Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 102: Ava Has A Tough Morning free porn video

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Saturday, April 23, 2005

I woke up at 4am as expected, and felt fine. It didn't look like Ava had moved all night, so she was conveniently still on her back.

I reached over to turn on one of the bedside lamps, put a rubber on, then pushed the covers down, spread Ava's legs, and moved so I was between them. I went down on her, to get her as aroused as I could, and even to get her off if it went that long. Her being asleep didn't change most of her body's reactions, which I knew well by now, so she did start getting excited in her sleep.

Not for long though. She struggled awake before she came, which disappointed me, although I'd have been surprised if she hadn't.

"Wh... , what are you doing?"

With a bright, cheerful voice, I beamed, "GOOD MORNING, BEAUTIFUL! How are you this lovely morning?" I had no idea whether it was a lovely morning or not, but made a mental note that I should check later.

She wasn't awake enough to know how she was yet, but it didn't take her too many more licks before she realized that she was very sore. Having her legs spread so wide probably wasn't helping any. Once she realized how her body felt, she made a, "{GROAN}."

Her pussy was lubricated enough because I'd made sure to slobber a lot, so I moved up, as if to kiss her. As I was moving up I used TK to angle my cock correctly, and I guided it straight into her pussy, then I started having sex with her.

This came as quite a surprise to Ava. She wasn't fully awake, was still VERY tired (the poor girl had only had three hours sleep, after all), and was very sore. Her hips twitched upward as if to have sex, ONCE, then they let her brain damned well know that they did NOT want to play this game. "{GROAN}. Wh... , what time is it?"

"Four. So we've plenty of time before breakfast. We can make up for the time I lost us last night. Sorry I was so tired."

That wasn't how she remembered it! She tried to move her legs into a more comfortable position, but they didn't want to move even more than they didn't want to be where they were. Next she tried to sit up, but her stomach muscles immediately screamed at her not to be so fucking stupid. She collapsed back on the bed, groaning again. I got in a few more thrusts, before she said, "Mark! I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't."

"Can't what?" Still thrusting away.

"I can't do sex..."

"Don't worry, I'll do all the work until you wake up properly. Then we can roll over because I liked the position where you're on top. You're very good at that one."

"No! No! Please stop." Ava dug her hands into the mattress to try to push herself away from the fucking monster. Unfortunately that motion required that her stomach muscles tense up. They asked her, once again, to please stop doing that.

She collapsed again, and I took mercy on her, by pausing at the bottom of my stroke. I innocently asked, "What's the matter?"

"I can't. I'm very sore."

"From what?"

She looked at me with a stunned look of her face, then shrilly answered, "From all the SEX!"

"Oh. Did you have sex with a lot of people yesterday too?"

It was fun playing with her head, and the looks on her face were also very amusing. One of the reasons I like Ava is that she's so easy to read. Also because she's VERY good at sex.

"No. Well yes; with Carol and Julia in the morning. But I meant I'm sore from you."

"But we hardly had much sex at all. Not even three hours, and the beginning was just warming up. Not even two and half hours of real sex. You can't possibly be sore from such a small amount." To confirm my being sure that she couldn't really be sore, I restarted my pushups.

I got about half of one done, before Ava yelled, "I AM SORE! I really am. Please stop."

I sank back into her again, then said, "Truly. Even from such a little amount?"

"You don't understand. You kept going and going and going. You never stopped. For HOURS! I've never had sex like that before."

"But it wasn't for long, not even two and a half hours. How are you going to manage a normal session, if you're sore after just two hours?"

She REALLY didn't want to ask. Fascinated horror was visible on her face. But "fascinated" won; she HAD to ask, "How long is a normal session?"

"Five or six hours usually. Longer on the weekend of course, when we've got more time. I LIKE sex and you said before that you like it too, so we could easily have weekend days where we spend most of the day in bed fucking. That'd be good, wouldn't it?" I flexed my hips a little, in case she'd forgotten what fucking was.

"FIVE OR SIX HOURS! Without stopping! Like last night? Five or six hours like last night?"

"Of course without stopping. Well maybe for lunch, but why would you stop if you're having a good time? The whole point is to have sex, so why lie around NOT having sex? That's just stupid! I'm starting to think you don't really like sex, because you seem to be looking for any excuse to stop having it?"

"No, no. I DO like sex. I'm just not used to so much of it."

"That's no problem. You'll soon get used it if you're with me." I started my pushups again.

"STOP! Stop. Please stop. I can't. I'm too sore."

"I'm not the least bit sore, so you can't be very sore. I'm sure that once you start moving you'll loosen up and everything will be fine."

I started another pushup, and BARELY moved before Ava yelled, "NO! I am VERY sore. Very, very sore. Too sore for sex."

"I don't understand. How did that happen?"

"{Groan}. From YOU! You did it to me last night."

"But that was just for two hours. Are you really that sore from just two hours sex?"

"YES. I am! Please no more."

"Wow. You're not very good at sex, are you?"

I saw her bristle at that, even get angry. Her lips even started forming the beginning of her protest, but then she realized what my hips would start doing if she said something like that. She visibly struggled for an ego-saving answer, eventually arriving at, "I AM good, but I'm out of condition."

"I would have thought that all the running you did would have kept you in condition?"

"No. Sex is different from running." I wasn't going to argue with her about that because sex IS different from running. If they were the same, life would either be a WHOLE lot more fun or not worth living.

"But I woke up at 4, intending to have about four hours of sex before breakfast." With a hopeful tone of voice, I asked, "Are you sure you can't do just four hours?"

"{Groan}. No, I really can't."

"How about two hours then? You did more than that last night, so two hours should be easy for you."

"No. I can't. I can't do ANY sex. I'm too sore."

"Not even ONE hour? One hour is NOTHING. I'll be REALLY quick, I promise."

