Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 102 Ava Has a Tough Morning
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005 (Continued)
When our meal ended, Vanessa said, "Donna, do you want to do the dishes with me so I can tell you some things that will help you convince Mark that you're growing into a mature young woman?"
Helping with the dishes, something Donna often does anyway, was an inconsequential cost for such useful advice. She eagerly agreed.
Vanessa added, "You three go and make your phone calls."
Carol said, "I'll help with the dishes too. Julia doesn't need my help to manage ANYTHING." Helping with the dishes didn't much help either. In this house it meant loading the dishwasher and pushing a button.
Julia said, "If Mom's going to talk with Donna, I should have a quick word to Mom first about Donna's three mistakes in the car. Did you think about those during dinner, Donna?"
"Are you kidding! What you guys were talking about was far too interesting. I tried to at the beginning, but I got distracted. I think I remember them though."
I ignored the parenting stuff. Prof was still in the room and I wanted to ask him something, "Any news about the thing we were waiting 'a few days' for?"
"Not yet. I didn't expect any yet. You're going to be studying here again tonight?"
"Yes. I think the plan is that Carol and I stay with Julia tonight to celebrate the trial's cancellation. I REALLY hope we get to celebrate it. It's four hours since I heard the news and I've barely had a kiss yet. To think I've been saving up for days and I'm still having to wait!"
Prof understood, "To paraphrase Donna's wisdom, sometimes being a big boy SUCKS!"
I chuckled in agreement.
He asked, "I noticed your surprising lack of enthusiasm for bedding girls. You didn't spend too long with Rocky today did you?"
It took me a moment to realize his meaning, "Haha. Definitely not! Not the way you mean, because I DID spend too long with Rocky, but that's nothing to do with my lack of enthusiasm for bedding girls. I just find it hard to agree to that. Those girls are virtually strangers, and I'm not really comfortable with Julia pushing them into my bed. Her bed actually, but you know what I mean."
Prof said, "My understanding is that they're coming running for a chance to get close to you. At the most Julia's choosing who to hold the door open for. Everything that happens after that is their choice. I cannot imagine you or Julia 'pushing' anyone into that situation. That'd be coercive."
"Julia did say she was tricking them."
Julia hadn't gone upstairs yet, as she was still talking to her mother about Donna. She must have had half an ear tuned to my conversation because she immediately explained, "I'm tricking them into realizing how wonderful you are. It's quicker to do it that way, especially because your modesty is making it difficult. I am NOT tricking them into your bed. Once they know how amazing you are, they can make their own decisions about whether or not to accept an invitation to have sex with you. I only want the girls who're eager because I want them to be excited about telling everyone about it afterward."
"Umm, sorry then. I shouldn't have used 'pushing'. I misspoke."
"No you didn't," disagreed Prof. "You spoke what you were thinking. What you did was mis-think. These girls ALL know what they're doing, and Julia won't be misleading them. If they walk into your bedroom - run more like - they'll know exactly why. You are foolish to reduce your enthusiasm and enjoyment by imagining that they are being 'pushed'. Don't worry about it though. By the time you've had a few of them, you'll see what's happening. You're only making that mistake because of your inexperience with girls, something Julia will soon cure you of."
-- "I must be getting old - I nearly commented that you shouldn't 'celebrate' too late tonight in case it made you miss some of your algebra and calculus time. Imagine thinking that you'd prefer algebra and calculus to having sex with Julia and Carol! Vanessa often teases me for liking mathematics so much, so she's going to chuckle over that."
Prof wandered off, which let Julia start to reassure me and apologize for not remembering how difficult it would be for me to get hard.
I accepted her apologies, and then said, "I need to call Mom, just to check in."
I didn't appreciate Mom asking, "I'm surprised you're calling. Have you worn Julia and Carol out already?"
My explaining, "We haven't even started on that because we had to go shopping," resulted in me being laughed at. My description of what the shopping experience was like got me laughed at even more.
Mom said, "I'm looking forward to seeing you in those clothes." Of course she was, if only so she could laugh at me EVEN more.
