Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 212: Pipeline Date 1A#1; The First Half free porn video

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Friday, May 13, 2005 (Continued)

The arrangement for the pipeline date was that I was going to be picked up from home at 6pm, and I was warned not to eat anything in advance because there was going to be an excessive amount of food. They refused to divulge any other information, but already I liked the sound of this date.

Julia reminded me of the colored cards. I didn't really need the reminder, but she was mostly making sure of my resolve:

Red: if I never wanted to date the girl ever again in my life.

Orange: if I wouldn't date the girl again until the start of the next school year.

Yellow: to eliminate her from this pipeline group, but let her join another group one more time this year.

At least half the girls had to be carded, with yellow being no more than half the eliminations. Julia wanted brief comments for the date as a whole, and for each of the girls, concentrating on their reasons for being eliminated or kept.

Julia asked me, "Do you think you'll be able to look the girls in the face when you card half of them at the end of the date Mark?"

"I know if I don't, you will randomly. I know you won't hesitate to do that..."

"Not at all. I'll even eliminate an extra girl, just to toughen you up for next time."

"That's very considerate of you. I won't have any problem red-carding girls who behave badly. Not after practicing on Mackenzie earlier. I would've red-carded her much earlier if it hadn't been for her two sisters. Obviously I'm more than happy to identify the girls I want to keep. The problem I foresee is that most of the girls are going to fall in the middle: nothing particularly good about them, nor particularly bad. It's going to be tough carding a girl who has done nothing wrong, especially when I've been in these girls' classes all year, and have to keep looking at them for the rest of the year. That could get awkward if they think I treated them unfairly."

"Not doing enough right, IS doing something wrong. Also, try to give them believable justifications for their cards, which will be easier if you get most of the girls to open up and participate about something. Especially on the first dates for each group, you'll need to make sure you encourage every girl to participate enough for you to get some idea of her personality."

"I'll try. I wish you were coming with me though. A good girlfriend should come with her boyfriend when he's on a date with sixteen other girls, haha."

"You're a big boy now. I trust you can manage sixteen girls without little, ol' me holding your hand."

"Let's hope the eliminated girls don't get too emotional. I'm egotistically guessing they will be somewhat upset, given they're putting in some effort tonight."

"Some of them may not try hard, and they'll probably be the ones most likely to be eliminated, but they'll still get upset at the implied insult. The competition is going to get even more intense and emotional when you're known to be rich, so you're bound to have problems with some girls, which will be an interesting learning experience for you."

"Excellent! That's something wonderful to look forward to. By the way, do you know what's happening tonight?"

"Of course. I wouldn't let them take my boyfriend away unless I knew what they were intending to do with him, haha."

"So what's happening then?"

"They asked me not to tell you. I would tell you if I thought it was a good idea to, but there's no need. They've got a good date planned and you should enjoy it."

I was at home, hungrily waiting to be picked up for the date. At the risk of delaying my having dinner a few minutes, I'd decided to wait in the living room until the girl or girls came inside to get me, rather than my walking out to meet the car the moment it arrived. I had my family primed to be cool about me dating sixteen girls at once, as I thought it might be good for that fact to be reinforced on the rumor mill. Mom wasn't happy about the pipeline scheme, but it was very obvious to her that there was nothing she could do to stop it, because it would've started another huge fight with my two wives, the girls that Mom was trying to protect. I had to listen to a mini-lecture from her, but Mom did agree to make the best of a bad situation (her opinion; not mine) and to put on a happy face when whoever was picking me up arrived.

When the car arrived, it parked on the street and one girl came up the drive to knock on our door.

Mom answered the door, then she escorted the girl into the living room, saying from the doorway, "Mark, one-sixteenth of your date is here. If the other fifteen are as pretty as May, you're going to have an enjoyable night." May was too busy looking at me to turn around to see that Mom was not smiling.

"Hi May. Mom's right, you do look very pretty. I don't believe I've noticed you wearing that dress to school before."

May smiled happily (you can't go wrong complimenting a girl's dress when she's obviously made an effort to dress nicely), "It's too nice to wear to school."

"On behalf of all the boys at school... 'Aww.' Lucky for me tonight, though. Are you the only one who has come to get me?"

"No. Sophia and Jessica are in the car. We weren't sure about all of us coming in, but from what your mom said it didn't matter."

