My wife and the black painters at home
- 3 years ago
- 34
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
One of the advantages I hoped a small video camera had was in not appearing on radar, as I didn't want the Air Force to think San Francisco had fired a missile across the country at Washington DC. Its being detected would be particularly possible when I neared my destination, because the address I'd obtained for the Eclipse Project was VERY close to the White House. I kept my sight blob looking all around for trouble and I flew fairly low - about five hundred feet above the ground - so I could get out of the sky quickly if it became overly crowded with SAMs (Surface to Air Missiles) or fighter aircraft eager to get into a dogfight with my video camera. That was in a black bag bravely flying close to ground level to reduce the chance of it appearing on radar.
By the way, my flying "five hundred feet above the ground" was mostly by my own estimate since my watch measured height above sea level by the change in atmospheric pressure. Flying through different kinds of weather across undulating country made it give incorrect values for the height above the ground. That didn't worry me. The compass and rate-of-change-of-altitude were the two instruments I wanted the most, and they did the job I needed wonderfully. I wasn't flying through bad weather, so there was no risk that my watch's altitude reading being wrong would cause me to fly into a mountain.
I didn't want to fly anywhere near the White House because that would certainly have the best defenses available, including highly trained snipers with night-vision scopes, so I landed several blocks west of it and walked to my destination with my head down the whole time. The previous afternoon I'd visited the well-stocked Kmart to buy a big coat, gloves, scarf and a hat that covered most of my head (ears, neck, etc.). With those plus my ski mask on and looking down, I was able to walk around DC with no worries about being later recognized from the very many surveillance cameras aimed at the streets and sidewalks. Such a full disguise would become suspicious in daylight because the temperature wouldn't justify it, but I intended to be long gone by then.
The building I wanted was the "International Union of Painters and Allied Trades Building" (IUPAT), only two blocks west from the White House itself, so one block to the west of the Old Executive Office Building. The distance from the center of the trade union building to the Oval Office was an eighth of a mile, which was ridiculously close for something as mundane as a trade union building when all the other buildings around the White House were things like the FBI head office, the World Bank head office, several prestigious museums and art galleries.
I approached from farther to the west to avoid the White House. Rawlins Park was immediately southwest of the IUPAT building. It was a tiny park shoehorned onto a plot of land that was probably too small for anything else, but it let me pretend to shelter under some trees. Washington was well planted with trees and would even be pretty in daylight - not as pretty as Corvallis, but still much more than I'd expected - which was handy for me as the trees provided good cover. I started sight blob searching the building for its big offices, and the big offices for things associated with killing millions of people.
Everything I found was more related to how to make sure millions of people's homes were painted by unionized painters. More accurately, several different companies had offices here, but they all appeared innocuous.
The IUPAT building (actually a complex of six buildings on the block) was far too large for me to reach all of it from where I was sheltering. The complex was six hundred feet from corner to corner and I was sitting two hundred feet away from the nearest part of it, so much of it was outside my range. To be able to search all of it, I walked along New York Ave, stopping a couple of times to scan new parts of the building as they came within useful range.
I discovered that a substantial area of a subsidiary building on the block's northeast corner was set up as an emergency hospital, as indicated by the "Emergency Hospital" sign and lots of unused beds and equipment. The Hospital area was surprisingly well guarded by security guards, so either they had an EXTREMELY bad problem with people breaking in to steal drugs, or there was something else going on. I found an "Eclipse Medical Office" sign, which confirmed my second hypothesis.
Access to the Eclipse area was guarded, which didn't slow my sight blob down at all. Inside the secured area looked like a small business: a couple of partitioned offices and half a dozen desks in an open-plan area. It wasn't large enough, and definitely not secure enough considering it was on the ground level and had windows, so I searched around. Against a wall of the open-plan area was a large cupboard labeled "Office Supplies". Through those doors was a small elevator foyer. The shaft went down, so my video camera and memory stick were almost certainly not going to be of use. It'd have to be email or nothing.