"I'm wearing one of the outfits to school tomorrow, and possibly the other on Friday although that's doubtful, so you'll see at least one of them in the morning. Carol and I will be staying here tonight, and by the sounds of it I'll probably be here tomorrow night too, I think, but you'll see me in them when I pick up Donna. By the way, we have to get to school early tomorrow, so we'll be around to pick up Donna about forty minutes early."
Mom suggested, "Come forty five minutes early, so you'll have time to show me your new outfit." No doubt so she and Dad could start the day with a five-minute laugh each.
When I'd finished talking to Mom, I passed the phone over to Vanessa. She'd heard me talking to Mom, and had asked for the next turn. I walked away quickly, but not fast enough to escape the sound of Vanessa saying, "Wait until you see him, haha." The laughter was starting already, excellent!
My early morning studying had come up during my talk with Mom, which had prompted me to worry about the snacks I would need to get me through it (maybe not "need", but I didn't want hunger to distract me from the serious business of algebra and calculus. That and I liked cookies). I was going to grab some for myself, but felt a bit self-conscious about conducting a serious raid without permission, as I'd need sandwiches as well as cookies and a drink. Vanessa was on the phone, so I went in search of Julia, to get her permission.
While I had been busy amusing Mom, Julia had gestured to me that she was going upstairs, and I quickly found her and Carol in 'our' bedroom, sitting side by side on the bed, leaning close together so both could read Ava's letter, with Carol still holding Ava's pictures face up in her hands.
I hesitantly said, "Umm, Ava kind of wanted her photos and letter to be kept private."
The girls looked up at me, and Julia said, "Don't worry, we won't show them to anyone."
How to say this diplomatically? "Umm, I wasn't really expecting you to show them to Carol. I kind of had to let you see them, to get your advice, but I was hoping to keep them as private as possible. Sorry Carol, but I was thinking that just Julia would be able to give me all the advice I needed."
Julia started smiling with anticipation. I suddenly got the urge to back slowly and carefully out of the room. And, for some reason, to climb a tree. Julia smiled sweetly and said, "Carol's not looking at them so she can give you advice. She's doing so out of curiosity."
I've noticed that the more Julia enjoys herself in these circumstances, the less I do. This gives me considerable incentive to diminish her enjoyment. I lay myself on the floor, curling into the fetal position with my hands over my head.
Carol giggled, and Julia laughingly asked, "What are you doing, Mark?"
"I know you're about to point out how stupid I am. I don't know why I am, but I know finding out is going to hurt, so I'm getting ready. Okay, I'm ready now. What did I say wrong?"
Carol giggled some more, and Julia said, "Aww. You're no fun."
"I'm not getting up just so you can have more fun at my expense. Just tell me why I was wrong?"
Julia assured me she would do so without further teasing, and that I could get off the floor and come sit beside her. With some trepidation I did so.
Julia explained, "I appreciate that you were concerned about Ava. That's what you always do: worry too much about what the other person is thinking or feeling, or even just might think or feel. You need to remember some things. First, Carol and I are your WIVES, so the three of us owe our first loyalties to each other, not to people like Ava, who you've barely ever talked to. That's just silly.
-- "Second, if we start keeping secrets from each other, especially sexual secrets, then our marriage is in trouble.
-- "Third, Carol isn't as involved in this part of your life as I am, so she could feel left out. So I'm making sure to include her so she feels secure and not threatened.
-- "Fourth, we need to know what you're doing so we can help you in various ways. Perhaps to see lessons you should be learning, or perhaps in some practical manner. Maybe Carol or I know Ava already and know that a lot of her letter is lies, or maybe we just get the feeling that she's dishonest from reading it. That's not the case - she seems like an honest girl - but if it was, wouldn't you like to be warned?"
"Uhh, thanks."
Carol said, "I didn't really feel threatened, or anything like that."
Even I knew the answer to that one, "BUT you might've, especially if I'd carried on keeping secrets from you. Julia was totally right."
Julia added, "But I haven't even told you the main reason to include Carol yet. MORE important than all the others put together."
If it wasn't for the smile already breaking out on her face, I would have been worried. "Okay, give it to me. I can see you're busting to."