"Not at all; my family knows all about the pipeline system. Shall we go?"

Mom and Donna followed us down to the car to see what clothes the other girls were wearing. Carol was with Julia at Ava's place, where they were taking advantage of my absence to spend time with Ava's parents to get to know them and their thoughts about Ava better. It'd be a good conversation, but Carol had mentioned her disappointment in not seeing the clothes of the sixteen girls on my date. Mom had volunteered to be nosey on Carol's behalf.

In the course of looking at the extra girls, Mom commented, "It's a pity Carol and Julia won't see what the sixteen of you are wearing this evening. She would've enjoyed that. Mark, try to remember what the other thirteen girls are wearing, so you can describe their outfits in detail to Carol."

"Haha. Like THAT'S gonna happen! Teenage boys are USELESS at things like that, because they spend all their time concentrating on what UNDER the dresses."

In the car, as we were driving to wherever it was we were going to, Jessica said, "Julia has told us that your and her parents don't mind you dating so many girls. It's hard to believe they're so accepting. My parents wouldn't be."

"There are two reasons they're so cool about it: The logic of the situation is fairly compelling. Just like we've told everybody at the lunches and the like, I'm sufficiently unusual that many of the normal rules don't apply. There's no way I can date one girl for a few weeks or months to see whether I like her, then try another girl, etc. I'd be a hundred years old before I found out that girl number 123 was my favorite, and I doubt she'd still be waiting for me.

-- "And where logic doesn't convince people, Julia does. It's hard for my parents or hers to protect Julia by insisting I stay faithful to her, when Julia is the one arranging most of my dates, and she'd get angry if any of the parents objected to my dating other girls. She's an unusual girl."

"She says it's because you're such an exceptional guy."

"We're well matched then, both weirdoes. Changing the subject, when are you going to tell me what the arrangement for tonight is, with particular regard to when food will be served, because I'm getting VERY hungry?"

May exclaimed, "Food! Oh my gosh, I knew we forgot something."

The laughter of the other girls quelled my panic.

May continued, "We're going to Carina's house. Everyone else is there, and we'll tell you what the plan for tonight is once we're all together. If we hunt around their kitchen hard enough, we might be able to find something for you to nibble on."

When we arrived at our destination, I was escorted into the kitchen, to be greeted by a truly wonderful scene: thirteen girls cooking up a storm! There was food EVERYWHERE! Except in my belly, but I was pretty sure that problem was going to be very well fixed. By the way, the girls were looking very nice too, although most of them were wearing aprons, indicating that they had exactly the right priorities.

I'll write most of the following conversations as if one girl was speaking. In practice they took turns, added to each other's points, spoke simultaneously, etc. There were sixteen girls, so you can imagine how chaotic the conversations sometimes were!

"We've heard you like eating..."

"That's a scurrilous rumor started by someone to trying to besmirch my good name. I totally and unreservedly deny it." Then I made my belly rumble loudly.

After the laughter, "Did you do that deliberately?"

"Rumble my belly like this you mean," I did it again. "Sure. Don't tell me none of you can do that whenever you want? No? I bet you can't make songs by pumping a hand in your armpit either? What about belching the Star Spangled Banner?"


"These are ESSENTIAL skills! Every boy learns them before they're ten, so you know they must be important. How can you possibly expect to be successful in life if you can't belch the national anthem? People will think you're unpatriotic. I've always thought girls spend far too long in clothing stores, and now I know your education is being seriously neglected in the 'Body Noises' department. If food wasn't even more important, we'd be spending the rest of the evening working on making a belching choir out of the sixteen of you. I bet none of you even know what key you belch in, do you?"

It was a sad commentary on our school's music department that none of them did.

Eventually they were able to restart their explanation of tonight's date. "We heard you like eating..." They looked at me, expecting a rumble.

I said, "It's clear that none of you have the refined level of body noise aesthetic appreciation I prefer in my audiences, so please proceed with your explanation."

"Haha. Okay. We paired up to produce eight different dishes. Three different mains, three different desserts, and two pairs on snack foods for before and after dinner. We've done most of the cooking already, just a few final things need finishing off or heating. Now you're here, the idea is that one girl from each pair will socialize with you while the other half works on their food, and they'll swap back and forth so you'll get to spend time with everyone. There are soccer DVDs for you to watch in the den while we're not at the dining table. We decided we didn't want to turn this into a cooking competition, so we're not going to tell you who cooked what. We just want you to enjoy the food.

