Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 270: About Two More Girls: Savannah And Abigale free porn video

Late-June to Early-July, 2005
Of the Target Girls, Savannah was a somewhat special case as she'd been the one that'd spurred me to start the Target Game, was the one that I had the easiest access to, and some relationship momentum with, so I had some extra plans for her. Soon after the Aquatic Center visit, and before the first Target Game date a few days later, I had a talk with Carol about what I wanted to do with Savannah. Carol laughed and said she'd help. She also expressed a fair amount of concern about her ability to fool Savannah.
Because I've been following topic threads recently, rather than keeping to a strict chronology, you know that Carol did fine. Other than Carol's forming the Cuties which had been friendship-based rather than involving manipulation, and when I thrust Savannah on Carol at the Aquatic Center when Carol hadn't had time to worry about it, Carol hadn't had much experience at playing mind-games on people. Nor had this Carol seen Julia in action much yet, so Carol felt inexperienced and unsure. She was better than her low opinion of her skill though, as proved by how well she'd done planting the seeds of her imminent lesbianism at the Aquatic Center. I gave her plenty of reassurance, and coached her on the simple role I had for her. I think all girls are born tricky, so I wasn't at all surprised when Carol easily handled the job.
During the first Target Game date, Savannah tried to work her magic on me. As soon as she started, I exclaimed, "Savannah! Oh yes, there was something I meant to do about you. What was it?"
Savannah looked puzzled, having no idea what I was talking about.
I acted puzzled for a few seconds, then suddenly exclaimed, "Ahh, I remember now!" I turned and called, "CAROL." When Carol arrived, I asked her, "Remember that at the Aquatic Center I asked you to test Savannah's humility?"
"Yes, I remember."
"I forgot to ask you what you thought about it?"
"You want me to tell you in front of her?"
"If she's humble, she'll easily be able to handle the praise. If she's not humble, it'd be good for her to hear your criticism."
"You're very smart about people, Mark! I'm sure you know already, but Savannah ISN'T humble. When I asked her to do little things she had to swallow her anger, because she considered them beneath her. She must like you a great deal, to have swallowed so much anger, but a humble person wouldn't have felt the anger in the first place."
I was about to ask Savannah what she thought, but she jumped in before I had a chance, "I did EVERYTHING Carol asked me to do! I ran back and forth to the store, rubbed lotion on her back, carried your bags, and lots of..."
"RELAX Savannah! You're underestimating me again. First, I know that Carol made several mistakes..."
"I did?" asked Carol, as called for by my zigzaggy script.
"Sure. For instance, that Savannah swallowed her anger wasn't because she likes me so much, but because she has ambitious hopes for herself. Your errors don't matter. You called it as you saw it, which is exactly what I wanted you to do. I understand the way you think well enough that what you said tells me what you saw, and I can form my own opinions from that. It's the same with Savannah. When she speaks, I understand what she's saying, but more importantly I understand the real motivation behind it.
-- "You need to know two things, Savannah: your games don't work on me, and you could become a person I'd like to have as a special friend. You're only wasting my time the way you are now, so I guess it depends on how much you want to be a big part of my life. My life is going to contain all sorts of amazing things. I've already got powerful people doing things for me, like getting me my license when I was fourteen. How many teenage boys rent private jets to fly his friends to Rodeo Drive for shopping trips? And wait till you see the new $3 million house I'm buying! Are you willing to do what it takes to have a life full of power and money?"

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