164 Waiting Nerves. Pt A free porn video

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164 Waiting nerves. Pt A
It was a grey day again and Mary the lovely wife of Jack Luvit peered through the window at the empty swimming beach. The grey uninviting sea reflected the way she felt, the tide out as far as it could be, she could see the distant figure of her husband, and the dog and she knew in her heart of hearts that she would regret his return. She had spent the last hour watching him stride about the long sands, savagely throwing the ball for the dog working himself into a different frame of mind for his return, it was his way. Sometime if he was angry going out he could walk and think changing his mood dependent on the day to a happy soul all sweetness and light on his return or to a sadistic savage who she hardly recognised and in that mood, she knew it would be a visit to the dungeon in the roof space where he would take his temper out on her body, sometimes for an, hour at others for a day or more of bondage, pain and anguish.
Today she knew not what to expect, it had started a week back and he now felt betrayed.
Their sexual life had been lacklustre for the last year or so, well they had been married for 25 years, and like all folk life had become a little more mundane as each year had past, though things were in truth be described as quite active in most ordinary folk`s eyes.
Now before we go on mayhap we should describe the pair, Jack is a tall, fit bearded lad of 50 summers, still sexually active though only with Mary and nowadays her sister Maggy, they live on the sands, on the south coast, I won`t be too precise as to location as it would cause some embarrassment if they were stalked, but shall we say that the location is Sussex in the UK and the sands well known. There is 4 of these houses in the row, all 3 story, theirs the only one in full time occupation, the rest are holiday places so for a lot of the time especially in the off season the noise of some of the more robust ‘games’ is not a problem.
sister Maggy came to live 4 years ago at Mary`s request, she had never had a husband or full time partner, but was; well shall we say sexually no virgin, 5ft 8 tall, overweight by a mile, big floppy tits Mary allowing her a room and to share Jack sexually in place of any rent, partly as she hated being here alone Jack being away up to 2 weeks every month with his job. Partly it was as a sisterly thing to do and partly to spread the load as masterful Jack has a prolific sexual appetite.
Her c***dren had left now John to the navy and Milly to the air-force, Peter the oldest was in Australia, on a farm in Queensland.
But now Jack had two of them to dominate, his sadistic streak being dominant he had carefully converted the attic space into a fine dungeon to enjoy his more dominant sadistic periods, not that Mary disliked the pain, far from it, but she needed time after each session to recuperate nowadays.
Hence the addition of Maggy who now also enjoyed being used by Jack though it had not always been so, never having enjoyed pain before, having just worked the streets in a straight way, till Mary had found out her occupation and fetched her here to live.
As I said Maggy had arrived about 4 years since, in the season she ran the ice-cream parlour so popular with the k**s on this giant beach, Mary 2 years her senior, at 33 taller, willowy and much more attractive, looked after the other 3 houses, cleaning and holding the keys for the absentee landlords, it was a lucrative business, the tenants usually only staying 7 or 14 days and paying handsomely to live on the long and popular sands.
Jack in his excitement over the years had mentioned a few times, that he had a fantasy of watching or just enjoying his wife being used by another person, since Maggy had arrived he had nearly achieved that, the two women having slept together a few times, for his voyeuristic pleasure, from that first month, building up slowly till Maggy was as happy either in bed or dungeon with Jack or indeed with her sister!
Jack however had persisted that he wanted to watch his wife taken by another man and this is where things started to unravel a little, Mary not being keen.
Anyway in November, one of the other landlords rang and said he had let the fourth house to a chap for the winter months, the tenant duly arrived on the following Saturday and settled in happily, He had a broad smile and a ready wit, and was on his own saying he had recently become divorced and was after some peace. Mary showing him round and handing over the keys etc. His name was Oliver, 6ft 6 tall, wide as a house, about 30 and black as a coal-hole!
Jack left on the Sunday for his trip away in Europe, as was his usual pattern, the occupant of no4 shopped locally, but other than that kept a very low profile, Maggy remarking that he was a big lad and that she had never had a black! which Mary scolded her for saying it was not PC and the term was “coloured” though she did add that he was built like an outhouse and secretly wondered as to sex with a big black-man.
She didn’t see him again till the following Thursday, Jack had been away over a week by then and she was feeling Horney, Their paths crossed as she was coming back from walking the dog, He asked if she could recommend a cleaner for him to clean for him once a week, and he would happily pay handsomely for someone to do so, to which she quickly said she would be happy to help and agreed to do it herself, suggesting Saturdays when she normally did the three lets, though at this time of year it was more a quick check. And so it was that she appeared on the step on the following Saturday, broom and duster in hand.