"{Groan}. I can't do ANY! NONE. I'm too sore."

"From just from two hours of sex last night! That's terrible, you must be miles out of condition. I wasn't even very good last night, because I was so tired."

Ava had nothing to say to that.

I continued with, "So when you told Julia that you were fit, you were talking about your running muscles. It's just your sex muscles that are out of condition. You weren't lying to Julia; you were just talking about different muscles, right?"

"Yeah. I just can't do any more sex now."

"Okay." I climbed off the bed, went to Julia's vanity table and picked up Ava's running clothes off it. I carried them back to the bed and dropped them beside her, happily announcing, "I was going to wait until after sex, but let's go for a run now instead. I've got lots of energy I need to burn off. We've got at least three hours, which is easily enough time to do a long run. It'd be nice to be able to get to know you better while we're running."

For some reason Ava hadn't moved, so I pushed her legs sideways, swiveling her around until her legs were hanging over the side of the bed. I pretended not to notice the shock and groans this caused her, saying, "Come on, lazy bones! I know you're a good runner, so we'll just do twenty five or thirty miles before breakfast. It'll be easy for you."

Ava was still trying to recover from the pain of my moving her so unexpectedly. I ignored her, and went to my dresser, removed a pair of underwear and put them on after throwing my rubber into the trash. It looked like I wouldn't need it. I pretended to notice that Ava hadn't moved, telling her, "Boy! Are you ever lazy this morning. I thought you'd be eager to get out and running." I started running on the spot, just to rub it in.

She was looking at my near naked body bouncing up and down very athletically, but - for some reason - she was showing somewhat less arousal than she'd shown when she saw me undress last night. She was a worried girl. She knew she'd painted herself into a corner by saying that her running muscles were fit, and she didn't want to admit she'd lied about that. Julia had warned her about honesty, and I'd reminded her about Julia's warning this morning. She was between a rock and a hard place, with muscles that refused to move.

"What's the matter? Why aren't you getting dressed for our run?"

Her brain was incapable of finding a solution. She was very sore, very tired, and very out of ideas.

"Do you need some more sleep?"

"YES! I do! I didn't get enough sleep last night."

"Okay. Just because I like you, I'll go wake Julia to have sex with her until 5:30. She's very nice to me and is happy to have sex whenever I want. I'm horny this morning because I thought I was going to have some more sex with you. But as you're not very good at sex, I'll go and have some with Julia." I could see Ava want to argue with me again, but her brain worked well enough to see the danger in responding to that. I continued, "I'll come back here at EXACTLY 5:30. I want you to be completely dressed in your running clothes and ready to run out the door. That way we can get two hours of running before breakfast, which would be good as I'd like to spend some time talking to you, so we can get to know each other better. I'll see you at 5:30 EXACTLY. You'll be ready, won't you?"

She knew she wouldn't be. She MIGHT be capable of dressing despite the pain that'd cause her, but there was no possibility of her running for two minutes, let alone two hours.

After her hesitation I said, "Ava, last night I said I would have sex with you for two to three hours, and I did. When I say I'm going to do something, I do it. This morning you said your running muscles were fine, but somehow you can't run now. I'm giving you an extra one and a half hours of sleep and then we'll go running. If you tell me now that you'll be ready to go running at 5:30 but you're not, then I'll be VERY angry. I don't like people who lie, which Julia has already warned you about. So I'll ask you ONE more time, will you be ready to go running with me for two hours at 5:30? If you tell me 'Yes', and then don't do it, I will never see you again. So I suggest you answer 'No' unless you're positive that you can run for two hours with me."

She wasn't positive that she could, so she hung her head, and quietly confessed, "No." Silent tears started rolling down her cheek.

I said, "In that case, let's get you back into bed, so you can sleep."

I gently picked up her legs and swung them back into bed, then pulled the covers up over her. I knelt on the floor beside her as she wouldn't have enjoyed the jostling caused by my sitting on the bed, because I'm nothing if not considerate. I wiped her cheek with my hand and said, "I'm not going to break up with you." I have a new rule in my life: Never break up with anyone who can suck my cock so wonderfully. "You've done some good things with me since you came here last night, and you've done some silly things. We'll talk about them later, but I am NOT going to break up with you. I'll go find Julia now because I want some sex, and after that I'll have a run. You have a good sleep now. I won't disturb you again until 7:30 at the earliest, so you can have a nice, long sleep in."

I stood, kissed both her cheeks, and then finished dressing in my running gear, except I was carrying my shoes and socks as it would seem weird to put those on before going to have sex. I turned off the bedside light, and said, "Sweet dreams, sweetie," as I groped my way to the door. In truth, I was going to study, but telling her what I had was a lot more physically impressive, and it was her belief in her physical superiority that Julia wanted to crush. On the way to the study I congratulated myself for how well it'd worked. I'd been worried about Ava's fitness preventing her muscles from getting sore, which is why I'd punished them so much last night, but they were certainly very sore this morning. Probably her fitness level meant she'd bounce back quickly (maybe not exactly "bounce", but you know what I mean), but that didn't matter now.

In the study I turned on a spotlight above my desk, leaving the room's main lights off. I looked over at Julia, and saw that she was wearing a black mask over her eyes. The type of mask that I knew some people wore on planes to help them sleep. It was very early and I didn't know how lightproof her mask was, so I left the room's main lights off.

I put my socks on because my feet were cold, then I studied quietly while Julia slept on undisturbed.

I couldn't help imagining what 'my' new computer hardware would look like, and how great it'd be to use it. Every time I hit a part of a lecture that needed a lot of scrolling, I thought about my - hopefully - new system again. What a pity I hadn't thought to ask for it before Julia caught me out.