"Aww, I can't even tease you about that either. This hasn't been nearly as much fun as I thought it would be."
"You've already had more than enough fun at my expense at Rocky's!"
"That's ALMOST true, haha. Okay, the main reason to share with Carol is so she and I can gossip together about all your girls. We're going to have SO MUCH FUN doing that! I feel sorry for everyone in boring 'one-wife, one-husband' marriages. It is SO much more fun for us when there are two wives."
In all honesty it wasn't too bad for me either. Two Julias would have been have been too many (probably about 1.2 Julias too many, although I'll never voice that thought). But Julia and Carol are a very nice balance.
I said, "Okay. I'll leave you to your letter reading and gossiping. I certainly don't want to hear that!"
Julia said, "You came up here for a reason though, didn't you?"
"Yes, but that doesn't matter. Vanessa will be off the phone now, so I'll ask her. It was just about my making a snack for when I study tomorrow morning." Presuming we didn't disappoint Prof by celebrating all night. It'd be best not do that, if only because Julia will need her wits about her tomorrow when she starts implementing her management structure plan.
Carol firmly declared, "Making your snacks is MY job if I'm here, not yours! That's one of my main jobs. Almost as important as sex and gossip, haha."
Ava pushed through the large double doors emerging into the warm light of a late summers day. Small droplets of water clung to the surface of the plants and trees from a light summer rain earlier in the day. Standing a few feet from the entrance James stands silhouetted in the light as he leans against a fence post to the side of the car park. Looking up from his phone a smile begins to spread across his face, his eyes lighting up as he sees Ava emerging from the building. Spotting him...
Straight Sex‘Bang!’ The metal door of her locker slammed shut. Ava had just finished a long shift working at the nursing home and was looking forward to getting out. Having just changed out of her work uniform into a pair of tight fitting skinny jeans and a black tank top, she quickly checked herself over in the mirror. Ava had a great body and after years of ritual after work jobs, she had definitely put in the time to earn it. Standing at 5’5, her clothes seemed to hug her body tightly showing off every...
Straight SexMustering up her all her strength, Ava slowly began to move her stiff joints still paralysed with fear. She was sure her heart would explode for it was beating so fiercely, and a cold sweat had replaced the ardour that had enveloped her only moments earlier. The muffled sounds of a struggle made her freeze again momentarily before she deftly rose from the bed, sweeping a sheet around her, tying it tight across one shoulder, and then back again over her chest. Ava’s eyes hastily searched the...
Ava hid in Mr Shultz’s closet waiting for his return, she knew that in 15 minutes he and Mrs Monroe always had their leadership meeting at this time on a Wednesday but this time it would not be quite so dull and boring. Her friend Abbey had been with Mr Shultz discussing a fundraising idea she had which Ava had suggested. Neither Mr Shultz nor Abbey had any idea it was a set up. Part way through the meeting Mr Shultz was conveniently called away urgently to deal with some unwanted intruders...
Well a half hour later we were flying through a pretty bad snowstorm and we were ordered to turn around and land at the nearest airport. Kansas City was the nearest place to land. We were about twenty minutes out and the plane felt like we were on a large roller coaster. The elderly lady that was sitting next to me at the window began to panic a little and called the airhostess over to ask for something to calm her nerves. A minute or so later came quite a vision as she approached I...
‘Most women don’t look appealing in men’s clothing, but you would be the exception to the rule dear Ava.’ Mendoza’s voice reverberated around the small room, sending slithering chills through Ava’s tired body. ‘I’ll take that as a compliment shall I?’ Ava sarcastically responded, as she stepped inside taking her belt off, the dagger swinging close to her leg. ‘Careful!’ grunted Mendoza as he swept the dagger away from her skin. The ship lurched into a wave throwing Ava off balance, the seas...
I may have thought way, way outside the box but I hope Ava’s story is accepted as an entry and most importantly I hope you all enjoy it!!! Lots of lust, Farmer Joe Oh and if X is kiss and O his hug then what is the symbol for lick? Ava strolled slowly on her way home from school after a very busy day. She had done an average job at a science test and had nearly been decapitated by a hockey stick. Besides home was not such an inviting place as it used to be. It was always noisy and money was...