In reply to her call from the back hallway, a voice boomed from above to “come in” and she duly did so, he calling down that he was up in the top floor sitting room watching the shipping with his binoculars. She did the kitchen and then the lounge then went up to the bedrooms and finally the top sitting room, a glass fronted viewing room that gave a wonderful view of the channel and the passing ships. He was laid back on the chaise-long his binoculars to his eyes, his body lying in the warmth of the winter sun, to her surprise he was stark naked and his penis was both exposed and huge. She stood transfixed, not for a long time had she seen another man`s tool and this one was what could only be described as magnificent. He lowered his glasses and became aware of her presence and the location of her gaze. She, realising he was looking at her, coloured up, then blustered and began to turn away. “no don’t go, I`m sorry I just forgot I was naked, I`ve been alone all week and it`s become second nature!” he began to rise, “I will go cover up…” she turned back and said that ‘you don’t need cover yourself for me as your cock was the most magnificent specimen I have ever seen!’
He sat back, smiling and asking if she “had not seen many black men then?” she smiled and replied “black men yes, but their dicks, well, no never!”
He laughed, beckoning her closer, which she did, “take a good look then, then sit and have a coffee with me and my appendage, and perhaps we can be friends” he reached to his side table and poured a coffee from the jug she had so far not noticed, handing it to her and asking about sugar, which she declined. As she dumped the broom and cloth he raised his right knee, moving his left leg to accommodate her there being no other seats available, she sat at the foot of the chaise-long beside his big flat feet.
Her eyes were again drawn to his crutch, the long black phallus laying slack against his dark left leg. She sipped her coffee, trying desperately not to stare, and failing miserably.
“Like that then do you?” He seemed stuck for her name…snapping his fingers as it came to him “Mrs Luvit, that’s it, isn’t it?” she said it was but he could call her Mary as they were evidently on naked terms.
“Well Mary my name is Oliver and I`m a writer who`s just survived a very traumatic short marriage, a year is all it lasted, and what you’re looking at was the cause of the break-up, my wife and I never once slept together neither before the wedding night or after, in fact as a religious wife she had never seen or touched the thing your fixated with and when she finally did on our wedding night, well, she began to scream I am afraid”
She looked askance at him, “did she never…?”
“not once in 12 long month`s… we never once managed any sex, she swearing it was too big for her and that she believed I was deformed, I even offered to have my brothers show her their`s to prove I was not deformed, but to no avail and after a month she went off home and promptly started divorce proceedings,” he shook his head and lamented “it`s been embarrassing, humiliating and a very long frustrating year, not to mention a sexually barren one!”
She sat still mesmerised by the huge sized tool, he asked if she would like to touch it and she silently nodded, like a c***d she placed the tip of a finger on the head of the sleeping giant as if expecting it to leap up and bite.
Instantly it began to grow, her eyes wide as a k**dy in a sweet shop as the thing stiffened and grew, her mouth opened in total amazement, 9, then 10 or even 11inches, she estimated its length, stretching her right palm to the body of the most amazing tool she had ever seen, her fingers wrapped round its girth but failed to meet around it, she added the second hand and was amazed at the massive proportions, musing to herself that she was not surprised the wife had not wanted this huge body splitter inside her, though in fantasy she loved the idea in reality… well it would be painful if not near impossible!
She placed her coffee down, as he smiled wanly and said that “he hoped one day to meet someone who would be able to enjoy him and he her!”
Then to his surprise, she leant forward and without a word silently kissed the end of the huge black stick, opening her lips as wide as she could and oh so slowly allowing the head to slip into her warm wet mouth, even stretching, she could accommodate only the tip.
He groaned, closed his eyes and whispered “yessss” and “pleeeease”…her fingers explored his big sack now, amazed at the size of his big black balls, her touch like a butterfly as she traced the giant wrinkled bag, the two heavy balls like big mis-shaped eggs jiggling under her touch when with a grunt he suddenly and without warning, exploded into her mouth, flooding her now bulging cheeks as she desperately tried to gulp down his creamy discharge.
Four, five, six huge gouts of thick man-cream squirted into her waiting mouth, her lips unable to hold his seed from bursting down her chin, as she allowed the still spurting tool to slip from her grasp, the final spray splashing on the old jumper she always wore for cleaning duties.
They exchanged glances, and he sank back onto the couch, as he went apologising profusely for his eruption saying again “it had been a long year!”.
She smiled, saying it “was her fault,” and “the jumper does not matter” as she retook her seat at his feet while dabbing at the big wet patch on her old woollen top.
Oliver said it had “been a long time, though I kept it down by hand frequently, though not off late being too preoccupied!”
She laughed saying she too was to blame she just couldn’t help herself and that she was sorry if she had been too forward.
He asked if she fancied doing more, but she declined saying if it had been a regular white size she still wouldn’t screw him as it was she doubted if she could take the thing he had there…but she wouldn’t cheat on her husband he was pretty easy going about such things but he did like to be asked! Also, as he was away she couldn’t ask permission of him even if she did fancy a challenge.