-- "Carina twisted her parents' arms into going out for the evening, so we've got the place to ourselves until 10 o'clock. The idea is we just stay here and socialize for the evening, because we figured with sixteen of us there isn't time to socialize and do any activity. I think that's everything. What do you think?"

I rumbled my belly.


"You see what a succinct, accurate form of communication you're missing out on. Seriously, I'm very impressed by your plan. I think you've perfectly captured the idea of the 16-girl pipeline date. Well done."

They urged me to go through to the den, but I said, "Before we do that, I want to say some things to all of you. Can I do that now, or will that interfere with your cooking?"

-- Now was fine, so I said, "The pipeline system is designed to input a very large number of girls and have a good chance of finding the one or two that I like the most. The pipeline is not designed to compare every girl with every other girl the way exam scores do. If every girl in this group is excellent, then half of you are still going to be eliminated. If group 1B only has average girls in it, then some of them will survive longer than the excellent girls who were eliminated from this group. It is incorrect to compare ACROSS groups, because all my decisions are made purely WITHIN each group.

-- "If 160 girls enter the pipeline, then there will be 158 eliminations. The system isn't designed to compare those 158 with each other. That would require a vastly more complex system, with many more dates and many more months. All for no real purpose because those girls are all going to be eliminated anyway. The system is focused on, and is pretty ruthless about, identifying the one or two girls I'd most like as girlfriends. It has to be ruthless to be able to process the very large number of interested girls Julia keeps talking about.

-- "All of which is a long-winded way of me getting ready to apologize. I am sorry that at the end of this date I am going to eliminate half of you. You've been in my classes all year, and will be for another six weeks. You're all nice girls, and I'm happy to chat with any of you at school, including those of you that I eliminate this evening. I'm VERY much NOT looking forward to the eliminations at the end of this date. If you were all grade 9 girls, for example, that aren't involved in my life, it'd be much easier for me. But you're all in my life at school, which will make the end of this evening very tough on me.

-- "But I have to be strict. If I keep girls in a group because I'm too weak or soft-hearted to eliminate them, then I'm not doing anyone a favor. I'm only delaying the inevitable, because at the end of the day there will only be one or two girls who aren't eliminated. That's an important point I hope you all appreciate. If I eliminated only one girl at the end of a date, it's obvious that all that would achieve would be an enormous lengthening of the time it'd take to get down to the final one or two girls. I am not going to be eliminating half of you because I'm nasty; I will be doing it because the system demands it."

"We understand Mark. Julia has explained it to us and the website is clear too."

"Yeah, I know, but I still hate the idea of any of you getting angry with me, especially if it carried over into our school life. But I'll move forward, assuming you appreciate the situation. I'll add another wrinkle. My choosing which girls to keep or eliminate is based on my subjective opinion, which could be seen as unfair. You may look at the girls I decided to keep, and ask yourself, "Why on Earth did Mark keep her?" You may disagree with my choices, but obviously I'm trying to find my final girlfriend, so my opinion rules. If I want to choose a girl because she can belch my favorite song, then that's my choice, even if you think I'm stupid and that you would have been a better girl for me."

"We all saw or heard about Mackenzie, Mark. She thought she was perfect for you. How such a determined virgin could think that escapes me, but she did, so she's a PERFECT example of how a girl can get it wrong."

"Good example. Okay, my next point is that it's obviously no good to tell you all to try hard, or to wish you all 'Good luck', or any blanket comment like that. I will make one similar sort of comment though. This is obviously the first pipeline date, but I've spent time with groups of girls before. One thing I've noticed is that it's very common for quite a large proportion of the girls in a group to be quiet. I have to eliminate half of you, so if half have impressed me and half have done nothing, then it's the quiet ones that'll go, even though they might be lovely people. That you've structured this date to be groups of eight for some of the time will help, but it's still worth my mentioning this issue.

