Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 320: The Second Settlement free porn video

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Thursday, September 7 (Continued) to Saturday, September 30, 2006

The initial media coverage was excited, uninformed reporting of what they could see, but it only took the reporters a few minutes to learn the essential facts. All the Rangers and cops knew the situation, and they hadn't been too concerned about protecting the CIA. Somewhat the reverse, actually. So from breakfast time on the east coast, and through the nation's breakfasts as each time zone got up, America learned that, "Early this morning, the CIA duped Delta Force and a company of the 75th Rangers into launching a deadly, unprovoked military assault on the family residence of Felicity and Steven Anderson, Vanessa and Archibald Williams, and their three daughters; claiming it was to capture a highly dangerous terrorist. It seems the CIA thought Mark Anderson was living with his family, and they tricked the Army into using deadly force to recapture him.

-- "The assault was aborted when the two helicopters that the Delta Force soldiers were to hot-rope from collided, killing the four pilots and three people on the ground. The Delta team members onboard suffered extensive injuries but no fatalities from their falls. It's too soon to be sure, but it seems the CIA has committed an appalling act of deception and violence upon two families that have suffered so much already..."

Pictures of the huge crater in our driveway and the wrecked wall and gate told a graphic tale of how much explosive power had been ready to be used against us, but the best pictures were of all the bullet damage inside my living room and kitchen. The bastards had strafed a private home, and would likely have killed anyone inside those rooms. The Anderson and Williams families had been cowering inoffensively in their rumpus room the whole time, so the strafing had been totally unprovoked! The network commentators were outraged that such a thing had happened.

It was extremely biased, one-sided reporting. Yay!

Not long after that, the parents and girls gave an interview playing up how TERRIFIED they'd been. Mom saying, "We KNEW we were going to die. There were dozens of soldiers all around our property, helicopters flying overhead, loud explosions and machinegun fire. We were praying our hearts out, bawling and telling ourselves how much we loved each other. It was the most terrible time of our lives. We knew soldiers were going to burst into the room any moment and spray us all with bullets. How can parents protect their children when the Government sends the Army to attack? We were helpless and terrified."

Similar comments were made by everyone else in the families, firmly establishing that they'd been terrified and believed their lives were going to end in bloody violence.

The reporters naturally asked, "Why would the CIA think Mark was living here?"

"I can explain that," said Mom. "When we agreed to drop our lawsuit, one of the things the Government legally promised to do was to stop spying on us. They had to go away and leave us to get on with our lives and to recover from their kidnapping and killing Mark. Yesterday morning at breakfast time I had a sudden idea of testing them to see whether they were breaking their word by still spying on us. I took a bowl of dry cereal to Mark's old study and emptied it into the trash bin and left the bowl on his desk. Ten minutes later I went back to fetch the empty bowl.

-- "I thought they might send us an angry letter demanding to know whether Mark was here, or maybe a couple of agents would knock on the door. Remember that if Mark was alive he'd have immunity under the contract they signed, so he couldn't be arrested for anything, not that he's ever committed a crime. I never expected the CIA would be so criminal as to charge in with half the Army to try to kidnap Mark AGAIN! It was just a bowl of cereal, for goodness sake!"

The media laughed at the cereal story and howled about the second kidnapping attempt. It was a GREAT story.

Dad said, "If the CIA honestly thought Mark was here, all they had to do was get some of the local cops to come and have a look, not do the criminal things they did. The Government can't stop themselves from being criminals. There are so many criminals in the Government it HAS to be the fault of the asshole in charge."

The media also liked the burning trucks sub-story too. The fire made for Great TV: the four soldiers rushing around trying to save their trucks, failing, the fire engulfing both trucks, the burned-out wrecks afterward, and the meaning of it all: the firebombing was interpreted as a protest by the public against the Army's attack on the Andersons.

That was a correct interpretation as far as I was concerned, but I'd done it for more than a mere protest. It proved "The Public" was on the side of the Andersons, to serve as a warning that "The American People" weren't going to stand for the Government's mistreatment of my families. The politicians should hopefully realize that they shouldn't mess with us because The Public wouldn't stand for it. My firebombing attack also meant that if there is ever another fiasco like this one, my stealing some guns and shooting the attackers might plausibly be seen as an act of The Public.