He smiled a sad smile, then he asked if she would still clean and if she would perhaps do again what she had just done for him?
She grinned, then said she would if it meant so much to him as she was sorry for his situation, and she didn’t count that as cheating.
He thanked her and asked if she would “clean” more frequently for him if he paid her…She found that a bit degrading, but took it in good spirit and said she would come and ‘clean’ for him daily if that’s what he wanted, and added that “in her life she had known frustration, and had hated it so she could understand the position he was in”
He smiled and kissed her hand, thanking her for her understanding, and she soon returned to her own home.
Overnight she dreamed of the huge phallus, knowing in her heart that she would have to try to accommodate the thing one day if only she could persuade Jack. Over breakfast she told Maggy that she had a daily cleaning job for Oliver, Maggy offering to help, but she said she could manage now, though she may need a bit of help in a day or two.
Mary collected the bucket of cleaning items from the kitchen and dressed in skirt and a clean jumper off she set for no4. Her unusually neat dress for cleaning causing her sisters eyebrows to rise and though nothing was said, Maggy eyed her suspiciously muttering under her breath as the door closed; “oh yeh, I`m sure!” and went about the washing up.
Shafts of sunlight lit the grey sea, clouds patchy and grey scurried across the horizon, telling those who understood the signs that there would be rain before long, the tide higher than it had been of late told of the on-shore wind, its waves beat on the sand, the gulls usually on the wind had long gone to ground, no human could be seen, there was a feeling of an expected storm the air heavy as she scuttled those few yards to the end house, sand blowing across the car park to pile against the locked public toilets and scour her exposed legs as she went from house to house.
She let herself in with her pass key, calling out to her tenant. On his reply, she went quickly up stair`s dumping the cleaning items on the table as she passed. Up in the sitting room he was again laid on the couch binoculars to his eyes, and just as naked as the day before. “Good morning Oliver” she chirped, “have you had breakfast?”
He replied that he had, and that he had been up since dawn waiting her arrival, to which she smiled and then knelt beside the couch. He complimented on her tidy looks, and the clean jumper saying he hoped the other would wash which she assured him it would.
He then looked at her seriously and quietly said that he didn’t want to “be a burden on her marriage or to cheat on her husband!” she assured him that she was part of a marriage that was “flexible” and that as long as she didn’t actually fuck anyone without his knowledge it would be alright, she explained all about her sister living with them like a two wife family, though she didn’t mention the dungeon or the bdsm games or that Maggy had been on the game.
He asked if she would, when she could, tell Jack about him and his problems, and when she was not available though a he hadn`t met Maggy would she introduce her sister to him…. Which she laughed at and called him greedy. At that he seemed more than happy.
He asked quietly if “she would let him see all of her naked as he was, and he promised never to overstep the mark if she promised to ask Jack when he returned, if she could sleep with him one day soon.” At that Mary laughed, “your hopeful I can take you then?” regarding him in a mock-meaningful way she asked “what sort of whore do you think I am that I would be able to accommodate that thing” she pointed at his prick quietly laying along his leg.
His answer had her spluttering, as he said “you’re the sort of lady who having seen it, now wants to know if she can really enjoy it deep inside her body, and don’t tell me you don’t its written all over your face Mary dear!”
She punched his shoulder playfully, smiling and denying it roundly, but they both knew he was absolutely spot on. Mary went to serious mode as the first of the rain wet the windows like g****shot, ”look, Oliver, I will agree this much, If you are considerate enough to just play with me till Jack returns without ever overstepping the mark, I will ask him for you, but I warn you if he says no, it`s No ,and no argument, though I suspect he will be ok about it and want to watch, it might not be but with Jack you never know and that goes for Maggy too. OK?”
“Also if it`s too much for me, or Maggy come to that if she decided to try you as well, and we say no, well it`s No and all bets are off got it?”
Humbled he nodded his acceptance of the situation, then kissed her on her lips tenderly and with feeling, the rain beat it`s tattoo on the big windows as they collapsed on the old sofa together.
Buttons flew from her jumper, then the blue button fronted dress, giant black hands soon fondling her trim white underclothing, gentle soft hands, that despite his size were as gentle as a feather. Her eyes closed as he kissed her nipples through the cups of her bra, her head back exposing her graceful neck to his lips, as he released the halter clasp allowing her beautiful orbs to swing free. His teeth next grated on her nipple, as he kissed her gratefully, she groaned loudly as the rain beat it`s tattoo unnoticed on the window and they both knew waiting for Jack, would be oh so very hard.
Black fingers on white skin, playing with her, exploring, touching, and caressing finally slithering her last piece of her armour from her body, exposing the smooth skin of her bubble but backside and her sex, bald, soft and babylike. His fingers played on her labia, trailed over her hood, found the wet tunnel of love, a thick stubby finger deep probing into her now groaning body, her arms round his neck reflecting every move of the dark probing didget.