-- "Earlier today Julia worded it well with me. I worried about having to eliminate girls who'd done nothing wrong, and Julia said: 'Not doing enough right IS doing something wrong.' The quieter girls among you should remember that. I don't mean I want a rowdy evening. Noise for the sake of it won't impress me, but I do want to get to know you all better, and I can't do that if you don't talk. Which probably means I should shut up to give you a chance to talk, haha.

-- "I have one final comment. I have to make a private phone call some time tonight. It should only take a few minutes, and any time between 6:30 and 8:00 would be fine. You don't have to tell me now, but if a little gap opens up between those times, that'd be great."

We got on with the date, which meant I got taken to the den, sat down, offered a drink, and most importantly, an interesting range of finger foods. Not snacks out of a packet, but real food they'd made themselves. Little squares of bread, with salmon, some white stuff, and a sprig of something green on them, for example. I could have wolfed them down by the handful, but tried to restrain myself to sampling each of the offerings no more than two or three times - unless they were particularly nice, which most of them were.

The girls put on a soccer DVD. It wasn't a movie, just a collection of unconnected, fancy-footwork segments. I'd intended to ignore it, but a lot of the segments were very impressive, and I couldn't help myself rewinding several times to look at them properly. I was embarrassed the first couple of times I wanted to do that, but the girls said, "That's what it's on for. We want you to enjoy the evening, and Julia said sex wasn't allowed, so the next two things you like are food and soccer, right?"

"Maybe mathematics, although I can't imagine how you'd do that on a date. That sounds FAR too nerdy."

I sat in what was obviously the father's chair, the eight girls (more or less, as they came and went) sat around me, and we chatted. It was a very good setup. The DVD was undemanding of my attention, conversation was simple and casual, there were few enough girls so I could always make easy eye contact with any of them, and there was no time pressure on me. I just relaxed and let it happen.

Once things had been rolling along for several minutes, I started picking up on useful patterns of behavior. One that I picked up on quickly, was with Mia, a girl who was particularly good looking, well endowed, and dressed so a lot of her endowment was clearly visible. Her sole strategy, so far, seemed to be to lean forward often. She spoke often enough, but didn't put any effort into following the conversation or thinking about her contribution. She'd lean forward to say the first thought that crossed her mind. She caught my attention quickly, smiled smugly, and seemed to think her position was secure.

Some girls were very focused on me, to the extent that they would always respond to comments of mine, but usually not to comments from other girls. Whereas other girls would converse much more with their friends than with me. That was perfectly fine and natural, but it raised the question about how much non-Mark conversation was 'allowed' before I should start counting it against the girls involved. That's a trickier question than it seems for several reasons, including that the girls are meant to be impressing me. If they prefer to talk with each other, that would imply they'd never make the effort to be a good girlfriend. On the other hand, it'd be silly if they only talked to me and not to each other. That'd indicate they were too fixated on me and might not fit into my life with Julia, Carol and Ava. It wasn't at all clear to me where the 'good ground' in the middle was.

As there has to be, there were girls who were quieter than others. They all knew each other well, and were familiar and comfortable with my presence, so even the quiet girls contributed from time to time. Julia had suggested I draw the quiet girls out, but I didn't think any of these ones needed much prodding. They'd already been cooking together since school finished, so were already "in action" to their natural levels.

Because I was deliberately keeping track of how often each girl spoke, I was pleased to notice that there were a couple of other girls who did lots of drawing out for me, by repeatedly asking the other girls, especially the quieter ones, for their comments.

There were other dynamics going on, and I spotted new ones from time to time during the evening. I'd not paid much attention before to how groups interrelate (usually I'd watched just one person, e.g., how Julia managed a group of girls), so watching a group so carefully was an interesting experience. With one mind centered, one mind conversing, that left two minds to study the girls. I found that I could see an impressive number of behaviors.

One example was when the girls were cooking in the kitchen they always wore aprons to protect their clothes. Initially they were very careful to take their aprons off before they came into the den, presumably so they'd look pretty for me. After a while one of the girls forgot to remove her apron. I noticed a couple of girls see the new arrivals' clothing mistake, and open their mouths to point it out, but then guiltily and competitively decide to shut their mouths. A second later another girl reminded the apron-wearer of her mistake, causing one of the sneaky girls to frown momentarily.

