ... another emotion she couldn’t place filled her. She reached up and slapped him, then both of them stood in shock staring at her hand as though she couldn’t believe it had done such a thing.
“Ow! What the... ?!”
David turned to look at his wife in shock, his cheek red where she had slapped him, with small red welts where her nails had scratched his face. She hadn’t meant to do that. His expression darkened, and she shrank back from him with a look of terror. He let out a low growl.
“What the hell did you do that for?” he reached up and scratched at his shirt.
Jenny backed away from him into the dining room. For some reason the only feeling she had towards her husband right now was abject fear, and a need to get further away. As her butt bumped against the wall, stopping her progress, she started rubbing it against the plaster - she had an itching tingle right at her tailbone.
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Costume Gun: A Dish Served Cold By Heather St. Claire I pulled myself to my feet, held on to the chair in front of me for support, swallowed hard and looked around the room. I uttered nine life- changing words: "Hello, my name is Jennifer, and I'm an alcoholic." If you had told me a year ago I would be standing up at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, I would have said you were crazy. If you had said I would be doing it as a woman, I would have said you were stark raving mad. You see,...
Costume Gun: My Little Princess By Heather St. Claire Life's a funny thing. Just when you're sure the script has been written and there are no more surprise turns left, life deals you an ultimate surprise. Mine came just a few days ago. I was a not-quite thirty-five year old man, newly divorced, father of a beautiful five year old girl, and I was dying of pancreatic cancer. Charlotte and I married when we were both twenty-eight. Our darling Madison--Maddie-- arrived not quite two...
When I was nineteen, my family went to a costume party. I had always thought those were lame, and I wasn't looking forward to wearing a costume. So I was going to hide somewhere and wait the party out. But when we got to our friends' house, there were already a ton of people there. It looked like the whole neighborhood showed up.I groaned inwardly and went inside with my parents and my older sister. She was two years older than me, and was kind of a health nut. She was always watching what she...
Costume Gun: Goth Girl to Soccer Mom By Heather St. Claire Today is a big milestone in my life. But my wonderful husband, my three darling children and my beloved mother will never know about it. It may seem like an ordinary day in the life of a very ordinary 29 (soon to be 30) year old. But there is something really special about it because beginning today, this average yet oh-so-wonderful day, I will have spent more days of my life as a female than a male. I'm not much to look...
I was set to meet my wife at the neighbors costume party, the night of Halloween. We had planned to both dress up as characters from Star Wars, my wife would be Princess Leia, and I was a Yoda, complete with mask. I had to work that day, so I brought my costume with me to the office. As the day dragged on, my work seemed never ending. Just as it was time to leave, a client called with a crisis. I was stuck, and knew I would be late for the party. Then things got even worse. When the client...
This story happened in June 2011, my name is maya and I’m 24 years old living with my husband vishal who is 26 years old. Our parents had moved from India when they were kids to UK and vishal and I was born and brought up in London. I consider myself attractive with a lovely curvy body and eye watering 34d busts. Im expecting my first child and 5 months pregnant. My husband vishal too is a handsome rugby player who really take care of himself very well. We both are regular visitors to the gym....
Is it a Costume Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I never felt more alive, the softness of the clothing making me swoon in delight; I had never experienced anything like that before, so you could safely say that I was both confused and excited at the same time. I had never dressed up as a girl before, so I was unfamiliar with the inherent thrill it caused. As I looked in the mirror I saw my mother behind me, and she was smiling! "I just knew that you would look absolutely...
Costume Gun: Coming Full Circle By Heather St. Claire It seems like no matter how far you travel in life, all the roads lead back to your starting point. My name is Martha. Martha Collins. I'm a 58-year-old widow and the mother of three fantastic children. It's kind of an old-fashioned name, but I like it, and I should. I chose it when I became a woman twenty- three years ago. No, I didn't get a sex-change operation, although gender reassignment surgery really is a more correct...