Her lips hot on his, welded together as if they never wished to part, and she knew that she needed to enjoy that huge black prick someday soon, regardless of the damage it may do her, though her mind screamed that she should respect her husband`s wishes, and that it would be oh so painful, she knew in her heart that she would have to have him and ‘it’ and if necessary die in the attempt.
His fingers played on the nerves of her sex, her breathing quickened, and time stood still as she climaxed. The effect like a wave on a beach breaking over her whole body reaching every nerve ending, every fibre of her frame, rolling her eyes, shaking her head and forcing an involuntary cry to resound around the warm sparsely furnished room.
Together they fell back onto the sofa, that old chaise long, entwined, lips still together, his left hand still covering her mound, middle finger deep inside her body, her wetness making his palm slippery. His right-hand toying with her shoulders, her neck, her breasts as again she hit the high notes, her body alive with those feelings that make this world such a wonderful place.
He shifted his point of contact, working his thumb under the hood of her clitoris, finding that trigger, the nuclear button, for so many the button of self-destruction. Her back arched at his touch, her head thrown back gasping and desperately trying to take in air to feed her massively overloaded body senses. His hand became wet as she began to cum once again, no ordinary run of the mill orgasm this, but a massive sensual overload, collapsing her onto his shoulder to lay gasping as wave after wave overtook her till she finally found safety in totally u*********sness.
Her senses like slowly clearing fog, she became aware once more as her focus returned, of the rain battering the outside of the window, of her black lover, of her breathing, his caress, her exhaustion. She lay collapsed on him her mind scrabbling for clarity, her one word exclamation of ‘WOW’ summing up the whole experience in a nutshell.
Under her belly she could feel that huge stiff prick, rigid but trapped between them, she knew it would take just a second to slip its head into her, she knew temptation, flowering in her brain, could she, would she, should she… her brain screamed No her body an equally convincing Yes….Oliver looked deep into her eyes reading her mind, searching her very soul…then slowly and deliberately he shook his head…”No Mary…Jack needs asking first…he`s your husband we can wait,”
“wow a man of honour, your something else Oliver, something special”, she rolled free and knelt beside the couch, almost worshiping this man as she first kissed him then stretched her jaw`s around his massive cockhead once again , the stiff and angry looking black tool stiff to attention as she forced her head down that imposing shaft, gagging on its size and desperately stretching her jaws round its girth she felt she at least owed him that. As her head bobbed up and down, fetching him nearer and ever nearer to the climax she felt duty bound to give.
She felt his fingers gripping her nearest nipple, her left, softly at first he was pinching at the areola squeezing the nub painfully as the moment took him upward to a higher plane, the pain became excruciating, but she bore it with a will as they came to that final furlong, if he wanted her to have pain then so be it, she would bear it for this masterful black man she had only known a few days and a lifetime….and who had brought her to this massive climax
Suddenly with a cry the pressure on that squeezed nipple increased twice over and she knew he was beginning to climax. Her cheeks bulged as her throat filled, she desperately swallowed but still it came, jet after thick jet, flooding her throat, blocking her airway, filling her like no man ever had before.
Desperate now for air but reluctant to release this wonderful black tool, she tried to keep control but to no avail she was forced to die from lack of oxygen or to let the thing fall once more from her lips, she released it and it trailed away from her as she gasped for air, it fell still spewing forth its jizz, pulsing and jerking like a crazed hose, her belly and legs were washed with the hot cream. she became aware of the nipple pain, his fingers having releasing the nipple and the blood returning in a rush, itself the final straw, and she came herself again in gasps and eye rolling splendour collapsing across his stomach in ecstatic exhaustion.
There was a moment or two of silence broken only by the rain still slapping against the window, the enormity of their mutual climax like an elephant in the room. Silently she stood extended her arm to him and together they wandered to the shower in silence arm in arm. No words passed, the water cleansing them mentally of all their perceived sin`s refreshing them both and washing away the remains of the evidence of that fantastic moment.
They dried each other, then still without a word she dressed and left, he calling out as she descended the stairs, “same time tomorrow!” And the comment being greeted with peals of laughter as the door closed behind her.
She entered her home smiling, Maggy greeting her with a sarcastic comment about “cleaning!” remarking that the rain had stopped half an hour since and her hair was wet, something Mary had not noticed.
She eyed her sister with a beady eye kissed her and said “if she wanted some adventure tomorrow perhaps she would see to meals and walk the dog, as she needed some rest!” then added “and no before you ask I`ve not shagged him!”
Maggy knew better than to ask, never having had more than a quick glimpse when Oliver arrived, she could only guess as to what had gone on, but she was well up for whatever Mary had planned.