The winner of the pipeline system would be a girl who pleased me more than any other girl - that's obvious - but I didn't want her to win by destructively competing with the other girls. As a metaphor, I wanted the girls to compete like they were in a running race rather than a boxing match. This was because the eventual winner had to cooperate with Carol, Julia and Ava. Destructive competitiveness within my core group was such an appalling idea that any girls I saw behaving that way instantly got demoted several places down my mental list. Destructive competitiveness was such a bad behavior that I quickly realized that it had to be one of the main things I looked for.

[[That tells you my perspective on the pipeline. It wasn't to provide me with dozens of girls I could play with in a high-pressure competition situation where they'd push themselves to do much more than they normally would. Nor was it to provide girls I'd keep apart from my core group, maybe just to use and discard. I was assuming the purpose of the pipeline system was to provide a winner or two, and that the winner(s) would socialize with my core group to a considerable extent. Many guys would've delighted in 'milking the pipeline' for all it was worth; but my thoughts were on the end of the process rather than the fun I could have during it. This was nice of me, but it was also weak of me. I was thinking about after the process had finished because I was uncomfortable about many of the human aspects during the process, hence my initial speech to the girls.]]

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 3

The next morning, Ed avoided Lou -- visibly -- on three separate occasions. Mike wasn't as visible -- in fact, he wasn't visible at all. Finally, Ed approached Lou at his otherwise empty lunch table and said humbly, "I'm sorry, Lou. I don't know... Mike... The gay stuff... The things he said... I thought..." Ed ground to a halt like a freight train whose engine had shut down, unable to explain what had happened the night before. Later -- not much later, by some time scales -- Lou more...

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 4

The next week, they started the new routine -- Tuesday and Thursday, they would have an abbreviated practice in which Lou would participate, then he would go off with one of the girls, don a bra and panties and sneakers and a pink sweatsuit and return when the sports teams had cleared out and the team would do their competition practice with Lois present. It would have been nice to be able to do things only one way, but while virtually no one went to cheerleading competitions, the teams and...

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 5

It was every bit as godawful as Lois expected -- and then it wasn't. Mike made her parade around the room in a bra and panties, then put clothespins on her nipples -- to make them puff up, he said. He put on a bunch of gay porn and abused them both verbally while he jerked off. He made Lois get down and suck Ed's cock -- and that backfired; Lois didn't mind sucking Ed's cock. Oh, she wouldn't have done it under other circumstances, naturally, but given the situation, the mindset from the...

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 6

Things got easier in some ways. The school administration kept the thing under wraps as far as teachers were concerned, but Lois was Lois. Bathrooms and locker rooms were an issue in some minds, but Lois merely promised to be discreet; since she'd apparently been going to the wrong places all along, there wasn't much more to be said. Besides, Mr. Johnston honestly didn't know what Lois was packing in the way of genitalia, due to the hermaphroditism ruse... The squad was safe from Mike,...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 212

Two Islamic terrorists are in a locker room taking a shower after their bomb making class, when one notices the other has a huge cork stuck in his butt. "If you do not mind me saying," said the second terrorist, "that cork looks very uncomfortable. Why do you not take it out?" "I regret I cannot," lamented the first terrorist. "It is permanently stuck in my butt." "I do not understand," said the other. The first terrorist says, "I was walking along the beach and I tripped over...

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 7

The pizza took forty minutes to arrive -- and it was questionable off and on whether anyone would want it when it arrived... It all started when Mike poked his head through the now-open bathroom door. "You really don't have to put a ton of make up on..." "I don't wear that much," she replied -- then frowned a bit as a thought occurred to her. "Why, exactly?' Mike looked guilty. "No reason." His eye caught a smudge on his collar in the mirror, and he tried to pull it out, "It...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 212

Van and Adriana's Farm Van had halved the area of the living room floor he was working on. With the belt sander on the first section, he started with the coarse grits and worked his way to the finer ones, the women vacuuming as he finished each grit. As he moved onto the other half of the floor to start over, Jeremy began going through the fine grits with the orbital sander on the section Van had just finished. Jeremy's sanding would bring the floor to the perfectly smooth and scratch-free...

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 8

'This' was the Fitness Center, where a somewhat different training session was going on... Marcus "Mac" or sometimes "Big Mac" Goff had been cycling through the weight machine stations when Mike and Lois had first clicked past. Marcus was a fitness coach -- and he looked the part, heavily muscled, slightly Teutonic of facial feature and gracefully catlike in his movements. He was a lifter -- a gym rat -- all of his friends were lifters, and all of his girlfriends were lifters. He was...