Prof had originally suggested that he get up at 5:30 to bring the quizzes in. When we'd later worked out the timings of what we wanted to do this morning, we'd changed that to 6:30 being the start time of the first quiz. They were both fairly small jobs (quizzes, rather than exams). Each was allowed forty five minutes, totaling 1.5 hours, thus giving an 8am finish, and giving us time for a shower and breakfast before shopping. We didn't know how long it'd take to get Ava on her way, but if the worst happened she could just stay in bed for a while, as Prof and Vanessa were going to be home until the soccer game. A 4am wakeup to the 6:30 quiz start gave me 2.5 hours, so just over two hours of studying because of the time spent forcing Ava to admit defeat.

I quickly finished Algebra up to the point Prof had specified, and that pair of minds (#1 and #2) joked with #3 and #4 about who the smartest Marks were. Calculus still had a fair bit to go, which wasn't ideal as it was also the course that I most wanted to review, but that's the way the cookie crumbles (thinking that did nothing to help my concentration). Unfortunately, we could only use the two minds that had finished Algebra to review the first part of Calculus, up to the point when we'd realized we could go double-speed, because they hadn't learned any of the Calculus past that point. We had to wait on #3 and #4 to be able to review any of the Calculus past that point.

Immediately after that we realized we couldn't use #1 and #2 to review Calculus at all, because they didn't have any printouts of the first few Calculus lectures to read. We didn't want to print them out now because the noise would disturb Julia, and we couldn't divide the screen in half without slowing down #3 and #4, who were already worryingly slow. What a pity we didn't have a better computer system! So #1 and #2 started reviewing the Algebra printouts we did have, which missed several of the early ones because we hadn't started printing them out until we split our focus. Even when #3 and #4 finished studying up to where the quiz would be, they'd still need the screen to review their material, so we had no way to review the early Algebra lectures without risking waking Julia. The next time someone calls us a genius we're going to blow them a very big raspberry.

If that wasn't bad enough, a few minutes later one of us had another horrible thought, #1:


#1 and #2 got bored with their reviewing, as they were learning nothing new.


Short of quickly growing a third eyeball, we could only agree it was a pity. Although we also agreed that some boredom was probably better than the trouble having a third eyeball would cause us. We had to cut short the humorous scenarios we were creating for each other because we had more serious work to do.

#3 and #4 finished the last Calculus lecture just before six. The damned thing had a couple of tricky parts in it, which was the last thing I needed now. I immediately started reviewing Calculus as fast as possible. For about two minutes, when an alarm clock went off, scaring the hell out of me. I'd been very careful to stay as quiet as possible, that the sudden alarm nearly made me wet myself.

It was coming from Julia's direction, and it only took her a few seconds to raise her blindfold, and declare, "Good. You're here."

I said, "Everything went well with Ava, who should be asleep still, and I hate to be rude, but I've only just this second finished the last Calculus lecture, and started reviewing. My time estimates were a bit off, unfortunately. I REALLY want to review as much as I can for the next thirty minutes. Can I rudely ignore you please? And can I start printing stuff out as well, if you don't mind the noise?"

"If you make it up triple for ignoring me now, it's a deal, haha."

Greedy girl, demanding triple. What happened to double? I fired up the printer for the early Algebra and Calculus lectures, and got back to my reviewing (two minds did each of those simultaneously).

Julia got up, gave me a very quick kiss, and wandered off for a shower.

Prof came in at 6:25, carrying the dreaded, important quizzes. "Good morning, Mark." After the usual exchange, "Are you ready to take the quizzes?"

"Sort of. I've finished the lectures and I've reviewed Algebra pretty thoroughly, and all seems fine there. But I haven't done as much Calculus review as I want. I think everything will be okay, because I think I do understand the material, but I'd like some more Calculus time. I was wondering if we could do the Algebra quiz first. I usually finish quizzes faster than most people, so maybe that'd give me some extra reviewing time before Calculus. Would that be allowed?"

"No problem. The other students had several days between their last lecture and the quiz, so giving you a few extra minutes is perfectly fine. Would you prefer to put this off for another day? It's not the sort of thing you can start doing, then decide it's too hard and come back and try it again later. It's a one-attempt deal."

"I'm confident with Algebra, so let's do that one now, and I'll see how I feel after that."

That's what we did, Prof making a production about turning off my computer screen and putting all my lecture notes and printouts away. He placed the quiz face down on my desk, got me to get my pad and pens ready, then meticulously timed the start of it.

A very quick read of the quiz showed that the questions were in chronological order, so we separated the pages so #3 and #4 could work on the early ones, while #1 and #2 worked on the later ones which only they knew the answers to. When #3 and #4 hit the end of the material they knew, they supervised, looking for stupid mistakes. #1 and #2 split to have one eyeball each, and leapfrogged through the rest of the questions.

It turned out to be a doddle. That might be a word that only Mom and a few other people know, so I'll explain that it was a cakewalk (I hope that helps). We finished writing all the answers (using pens in both hands) in about twenty minutes. I double-checked the answers fruitlessly for another ten minutes, which was probably excessive for a double-check, but I was determined to do well. [When writing with both hands the paper tended to drift around without the second hand holding it, so I had long since learned to pin the top of each page with a book, or write on full pads so the mass of attached paper holds the top pages steady, or more recently, to use TK to hold the paper.]

I declared, "finished" after thirty minutes. I put the pens down and leaned back in my chair.

Prof said, "That was a very strange sight. It's one thing to hear that you can simultaneously read two computer screens and can use two mice, but watching you write the answers to two different complex questions at the same time is MOST impressive. Do you do that at school?"

"No. I often do two things at once, like reading a book and writing notes about what the teacher is talking about, but I definitely don't write with both hands. I keep only one pen on my desk to stop me doing that accidentally. I figured there was no harm in doing it here though."

"I enjoyed seeing it. I can tell Vanessa, I assume?"