I moved closer to get a better quality view. The first floor down was an underground parking garage, a surprisingly small one. Beneath that were only two levels of offices. They were empty of people (hardly surprising in the wee small hours of Saturday morning). There were security access controls at the top level (inside the stationery cupboard's doors) to call the single elevator, another access control inside the elevator, and again to get into and out of the three subterranean elevator foyers. There were surveillance cameras on all the access routes, in the elevator, and the hallways. Looking around the parking level, I saw that it was divided in half. It required a card to get into it from the street, then another security control to get through to the half where the elevator foyer was.
I wasn't going to touch a computer after what had happened in the CIA lab, so I made do with searching the offices for paperwork. As usual, I started with the largest office (status symbols make my snooping job SO much easier), and quickly confirmed that I had the right place when I looked inside the boss's safe. It contained several biochem warfare-related folders. Nothing Mark Anderson-related though.
I didn't find anything useful among his paperwork, but did find plenty of large scale, amusing stuff. The lab's destruction was causing huge problems, but that wasn't ANYWHERE near the worst of it. The major problem was that the culprits had conducted an unbelievably murderous and effective raid deep inside American territory, had escaped without a trace, with all the disk drives of data, and presumably with as many samples as they'd wanted to take. The hunt for the enemy agents was international and massive. The Chinese Government seemed to be the leading suspect, but there was a very long list of possible suspects. Particularly amusing was seeing several of America's allies on the list, Israel being prominently positioned close to the top.
The CIA and feds were shit-scared of the unknown assailants now having all that information and the samples. There were many documents discussing what to do if this-or-that biochem agent was released here-or-there by various groups, with or without various possible pre- or post-release demands. The Government was in a panic about the massive casualties and political fallout that would result. It was very amusing. Hopefully the Government would know better than to work on such things in the future, although I wouldn't hold my breath for that.
I'd destroyed the live data and immediate duplicates, but I found paperwork that told me that there had been another data repository somewhere farther off site, which had been updated weekly. I couldn't tell from the references to it whether it held any information about me, but the Eclipse bosses had largely reconstructed what the lab had been working on and where they'd been with it from that backup data plus reports from the surviving off-shift workers.
I particularly enjoyed the irony of it being the CIA - the agency whose job it is to see foreign intelligence operations coming - that had been completely blindsided by an operation against its own facility. Reading between the lines, they appeared to be very angry and terribly embarrassed by that. Certainly the memos from the President hadn't pulled any punches when describing the CIA's incompetence. Suspecting that it might be useful to do so, or at least amusing to repeat them to my families, I memorized those memos.
The paperwork in the biggest office exhausted, I searched others. In one of the middle-level manager's offices I was unsurprised to find a large amount of paperwork dealing with transferring most of the surviving staff to their new workplaces. There wasn't another place they could be moved into en masse, so they were being scattered around various other institutions. This administrative function had apparently always been active, for when staff were transferred around, but it'd become far busier right after my escape. There was paperwork dealing with all sorts of mundane details: selling their Fort Dodge houses, finding temporary accommodation wherever they were moving to, and schooling for their kids (I couldn't understand why people would want to bring weapons as evil as these into the same world they were having kids in. On the other hand, being evil means being selfish, by definition). What I thought was interesting was that the new arrangements were all temporary, no matter where in American the person was being sent. That implied a new facility was being planned. There'd been nothing about it in the boss's office though. [[Because the CIA wasn't involved, not after their last monumental fuck up.]]
I found "Anderson, Mark Steven, civilian, child, male" among documents dealing with the identification of remains. No remains had been identified as mine yet, but that was also the case for five dozen other people, about 30% of the total who'd been in the building at the time and a pleasingly large number. My being missing certainly wouldn't stand out unless they managed to check off a lot more boxes on that list, something that had to be unlikely after this long, I thought.
There was a column headed, "How to be matched" which had an entry of "DNA" next to my name (and most others). I'd already known that the CIA had my DNA profile as my sight blob had seen that in my file when I'd read it over the lab scientists' shoulders. I would've preferred otherwise, but there'd been a huge number of different samples taken from me, so they had a surfeit of my cells to analyze.