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 9

Lois and Mike had drifted to a stop, mesmerized by the action on the screen; the departure of the players brought them back to themselves and what they were doing. Mike slowly resumed moving, discovering that Lois had tightened up considerably. "Um, Lois?" "Yes?" Lois turned her head to look at him -- was he done? Had the exit of their source of external stimulation made him realize what he was doing? "Can you, umm, turn over? I don't know if it'll work for you that way, but it's a...

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 10

Emily, Lois' other roommate, didn't return until early morning. Sheila was still asleep, but Lois and Mike weren't; they were drinking coffee. "Sheila's latest beau?" Emily asked, cocking her head, her earrings clinking. "No," Lois replied, her smile sunny, "Mine." "You're kidding, right?" Emily asked, peeling off her black opera gloves. "No." Mike shook his head. "Okay, can somebody help me get out of this corset?" Emily asked. She put one of her high-top boots on a...

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 11

It was after eleven when they got in the car for the forty five minute ride home. Eddie let Mike drive and sat in the back with Sheila and Emily -- Sheila in the middle. There were a half-dozen things he thought about doing to Sheila, but he contented himself with peeling the latex off her breasts while discussing the events of the day with Emily, who assisted by loosening Sheila's corset. After a bit, Emily leaned across in front of Sheila and said, "Rusty?" "Yeah?" Eddie leaned...

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 12

It was Tuesday of the next week. Melissa closed out her cash drawer and went to see Olivia, her manager. Olivia looked up, "What is it?" "The ATM is short $100. It's just registering a probability, but I know," Melissa told her. "Jerry filled it." "Did you ask Jerry?" "No. I wanted you to know, first." "Okay." Olivia nodded. "Now go ask him." Melissa didn't stand on ceremony; she went back to the teller area and straight to Jerry, "The ATM is short $100." Jerry nodded....

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 212

Laura planned to spend Saturday night and most of Sunday at Deshona's house in Burlingame, but on Saturday afternoon, before driving down, she ran into Brenda while shopping at Macy's. Both were browsing the perfume counters, and sparks almost flew when they discovered one another. Their eyes met and locked, and palpable electricity seemed to flow between them. After all, Laura thought, feeling her very skin tingle and glow with heat, they had done some pretty explosive fucking together....

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 212

A city girl was driving back to town after attending a family funeral when she ran out of gas. It was getting late so she asked two good ol’ boys sitting on the stoop of a mobile home where she could get some gas. “Well,” said one, “the fillin’ station ain’t open ‘till tomorrie, but I reckon you kin stay the night with me & Billy-Bob here.” She accepted, only to be told that there was only one bed, which both Billy-Bob & Billy-Ray slept in. Thinking it might be fun, she went ahead...

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Brooklyn Gray 150 212000

Brooklyn Gray (aka BrooklynGrayXXX) signed up for Twitter back in 2018, which came as kind of a surprise to me. I’ve been a big fan of her work since the first time I saw her on one of the big paysites. I can’t remember if it was a movie by Girlfriends Films, AllAnal, Swallowed, Hustler or TeamSkeet, all of whom she was shooting with in her earliest days in the business. The funny thing is, even digging into her back catalog via IAFD, I can’t find anything earlier than 2019. Maybe that means...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 66 Short Date with Cindy

Saturday, April 16, 2005 (Continued) We parked fairly close to the restaurant and walked down the sidewalk. I had Cindy properly attached to my left arm, Julia on my right arm, and Carol to her right. Carol got LOTS of looks and knew it. And loved it. She stood tall, in her already tall high-heeled shoes. I noticed that she was not totally comfortable walking in those shoes, but was managing surprisingly well (even though Carol was two people away from me, I could still see her quite...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 254 The Aquatic Center The Group Gathers

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) When Savannah was sufficiently far away, Carol giggled, then added, "You can't resist doing some silly things." "You're mostly right, sweetie, but there is a serious aspect to it. Julia and her parents want me to learn about the manipulative tricks girls can use. Savannah is terrible at them, because she's far too busy being arrogant to think about things from her intended victim's perspective, but there are other girls who're much deadlier....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 420 So Many Options Major Themes