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Waiting for the Balls to Drop Part 3

8:48 P.M. As Jake pulls out of her pussy, Christine tries to establish some semblance of order to the carnal festivities. “Okay, guys! One at a time! Line up! Who’s next?” Travis, a 17 year old, 5’10, 155 pound wide receiver steps forward. He inserts his 7 inch dick into Christine and begins thrusting. In compliance with Christine’s wishes, the team members regain some of their discipline and begin to form a line outside the bedroom; she is Coach’s wife, after all! Yuck! That music again!...

2 years ago
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The Waiting Game Ch 4

Nobody bothered to get dressed as we all sat down around the coffee table to finally get a taste of that long-promised dessert. The cake wasn’t anything fancy—lemon sponge cake with buttercream frosting—but Claire was an excellent baker and whatever secret ingredients she snuck into that recipe made it easily the best piece of cake I’d ever eaten in my life. As Claire went to cut us all a second slice, Tami casually turned to Sonya and me and asked, “So, what was all that about a ‘Waiting...

Group Sex
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 12

On holidays, like Memorial Day and Fourth of July, the Bluebird Diner closed early. It opened for the breakfast shift and the lunch crowd and any late stragglers. Then they would call it a day. It wasn’t just a way to give the help a day off to enjoy the town festivities. There was little business to do. Most people had other plans with picnics or backyard grilling. It was a lot easier to make one long shift for the truncated work day instead of two short ones. Bonnie asked for the day off,...

1 year ago
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The Waiting Room

The Waiting RoomIt seemed simple enough... show up at the agreed upon address, let myself in, strip, and wait as appropriate "As appropriate" had never made much sense to me.  I hadn't taken her for being a form oriented domme, expecting me be to kneeling in supplication, palms up or hands behind my back, prefacing any and all responses with "Yes, Mistress."  I am a bottom, fairly dominant in my life, desiring experiences of erotic sensation, most all forms, sensuality to pretty severe, a...

3 years ago
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In the Waiting RoomChapter 2

Ronald: I saw Hanna waving as I strode past the waiting room, but I ignored her. I hope she doesn't try to follow me, I need some time alone. It's a bit of a walk but I bet she won't find me at the south clinic cafeteria. I can get a cup of coffee there and try to figure out what is going on. I'd forgotten how far it is to the south clinics. I enjoyed the travel though, going inside and outside through curious little walkways. I remembered a little electric train that used to travel...

2 years ago
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Waiting for the balls to drop part 5

For an incredible 25 minutes they have been joined together in carnal union, dick locked into pussy. The stud has been ridden with consummate expertise, being brought to the very brink of orgasm time and time again, only to be skillfully pulled back from the precipice each time by his sexually seasoned partner. His love wand has been teased and tantalized mercilessly and now it can endure no more. He feels the seismic spasms deep within his sperm bloated balls and throwing his head back on the...

2 years ago
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The cuckold waiting room

My wife was telling me about a customer that can to her office. As they talked while waiting on her appointment with the company owner she told my wife about a " cuckold club" back home that she belongs to. The wife's come in with their husbands. The wife goes into a private room while the husband sets and waits in a waiting room. The wife's are serviced by their choice if bull. They have black or white well hung guys that are professional love makers. The husbands talk to each other while...

1 year ago
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Waiting for the Balls to Drop Part 2

“Okay, I’m doing Dan first, since he’s older!” Tracey announces. “And you’re going to watch! Sit your ass down over there!” she orders Eric, indicating a chair in the corner of the room. “You’re gonna make me watch you fuck him?” Eric exclaims in disbelief, planting his hairy, naked ass in the chair. “Yes, I am! First, you’re going to watch me suck him!” Tracey announces in a taunting voice, turning her back on Eric and dropping to her knees in front of Dan. She begins rhythmically bobbing her...

3 years ago
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Waiting for the Balls to Drop Part 4

“Oh my god! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” Christine moans loudly as three more powerful orgasms slam into her, one after another. Panting for breath, she slows down her tempo. “Holy shit! I was getting so close!” Jude exclaims, as Christine skillfully backs him away from climax. “Not yet, babe! Not yet!” the MILF replies in a breathless voice. “We’re going to make this last!” She now begins a slow, sensual grind on her young lover, pelvis to pelvis, her pussy caressing his rock hard penis in a...