Some of the paperwork was interesting, but none of it was a big deal. Even if it had been, I couldn't get any of it out as I wasn't willing to fly it to a fax machine, so I decided I should go for a walk rather than hang around the building suspiciously. I wanted to make sure I caught the passwords of anyone logging in, so I'd arrive back around 6am. The Fort Dodge lab's penetration, burglary, and destruction had been such a disaster that I expected several of the Eclipse head office staff would have to come to work on a Saturday.
I returned to the IUPAT building from the southeast at 6am, walking through the grounds around the Eisenhower Building. I sat in the northwest corner under the last couple of trees and sent a sight blob into the Emergency Hospital, down the shaft, and to the boss's office. It was empty, as were the other offices. No one was at work yet.
The boss's office was over three hundred feet away from me, with some of the other offices even farther away. The range was causing a small amount of visual degradation. Only a small amount, but I needed to be able to catch passwords as they were typed in and I didn't expect to get many chances at it, so I decided to relocate somewhere closer.
I walked north, until I was at the bottom of the wheelchair access to the Old Executive Office Building. That put me directly across the six-lane 17th St NW from where the Eclipse office was. Their placement within the building made them about 175 feet horizontally away from me, and not enough feet vertically to matter, so my vision was perfect at this range. I searched the offices quickly to make sure they were still empty. They were, so I settled down and did my best to look inconspicuous while I kept a sight blob in the elevator car, waiting for anyone to arrive.
They started pouring in at about 7am. There weren't that many of them, as government bureaucracies go, but their culture of early-bird diligence couldn't be faulted. Although of all the people I'd like to be diligent, my first pick wouldn't be those in charge of developing biochem weapons capable of killing millions of people. My sight blob had to rush around to make sure I could grab as many usernames and passwords as possible, especially those of the senior bosses. At times like this, I really wished that I could successfully operate multiple sight blobs.
Everyone's procedure was much the same: Arrive, drop bags/briefcases, grab a cup of coffee freshly made by the extra-early secretaries, log into their computer, check for emails, then do whatever the emails prompted. Which in Ernesto Elliott's case (the big boss, a CIA Associate Director), included getting up and going to talk with the guy in the next office.
This was too good an opportunity for me to let pass, so I crossed my newly grown finger (choosing to use it because it hadn't had its luck used up yet) and started using EE's computer. I nudged the mouse, then quickly looked into the next office to see if people were reacting to sirens going off. No reaction, so presumably no sirens.
I zipped the sight blob back to EE's computer and opened a new window. I checked for reactions to a siren again, seeing the same delightfully indifference. Back on the computer, I did a search for "Anderson, Mark". Several matches listed, but "Subject File" was on the top of the list with the most occurrences of the text I'd searched for. I clicked it, and quickly saw from the table of contents that I'd hit the mother lode: all the DHS information, my transfer to Eclipse's lab at Fort Dodge, and the results of all the experiments that'd been performed on me in Fort Dodge. I had the mouse pointer hovering over the big red "X" (the "Close" button), ready to click it the moment I saw EE reappear in the doorway. I moved the mouse away briefly only when I needed to navigate with it, then immediately moved it back to the "X".
I expected to have to close this file at any moment, so I didn't want to waste time reading now. Just like Microsoft's Word program, the CIA software's File menu had a Send To submenu, which listed an impressive number of high-tech options, one of which was "Email". That sounded good to me, so I clicked it.
The screen displayed, "Nothing Selected."
I groaned, clicked the "OK" button to clear the message, then found the "Select" menu. Under that were several options, including "Current File", which I chose. I would've liked to leave out some of the experimentation notes, but I didn't want to take the time to find out how or to read them to find out which to omit. Then back to "Send To > Email". I typed in the random jumble of letters I'd chosen for the email address ([email protected]) when I'd set it up at the Water Board's office, plus, "URGENT" for the subject line. I hit "Send."