Friday, July 25, 2008 and on There aren't an infinite number of w's. They are finite, just as the x, y and z dimensions are finite and bounded. The w's tend to have evolved thematic commonalities as a consequence of the properties of the synchronization process, but some random events have caused diversions which no practical amount of synchronization can bring back toward the average. There are w's where Earth is empty of humanity. In some cases Earth is no longer habitable because it...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 137 Mr and Mrs West the Tricky Half

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 (Continued) "Very well. A few months ago Ava started measuring guys according to your system, which led her to discover Mark. The more she studied him, the more impressed and attracted she was. Soon she was hooked, which is hardly surprising, given what we've already told you about him. Unfortunately for Ava, there were two aspects of Mark that Ava thought you would disapprove of, so she didn't discuss him with you. She feared that you would tell her to forget...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 136 Mr and Mrs West the Easy Half

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 (Continued) It was well after my normal dinnertime and I was hungry, plus there were some excellent smells to encourage my hunger, so I was getting underfoot searching around in the kitchen for any surplus pieces of food when the Wests arrived. I suddenly realized that no one had told me the plan for tonight! I didn't even know if there was a plan for tonight. Tonight was IMPORTANT, and I was very uncomfortable with not knowing anything about anything. I...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 25 Theyre on to us Guys

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 (Continued) We lay on Julia's bed, holding each other with our faces an inch apart. It's a wonderful position to talk with your girlfriend in. Julia asked me, "How has your evening been?" "Some things stand out. First, learning 8-ball so quickly was interesting, to put it mildly. Your brothers were shocked, so that was fun. Dad and Prof bet on me before my first game. Talk about having faith in me! When they gave me half their winnings your father said I...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 381 DCup Gets Picked Up Even Farther

Monday July 2, 2007 (Continued) Because of her gullibility about God, seducing D-Cup had gone even better than I'd expected. Possibly even so well that a bit of caution might be a good idea in case we overreached ourselves because of how easy this seemed. Applying an even more determined go-soft after her wonderful throwing of herself at me, I said, "Thank you, Nevaeh. I'm impressed by your commitment, but I still want to ask you some more questions to get a better understanding of you....

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 273 Fooling Mrs Norris Dianas and Claires Mother

Thursday, July 28 to Thursday, September 1, 2005 Back at home, there was a great deal of catching up required. For example, Katie West had been laid low by her treatment, but had bounced back (that's what it was supposed to do), and now seemed fine. She wasn't fine, as the chemotherapy had only been a delaying action, but she looked better if you ignored that she was wearing a wig. Carson was also booked in for something similar soon. We'd talked to Ava every day while we'd been away,...

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The Contraband PipelineChapter 2

We spent the afternoon in an antique shop in Chester, Vermont. We returned to Brattleboro going to The New England House for dinner. We ordered wine and she drank most of it through dinner, finishing off with a brandy and Benedictine. It was early and still light when we got back to our home. Sheri had too much to drink to climb the stairs alone. I helped steady her as we slowly climbed. She giggled, "There has never been a man up here, but that is okay as I trust you. I haven't been this...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 430 42000 Marks We Go Clothes Shopping

Tuesday, July 1 to Thursday, July 10, 2008 It was much easier to get the non-Mom members of my family onto my side. I went running with Donna the next afternoon. We had a long conversation about topics that I knew were important to her. Naturally there was a lot of talk about sex, as Donna was very curious about it anyway and had been bursting to ask me about what she'd observed. She already knew enough about sex to know that she'd seen something very unusual. She was also amazed that...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 242 The First Saturday of Summer Vacation

Saturday, June 18, 2005 Two and a half hours of sleep is a ridiculously short period. If I go to bed at 10pm, then it's only half past midnight when I wake up. The night's barely started and I've already finished all my sleeping. I decided to go for a run. Ever since my last merge my body had felt more energized. Not dramatically so, but it was noticeable and I was very curious about it. Now that my casts were off, and my leg seemed unlikely to break in half again (I'd take my cellphone...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 350 The Guardian Angels First Public and 1000 Pubic Appearances