Most of the TV commentaries about the trucks being burned were positive. The talking-heads all went "tsk, tsk" (or words to that effect) over the idea of people throwing fire bombs, but they also made comments like, "The Andersons are very popular in their community after having so generously included 80,000 of them in their lawsuit's settlement. The Anderson's original request was that their community be given three times as much as the Anderson's were asking for themselves, so it's little wonder that the public chose to express their outrage in this way. Shameful, but understandable."


The CIA was in deep shit and under pressure:

The Ranger and Delta commanders were only too happy to say they'd been asked to do the illegal kidnapping job by the CIA.

Four CIA observation team members were in custody, with their IDs clearly identifying them as CIA. They were saying "no comment" to everything, which wasn't doing anything to help the CIA's public relations image.

Senior Democrat politicians, and some Republican ones (those with eyes to their long-term political survival), were baying for a full investigation into the CIA's practices and for heads to roll, not necessarily in that order.

The media was having a field day castigating, ridiculing and abusing the CIA. As I had known it would, the seven deaths had considerably upped the stakes for the incident. No one could say, "Oh well, no harm done," then walk away. That the pilots had been innocent dupes added to the public outrage at the CIA. The file's talking about using extreme interrogative techniques on children didn't do the CIA any favors either.

The White House was LIVID. Mom and Dad had quickly gone on TV to state that, "The Government breached the terms of our settlement agreement. That means they're put back on the list of defendants for our $242 trillion lawsuit. We will also be filing suit against the CIA for their arranging the military assault on our home and for attempted kidnapping. In addition, if Majestic Countdown is listening, would he or she please try to uncover more of the dishonest dealings of this Administration. They need to be taught a lesson about honesty and integrity."

The Majestic Countdown appeal was broadcast over and over again by all the networks and picked up by all the papers. They wanted to make sure he got the message because he was VERY good for ratings and circulation.

The appeal resulted in an immediately flurry of emails to the networks claiming to be from Majestic Countdown, the vast majority of which were obviously not because their tones were very different from the previous emails. Regardless of their source, a couple of the emails were interesting and did make for pretty reasonable TV later. We were new to the leak business, and didn't realize the need to set up an authentication code. We did realize it after the networks reported getting so many fakes.

Mom and Dad's comment about the lawsuit restarting resulted in a panic among many Benton County residents, fearful that the settlement agreement's being "canceled" (they thought), meant they had to give their $25,000 back. Many of them were no longer in a position where they could do that. People being people, that worry persisted for many days despite reassurances that the money couldn't be claimed back. A lot of them who had previously been saving their money decided to spend it REALLY quickly instead, to play safe.

The White House hated the idea of having the Federal Government put back on the list of defendants for our huge lawsuit, but the settlement agreement was clear that Mom and Dad had the right to do so if the Government breached any of the terms, so to stop itself from being roped back into the lawsuit, the Government had to claim it hadn't breached anything.

There was no arguing with the reality of what had happened, and there was no arguing with the fact that the Army was an agent of the Government (using "agent" in the legal sense here, meaning "someone who acts for". The Army definitely acts for the Government. They're legally prohibited from acting for anyone else). But if the Government could prove that the Army had been duped into acting for someone not-the-Government, then it might be able to get a court to rule that there'd been no intentional breach, and therefore no legal breach. So the Government pressured the CIA to make the whole fiasco unofficial. That suited the CIA, because it'd been thinking of doing that anyway. Certainly no one wanted to take responsibility for it.

In the afternoon, the CIA came out and said, "The operation was the result of one man's delusion. He was acting unofficially and on his own authority. It was not a CIA operation, but a misuse of CIA resources. If he hadn't been killed by the helicopter crashing on him, we'd be taking legal action against him."

The parents waited long enough for a White House spokesperson to confirm that they were also blaming a solo renegade, then they sent copies of the satchel's file to all the usual media.

Two facts killed the CIA's stupid excuse:

The NSA had participated, so the Army, CIA and NSA were all involved. That was too many government organizations for it not to be a government operation.

The file mentioned the active involvement of LOTS of CIA people, some of whom were at levels higher than the scapegoat (who'd already been scraped off our driveway). The top named guy was Associate Director for Military Support (AD/MS), who reports to the Director. Something that involved so many people and went all the way up to the second tier of management was NOT the work of a solo delusional.