"Sure. I assume you two are equal. No secrets between you. I finished fifteen minutes early, and might do the same for Calculus, so can I review that for about twenty minutes now please?"

"Go for it."

I turned my screen back on, and went for it.

Once the twenty minutes were up, and I'd turned the screen off again, Prof asked, "Do you want to do the test or delay it?"

"What I'd LOVE to do, is to review for three or four hours to use up nearly all of my shopping time, but that'll only be delaying the inevitable AND annoying Julia. I didn't find any problems during the review so I think I'm probably okay. Let's try it."

It was the same procedure, producing much the same outcome. Calculus is, for me, harder than Algebra, so answering the questions took me a few minutes longer. I also double-checked more slowly, using up the full time allowance.

Prof gathered up my answers and wandered off to his study to fax them through. I shut the computer down, tidied up, put on my running shoes to pretend with Ava later that I'd been running, then went in search of Julia or breakfast. I started the search in kitchen, in case she was there. She wasn't, but the breakfast makings were, so that was fine.

Julia came in five minutes later, saying, "I thought I'd find you in here when the time was up. How did it go?"

"Good, I think. In fact, I'll be so bold as to say great. Your dad should have faxed them through already. He enjoyed seeing me write the answers to two questions at the same time using both hands. Freaked him a little, I think, but I wanted every time advantage I could get."

"It's good to remind him how special you are. I'm looking forward to out how well you did, but I bet Dad is even more so. Tell me what happened with Ava while I get my breakfast. We don't want to lose valuable shopping time."

She used the word "we" incorrectly, but I told her about Ava anyway. My description didn't take long as my sessions with Ava had pretty much gone to plan. I reminded Julia that Ava thought I'd woken up Julia for some sex this morning, and had been out for a run. I ended with, "I know what to say to her when we go wake her up, and then I'll leave her to your tender, torturous mercies while I have a shower."

Prof came in as we were washing our dishes, he said, "I thought you'd be in here, Mark. I've faxed them. They'll call me with the results before they fax them through, so I should know in about ten minutes."

That surprised me. I'd been expecting several hours. I'd even had the brief thought yesterday that I hoped Prof could tell me when he came to my soccer game. I showed my surprise and Prof started explaining, but I figured it out for myself, "It's okay. I realize I was just used to school taking a day or more to tell us. Of course it doesn't take long to mark a single test if the marker is poised for it. Far less time than it took me to do it."

Julia said, "Mark and I have to talk with Ava, Dad, and we don't want to waste valuable shopping time. We'll go talk with her now. If Mark's results are good, can you come into our room and tell us please? It'd do Ava good to hear what Mark's accomplished this morning, and it'd be good for her to have you walk into the room. Don't knock, just walk in. If Mark did well, that is. If he didn't, I don't want Ava to hear that."

"Sure. See you in a few minutes."

It was about 8:30 when we went to wake Ava. On the way upstairs Julia instructed me on how to sit on the bed. I noticed she deliberately left the bedroom door an inch short of closed behind us after we'd entered her room.

I shook Ava, calling, "WAKE UP, Ava. It's 8:30. Come on, sleepyhead."

"{Groan}. What time is it?"

"8:30. Come on, sit up, we want to talk with you."

Ava would have preferred to listen to our talk without moving a single one of her muscles, but Julia insisted that Ava sit up. Ava struggled and groaned, but eventually succeeded. She pulled up the sheet to modestly cover her chest, but it got pulled down and pinned when Julia and I sat on the bed to either side of Ava. Ava started covering herself with her arms, and then realized she was being silly, both of us being her lovers. She relaxed about that, which was the only thing she would relax about. Her body was still very sore, and she knew she was about to be talked to about something not good.

I started, "Ava. This morning you turned me down for sex and a run. It took a long, time-wasting conversation before I discovered you didn't want to do either because your body was too sore, because it wasn't able to keep up with me in sex. That was the reason, wasn't it?"

She didn't want to admit that. So I prompted her, "Ava, before I let you go back to sleep again, you said you were too sore because of the sex you'd had with me last night. You've already admitted that's what made you sore, so why can't you admit it again now? I hardly think it's likely that there was some other reason for you being so sore that you'd forgotten about, was there?"

Julia said, "Hurry up, Ava. We've got a busy morning planned and Mark has to have a shower after his run. We don't have time for your being afraid to admit the obvious truth. Are you too sore because Mark's body was too powerful for you?"

I was admiring that phrase, while Ava admitted, "Umm. I guess so. He wouldn't stop, Julia. He just kept going and going. He never, ever stopped."

Julia interrupted, "Ava! I've made love to him many times, including this morning because you were too weak. I know EXACTLY what he's like. I told you several times when we were with Carol how athletic he is in bed."

"But I had NO IDEA! I've never had a guy who could do what Mark did last night."

"Shut up Ava! You're wasting time. I KNOW what Mark is like, so there's no need to keep telling me. It's not my fault that you didn't listen when I told you the night before last. Now be quiet and listen to Mark."

We heard the house phone ring, but ignored it. It was picked up immediately anyway. Presumably lecturer #1 of 2 reporting in. I said, "What annoys me is that when I woke you this morning, you KNEW that your body was wrecked. Why didn't you immediately say, 'Mark, I am sorry, but I am very, very sore. I can't have sex, I can't run, I can't even walk. Your lovemaking last night was more than I could handle. Please forgive me for being so weak, and please let me go back to sleep so I can rest and heal faster.' Instead you wasted fifteen minutes trying to fool me into thinking that you were fitter, stronger and healthier than you really are. Why did you waste fifteen of my minutes, Ava? I'm a very busy person, and don't have time to waste on people who talk such nonsense?"

Ava prevaricated - a big word, but it didn't need her to use any muscles, so she could do it. After that she hemmed and hawed, but only cautiously, especially with the hawing because that was job-related to how she got sore in the first place.

