Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 109 Hot Tub Party a Tit in Each Hand
- 3 years ago
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Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued)
I'd painted myself into a little corner by claiming the moral high ground. What I was about to start doing could hardly be done from that position, so I needed to get off it. I'd worked out what to say next ("Let's fuck!" What it lacked in subtlety, it made up for by lacking in subtlety). Unfortunately, just as I was about to leap off the moral high ground, I realized that I'd lost the mood, and all the scrutiny I was under now was definitely not helping the situation as it truly did make me very uncomfortable. I feared that even a kiss from Julia wasn't going to get me into the right mood, and having a bunch of girls staring at me with annoyance over the delay certainly wasn't going to help my mood either. I stopped indecisively near the sofa.
Julia walked up, and stood in front of me. "Are you ready for your kiss?"
"Umm. I guess so."
I leaned down to kiss Julia. Julia bent DOWN to kiss me!
This surprised everybody, including me, although my surprise IMMEDIATELY turned into delight, especially after her kiss progressed.
Many of the girls were genuinely shocked. Don't they teach girls ANYTHING useful at the secret classes they go to? I mean, why on Earth would they waste valuable class time on imaginary shades of color, when they could be teaching THIS? If any of you are detecting an improvement in my mood, you'd be on the button!
In a surprisingly short amount of time, I declared, "Right! Let's Fuck!"
I was raring to go now, but suddenly realized that Alexis might not be. My telling them all off might've created a roadblock. Julia had revved me up very effectively, but I didn't imagine anyone had done the same to Alexis (certainly not EXACTLY the same, that was for sure!). I had a total of only fifteen minutes, and it was up to me to get her motor running (guys use automotive metaphors when we've got to put the pedal to the metal and burn rubber. Not the rubber I'd be wearing shortly though; I CERTAINLY didn't want to burn that. Ouch!).
Believing and hoping that Alexis was a 'rough and ready' sort of girl, I called ahead, "Alexis. On your back and spread those legs. I'm going to be diving in headfirst, and there's no time to waste." Julia hasn't yet had a chance to teach me much about seduction.
Alexis seemed happy. She jumped into an appropriate position, giggling. Always a good sign, although extremely difficult to work into an automotive metaphor. She wasn't wet, so I got straight down to business, trying to quickly find something that worked well on her, and to ride it as far as it would take her.
I was kneeling on the floor beside the sofa, and could see Julia remove a rubber from its foil, clearly intending to put it on me. She thinks she needs helpers, but where are we going to find staff with that much dedication to their job? Which gave me an idea: Anna needed a dose of reality, and I thought of a good way of giving it to her. Making sure I had both hands and their fingers well placed to keep stimulating Alexis when I removed my mouth. (Important tip guys: Girls' bodies are less forgiving of discontinuities in stimulation than guys' bodies are. In other words, they lose physical arousal faster when the stimulation stops. So, minimize those gaps guys, ESPECIALLY when pressed for time.)
"ANNA, where are you, girl?" I got a perverse thrill out of bossing her around. It had to be "perverse" because all my normal sources of thrills were very well catered for by all the naked girls around me, and the fun I was already having with Alexis' body.
I didn't bother looking toward her voice, as I was too busy keeping an eye on what my fingers were doing. "Run over here and kneel on my left. Quickly, girl." When my tongue wasn't busy yelling at Anna, I used it to help my fingers. Alexis had been wet previously; there was evidence of that once I looked closely enough, and I certainly was close enough now. She was still damp inside, where the air hadn't dried her out. I could easily get her wet enough to fuck, just by licking the outside of her pussy lips a couple of times, but I wanted to build her arousal too. It wasn't going to take long, so I had to get Anna to hurry. Plus I wanted to yell at her to do this anyway, because I enjoyed it. It's that "perverse" thing again.
Anna alighted beside me, and had no idea where to look. But she had a few ideas of where to definitely not look, so she busied herself not looking at any of them.