2 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 34

Roxie finished sweeping out her cell. She pushed the dust and small amount of debris into a dustpan and emptied it into a large trash container on wheels. Her cell was the last little area of the small jail that she had to do. “I’m all done in here,” she yelled out to the sergeant, who was out in the front room. “I mopped the showers and rest rooms, too.” “Okay,” he replied. “You can take a break. Watch TV, if you want to.” Since Roxie was the only detainee in the jail at the moment, Sgt....

1 year ago
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Ms Sandstroms Assistant Part 1 Waiting Room

I tapped my foot nervously and drummed my fingers on the arm of my chair. My eyes roamed restlessly around the room, passing over details I had already observed dozens of times. Expensive-looking art on the walls. The potted plant in the corner. The display case full of awards for the company’s products. A framed photo of the CEO. The attractive blonde secretary typing at her desk.She sensed my gaze and smiled before returning to her typing. I looked away and tried not to think about how...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Long day waiting

Today was a long day at work, actually a long week. After a call to the office, it was great to hear that it was a night alone, by myself. I thought about how to fill my time.  The day couldn't had gone slow enough. But my mind kept working. There could be so many things I could do, but what? I informed my co-worker of my plans for the night, as we usually would ask each other. Nothing out of the ordinary. It was 6 o'clock when I got in. Waiting, waiting, waiting....when does my...

Straight Sex
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 43

Cal leaned closer to the mirror in his bedroom in the meager light of early morning as he struggled with the knot in his tie. He thought that the light in the hallway would be bright enough for him to attend to the uncooperative tie. He left the light in the bedroom turned off because Roxie was still sleeping and hadn’t yet shown any signs of waking. It seemed that every time he tried to create a perfect knot for his tie, it fought back when the tie appeared to be on the verge of a perfect...

2 years ago
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Waiting Up

Staggering up the steps of his front porch, Jimmy Woodson leaned against the railing and waited for his head to stop spinning. It was around 1:00 on a Saturday morning and he'd spent his Friday night living it up the way people his age tended to. It was the summer, Jimmy's first year of college was looming ahead, and a good friend from high school had thrown a major bash while his parents were out of town.Alcohol had been readily available at the party, even though nobody there was 21. Jimmy...

3 years ago
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Waiting for the balls to drop part 4

Isaac lets out a deep groan. His balls spasm convulsively and a thick, slimy mass of his genetic sludge is hurled deep into Tracey’s well fucked cunt. He pulls out, and Kyle, yet another 15 year old sophomore slips his dick into the lustful MILF, who remains on all fours, in doggy style position. After experiencing a brief respite with Isaac, Tracey is about to have her pussy mercilessly punished yet again. Kyle is a 6’2, 270 pound tackle. He locks both of his hands onto Tracey’s hips and uses...

4 years ago
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Ready Waiting In my wifes lingerie

“Billy, can I see you in the bedroom?” I walked down the hall and into the bedroom, surprised to see lingerie laid out on the bed.I asked, “What’s this?”“We’re going to play a little game today. I need to de-stress, and you’re going to help me.”“Help you how?”“Take off your clothes and go shower.”After my shower, I returned to the bedroom completely naked. And erect. I kissed Betty. She pushed me away.“Not yet. I’m going for a massage. When I come home, I'll have my way with you. And you’re...

3 years ago
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Surprise Waiting ch 2

Note: Please read the original "Surprise Waiting" before this so you understand the dynamics between this couple. The day after Amie and I became engaged was a Saturday, and we decided to drive up into the mountains and hike around a beautiful lake I knew well. It was one of those days you dream about—blue skies with a few fluffy white clouds, light breeze. Best of all I was with a beautiful girl who was passionately in love with me, and I felt the same about her. It doesn't get better than...

2 years ago
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Waiting for the bride

Waiting for the brideThat Saturday evening I regarded myself in the mirror. I was alone at that moment; everybody was waiting for me at the church, including my loving Victor, the groom.Oh, yes; it was the day we had been waiting for so many time; our wedding. The night before some of my girlfriends had dragged me to a bachelorette party and the time ended with my pussy and asshole filled with some stripper`s semen. It had been very painful but also wild: I had given my anal cherry up to that...

3 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 37

Cal pulled his car into the parking lot of the Dew Drop Inn. It was nearly ten at night. The city streetlights afforded just enough light to enable customers to maneuver into the parking spaces. Since it was Monday night, there were only a few cars in the lot. Roxie’s car was among them but it was too dark to see if anyone was in it. He presumed that she was waiting for him inside. He knew that he was late—the Elk’s presentation had gone overtime. He hoped that she hadn’t been waiting for...