Mendoza returned to the cabin hours later. The bright moon reflected off the unseasonably glassy smooth ocean, it streamed through the cabin window, its tendrils touching Ava’s sleeping body. Mendoza opened the door slowly, to find her asleep slumped across the piles of books she had been so avidly studying. Mendoza slowly and quietly crossed the cabin to where she lay, deciding on taking her to the bed or covering her with blankets. Up til now she had been in her own little private cabin....
Mendoza’s sultry mouth travelled down the soft curves of Ava’s torso, sparking fireworks to shoot throughout her body. His fingers lingered over the soft skin of her thighs, stroking upwards making Ava shudder, whimpering his name. The pleasure intensified — and Ava was melting in a haze of passion, her mind threatening to blacken, her body raw with lust when she realised Mendoza’s kisses were deep on her hot weeping sex. Her eyes flew open is shock and disbelief. She tensed, her mind...
Ava grappled with her wet clothing, angrily throwing it on the cabin floor. ‘Bloody man…’ she huffed before wiping proud tears from her cheeks. She out on a dry pair of pantaloons, and another of Mendoza’s shirts, before wrapping herself up in a fur blanket which had been on her bed. Up til now she didn’t notice how cold it had become. The rain was almost ice like and the sea was just as sharp. Ava’s pride and heart were hurt. How much longer could she survive staying at arms length from...
The door slammed inches from her face, a menacing voice bellowed through the wood, ‘Dinner is a six, and by god daughter, you will there and appropriately dressed!’ Ava suppressed an angry scream, tossing her long, tumbling auburn tresses back from her face, stormy green eyes glimmering. ‘This is ridiculous!’ she hissed to herself, as she sat on her four poster, floral bed. She looked out and could see the snow begin to fall over the French fields, icy winds tapped sporadically at the...
Growing up as an early bloomer, Ava liked the attention she got from boys- just not the way they acted hesitant and shy around her, until she met Lacey. Born on August 12, 2000- and Lacey only 5 days after- she and Lacey were sisters, just really weird sisters. They did everything together, Ava’s mother was never home and so naturally, Lacey’s household became a home away from home for Ava, they often played dress up, truth or dare, board games, card games, watching movies, and boys. Ava and...
The cold blast of air had sharpened Mendoza’s mind, he was astounded at what he had just done. Surely she was bewitching him. How strong he tried to be, how much he wished he wasn’t in this position, it didn’t change the fatal attraction he felt for Ava. He shook her from his mind, determined to focus for the safety of the crew for at least the next few days. He took off into the darkness of the ship. Ava was breathing shallow, still leaning against the wall, thankful for its support. For what...
It was April the next year, and I was looking forward to my third trip to Scotland. I was counting off the days until I would be with her again. In the privacy of my bedroom, I stripped off my clothes and got into bed. I stroked my cock as I dialed the long string of numbers that would connect me with Ava. But it was different this time; instead of sweet sexy talk, we had a more serious conversation. “I have to tell you something.” She said ominously, “I’ve been seeing someone.” “By...
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Ava stomped her way through the sodden grass, wet from snow and ice. The clouds protected the countryside from the bright moon. Ava made her way to a towering oak tree, leaning up against the cold, damp bark. Unconsciously she began to shiver from the crisp air, still fuming. Why did she have to marry this man? Why did she have to marry full stop!? She was right about him being stuffy, old fashioned and un-passionate. To add to the list he was over bearing, arrogant and just a beast! How dare...
6 Months later Ava steadied herself against the railing of the solid galleon. She was still adjusting to the motion on the seas. Having travelled on ships to the West Indies before, it was not entirely new to her, but this was an extraordinary voyage. It still didn’t seem real either. She was out on a real ship, an adventure to new lands, but still confined as a ‘lady’ she was not allowed to do much more than sew, walk and read aboard. Ava did engage with many of the crew members, as she was...
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Ava pushed through the large double doors emerging into the warm light of a late summers day. Small droplets of water clung to the surface of the plants and trees from a light summer rain earlier in the day. Standing a few feet from the entrance James stands silhouetted in the light as he leans against a fence post to the side of the car park. Looking up from his phone a smile begins to spread across his face, his eyes lighting up as he sees Ava emerging from the building. Spotting him standing...