I didn't give her much time. "Suck my cock a couple of times to get it wet, grab the rubber from Julia and put it on me. HURRY! I need to get fucking in a minute!" I didn't need to have my cock sucked to have a rubber put on. I'd thrown it in for fun; mine mostly. Anna had been one of the girls who'd been shocked when Julia had done it to me. She was going to be learning about it first hand a WHOLE LOT faster than she expected!
My mouth was back on Alexis, as Julia would have no trouble knowing what to do from now.
Anna did, saying, "I don't know what to do. I've never done..."
Julia supplied the necessary information, "You open your mouth, stick it over his cock, and lick. It's not rocket science." No it's not, although it can cause blast offs.
Not when the girl is completely out of her depth though. Anna repeated, "I don't know how..."
Julia called, "Someone grab both her ankles and pull them around forty five degrees toward the bar, then pull her back about eighteen inches."
There was nothing interesting on TV, so everyone had been gathered around closely, watching us. Three girls bent down to comply with Julia's instructions, and in seconds Anna was repositioned. Julia was on her knees on the other side of me from Anna. She reached between the sofa and my body, took hold of Anna's wrists, and pulled then a long way toward Julia, which unbalanced Anna forward. Anna was now on her hands and knees, with her head within range.
Julia commanded, "Open your mouth."
"I've never..."
"And now you're going to. Open you mouth and do NOT speak!"
Proximity isn't fine enough to discern open or closed mouths, but it was certainly capable of detecting Julia put her hand on the back of Anna's head.
I was waiting for the push, but Julia said, "I will guide your head. Relax your arms and bend toward Mark's cock."
"But I've never..."
Julia lifted her head and called, "Can any of you girls do this instead of Anna?"
LOTS of them said they could. Savannah had been one of the girls who'd towed Anna into position, and she was still standing right behind her.
Julia said, "Savannah, pull Anna out and do it yourself."
Anna said, "No it's, oof." As Savannah picked Anna up around the waist and pulled her back. Savannah is athletic, and Anna was history. Savannah had the whole job done in seconds, although she wasted a couple giving my cock an entirely unnecessary kiss. Anna may "never have", but Savannah sure had; many times, judging by her unhesitating skill.
I'd expected Anna to perform MUCH faster (how hard can it be? Although, NEVER ask me to do it!). When Anna balked, I'd expected Julia to force her, but that much force would have been wrong. This way was better.
Alexis had been able to see virtually all the Anna/Savannah by-play, as she was lying along the sofa and I was coming in square, over her hip. Alexis' head was to my left, lying on the armrest at the far end of the sofa, so with a grandstand view of where Anna had been (also to my left). Alexis had enjoyed the by-play, and had laughed at it several times. There'd not been any sympathy from tough Alexis for prissy Anna. But Alexis wasn't here for the laughs. I had just over ten minutes left, which wasn't long enough for two orgasms. I decided to go flat out to start with, to make enough progress to make sure I could give her one, but then to time it for the end of the fifteen minutes.
I stood up, grabbed Alexis' ankles, and with no subtlety whatsoever, pulled her down the sofa until her ass was just over the end of the armrest. She moaned, "Oh yeah", as she was being manhandled. I stood at the end of the sofa, put her ankles up by my ears, one arm holding both legs against my chest, the other hand for frigging her. Within almost no time, I was fucking her flat out. I can thrust faster standing vertically than any other position. With my muscle tone, this is very, very fast. I didn't even care about picking up fatigue, as I intended to go this fast only long enough to make sure she would orgasm, and then I'd slow down and cruise home at the fifteen minute mark. The speed of my thrusts, especially my going at full speed as soon as she was wet enough, took every girl by surprise (except Anna, she was too busy sobbing). It especially took Alexis by surprise. She held her breath in shock for a few seconds, then released it in a drawn out exclamation of astonishment, "FUCK!"