Saturday, June 2, 2007 (Continued) Saturday afternoon was saner for us, but not for some other people. TV showed us scenes at the main access routes into Corvallis, especially the highway bridges over the river. There were many hundreds of cars parked down the Corvallis-Lebanon Highway (the main road into Corvallis, to the east of the river) that had been prevented from getting any closer by the roadblocks. Consequently there were thousands of people yelling at the soldiers to demand that...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 82 Lunch with the First Fourteen

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 (Continued) Julia and I headed back toward the girls who were waiting for the honor of having lunch with me. They'd sat in the same classrooms with me almost an entire school year and I'd not noticed any of them feeling particularly honored. I should have made myself honorable by making girls cry years ago. Julia had already told me who she'd gracefully permitted to have lunch in my august presence, and I'd seen most of them during the morning. Seeing them all...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 186 My First Day as a Millionaire

Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) Once I was sitting at my desk again, with my schoolwork open around me, I couldn't help noticing that this wasn't a particularly thrilling way to spend my first morning as a multi-millionaire, but I couldn't think of what else to do (not strictly true, as Carol was sitting a few feet away and I had no trouble thinking of what I'd like to do with her). To distract myself, I decided to spoil myself by writing the sexy spreadsheet that I'd thought of...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 6 The First Couple of Months

Saturday, November 29, 2003 to Saturday, January 31, 2004 I had planned otherwise, but I started showing my apparently increased intelligence at school much more than I'd intended. It started with the teachers seeing that I was bored. They assumed my not paying attention was because I was misbehaving and they used the time-honored tactic of challenging me to answer a question about whatever they were currently talking about. I didn't have any reason to give deliberately incorrect answers,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 120 First Mass Lunch

Monday, April 25, 2005 I woke after the usual four and a bit hours. I didn't have to turn on any of the room lights to get out of bed, as a dim yellow blob did the job perfectly. I climbed over Carol and went to do some studying via the kitchen. The hallway's main lights were off now. Instead there were those small lights that plug into an outlet to provide a little illumination at floor level. That was useful, as I didn't want to use light blobs walking around the house. The risk...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 27 My First Aikido Lesson

Thursday, April 7, 2005 Before I headed through to breakfast, I had the idea of slipping Dad my 8-ball winnings for him to buy me some more rubbers, but I remembered that I hadn't used any of the rubbers that he'd given me for my first date. I collected them all to give to Julia at school. I might as well keep them all at her place as I wasn't going to need them anywhere else, especially after the scare Mom and Dad gave me last night about reporters and lawyers. I was gathering my...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 348 The Resurrectees First Press Conference

Friday, June 1, 2007 (Continued) Before the press conference was due to start, we decided to have it outside the front of the Adults' House. The light rain that'd been going for a while had stopped during the wait, we preferred not to have reporters invade our home (reporters hot on a story aren't the sort of people you want in your home), and having the conference outside meant there was less chance of one of my distinctively Negroid loose hairs being found by a nosey reporter looking...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 155 The Evening Before Our First Anniversary

Saturday, April 30, 2005 (Continued) Mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen. "Hi Mom. Do you know that Carol and I are going out tonight, with Julia and Ava? I think we are anyway; I need to check." "Yes, I've heard. This is just for the three of us." I started eating pieces of the ingredients. Mom didn't object, as she always cooks 'too much' (silly concept), as leftovers disappear from our fridge amazingly quickly. Mom asked, "Did you win?" "Yes. Much the same result as the...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 89 Homosexual Clothes Make Girls Faint

Thursday, April 21, 2005 (Continued) We were cutting getting to class a little fine, so Julia, Lily, a couple of the Liaison rejects and I went straight into the classroom as soon as we arrived. I was thinking about other things (recalling the wonderful stripping race, if you must know), and I automatically paused to let the girls traveling with me enter the room first, then I entered after them. Classrooms are always very noisy places just before class starts. There's lots of catching up,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 91 First Time Training at Aikido

Thursday, April 21, 2005 (Continued) As soon as we walked into the dojo, Sensei spotted me and quickly came over, greeting, "Good to see you, Mark." "Thank you. Sensei Nigel, this is my girlfriend Julia. You met before, when you came around to her home to test my ki a week ago." "I remember. Nice to meet you again, Julia. I have a gi for you, Mark, so get dressed first." Sensei relieved me of the books I was returning, gave me a gi, and told me to ask other students in the dressing...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...


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