The screen told me, "Address not on Authorized List", offering buttons for "Cancel", "Add to List", and "Request Authorization Number".
I was getting panicky now, because if the big boss came back into the room it'd probably take me too long to clear everything before he saw something was happening. I hit "Add to List".
"Adding [email protected] to Authorized Email List for Elliott, Ernesto. Enter Authorization Number:"
#11: (There was no "Go Back" option.)
It took two minutes of frantic searching to find a program under the email system that was called, "Create Authorization Numbers". I selected it quickly.
"Authorization Number's recipient?"
I typed in "Elliott, Ernesto".
"To Authorize email address?"
I entered "[email protected]".
"Authorizer's username and password?"
I typed in EE's username and password.
"Invalid: Not recognized as superior to recipient."
The guy EE was talking to now was Zachary Cole, so we changed the recipient on the screen to "Cole, Zachary", had to reenter 'our' (i.e., EE's) username and password, which produced, "Accepted. Authorization Number: 2006/454sbhyQW8643Q82. Email Authorization Number to recipient, Yes/No?"
I selected "No" because I did not need Zachary Cole to get an email from EE while EE was standing right in front of him. I repeated the process for the half dozen occupants of the offices around EE's for which I had login details. Every Authorization Number was sixteen random characters, which would have been a bastard to memorize except that thirty two minds gave me a big advantage. I could allocate four or five minds to each code, so they only had to remember one code, and they focused on remembering just the first or last eight characters.
Then I canceled out of the email-sending part of the program, and spent my time skipping through my file (with the mouse point poised over the "X"). I wasn't reading it; merely skimming to see what was in it. Which was EVERYTHING:
All the DHS records, before AND after they were sanitized, for both the Portland and DC's S&T offices.
What Wright had emailed Phillips when he'd called to unload me on the CIA, and Phillip's notes of their conversations.
How I'd been transported. For the trip to Fort Dodge, S&T had drugged me and the CIA had picked me up. For that transfer, there were details right down to the plane number, flight takeoff and landing times, and accompanying agents.
What room of the lab I'd been put in (I already knew that, I've mentioned it only to illustrate that the file was painstaking about every little step).
MANY detailed experimental notes, up until four days before my breakout. The details ceased then, replaced by recollections, presumably because the hard data ended as at the time of their last truly off-site backup, and the last notes were added by interviewing the staff that'd dealt with me after the lab's disaster.
My alleged mind control was discussed repeatedly in the S&T information, and was also discussed a great deal early in the CIA testing, but the CIA's scientists had quickly lost interest in the mind control fantasy as there was absolutely no evidence of it. The closest thing to proof was my very abnormally high brain activity, which proved something, but there was no telling what. Instead the CIA's scientists had become increasingly excited by many of the other results they'd been getting, about 5% of which I was able to glean a small amount of meaning from, because they were so impenetrably scientific. For example, from the scoop of my brain matter they'd taken, they'd learned that my brain "averages 244 voltage-gated sodium channels in unmyelinated axons." I don't know about you, but I'm impressed. No wonder I'd been so successful with girls before my abduction; it hadn't been my sense of humor after all.
I was pleased to see that the mind control theory had been dismissed. Both because when this went public, it'd make the DHS look even stupider, and because without believing it, the CIA should be less likely to look for magical explanations for the disaster or for someone with magical abilities around my family. I had no idea what 95% of the scientific mumbo-jumbo meant, but the file seemed to be a wonderful thing to go public with.
I got to the end of my skimming, decided not to read any part of it in depth, so exited out of my stuff entirely, leaving the computer exactly as EE had left it.
It was only a matter of waiting for one of the other office occupants to take a walk. As it turned out, it was Zachary Cole in the next office, as he and EE went to talk with a third person.
Using Zachary Cole's computer, I searched for "Anderson, Mark", crossed my new finger (it was doing a good job supplying luck so far), then clicked on "Subject File". The file opened and a quick look outside showed no sign of sirens going off. I selected the "Current File", then "Send To > Email", typed in "[email protected]" and "URGENT" for the subject line, then hit "Send".