Friday, April 22, 2005 (Continued) Julia did introduce me to Sophia and Ashley. They were nice girls (and not much more needs to be said about them as they don't feature significantly in my autobiography, being my girlfriend's brothers' girlfriends, so three removed from me). Dinner was waiting on us. We were quickly seated and it was served. I tried to apologize for holding it up by blaming Julia in a lighthearted way. Ashley said, "We heard her calling you a moron. Sophia and I have...
Late-June to Early-July, 2005 Of the Target Girls, Savannah was a somewhat special case as she'd been the one that'd spurred me to start the Target Game, was the one that I had the easiest access to, and some relationship momentum with, so I had some extra plans for her. Soon after the Aquatic Center visit, and before the first Target Game date a few days later, I had a talk with Carol about what I wanted to do with Savannah. Carol laughed and said she'd help. She also expressed a fair...
Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) The Aquatic Center chapters will be slightly non-chronological, to follow each thread in a consistent, logical, masculine manner. Corvallis's Osborn Aquatic Center is very nice, and not just because it sometimes contains many dozens of bikini-clad girls. Inside there's an Olympic-sized pool (165 feet/50 meters long) and a smaller, warmer one. The deep end of the big pool has a low and high diving board, a rope swing and a zip line. Outdoors there's a...
‘Bang!’ The metal door of her locker slammed shut. Ava had just finished a long shift working at the nursing home and was looking forward to getting out. Having just changed out of her work uniform into a pair of tight fitting skinny jeans and a black tank top, she quickly checked herself over in the mirror. Ava had a great body and after years of ritual after work jobs, she had definitely put in the time to earn it. Standing at 5’5, her clothes seemed to hug her body tightly showing off...
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 (Continued) Fortunately it was just the immediate family at dinner. As we walked in, the last to arrive, Robert said, "Couldn't stop playing with your new toy, huh?" I hadn't had a chance to play with it at all, and was worried about my answer seeming unappreciative of the work Robert had done getting it for me. I was thinking about how best to politely answer his question when Julia beat me to it, "Mark hasn't had time to use it yet. We've been busy...
January 1 to mid-March, 2007 Once the Army pulled out, everything fell onto our shoulders. Not Vanessa's, because her shoulders were already fully loaded, but the rest of us felt the shift of responsibility. We'd known it was coming of course, but when the Army left, EVERYTHING stopped unless we made it move, and that felt quite different. Mom had been frantic for months. Setting up a home at the "stinking rich" end of the market was something Mom had never been exposed to before, so...
Wednesday, May 11, 2005 I had a good study session, getting in plenty of undistracted hours. I felt good about it too, especially knowing that memory sharing meant that I wasn't going down a blind alley that I'd have to fix by re-studying both courses with my minds swapped. At breakfast Prof was pleased with my progress, and he added, "You have another assignment coming up shortly. I'll drop it in your study, but just review it like you did for the last one." I collected Julia's...
Hai friends, ithu oru gudumba kaama kathai enbathai munadiye therivithu kolgiren. En ammavai naan eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar Muthu, vayathu 19 aagugirathu, en ammavirku vayathu 45 aagugirathu. Avargaluku kanavan kidaiyaathu, vithavaiyaagave 10 varudamaaga irukiraargal. Naan kalluri muthal aandu padithu varugiren, en siru vayathil irunthe naan kai pazhakam seithu varugiren. Intha vayathile en sunni 7” perithaaga valarnthu...
Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana paiyan vithavai akkavai sex seithu ookiraan. Eppadi akkavudan kama uravu eer patathu avargal eppadi oothargal enbathai kathaiyil paarkalam. En peyar Pandiyan, vayathu 19 aagugirathu, en ethir veetil oru akka vithavaiyaaga irukiraal, avalai epadi sex seithen enbathai ikathaiyil paarkalam. Vaarungal tamil kama kathikul selalaam. Ethir veetil akka thanimaiyil thaan irunthu kondu irunthaal, aval parka miga sexiyaga irupaal. Kuzhanthai ethum innum piraka...