Julia said, "You've already deliberately tried to mislead Mark this morning, and you've been warned about what will happen if you are dishonest, so I STRONGLY suggest that you IMMEDIATELY answer Mark."

Ava swallowed, then forced herself to say, "I didn't want him to know I was sore."

Same as Deja Vu Ascendancy
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A Gift for Ava The Calling CAW9

I may have thought way, way outside the box but I hope Ava’s story is accepted as an entry and most importantly I hope you all enjoy it!!! Lots of lust, Farmer Joe Oh and if X is kiss and O his hug then what is the symbol for lick? Ava strolled slowly on her way home from school after a very busy day. She had done an average job at a science test and had nearly been decapitated by a hockey stick. Besides home was not such an inviting place as it used to be. It was always noisy and money was...

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Ava and The New World Ch 04

Mendoza returned to the cabin hours later. The bright moon reflected off the unseasonably glassy smooth ocean, it streamed through the cabin window, its tendrils touching Ava’s sleeping body. Mendoza opened the door slowly, to find her asleep slumped across the piles of books she had been so avidly studying. Mendoza slowly and quietly crossed the cabin to where she lay, deciding on taking her to the bed or covering her with blankets. Up til now she had been in her own little private cabin....

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Ava and The New World Ch 08

Mendoza’s sultry mouth travelled down the soft curves of Ava’s torso, sparking fireworks to shoot throughout her body. His fingers lingered over the soft skin of her thighs, stroking upwards making Ava shudder, whimpering his name. The pleasure intensified — and Ava was melting in a haze of passion, her mind threatening to blacken, her body raw with lust when she realised Mendoza’s kisses were deep on her hot weeping sex. Her eyes flew open is shock and disbelief. She tensed, her mind...

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Ava and The New World Ch 06

Ava grappled with her wet clothing, angrily throwing it on the cabin floor. ‘Bloody man…’ she huffed before wiping proud tears from her cheeks. She out on a dry pair of pantaloons, and another of Mendoza’s shirts, before wrapping herself up in a fur blanket which had been on her bed. Up til now she didn’t notice how cold it had become. The rain was almost ice like and the sea was just as sharp. Ava’s pride and heart were hurt. How much longer could she survive staying at arms length from...

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Ava and The New World Ch 01

The door slammed inches from her face, a menacing voice bellowed through the wood, ‘Dinner is a six, and by god daughter, you will there and appropriately dressed!’ Ava suppressed an angry scream, tossing her long, tumbling auburn tresses back from her face, stormy green eyes glimmering. ‘This is ridiculous!’ she hissed to herself, as she sat on her four poster, floral bed. She looked out and could see the snow begin to fall over the French fields, icy winds tapped sporadically at the...

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Ava chapter 1

Growing up as an early bloomer, Ava liked the attention she got from boys- just not the way they acted hesitant and shy around her, until she met Lacey. Born on August 12, 2000- and Lacey only 5 days after- she and Lacey were sisters, just really weird sisters. They did everything together, Ava’s mother was never home and so naturally, Lacey’s household became a home away from home for Ava, they often played dress up, truth or dare, board games, card games, watching movies, and boys. Ava and...

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Ava and The New World Ch 07

The cold blast of air had sharpened Mendoza’s mind, he was astounded at what he had just done. Surely she was bewitching him. How strong he tried to be, how much he wished he wasn’t in this position, it didn’t change the fatal attraction he felt for Ava. He shook her from his mind, determined to focus for the safety of the crew for at least the next few days. He took off into the darkness of the ship. Ava was breathing shallow, still leaning against the wall, thankful for its support. For what...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e16 Ava Marvaux 22

from Tottenham, London. We fade in on our hostess, Charley. She’s skirting that territory between sexy and strange. With her heavily botoxed face, obviously fake bolt-on boobs, and all those tattoos on her chest, her legs, her arms ... All wrapped up in too-small clothes, showing off as much flesh as possible – mini-skirt, sleeveless low-cut top. She’s strange, but she’s ours... We’re on a wide grey street, black fences on either side, nothing beyond them on one side, a blue storage...

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Ava and The New World Ch 02

Ava stomped her way through the sodden grass, wet from snow and ice. The clouds protected the countryside from the bright moon. Ava made her way to a towering oak tree, leaning up against the cold, damp bark. Unconsciously she began to shiver from the crisp air, still fuming. Why did she have to marry this man? Why did she have to marry full stop!? She was right about him being stuffy, old fashioned and un-passionate. To add to the list he was over bearing, arrogant and just a beast! How dare...

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Ava and The New World Ch 03

6 Months later Ava steadied herself against the railing of the solid galleon. She was still adjusting to the motion on the seas. Having travelled on ships to the West Indies before, it was not entirely new to her, but this was an extraordinary voyage. It still didn’t seem real either. She was out on a real ship, an adventure to new lands, but still confined as a ‘lady’ she was not allowed to do much more than sew, walk and read aboard. Ava did engage with many of the crew members, as she was...

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Ava the Sitter

Ava Dominique and Elle Monique's mom had a close friend Diane had become an auntie some time back. Diane's younger brother Tommy was a father to identical twins boy and girl named Louis and Layla. Tommy, a few years older than Dominique always had a thing for her. He never acted on it but he could never keep his eyes off of her body. Even when he was in the 9th grade and she was in the 5th, he liked when she played wrestling with him. He loved pinning her down and putting her into submission...