The CIA had assumed the file had been destroyed under the chopper by the fire and Hellfire explosion. They were horrified that it was perfectly intact.

Prof had put a covering letter with the media release, saying, "A member of the public found it some distance away shortly after explosion at the front of our home, and handed it to us. We opened it in the presence of a senior member of the Corvallis police force about three hours after the military attack started. There was no time for anyone to invent the hundreds of verifiable details, so it is authentic."

The CIA was VERY eager to get the file back as some of the handwritten pages were the originals and could be used to discover the otherwise unnamed identities of some senior authors, who were staring down the barrels of possible criminal convictions, a threat that Vanessa was trumpeting very loudly. One of her long-term tactics is to get criminal prosecutions taken against Government employees who break the law, and she wanted everyone to know it. Prosecuting government criminals was why the +50%-on-sentences law had been passed.

The CIA tried to get an urgent court order for the file's return, but they just made fools of themselves. Prof had not released the file until the CIA had publicly declared that the operation was totally unofficial, therefore the file about the operation couldn't be an official secret. The judge said he would not rule on the return of the file until after the legality of the operation had been determined. If it was an illegal operation, its paperwork would not be protected. With a smile on his face, the judge ordered Prof to keep the original file safe until such time as the judge made his ruling. Prof happily agreed.

Not only had the file ruined the CIA's stupid excuse, but it also very clearly stated that the NSA had been checking our internet activity and that the CIA had posted two surveillance teams to spy on us, both of which couldn't have been clearer breaches of the settlement agreement. There was no possibility of their claiming a crime was being investigated because the file made it very clear that the purpose of getting hold of Mark Anderson was to interrogate him about the Fort Dodge events. There was no mention of any crime, and anything to do with Fort Dodge can't have been considered my committing a crime because I'd been given immunity for all my past activities. The most the CIA could have legally done, had they accidentally stumbled on the fact that Mark was home, was send him a letter politely asking him if he'd tell them what he'd been up to. They'd overshot badly.

It was now only a month to the $242 trillion lawsuit's court date. There was no chance of our losing it, as the Government had already admitted that Mark had been kidnapped in breach of his Fourth Amendment rights. The President had even publicly apologized for the errors in judgment of the DHS and CIA agents involved. The only issue with the trial was over the amount of damages. The Government (as represented by the CIA, NSA and Army) had just proved themselves yet again to be willing to commit crimes, and the Federal Government had proved itself willing to lie about it, so everyone expected the jury to not only have less than zero sympathy for the Government's position, but be positively eager to punish it as much as possible.

By the way, the Army had committed crimes too. They were duped into them, but that was not a sufficient excuse. They had what is legally known as "a duty of care," and they'd failed to take sufficient care. They had, for example, taken the CIA's word that this situation was one where "time was of the essence", permitting arrest before a warrant was obtained, even though there'd been a whole day in which to obtain a warrant.

We filed suit against the NSA and its sole named employee for breaching our Fourth Amendment rights (their monitoring our internet traffic was also protected by the very useful Fourth), but we hadn't yet decided whether to legally attack the Army. We should, as Vanessa's tactic was to punish every Government employee who broke the law. That why she'd formed the Mark Anderson Foundation, and her motivation certainly still applied when we were the victims. If enough Government-employed criminal were tried and convicted, or civilly sued for large enough sums, then other Government employees would think twice before breaking the law. Even if only 10% of Government employees could be made honest enough to whistle blow, then many more dishonest schemes would be uncovered, and more employees would be scared into being honest. If the 10% became 20%, that'd then become 40%, etc. There'd be an outbreak of morality, and it'd be that much harder for anyone to conspire to be dishonest. The whole honesty concept might snowball, hopefully rolling upward to where it was most needed.

However, the parents were reluctant to file suit against the Army. It had been duped, whereas the CIA and NSA had willingly broken laws. The Army did generally try to be held reasonably accountable for its actions. It wasn't perfect - the Pat Tillman fratricide cover-up being a disgusting example of multilevel accountability failures within the 75th Rangers - but it mostly did try to do the right thing. Whereas the CIA, NSA, DHS and Federal Government all insisted on being unaccountable, both organizationally and personally, and they'd lie about it ten different ways from Sunday even in circumstances where everyone knew they were lying. They didn't care about being known as liars, just so long as they kept their power.