The screen told me, "Address not on Authorized List", again offering buttons for "Cancel", "Add to List", and "Request Authorization Number".
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A story written in a kind of ‘she thought and did/he thought and did’ fashion… alternating paragraphs. It starts slow but builds… hope you like it. The story… ***** He’s my best friend and has been since we were kids. He used to fix my bike and I’d help him deliver papers in the mornings. We went all the way through school and are still best friends ten years later. We’ve never gone out and we’ve neither been married and we’ve each had a lot of friends and a few lovers and we’re still...
Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I strode through the corridors of the Ziggurat, my men at my back, armed, armored. Death was in the air. The future promised blood and violence. My nipples were hard as my purple sari whisked against my thighs. Juices dribbled down my legs. My heart, my dear Lucy, marched at my side, naked and unashamed, her light-brown hair bouncing about her shoulders. She smelled excited, too. Eager. She was...
Saturday, April 23, 2005 I woke up at 4am as expected, and felt fine. It didn't look like Ava had moved all night, so she was conveniently still on her back. I reached over to turn on one of the bedside lamps, put a rubber on, then pushed the covers down, spread Ava's legs, and moved so I was between them. I went down on her, to get her as aroused as I could, and even to get her off if it went that long. Her being asleep didn't change most of her body's reactions, which I knew well by...
Friday, June 8, 2007 It was 12:40am and I had a long way to go: south past Florida; west across the Gulf of Mexico, across Mexico itself and a hundred miles out into the Pacific; then north to LA. It was about 3,800 miles by my reckoning. Sunrise off LA was 5:30am, giving me five hours. That was an average of 760 mph - exactly Mach 1, which I was NOT going to attempt. I changed my intended route to cut across Florida and estimated that reduced the journey to 3,400 miles, giving 700 mph as...
Hasina lay stretched out on her bed wearing nothing but a yawn. It was a scorching hot summer day, not to mention boring. Hasina was wondering how in the world she was going to make it through a whole long, hot summer without a man.Hasina, a petite 20-year-old brunette, was home for the summer and separated from her boyfriend, Munna, who'd had to return to his own home town hundreds of miles away. Munna had given her plenty of steady loving over the past three months, and Hasina missed it...
Prothom dekhay ami tar preme pore gelam. Premta holo amar bier pore. R pore na hoe upayo ney karon se silo amar shashuri. Ami bibahito majh boyeshi meyeder proti ekdom chotbela thekey akristo. Amar moner basona money roye giesilo. Konodin serokom sujog aseni r amio hal serei diesilam. Kintu bier por amar jibonta shorger moto mone holo. Amar wife er boyosh 20 r tar mar boyosh 39. Amar shoshurer boyosh 55, tak dekhley aro boyoshko mone hoy. Prothom dekhatey amar maya jonme gelo shashurir upor,...
Thursday, July 28 to Thursday, September 1, 2005 Back at home, there was a great deal of catching up required. For example, Katie West had been laid low by her treatment, but had bounced back (that's what it was supposed to do), and now seemed fine. She wasn't fine, as the chemotherapy had only been a delaying action, but she looked better if you ignored that she was wearing a wig. Carson was also booked in for something similar soon. We'd talked to Ava every day while we'd been away,...
Tuesday, January 29, 2002 I was right, of course. It was going to get worse, a lot worse! By Sunday night, everybody in the White House, and seemingly half of Congress, knew about ‘The Carl Buckman Experience.’ All week, CBS was running blips and teasers from the interview, and I knew that little segment was going to be a big piece of it. Ari was a little more even on it, surprisingly. Yes, it was going to be a bit embarrassing (A bit? You think?) but was it really that bad a thing to be...
Another example of the forms of intimacy discussed in the Kamasutra includes chumbanas (kissing). The text presents twenty-six forms of kisses, ranging from those appropriate for showing respect and affection, to those during foreplay and sex. Vatsyayana also mentions variations in kissing cultures in different parts of ancient India. The best kiss for an intimate partner, according to kamasutra, is one that is based on the awareness of the avastha (the emotional state of one's partner) when...