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Ava Koxxx 250 392000

One day my TSR (Tesla Sex Robot) will arrive from overseas in the mail. From that point on, I will never be spotted leaving the house again. I work from home, Uber Eats exists, and my friends can go fuck themselves. The TSR is the only companion I need in my life. H2O comes out of my pipes, my house is already full of oxygen, I'm subscribed to a lube delivery service, and I have no other passions or hobbies.My Life Post TSRAnyone brave enough to visit my home will find me a sweaty mess, barely...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Ava Grant and Troy

I was so irritated. My Mom and stepdad were heading to Italy for vacation and had called my stepbrother Troy to stay with me.“It’s so completely ridiculous that you won’t let me stay alone. I’m going to college next year for Christ sake.”“Watch your tongue young lady,” my mother snapped.“It’s still so fucking ridiculous.” “Ava Marie,” my mother said silencing me, “you know damn well why we can’t let you stay alone, after the last time, you’ll be lucky if we let you go away to college next...

4 years ago
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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 2 Ava and Doug

Ava Joan Marshall studied her naked body in the full-length mirror in her apartment’s bedroom. ‘Not bad for a thirty-eight-year-old broad’, she thought. She hefted her boobs with both hands, taking a second to rub both thumbs over her already erect nipples. The sensation made her moan and validated the feelings she had that she was hornier than a billy goat in the springtime. Almost on automatic, she went to her bedside table and opened the drawer. Inside she extracted a large dildo and...

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Ava Addams

You know what I love about Twitter? You can follow pretty much any kind of mother fucker on the planet. If you want to have your head filled with propaganda and conspiracy theories, every goddamn politician and his/her mother is on the platform, saying the dumbest fucking bullshit you’ve ever read.Did you know there is a politician somewhere in the world that actually believes they are the living embodiment of a giant tarantula God that lived in a different dimension millions of years ago? I...

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Ava Devine 5200 203000

Do you love beating off to Ava Devine? Who the fuck does not, mother fucker?! From the 2000s when she was just a 30something MILF to today when she is nearing 50, there is one takeaway from Ava Devine’s long legacy: her tits just keep on growing! At this rate, by the time she’s 70, she’s going to be a walking pair of tits instead of a real human being.Hey, that sounds fucking awesome to me! What about your fucking ass? If you want to follow Ava Devine (not literally) on Twitter and want to know...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 81 Ava Wests Letter

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 (Continued) When Julia and I approached her classroom, running a little late, her teacher and the Principal were standing outside. The Principal wasn't often seen in the halls, so I suspected this was not a coincidence. He asked me, "Mr. Anderson, aren't you supposed to be in B12 now?" (Building B, room 12). "Um, yes sir. I'm just walking Julia to class to keep her safe." "That's what I'm doing here. Get to your class now, Mr. Morrison is waiting for...

1 year ago
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Love Castle 1 Ava Interest Denied

*Small body, light hair, quiet, diligent, loyal. Maid and attendant* Despite his station there were still women beyond his reach. Indeed, it made them all the more appealing. Interestingly, there now a girl of low position but high potential who he was definitely interested in but certainly had no chance with in a fair situation. Ava was small for a woman, but proud and somewhat aloof. He'd known from the moment he met her that she would not trade favors for advancement, even...

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First Date With Ava

I was 17 years old at the time, and had had my drivers license for about 2 months. Every week of that two months I had asked Ava out on a date, and she had turned me down every time. But I was persistent and she kept on smiling each time I asked, and each time that she said "No". I met Ava at a cafe that I frequented each day after school. Yep, I was in my last year of high school, and had just a few weeks to the end. Ava, I learnt was 16 years old, not having finished school. She had been...

2 years ago
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En Kaamavalayil Indru 8211 Aval Thuni Thuvaikka Naan Avalai

Date: 14.04.2016, Tamizh puthandu thirunaal.. Iravu onbathu mani… Kala en bathroomil Avalin katthiri nira paavadaiyai thooki thodai varai nanragu theriyumaaru muzhuvathumaga iduppil sorugiyirunthal. Avalin idathu pakka jacket moodiya mulayai oyyaramaaga kaati kondu oru plastic manai meethu utkarnthu thuni thuvaikka aarambithal. Naan avalai kavanithu kondu irunthen. En araikku veliye yetti paarthen yaarum varuvatharkana ariguri illai. Aval ennai thitti kondu irunthal. Kala: Kalayileye naan...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 131 Avas Loose Threads

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 (Continued) The meeting at the Anderson's had gone very much as expected, in that my two families would do the decent thing and give Ava buckets of support. Everything about it was pretty obvious, so I won't bother describing it further. Most of what follows are threads left dangling when Ava & Co. went to meet my parents. I'll present the threads a little out of chronological sequence, following threads rather than chronology, for the sake of...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 101 Avas Fitness Test

Friday, April 22, 2005 (Continued) Julia did introduce me to Sophia and Ashley. They were nice girls (and not much more needs to be said about them as they don't feature significantly in my autobiography, being my girlfriend's brothers' girlfriends, so three removed from me). Dinner was waiting on us. We were quickly seated and it was served. I tried to apologize for holding it up by blaming Julia in a lighthearted way. Ashley said, "We heard her calling you a moron. Sophia and I have...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 270 About Two More Girls Savannah and Abigale

Late-June to Early-July, 2005 Of the Target Girls, Savannah was a somewhat special case as she'd been the one that'd spurred me to start the Target Game, was the one that I had the easiest access to, and some relationship momentum with, so I had some extra plans for her. Soon after the Aquatic Center visit, and before the first Target Game date a few days later, I had a talk with Carol about what I wanted to do with Savannah. Carol laughed and said she'd help. She also expressed a fair...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 253 The Aquatic Center Arrival and Playing With Savannah

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) The Aquatic Center chapters will be slightly non-chronological, to follow each thread in a consistent, logical, masculine manner. Corvallis's Osborn Aquatic Center is very nice, and not just because it sometimes contains many dozens of bikini-clad girls. Inside there's an Olympic-sized pool (165 feet/50 meters long) and a smaller, warmer one. The deep end of the big pool has a low and high diving board, a rope swing and a zip line. Outdoors there's a...