I fucked and frigged her flat out. Alexis loved it. She was grunting, groaning, swearing and having a great time. Which was rapidly getting greater. She loved "hard and fast", especially "hard". I suddenly remembered Carol, and looked around quickly. Two dozen spectators, but no Carol. Julia worked out what I was thinking, and nodded toward the hot tub room. I'd go check on her between the two girls.
The only discordant note was Anna's sobbing. Fortunately, about three minutes into the high-speed run, Anna started calming down. Alexis urged, "Fuck. Someone slap the stupid bitch. Make her cry again."
I almost laughed. I certainly didn't share's Alexis' kink, but I had found Anna's sobbing annoying and almost felt like slapping her for it myself. As tempting as it was, it would've been counterproductive and I'd never slap a girl, more's the pity sometimes.
Alexis got her desired end result anyway. Anna didn't like being so unsympathetically called a "stupid bitch", and she started crying all over again. That annoyed me, but Alexis succinctly expressed her happiness. Oh well, we weren't here for my pleasure.
I asked, "You're not too bored out here, are you? It's a pity that you have to miss out on this stuff."
"I'm okay. I thought of going upstairs to do some study, which I probably should do, but I like listening in to what's going on. I'm learning quite a lot. Julia and I will be studying tonight when you're away with Prof."
I didn't know what Carol could learn out here, but she seemed happy and that's all that mattered. "Okay, sweetie. I better go back to them." I gave her a kiss, just on the cheek in case any of the other girls walked in.
Carol whispered, "I love you," which I echoed back to her. I blew her a kiss and went back to see the rest of them.
As I walked within earshot I heard Alexis tell them, "I've never had sex in front of so many people before." Which immediately made me wonder what sort of pervert has sex in front of other people.
The girls were sitting around the entertainment area, sitting on all the sofas, several of them on the floor, and Alexis was telling them how much she enjoyed herself, how fantastic I'd been, how much she'd loved being fucked so incredibly forcefully.
When I got about halfway across the room, Linda called out to me, "Egg, where did that come from? I've never seen or heard of you acting like that."
Julia answered, "Mark ALWAYS acts like that." I noticed that this was NOT taken as good news by Hannah. It puzzled me a little too, because I hardly ever ask bitches to slap my fuckee's face.
Alexis said, "Thanks VERY much, Mark. That was a GREAT fuck. I didn't think fifteen minutes was going to be long enough for anything much, especially after stupid Miss Stuck Up here," indicating Anna, "pissed around so much, but that was fucking fantastic. Anytime you've got a spare fifteen minutes, let me know. Hell, a spare ten minutes would be enough. Julia must be a shit load tougher than she looks to be able to sleep with you overnight and still walk."
Hannah had been thinking the matter through, and jumped in with, "I don't want my turn now. Who came third, Julia?"
Julia said, "I can't remember. Pat, Lily and Laila, do any of you Liaisons want Hannah's turn?"
There was a disturbing lack of enthusiasm at her offer.
"Yes," from Lily, although it wasn't enthusiastic. | "Umm, yes," from Pat, "if Mark acts like his last time with me?"
Laila had waited, and she now said, "I'm the same as Pat."
Julia ignored Pat's question, and said to Lily, "Lucky you, Lily. It looks like he's yours." Julia turned to everyone sitting on the designated fucking sofa, saying, "Everyone off please, to make room for Mark and Lily."
They got up, the towels were re-spread, and a somewhat fearful but ever-obedient Lily joined me on the sofa. All the girls watched avidly.
Lily was, to understate her state, not aroused. I had some work to do, but I knew my way around her body so I happily started the process. I wasn't totally happy because I'd have preferred a new girl for the novelty value and to increase my count. But there's no such thing as a bad fuck, so I was still happy.
I kissed and cuddled with her for a few seconds, before whispering quietly to just her, "I'll be the same as I was my first time with you." That good news caused Lily to relax a great deal. After that it was easy. I started even gentler than my last time with her, but soon we were both happily having a great time.