2 years ago
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WaitingHere I am again. It's just about 7 p.m., a Friday, and I'm waiting for you to get to my apartment. I absolutely adore these times that we can get together and spend time just laying around. You're supposed to bring over some movies soon. We'll spend the weekend together. Actually you'll be here any minute. Seconds seem like hours when you're away, love. I'm going crazy thinking of all the things that might happen when midnight draws near. I usually do this. I drive myself mad with...

1 year ago
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Waiting for Mistress

Waiting for Mistress - part 1As I walked toward the party, clutching a printed copy of the invitation I had been sent, I felt both excited and nervous: I would be meeting my Mistress in the flesh for the first time, after a few weeks of online interaction to get to know each other. She had sent me an e-mail with detailed directions, both how to reach the exclusive private club itself and how to gain admission.As instructed, I reached the entrance - a large, closed door, with no hint of what...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 13 The Waiting is the Hardest Part

January-February, 1984, Chicago, Illinois I mailed the letter from the Lisle Post Office on Tuesday during my lunch break. I had no idea what Karin’s response would be, or how that would affect her visit. All I could do now was wait. I was also waiting for Friday, and dreading talking to Anala about the situation with Joyce. I was waiting, nervously, for my lunch date with Becky. And I was waiting for a call from Connie. All of those things weighed heavily on my mind at work and in class...

2 years ago
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Waiting for the balls to drop part 2

“Okay then, I’m doing Dan first!” Tracey announces. “And you’re going to watch! Sit your ass down over there!” she orders Eric, indicating a chair facing the bed. “I can’t believe you’re going to make me watch!” Eric exclaims in exasperated amazement, planting his naked ass on a small chair in the corner of the room. “First, you’re going to watch me suck him!” Tracey taunts him, dropping to her knees, now completely turned on by the idea of tormenting the younger stud. She begins rhythmically...

2 years ago
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Waiting and Watching

She stares intently at the screen, scrutinizing the data displayed before her. A few keystrokes, jotted down notes of changes made, and those that would need to be made. She looks from the screen to the stack of papers on her desk and thumbs quickly through the many pages. Scribbling some words along the margins to pass along to coworkers. She reaches one hand absent mindedly out to her cup of coffee and takes a slow drink before returning to her pressing work. After a couple of hours she takes...

3 years ago
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I’ve been standing here naked for nearly three hours. My hands are tied behind me, there’s a noose snug around my neck, and a trapdoor underneath my feet. And I am so wet... There are nine other young women in the room with me. All of us are in the same situation. I’m second from the right end of the line. The wall in front of me is black glass. The room is brightly lit, so I can’t see through the glass, but I get a great view of the ten of us standing here, naked, noosed, waiting.An execution?...

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Waiting for the last train

My slutty Boss had brought me a pile of paperwork to my desk that late afternoon. She said I should finish all the task before leaving.I had asked Barbara to leave early; I was alone at home, Victor away in a long business trip; but anyway, I wanted to be home alone, have a nice shower and relax… just by myself…But this slut witch first yelled at me angrily; she then begged me to do her the favor and finally she kissed me passionately, saying I was the best assistant she had ever had; so, she...

3 years ago
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An affair waiting to happen

An affair waiting to happen.            It only took forever     Liz had been waiting for this day for a couple of months.   When Michael called and told her he was coming in on business, she had started to make some plans on how she was going to entertain this young man in his spare time.   The day he arrived, they just had a light meal, a few drinks and sat and talked in general.   As he had driven most of the day, they decided...

4 years ago
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In a Quiet Corner of the Galley Waiting for the Coffee to Perk

My first time? Oh God, let's see. I was twelve, just twelve. It was early summer. Piano lessons. I had been taking piano lessons since I was six. First from fat Mrs. Bessemer, but then, because everyone said I was getting so good, Mr. Trombley. It was a drive to get to Mr. Trombley's. He and his wife lived in a big house clear on the other side of town, so my mom had to drive me over there. Every Thursday afternoon, four o'clock. One hour. My mom told me it wasn't that much of a hardship...

1 year ago
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Waiting Out the Storm

Chapter 1The evening was set. The weather people were in violent agreement that the Twin Cities were about to get at least a foot of new snow overnight. Perhaps as much as two feet or more they broadcasted with almost breathless excitement.  Going home was not going to be easy and the thought crossed both of their minds that it was a prime opportunity to meet and perhaps take advantage of the secrecy of a large hotel room in a large city. It was the perfect excuse to use to get away.He was a...