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Ava and James The Reunion Part 2

Ava pushed through the large double doors emerging into the warm light of a late summers day. Small droplets of water clung to the surface of the plants and trees from a light summer rain earlier in the day. Standing a few feet from the entrance James stands silhouetted in the light as he leans against a fence post to the side of the car park. Looking up from his phone a smile begins to spread across his face, his eyes lighting up as he sees Ava emerging from the building. Spotting him standing...

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Ava and James The Reunion

‘Bang!’ The metal door of her locker slammed shut. Ava had just finished a long shift working at the nursing home and was looking forward to getting out. Having just changed out of her work uniform into a pair of tight fitting skinny jeans and a black tank top, she quickly checked herself over in the mirror. Ava had a great body and after years of ritual after work jobs, she had definitely put in the time to earn it. Standing at 5’5, her clothes seemed to hug her body tightly showing off...

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The Leatheress 102 The Full Monty

"The Leatheress" - Episode 102"The Full Monty"Growing up, I had always been secretly in love with dressing up in women's clothes; the rule always was, the shinier and softer, the better. In my more formative years, this began with satin nighties and underwear that I'd "borrowed" from the female members of my household, but my lust was always most reserved for leather. Oh, how I used to search out and spend intimate hours with any pics of sexy women in leather that I could find. So naturally...

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102 Moving in with gran and MayPeter May and Rosie each selected a room and the removal men placed the furniture into each selected room. The usual couple of days of sorting followed, each in worlds of their own, each with a separate priority, the all consuming jobs round the new home occupying most of the hours, along with meals and sleep, the pool being under repair so that option was out, it wasn’t till the Friday that any real relaxing time really came about. They were sat in the...

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Strange Adult Theater FunGH102part1of1

The other was a small adult theater. I’d not been to the theater before, so I checked its times and found it was open. I’d heard that guys and couples go there to play at night. Of course it wasn't night, in fact it was midafternoon, but I decided to go there anyway. I figured that if things didn't work out I'd just head to the bookstore and find some guy to suck my cock through a glory hole. Strange Adult Theater FunPart-1-of-1 Strange Adult Theater Fun-[GH-102]-part-1-of-1 The other was a...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 125 Planning for Avas Thrashing

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 (Continued) Fortunately it was just the immediate family at dinner. As we walked in, the last to arrive, Robert said, "Couldn't stop playing with your new toy, huh?" I hadn't had a chance to play with it at all, and was worried about my answer seeming unappreciative of the work Robert had done getting it for me. I was thinking about how best to politely answer his question when Julia beat me to it, "Mark hasn't had time to use it yet. We've been busy...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 132 Katelin has a Good Morning

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 Katelin couldn't believe her eyes when she awoke. "YOU'RE STILL GOING!" We stopped so we could laugh at that mistake, and then we resumed. Julia freed up her mouth, wiped it, and replied, "Mark woke up horny a few minutes ago. Now that I think about it, he wakes up horny EVERY morning, haha. It's GREAT sleeping with him! You get wonderful sex at night AND in the morning. How did you enjoy yourself with Mark last night, Katelin?" "God! He was AWESOME! That...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 103 I Have a Tough Morning Shopping

Saturday, April 23, 2005 (Continued) Julia needed to tell her parents that we had to leave Ava behind so we could rush out to do our very important shopping (I thought of it differently), so Julia steered us to her parents' bedroom. They weren't there, so we headed downstairs. Meanwhile, Julia was explaining, "I was just setting her up for some attitude adjustment. Ava will be good if she can be trained the way I want. Of all the girls we know so far, whether you've 'initiated' them or...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 207 Avas Clever Idea

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 I had a good study session, getting in plenty of undistracted hours. I felt good about it too, especially knowing that memory sharing meant that I wasn't going down a blind alley that I'd have to fix by re-studying both courses with my minds swapped. At breakfast Prof was pleased with my progress, and he added, "You have another assignment coming up shortly. I'll drop it in your study, but just review it like you did for the last one." I collected Julia's...

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Vithavai Ammavai Sex Seithen

Hai friends, ithu oru gudumba kaama kathai enbathai munadiye therivithu kolgiren. En ammavai naan eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar Muthu, vayathu 19 aagugirathu, en ammavirku vayathu 45 aagugirathu. Avargaluku kanavan kidaiyaathu, vithavaiyaagave 10 varudamaaga irukiraargal. Naan kalluri muthal aandu padithu varugiren, en siru vayathil irunthe naan kai pazhakam seithu varugiren. Intha vayathile en sunni 7” perithaaga valarnthu...

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Vithavai Akkavai Sex Seithen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana paiyan vithavai akkavai sex seithu ookiraan. Eppadi akkavudan kama uravu eer patathu avargal eppadi oothargal enbathai kathaiyil paarkalam. En peyar Pandiyan, vayathu 19 aagugirathu, en ethir veetil oru akka vithavaiyaaga irukiraal, avalai epadi sex seithen enbathai ikathaiyil paarkalam. Vaarungal tamil kama kathikul selalaam. Ethir veetil akka thanimaiyil thaan irunthu kondu irunthaal, aval parka miga sexiyaga irupaal. Kuzhanthai ethum innum piraka...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 94 Lily and Pat in the Morning

Friday, April 22, 2005 When I woke both girls were still cuddling me. The bedside clock showed just before 3am, so it was time for me to get up. The worst thing about threesomes - because it's the ONLY bad thing about them - is trying to get out of bed from the middle position. It'd be trivially easy for either of the girls to get out, but from my position in the middle it's a real nuisance. I can only imagine how 'bad' a fivesome would be. I decided to clamber over Lily, as she was...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 359 Donna has a Very Good Day

Tuesday, June 5, 2007 (Continued) Vanessa did indeed knock on our door exactly one very enjoyable hour later. Julia knew her mother well, so we'd already stopped and were under the covers, ready to restart if Vanessa had been distracted, but no such luck. Julia called, "Come in, Mom." Vanessa came in, sat on the side of the bed, saying, "Prof's VERY excited about your future in the sciences, Mark. He was before, but now he's like a little boy in a candy store. It's very good to see...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 368 Northrop Grumman Integrated has a Bad Day

Friday, June 8, 2007 It was 12:40am and I had a long way to go: south past Florida; west across the Gulf of Mexico, across Mexico itself and a hundred miles out into the Pacific; then north to LA. It was about 3,800 miles by my reckoning. Sunrise off LA was 5:30am, giving me five hours. That was an average of 760 mph - exactly Mach 1, which I was NOT going to attempt. I changed my intended route to cut across Florida and estimated that reduced the journey to 3,400 miles, giving 700 mph as...