Julia turned up with another rubber, sucked my cock a couple of times, and put it on for me. When Savannah became aware of what Julia was doing, Savannah almost protested, but then relaxed and let it go. Julia said, "Does anyone want to come have a soak in the hot tub with me?"
Most of them didn't even seem to hear the question. A few verbal answers, "No thanks." | "I want to watch this." | "Later." Julia shrugged, and wandered off by herself.
The girls waited patiently for the violence to start. Then they started waiting impatiently. Then one of them asked, "Umm, Egg. How come you're so gentle this time? Not that I want you to be so rough, I'm just curious."
I said, "Hang on a minute, girls. Lily, we've only got about twenty minutes left. Do you want me to stop so I can waste your time answering the girls' questions? Because you know girls: once they start asking questions they'll never stop."
Lily answered with surprisingly good English, "Fuck no!"
I kept going, ignoring the other girls, not even telling them I wasn't going to answer. They understood my pointed ignoring of them, and subsided into silence. I didn't have much time as it was nearly 4:15, the time Julia had given me. So I got part of myself into Lily, and started fucking her properly.
I couldn't hear anything happen at precisely 4:15, as Lily and I were making too much noise and there was some music playing. About thirty seconds later Prof walked in from the hot tub room. The sofa we were on faced away from where Prof was coming from, so Lily couldn't see anything. I'd been kneeling on the end of the sofa doing a missionary, so I was high enough to see over its back (which was not a coincidence). I was expecting something, so I was the first to see him. It took a surprisingly long time for all the other girls to notice though. I guess they must have been looking elsewhere, and Prof is so short he's easily overlooked, haha.
When he stepped around the near end of the pool table, he was noticed. "EEK! A man!" This was not good news to the twenty four virtually naked girls (only one girl was still wearing bra and panties, five more in panties only).
Julia was watching from the far end of the room, and she called out, "That's not a man, that's my father, haha." Long before Julia finished her logically flawed explanation there were girls ducking for cover: leaping behind their sofas or chairs, covering themselves with sofa cushions, trying to hide behind each other. There was so many of them that it was chaos. It was very funny to watch.
Lily was struggling to see the source of the - to me - hilarious overreaction. One of the reasons I enjoyed watching the girls was to take my mind off Prof watching me. I'd stood naked in front of Vanessa, but this was worse, even with Prof being a man (I was ignoring Julia's opinion). It was clearly a plan of Julia's, and she had been to talk with Prof earlier, so I had to carry on. To Lily's struggles, I told her, "Relax Lily, it's just Julia's father." Lily wasn't sure that this was sufficient reason to relax, but she wasn't in a position to do much about it, especially as my body was still doing its thing to Lily's.
Julia called, "Mark, Dad wants to ask you something about tonight."
"Fine." It wasn't really, but what else could I say? Prof was advancing toward me, so he clearly didn't want me to stop and go to him.
Prof came around the end of our sofa, and stood beside Lily's head so he could look at my face while he talked to me. I was giving my best impression of someone to whom this happened every day of the week. Lily was covering her breasts with her arms, but was otherwise pinned down.
Prof looked down, and said, "Hello, young lady."
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Vanessa walked in from the hallway door. The girls were surprised by her sudden appearance. Most of them were fully dressed and had no reason to react beyond surprise, but a few did. Anna frantically pushed my hand off her breast. Pat stiffened, hesitated, then looked at me. By way of answer, I resumed stroking her breast (I'd stopped in surprise too). Pat relaxed, trusting me to know how to act. She'd also met Vanessa before and knew of her permissive...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Laci had no hesitation going for the main prize, inserting it in her, and expressing her happiness at achieving it. #4: I won't bother describing the 90-second fucks. A couple of details get mentioned below, but that's about all. Not that I didn't enjoy them, because I SURE did, but they were obviously all very similar, especially as the water made it very hard to get any sort of rapid movement going; a problem I hadn't...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Donna is competitive and has to see people trying hard to beat her for her to enjoy playing games with them, so whenever we goof off these days, I always handicap myself. I enjoy it more that way too. We negotiate, and something renegotiate, the handicaps with the various games we play, or maybe we just make up a new game heavily slanted in her favor to make it a challenge. With 8-ball, I wouldn't use any TK (Donna doesn't know about that anyway), and I...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Carol volunteered, "Even I've walked around this house naked. All of Julia's family have seen me like this. They were all very nice about it and I felt totally safe. They're very nice people." "Especially Robert. He can see me naked whenever he wants, haha." That was from Donna, in case you're wondering. I didn't know whether Donna's comment was literally true, or whether Donna had said it just for fun. It didn't matter either way, as I had...