Sunday, August 14 to Thursday, September 1, 2005 "Moving In Day" for the mansion - when all the renovations were scheduled to be completed - was promised to be August 23, the day after we'd fly out on our honeymoon. We weren't going to miss the work though. The Main House's renovations had very little effect on our moving in process, as they were restricted to one master bedroom and the basement wall, which were isolated jobs and quickly finished. [As it turned out, my wing's...
Sunday, June 12, 2005 (Continued) After dinner it was Carol's turn to visit me for 'studying'. I patted my lap, and was very pleased to see that she was happy to climb on. I hadn't expected her to be anything other than happy, as the attention I'd been paying to Carol over the last three weeks had produced a Carol who thoroughly enjoyed my company, attention and compliments. Carol asked, "I don't understand what's going on. Why are you being so affectionate to me these days, and...
Thursday, April 21, 2005 (Continued) Lily drove up exactly on time. I met her at the front door, and commented on her punctuality. Lily said, "Julia say very important." "I thought you'd be on time. Julia and I are both impressed by your attitude to what we're doing." "I know you special man." #2:
Hi, everyone. I am Rohan, 20M, new here. This is my first story, and the first part. I will soon publish the remaining parts and write kinkier stories on different categories, including personal experiences. I usually write in detail, so let me know if you would want me to change my style. Mail me at for anything ;) Enjoy. Lavanya woke up early that morning. She could not sleep well, knowing well what a fantastic day it was going to be. She searched around for her alarm clock, and saw there...
Monday, June 27, 2005 This chapter has jumped ahead four days. Not much happened over summer that was relevant to my ascendancy, so day-by-day reporting isn't needed. ^ A couple of days after Savannah's test ride in my new car, I invited my soccer team to Julia's, excluding the guys who'd just graduated, had serious girlfriends, were virgins, or were too immature for what I had in mind. That left five of them. That many because they didn't actually have to be mature, just be able to...
Hi, everyone. This is the second part of the story, The Gangbang of Slutty Lavanya. Do read the first part before this. Mail me at for anything. Thanks for the responses on the first part :) So to summarize the situation till now, Lavanya, a naughty 19 year old college girl, with a secret insatiable lust for sex, asked his friend Amit for a gangbang without any limits. Amit obliged, and brought along two of his friends, Rahul and Mohit with him to Lavanya’s apartment. They had a steamy...
Friday, September 2 to Sunday, September 25, 2005 (Continued) I announced that we didn't have time for another group Cutie-Duckling date before school restarted. Although I had a lot of other things going on, such as the Target Game's coming to a head, there would've been time for another Cutie-Duckling group date if I'd wanted one, but I delayed it while I waited to see if there was any fallout from the last group grope. At the speed the Cutie-Ducklings were running ahead of my plans,...
Thursday, May 26 to Sunday, June 12, 2005 I woke up feeling GOOD. It had been far too long since that had happened. I sent a sight blob to check a computer for the date and time: Thursday at 1am. I checked on Prof. The light was dim, but I could see that he appeared okay. His face had filled out and he looked his normal self. Hoping I wouldn't find them at this ridiculous time, I checked the waiting room. No loved ones, but yet another cop. When I'd cut my hand, my non-kiatsu healing...
Hey this is Rohan with my second story on Lavanya. Hope you like it. Mail me at for feedback, reviews or anything you may want. Also read my other work. Lavanya had had a long day. In the morning, she had woken up extremely horny and craving for a cock. She had none, so she had to make do with a dildo whose battery had died down. Needless to say, it was not satisfying at all. So she was really frustrated and sex-starved when she reached college. The first lecture was by the really boring...
Saturday, April 30, 2005 I woke at about 2:45am, climbed over Julia, sent Chloe's text message, then - after some fooling around to work out how because I'm not very technologically adept - I turned Julia's phone off. I was looking forward to finding out whether Chloe had stayed up waiting for that text. After my first breakfast, I had a nice, long, highly productive study session. My most productive session yet, even with the time I took off to finalize my BCC electives for Vanessa....