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The Rakshasas HeartChapter 4 The Rakshasarsquos Heart

Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I strode through the corridors of the Ziggurat, my men at my back, armed, armored. Death was in the air. The future promised blood and violence. My nipples were hard as my purple sari whisked against my thighs. Juices dribbled down my legs. My heart, my dear Lucy, marched at my side, naked and unashamed, her light-brown hair bouncing about her shoulders. She smelled excited, too. Eager. She was...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 102 The Sabertoothed Tiger

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-101”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I have never really been a...

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Revolutionary Magic 102 Sold at Five

My Name is Nessa. Today I finished writing early. I want to write more so I'll tell -you who come after- about me. I don't remember where I was born or what my familiy was called and I'm the only Nessa around so never needed a nick. My familiy were serfs. Elder Brother was older than me. I think he was married. Sister was older than me but a lot younger than Elder Brother. Brother was younger than me and Mother was pregnant. When I was five Father took Sister and me to the fields...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 102 The Sabertoothed Tiger

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Client Confessions 102 Kens Embarrasing Er

Ken Kim was a new client with one of the more unusual problems we've encountered. Ken was born and raised in the USA but his parents and most of his immediate family immigrated from Korea. That wasn't the problem but in a way maybe cultural issues were involved. At 34 I'd have said he was the picture of good health and in initial checkups exhibited a very strong erection that I noted occurred almost immediately after his pants were pulled down. When I look at the photos I'm reminded of just how...

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Mistis Adventures Part 102

The evening had wound up relatively quietly. They had made love, and were sleeping in each others arms. Each enjoying the warmth of his/her partner. Billy and Cathy were both smiling in their sleep, dreaming of a bright future, and spending a long and happy life together. Robbi and Bruce were laying like spoons in the bed, Robbi's head on Bruce's outstretched arm, the other across her waist, his hand was cupping her Mons, even in his sleep he was enjoying the feel of the warm, soft mound,...

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Episode 102 Sperm Donation

The Winchester Area Health Authority was running dangerously low on sperm stocks. Potential donors were much more likely to offer their ejaculations to wives and girlfriends, or other people's wives and girlfriends than trail down to the cold, dull clinic with only a deeply unattractive nurse and one dirty magazine for company.One afternoon after a particularly energetic intimate massage, Emma and Ellie lay together naked, giggling and cuddling, hatching an idea.“Why don't we dress up as...

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Cuckold couple Discover 102

Chapter 1 Part 2First Steps ... Sandy s side.Even if Sandy wasn’t the most sexually open girl, like everyone she still had a few kinks in her. For 4 years she had been into a long relationship with another Chinese men. They were high school lovers so it was a pretty soft loving and sexual life.After a really bad break up she was really to get over him, and it took her almost a year before she started looking at other guys.When she started collage at 20 yr old, few guys were trying to get closer...

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cuckold 102

After chatting with someone online one night, the recommended me check out this site. All I can say is I love it, brings back so many memories of great times. I may have a number of episodes of things involving my 1st wife over the years we were married. But, I guess I need to start off at the beginning. These things took place many years ago, when sex health concerns were different. Plus we lived in a small town, AIDs was not an issue at the time, and other STDs were not common there either....

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Sissy 102

The next morning,I was awoken to gentle kisses on my neck and George fingering my butt. His hand was in my panties and his middle finger was wiggling its way up my hole. I didn't realize but I had started moaning, gently at first, but now I breathing heavy and moaning louder. I reached back and felt his hard cock growing in his tighty whities. "Mmmm." I moaned. "Pull down your panties." He whispered. I put my arms behind me cupping my butt and looking over my shoulder,in a " come...

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Relationships 102 Sex As A Weapon

Copyright© 2006 by DB. "Hi guys, come on in. Glad you could make it," Christy greeted, handing glasses of wine to Allison and Frank. "Good to see you too," Allison replied, taking a sip of the Cabernet as she followed her hostess into the house. A smell of incense was in the air. Some soft Celtic harp music played in the background. As they walked into the cozy living room of the small house the newcomers noticed that four appropriately colored candles were set at the four...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 102

Emma pushed herself off the podium and hobbled away, another wave of pleasure hitting her every few steps as she reached the far end of the stage. “You should probably cut it back before she breaks her neck going down the stairs,” I said softly to the phone. Brent didn’t answer but I saw the graph drop down to 10%. Not off, just enough to give her a break. Emma responded immediately. She heaved a huge sigh and straightened up. I watched as she hurried down the stairs before Brent could zap...

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Learning CurvesChapter 102

The fundraising dinner was almost at an end when a face Phil hadn’t seen in close to seven years stopped by. She wasn’t one of the guests but instead stopped to pick up the water glasses from the table. “Amberleigh?” Phil asked when she turned his way. “It is you, isn’t it?” Hailey knew she had heard the name before and she searched her memory for why it was familiar. “Hi, Phil,” she said. “You’re looking well.” “You, too,” Phil replied. Indeed, Amberleigh Hayes was looking magnificent...

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