Me – “Oh, yeah. I am ready. Just give me a minute.” I moved to the freezer and drank some water from a bottle. She covered her saree over her loosely and moved to the kitchen after picking up the utensils from the table. I put the bottle back in the freezer and followed her to the kitchen. I moved behind her and hugged her back, placing my hands over her belly. I started caressing her tender skin over there and she sighed. Di – “I thought you needed some rest.” Me – “Your body never allows me...
IncestA kiss is the touch or pressing of one's lips against another person or an object. Kissing says, ‘I want to play with you and spend time with you. We’re taking our time and not just moving towards the goal of having an orgasm.’ It tells your partner you’re into them,” The lips are not the only part of the mouth which should be joined in kissing. Every lover is a glutton. He wants everything that is part of his sweetheart, everything. He doesn’t want to miss a single iota of her...
Another example of the forms of intimacy discussed in the Kamasutra includes chumbanas (kissing). The text presents twenty-six forms of kisses, ranging from those appropriate for showing respect and affection, to those during foreplay and sex. Vatsyayana also mentions variations in kissing cultures in different parts of ancient India. The best kiss for an intimate partner, according to kamasutra, is one that is based on the awareness of the avastha (the emotional state of one's partner) when...
An Honorable Union by Will Buster This story is an experiment. The English Norman period is one of my favorites and I hope I’ve captured the spirit of the times. Let me know if you like my depiction of this courtly age. I have other novels that deal with this long past world. So feel free to send comments and by all means vote. W.B. ******** “I thought it would be a good idea for you to meet your betrothed.” Young Brian Fitzgibbon raised his eyebrows ever so slightly as...
WIFE GETS BANGED MY A UNION IRONWORKER My wife Annie and I live in the suburbs of New York City. We are in our late forties, kids are all grown and gone, we each have decent jobs and are starting to enjoy life without worrying about pets or children. A few weeks back we decided to visit the Hamptons for a long weekend. We love the beach and since it was the off-season, the motel rates were reasonable and the weather was fantastic. So we left on Thursday and had until Sunday to enjoy our...
Kat's reception on her arrival at the Callabrian spaceport was a sight warmer than her arrival on Calysto had been. Helios was waiting at the gate with a big, hand-lettered sign reading "Themis Agnoset" on top, and "Ready to party?" below. The wording was surrounded by what were obviously supposed to be balloons and party favors, perhaps fireworks, and the whole thing looked like it was a grade school child's art project. Kat had to laugh at the big grin on his face and Helios stood...
Pan spent his first two months on Chonwei feeling like he was back in college, taking accounting courses with a plan to work in the family business. His brother John had encouraged him to take Corporate Finance, no matter what else he studied, so that when he took his place in the company, he could make informed decisions. He spent ten to twelve hours a day tracking the money movements between corporations, megacorps, holding companies and shell companies. It was an epic task, though it was...
Kat had thrown caution to the wind and had opened the throttles on the little sled, building up speed as quickly as possible. Since there was no atmosphere to slow her down, she figured that if she could get going fast, she could ride that speed for a long time, even after the fuel supply was exhausted. She would rather die in space than be recaptured by the ExTrans. It hadn't taken long, with the throttle wide open, to burn through the available fuel. Kat waited until the ship she had...
Tuesday, July 1 to Thursday, July 10, 2008 It was much easier to get the non-Mom members of my family onto my side. I went running with Donna the next afternoon. We had a long conversation about topics that I knew were important to her. Naturally there was a lot of talk about sex, as Donna was very curious about it anyway and had been bursting to ask me about what she'd observed. She already knew enough about sex to know that she'd seen something very unusual. She was also amazed that...