Costume for Life by Leslie Leigh It was when my wife suggested that she wanted to be a man for Halloween that perhaps I should have sensed something askew. Or perhaps fate dealt us a full house. As I tell you my tale I am waiting for my "Man" to come home from the office and I have a secret.. I came home from the office on Friday, October 30, and was exhausted from a long week of work. I was an art director at a small advertising agency in Evanstown, Virginia and we had four...
His father was not a very good husband but he was great in bed. He may have only been about six inches long but he was very thick and it felt wonderful the way he stretched me open when he entered my love tunnel. He could last almost as long as he wanted to and he always brought me to at least two strong orgasms before filling me with a large load of his hot sauce. One day he announced that he was leaving me for his new rich teenaged girlfriend. He was gone that night. I don’t miss the...
In the early evening of Halloween night of 200X I went out to dinner with some friends at a popular vegetarian restaraunt in A.A. the town where I go to college. It was warm for that time of year so I was wearing a black cocktail dress and stockings. Two of my housemates, Tim and Cara were there too. I should explain. I live in a co-op with Tim, Cara, two other guys and one other women. We share a house not far from downtown. Tim is 6'3 and extremely handsome. With bright blue eyes and wavy...
The Costume Store is an indiscreet shop in the mall. Few people paid it any mind and many walked passed it without giving it a second glance. If they knew what wonders were inside they might have given more thought to going inside. Inside the shop walls were racks and racks of costumes. But not just any costumes. There were costumes that turned the wearer into devils. Ones that made the wearer think they were super models. Even ones that would transport the wearer to alternate worlds where they...
FantasyWhen they walked into the room everyone turned and stared. As opposite as they appeared to be, they were also both beautiful people. She stood about 5’5′ with dark skin, long dark hair, amazing green eyes and a killer body. She was dressed as Jane wearing a very short, very tight dress that was slung over one shoulder. The ragged edge across the sides and bottom making it even smaller and displaying a little more of her body. The white leopard skin design of the dress offset her dark skin...
Jack made his way along the oak panelled passageway cautiously. He was regretting being one of the few who had decided not to come to the party in a costume as his dark suit, far from making him inconspicuous, made him stand out among the weird and wonderful crowd. Naturally shy, he found the decadence of the whole affair rather alarming and he tried to keep a low profile. This had been unsuccessful as his boyish good looks and strong powerful physique had attracted many admiring glances from...
Jack made his way along the oak panelled passageway cautiously. He was regretting being one of the few who had decided not to come to the party in a costume as his dark suit, far from making him inconspicuous, made him stand out among the weird and wonderful crowd. Naturally shy, he found the decadence of the whole affair rather alarming and he tried to keep a low profile. This had been unsuccessful as his boyish good looks and strong powerful physique had attracted many admiring glances from...
BDSMJason!" shouted his mother from the foot of the stairs. "What?" he shouted from his bedroom. "I need to go into town to get some things for Cindy's Birthday party on Saturday." "OK, see you later," he shouted back. A moment later his mum shouted, "Come on, I haven't got all day." "Why can't I stay here?" he asked. "No, you have to help me choose a nice birthday present for her." "Mom," he moaned, "I'm busy!" "Busy playing that play station thing," his mum retorted, "now...
DEDICATION This small story is at once a dedication to, and an indictment of, the bachelor party that my youngest son roped me into organizing and funding. I honestly think young men expect their fathers to provide a wild last hurrah, complete with babes and free flowing booze. As a responsible parent, I did help to make it quite a memorable night, but alas, not as wild as he might have envisioned. The Bachelor Party By Ashley ...
Wife of the Party by captv8tdChapter 1The man and woman stood side by side, motionless other than for the slow rising and falling of their chests as they breathed. Another woman slowly circled the pair, running her eyes up and down their bodies and taking in every detail.“You performed well last night, Steve,” commented Monique as she reached down and cradled his erect cock in her palm. The naked man blushed slightly. Even though he had been owned for over two years, it was still...