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From Author: I placed this story in Romance instead of Group Sex even though it started out as group sex, it turned into a romantic coupling. For those of you who HATE a cheating wife, even though this one is justified I would like to leave right now and not read any further. I’m not looking for your kind to read my story! * Last month I wrote about some fun a couple of co-workers and I had in my hot tub. Well Andrea and Lynn told me that they had a few ‘close’ friends who they knew would...
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His name is Robert, he is six-two, has salty brown hair, that touches his shoulder, greenish-blue eyes and a smile that light up the whole room when he enter it. He is the vice-president of the Hub City Brewing Company, Stanley, Iowa. He is divorced also, and an active swinger. He says he likes watching porn, and says that sex is a favorite hobby of his. He loves America, baseball, and apple pie. It’s six pm, when I arrived at the Kiss Club in Des Moines, Iowa. The place is a friendly no...
My name is Deana. I live right in the middle of corn country; Iowa City, Iowa. I’m sales rep for a major department store, with two cats and a dog named Cuddles. I stand five-five in heels, am a full figured woman, with long red hair, green-eyes, and a zest for life, love, and adventure. I was introduced to swinging six year ago by my now ex-husband and loved every minute of it. Or I did, until he got jealous of me having more fun. So I quit. He has since divorced me and married a younger gal....
ExhibitionismThe inspiration for this story came directly from a series of pictures posted by the xHamster user Crazgrrl who posted a series of pictures from a night in the hot tub with her male partner. My mind instantly built a story around the pictures and she was kind enough to grant permission to use them as the basis of this story. This is my first illustrated story and all pictures are used with her permission but remain her property and can be seen on her profile.This story is pure fantasy,...
Jacuzzi or a hot tub is a popular amenity in American homes. Typically installed in a backyard on a patio, near the home, and equipped with water heater to keep water warm, and massaging water jets to relax and enjoy. My patents installed a hot tub soon after our family moved to a new house in Seattle in Spring 2003. Since than, it has become our favorite place for partying and relaxation. Later, in a few years, when I grew up, I often invited friends to my house, and we liked to sit in hot...
Emily here. I'm "No-boobs," remember? (From "Summertime Sex Ed.") They aren't any bigger now, even though I'm a year and a half older than I was then. I'm a sophomore at a big Midwestern state college now, with a tennis scholarship (thank you, Title 9!) I had a boyfriend in my freshman year, but it wasn't much of a relationship. For now, let's just call him LB (for Loser Boy). I fucked him and gave him a blow job from time to time, but I felt that I was investing a lot more in the...
Note - All characters and scenarios contained in this story are pure fiction. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental. The type of hot tub described in the story does not exist. The religious practices as they are described are not, as far as the author knows, actual, and are perversions of parts of religious rituals found through a couple of web-searches. If you are a practitioner of a Pagan religion or kundalini yoga and feel you might be offended by a fictional...
We had arrived in my husband's home town. It was really a small village with a main street that looks like it came right out of a painting. The town was decorated for Christmas; all the lamp poles had colored lights running up and down them. A fresh carpet of snow blanketed the town; this place could really get you in the Christmas mood.There were so many of his family members in town there was no room for us at his parents house so Don had already made reservation at a nice local hotel. This...