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Sex A Waiting Game Ch 02

Ch. 02 Sex, A Waiting GameI mounted her naked body and rubbed my penis up and down her wet opening. Then I slowly began to enter her. Little by little I felt the tightness of her pussy clamp down on my hard cock. I kept pushing until I my entire dick was engulfed in her warm body. BEEP BEEPBEEPI leaned over and turned the alarm off on my phone. "Dammit," I shouted out loud as my alarm ruined my dream. 8:00 seemed to come sooner everyday.I stood up and stretched before finding some athletic...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Waiting for Sunrise

Hi guys n' girls, girls n' guys, So, yes, a newbie to the scene here. This is my first attempt so please go easy on me. I hope you'll enjoy my contribution. In the future, I may well take requests from site members for future stories, so PLEASE leave comments/feedback via the usual means. Well, hope you enjoy!!! Waiting for Sunrise by Bluedust I rolled over to check my clock again. 1:15Am. I lied on my back for the eighteenth time that night and sighed. It was no good, I...

4 years ago
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Waiting Game revised

Introduction: Lalala Waiting isnt an easy thing to do I think to myself as I sit across the table from my date. I look at him and inspect his features. Strong shoulders, newly shaven face, and a wonderful sexy smile, like a little boy just wanting to be spanked. My eyes slowly travel down his arm, to look at the table where our hands are joined together. I very lightly begin to trace my finger across the palm of his hand, and I write out three words explaining what is going on in my head I want...

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She entered the pub at the exact same time she had every Friday, she arrived at the same time left at the same time and had the same amount of the same drink every Friday for the last month. She sat at the same table and stared at the door, waiting for someone, talked to no one except to say that she wasnt interested. She was beautiful, tall, slender, long blonde curly hair, dark blue eyes and nice big full tits. I had tried to talk to her last Friday and she blew me off the same way she had...

3 years ago
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Waiting game

Introduction: Losing my virginity and meeting the man I love was worth it. Waiting isnt an easy thing to do I think to myself as I sit across the table from my date. I look at him and inspect his features. Strong shoulders, newly shaven face, and a wonderful sexy smile, like a little boy just wanting to be spanked. My eyes slowly travel down his arm, to look at the table where our hands are joined together. I very lightly begin to trace my finger across the palm of his hand, and I write out...

4 years ago
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Waiting for the right moment

As I rounded the last corner I found myself looking at the door to her class. I knew what would be waiting, the most gorgeous woman I knew. Rachael was my Geography professor. She had started teaching at my university a year ago and had replaced my old male professor who was just a little odd. From the minute Rachael walked through the door the room would brighten. I always found myself staring at her, watching what she did, watching as she laughed and smiled at the students. She was beautiful....

3 years ago
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Someone Is Waiting To Love

Hello friends, I am your Buddy from Delhi. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. Secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget:- In my office I have 1 female. It was the month of May when Kriti got appointed as my assistant. She is 22 years old with slim figure. She has whitish complexion and long black hair. Kriti is soft...

2 years ago
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Waiting in the Rain

To say that Lynn and I hadn't been getting along lately would be a vast understatement. In fact, for at least the last six months we had been fighting at the drop of a hat with each other, and sometimes over not particularly much. Usually, it's our work schedules that mostly mess up our home life. We made most of the usual mistakes that doom marriages, but it was our inability to really sit down and talk with each other that really screwed things up royally. Lynn is a junior attorney for the...

4 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 21

Cal was in George Lambe’s office, sitting across the desk from the empty, leather, executive office chair. George had been called away for a few minutes, just as Cal’s meeting with him was getting under way. It gave Cal a chance to think about his visit to his brother’s cabin the night before as he sipped his coffee. As he drove home Cal cast aside Edwin’s bellows and taunts. It was always Edwin who tried to make Cal feel smaller than he was. His brother had always been wrong and Cal learned...

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Waiting for the balls to droppart 3

The crowd of studs now works itself up into a total frenzy of cheering, punctuated by shouts of “Gangbang! Gangbang!” The two women again motion for silence, but it takes a while for the uproar to subside. Finally, Tracey is able to make herself heard. “Since this is a gangbang, we all need to get naked!” “Yeah, guys! Come on, get rid of the clothes!” Christine orders them, and the two MILFs immediately set the example by wiggling themselves out of their ruined, sperm splattered party dresses....

3 years ago
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A Soul to Rescue Ch 02 Waiting

Chapter 2: Waiting Rain beat down on the tin roof above Devon Connors’ head, save for a few spots where no roof existed. Thankfully, she’d been shoved into the only spot in the room that didn’t have a hole in the ceiling, a dark corner behind the door. In all honesty, it was the first time she’d been thankful for that dry little corner. She’d envied the girls that had holes above their heads for nights now. At least, she thought, they could look up and see the clouds or blue sky during the day...

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