The Army was, legally speaking, on thin ice because of the aid it'd provided the CIA. It is generally against the law for the military to act so unilaterally in a civil matter because of a law called the "Posse Comitatus Act". That prohibits the military from being used to enforce the law within America. However, there's also the "Military Cooperation with Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies Act", which obviously allows the exact opposite, but only in specific instances. Initially that was drug interdiction, but terrorism is such a popular catch-cry these days that it's been added to the list of acceptable causes. The trouble for the Army was that there had been no terrorists at our home and the Army hadn't taken sufficient care to make sure there were before proceeding with its assault. If its actions were found in court not to be covered by the Military Cooperation Act then the Army would go from "thin ice" to "deep shit". That we chose not to sue the Army saved it from that legal risk. Theoretically the Government itself could have, and even should have, pursued that legal point to its resolution, but that was never going to happen. The Government has recently been increasing the civil power of the armed forces, so certainly wasn't going to create a reason to restrain them.


[To jump ahead a little. The Army learned from their mistake - trusting the CIA - and they were willing to be held accountable for their assault on our home, so Vanessa ended up doing a deal with them. The Army publicly apologized for their illegal attack on our home, and Vanessa sentenced them to "Community Service". She, through the Mark Anderson Foundation, would call on them in cases she thought appropriate for Army help (the whole Army, not just the 75th Rangers, Deltas or 160th SOAR). It might be with transportation, maybe construction, maybe medical - whatever Vanessa called for. She would phone a contact person, tell him what she wanted, and he'd arrange to get it done pronto. The Army had attacked our home with one day's notice, so the rule was that they had to jump to do whatever Vanessa wanted within one day, unless she wasn't in a hurry or there were acceptable extenuating circumstances.

When Vanessa decided they'd paid back "enough", she'd tell them their "sentence" had finished. "Enough" was Vanessa's opinion of the damage they'd caused to our home, the terror they'd caused everyone, and the forfeit value of all the vehicles used in the commission of their crime. Given that a Hercules C-130J is worth $66 million new, plus the much cheaper items of the two helicopters, the plane that'd flown the Deltas to Fort Lewis, and the trucks; Vanessa was going to be getting a LOT of service out of the Army. They knew that, and they agreed to it. Going to court would probably cost them more, and they thought Vanessa's idea was a worthwhile one. (The C-130J was actually a USAF plane used because the Rangers had a heavy load, but the plane's ownership was a distinction that made no difference; the Army accepted the extent of their responsibility.)

The deal caused a significant amount of public amusement and got us some respect. For the Army too, because Vanessa praised, "The Rangers on the day, up to the Generals that I've dealt with since, all admitted doing wrong the moment it was clear that they had.

-- "The Rangers quickly released the private guards we'd hired and helped to secure the CIA spies, including chasing down the two that were trying to run away rather than stay to take responsibility for their actions. None of the Rangers tried to run away. I bet it never occurred to them. Unlike the CIA, the Rangers aren't criminals.

-- "The Generals apologized to me the moment they walked in the door. We've spent more time talking about how to prevent such things happening in the future than we have arguing over how they'll make good. They immediately accepted that they had an obligation to do so.

-- "It's a pleasure to deal with people who're willing to admit their mistakes and take their lumps for the good of improving the organization they work for. They make a strong moral contrast to the CIA, NSA, DHS and the Bush Administration, who'll lie repeatedly to avoid being held accountable for their actions."

Vanessa particularly liked her "community service" sentence as she'll be able to use it to generate good publicity every time she calls the Army in to help the victims of Government abuse.]