The Fuckerware Party ? Chapter 01by Tappy McWidestanceEven now I can't believe I'm in the situation I willingly, no compellingly, put myself into. How long as it been? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? How much longer will I have to wait before I can cum? Will she show up to help me or was she just teasing me? Who is she? What does she want from me? Why is my body so out of control?My name is Tina. I am 26 years old. I have been married for three years to Jim, also 26 a salesman at the same...
Tess's Transformations: Life of the Party By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 "So, do you have your costume picked out yet for the boss's costume party, Jack?" asked Chris Washington, a tall muscular man with short black hair. He was thirty-two and was the department head for thirty employees at Chambers Industries. "It's still a week away," replied Jack Easton as he turned around in his chair to look at his supervisor who had just entered his cubicle. Jack was...
The Halloween Party By Vivian Bird Robin and Erica Green had been married for three years. Erica is a practicing Gynecologist and Robin is a technical writer and primarily works from home. Both of them had been satisfied with their marriage and careers, but Erica was starting to feel dullness creeping into things, especially their sexual relations and she wanted to do something to liven it up a bit. "Robin," said Erica, "You know that Halloween is...
100% fiction! Part 1 - The Party "Mum, mum..come look what I did" said soon to be 18 year old Claire Bishop excitedly, as she proudly marveled at the solid brown log resting on the kitchen bench. "Wow honey that’s a nice one, that will go perfectly in the casserole I’m making for dinner," "Yum!!!" said Claire, "your the best mum ever." What came out of the back passage was something to be celebrated and enjoyed in the Bishop household, which consisted of Claire's mum Carol and her 18 year old...
IncestJean If one were just to look at me. They would see me only from my outer shell; the pretty little red-head with the green eyes and killer smile. If I were to walk out in public, you wouldn’t notice anything about me that was different. I stand at about five-five, five. No real identifying marks. I’m twenty-eight now, a far cry from when I first knew the Professor, meeting him at eleven, after all the trauma with Anne dying in my arms. I’m living in the boat-house with my...
A quick note to everybody: This is the next Game On story. I have decided to not go nuts on more than 1 maybe 2 types of games per story. I am also going to declare this as a new 'universe', so anyone that wants to write stories for Game On can do so as long as it some how revolves around a magical and/or sci-fi game. Once again, please feel free to e-mail me ([email protected]), or send me an instant message through ICQ (247193981) I will be happy to receive your comments and...
Hi! My name is Mollie and I'd like to tell you all about the Halloween party at my brother Jake's house.Wait...Let me back up a step or two.Picture a gorgeous 19 year old with huge 36D melons and a perfect bubbly ass and gorgeous green eyes and the whitest blonde hair that naturally curls all the way down to the top of my butt.At least, that was what I was going for. The original costume. Before I lost the blonde wig that would have covered by straight brown hair that comes about half way down...
My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...
My whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of...
Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 13 - My Coming Out Party) This work is copyrighted to the author ©2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....
Jenny was busy sucking her boyfriend Jimmy's cock in the den of her parent's home. Her hair was being held to the side as Jimmy watched her lips slide up and down his hard cock, her spit oozing out to coat her hand that was cupping his balls. Jenny looked up at her boyfriend, his eyes slightly rolled back in his head as he luxuriated in the feel of her practiced mouth. With a quick glance Jenny checked the clock and realized she only had about 10 minutes before her mother would be home from...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As the rest of the week wore on, Mom went into high gear prepping for our FBI party on Saturday. She had both Bobby and Sammy sitting down multiple times with her going over the food list, making changes each time she sat with them. At some point, I just told them privately that it’s her first west coast party and she wants it to be a big success. The chefs were both cool about the whole thing saying that they completely understood. Anita showed up...