After our last trip to the coast, we just couldn’t stop talking about how much fun we’d had with young Eric in the hot tub and how turned on we both had gotten. We have reminisced about the experience many times since that trip and always have amazingly hot sex when we start talking about it. We couldn’t wait to take another trip and see if we could recreate a similar scenario. Well, we did take that trip and you’ll never believe what happened… After we arrived and checked into our hotel, we...
ExhibitionismIt was Friday night, a few weeks after I had comprehensively fingered my stepdaughter, Hannah, that extraordinary evening in the hot tub. I had arrived home from work unexpectedly early; my meeting in London having ended sooner than usual and I had been able to catch an earlier train. Haunted by guilt and the fear of exposure, I had been avoiding both my stepdaughter and the tub ever since that night. Unnervingly, Hannah had been behaving as if nothing had happened - though it was obvious she...
TabooCaroline was Amber’s housemate and college classmate. We hung around the same circles so we knew each other pretty well. She was from down San Diego way and was also majoring in Marine Biology like Sis. I thought nothing of just walking into the house since I was there most of the time, fixing things and such; plus, I also owned the place. I co-signed with Sis and I also pay half of the mortgage. It’s a great location and can bring in a huge return on our investment. We got a pretty sweet...
My wife Amber and I have a favorite place on the coast that we love to go to when we want to get out of town for the weekend, away from the hometown crowd. We look forward to these weekends because we tend to get a quite adventurous and daring sexually. For example, we usually start talking about sex and playing around in the car on the drive over, we leave the hotel curtains open and wonder if anyone might be watching. We have also found a very secluded beach that she Amber loves getting naked...
Exhibitionism“Good holiday?” Eddie asked as he handed Kerry a bunch of keys. “It was lovely, thanks. We really had a great time.” She told him. “All over tan?” He asked with a twinkle in his eye. Kerry laughed. She liked Eddie, her next door neighbour. He was a sixty year old retired widower and he had a great sense of humour. He was also trustworthy and whenever they went away they would leave the house keys with him to feed the cat and look after things. “Just a couple of white bits!” She teased. ...
Wife LoversWe all stumbled out of the cab and began walking up the drive way while my friend Megan paid the driver. It was my 22nd birthday, and we managed to drink at every bar downtown. We finally had gotten back to Ali’s house and we were all pretty intoxicated. One by one we plopped down on the couches and chairs, starting with Ali. Ali was my best friend who I was always jealous of. She was taller than me by a few inches and constantly worked on her body so she had long legs that were perfectly...
I have an eight-and-a-half-inch cock. That’s 0.2159 meters if you think metric. And thick. I tell you this right up front because I am an exhibitionist and I get my kicks out of telling people about my cock, and watching their expressions should they happen to see it.So you’ll understand where I’m coming from when I tell you what happened yesterday at my gym. I’d just finished my workout and was taking a long, hot shower. The showers there don’t have curtains, and I often wonder who made that...
ExhibitionismI've always had a really high sex drive where almost anything goes, but Fiona has always been a little more reserved. She enjoys spending time together and feeling close, cuddling, kissing and making love. Despite having had two children and making her way towards 40, she looks incredible. 5 foot 7 with curves in all the right places, an ass with curves to make a peach jealous, and her incredible 34C breasts that often catch the eyes of others when we're out. With her long brown hair,...
About six years after we moved in, the neighbors next to us moved out, and a retired man moved in. We met our new neighbor, Kirby, while working in the front yard shortly after he moved in. He seemed like a nice guy, although he seemed to spend an awful lot of time eyeing my tits and ass. I get it …… I have a nice rack. For a 35 yr old woman, I was in really good shape, with natural, 36F tits, a narrow waist, and a pert ass. With my long, blonde hair and green eyes I tended to attract...
Ah, college…that wonderful time in one’s life that we take for granted when we are living it, but later on fills us full of yearning and nostalgic feelings. My name is Alec and I had an amazing 5 years or so of schooling in a small college town, living life to its fullest, being somewhat of a cad, and dating some amazing women. One of these women I had somewhat of an on/off again relationship, was named Beth. This story, and a number to follow, chronicle those times we shared (some poetic...