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 326 Finishing the DHS CIA Lawsuit and Other Miscellany

Friday, December 1 to Sunday, December 31, 2006 (Continued) Early December, the jury finished their deliberations in our $242 trillion civil lawsuit. The trial itself had gone very much as expected. The DHS had picked me up without a warrant - end of story! That was a breach of my Fourth Amendment rights. The DHS's claim that they had acted under the Patriot Act and so didn't need a warrant was a dead duck of an excuse, and had been openly laughed at when their lawyer advanced it in...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 310 Keeping an Eye on the Other Side

Late-May to Thursday August 10, 2006 The Government's lawyers didn't rush away to get the just-modified agreement signed. It was never going to happen like that, Vanessa assured us. She would've been disappointed had that happened, as this was meant to be just the first round of several. She was hoping to get the Government dancing to our tune, and they weren't on the ropes enough for that yet. Despite Vanessa's saying she'd be very disappointed to get exactly what we had told our...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 319 The Trap Turns on Them

Thursday, September 7, 2006 (Continued) The assault on my home had been derailed and there was no immediate sign of it restarting, giving me time. Time was good, because sooner or later other people would start arriving and that would prevent the assholes from using deadly force. I decided I needed to quickly read the contents of the satchel to find out how deadly the Government's plan for my families was. If the orders were deadly, I might have to do something extreme now. If the orders...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 422 Refuges Stables and Other Aliens

Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) I teleported us to the stable. "Stable" is misleading because internally it's more like a very large, luxurious, natural animal den, although with some internal walls, shelves, etc. I told Donna, "Your new pets are outside." Donna ran for the door. I told everyone else, "Follow her quickly because you'll enjoy seeing the expression on her face." We exited into a lovely highland plateau. It was covered in thick grasses and areas of multicolored...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 244 Carols Cuties Carol Manages Them Wonderfully Well

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) I made myself a comfort sandwich while I tried to work out what I'd done wrong. I remembered Julia previously telling me off for talking too long. Girls who're already eating out of my palm don't need to be led in tiny steps, which had been what I'd done. Knowing where I'd gone wrong didn't tell me what I should've done though. I couldn't have bluntly told them not to be jealous, not to be early or late, and not to rely on me driving them around....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 243 Carols Cuties I Mismanage Them

Sunday, June 19, 2005 I woke, got dressed, and went downstairs for a breakfast. I'd only slept for 2.5 hours, but my last meal was several hours ago, plus my body expects a breakfast after it wakes up and I wouldn't want to disappoint it. Back in my study, the first thing I did was quietly move the scrolling keyboard off the desk to put it on the floor behind one of the computers, where it couldn't easily be seen by anyone in the room, and certainly not by anyone peeking in from the...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 104 Let There Be Light

Sunday, April 24, 2005 We'd gone to sleep about 11:30, and I woke at 4 o'clock, so about four and half hours sleep. My first problem was figuring out what to do for three or so hours. Get a snack obviously, but what to do after that? Schoolwork, I decided. My basic study plan had been to do my college work in the wee small hours and school stuff in the afternoons. Unfortunately (with tongue firmly in cheek, and elsewhere) Julia had recently been 'making' me have sex every afternoon....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 304 For a Woman There is Something Worse than a Ladder in Her Stocking

Saturday, May 6, 2006 (Continued) I overflew home at a safely high altitude. As I'd hoped, there was a media circus besieging our gate, and several extra cars parked inside (lawyers, cops, CIA?). Watching closely to make sure no cameras pointed skyward, I descended enough to see that all of my extended family were inside. They were watching TV and talking a lot to a few suit-wearing men that I didn't recognize. My families didn't appear to be under any duress and Ron Fisher had no...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 318 The Trap Closes on Us

Thursday, September 7, 2006 (Continued) I had to try to find out what the soldiers intended. My loved ones were all relatively safe in the tunnel, but if I waited for the action to start, by the time I understood what it was that they were doing it could be damned difficult for me to stop it. If the soldiers had lethal intentions - and they'd certainly come equipped for that! - the tunnel safety wouldn't last long. If I took my eyes off the soldiers to get involved in doing some research...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 350 The Guardian Angels First Public and 1000 Pubic Appearances

Saturday, June 2, 2007 (Continued) Saturday afternoon was saner for us, but not for some other people. TV showed us scenes at the main access routes into Corvallis, especially the highway bridges over the river. There were many hundreds of cars parked down the Corvallis-Lebanon Highway (the main road into Corvallis, to the east of the river) that had been prevented from getting any closer by the roadblocks. Consequently there were thousands of people yelling at the soldiers to demand that...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 363 The Home Team Fights Back