(episode 18) This follows College SexscapadesI believe it was a Monday morning while sitting in class next to Brittany that she asked what I was doing for Halloween the next night. I told her that I was planning to go over to my fraternity house for the Halloween party there. Brittany then asked, “What costume have you come up with for Halloween?” I responded, “I haven't come up with anything yet, but I will be at the party.”Brittany then informed me, “Jennifer, Renee and I are going to a huge...
College SexSaturday, September 24, 2005 All too soon - because it was nearly the end of the summer vacation - the time came to send out the invites for my house-warming party. I'd intended the invites to be nothing more than casual phone calls; Julia wanted to send out real invitations. Guess which approach we took? [On the topic of alternative approaches, I'd also been thinking of a nice, casual pool party. Julia had considerably more upmarket plans. Guess which approach we took for that too? I'll...
In this sex story, JessiKa and Serana offer me a chance to join the Red Garter Strip Club Private Party Crew and attend the private parties the Red Garter can host. JessiKa and Serana Part V: My First Private Party I've recently had just finished being trained by JessiKa and Serana on how to pole dance and how to lap dance. I was ready to be a stripper. JessiKa, Serana and I showed up to work on time. We pole danced our sexy asses off. We made it rain money, and we have gotten amazing...
Hi everyone, my name is Brian and my wife is Jenny and we'd like to tell our experiences of our first swingers party from this past August. my wife says I can do a better job of putting the events into words so here goes.first, I'd like to give a little background as to how we got to this point. I've had fantasies about becoming a swinger for some time and finally decided to talk to my wife about it. she wasn't very receptive of the idea at first but she didn't say "no" so I considered that a...
God and I sat back in the observation room as Rachel changed into a hospital gown. We were both wearing white doctor’s coats, a stethoscope, and scrubs. The theatrics weren’t necessary, but the monotony of immortality could wear on a woman, so spicing things up with a little role-play was always fun. “I need you to lie on your back,” I said to Rachel through the microphone, “and hold your breath when the light goes on.” In the middle of the room Rachel was in, was a CT-scanner I’d...
Sixth form in England meant there were regular party invites, but out of control teenagers drinking themselves into oblivion was simply not the type of scene that interested me. My wild teenage side showed itself sexually; enjoying sex with both male and female friends, whenever possible allowing others to see.It was December, following my seventeenth birthday, when Jacqui Hill invited me to a party at her house on Friday of that week. I’d fancied Jacqui for years but she had a long-term...
ExhibitionismMy whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of information...
IncestJill’s PerspectiveHalloween has always been one of my favorite times of the year. And even now, at the age of twenty-five, married, and with a five-month old daughter, I still look forward to fall and the chance to dress in costume. My name is Jillian, but most people call me Jill, and I am married to John, who most people call Jack. I know it sounds kind of corny having our nicknames be Jack and Jill, but we have a lot of fun with it.We started our lives together in a nice suburb outside of...
InterracialRoger set the mood for the afternoon. I was sitting in my apartment, trying to type out a mid-term paper on Risk Management for Dr. Jacob’s Finance 452 class, only to have the strong voice of Roger and The Who captivate my wandering thoughts. Not only was I listening to Roger and letting the lyrics of You Better You Bet lead me to a daydream of pleasant visions, I was also watching Roger sing. He was just across the room on my television. It was October 1981, and a couple months previously, a...
College SexWhat a party by Janet L. Stickney When the Halloween party was announced, I'll admit I was a bit baffled. After all, this is high school, and most of us had long ago given the heave ho to the bag. Our Principal however decided that is exactly the reason to have the party. Then she scheduled Friday as a come to school in costume day, with the actual party on Saturday night. All of the guys I talked to were going to dress up as some favorite character of theirs. Since I'm not...
A Christmas Sex Party My wife of ten years is the sales rep for a plastic whole sale company. She sells recycled raw product to factories and manufacturing companies in a fairly large region including the east coast and into the mid-east states. Using email and a phone she is able to do a lot of her work from an office in our home. This allows her to be at home most days to spend quality time with our two kids, Mat 6 and Jessie 4. To maintain personal contact with most of her...