Sam Thomas was our key person for the Ark’s construction effort in addition to being one of our two lawyers. Sam knew that he would not be able to manage the construction effort without help, so he hired a construction management firm. The firm pulled our activities together in an organized and logical fashion with Sam’s help. They recommended an architectural firm, which we employed to design the electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and other systems required for living in the Silos. They also...
Beware of Unions by Rachael Free I reflect on my wife's and my situation and how it ever happened. My name's Jeff (or was) and I was once a very successful lawyer married to a self made millionaire, Amy. Financially we were set for life, loving our work and pursuit of excellence. We both focused more on our work than enjoying life. Of course we had the houses, the vacation house, boats, cars, the finest clothing and loyal servants who took care of all our...
For those who have read the previous tale this is an update. To recap, what started off as a desire for a mfm threesome with my wife turned a little when she unexpectedly did the very same with two younger co workers. It was such an amazing feeling for me that she enjoyed it so much that we conspired for her to continue with me getting my 'jollies' listening to the descriptions of her escapades. I enjoyed dressing her up for her dates, tight pvc dresses latex wear, heels and anything shiny and...
Group SexI have been talking to my wife about trying a threeway with another guy for a long time.She says no..i'm too old!. My response is always that she's a milf and no way is she too old.My persistence must have paid off because our sex life suddenly became infused with fantasies about her me and another guy. How and who with was always her big question. Someone we know,a stranger, craigslist, who? was always her comment. Someone from work I suggested .There must be a guy has the hots for you.You...
Group SexI was working in a company in Hyderabad, in the company I was surrounded by people who were many years my senior, Then about 2 months ago, Hasina joined our company, I could scarcely believe my eyes. I was overjoyed that I would now have a beautiful, fresh, good looking girl of my own age working with us. My super active mind was full of fantasies involving her: blowjobs under my desk, quick fucks in the rest room, doggie-style humping and so on. Hasina is a knockout in the truest sense, she...
Thursday, April 21, 2005 (Continued) We were cutting getting to class a little fine, so Julia, Lily, a couple of the Liaison rejects and I went straight into the classroom as soon as we arrived. I was thinking about other things (recalling the wonderful stripping race, if you must know), and I automatically paused to let the girls traveling with me enter the room first, then I entered after them. Classrooms are always very noisy places just before class starts. There's lots of catching up,...
The next day Subhash heard the door-bell ringing at 8-00 A.m. , he was surprised, because there was nobody expected and Sushila never came before 9-00. When he opened the door sure enough he saw it was Sushila standing there with a plastic bag in her hand.Subhash let her in, locked the door and asked her, “Does that bag contain the towel?” Sushila just smiled and nodded. Subhash asked her to make tea for him first. She went to the kitchen. It was a small flat, two bedrooms, a hall and a...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestDear Readers, this is the third story about an Indian man and his maid. The first story was about how an Indian man, managed to entice his maid to have sex with him. The second story was about how he fucked her the first time. Subhash was anxiously waiting on the third day for his maid Sushila to come for her work. He would glance at the clock, pace his room and again look up. The clock was showing 10:00 A.m. Sushila was already an hour late and Subhash was fuming inside. Two days had gone and...
Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith Queen Adroyna was dead. My grandmother. The longest-lived queen in Naith’s history. She had fended off assassination plots from aunts, from cousins, from sisters, and from her own daughters. She had drenched the Ziggurat in the blood of rakshasas to gain and maintain her clawed grasp on the queendom. And now she was dead. Of natural causes. Just thinking about it sent a horny wave of desire...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Hi friends kaise ho mai aapka raj fir se hazir hu aapke samne apni ek story ko lekar ummid hai aap pasand karenge or mujhe par mail zaroor karenge to mai aapko apni ek real story sunane ja raha hu jo meri or meri girlfriend ki saheli ki chudai ki kahani hai to dosto mai start karta hu ye story 3 mahine pahli hai mai sham ko ghar par baitha tha to mere mobile par ek call aaya call attend karte hi dusri taraf se ek meethi si aawaz aayi usne apna intro diya ki wo shashi bol rahi hai mai aapki gf...