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 The second battle in our war was going to be at Beale Air Force Base. According to the very helpful Wikipedia, it's the USAF's (US Air Force's) largest UAV operations center, almost certainly where the UAV that had taken out Mom and Dad's bedroom had been operated from and out of [half right, as it'd been operated from a Northrop Grumman's facility in LA]. The Government, media and public would recognize the appropriateness of the Guardian Angel's...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 410 The Mossad Problem Solved

Wednesday November 21 to month end, 2007 (Continued) The US Government did not drop everything else and make it their number one priority to carry out the angel's orders, but the investigation did go ahead rapidly. The media wasn't given full access and information wasn't made public as fast as it could have been, but quite a lot of access was given and a good amount of information was reported, with more progress being usefully made behind the scenes. It didn't take long for the FBI to...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 389 Planning for the Costume Party

Saturday, July 14, to Saturday, August 11, 2007 In my following the Sondarm School thread from planning through to execution, I skipped over a few things that I'll attend to now. Carol's birthday was the first event. She didn't want a big bash because she's not really a gregarious person and there were plenty more parties coming up anyway, so she chose to have a small gathering with our families plus three of her best friends from school. It was a very nice evening, and Carol's being...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 371 Returning Home Part Three It Was Hardest on the Fibbies

Saturday, June 9, 2007 (Continued) My families and I discussed our next steps. I suggested my plan, making Mom decidedly unhappy because she's not big on evil ideas. The rest of us worked on her. Prof told her, "They may be Government employees but they're no better than criminals, Felicity. Worse in some ways because they don't have a fear of prosecution to restrain them. They deliberately planned to avoid the local police because they know what they're doing is illegal. Mark...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 231 The Long Haul Part One

Thursday, May 26 to Sunday, June 12, 2005 I woke up feeling GOOD. It had been far too long since that had happened. I sent a sight blob to check a computer for the date and time: Thursday at 1am. I checked on Prof. The light was dim, but I could see that he appeared okay. His face had filled out and he looked his normal self. Hoping I wouldn't find them at this ridiculous time, I checked the waiting room. No loved ones, but yet another cop. When I'd cut my hand, my non-kiatsu healing...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 344 The Easiest Way to Get Rich

Friday, April 27, 2007 I thought of one idea while I was making like a submarine up the river: the angel said he'd research the candidate list, so it made sense for him to be in the vicinity of the hilltop house and talking to me ("me" being Ron in this case. I juggle so many hats it's sometimes hard to keep them straight). If the Government questions me when I get home, I could say, "I met the angel. He said not to tell you anything." Ideally (fingers crossed), the Feds would be so...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 345 Ill Get the Ground Team to Park Safely Out of the Way

Friday, April 27, 2007 (Continued) Vanessa parked in the tunnel, the parents went up to the Adults' House to get some cameras while I walked back down the tunnel to get the security guys. We could've summoned them by intercom because it used buried cable that never leaves our property and was therefore almost certainly untapped, but I didn't mind going for a short walk and it'd give me a chance to help ensure there wasn't a traitor in our midst by monitoring their reactions in...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 210 My Date With Mackenzie The Magic Part

Thursday, May 12, 2005 (Continued) "Please give me a few seconds to prepare. I need to tie the hair that Diana so kindly donated into a knot." Diana and Claire giggled, with Mackenzie joining in with a small chuckle too. Plus small smiles from the parents. I made a small loop in one end of the hair, then wove the long end around and around the loop, pulling the loop a little smaller as I went, until I ran out of hair. Hair being somewhat stiff, the tension in the loop kept it in a loop...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 317 The OSU Browsing Trap is Sprung

Friday, September 1 to Thursday, September 7, 2006 It seemed natural to wait to start the OSU browsing early Monday morning, on September 4, and continue it every morning thereafter. That seemed more orderly and work-like. Plus we wanted the Government's decision makers to be available to act quickly rather than their being away for the weekend. If the Government did act, the quicker the better, because it'd make the coincidence of the browsing starting just before they inquired about Mark...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 415 The Upgrades

Sunday, May 25 to Wednesday, June 18, 2008 On my next déjà vu, I gave my link partner an overview of my situation and discoveries, waited for him to calm down, told him I thought I could painlessly upgrade him to 352 minds, waited for him to calm down again, then I explained my "Second-Tier Helpers" idea in detail, including that he'd be letting himself in for some possibly risky work on my Voyage. I couched my description as being an invitation to him that he could refuse, but I knew he...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 280 The Department of Horrendous Stupidity