My wife and I have talked about adding men to our love making for a couple 0f years; it is her greatest fantasy, a submissive gangbang. But her parameters have always been rather restrictive. It has to be at home, all men, her being taken and made to submit. It can't be close friends, but shouldn't be complete strangers. Anyways, this summer we put up an 8' tall privacy fence and built a gazebo with sitting area and a fire pit, and put in a hot tub. This seems irrelevant, but it actually...
Prelude What had already happened between Scott and myself in the hot tub that night had been unexpected. There are, of course, different kinds of unexpected. This wasn't like finding out that my car needs four new tires, or waking up to a foot of snow in October. Instead, it had been like going to pay my bar tab, and discovering that a friend had already settled up. It had been enough to make my head spin and my heart race when his lips met mine for the first time. It wasn't as if there had...
Wife LoversSEX IN THE HOT TUB I have been married to my gorgeous wife for 10 years and our sex life is just perfect we are both in our mid thirties,We enjoy lots of sex and I must admit my wife sometime wears me out with her constant demands to try new things,We have no c***dren as we both have jobs that keep us very busy,I work as investment banker and my wife works as a private sectary for a firm of solicitors,Let me describe my wife Jen she 36 about 5’9’’ with long dark hair very sexy long legs and a...
Julie’s friend Lorraine was off on vacation leaving Julie to watch over her house. This was no hardship, Lorraine has a really nice place on the lake with a big-screen TV, jacuzzi hot tub and a cat named Bill. I was away on yet another work trip so Julie stayed at Lorraine’s house full time. It was early spring and still too cold to swim in the lake but the hot tub was a nice relaxer after a long day so Julie had gotten in the habit of taking a dip after work. She’d sit with a nice glass of...
Wife LoversTod had stopped to drop the Kelly's off at their house, and Rick, as was expected, got out, too. What WASN'T expected was when Billy, Cathy, Robbi, and Bruce got out. Abe and Gail were visiting with Jerry and Mary for the night. It was a nice evening, and the men were going to, at least, keep Pete company while he milked, and Robbi and Cathy wanted to watch for a bit, and talk to Doris and Sue. It always seemed that they had something they wanted to talk about. They all went in and discovered...
Jenny Cumslut got a call from her teenage niece Alex begging her to be there for the birth of her baby boy. Jenny always sent birthday cards to her favourite niece in Andover, but had never visited. Now she realised why the skinny 16 year old Alex looked blooming. Jenny couldn’t arrange a flight in time to witness the birth, but found the c***d at home with her brand new black baby.Jenny arrived an hour before Alex was expecting, opening the door to her aunt utterly naked, except for the high...
Chad Kozak drove home the last week of August. He was exhausted. School had yet to start-wouldn't, in fact, for a week-but Chad was on the football team and late August was time for two-a-days. Not only was he on the football team-he was the starting quarterback. He had been, in fact, since midway through his sophomore year. He was a talented young man who was already attracting attention from college recruiters. More importantly, to him, Oceanview High had finished the season strong last...
Back on dry land, the group found that I had laid out four towels on the sand over near the fire pit. I was aware of the schedule of events and was doing my assigned tasks. Jess and Amelia both dropped down onto towels. Andre and Paul sat down on either side of Amelia; Jess had to pull the other two boys down next to her by their hands. All of the guys had shrunken as a result of the cold water (no sympathy here), so Amelia wrapped her hands around the guys’ cocks and started pumping. Andre...
Michael Warner was the first person to greet his daughter when she entered the room. He saw the look of trepidation beneath her façade of excitement and hugged her tightly. “You look lovely,” he whispered. “I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of you.” The stories of Hailey’s prep school escapades had caught her father off guard. He had seen the photos of her traipsing around in a bikini that resembled a handkerchief and had seen story after story on the television and in the newspaper...