A Turnabout Party Chapter 1 You are kidding me? It was Monday. I had just finished cooking dinner and my wife had just walked in the door from work. She set her things down and just said, "You may get your wish." "My wish?" "Yes. Your wish for us to go out with you looking like a woman." You see I'm a work at home husband, doing on-line editing of technical books, papers, and the like. My wife is a high end professional woman. I...
The Engagement Party It was late August 2004 when my wife’s brother Art got engaged. Art, who I’ve known since he was thirteen, is a great guy. Their engagement party was an afternoon affair starting at 5:00 pm and held at a local Holiday Inn. At the time, my wife Lenora and I had been married for almost 20 years. We had two c***dren aged sixteen and thirteen, and we both worked. Our marriage and sex life were about average with the usual Friday and Saturday night standard action. At the time...
The Engagement Party It was late August 2004 when my wife’s brother Art got engaged. Art, who I’ve known since he was thirteen, is a great guy. Their engagement party was an afternoon affair starting at 5:00 pm and held at a local Holiday Inn. At the time, my wife Lenora and I had been married for almost 20 years. We had two children aged sixteen and thirteen, and we both worked. Our marriage and sex life were about average with the usual Friday and Saturday night standard action. At the time...
(Author’s Message: The organization and people mentioned in this story are purely figments of the author’s imagination. No such organization and no such people are truly meant or actually exist.) PROLOGUE: They were all at the breakfast table, Earl, Mandy and Little Susie were seated and Susie, who’d gotten it read for them, was only then sitting down. Earl was drinking from his coffee cup and talking softly with Little Susie, when Mandy spoke up: ‘Mommie, Daddy, how did you two meet?’ Earl...
A Halloween Party by Sissie Maid Cuckold "Hi, my name is Rebecca and this is my boyfriend Tyrell and we are giving a big Halloween party. My husband Timmy here has volunteered to be our server at the party and we were looking for the perfect uniform for him". "Ah hi I'm Lisa. Did you say your...boyfriend and your husband or did I hear you wrong?" "Yes that's exactly what I said, this is my boyfriend Tyrell and this is my husband Timmy." "Ah Ok I thought I miss heard you. Ah...
It was late August 2004 when my wife’s brother Albert got engaged. Albert, who I’ve known since he was thirteen, is a great guy. Their engagement party was an afternoon affair starting at 5:00 pm and held at a local Holiday Inn. At the time, my wife Lenora and I had been married for seventeen years. We had two children aged sixteen and thirteen, and we both worked. Our marriage and sex life were about average with the usual Friday and Saturday night standard action… At the time we were just...
Jill heard them honking the horn and almost opened the door. She stopped, turned as if she was about to go back into her room, stopped, turned back to the door, stopped, turned, stopped...finally she took a deep breath and opened the door and stepped outside. Her hands tried to cover herself but there was too much skin to cover so she let her hand drop. “Holy fuckin' shit.” Cliff said from inside the car. “Dude, I have to agree with you here.” Roger replied not taking his eyes off Jill. Jill...
Group SexMost of the people on the street looked up as I drove past. They were drawn by the sound, like that of a huge angry bear on steroids. My Pype bomb exhaust system announced the presence of my blacked out 2014 Mustang 5.0. People walking down the street had several reactions. Most smiled in appreciation at the automotive masterpiece that was my favorite vehicle of all time. A smaller number, actually stopped what they were doing and stood in slack jawed worship. Those were the faithful, the ones...
Michael If any of you know anything about handguns, then you know that having your thumb on the trigger instead of your index finger means it is pointed at you and you are having a very bad day or days as the situation I now find myself in. You see, I had divorce papers served on me two days ago. For some husbands that would be like a pardon from the warden and would be a reason for celebrating. I on the other hand actually love my wife more than anything. Instead of celebrating I was sitting...