Friday, September 2 to Sunday, September 25, 2005 (Continued) I announced that we didn't have time for another group Cutie-Duckling date before school restarted. Although I had a lot of other things going on, such as the Target Game's coming to a head, there would've been time for another Cutie-Duckling group date if I'd wanted one, but I delayed it while I waited to see if there was any fallout from the last group grope. At the speed the Cutie-Ducklings were running ahead of my plans,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 298 The New Me Rejoins Society

Saturday, April 1 to Tuesday, April 25, 2006 I was now a white-faced version of Ronald Fisher, also known as "Bomber" to those friends he/I had left, because he'd thought it made him sound macho and cool. I was nineteen years old - one of my important criteria was for him to be old enough to legally ignore his parents - and a high-school graduate. The latter had surprised me, but he'd insisted that his parents had the paper to prove it. Judging by the widespread ignorance the gang...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 303 The Painters Union has a Leak Problem

Saturday, May 6, 2006 One of the advantages I hoped a small video camera had was in not appearing on radar, as I didn't want the Air Force to think San Francisco had fired a missile across the country at Washington DC. Its being detected would be particularly possible when I neared my destination, because the address I'd obtained for the Eclipse Project was VERY close to the White House. I kept my sight blob looking all around for trouble and I flew fairly low - about five hundred feet...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 365 I Acquire the Knockout Punch

Thursday, June 7, 2007 Almost immediately after I crossed into America, when not diverting around the many missile silos there were, I was searching for the things I needed for my various contingency plans. I had several of those: Three different ways of flying away with my ill-gotten gains afterward: by Flying Sled, by taking over an Air Force plane, or by covertly flying immediately under an independent Air Force plane so our radar images merged. With the loot I was hoping to...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 377 The President Capitulates

Early Summer Vacation, 2007 I also did a little TV watching while my families slept. The two fires had been VERY big news for a couple of hours, especially with the senior Bushes being missing for most of that time. That Washington DC wasn't a crater, but that the two Bush residences had been destroyed so thoroughly, gave people a great deal of hope that the angel had decided on a different approach from that specified in the "explode 2 W80s" email. That the President's parents had been...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 404 the Start of a Social Interlude

Mid- to Late-September 2007 I'll stop describing the details of my Voyage of Discovery in order to devote some chapters to a "Social Interlude". I'm sure you understand that I - 8B, the just arrived minds - need R&R (Rest and Recreation) even more than I want to experiment with my special abilities, as required by my job as the Voyager. That's especially true for the minds that had rolled the twelve 6s to start the Voyage. R&R and experimentation were both good reasons to pause...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 294 Many of the CIA Do Not Escape from Me

Sunday, February 19, 2006 (Continued) For the moment, the ground floor looked ignorable, so I got back to the, "Cause Massive Destruction" task. I lowered myself back down to level 5, stopping there. I floated the clothes I wanted to me, getting dressed in them quickly, then fetched the wallet I was stealing as well as the loose cash I'd pilfered and stashed elsewhere. I left the security tag where it was for the moment, as I was going to be moving around too much for a while and didn't...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 330 Archangel Michael with the Police FBI and Lifeguards

Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued) I was flying toward downtown LA's tallest skyscraper, the 1,017-foot Library Tower, intending to start a press conference on its helicopter pad. It was about fifteen miles from the pier to the CBD (Central Business District; a.k.a. downtown), and I was flying it at about eight hundred feet and 30 mph, to let people see me reasonably clearly and to give time for word to get out so I wouldn't have to hang around the CBD waiting for the news organizations...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 390 The Heavenly Costume Party

Saturday, August 11, to Monday, August 13, 2007 Having described the "Nevaeh As An Angel" plan so thoroughly, I'll leave that aspect out of my description of the party. I'll describe other parts of the night, plus where Julia and I had added to the plan. Nevaeh hid just inside the mouth of the emergency tunnel for the best part of an hour, waiting until the party was going well. Boring for her, but Julia wanted her creation to have a grand entrance with maximum effect. Julia had told...

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