Saturday, September 24, 2005 All too soon - because it was nearly the end of the summer vacation - the time came to send out the invites for my house-warming party. I'd intended the invites to be nothing more than casual phone calls; Julia wanted to send out real invitations. Guess which approach we took? [On the topic of alternative approaches, I'd also been thinking of a nice, casual pool party. Julia had considerably more upmarket plans. Guess which approach we took for that too? I'll...
Saturday, August 11, to Monday, August 13, 2007 Having described the "Nevaeh As An Angel" plan so thoroughly, I'll leave that aspect out of my description of the party. I'll describe other parts of the night, plus where Julia and I had added to the plan. Nevaeh hid just inside the mouth of the emergency tunnel for the best part of an hour, waiting until the party was going well. Boring for her, but Julia wanted her creation to have a grand entrance with maximum effect. Julia had told...
This is a real story. All the characters are real and strictly above 19. I am going to explain how it started and how it is going on. This is a very big story and I will explain it in parts. Let me describe myself. My name is Abhi and I live in Hyderabad. I have a thick 7-inch rod with a muscular physique of 6 feet. I am 22 years old and I do not have a girlfriend. So my thirst and lust for sex use to increases regularly. I am more of an aunty lover rather than maintaining a girlfriend. This...
IncestMonday, September 26 to the end of 2005 (Continued) The usual jock-related crap didn't occupy much of our time, as there were too many other fun things to do. Carol and I had both enjoyed "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (I'm pretty sure for different reasons, although we both agreed that we liked Johnny Depp), so I booked out one of the local movie theaters on Nov 7, the day "Dead Man's Chest" came out. Me, Carol, and a hundred of our closest friends saw the...
Sunday, June 12, 2005 (Continued) The first of Julia's questions started even before I'd pulled a T-shirt out of my drawer to mop the chair with. Julia had many questions, and more kept occurring to her, so our question and answer session spanned several hours. There were a few temporary interruptions - for our leaving my home and going to hers, while we had sex in her bed (I learned to proximity sense some new emotions), while she did some studying, and while I had a chatty phone...
Saturday, July 14, to Saturday, August 11, 2007 In my following the Sondarm School thread from planning through to execution, I skipped over a few things that I'll attend to now. Carol's birthday was the first event. She didn't want a big bash because she's not really a gregarious person and there were plenty more parties coming up anyway, so she chose to have a small gathering with our families plus three of her best friends from school. It was a very nice evening, and Carol's being...
Saturday, June 9, 2007 After my one and a half hours sleep, I extracted myself from my tightly clinging wives and went for an enjoyable walk in the woods. Partly to make sure we were alone, but mostly just for the pleasure of it. We were in a very natural area so surrounded by lots of good quality flora and fauna. I'd learned a great deal about Oregon's natural life as a result of Ron and Ava's mini-National Park on the west side of our property. Where I was now was higher and with a much...
Thursday, May 12, 2005 (Continued) "Please give me a few seconds to prepare. I need to tie the hair that Diana so kindly donated into a knot." Diana and Claire giggled, with Mackenzie joining in with a small chuckle too. Plus small smiles from the parents. I made a small loop in one end of the hair, then wove the long end around and around the loop, pulling the loop a little smaller as I went, until I ran out of hair. Hair being somewhat stiff, the tension in the loop kept it in a loop...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Julia wound up her window then said to me, "With a bit of training she'll make a great girlfriend for you." I bet you expect me to be confused? I wasn't the least bit confused. I've seen Julia operate often enough by now to confidently expect to be completely and totally lost, so it was going exactly as I expected. I would've been confused if it hadn't been. -- Julia said, "I've got heaps to say before we get home. There'll be two purposes for...
Thursday, May 26 to Sunday, June 12, 2005 (Continued) I told Julia that Carol was going to be a much bigger part of our lives than before. My being Julia's Lord was less of an issue in this dimension, as it'd been the wedding ceremony that'd formalized it in 3B-land. Here I was more of her "lord" (lowercase). Julia still recognized that I was TELLING her about Carol, not inviting a discussion about it. "Oh. In what ways?" "I'm tempted to say you'll enjoy it more if you don't...